#moon 187
pikaclan · 11 months
Moon 187
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Two new sets of mates!! (we're just gonna casually ignore how close ripple and storm are on the tree; I forgor when I was mediating them and they're like technically second cousins >.> I'm treating it as kinda like a dynasty thing in the sense that warriors arent against these sorts of relationships to strengethen family lines like rulers did back in the day and the twigstrike line is pretty big)
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Adorable moment with Cricket and Victoria
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Funny spooky moment
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chaos-cauldron · 2 years
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frost-queen · 2 months
Colours we aspire to be (Maid!reader x Benedict Bridgerton)
Requested by anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m, @erikasurfer
Summary: You are Gregory's maid and in no position of getting close to one of the lords at the house. Yet an artistic demand allows colours to explode with love. Growing closer to each other, you fall more in love. Knowing it is wrong. When Violet finds one of his paintings of you, she is over the moon. Her husband not so much, certainly not when his son threatens to run away with you. (apologies I changed it to Gregory instead of baby Eloise since I thought Ben would be too young then.)
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“I’m going to get you.” – you called out playfully. Bended a bit through your knees, hands out as you chased after a young Gregory. Little Gregory of two of age, laughed loud, moving as fast as he could, hands bouncing up and down. You walked behind him making sure you weren’t catching him quickly. – “Gregory…” – you said sweetly, calling him over. – “I’m coming to tickle you.” – you teased making Gregory laugh even louder. His laughter filled the hallways. There was an open door as Gregory ran into it. You went after him, grabbing him from behind. – “Got you.” – you said laughing as you pulled him onto your lap. Smothering him with kisses.
“Ben.” – Gregory let out with grabby hands. It made you look up, gasping loud as you were unaware lord Bridgerton was in the room with you. Benedict looked away from his painting to the two of you. Barely fazed by the barge in, turning his gaze to his painting once more. You got up, curtsying deep for him. – “Apologies my lord.” – you said, keeping your gaze to the ground. Straightening your posture once more, you took Gregory’s hand. – “I shan’t disturb you any further.” – you addressed about to take your leave. – “It is quite alright.” – he responded, furrowing his brows at his painting. – “It seems I have lost inspiration anyways.”
Benedict took a step back to admire his painting. Sighing loud as he didn’t like one bit of it. – “I hope inspiration will come to you soon, my lord.” – you bowed to him, ready to take Gregory with you if Benedict hadn’t stopped you. – “Y/n, right?” – he asked not sure if he remembered Gregory’s handmaidens name correctly. – “That I am, my lord.” – you responded. – “Can you come and see what I am doing wrong.” – he asked, leaving room for you to join. His sudden request made you blink surprised.
“My lord I do not believe I will be of much help.” – you told him. – “Come, come.” – Benedict moved a bit closer, reaching his hand out to grab your wrist. You nearly tripped over your own feet when he pulled you closer to the canvas. Gregory having sat himself down to lay on the floor. – “Tell me.” – Benedict gestured at the painting wanting your opinion. You didn’t dare to look at his painting, feeling as if you were overstepping. Benedict took you gently by the chin, moving your face forwards to look. – “I want your honest truth Y/n.” – he took a step back to allow you to see.
You gazed upon the painting, clearly seeing he was indeed missing inspiration. – “What do you think I should do?” – he asked. – “I…I don’t know… my lord.” – you told him, taking a step back. Benedict moved closer to the painting to be able to look at you properly. – “You surely must have some insight? Inspiration or dreams to fill this canvas?” – he wanted to know. – “Girls like myself do not dream.” – you told him honestly. It made Benedict blink in shock. – “You… you surely must.” – he insisted upon. You shook your head to tell him otherwise. – “Everyone has dreams.” – he let out with a laugh.
“I cannot afford dreams, my lord.” – you answered returning to Gregory. You picked him up from the ground, holding him in your arms. Benedict kept staring, watching you leave with Gregory. You returned to the nursery with Gregory. Benedict left his painting for what it was, going downstairs. Edmund was on his way to the drawing room when he saw his son. Quirking his eyebrow up at his son’s expression. – “Is something the matter son?” – he asked. Benedict shook his head thoughtfully. They entered the drawing room together. Anthony sitting with Violet in the sofa’s. A young Eloise playing cards with Colin.
There was a knock on the door as you entered with Gregory. Violet got up, coming over. – “He has been washed and properly bathed, Lady Bridgerton.” – you told her, allowing her to take Gregory from you. Violet nodded, returning with Gregory to Edmund. You wanted to lower your gaze as your eyes locked on Benedict. He clearly was staring at you, a puzzling expression on his face. Quickly lowering your gaze, you left the drawing room. Waiting outside in the hallway till you were called back in again to come and fetch Gregory.
You were putting Gregory to bed, tugging him in when you heard the door creaking open. You just thought it would be Violet or Edmund to give their son a goodnight kiss. – “I’m just putting him to bed, my lady.” – you said out loud, rubbing Gregory over his stomach. You didn’t hear an answer, making you wonder if you misheard the door opening. You turned around, startled by Benedict standing in the nursery with you. The fright made your back hit Gregory’s bed hard. – “My… my apologies Y/n, I didn’t mean to startle you.” – he spoke with a sheepish smile.
“It is quite alright my lord.” – you responded, keeping a hand on your beating heart. Trying to steady it down as there was no danger. You stepped aside for him to say goodnight to Gregory. – “I’ll let you say your goodnights.” – you told him. – “I…I actually came here for you, Y/n.” – Benedict replied making you widen your eyes. – “For… for me?” – Confused you didn’t understood what overcame the lord.
Benedict nodded as you walked away from Gregory. Leaving the room, closing it behind you. Standing in the nursery, you started to collect toys from the ground to clean up. – “I…I came here to talk to you about your…dreams.” – Benedict spoke.
Stopping mid-way, you were stunned. – “My dreams?” – you answered confused. – “I already told you I cannot afford dreams.” – you reminded him, continue to clean up the room. Benedict came nearer, wanting to look at your face. – “But you must have.” – he called out as you turned your posture away from him. – “I do not!” – you made clear, not wanting to engage with it further. Of course you had dreams. You were just taught to never express them. It wasn’t proper for a girl of your station to have dreams. To see the world in a different way for it would only cause heartbreak. Benedict went around you to look at you once more. – “Y/n you can tell me.” – he said as it infuriated you.
“Why are you so interested in whether I have dreams or not?” – you told him, looking him dead in the eye. Benedict swallowed hard, staring into your eyes. – “I am insignificant…” – you added in a softer tone, holding a few of Gregory’s toys. – “Because I can see it in your eyes.” – Benedict spoke, taking a few toys from you. Tossing them into the play chest. His answer made you enlarge your gaze in wonder. – “There is a whole world hiding inside of you.”  – he said. – “There is not.” – you sighed out, tossing the last of the toys in the chest.
Benedict grabbed for your hands as your first reaction was to pull away. Remembering your place all too well. Benedict grabbed them again, lifting them a bit up as you didn’t pull away this time. – “I cannot have dreams.” – you warned him. – “Open yourself up to it Y/n.” – he whispered out, pulling you gently closer to him. Pressing your lips together, shaking your head, you couldn’t give in to it. – “Close your eyes… it will help.” – he told you.
You sighed loud, finding it extremely silly. – “If… and I mean if I let it out, will you stop bothering me?” – you wanted to know as you couldn’t handle his pestering you over silly dreams. – “I can’t promise you that.” – he answered making you want to punch him in the shoulder. – “Who’s to say what your dreams will be?” – he added pulling his shoulders up cheekily. Exhaling loud, you hated yourself for giving into it. You closed your eyes, pulling your hands out of his. Fidgeting a bit with your skirt nervously. – “When I… I close my eyes…” – you started hesitant.
“I see…” – you added, opening your eyes with a deep sigh. – “I cannot do this.” – moving your hands up, you gave up. – “No, no, no Y/n you were doing wonderful.” – Benedict called out, wanting you to continue. – “This is insane.” – you told him. He simply gestured at you to begin anew, moving aside somewhere behind you. Taking in a deep breath, you closed your eyes again. – “Every night…” – you began, biting your lip nervous. – “The brightest colours fill my head.” – you added with a bit more confidence as you could see explosions of colours in your mind. 
“I think of what the world could be, a vision of the one I see. All those dreams for the world I want to make.” – you expressed with passion. Benedict stared at you, envisioning your dreams along. A smile curled up as he felt himself fall in love. Slowly you opened your eyes once more, feeling a bit embarrassed. You were afraid to look at him, wondering what he would think of you. Benedict walked up to you, leaving a quick kiss on your cheek.
“You’ve inspired me.” – was the only thing he said before running out of the nursery. Shocked, you gently touched your cheek where his lips had touched. Benedict ran up to his room, taking out a blank canvas. The entire night he worked. First with pencil, drawing your face from memory. Then the colours came. Staining his fingers as he blessed the canvas with wonders of colours behind you. As if the colours were bursting out of you. For the world you were going to make.
The next morning, you were startled when Benedict burst into the nursery. Panting loud. The first thing you noticed was the paint smudges on his fingers and face. – “You must come with me.” – he said, rushing up to you. He grabbed your wrist, pulling you up from the ground. Already tugging at you to come along. You protested a bit as Gregory still sat on the ground. – “Gregory, my lord!” – you said firm, pulling yourself free. You couldn’t leave him alone. Picking Gregory up, Benedict took you by the elbow, taking you along.
“My lord you promised to leave me alone.” – you told him as it wasn’t your place to be this close to him. – “I promised no such thing.” – he reminded you with a charming smile. You panicked a bit, hoping no one would see you. Benedict wanted to push you into his room as you gasped loud. Holding one hand firm onto the door opening, not wanting to enter any further. – “I cannot!” – you made clear, holding Gregory on your arm. – “You must.” – Benedict called out, pushing on your back to get you into his room.
“My lord I cannot.” – you tried to make him see, holding your position with every might. Benedict sighed deep, tickling you under your arm. It made you laugh, removing your arm from the frame as he could push you inside. You stumbled into his room, holding Gregory tight in your embrace. Benedict shut his door, approaching you. You blinked surprised when he took Gregory from you. Giving him a soft kiss against his cheek before setting him down. – “Go play Gregory.” – he said giving him a little pat on the back.
“Drawing?” – Gregory called out. Benedict collected some paper and pencils, laying it onto the floor for him to use. You hoped he had forgotten about you, yet he hadn’t. Benedict held his hand on your lower back, moving his hand before your eyes. – “My lord!” – you yelped out as you felt him push you forwards. Hands waving around as you hated stumbling in the dark. He positioned you in front of the painting. Removing his hand. It took you a moment to adjust your sight. Eyes widening with a gasp at the painting.
In shock, you turned round to him as he stood very close behind you. Blinking bashful, you stared into his eyes from how up close he was. – “You are my muse Y/n.” – he said moving his hand up against your cheek. Shocked by the touch, you stumbled back against the painting. Panicking as it started to wobble, but you quickly steadied it. You were afraid to turn back around, knowing you would get lost in his gaze. Something you weren’t allowed to do. – “My lord I must go.” – you said firm, stepping away from the painting. You felt a grip on your shoulder, making you spin around to him. Putting your spinning to a stop with both his hands around your arms.
You wanted to look away, but those eyes were enough to make you fall in love. Fall in love with someone you weren’t supposed to. Feeling yourself drawn to him as he made you dream. Dream of this beyond your control. Aware of what you were doing, you shook your head. Backing away. – “No… I can’t do this.” – you said returning to Gregory. – “For you.” – Gregory said, holding up his drawing as you picked him up. – “Y/n.” – Benedict called out as you took a run for it.
He reached his hand out to you, moving it up resting it closed against his forehead with a deep sigh. You hurried back to the nursery with Gregory hoping no one had seen you come out of the lord’s bedroom. Panting loud, you reached the nursery, closing the door behind you. Gregory held his drawing in front of your face, waving it to get your attention. – “What is this Gregory?” – you asked with a smile.
“For you.” – Gregory said as you accepted it. – “My lords, Gregory this is beautiful.” – you told him with a gasp. – “And it is all for me?” – you walked around the nursery with him. – “Like Ben?” – he asked you. It caught you off guard for a moment. – “As beautiful as your brother’s paintings.” – you told him, giving him a kiss against his forehead.
Benedict slowly opened the door, peaking his head inside the nursery. Looking around for any sign of life. Specially yours. – “Are you in here?” – Benedict whispered ready to enter more if it wasn’t for his brother’s voice startling him. – “What are you doing?” – Anthony asked with crossed arms. Benedict jumped out of his skin, turning quickly around, closing the door in the process. – “Lo…looking for Gregory?” – Benedict replied with a sheepish laugh.
Anthony quirked his eyebrow up. – “Gregory is in the garden with Daphne and Eloise.” – Anthony answered him. – “And… and his maiden too?” – Benedict asked, knowing it might be a dangerous question. It sure made his brother look questionable at him. – “Why is it of any significance if his maiden is around?” – Anthony wanted to know, moving his hands to his hip. – “Nothing for.” – Benedict replied, clearing his throat afterwards. – “I’ll… I’ll just go paint.” – he spoke making his way past Anthony. Anthony watching his brother leave with a quizzable brow. Unable to grasp whatever his brother possessed.
Benedict decided to take the long route to his quarters, hoping to encounter you. He passed his sisters room as the door was open. He paused, staring inside. Eyes locking on yours while you were making up the bed with another girl. You noticed him as well, staring back at him. He curled up a smile at you. You granted him a soft smile back before returning your gaze to your duties.
Benedict knew he should move, but he couldn’t help but keep staring. Watching you make up the bed. Whenever he looked at you, he felt inspired. Wanting to combine his dreams with yours. The girl and you finished up, leaving the room. Benedict moved aside to let you leave. The girl curtsied before him before taking off. You did the same wanting to follow her when you felt a grip on your wrist.
Taking a step back, you looked down at his hand around your wrist. Eyes meeting up with his, you knew it was wrong. Pulling your hand away, you broke free. – “My lord, you mustn’t let yourself get carried away. It is wrong.” – you told him. What would his family think. What would his reputation be after this.
“Y/n… please…” – he said reaching for you once more. – “I… I have to get back to work.” – you finalised taking your leave. Pressing your lips together, you stopped yourself from crying. Knowing you were letting yourself get carried away by these feelings. So caught up in the colours. You dove back in your work, trying to push Benedict out of your head. Preparing Gregory’s bath up in the nursery.
Hearing the door creak open, you had little time to react as you got spun around. Seeing in the flash of a second that it was Benedict as he pressed his lips on yours. Holding you firm by your waist. Using your elbows, you pushed him off. Touching your lips in shock. – “My lord!” – you shouted. – “You mustn’t. Think of your reputation. People like me don’t belong with people like you.” – you remined him. It was just unseen.
“I do not care.” – he breathed out with a shake of his head. – “Every piece of you fits perfectly. Why can’t you hold me? Why can’t I kiss you? I wish it could be like that.” – he said beggingly. – “I don’t want to hide it away. I wish we can be just us. Why can’t I say that I am in love? Every time I see you and cannot be with you, I die a little.” – he finished confessing. - “We know this, my lord.” – you responded with a saddened expression. –“It cannot be like this.” – turning your head away, you didn’t want to give in to it. Benedict turned your gaze back to him. – “I decide what I want and it is you, Y/n.” – he whispered out before kissing you once more.
Violet was humming a song whilst passing the rooms. Benedict’s room open as het gaze fell on something colourful. Her curiosity took the better of her, making her enter the room. Eager to see what her artistic son has been painting. Violet gasped at the glorious painting. It took her a moment to recognize the face. Looking down, her gaze fell on another drawing. Bending down, she took it, seeing it was another drawing of you. Then she found two, three more. A smile curling up on her face.
“Violet darling?” – Edmund called out from the hallway. Searching for his wife. Edmund noticed his wife in his sons room, entering as well. – “What are you doing in here?” – he asked smiling. Edmund came to her side, looking over her shoulder to Benedict’s drawings. His eyes widened, snatching the drawing out of his wife’s hand. – “What is this?” – he called out. 
“It’s Y/n, Gregory’s maiden.” – Violet answered with a smile. – “This is…” – Edmund began. – “wonderful.” – Violet filled in for him. – “Horrendous!” – Edmund corrected her, crumbling the drawing in his hand. – “Benedict!” – he shouted loud, stomping out of his room. – “Edmund!” – Violet came running after her husband with worry. – “Benedict!” – he repeated loud.
The door to the nursery opened as the door slammed into the wall. Startled, moved Benedict away from you. Edmund furious as he grabbed you by the wrist, pulling hard on you. You screamed, falling to your knees by him. – “Let her go!” – Benedict called out. Edmund presented Benedict with the crumbled drawing in his hand. – “Are you in love with a maid?” – he wanted to know. – “What is the matter?” – Anthony came joining the scene, having heard the commotion.
“Edmund let her go!” – Violet insisted upon. Edmund inhaled sharp through his nose, letting go of you. Violet ushered you over as you ran over to her. Falling onto your knees as you collapsed into her embrace. – “No son of mine is loving a maid!” – Edmund made clear. – “Benedict!” – Anthony called out, agreeing with his father onto this.
“Edmund that is enough! Our son can love who he wants.” – Violet responded to make her statement clear. – “I’ll have her dismissed!” – he threatened. – “It doesn’t matter what you’ll do, father.” – Benedict responded with a glare. – “I’ll run away with her and marry her. I’ll make sure you won’t find us and you’ll never see us again!”
“Edmund!” – Violet shouted to make things clear to her husband. – “Look at the drawing.” – she ordered him as Edmund refused. – “Look at the drawing!” – she repeated while comforting you. Edmund flattened the drawing, looking at it with an annoyed expression. – “Tell me that is not pure love you see. Don’t we aspire for our children to love for love. No matter where she comes from or her status. Our son loves her, isn’t that the greatest gift anyone can give their parents?” – Violet said, defending you at every might.
“Father.” – Anthony said not wanting his father to change his mind. Edmund sighed loud, dropping the drawing. – “Love her with every might.” – he told him before taking his leave. A sign of him accepting the relationship. – “Father?” – Anthony called after his father, leaving the room. Benedict looked over to his mother, thanking her. She let go of you, giving you a little nudge into his direction. Smiling hard, you ran up to Benedict, throwing your arms around him. He spun you around, overjoyed that he could finally love you like he wanted to.
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guiltyasreid · 3 months
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so high school l spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings/tags: non, fluff, fem!reader, there's one use of 'lady' but other than that its gn, bau!reader (kinda) qord count: 1625 a/n: i legit cannot stop listening to so high school by ts so this is what my brain has pooped out, i've written two based on ttpd but I'm not happy with the other one yet. lmk what you think :))))
Sometimes when you looked at Spencer Reid, you thought how did this man ever look twice at you. How did he ask you of all people out on a date? Everytime he looked at you, you felt as though you were in some k drama and the blossom trees were going to start shedding their petals, as you wandered down the street hand in hand, music would start playing as he gazed at you with those honey brown eyes.
Of course that never happened, it didn't stop you from going red every time he looked at you. He made you feel like you had a schoolgirl crush on him. Blushing, giggling, kicking your feet and talking to your friends about him. Making up code names so he'd never know you were talking about him. Letting them know every small thing he did because he made your heart stop.
It could be him holding the door for you as you walked into the bullpen, or holding out a hand for you as you both stepped off the jet, or how he'd let you lean on his shoulder on the jet while you slept, his hands running through your hair, not caring if anyone was watching him or seeing the interaction, it always made them smile.
He felt like Prince Charming to your Cinderella.
You weren't always so infatuated by him that it caused your brain to break. Most of the time, being with him felt like a breath of fresh air. A calm would come over you where you both could sit in each others arms while doing your own thing.
Then there were times like these.
It was a small abrupt gathering, JJ had already walked down the aisle. Everyone was mingling, drinks were pouring. Penelope had caught your arm before you could make your way inside. "I want a dance."
Who were you to ever deny Penelope?
You both span in obnoxious circles, laughing with your head thrown back as you twirled her out and pulled her back in. Both of you swayed to the lighter music together. "187 is looking at you as if you placed the moon in the sky." She whispered.
Your head turned to look in Spencer's direction. His eyes were soft trailing up you as you swayed. He was in a conversation with Derek but his eyes weren't moving from you. Finally, he landed on your eyes and you looked away red, hiding your face from him.
"You both make me jealous." Penelope giggled. "Why are you blushing? He's already your boyfriend."
"I don't know." You whispered back as if you were telling her a secret. She shook her head smiling. "He's so handsome, I can't help it."
"And you are gorgeous, don't you forget it." She raised an eyebrow at you, you nodded. "Now I won't apologise. Just letting you know." Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
Suddenly, the women twirled you out, letting go of your hand, and causing you to stumble into familiar arms. "Caught you." He whispered causing you to let out a laugh.
"Thank you." You weren't meeting his eyes as you both swayed. His right hand was placed at your waist, pulling you flush against him. You placed your forehead against his shoulder, giggling under the twinkling lights.
"What's so funny?" He asked, tilting his head down to nudge yours. You shook your head, not wanting to meet his eye.
His hand slid from the side of your waist to your back, causing you to squeak. His hand that was holding yours, started entwining your fingers together. "You look beautiful." He mumbled into your hair.
"You do too." You whispered back, your arm pulling him closer, you looked up at him, seeing him staring down at you. "Dr Reid, don't look at me like that." You laughed, leaning back down to hide your face as it grew warm.
"How could I not? You're my pretty lady" He kissed the side of your head. "And that dress looks magnificent on you." He whispered. You roll your eyes, laughing as he twirls you out and pulls you flush again.
Finally, you were looking at him, wide smiled at his antics. "You've bewitched me, every time I look at you, I turn to mush."
"You do?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "What do you think you do to me? I've never felt speechless before I met you. My brain stops running, you're my kryptonite." You kissed his cheek at the comment. "Would you like to go home?"
You looked around the room, the party seemed to be finally dying down, Henry was already asleep over two chairs. Hotch was holding a sleeping Jack in his arms, he was saying his goodbyes. You nodded at Spencer who smiled.
Goodbyes didn't take long. Spencer didn't hesitate to grab your hand as you walked towards his car. You shivered at the cold. He opened the car door for you before rushing around to the driver's seat. You blushed again at the small gesture. He smiled at your flushed face as he entered the car.
Spencer Reid was the epitome of a walking daydream.
You'd lay your head in his lap as you watched an episode of Doctor Who, he played with your hair absently. "What you thinking about?" He'd ask.
"About how we met." You replied.
"And how did we meet?" He asked with a small smile.
"Mr Eidetic memory doesn't remember?" You asked sarcastically and he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"Jog my memory." He whispered.
"Well it was my first day-"
"Thursday June 6th 2007" He added. You scowled at him.
"Am I telling the story or you?" You asked huffing and he chuckled before becoming quiet to continue. "Anyway, it was my first day...
You stood outside the lift, biting your lip anxiously. The BAU, it was a bigger promotion than you were imagining when they said you'd be promoted. Of course, you had the qualifications for it, you knew you deserved it but there was still the small part of your brain that was telling you that you were in the wrong place.
As you entered the lift and clicked 6 the doors started shutting only for an arm to stop them before they fully shut. It caused a slight bang, in entered Dr Spencer Reid who was red-faced, hair nearly up to his shoulders. He saw your face going more red.
He was dressed in a white button up shirt, a brown vest, and a tie to match. Black slacks that when he turned you forced yourself not to check him out.
"You definitely checked me out." He cut off your story. "No way you didn't take a peak at my ass." You rolled your eyes smacking his arm. "Okay go on."
You definitely took a peak but you forced yourself to stare at the back of his head instead. His hair was curly and honey coloured as if he'd gotten highlights, but you could tell it was natural.
Hotch introduced you to everyone quickly. Spencer continued to pretend you did not exist throughout the entire case, you were 100% sure he hated you for some reason, maybe it was the cheeky peak at his ass. Maybe, he had eyes at the back of his head in that lift and saw you being a pervert.
"Okay, let me tell you what actually happened, because you are definitely telling it wrong." You laughed at his offence at what you were saying.
Spencer stopped the lift before it could close fully, he was red in the face from the embarrassing noise the lift made. It only got worse when he saw you in the lift. You looked like you'd just witnessed a comedy show.
"I did not, I'm pretty sure I was too anxious to laugh at you." You scoffed at his lies. He shushed you to continue.
He only caught a glimpse of you as he turned into the lift, he could tell you were beautiful, his heart was raising from that little interaction and it was as if he could feel your gaze on him which made the entire interaction even more embarrassing.
Hotch introduced you into the team. He knew if he tried to speak to you it would probably sound like a bunch of word vomit. You were magnificent, it was as if every time you looked at him every cell in his body stood in anticipation waiting for your next move. The subconscious part of his mind thought you were thinking about how embarrassing it was in the lift.
You were brilliant, smart, talented, a mean shot with a gun, they had their own sniper if needed, and you thought in ways no one did. You were a breath of fresh air onto the team, not to mention your smiles and silly jokes you'd make to try to get a reaction out of him. Derek would flirt with you and you always insulted him back which made him extremely nervous to even try.
Then, you started complimenting his outfits, listening to him intensely, never telling him to stop talking. You'd find his jokes funny, throwing your head back as if they were the funniest thing you'd ever heard. You even brought him of coffee just how he liked it. He knew if he asked, it could ruin everything. You could destroy him in one word. But, you didn't, you jumped at the opportunity to go on a date with him.
"You know I waited for months." You rolled your eyes. he was looking down at you with fond eyes. "Took your sweet time."
"Well I've got you now, and I'm not letting you go." He smiled, leaning down to kiss your lips.
"Neither am I." You giggled, leaning up to deepen the kiss.
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megalony · 9 months
Helping Hands and Paws
This is an Evan Buckley imagine from an anon request, I loved this idea and am going to do a follow up soon. I hope you all like it.
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911 Masterlist
Summary: Evan isn't too pleased his new neighbour has a dog in the apartment when there are no pets allowed. Until he finds out why. Then he does his best to look out for her in every way he can.
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"I'm not having this," Evan muttered the words to himself like a mantra to keep him going and egg himself on so he didn't back out at the last second.
He walked out of his flat, cannister cup of coffee in hand while his other hand rubbed up and down his face to wake himself up. He shook his head, rattled this thoughts about and locked the apartment door before he turned and headed in the opposite direction of the stairs.
Tell her straight. It doesn't matter how sweet and innocent she looks.
Evan curled his fingers around his cannister until his short nails were pressing into his palm, creating crescent moons in the pale skin. He could feel the tension building up in his other fist, trying to stop himself from knocking on the door when he reached the neighbouring apartment.
It had to be done. This couldn't continue. Three weeks she had been moved in and at first, it was great.
He didn't know the previous neighbour who lived in the flat next door and Evan didn't know anyone else in the building to lived above or below him. He knew faces who he passed by in the lobby or in the stairwell, he knew them enough to nod to if he ever saw them out on the street, but he didn't know names or personal information.
The new girl had brought him cookies the day after she moved in and Evan thought it was a sweet gesture; he should have known it was some form of bribery.
He had seen her once since then and she had a dazzling yet shy smile that made him grin without meaning to. All he knew about her was that her name was (Y/n) and that was enough. Evan hadn't thought about introducing himself some more or trying to get to know her because he didn't know the previous neighbour. He wasn't like his parents who had become best friends with their neighbours back home, Evan didn't see the point.
He had a busy life, sometimes his personal life was dull but his job was important and kept him busy and on his toes. He didn't have time to get to know the neighbour.
His knuckles rapped on the door and he leaned his forearm against the doorframe, pressing his temple against his arm as he took long, deep breaths to stay calm.
"Oh, has… has there been an accident?"
Her voice dazed Evan and for a few seconds he stood paralysed in front of her with a perplexed expression and narrowed eyes. Why on Earth would that be the first thing to come out of her mouth when she saw him?
Her right hand was curled around the door handle and her left palm pressed into the side of the door that she was leaning on. She almost looked sweet with her head leant on the door and her chest pressed into the edge of the door. If she curled one leg around the lower part of the door she would have looked like she was posing for a photoshoot.
When she didn't receive a response, (Y/n) gingerly looked Evan up and down and pressed her lips together until he got the silent message.
(Y/n) didn't know he was a fireman.
Safe to say, she had been stunned when she first introduced herself to her new neighbour.
She hadn't been expecting a tall hunk to open the door when she went round to see who lived next door. He was a foot taller than her, his shoulders were so wide and broad that if he wrapped her up in a hug, he would likely engulf her small frame.
"No," Evan's lips twitched like he wanted to smile but he forced himself not to and took a deep breath.
He forgot he was in his work uniform, he didn't always get dressed at home, a lot of the time he left his uniform at the station and got changed there. But he had been on a late shift yesterday and didn't want to waste more time changing at the station to do it all again this morning.
Evan was wearing his dark navy blue trousers that felt like cardboard when they had been ironed. And his matching sleeveless button up shirt that was getting a bit too tight around the chest and cutting into his biceps. The fire station logo was printed over the left breast and he realised that was what had shocked (Y/n). He didn't tell her what he did for a living, she hadn't told him her job either.
"Are you okay, Buck?"
"No, I'm not. Look, I don't know how you got it past the building manager, but pets aren't allowed in the building. No cats, no dogs, I doubt he'd even let you keep fish in there. And I know you have a dog."
He watched the way she curled up around the door she was clinging to and he almost felt bad.
Pets weren't allowed. If Evan's work schedule was a bit less hectic, he would of loved to have a dog, they were his favourite animal and Hen was always saying he was the embodiement of a labrador. But the building manager didn't allow pets. They could ruin the floorboards and skirting boards, pee on the floor and wreck it, they were a liability and could cause damage to the apartments and they were noisy.
Evan wasn't certain about the rules, he didn't know if people could have pets like snakes or mice or fish, he had no idea. But he did know he had been warned that if he had a dog or a cat living with him, it could get him evicted.
Last week Evan was sure he heard a dog barking but he put it down to someone visiting someone in the building and bringing a dog with them. It couldn't be a dog from the street since they were five stories high and the sound wouldn't travel up this far.
Last night cemented the fact that Evan's new neighbour had to have a dog.
"Now I like dogs, I'm an animal person, but not at three in the morning when your dog starts barking for almost an hour and I have to be up for work. I work for the LAFD, I do day and night shifts and a lot of twenty four hour shifts, I'd appreciate it if I could come home and actually sleep, not listen to the dog you're harbouring in there."
Evan had done a twenty four hour shift, come home for twelve hours to get some sleep and now he was going back for another double shift. He had been woken up early in the morning to a dog barking and it continued for what had to of been an hour, on and off.
He liked dogs, he loved them, but it wasn't fair that (Y/n) had clearly smugged her dog into the building without telling the manager and now said dog was keeping Evan awake when he had to be at work. The rules were in place for a reason and Evan wasn't a rule breaker, he went along with them and he didn't like people ignoring the rules and making his life worse.
"I- I'm so sorry, I didn't realise you'd be able to hear him…" (Y/n) dragged her trembling fingers through her hair and pursed her lips.
She wasn't making a good impression here.
She needed to explain.
"I've gotta go or I'll be late for work. Control the dog please, I don't wanna have to go to the building manager and explain and I'm pretty sure you don't want me doing that either."
A shudder ran down (Y/n)'s spine when Evan turned and stormed down the hall. It was as if he had left a trail of ice in his absence and a thick rush of cold in the air. (Y/n) moved her hands to rub up and down her arms, fighting off a shiver as she winced and closed her eyes. She had made a very bad impression on her neighbour and he was an important person, he was a fireman.
The last thing (Y/n) wanted to do was wake her neighbour up in the middle of the night with Axel and cause Evan annoyance or distress. But it hadn't been her fault, she couldn't help it.
Turning on her heels, (Y/n) shut the door behind her and leaned her head back into the wood as a sigh passed through her lips.
When her eyes landed on the musty cream labrador sat obediently by the stairs, her tired lips quirked into a smile and she felt her heart softening. She let herself slide down the door until she was knelt down on the floor and held her hands out towards him until he came trotting over into her waiting arms.
"Buck isn't too happy with us." She mused quietly as she scratched his ears and fussed him up. "I think we need to tell him you have an important job too, don't you sweetie?"
A horrid burning ache blistered down Evan's spine the moment he leaned forward and curved his spine that seemed to want to stay as straight as a board and move in no other direction. He could feel his lower spine give a horrid click when he straightened back up and it made a grimace flood onto his face.
The truck ladder had really done a number on him.
Some new idiot controlling the ladder had moved it too early when Evan was helping a lady out of her burning apartment in the early hours of the morning. The moving ladder caused Evan and the lady to topple and he fell right on his back on the ladder with the lady on top of him.
The locker room mirror showed Evan a lovely view of his back that now had black and blue splotches running up and down the centre, very close to his spine. He was going to need a few days to recover from this.
With a grumble, he hefted his feet up the stairs and leaned on the wall as he shuffled up. Sometimes he didn't like living on the fifth floor, or the fact that he had made a pact with his inner self when he moved in that he would never use the lift unless it was strictly necessary. He had used the lift to get his furniture up and when he had too many groceries to carry- which had only happened once.
Other than that, Evan always walked up the stairs to keep his fitness regime and keep him active. He counted the lift as a lazy way out and he wouldn't use it and at times like these, he hated himself for his stubbornness and the deals he made with himself.
He could of used the lift after a long shift where he only got two measly hours of sleep in the bunker room.
His bed was calling him and he was praying that (Y/n)'s furry friend wouldn't be on a rampage today and wouldn't wake him up during his much needed nap. It had been a week since he went round to talk to her and he hadn't heard one peep from the dog which meant either it was now very well trained on staying quiet and being a fugitive in the flat. Or her furry friend had left the building for good.
Evan didn't know which it was and right now, he didn't care.
"You've got to be kidding me." Rage simmered up in Evan's stomach and bubbled through into his chest that was igniting with adrenaline when he got onto the fourth floor.
He wasn't even home yet and he could hear the dog, loud and clear. It was barking and making horrible whining sounds like it was in pain or some sort of distress. What were she and that dog doing now? Did it desperately need to go outside for the toilet and (Y/n) wasn't moving fast enough? Had she locked it outside the door by mistake?
Whatever they were doing, Evan was going to tell her it wasn't on and complain. Again.
"Alright, what are you doing?"
His anger continued when he reached their floor and the barking kept going. Evan's apartment was closest to the stairwell but he walked past his door that was begging for him to get inside and climb into bed. The offer was tempting but he couldn't sleep with a dog barking out like a siren telling him to stay awake and suffer.
His feet stomped against the floor but when he lifted his head and looked towards (Y/n)'s apartment at the end of the dark hall, Evan's steps faltered.
The door was ajar and he could see a labrador's back legs and tail sticking out of the door. The dog was stood in the door way, barking and whining. Had someone broken into her flat? Had (Y/n) had a fall?
"(Y/n)?" The anger simmered down in Evan's voice and changed into concern.
His brows arched and he stopped for a brief second when the dog turned around and poked it's rather lovely head around the side of the door at the sound of Evan's voice. He could see panic in the creature's eyes and it barked at him, let out a deep, unsettling growl, then turned back around and moved behind the door. Evan was sure that if the dog could, it would have shut the door on him in some sort of protest.
"(Y/n)… it's Buck, everything okay?" Evan pressed his palm to the door and pushed it open but his eyes widened when he took one step into the apartment. "Oh shit!"
She was having a seizure.
Evan slumped down to his knees, bashing his feet into the door as he went down beside (Y/n). She was laid on her left side, both arms bent at odd angles in front of her and her legs stretched out straight. All her limbs were trembling back and forth and her feet were bent down like a ballerina standing on her tiptoes which Evan knew would hurt when she came out of this.
"Hey, it's Buck, you're alright everything's okay just try and breathe for me, okay?" His hands shook when he carefully pressed them beneath (Y/n)'s jaw and cradled her neck.
His eyes lifted to lock on the labrador who let out another deep, guttural whine and pressed its chest to the floor with its back end up in the air. It's eyes were locked on Evan, watching him apprehensively as if he was a threat. The dog pressed its nose into (Y/n)'s shoulder and sniffed, then nudged her head a little.
"It's alright buddy, I'm gonna help her,"
He looked back down at (Y/n) and tried to keep her head in place so he could feel her pulse. Her head was jittering back and he could feel just how tense her neck was. If she leaned her head back any further she would do some damage to her neck and muscles.
Her lips were parted enough for Evan to see the inside of them were pink, she was getting enough oxygen which was a relief and she wasn't foaming or spitting blood meaning she wasn't biting her tongue. Her eyes were rolled to the back of her head and Evan winced at seeing the whites of her eyes, it was unsettling even though she couldn't help it.
When he looked her over and ran his fingertips down her arms, Evan realised she had her bag hooked on her left elbow and she was thrashing on it. If anything in there was sharp it would hurt and bruise her.
"Let's move this out the way and get you more settled, hm?" His fingertips slipped beneath her chest and he slowly pulled her bag and unhooked it from her arm. He placed it a few feet away for safety before he shuffled round on his knees until he was knelt behind (Y/n)'s head.
With careful hands, he lifted her trembling head and placed her head on his thighs. She continued to thrash, tensing her head that suddenly jolted forward but stayed on Evan's knees. At least this way, she could lift and bang her head without the risk of concussing herself. And she was laid on her side which was good in case she threw up.
"You're doing great," He whispered encouragingly, moving his hand to her back so he could rub soothing circles up and down her back and hips.
He knew some people were completely unconscious when they had seizures but it depended on what kind they had. Some people were aware of their surroundings and people nearby and on the off chance (Y/n) could hear him, Evan wanted her to know she was okay and he was trying to help.
"There you go, deep breaths." His left hand continued to rub up and down her back while he moved his right hand beneath her chin to cradle her jaw and her neck. He felt her rapid pulse that was in a good range, not too high and no where near being too low. He glanced at his watch, roughly a minute since he had turned up and maybe an extra thirty seconds since he heard the dog barking.
Evan didn't know how long (Y/n) had been laid here but he hadn't heard the dog on the third floor or below. He took a calculated guess she had seized for two minutes, maybe a few seconds more. That was good, five minutes was the danger line and if crossed, paramedics needed to be called. Evan would call them if (Y/n) asked him to.
He had no idea if this was her first seizure or if she had epilepsy and experienced this on a regular basis. He didn't want to call the medics if (Y/n) could handle herself and this was a normal occurence for her.
It was then that Evan looked at the dog who had settled to lay down beside (Y/n)'s back and place it's head on her thigh.
The dog was wearing a harness Evan hadn't noticed earlier.
Service Dog Do Not Stroke
"Shit. Shit! Oh, fuck me!" Evan dragged a hand down his face and covered his eyes, breathing harshly against his wrist to stop himself from growling.
What had he done?
He had been so rude to (Y/n) last week because he was sleep-deprived. He had been a jerk, he was rude and ignorant and full of himself. If he had only hung around she might have explained and he would have understood. Pets weren't allowed in the building, but assistance dogs were different. They were trained to look after their owners and they were trained strictly. No messing around and wrecking the furniture or the floorboards. No weeing on the floor unless strictly necessary. No random barking or growling or jumping at people.
They were always on duty and Evan would bet that the building manager couldn't turn (Y/n) away because of her dog unless he wanted to be called a discriminator.
(Y/n) must have been allowed to have her dog in the apartment with her, she must have gotten permission for this because the dog acted as a carer and could save her life. And Evan had gone and argued with her and acted totally unlike himself without knowing the full situation.
When a quiet murmur left (Y/n)'s lips and Evan looked down to see her blinking and trying to look around, he moved his hands to her shoulders and leaned over her.
"It's Buck, I uh, I heard the dog and tried to help. Let's sit you up, can you tell me if you're hurt?" His hands curved round beneath (Y/n)'s arms and he slowly inched her up and pulled her until her back was curved into his chest. Her head flopped back on his shoulder like it was too heavy to hold up and her trembling arms curled to her chest as the last tremors rattled through her like electric shocks wearing off.
"My neck," (Y/n)'s voice shook and she closed her eyes, trying to take deep breaths through her nose since her jaw was now aching. She had clenched her teeth together during her seizure and all of her neck was throbbing like it had been broken.
"You were straining a bit, but I don't think you've done any damage."
(Y/n)'s breath shuddered when she felt Evan's hand move to cup her neck again. His skin was warm but the pads of his fingers were rough from a lot of hard work and grit. When his thumb brushed against her jaw (Y/n) tried hard not to make a sound or jump back against his chest.
Her limbs weren't properly under her control yet so when she stretched her hand out, her whole arm wobbled up and down like she was fighting an unseen force of nature. She stretched her hand out and managed to curl her numb fingers around Evan's wrist.
He thought she was going to throw his hand away or tell him to get off her, that he was overstepping the mark when he was just trying to help. But she didn't push him away. Her hand gripped his wrist in a fierce embrace and she tilted her forehead into his neck until Evan could scarcely breathe properly.
"Can I move you off the floor?"
She nodded into his neck, tilting her head up until her lips were hovering over his jaw and she could see the deep gulp he took.
Her body went floppy when Evan's arms slid around her back and beneath her knees and her legs flopped and bent easily whereas sometimes she stayed locked in place, straight like a ruler. It surprised (Y/n) how easily Evan picked her up and he didn't huff or strain, not one muscle seemed to quiver when he stood up and his expression was the epitomy of calm and collected. He'd done this before.
He walked further into the apartment, passed the kitchen that mirrored his own and went to the sofa in front of the bay windows. The dog followed dutifully and sat down on the rug in front of the sofa while Evan crouched down and laid (Y/n) on the sofa.
His back was aching from his fall but the adrenaline he felt now consumed every inch of his blood and prevented his back from being in any pain by carrying her. He didn't care. His back could have been screaming out and he would have lifted her anyway and moved her wherever she needed to be and he didn't want her staying on the floor when she could be hurt. She needed to rest.
His eyes darted to the small table in front of the sofa but he doubted that would hold his weight. So Evan settled on perching on the edge of the sofa next to (Y/n)'s waist. He bent his knees outwards and clasped his hands together, resting them between his parted thighs.
"Are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance or any family to come over?"
"No, I- I'll be okay," She wanted to reach up and rub her bruising neck but she couldn't control herself enough yet. So she settled on flopping her hand across to take Evan's hand.
"I think I'd better stay with you until you're really okay," Evan didn't like the thought of leaving (Y/n) if no one else was going to come and stay with her or check in and make sure she was okay. All the tiredness suddenly washed away and he was left on red alert like when he was on shift.
What if he left and she had another seizure? What if she couldn't walk properly or was sick and needed help? She shouldn't be alone right now.
"Thank you, f-for helping me… I'm sorry," He looked tired. Had she caught him when he was on his way to work or on his way home from work? Was she keeping him from seeing family or getting in the way of plans? She felt bad, ruining Evan's day by him catching her in an indecent state.
"No, I should be the one apologising to you… your dog, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been so crappy to you last week, he's a service dog dog. I should have let you explain."
"He woke you-"
"Oh God, were you having a seizure that night? Is that why he was barking?" Another bout of dread washed over Evan and turned his naturally milky skin into a dark shade of grey. Had she been having a seizure during the night? Did Evan make her feel a whole lot worse by having a go at her when he should have asked if she was alright and let her explain the situation.
"Axel can sense a seizure, he alerts me, sometimes he has to wake me up. He's trained to let me know up to an hour before a seizure if he can and he helps me find a safe place. He stays with me during and after a seizure."
It wasn't always easy for Axel to sense one of (Y/n)'s seizures but he was trained to try and alert her an hour before one happened so she had time to find somewhere safe to stay. He woke her during the night if one was approaching, he stayed by her side when she was in any kind of seizure and he could move her if he really had to. He would alert people by howling if it was a very distressing and dangerous situation.
But mostly he stayed close and waited beside (Y/n) and laid with her until it was all over. He was an essential part of (Y/n)'s life because she couldn't always tell if she was going to have a seizure. He alerted her, he kept her safe, he barked at people if they were trying to help her or hurting her when trying to help because some people didn't always know what to do.
He was a comfort when the seizures were over and he calmed (Y/n)'s anxiety, she needed him which was why she was allowed to rent the apartment with an assistance dog living with her.
"We were taking a walk when he alerted me, so we tried to hurry home," (Y/n) looked down at her hands before she closed her eyes and tried to fight off the headache forming behind her temple.
They had barely been out for half an hour when Axel stopped walking and started pawing at (Y/n)'s thigh and whining. He knew she was going to have a seizure and that meant they had to get to a safe place. Home had only been a ten minute walk and (Y/n) didn't know how much time she had before her seizure would overpower her. She must have looked strange, rushing down the street with Axel leading the way, tail down and ears back in worry.
At least they made it to the apartment. (Y/n) remembered putting her key in the door before Axel pushed in front of her and let her fall down onto him so he could help lay her on the floor.
"Thank God you got past the stairs,"
Evan didn't even want to imagine what would have happened if she didn't make it up the stairs in time. She could have cracked her head open, broken a few bones or fallen down the stairs and gotten a lot of injuries. And if she had her seizure in the lift, she might have been stuck in there, helpless, waiting for someone to hear Axel in distress and find them.
"I'm grateful you helped me, Buck," He could have gone into his own apartment and waited until Axel stopped barking. He didn't have to come over and help. He could have seen her have a seizure and call an ambulance and leave them to look after her. He didn't have to sit next to her now and wait with her to make sure she was okay. But (Y/n) owed him her gratitude for what he had done today.
"You don't have to thank me," Evan rubbed his free hand over the back of his neck, scratching the short hairs for a moment or two. "And Buck is what everyone at work calls me… you can call me Evan, if you want."
The fire station. Perfect.
Relief sweltered through (Y/n)'s blood like adrenaline and she tightened her hand around Axel's lead, already feeling the tips of her fingers turning numb. Her legs didn't want to move either, her left leg had all but turned to stone, becoming useless until she was dragging it behind her like it was broken.
Her stomach churned and her throat felt like it was closing up when she hobbled through the open shutters of the fire house.
This was the safest place she could be if she was going to have a seizure. A fire house was just like a police station or a hospital, full of people trained to help and people who would protect her and make sure she was alright.
(Y/n) could of cried when she looked at one of the trucks in front of her. Stuck on the side of the truck in large white numbers was written 118. This was Evan's fire house and he was at work today, (Y/n) knew he was. Since he found her two weeks ago during her seizure, his demanour towards her had changed within an instant.
He started popping by to see how she was, asking if she needed anything and checking she wasn't feeling unwell or had had a recent seizure. He said if he heard Axel barking, he would come over if he was home and check on her and two days ago, (Y/n) gave him a spare key for emergencies.
He had even started to tell her when he was on shift so she knew that if he was at home, she could call round if she felt unwell, unsafe or if she needed him for anything.
"Excuse me, miss? Can we help you… dogs aren't really allowed in here," Bobby advanced towards (Y/n), a tender smile on his face and his hand held out in front of him towards Axel to make his point. This was a fire station and they had cleaning standards and expectations. Dogs weren't supposed to be in here. And Bobby had no idea who this girl was.
He didn't know if she was in some sort of emergency and needed to ask for help, if she was lost or if she was here to see one of the team on a social call.
(Y/n) tilted her head down to look at Axel and let go of his lead when he started to bark. He circled around her legs in a continuous loop, rubbing his back up against her legs to signify that she needed to sit down. Right now.
"I-is Evan here?" Her voice shook and she couldn't keep her eyes on the older man who was quickly approaching her with caution in his steps.
Her hand stretched out to rest on Axel's back as she tried to control her shaking legs. She slumped herself down onto the floor and slouched back until her shoulders were pressed up into the wall behind her as a low tremble settled across her body. She watched Axel sit next to her with his front paw on her thigh and his head close to hers like he would talk her through this if he knew how.
"Buck! Chimney, get down here!"
Evan ran a hand over his face and dragged his fingertips down his neck as his eyes locked with Eddie. What was Bobby calling him for? What was going on? The pair of them shared a look before they threw their towels down on the bench and left the gym, wandering out into the main foyer of the station but as soon as Evan's eyes landed on Bobby, he set off into a sprint.
"Don't touch her- leave her she's having a seizure!" Evan could hear footsteps behind him but he blocked them out and stretched an arm out towards Bobby to try and make him stay clear.
(Y/n) was here. She was at the station. She had found him; she thought being here with him would be a safe space for an oncoming seizure.
He bypassed Bobby, nudging him back a step before he crashed down on his knees on (Y/n)'s left side as she had Axel on her right. His hands reached out and gently but firmly cupped (Y/n)'s face in his palms with his thumbs brushing beneath her eyes to see if she was conscious or not.
His worried eyes looked her up and down. All of her body was trembling back and forth and he could feel how tense her neck was and how she was grinding her teeth together that were chattering like she was freezing cold. But she was responsive. Her eyes narrowed on him and followed him when he leaned from left to right, he could see her attention zoned in on him meaning she wasn't unresponsive.
"Evan," His name slipped past her clenched teeth and slightly parted lips in a small huff but it was enough to make him smile gently at her.
"Cap, what's going on?" Chimney juggled a medic bag on his shoulder that he hastily grabbed from one of the trucks and knelt down beside (Y/n)'s outstretched legs, bumping his knee against Evan.
"She came in looking distressed, Buck seems to think she's having a seizure." Bobby stood to the side with both hands on his hips but his eyes kept wandering from (Y/n) to the dog sat beside her. If he hadn't of seen the writing on the dog's harness, Bobby would have tried to move the dog a few feet away. But he was a service dog, there was a reason he was with (Y/n) in here and they couldn't move him now.
"Her name is (Y/n), she's epileptic. Don't touch Axel," Evan let go of (Y/n) and waved his hand out at Eddie to stop him from trying to take Axel's lead and move him away. "He's her service dog, he's sensed it and got her here. He stays there."
"Pupils are reactive, breathing sounds good, let's check her BP." Chimney flashed a light across (Y/n)'s eyes, felt her pulse and watched her breathing in between looking across at Evan. He was back to tilting (Y/n)'s head up to look at him and he peered into her mouth to check she wasn't biting down on her tongue or that she wasn't choking on it.
Evan never told them he had a friend with epilepsy; Chimney didn't even know his friend knew what to do during a seizure episode.
Both (Y/n)'s arms were stretched out on her thighs and her back was juttering back against the wall as she trembled like shockwaves were coursing through her veins. Tears started to fall and traced onto Evan's thumb making him bite down on his lower lip. He preferred a seizure like this where (Y/n) was awake and responsive rather than having her flailing about on the floor in agony, but this meant she was feeling the effects. And clearly, today, those effects weren't good.
"Hey, it's okay, you're gonna be fine. Just focus on me," Evan brushed a thumb beneath her eye to swipe away a tear but his head snapped back to look at Chimney when he spoke up.
"(Y/n), are you in pain?"
Chimney took off the blood pressure cuff once he got an accurate reading and placed her trembling arm back down on her lap, but his eyes focused on her right arm that he directed Evan's attention to.
Her right hand was digging so deeply into the flesh on her thigh that she was drawing blood. She still had some control over her limbs and movements.
Evan jerked back suddenly when (Y/n) raked her hand up her thigh, pulling the hem of her dress with her until it was scarcely covering her underwear but she didn't care. All she cared about was the shooting pains going up and down her legs. Her left leg was numb and void even though it was bashing up and down against the polished floor, but her right leg was on fire. It felt like a horrific version of pins and needles.
Her nerves were sparking and igniting and it was as if someone was continuously stabbing her leg up and down from her hip down to her knee. It was agony. Her nails scratched up and down her thigh again all the way along the side of her leg until blood stuck beneath her fingernails and bubbling scratch marks appeared on her thigh.
"No, no don't do that sweetheart," Reaching across, Evan grabbed her hand and carefully pulled it away from her leg. He didn't know how stiff her arm was going to feel or if he would hurt her by moving her arm but he couldn't let her sit there and hurt herself.
A burning sob racked through (Y/n)'s chattering teeth and she snapped her eyes closed, trying to push herself forward enough to rest her head on Evan's shoulder. She trembled back and forth against his chest and her head jittered in the crook of his neck but he didn't care. Evan curled his right arm around her lower back to hold her close and kept his left hand tangled with hers to stop her from reaching back out to her thigh.
"I know it hurts, but you're gonna be fine. I've got you," Evan whispered the words against the top of her head and before he knew what he was doing, he pressed a delicate kiss against her hair.
He could feel Axel nudging his head against the back of his hand that was on (Y/n)'s back and it almost made him smile.
After a second or two, Evan moved their entwined hands and gently tugged the hem of (Y/n)'s dress back over her thighs so no one could get a glimpse of her underwear or see the scratches swelling up on her thigh. That was the last thing she needed right now.
A gasp left (Y/n)'s lips and her head jerked forward into Evan's neck before a burning cry left her chapped lips. Then another, and another until she was practically screaming into his neck as her legs jolted up and down, bashing harder into the floor like she was in the ocean, flailing about desperately to reach the surface and save her life.
She tried again to move her shaking arm back to her thigh even though her fingers were locked in the grooves of Evan's hand. She managed to claw her nails along her leg before Evan clamped his hand around hers in a deadlock and forcefully pulled her arm until it was pinned into his chest.
"No sweetheart, we're not doing that." There was an authorative tone to Evan's stern voice that was flooded with care and concern.
"I know it does… let's try something else,"
(Y/n) didn't know what he was talking about but she was willing to let Evan do anything to take away her pain and make her feel a tiny bit better than this. She trembled against his chest and snapped her eyes closed, coiling both arms to her chest when Evan let go of her hands.
His hands stayed on her arms as he shuffled round on his knees until he was behind her. She could feel his colleague, Chimney, still kneeling by her legs and he pressed his fingers against her tremoring ankle to keep a check on her pulse while he counted how long the seizure was lasting. She knew Bobby was crouching down in front of her in case he was needed for any help and the other man, Eddie, was knelt next to Axel, trying to keep him calm.
Evan sat behind her and stretched his legs out before he tightened his thighs to squeeze (Y/n) between his legs. His arms curved back around her and he let her lean back into his chest while his hands came up to rest over both of hers just in case she tried hurting herself again to distract from the agony she felt. He kept his legs so tense his muscles started to ache and with (Y/n) tremoring in his arms, he was rocking back and forth, but he didn't care.
The pressure seemed to make her feel a little bit more at ease and her body relaxed in Evan's arms while her eyes closed and her face tucked back into his neck.
"There we go, hey, that's better." Evan spoke quietly against the side of her head and dragged his eyes up and down her frame that was starting to calm down.
Her legs stopped thrashing against the floor and calmed down to little tremors which caused her heels to bang and scrape against the floor. And her fast breaths started to pace down to deep huffs but her fingers tightened around his hands as if trying to stop him from daring to let go, As if he would.
"I'll give you a few minutes to settle, then I'll take your vitals again. If your muscles relax and everything seems okay, you shouldn't need to go to the emergency room." Chimney left the medic bag near them before he smiled and moved towards Bobby.
They would have to wait for the effects to wear off and for (Y/n) to calm down before he checked her blood pressure and heart rate again to make sure she wasn't in the danger zone. If she didn't experience any muscle spasms or muscles locking up, she should be okay to go back home. (Y/n) would know what was normal for her and what was dangerous or abnormal. It was up to her whether she thought she needed medical attention or not.
"You did so great," Evan mumbled before he pressed his lips to the side of her head and squeezed his thighs to hold her tighter. "And you came here. You're much safer here than on the street."
Evan was proud she remembered which fire house he worked at and that she and Axel had found their way here instead of going into a nearby store or staying on the street. She was safe here, she was protected and cared for and in safe hands. And Evan was here. He had made a promise to himself that he would look out for (Y/n) and try to look after her if she needed him to and he was so relieved she had come here today.
"You s-said you'd help me," (Y/n) leaned into his touch and slouched down against his chest, smiling lightly. Evan had done so much more than he needed to, he didn't need to help or go above and beyond to care for her but he had anyway and (Y/n) was more than thankful.
She felt Axel rest his head on her and Evan's thighs as he laid down beside them, calm now that (Y/n) was out of her seizure and around someone Axel knew now to be a safe person.
She tilted her head back on his shoulder to look up at him with a dazed smile and blown pupils that could stare no where else but at the man behind her. Even the pain in her leg was starting to dull down and fade into the background with her focus being on Evan instead.
"And I think I know a way you can help me,"
"How?" (Y/n) let her eyes fall closed when Evan curled his right hand to cup the back of her head so he could press a tender kiss against her flushed temple while his lips curved into a smile against her skin.
"Go on a date with me?"
867 notes · View notes
moutainrusing · 3 months
187 words, @wolfstarmicrofic
Sirius didn’t want to hug Remus. A hug meant he was just touching part of Remus, not the whole of him. A hug was friendly, platonic, never crossing the boundary Sirius wanted to cross. A hug meant he wasn’t all over Remus, even though he wanted to wrap him up entirely, curl up around him like a blanket, keeping him warm and safe and loved.
Especially after full moons, when Remus was lying weak and cold on the wooden floor of the shack. Sirius didn’t want to hug him. Sirius wanted to curl around him and shield him away from all the bigots and werewolf-haters, because how could they hate werewolves when the most beautiful boy in the world was one?
Their hatred only made Sirius love Remus even more, because he deserved all the love in the world, and if the world wasn’t going to give it to him, then Sirius would. Sirius would protect him, embrace him, and hold him forever, and he was so grateful his Animagus form was a massive dog, because it made curling up around Remus after full moons even easier.
136 notes · View notes
snixkers · 6 months
Science Fair
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Pairing: Spencer Reid × GN!Reader
Fluff, minor angst
For: Anonymous Request
Content Warnings: Missing a child's science fair, pretty much nothing, he feels bad for not going
Summary: After missing the science fair, Spencer makes it up to your daughter
Author's Note: In this house, we believe in girldad Spencer. Forgot the request said 3 kids, sorry!
Feedback is always welcome!
Requests are OPEN
He was an idiot.
An IQ of 187, an eidetic memory, and 3 PhD’s could not prevent him from being the dumbest man in the world. He had missed his daughter’s first science fair.
To be fair, he was on a case across the country, but it was a promise that he had made and then subsequently broke.
When he got home, the house was quiet as everyone else slept. He crawled into bed, not having enough energy to change, and fell asleep.
The next morning, it was about the same level of silent treatment. You got your daughter to school on time before coming back to get ready for work. He made you breakfast, which you ignored in favor of a granola bar, and was ready with flowers for an apology. Unfortunately for him, you weren’t in a forgiving mood.
This wasn’t the first time he had missed something important. He had a busy job, and sometimes, it took priority. But it had never been as bad as this. There were few things more precious than a child winning something, and he hadn’t even called to celebrate.
He felt terrible, but his daughter’s reaction was the worst part. She was slowly starting to think that she wasn’t the center of his universe, and that scared him.
He had to fix this. First, he called in to work, taking a week's worth of the vacation days he had saved up. Then he packed everyone’s suitcases, taking extra care to make sure you all had what you needed. Then he waited.
When you got home with your daughter, you were confused. As far as you were aware, no one had planned any trips. Was something wrong?
Spencer noticed the look on your face and quickly explained his plan to you before leaning down to talk to your daughter.
“How do you feel about going on vacation?”
She nodded eagerly, setting her backpack down on the floor.
“I wanna go to the moon.”
You both laughed at her request, unsure how to break the news that traveling to the moon wasn't an option.
“Anywhere on Earth?”
She nodded, holding up the stuffed elephant she had won at the science fair.
“Ice cream.”
Spencer’s smile faltered slightly, but you reached down to reassure him. He wanted to make it up to her with some grand gesture, like taking her to the beach or Disney World. But she didn’t care where they were, as long as she was with her dad.
He kissed her forehead and nodded, standing back up.
“I’m going to go unpack and then we can have ice cream.”
She smiled at him, showing off a gap in her front teeth where a tooth once stood a couple weeks ago.
“Then we can watch Frozen.”
This suggestion had him groaning internally, but you managed to guilt-trip him into sitting down for the whole movie. If you had to see Frozen five times a week, so would he.
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pokemonheritageposts · 4 months
most favoritest dhelmise cards? he's my favorite
doing this in honour of Dhelasoul, the Dhelmise who lowkey carried my recent Moon run
also i fucking love Dhelmise
was worried there might not be enough cards since it's a relatively obscure single stage mon that's only been in 3 gens, but it's got exactly ten cards and most of them are bangers
10. Dhelmise (Scarlet & Violet - Temporal Forces 19/162)
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9. Dhelmise (Sun & Moon - Celestial Storm 22/168)
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8. Dhelmise V (Sword & Shield 187/202)
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7. Dhelmise (Sword & Shield - Vivid Voltage 19/185)
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6. Dhelmise (Sun & Moon - Unified Minds 20/236)
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5. Dhelmise (Sun & Moon Promo #53)
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4. Dhelmise VMAX (Shining Fates 10/72)
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3. Dhelmise (Sun & Moon - Cosmic Eclipse 98/236)
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2. Dhelmise V (Sword & Shield 9/202)
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1. Dhelmise (Sun & Moon - Guardians Rising 59/145)
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vaporclan · 3 months
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Moon 187
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usakofashion · 2 months
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Sailor Moon Episode 187 - The Power of a Shining Star! Chibi Chibi’s Transformation
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choco-pudding · 6 months
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Space Channel 5 Part 2: Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book p. 190-199 (Translation by @lavoszero and myself. Edits and typesetting by myself)
Second part of the character profiles.
Imgur link to all of the Sugoku Sugoi Guide Book translations we’ve done thus far.
Plain text below
p. 190
022: Heart Woman Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge A Profile: She’s a master of disguise, capable of fitting into any setting, through her training at the private investigation company “Superior Secret Agents." She’s ridiculously proficient at information gathering, even government agencies request her by name for investigations behind the scenes. Always calm and composed. Note, Item: One of two people involved in receiving the Ear of Corn item.
023: Nice Middle Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Space Art Dealer. He cares not of a piece’s authenticity so long as it’s beautiful. He’s formerly the curator of a famous museum, but he recently went independent. Rather than setting up a specific gallery, he’s constantly traveling the galaxy with just a single bag. It works far better in theory than in practice. Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 1 (see 111).
024: Neo Space Astronaut 1 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Inside the airtight spacesuit is a tall, kind father who lives with his wife and three children. He works at the post office in the Central Sector. Adores ninjitsu; on his days off, he indulges in reading books related to it, and sometimes he even practices it with his family. He’s living the dream. Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
Sweet! 187
p. 191
025: Neo Space Astronaut 2 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Wife of Neo-Japan Astronaut 1. Knowledgeable about Space Naginata blades, Space Rakugo comedy, and Traditional Space Dancing. She always moves with a steady form, making it difficult for others to find any openings. She’s also an established sculptor. Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
026: Neo Space Astronaut 3 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Child of Neo Space Astronaut 1 and 2. He's the eldest of the three siblings. Has a striking resemblance to his mother. He's strong, which is hard to imagine considering his kind nature, demeanor, and body type. Joins in Judo Club and invented the "Full-Moon Galactic Throw." Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
027: Neo Space Astronaut 4 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Child of Neo Japan Space Astronaut 1 and 2. The middle child of the three siblings. Really a stay at home kind of guy. He's kind of a loner, with a devotion to surprising anyone who passes him by as a daily goal. For some reason, he's currently obsessed about making karakuri puppets. Note, Item: One of four people involved in receiving the Lantern item.
Sweet! 186
p. 192
028: Neo Space Astronaut 5 Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: Child of Neo Space Astronaut 1 and 2. Youngest of the three brothers and the calmest one in the family. Sometimes, everyone's strange behavior is to difficult for him to understand. Likes collecting lanterns. Notes, Item Received: After clearing Report 1, if you check his profile, then profiles 027, 026, 025, and 024—in that order—then speak to Neo Space Astronaut 5 again, he will give you the Lantern item.
029: Big Momma Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A famous culinary heavyweight known across the galaxy. Best consultant in the biz; offers her advice on a variety of topics ranging like raw ingredient procurement, menu development, restaurant designs, to even management policies. She's always on the lookout for that undiscovered dish. And when she has the time, she's hunting down undiscovered places. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made.
030: Afro Dude Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A chair designer. He's a man that uses new plastic materials to create series of colorful and playful works of art. His most famous work is the "Leaf Fall Sofa." He's also responsible for the mass-produced product. About 250,000 sets have been distributed throughout the galaxy. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made.
Sweet! 187
p. 193
031: Chef (green) Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge A Profile: He's the winner of the 255th Space Cooking Battle, in which 684,200 contestants participated in. He specializes in dishes using space konnyaku. Now, he's putting his ever-changing cooking skills to the test in order to satisfy his customers. He's a fanatic of high-tech cooking utensils. Note, Item Received: Appears in World 2, Report 1. Gives you the ​​King of Frypans item if you check his profile after rescuing him.
032: Cook (aqua) Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A cook who uses the "Legendary Egg Beater," a whisk made from an unknown mineral excavated from ancient ruins. His whipping skills with the whisk is nothing short of amazing! The whole process is mesmerizing, even though it's impossible to see with the naked eye. He has a remarkable fascination with vanilla beans. Note, Item Received: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made. Gives you the ​​Legendary Egg Beater item if you check his profile after rescuing him.
033: Chef (yellow) Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: He's a strong man who's capable of using the "Super Ladle," which has a sturdiness of 8.3 billion dice, and is said to be one of only three in the galaxy. He's searching for a pot with the same sturdiness of the ladle, dreaming of the moment he'll become a cooking king. He's well studied and knows how to use over 640,000 kinds of spices, so his cooking is always exciting. Note, Item Received: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made. Gives you the ​Super Ladle item if you check his profile after rescuing him.
Sweet! 188
p. 194
034: Bartender Girl Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge A Profile: A professional bartender who works in the lounge of the Space Symphony ship. Always chooses the right drink to fit the customer’s tastes and lend those in woe an ear—mostly to satiate her own curiosity. She uses her exclusive insight gathered on the clock in her columns for a space women’s magazine. Note: Appears in World 2, Report 1.
035: Boozer Recording Location: Report 1: Space Symphony · Lounge B Profile: A waiter on the Space Symphony. Though this 57 year old boasts the ability to carry 36 beer mugs simultaneously, there aren’t too many opportunities to show such skills, much to his dismay. Note: Only appears during the Space Symphony · Lounge B segment in World 2, Report 1 if no mistakes are made.
036: Space Music Primary Schooler 1 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: An enigmatic boy, who cries out "X, X, X!!!!!!!" He’s an expert at imitating various instruments with his voice. When you save him, he hums a special melody! Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 2 (see page 112).
[[translator's note: Bartender Girl's note and profile contain an error, stating she appear in Space Symphony · Lounge B rather than A]]
Sweet! 189
p. 195
037: Space Music Primary Schooler 2 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A primary schooler with the skill to imitate instruments with her voice. She’s so skilled you’d swear you’re hearing a real instrument. When you save her she hums a special recorder melody! Note:
038: Space Music Primary Schooler 3 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A rather proud primary schooler who’s a whiz at imitating instruments with his voice. He never preforms at a place unless he's completely prepared; it has to be the right place and the right time. When you save him, you’ll hear a special accordion melody. Note:
039: Space Music Primary Schooler 4 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A real showgirl of a primary school kid who does drum imitations with her voice that are powerful enough to move the spirit. She's serious about hoping to heal people with her art. When you save her, she begins to hum a drum melody. Determined to get into a middle school specializing in music. Note:
Sweet! 190
p. 196
040: Glockenspiel Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: Former child prodigy keyboardist. She was so famous that she was asked to appear on a special music program at Channel 5. But one day she was suddenly inspired by the soothing sounds of the glockenspiel. She's presently mastering the finer points of the 'spiel at an extraordinary speed. Note, Item: First person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. She will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2.
041: Recorder Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: This primary schooler had a snake-charmer as a teacher. He learned and expanded upon the entrancing power of the recorder beyond snakes to control any small-sized creatures. He enjoys collecting ammonite fossils, but far from his hobby. Note, Item: Second person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. He will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2.
042: Accordion Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: A gentle flower-loving accordion girl. She believes that the music of the accordion nourishes the plants, helping their leaves, roots, and stems grow healthily. Her dream is to become a Space Reporter; she’s even started training in secret! Note, Item: Third person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. She will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2.
Perfect! 191
Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Toyota Toyota Toyota
p. 197
043: Drum Primary Schooler Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower A Profile: Drum it up! A young student who went head-over-heels for the entrancing sounds of ancient drums. Once he gets hold of a pair of drum-sticks, you’ll be guaranteed at least a six-hour smashfest. He drums away while en route to school, making him quite the lil’ celebrity in the shopping district he passes. He can even play while doing a flip! His playing always rakes in the tips. Note, Item Received: Fourth person involved in receiving the Lollipop item. He will hand you a piece after clearing Report 2. After getting all four pieces, you will receive the Lollipop item.
044: Mr. Nervous Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower B Profile: A nervous man known for his knee-knocking. He came to Space Park to supervise the students competing in the Space Music Festival. He got into a big mess with a man-eating plant, but Ulala saved him from melting into plant food just in time. He's quite fond of small retro game consoles. He sometimes trades games with students. Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 2 (see page 112).
045: Class President Nervous Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Exhibition Tower B Profile: The fashion-conscious primary school class president. He puts a tremendous amount of effort into his hair, spending unreasonably long hours in front of the mirror each morning. Not so great at skipping, apparently his right hand and leg always raise in tandem. Note, Secret Input: Gives you the Folding Fan item if you check his profile after clearing Report 2.
Perfect! 192
Toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota
p. 198
046: Space Bird Mistress Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: An ageless beauty with a lovely singing voice that has the power to control all types of birds. Due to the heavy weight (58 kg) of the remote-controlled Power Wings attached to her back, she always suffers from back pain. Note, Item: One of two people needed to obtain the Ice Cream Cone item.
047: Birdman 1 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The first of the Birdmen, guys who are weird about weird birds. He uses all five of his senses—taste included—to show his love for any and all birds. Their high tech binoculars can spot Magellanic Clouds (available at Galaxy Gifts and Gadgets). Note:
048: Birdman 2 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The second of the Birdmen, who are mad for birds like you’re mad for this game. With the help of his myriad of bird friends, he sometimes takes on the offenders of nature in battle. He can travel about eight kilometers in less than 40 seconds by jumping from vine to vine, not once touching the ground. Note, Secret Input: Information for a secret input in Report 2 (see 112).
Perfect! 193
Toyota toyota toyota toyota toyota right left
p. 199
049: Birdman 3 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The third of the up for it bird-lovers, whose binoculars hide his guise from morning to night. He even walks with them on, leading to embarrassing—and frequent—falls into ditches and ponds. Kookaw! Kookaw! Note:
050: Birdman 4 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The fourth of the cuckoo bird lovers. Actually, a girl. She’s so infatuated with birds that she speaks to them in her sleep, “Birdy, birdy, where are you?" By the by, she dresses like a boy for her own reasons and anyone who tries to reveal her secret will be taken away by men in black… Note, Item: One of two people needed to obtain the Ice Cream Cone item.
051: Birdman 5 Recording Location: Report 2: Space Park · Fountain Square B Profile: The fifth of the legendary bird fiends. Studied with inhuman intensity to take the arduous Birdman Exam. After passing with flying colors, he became the latest addition to the Birdmen. Note:
Perfect! 194
Right left right left right left right left right left right left toyota toyota toyota
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imkylotrash · 2 years
Pairing: Bill Weasley x reader
Request: When he was first scratched, he was super bummed and didn't know how to get through it and acted like an asshole to everybody, so Remus introduces him to a former student who had a similar experience ( so has minimum wolf qualifies ) and she is able to get him off his ass & help him through what he’s going through. She also happens to be a curse breaker like he is. Anonymous
Tagging: @bitchwhytho​ @music-of-melody​ @shadowhuntyi​ @avada-kedavra-bitch-187​ @canthebest1​ Let me know if you want to be added or removed. 
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His arms engulf you in a warm hug the second you step off your broom. Attempting to hide your wince, you burrow your face into his shoulder but he knows you well enough to sense when you're in pain. Of course, he's also known you for almost 15 years at this point.
"What happened?" he asks, his lips stretching into thin lines. He doesn't exactly like the fact that you've now officially received the title of curse-breaker.
"Manticore. I've never heard of anyone being able to use them as guards." Oh, if looks could kill. Remus Lupin has always had a bit of a soft spot for you. Especially after you were attacked by a werewolf. The scars of four claws ran down your back, but you never changed. The moon made you hungry for red meat but you'd managed to walk away without the curse of lycanthropy.
"I thought they'd gone extinct," he manages to say.
"Definitely not. They're rare, but not gone." With a flick of the wrist, you have your baggage floating behind you as you head for the door.
"There's a friend here I'd like for you to meet." You sigh deeply. It's been a long journey, you reek of sweat and dirt, and you're trying very hard to disguise your limping. The last thing you need is to be introduced to someone new. But you also know what Remus went through not too long ago. Even you felt the pain when it was announced to the world that the famous Albus Dumbledore had died.
"Can't wait," you smile despite being close to collapsing from pure exhaustion. However, it turns out that no introduction is needed as you enter your living room. Bill Weasley has quite the reputation among your circles. The thing you're not expecting is the scars down his face. All of a sudden, your back is burning.
"Merlin's beard," you whisper as Remus comes up behind you.
"Bill, I'd like you to meet Y/N." You know why he wants you to meet. You recognize the look in Bill's eyes. It's the look of defeat - of fear. He mustn't have had his first full moon yet.
"I'd shake your hand but I'm fairly certain I need about five showers before I'm fit to even sit on the couch," you joke but he doesn't respond. In fact, he just huffs a little and remains seated. No signal is needed to get Remus to follow you into the kitchen.
"What is this? Werewolf trauma 101?"
"His family is worried. I thought it might benefit him to see that it isn't the end of the world."
"Is that how you felt?" It's a low blow. There's a massive difference between what you and Remus went through. He has to fear the full moon each month, while you sleep soundly in your bed. But you're tired, and you're struggling with your own memories.
"Just talk to him. That's all I ask." So, you talk at him. Quite literally, you talk at him while he remains silent. After an hour, you've grown tired of repeating the same advice and suggestions, and so has Bill.
"Thanks for the, uhm, pep talk. I'm sure I'll be just fine now," he says dryly before getting up. You don't bother stopping him even after Remus gives you a look.
"I can't help someone who refuses to be helped."
But over the next few days, you feel guilty for letting him leave so easily. You remember that first month of absolute terror and frankly, you can't blame him for his behavior considering how you acted even worse. So, you do the only logical thing you can think of. You pack your bags and head for the Shell Cottage. Once before you visited with Arthur while on Order business, but you remember it like it was yesterday. You love that little cottage. Almost more than your own tiny house deep in a forest.
"Make yourself known." Making sure to keep your empty hands visible, you step forward.
"Just me." Bill slowly lowers his wand and steps inside. "Welcome, Y/N. So good to have you." Still mumbling by the time you reach the door, you take one final look at your surroundings before entering the cottage.
"Son of a Bludger, what have you done with the place?" It's in shambles. Mess everywhere, day-old food on the table, papers ripped apart and thrown across the room.
"What are you doing here?" he asks, ignoring your previous comment.
"I'm here because I'm a better person than you right now and despite your very rude behavior last time, I still want to help you." When he growls at you, your hand instinctively reaches for your wand.
"Right, you're afraid of me," he laughs, venom dripping from every word. There's no way you were ever this bad, right? Your burning cheeks betray you because you do remember the feelings coursing through him. When you were mutilated, you pushed everyone away. You became a hermit until you were sure you weren't going to hurt anyone.
"I'm not afraid of you. But you're not exactly a trustworthy person at the minute." Basically the same thing though. You're a little afraid of his reactions, but you're not about to let him know.
"Could you help bring in my suitcases? Molly said I was welcome to stay here while I figure out some protection for my own home." Horrible excuse. Your house is probably more protected than Shell Cottage but you also know he'll never let you stay unless you make him believe that you have nowhere else to go.
"It's war. One can never be too safe,” you add as you head for the guest room. This is going to take a while. And a while it takes. Merlin, you’re ready to give up several times. Three weeks pass before you even get him to go outside, and he complains the entire time. And just as you think you’re making progress, his mother stops by. Now, you like Molly Weasley. She has the best intentions but the pity in her eyes, her voice, her every action... it’s the exact thing Bill doesn’t need. Even you let out a deep sigh when she finally packs up her stuff after three days of uncut tension. 
“Nice lady,” you comment in the evening as you’re sitting in front of the fire. The silence lingers long enough for you to give up waiting for an answer. Then he laughs. It’s a little high-pitched and not all the way natural, but it’s a laugh. And you’ll take it. 
“Imagine growing up with her,” he laughs, and you join him. Bill Weasley doesn’t need to be coddled and having Molly visit just proves that very fact. 
“Alright, enough sitting around. Take my arm.” He hesitates but you can tell he just needs that little push. “Trust me.” Darkness swallows the both of you as you apparate to the nearest village. Without waiting for his reaction, you pull him into the nearest pub. 
“One beer. And then you’re free to leave.” It’s a muggle pub. No one will know what has happened to Bill here. They might think a bear got him or some other animal, but no one will shy away in fear (or disgust) he might turn into a werewolf. 
“Fine.” You’re taken by surprise when he so easily agrees, but you’re quick to recover and buy two beers before he changes his mind. 
“Cheers,” you say to the bartender before finding a table in the dark corner of the pub. When Bill isn’t fully consumed by self-loathing, he’s actually a pretty decent guy. You both share stories from some of your near-death adventures as curse-breakers, but he doesn’t ask the question you know he’s dying to ask, and you don’t offer the answer. But five beers later, even you are a little unsteady on your feet. Apparating back home is a lot more difficult when the world is spinning. But you manage without losing any limps. By the time you’re walking through the front door, Bill is giggling. 
“Come on, droopy. Time for bed,” you chuckle as you half carry him to his bedroom. He collapses on the bed, pulling you with him. 
“Stay in here tonight,” he mumbles but when you lock eyes with him, he seems almost sober. Logically, you know this is a bad idea, but he smells nice. And his hair looks so cute in that stupid man-bun. Before you know it, you’re closing the gap between the two of you. His lips are soft, gentle, and your head spins from the sensation. Any doubt you might have had goes out the window, when he cups your cheek and deepens the kiss. 
“Stay,” he repeats and you can do nothing but obey him. When his hands goes to the hem of your shirt and begin to remove it, you grab his hands to stop him. He’s nice enough to not comment on your shaking hands. 
“I don’t—I— It’s not pretty,” you finally say and your scars begin to burn as if they were fresh wounds. 
“I know.” He doesn’t sugarcoat it. He doesn’t try to convince you that you’re still pretty. He accepts your feelings because he knows. So, you let him remove your shirt. The cold makes you shiver, but you don’t hide under the covers. You want him to see you - all of you. When he gently runs his hand down your back, you feel tears sting your eyes. You don’t talk much for the rest of the night, but at one point you open up about how it happened. He listens not once interrupting you. Afterwards, he holds you for a long time. 
It’s the first night of complete honesty and it’s what starts your relationship. You saved him from himself but in some ways, he saved you too. 
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chaos-cauldron · 2 years
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frost-queen · 4 months
Till it bites you back // part 4 (Male!Reader x Eloise Bridgerton)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic   , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22  , @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers   , @merlieve   , @queen-of-books  , @glimmering-darling-dolly   ,@denkisclown  , @wildieflower   ,@meyocoko    , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl  , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07   , @melsunshine   @panhoeofmanyfandoms  , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat ,@rosecentury   ,  @imagines-by-her   ,  @evilcr0ne   , @vviolynn    , @niktwazny303   ,@avada-kedavra-bitch-187  , @markive-m , @thethreeeyed-raven , @anonymous-cat-21 , @lord-lyss , @nameless-flowerr , @hipsternerd9 , @kookietunes07 , @dd122004dd , @ryv-viv , @aquilla6077, @sauron559, @cluelessteam. @czarinera , @korane06 , @luvinyouwasred123
Summary: When unmasking Lady Whistledown doesn't matter to you anymore, you fear that what brought you together might turn against you. Not sure if Eloise Bridgerton would still be interested in you without it. [Part 1, part 2 & part 3 ]
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The room was quite. Only but a few sounds of a pen scribbling over paper. Aggressive scratch marks crossing things off. Papers crumbling together that landed with a soft thud on the floor. Just one more paper ball amongst the ocean of papers. Through the window fell the moonlight upon a wooden desk.
Some ink stains from the past engraved in the wood, unable to clean off.  The candle standing on a stack of books almost burned out. But a small flicker. Head down, you were too focused and agitated to do anything about the mess. You didn’t even hear the knock on the door, followed by it creakingly opening.
 Claude stepped inside, staring with wide eyes at the battle field of papers. Papers carelessly thrown and tossed aside. Most of them barely haven anything written on it. Claude took careful steps, gaze downwards to not step on a paper prop. – “Your royal…” – he started cut off by a loud groan of yours.
Followed by a new paper ball getting tossed his direction. It was without you looking up, so you weren’t really aiming for him. It just went his way. Claude moved his head aside, for the paper to pass over his shoulder, hitting the wall behind him before it plopped to the ground.
Claude straightened his jacket with a soft pull. – “Your royal highness.” – he addressed you, moving his hands to his back. Frustratingly you tore the paper before you, crumbling it aggressively in your hand. In utter frustration you threw it away, haven gotten up from your chair to use more velocity with it. The paper flew in Claude’s direction once more as he simply caught it with his hand. You blinked surprised at Claude, only seemingly now noticing him. Claude approached your desk, letting the paper ball roll off his palm onto your desk.
“I believe a restock of paper will be in order.” – Claude said without a glance upwards to you. Your first response was to exhale loud and worn out. Letting yourself slump back in the chair, wiping your hands down your face. – “Your royal highness it is late.” – Claude pointed out. His reaction made you turn your head to the side, seeing a full moon outside. It made you groan even louder with sorrow. – “Je m’excuse Claude.” – you let out. – “Please do not tell mama.” – you asked. Claude shook his head, letting you know it would be kept a secret.
You got up from your chair, walking through the rubbage of paper to your bed. Coming to sit at the end. Seeing the battle on your floor made you breath out a laugh. – “I…I’m sorry Claude.” – you said sheepishly, moving your hand over your eyes. – “I’ll… I’ll clean it up before breakfast.” – lowering your hand, you let it flop onto your thigh. Claude took out his pocket watch, quirking an eyebrow up. – “Which is precisely in five hours, your royal highness.” – he informed you with a cheeky smile. You groaned loud letting yourself fall back on your bed. Not a moment later, you sat back up.
“It’s just… the… the…” – gesturing at the papers, you felt foolish to even say it. Claude started to re-arrange your desk as it should be. – “Lady Whistledown.” – Claude filled in. – “Yes!” – you exclaimed loudly. – “How is your list going?” – Claude asked. You didn’t mind as you knew Claude almost your entire life. He was the only one, you allowed to overstep and mingle a bit in your affairs. – “It’s… it’s pointless.” – you told him. – “I have listed numerous thing. I feel like I have everything and nothing at all. For all could be Whistledown and all could be not. Does that make any sense?” – you asked Claude, sounding like a mad-man, feeling like a mad-man.
Claude looked around the room. – “Perhaps it is not unmasking Whistledown what is important, but rather the journey to it.” – Claude told you as it made you frown. – “Unmasking Whistledown IS what is important.” – you let out. Claude shook his head, clicking his tongue. – “You do not really care for it, your royal highness.”  - he went on.
“But I have to!” – you let out, getting up. – “I… I have to…” – you said on softer tone. – “For Miss Bridgerton.” – Claude proposed. You let yourself sit back down, shoulders slouched forwards. – “What if…” – you said soft, looking saddened up to Claude. – “You fear that without Whistledown, Miss Bridgerton will show no interest? That you need Whistledown to keep Miss Bridgerton close and enjoy her company.”
Letting your face fall into the palms of your hands, you knew Claude was right. All of this. The search for Whistledown. The investment in finding clues, figuring it out, was all to keep Miss Bridgerton close. Because she cared for it, you felt the need to care for it too. To be honest, you didn’t care much what that gossipy pamphlet wrote. Amusement for the ton, not so much to you.
You hated the prejudice that was behind it. You wanted to meet people for who they are. Explore their deepest by conversating, getting to know them. Not what Whistledown exploited about them. Claude approached you, placing his gloved hand on your shoulder. – “Your royal highness, try to get some sleep.” – Claude let you know, making you nod.
His hand slipped off your shoulder as you turned around, crawling further up into your bed to lay yourself down. – “Your royal…” – Claude started seeing you slip under the covers in fully clothing. Even still wearing your shoes. Claude exhaled soft letting you be. He blew your candle out as the room went dark.
The next morning you sat at the breakfast table, yawning loud. Claude stood behind you, a few paces to the wall. He cleared his throat loud as it made you sit up straight. Not a second later opened the doors, your maman entering. You got up, addressing her with a bow. Your maman sat herself down. – “Any prospects my son?” – she said placing a napkin on her lap. – “Maman! It is morning.” – you told her sitting back down.
“And not too soon.” – she answered. – “Have I seen any ladies yet?” – she gestured around the room at the countless other empty chairs at the long table. – “Have you been calling upon houses? Danced? Y/n I cannot think otherwise than that you are neglecting what I asked of you.” – she went on. – “Maman.” – you let out.
She simply gave you a motherly scowl whilst tapping her spoon against her egg to crack the shell. – “I…” – you started, but couldn’t finish. She lowered her spoon, placing her hand on top of yours. Giving you a pitiful glance. – “Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point.” – she spoke in her mother tongue.
“The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.” – you translated with a faint smile. She gave your hand a soft squeeze. You got up, leaning in to give her a caring kiss against her forehead. She moved her hand back finishing up her breakfast. After breakfast, her words kept echoing through your mind. You occupied yourself till the night fell for the next ball.
Knowing you would meet Miss Bridgerton once more. Not sure how she would react upon meeting you once more. Having investigated much with her about Whistledown. The carriage awaited as Claude opened the door for you and your maman. Claude gave you a promising nod before you stepped in.
Maman was fanning herself some cool as you looked out of the window. Seeing a crescent moon with a haze of clouds brushing past. The carriage wobbled on the cobble stone. Claude sitting in the front with the rider. The carriage arrived at the estate as you prepared yourself for the ball.
Claude stood not far from you. You kept yourself close to the walls. Upon seeing a pair of ladies and their mama’s come your way, your eyes widened. Turning on your heel with a nervous swallow and head into a different direction. Claude following behind you. Coming to a full stop, you saw more girls eyeing you with their fan. It made you turn a quarter on your heel, heading more to the centre of the ballroom.
Claude followed silently at each turn you took. – “Perhaps his royal highness wishes to hide behind the curtains?” – Claude suggested as it made you laugh loud. Stopping and swallowing nervously, you saw a mama pull her daughter your way. – “About that thought.” – you answered, ready to take on his request. You turned round, heading back, not wanting to deal with any ladies and their desperate mama’s to have their daughters married to royalty.
Reaching a wall, you felt like they had closed in on you. With desperation you looked at Claude. Just as they were closing in on you like hunters for prey, you heard a familiar voice. – “There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you.” – turning your head you saw Miss Eloise Bridgerton join your side, tugging her glove a bit higher. She casually joined your side, giving Claude a nod.
Claude nodded back at her. Eloise looked stunned at the girls who now seemingly have stopped, looking around as if their quest for speaking with you has been interrupted. – “It appears I have come at a proper time to whisk you away from all the ladies.” – Eloise chuckled out humouring. – “Yes.” – you answered. Eloise motioned with her hands to shoo the girls away.
They gave her a foul glance before toddling off. – “That should give you some breathing area.” – Eloise spoke with a smile. – “I am forever grateful Miss Eloise.” – you answered with your hand on your heart. You quirked your eyebrow up seeing Eloise manoeuvre to try and pull something out of her reticule. She smiled glorious once she had taken out the crumbled up papers.
“Since we’ve crossed out numerous names now. I am feeling that we are close to unmask her.” – Eloise spoke as you forced a polite smile back at her. She started giving you the papers, apologizing for it being so crumbled. She kept handing them to you, telling you all about her findings as you couldn’t bring a word in between. Claude cleared his throat softly behind you. – “Miss Eloise…” – you said for her attention.
Eloise kept rambling on as a paper fell out of your hands, dartling towards the ground. Having caught it just in time, having bend through your knees to catch it. – “Miss Eloise.” – you called out to her, desperate for her attention to stop. Eloise stopped abruptly, looking surprised at you. – “I…I…” – you began, swallowing your words back in by how she gazed upon you.
With those big sweet doe eyes as she waited for your words. Sighing soft, you felt afraid to let her know. Afraid to loose her. Afraid she would toss you aside once you tell her you have lost interest in Lady Whistledown. That you no longer care to unmask her, but rather wish to spend more time with her.
You carefully gave the papers back to Eloise as she accepted them confused. – “I am sorry, but I… I lost interest in Whistledown. I only kept going for you. To be closer to you, if you allow me.” – you told her. Eloise took a step back as it made you lower your gaze. – “I very much like to be around you without the fuss of Whistledown bonding us. I believe there must be more than that connecting us. There has to be.” – you explained further, hoping for her to see it.
Eloise blinked softly. Reflecting upon herself. You laid your hand out to her.  – “I thought uncovering Lady Whistledown was the most important thing in my life.” – Eloise spoke placing the tips of her fingers in your hand. You took a step closer, laying your other hand on hers that rested in your palm. – “I couldn’t have been more wrong.” – she finished.
“Is… is that Eloise with the prince, mama?” – Colin pointed out, making several heads turn. – “Why yes.” – Violet addressed in shock. – “She does not seem one bit annoyed by his presence.” – Benedict spoke, tilting his head to the side. – “That is grand for our sister.” – he chuckled out, receiving a slap against his arm from Violet. Violet smiled warmly in Eloise’s direction seeing how her daughter looked upon the prince. Touched by how her daughter seemed to have found love where she didn’t think she would.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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niki-phoria · 1 year
i'm not sure if it's too early(´_`)
i'm watched 'dark blood' concept trailer had 2 ideas, first jealous but it more fight scenes bc that
can i req enhypen fakes pain to make staff bf m!reader worry, he may be worried or caught they and pretend back to overly worried ≖‿≖
⋆。°✩ enhypen reaction - their bf helps with dark moon promotions
includes: implied staff member reader, this is just a bunch of little scenarios based on dark moon promotions lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
male reader (he/him pronouns)
requests open !! read my rules first
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⋆。°✩ heeseung
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(word count 186)
“okay, do you think you’re ready to run through all of it one more time?”
“yeah,” heeseung nods, reaching over to grab the prop swords. he stands opposite to you as you raise your own prop swords to rehearse through the choreography once again. the plastic hits against each other dangerously close to you before heeseung misses a faux attack. 
you both gasp when the sword hits against his shoulder. it’s gentle - but it’s enough to make you immediately panic. you drop the prop, rushing over to him. “oh my god, i’m so sorry,” you whisper, reaching over to grab his hand. “are you okay?”
“i can’t believe this,” he dramatically whispers. “hit! by my own boyfriend!” 
“hee,” you chuckle. “i’m sorry.”
“i deserve a kiss,” he dramatically huffs. you gently grab his hand, checking the patch of skin. a small area on his knuckles are a gentle red but otherwise he doesn’t look hurt. you playfully roll your eyes, lifting it up to press a kiss against his knuckles. 
“i’m sorry i hurt you,” you whisper. 
“it’s okay,” heeseung hums, pulling you into a kiss.
⋆。°✩ jay
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(word count 187)
“why are you applying makeup if i’m gonna be underwater,” jay asks as you tilt his face upwards once again. 
“because you’re not gonna be underwater the entire time,” you reply. his eyes flutter closed as you adjust your position to brush the fine tip along his eye structure, careful not to be too harsh with your movements. “besides, you look gorgeous with eyeliner.”
jay simply hums in response. “still feels weird though,” he murmurs. 
you pull back once the wings look symmetrical and set the eyeliner aside beside the other various products. jay blinks a few times as you chuckle, this time moving onto his lips. “you’ll get used to it.” his face flushes slightly as you lean in to brush a tint against them. in your concentration, you don’t notice the way jay remains completely focused on your lips until he leans in to press his lips against yours in a quick kiss. you flinch slightly at the sudden touch as he laughs at your bewilderment. “sorry,” jay murmurs, leaning in to pull you back into another kiss. “but you look gorgeous with lip tint.”
⋆。°✩ jake
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(word count 136) ^ this is about the lip ring in the gif btw
you watch over jake’s shoulder as he leans down to look into the mirror in front of you. he brings his hand up to adjust the fake lip ring once again; fidgeting with the fake black plastic. you walk closer to him before wrapping your arms around his waist to pull him into a back hug. “what are you thinking about?” you whisper.
“nothing much,” he smiles. “just feels weird - the piercing.”
“well, if it makes you feel better, you look incredibly handsome.”
jake laughs as he turns around to face you. he brings a hand up to cup your cheek, brushing his thumb against your skin. “you think so?”
“i’m dating the sim jake,” you tease. “how could i not?” jake chuckles, shaking his head as he leans in to pull you into a kiss. 
⋆。°✩ sunghoon
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(word count 212)
your hand just barely ghosts against heeseung’s back as you adjust his position. “lean forwards when you swing,” you instruct. 
“like that?” he asks, repeating the move with your corrections. 
“that’s perfect,” you nod. 
neither of you notice sunghoon’s slight glare from where he’s sitting from across the room. he startles slightly when jay sits down beside him, poorly stifling a chuckle. sunghoon furrows his eyebrows as he turns to face him. “what?”
“you should drop the glare,” he laughs. “your face might get stuck like that.”
“i’m not glaring!” 
“whatever you say.”
sunghoon’s defense quickly disappears when you walk over, replacing jay in sitting beside him. “how’s practice going?” you ask, taking a sip from your water bottle. 
“why don’t you ask heeseung?” he mutters. 
you cock your head at him in confusion before chuckling. “are you jealous?” you teasingly whisper. 
“...no.” sunghoon looks away, avoiding your eyes. 
you chuckle, reaching up to cup his face with your hand. sunghoon lets you tilt his face towards you as you lean in to pull him into a sweet kiss. his lips just barely quirk upward to smile into it until you pull away. “hoon, you have nothing to be jealous of. don’t worry.”
“i love you,” he whispers. 
“i love you too.”
⋆。°✩ sunoo
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(word count 167)
your hands ghost against sunoo’s waist as you adjust his form slightly. “here,” you adjust the knife prop in his hand so he’s holding it correctly. “swing with your left hand first.”
“like this?” he murmurs as he half-heartedly practices the faux attack again. 
“that’s perfect,” you smile. “so when you’re doing it on camera you’ll be out in the snow. the props are fake but i still want you to watch your step just in case you accidentally hit someone in the face or anything.”
“i will,” sunoo laughs as you walk over to grab your water bottle and take a sip. his arms snake around your waist from behind as he pulls you into a back hug. you chuckle as he leans over to press a kiss against your cheek. “do you want to come tomorrow? you know, to make sure i don’t hit someone.” 
you stifle a laugh as you twist around, pulling him into a quick kiss. “i’d love to come with you.”
⋆。°✩ jungwon
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(word count 223)
jungwon holds the prop knife up, flipping it in his hands. he runs his fingers along the fake blade as you walk over to stand beside him. “cool, right?”
“yeah,” he smiles. “and you’re sure it won’t hurt if i accidentally hit someone with it?”
“are you planning on doing that?” you jokingly ask. 
“no!” jungwon shakes his head a few times. his eyes remain fixated on the prop in his hands as he repeats the choreography in his head. 
“hey,” you whisper, breaking him out of his slight trance. “what’s wrong.”
jungwon remains silent for a second before he sighs. “what if i mess it up?”
“wonie,” you whisper. you kneel down in front of him, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek. “you’re perfect. you could never mess it up. and even if you do, nobody will be upset with you, okay?”
jungwon glances back at the prop before nodding. “okay.”
“come on then,” you smile, holding a hand out to pull him to his feet. his hand remains tightly in yours as you trudge through the snow until you reach a small clearing in the trees where all of the camera equipment has been set up. 
you pull jungwon into a quick kiss before pulling away. “you’ll do great,” you murmur. “and i’ll be right here to watch you.”
⋆。°✩ niki
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(word count 183)
niki squirms once again as you tilt his head up, brushing your hand against his neck as you attempt to hold him in place. “stop moving,” you whisper with faux annoyance. 
“i can’t help it,” he laughs. you sigh, pulling the brush away from his neck. “i’m sorry! it feels weird when you do that.”
“well the sooner you stop moving around the quicker we can finish and you won’t have to worry about me applying makeup to your ticklish neck.”
“i’m sorry,” niki repeats, shifting in his seat. you tilt his head up further to expose more of the skin of his neck. you hum in acknowledgement, quickly applying the last of the makeup for the photoshoot. 
niki reaches up to cup your cheek when you finish. he glances around the room to check that no one is looking before quickly pulling you into a sweet kiss. “will you please forgive me?” he dramatically sighs. 
you chuckle, playfully rolling your eyes as you press another quick peck against his lips. “only because your hair looks good slicked back like that,” you reply.
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megalony · 7 months
Little Bird
This is a new Evan Buckley imagine that is going to have a follow up or two if you all like it. I hope everyone will enjoy this one, feedback is always appreciated.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf
Evan Buckley Masterlist
Part 2
Summary: Evan starts to find himself falling for his new neighbour and her little girl. And he will do anything he can to help them when they need him.
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"No- baby be careful, please?" A sigh rumbled past (Y/n)'s lips and she hung her head low while she followed after her daughter.
Why did she have to have so much energy? Why did she have to speed off when she knew (Y/n) couldn't keep up? She knew going fast wasn't good on (Y/n)'s heart and combined with her vertigo, (Y/n) had a mile per hour ratio that she couldn't go above.
(Y/n) sucked in a deep breath and lifted her head as she followed Birdie out the sliding door and onto the balcony.
Having a balcony was something Birdie was enraptured with. They moved in two weeks ago and the little girl was over the moon to have a balcony, since they couldn't have a back garden. The three year old had wanted to have a garden to put flowers in and to feed the birds, but now she had changed her mind and thought the balcony was much better.
It was spacious, they had a table and chairs out on the balcony, two hanging baskets, window-ledge baskets around the railing and two bird feeders. Every morning they would feed the birds and water the plants and then Birdie would beg to go to the park to feed the birds and run about to play with them.
"Mummy, water." Birdie held up her small aqua blue watering can and grinned when (Y/n) poured water from the kitchen jug into it for her.
To stop Birdie from leaning over the balcony, (Y/n) would water the hanging baskets and Birdie would water the window baskets. They were hung on the inside of the balcony rail rather than over the edge so Birdie didn't have to lean over and risk falling or having an accident.
She climbed up onto one of the garden chairs and knelt up, humming to herself as she watered the pansies that varied from pink to blushing purple.
(Y/n) pushed up on her tiptoes and watered the two hanging baskets on either side of the balcony. Her eyes kept moving over to watch Birdie on the chair in the left corner. She was starting to hum the song playing on the radio, but (Y/n) realised it wasn't their radio playing. Their new neighbour was playing his music rather loud, but it was one of Birdie's favourite songs.
"Pigeon! Look mummy," Reaching across the table, Birdie grabbed a handful of birdseed from the plastic tub (Y/n) had got ready.
"Don't climb on the table!"
(Y/n) hurried over and picked Birdie up before she wobbled or toppled the table over. The last thing she needed was her daughter crashing through the table or breaking her arm.
"Put the food in, and they'll come to you. See?" (Y/n) held Birdie high enough to put the seed in her hand into the rectangle feeder. She set her toddler back down on the floor and re-filled her watering can so she could finish their morning task.
A wave of dizziness washed over (Y/n) just as she finished filling both feeders and Birdie climbed onto the chair again to spy for the birds. She reached her hand out to steady herself on the door so she didn't fall. Vertigo only amplified (Y/n)'s heart problems. She suffered with fluctuating blood pressure that usually dropped too low. And her heart didn't pump blood around her body quickly enough because one of the valves in her heart was loose.
It meant (Y/n) suffered with a lot of headaches, dizzy spells which led to falls and bruises, and a lot of fainting spells.
Her hand bashed into the glass door and she leaned against it to keep herself upright while she tried to take deep breaths. She didn't see Birdie move until suddenly her daughter was in front of her, wrapping both arms around (Y/n)'s legs and looking up at her with those big green eyes.
"I help." She murmured quietly into (Y/n)'s legs and (Y/n) wasn't sure if she wanted to try and hold (Y/n) up so she didn't fall, or if she wanted to help feed the birds again.
Either way, Birdie leaned into (Y/n) who in turn had to lean further on the door.
A gasp broke past her lips when the door moved. (Y/n) fell backwards, landing on the floor with a thump as her shoulders bashed into the glass door and Birdie landed on her legs with a giggle.
(Y/n) took a deep breath and blinked furiously until it cleared the spots that danced in front of her eyes. She reached her hand down and rubbed up and down Birdie's back as she pushed to sit up. But when (Y/n) turned to the right and looked at the door, her shoulders slumped and she groaned.
"Oh no."
The door had shut. It had a safety lock; once it was shut the lock turned and it couldn't be opened without turning the key, which was on the inside.
They were locked out on their balcony.
"The door's locked… and my phone is inside." Reaching her hands out, (Y/n) shifted Birdie so she was sat on the floor, giving (Y/n) the room to slowly stand up and ward off the lightheaded feeling that swallowed her.
She had left her phone on the sofa next to her laptop. She should have put her shoe or a toy in the doorway to prevent them both from being locked out. But they had never had an apartment with a balcony before and (Y/n) didn't think they would get locked out here. She couldn't get inside, they were five stories high, and she didn't have her phone to call for help.
Would people down on the street hear if she called down? Would they listen, or would they think she was a silly rambler or a girl playing a prank?
Maybe she was going to have to try and break the glass door to get back inside. What could she hit it with?
The neighbour.
The new neighbour, he had his balcony door open. (Y/n) could hear his radio blasting out music, surely that meant he was home? Or was he in the habit of leaving his radio on and his balcony door open when he went out? No one would scale the side of the building to break into an apartment, it was foolish and they would be caught out. Surely he had to be home.
"I think we need to try and call out for the new neighbour."
(Y/n) leaned over the left side of the balcony and tried to see into the next door neighbour's balcony. There was a two foot gap between their balconies which wasn't a lot, but there was no way (Y/n) would risk climbing over, not without permission or the neighbour knowing. It would be her luck to scare him and then fall.
"Um… excuse me? Hello?" She pressed her hands down on the thick metal rail and tried to lean across.
A smile danced across her lips when she watched Birdie climb up onto the chair beside her and look over. The toddler shook her watering can over the edge until it sprayed a splattering stream of water across onto the other balcony to try and catch his attention.
(Y/n) had only met him once. He was the image of a tall, handsome stranger with a melting smile and a sweet, almost lovesick expression that made (Y/n)'s knees go weak.
She was sure his name was Evan, but she didn't want to call out to him just in case it wasn't him who was at home. (Y/n) had no idea if he lived on his own, if he was married or had a roommate. She didn't want to make more of a fool of herself than she was about to if someone heard her call for help.
"Excuse me?"
"Neighbour!" Birdie squealed and chucked a handful of birdseed across and watched it scatter across the other balcony floor and spray against the window. It made a clinking sound as it hit the glass window and repelled off out into the air.
Panic and confusion dwelled in the pit of Evan's stomach when he looked out towards the window.
He finished his twentieth sit-up and took a deep breath, feeling the sweat roll down the back of his neck. He tore the headphones from his ears and pushed up from the floor so he could go over to the balcony.
Evan always left the door open when he was doing a work-out. He had the radio on in the background and his headphones in so he could listen to a podcast and have music in the background. His mind needed to be dulled down with so many different noises to keep him calm and focused. And he forgot he'd left the radio on.
Sweat trickled down his forehead and made his black gym shirt stick to his back while his shorts flagged around his knees. He padded across to the balcony and looked around to see what had hit the window.
Why the Hell did he have seeds on his balcony? The birds didn't tend to drop their food when they flew over. And someone couldn't have thrown it this high up. Did his upstairs neighbour drop some?
"Neighbour!" A high-pitch squeal caught Evan's attention and he headed out into the sunshine and glanced around.
When his eyes landed on a vibrant little girl, clutching a watering can to her chest, his lips curved up into a grin. And his eyes narrowed when he looked over at the other girl on the balcony. His new neighbour. (Y/n). The girl who apparently worked from home, although Evan wasn't sure what job she did to do that.
"Did uh… did you want me, for something?" He approached the edge of the balcony and leaned his elbows down as he stared across at the two of them.
"I'm sorry, but we've… we're locked out here, the door shut on us. Can you help us, please?"
The smile on Evan's face softened and he leaned to take a quick look over at the door. It was the same as his. He always kept a block of wood in front of the door when he was out here, he didn't want to risk getting stuck on the balcony, just like them.
"Is your front door open?" Evan ran his hand across his chin and jaw when (Y/n) shook her head. "I can get you both over the rail and into my flat, then we can find a way to get you back inside. How's that?"
"Thank you."
(Y/n) wasn't sure she had ever felt so relieved or happy to have a stranger's help.
"Okay." Evan clapped his hands together and pushed up, leaning his hips against the railing so he could plant his hands down on their balcony instead of his own. He locked his eyes on the little girl who couldn't have been more than four years old.
She had wide green eyes that looked like the sea that they could scarcely see in the background view from their windows. He watched her set down her watering can and push up, leaning as close as she could until their noses were almost touching.
"What's your name, beautiful?"
"Birdie." Her tongue poked between her teeth and she perched her chin on her hands, clearly flustered at the attention.
"That's a lovely name. Everybody calls me Buck." His eyes danced across to (Y/n) before he looked back at Birdie. "Can I pick you up?"
(Y/n) pressed her hand against Birdie's back and nodded so she knew it was okay. She wasn't the best around strangers because she would talk to anyone. Birdie thought everyone was safe and talking to strangers was normal, she was too trusting. But Evan seemed safe.
He smiled brightly as he carefully held Birdie's small waist and lifted her up off the chair she was standing on. Her hands clenched down around his forearms and she held tight as he pulled back and hoisted her quickly over the balcony so he didn't scare her.
"There you go." Evan set her down on her feet beside him, but he stayed crouched in front of her when she didn't let him go. "You stay there for me, beautiful, and I'll get your mum over. Okay?" He nudged her until she was near the door so she wasn't anywhere near the balcony rail. He didn't want to take any chances.
(Y/n) sucked in a deep breath and punctured her teeth down into her lower lip as she looked over the edge. It wasn't a big leap over, two feet separated the wide railings and going over the side like this wasn't dangerous when they had another six feet of railing spread out to the right.
But she didn't do well with heights in any sense of the word when her vertigo came into play.
"You're safe, you know. I'm a fireman, this is kind of my day to day stuff." Evan held his hands out and gripped (Y/n)'s hands tight when she gingerly reached out for him.
"I should probably let you know that I have vertigo, shouldn't I?"
"Oh, now you tell me."
The way Evan smiled and laughed made (Y/n)'s lips curve into a grin despite the panic she felt as she pushed up onto her knees on the railing. Her chest ignited with adrenaline and a shiver coursed down her spine when Evan let go of her hands so he could cup the back of her thighs.
Her hands immediately clamped down on his shoulders and she tilted her chin down until their noses were almost touching as Evan stared up at her.
"I'd rather you didn't stand up, if you're at risk of a wobble." He murmured quietly, unable to breathe properly when he stared up at her.
He pulled her closer and grinned when her chest merged with his and he turned to the left and pulled (Y/n) with him. He carefully swung her over the rail and turned to set her down next to him.
"Oh," (Y/n) tightened her hands on his shoulders and flopped her head forward onto Evan's chest when she felt the blood drain down to her toes. She felt his hands move to hold her hips and he mumbled "deep breaths," into her ear and (Y/n) swore she could feel him smiling against the shell of her ear.
"Okay?" His thumb brushed up and down (Y/n)'s hip and he leaned back to look down at her when she finally took a step back and held herself upright.
"Hm, I- I'm sorry-"
"No apologies, you're all good." After a few seconds of lingering, Evan finally found the courage to pull his hands away and place them on his own hips where it was safer.
He looked down at Birdie when she gingerly pulled on the hem of his shorts to gain his attention. "You a fireman?"
"I am."
Evan couldn't stop the way he smiled when she reached out for his hand. She didn't know him at all and yet she was smiling up at him like she had known him all her life. He kept his gaze on her as he motioned for her to head inside, feeling (Y/n) close behind him as they trailed back into his apartment.
"You drive the truck, with wee-woo noises on?" Her beady eyes took in his apartment like she was inspecting it for something and it made Evan chuckle. He wasn't sure what she thought she would find. Maybe she figured his apartment should be bright shades of red and white, like the trucks. Or she thought she would find a toy firetruck somewhere or his helmet and a fire pole to slide down.
"I can drive the truck sometimes, yeah. If your mum wants, I could show you around the station…" Evan crouched down until he was Birdie's level and he let her keep hold of his hand. "You can sit in the truck if you like, too."
Her wide smile told him he had just made a new friend.
Throwing the teatowel over his shoulder, Evan turned off the oven and reached in to take out the lasagne he'd made. It was starting to become a ritual that on his days off, Evan would make some of Bobby's recipes and see if he could get up to scratch with Bobby's level of cooking.
He was doing well so far, but everything he made was always missing something. Evan wasn't sure whether it was his level of perfection that was holding him back, but he was sure he missed things out on everything he made. No one else seemed to think so.
The lasagne he'd just made would probably be split so Eddie and Chris could have some. God knew Eddie wasn't the best chef in the world.
Evan hummed along to the music playing on the radio, but his lips pulled into a frown when a rapid knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts.
He wasn't expecting anyone.
He knew Maddie and Chimney were both at work today and Hen didn't often come by his place unless they had set up to go out drinking. And Chris would be finishing school soon so it couldn't be Eddie stopping by either.
He took the teatowel from his shoulder and tossed it on the counter before he made his way through the kitchen, towards the front door.
A bright smile lit up Evan's features the moment he opened the door and looked down. It was Birdie. The three year old had her hair up in a ponytail at the back of her head and with her hair being thin, it sprayed out behind her like she had been electrocuted.
She was wearing a pale pink Minnie Mouse shirt that was covered in flour and what Evan guessed was a drink she had spilled.
"Hey little bird, are you okay?" Evan took a quick peek down the hall to the left before he looked back down at Birdie. Her apartment door was open. Maybe (Y/n) had let Birdie wander down here to ask Evan something.
He knew now that (Y/n) was a writer which allowed her to work from home so when Birdie wasn't at nursery, (Y/n) was always there to look after her.
It had been a frightening surprise last week when he'd just come home from a night shift. By chance, he went to open the balcony door and heard (Y/n) scream. Birdie had been trying to climb up onto the rail. She wanted to see Evan so badly she thought the best way was to climb over the railing and get into his apartment like they had done the first time.
Evan had politely told her if she ever wanted to see him, she should just knock on the front door. It was much safer and if he was home, he would always answer the door to her.
"Yeah," Birdie reached up to take Evan's hand in both of hers and started swinging it back and forth until he crouched down in front of her. "Can you help?"
"What do you need help with?" He couldn't refrain from smiling when Birdie focused on his hand and started to trace her finger across the lines in his palm. Despite how shy Birdie seemed, she had attached herself to Evan straight away. If they bumped into each other in the hall or outside, she would run across to him and grab him.
She squealed and clapped if she saw him out on the balcony at the same time as her and (Y/n). Something Evan admittedly was doing on purpose because he knew what time they went out to water the plants and feed the birds.
Evan wanted an excuse to see them both and he loved the way Birdie would smile when she saw him. He was starting to find that the more he bumped into (Y/n), the brighter his mood became. He liked (Y/n)'s smile. He liked the way she would brush her hair anxiously behind her ear whenever they talked. He liked her laugh and her humour and the random things she would come out with.
"You a fireman, so can you help mummy?"
"Why, what does mummy need help with? She's not on the balcony again, is she?"
"She fell over, and now she asleep." Birdie kept hold of Evan's hand as he pushed up onto his feet again and reached his free hand out to grab his keys.
If (Y/n) had fallen, Evan would take a guess that she had fainted rather than knocked herself out. When she told him about her weak heart valve, he asked Hen about the symptoms and what it meant. It didn't sit well with Evan that (Y/n) was alone next door with Birdie.
Not in a bad sense, but in a sense that she didn't have any family out here and she didn't know many people. Evan knew it would be safer for her if she had a safety net, a support network of people in case something like this happened or she was ill or needed help looking after Birdie or herself. It was why Evan told her if she ever needed anything, she should come round and talk to him.
"Okay, let's go help her."
He closed the front door behind him and let Birdie keep a tight grip on his hand. She led him down the hall as if he didn't know how to get to her apartment.
The pair of them wandered into the apartment and Evan took a moment to glance around.
Every time he had seen the girls, they had either been outside or they had come into Evan's apartment. He had never been in their home before.
There were a lot of fake plants dotted around in a variety of colours and the kitchen was a lovely mint blue colour that added a lot of light into the space. When Birdie guided him past the stairs and towards the living room at the back of the apartment, Evan stared in wonder.
There was a reading corner behind the stairs. Stickers littered the wall, book quotes, stickers of open books and story characters and a rainbow. There was a dark blue beanbag and a bookshelf and hanging from the ceiling were a variety of paper birds and hanging felt birds.
And then there was (Y/n).
There was a desk in the other corner of the room behind the sofa with a lot of notebooks, highlighters, pens and stickers littering the top of the desk along with a laptop.
Either (Y/n) had tried to stand up and went lightheaded or she felt funny before she moved. She was now laid on the floor a foot away from her desk chair with her hair half-covering her face and her body slumped on her left side. It was almost as if she had tried to get herself into the recovery position before she passed out.
"Why don't you sit there, little bird, while I help your mum." Evan picked Birdie up and gently sat her down on her beanbag so she could still see him but she wasn't in the way either.
Once she was settled, Evan turned round and knelt down behind (Y/n)'s back. He could feel Birdie's eyes on him but it wasn't unpleasant or anything new, he was used to being observed when he was at work.
He hooked his finger around a tendril of hair and brushed it behind (Y/n)'s ear and the pad of his finger delicately brushed over her cheek before he shook his head and snapped back into focus. His index and middle fingers pressed against (Y/n)'s neck just below her jaw and he looked down at his watch, counting the beats per minute.
Slow, but that was to be expected with (Y/n)'s heart condition. An elevated pulse would be more worrying.
He hovered his hand over the middle of (Y/n)'s chest, level with her sternum and pressed down just enough to feel how she was breathing. Shallow, but her breaths were starting to get a little deeper which was good.
"(Y/n)? Love, can you hear me?"
Evan curled his hand into a fist and started to rub his knuckles up and down her sternum to try and bring her back round. When he felt her head nudge back against his other arm, he found himself smiling down at her softly.
"Come here," He murmured quietly. He slipped his left arm beneath her shoulders and carefully lifted her up off her side. She stayed limp and floppy in his arms but he was sure he heard her try to mumble something. He held her waist and eased her back up against his chest, letting her head flop back onto his shoulder.
Sitting up would help her wake up, the last thing Evan wanted was for her to wake up lying down and then faint when she sat up and the blood drained from her head again.
"That's better, how do you feel?" Evan rubbed his hand up and down (Y/n)'s arm to keep her focused and concentrating on waking back up. While his other hand moved back to her neck so he could keep a check on her pulse.
"B-Birdie…" (Y/n) tried to open her eyes but they rolled to the back of her head when all the colours meshed together like a canvas that had been drenched in water. Her head was pounding. She could feel the blood rushing back to her temple and it hurt. It always hurt. It would take a few minutes for her system to settle and for her head to come down from the clouds.
"She's here, she's safe. She came round to get me when you fainted."
A shiver tore down Evan's spine when (Y/n) fumbled to reach her right hand up until she could slump her arm on his shoulder and cup the back of his neck. He watched her lips curve into a tepid smile and when her head lolled to the right, she tried again to look up at him and focus on him.
"She got our fireman." Her voice was weak and croaky, but Evan made out her words and it sent his heart crashing through his ribs and hammering blood through each vessel in his body.
He was their fireman. That was how both of them thought of him and that thought made him high on adrenaline.
"Yes she did." He couldn't speak very loud, Evan didn't trust his voice because he knew it would give away how he felt about her. "Um, you, you didn't hurt yourself when you fell, did you?" Evan tripped over his words and let his eyes dance up and down (Y/n)'s frame to check for any injuries.
She could have hurt herself in multiple places if she landed the wrong way or went down with a bang. Evan didn't know if (Y/n) had managed to lower herself down or if she went down like a ton of bricks.
(Y/n) danced her eyes across to her daughter and tried to smile when Birdie got up and trotted over towards the kitchen. She would most likely find her beaker of juice or watch the birds out the window for a while. But God knows if Evan tried to leave without telling Birdie first, she would grab him before he stepped foot out the door.
"Let's get you up then, shall we?"
She took a deep breath when Evan's arms curled around her waist. Reaching down, she curled her hands tightly around his wrists and tried to hold her head up off his shoulder but moving her head made stars dance in front of her eyes.
Her knees trembled when Evan slowly stood up and pulled her along with him and she could feel her legs about to give way, but it didn't matter. Evan didn't let go of her. His arms stayed looped around her middle and when he propped his chin up on her shoulder, she almost fainted again.
They moved like they were conjoined and when Evan carefully eased (Y/n) down onto the sofa, she reached out and grabbed his wrist.
It took him by surprise, but his lips curved into a soft smile and he gladly perched down next to her so their knees were touching and his hip was meshed against hers.
(Y/n) kept her eyes on their hands as she let go of Evan's wrist to slide her fingers down across his palm. She gingerly curled her fingers around his hand and gave a light squeeze, as if testing the waters between them.
"Thank you… I, I don't know what Birdie would do if it happened and we didn't know you."
She dreaded to think what Birdie would have done if this happened and they hadn't gotten to know Evan. (Y/n) liked to think that Birdie wouldn't panic and would sit and wait patiently and that (Y/n) would get up soon and be fine. But she didn't dare let her mind wander to what could have happened. Birdie could have wandered off in search of help, she could have found a neighbour who wasn't so nice or trustworthy.
At least with Evan being the man he was and being next door, it meant that if he was home, (Y/n) knew if Birdie went to him, she would be safe. She would be safe going to their fireman next door.
"Hey, I told you if you need me just come find me and Birdie knows she can come round and get me for anything you guys need." Evan was glad he had told Birdie to come over and get him if she needed him. He would come over every time they asked and Evan would rather Birdie take the risk to come find him than wait around on her own and risk her safety and (Y/n)'s health.
"Well, thank you for coming over, and I'm sorry we had to drag you over here like that." It was pure luck that Evan had been home and not on shift, but (Y/n) couldn't help feeling bad. He could have been having friends or family or a date over and she and Birdie could have gone and ruined everything for him.
"You don't need to thank me."
"I do, we've just messed up your day-" (Y/n) stopped abruptly when Evan let go of her hand.
Her chest tightened in anticipation when his hand reached out to cup the side of her face instead. His thumb swiped across the corner of her lip and she could feel his fingers tickling the back of her neck behind her ear which made shivers course up and down her back.
"I think you've just made my day better… and I know a way you can thank me, if you like." His day hadn't been ruined, far from it. Evan's day had just got ten times better to spend it with (Y/n) and Birdie, because there was no way he was going home yet and risking (Y/n) feeling unwell again. And something told him Birdie wasn't going to let him leave either.
Her hand shook when she cupped the back of his wrist and her lips rolled together as she waited for him to explain or more or do something to show what he meant.
As much as she was expecting it, (Y/n) still felt surprised when Evan kissed her. His warm lips on hers was still a shock to her system, even though she had been praying this is what he was insinuating.
She tilted her head forward until her nose bumped into Evan's but it wasn't enough. (Y/n) pushed her chest into his and leaned over until Evan curved his free arm around her waist and pinned his hand against her lower back between her hips. His upper body leaned back so (Y/n) was almost lying on top of him and when (Y/n) took the opportunity to sink her teeth into his bottom lip, she felt his chest vibrate with a growl. It was quiet but deep enough to made her core quake.
When they parted, panting for air, Evan swiped his thumb along her cheek and something swirled in his eyes when she pulled his lip between hers before releasing it with a pop.
Evan tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes slightly when (Y/n) began to laugh. He let his hand slide around to hold the back of her neck and he pressed his temple against hers, letting his eyes search through hers to see what was so funny all of a sudden.
"Nothing, I just… I think I'm gonna have some competition for your attention, that's all."
As much as (Y/n) found herself captured by Evan, she knew her daughter was too, in a different manner though. Birdie had found a friend in Evan, someone to look up to and who she wanted to be around and (Y/n) knew if this was the start of something, her daughter would be vying for his attention too.
"I think I like the sound of that." Evan tightened his arm around (Y/n)'s waist so she was leaning further into his chest and he grinned when she curled her arms around his back before she stole his lips in another kiss.
(Y/n) felt his hand move from her neck and she was sure that when he held the back of her thigh, he was going to pull her onto his lap. But he didn't get chance. His fingertips dug into her flesh and his nose nudged hers when Birdie's voice rung through the air.
"Birds! We have birds… Buck come see." She dropped her beaker onto the small side table near the balcony door and turned to trot towards the living room.
With a lasting kiss against her wet lips, Evan gave her thigh a squeeze and slowly tore himself away from her so he could wander over to find where her toddler was. Evan clapped his hands when he found her and he reached down, scooping her up into his arms so he could settle her down on his hip.
"Birds," She repeated quietly, pointing over to the window but Evan scarcely looked out before he turned his attention back towards the girl on his hip.
"I think the prettiest bird is right here."
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