#mook does art
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mookthecoroner · 8 months ago
Tfw you accidentally get into Star wars the clone wars.
Anyways here's my goobers because I compulsively make characters and cannot stop
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First we have Manthras K'neel, a Jedi who's whole schtick is self discipline, they grow to become a seriel Padawan master, picking out the troublemakers and "hopeless cases" (ft their first Padawan they watched grow up, yet to be named)
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Next we have CT-1201 "Asher", the head fire, health and safety officer in the Corrie guard. He's on the verge of a breakdown and going to get violent about it if nobody takes the guidelines seriously. (Did I come up with a fire safety officer uniform because I could? Yes. Yes I did.)
He runs the fire response team in the guard, might make a long post about my boys if I feel like it.
Anyways yeah :D
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iwantadamusername · 2 months ago
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i blame @smilysstuff
Agent Massachusetts, or "Mass" adores all that goes boom and relishes in any opportunity to Chill--she also prefers the ODST helmets, always nicks one every time hers gets replaced
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mookthecoroner · 11 days ago
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I did a comic because it felt needed
"You're losing blood" no I know exactly where it is. The floor. Don't ever underestimate me.
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boodlesofdoodles · 1 month ago
hello BASEketball tumblr nation. i have a doodle
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also i know i haven’t posted in forever.. i’ve unfortunately been bitten by the trey and matt bug (again..) and have been just. drawing south park and medias adjacent art non stop ☹️
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stoic--rose · 2 months ago
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if she fits, she sits (non colored version under the cut)
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tbmunson · 2 years ago
Escape - Gareth Emerson x Reader
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Summary: You and Gareth get paired for the most important art project of the semester.
Warnings: Slow burn, idiots in love, caring for Gareth's sisters.
WC: 4,730
Notes: I'm in recovery for surgery, so updates will be slow. Shout out to @ashes-writing for being my absolute bestie and letting me bounce ideas.
1 / 2 / 3
“Okay, class, you’ll work as partners for your final project.” Mr. Greely the art teacher stated, earning a cheer from the class. “I wouldn’t cheer so fast. I paired you up myself. This project is to make art based on what you learn about your partner, hence the little questionnaire at your tables. It can be a painting, drawing, or sculpture. Any audio recordings or mixed tapes will be given a zero. This is art, not band.
You rolled your eyes, but not because you wouldn’t be working with Tiffany, the only other cheerleader in the class, but because there was a chance you’d have to work with one of the meatheaded basketball players. You didn’t really want to work with her either, but that was a whole other can of worms.
Mr. Greely droned on, only catching your attention when he said your name. “You’ll be working with Emerson.”
Your eyes widened, which caught the attention of a few of your classmates who began to giggle. The panic was not from the boy himself, rather the fear you would accidentally fall harder for him if you got to really know him. Your focus was disrupted by shuffling next to you as Gareth settled into the desk paired with yours. “Hi.” You said softly, meek almost.
Gareth assumed this was due to disdain for him, presented a bit more politely. He did hear the giggles after all. “What’s up?” Not a question, just a simple acknowledgement to your greeting.
You studied his side profile, debating the different art forms you could use to relay the puffy haired metalhead next to you.
“You have a month to complete this project. Oh, and, your partner will be grading you on how well they think you relay them to the world. That does have an effect on the overall grade, so get to know each other.” Mr. Greely finished as the bell rang.
“So, I don’t know if you’re busy tonight with it being Friday and all, but my house is free tonight if you want to come do the questionnaire.” You offered sweetly as you packed your notebook into your bag.
“I, uh, have to watch my sisters tonight, but, if you want to, I mean, you can come to my place.” His nerves were apparent, which made you smile.
“Yeah, I’ll find you at lunch and finalize the details.” You gripped the strap to your backpack and turned to meet Tiffany at the door.
She sputtered out a laugh as she glanced over her shoulder to Gareth. “You really got paired with the freak, huh?”
You couldn’t stop the eye roll. “Tiff, I’ve known him since forever. He’s a sweet guy. Just because he listens to different music and doesn’t dress the same doesn’t make him a freak.” You replied, trying to keep your tone level so as to not snap at the head of the cheerleading team.
“He plays a fucking fantasy game, babe. It’s weird.” She chirps back as if it was common knowledge.
“It’s an escape. Everyone has an escape. You totally zone out when you cheer. That’s your escape.” You’re fully annoyed now, but not showing it, which is hard due to the fact that she just laughs, mumbling a “Whatever.” under her breath.
You break off into your math class and sit next to Eddie Munson. “Hey, Eddie.” You say, catching his attention.
He peeks around you, looking around.
“What are you doing?” You ask, furrowing your brows.
“Wondering why Hawkins High’s very own princess is trying to talk to me. Not that I’m complaining. Just curious.” He responded with an amused look.
You can’t help the small smile that spreads at his antics. “I’m talking to you because I’m a nice person and I let you cheat off of me. It’s time to repay the favor.”
“Ooh, princess wants something from the freak. Enlighten me.” He taps the tips of his fingers together in a way that would mook maniacal if it weren’t Eddie.
You roll your eyes at the dramatics. “I have an art project and I need-”
“I will not model naked for you if that’s what you’re asking.” He had a very serious look on his face, which meant he was totally joking, something you’d come to know sitting next to him in three different classes.
You smacked his arm and furrowed your brow. “No. I need the inside scoop on Gareth. He’s my partner and I have to get to know him, like really get to know him for this project.”
Eddie nods, resting his chin in his hand. “Okay. I can help you with that. As long as I keep copying your homework and cheating off of your tests.” He smirked, a wide grin plastering his face.
“In all honesty, I didn’t even think about using that as a threat.” You giggled, reaching over and scribbling your number onto a page with a scratched out doodle in his notebook. “Call me tomorrow. I’ll be at Gareth’s tonight.”
“Oh yeah, date night.” Eddie replied kind of like an off hand comment.
“It’s not a date, Eddie.” Your eyes were wide again like they had been in art class.
Eddie laughed and shook his head. “I mean his parents. He has to watch his sisters. Although I may be reading into that reaction a little too much, but I think you-”
“Not another word or the copying does stop.” Your face was hard, begging him not to speak the words you already knew were true. You would like to go on a date with him, but this, getting to really know him as part of a project, it’ll work too. Better, you convince yourself. Better because there’s no pressure to actually like him and if you don’t, well at least you'll know and you can stop this pitiful pining over him.
“Yes, your highness.” Eddie bows as much as he can while sitting before the teacher begins class.
Two class periods later you were headed to lunch. Once you made it to the cafeteria you headed right for the Hellfire table, leaving a very confused Stephanie in the doorway. As you approached a group of freshmen were settled at the table. “Hi, does Gareth sit here?” You knew he did, but striking up a conversation would be better than just claiming a seat that didn’t belong to you.
The curly haired one looked up, surprised a cheerleader was talking to him. “I, uh, yeah.” he sputtered, earning a glare from the dark haired one.
“Dude, you can’t just tell people like-” He cuts himself off, looking up at you and wondering if you’d tear him a new one.
You laughed and leaned against the table. “I know. People like me have a bad rap, and usually for good reason. I have an art project with Gareth and we need to go over some details. No malice. No ill intent. Pinky promise.” You held out your pinky, waiting for one of the group to make their move.
The smaller boy with a bowl cut reaches out, linking his pinky with yours. “He’ll be here in a few. He usually takes a smoke break before coming to lunch. That’s his seat,” He points to a chair on the edge of the opposite side of the table. “And Jeff isn’t here today, so the spot next to him is open if you want to sit.”
“Thank you.” You smile before rounding the table and sitting in the middle seat. “My name is Y/N, by the way.” You offer a hand over the table for any one of them to take.
The curly haired boy reaches over and shakes it, “I’m Dustin, this is Mike and Will.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys. So, how does Dungeons and Dragons work? I’ve never played but it seems interesting from what I’ve seen.” You can’t find it in yourself to regret the question as Dustin and Will go into an in depth explanation of the game. You were so drawn in that you didn’t notice Gareth walking up to the table, or the look of horror as the freshmen bombarded you with facts about a fantasy game, even if he loved that fantasy game more than most things.
“Alright you guys, I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear about DnD.” Gareth sighed as he sat, drawing the attention of the four of you.
You gave him a playful glare. “I asked, actually. It sounds like a lot of fun. Very creative.” You were smiling by the end.
Gareth nodded, unable to help the thought that you were only saying that to seem nice and use it against them later. He immediately felt bad because in all the years of classes together, you’d never been that way. “Okay, well, I’m sorry. You can continue, Dustin.”
“Actually, Dustin, as much as I want to hear the differences in characters, I really need to get some stuff settled with Gareth about this project. How about I come sit here on Monday and you and Will can finish telling me about it.” You offered, finding the kids incredibly charming and utterly adorable.
“Yeah!” Dustin replied, opening a book to keep track of what he’d filled you in on already.
Gareth chuckled and leaned over to whisper to you. “You really don’t have to let them torture you like this.” The way his voice rumbled in your ear mixed with the warmth of his breath cascading down your neck, you knew you were screwed.
“Gare, really, I want to know about it. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t.” You assured him, placing a hand on his forearm and giving it a small squeeze.
Gareth didn’t know what else to say, so he only offered a crooked smile instead.
“Good, it’s settled. Now to the main task at hand. What time do I need to come over?”
He shrugged and went over the schedule in his head. “I’m gonna do dinner at 5:30, give them a bath, and let them play. They’ll be out by 7:30.” He offered more as a question.
“Or, I can bring dinner from Benny’s around 6, help you give them a bath, and we can all watch a movie before they go to bed.” You twisted a curl around your finger as you waited for his response.
He nodded and smiled. “Yeah, they’d like that.”
You slid your notebook and a pen in front of him. “Write down your order and I’ll be over by six.”
“Do you even know where I live?” He quirked a brow as he scribbled down an order.
“Gareth Emerson, I have lived down the street from you my whole life. Of course I know where you live.” You reached out and gently smacked his shoulder.
Gareth laughed and held a hand up in surrender. “I’m just making sure. I’d hate for you to get lost and leave me starving.” He jokes, sliding the notebook across the table with the order, along with his number. “See you tonight?”
“For sure, but you’re going to see me sitting here for the rest of lunch, if that’s okay with you.” You looked up at him through your lashes.
“It’s totally fine!” Dustin said, grabbing your attention. You’d almost forgotten about the freshmen sitting across from you.
You laughed and nodded, knowing he wanted to continue his spill about the different kinds of characters.
The end of the day came and you were headed out to your car when you were stopped by Tiffany. “What in the hell were you doing at that table of freaks during lunch?”
Your jaw clenched, but you didn’t let your anger show. “I had to come up with a plan for this project. Gareth is my partner. Art is the only class we have together and I’d like to get it started sooner rather than later.”
Tiffany scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t let it happen again.”
“Actually, I’ll be there Monday too, and probably a few times throughout the next couple of weeks. I’ll sit with you guys on game days so no one sees me in my uniform at their table, but this project is important to me. Art is important to me. You know I want to be an artist. If getting to know him is what it takes to make a kickass piece, then I’m doing it.” Your tone wasn’t harsh, but it was firm, letting her know there would be no room for negotiation.
She didn’t say anything, just stomped away, which caught the attention of the older Hellfire members.
“I think she just stood up for us.” Grant said, eyebrows raised.
Gareth pressed his back against the brick wall and looked up at the tin of the sidewalk covers. “Fuck.” He shook his head as he breathed deeply.
“What, Emerson?” Eddie cocked a brow at Gareth’s pained expression.
“I don’t know. Like, this is going to be so hard. I’ve only been in love with her since kindergarten. Now she’s sitting at my lunch table, standing up for me and my friends, and she’s coming to my fucking house tonight. How am I supposed to do this?”
Eddie couldn’t help but to laugh at his friend's pained expression. “I usually don’t get in the middle of this crap, but, earlier I made a joke about it being date night. She got really defensive, and that’s fully a sign that she’s into you. Maybe just go for it?”
“You’re so full of shit, Munson. She’s just a nice person and didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.” He replied, finally pushing himself off the wall. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow at practice. Gotta get home so my parents can head out.”
Eddie and Grant mumbled their goodbyes before making their way to Eddie’s van.
It was currently 5:50 and you’d just pulled into the Emerson’s driveway with a passenger seat full of food and shakes. You released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding before cutting the engine and getting out of the car. You’d barely made it to the passenger door when the glossy red door to the house flung open.
“Lori, get back here!” Gareth’s exhausted yell came as he chased her down the steps, not yet realizing you’d arrived. He scooped her up as she giggled.
“I was trying to see your friend!” Lori‘s giggles quickly turned into a whine when she realized her brother had no plans to put her feet back on the ground.
Gareth finally looked up, making eye contact with you as you rested your elbow on the roof of the car. “Hey, uh, sorry. One sec.” He finally returned Lori’s feet to the ground but made her look at him. “Go back inside. I’m going to help Y/N bring the food in and you can see her in there, okay?”
She pouted but nodded before walking slowly to the house.
“Someone’s got the dad voice down.” You smiled, bending to grab the bags as Gareth made his way over to you in a pair of grey sweat pants and a faded Metallica shirt.
“Yeah, well, someone had to be when my dad split a few years ago. Rick is nice though.” He replied, reaching to take the bags out of your hands.
You nodded, smiling as his skin brushed yours. “I think you’re doing a great job considering she actually listened.” You offered before bending back down to get the drink tray with the shakes.
Gareth planned on replying, but he was silenced by the sight of you bent over and the amount of leg coming out of the old practice cheer shorts you’d changed into. He watched you stand and bump the door with your hip to close it.
“C’mon Gare, shakes are melting.” You said, taking a few steps towards his house.
He nodded and followed wordlessly. This was going to be a lot harder than he thought.
As you and his sisters settled into the table Gareth apologized again that his sisters threw a fit to both sit next to you.
“They’re fine, Gareth. Tell your brother to stop worrying so much, Lori.”
“Yeah, stop worrying that much.” She sassed, making you laugh and Gareth roll his eyes.
“I don’t know how Clara expects me to help her with her food all the way over there.” He gave the youngest girl a look as if to say ‘didn’t think of that, did you’.
“I’ve got it. It’s just chicken and fries. She’s safe in my care.” You assured him as you opened the small styrofoam container to start tearing the strips into more manageable pieces for a two year old
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to.” He replied sincerely.
You sighed and turned to look at him. “Gareth, it’s okay to let people do stuff for you. If I minded I wouldn’t be doing it. Do you trust that?”
He was at a loss for words, only nodding in response.
“Good. Now eat your burger before it gets cold.” You instructed as you finished tearing the chicken. “One at a time, Clara. Don’t put another in your mouth until the first one is all gone, okay?”
The small girl with white curly hair and bright blue doe eyes nodded, reaching for a piece of her chicken.
You popped a fry into your mouth, fully ready to dive into your burger when there was a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see Lori looking at you with a pout.
“Can you do my chicken too? Pretty please.” She looked like she was scared you would say no.
“Of course, baby doll! Let me see.” You pulled her plate over to you and started ripping the chicken into bits.
“Lori, you eat strips all the time.” Gareth stated after swallowing a bite of his burger.
“Gareth, eat your burger and let her be. She wants my attention and that’s okay.” You assured him, cutting your eyes over to look at him across the table without moving your head very much.
“But your food is going to get cold.” He urged as you took on the second strip.
“We’ll call it practice for being a real mom one day. Cold food, cold coffee, hot ice cream.”
“Ew! Hot ice cream!” Lori laughed as you pushed her plate back towards her.
You couldn’t help but join in. Her laugh is tinkly like a fairy, contagious.
“Okay, alright, I won’t say anything else.” He raised his hands in surrender before going back to his food.
The rest of the meal went by quietly, ending with you spooning the girls' shared shake into separate cups.
Once dessert was had, it was bath time, resulting in your cheer camp t-shirt getting soaking wet.
“I am so sorry. Let me get you a shirt.” Gareth was red from embarrassment.
You, however, were still smiling. “Okay, Gare. I’ll get them dried off and changed, then I’ll come find you about the shirt.”
He nodded and left the bathroom.
“Are you my brother’s girlfriend?” Lori asked once she was sure Gareth was gone.
You giggled a bit and shook your head as you pulled her nightgown over her head. “No, baby doll, I’m not. We go to school together. He’s my friend.”
She nodded and her face twisted in thought. “Will you be his girlfriend?”
You gave her a soft smile. “Yeah, I hope so one day.” You winked at her before turning to help Clara into her nightgown. “Why don’t you girls go down stairs to the couch while I go find Gareth and change, hm?”
Lori nodded and took Clara’s hand to lead her away.
You sighed and pushed yourself from the floor.
It didn’t take much to figure out which door belonged to Gareth. He had various band stickers and drawings on the door. You knocked twice.
“Come in!” He called as he snagged his favorite Motley Crue shirt from the hanger. It may or may not have been for a fantasy he had not too long ago.
You opened the door and stepped in. “Hey, I sent the girls downstairs to get settled. Just came to grab the shirt. It’s starting to get a little chilly.” You chuckled at the end, leaning against the wall.
“Okay, great. Um, you can change here if you want. I can go get the movie ready.”
You nodded and stepped further into the room. “Yeah, thanks. I’ll be down in just a second.” You said taking the worn material from his hands. Once the door clicked closed you pulled your shirt over your head and unhooked your bra which was soaked through. You hoped the shirt would be big enough that the lack of bra wouldn’t be noticeable. What you didn’t think about though, was leaving the pile of damp clothes at the foot of the bed before walking out of the room and down stairs.
“Can I sit with you!” Lori yelled as she saw you finally descend the stairs.
“Of course, baby doll.” You smiled, glancing over at Gareth who managed to go a deep shade of red.
Maybe putting you into that shirt was one of his less than stellar ideas. His mind wandered back to the dream he had the other night of you, in the shirt, on top of him- He stopped his thoughts immediately before they became too much.
You settled next to him and let Lori climb into your lap as Gareth hit play on the Care Bears movie. You ran your fingers through the six year olds hair, eventually braiding it into a nice french braid before she fell asleep. You looked over to Clara who was dead asleep in Gareth’s lap.
He looked over at you and then up the stairs. “They won’t wake. They sleep pretty hard. Wanna take them up and get started?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You smiled as you got a better grip on Lori. You followed Gareth up the stairs and pushed open Lori’s bedroom door. You laid her down gently in her princess bed sheets and covered her up before heading back to the hall to meet Gareth.
“You’re really good with them, you know.” He said, leading you back down the stairs and turning the light on.
“If I don’t go into art, I want to teach little ones.” You said, tucking a hair behind your ear.
“You could be the art teacher for the little ones.” Gareth offered. “Best of both worlds.”
“You’re so smart, you know that? That never crossed my mind.” You laughed a little, not believing you’d not thought of it before.
Gareth smiles as he bumped your shoulder. “Thanks. And when you do become an art teacher for little ones, make sure you credit me.” He winked before sitting on the floor at the coffee table.
You sat across from him, rolling your eyes at his joke. “I’ll put your name on the degree.” You said sarcastically as you pulled the questionnaire sheet from the spiral notebook.
Both of you took a second to look over the sheet before you spoke again.
“These are bullshit questions.” You said passively as you looked up from the bullet point asking ‘What is your partner’s favorite color.’
“Why do you say that?” He asked, putting his sheet down on the table.
You sighed and tapped your pen on your lip and you thought. “If I’m supposed to make an art piece based on you, what good is knowing your favorite food and color? I mean do I just draw a red cheeseburger? It’s so basic. Art is supposed to make you think. Make you feel something.” You emphasized before laying back on the floor.
Gareth laughed and scooted around to your side of the table to lay next to you. “You have a point, but how do you know my favorite color is red? I never told you.”
You turned your head to look at him rather than the ceiling. “I’ve lived 50 yards from you my whole life, we went to the same daycare, elementary, middle, and high school. Red is one of the few colors in your color palette. People don’t wear colors they don’t like.” You studied his face, taking in every freckle, every developing laugh line, every shade of blue and green in his eyes for the hundredth time, only this time you were much closer. It had much more of an effect on you.
“You’re very observant, you know.” His mouth ticked up into a lopsided smile as his eyes darted around your face.
“Which is you telling me that I’m right.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He laughed this time, making you smile. “You’re not as oblivious as you present yourself as. Why do you do that?” His brows furrowed as he questioned you.
You shrugged, debating your answer for a moment. “I do what I have to in order to make it where I want to go. You present yourself as a dark, twisty guy who doesn’t care about anything, yet you’ve got smile lines and you’re amazingly sweet with your sisters. Why do you do that?” You challenged with a playful smile.
“Self preservation. I’m a weird kid and if I come off as someone who’s easy to mess with, life would be a whole lot worse. So I keep myself far away from the people who don’t deserve to know me.” He explained, his eyes holding a look that you couldn’t quite place.
Before you could stop yourself you asked, “Do I deserve to know you?”
His eyes that held your gaze flickered down to your lips and back up. “Yeah. Do I deserve to know you?”
You nodded, unable to resist the urge to reach over and rest your hand on the side of his face.
The moment was quiet, intimate, and gone far too quickly as his mom and stepdad came into the house.
“Gareth, whose car is in the drive-“ his mothers voice cut off as she walked in on the innocent scene because she could feel the tension between her son and the girl laying on the floor.
You snatched your hand away quickly and looked at the woman in the doorway, praying she wouldn’t berate you for being there.
“Mom. Hey. I told you Y/N was coming by for the art project.” He was red, not from a blush but from panic. His heartbeat was thundering in his ears so loud he thought it must have been audible.
She nodded and smirked. “Alright, well, carry on then.” She turned and walked into the kitchen where her husband was digging around in the pantry. “They’re going to get married. I’m calling it now.”
“Gwen, you can’t be serious. You haven’t even spoken to the girl.” He turned to look at her before glancing through the doorway to see the girl in question gathering her things.
“A mother knows.” She patted his chest and gave him the look. The look that said you-know-I’m-right.
Gareth walked with you out the door and to your car. “I’ll see you on Monday. Be careful.” He opened your door for you and watched you get in.
“If I wreck going three houses down the street, I probably don’t need a license.” You joked as you looked up at him, taking in the way the moonlight bounced off of the high points of his face.
“Be careful.” His tone was a bit more authoritative than before, making your insides turn.
“I will be.” You promised before smirking. “Do you want me to call you when I get there so you know I got in okay?” You teased lightly, making him roll his eyes.
“Just for that, I sure do. If my phone’s not ringing in 5 minutes I’m coming down there.” He was smiling, laughing at the way you scrunched up your nose at him before sticking your tongue out.
“Maybe I won’t call then.”
“Are you testing me?”
“I guess you’ll find out.”
“I guess I will.” He winked and closed the door to your car before walking towards the door. He stood there, watching you back out of the driveway thinking about how easy it was with you. It was easy to be himself. He finally went inside to wait for your call.
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margotstjust545 · 4 months ago
Spider-Man's Canon Cryptidization
As much as I love how Batman went from respected lawman to urban legend, I feel people fail to appreciate the Marvel equivalent. Peter Parker's alterego went from 'literally a wrestler with a gimmick' to 'he might maybe have once been human? We hope?!' in the eyes of the average civillian/mook.
Like his origin is clearly human, he's a tv performer and it's understood that his webbing is a gadget he came up with for the schtick. Then a little later when the Xmen become more popular and have more of an effect on the Marvelverse, you get the whole 'mutant scum' angle. But it eventually becomes clear that no, whatever this guy is, 'typical mutant' ain't it. (The alien suit debacle does not help with this at all.)
By the mid 80s Spider-Man is basically a cryptid, helped along by how the choreography and art style changed enough to show him moving in a way that is very inhuman, striking from the shadows, gravity optional. There's a whole arc where he adventures overseas and just straight up passes for a supernatural being so as not to compromise his secret id.
Then whenever anybody interacts with him long enough for him to start quipping they realize he's just a huge dork. Like, you know the inhumanly strong man-shaped shadow that can tell you pointed a gun at him from two blocks away without looking? He's going to give you a punny nickname while tying you up with a semi organic compound hitherto unknown to science. It's so funny.
Edit: just caught the typo in the title T-T
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stillwesleepp · 2 months ago
name: Violet
age: 15
pronouns/sign: she/her + pisces 𓆉
fav bands/artists: alex g, arctic monkeys, beach house, buddy holly, chappell roan, cigs after sex, david bowie, deftones, eyedress, duster, gigi perez, hole, jeff buckley, modern baseball, mom jeans, weezer, lana del rey, mac demarco, McCaferrty, mazzy star, mook, nirvana, my bloody valentine, oasis, pixies, radiohead, slowdive, talking heads, the proclaimers, beach boys, cranberries, the cure, the frights, the flat sundays, the smiths, tv girl, wallows, wisp, and more!!
(not in order!!)
MOVIES: dead poets society, donnie darko, tpobaw, heathers, scream, it, thirteen, american psycho, little miss sunshine, little monsters, love actually, twilight, harry potter, jennifer’s body, 500 days of summer, ferris buellers day off, the breakfast club, the swap, great expectations, archie’s final project, pearl, titanic, scott pilgrim vs the world, ladybird, free guy, jeepers creepers, clueless, ruby sparks, easy a, the duff, dinner in america, final destination, 50 first dates, radio rebel, speak, 13 going on 30, and more!!
(also not in order!! sorry it’s a lot!!)
SHOWS: House md, my babysitters a vampire, gilmore girls, never have i ever, on my block, obx, stranger things, xo kitty, ginny and georgia, heartstopper, tvd, omitb, and more!! (i just can’t think of..)
BOOKS: tell us something true, tpobaw, american psycho, dead poets society, great expectations, the outsiders, harry potter, and more!! AND POETRY
(i don’t read a lot but i plan on reading more)
ACTORS: robert sean leonard, ethan hawke, paul dano, zackary arthur, jake gyllenhaal, matthew lillard, kyle gallner, dylan minnette, jack dylan grazer, timothee olyphant, drew starkey, adam brody, justin long, evan peters, walker scobell, logan lerman, giovanni ribisi, james mcavoy, kris lemche, bill hader, christian slater, and more!!
what i’ll post: i’ll post mostly movie or music stuff and mostly dead poets society things. I’m gonna try and post more of more things i like but depending on how well this post does and current obsessions i’m not sure exactly what i’ll post. Like X/twitter i’ll probably post my thoughts, hopes and dreams of course, but probably not as much as on twitter.
MORE: i love cats, poetry, art, some science, i hate math, american, learning french currently, im mostly always in my room listening to music or watching tv. Im currently watching house and after i finish that i may start watching Dexter. and i love horror movies!!
discord: seizethedayyy
airbuds: seizetheday
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idreaminmugiwara · 4 months ago
Okay, my honest opinion of MHA 431, even as a multi-shipper?
What was that?
No seriously.
What was that??
I am baffled. My flabbers are gassted. I am disappointed.
Did I want to see them grown up and see how they were doing post chapter 430? Yes.
Did I wish them all to follow their authentic happiness and have happy, fulfilling adult lives? Also yes.
Did this feel completely shoe-horned in and did it diverge almost entirely from the arcs of the characters prior to this chapter and let down every expectation I didn't even know I had? OH MY GOD YES.
Also the art felt sloppy? Maybe rushed? At least comparatively.
Horikoshi's art has always stood out to me because every single panel is so emotionally potent. His art jumps off the page and hooks you. It's like drugs. The only panel that grabbed me in this chapter was this one, because it's the closest to what I would consider to be his usual standard. Like this panel slaps.
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Also that absolute look of LOVE that Todoroki is giving Deku here. Tooootally not contemplating a fic about the two of these mooks now, nope, not at ALL.
Okay the biggest elephant in the room. IzuOcha. I just...like....
Look, there was close to zero tension leading up to the Predator hand hold moment which incidentally held zero emotional impact for me.
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I also honestly feel like it does disservice to Ochaco's growth as a character. She canonically does have feelings for Deku (in high school, mind you) but I thought she'd more or less grown past them when she realized that part of what she admired and loved about him is that it represents the person SHE wants to be, the kind of hero she wants to become.
And what even is Bakgugou and Deku's relationship now? We spent 430 chapters watching their relationship deepen and evolve into something that becomes so important that it ends up saving the entire world only for that super uncomfortable car ride and a bland wave from Bakugou as Deku runs to get the girl?
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I never expected BakuDeku to be canon, just so we're very clear. This is a shonen and I'm not that naive. I also want to remind everyone freaking out about IzuOcha : just because it's canon doesn't mean your headcanon is cancelled. BakuDeku is one of the most beautiful ships in anime, at least for me, and nothing will ever change that.
It's just....if this was going to be a canon epilogue tying up alllllll story ends, all character arcs, this was possibly one of the laziest and least fulfilling ways I think they could have done it. If the story had spent even half the time developing Deku and Ochaco's relationship as they did his and Bakugou's , maybe I"d feel differently, but MHA revolves very, very intentionally around the two of them and a bond that one may consider legendary.
Y'all this felt like fanfiction, and not even good fanfiction. I was maybe one of the few that was relatively okay with chapter 430. I think Deku as a teacher is a beautiful twist and very true to his character. I LOVE the idea of Uravity starting counseling for people with quirks. I think Bakugou bouncing around the hero's rating list makes sense given his character, but this....this just wasn't it for me. My headcanon says this all ended at 430.
On that note, I gotta get back to my bkdk longfic.
Only an entire third act to go, nbd.
PS: if you DID enjoy this chapter, please don't let my analysis take that away from you. people are allowed to like what they like and ship who they ship. I just needed somewhere to process my feelings.
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mookthecoroner · 7 months ago
found myself scrolling through the zeltron tag and fell in love with Lyric (shes so pretty and fun!) and remembered i had this dumbass and got hit with the spiderman meme, drew it because why not :D
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...may end up playing Old Republic because of this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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✨Dash Starbolt and his trusty protégé Lyric Ornette✨
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mookthecoroner · 8 months ago
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Thrower, hazes traumatizes Shinies as a hobby (Dont worry, he doesn't go splat)
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miss0atae · 1 year ago
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Mark plays Aek, a senior student in sport club who is a born leader.
Jimmy plays Pao, a normal kid who major in sciences and has few close friends.
Keng plays Pat, a collected, calm and observant person.
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Zee plays San, a wild character who has a bad temper.
Tonnam plays Toto, a senior in cheerleading club.
Park plays Gus, someone who loves his friends and who is willing to get hurt or make sacrifice for them.
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Max plays Torn, someone who cares for and loves his friends. He stands up for what is right and he is unafraid.
Yim plays Tee, Thorn's younger brother who has a "dominant" personality and he is obsessed with zombies.
Nat plays Night, an easygoing guy who doesn't like to be in trouble and loves solving any kind of problems.
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Cartoon (Toon) plays Nan, the big sister of the group who is extremely tenacious and she is a fighter.
Dream plays Mook, a caring person who takes care of others and she is also very strong.
Pang plays Fah, the youngest of the group. She is skittish and easily frightened.
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Tommy plays Jean, who helps others and is ready to fight if necessary.
(Nink) Chanya plays Lily, a manly girl who is selfless and altruistic. She is a close friends to Gavin.
Tutor plays Gavin, close friends of Lily who is a manly guy and very self-confident.
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Boss plays Pooh, an observant person who is discreet, sensible but also reliable.
Praew plays Prao, a clever and pretty straightforward woman. She is cool and strong, but also unafraid.
Net plays Earth, a person who loves his friends and he is resolute.
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Nunew plays Non, a university student at the Faculty of Art who has a fighting spirit.
Janis plays Ning, a quick thinker who is also skilled and a clear decisive person.
Namping plays Qi, a character who has a unique perk.
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Pock plays Dr. Kanchana, who does everything for her child and who will make mistakes but she will try to fix them.
I don't know what character will Weir play or what will be his role in the series. To be seen...
Every pictures come from Zomvivor IG
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cartoon-buffoon · 6 months ago
Watching a kwite stream while I do stuff and he is like going through his viewers screentimes and there is a shocking amount of time people spend on character AI. Now a specific person who spent a LUDICROUS amount of time on it prompted him to tell that individual "go find whatever character you're talking to on AO3, sort by kudos, and read!" Or something of the sorts. And I have to agree with that sentiment 100% as this is more or less my personal stance on AI and how it's used modernly: IT FUCKING SUCKS! I don't support AI used for creativity because it's not fucking creative at all, AI art, writing, and even chats, I support fucking none of that and I dislike anyone who does. I have a friend—the same friend who's my beta reader and is probably reading this so call out to you quartz, ya bitch—who uses character ai and I've been trying to get her to stop because it's awful. To those who think their (very sad) character AI addiction is okay as well: all you're doing is feeding a machine and making it replicate text better, you're basically training the tech so the company can then use that tech for whatever—NOT GOOD I GUARANTEE YOU—purposes, you're apart of the problem. Talk to people online, talk to people irl, join discord servers, do fucking SOMETHING that involves interacting with real people instead of soulless AI. ESPECIALLY if you're a creative, if you're an artist who draws and naturally is appalled by AI art and you use shit like character AI you're a hypocrite and should come to your senses.
Now while I do recommend reading fanfiction if you want more content featuring your favorite characters there's also the aspect of people with social anxiety just wanting something to talk to and their use of AI chats. That's fair, as a person who suffers from crippling social anxiety to the point I can't even fucking talk to people at stores or order food without rehearsing it 14 times beforehand: you genuinely just need to try. Like that sounds condescending but I guarantee you there will be a group of people or even a singular person either irl or online who will like you and want to be your friend, it's hard but you just need to try. If you have some sorta talent share it online and eventually there will be at least one person who will interact with you and maybe you can build some sorta friendship from there. My entire point in saying this is don't be a mook and feed AI, be better and have actual meaningful human connection because slop like character AI is a soulless novelty that does nothing but isolate you.
(oh also: Don't give me the bullshit that "oh fanfiction is cringe and AI chats are wayyy better than the shit I've seen" because the pillar you stand on is made of salt. Fanfics written by some 13 year old on Wattpad at least has a soul and effort put into it making it a better read then AI chats, not to mention that writer will probably get better if they continue to write. You are not above fanfiction and are equally as cringe, you are below it if anything)
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sunshinemoonrx · 15 days ago
GoGoV 31-36
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I suddenly kind of wish Daimon was the weird black sheep of the family who did "rescue work" as a wandering martial artist of justice rather than a cop with this on the side, because he's very memorable here.
Anyway, I really enjoy the gradual arc of Salamandes stepping out from his siblings' shadows; there's no single big moment of usurpation, he just loses his patience more and more. Even when their mom declares "okay lil bro's in charge now", he's already been yapping about that for a bit, and the other siblings don't really listen anyway.
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I really like 31 including this bit about the importance of having an actual good relationship with your siblings, cause a lot of TV does just kinda assumes family automatically loves each other deep down. Also nice to see them really paying off the parallel between the hero and villain families. The core family relationship is a huge strength of the show! All the ways they help and annoy each other are really believably layered and mixed together. You really get that "one moment I love this guy, the next I need to punt this guy out the door" you feel with real siblings.
Also: They got the Metal Hero chaos dimension in this show!!!
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My beloved.
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Most of the rest of this batch were pretty good--32 was goofy, 34 was intense--I would have a lot more to say about it, from the intense and nuanced emotions to the sick as hell final fight scene, but @biomic 's liveblog of it kinda has everything covered as so frankly just check out such posts of these:
And 35 and 36 were entertaining zany high-concept spy/heist and martial arts dramas, respectively.
33 was...weird? (and not in the good way, like Milk Judo Piledriver). It could have been an all-timer (a monster gets magic'd into being comically shy around girls, defects from the villains in exchange for confidence lessons from the heroes, you know their eventual battle is going to be tragic), but then it spent quite a bit of time on that old chestnut, "how cute high school girls are", which c'mon, man. It then kinda dials it back by showing he's also shy and falling over around like, old grannies and toddlers, so it's clearly not just a sexual thing, but the emphasis really threw me off enjoying the episode. I dunno, Matsuri even does some ~sexy disguise changes~ and they're mostly not even actual sexy costumes. Speaking of which, further weird moment in 35 where Matsuri sees the crystal they're guarding that's this super important new energy source and repeatedly not listening to this is all "uwaaaah but it's so prettyyyyy" because, idk, girls are frivolous and like shiny things? It's really out of line with her characterisation so far. (This stuff is what caused that previous post where I was like, checking under rocks for Arakawa, but he was apparently nowhere to be found here!)
Still, big upside is 35 did have Dinus as a cat burglar seemingly just for fun? Like, she eventually goes after that super important crystal, but not before doing a bunch of other heists of just random shit. And good for her. The first scene where it keeps cutting between narrated comic panels and live-action footage is really fun, makes me wonder if this is a tribute to some manga that was big at the time.
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Meanwhile 36 I admit I kept thinking everyone was tricking everyone else based on similar episodes I'd seen before, and then it turns out everyone was just being honest and sincere, and frankly the episode was much better for it. The monster really did leave the villains for the pursuit of ultimate martial arts knowledge, Daimon's old master really did take up the monster as his new student, and so on.
What's really important, though, is all the "mooks in fun costumes" content we got this batch.
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I didn't keep a Dinus Gallery as I went along this time, but she's been pretty highlighted lately, so I have been well-fed.
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I like looking at her : )
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soul-dwelling · 9 months ago
Thoughts on the clowns going from an interesting representation of one's dark side and the temptation to induldge self destructive madness, into just generic faceless mooks with no personality or point besides bloating the already overstuff moon arc?
It’s wrong for me to generalize, but it seems like most final arcs in serialized stories suffer when they introduce new characters or details that inevitably will not get enough time to develop. This should work: it’s the last arc, break all the rules, so long as the result ends up being a spectacle or too cool not to do or so shocking but concise in reiterating the message that has been reinforced over and over in this story…and the clowns just don’t do any of that--the spectacle isn’t engaging enough, I thoroughly enjoy clowns in pop culture but even these clowns in Soul Eater aren’t that engaging visually or personality-wise, and nothing about the clowns does much to reinforce any message, or at least reinforcing the message of “fear is always with you” in any fashion that another part of the manga didn’t reinforce better. 
And I don’t mean that Soul Eater should be criticized only because the clowns don’t get to develop to their full potential: I can’t think of any series where even main characters reach their full potential in their entire story because that’s not how storytelling works, that’s perfectionism and hence a fool’s errand. No, I mean that the characters and details are just there without any sense of progression, elaboration, or sometimes any use to the story aside from cannon fodder. 
And that is what the clowns feel like: cannon fodder, antagonists that can be done away with easily not only because their personalities are so limited that we feel almost no sadness or any other emotion when they are gone and not only because their power sets are so dull that they can easily overpowered by the protagonists and we won’t miss losing that power set because they weren’t cool enough at all but also because they are dehumanized so killing them off is not regrettable. Oh, Stein wasted a ton of clowns? Who cares--they weren’t human, and they were barely humanized at all, including, again, in terms of having almost zero personality. 
And yet, all of this could be salvaged if the clowns had something to them that was reflective of the larger themes of the story. As you point out, the clowns in parts of Soul Eater were indicative of a character’s dark side. We got to see how jealous Maka can be, how fearful she is of losing her father and her friends and teammates, and how powerless she feels without Soul. All of that is much needed character progression. Yes, I can be frustrated that it still feels a bit forced similar to throwing these details in during the Book of Eibon arc, but it makes sense that Maka would be this emotionally raw after Crona was kidnapped. It is also visually striking: look up just about any Maka clown art by Z-Raid and other illustrators. 
But even then, aside from Maka, what did the clowns actually show us about any character’s dark side? 
We get that with Justin--but even then, the clowns themselves don’t have much in the way of personality to get a sense of how they corrupt Justin. Granted, just about all of Justin’s story only works because of how little is given to us to show how he got corrupted. We know the “why,” we get belated clarification when Justin fights Tezca. But the clowns never have much in the way of personality to give us a sense how this unfolded. It’s good storytelling potential, likely something someone else did in their own fan works. But I wish Ohkubo had committed to some choice. We already have Ragnarok right there at times acting like a bad conscience on Crona’s shoulder--is that how a clown should act towards Justin? Should it be like the Symbiote telling Eddie what he wants to hear, more like what we got in Weisman and Cook’s Spectacular Spidey animated series? 
Edit: I forgot to mention--elliotthezubat once again handles this stuff better: Justin's dilemma works better if you have it more like a clone of himself talking to him, a conversation between two Justins to emphasize different dimensions to his personality and the potential split happening, or the potential for one side overwhelming the other.
When the clowns did pop up to fight for Medusa against Black Star and Tsubaki, and against Team B with the Thompsons, was there really anything gained? Any character progression for Black Star was actually more from fighting Crona, not from fighting a clown, to demonstrate where Black Star and Crona could have gone had each one had different intervention by a parental figure, Black Star at least having Sid and the DWMA, Crona being stuck with an abuser like Medusa. But did the clown unlock any such insight into Kilik, Ox, Kim, and their partners, or Liz and Patty? The clown was just a scientific experiment without any personality of their own. (See also how Ragnarok gets reduced to almost a non-entity as the series persists, and his commentary on what Crona is going through is sorely missed, whether to add insight or just some Falstaff-ian comedic relief with how dire things are getting.) 
The final arc had two major opportunities to justify the importance of the clowns: the characters as their own entities, and the characters as reflective of the path Stein could take. And then the arc fails to live up to either potential. 
Let’s start with the latter first: like the clowns, Stein is falling more and more into madness--and then on the Moon he just doesn’t, instead weaponizing the madness to lay waste to Asura’s forces, re-establishing that even under madness he is still the same person and his commitment to Death and the DWMA does not falter. I’m not asking that the story continue to milk the angst of Stein after Buttataki’s murder, or take the path of the first anime and show Stein falling under Medusa’s sway. But with this being the last arc, this is the last chance to re-establish Stein is a good person. We need that Iron Giant moment hitting us over the head: we didn’t need the Giant to say, “I am not a gun,” but it summarized the point in an obvious fashion. Where is that moment for Stein? Is there a quotation or a panel from the final arc that I’m neglecting that adequately summarizes how Stein’s fight against the clowns is a rejection of the path Stein could have taken and in his last battle in this series recommits to his characterization, how he has progressed throughout almost 100 chapters, where he goes next, and some larger message the manga is trying to say or at least tie into the ongoing themes about courage, fear, and collaborative work? I don’t get that from Stein’s fight against the clowns, but maybe someone else and can share that quotation or panel. 
As for the clowns as their own entities: what do they serve, in terms of their own character progression, or as larger allegorical or symbolic value, or as antitheses or foils to our protagonists? They just seem to be a grab-bag of mythological and literary references: rabbit on the moon, the story of Kaguya. What is Kaguya supposed to tell us in Soul Eater as a foil to Kid? Or, how is she a continuation of ideas Ohkubo is toying with when writing Blair and then later Tamaki in Fire Force? None of these questions really interest me because the potential answers are dull: there is barely anything between Kaguya and Kid to indicate a battle of differing philosophical viewpoints, Kaguya’s shtick is somehow more dull than Blair’s and lacks the other dimensions Blair has (whether in the manga or because fan writers are better at handling her), and the path from Kaguya to Tamaki is just a reminder how gross Ohkubo is when it comes to his attacks against feminism and readers who just get tired of his endless horny misogynistic bullshit. If you just want naked Kaguya, then just go naked Kaguya--that’s more honest and a clearer understanding why this character is here than dressing it up (so to speak) with pseudo-intellectual posturing to try to make her presence and maybe even this arc and this entire manga into something it’s not. 
Or, they’re just leftovers from B Ichi, seeing as they are called “Dokeshi” in the original Japanese version of the Soul Eater manga. Super--this is somehow the less annoying version of Ohkubo’s same trick, that being waiting until the final arc to gesture back to the author’s previous work. I should appreciate that the final arc of Soul Eater referencing B Ichi is a harmless Easter egg, compared to the final arc of Fire Force ruining the continuity and thematic cohesion of Soul Eater. 
And that’s not even getting into how the clowns just re-populating because of Asura’s almost infinite power of madness. 
At least “madness and fear are always with humans” is a clear, understandable message. But clowns? I get that clowns are scary to a lot of people, and their exaggerated details and potentially inhuman grotesque shape is decent shorthand. But this also feels like a failure of using the images to address the message: not everyone is going to find clowns scary, even taking something from childhood enjoyment and making it fearsome isn’t much of a deep message: “I made the things from your childhood edgy” strikes me as lazy. It’s as bad as Ohkubo assuming breasts can only be maternal and must be only a yearning for maternal love as in the final chapter of Soul Eater, or Ohkubo’s regressive cisheteronormative approach to sex as existing only for baby-making and that the idealization of sex appeal is embodied only by an underage teenage girl (again: Ohkubo is fucking gross, fuck this guy) in Fire Force. 
This is Ohkubo latching onto a small set of visual details or story tropes he likes and not letting them go. And it again disrupts what we already had: we go from Shotaro in B Ichi being a good guy who is clownish and literally turns into a clown as a final power-up form, to clowns just being absolutely evil in Soul Eater. Again, what is it with Ohkubo taking something from a previous manga, introducing it into another manga--and then taking a completely different approach in that new manga that contradicts what he did before? I can appreciate an author changing their mind over time, but it also comes across as a failure to let the previous work stand on its own and a refusal to let the message of that earlier story persist without needless contradiction by a later work. It comes across less as the author maturing and changing their mind with time and more like a creator who just wants to keep contradicting themselves for the sake of spurring on an argument (and more attention for the sake of more book sales).
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baalzebufo · 2 years ago
watching everyone comment nice things on the plutocrat art with big evil smile
hmm perhaps I will talk about my investor headcanons. under the cut
just my personal reads on em, in speedy note format. sorted from 'oldest' to 'youngest' though theyre probably built around the same time anyway, its more in Vibes-
CHARON - the 'big brother'. protective, cool-headed, the Adult. right hand to the Don. the most mature probably but also takes advantage of being the trusted one to fool the others with dumb stuff. hes the most responsible and generally the one cosmo gripes to the most
KEREBOS - loyal and aggressive. much like the aformentioned dog, he has bark and a decent amount of bite to back it up with. throws his weight around. kind of the 'big dumb thug' of the group, but hes not actually dumb. just the Tough Guy archetype. loves over the top threats
HYDRA - full of himself. the middle investor and middle manager, deals with the financial and accounting side of things mostly. finds himself managing the others a little too often because hes a little neurotic and likes control. keeps trying to push above his station, but he Does go above and beyond with his work.
NIX - handles the shakedowns. a little mood-swingy. i see him as the most melancholic and gloomy, at least in appearance. hes a great worker even if he tends to butt heads a bit because of his attitude. not as sad as he looks but hes got a bit of that 'resting exhausted face' going on.
STYX - a lil goofy, the 'heheh yeah boss!' guy. the newest and youngest. gets delegated to the restaurant side of the business bc hes the newbie. he takes it oddly seriously for what is just meant to be a front (he forgets they arent really a pizza joint)
the actual Mozarella Styx restaurant is signed under his name (so if anyone finds out about his criminal enterprise the don wont take the fall) and hes weirdly passionate about it now. he still does actual mob work too.
thats about it for now but just my quick tldr. its fun seeing what everyone else assigns the investors since theyre quite blank slate characters... i love a dysfunctional group of gangsters. one thing thats important is they fight a lot but they are ridiculously protective of each other and the don
for all his faults, plutocrat genuinely fosters an environment of loyalty within his family. if you are in hia family, you're IN. and he'll protect you as much as he can. the investors all get that too. just this group of mooks against the world
girl help im getting really attached to exceedingly minor characters aaah
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