#montu god
med-val · 1 year
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Bast-Mut & Montu ✨
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tenicola · 2 years
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Part 2/2 of the DEITIES Profiles I completed for this year's OC_tober run /o/ All of them can be viewed in the #DEITIES Profiles tag of the project blog to see additional artwork and notes, here’s the last 10 for convenience:
DEITIES Profiles: Serqet / Sobek / Wepwawet / Montu / Shezmu / Pakhet / Anuket / Yamm / Thoth / Ra
DEITIES x OC_TOBER ➝ Full Character Lineup PREV ➝ [ PART I (01-10) ]
DEITIES Website >> https://deitiesproject.com/
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haliaz · 9 months
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Some OCs I’m using to practice expressions and lighting for my character design class.
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echoes-of-kemet · 2 years
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This is two jokes in one actually
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deitiesofduat · 2 years
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[14] -- MONTU
✦ TITLE: Lord Montu -- The God of Warfare and Victory
✦ SACRED ANIMAL: The Hawk ✦ DIVINE WEAPON: Flail ✦ NOTABLE EPITHETS: "The Star of The Gods; The One Who Prevails; Bull of the Mighty Arm; He Who Overthrows His Enemy" ✦ PROFILE: https://deitiesproject.com/portfolio/montu/
The ace athlete Montu has earned high win-streaks in battle, gaining fame and popularity among his devotees. This fuels his confident and boastful attitude, but he has his moments; he'll humble himself around those who earn his respect, or who can tolerate his sky-high ego. He is referred to as Lord Montu.
DEITIES x OC_TOBER -- Deity Profiles [Full Character Lineup]
Alright I guess it's the hotshot victory bird's turn ✨
Montu's character in the supporting cast was originally meant to be "that one popular, egocentric, arrogant jock" who can back up his sh!t and has his own adoring fanclub. But along with Wepwawet and others, Montu has gotten a good chunk of character development offline with friends and his OG character shifted as a result.
While he is still quite vain with moments of bragaddocio, and he still has a fanclub that he entertains, Montu's a lot more grounded and has depth beyond his original archetype. Also a surprisingly supportive ally and friend, and I'm a lot happier with developing him now cuz of all that.
This doesn't change the fun fact that Montu was (still is??) meant to serve as an early rival for young[er] Horus in the DEITIES backstory -- at least before Horus was ready to take on Set directly. That's where more of Montu's arrogant side was apparent before getting a timely reality check, which helped shift his perspective with himself, and with the 'wannabe falcon prince.'
The two bird gods are on much better terms now, but hopefully I can explore the details of their first encounters another day, or as a side story \o/ We’ll see!
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sipsteainanxiety · 11 months
I love that the musical shoved you right back into mha territory akssldklsdkdkjd
LMAOOO LITERALLY HSJSKSKSKD monty i stayed up until 7 am watching thru the season i felt so possessed omfg im not even at vigilante deku yet and i know im gonna go insane
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shxinny · 1 year
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Montu es el netkher de la guerra, del alto Egipto y manifestación del sol abrazador, es por esta razón que también lleva el epíteto de Montu-Ra.
Su nombre significa ''Nómada'', es un dios muy antiguo, tras ser reconocido por el epíteto de Montu-Ra fue considerado cómo un netkher de la guerra, uno de sus títulos era ''Horus con el brazo fuerte''.
Tuvo varias consortes, entre ellas se encontraban Tenenet/Tyenenet, netkher de la maternidad, Rattaui/Raet-Taui, señora de las dos tierras y personificación del sol, contraparte femenina de Ra y madre de Harpra y Harpocrates, y Iunyt/Tunit, netkher de la fertilidad y el campo.
El centro del culto de Montu se situaba en Hemonthis (Tierra de Montu), Tebas, Nubia, Medamud, Karnak, lugar donde su templo yace junto al de Amen, Amant y Tod.
Su festividad se celebra el 5to día del mes de la estación de Akhet/Ajet
Fue hijo adoptivo de Amen y Mut, luego sería reemplazado por Khonsu, esto debido a que, según la mitología, Montu se percato que su importancia se vería opacada por la de sus padres, es por esta razón que decidió escapar a Hermonthis.
Los Greco-Romanos le nombraron Month y lo asociaron a Apolo/Sol y Ares/Marte.
Fue sincretizado con Her/Heru, Ra, Ra-Horakhti y Bakh, recibiendo los nombres de:
Montu-Her (Month-Horus)
Montu-Ra (Month-Ra)
Montu-Bakh (Month-Buchis/Month/Bujis)
Montu-Ra-Horakhti (Month-Ra-Horakhti)
Fue en la dinastía XI donde los faraones decidieron portar su nombre, Montuhotep/Mentuhotep (Montu está satisfecho).
Es representado cómo un hombre con cabeza de halcón o de toro, portando el disco solar, dos ureos y la corona de dos plumas. También era representado directamente cómo un halcón.
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Imagen: crimson-chains
Fuente 1: Wiki-Mitología
Fuente 2: Cairotoptours
Fuente 3: Egiptología.org
Fuente 4: Worldhistory.org
Fuente 5: Egipto Exclusivo
Fuente 6: Amigos del antiguo Egipto
Fuente 7: Egipto profundo
Fuente 8: Sobre Egipto
Fuente 9: Egyptopia
Fuente 10: Wikipedia (solo para sacar el nombre griego, no lo tomen cómo fuente seria).
Recuerden que todas mis redes sociales y la Per-Ankh están ligadas a mi Beacons, no vemos en un próximo post ¡Adiós!
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blueiskewl · 11 months
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Head of the God Amun Ca. 1336–1327 B.C. New Kingdom, post-Amarna Period. From Upper Egypt, Thebes; From Egypt.
Amun was a major ancient Egyptian deity who appears as a member of the Hermopolitan Ogdoad. Amun was attested from the Old Kingdom together with his wife Amunet. With the 11th Dynasty (c. 21st century BC), Amun rose to the position of patron deity of Thebes by replacing Montu.
After the rebellion of Thebes against the Hyksos and with the rule of Ahmose I (16th century BC), Amun acquired national importance, expressed in his fusion with the Sun god, Ra, as Amun-Ra (alternatively spelled Amon-Ra or Amun-Re).
Amun-Ra retained chief importance in the Egyptian pantheon throughout the New Kingdom (with the exception of the "Atenist heresy" under Akhenaten). Amun-Ra in this period (16th to 11th centuries BC) held the position of transcendental, self-created creator deity "par excellence"; he was the champion of the poor or troubled and central to personal piety. With Osiris, Amun-Ra is the most widely recorded of the Egyptian gods.
As the chief deity of the Egyptian Empire, Amun-Ra also came to be worshipped outside Egypt, according to the testimony of ancient Greek historiographers in Libya and Nubia. As Zeus Ammon and Jupiter Ammon, he came to be identified with Zeus in Greece and Jupiter in Rome.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Amun: The Hidden King Of Gods In Ancient Egypt Talon Abraxas
Amun, also called Ammon, is an ancient Egyptian god who played a significant role in Egyptian mythology and religion. He was originally a local deity worshiped in the city of Thebes, but his importance grew over time, and he eventually became one of the most powerful and widely venerated gods in ancient Egypt.
Who Was Amun?
Amun was often considered a god of the air, and his name itself is thought to mean “the hidden one” or “the invisible.” This reflects his association with the mysterious and unseen forces of the universe.
Amun was often depicted as a man wearing a tall, feathered crown or a double-plumed headdress. He was sometimes shown as a ram-headed deity, known as Amun-Ra, particularly when associated with the sun. Amun-Ra represented the merging of Amun with the sun god Ra, emphasizing his solar aspects.
Throughout ancient Egyptian history, Amun was linked to the pharaohs and their divine right to rule. The pharaohs often claimed to be the earthly embodiment of Amun, reinforcing their divine status. The city of Thebes, with its grand temples dedicated to Amun, became a religious and political center during the New Kingdom period.
Amun was also associated with fertility, creation, and the annual flooding of the Nile River, which was essential for the prosperity of Egypt. He was sometimes depicted with a ram’s head because the ram was a symbol of fertility and virility.
As Egyptian religion evolved, Amun’s influence waxed and waned, and his significance in the pantheon changed with the political climate. During the reign of Akhenaten (around 1353-1336 BCE), Amun’s worship was briefly suppressed in favor of the sun god Aten. However, after Akhenaten’s death, Amun was restored to prominence.
The worship of Amun continued until the decline of ancient Egyptian civilization, and his temples and cults remained important religious institutions for centuries. When ancient Egypt was absorbed into the Roman Empire, the worship of Amun gradually merged with the worship of other gods.
Amun in Ancient Egypt: Creation and Roles
The number of deities that can be identified within Egyptian mythology is astonishing. With over 2000 different deities that are officially recognized, the storylines are ample and diverse. Many stories contradict each other, but that doesn’t mean that the general ideas of Egyptian mythology are impossible to identify.
One of the most important Egyptian gods was the god Amun. In fact, he was by far one of the most important figures, deemed even more important than the ones like Ra, Ptah, Bastet, and Anubis.
Amun Created Himself
Amun is believed to have created himself and the rest of the universe too. Still, he distanced himself from everything as the original and indivisible creator. Since he is related to hiddenness, this would only make sense. He first created it, but then he was void of the thing he created. Quite the conundrum, but a reality for the Egyptians who worshiped the deity.
Eventually, Amun would also be related to the most important solar god by the name of Ra. When Ra and Amun merged, Amun became both a visible and an invisible deity. In this ambiguous form, he can be related to Ma’at: the ancient Egypt concept of something that resembles balance or the Yin and the Yang.
Amun is first mentioned in one of the pyramids at Thebes. In the texts, he is described in relation to the war god Montu. Montu was a warrior who was seen by the ancient inhabitants of Thebes as the protector of the city. His role as protector helped Amun to become quite powerful over time.
But, how powerful exactly? Well, he would later become known as the king of gods, which emphasizes his importance to the Egyptians. Amun was given this role based on several of his characteristics, as well as his relationship with Ra.
The most important one in relation to his role as the king of gods was that Amun could not be related to a clear concept. While many other Egyptian gods were linked to clear concepts like ‘water’, ‘the sky’, or ‘darkness’, Amun was different.
Amun Definition and Other Names
Why exactly he was different can partly be explored through dissecting his many names. Little is known about this early version of Amun, but we do know that the meaning of his name is ‘the hidden one’ or ‘mysterious of form’. This could mean that Amun could transform into whatever god the Theban people required him to be.
The deity also was referred to by many other names. Besides Amun and Amun-Ra, one of the names that were applied to the deity was Amun Asha Renu, literally meaning ‘Amun rich in names’. It should be noted that Amun-Ra is also sometimes written as Amen-Ra, Amon-Re, or Amun-Re, which derive from other languages or dialects in ancient Egypt.
He was also known as the concealed god, in which he was related to the untouchable. In this sense, he would represent two other things that could not be seen or touched: the air, sky, and wind.
Is Amun Special Because He Can Be Interpreted in Many Ways?
Indeed, only through the many things that Amun represents can the god be fully understood. In turn, all the aspects that he relates to are too many to grasp while being covert and overt at the same time. It affirms the mystery surrounding the deity and allows for multiple interpretations to arise.
Is this any different than other mythological figures? After all, seldom one finds a god that is univocally conceptualized. Often multiple interpretations can be seen surrounding one god or being.
Yet, Amun definitely distinguishes himself from the rest of the mythological figures in this regard. The vast difference between Amun and other deities is that Amun intends to have multiple interpretations, while other deities claim only one story. Indeed, they are often depicted in many different forms over time, yet the intention is to be one story that is ‘for certain’.
For Amun, being multi-interpretable is a part of his being. This allows for a playful existence and a figure that is able to fill the voids that the Egyptians experienced. It tells us that spirituality or a sense of being can never be one thing and one thing only. Indeed, life and experiences are plural, both between people and within the same individual.
The Ogdoad
Amun is generally seen as part of the Ogdoad. The Ogdoad were the original eight great deities, who were primarily worshiped at Hermopolis. Don’t confuse the Ogdoad with the Ennead, which is also a collective of nine major Egyptian gods and goddesses that are regarded as of the highest importance in ancient Egyptian mythology.
The difference between the two is that the Ennead was worshiped exclusively at Heliopolis, while the Ogdoad is worshiped in Thebes or Hermopolis. The former can be seen as a part of contemporary Cairo, while the latter was another ancient capital of Egypt. The two cities, thus, had two distant cults.
Amun’s Role Amongst the Ogdoad
The Ogdoad is based on several myths that already existed before Egyptian mythology would see the light of day. The main myth that the Ogdoad related to is the creation myth, in which they helped Thoth to create the whole world and the people in it.
The gods of the Ogdoad helped, but unfortunately, all died soon after. They retired to the land of the dead, where they would obtain and continue their god-like status. Indeed, they allowed the sun to rise every day and let the Nile flow.
Yet, it can’t be said that Amun too, would reside in the land of the dead. While all other members of the Ogdoad were clearly linked to certain concepts, Amun would mainly be linked to hiddenness or obscurity. The idea of an ambiguous definition allowed anyone to interpret him as exactly what they wanted him to be, which means that this could also be a living deity.
Amun in Thebes
Originally, Amun was recognized as a local deity of fertility in the city of Thebes. This position he held from about 2300 BC onwards. Together with the other gods of the Ogdoad, Amun controlled the cosmos and managed the creation of humanity. Many of the oldest Egyptian pyramid texts mention him.
As a deity in the city of Thebes, Amun was linked to Amunet or Mut. She was believed to be the mother goddess of Thebes, and linked to Amun as the god’s wife. Not just that, their love was actually celebrated widely with a massive festival in honor of the marriage between the two.
The Feast of Opet was celebrated yearly and would honor the couple and their child, Khon. The center of the festivities were so-called floating temples or barks, where some statues from other temples would be erected for around 24 days.
During this whole period, the family would be celebrated. Afterward, the statues would be returned to where they belonged: the Karnak Temple.
Amun as a Universal God
While Amun was originally recognized only in Thebes, a cult grew quickly over time which spread his popularity across Egypt. Indeed, he became a national god. It took him a couple of centuries, but eventually, Amun would rise to national stardom.
He would gain his status as the king of the gods, deity of the skies, or just really as one of the most powerful deities. From here on, he is often depicted as a young, strong man with a full beard.
In other depictions, he is portrayed with the head of a ram, or just a full ram really.
What Does Amun Represent?
As a local god of Thebes, Amun was mostly related to fertility. Yet, especially after his more national recognition, Amun would become linked to the sun deity Ra and seen as the king of gods.
King of Gods Amun
If something is identified as the sky god it automatically cancels the opportunity for that particular deity to be an earth god. Since Amun was related to the covert and obscure, he wasn’t clearly identified. At one point, and to this day, Amun is recognized as the ‘Self-created one’ and ‘King of the Gods’. Indeed, he created all things, including himself.
The name Amun looks very much like another ancient Egyptian deity by the name of Atum. Some might see him as one and the same, but this is not exactly the case. Although Amun took on many of Atum’s attributes and eventually somewhat replaced him, the two should be seen as two separate deities.
So Amun is very closely related to Atum. Yet, he was also very closely related to the sun god Ra. In fact, Amun’s status as the king of gods is rooted in this exact combination of relationships.
Atum and Ra can be considered two of the most important deities of ancient Egypt. But, after a religious reform in the New Kingdom, Amun can be seen as the one who combines and epitomizes the most important aspects of both of these gods. Naturally, this resulted in the single most looked-upon god in ancient Egypt.
Protector of the Pharaoh
The question that remains is: What exactly does it mean to be the king of gods? For one, this can be related back to the ambiguous nature of Amun. He can be anything, so he can also be identified as the king of gods.
On the other hand, Amun had an important role as the father and protector of the pharaoh. Actually, a whole cult was dedicated to this role of Amun. Amun was said to come swiftly to help Egyptian kings on the battlefield or to aid the poor and friendless.
Female Pharaohs or the wives of a pharaoh also had a relationship with the cult of Amun, albeit complex. For example, Queen Nefertari was seen as the wife of Amun and the female Pharaoh Hatshepsut claimed the throne after she spread the word that Amun was her father. Maybe Pharaoh Hatshepsut inspired Julius Caesar too, since he claimed to be the child of the important Roman deity Venus.
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A representation of the moon god Khonsu as the war and sun god Montu in the Temple of Khonsu at Karnak.
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kemet-shedeh · 1 year
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𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: 𝘐𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘝𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘢𝘴 𝐊𝐞𝐛𝐢: Kebi was born 2767 BCE during The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt, and turned at the age of 40 in 2727 BCE by Amun's brother Montu. Though initially tried for high treason against the gods, Kebi was spared on the behest of Amun; and taken on as a thrall in his humble halls in Waset, modern day Thebes. It would take millennia for Kebi and Amun to truly call one another husband and wife, but when the time finally came; they would watch the world they knew crumble and burn. Today Kebi stands by her mate's ambitions to re-establish the Egyptian Coven, acting as a mentor to both Benjamin and Tia whilst guarding secrets that could change the course of history.
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bronzegods · 17 days
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Ra, god of the afternoon sun
Few deities have attained as a high a position with the mortals as Ra, and his ego matches his worship. Confident, elitist, and with a nasty temper, you can tell that all those violent eye-goddesses are definitely Ra’s daughters. The rage and power of the sun is known to all, and his grip on control of Kemet ever since the 3rd Dynasty can be tyrannical to some, but Ra has been difficult to shake from his position. Well, until Amun came along, anyway.
Ra understands the value of both power and politics. As a result he has a habit of marrying his daughters (of which most of his children are daughters, given he has only two sons) to deities he wants to control or keep subjugated under his thumb. And that worked great up until he married Mut to Montu, to gain some control down in the area of Waset… until Mut decided she’d rather date that hot Nubian god named Amun, and Ra’s problems formally began.
He hates, hates, hates Amun. There is nothing Ra despises more than the fact that Amun gets the honorific position in their Amun-Ra synchronism. Kingship has always belonged to Ra and his carefully decided descendants, and when the Third Intermediate Period came along and the Priests of Amun decided they ought to be running the south instead of the pharaoh in the north, or that set of Nubian pharaohs empowered by Amun, well… suffice to say Ra is on the verge of an all-out war with Amun, a war that no one can afford to engage in with all the changes happening in the world around them. Who’s going to defend Kemet against the Assyrians if Ra and Amun are busy in-fighting?
Some bonus information about him:
In search of power and immortality like the Sumerian gods, who did not have to deal with ba’s and ka’s, Ra was cursed early in his life to reflect his three names - Khepri, Ra, and Atum (though these are technically the nicknames for each phase of his identity and not the names themselves). In simplified form: as the sun changes positions in the sky, he experiences a mortal life and is reborn at sunrise as Khepri, becomes strong and youthful again as Ra at high noon, then ages into an elderly form as Atum in the evening before becoming reborn again.
He was cursed by the snake god Rerek right before the First Intermediate Period, in which Ra started physically changing as he entered each phase. The story is a whole thing on its own that stretches back to Ra’s jealousy over Rerek’s ability to revive his form directly as an ahk-spirit (or divine soul) without having to unite a ba and ka together. Ra could see that Rerek’s divinity was different and was immensely jealous over it. (Bonus lore: Rerek is the snake that stole the herb of immortality from Gilgameš. You pull that kind of shit and you get kicked out of your homeland by Ninazu.)
Ra’s aging isn’t exactly like a mortal’s in its transition. At 6 AM, the sun rises and he is Khepri, who appears about 15 years old. He slowly ages at a rate of 2.5 years/hour until 12 PM, when he looks about 30 and becomes Ra. He ages at a rate of 2.5 years/hour again until he’s 45 at 6 PM, then continues aging at that same rate. At midnight, when he appears about 60, his rejuvenation triggers and he starts aging backwards at a rate of 7.5 years/hour then eventually reaches the age of Khepri at 6 AM and starts aging forward again at the slower rate.
This means that when Ra encounters Apep in the seventh hour of the night (1 AM) his rejuvenation has already triggered and he’s one hour into reversing his aging back into Ra (which takes, in this compressed time period, three hours). So he’s 52.5 years old, roughly, when he fights Apep as Atum. Because he’s not at his strongest (30-45) he struggles with fighting the serpent alone and needs assistance of other gods—though Atum is still very strong, and by no means helpless.
Ra does have three names. Names are powerful and allow a degree of compelling against the being they’re tied to, so deities keep their true names secret. Aset knows Ra’s true name, but she doesn’t know Atum or Khepri’s. This means that from 3 AM - 6 AM and 12 PM - 6 PM, Aset can compel Ra using his true name.
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haliaz · 8 months
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Montu, Egyptian god of war
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echoes-of-kemet · 4 months
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I am. SO very close to finishing the introductory slides, but realized I had to fix two wee errors in this clusterfuck reference. Just like the last times, there's a written explanation under the cut qvq
[ Atum is fashioned by his parent Nu, but later separates into Amun and Ra ]
First Generation
Amun, first child of Nu and half of Atum
Mut, second child of Nu and Amun's wife
Ra & Apep, twins, third and fourth children of Nu (and, for Ra, half of Amun)
Ptah, fifth child of Nu
Khnum, sixth child of Nu
Thoth, seventh child of Nu
Neith, eigth child of Nu
[ Ma'at and Nehebkau are created by Ra's fire and Apep's blood respectively before the start of the second generation ]
Second Generation
Khonsu, son of Amun and Mut
Tefnut & Shu, twins, second and third child of Ra
Shezmu, born of Apep's blood
Ahti, born of Apep's spit
Babi-Astennu, born of Apep's seed
Hathor-Sekhmet, fourth child of Ra
Heqet, created by Khnum
Hapi & Satet, twins, fifth and sixth children of Ra, Satet is Khnum's wife
Bast, seventh child of Ra
Montu, eigth child of Ra
Third Generation
Anhur, ninth child of Ra
Ammit, born of Apep's bile
Geb, first child of Tefnut and Shu
Nut, second child of Tefnut and Shu, and wife of Geb
Mafdet, adopted by Ra (10th child)
Reshep, foreign god married to Qetesh
Anat & Astarte, twins, foreign goddesses adopted by Ra (11th and 12th children), both married to Set
Mehit, foreign goddess married to Anhur
Qetesh, goddess adopted by Ra (13th child), wife of Reshep
Nefertem, first child of Sekhmet and Ptah's relations
Maahes, second child of Sekhmet and Ptah's relations
Serket, first child of Neith and Khnum
Sobek, second child of Neith and Khnum
Fourth Generation
Min, child of Reshep and Qetesh
Anuket, child of Satet and Khnum
Osiris, first child of Geb and Nut
Horus-Ur, second child of Geb and Nut
Set, third child of Geb and Nut
Isis, fourth child of Geb and Nut
Nephthys, fifth child of Geb and Nut
[ Before the start of the fifth generation; Heka is created by Ma'at and Thoth, Khepri is created by Ra (14th child) and incubated by Thoth, and Hatmehit is created by Abtu the Fish swallowing then spitting out Osiris' penis (which was severed by Set) ]
Fifth Generation
Anubis, child of Osiris and Nephthys' affair
Horus (the Younger), child of Osiris and Isis, and reincarnation of Horus-Ur
Wepwawet, child of Neith and Set's affair
Tutu, child of Neith and a pre-Egyptian settlement hunter
Sixth Generation
Nekhbet & Wadjet, twins, 15th and 16th children of Ra
Kebechet, pupil and unofficially adopted daughter of Anubis
Ahephi, Imsety, Daumutef, & Qebehsenuef, quadruplets, the four sons of Horus and Hathor (via fling with the Elder, marriage with the Younger)
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baaaa-king · 2 years
Obligatory Long post warning. CW, Casual mentions of human consumption
I have two main ideas for this that I can’t choose from, so I’ll write both of ‘em.
In this, Y/N is a human, and the current Pharaoh’s unwanted and unloved child (born of pharaoh and his wife). Because they hold no royal duties to speak of, they did whatever they wanted growing up. Thankfully, they were a good kid overall, with them just either studying constantly or training in both forms of combat (Ranged and melee) with the guards. They even got to add knowledge to the great library of Alexandria.
Sun and Moon in this idea are the guardians of Egypt (when they were unified) and reside mostly within a temple at the outskirts of the country. They are like a sort of first defense and people filter for the country.
Once every 300 years, a Royal sacrifice, a child of age, is demanded to be paid to the sphinx. It was established by the former and first sphinx guardian (guess who) and has been dutifully paid from the first pharaoh. Fortunately, that year Y/N comes of age. Unfortunately, even though Y/N has no value to pharaoh, they are still of royal blood and qualify to be a sacrifice. Y/N was obviously chosen. There was fanfare and a big ‘ol send-off ceremony that was also a passive aggressive ‘good riddance’ party and Y/N was carted off to the bois.
Y/N arrived at the temple, their entourage leaving them with the rest of the offerings at the temple, Sun and Moon come out and the proceedings are as usual, until they aren’t. Sacrifices are usually put through trials, to make sure they truly are what was asked of the humans. Most sacrifices do well enough to prove they are royalty, but ultimately fail and are eaten in the end. However, Y/N was the first to pass the trials. With them perfectly answering all of Sun’s riddles, and surviving, nearly besting Moon in armed combat for a specified amount of time. Sun and Moon became intrigued with this human, so instead of killing them off, they took them to the temple, healed them and gave them a place to stay.
Of course, Y/N was wary of them at first, after all they DID just try to kill and eat them. But over time they grew closer to both of them. Sharing knowledge and stories with Sun, as well as sparring with Moon, and learning Magic from both, the three of them soon became Inseparable. Y/N eventually becomes a guardian with them. Y/N is the first face people see, the negotiator. They try everything they can, and if all fails or it turns sour? They sick Sun and Moon on ‘em.
Soon word gets back to Pharaoh that their failure of a child is still alive and has surpassed even his own glory, hoping to raise his prestige even further, he summons his abandoned offspring, now known as Sphinx blessed, The Mortal Guardian and favoured of Montu (an Egyptian god of war), back to the palace. He intends to welcome them back with a grand banquet and name them heir. On the day of the banquet, Y/N DOES arrive, but on a chariot pulled by Sun and Moon. With such a grand entrance, the Pharaoh believed Y/N had managed to tame them and brought them back as a gift for him.  Pharaoh is delighted at their appearance and lays it on thick about how it was a mistake to give them up, that the gods have shown him mercy by bringing them back and to make mends anew. All the while, Sun and Moon were pissed. Y/N had explained their life’s story, including how they were chosen as a sacrifice to them awhile back. They were furious Y/N’s father had the GALL to act as if everything would be alright with nothing but a few words of flattery. When Y/N told them about the summons, Sun and Moon refused to leave their sides and even came into the banquet hall with them. The only reason they HAVEN’T lashed out and mauled all the attendees is because they promised Y/N they wouldn’t kill anyone.
During the whole spectacle, Y/N was silently fuming. Their father had the nerve to call them like a dog, treat them like being abandoned was a favour and now act as if Sun and Moon were nothing more than Giant House Cats? At the beck and call of their master??? They weren’t having any of it. They lashed out at their family in front of the entire party, calling them out for their negligence and pointing out that Sun and Moon, the two creatures they were thrown to like a piece of meat and was nearly killed by, have done more for them in 2 years than the entire royal line in their whole life. The Pharaoh was enraged by this and tried to get the guards to seize them, but obviously Sun and Moon prevented that. They shielded them with their Mighty wings and Cursed the Pharaoh and his current family barring Y/N. They were going to leave the country defenseless till Y/N died but were convinced otherwise.
Disgusted with the whole affair, Y/N went to their old room in the palace, collected all they needed with a few personal mementos and left. When they get back to the temple, they had a good cry, and settled down with Sun and Moon for well-deserved cuddles.
In the Modern AU, Y/N Is ALSO a sphinx, a ‘modern sphinx’ though. A genetic combination of a human and a regular sphinx, now colloquially known as an ‘Ancient sphinx’ (I’ll get to drawing their ref sheets so you can tell the difference). Y/N is also AFAB in this, cuz here, 90% of sphinx are female. British colonization also happens MUCH earlier in this. British colonization also displaces the sphinx as a species, causing the already rare sphinx to become an endangered sapient species after independence. Because of this, sphinx are usually pampered and flanked with security detail where ever they go. Y/N is also African American in this.
Sun, Moon and Eclipse (yay! He’s here!) have actually been around since Ancient Egypt and are therefore ancient sphinx. At the beginning of British colonialism, Multiple mythical sapient species of other cultures were prosecuted, captured and hunted like wild animals, with sphinx being the most coveted and prized as either pets or game. Sun and Moon were males that had just become young adults (20) so were even more desirable. They were chased into a temple the locals built in their likeness and a barrier was placed. It wouldn’t hold forever, so Eclipse cast a preservation spell on them which caused them to turn to stone. When the barrier did break and their pursuers came inside, all they found as an empty temple, with two stone statues and a mural of sphinx.
Fast forward to Modern day. Y/N is a 20-year-old Archaeologist and history nerd hoping to find more information on their people’s culture and interactions with humans. However, due to being a Sphinx they can’t go to any newly discovered or dangerous sites. Only boring pre-explored and deemed safe ones. They were investigating an already explored temple ruin with others of their profession. Bored, they told their colleagues they would be exploring one of the rooms down the hall an they wouldn’t be going too far. As they made their way through, they saw a yellow and orange glow disappear off to the side. Curious, they followed. After many turns, hallways and rooms, they came across a previously unknown caved-in section of the wall. Despite being unexplored, the place was Full of that same yellowish-orange glow. They made their way in and were shocked at their discovery. Insider was an old alter of some kind, with two stone pillars containing a life-sized carved sphinx each, and a broken Mural depicting what would have been a gargantuan sphinx in the middle. Y/N was already classified as large for a sphinx, standing at 5’7ft on all fours and nearing 11’5ft on two legs. The statues were bigger, already reaching their height whilst laying down. But the most pressing thing was the 10ft tall ghostly sphinx facing Y/N. He waltzed over to them lazily and bowed his transparent head to reach their height. He told them there wasn’t much time and to please care for his brothers. They were kin, different kin, but kin none the less. As he said those final words, a loud sound reverberated through the room. Y/N, who was still stunned from what just happened jerked their head towards the source of the noise. The two stone statues had webs of cracks on them, and they were spreading quickly. Before Y/N could react, the statues broke fully to reveal Sun and Moon, not a second older than when they were encased. They fell limp and rolled off the pillars onto the ground.
Further away Y/N’s colleagues had begun looking for them when they heard the sounds of falling. They rushed in the direction of the sound till they came across Y/N on their hind legs, dragging what appears to be an unconscious yellow Ancient Sphinx from the direction of a large unexplored hole, with a second, blue on further behind. Y/N called out for help and their co-workers began to rush. Some going to help them carry Sun and Moon, Others calling 911 and requesting emergency medical services. Y/N goes home with the thought of Sun and Moon heavy on their mind.
A Few days later, Y/N receives a call from the Hospital, they say it’s Urgent. Y/N rushes to the hospital and asks what’s the emergency. The doctors explain that they have had to heavily sedate the boys for 4 days straight now. Every time they wake up, they freak out, ramble in ancient Egyptian and nearly destroy the hospital room. The doctors called them because they were a sphinx too and hope their presence will calm them enough to allow for proper medical procedures. Y/N agrees and goes into the room, as they were informed by the doctors the sedatives would wear off soon.
In the room, Sun and Moon once again woke up and braced for more struggles but none came. Instead, another sphinx walked into the room before them. They relaxed a little once they caught sight of something familiar. They began to ask them questions as to who where you? Where were they? How did they get here and what time was it. You replied back in Ancient Egyptian (the sphinx racial language) and answered their questions as honestly as possible. After they were caught up to speed, they were shocked. Over 200 years in the future? No wonder everything was different. You inform them you have to go, but explain that you will be back the next day. In The meantime, they should allow the healers to check them over and see to their general health.
Y/N keeps to their promise and visits everyday when they can. They are slowly introducing Sun and Moon to Modern-day concepts and filling in their knowledge gaps. They had to be kept overnight for 2 weeks, due to mild undernourishment and to allow for the creation of their basic legal documents. Y/N allows them to live with them till they can get on their own two or four feet (Spoiler alert, they never leave). Their house is already custom built for sphinx, as they were lucky enough to be from a full sphinx family, so they just borrowed a guest room or two to them. They grow close to Y/N by telling them of what it was like to be a living piece of history.
Eventually, when Sun and Moon have adjusted fairly to modern day and have learnt both English and Modern Egyptian, they become History teachers and professors, Specializing in Ancient Egyptian History as well as lost sphinx culture.
(Oh, Ramses? Yeah, I knew him. Kid was a brat. -Moon probably)
Interactions of most kinds (I will not tolerate hate of any kind constructive criticism only) Are Much appreciated! Ask me anything of both AUs and i'll try my best to answer them. I crave Enrichment in my cage.
@zus-a-fungi Blorbo lore has landed.
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floydsmuse · 5 months
Meggy dahling, I literally cannot stop thinking about the little crossover thoughts I sent the other night (lol). I had another on the ride home while once again, the appetizer has turned into a meal (lol).
So if we're thinking that the Abbotts run this place and it's also similar to Camp Half Blood and Hogwarts, do you wanna see what the school might look like?? (lol).
Demeter and Dionysus kids and those with earth powers get to stay in a little hilly grove area with little cabins that look like Hobbit holes. Inside, they're so cozy and perfect for the littles with super cozy beds and a well stocked kitchen. The Hobbit holes are perfect because the littles can go and play in the grass on the roof and climb the trees. Since Demeter is a frequent visitor of Cecelia's and comes to help with the herbology and gardening classes, she loves hanging out with the littles. There's always the smell of fresh grass and grapes hanging around too which pleases none other than Mr. Grapes himself (lol).
The grade school kiddos have their own buildings with their own classrooms and they always smell like sage, clean cotton and fresh cut wood. Each room is a different color and can transform accordingly to fit their lessons. The chalkboard drawings come to life whenever the teachers (and the deities) tell the stories that go with them.
The high school is something else and here's where it really starts looking more like Camp Half Blood than anything else. The cabins that hold the children of Ares and Artemis look more like Viking longhouses than anything else, I'm talkin spears, swords and shields on the walls, big rough hewn wooden bunks, animal bones on the walls including a huge bison skull at one end and a stag's skull above the fireplace. There's also bows, arrows and other weapons always ready near the door, but funnily enough in the cozy corner, there's a little basket for the cabin's mascot, a little black Xolo dog named Dante (yes it's probably Dante from Disney's "Coco", lol). As it turns out Dante is Ares's chief messenger since dogs are his sacred critter.
There's plenty of arenas way out of the way for high schoolers to practice wrestling, combat and other martial arts and it's not just the Greeks that join in. Sure, Ares comes once in a while to teach the high schoolers the art of combat, but Guan Yu, Shango Orisha, Montu and Sekhmet also came from China, Nigeria and both from Egypt respectively, to help their friend out (lol). Although it's safe to say that Rhett nearly shit himself when Shango caused an unexpected thunderstorm (lol).
The kiddos who were claimed by the air, thunder, lightning and sky gods and goddesses, have their own little cabin/hidey hole and it's sooooo much fun!!! The beds float way, high up off the ground but thankfully they all have special bed-rails just in case somebody rolls over. They love to play a little game kind of like "Floor Is Lava" except they're literally flying and jumping from bed to bed.
The kiddos of the craftsmen deities all have their own special little hole that they can have free reign of. There's plenty of tables and spaces for woodworking, forging, blacksmithing and also for jewelry making. Some of what they've created are absolutely gorgeous! Two of the high schoolers in the forge had managed to make a necklace for Rhett and wifey's anniversary and it looked like blueberry branches. Hephaestus, Brigid, Ptah, Ogun and Thor, all teach the smithing, woodworking and craftsmenship and their kiddos excel immensely at it.
Oooh but the water kiddos have the best spot in the summer since it's right on the lake. Fall and winter can get a little chilly BUT in the summer it's absolute heaven since summers in Montana are so fuckin hot. A huge dock extends out onto the lake and the kids can just run out to the middle and jump off. They love playing with the creatures that live in the lake and hippocampi rodeo is one of their favorite games (lol). Percy and Annabeth have their kiddos in this cabin and Rhett and wifey literally cannot take their eyes off them for two seconds lest they suffer the consequences (lol).
Kiddos of the fire gods and goddesses have their favorite little hidey holes and they're always warm. Thank God for them because Montana gets wretched wildfires every year and these poor guys have to go out every now and again to run a burn line near the woods (lol). In the winter if the heat goes out in a cabin or house, these guys will gladly take in whoever and it becomes like a giant sleepover.
Meggy I'm gonna have to cut it right there cuz there's just too much to add to this (lol).
omg Mary you sent this in a while ago & i’m just now replying to it! i’m sorry 😅 but to be quite frank, i can’t stop thinking about this crossover you sent either :) it was just too good & i can’t wait to read what else you’ve sent in about it 🥰
ooh! i definitely wanna know what the school looks like! i bet it looks magical! the kids get to stay in little cabins that look like hobbit holes?! oh my, Mary i love it already!! they sound super cozy & warm! i wish i could live in one :) aww Demeter being a frequent visitor & coming to help with herbology and gardening sounds like fun! mr. grapes pls😂 i can’t get over that nickname that you coined for Dionysus!
oh i love these little descriptions of the classrooms, even down to the smell! the rooms being able to change colors according to lesson & that the chalkboard drawings can come to life too?! that sounds insanely awesome! okay wow! but the way you described the high school !! it really is giving me camp half blood vibes fr! aww Dante the dog & him being like the one from the movie coco is adorable! 🥰 i’m a dog lover through & through, so this made me happy that you included him hehe :))
loving all of these activities the kids can do, like wrestling, combat, & martial arts! Ares coming into teach about it is so cool too!!!
“The beds float way, high up off the ground but thankfully they all have special bed-rails just in case somebody rolls over. They love to play a little game kind of like "Floor Is Lava" except they're literally flying and jumping from bed to bed.”
okay but this is super awesome & sounds so fun?!!such a cool idea & something i could totally picture in my head ! oooh! the jewelry making & the part about the high schoolers making Rhett & wifey a little necklace for their anniversary is soooo🥹 i love it !!! also love how each kid comes from a different element, like some could come from air, some thunder, some fire, & some from water! swimming in a lake on a hot summers day just sounds so nice 🥰 & i love that you included the little detail of Percy & Annabeth bringing their kids along! them not having to worry about heat in the winter is just great! i need those guys to come over to my house whenever i happen to lose heat😅😂
Mary, you’ve really outdone yourself! i love this little au & crossover world you’ve created for Rhett, wifey, & the kids !!!! it’s incredible & i loved reading about it :) again sorry for taking a while to reply back to this, but just know i loved it so much & i love you hehe 🥰 until next time my darling 💗
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