#Egyptian Fancast
kemet-shedeh · 1 year
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𝐄𝐠𝐲𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭: 𝘐𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘝𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢 𝘢𝘴 𝐊𝐞𝐛𝐢: Kebi was born 2767 BCE during The Early Dynastic Period of Egypt, and turned at the age of 40 in 2727 BCE by Amun's brother Montu. Though initially tried for high treason against the gods, Kebi was spared on the behest of Amun; and taken on as a thrall in his humble halls in Waset, modern day Thebes. It would take millennia for Kebi and Amun to truly call one another husband and wife, but when the time finally came; they would watch the world they knew crumble and burn. Today Kebi stands by her mate's ambitions to re-establish the Egyptian Coven, acting as a mentor to both Benjamin and Tia whilst guarding secrets that could change the course of history.
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green-ajah-aes-sedai · 6 months
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Alternate fancast:
May Calamawy as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
"We can't help what we are, only what life we choose to make for ourselves."
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🔸 Twilight characters fancast 🔸
Vladimir : Vladimir is one of the founding members of the Romanian coven, the enemy clan of the Volturi. His coven was once the most powerful in the world, but when the Volturi rose to power, they were defeated in a century-long struggle.
Stefan : Stefan is a founding member of the Romanian coven, He and Vladimir are the only two survivors from the coven's destruction.
The Romanian coven ruled for over 1000 years in the previous Romanian territory of Dacia. They are one of the oldest vampire covens.
Amun : Leader of the Egyptian coven. Born before 2500 BC. He abandoned his previous coven when the Volturi attacked it. Amun had a very strong survival instinct, and he was willing to bow to the Volturi if it kept him alive. However, Amun was always bitter at having to surrender his former lifestyle. He loved the worship, the towering desert monuments, and the excess. He knew he could not plot against the Volturi, because Aro would find out. But he hoped that, over time, he could gain the strength to oppose them.
Alistair : born around 1300 AD . Alistair is an English solitary, nomadic vampire and friends of a sort with Carlisle Cullen. He is gifted with a unique tracking ability that allows him to track animate beings at a greater distance than most vampires can. Because of the way he was changed into a vampire Alistair left civilization and avoided all contact with humans, except when he hunted, and mistrusted everyone and everything that had to do with authority figures with a sense of paranoia.
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bunnysrph · 1 year
hi, would you please be able to suggest egyptian/arab male fc's that could be used for nasir ghameq of 'we hunt the flame'? thank you so much.
below are some  ARABIAN  face claims that you can use for the role of  NASIR GHAMEQ. they are listed in alphabetical order, with their birth years && ethnicities. those in bold are my personal recommendations. please  LIKE / REBLOG  if you find this useful.
adam bessa (1992, tunisian)
antonio cipriano (2000, lebanese, syrian, italian && sicilian)
darío yazbek bernal (1990, lebanese, spanish && mexican)
garrett clayton (1991, lebanese, french-canadian, english && scottish)
lincoln younes (1992, lebanese && unspecified white)
mena massoud (1991, egyptian)
michael vlamis (1990, lebanese, greek, serbian && english)
ramy youssef (1991, egyptian)
roby attal (1994, lebanese, british, irish && german)
zeeko zaki (1990, egyptian && possibly turkish && syrian)
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annachum · 1 year
Everyone, here are some celebrities that I think can play Cleopatra VII in an adaptation of Cleopatra VII's story ( NETFLIX, TAKE. NOTES. )
The following fan casting ideas are all either Greek or North African ( or have Greek and/or North African heritage in them )
. Athena Karkanis ( Canadian actress of Greek and Egyptian descent )
. May Calamawy ( Palestinian - Egyptian actress; the one who plays Layla El Faouly in MCU )
. Tara Emad ( Egyptian model )
. Malika El Masloushi ( Italian model of Moroccan and Italian descent )
. Imaan Hammam ( Dutch model of Moroccan and Egyptian heritage )
. Sofia Milos ( Italian - Greek model )
. Nassia Matsa ( Greek model )
. Haifa Wehbe ( Lebanese Egyptian singer )
. Maria Nafpliotou ( Greek actress )
. Layla Taj ( Egyptian belly dancer )
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swarasalih · 2 years
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I am manifesting that the next DCU film featuring Doctor Fate has the mantle pass to the canonical next Doctor Fate, Egyptian-American Muslim Khalid Nassour, and that he’ll be played by the incredible Egyptian-American Muslim Abubakr Ali!!! Please make it happen James Gunn and Peter Safran!
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Taweret as a Human:
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face-claims-central · 2 months
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Imaan Hammam - Egyptian Moroccan, 1996
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Why afrolatino Jason Todd works,an analysis by an irl afrolatina and thee Jason expert
His personality is EXTREMELY realistic for a black or latino and especially both man.He's cocky asf,a (multiple time!) mama's boy but mouths off to his dad with no hesitant and for fun even,respects women by seeing the female characters as either equals or above him,roughouses with his brothers,a big ass nerd since childhood and acts tough and invulnerable for the sake of looking cool but his heart's as big as his tits and a lot of his lines are so sappy in a poetic way i feel the need to avert my eyes when i see them to give him privacy
His pre-reboot Robin self reminds me of SEVERAL canon young black boy characters(Miles Morales,Oscar Pine,Zak Saturday and possibly more)
Duke is his favorite brother despite knowing him YEARS less than the other Batboys.Do i even need to say anything on this one
Every single woman he's been attracted to have been woc,those being Rose(half cambodian),Artemis(egyptian)and Dana(black).He dosen't like white girls <3
Further proof?He had KORIAND'R HERSELF throwing herself at him but showed active disenterest.For context:We're talking about post taking away her black-coding
Him growing up poor can be explained by being a second/third gen inmigrant making finding jobs hard for his family and to this day i remember when my history teacher called us 'a poor country' because of how much damage colonizers did here.Let me have this
The Joker killing him at 15 and him getting victim blamed and a bad rep despite what a good kid he was gains a new light if it's because he was a black child and so does him becoming Red Hood because of it.Also.Red HOOD.C'mon
The artist for Red Hood:Outlaws said he headcanons him as latino because he is and an iconic event a few years back was John Boyega clowning a racist on twitter by saying he wants to play Jason.Here's how the stars can align
African-American parents commonly give their kids greek names and the original Jason was a greek mythos hero!!
Let's be deeply serious,Jason would not have even HALF the gross fans he does if he was black.You think fanon onlys would be riding that hard for an afrolatino man seeking vengeance for himself with gray morality?They'd act like he's worse than Slade and the Joker combined and call him ugly nonstop💀Comics readers would have him all to ourselves with no weirdos getting their hands on him
Canonically almost entierly uniterested in casual relathionships,smoking or drinking so there's some stereotypes off the table
Selina,Babs and Kory have green eyes.They're all black in one way or another.Jason has green eyes.You understand
He's a classical literature nerd and latino lit is some of the best there is
Bombshells him is a spaniard and that's exactly the kind of move DC would pull with an actual latino character(the run released post the hc for him becoming popular)
Legoverse and webtoons made him a gamer.Hashtag cringefail black gamer dude realness
Something something the soft uwu black boy Robin is actually kid him and not Duke
Giving him a fridge ass build and a buzzcut in Gotham Knights was DC stereotyping(/BIG JOKE,PLEASE THERE'S ACTUAL REASONS IT'S SHIT)
Five words:Dominican horror folklore based tactics
Talia and his' mother-son relathionship is made all the more heartwarming and sad
Stephanie and i are the same person so she's black like me by extension and she's the only Batfam girl he really gets along with and imo this would also include Nell and Tiffany if the writers weren't fuckasses and went through with their actual good stories
Look up Aubrey Joseph vids.There's no better fancast for him out there not in looks but in personality
Trivia finale:His birthday is the same date as Dominican Restoration Day,red represents blood on our country's flag,at our schools we sell mini packets of neapolitan cream with mini spoons to eat them and his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters'
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superanimepirate · 10 months
Ok, I don't usually make fancasts, but I'm making an exception for Vivi.
Because I just found Yasmina El-Abd, a 16 year old Egyptian-American Actress, and look at her and tell me she wouldn't make a great Vivi:
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sanctaignorantia · 6 months
Playing with the fancast thing again!
I woke up with the idea in mind that Tom Ellis should be on IWTV somehow, because I'm an idiot and I like to fancast, but unfortunately as I don't watch many movies and series, my list of actors is limited to a very small circle!
But let's play a little...
Erin Kellyman and Amelia Kellyman as Maharet and Mekare and I don't think I need to tell you why... (The one in the middle is Milly Kellyman and she's an athlete.)
(left) Erin - October 17, 1998 - 1,68m (British)
(right) Amelia - June 6, 1993 - not sure (British)
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Tom Ellis - November 17, 1978 - 1,91m (British)... I have no idea who he could play, but like Ben Daniels (Santiago), he's the kind of actor who has the charisma to make you feel sympathy for the devil (if you know what I mean), so he could be something like Santino haha.
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May El Calamawy - October 28, 1986 - 1,69m (Egyptian/Palestinian)... I've loved her since I saw her in 'Moon Knight' and thank you Marvel for that, she's a great actress and I'm just in love with her, it's that thing, I just want her in every possible production. I can't say she'd be a good Akasha because I don't think she'd fit that role, so she could be some gender-swapped character or maybe Chrysanthe.
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Jameela Jamil - February 25, 1986 - 1,79m (Indian/Pakistani born in UK)... Make her Lydia (Pandora) and make her kick some ass, make Arjun her little dog and in the end she can be with Bianca (I don't think she should be with Marius because he deserves to end up alone).
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Eva Green - July 6, 1980 - 1,70m (French/Jewish descent on his mother's side)... How can you live without wanting this woman on your screen? I have no idea who she could be, but make her one of the old ones, a powerful one who puts fear into you, make her kick a lot of ass too.
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Charles Dance as Magnus - October 10, 1946 - 1,91m (British)... It's so sad because I can only see Magnus as him, but if Christos Lawton is Magnus in S2 I'll be satisfied too.
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Paul Bullion as Thornevald - June 4, 1988 - 1,91m (British)... Come on, he looks so much like Thorne, it's like he's going to start crying at any moment! And I wish the series would not only put Thorne and Cyril together, but make them a couple, because I would love that so much, them being the best clumsy duo at protecting and following Lestat around while being a complete mess, they need to stick together, I love them.
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Gillian Anderson or Kristin Bauer van Straten as Gabrielle. To be honest, from the first time I saw Kristin I saw Gabrielle in her.
Gillian Anderson - August 9, 1968 - 1,60m (American/British)
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Kristin Bauer van Straten - November 26, 1966 - 1,75 m (American)
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Oded Fehr as Nebamun (Gregory) - November 23, 1970 - 1,87m (Israeli)... That crush from 'The Mummy' that you never forget. Gregory being the biggest dad!
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I had some funny fancasts for Marius from the moment I read him in 'The Vampire Lestat', but the only two that never left my head were Fawad and Pedro, sorry! Two completely impossible actors, but something in me screamed that Marius should be Latino (crazy) and I unfortunately won't change my mind about that.
Fawad Khan - November 29, 1981- 1,78 m (Pakistani)
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Pedro Pascal - April 2, 1975 - 1,80m (Chilean/American)... Every time I read Marius and the image of Pedro pops into my mind, I start to giggle (I love you Pedro!).
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Sometimes I see Marius in Adam Cowie too, but unfortunately he's not an actor… June 3, 1988 - 1,88m (British/Model and Dante's face in DMC V).
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That's all for now, there are a few other characters that I wish I could fancast, but unfortunately I don't have any references and they are:
Seth. I keep wondering who would be the ideal actor to be the best couple ever with Fareed! (Sorry, I love them too).
Sevraine. Another great woman I wanted kicking ass!
Avicus and Mael. Along with Fareed and Seth, the two of them are the couple I look at and shout "old married couple energy!"
Cyril. Because I want him kissing Thorne on the mouth!!!
Rhoshamandes. Poor dear Rhosh, poorly used in the books, I wish he had the same energy as Ben Daniels as Santiago, an actor who would make you love the great villain and that in the series he is that great villain and not just someone who gradually becomes mediocre.
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Mahesh Jadu as Cyril, Khayman or Seth - October 26, 1982 - 1,83m (Australian)... My goodness he's beautiful, isn't he???? >///<
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Please reblog with more fancasts!
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hawkgirlz · 7 months
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found my prince khufu & princess chay-ara fancasts, both are egyptian as well!
- omar honore
- asmaa abulyazeid
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cloakndagger2 · 7 months
I have mix feelings on Melissa Barrera fancast as Wonder Woman. She’s not my ideal choice but I would look forward to her proving herself. It would be a pretty cool underdog story, but I will admit I thought her tv sister Mishel Prada gives me more WW vibes. Or the Egyptian-Palestinian actress May Calamawy Either way a brown WW would be cool
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kiyomisa · 8 months
Fancasting Instruments for OPLA
Since Sonya and Giona have gone into detail on how they chose individual instruments and themes for the One Piece characters, I have been thinking about what instruments and themes future characters would have.
Starting with characters we'll meet in season 2:
Vivi: Pan Flutes- Double Harmonic Scale - Lyrics
Okay, I know Nami's already a flute and Zoro has the bansuri, but I think pan flutes are different enough to be a bit more distinct. I thought about a harp, but I felt like I needed something more ancient for her, to her family's ties to before the Void Century and her direct link to the poneglyphs. Also pan flutes can be giant so we can get those super deep resonances for when she's in danger or when her leadership really shines. Also think of the flute duets she can have with Nami(yes, I ship them) As for her theme, it should be in a double harmonic scale, which is what gives us that signature middle-eastern/egyptian flavor. Also since Vivi's story is the main arc for season 2, she'll get this season's lyrical song. I like the sound of Dhvani Bhanushali for the singer, but I'm not too familiar with Bollywood or Middle Eastern singers so take this with a grain of salt.
The Sound Of Silence by Wuauquikuna | Panflute Ancient Egyptian Flute Ney music Nayan Video Song | Dhvani
Robin: Cello - Tango
The Cello is the sexiest string instrument ever, fight me. But it's also classy and classical, so it's perfect for our favorite archeologist. We're also going with a tango, because again sexy, but tangos also inevitably have an angsty or melancholic vibe to their passion, perfect for Robin's trauma and macabre sense of humor. Her them would usually in a minor key, but I think we'd get at least one instance of it in a major key after being rescued from Enies Lobby.
TANGO - A Tribute to Women (Official Music Video) - Tina Guo & Thibaut Vuillermet Wonder Woman Main Theme (Official Music Video) - Tina Guo
Chopper: Vibraphone & Gallop rhythm
Look, I tried really hard to stay away from "Christmas" instruments, but Chopper's a vibraphone. I almost went with the balalaika (Russian, triangular mandolin) instead, just to not be so on the nose. Then I remembered that Sonya and Giona gave Luffy the hurdygurdy because to them it was THE pirate instrument so fuck it, Chopper's a vibraphone. The vibraphone has that slightly whimsical/childish sound to it, but not quite as childish as a glockenspiel. And then we could use Tubular bells when he goes full on Monster Form. As far a signature for his theme, I think it would be fun to have the different hoof speeds--like a clip-clop clip-clop when things are chill or sad. A syncopated cut time for happy times, a kinda ta-dum ta-dum. Then a canter 123 123 when things are picking up or anxious and a full gallop for battles or celebrations.
Merry-Go-Round of Life for solo vibraphone Woodkid - The Great Escape (Official Audio)
Ace: Trumpet - Spanish/Brazilian Samba
Okay, so Mihawk stole the flamenco guitar, but nothing says fiery like those Spanish rifs. So we'll give Ace the Spanish trumpet, more in your face than the guitar, fitting for his young angry brashness vs Mihawk's older, refined experience. And instead of Flamenco, strict and disciplined in it's passion, we'll go for the Brazilian Samba, more fluid, more joyous and living life to it's fullest.
"The Mask of Zorro" (Play with Me n.83) - Andrea Giuffredi trumpet Samba de Janeiro (Instrumental)
Crocodile: Cabasa - 13/8
I feel like the Cabasa is good for Crocodile because it sounds like sand, slithery and gritty at the same time. His theme would be in 13/8, a more unusual unusal time signature to emphasize his outsider presence in Alabasta.
Cabasa Solo / Demo Songs that use 13/8 time
Bon Clay: French Horn- Arpeggios & trills
I struggled with Bon-chan, I really did. He needs to be comedic, but threatening, heroic but villainous. So I've gone with the French horn, probably the most versatile of the brass section. Also it seems to get the purest notes out of brass, at least to me. For his theme I'm picturing arpeggios and trills, to get that classical ballet feel. Just imagine that vs Sanji's jazz horns during their kick duel 😉.
Williams's Star Wars Leia's Theme, Horn Solo This jazz pianists INTERRUPTS me during moonlight sonata ??
Now for characters season 3 and on:
Blackbeard: Bass Accordion - 5/4 Clave, Luffy Inversed.
Now, unlike Sonya and Giona, my go-to instrument for pirates isn't the hurdygurdy, but the concertina in the accordion family. So, Blackbeard is going to be an accordion, but to emphasize his threat and size, we'll go with the Bass Accordion. As for his theme we'll go for a driving 5/4 Clave, that slow slow quick quick we get in the Mission Impossible theme. Also where Roger's theme was Luffy's theme reversed, Blackbeard's theme should be Luffy's theme Inversed, going up instead of down, etc. Because Blackbeard is pretty much Mirror-verse Luff. Do I actually know what that would sound like? No. I am not a composer and all my music theory is hapharzardly gleamed from Youtube.
[Accordion]Pirates of the Caribbean - He's a Pirate Bass accordion
Franky: Bass Guitar - Surf rock with brass
Look, Franky has a pompadour and is a cyborg that runs on Cola, and his real-world country is the US. So obviously we start with rockabilly/do-wop. But this is a pirate show, taking place on the high seas, and he's the shipwright, and he runs around in nothing but a speedo and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. When you take 50s rock to the beach, it becomes surf music. But I also want that metallic sound for his cyborg side, so we'll turn to a ska-band instrumental arrangement. Think Reel Big Fish playing Fun Fun Fun by The Beach Boys, or Wipeout by The Surfaries. Franky's actual instrument for the Strawhat ensemble though will be the bass guitar, getting those awesome bass licks and being the support for the group, just like the Sunny gives everyone a home.
ACOUSTIC BASS SOLO Fun Fun Fun - The Beach Boys (Trumpet Cover) Reel Big Fish - Sell Out
Brook: Fiddle & Angklung - Jig 6/8
I was gonna go contrary and use a bassoon for Brook, mostly 'cause I like the way they sound, they can be serious or funny (and also because this bassoon quartet cover of Spooky Scary Skeleton, you're welcome). But…Brook's a fiddle. It's one of the classic sailing instruments, he actually uses a violin and if it's not Baroque, don't fix it. Here in the West the Marimba is the classic instrument for rattling skeletal bones, but I love the hollow bamboo sound you get from the Indonesian angklung. I think this would mostly be used in the more comedic moments, but since I want his theme to be a jig, you could use it to mimic the hard-shoes of Irish step dancers. I chose jig because it's a good, happy bouncy dancing rhythm and the jig is related to the hornpipe, the classic dance for sailors as we know from Popeye and Donald Duck. I want it to be 6/8 because you get that swinging bounce like in a waltz and it's my favorite time signature. ASLI ENAK BANGET INI ANGKLUNG Bohemian Rhapsody by Angklung Swallowtail Jig - Irish Fiddle Tune!
Perona: Hammered Dulcimer & Musical Saw - Waltz in minor key
I went with hammered dulcimer because the sound is a kind of mix of elegance and metallic edginess. It's more versatile than the harpsichord and the reverb of it's strings makes for a good lingering echo evoking vast stone chambers and gothic cathedrals. The musical saw has a haunting, ethereal sound, but can also be a little cartoony. So I feel like it's perfect for Perona's hollows. (I do not have a great ear for music, and I always end up playing the "is it a female soprano, musical saw or theremin?" game.) And we have to go waltz in a minor key for our ghost princess, those dark haunted sound of a minor key and the sweeping flying notes of a waltz.
Colin Beasley Hammered Dulcimer - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star "Dream Waltz" Legend of Zelda Hammered Dulcimer - "Kotake and Koume's Theme" by Colin Beasley SAW MAESTRO Austin Blackburn!
Hancock: Clarinet - Sultry Snake & Heartbeats
The clarinet can be sultry and sexy but still aloof. And slithery, because Hancock's main melody should be serpentine and snake-like and arrogant. The beat should be heartbeats though, because of how she affects everyone's hearts, getting faster and more intense especially in battle or when using her Devil Fruit powers.
Bad Guy Clarinet Cover (Billie Eilish)
Jinbe: Bassoon -Chinese flavor
I was pretty settled on bassoon for Brook, for a long time, but when I finally gave in and made him a fiddle, that freed the bassoon up for Jinbe. The bassoon has such a deep, resonant and warm sound, it's good for this big lovable guy. I bet it could also make pretty good whale-like noises. I know he's a whale-shark, not a whale, but still. Like Zoro's theme has a Japanese flavor to it, I think Jinbe's should have a Chinese flavor, to go with his stoic wisdom and his Fishman karate.
Chris Sales - Qi Liu, Two Chinese Pieces for Bassoon and Piano, Little Sisters of the Grassland
Shirahoshi: Hang/Handpan
The hang sounds kinda like muffled but echoey bells, so it has a real underwater vibe to it. it also sounds pretty ancient and mystical so I feel like it works very good for our giant mermaid princess who is also an ancient weapon.
Mumi - Nothing Else Matters (handpan cover)
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Concept for “Moon Knight” season 2:
Episode 1 starts with a flashback. We learn that the Egyptian goddess Nephthys and her avatar, CIA agent Sandahl Swarn, received a vision that Nephthys would one day rule over the Egyptian pantheon of gods. However, in order for the prophecy to become true, she needed to control Khonshu’s avatar. So, for her candidate that she would present to Khonshu when he was ready to become the Moon Knight, she chose…Randall Spector. Plot twist!
However, Khonshu was secretly aware of Nephthys’ vision and, to spite her in the most petty way possible, chooses Randall’s brother as his avatar. So, Khonshu manipulates Marc’s life in order to get to the event where Marc ends up in his temple and accepts the deal to become Moon Knight. Khonshu also causes the flood that kills Randall in order to make sure Nephthys’ vision doesn’t come true. Khonshu has several reasons why he did this, the main ones being that he felt that Nephthys would make a terrible ruler of the Egyptian pantheon and that he just plainly didn’t like her. (Once again, this reinforces that Marc was just a pawn for Khonshu)
Angered by Khonshu’s petty dickery, Nephthys declared that she will destroy Khonshu’s newest Moon Knight with her own “Shadow Knight”. Nephthys has Sandahl steal Randall’s corpse and resurrects him. She would then spend the next few decades training/brainwashing Randall into being her loyal servant, essentially giving him the Winter Soldier treatment. The rest of season 2 would then be focused on Khonshu and Nephthys’ war, as well as Marc/Steven/Jake dealing with the fact that Randall was alive this whole time.
Fancast: Pedro Pascal plays older Randall Spector/Shadow Knight
(Side note: Nephthys is the main villain of the season because of the comics, not because of something specific in Egyptian mythology)
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destinyc1020 · 11 months
It wasn't a fan that fancast her but it was one of those twitter accounts that's always on some nonsense. They deleted the post like 15min later after a lot of Z fans said she would never take up that role for obvious reasons but by then the damage had already been done and the tweet spread. The same thing happened with the Cleopetra role. Egyptians weren't happy plus it was during Jada P. Smith botch job at a documentary that had people fuming even more.
But yes people just need to stop with the fancasts
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