#monsters' favourite
mara-xx217 · 3 months
The Monsters' Favourite- Ch. 32 Date Night (Special Episode Starring the Unknown)
You know I had to have one with the newest freak of the Fog lol
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence and Death, Slight Voyeurism, Monster Fucking, Semi Public Masturbation, Fingering, Alien Biology, Dubcon/Noncon, Creampie
A sliver of Greenville was transported to the Entity's realm, a place that Mikaela and new girl Sable both grew up in. How strange for it to be here, of all places… You didn’t know if it was truly strange that it was here, being tied to two survivors that were rather to their peers in the Fog. They were strange individuals, strange but good natured. It was no surprise that something else found its way into the Entity’s embrace, especially something so infamous that its track record spanned decades, leading into the next century. 
Mikaela and Sable always believed in the Fog, even before they truly knew it or had any reason to do so. They believed in the dark, though Mikaela tried to find the light within it while Sable reveled in the pitch black. She was the first to believe in the things that could go bump in the night, though she was the last between the two of them to truly experience it. They were mixed upon seeing the square of their hometown in the Entity’s realm. It was nostalgic but sad. Disturbing. Sable warned of something incredibly dangerous that lurked in the darkest corners of Greenville, worse than the run of the mill killers that all survivors faced on a regular basis. Something that made people go mad and little girls rip their eyeballs out. It thoroughly disturbed everyone, everyone but you. 
A new killer…? A new companion? 
“Don’t go to that terrible place… It’s… not what Mikaela and I once knew it to be.” Sable looked tired whenever she gave this warning. Everyone dreaded the trial that they would be sent to it, where they would ultimately see whatever terrible thing lurked in the dark and spirited its victims away. 
Everyone but you. 
It was strange to see such a modern addition to the Fog… It was comforting, in a way, even in spite of how twisted everything was. Holes where they didn’t belong, ruin and destruction, flickering lights… At least the arcades and the projector in the movie theater still worked, you mused. That was a boon that you weren’t expecting, though it certainly was a pleasant surprise, especially since you found the arcade machines were actually functional. 
“Huh… When’s the last time I’ve played a game like this?” You don’t know why you were speaking aloud, fiddling with the bumpers of a worn down pinball machine as it ringed and beeped an obnoxious tune. You found yourself straining your ears as you looked over your shoulder. 
…a quick game or two wouldn’t hurt, would it? 
One game turned into seven, and you were kicking and tilting the machine by the time you got annoyed enough to stop. If this thing actually required money to function, you would have probably lost your mind by this point. You cursed it and kicked it once more, swearing as you hit it in just the right way so you really felt it underneath the nail of your big toe. You felt a flash of hot pain course through your foot and you shouted, hobbling over to a bench that you heavily plopped down upon with a sigh. 
Huh. Was this the most normalcy that you’ve had in a while? Maybe it was… but it didn’t change the fact that you were being watched from somewhere, by someone or, rather, by something. You felt the hairs on your body stand on end as you perceived something in the upstairs room of the movie theater. 
Or maybe you were just being paranoid that you hadn’t seen your newest partner yet? It was unusual to go so long without being pounced on by a needy killer. Maybe it was stalking you? Fear and apprehension began to creep up the side of your neck, colouring your face slightly as you picked at the skirt of your yellow sundress. 
Your ears perked up slightly.
“Hello? I-I… I need some help…” 
No, you definitely heard something, though it was so quiet that you thought your mind was playing tricks on you. Your instincts told you to run away and get the hell out of the realm but something greater bolted you in place, briefly soothing your fear into something still uncertain but far more manageable than blindly fearing the Unknown. 
“...hello?” Oh, why did you do that?! Sometimes your body still acts on its own, against your control and consent. Moments like this leave your heart racing and your blood pressure doubling, especially as you strain your ears against the ear-ringing silence and the barely audible whispers of the Entity. 
…or maybe it really was nothing after all… You can’t deny the fact that a not so insignificant part of you was disappointed not seeing this new addition to the Fog. Where was it, anyway? Was it hiding from you…? That was a laughable thought, though you certainly wondered as you sat in place, distracted. 
You left for the time being. Maybe it wasn't yet acclimated to this new place? You felt… disappointed. Were you truly so far gone that you felt disappointment in not meeting some decades old horror face to face? Yeah, actually, you were… This disappointment lingered until you were in your next trial, unsurprisingly in Greenville and more unsurprisingly against the Unknown. 
The feeling of being watched loomed over you again, and you hummed to yourself as you shook off the spine-tingling chill of fear that wracked your entire body. 
One survivor fell… 
Screaming hit your ears from across the small square. Someone ran past you, panicking as they ripped their hair out and tried to swat away something… Unknown. 
Two survivors fell… 
Distorted voices cried out, for help, for mercy… It wasn’t genuine but rather cold, calculated to cause discomfort and fear to rise in the already panicking survivors. It scared them to the point that it made even the most experienced out of them all fall to the Unknown’s basic but insidious tactics. 
Three survivors fell… 
You sat on the bench in the square, observing how scuffed up your shoes were. Was it over yet? Maybe you would be the next one anyway… Not knowing what would happen next was both terrifying and exciting. Would it kill you? Fuck you? Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw something peering at you from the corner of the theater building. 
“...oh…? What’s… -this?” The voice was hushed, barely audible from where you were seated but you could still hear it with startling quality. It sounded like a chorus of individuals speaking as one, but… no, not quite. There was a slight delay in the speech, as though not all the voices were matching one another. Not out of confusion, no, more like… the right words weren’t available to the creature that was using them to speak. 
“Huh?” You lean forward a little, straining your ears as you did so. In the moment it takes you to blink, whatever is hiding around the theater is gone. Oh. Everything is silent and your anxiety begins to rise slowly. 
“Mmm… I- like it…” 
The voice was spoken directly into your ear, breathless and unnaturally quiet. For a fraction of a second, your heart leapt into your throat and your vision was briefly clouded by stars, but the panic that you felt instantly evaporated and you were left with a warm feeling that blanketed your body and smothered into something far more useful and pliable for both the Unknown and the Entity.
“What would… -you like?” The question caught you off guard. What was it asking…? You could feel it looming just behind you, so close that you swear you could see it in your peripheral vision but it was just barely out of sight. A loud POP filled your ears as the Unknown settled behind you, waiting for your answer.
“I… don’t understand?” You were left genuinely confused by its question. What would you like…? That didn’t matter, or it never mattered to anyone else, it seemed. The Unknown shifted behind you, almost as if examining you from behind. 
“What would… -you like?” It repeated it again, only louder this time. You stared at the ground, at the twisting shadow that was casted from behind you. 
“I… don’t mind anything. You can do anything you want to me, I-” You were a little startled by an unsettling groaning sound. It wasn’t quite a growl, but it was something close, like something hard being ground against each other. 
“What. -would. You. -like?” Gnarled fingers grazed against your shoulder, brushing against the thin strap of your dress. 
“I…” You were left a little stumped. You didn’t fully understand what kind of question it was asking you. What did you want it to do to you? What did you want to do with it? …what did you want? 
What did you want…? 
“I… want-” You trailed off for a brief moment as your eyes landed on the movie theater. 
“-to see a movie with you.” It was a halfhearted attempt at a joke, really. You were nervous and didn’t know what else to say. And… yeah. You did want to go see a movie. You thought the Unknown would become annoyed at the very least, or even angry, but to your surprise you felt it place a broken, disjointed hand on your shoulder and gently urge you to stand up with a slight push from behind. 
“O-kay… Date -night?” Oh. …oh!
Well… that wasn’t what you were expecting, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise. You were led into the movie theater, the Unknown awkwardly shuffling in behind you. A part of you was going to jokingly ask if the two of you could get some popcorn or something, but then you remembered seeing a severed arm both in the machine and under the counter and your stomach decided against it. 
It’s not like you’re going to have much of an appetite soon enough… 
You weren’t sure exactly what you were expecting as you entered the dilapidated theater with the Unknown at your back. It was dark, as expected, but the large hole in the side of the room had completely distracted you from the fact that you were being sat down in one of the aisle seats. It was a little uncanny how the light from the outside lamp posts seemed to die before it entered the theater, leaving it shrouded in a darkness that was almost unnatural. Your heart began to pound in your chest as you waited to see the Unknown pass before you, so you could at least catch a look at its silhouette as it passed in front of the projection that was playing idly but to your surprise it instead took a seat behind you.
What… was it doing…? 
You don’t think you’ve ever had a killer do something like this before. Not even… No, not even Max, who was probably one of the shyest people you’ve ever met. Even more than Dwight… It made you blush a little as you thought of them both, which somehow felt wrong, given the circumstances. 
Even though this is your entire purpose… You’re nothing but a-
A symphony of POPS filled your ears and made you jump slightly. Damn.. does that hurt? A part of you felt sympathetic to the Unknown, even after catching only a few fleeting glimpses of it from afar. Would it allow you to touch it? Did it even want you so close to it? Was it keeping its distance, or was it merely observing you for now? All of these uncertainties made you antsy, and it made your already warming body heat up even more as you could feel the Unknown staring at you from over your shoulder. 
The sound made your hairs stand on end as it vibrated through your body. The Unknown’s hand fell from your shoulder and onto the back of your chair, where it gripped it tightly. Your heart skips a beat and you ball up the skirt of your dress as you feel the old wood and plastic shift and creak under its vice grip.
You know a leering stare when you feel one, and you certainly felt it in spades. Was it staring at your chest…? You unconsciously crane your neck to the side, slightly pushing up your breasts with your upper arms as the Unknown shifted behind you. 
Your face began to heat up as you felt a room temperature breath tickle the back of your partially exposed neck and ear. A thrill ran up and down your spine as you caught a glimpse of its face from the corner of your eye, far too low with a neck that was far too long and with an expression that both made your stomach churn with fear and excitement. Your body began to tremble as you heard the chair behind you creak, a soft, wet, squishing sound just barely audible over your breathing and racing heart.
The Unknown’s contorted body pressed against your back as it learned towards you. There was no mistaking the quiet sounds and noticeable rhythm of movement for anything else other than that, right? You rubbed your thighs together as your breathing picked up, hitching slightly as the urge to move and do… something, anything other than just sit there suddenly took hold of you. 
“What… -do you think? Like -this?” 
You were unable to stifle a gasp as the Unknown seemed to drape itself around you, at first what you thought was an arm was in fact its long, distorted neck practically wrapping around your shoulders like a scarf as the rest of its body slunk over the tops of the seats not unlike a snake would, though with far more limbs and more joints that needed to be popped in and out of place to achieve the shocking movement. 
“...heavy -p-petting…?~” 
Its voices were flat, not filled with the correct intention, but you didn’t need words to know what it wanted from you. 
With its left arm, the Unknown looped it around your waist, leaning its surprisingly heavy body mass against your side as its other hand was busy in between its legs moving in a gesture that was all too familiar to you. You squirmed in place as the Unknown rested its cheek against your chest, a disturbing, fixed smile on its face as its fingers tickled up the side of your inner thigh, pulling up the thin fabric of your skirt. A low, rumbling sound hits your ears as you begin to part your legs for the Unknown. You bite your lip and try to hold back a shudder but fail to do so as you feel crooked, broken fingers dig in between your thighs and clumsily press into the wet folds of your sex.
The Unknown seemed to have a general idea of how ‘heavy petting’ works, but it likely has only observed from afar instead of partaking, itself. It was in the right area, doing all the right movements but it was unpracticed and jerky, as though it struggled to maintain its fine motor functions. It wasn’t unpleasant by any means, a little rough at times but not at all like how other killers treat you, purposefully trying to harm and humiliate you through the action. The Unknown was almost curious as to your reaction, maintaining full concentration on your face as you spread your legs open further and sank down into your chair with a shaky sigh. 
Every movement it made, your toes curled in response. The Unknown circled around your clit, briefly pushing it in before sliding down from it and pressing its thumb into the entrance of your vagina. T-This- This is so- O-OH!~ 
“M-MMM-!~” You moan and arch your back as the Unknown pushes its thumb up to the knuckle inside of you. I-It’s so long and feel so- O-OUUGH-!~ All of its fingers bent in ways that were physically impossible, or rather improbable, for a typical human being. Its thumb is bent the wrong way! Like it's the wrong way out, or- 
You blindly fumbled around until you grabbed the Unknown by its knobby wrist. It shuddered and groaned as it inserted its forefinger inside of you. So warm, so soft…~ It felt good to reciprocate that action back, on its own body. It felt even better that you were watching it, slightly wide eyed and slack jawed as you tried to make sense of its anatomy. You threw your other hand atop of its right, wrapping around it as it both stroked itself and occasionally dipped its fingers into itself just as it did with you, even mimicking the same ‘come here’ motion that had your hips bucking and your vision narrowing. 
“R-Right there-!~ Mmm-!~ I-I can’t-!” 
Your legs began to quake as the Unknown found and massaged your sweet spot over and over again. An embarrassing amount of liquid erupted from in between your legs, causing your eyes to go slightly cross and your back to arch. Your other hand was now wrapped around the Unknown’s slippery, inconsistent member, not anything like a human penis but nothing like anything else you’ve ever experienced in your time in the Fog either. Instead of pulling its fingers out, the Unknown shoved a third inside of you as you leaned over to the side, breathing heavily as you felt one of its legs push in between your own and prop it open so it had full access to your nethers. 
“More-?~ Next… -base?” 
It disturbed you how tightly its body was wound against your own, but it didn’t cool the raging arousal you felt as the sharply pointed head of its cock rubbed in between your folds and retreated into the warmth of your clenched fist. The Unknown pulled its fingers out of you and allowed you to guide it towards your entrance, shivering and gripping your thigh and hip tightly as it was instantly attracted to the warmth of your body.
“H-Ha… A-AHH-?!~” 
Your voice rose in pitch as you were suddenly filled. Shit-! That’s a lot- FUCK, IT’S A LOT-!!! It was reminiscent of the Demogorgon’s cock in how it seemed to fluidly change shape, both in length and girth. A garbled groan left the Unknown’s chest as its hips bucked into you, instantly putting pressure against the entrance to your womb. It’s squirming-! It’s so slipper and it’s TOO MUCH-!!!~ 
Your body was pretzeled into an awkward position, but the discomfort was nothing in comparison to the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that you felt as the Unknown began to slam and grind its hips against your own. No, it wasn’t quite its hips, or it was, but it wasn’t the part of the pelvis that the genitals typically rested at. Rather, it sat almost on top of its hips, near where its naval would be if it had one. 
You squeaked in surprise as you felt something pointed scrape against your sensitive bits. Instinctively, you tried to squirm away but you found yourself unable to move in the Unknown’s firm grasp, especially when you felt something all but clamp down onto the soft mounds of your pubic region. 
“W-WHA-?! O-OUUGHH!!!~” 
It was like something was biting you! Long ,thin, teeth-like appendages sprouted from the gaping hole of the Unknown’s abdomen, slightly blunted but still digging into your skin in such a way that blood could be drawn if you tried to pull away from its advances too hard. They twitch around your vulva and squeeze down on you whenever you try to squirm or your hips bucked too hard away from it. 
“Good…~ Baby…~ So wet~ -sexy…~” 
The Unknown was breathing against your heaving cleavage, its tongue snaked out of its twisted maw and down the front of your dress. Your vision was blurred with tears and you were lighthead and dizzy from having the air fucked out of your lungs. A wet SLAP accompanied every bump of its hips against your own, a thick, sticky fluid leaking out of the wound on its stomach and smearing all over your ass and your pussy. It was an excellent lubricant and made every subsequent orgasm that you had come swiftly and without warming.
“O-OHHH!!!~ M-MMM-!~ G-GUUUH!!!~” 
“H-Ha~ -c-coming…~” 
Its tongue slid up your neck as its lower abdomen began to twitch. You felt an uncomfortable pressure begin to swell inside of you, only for it to suddenly double in intensity so that your limbs were jerking and twitching erratically as you desperately tried to escape the unbearable stretch that threatened to tear you in half from the inside out. 
Painful, needle-like pricks dug into your sex as you felt a thick, room temperature liquid suddenly rush inside of you. Panicked gasps leave your mouth as you struggle to breathe. There’s so much-! Fuck, you’ll burst!!! Even though it hurt like hell, you were cumming again, and again… and again, until both you and the Unknown slipped into the floor, with you lying prone on your stomach as it was on top of you, with one of its legs wrapped around yours and its neck draping over your shoulders, so its head laid just in front of yours and it could look you in the eyes. 
“O-Ooouughh… P-Please…” Your voice was a quiet whisper as you squirmed against the pressure in your lower abdomen. The Unknown was shifting inside of you, its cock slowly sliding out of you with only the aid of gravity. The relief you felt was immeasurable, but your eyes snapped open wide and you screamed as it thrusted back inside of you with a confidence it didn’t have before. 
“-again. More- Shh- I’m almost done-” 
It repeated many phrases it learned during its time while stalking humans. It applied all the knowledge it learned from them onto you, to make you feel good, to make you squirm, to make you cry… The Unknown didn’t have a need to hurt you, not exactly a desire to cause harm nor to hunt you, but participating in something that it has seen countless times was exhilarating in a way, especially when you welcomed it all, even when it purposefully fucked you in ways that made you cry and scream for mercy...
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @cherrysodalite, @thanksatt, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather @horny-3
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sui-imi · 18 days
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Funeral, right
been seeing some discussion about canon/fanon sans re: papyrus' death, and then i thought, unrelatedly, "hey i wonder what he did with the dust"
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bluegiragi · 3 months
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mask off.
early access + nsfw on patreon
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cloud-ya · 2 months
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it brought you a gift
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tea-n-ink · 4 months
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Homesickness is where the heart is
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valtsv · 4 months
the central thesis of doppelgänger fear isn't "this thing that looks and acts like me is going to replace me" it's the terrible intimacy of being truly seen and understood without borders. being forced to confront that you are your own mother and father and god and yourself in all its totality. there is nowhere you can hide that a doppelgänger cannot find within itself. the fear of replacement is a response to that invasion. it isn't the spider-shaped tumor moving towards the center of the web where until recently you sat comfortably, unthreatened, but the tremors reverberating through the silken strands that its approaching footsteps cause.
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hinamie · 4 months
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atla!au designs part 3 !! one of these things is uh. not like the others
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kamiart · 3 months
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i love u basarios
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abisalli · 5 months
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bone apple teeth laios dungeon meshi!
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mara-xx217 · 3 months
Snippet of the New 'Monsters' Favourite' Special Episode
I've started to work on the newest chapter of "Monsters' Favourite, starring the Unknown! Here's a little snippet of the beginning~
A sliver of Greenville was transported to the Entity's realm, a place that Mikaela and new girl Sable both grew up in. How strange for it to be here, of all places… You didn’t know if it was truly strange that it was here, being tied to two survivors that were rather to their peers in the Fog. They were strange individuals, strange but good natured. It was no surprise that something else found its way into the Entity’s embrace, especially something so infamous that its track record spanned decades, leading into the next century. 
Mikaela and Sable always believed in the Fog, even before they truly knew it or had any reason to do so. They believed in the dark, though Mikaela tried to find the light within it while Sable reveled in the pitch black. She was the first to believe in the things that could go bump in the night, though she was the last between the two of them to truly experience it. They were mixed upon seeing the square of their hometown in the Entity’s realm. It was nostalgic but sad. Disturbing. Sable warned of something incredibly dangerous that lurked in the darkest corners of Greenville, worse than the run of the mill killers that all survivors faced on a regular basis. Something that made people go mad and little girls rip their eyeballs out. It thoroughly disturbed everyone, everyone but you. 
A new killer…? A new companion? 
“Don’t go to that terrible place… It’s… not what Mikaela and I once knew it to be.” Sable looked tired whenever she gave this warning. Everyone dreaded the trial that they would be sent to it, where they would ultimately see whatever terrible thing lurked in the dark and spirited its victims away. 
Everyone but you.
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @cherrysodalite, @thanksatt, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather @horny-3
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kontent-with-karma · 7 months
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an-albino-pinetree · 19 days
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There was no way I wasn’t immediately gonna jump at the chance to draw this dude, I love him 💜🌾
Guys, please go check out @iamespecter ‘s Little Digital Nightmares concepts, they are SO COOOOL!!
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christadeguchi · 1 year
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olivermellor · 11 months
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So that's it, huh? I remember the drill.
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