#monster rider Alwin
bouncingkadachi · 2 years
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Still maintain that these two ought to be married and adopt my idiot child as their own.
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ana-can21 · 2 years
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Monster Hunter Stories 2 - Ena, Rider, Navirou, & Alwin 💚💜💛💙
👻Happy Halloween!!!🎃🧡💔🍩NO!!! NOT THE DONUTS!!!🍩💔🖤
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monsterhunterwhore · 27 days
Welcome to the newest addition of my evergrowing attempt at oc infodumping and blog organization! anyway, heres the two main OCs of this blog:
Monster Hunter Stories 1 MC:
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Suvaryn or Ryn, partners with Blaize(Ratha). yes i renamed the main monstie. it pisses me off that they gave both rathalos the same damn nickname and never let you rename it, even after the story ended. moving on.
Next up!
Monster Hunter Stories 2 MC:
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Meleni Roudyr! (image is from right after fully bonding with Eiwyn(also Ratha)) They actually share a primary bond with three monsties: Eiwyn (razewing rathalos), Babydoll (shrouded nerscylla), and Nei (zinogre).
Meleni does have traditional tattoos that combine the Mahana markings and the Samoan tattoos/body markings. still have to do more research for specifics
Meleni, like their grandfather Red and a select few of Mahana Village, has an extended life span thats tied to their monstie companions. Ryn, Cheval, and Avinia also have extended lifespans. Lilia does, in fact, also have an extended lifespan despite not being a Rider, due to her bond with Blaize/MHS1 Ratha.
Lilia's a unique case, and i thought it made sense to adapt her bond with Blaize to essentially being the same as a Rider Bond in my HC. Her Bond does vary a little bit, in that she only received minor cosmetic changes and the extended lifetime, such as slightly pointier ears, the bright red-orange hair streak, and light blue sclera with darker red pupils.
Cheval never really fully bonded with Blaize, but does end up with a similar scar on his eye, mirroring the Rathalos. The only remaing trace of his initial bond with it is that under certain lighting, his red hair looks almost the same color as Blaize's scales. Post-Story of MHS 1, Cheval starts to fully Bond with his Rathian, finally allowing him to be seen as a mature, well-balanced Rider among the inhabitants of Hakum Village.
The inhabitants of Rutoh village undergo a similar change to that of the Riders Bond due to the village maintaining a fairly sizable herd of Kelbi. While not everyone is born with Kelbi horns, they will begin to grow and gain a specific hue once they reach about three years of age, after meeting the herd and pairing up with a baby Kelbi. Ena and Alwin have spilt horn colors as they have Bonded with both a Monstie and a Kelbi. There are a select few whose horns have multiple hues as they have Grazed(paired) with several Kelbi and are expected to become the next caretaker of the herd after the current Taker becomes unable to.
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sonicasura · 2 months
So here is a little look into Rider's family
Red was born in Mahana Village were as he grew up became a legend to the Village due to his bravery and natural intunement to nature and monsties. Later he married and had a daughter, Red's wife passed away around 10 years later, leaving Red as the sole parent to their daughter. Red's daughter quickly became the Village's sunshine. Red's daughter ended up meeting Rider's father when she turned 19. Rider's father who was also 19 at the time was from Hakum Village and a budding Researcher in anything and everything having too do with Monsters, which is why he went too Mahana Village to learn about Rider's and their Monsties. After around 2 years they fell in love and got married, and soon Red's daughter made the decision to go back to Hakum Village with her husband. Red wouldn't stop his daughter from being happy and supported the decision.
However when Red's daughter just found out she was pregnant with Rider, is when tragedy struck, and her husband was killed by an enraged Savage Devijho while on a Guild expedition, in the Desert. Heartbroken, Red's daughter condition began to rapidly deteriorate from the stress and sadness, so the Village Elder told Red of this grave news, who immediately bolted over to be with his daughter helping her threw the pregnancy. She made it threw the pregnancy however hours later after giving birth, she passed away her body having deteriorated too much. Red decided after becoming last of his Grandchild's family that he would remain in Hakum Village so he could be raised were their father was from and Red would teach Rider of his mother's home of Mahana Village.
Extra little lore:
- Red never became the Chief of Mahana, feeling that one his best friends, the current Chief as the best choice
- Rider's Mother was the one who pursed the relationship with Rider's Father, following him and playing pranks on him throughout his time on the Island, along with little gifts to show her interest in him
- The people of Mahana Village were sad to see her go, but respected her choice and hoped she would visit with them again
- Ena and Alwin, did meet Rider's Mother as a baby and visited throughout her life, but they never met Rider or even new that Red had a Grandchild
- Rider's name ( just so no one is confused Rider is a placeholder name) was chosen after witnessing the Pondry Hill Water Flowers Bloom
This was just little extra information I decided to add for Rider's family, you have anything you want to add or change?
I never thought a family would Joestars' level of tragedy yet here we are. Honestly don't have anything to add other than someone accidentally asking Rider about their family and the sad look on their face that immediately paints a bad picture.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Okay, the elder dragon anon has got me curious. What if it was other monsters too. My fave is a mizustune so how would the girls and guys act to their Mizustune S/O being a bit too playful and accidentally getting them soaked with soap and bubbles?
Sure! XD Hope you enjoy!💖
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to Their Mizutsune S/O Being Playful
-We all know that Kyle would be irritated. This man always seems to have a stick up his butt somewhere because he wouldn’t find it very funny at all. He’d be wet, slipping everywhere, and you would be cackling in your mizutsune way. Kyle would probably scold you, threaten you with being skinned or something, but you know you have nothing to worry about. Even with all the bubbles that led to bruises on him, Kyle wouldn’t harm you at all and would be smiling at the end of the day.
-Reverto would find some fun in it at first, sliding around on the bubbles with you and so forth. He would give in to the amusement. But Reverto is also kind of a clutz. He’s a big guy, so falling sometimes takes a toll on him. The hunter also has a reputation of being lazy, which shows after you’ve been too playful for a while. Soon, he’ll be just a puddle on the ground, soaked in water. Reverto doesn’t mind though. In fact, he loves it. So, he doesn’t mind getting bubbles all over him. It’s a bath in his mind.
-Cheval has trouble keeping up with you for one thing. You’re so fast with all the bubbles and water, but he loves your playful side. Rathi will also play around with, helping her rider keep up. But also, when you slide around, he will as well. As a mizutsune, it’s just in your behavior. It he gets a little wet and soapy, so be it. Cheval is willing to make some sacrifices if it means seeing you so happy. Plus, it’s humorous to try and pop every single bubble that you make. It’s become like a competition.
-The wyverian has his standards when it comes to things like this. He knows that you as a mizutsune is playful, but he’d rather watch you and stay out of it. However, sometimes you just need to let all the energy out, and who better to bother than your favorite wyverian? Shaulk finds it more entertaining than his rider. Alwin is so composed too, which makes it more fun for you to drench him in water and bubbles. He does get a little irritated, but he doesn’t show it as much as someone like Kyle.
-Lilia would feel a bit guilty because she’s always so busy. So when you soak her in bubbles and such, she can’t get mad. You are happy and playful when it comes to seeing her, so she just plays along. Lilia goes from serious yet smiling to laughing and chasing after you. If anything, your playfulness feeds off of each other. The more playful you get, the more Lilia gets as well. Chasing after you is just the tip of the iceberg. There are times where she’ll even get to splash you back with your own suds.
-Your playfulness as a mizutsune is something that Ena adores. She’s always mesmerized by your beauty. So much so that she forgets how playful you can be.  Ena will just be in her own thoughts and then a bubble pops before her eyes. It takes her a few moments before she realizes what’s happening, and at that point, she’s surrounded by your mizutsune bubbles and foam. Now, you never want to absolutely drench Ena because you know she would be upset, but you still manage to have fun with her.
-Kayna is the absolute worst because if you dare get her wet, she considers it a challenge. She isn’t angry at you, but she’ll chase you around and such, probably slipping as she does so. Kayna likes to have fun just as much as you do, so she sometimes encourages it. Avmar will be needed for extra speed, but you guys will essentially have a splash battle between one another. Kayna usually loses, being covered in bubbles as you dance around, but she’s laughing the whole time because she enjoys being with you so much.
-Living in such a cold place, I bet she would be annoyed if you got her soaked with bubbles and soap. However, let’s say you and Avinia are at a hot spring, then she enjoys all of it. She’s laughing and enjoying the bubbles as you hop around in a playful manner. Even Frostfang seems to be enjoying what he’s seeing as bath time. Sometimes, after the playing is done, you guys will just relax in the hot springs. Your bubbles will create the best smelling and most serene setting for the pair of lovers you guys are.
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
So little catch up with the actual plot that’s happening with The Blorbo Run. For context, Rider!Odessa was the protagonist of the first Stories game and so Stories 2 plot is low-key funny because most characters don’t realise they’re talking down to the teen who saved the world as a kid just because an incident occurred where she got stranded at a village her grandfather happened to be from-
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So currently in the plot, Rider is getting pissed that she’s being told she can’t handle a potentially dangerous rathalos and the village elder (and most of the village) won’t stop comparing her to Red (her grandfather). Incidentally Mei and Frye couldn’t care less they think this monster is super cool and can’t way to meet this embodiment of destruction-
Also they’re about to fight a nargacuga who’s too close to the village and becoming a threat and Alwin as a tutorial to fighting fellow riders (he’s the second villages rider accompanying Rider. he’s also there ig)
Frye continues to be the mvp but genes have severely helped Mei not die immediatly
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
more mhs2 Khan brainrot
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Khan apologizing to his first Monstie for the injury caused by his carelessness. Brother can't continue fighting after sustaining the injury - he broke a leg pretty badly and isn't as agile as he was before - so Khan sends him back to Hakolo Island to help raise his newly hatched Monsties. Brother takes to the new job like a duck to water.
On the top right is a young Felix, Khan's eventual main lead Monstie. She was incredibly inquisitive as a youngster and has small bits of white on her, making her look like a cartoon cat Khan had seen a couple times. Given her ability to get into and out of trouble as well, he named her after the clever character. She's a bit standoffish towards newcomers and can be quite capricious and mercurial. Khan loves her anyway and, when caring for her, calls her 'Queen Felix'
Middle image is 15 year old Khan pre-Ratha bond. That part where Ol Dede releases Ratha's powers? In my head, there was a binding between Ratha and his rider to help contain the powers and make it easier to control them. There were side effects that no one expected.
Bottom left is just Khan thing at something.
Bottom right is Khan recieving the scar that crosses his face. He was on a hunt with Alwin when the monster they battles got in a lucky shot, slashing him across the face. Alwin had to finish the battle himself as Khan was collapsed and holding his face, realizing just how quickly and easily he could get seriously injured or even die and having a Crisis over it. Khan was flown back to Rutoh Village on Shaulk's back and spent a couple days in the infirmary before he insisted he was well enough to go on hunts. He forced himself to keep hunting to get over the fear.
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goldie-claws · 3 years
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Harper: See? This is Vio: my new monstie! Or Ultra Violence if you want his full name~
Alwin: UH......
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aknosom · 3 years
every time i charge my bow i always tell my friend "i'm gonna become alwin rq"
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kiame-sama · 3 years
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Razewing Hearts -(Yandere!Kyle x Reader)
Monster Hunter Stories 2
So, I really got into playing this game recently. I've noticed that tsunderes are quite the thing in this game and I just loved the very tsundere hunter Kyle. He seems like such a sweetheart so long as he is with his darling and such a jerk without. I also really took a liking to Alwin, but Kyle seemed to fit just a bit more for the prompt I had in mind.
Warnings; yandere, recommended level of six star contracts, slight spoilers for mid-game Monster Hunter Stories 2, crash-course before fic for those who are new or rusty on Monster Hunter,
*Crash course Monster Hunter definitions!
- Hunter: Those with Demon Blood who hunt monsters usually for a fee.
- Rider: Those who ride monsters and befriend them, often entering battle together and being unwaveringly loyal to one another. Usually raise Monsties from eggs.
- Monsties: Monsters with bonded Riders that have been hand reared by rider. Monsties are 100% ride or die for their Riders and will throw themselves into harm's way for their rider
- Wyverian/Wyvern; Species of hominid that have three fingers and a thumb instead of four and a thumb, usually walking on the balls of their feet with pointed ears and 1000+ lifespan, reclusive and untrusting of many humans.
- Felyne: Humanoid Cats that walk on their hind-legs and can talk, usually the 'worker' class level but many will live feral or join humans as side-kick partner types. (All speak in cat-puns. I don't make the rules.)
Palico: Felyne that has a Hunter or Rider partner they work with.
The hunter was pulled out of his thoughts by the voice of the silver-tabby palico that he traveled with. He and his companion were looking into the formation of these pits and what may be potentially causing them. Supposedly, where they were standing was the pit where the famous rider Red had died, though it seemed quite calm and peaceful now.
Despite the important job he was doing, he kept finding himself spacing out as his thoughts wandered back to that Rider. The last time he had seen them was when they were parting back at the felyne shelter. He had agreed that perhaps Ratha was not so dangerous so long as he was with his rider and his rider is able to keep him calm.
They agreed to split back up to continue searching for the origin of these pits when that Rider did something he hadn't expected. It was a small act, really, but it absolutely melted all of the ice he had tried to put around his heart. That Rider picked up his hand with both of theirs, holding it close with such a kind and forgiving smile despite all of the things he had said and done to both them and Ratha.
Kyle wasn't one to regret, but he did when it came to all he had done and said in that instance. Those eyes... They seemed to forgive him for every terrible thing he had done. Truly, he couldn't get them out of his mind or the gentle warmth that came from their soft hands.
How can hands that slay monsters and fight endlessly be so soft? The lightest and warmest touch he had ever felt...
Everything he knew and had been taught told him that he should hate this Rider, but the more he tried to hate them, the more he couldn't help but adore them. He found his thoughts wander back to them so often that he began to worry he may be a little obsessed.
"Clearly something is on your mind."
Again, Tsukino's voice cut through his thoughts and he turned to her, seeing her standing with her paws on her hips and a smile on her face. She had always been able to read him like a book, so of course she knew when he seemed to be off of his a-game.
But could he really tell her what was on his mind? Would she even understand? Would she think differently of him?
"I'm worried about that Rider..." "I thought you trusted in their bond between Rider and Monstie?" "I do. That's not what I've been thinking about." "What is it then?" "That Rider... (Y/n)... At first they seemed like an idiot for their reckless behavior, but after we spent time working together... I can't get them out of my mind. They're just so... Wow. You know?"
Tsukino let out a soft snorting sound, covering her muzzle with a paw in an attempt to stifle her giggle. She had spent years training with Kyle and never before had she seen him smile so wistfully. The answer to Kyle's problem was actually quite clear to the bright green-eyed felyne.
"Purrhaps you have a crush on that Rider?" "Wha- I- No- I mean- I... What gives you that impression?" "It could be 'they're just so wow' that makes me think it, or your blush."
Bright red flamed over Kyle's cheeks, his blond hair seeming to fluff up with his embarrassment. Tsukino always thought Kyle reminded her of another felyne quite often, and his physical reaction only seemed to affirm that view of hers. He was blushing so brightly his fair skin was crimson.
"Yeah... Yeah. I guess I do have a crush on them."
Kyle sighed as the felyne giggled into her paws again, turning to look at the horizon.
I guess I do have crush, but it feels like something more. It's not just a crush, it's feels like something darker just beneath the surface...
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bouncingkadachi · 2 years
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Making my own versions of the partner Monsties, Part 1, featuring: Shaulk (I wish I had his little head armor)
Alwin's had Shaulk for a quite a long while now. Don't let his age fool you though—Shaulk's still plenty fast, and more than capable of sharp turns and plunging dives at a moment's notice. A keen eye for sudden movement further makes him a formidable guardian of the village. A lightweight body and plenty of experience means that he glides effortlessly through the air, expending minimal energy.
Although he's certainly matured with the years, and frequently matches Alwin's own taciturn personality, Shaulk maintains a thrill for the chase that he's had ever since he was a fledgling. His specialty is to deter potential threats from the village with sweeping blasts of cold and clever manipulations of ice, covering a wide reach. For those more persistent intruders, Shaulk has a wicked dive bomb, and prefers to take the initiative in striking.
Freezing Burst — a sweeping blast of cold wind, packing considerable punch from an aggressive beat of deceptively delicate wings. Offers a wide range of deterrence while also keeping Shaulk on the wing. A favorite opener.
Silver Blast — a big breath of ice, made worse with added wind pressure from his beating wings.
Icicle Terror — generates and launches icicles over a large patch of ground. Cleaning them up is kind of a pain, though.
Cold Blast — gusts of cold air kicked up generally from his comings and goings. Shaulk uses sharp twists and turns to control where he sends them.
Vengeful Ice Drill — how fast can he spin? Very fast. The large amount of torque generated makes this a nasty finisher.
Sonic Strike T — a no-nonsense, fast and furious strike. Sharp talons and a hooked beak makes it hard to fend off.
Unfairly pretty in flight and absolutely knows it. A bit vain, actually.
Extremely popular with the village Paolumu. Uses it to his advantage to nap in a cloud of fluff. Alwin has long since given up trying to understand this.
His head armor was commissioned as a congratulatory gift on Alwin's ascent to the leader of Rutoh's guard. It matches the headdress that Alwin received at his own coming of age ceremony.
Shaulk's original head armor was actually damaged in an encounter with a rage-rayed Tigrex. However, Shaulk had been due a re-sizing anyway, so at least there was some silver lining to the incident.
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ana-can21 · 2 years
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Monster Hunter Stories 2 - Rider, Alwin, & Navirou 💜💙💛
🍩Donuts? Go Nuts! Donut Man!🍩
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World War H: Part One {Genshin Impact X Monster Hunter Crossover}
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A/N: This crossover of Genshin Impact and Monster Hunter will focus on Y/N along with his friends and his older brother, B/N, finding themselves in an unexpected battle against Hilichurls in their new home, Teyvat. Also, I should thank @lyra-the-astalos-gaurdian for helping me write this, now without further ado, enjoy reading 💙☺️.
Y/N's Pov
I was sitting on my bed for a bit while reminiscing about the times I had back in my world before I'd arrived in Teyvat, It's been over a year since me and my older brother, B/N along with our friends, Alwin, Avinia, Cheval, Kayna and Kyle and Reverto, and lots of various types of Monster Hunters and Riders arrived in the very beautiful yet strange world. Despite all of us being in Teyvat for over a year, we still aren't fully familiar with the world, but besides all that we'd became best friends with the people of Teyvat, and those people are Amber, Diluc, Jean, Kaeya, Lisa, Aether and Venti and many more. We be helping them out on tasks called commissions, and to return the favor they've helped us set up a new village for both Monster Hunters and Riders, I am a Rider while B/N is a Monster Hunter, and back in our world people looked up to us as heroes and leaders despite our differences.
Before I could reminisce more I heard a knock at my door, "come in," after I said that the person opened the door which was B/N, "hey Y/N, how's my little brother doing?" B/N asked before sitting on my bed, I got up before saying, "I'm doing good, I'm just thinking about the times we had back in our world before arriving here," B/N sighed before saying, "me too Y/N, but at least we aren't the only ones here, we got Avinia, Alwin, Cheval, Kyle, and Kayna and Reverto with us. So as long as our friends are with us, we'll be okay," B/N said assuredly, "you're right, thank you B/N," I replied before hugging him. He hugged me back before saying, "your welcome Y/N, now get some rest, it's getting late" "okay, good night B/N," I replied, "good night Y/N," he said before closing the door behind him while making his way to his room. Feeling my eyes getting heavy, I slowly laid my head on my pillow before I instantly fell asleep.
B/N's Pov
After I'd closed Y/N's door, I've made my way to my room to get me some rest as well, I got on my bed and laid down to get some sleep, I slowly closed my eyelids but before I could fully close them I heard a loud knock at the front door. I quickly got up and ran out my room to go see who it was, I opened the door only to see it was Kyle and Reverto at the doorstep. "Guys, do you have any idea how late it is?" I asked in a whisper, trying not to wake Y/N up, "B/N, there's no time to explain, we have to go, now," Reverto said urgently. "W-Why?" I asked him, but before he could answer multiple Hilichurls started to appear behind them, "behind you!" I yelled, Kyle and Reverto quickly turned around before they tried to make their way in my house. "B/N quick, get Y/N out of here," Reverto said while fending off the Hilichurls, I did what I was told and quickly made my way to Y/N's room, I opened the door only to see him asleep, oblivious to what's happening outside. I quickly got to him before nudging his shoulder, he slowly opened his eyes, "B/N, what's the matter?" Y/N asked tiredly, "no time to explain Y/N, get your weapon ready and whistle for your Nergigante monstie, don't ask why," I said before running to my room to put on my armor and getting my heavy bowgun before joining Kyle and Reverto to fight the Hilichurls.
Y/N's Pov
Despite being completely oblivious to what's happening, I did what B/N told me to do, I quickly got up from my bed and went to get my longsword but before I could get it I heard loud banging at my door before it tumbled down in front of me, revealing a Hilichurl. Without wasting another second, I quickly got my longsword while preparing to attack the Hilichurl, it then came at me but before it got closer to me I easily cut it's head off. I then made my way to where B/N was at, he was outside with Kyle and Reverto, "Y/N, whistle for your Nergigante monstie, now," B/N said, I did what I was told before I looked around to see what was happening. I couldn't believe my eyes, the village is being invaded by Hilichurls, Monster Hunters and Riders tried to fend them off but there were too many of them. I quickly whistled for my Nergigante monstie, I knew it would take a while for my monstie to come so me and the rest were on our own, "guys look," Kyle said before pointing at something, we look to see what he was pointing at, which was a massive horde of Hilichurls coming at us. "You've got to be kidding me," B/N said before my Nergigante monstie appeared unexpectedly, it came in as it done a Nergi Bomb Attack which killed most of the Hilichurls, it then started to come to me before I hopped on its back. "Y/N, I need you to go find the others," B/N said, "but what about you?" I asked, "don't worry about us Y/N, me and Kyle and Reverto will deal with them, now go," he replied, "okay," I said before my Nergigante monstie started flying to find them.
To be continued.
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sockendrache · 3 years
Unpopular Opinion: Ratha shouldn’t have gained the ability to fly
Hear me out:
Story-wise, Ratha is YOUR Monstie, your baby, the little ceature that you’d risk your life for. But Gameplay-wise? He doesn’t exactly bring much to the table, and aside from fancy wings and a slight variation in his kinship-animation, there’s nothing he can do that a normal Rathalos can’t do as well.
I don’t know about you, but for a Monstie that I was stuck with for 90% of the game, I cared surprisingly little for Ratha. The only battle that I was stubborn enough to ONLY use him was the final Oltura-battle, and even then I didn’t care all that much for the final cutscene.
Tbh, as soon as I finished the main campaign and could swap Ratha out of my team, I replaced him with an Azure Rathalos that I named Dash, and this absolute King stayed on my team until I reset the file.
Ratha just... doesn’t feel important, especially after the final battle where you can find Rathalos-eggs everywhere.
Personally, I feel like Ratha should have been the ONLY normal Rathalos obtainable in the game. And in addition to that, I think that he shouldn’t have learned to fly.
Story-wise, Oltura is the Monster with the Wings of Ruin. And Ratha’s Razewings? Well. Why exactly his wings are crippled when he hatches from the egg isn’t really explained. Personally, I would have LOVED for Ratha to keep his spooky Razewings and just be a ground-based Rathalos.
And in the cutscene where he gains his wings... what if his flight to save the MC would have looked like his chase after the Rage-Rayed Legiana, where he got all grey and his wings glowed in this creepy, purple light?
Just... imagine. MC gets thrown overboard, Ratha’s powers awaken for a short moment and his wing-membranes open just like in the Legiana-Cutscene and he flies after the MC, all while looking like he came straight out of Satan’s basement.
And instead of him, MC, Ena and Navirous flying off into sunset on Ratha’s newly awakened wings, he plunges down onto the ground after having caught the MC, his wing-membranes close up and he keeps his crippled wings. Because... he doesn’t have the Wings of Ruin.
It would have played nicely into this “Ratha’s power can be used for good”-talk: Ratha uses his ‘dangerous’ powers to save his Rider, without changing his appearance to look like a normal, “good” Rathalos.
(idk how the cutscene would have played out then, with Ratha not being able to escape the Hunters by flight, but idk... maybe his kinship-attack would have gotten stronger and he just shoots the ship out of the air with a big-ass fireball-)
Just.... I think that Razewing Ratha has TONS of wasted potential. I don’t think anyone plays the endgame with him on their team, just because he doesn’t bring anything unique to the table that no other Rathalos can also do.
On my first playthrough, I honestly hoped that Ratha would stay flightless, just because it would fit the whole “Wings of Ruin”-Narrative and throw in some confusion. Like-
“One beat of his wings could bring ruin to the world.”
“Okay, but... how can Ratha beat his wings if he can’t fly.”
And the Oltura rolls up with its six wings and the MC and Ratha just stare at everyone that gave them shit and are like “AH YES, RATHA HAS THE WINGS OF RUIN, NOT THIS MOTH-LOOKING-MOTHERFUCKER!”
(how the Riding-ability to fly would have been unlocked if Ratha couldn’t fly,,,, uuhhhhhh.... idk. Cheval, Avinia and Alwin all have Monsties that can fly, maybe there could have been a scene where Monsties and Riders get seperated and are forced to work together with the other person’s Monstie, so that MC then can fly around on Rathi, Shulk or Frostfang to search for their partners from above. Idk, just give me Razewing-Ratha back, his wings were cool)
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Hi, it's me again! Been a while since I last asked for headcanons and/or a tale, eh?
In any case, I got more ideas. Some will be new stuff, but a lot of it will revolve around the FutureSeeing!Rider S/O I've asked about before, if you remember her. In any case, tho, here's the first one of many.
Can I get some headcanons for The Waifus reacting to FS!Rider having a Crimson Glow Valstrax Monstie?
As always, thanks a ton! Your stuff is the best!
Thanks! I have already done headcanons for this monster, so I'll just add them here and then adjust it to fit your request a bit! Hope you enjoy!💖
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to FS!Rider with a Crimson Glow Valstrax Monstie
-For Kyle, the normal valstrax was a terrifying foe. Now, ramp it up with dragon energy and the young hunter has way more than he bargained for. He’s never seen one besides the one you own. Speaking of that, Kyle is wondering where you managed to find one. He couldn’t even pinpoint in his mind where they would live or nest or what. Also, the thing constantly looks like it wants to kill him, which it probably does.
-When Kyle first fought alongside your crimson valstrax, he nearly died. He didn’t know that dragon energy spilled out of it like exhaust, and per your relationship, you didn’t tell him. He was standing too close and nearly got blasted away. Now, he’s constantly looking over his shoulder in fear that your monstie might kill him.
-Of course, you predicted his behavior to be like this. After all, you can see the future. You knew you were going to meet your crimson glow vlastrax and you knew that Kyle would have a bit of a fit about it. Well, his curiosity nearly killed the cat so to speak. You warned him not to stand so close next time, and he warned you that you better tell him next time something like that was going to happen. You just laughed.
-Reverto is a veteran hunter who easily recognizes the glowing of a crimson glow valstrax. While he’s never fought one before, he’s heard stories from many other hunters. In all honesty, Reverto feels bad for your monstie who is probably in agony due to the high amounts of dragon energy coursing through its body. The hunter wants to do something to help, being a softie like that, but finds it rather hard to find solutions.
-However, apparently fighting helps sooth your aggressive monstie. So, Reverto will accompany you on any quest that you go on in case something goes wrong. Unlike Kyle, he knows to give your monstie space. Honestly, while your valstrax variant doesn’t get along with many people, it and Reverto work quite well together. That, or they just don’t get into each other’s way.
-Reverto is aware of your future seeing abilities, and occasionally asks you to give him a fortune. In turn, your monstie blasts him a bit. After all, your powers aren't for uses like that. Since Reverto cares about your valstrax, it takes all of his will power not to attack, even though you were well aware that he wouldn't win.
-He’s seen many miracles and supposed impossible things in his life, so seeing you with a crimson glow valstrax doesn’t really surprise him. That said, he is a bit worried for your safety due to hearing how aggressive these elder dragons are due to the ramped-up energy. He’s constantly watching out for you, even though you seem to have a strong bond with your monstie. Cheval just can’t help it because he cares about his friends.
-Meanwhile, Rathi doesn’t really seem to like your monstie. She’s constantly on edge and always seems to be watching it. Most likely she’s trying to protect Cheval, seeing how violent your monstie can be. That said, it makes things rather difficult when the two of you are trying to work together. Luckily, there has yet to be any infighting, and hopefully there won’t be.
-You predicted the strife between your monstie and Rathi, but you have yet to have any revelations that could help you fix it. Cheval is aware of your abilities, but keeps his mouth shut about them. If you have something you want to tell him, you will tell him. He respects about you and knows that it can't be easy to see things that will happen. Cheval just hopes that your ability will prove useful in the future as you guys continue to work together.
-Alwin has lived a good and long time, but he has never seen anyone form kinship with an elder dragon. However, like Cheval, he’s worried when he sees the type of elder dragon you have at your monstie. You along with some other wyverians have informed him of a crimson glow valstrax’s behavior, and frankly, he was worried your monstie could get too ramped up and hurt you. Not to mention, all the dragon energy it’s constantly spewing.
-With that in mind, he tries to keep you away from Rutoh for the sake of the villagers. Surprisingly, Alwin and Shaulk get along great with your monstie. The wyverian respects its boundaries and knows when to approach and when to stay away. Their fluidity together probably stems from a mutual respect, but since Shaulk seems okay with your monstie, Alwin is too. 
-You were aware all along that Alwin and Shaulk would work best with your monstie. It was the reason you sought him out after you hatched a crimson glow valstrax. As a wyverian, he would be the most understanding of both your monstie and your ability. And you didn't need hope to think that, your future seeing skills told you that you were right from the very start.
-Of course, Lilia would absolutely love to see your crimson glow valstrax. However, instead of fangirling like normal, she would be a bit hesitant, even more so if you brought it into Lulucion. She knows well enough what could happen if your monstie were to lose control, and there’s not enough skilled hunters here to take care of that. With that in mind, she just tries to remain calm and believe in the bond with your monstie.
-Now, Lilia would want to get a closer look at the elder dragon, but she would want you to do it for her, with your permission of course. She figures with more information; they could prevent more hunters from getting hurt on quests. That, and they could discover ways from keeping this valstrax variant from attacking villages. She’s very curious about its wings and dragon energy.
-You predicted that Lilia would act this way, all curious about your monstie's design. However, that didn't stop you from coming to see her after it hatched. You knew that if anyone could protect you guys, it would be Lilia because of her status. That said, you were wary of telling her about your future seeing skills. That would really send her over the edge of curiosity.
-Like Alwin, Ena has never seen anyone form a bond with an elder dragon in all her years. That said, she thought Red was the only rider who could be powerful enough to do so. After witnessing you though, she sees why you are able to have a crimson glow valstrax as your monstie. She actually started reading up on the elder dragon in order to be better prepared with it. In the end, it just makes her feel sorry for it.
-She’s one of the few people who can actually touch your crimson glow valstrax without getting attacked, and Ena does everything she can to make it feel comfortable. Surprisingly, she isn’t afraid of it, and your monstie seemed to really like her. Ena is also wondering what that dragon energy must feel like, however, she knows better than to touch it.
-Ena's pure heart is what made you know that she would respect both you and your monstie. You weren't afraid to tell her about your powers at all. You knew how she would react after all. That said, Ena sometimes feels she's not worthy to be in the presence of such a powerful duo, both you and your monstie could do so much. However, you were always there to comfort and console her, knowing just what to say.
-Kayna is in absolute awe from your crimson glow valstrax monstie, and the first thing she wants to see is how fast it can go. This leads to a race around the island that you obviously win. Now, let’s get to the fact that your monstie doesn’t really like Kayna. She is just too much energy for it to want to be around, especially when it’s already full of unwanted dragon energy that’s making it constantly uncomfortable.
-This leads to Avmar not really liking your monstie due to it not really liking Kayna. Squabbles have occurred before, and they have ended badly due to your monstie’s aggressive behavior. Yes, there has been a time when your valstrax variant has gone full comet on Kayna and co. while on the battlefield. You’d like to believe it was an accident.
-But on the other hand, you knew it wasn't an accident. Your monstie despises Kayna and Avmar for reasons only you will know. Your future seeing skills told you that one. Of course, Kayna would want to know every inch of your skills and use them to her advantage. She loves you, don't get me wrong, but she finds your powers too cool to resist. Perhaps her constant nudging on your future seeing skills is why your monstie doesn't like her.
-Avinia is skeptical when she sees your crimson glow valstrax monstie. She has never seen this type of monster before and is hesitant to let it into the village. Kuan’s been destroyed once, and she doesn’t need to see it happen again. Plus, that ominous red glow does not look safe. Literally has Frostfang keep a close eye on you guys while she assesses the situation. Once she sees that you can control it, she starts to let her guard.
-But when she sees it in battle, her guard goes straight back up. Avinia never expected to see your monstie fall from the sky like a comet and nearly cause a massive explosion in the process. Now, Frostfang and your valstrax variant have a strained relationship. They don’t get along, but they don’t fight. That said, you two know better than to leave them alone. 
-You knew that Avinia would have some issues with your monstie, and you didn't even need your future seeing skills to know that one. Her personality alone told you that one. However, what your powers did tell you was that she would soon come around. And they also told you that Frostfang would have an uneasy relationship with your monstie. Avinia's waiting for your powers to tell you how to fix that one.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Wyverians Headcanons
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- While all Wyverians possess pointy ears, four-fingered hands, and many possess digitigrade feet, all of them also have scales on their bodies. It can be any colour and in differents parts of the body, like their legs, arms, back, sometimes even on their cheeks or ears, but that’s a rarity.
- Their hearts is located on the right side of their chest.
- The populations of Wyverians are made of 80% Betas and 20% Alphas. If a Wyverian is an Alpha or is the descendant of at least one Alpha, there is a high chance for them to have a lot of traits from their Wyvern ancestry, rather than just a few.
- They all have at least one highly developped sense. Most of the time it’s their sense of smell, but it can also be their sight or hearing.
- Other traits from their Wyvern ancestry they can have are fangs and claws. They can have none, one of the two or both. For example, Alwin have fangs whereas Zellard have claws. Some of them even has a long and sharp tongue.
- It’s really hard for a Wyverian to get pregnant on their first attempt. Plus it’s really rare for them to carry more than one child at a time. They can have twins or more (like Hinoa and Minoto from Rise), but it’s even rarer than humans.
- Speaking of that, it’s the males that get pregnant and carries the children. Most of the time they feel more pain and are sick a lot during them, but it last 6 months instead of 9 like humans.
- Hybrids between Wyverians and Humans exists, but only with Beta Wyverians. The Alphas “can’t” have children with humans. An Alpha’s body is not made for conceiving nor carrying a Human-Wyverian hybrid child. This will literally kill them from the inside. If they let the pregnancy go, the Wyverian will die at max after 2 months, thus the unborn child will die too.
- Alphas are also very protective towards the children of their villages. If you try to harm a child and an Alpha is around, you are dead.
- There are different times of the year when they have urges, or heat period if you prefer. They can’t control it, even if they try to ignore it it will always be there. The feeling won’t go until they do what their body wants. The intensity is irregular at the start, but if they don’t let go, the heat will grow hotter and stronger, to a point where they could possibly lost control entirely.
- Most Wyverians became blacksmiths, healers or merchants. A good portion of them also became Riders. You will only see a few Wyverians becoming Hunters, despite them being the first Hunters (Let’s say they pretty much gave up the concept). Zellard is one of the few Wyverians who was a Hunter.
- Most Wyverians have a thin body and because of that, a lot of people can be envious and even jealous of them. There are some that are built different, but they are not really common.
- All Wyverians are born with a hybrid Monster form. It’s obviously due to their Wyvern ancestry. Considering that it kinda depends on how they look (hair color for example), we can guess that they were somewhat “linked” to that Monster they’re turning into.
- Almost no Wyverians are born with a deficience, a disease or a mental illness. However, they can have those later like humans do. That is why most people say that “they get sick rarely” : well it’s true at birth, but not when they keep living ; they are just like humans in that regard.
- Most of the time, a Wyverian shrinks when he became pretty old. They pretty much are back to the size of a child (like Elder Maolo for example).
- All Wyverians have a Birth Mark, and it could be literally anything ; it’s not at all like humans since theirs looks more like a wound. Actually, it looks like a tatoo.
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