#mhst2 ena
wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Hi there finally found someone who does monster hunter stories :)
my, I request the girl's reaction to their S/o who was unable to form a kingship and S/o always felt like they were alone and outsiders and when the final fight happened against Oltura, S/o did something that was a miracle they formed a kingship with Oltura stopping its rampage and power and when the girl asks how S/o did it they said: "I saw that Oltura is the same as me feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was so I offered up my friendship and thy accepted."
Sure! Sorry if it’s short!💖
The Gals (Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) Reaction to Their S/O Forming a Kinship with Oltura
-Lilia wouldn’t be able to believe her eyes and ears when she sees and hears the news. She knew your struggles to form kinship with an unborn monster were difficult, and she knew you were suffering from that. Lilia tried to comfort you in any way that she could, even going as far as researching if there was any way to make a bond without a kinship stone or something along those lines. However, you bonding with Oltura was something she wasn’t expecting. Lilia thought that killing it was the only option.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." Upon hearing those words from you, it all made sense to Lilia. She was still a researcher and was trying to connect the dots ever since you guys formed a bond. Now she sees that shared emotions brought you guys together, much like people. Your ability to read Oltura so well made Lilia love you even more.
-The wyverian always tried to cheer you up whenever an egg didn’t hatch for you. She would tell you that it wasn’t the one or something like that, but it didn’t help much. Ena loved you, but truth was, she didn’t know how to help much more. She knew that bonds happen in mysterious ways, and she wasn’t a rider, but Ena believed that the right monster would soon bond with you. She never lost hope. But Ena didn’t expect that the monster she thought would destroy the world would end up becoming your best friend.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." It made Ena smile when she heard those words. She wanted to be afraid, think that this wasn’t right, but who was she to argue with a rider and their monstie? You and Oltura chose each other over shared feelings, so all she can do is be happy for you.
-Kayna would always let you borrow Avmar or another one of her monsties to try and make you feel better. Little did she know, it actually made you feel a bit worse, but hey you were grateful that she was trying. Being a rider herself, Kayna worked hard to figure out why you couldn’t form kinship with any monster in an egg. She’s offered to give you one of her monsties, but it made you feel bad at the thought of taking one. Plus, it wasn’t the same. Kayna knew you would find one someday, but she wasn’t expecting it to be this monster.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." She would just be so proud of you for finally finding a monster that you could bond with. It just took you a little longer in finding a way to connect. Kayna isn’t worried about Oltura anymore because she knows that the monster is in safe hands with you.
-She understands where you’re coming from in a sense because she finds it hard to bond with others. That said, Avinia is a pro when it comes to bonding with monsters. She tries to help you in any way that could cause a monster within an egg to bond with you and hatch. The blonde feels sympathy, always having a hand on your shoulder, when she sees how down you are. Avinia just prays and hopes that one day you will find that monster that will hear your voice and understand it. She is surprised by the outcome.
- "I saw that Oltura is the same as me, feeling that they are an outsider to this world like I was, so I offered up my friendship and they accepted." Telling her this, well, Avinia would need a couple seconds to comprehend. But then she would just smile. She always knew that monsters responded well to emotions, who says that Oltura is any different. In any case, Avinia is glad to finally she you so happy with a monstie of your own.
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rapidmorph3 · 3 months
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Finally finished stories 2 after literally, three years (I left off at kuan village ages ago and just finished the rest of the game in like the last two and a half days Cry emoji) I really really enjoyed it, here some small doodles from right after finishing main story.
Really want to make a proper stories 2 piece one day once I'm a little less busy with owed art ^_^)
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axriven · 5 months
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you guys are never going to believe this but i became obsessed with another game i spent months playing nonstop
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yuelumuu · 9 months
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"For you!"
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damnwyverngems · 2 years
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- 艾娜 -
By 宫守义十三香 / Twitter: @pgGcpccmXBC6LOt
** Permission was granted by the artist to share this image.  
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swugory · 3 years
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🍌 New Monkey Monster is too precious! 🦍
(Monster Hunter Rise:Sunbreak)
It makes sense why Ena would be mesmerized by the new monster’s appearance she has always found joy in the monsties you bring back especially ones not from around the area of Rutoh Village.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Happy First Anniversary Monster Hunter Stories 2 !
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OMG I can’t believe that it has already been a year since Monster Hunter Stories 2 came out ...
I still can’t get over how great this game is and honestly, it was my favorite game of 2021 !
Hope the fandom will still live on, maybe have some DLC’s, and more importantly a third game !
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anime-grimmy-art · 3 years
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i finally got a week of vacation, not that I will have that much off time tho. But! I finally made time to have a doodle day, just doodling nonesense the whole day and enjoying it. There's one more bigger sketch, but that one I wanna actually do properly, then it's back to coms! Anyways, some more MH stories, mostly bullying bratty boy Kyle with love and adoration XD And some draw the squads too, cos I desperately wanted to add Ena. She's so adorable and so much fun to draw QvQ Once again featuring my and @kathuman's kid's, and ourselves this time too! We definitely adopted that rowdy blonde haired twig boy XD I'm still kinda disappointed the hunters can't ride with us, but putting Reverto on a Palamute or sth would probably have crushed it, hahaha.
And a little context for the Astalos one (slight story spoiler): After Kyle joined in Nua Tae, the first thing I did was hunt down Astalos and try to get an egg. I called him Asparagus and I keep joking he imprinted on Kyle just as much as on my rider, so boy be a papa now XD
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blailver · 3 years
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MY ART (Digital)
I think Astalos suit’s design and Hel’s are very close( especially this alter color)So I make my summoner try it on!
and Lif is similar to Nargauga when their eyes turning red light...!
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sockendrache · 3 years
[obvious spoilers for the story and personal dislike of Ena- I recommend not reading this if Ena is your Ride-Or-Die Waifu]
tbh, I really don’t like Ena as a character. She’s pretty to look at, but that’s about it. As I’m replaying the story now and paying more attention to the Character’s actions and not just staring at the pretty visuals... yeah. Her role in the story feels.... kinda useless?
Just. Who exactly is Ena for the Main Character, aka the actual person the story narrative should focus on? ....some random chick that threw them to the ground in a forceful hug, calling them by their dead grandpa’s name and giving them a cursed Rathalos-Egg, and then.... just kinda tags along. There’s just no real reason for her to not just stay in Rutoh after bringing the MC there- her role is done? She told them about Razewing Ratha, delivered  the egg, brought them somewhere where they’ll be safe from the Hunters, and that it?
It’s not like she already knows whats going on and has a clear idea how to safe the day and how to prevent Ratha from fucking shit up- just tags along because... the mute MC needs a mouth? Eh, Navirou is already there tho, and having two cute mascots traveling around with you and talking over you all the time is just grating my nerves after a while.
Tbh, I personally prefer Navirou over Ena by FAR. He’s pretty funny imo and brings more to the table than Ena, be it with his powers, with his ability to smell out good eggs (and he’s essentially our Palico, and no matter how dorky he is, I love all of my Palicoes).
I rewatched all of the cutscenes tryina figure out what exactly Ena’s role in the story is, and. All she seems to do is cry, act like Ratha is her monstie (after Ratha destroys the WIndmills for example- she’s talking like she wants to take him away right there and then?) and be given the plot-device to defeat the final boss, for.... what reason again?
She doesn’t even know what the thing is there for- Kyle does. And he ends up figuring out how to create an opening for Ratha to defeat Oltura. I’m not saying that Kyle would’ve defeated Oltura alone, nope- that defeats the whole purpose of the Stories-thing. Friendship and Kinship is the key to victory. But... how does Ena exactly tie into the whole Friendship-dynamic?
She and Kyle didn’t have any real friendly interactions to justify her “My friends here taught me that Kinship is strong!”-speech at the end. And the MC... they didn’t have any scenes either? Unless I’m forgetting some major plot-point where she and the MC shared a heartfelt moment where they deepen their own friendship.
I mean... all I really remember from the MC’s and Ena’s interactions was her talking about how great of a friend Red was and how much the MC is like Red. That’s kinda just... (god I hate this word)... trauma-dumping? I mean she found this random island child that looks like Red and proceeded to talk about her traumatic experience with them and all the other characters in the cast also just continue to talk about how great Red was and how the MC is like Red?
It’s just. Rewatching all of their scenes, Reverto and Kyle seem to be the only ones that don’t constantly rub into MC’s face how they’re basically in Red’s shadow and how big of a legacy they have to live up to? Reverto makes one joke about how the MC got their gramps’ smarts and thats about it, unless I’m forgetting something.
And.... Cheval, especially. When he scolds the MC, I just sat there and thought “You should scold Ena???? She’s the grown up here that leaves this kid that’s been a rider for like a week with this funky Rathalos and expects them to bond with it and contain its power????”
Really, Ena’s role could’ve been taken over by Alwin. He had actual scenes WITH  Red to show their bond, but Ena? She just talks about how great of a friend he was to her. I don’t know, it just irks me that she fits the trope of “Shy, caring waifu wearing a skirt” and that seems to be her only real trait- be eye-candy.
SHE feels more like the main character than the character you’re playing- which would’ve been fine if the story would’ve actually revolved around her as the main character, and not just shoved the Player off to the side. I really think that the story would have been better with Ena just being a Side-Character being far FAR off to the side and chilling in Rutoh and not the Main Character being pushed aside. Instead of investing in Ena’s voice-lines, give the MC actual voiced cutscenes- would take away from the blank slate anyone can project themselves onto, but also... better than the MC just staring emotionless while everyone else talks, and then having a weird scene where they’re literally too afraid to touch Ratha cause Ena “scolds” them for having a weak bond with him...? It’s just... weird. The story itself is just weak and Ena having the spotlight in cutscenes instead of the character you’re playing doesn’t do it any good.
One might say now “ofc shed have the focus!! MC doesn’t talk!!” but... the MC also doesn’t talk with actions. Or face expressions. Or anything, really. It’s really just a gimmick at the start of the game, making a custom character to appear next to Ena in the cutscenes.
I don’t dislike Ena.... I just dislike how the story focuses on her. She’s not even very interesting....? There’s nothing we know about her, aside from her traumatic experience with Red. Take Alwin and give us more focus on his and Red’s friendship. Take Kyle and his inner struggle with accepting the whole concept of Riders- he says himself he only knows being a Hunter. There! A plot-line! How the Hunter views Riders and how he changes his view point!
TL;DR, Kyle should’ve had the magic plot device and Alwin should’ve had Ena’s role, Ena could’ve stayed in Rutoh and the story wouldn’t have suffered. Thanks for coming to my ted-talk-
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konakoro · 3 years
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Hi, it's me again! I absolutely loved the headcanons you wrote last time and I got a ton of ideas for more prompts to send, but they'll be kinda sporeatic, as I'm not gonna send all of them at once. Don't wanna overflow your plate, y'know? Anyway, for the first of my many ideas, looking at your story prompt list, how about doing a short fluffy tale using #36 and #49 with Ena and the Future Seeing Female Rider S/O? Thank you again!
Thank you for being so kind! I do get overwhelmed with a lot of asks XD Sure thing!!❤️❤️
Practice Makes Perfect
You and Ena take a break from your travels. She has something to ask of you.
#36 “Can I braid your hair? I practiced just for you.”
#49 “That was kind of cute.”
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The sun was starting to set, and you decided it was time to take a break. After all, Ratha has been flying for a while now. Even some of your other monsties were starting to feel the stress of traveling, so why not stop for a break.
Plus, Ena seemed to be a little distracted. 
She sat behind you on your monstie, but you always felt her eyes on you. Ena would occasionally glance off to the left where the moon was starting to show, but mostly, you felt her eyes tracing over your long hair. It was almost as if she wanted to touch it, but her hands stayed firmly on your waist.
You knew that was the case, but kept your mouth shut.
“Alright Ratha, light it up.” You told the rathalos as you got kindling together for a fire. Your monstie obeyed your command, and soon you guys had a nice little campfire that Ratha promptly curled himself up by after his job was done. You sat beside him with your legs stretched out. Glancing up, you saw Ena was standing there, unsure if she should sit beside you or not.
You eagerly waved her over to sit next to you.
“C’mon Ena. It’s just us girls. No need to be shy.” You said with a smile. That helped encourage the wyverian girl to come and sit beside you, close enough that your knees touched each other.
It was barely noticeable, but she blushed slightly. 
But again, as you began to talk about nothing in particular, Ratha’s breathing occasionally lifting you both up and down, you noticed her staring at your hair again. 
Like before, you knew exactly what she wanted to do.
“Ena, if you want to touch my hair, you can just ask.” You said with a bit of a grin causing the wyverian girl to turn several shades of red. She stumbled over her words as you simply giggled. 
“H-How did you know?” She stuttered and you gave her a sly look.
“Have you forgotten about my power to predict certain events?” You asked and Ena blushed in shame, looking down at her lap. She truly did forget about your sightseeing ability. 
But you didn’t seem weirded out or anything. 
“So...you don’t mind?” Ena asked you in that quiet voice of hers, and you nodded gently.
“Of course. Now, what is it that you wanted to ask me?” You teased her slightly, knowing Ena would get embarrassed again by your actions. Which she did, face turning scarlet as she fiddled with her fingers. Eventually, she got the courage to look you in your e/c eyes. 
But just for a second.
“Can I braid your hair? I practiced just for you.” She asked shyly, looking down at her lap where her hands were currently holding each other tightly. As confident as you’ve been acting, you felt yourself get all shy from her question. She practiced just for you? Something about that makes you feel all fuzzy.
Ratha snorted at the two of you, silently shipping it in his wyvern brain.
“Y-Yeah...I would love that.” You told her while moving to scratch the back of your neck. Ena beamed as you both maneuvered into a better accessible position for her to play with your long hair.
As she started to run her fingers through your hair and part it, you sighed at the pleasant feeling. It’s been a while since you’ve had someone touch your hair, and frankly, you missed it. Usually, it was Kayna or the village children trying to play with your hair. 
However, it was different when Ena started to braid your hair. It made you feel all warm inside.
“Your hair is so soft...” She whispered more to herself than to you, but it made you beam all the same. For some reason, her words meant something to you, and you would’ve felt downtrodden if she said otherwise.
It was a couple more minutes before Ena finished weaving your hair. You could feel the smoothness of your braided hair and you used your hand to feel the work she did. As you did this, Ena giggled at her obvious excitement for a job well done.
You couldn’t help but get flustered by her laugh, smiling despite your red cheeks.
“That was kind of cute.” You mused, hearing her giggle upon completing a perfect braid. Upon hearing your words, Ena hushed herself, face going red. You turned back to face her, smiling. Slowly, she started to smile as well.
But Ratha has had enough of the tiptoeing.
Using his tail, he “gently” pushed Ena into you, causing both of you to tumble onto each other. The wyverian fell on top of you caught her around the waist. After you both got composed from the fall, the two of you were locked into each other’s eyes with equally red faces. 
Now the two of you had no choice but to face what was in front of you both. It made you both nervous, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t see this coming. 
Ratha could only huff at your expense.
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Now that I’ve been left alone for 5 minutes with my thoughts, I’ve started thinking up names for my monsties as a s/I into the WoF universe, and I start off with a Nergigante (gonna call him Dirt as a joke on Grima/grime :>) which takes some time for Alwin and especially Ena to get used to.
Then once they’ve just gotten used to Dirt I show up again and Alwin is like ‘oh god what now?’ And I’m like
Me: got a new Monstie! They’re called Ultra or Vio!
Ena: Oh, like Violet?
Me: Nope! Like Ultra Violence!
And then I get kicked out the village bc it turns out Violence is a White Fatalis
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lemonade-juley · 3 years
I really like Barchydios armor's chest piece since I generally love dress like armor/clothing, and the shoulder pauldrons match it really well, but you could impale a poor wyverian girl's stomach with the waist armor
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yuelumuu · 11 months
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[ Hunting ] 🏹
Was stuck between giving Ena the Pukei-Pukei bow (bc matching lol) or the Velkhana bow. But went with velk bc I think she deserves a pretty bow :')
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damnwyverngems · 2 years
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- Ena & new born Mizutsune -
By ZKI_Arts / Twitter
** Permission was granted by the artist to share this image.  
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