#monkey kin
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monkey-mischief-moved · 2 years ago
Curious if the "understimulated wild creature being kept as a pet" feeling is a common amongst other non humans
Specifically less of a "im an animal" type of way, and more of a "i might be dissociating" type of way
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liminal-therianthropy · 3 months ago
Pausing on flags to ramble
So i might have a new theriotype? Well not new new, but i guess it hit me fully in the face while working lol! Ive been having phantom shifts of this animal for a bit and thought nothing of it, maybe it was something else or idk what i was thinking to be honest. Ima do more research of this animal before i make any claims but i might post about it if it turns out to be a new theriotype! I am certain that it will be though. For those wondering what animal, it is a golden lion tamarin! :}
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This is a golden lion tamarin for anyone that was wondering ^^
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otherkin-therian-culture-is · 9 months ago
Monkey kin culture is subconsciously picking up things with your feet because monkey hand feets
therian/otherkin culture is...
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mechanical-sunchild · 10 months ago
{Can't draw so I'm going to write it!}
Therian HRT Diary, Day One:
"I was nervous that the doctor would turn me down on account of the endangered status of my desired species. He assured me that if they could do dragons they would have no problem finding a way to do Leontopithecus rosalia as well. The consulation when really well. I expected as much. I've already done HormoneRT, what's a little HumanRT as well? He assured me that the two things would not react badly with each other and my prescription will be ready for me tomorrow!"
Therian HRT Diary, 1 month:
"I'm definately a lot more hairy that I was before and even my bald spots have filled in! Yessssss. The colour has almost completely changed too, becoming the lovely orange colour I always wanted it to be. The texture has changed too. It's hard to describe but it's definately more fur-like than hair-like now, so much thicker than I'm used to and a little itchy. That's fine though because my nails are thicker, longer and stronger too!"
Therian HRT Diary, 3 months:
"I have fur covering my entire body now, shorter and darker on my face of course. I'm starting to get a lot of pains in my joints, but I'm already kind of used to that having chronic pain. What's even better is that my canines are nice and long and sharp! I feel stronger and can climb a lot better than before. My tail is starting to come in and that hurts like Hell..."
Therian HRT Diary, 6 months:
"I can't wait for tail grown and bone changes to end, ahhhh...I don't regret the HRT but Goooood. I'm moving slower because it hurts too much. I'm lucky I won't actually shrink in size, I guess. That would have really started to hurt. My fingers are done though, I think. They're much longer and stronger. My thumb is technically still opposable as it hasn't change much but it's no longer in proportion to the other fingers which means I've had to learn to grasp and hold things like pencils in whole new ways. My tail is small, but cute and just as furry as the rest of me. Yeah, I think it's worth the pain."
Therian HRT Diary, 8 months:
"Still growing the tail...well, it is going to be pretty long when it's done. I can now run on all fours just as well as on two legs, if not faster and easier. It's good to be able to stand still so I can reach things though! Cravings for insects are off the charts. I asked the doctor about it and he said I should still eat food for humans, but can absolutely eat any insects a golden lion tamarin would too. Neat! I've had a lot of fun figuring out all the new flexibility in my body, but the aches are still there so I won't push it too far. My eyes have started to darken in colour too and I no longer have much of a visible eyebrow. Weird thing to change so late but I'm not complaining! My nose is finally changing shape too. I was worried it wouldn't and the human nose was starting to look really odd! My ears are growing in size, even though I can barely see them behind all this fur!"
Therian HRT Diary, 12 months:
"I think I'm finally done! My tail is longer enough to sweep the floor unless I choose to move it now. My body no longer aches as my new bone structure has settled, my facial features have done changing and I feel full of energy all the time! I'm spending a lot of my days in trees I could only have dreamed of climbing before the Therian HRT, and even met a couple more monkeys (not my species though :( ) and a bird this way! My move to a therian-friendly village took longer than I thought it would, luckily during this time I wasn't in a very conservative area. I did get a lot of looks though and a little bit of harassment. Things are much better here and they even welcome those who haven't had the therian HRT so my partner can live with me. I'm at the end of a cul-de-sac, my neighbours to the left are a seal and a aphid (what an unusual pair /pos), and my neighbours to the right are a squirrel, a mongoose and a rose-bush. I'd only heard of plant-based Therian HRT before so it was really cool seeing this mix of animal and plant to create something new. So far everyone is really accepting and just as curious to see a primate amongst their midst! I've never been happier : ) "
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otherkinotd · 1 year ago
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Today's otherkin of the day is Orla, who is monkeykin 🐵
-requested by anon
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pkmn-edits · 5 months ago
Otherkin userboxes with some primate pokemon (Ex: Infernape, Aipom, Passimian, etc...) With the text "This user is monke!"?
Otherkin userboxes edit for Anon!
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cringecrew · 2 years ago
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Snub Nosed Monkey + orange and blue moodboard for @madelinedragonkin <333
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claybooots · 1 year ago
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I saw the face of God and He was smiling real big!!!
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 10 months ago
“why are you the way that you are?”
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forget joy anger sadness disgust and fear. these guys are running the console in my head.
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bowletta · 5 months ago
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Here is my piece for SRMTHFG's 20th Anniversary Zine, Holy Shuggazine!
Made with paperclay, painted with acrylic. 10 inches tall. Took 5 months to complete.
Inspired by one of my favorite animated sequences 🖤💚
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Happy 20th anniversary, Monkey Team!
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monkey-mischief-moved · 2 years ago
Some more 'this is me' memes for my ape friends since i saw some interest :3
Might do prosimians next
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liminal-therianthropy · 1 month ago
!!Small rant, about 'fake therians'!!
I know i dont usually post things like this but i just wanted this out of my brain so i can move on if that makes sense? This will be a long read so sorry in advance. So i keep seeing on tiktok, roblox, and now youtube of fake claiming therians and im honestly tired of it? Like really tired of it. All the points {in my opinion} are really dumb too. Point one was that 'Oh you have a common theriotype you clearly choose that and yer fake11!!!1!'. Which.,,.so? So what if some creature 'has a common theriotype'. Who cares? I certainly dont and most creatures ive met and seen do not care. It is such a minute thing to care about. Now do i find it interesting? Yes but in a /pos way! That there are 'common theriotypes' in the first place! But i find it ridicules to be made that someone else is a wolf or cat therian must be fake in someway. Like calm down it is not that serious. Point two is 'oh you have multiple theriotypes? Yer clearly fake especially if they have nothing to do with eachother!11!1!!'. Creatures can have multiple theriotypes and still be valid. Period. Point blank. And so what if they have nothing to do with each other??? That feels so random to me. So what if a creature is both so a lion therian and a deer therian. THAT IS STILL VAILD!! Someone's experience is just different then yours and THATS OK!!! Nothing is cookie cutter. We even have a term for this, its called a polytherian. A therian who has multiple theriotypes. So i dont know why that is being demonized now but here we are i guess. Point three 'oh yer popular you must be faking it!!!'. Which.,,.what? What kind of an excuse is that? Just say you dont like them! Its not that hard you do not need to fake claim a fellow creature just because they are popular. To me its like 'good for them for getting popular.' and i move on? I dont see why its such an issue. Now i can understand if said creator did something very bad and something that is unforgivable. Then yes hate them and deplatform them. Get them off the internet. But really guys? Oh yer popular? Must be fake! /sac, really gets on my nerves. Point four is a big one to me. 'Oh you dont know the definition of something? FAKE! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YER TALKING ABOUT SO YER CLEARLY A FAKE!!111!1!!!'. Which. Guys. My fellow creatures. What ever happen to education? Like educating yer fellow creature? Education is one of the most important things in todays climate and i find it imperative that we just inform politely and move on. Ive had to, and always its just they didnt know and that they learned something. They most likely do not honestly know and thats ok. Some just simply dont know. Educate and move on. Simple. Or if they are somehow intentionally spreading hate or misinformation, educate and block or straight up block. Thats just on the top of my head, i bet there are more bs points that i just dont know or have the energy for. Thank you if you read this far, sorry again for posting this. Just needed this out of my brain ^^;
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otherkin-therian-culture-is · 9 months ago
Monkey kin culture is buying a whole bunch of the same monkey stuffie so you can cuddle them and feel like you're cuddling with your troop
therian/otherkin culture is...
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mechanical-sunchild · 10 months ago
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Me, having my third existential crisis of the day
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otherkinotd · 1 year ago
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Today's otherkin of the day is Munmun, who is monkeykin 🐵
-requested by anon
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starblazingg · 2 years ago
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