itgirl-111 · 9 months
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(this is gonna be the only money Affirmations you'll never need lol)
I am rich
I am financially stable
I'm secure in my financial state
Money is safe
Money is good
Money is here to stay
I'm a money magnet
I have the perfect money mindset
I have the perfect self concept on money
I love money and money loves me
Money is the easiest thing to make
I have multiple sources of income
I am wealthy
I genuinely believe I deserve a lot of money
I deserve a luxurious, comfort, fun filled, lifestyle
I am worthy and deserving of having lots of money because I exist
I get money everyday
I get paid to exist
I am worth every cent I get
I get money quickly and easily
People always have enough money to give me
People bend over backwards to make sure I'm getting paid enough
Nobody goes to sleep unless and untill they make sure I'm getting paid enough
Everyday I just make more and more money
Me and the people i love are rich af
My bank account never stops getting fatter
I am so rich i make Elon Musk look poor
I am so rich my hands are starting to smell like money
I wake up every day and go to sleep stress free knowing that I don't have to worry about money in my life
I am living wealthy and abundant life
I keep finding money everywhere
No matter where I go money always keeps chasing me like a lost puppy
If I were to count the amount of times I got a huge amount of money out of blue, I wouldn't be able to count it cuz it's too much
My fingers are starting to hurt because of the amount of times I counted my stacks and stacks worth of billions of cash ugh 😫
I have so much money in my bank account that the value of pi π looks small
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 7 OUT OF 7 days I get money.
12 OUT OF 12 months I get money
there's not a single day that goes by without me getting money
Any amount of money i spend comes back to me tenfold
I walk into a shop knowing damn well I could buy the entire shop if I wanted to
I have so much money I can use it instead of a toilet paper (jk i don't do that)
I have so much money I can make origami out of it
I have so much money I'd buy the biggest companies and still remain rich as fuck like?
I am the definition of LOADED 💵
I am independent, successful, wealthy, rich, self sufficient, financially secure, debt free, stress free, yep I identify with those things.
My notifications are flooded with me receiving payments constantly
If anyone is a FATASS it is my wallet
Money is so desperate to stay in my life
Every where I go even to the damn toilet I still can never escape from lots of money😔
Money keeps flowing to me like a river
My bank account digits are the most groundbreaking, immense, tremendous, huge, back arching, toe curling, digits ever known to human kind😞
If i spent a whole day counting my stacks of cash, i wouldn't be able to cause that will take atleast a million years...oops...😳
Whether it's expected or unexpected, whether  I'm happy or sad, sleeping or awake, working or not, money comes to me all the time and In all the ways.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
I love money and money loves me.
How to change your relationship with money:
Reframe the story you tell yourself: Work on establishing an abundance mindset. Look at your current beliefs and attitude about money. Do you have a scarcity mindset? Are you constantly chasing money and not believing you can reach your financial goals? Do you think money is bad?
Establish a positive mindset: Focus on gratitude for what you already have and embrace the belief that there are endless opportunities to become financially successful. Practice affirmations or visualization exercises to reinforce positive thoughts and attract abundance.
Educate yourself: Expand your financial literacy by reading books, watching videos, going to seminars or taking online courses on personal finance and money management. Understanding concepts like budgeting, investing, and saving will help you make informed decisions and take control of your finances.
Create a clear plan: Define specific and realistic financial goals for yourself. Whether it's paying off debt, saving for a home, or starting a business, having clear objectives will give you direction and motivation. Break these goals down into smaller milestones to make them more achievable and real in your mind.
Create a budget: Create a budget to track your income, expenses, and savings. Budgeting helps you gain a clear understanding of where your money is going and allows you to prioritize your spending. Ensure that your budget aligns with your financial goals and helps you save for the future.
Monitor your spending: Monitor your expenses closely to identify any unnecessary or impulsive spending habits. Use mobile apps or spreadsheets to record your expenses and categorize them.
Save and invest wisely: Make saving a priority by automating regular contributions to a savings account. Start building an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. Investing your money wisely to grow your wealth over time. Make your money work for you. Having money just sitting in the bank will not make it grow.
Needs Vs wants: Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it aligns with your values and financial goals. Avoid impulsive buying and give yourself time to consider whether it's a necessity or a fleeting desire.
Surround yourself with people who feel comfortable talking about money: Engage with people who have a healthy relationship with money. People who can casually have a conversation about making $10k, $20, $50k etc a month without blinking an eye. This will open your eyes about what you can have and help you feel comfortable with setting goals for yourself.
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
You have to become your number one cheerleader in order to win in this life, there can’t be any room for that toxic voice in your mind. You might not even realise that you’re your very own number one hater. Think of all those times you try to step it up, wake up early, start a new business, take on a new exercise? And guess who’s whispering loudly in your ear holding you back? Persuading you that waking up early is BS, that going to the gym and doing exercise is stupid and you’ll do it another day, that why even start a new business? It’s going to fail anyway? That voice there in your mind is keeping you stuck and the only way to overcome your inner sabotage is to firstly start noticing this voice. Notice is as often as possible. As you’re in the shower and it’s creating an argument with that person, as you’re looking in the mirror and it’s pointing out how bad your skin is. Once you have this awareness and you can start to see how toxic your inner voice has become, you can now decide… do I listen to this self-hate that puts me down day in day out? Or do I replace that voice with something that empowers me? Because you truly have that power. Slowly but surely you’ll start overcoming all that negativity in your mind and watch how quickly this changes your life.
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ausyaesthetics · 1 year
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chanelcheaves · 3 months
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Mood 😂
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gent-illmatic · 1 year
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Not for the flex.
Not for the attention .
For the freedom!
For the experiences!
To go where the fuck I want , when I want, to do what I want. It’s merely a tool for access to environments I like to occupy. The other trivial benefits come as a by product of having it. Even though I’ve grown up with a pinch of privilege , upward socioeconomic mobility is still the goal for me and mine. Fuckin around with the “fuck arounds” isn’t going to get us anywhere . Paying attention to the sequence of events and the company you keep proves that every time!
Its all of what my ancestors wanted🤌🏽
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haunted-planes · 23 days
Are Cybertrucks naked with their stainless steel body?
What if you’re Cybertruck and you wanna take a flight to New York but they won’t let you board the plane bc they say stupid stuff like: “Please sir put on some paint there are children on board”
Paint jobs in the worlds of cars are like clothes in the human world. Lighting McQueen with a primer has been referred as his pajama. Pretty much every vehicle wears some kind of paint or layer of protection against corrosion. Money wise, it’s cheaper if you wear nothing. That’s a crucial part of the Cybertruck’s lifestyle.
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sxrrhhn · 2 months
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livegoodblog · 7 months
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The best gift 🎁 one can give !
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tammanasstuff · 1 day
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Don't fall into a trap, break the matrix girlz...
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angadgautama · 6 months
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There was a time when "Education" wasn't subject of Money Profiting and Showing Off. Real those days were great.
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mrlonelystoner · 4 months
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Passenger princess
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mymoneymanifest · 1 year
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Financial prosperity is on the horizon. Type "Yes" If You Agree!
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adviceformefromme · 2 years
Switch off your fucking phone. Come on, be strict with yourself for once. How the fuck are you going to smash through your goals without any structure to your day, to your life? No more floating around like a lost cloud in the sky, no more moping in bed starring at the screen. This is your fucking life. Stop leaving everything to chance because what you’ll realise is your dream life isn’t going to just happen to you, you have to create it. Literally plan your life tonight. Month by month decide what you want to do, where you want to go travel and quit with those limiting fucking beliefs. WHY the fuck not make it happen? Why would you not want to give yourself the best fucking shot at winning this year? Seriously. No more fucking excuses. 2023. Make if fucking count. 
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
I want to FIRE! Do you have any tips for that ;)
Hi love! While I'm not committed to their FIRE movement per se, here are some of my best tips to set yourself up for financial success:
Diligently keep track of your income and expenses. Audit every week or month to give yourself an honest look at your financial activity
Create financial goals and a realistic budget to help you achieve them
Prioritize saving up a 6-month emergency fund, maxing out your Roth IRA (or backdoor Roth IRA) and HSA account (if in the U.S.)
Purchase high-quality, timeless items that are built to last; It's cheaper in the long run to maintain items vs. constantly repurchasing items if you have the option
Create multiple sources of income: A 9-5 job, investments, side hustle, digital products, etc. Find ways to monetize activities you would enjoy doing without earning a dime
Focus on building a strong network and high-value, transferable skills: Even if you plan on working as an employee forever (no shame in that – it's a great way to get a steady paycheck), always strategize your career in a way that would leave you equipped to make it on your own. You need to be in the driver's seat of your career and financial life at all times
Make food at home, take care of your health, and take advantage of preventative medical testing, screenings, and procedures. Losing your health (physical and mental) is the easiest way to ruin your life satisfaction and your finances
Hope this helps xx
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🌟 Harness the Energy of Abundance 🌟
💸 "Money is energy and the more positive energy you put into it, the more of it will flow to you." 💸
✨ Shift your perspective on wealth and abundance by understanding the energetic flow of money. When you infuse positive energy into your financial intentions, you open the floodgates for prosperity to come pouring into your life. ✨
🌟 Embrace the abundance mindset and watch as your relationship with money transforms. Instead of viewing it as a limited resource, see money as a boundless stream of energy waiting to be tapped into. 🌟
🔄 Take a proactive approach to attracting wealth by aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with abundance. The more positivity you radiate towards money, the more it will magnetically flow towards you. 🔄
📚 Ready to dive deeper into the principles of manifestation and abundance? Explore our selection of planners and journals in the link in our bio. Discover powerful tools and techniques to help you harness the law of attraction and manifest financial abundance effortlessly. 📚
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