#monday astrology
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For Monday, December, 26, 2022
Venus is gaining on a sextile with Neptune, which will go exact on the 28th. This harmonious aspect can emphasize a focus or desire for deep connections in relationships and expands space in the heart (metaphorically). Neptune is a sensitive and emotional energy, while Venus represents feminine receptivity and pleasure. On Monday there could be a mildly romantic sense of the world around us, with Venus often lightening up the mood if it’s well aspected. Venus is fun and creative things, and Neptune also brings a connection to the more creative, imaginative side of human nature. We may be more open to our artistic senses on this day, and feel pleasure in beautifying the space we live in, or the lives of the people around us.
The moon forms a conjunction with Saturn at around 10:20 AM (PST). The moon doesn’t meld well with Saturn’s energy, and when it is in aspect with it things can get tense for us emotionally. Saturn moons really show where we need to open up to nurturing or being nurtured, and the moon in Capricorn can bring a stunted sensation around emotions in general, especially as it meets up with Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler. We may feel a magnified sense of difficulty or “failure” on Monday, putting extra pressure on ourselves to perfect things; or, on the reverse: there could be a sharp focus felt on things that bring life together in a way that’s more stable or “fool proof”. Some can work really well with this energy and feel a bright and clear motivation during this aspect.
On Monday the moon is in a square with Uranus, which went exact at around 11:32 PM (PST) on the 25th. The moon, which represents our deepest needs and emotional tendencies, is at quite a strain when it squares Uranus. Uranus brings us sudden shifts and unsettling events, meant to turn our heads in such a way that we never see it in the same ways again; when in a square with the moon emotions can run on high, to some extent. The moon being in Capricorn (squaring Uranus) can bring inner conflicts between wanting to be “perfect” and wanting to feel free. We may feel caged in or like things don’t align properly emotionally. This square can potentially be a breaking point when it comest to following the status quo at the expense of self-fulfillment, and is an aspect that promotes intuition over expectation. On Monday there can possibly be a sense of nervousness or unpredictability in the air, and it may feel as though it’s more difficult to get our feelings across in a way that melds with others harmoniously. 
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novy2sirius · 2 months
did u know monday is actually a better “resting day” than sunday?
☽ monday -> a moon day astrologically
the moon is associated with comfortability, relaxation, and some astrologer say it’s associated with sleep. these days are better to relax on
⨀ sunday -> a sun day astrologically
the sun is associated with being active, partying, and being sociable in general. these days are good days to have fun
♄ saturday -> a saturn day astrologically
saturn is associated with working. you will accomplish more when working on these days
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imagineastrology · 3 months
Days of the week: Monday ‘Moon Days’ 🌕
Ruled by the Moon. Represents our sense of security, home, and safety. We are guided to be more intuitive, respecting and just feeling out our innermost emotions. 
Crystals: Moonstone or Selenite (these are already harmonised with the energy of the Moon)
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Try to:  🌙 Appreciate and feel out your feelings, try not to rationalise or judge them.  🌙 Slow down. 🌙 Rest. 🌙 Learn about your roots. 🌙 Be aware of the present moment.  🌙 What makes you feel safe? 
Try to avoid:  🌕 Living in your head. 🌕 Invalidating yourself. 🌕 Lack boundaries. 🌕 Staying in negative thought loops.
What do you do during Moon Days?
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triangular-eye · 8 months
days of the week, what working is best?
*・゜゚・*:。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・
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chakra associations, planetary associations, spell/workings ideas for the daily energy
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- 3rd eye/ MONDAY: MOON - divination, intuition, dreams, inner world , emotions, spells for lucid dreaming, travel, regulate emotions, soothe anxiety
- solar plexus/ TUESDAY: MARS - action, initiation, motivation, passion projects, sex magick, achievement, fighting after what you want
- throat/ WEDNESDAY: MERCURY - movement with exchange, communication, business, spells on businesses and cordial relationships, vacations
- sacral/ THURSDAY : JUPITER - expansion, fertilising, leadership, spells for main source of money to grow, to bring things in
- heart/ FRIDAY : VENUS - love, glamour, close relationships, spells for healing, curing sickness, stabilising existing relationships
- root/ SATURDAY : SATURN - boundaries, closing inwards, protection, bindings, banishings, addressing issues, obstacles
- crown/ SUNDAY : SUN - brightening up, for joy, ego/identity, spells for success, selflove, connecting to christian deities
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sapionic · 6 months
Aries Moon & Each Day Of The Week
Based on your Moon sign, let's see how each day of the week impacts you and how you can make the best of it. I will get to the other moon signs, so just follow the blog and be patient.
Aries Moon (Monday) - This is a day where you like connecting with others, especially when you are in fact coupled. It's a day where you pretty much get to choose who and how you want to spend it. Could be a day that is easy for you in some way as well. You are very social on Mondays and full of energy. It's a day where you are innovative and full of activity. Could be a day where you are observant or picky. Likely to have some type of highlight of the day on Mondays. Be approachable this day and utilize your charming side.
Aries Moon (Tuesday) - This is a productive day. Whether you are at home or at work, this is a day where you are likely being useful. Cleaning up is highly likely. You are likely ok with doing your own thing this day. You are likely more independent at heart on Tuesdays. You are very service oriented and helpful. You may notice this day seems very comforting or balanced. Embrace your independence this day.
Aries Moon (Wednesday) - Expect extremity this day. You are hyped up this day and/or may notice high activity in others. You are likely to travel this day. Your energy is boosted and this is suitable if you work out. You are more likely to do something wild on this day. You are likely more bold and daring on Wednesday. If an argument is going to happen, it is likely to be on Wednesday. You are ok with doing something solo if needed. Highly travel related day whether social or physical. Good day for social media usage. If you are viral or popular, this day will be suitable for it. Thinking outside the box and doing something different is suggested.
Aries Moon (Thursday) - The day can seem to go by fast. You are likely finishing up something physically, spiritually, or cosmically. You are likely to have a day worth documenting. This is a day where you have to show up whether you feel like it or not, You may want to stay in bed this day or stay close to loved ones. If you are forced to show up on Thursdays, you could possibly be more cautious or slow to interact. It's just one of them days where you would rather do something you truly want to do. Your attitude may be a little complex if you are not in an ideal situation.
Aries Moon (Friday) - Today is a day that centers on you and your passions. You feel bold and empowered. Should you find yourself leading a project, aim for a Friday; you might feel more confident. On this day, you often attract attention, so dressing to impress is key. The energy is vibrant and positive, yet it encourages self-reflection.
Aries Moon (Saturday) - Saturday is a day that is unplanned for you. It is very spontaneous. You are likely to want to have fun, travel, or engage in stimulating activities. This is a good day to spend with people close to you as you will be naturally generous. Good day to shop and run errands of any kind.
Aries Moon (Sunday) - Today is a day of responsibility and the focus goes to the home-life and all things domestic. Could be a typical Sunday for you. You are likely highly responsible for things related to the home/family on Sunday. Best day to buy food for the home. Cleaning/organizing comes easy for you on this day. Definitely a day where you may need to rest or have some time to yourself. Good day to work out indoors.
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moonastrogirl · 3 months
July is here and July symbolises « self love » it’s Leo energy, it’s the heart chakra.
Work on the heart chakra, do cardio and love yourself more than anyone else even your mama.
Self love is the best love 💕
Happy July 1st ❤️ Happy Monday everyone 💜
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larevuedecinema · 4 months
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getting ready, all the stars are aligned
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neptunianmars · 2 years
days of the week with astrology and magic
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in astrology, the different days of the week are ruled by different planets, so the themes of this particular planet are strengthened on their respective day. you can utilize this to your advantage when looking at transits, when performing a spell, or even just in your day to day life. this post will kind of go over how i translate this extra energy into my day.
IMPORTANT: i personally feel that how the planet is manifested in your birth chart also plays a part in how you will translate this energy. for example: if you have Sun in Aries, you might have a more active Sunday than a Pisces Sun. keeping in mind your natal chart will be key in really connecting with the planets.
ruled by the Sun
themes of personality, stamina, vitality, energy, and matters of the self are all heightened
although i don't agree with the "Sunday reset" trend from an astrological perspective, i think why people feel the need to be productive is the extra burst of energy the Sun gives us
personally, i feel Sunday is a day for active rest. like maybe cleaning one room instead of the whole house or taking a walk instead of a really intense work out. the key is making the energy burst sustainable.
i think taking at least some of this day to spend time with yourself is important as well. the Sun rules our basic personality and ego, so it feels natural to connect with these things on this day
Leo is ruled by the Sun, so any of your Leo placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Sunday is associated with Apollo and Helios/Sol
Sunday is a great day for any workings involving success, healing, ambition, career, or happiness
connect with the Sun through "sunny colors" like yellow, orange, gold, red, or even pinks or browns
crystals/metals: gold, sunstone, amber, citrine, carnelian
herbs: bergamot, celandine, hawthorn, hyacinth, marjoram, citrus
my must do's for Sunday: meditate for longer than normal, spend lots of time in the sunshine, a little bit of physical activity, and anything that brings me joy
ruled by the Moon
themes of emotions, moods, instincts, intuition, and feelings are all heightened
this is a huge(!) reason why i don't agree with a Monday work week. Monday is such an amazing day for rest. it doesn't want to start anything, much less a five day exhausting work week.
i feel Monday is a really good day for shadow work or journaling, because you're able to be more in tune/in touch with your emotions. finding ways to connect to your Moon placement on this day will help this process.
it's normal to feel emotionally drained on Monday, so taking time to give yourself lots of rest is really important. working or spending time with people isn't bad, but make sure you're giving yourself time as well.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so any of your Cancer placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Monday is associated with Artemis/Diana and Selene/Luna
Monday is a great day for any workings involving moods, good rest, physic connections, or family/maternal matters
connect with the Moon through colors like white, silver, black, and very light or very dark blue
crystals/metals: silver, moonstone, amethyst, selenite, labradorite, pearl, opal, quartz, onyx, obsidian
herbs: frankincense, yew, cypress, garlic, lavender, mugwort, pine, sage, oak leaves, almonds, amaranth flower
my must do's for Monday: shadow work, loooots of sleep and naps, comfort movies/shows, a good cry
ruled by Mars
themes of desire, action, competition, passion, and anger are all heightened
Tuesday should be the new Monday. it's a great day to start new things (like a five day work week lmao), to begin projects, to plan out your dreams, and to figure out your desires
this is definitely a day to be active. Mars holds rulership over exercise and physical activity so getting your steps in with the extra energy he gives will help
this day is also underrated as far as creative endeavors go, definitely tap into your creative side on Tuesday and you'll be surprised with the results
Aries (and Scorpio to some astrologers) is ruled by Mars, so any of your Aries placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Tuesday is associated with Ares/Mars
Tuesday is a great day for any workings involving courage, inner strength, sex, psychic defense, and banishing
connect with Mars through "strong colors" like red, black, purple, or dark grey
crystals/metals: iron, onyx, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, carnelian
herbs: heavy spices, garlic, oil, basil, camphor, black peppers
my must do's for Tuesday: exercise, try something new if i can, and think about my goals/dreams
ruled by Mercury
themes of the mind, communication, reason, intelligence, language, travel, and intellect are all heightened
this is a great day for logical decision making! your mind will be more alert and clear for problem solving and answers will come easier to you. personally, i stay away from very emotional matters on this day. this is not to say that Mercury is without emotion because that's far from the truth, but it definitely does take a logical approach to things that our emotional state sometimes cannot get behind. i like to leave the feeling decisions for Monday and use Mercury's intellect for other things
this is also a really good day for communicating. your words will be perceived by others easier, and you will understand others easier as well. just for example, a work meeting on Wednesday will be clear, focused, and efficient, while a work meeting on Monday might bring in unwanted emotions
i loooove studying on Wednesdays. i find it so much easier to focus and actually retain information. i will dedicate most of my day to studying or learning. also, you don't have to be in school to "study." i study astrology or mythology or just things that interest me, and you can learn about anything you'd like! knowledge is neverending
Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, so any of your Gemini or Virgo placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Mercury is associated with Hermes/Mercury
Mercury is a great day for any workings involving communication, education, travel, mental agility, and writing
connect with Mercury through colors like green, blue, yellow, gold, or silver
crystals/metals: mercury, hematite, amber, citrine, peridot, agate
herbs: crocus, almonds, strawberries, lemons
my must do's for Wednesday: study and use my words as much as possible :)
ruled by Jupiter
themes of luck, growth, expansion, optimism, abundance, and understanding are all heightened
Thursday is like a breath of fresh air to me. my thoughts are a lot more positive and i'm able to see things through a new lens that may have gotten jumbled throughout the week.
managing gratitude on this day is so so important. we can't be optimistic for the future and hold good luck if we aren't appreciate of what we have now.
i really like to focus on my goals this day as well. taking stock of what i have and what i have left to achieve and letting myself get excited over what's to come. this is also an amaaaazing day for manifestation!
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so any of your Sagittarius placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Jupiter is associated with Zeus/Jupiter
Thursday is a great day for any workings involving wealth, expansion, political power, legal affairs, business, and spirituality
connect with Jupiter through colors like sky blue, gold, silver, yellow, and purple
crystals/metals: tin, amethyst, citrine, sapphire, quartz, blue topaz
herbs: cinnamon, oak, olive oil, allspice, anise, coffee, grape, wine
my must do's for Thursday: manifest, work on business endeavors
ruled by Venus
themes of attraction, prosperity, love, beauty, art, and harmony are all heightened
this is one of the days of the week i actually agree with in the modern work week. in my head, Venus gets split into two: half rules Taurus and finances, and half rules Libra and love. i think ending the work week on a Friday works because we spend half of the day making money, and half of the day with pleasure.
Friday is a really good day to spend time with people, but it's also a great self care day. Venus rules beauty, so i usually do my weekly beauty routine on Fridays.
personally, i like to spend at least some time in nature on Fridays as well and some time to appreciate art, which could be listening to your favorite albums, going to a museum, watching a beautifully animated show or any show/movie honestly, reading a book, etc.
hobbies are a big Friday thing for me as well. Venus rules creativity so tapping into that creative side will be especially easy on Fridays, and you can use it to do literally anything! paint, write, sing, dance, knit, draw, whatever you want <3
Taurus and Libra are ruled by Venus, so any of your Taurus or Libra placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Venus is associated with Aphrodite/Venus
Venus is a great day for any workings involving love, beauty, nature, money
connect with Venus through colors like green, pink, red, or gold
crystals/metals: copper, brass, garnet, ruby, rose quartz, pearl, diamond, sapphire, opal
herbs: rose, anemone, apple, daffodil, myrtle, pomegranate, vanilla, jasmine, basil, honey, lavender, lemon, coconut
my must do's for Sunday: creative stuff, hobbies, work a little bit, spend time with loved ones
ruled by Saturn
themes of structure, law, discipline, restriction, responsibility, obligation, and law are all heightened
this is my "Sunday reset" day. i like to run all my leftover errands from the week, do all my chores/deep clean my living space, grocery shop, and just get everything done
this is a really good day to address and adjust your habits. Saturn craves discipline so he wants you to get your life together lmao. this is the day to start things, more specifically start good habits and end bad ones. for example, if you decided to start eating healthier, you should start on Saturday.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, so any of your Capricorn placements might be highlighted today
for all of my witch girls, Saturday is associated with Kronos/Saturn
Saturday is a great day for any workings involving finances, life obstacles, property, and habits
connect with Saturn through colors like black, dark grey, and brown
crystals/metals: lead, black onyx, hematite, smoky quartz, jet, black tourmaline
herbs: garlic, rosemary, cypress, dill, yew, myrrh, bay, clove, snakeweed, thyme, onion, witchhazel
my must do's for Saturday: deep clean, spiritual cleanse, errands, responsibilities
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thinkpink212 · 2 years
How to effectively plan your week by using Astrology
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☾ I have been using astrology for the past 2 years to not only help my manifestations but also just better structure my months and better avoid burnouts through prioritization. ☾ The weekdays and hours all have rulers that can help point to where it is most beneficial to place our focus and efforts.
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☽ The Day of the Moon - Monday ☾ This is the best day for you to take care of your emotional and mental wellbeing. Seek to get more rest, meditate, journal, avoid stressful people and situations. This is also a great time to handle lighter domestic tasks such as laundry, cooking, light cleaning and other essentials that help improve your space. Lastly, this is a great day to check in on your emotions and indulge in nostalgia. 
♂The Day of Mars - Tuesday ♂ This is a day with a higher and faster pace, so you may find yourself with more energy and bravado. You should therefore seek to move your body more, follow that ambitious energy and even allow yourself to be more bold. 
☿ The Day of Mercury - Wednesday ☿ On this day communication, creativity and coming together is made easy. This makes this an optimal day for learning, studying (especially in groups), solving problems and organizing your life/space. A day such as this is also great for further developing your ideas, answer emails and resolve conflicts
 ♃ The Day of Jupiter - Thursday ♃ A day like this is meant for expanding and exploring. So, do more research, learn something new, go on adventure and delve deeper into your spiritual or religious practice(s). On days like this, we may find ourselves having more unique and out of this world experiences that feel perfectly planned yet so random. Lastly, this is a perfect day to try your luck and trust the process
♀The Day of Venus - Friday ♀ For the day of love and beauty, you may find yourself enjoying it best by spreading love to yourself and others. Take this time to book your beauty appointments (hair, nails, teeth, waxing etc.), spoil yourself, indulge in good food, art and company. And lastly, wear your cutests most favorite clothes and treat the day like it belongs to you. 
 ♄ The Day of Saturn - Saturday ♄ This is a more serious day where the things that have been put off or need special attention should and most likely will be done. This is a day where you may find yourself being more able to hold yourself accountable, refocusing on your goals and re-establishing any structures that may have been broken throughout the /month. So on this day, take care of longer and more grueling tasks, and plan for the upcoming week. Lastly, this is also a day most seem to shine brighter at work, so take advantage of that energy.
☉ The Day Of the Sun - Sunday ☉ This is a day to spend the day focused on ourselves and enjoy the slowness of it all. If the sun is bright, sit under it and recharge. On this day, connecting with our ego can feel easier, so, journal, get your thoughts out, write down your gratitudes, wishes, wants, disappointments and remind yourself of who you are and recenter.  This is a day of choosing you first! 
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What Now? Look at your life and to your best abilities, schedule everything according to what fits your wants & needs with the rulerships of each day. Mondays are for moon-thingz, so even if you can’t get off on Monday, attempt to still rest, recharge and take care of your environment. We live within a very structured world, where many of us start on Monday, so attempt to do what you can with what you have. Many joke that they  hate monday, and that may be because the energies of that day do not align with having to begin a long week of working. And oppositely, Friday is loved because it is Venus – we want to be social, seek beauty and love. With the end of the long workweek being Friday, it fulfills Venusian desires, so it tends to be a day that goes much smoother for many. We live within a very structured world, where many of us start on Monday, so attempt to do what you can with what you have. Many joke that they  hate monday, and that may be because the energies of that day do not align with having to begin a long week of working. And oppositely, Friday is loved because it is Venus – we want to be social, seek beauty and love. With the end of the long workweek being Friday, it fulfills Venusian desires, so it tends to be a day that goes much smoother for many 🌸
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upennmanuscripts · 2 years
Today's #MedicalMonday is LJS 456, treatise presented as a letter from Aristotle to Alexander the Great on statecraft, astronomy, astrology, magic, and medicine, probably copied in Andalusia, A.H. 797 (1394). Video by Nell Fossa - Thanks Nell!
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Cody and Sailor Moon have one thing in common—they share the same bday.
Cody isn’t a crybaby like Sailor Moon but will fight a bitch back like Sailor Moon.
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Astrological heads up for Monday, the 13th
Neptune enters Degree 24 [[exact at 10:25 PST on Sunday]]
Neptune moves soooo slowly that I consider its movements through the degrees to be somewhat important. It’s switching from an Aquarius degree to a Pisces degree, which brings us extra, extra Piscean energy. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, it’s in its ruling sign and it’s in the Pisces degree. While it’s in this degree we may seek out magic through the spiritual and feel especially restless in the face of linear reality. At the same time dreams may become more realistic, and we may be somewhat more prone to escapism. When Neptune is prominent emotions become a chasm that is extremely easy to get lost in, and we have to take care not to become “invisible” or isolated.
Moon trine Neptune [[exact at 6:47 AM PST]]
This watery aspect can be a conduit for the emotions, especially with the moon being in Scorpio. Neptune and the moon working together nicely can help us feel willing to open up and express ourselves in ways that are also sympathetic to others; we can have a deeper knowing of how we feel without feeling a need to totally unload it onto someone else. Desires to do something nice for others may come into effect on this day, and the Scorpionic want of experiencing deep bonds and intimacy can have its influence through this aspect as well. Indulgence is always a possibility with trines, and with Neptune there is the possibility for indulgence in substances: caffeine, wine, cigarettes, etc - it’s important not to get lost in the feeling that there is a need for something, or somewhere else, that gets expressed through overindulgence. 
Moon trine Venus [[Exact at 2:15 AM PST]]
This goes in line with what I was saying above: an increased desire to do nice things for people. Venus trining the moon is very sweet, affectionate and desirous of seeing others happy - especially with Venus being in Pisces. Scorpio moon trining Venus is driven by a need for recognition in intimate relationships: an acknowledgement that connections are running properly and with adequate displays of love. Venus receiving positivity from the moon is greatly enhanced: experiences can be beautiful and deep, there is potential for opening up to harmony and a sense of trust in things, for the most part.
Moon Square Saturn [[12:52 PM]]
Saturn is the planet of dedication, objectivity and harsh reality. Any time it squares with the moon there is potential for emotional turbulence or feelings of loneliness. Coupling this aspect with the others I’d say the theme for Monday is feeling a strong desire for closeness and a desire for belonging that may be somewhat difficult to have fulfilled. There can even be a sense of boredom pervading, that stems from a fear of missing out on certain experiences with loved ones or those we wish to be closer with.
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libralight · 2 years
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recursive360 · 6 months
Brain Damage / Eclipse
Pink floyd
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What does it mean ? When you dream, Your Teeth are falling out !
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Dreams about teeth falling out can have various interpretations, including spiritual ones. In many spiritual and psychological interpretations, dreams about teeth falling out are often associated with feelings of vulnerability, powerlessness, or a loss of control in some aspect of your life. Here are a few possible spiritual interpretations of dreams about teeth falling out.
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Transformation and Change: Teeth falling out in dreams can symbolize a period of significant change or transformation in your life. It may suggest that you are going through a process of shedding old beliefs, habits, or aspects of yourself to make way for personal growth and renewal.
Loss and Grief: Dreaming of teeth falling out can sometimes represent a sense of loss or grief. It may indicate that you are experiencing emotional pain or undergoing a mourning process related to a recent change, a broken relationship, or a loss of something important to you.
Communication and Expression: Teeth are associated with communication and expression. Dreaming of teeth falling out may suggest difficulties in expressing yourself effectively or feeling unheard in your waking life. It could be a sign to pay attention to how you communicate with others or explore ways to improve your self-expression.
Personal Power and Confidence: Teeth are also connected to self-esteem and confidence. Dreams about teeth falling out could indicate a temporary loss of personal power or a lack of confidence in a particular area of your life. It may be an invitation to reflect on your self-worth and find ways to regain your inner strength.
Symbolic of Death and Rebirth: In some spiritual traditions, dreams about teeth falling out can be associated with the concept of death and rebirth. It may represent the end of an old phase of your life and the beginning of a new one. It could signify a symbolic death of old patterns or beliefs, leading to personal transformation and spiritual growth.
That dream interpretations are subjective, and the meaning of a dream can vary based on individual experiences and personal beliefs. It's important to reflect on the specific details, emotions, and personal associations within the dream to gain a deeper understanding of its potential spiritual significance for you.
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taratarotgreene · 8 months
Monday February 5 astrology intensity
Hi happy Monday. There’s a lot going on today mercury is in Aquarius until February 23/23 bringing that revolutionary chaotic wildly inventive and freedom loving energy. VENUS square CHiRON in ARIES and SUN sextiles CHIRON too. Vulnerabilities vm.tiktok.com/ZM6W7U237/
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