#momma y papa
asraindarkness · 3 months
"tommy and buck should hang out with chris tommy should be his dad number 3" WRONG MY FRIENDS WRONG.
they should adopt ravi and im not elaborating more. but they should.
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who taught my parents to take facetime pictures
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eccentricwritingbaby · 5 months
baby finn series, bedtime stories
series masterlist
dad!lando norris x mom!wife!reader
summary - finn is begging for a bedtime story, and lando has the perfect one to share. 
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“but daddyyy,” your son whined for the fourth time, “i don’t wanna go bed!” with that he stomped his tiny foot onto the ground and crossed his chubby little arms in an attempt to be upset. 
“no ‘but daddy’, finn. it’s bedtime, you need to go to sleep,” lando spoke sternly to the little boy. finn has always been well-behaved. you and lando often joked that his terrible two’s were instead the terrific two’s. he was taught and exhibiting his manners, his patience was impeccable, and when either of you asked him to do something he usually followed through. except for bedtime. bedtime was his enemy, which in turn made it yours and lando’s as well. 
“noooooo daddy, pweasee,” your three year old continued on his quest to avoid sleep. lando let out a sigh and dropped a knee in order to reach finn’s height, “how about a bedtime story, finn? will that make ya feel better?” your husband holds his breath waiting for the answer, silently saying a prayer that his son will agree.
finn’s arms slowly fall from their crossed position and he sways his body a bit before a quiet ‘otay’ slips out of his mouth. his father attempts to hide his proud smile as he scoops the boy off the ground and begins carrying him to his room. 
“is momma coming for story?” finn asks his dad.
“of course, bud, i’ll go get her while you get ready in bed, ok?”
“otay!” with the assurance of your presence, finn began to squirm from his fathers hold in order to rush into his room, hopping onto his bed. lando takes a look in the room, smiling to himself as he watches his son grab different stuffed animals and toys to ‘watch the show’. your husband turns down the hall, bringing his knuckles up to knock gently on your office door. he cracks the door open, leaning his head in to gaze in your direction. 
“love?” hearing his voice, you turn in your chair, breaking your view from the computer in front of you and trading it for your husband's eyes. both of you take seconds to admire the other, comfortable, a little sleepy, and oh so beautiful. lando drinks in your beauty, and you do his. he gives you a smile that you gently return.
“finn’s asking that you join us for a bedtime story, fancy taking a break?” 
“i would love that,” you’re quick to reply, and with that you stand, lando grabbing your hand as you make your way to finn’s room. 
“momma!” your three year old enthusiastically lets out as he kneels on his bed.
“hi, baby,” you let go of lando’s hand, instead using it to run over your son's curly head of hair. letting out a quiet ‘scoot over’ to finn, you both proceed to get comfortable on his twin bed, ultimately ending with you lying back propped up on pillows with finn tucked into your side under the blankets. your husband takes a seat at the end of the bed and claps his hands together.
“right, now, are you both ready for the best bedtime story?” he raises his eyebrows and highers his pitch in order to gain some giggles from his two favorite people. 
“yes, dada! story! story!” finn chants between his laughs.
“yeah, daddy! story!” you begin to add into the chanting, the boy tucked into your side erupting in more giggles. lando sends a slight wink in your direction at your use of the nickname and clears his throat. 
“okay, this story begins alllll the way back before you were born,” 
a gasp escapes your son in shock at the timeline and he lets out a small ‘that a long time’ which makes you and lando share a look of, damn, are we that old?
lando brushes it off and continues, “once upon a time, there was a young woman, and her name was y/n,”
another gasp from your mini, “like momma?” he asks as he looks at you.
“yes, like momma,” your husband answers as you boop your son's nose, “and she was, and is, the prettiest girl in the world. now, y/n’s parents-”
“NANA AND PAPA!” finn screeches out with excitement. you and lando share a laugh and he starts up again, “yes, nana and papa. now y/n’s parents had just moved to england as y/n began school in england, too. so, they reached out to their friends, cisca and adam-”
“NAN AND POP!” another screech and another fit of laughs is echoed through your son’s room. 
“yes, baby, now let daddy finish the story,” you tell your son gently. 
“otay, momma, i sowwy i jus’ excited!” both you nor your husband could correct that sweet behavior, instead choosing to keep moving on. 
“alright, y/n’s parents and cisca and adam all had dinner one night, and they found out that their kids had a lot in common,” lando steals a moment to meet your eyes and you send him back a warm smile, “cisca and adam’s son, hmm let’s call him lando-”
“dada! that your name!” 
“that’s right, buddy, so the group of parents agreed to have the two kids meet. lando had been off racing and y/n was at university, so they hadn’t met for months. until, finally, it was a warm july evening, and the two arrived separately at a party y/n’s parents had put on. now, lando walked into the home, and right ahead of him he sees this girl. she was wearing a long, peach-colored dress, hair down and beautiful, and had eyes that were absolutely stunning,”
“wow, mommy you pwetty,” your son speaks towards you with wide eyes.
“thank you, my love,” you reach down to place a kiss onto the top of his head while holding down the tears threatening to escape. your husband and your son were both enamored by you and it made your heart soar and squeeze in love.
“lando had the need to walk over to this beautiful woman and introduce himself, and so he did,” your husband caught your eyes again, staring at you with the same love-struck look he did five years ago. 
“what she say, dada?”
“she said, hello,”
“what did you say, dada?”
“i said, hi,”
“when you get marry?”
“marriage didn’t come for a few more years, buddy. the first question i had to ask her was if she wanted to go on a date with me,”
“did you?”
“i did,”
“what she say?”
“thankfully, she said, yes,”
you noticed the time and began to wrap up the story, but not without adding in your own two-cents, “and that was the best decision she had ever made,” you placed another kiss on your son’s forehead and began to stand up from the bed. lando helps you up and tucks you into his side before you both bend down and begin to tuck your son in. lando brings his blankets up to your son's chin, kissing his forehead gently with a whispered ‘i love you’. you mimic his same actions after him while adding a ‘sleep tight, my love’ and finn's eyes are already closing. 
you both make your way to the door while your hand comes up to turn off the lights. lando begins to lead you out and shut the door, but stops abruptly when he hears the quiet question of, “dada?”
your husband’s head shoots back into the room, “yea, finn?”
“do the y/n and lando in story have happy end?”
lando’s hand finds yours at your side and he intertwines them as he responds, “oh yes buddy, they live happily ever after,” with that, his door is closed with a crack open and your husband shuffles you quietly down the hall back into your office. he begins to watch you pack and close up your work assignments on the computer, leaning his frame against the door. continuing to admire his wife as you speak up, “that was a great story, lan,”
“well i had great characters to speak about,” he chuckles and moves closer to you, grabbing your arms and tossing them gently around his neck before dropping his hands to your hips. 
“oh yes, fantastic, i especially liked the sound of that y/n girl,” you speak softly, staring up at your husband. he gives a light laugh and a squeeze to your bum in response before dropping his head down in order to press his lips against yours. 
pulling away gently, you begin to rake your hand through lando’s curls as you speak, “we got really lucky with him,” you refer to your sleeping boy down the hall. 
“we really did, y/n. you want another?”
“yes, another baby. c’mon finn’s three now, its a good age to start trying again, he would understand, i should have a brea-”
“yes, i would love to start for another baby, lan,”
“god, i love you so much, y/n” lando leans down again pulling you into a kiss. you break apart quickly, adding in your own ‘i love you so much, too, lan,” as you both proceed to head to the bedroom. 
a/n - let me know if you all want this continued! and feel free to send in requests for what you want to see! xoxo
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Hiiii I loved love love your work babe. I just had a request with Charles
Herve is a big momma’s boy and reader is going through postpartum but Herve just doesn’t get she needs some space bc he just loves his mama
Maybe how Charles would help with that or it just being overwhelming for her and he comforts her
Note: thank you for your words ✨️🫶
Cw: postpartum
"Mama, I want mama", Hervé pouted as Charles was the one to pick him up to take him for his bath, "papa is doing your bath tonight, mon petit, we can have your car and your duckie", Charles suggested, hoping he would be convinced easily. Your son started crying as Charles picked him up, kissing his cheeks softly and waving his hand to assure you he would be fine, not wanting you to worry about anything else other than feeding little Amélie on your arms.
Lately, it had been stressful and frankly overwhelming at times when both your children needed and wanted you and you couldn't satisfy their needs at once.
You walked upstairs and put Amélie in her cot next to your bed just in time to hear your boys in Hervé's room, stepping inside to kiss your son goodnight, "goodnight, my love, I hope you have sweet dreams tonight", you wished, kissing his forehead as he threw his arms around you, tears falling from his eyes as he nuzzled his face on your neck, "It's okay, amour, mama's here", you bounced him around, wincing a little as you moved around his room.
"Are you ready for sleep now?", you asked as he became sleepy, not even giving you time to read him a bedtime story as he fell asleep the minute his head hit the pillow.
"He was cranky, wasn't he?", you asked Charles, "He's a mama's boy through and through, and I think he's feeling that he now has to share you with Amélie and he's realising that she needs you more now", he replied.
That did it as you cried all of the tears you had been holding for the past few weeks, "Amour, amour, I'm here", Charles said as he let you cry on his chest, "it's not your fault, Y/N, if anything it's a good sign! That boy loves you so much and he wants to be with you as much as he can, but we'll speak to him tomorrow about how Amélie is smaller and she needs you a little more, and that it makes you more tired too", Charles brushed a few hairs away from your face, kissing your forehead lovingly, "it's all going to be fine", he assured.
"You're the best, Charles - I don't want to fail you, or fail our family", you admitted, "you could never fail us, baby, I'm so proud of you, Hervé loved you so much, Amélie is so smiley when she sees you", he chuckled, "you could never fail us, so rest your mind", he kissed the top of your head, "and come cuddle me while we have so yummy food and I'll pamper you for the night, how does that sound?", he smiled.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
what would have had to happen for y/n to be in this situation with ony
hmmmm idk
sikeeee!! i always know😛 link
“got some nerve…coming up in there like you ain’t got no sense” his voice deeply touched your ears as he spoke. your ass was hot from the many times he’s struck it. pussy being pounded into oblivion from the back. it was almost certain you were going to be sore and bedridden in the morning. all because you let jealousy cloud your judgment.
“ma i just told you, been telling you the whole ride home, i don’t know that girl” you rolled your eyes at him, not caring about the irritated look your boyfriend was giving you. “you mean to tell me this bitch knows your name, mom’s name, and has your number in her contacts, and you never fucked wit her? boy get the fuck outta here wit that!” you pointed your long acrylic nail in his face as you spoke. getting up close and personal to show him that you weren’t playing.
ony took a deep breath before replying. crossing his big arms across his chest to keep himself from just snatching you up right there. “first of all…watch your mouth. second, i need you to put that big girl brain to good use and think.” you rolled your eyes as he continued to to break down your assumptions. “no cocky shit, but i’m probably the most known nigga on this campus and you know that. so of course people gon know my name. as for my number, i can’t stop girls from asking around for it. she prolly got it from someone on the team and i’ll check em for that. and you can check my phone to clarify ‘cause ain’t no female in there but my momma and you.”
your face began to soften as his excuses were starting to make sense, an apology already on the tip of your tongue as he continued. “as far as knowing momma’s name, you gotta be smarter than that princess. after every game what i say to the camera?” your eyes revert to the floor, guilt clouding your mind as you start to feel bad for how you were acting. ony softly cooed at you, inked fingers tilting your chin up so he can look into your eyes. “tell me ma” you sighed deeply, taking a long pause before answering his question. “y’say ‘first i wanna give a shout-out to my very first supporters, my parents Abena and Todd Jackson.’ m’sorr-”
“sh sh sh. what else baby?” your eyes instantly began to water as you recited the second part of his speech. “a-and y’said ‘a-also wanna give a big shoutout t-to my beautiful g-girlfriend y/n.’ m’sorry papa i was just so mad and i–” he cut you off again, this time by snatching you up by your throat and bringing your face closer to his. “this is why we communicate ain’t it? to prevent shit like this, but you ain’t do that did you? nahh….you came into the team house yelling and screaming, embarrassing the both of us ‘cause you let your emotions get the best f’you. so now…. ima let mine get the best of me. go in the room and strip.”
it was a matter of minutes before ony had you stripped and screaming in the middle of the bed. dick punishing your insides so good , but you held that need for release with a death grip. “daddyyyy i said m’sorry alreadyyy. p-please let me cumm” you whined, drool dripping from your lips as ony replied with a hard slap on your ass. “no. you ain’t learn yet” he grumbled, angling his hips downward so he can be felt in your stomach. your mouth opened in a silent scream, the feeling too much for you as you tried to inch up the bed.
ony watched you closely, letting you move up just enough so you can take a sigh of relief before yanking you back onto him. “don’t run from me mama. you gettin what you deserve” you let out a loud whine as you felt him begin to hit you deeper than he did before, heavy hand coming down on your ass repeatedly. your ass was definitely going to be sore in the morning. “you love me?” ony asked, stroking you just right to the point where holding your orgasm was almost unbearable. “y-you know i love you daddy”
the next thing you knew, your back was too his chest and ony has his hand tightly around your neck. the brutal pace of his hips slowing to deep strokes. his dick repeatedly hitting the sweetest spots inside of you. there was no way you could hold it in anymore, a quiet whine escaping your lips as your release slowly trickled down your thighs. ony wasn’t far behind, his ropes of cum shot deep into you as he slowed his hips to a stop.
“if you love me then communicate wit me cause now you gon be here all night. turn over.”
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inc-ch-ident · 7 months
First word | Charlos
Paring: Charles Leclerc x fem!Horner!reader x Carlos Sainz.
Warning:Google translator.
Trigger: None
Genre: Fluff.
Prompts: None.
Summary: Hael Leclerc-Sainz, Y/n, Charles, and Carlos's son unexpected first word.
Part 1
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Since that day, Hael Leclerc-Sainz was born everyone's hearts melted at the sight of the little baby.
Through months, Charles and Carlos show him off whenever and wherever they could, spoiling the little bundle of joy. Even around the grid, drivers passed Hael around every time Y/n, Charles, or Carlos brought him.
Some drivers even place a bet about what Hael's first word would be.
George, Pierre, Daniel, Yuki and Charles place bet on Dada aka Charles himself.
Lewis, Lando, Logan, Fernando, and Carlos bet on Papa aka Carlos himself.
Meanwhile, Oscar, Seb, Alex, Max, even Christian, Zak, and Toto join on the bed on Y/n side.
Currently and rarely, the drivers are scattered out in Y/n's living room, passing Hael around as his mother prepares some food with Oscar and Yuki's help.
"Has he said his first word?" Pierre asked Charles beside him as Lando stole Hael from him and sat across from them.
"Not yet" Charles shakes his head, smiling softly as he watches them making Hael smile and giggle.
"What? Do you wish his first word would be dada?" Alex chuckled at his and wrapped his arm around Lily, even feeling the same but not as impatient as Pierre.
"I'm just asking" Pierre shrugged his shoulder and raised his hands up in surrender but when he lowered his hand, he grabbed a pillow and threw it to Alex but it ended up hitting George.
"Shit! Pierre!" George throws the pillow back as all of them laugh.
"Sorry! It was supposed to hit Alex" Pierre just chuckled and mumbled to Max 'whipped' after Carlos and Charles stood up and helped Y/n, Oscar, and Yuki bring the food into the living room.
"Shit!" Hael giggled, clapping his hands together as he glanced and smiled at Y/n.
Silent falls in the room as Y/n stares at Hael shocked to hear him say that, yes, she's happy that he finally said a word but she wasn't expecting that word.
"You guys know the rules, no cursing in front of Hael." Y/n tilts her head aside and stands up straight, crossing her arms as she looks at everyone except Oscar and Yuki.
"Somebody better start talking why is Hael's first word that." She glares at everyone before looking at George and Pierre who's looking everywhere but her. Meanwhile, the others watch and not say anything knowing how momma baer Y/n is toward Hael. Not even Charles and Carlos, who sat back down and grabbed a chip, earning looks from everyone but decided to join the two anyway.
"I didn't mean to! He hit me with a pillow!" George spoke up, gesturing at Pierre.
"I already said sorry!" Pierre told her before both of them gulped under Y/n's stare.
"Run" That was all George and Pierre needed to hear before rushing out of the living room with Y/n following them. The others just watched and had a good laugh out of it, even Hael giggled as he saw his mother following the two.
The chase between a Momma bear and a terrified Russell and Gasly., It only took Carlos and Charles to help when George ran back into the living room terrified.
"Hey, relax, amore," Charles said, wrapping his arms around her waist to stop her from going to George. Both her partners calm her down, knowing Hael would be the one thing that would make Y/n fully calm down. Lando handed Hael to Y/n, smiling before going back to his seat.
It took a couple of seconds before Y/n finally snapped out of her bear mode that's when they noticed Pierre missing.
"Love, where's Pierre?" Carlos asked and glanced at Y/n as she mumbled something.
"Speak up, amore," Charles said.
"I said, I tied him on a chair in the guest room," Y/n mumbled but clear enough for everyone's eyes to widen as they hurried to the guest room to see Pierre tied up on a chair with tape on his mouth.
Lando, Max, and Daniel were able to take a picture of him before Carlos and Charles got him out. Everyone has a good laugh about what happened.
Since that day, no one dared to cuss around Hael after witnessing what y/n did. Even the media knows about it because the others, mostly Daniel talk about it while Pierre and George try to forget what happened.
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thelargefrye · 11 months
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BABY DADDIES ... one - shot
pairing : wooyoung x f!reader x san
genre : fluff, parent au, established poly relationship
word count : 1.6k
warnings : language, y/n wears glasses, mentions of being pregnancy
suffering tag : @sanjoongie this isn't your official birthday present that might be late so please except this while i try to get it done
you couldn't imagine a life without your two daughters and their wonderful fathers who have been with you through the ups and downs of your life.
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"what's wrong, mimi?" wooyoung's voice is hushed and groggy as you hear him speak to your five year-old daughter. you can hear miyeon reply to him, but you're too far into dreamland to fully understand what she is saying.
you feel the bed move as you assume wooyoung gets up in order to help miyeon with whatever issue was wrong. you can't help the shiver that rolls over your body once he's gone, and you're quick to turn over in order to snuggle closer into san.
san seems to welcome your closeness, as he is quick to wrap his arms around you and hold you close to him. your head resting against his chest as he tucks you into him, his own head resting on yours. his warmth encased you and quickly lulled you back into full dreamland.
you're not sure when wooyoung returns to bed, but you remember hearing him grumble in your ear about how you're a traitor as he wraps his arms around you. you're pretty sure he only called you a traitor because of how you latched onto san to steal his warmth.
"momma!" a high-pitched voice is how you wake up along with the bed shifting and jolting as two small bodies jump on it.
"momma, wake up!" another equally as high voice say. you hear a small chorus of laughter as you open you eyes to see both your daughters, miyeon and jimin looking at you with large smiles.
"papa made breakfast! it's time to get up!" miyeon said as they watched you sit up with a groan. running a hand through your hair as you tried your best to tame your bedhead.
"well, good morning to you both as well," you say with a groggy laugh making them laugh as well.
"appa told us to come wake you up," jimin said as you leaned over to give her and her sister a good morning kiss.
"by jumping into bed?"
"no," a deeper voice says before either girl could answer. you three turn to see san coming into the bedroom, still in his pajamas and glasses perched on his nose. "i told them to come and wake you up nicely," he adds tickling both girls as he comes to his side of the bed.
san is quick to lean over to give you a kiss before he's standing up straight and picking jimin up and swinging her around. the five year-old lets out a high pitched squeal before he's setting her down. miyeon stands on the bed waiting for san to do the same thing and he smiles at her before mimicking what he did to her sister.
"go help papa with setting the table you two," he says and both nod before racing out of the room. once they're gone, san turns to you and gives you a warm smile as he watches you pull your hair away from your face and reaching for your glasses.
"good morning, beautiful," he says once you get out of bed and presses a kiss to your forehead before he's following you out of the bedroom.
"how long have you all been up?" you ask, worried that you might have slept in for too long.
"just an hour, darling," san answers, "woo and i wanted to let you sleep in, but the girls wanted to have pancakes for breakfast."
you let out a small, excited gasp at the sound of pancakes before the smell of them finally filled your nostrils. san laughed as he watched you hurry down the hallway and into the kitchen. your boyfriend couldn't help but smile at how your excitement matched both of your daughters when pancakes are mentioned.
you come into the kitchen to see miyeon and jimin already at the table eating. miyeon doing a small dance in her seat as she eats. wooyoung runs his hand over his daughter's head, laughing before leaning down and kissing her. he places her cup of juice in front of her before doing the same thing to jimin.
"good morning, youngie," you say when he walks back into the kitchen, a smile on your face as you both share a quick kiss.
"morning, love," he says back as he goes back to paying attention to the pancakes. you wrap your arms around wooyoung's waist, cheek against his shoulder blade as you both wait for the food to get done.
"why did mimi get up last night?" you ask after the two of you stood in silence, listening to the twins talking and singing at the table. san had come in after you, sitting with the twins to make sure they didn't make too big of a mess.
"she got up to use the potty and lost her dolly underneath her bed," he says and you let out a small hum.
"you're such an amazing dad," you say and wooyoung can't help but feel his heart skip a beat at your words.
"thank you, love, i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you," he says back, letting his hand come and rest over your own. he gives your hand a small squeeze. "both you and sannie," he adds turning to look at you with a smile. "your pancakes are ready," he says before handing you your plate of pancakes.
wooyoung laughed as he watched your eyes light up as you did a little dance before walking over to the table to join miyeon, jimin, and san. a few minutes later, wooyoung finally joined you all with his and san's plates.
after breakfast was over, wooyoung sent jimin and miyeon into the living room to play while you three cleaned up.
"here," you begin, stopping wooyoung from standing up, "i'll do the dishes," you add before taking his plate from him. however, before you could get a step in, san took the plates from you. "hey!"
"don't worry about the dishes, babe, i got them," he says before walking over to the sink. you let out a small 'ugh' sound before trailing behind him and standing next to him by the sink.
"no, let me do them," you say, turning the water on and beginning to rinse the syrup off the plates.
"y/n," san says looking at you pointedly, "you've worked hard these past few days. let me do it," he says.
"i'll wash, you dry."
"i'll wash, you dry," he says and you give him a small frown before switching places with him. wooyoung couldn't help but smile at you two continuing to lightly bicker with each other as you wash dishes.
"san, stop! the girls are sleeping," you say, swatting your boyfriend's hands away as he attempts to grab and tickle at your sides. san can't help the hearty laugh that leaves his lips before he's finally grabbing and dragging you closer to him on the couch. he presses a trail of kisses down your neck before blowing a raspberry into your skin. "ugh! san!"
"sorry, couldn't help it," he says before he's trapping you between his legs. you let out a sigh as you relax against him, his hands resting under your shirt on your stomach. his thumb softly rubbing your skin. "i haven't held you like this in a while," he says, voice just as soft as his touch. "i think the last time was when you were pregnant with the girls."
"i think you're right," you say, remembering how san held you like this when you pregnant with miyeon and jimin.
you three were still in your old shared apartment and you were six months pregnant with the girls. you and san had also just gotten into an argument earlier that day, neither one of you speaking to each other for hours. even when the clock hit six o'clock and it was time for what san and wooyoung decided to call their "bonding time" with the girls.
you didn't want to look at san, completely ignoring him despite you resting between his legs and his arms wrapped around you. you ended up not speaking until wooyoung got home an hour later to find you asleep in san's arm.
when you woke up you couldn't even tell wooyoung what you and san got into an argument over.
"you were pretty short-tempered when pregnant," san joked, bring you out of your thoughts.
"yeah..." you say softly, feeling a little guilty for how you would lash out at both of them over the littlest things. you would often feel embarrassed about it afterwards and you were thankful that both your boyfriends were understanding of what you were going through. "i'm sorry about that," you say, fiddling with his fingers.
"hey, don't apologize. i honestly deserved all those times you yelled at me," he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "wooyoung definitely did," he added making you laugh as well.
"hey now, don't talk about me while i'm not here to defend myself," wooyoung says as he enters the room. he gives both you and san a kiss before he settling next to you both on the couch. you immediately rest your feet in his lap, smiling when he shoots you a playful glare.
you laugh at his expression before you're opening your arms out for him, and wooyoung immediately moves to squish you between him and san. wooyoung rests his head against your chest, arms going and wrapping around both you and san. the three of you lay in together in a comfortable silence, both their breathing and heartbeats lulling you to sleep.
the last thing you thought before falling asleep was how thankful you were to meet and fall in love with both wooyoung and san. knowing that you would never change this for anything in the world.
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @invuwrld @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr
networks : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
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drysdalesworld · 8 months
Can you write a social media fic with Luca and his girlfriend announcing their relationship?
my lover
luca fantilli x fem!zegras!reader
idk why i always make the readers in my social media fics related to one of the boys somehow. i feel like that’s super basic lol. if you don’t like that, feel free to imagine reader as just fem!reader <3
y/nzegras just posted!
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liked by adamfantilli, _quinnhughes, and more
y/nzegras: he’s definitely a man written by a woman and that woman is taylor swift
( loading comments ! )
trevorzegras: i knew i shouldn’t have let you go to umich
trevorzegras: WHO IS THIS MAN 💢💢
lhughes_06: i know something you don’ttttt hehe
y/nzegras: bc he doesn’t have a big mouth like you
trevorzegras: 😟
adamfantilli: you’ve completely converted him to a t swift girlie
y/nzegras: making momma swift proud
luca.fantilli: frfr
userone: that side profile looks hella familiar i swear
usertwo: my moneys on rutger
userthree: nah it’s def either luke or luca usertwo
jackhughes: girl zegras is growing up so fast 😪
lhughes_06: the best couple i know fr
trevorzegras: i still don’t get why he knows and i don’t
luca.fantilli: damn, he’s holding your food AND flowers?? wife him up 😤
y/nzegras just posted!
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liked by seamuscasey26, umichhockey, and more
y/nzegras: my lover 🤍
tagged: luca.fantilli
( loading comments ! )
y/nzegras: chill
trevorzegras: I AM CALM
markestapa: MAMA Y PAPA 👨‍👩‍👦
jackhughes: finally! i don’t think i was going to be able to keep this from z any longer
_quinnhughes: you’re mouth likes to yap trev. she had valid concerns, that being your big mouth trevorzegras
lhughes_06: you would’ve announced their relationship the second you knew bro trevorzegras
trevorzegras: i am speechless. the hughes brothers knew before i did 😔 i’m in mourning
dylanduke25: mother & father finally announced their relationship ❗️❗️
rutgermcgroarty: one big happy family 😌👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
luca.fantilli: my lover ❤️❤️
trevorzegras: i will find you
y/nzegras: you will not threaten my boyfriend t. stop being childish
jackhughes: so, i’m assuming you’re bringing a plus one to the lake house?
y/nzegras: exactly 💞
yourroommate: the cutest couple ever <33
luca.fantilli just posted!
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liked by yourbestie, tyler__duke5, and more
luca.fantilli: i’d marry you with paper rings 🤍🤍
tagged: y/nzegras
( loading comments ! )
seamuscasey26: bro she immediately had you wrapped around her finger the MINUTE you saw her
markestapa: SIMP
rutgermcgroarty: SIMP
dylanduke25: SIMP
nolan_moyle: SIMP
lhughes_06: SIMP
nick_moldenhauer: SIMP
luca.fantilli: please get out of my comment section all of you
userone: they’re so cute!! <3
trevorzegras: i guess he ain’t that bad 😒
jamie.drysdale: bro stop beating petty 😭
adamfantilli: making my best man speech as we speak
y/nzegras: that won’t be happening for a couple of years bestie
adamfantilli: never too early future sister-in-law
yourbestie: i’ve had mine ready since the sixth grade adamfantilli
adamfantilli: i see how it is 😑 yourbestie
y/nzegras: i love you so much 💓💓
273 notes · View notes
spookysteddie · 8 months
Call It What You Want
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Modern!Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Influencer!reader
18+ Minors DNI
part two
cw: unsupportive parents, hint at mentally abusive mother, negative media attention, talk of sex tape, food mentions (they go on a dinner date), reader is in therapy. (Let me know if I missed anything)
wc: 2.8k
a/n: I've decided to make this a series that is loosely based off of reputation by Taylor swift. It literally all came to me in a dream last night lmao. If anyone has requests for these two and wants me to create lore pleeeeaaaseee request it. This is so fun for me!
Do not disturb was the best thing that could’ve ever been added to phones. Specifically because, without it, you would’ve gotten less sleep than you did (thanks to Eddie). 
Your phone is filled with messages, emails from the press asking for comments and messages from your parents. You’re barely awake before checking the tabloids and, as expected, you and Eddie are the top headlines. Everyone has something to say about your escapades last night, videos of you at the concert, photos of you getting out of the car with him and videos from the club. 
Social media influencer and rockstar Eddie Muson seen out together since miss Asher confessed her love for him
Good girl y/n Asher and Bad Boy Eddie Muson spotted together 
Is y/n Asher going down a dark path?
Social Media influencer shedding her good girl image as she parties with Corroded Coffin
You knew there would be some drama associated with you partying with the band. You knew there would be fans who would be disappointed in you. You also knew there was a high possibility someone would have photos of you around little white lines, leading to some assumptions about you. 
You didn’t care. 
You check your parents texts next and your stomach drops.
Momma: What are you doing out with that man?! Do you know his reputation? 
Papa: The last thing you need is your reputation being ruined! You will ruin your future if you continue with him.
The phone is taken out of your hand before you can respond to them, Eddie locking it and placing it behind you before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. He nuzzles his face into your neck, leaving light kisses on your bare skin. 
“You shouldn’t read what those pricks have to say.” He continues to leave kisses along your skin, “most of them talk out of their asses and don’t understand.” 
He’s right, of course you know that. You’ve had the most misogynistic shit written about you that you knew they would never write about the man behind you. You could smile weird and all of a sudden you’re the biggest cunt ever. You can never win. 
You sigh, settling into his hold. It’s not that you care about your reputation, shit like that changes faster than the weather and it’s not worth it to stress about it. But also, this is your job and the last thing you need is to lose sponsorships because you’re fucking Eddie. 
“I know. It’s just annoying cause no one is writing mean shit about you. It’s always about me and my life.” 
He hums, “nothing like good old fashion misogyny.” He says it with a shit load of sarcasm, knowing misogyny is not a good thing at all. But it makes you giggle all the same. 
“Wait!” You sit up, almost smacking him in the face with your head, “the poll! I wanna see it.” 
He grins as he hands you your phone. You ignore your parents, deciding you’ll deal with them later, and open up instagram. You win by a landslide, 86% of your followers voted you as prettier. 
Eddie laughs behind you. You turn to look at him, a huge grin on your face, “you owe me a date, Munson.” 
His eyes fall to your lips, making you lean in a little closer, “hows tomorrow sound?”
“Perfect,” you whisper as you close the gap and kiss him. 
You can’t avoid your parents by the time you get home. They’ve been calling you for hours (hours you spent tangled up with Eddie in his bed). You know for a fact that it’ll be worse if you continue to ignore them. 
They answer within the first ring, “About time you called us back. We’ve been calling you for hours!” 
“Yes, momma, I know. I was busy with Case and Anna.” 
You hear her exasperated sigh from your mother, “yeah? For what? Cleaning up the mess you made last night?”
You’re trying to keep your composure, not wanting to yell at your mother, no matter how many times she made you feel horrible about any little decision you made. She was still your mother. 
“Case and Anna knew about all of that. Ran it by them first like I’m supposed to do.” 
Your mothers attitude only grows, “so what they just approved of you running around with someone known to do drugs? Are you doing drugs? So help me God, y/n, if I find out your doing drugs, I will fly out th-” 
“Mom, I am not doing drugs. I went to his show, somewhere I’ve been before by the way, and then we went to a club. Which is something I do on the weekends anyway. I don’t see the big deal.” 
You hear her huff, “don’t you dare give me attitude, little girl.” You hate when she calls you that. It’s been her little tool your entire life. She's done it to make you feel small, to make you feel insignificant and, try as you might, it gets to you. 
“You better not be seen with him again, got it?” 
You can feel the anger getting to you, “mom, I am 25 years old. I don’t need you to tell me who I can and cannot date. He was very respectful actually. Didn’t pressure me to do anything. Now, I have some things to film before tonight.” You hang up before she can say anything else, throwing your phone onto your vanity and running your hands down your face.  
Hana clears her throat from where she’s leaning against the door frame. You know she heard that entire conversation. You’d told her when you got home everything, including your parents non-stop calling.
She hands you a coffee, made just how you like, “how was that?” 
You take a slow sip, savoring the sweetness, “same old mom. Thinks I’m ruining my life and my reputation.” 
“Well, do you think you’re ruining your life and reputation?” 
This is one thing you love about Hana is she doesn’t baby you. Ever. She always allows you room to feel your feelings before she gives you her opinion. But she also makes sure you are able to give a name to what you’re feeling. And right now, you’re feeling frustrated. 
“No. Hana, he was amazing. He was respectful and he always asked what I wanted. And god the sex was fantastic,” you sigh wistfully. “And we’re going out on a date tomorrow. Just him and I. And I was really excited but of course my mother likes to ruin everything.” 
Hana sits on the chair next to the vanity, taking your hand, “Listen to me, if you have a good feelin’ about it, I say go for it. I didn’t get any strange feelings or vibes last night, the opposite really. Also, fuck a reputation. Taylor Swift’s was six feet in the ground and look at her now. Do what makes you happy.” 
You can feel the tightness in your chest, backs of your eyes burning. All you can do is pull her into a bone crushing hug.
You’re pretty much over your mothers comments by the next night. Of course your therapist heard all the details and said, basically, exactly what Hana did. She also told me that I am an adult and I am more than able to make my own choices when it comes to things like drugs and alcohol.
She’s right of course. 
And so, because of this realization that isn’t a realization, you keep the date with Eddie. In fact you’re more than excited to go. To see him again. You filmed all your content, posting the other nights ‘spend the day with me’ video you made.
You’ve even gained a shit ton of followers as well, most of them fans of the bands. Now, don’t get it twisted, the uptick in followers also means an uptick in hate comments and unfollows. You don’t care. Those people are entitled to follow whoever they want and the mean people clearly just have a lot going on in life. It comes with the territory. 
Eddie, however, has texted you non stop and follows every single social media account you have. Even commenting on the videos and photos you posted. That got the press talking more and birthed a shit ton more butterflies into your belly. 
Eddie didn’t give you much information on what this date would be. All he told you was to dress nice and bring a jacket because it’s ‘getting chilly and you can’t catch a cold.’ You tried explaining that’s not how colds work but he wasn’t having it. And so, you pick out one of your favorite dresses, short and black that makes your tits look killer, with stockings that snap onto a garter hidden under your dress. Of course you added a long trench coat just to keep you warm. 
Eddie picks you up at 7pm on the dot, not a second later. Again, the bar is in hell because the fact that he is on time makes you want to kick your feet like a little girl. He looks delicious, dressed in his black jeans and a black button up. He grins when you open the door, the chilly night air tickling your legs.
“Give me a spin, Miss Asher,” he smiles. 
He takes your hand, spinning you around a few times. Once semi quickly and once very slowly, drinking you in like he’s been in the desert for years. It’s kindling to the fire inside your heart, warming you from the inside out. 
“God, you’re so beautiful.” He kisses your cheek, never letting go of your hand. 
You can feel your entire body heat, a shudder wracking through you. “You’re beautiful too. So, so, pretty.” 
You watch a blush tinge his cheeks, “no one has ever called me pretty to my face… and meant it.” 
He opens the door to his car as he speaks, making sure you don’t hit your head getting in before running around to the other side and settling in the driver's seat.
“Well, for the record, I do mean it. I mean, who in the hell looks that gorgeous first thing in the morning?” You giggle as you say it, fiddling with the hem of your dress. 
He takes your hand, squeezing it twice, “you.” 
That makes you smile the entire way to the restaurant. 
This is the most beautiful date you’ve ever been on. 
Eddie had it all planned out perfectly. There was no press standing outside, waiting to take candid shots. He rented out the entire restaurant so that there would be no interruptions, just you and him and the small waitstaff. Flowers litter the floor, a small walkway leading to the table, a bottle of your favorite wine sitting in ice. 
You smile, looking up at him with hearts in your eyes. He can feel his heart racing, scared you aren’t going to like it or it’s too much or he’s scared you away. It feels like it’s forever before you answer him. “This is beautiful, Eddie. You didn’t… you didn’t have to do all this. But it’s so appreciated.” 
He gives you a swift kiss, his heart feeling like it’s going to burst, “you deserve it. You deserve to feel appreciated and cared for.” 
“Well, that is exactly how I feel right now.”  
Eddie pulls out your chair, letting you sit before he takes his own. The candles on the table flicker, casting Eddie in the most beautiful glow ever. He’s radiant, beautiful, and you don’t know how anyone could hate him. You felt like you could see his soul when he looks at you, kind, sweet, angelic. 
The waiter interrupts your thoughts, introducing himself and pouring the wine. And once all the food is ordered, it’s just you and Eddie. Suddenly, you’re nervous. 
“Did you have a good day yesterday?” You cringe slightly at the generic question. You’d talked to him all day yesterday between filming and his studio time. Releasing a new album takes a lot of time, more time than more people would think. 
“It was good. I feel like we finally have the sound we’re going for nailed down. S’gonna be similar to what we always do, of course. But I felt like, based off the songs we wrote, we needed a more,” he sipped his wine, thinking about how to describe the sound. “... sensual sound. Sexy if you will.” 
You giggle a little, “so you basically wrote about your groupies.” You’re joking, of course, not really caring about the people who came before you. Kind of. 
He raises his brows, shaking his head, “no. I actually spent most of yesterday rewriting the songs I wrote. Not all of them, but a good few.” 
“Oh! So did you record at all yesterday?” Again, it’s a generic question, but you’re genuinely interested in the process and how his mind works. 
He nods, “we did! It’s fucking thrilling to get what’s in my brain into actual art. I can’t believe I get to do this for a job.” 
Eddie's eyes practically sparkle as he talks about how exciting his job is. You love to see it, honestly. It’s the same look he gets when he’s on stage, fans screaming and singing the songs he wrote back to him. You can imagine that’ll get someone real high. 
He interrupts your thoughts, “can I ask you a question?”
You freeze, stomach falling to your ass. It’s never good when someone starts off like that. You grab your wine trying to hide your shaking hands, “yes of course!” 
“To me, it feels like there is something missing in a few of the songs. I’m pretty sure it’s y-your voice,” his stutter makes you feel a little better inside. He’s nervous. “So I was wondering if you’d wanna record some things with me?”
“Eddie, I can’t sing.” 
He smirks because you didn’t say no. “You don’t have to. I just need your voice. For the record, when I say record some things with me I don’t mean like sex videos… unless you’re into that.” You both laugh at how ridiculous he is, but a small pulse between your thighs tells you that you might be into making a little movie for just you and him. 
“While sex videos could be fun, that shit is so scary. Anyone can hack into whatever we use and boom… careers over. As for my voice, absolutely. I’m honored actually.” And you are. To have your voice be on something forever is so fucking cool. Of course, the internet is forever, but to you, it’s different when it’s music. 
“One more question…” 
You nod, motioning for him to continue. 
“Can I use your moans in a song?” 
You nearly choke on your wine, eyes going wide. “My-my moans? Like from when we have sex?” 
“Mhm. They are so fucking beautiful, baby. As much as I want to keep every part of you for myself, your moans would fit perfectly in this one song I have.” 
You have to be 50 shades of fucked up because you’re actually fucking touched that he thinks that part of you is pretty enough to put in his music. No one has to know if they’re real or not. And you don’t even have to answer the questions if anyone asks if it’s you. 
You laugh, shaking your head, “you, Eddie Munson, are crazy. I’m here for it but do you think your fans will like it? I don’t want you to do this just because we fucked the other night. I like you and you don’t have to put my anything in songs to get me to stick around. I don’t just like you because you make music.” 
He looks a little stunned, almost like he doesn’t believe you. “I… you don’t have to lie, baby. I mean, fuck, I’m not trying to call you a liar. I just am not used to people liking me as me. Usually they just want me because then it’s like a bragging thing. Not that, that’s what you are here for. Fuck, I am really fucking this up.” He rubs the back of his neck, his other hand clenched. 
You grab that hand, forcing yours into it and rubbing your thumb on his wrist, “I understand what you mean, Eddie. I’m not offended. But I mean what I said. I’m not here to further my career. I’m here because I’ve had a sickening crush on you for years. My poor friends have had to listen to me go on and on about it.” You laugh, feeling your face heat as you confess all this to him. 
“Really?” He looks like a boy, big, brown puppy eyes staring up at you. 
You nod, “really. Hana was ready to throw me a party because I finally got a date with you.”  
He laughs, the sound loud and from his belly. 
You decide right then that you will do whatever it takes to keep him forever.
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—𓆩[in our next life || EPILOGUE]𓆪—
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𓆩[masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Finnick Odair x Fem! District 4 Victor! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, slight angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 1.7K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Peeta and Katniss weren’t the first to fall in love after the games. That title went to you and Finnick, your mentor after you were Reaped at the age of fifteen two years after Finnick. After being dragged back into the Games with the Quarter Quell, you both are determined to stop it, no matter what- especially if one of you would gladly sacrifice themselves for the other.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - that I know of, there is none! maybe besides cursing(?) but it's pure fluff, just let me know if you think i should add anything!
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Ten years later…
This would be the second rope being tied around your wrist, to the same man. Things were different now; the games were over, Finnick built you that house on the river bank, and you had a son this time too.
Your dress was similar to the one you had before, especially because Cinna designed this one too, but this time, it was much smaller than the ballgown you had before. It was still poofy, yes, but this time it was lined with pearls taken from your first dress in strands of gold. Your hair was pulled into your preferred style, a flower crown of white camellias, pearls stranded in your hair as well.
You probably loved this more than your first outfit, a white bouquet in your hands as well. You were going to cry even more this time, you were sure of it. When someone knocks, you turn with a quick confirmation for them to come in, Katniss peeking her head inside. “Someone wants to see you…”
You giggled as your son ran in, gasping loudly. “Momma, you look so pweety!”
You laughed at his childish dialect, smoothing down the front of your dress. “Yeah? You think papa will like it?”
He nods his head vigorously. “Yeah! And if he doesn’t, he’s crazy!”
You giggled, offering your empty hand. “Wanna walk mommy down the aisle?”
He continues to nod, running over. “Momma, I’m glad you’re getting remarried. That bracelet is dirty.”
You laughed, nodding with him. “Is it baby? Well good thing papa’s getting me another one, right?”
You named your son Atlas, and for heaven's sake, he came out exactly like Finnick. Golden hair and bright sea blue eyes, a perfect smile and the freckles you loved since you were a child.
He takes your hand, leading you out the room as Katniss follows behind. “You look beautiful, Y/N.”
You smiled back at her, giggling. “Thank you, Katniss.”
You walked out the back door, stepping down the steps of the large wrap around porch Finnick had built himself. The second you stepped into the meadow of different kinds of wildflowers, all of the memories came flooding back.
“Finnick, we’re not supposed to be here!”
You whisper yelled at him as he dragged you to the edge of District 4, laughing.
“So? Come on, we’re almost there!” He pulls you harder, groaning. “Y/N, don’t be a scaredy-cat!”
You groaned. “My mother will kill me.”
He snorts. “Fuck your mother.”
You gasped, slapping his bicep before he sharply tugs you forward, a gasp falling from your lips before you screamed out as you both began rolling down the hill. His hand keeps your face in his neck as he laughs, your arms wrapping around him as his other hand holds your side.
You finally get to the bottom, Finnick laughing like the funniest thing in the world just happened as you sit on his chest, looking down at your grass stained dress. The Reaping would happen in a few days, and your mother had just bought you this dress. She would kill you if you came home like this.
“Finnick, my dress is all dirty!” You whine as he sits up.
“You’re so over dramatic, darling. We can clean it when we get back, look at all the flowers,” he says, smiling as he picks one and puts it behind your ear. “I know they’re your favorite.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you picked one and tucked it behind his ear. “My favorite wildflower, Finnick. Not my favorite in general.”
He laughed, clearing his throat. “My apologies, your majesty, your favorite wildflower. Is there any way you could possibly forgive me?”
You giggle, humming. “I mean… I guess so,” you say, making him grin before you boop his nose. “But it’s gonna cost you.”
He starts to blush, but hums. “Oh yeah? What?”
You purse your lips, letting out a soft ‘hmph’ as you fix yourself on Finnick’s lap. “Well, if I’m your highness, that means I’m queen, right?”
He purses his lips in response, nodding. “Yes, it does.”
“Well then, you can be my knight. To protect me and stay with me for the rest of my life. Sounds good?”
He smiled widely, nodding. “Sounds good. I’ll be your knight, Y/N?”
You put up your hand, offering your pinky. “Promise?”
He smiled, nodding as he wrapped his pinky around yours before pushing his hand up. “Lock it.”
You do, watching as he kissed your overlapping thumbs before doing the same. “You can’t break it now, Finnick!”
He nods before smirking. “Y’know, we just shared saliva.”
Your brow ruffled. “No we didn’t.”
“You kissed after me,” he teased, chuckling. “That means you got some of my saliva in your mouth.”
You blushed madly, quickly wiping your lips. “Finnick! Don’t say that!”
He laughed as he pressed his face into your neck. “Oh come on! Knights and queens belong together.”
You purse your lips. “No, kings and queens belong together.”
“Knights and queens make better pairs,” he says immediately before humming. “Y/N, I want to do something.”
Your brow ruffled. “Okay?”
He shook his head. “With you. If you don’t like it, you can tell me to stop and I will, I promise, but I’ve been wanting to do it with you for a while.”
You nodded. “Okay, I will. What is it, Finnick?”
He blushed madly, cheeks turning a bright red as he looked away. “C-Can you close your eyes?”
You do, closing them tightly before something soft lands on your lips. You don’t realize it at first, but Finnick was kissing you. Your lifelong crush was kissing you.
You don’t open your eyes until he pulls away, slowly finding his eyes as he swallows. “W-Was that okay?”
You look at him confused. “Did you just kiss me, Finnick?”
He looked away, mumbling under his breath. “Yeah, yeah I did,” he was blushing madly. “I just… I‘ve been wanting to do it for a while and-”
You pressed your lips to his before he could even finish, holding his cheeks before pulling away. It was soft and quick, but that’s all you really needed. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you rub them softly, clearing your throat. “I uhm… you don’t have to ask next time.”
He starts to smile. “So I can kiss you whenever I want?”
You shove him. “Of course not, dummy! We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend!”
His smile falls. “Why not?”
Your brow furrowed. “You… you want to be?”
“Yeah, I do,” he says quickly, fixing the flower over your ear. “I want to love you until the end of time.”
“Forever?” You ask and he nods.
“And when we meet again in our next life.”
You inhaled shakily as you stood at the end of the white carpet rolled out between the chairs of people, only the most significant you truly wanted to come. Finnick stood on the dock, hands ringing together nervously before he saw you. His jaw drops as he stares, Cinna grinning as he stands between him and where you were going to stand.
Mags had sadly died a few months before Atlas was born, peacefully with you and Finnick by her side. Of course you were heartbroken, but you also knew you would meet again in your next life.
The drums started to play as Atlas tugged on your hand making you look down at him.
“Mama, are you okay? Daddy’s crying.”
You look at Finnick who, sure enough, had tears rolling down his cheeks before he wiped at them.
“Yes baby,” you whisper, your own eyes filling with tears. “Yes, I’m okay. I’m amazing, I’m so, so happy.”
“Well, come on!”
You laughed as he tugged you down the aisle, waving at everyone as Haymitch and Effie grin at you. You smiled widely at them, wiping at your cheeks as you finally got to the dock where the drums stopped.
Atlas ran around you both, running to Cinna who sighed loudly.
“And at last, the day has finally come,” he says, announcing it to everyone here. “Where the King and Queen of Panem are getting married again.”
You can feel the rope being wrapped around you both, your hand holding one end as you stare up at Finnick who leaned his forehead against yours. Cinna continues to speak as Finnick takes the other end, Katniss and Peeta stepping forward to do the same thing they did the first time, but this time, they cut off the previous rope from your wrists before melting the second one around again.
“I have a gift for you both,” Cinna says as the rope stays wrapped around you both, slowly taking a box from his pocket before opening it. “To add onto your rings.”
You gasped as he took out two more rings, one a thinner band with a pearl on it made for Finnick while the other was a vine-shaped gold with a pearl on it as well. He slips them both onto your fingers as you look up at Finnick, eyes watering as he sighed. “I fucking love you, Y/N Odair. I love you so much.”
You giggled, stroking his cheek. “I love you, Finnick Odair. Until the end of time, and in our next life.”
He sighs, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Until the end of time and in our next life, darling.”
“Give her a real kiss, Finnick!” Effie shouts, Atlas groaning in disgust as Finnick pulls his hand from the rope, both of his strong palms resting on your jaw as he pulls you closer, kissing you passionately.
You could taste the slight saltiness from the tears, but you groaned against his lips as you pulled him closer, lower. Everyone cheers as Atlas groans once again.
“Stop being nasty!”
You giggle as you pull away, smiling up at him again. “I love you too, Finnick Odair. Until the end of time, and when we meet in our next life.”
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪
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In our next life taglist: 𓆩[@poppet05]𓆪   𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@jewelrybean25]𓆪   𓆩[@arzua10]𓆪   𓆩[@savagemickey03]𓆪   𓆩[@ok-boke]𓆪   𓆩[@instabull]𓆪   𓆩[@maxinehufflepuffprincess]𓆪   𓆩[@starryeddie]𓆪   𓆩[@ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations]𓆪   𓆩[@taestrwbrry]𓆪   𓆩[@iveraly]𓆪   𓆩[@b1llzb1tch]𓆪   𓆩[@avoxrising]𓆪   𓆩[@aquawhore]𓆪   𓆩[@luna-ann]𓆪   𓆩[@maliaaaa]𓆪   𓆩[@jyessaminereads]𓆪   𓆩[@hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere]𓆪   𓆩[@crowleysqueenofhell]𓆪   𓆩[@alexa-33]𓆪   𓆩[@wh0re4life]𓆪 𓆩[@duwcsd]𓆪   𓆩[@nyainterlu4ee]𓆪 𓆩[@magical-spit]𓆪
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This is the last chapter, omg. With a heavy heart, this is (kinda) the end! I will start taking requests for Finnick in this universe, the link to request is in at the top! Don't be shy my loves!
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© asterias-record-shop
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f10werfae · 9 months
Can you give us an example of Henry giving the twins the stink eye and them running to their Momma and her defending them? I love this sweet little family and your writing.
“Iris off now please, that’s not a plaything” Henry sighed seeing his daughter playing around in his workshop.
“But it is dada, it’s a horsey, p-plus all your tools are gone” Iris replied back sassily rocking back and forth on the wooden horse she had asked her daddy to make her, she had him wrapped around her baby finger. “Iris, don’t answer back, now pop off back inside please and behave yourself” At the sound of her daddy’s harsh stern tone, her lips tightened and chin creased. “F-fine don’t want horsey anyway”
“Good cause bad girls don’t get horseys” As soon as she heard her daddy call her a bad girl she knew exactly what to do, she knew her daddy’s weakness. “M-momma” Iris cried out with tears at the corner of her eyes, running towards the living room she saw her brother Beau playing with Marly on the couch as Y/n combed his hair lovingly; their new sibling housed comfortable in her stomach.
When Y/n saw her teary baby her face immediately fell into a pout, “W-what’s wrong Iris baby” Y/n cooed opening her arms and letting her baby fall into her chest, kisses being peppered onto her head. “P-papa was bein’ a meanie and no say sorry” She said through hiccups, Y/n’s eyebrows furrowing as her eyes landed on her husband who walked in with one hand scuffing his beard.
“H-Hen? What d-do ya have to say for yourself?” Y/n scolded with a pout still playing on her lips, Iris hugging her momma’s neck as she gave Henry a face (all of a sudden her tears had stopped and baby Iris had a glorious smirk on her face)
“You little-“
“H-Hen stop it! She’s our b-baby and you were bein’ mean!”
“Baby bun she was playin’ about on the horse-“
“That’s what t-the horse is for no?” Y/n said fiercely, knowing she was going to win this argument, she won every argument. “You’re right baby i’m sorry, I’m sorry to my other baby too” Henry sighed bending over and plucking Iris into his arms before whispering into his daughter’s ear, “You smart little rat, i’ll get you for that”
“Sure you will papa!” She smiled wiggling out of his arms and running towards her playroom with Beau not long following her. “Do I gotta make it up to you too huh?” Henry whispered slotting himself beside Y/n on the sofa, his arm tucking her into his side; his other hand smoothing over her growing stomach. “I know how you can daddy”
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Thinking about toji
Tw: k!dnapping, K!LLING
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"Megumi.. baby?"toji said with a cracked voice "Yes papa?" "Get a nice job and make papa some money okAy.?"😃👁️👄👁️
Get this, your a jujutsu sorcerer. Your on his list and your so dam FINE. He kidnaps you instead of killing you.
Yeah sure toji loves him some money but how about he makes you his new househusband/wife?
Fucking you over the table while you make meals, his body is so FUCKING big compared to yours.
"cum all over my fukin' cock for me doll. F-fuck yeah just like that. Milk this cock"
You tried to escape a couple times or even attempted to kill him but that just ends up on you being his personal cock sleeve for the night. As he drills into you non stop no matter what you say until you pass out
"oh? Yah fucking sorry now huh? Want me to be gentle with you baby?" He would mock you, grab your throat and rub gently with his thumb on the bone with his big veiny hands. "Daddy's not gonna stop..mhmm shh shh stop crying. Stop fucking crying. Daddy's gonna fuck you well and your gonna stay with me mkay.." he'd slap your ass and tell you to stop moving your thighs so he could go balls deep inside of you. "Aww you can't breathe doll? Mmm but I bet you feel so FUCKING good on this cock right.. look at that bulge in ur belly baby. My cock fits you so well. Ah~ fuck me doll. Just like that.."
You even tried domain expansion but it was no use. As the sky turned pitched black when you turned around from running deep in the forest with him chasing after you and Shinto shrines began to form from it. He lunged at you, leaving your expansion incomplete as you went to dodge. Of course.. toji fucked you last night so your legs gave out and he knocked you out and picked you up bridal style. The faint smell of blood lingered from your nose.
You awoke to your hands and legs tied on a chair.
Toji was snickering under his breath. "I like you y/n. You keep me moving doll, this little fucking game of cat and mouse is getting tiring though. It's as if no matter how much i make you feel at home. And fuck you, you won't fucking stop. Annoying. Me-."
"mmm papa.. it's time for my m-medicine" poor little megumi had to come downstairs and see his "new momma/papa" all tied up and bleeding. He still gave a blank stare as if he was use to this. One day after prepping dinner toji came late and before that megumi mentioned how you we're the first one "Papa liked and hasn't got rid of" "yeah.. my real mommy. She died. But I heard papa saying earlier you we're really pwetty(pretty) and he is right! Your a great pawrent (parent) papa should be nice to you though.."
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Flash forward. Toji sighed. What the hell has his life come too. He uses you like a cocksleve and cant even afford his son's medication.
Maybe he should change. Or maybe, you should change him.
The next day toji didn't touch you. He made breakfast for the 3 of you. It was awkward considering how you we're always tied up for "family meals" and your cursed objects we're locked away. But after what megumi said about his mom. You stopped trying to fight back. Or at least that's what toji thought...
Part 2?
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shotokimchi · 2 years
When Their S/O Is a Seggs God
How would they react if their cute lover was like a succubus in bed LMAO Going through some hard stuff so wanted to drop this here to laugh a little JSDFHSDK-
A/N:Sorry for being inactive y'all i swear I'm not ignoring the requests, just preparing for an important exam this year, but I'll be back around Julyyyy
Little side note: Characters are aged up so don't come at me smh
part2 w/Dabi and Midoriya
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So we all know that this man doesn't sleep around randomly. My guy dates the "one" for him he's planning to marry you so if you aren't planning about settling down...
Too bad for you missy (Lemme see your ring finger bitch you gonna get wifed up💍)
After taking you out to meet his parents, this chili oil literally falls in love with you (i mean he already did but when he saw how you treated his momma and papa- boy was CHOKING ON HIS HEART❤️) so he decides to take your relationship to the next level.
Needs and excuse to leave early so literally tells his parents that he has a bad case of diarrhea ( Do ya'll know that video LMAO) and drags you out to his car
Lemme tell you he ran over at least 5 red lights just to have sex with you-
And you are just confused about why he's suddenly acting like a rabid dog i mean he's always acting like one but this time-
"Suki, why is your mouth foaming?"
On the way to your apartment, you had an inner conflict about actually taking him to a vet, you aint planning on telling him that tho.
After finally throwing you onto the shared bed like a sack of flour mf flies for a second in the air like a bloodthirsty mosquito- (the only difference is he's thirsty for the ✨All-mighty pussy juice✨)
Dw tho man asks for your consent because he loves you a lot and doesn't want your first time to be scary and all-
Wait did i say first time?
YES MF THINKS YOU'RE A VIRGIN- but guess what he's about to find out...
Before he can start kissing you, you push him onto his back and rip off his pants and leave a small peck on his lips before riding him like you are in a horse race- Good news gurl you are about to win, no one can compare
Poor man is speechless bc you are literally singing on his dick like you are the headliner in a choir...
And while you are singing you are rhythmically bouncing too LMAO
He aint scared no he just swallowed his tongue by accident- cuz you know...
He decides to grab your hips to slow you down a little bc you are causing an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9
but instead of slowing you down now you are making him jump on the bed with you too LMAOAOAOAOAO- imagine someone breaking in and seeing two floating figures on the bed
He's like "SLOW DOWN Y/N-"
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But nuh uh you are too caught up in your own horny world so you continue to milk him (Fr tho calm down queen aren't those legs tired?🦵)
After cumming for the 5th time he tapped out LMAO-
You gave him a concussion bc of making him bounce for too long KSJFHJSDKFGSDKJHSD- POOR KATSUKI
He was laying there, unconscious with drool dripping down his mouth and it took you three full minutes to realise that he passed out (OMG I'm gone-)
Fly high Katsuki Bakugo 🕊️🕊️
Dw tho you made sure to pamper him the morning after, bringing him a breakfast tray filled with pancakes and a cup of coffee. A cute innocent smile plastered on your face
"Morning, baby!"
Needless to say, he was shocked ( pretty sure he thinks it was the hottest night ever but doesn't wanna hurt his own pride by telling you that)
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So both of you are lovebirds obv because Todoroki would be the most caring boyfriend ever (i'll fight you about this one 🥊🥊🥊) so its impossible not to be in love with him
So pretty baby thinks it's going to be all about kisses, vanilla, sweet loving, him showing how much he cares about you etc.
Todoroki being a virgin is such a turn on he trusts you enough to give his first time to you (aw❤️🤍)
...but you didnt know that he was a virgin
I mean come on look at him how can he be a virgin while looking THAT PRETTY
So one time, while you guys were chilling on the couch watching Titanic and snacking on some strawberries together he decides to make the first move and gently holds your hand while whispering sweet things to your ear and then you hear the magical word (open sesame zimzalabim this coochie 🔮)
"Y/n, I wanna do it."
BIG MISTAKE SHOTO VERY BIG- So being the horny queen you are the wicked horny grin makes its way to your lips and baby is concerned Before he can say anything you immediately grab a strawberry and stuff it into his mouth and quickly try to get him off of his sweatpants
Then you work your magic on him by giving him the best and first head of his life ✨ and trust me he is enjoying it very much
Mmmm yes that famous glock glock 60000 GOBBLE UP BABES don't let em Santa Claus looking pubic hair get into your nose tho🎅
Pretty moans were filling the living room while his fingers lock with yours
But the baby was too lost in his own pleasure so he accidentally bit the strawberry and took it out of his mouth
But you noticed so you grabbed a new one and harshly shoved it into his mouth
"Dont. swallow. the. strawberry."
Babies eyes went wide
he %100 looked like this-
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So now he was drowning in his own pool of saliva trying not to bite into the strawberry while his eyes were rolling at the back of his head (bc of your amazing tongue skills)
Spot the difference between your mouth and a vacuum cleaner
When i tell you, you were sucking him DRY
like the next Todoroki generation got to the point of extinction
at this point he was trying to pry you off of his dick bc the overstimulation was TOO much lolol
Poor baby accidentally covered the couch with small burns
when you lifted your head to check up on him you were met with a sobbing Shoto
Literally thought of bringing him an oxygen tank but decided against it bc he calmed down after receiving your loving kisses You layed his head on your chest while combing through his locks with your fingers, you made sure to give him a great aftercare
"Are first times are this rough?"
You choked on Casper the ghosts dick
"WHAT-" Literally mourned for two hours bc of treating him so roughly LMAO
A/N: I'm done- sorry for the typos if i have any, i was too lazy to edit :p
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berberriescorner · 1 year
Rio had a hell of a time trying give y/n her mommas boy😂 (also love the long hc)
Thought I forgot about you didn't ya? 😂 ! I got you lovely! Y'all think you're slick. Sending me these HC's on the low. I don't know how many more I'll be able to do. I'm too descriptive and end up writing a whole fic lmao! Here's yet another HC/follow-up. Hope you enjoy it, love💓!
Bright rays of sunshine crept into your master bedroom. As it fell on your sleeping bodies, you felt your husband stir. Rio snuggled closer as if he wasn't already glued to your slumbering form. He chuckled at the fact that his movements didn't wake you. Light snores fell from your slightly parted lips. He tucked his chin into the crook of your neck, leaving gentle kisses. He pulled back slightly, smirking at the snores.
"Damn, I wore you out last night. Didn't I, mama?" he joked to himself.
You stirred a bit, snuggling deeper into Rio's spooning position. He groaned at the feel of your body pressing firmly against his. Usually, he could handle your plump behind nestling against his lap in the morning. Only this was one of those many occasions where the two of you had fallen asleep naked.
Your hips wiggled, as you released a light moan. Rio's growing erection was getting stiffer by the second. This awakened something inside you as well. Rio bit his lip as he watched your eyes flutter open slowly. The bright smile that formed on your face, caused him to smile back.
"Mornin', mama," he whispered, laying kisses on your neck once more.
"Morning, baby. Last night was fun," you giggled.
"I was thinking, mama. What if I didn't get the job done last night?"
The mischievous grin on his handsome face said it all.
"We went four rounds before tapping out last night. I think we good, papa," you teased.
"Nah, darlin'. I think I need to give you a few more rounds today, tomorrow, and the day after that."
"Boy, please. Not with your line of work. I was lucky I got all that good D last night."
Rio rolled you over on your back, nestling between your thighs. His hands roamed your body as he trailed kisses from your neck, to your jawline, and landed on your lips. The kiss grew more passionate, as he slid his hand between your thighs. You moaned into the kiss as his hand played in your already slick folds. Rio broke the kiss to speak.
"Looks like you’re about to get some good D this morning too, mama."
He slid inside you filling you up, as he growled placing his lips on yours again.
"Fuck, mama. Always so tight for me."
You gasped, as a moan followed right after.
"Daddy...oh, shit," you whimpered.
"Are you gonna be a good girl for me, hmm? Are you gonna let daddy stretch you out? I'ma fill you to the brim, mama. Give you what you beg for."
"Yes! Need you deeper, daddy," you begged.
Rio slammed into you harder, going as deep as he could. His thrust grew faster and he drew orgasm after orgasm from your body. Finding his release, Rio collapsed on his side of the bed, pulling you to lay on his chest. The both of you fought to catch your breath.
"Your ass got twenty minutes to get your stamina up. I'm about to spend the morning filling you up, mama. We're going to need to get rid of these sheets. We ain't leaving this bedroom until I feel your ass may be pregnant."
"Now how do you expect a bitch to walk after all this?"
Rio chuckled, "That's a YOU problem. I'm just giving you what you want, mama."
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Ten months later, your oldest and youngest baby girl were flapping their gums. The baby sassed, "Mommy! Why him always crying? Give that whiny baby a bottle or somethin'."
The oldest was tired of all her fussy siblings. "Mama, I did the math. If this happened when I think it did. I'm never going to a sleepover when the rest of the kids aren't home. Clearly, you and my daddy need supervision."
Your mouth fell open, as you were caught off guard by your oldest.
They both get that smart-ass mouth from their daddy...okay me too, but just a little bit.
"You know what? Baby girl, since you are so concerned with what baby brother's got going on. Go tell your little best friend to fix his bottle."
The youngest looked at you confused.
Jesus be a clue.
You sighed, "Your daddy, baby. Go tell him to fix one of his bottles and bring it to mama. Okay?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Thank you, baby girl."
She bounced off yelling, "daddy!"
"Little girl! Stop yelling in my house!"
Just as you finished your sentence, Rio yelled his response right back.
"My bad, mama!"
Rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you turned to your oldest.
One sassy lady down. One to go. Why they can't be chill like the middle child? Then again...she be trying me too. Let me gather Miss Know-It-All right quick. Did she just tell me I need to stop having all these damn babies? Cause that's what my ears heard. I just know she lost her mind.
"As for you little miss mamas. Ma'am, watch your mouth. You in my business, don't do that. Keep it up and I'll have two more, leaving you to babysit them all. Now go do your homework, sassy pants."
Rio entered the room as he watched his daughter walk out huffing.
"Blow again, little girl."
"What's wrong with her?"
"Yeah we done having babies."
He started laughing until he saw you weren't joining in on the laughter.
"You for real?:
"Baby boy! I may tell you a joke, but I'll never tell you a lie!"
Rio kissed his teeth.
"Come on little man. Daddy will feed you. Y'all working mommy's nerves," he grumbled, bounding towards the kid's bedrooms, bottle in hand.
"Why are y'all on your mama's nerves so bad today? I know y'all better tighten up. I ain't done having kids."
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
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matthews.mrs : life lately. my human
tagged : @austonmatthews
location : arizona bitch
williamnylander : fire fire fire fire fire
↪ matthews.mrs : thank you willy!
bertuzzi17 : look at the little chunkkkkkkk 🤩
morganreilly : my fav couple 🤑
↪ name.user : you say that to everyone on the team with a significant other you liar. 😬😬
austonmatthews : im so in love ❤️
matthewknies : momma y papa
marner_93 : whennnn can I come see my god child
↪ matthews.mrs: never u weirdo ❤️
revo7five : looooook at the mini matthewssss 👶🏻
↪ matthews.mrs : im going to slice ur hockey stick in half just bc
frederikandersen31 : omg let me hold herrrrrrr🫨
simon_benoit11 : quand mon bébé naît, il doit avoir des rendez-vous pour jouer ! (when my baby is born, he has to have play dates!)
↪matthews.mrs : Oui! Simon, je ne plaisante pas quand je dis que tu ferais mieux de m'appeler dès la naissance de bébé Benny ! (yes! simon im not joking when i say you better call me the moment baby benny is born!)
bobbymcmann : small little human
ctimmins21 : 🫨🫨
nickrobertson01 : 🫨🫨🫨 how do you not break the baby
lyubushkin45 : 🫨🫨🫨🫨
bunting27 : daughter
kampfdavid : congrats!!
kerfey14 : miss YOU!!!
↪ matthews.mrs : I sometimes miss u 😬
rasmussandin : kiddooooos
tags : @quinnylouhughesx43 @noahkahansorangejuice @skylershines
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
can u do a continuation of ‘mini me’ where omari is gone and u and ony finally get to have some alone time 💛
weekend of freedom
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continuation of mini me
cw: smut
word count: 4.2k words
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
~friday night~
“you got everything? his ps5, his books, his snacks, his-” “they got it all mama calm down. and even if they didn’t have something i’m sure my little man gon be able to make due wit what he got.” your parents laughed at the small interaction between you and your husband. you’ve had to have brought omari here for at least a hundred weekends since he was born and you still did the same thing. getting all worried as if your parents weren’t doing this for way longer than you.
“i’m a big boy momma. i can handle myself, right dad?” your son looked up at his father for approval which he happily gave. “of course you can peanut your momma jus be overthinkin.” ony chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your waist. “we not gon take any more of your time. see y’all sunday night.” the two of you gave your parents hugs before making your way back to the car. as ony drove home you felt his hand slowly begin to creep up your thigh.
the comfortably silent air was quickly being filled with lust as your husband began rubbing your pussy through your leggings. "you so needy papa. we just dropped our son off." you sighed as ony's ministrations became rougher. "m'always needy when it comes to my fine ass wife. you gon let me play wit you tonight?" the steadiness of your breathing was breaking as you watched his hand slide into your waistband, thick fingers caressing your clit through your underwear.
moans began flying from your mouth, egging your husband on as he continued driving the two of you home. "y'hear me ma? you gon let daddy tear that pussy up when we get to the house?" you choked on your tongue as ony's fingers breached your entrance. fucking you deep as you began to grind your hips down on them. "mm...mhmm" "nah lemme her you speak. repeat what i said baby" his fingers stagnant inside of you. making you whine before letting go of the breath you didn't know you were even holding.
"ima...ima let daddy t-tear this p-pussy up shittt" ony smiled at your obedience. "good fuckin girl" his thick fingers moved quickly, digging deep into you as his thumb caressed your pink pearl. you didn't even notice you were home since your eyes were squeezed shut. all of your focus stuck to the pending orgasm that you were trying to obtain. "cmon baby. i feel it just let it g-....fuckkk there you go mama." ony talked you through your orgasm as you began wetting up his hand as well as the passenger seat with your release.
you shook in overstimulation as his thick fingers continued their movements on your sensitive pussy before he felt that it was time to give you a break. removing his hand from your pants before licking his fingers clean of your juices. brown eyes locked with yours as you watching his pink muscle outstretch under his fingers. arousal already started to pool into your underwear as you listened to the groans that came deep from your husbands chest.
the taste of you causing a tent to form in his hands as he moved his fingers towards your mouth now. watching your small tongue lick and suck what was left of you off of him. "this gon be a long weekend mama."
~the next morning~
you were woken by the smell of french toast. getting out of bed in nothing but ony's tee shirt before slipping on some fuzzy slides and starting your short journey to the kitchen. your husband was focused on cooking, to busy singing lauryn hill to notice you leaning on the kitchen island while staring at the scratches on his broad back. "no matter how i think we grow you always seem to let me know. it aint workinnnnn! it aint wor- FUCK y/n! scared the shit outta me."
you giggled as ony caught his breath, fists up in a fighting stance as he inhaled and exhaled quickly to calm himself down. "sorry boo. you seemed into it and ian wanna mess up your flow." you smiled and he mirrored you. both of you giving each other looks of love before ony turned around to lower to heat on the stove. he turned back to you and slid his hands on your waist.
his hands massaged the fat of your hips while he spoke. "good morning beautiful. you slept good?" morning voice still apparent as he looked down at your curvaceous figure in his tee shirt. "mhmm. slept like a baby, you?" ony ignored you. large hands suddenly gripping your waist before lifting you to sit on the island. you were used to this type of behavior. smiling as he brought his lips to yours. his tongue lightly caressed yours as his hands roamed your back.
the kiss got sloppier the longer the two of you stayed connected. making wetness pool in your panties. at the same time you felt ony's erection begin poking your thigh. before his hands could move, you hopped down from the table. bending to your knees as you pulled his pajama pants down just enough so his dick can spring free. it bobbed up and down, precum dribbling from the tip before you flattened your tongue and licked it up.
"mmm damn girl" a shiver ran down ony's spine as he watched you work. pink tongue swirling around his tip, small hand gripping the base as you repeatedly slapped his dick on your tongue. "you so nasty baby fuck" you took him into your mouth, working your way down until your nose touched his stubble. you continued the action over and over again. sucking him all over before paying more attention to his tip. head bopping as your hands worked his shaft.
"ohmygoddd" ony's grip on the edge of the table was tight, knuckles almost turning white as he tried to refrain from bucking into your mouth. he was trying to be good for you, but once he felt your fingers being caressing the flesh of his balls he lost it. "w-where you want it mama. f-fuck ima cum. im boutta fucking cum." your eyes shot up to his face. brows furrowed as his eyes were rolling in pleasure. his arms were flexing so hard that you could see his veins protruding from his bicep.
you kept sucking. head bobbing faster as you sucked even harder on his tip. your other hand gave his balls an occasional squeeze as ony moaned professions of love to you from above. "ooouuu fuck y/n i love you so much....make me wanna give you another baby....make me wanna...fuck ion even know i just wanna give you everything." you felt him twitch in your mouth, signaling to you he was going to cum. you released his dick with a pop as you stroked him quickly with one hand.
"don't want nun but your cum right now daddy. can you give me that?" his head nodded quickly, eyes still squeezed shut as ony threw his head back. "look at me baby. wanna see you." you moaned, hungry to see his reaction. the two of you locked eyes as you began squeezing him tighter. pink tongue lolled out of your mouth as you waited for his release. ony watched as his cum coated your cheeks, painting your face before you angled him just right. letting his kids slide down your tongue before disappearing down your throat.
"thank you daddy" you looked like a beautiful mess. cum sliding down your cheeks as you ony lifted you off the ground. hands on your ass as he kissed you deeply on the lips. "you always make me feel so good." a moan flew from your mouth as you felt his still hard dick slide fully into your soaked pussy. "my turn now mama.”
~that night~
"my jumper so tuff these niggas really can't guard me" ony yelled into his mic as he played 2k with connie. this was not how your night was supposed to be going. it was your last night of freedom before your beautiful bundle of joy came back tomorrow night and your husband was wasting it on a video game. "he's shitty look at his handlessss. con why you always got me online wit trashh?" you heard connies chuckles through his not so quiet headset.
"man fuck these bums where my nephew at?" ony massaged your feet as they laid on his lap. "he wit his nana and pop pop. me and the misses needed some time alone." you rolled your eyes. he talking about needing time alone with you, but on the game with connie. how that work? you started rubbing your feet on his lap, lightly grazing his print a couple of times before your movements were halted by his strong hand.
"one more game mama" he mouthed to you for the umpteenth time tonight. you believed it the first couple of times, but at this point you new it was complete bullshit. if you wanted attention you were going to have to take it. you quietly walked to your room, smiling to yourself as you looked in your closet for the purple lingerie set he bought you last week. it was about time you put that cart to good use. after you slipped the purple fabric on your brown skin you went towards ony's dresser.
his top drawer was designated for the 'supplies' you sometimes used during sex. you instantly reached for the black fuzzy cuffs before looking at some of the other new items delivered from your cart. "ill save em for another day." you thought before hopping into bed and grabbing your phone. you snapped picture after picture. posing in different positions that you knew he'd love while also taking some that'll leave him begging for more.
the last one being of you sitting on your knees. camera only showing you from the neck down as the cuffs laid in between your thick thighs. you sent all of the pictures, giving him a little message at the end. meanwhile, ony was still on the game. cursing and laughing with connie until he seen your name pop of on his screen.
baby muva💍
attachment: 5 images
your husband mindlessly opened your message, jaw dropping as he looked at each of the seductive pictures. "god damn" he mumbled, not noticing that his mic was still on while he kept talking about how beautiful your body looked. "look at that ass" before he could speak again, another message popped up from you.
baby muva💍
come play💜
ony ignored the sentences of confusion connie was throwing his way, cutting his game short so he can get to you. "man if you over there fucking while we supposed to be playing the game ima throw the fuck u-" "man i gotta go" "wha-" and with that your husband turned off his playstation completely before quickly making his way to the room. dick already hard and throbbing in his sweats as he opened the door to see you laying in the bed in all your glory.
ass on full display as you laid facing away from him while quietly playing with the fur of the cuffs in your hands. before his hand could caress the flesh of your ass you slowly began to turn around. sitting on your knees at the edge of the bed as you looked up at your man. "this what you want mama?" his deep voice caused a shiver to run down your spine as your pussy pooled with slick. you nodded your head, lifting the cuffs in your hands for him to take.
"unt uh pretty talk t'me. is this what you want?" the confidence from earlier seeping out of you as you looked down at your knees. "y-yea" ony smiled at your shyness. no matter how bold you are in the messages or how long the two of you have been together, he can always bring you back to the shy girl you were when he first met you. "okay...lay on your back f'me" your body moved instantly, following his command as if it was second nature. on instinct, your legs were spread as you watched ony remove his sweatpants.
he was already fully hard from your pictures and the sight of his thick print raised your arousal towards him. his briefs were stretched at the crotch due to his girthy dick fighting the restraining fabric. he bent down, face so close to your core that you could feel every breath he took. "gimme your hands baby" he had his hands open at your sides, but you didn't notice this while you put your hands in between your legs, eager to be bound by the cuffs. ony chuckled at your excitement, moving each of your hands to your hips where he held them in his.
"not yet you little freak" your eyes wandered to the ceiling as embarrassment made it's way into your mind. the feeling quickly being pushed out by pleasure as his long tongue licked a stripe up your pussy through your panties. your arms moved on instinct to rub his head at the pleasure, but they were stuck to the bed by ony's much longer ones. "hold still f'me mama. let daddy make you feel good" with that he began sloppily making out with your pussy through your panties.
the roughness of the fabric stimulated your clit as ony nodded his head up and down. "aaaughh fuck fuckkk" you cursed into the air as your back arched off the bed. you husband became impatient, quickly letting go of your hands before ripping your brand new lingerie at the crotch. you looked at him in annoyance, but his next words shut you up completely. "i bought it. i can rip it if i want." with that he quickly attached his lips to your clit. sucking on the bud as he fingered you with two of his this fingers.
middle and index fingers digging deep into you as his tongue danced over your clit. your hands flew two his head. caressing him through his suede durag as you bucked your hips up into his mouth. you were so needy for him and it only fueled him to lick you faster, fingers hitting that spongy spot inside of you. "o-ohh....oh my god baby pleaseee" you began to grind your pussy onto his handsome face. hands moving his head deeper onto your clit as you rubbed up and down his face.
ony let you use him, watching you through his lashed as your head flew back. you were going to cum soon, but he wanted you to wait. he wanted you to be a good girl and only cum on his dick tonight. so he did what any other good husband would do when their wife was on the edge of release, he moved. pretty brow eyes slowly opening as you whined at his behavior. "n-nooo m'close daddy. so close" you moaned, but your pleading fell on deaf ears. his hand outstretched onto your hip before turning you on your stomach.
you immediately got into your arch as you waited for the sting go his dick. "hands mama" you held your hands behind your back, letting your husband bound your wrists with the cuffs before giving your ass a light slap. "you ready?" you wiggled your ass, juices dripping from your pussy to the bed as you gave him a show. "yeaaa. you ready" ony pulled his dick from his briefs, slowly sinking his tip into your tight entrance. you mewled at the girth of him as he kept sliding into you until his hips met your ass. he grinded his hips in circles inside of you, making your hands open as you outstretched your arm to push him out.
his hands quickly grabbed the chain of the cuffs, pinning your hands to your back as he began pounding you into the mattress. "you can take it. my good girl always takes it, right?" the air was filled with moans from your mouth and wet slaps from your reconnecting bodies. the sting quickly being replaced with pleasure as you poked your ass out for you to take more of him. ony smirked as he figured now would be the good time to pull a little out. he fucked you with half of his dick, purposely stopping right in front of your g spot so you couldn't get the stimulation you desired.
"d-daddy pleaseee. i want ittt" you whined as you tried to fuck your hips back onto him, yearning for the much needed release. "you want it ma?" you continued to move your hips onto him, but he just kept moving further and further away from where you needed him most. "mhmm want it s-so bad" ony loved when you whined for him. he could almost feel your tears falling onto the sheets as you continued your desperate movements. he continued his teasing for a couple more minutes before giving you one big thrust.
dick kissing your cervix as he stayed stagnant inside of you. the moan that flew from your mouth was pornographic as ony started roughly thrusting into you. using his grip on your cuffs to keep pulling you back onto his dick. he fed you deep strokes as he watched you constantly clench and unclench your fists. "aauughhh o-o-ohhh daddy yesss" you screamed as you felt ony angle his hips downwards. dick deep in your tummy as you continued throwing it back for him. meeting his hips on every thrust to make him feel just as good as you.
"such a good girl. takin this dick like i know you can" his praise went straight to your core, making you gush all over his dick. your added wetness pushed your husband closer to his orgasm as he watched your ass constantly bounce on his abdomen. "feel so good papa. wanna have your baby." a smirk crept onto his face at your words. "want daddy t'give you another baby? want another little rugrat running around in here? maybe this time ill give you that daughter you been dreaming about huh?"
ony continued speaking of the family he knew you wanted. a bunch of kids running around while the two of you lived happily ever after. just the thought of it made him want to cum deep inside of you even more. "daddy gon give you that baby...jus try to take it okay?" you nodded your head in compliance, not really knowing what you were getting yourself into. ony held both of your cuffed hands in one of his. "just squeeze my hand mama"
you didn't get the chance to speak before he took is other hand and pushed your back down, thrusting into you so deep that you felt a the bulge in your stomach lightly brush against your sheets. he put so much strength behind his thrust that your body would've been inching up the bed from the force if he weren't holding your hands. "ohmygod ohmygod ohmygo-oddd" your hands held a death grip onto his much larger one. trying your best to keep yourself from screaming from the top of your lungs.
"throw dat shit back mama. work for dis nut" you tried your best to obey his command as he still had his hand pushed down on your back. you gave his palm a tight squeeze before you tried fucking him back. loud slaps ricocheted off the walls are the two of you worked together for your orgasms. ony felt your walls begin to clench tighter around him, signaling to him that you were about to cum. "uhh huh. i feel it...let daddy have it baby." you shook under him as your orgasm rolled through you, thick cream surrounding his base as you tried to slump your body on the bed.
"ian finish yet pretty. just a little more and we done aight?" you were too in a daze to understand, but the feeling of his dick pulling out against your sensitive walls made you whine into the mattress. "it's t-to much da" "no no no no. s'never too much for my baby. you can take just a little more, can't you ma?....for me?" every time ony used his soft voice with you, any defiance you had would drift away. and that is exactly what was happening now. he smiled as he watched you kept your arch for him.
hands squeezed around his tightly as you put your pussy on full display for him to finish. "d-dont be too r-rough okay?" your husband took your plea into consideration before sitting with his back against the headboard. he helped you maneuver yourself on top of him, pretty brown eyes facing his chest before he slipped himself back inside of you. "cmon mama. ride this dick f'me" he kept on hand on your cuffs behind you to keep you from falling forward, before bouncing you on to him a couple times with his other hand. "just a little more baby. help daddy feel good"
you eventually took control and started bouncing on your own, snatching groans from him as you matched him with whiney moans. "so sexy mama" ony watched your perky brown breasts move with every bounce, his fingers running along your tattooed chest. pretty red ink being smoothly caressed by the name it spelled. you were a sight, but so was he. much more inked chest breathing heavily as you looked at the different pieces of art that represented you and your little family. your name on his left pec as your sons name sat on his shoulder. "i love you" you mindlessly moaned out.
ony chuckled at your fucked out state, watching your eyes lose focus every once in awhile while you fucked yourself dumb on his big dick. "and i love you, my beautiful wife" your release was on the tip of your tongue. ass bouncing with more energy as you chased your pending orgasm. ony fucked you back from below, feeling that same edge you do as he latched his mouth onto your nipple. groaning at the taste of you as he held your hip and grinded you down onto his dick. "o-oh fuck m'cumin daddy" your release poured out of you, cream trickling down your husbands dick as you threw your head back in ecstasy. drool pooling past your lips as it dribbled down onto the sheets. your cum worked as an extra lubricant as ony's dick slid in and out of you at a quick pace.
"m'here mama. fuck m'cumin." his orgasm came quickly, hot spurts of cum shooting deep into your walls as he gave you one final hard thrust. your mouth opened in a silent moan as you felt his warm seed travel through you before spilling out after he pulled out. ony removed the cuffs from your wrists before lightly laying you on the bed. he knew you didn't have any energy to move, so he removed your lingerie for you and replaced it with his shirt before tucking you into bed. "gon head to sleep pretty i’ll clean all this up." and with that you dozed off to sleep.
when you woke up you immediately felt your lower half screaming as you got up to go pee. the limp in your walk made ony snicker from the couch, book in hand as his glasses hung low on his nose. your eyes shot to his face, giving him a mean mug that caused him to quickly turn back to his book. you finished your business in the restroom before limping your way to the couch. plopping next to your husband before leaning your head onto his lap. "slept good?" he mumbled. "like a baby" you replied. the two of you sat in a comfortable silence until his phone began to ring.
"hello?....good morning momma everything good over there?...yea of course i can get em a little early...mhmm....aight im getting ready now." ony wasted no time lifting you up and brining you back to bed before going to the closet for a hoodie to throw on. "gotta get my mini me from your moms crib. said he miss his mommy." you went to take the blanket off of you so you can get dressed, but ony stopped you. "rest mama. daddy got it." his deep voice sat you right back down before he gave you a sloppy kiss on the lips.
hand lightly squeezing your neck before he disconnected his lips from yours. "behave in here while m'gone. don't want you leaving this bed until you've properly rested, you heard?" you nodded your head before your husband gave you another quick kiss before heading out the door.
it didn't take long for him to return with your son. the both of them walking into your room together. "mommyyyy!!" omari's face lit up before he ran towards your side of the bed and gave you a tight hug. "missed you momma" he mumbled into your chest as you rubbed the back of his durag covered head. why did this boy act so much like his dad? "missed you more baby m'glad you're finally home." ony gave you a kiss on the forehead before omari started talking again. "dad told me about how you hurt your leg so i don't want you to get out of bed either okay?"
you give your husband a pointed look, his eyes wandering around to the room as he rubbed the back of his neck. guilty. "okay baby. how about you go unpack your bag and get yourself situated." omari nodded before exiting the room. leaving you there to lecture your loud mouthed lover. "now why-" "because ion want you leaving the bed, and now neither do he. now gimme a kiss so i can go play video games wit my son." his lips puckered in front of yours, eyes closed like a child as he waited for you to kiss him back.
you rolled your eyes, eventually giving in and giving your husband a loving kiss before he turned around to go check on his twin. "love you mama, check your drawer" and with that he left the room. confusion showed on your face as you raised your eyebrows at your bedside drawer. what could be in there? as you opened it you were shocked to see two things. a plan b pill and a pregnancy test. each covered with a sticky note. one reading 'maybe later on' while the other read 'im ready to try'.
you sat in your bed holding both boxes before putting one back in the drawer. you knew you had to wait a couple weeks before you could truly know, but something in your gut told you that this was the right decision. you were ready to try.
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