#moments. but because he's only on my silly little screen i can also find him funny on occasion
mixtapedoh · 5 days
the amazing, showstopping, incredible @musicallisto enables me daily <3333
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for your consideration <3; you may now rest soundly in the knowledge that i am, in all things, correct.
#not kpop#.jpeg#'olive wtf why are you posting f1 here on your kpop account don't you have a sideblog specifically for this?'#and what if i want to merge my two (2) personality traits and what if i think it vital the kpop girlies know i beef with random famous men?#my beef with george russell continues to go on strong and largely unexplained#obviously lance stroll and i don't fuck with each other.#and moving up the tiers; if i knew estie bestie irl and we were in competition i would tear his throat out and thrive off of his failboy#moments. but because he's only on my silly little screen i can also find him funny on occasion#lando is here for reasons more complicated.#that whole row of 'they're here i guess' is very self explanatory#i put valterri there because i didn't know where else to put him but also i find his occasionally Strange behavior fun. weird uncle core.#and if i'm a checo apologist? what then??#fernando is an icon yes yes but very little brainspace is dedicated to him.#max verstappen deserves a category of his own where in i can go: love hate relationship (pos) i see too much of myself in you to hate but#also when i put aside your loser cringe content and your champion energy i feel like we wouldn't be particuarly close if we were to exist i#the same space at the same time#and then the rest of that row is beloved <333 darling <333 zhou can sweetcorn post more that's all i want from you tbh#and top row makes sense i fear? oscar has been promoted whoop whoop.#if i could isolate his personality and put it in a petri dish that would be a wonderful exercise in personality formation thanks
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harrywavycurly · 3 months
Southern Comfort Part 4: Fiddlesticks
Masterlist: Here
CW: None
A/N: Harry might’ve just fallen in love but who knows? I hope y’all enjoy and this is mainly just giving his side of the phone call✨
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Harry rubs at the back of his neck as he looks at the clock in his kitchen as it changes to eight fifty nine, now all he has to do is wait arguably the longest minute of his life before he can hit the call button on your contact page he has ready to go on the screen of his phone. He can’t remember the last time he felt this nervous for a phone call that wasn’t related to his career. He can’t exactly explain why he finds himself wanting to talk to you ever since he wound up with your number three nights ago but he knows it has something to do with the fact he can be himself with you since you don’t know exactly who he is minus the few details he’s given. You accept him and all his little quirks because as he’s learned over the last day or so, you have a few of your own as well. While he wants to try to learn everything there is to know about you he knows it’s not exactly fair since he can’t share everything about himself with you, or at least not yet. He shakes his head to rid himself of the thoughts swirling around in it as he looks at the clock.
Harry reaches for his phone the moment he sees the numbers change to show that it’s finally nine. He puts his thumb over your contact ready to hit the call button when he feels his heartbeat quicken as he sees the words My Texas Tornado flash across his phone screen causing his eyes to go wide as he realizes that you’re the one calling him. He almost drops his phone trying to hit answer while bringing it up to his ear, he gathers himself a bit before he tries to quietly clears his throat.
“Hello-” before Harry can finish his greeting your voice is coming through his phone introducing yourself to him, finally giving him your actual name and he swears he’s never heard a sweeter sound and it takes him off guard making him have to grip the edge of his countertop for support. “It’s lovely to finally uhm meet you but you do know I was set to call you right? You didn’t have to-”
“It’s nice to meet you too sugar plum.” Harry smiles at how thick your accent is, almost like he can picture each word practically rolling off your tongue. “But I did wait five minutes for you to call and then decided I should take things into my own hands.” He looks at his clock and feels his brows furrow when he sees it still says nine in the morning, he looks down at his watch to check if it says the same thing and it does.
“Five minutes? Love it’s just now a minute past nine.” He explains as he runs a hand through his hair and that’s when he hears it for the first time, your laugh. It’s loud but also soft as it hits his ears and swiftly moves to the top of the list of one of his favorite sounds. He feels himself grin as he tries to picture what you look like when you laugh because if the sound is anything to go off of he just knows you look absolutely beautiful when you laugh.
“Oh fiddlesticks I forgot I set my clock five minutes fast so I’m never late to anything.” Harry can’t help but chuckle as you explain yourself. “Don’t you laugh at me Harry that’s not polite and you’re a gentleman remember?” He feels his cheeks get hot when you say his name and he’s very thankful in this moment that he lives alone because he can’t imagine how silly he looks all flush faced and giggly while just standing in his kitchen with his phone up to his ear.
“My apologies love but you just said fiddlesticks how was I supposed to hear that and not laugh?” He asks as he quickly pulls the phone away from his ear so he can put you on speaker before placing it on the counter next to his electric kettle. He hears you let out a huff and then some shuffling and what he can only assume is the sound of a door closing making him raise an eyebrow at his phone.
“Why don’t they make mugs easier to hold while also talking on the phone and trying to lock your front door?” He doesn’t know if you’re actually asking him or not but he likes the way your voice sounds when you’re flustered. “Like I have a purse and all that but you can’t go putting a coffee mug in your purse or that’ll get really messy really quickly.” He hears the sound of your keys jiggling as you place them back into your purse.
“Well they do have those things called handles that are supposed to be good for that sort of thing.” He can practically hear you rolling your eyes and that makes him fight the urge to laugh. “Off to the store?” He asks as he grabs his phone and heads for his living room.
“You have a good memory honeybuns.” Harry smiles and shakes his head at the petname having difficulty picking which one he likes the best now that he’s heard them all in your sweet thick southern accent that he has decided reminds him oddly enough of honey.
“I want to say thank you but in all honesty you did just tell me these plans yesterday.” He admits as he places the phone on his coffee table before sitting on the couch and leaning forward so his elbows are resting on his knees and his hands are clasped together so he can rest his chin on them.
“What time is your meeting?” Harry hears a faint sound of a bell that lets him know you’ve entered a shop of some sort. “Hold on for a moment sugar.” Before he can say anything in response he hears some shuffling and then the sound of someone’s voice saying your name. “Hey Kathy! I’m just seeing how Teddy’s feeling?” Harry leans back so he can get comfortable on the couch as he listens to you talk to Kathy. “Oh bless his little heart.” He feels his face drop at the slight sadness in your voice. “Well let me know if y’all need anything okay? And tell him we miss him in class and can’t wait for him to be back whenever he gets to feeling better.” Harry can just tell by the tone of your voice that you’re being sincere.
“Is Teddy feeling poorly?” He asks once there’s a few moments of silence letting him know your conversation with Kathy was over.
“Is that how you say he’s sick? If so then yes poor Teddy has the flu and just can’t seem to shake it so I’m gonna make him some of my chicken soup and his mom Kathy some banana bread.” Your answer makes Harry wonder if this is something you do all the time, make soup for the sick kids in your class and banana bread for people you know. “You think everyone likes chocolate chips in their banana bread?” Harry chuckles as he hears you let out a huff and the sound of a pen clicks in the background.
“I’d say maybe do half with and half without just to be safe?” He suggests as he looks down at his watch and sees it’s now half past nine. “Have you even made it to the store yet love?” He hears you take a sip of your coffee and he can just imagine you standing in the middle of a grocery aisle with your list and coffee mug in one hand and your phone in the other while contemplating if you should add chocolate chips to the whole pan of banana bread or not.
“I happen to live down the street from my favorite grocery store so don’t worry honey I’ve been here a good ten minutes already.” Harry smiles as he hears you take another sip of your coffee. “What time is your meeting sugar? Are you ready for it? I don’t want you getting your ass kicked and name taken again.” Harry’s head leans back as he laughs causing his hand to fall to his stomach, he can tell by the way your voice has a tinge of worry to it you’re being serious and that’s what makes him laugh even harder because the words you just said don’t match the sincerity of your voice. “If you don’t stop laughing at me I’ll make you add ten dollars to the douche bag jar Harry.” That’s what does it, Harry full on starts cackling as he slaps his hand on his leg and he feels the wetness gathering in the corners of his eyes as he squeezes them closed.
“I’m sorry love.” He tries to sound genuine but he knows it’s no use because he’s still half laughing as he speaks. “You sound so worried but you’re also saying things like kick ass and take names so it’s just a little jarring.” He explains as he hears you drop something into a cart as he tries to get himself together on the couch.
“I just don’t want you to get beat up that’s all.” Harry nods as he wipes at his eyes and takes a few deep breaths finally feeling his laughing fit coming to an end.
“My meeting is at ten thirty and I’m prepared for it don’t worry it’s just a check up to make sure we are on track with things timing wise and I know that we are because oddly enough I’m ahead of schedule with a few things.” He tries to pick his words carefully as he hears you drop a few more things into your cart.
“Oh see now that’s how you flirt with someone sugar plum.” Harry feels his hands get sweaty at your words.
“Saying I’m ahead of schedule does it for you huh?” He hears you make a fake soft whispering moaning type noise and he feels his mouth drop open.
“Oh yeah that’s exactly what does it for me.” Everything in Harry’s mind knows you’re messing with him but that doesn’t stop him from feeling like the wind just got knocked out of him as you tease him causing your accent to sound even thicker as your voice goes lower. “What things are you checking up on in this meeting?” He appreciates you quickly moving the conversation along because he honestly wasn’t sure he was going to be able to do it himself.
“Uh well I’m not-”
“I get it sugar plum you don’t have to tell me.”Harry smiles at how understanding you are as he fumbles over his words. He briefly looks down at his watch and feels his smile instantly drops.
“I’m sorry to have to leave you in the middle of your grocery shop but I’m afraid I have to head off in a minute.” He hears you let out a fake huff of annoyance that makes him chuckle as he stands up and grabs his phone off the coffee table so he can head for his front door where he keeps his car keys and wallet.
“I truly don’t know how I’ll manage the rest of my day without you laughing in my ear but I’ll do my best to get by.” Harry rolls his eyes at your teasing words as he grabs his wallet. “Have a good meeting honeybuns.”
“Thanks love you enjoy the rest of your shopping trip and let me know how your banana bread comes out.” He can practically hear you smile as he speaks while he slips his wallet into his back pocket.
“I will sugar don’t worry.” He hears you drop another item into your cart. “Well go on and say bye and hang up or you’ll never get off the phone.” Harry chuckles at how blunt you are with your honesty because it’s true, if he doesn’t hang up now he’d happily spend the rest of the day on the phone with you.
“Bye love.” With that he hangs up the phone and smiles when he sees your name on his screen before he slides it into his pocket. “I’m so fucked.” He mumbles to himself with a smile as he grabs his keys and heads out the front door.
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midnight1nk · 23 days
If you were to ask me:
Out of all the Puzzlevision episodes we had so far, which is your favorite?
My answer will always be “Once Upon An SMG4”. I mean, who wouldn't want a silly fairytale parody? With the chaotic nature of the show, it just made sense to me. You know what also made sense? Having SMG3 play the princess role, considering he is qualified to be a Disney Princess.
if you think about it, the whole Star Trio could be Disney Princesses…
As a glitchybombs shipper, Mr Puzzles basically gave a fairytale AU for us to work with. And indeed, we could’ve had a 'true love’s kiss' moment. While all of these are good reasons, it's not the main reason why I love it.
I love it because it's a parallel/twisted version of “It's Gotta Be Perfect”.
Every story, no matter how outlandish it seems, is grounded in reality.
Think of any fairytale you know of from the top of your head. Pretty easy, right?
But do you have a solid reason as to why the Evil Queen from Snow White is really evil? Or why Goldilocks was alone in the woods and decided to trespass on private property? Or why didn't the Godmother come sooner to save Cinderella from her abusive family?
Perhaps you can find answers in the depths of the internet and historical literature, but otherwise, it's up for speculation. That's because fairytales are for the sake of entertainment. Therefore, the characters and/or their personalities are reduced to simple roles: good guy, bad guy, etc. Toss in a subtle message about human morality and you got a nice little tale where the good guys win and the bad guys get what they deserve.
For “Once Upon An SMG4”, there's much more than what meets the eye. Follow me as I overanalyze this episode to events that happened in the “It's Gotta Be Perfect” arc, and discuss how they could be alluding to future character interactions, WOTFI 2024, and beyond...
ONCE UPON A Ṕ̷̱E̴̺̽R̵̖̎̕F̵̢̗̈́̀E̴̞̍C̴͈̽T̶͓̘̈́ SMG4
The episode starts off with the first actual character of the story: the narrator. Now, we have no idea who that is.
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There isn’t a name on who voiced him in the credits, and it can be easily assumed that it was just some random guy, like the one from the Puzzlevision Movie. But I think it might just be Mr Puzzles. He is the showrunner after all. He could've manipulated the script or be the narrator himself. Either way, he is the one in control, forcing the viewer to see the story through his lens (...or screen I guess).
Anyway, the narrator introduces one of the two main characters of the story:
The narrator goes on to describe him as “an ugly, wicked witch who's selfish and cruel…” before Witch!4 proceeds to break his back for doing his evil laugh.
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Remember how I said that complex characters were reduced to simpler roles? Four was one of them. In IGBP, Four felt inadequate as a content creator and just wanted to make his audience happy. He had insecurities before the arc, hidden in the back of his mind, but it was because of ‘SMG4... Are You Ok?’ episode that those insecurities have now come to light. As told in IGBP, his videos were a sort of “measure” of his worth. It wasn’t only that his videos weren’t good enough, it was that he wasn’t good enough. Therefore, he felt like he failed in making people happy. That would be his fault.
That was why he was desperate to create the best video ever. Unfortunately, when you are laser-focused on something, the world around you becomes a blur. Four isolated himself from the crew (We’ll get back to this, see: ‘Four’s Villain Song’). He didn’t sleep, didn’t even eat. He didn’t try to take care of himself because, as some of us relate, he thought that ‘if I worked on this a bit more, just another second more, maybe it’ll be perfect and I can finally finish it’, having his necessities as an afterthought or even ”reward”. It drove him to his breaking point in the ‘SMG4: MAR10 Day’ episode. It wasn't his intention to shut everyone out nor was it to hurt anyone. But, because he wasn’t in the right headspace, he lashed out at his friends.
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As Mr Puzzles’ script stated, Four acted “selfish and cruel”, all for the perfect video. Mr Puzzles already perceived SMG4 in a negative light by calling the show “the stupidest” thing he’d ever seen. This was merely ‘evidence’ for Mr Puzzles to say, “See? This is why you shouldn’t be rooting for SMG4. He is a villain and he got what he deserved”. Four is a villain, that was all Mr Puzzles perceived him as, here in ‘Once Upon an SMG4’ (See: ‘You Look Peak, Brother”, for more). For his character, it makes a lot of sense. Mr Puzzles didn’t have friends growing up so he didn’t understand how Four’s insecurities were really affecting him.
However, a certain purple meme guardian did connect with Four. Speaking of which, the narrator introduces the second main character of the story:
The narrator describes Three as “a beautiful princess pure of heart” and that he had “unparalleled beauty, embodying every romantic dream”. Insert Princess!3 having his Disney Princess Moment (TM).
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If Mr Puzzles perceives Four being evil, does that mean he perceives Three as the opposite?
Well, sort of. From a storytelling perspective, for every bad guy, there is a good guy. Narrative foils, at times, are parallel to one another. They share similarities in terms of personality or appearance or just wanting the same goal. What better foil to have than Three, Four’s meme guardian partner and former villain.
What about beauty?
Three has repeatedly proclaimed how he's The Rizzler (TM) and how he is far more attractive than Four. In ‘SMG4: We Don’t Talk About What Happened in the Elevator’ episode, Four admitted that Three does have rizz, just as Three admits that he doesn’t hate Four (See: 'Fairest Fight 2024', for more).
Back to Princess!3, he sang how all he wants is money …and-a-sugarda--. While 'wanting to get rich' makes sense for Three’s character, it also doesn’t. Bare with me on this one:
In ‘SMG4: Trash Friends’, it was revealed that Three feels insecure about how he is perceived as Four’s cheap copy. Years ago, he tried being himself in memewarts and afterward. He failed to be recognized, unable to have friends, always being overshadowed by Four. So, in the YouTube Arc, he was obsessed with trying to become like Four. It wasn’t until he took over the channel that he got to experience what it truly felt like to be Four, before he eventually got sent to the Internet Graveyard and there began a whole new journey for him. He’s okay with his character development. In ‘SMG4: You Used To Be Cool’, he realizes that he doesn’t need to prove to anyone who he is, being satisfied with the life he now has.
What does it have to do with money?
Looking back at ‘SMG4: Trash Friends’ and the Meme Factory Arc, we saw that Three’s Coffee & Bombs wasn’t doing so well. It isn’t confirmed if this was of Mr Puzzles’ doing, but regardless, it does bring back some ugly memories for him. For once, he is enjoying the life he built and is currently trying to prove that he is not a mere copy of Four. But he might lose it, just as it happened with Snitch Productions.
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He doesn’t want to go back to the life he had before. It isn’t just the café, it’s the possibility that he might lose his friends. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he is part of the crew, and that is a lot more to lose. So, he has to “rescue” his café financially, to show that he “deserves” to have friends, that he “deserves” this life. Yes, he went through great risks to help his friends when they were in need, especially Four in IGBP. But he still wants to prove it.
(I’ll talk about it more about Three’s character on a later post.)
So, Mr Puzzles wasn’t all wrong; Three was “pure of heart” in a sense, he just has trouble showing his true emotions and being vulnerable again. After all, the first person he was vulnerable to was Terrence and we all know how that went.
And what about Eggdog?
Three literally came out of a flash drive so he doesn't have a biological family (or preprogrammed...because of the cosmology lore?). During the classic era, no one really treated him nicely. So, for Eggdog and additionally Terrence, he treated them with absolute devotion. Always reminding them that they are special, that they're loved. That they are never alone.
The difference was that Three was careful of Eggdog's whereabouts, while Terrence was always with him and minding his own business, including the Revelations movie. Three will always love Terrence, and to prove how good a parent he truly was, Terrence said a final "I love you" to Three.
He wasn't going to make the same mistake with Eggdog. Whenever Eggdog gets hurt, Three comes rushing to his side to ensure he is okay. Three keeps a close eye on him but when it comes to the bug mission, Three would have Eggdog stay at home or have a backup plan if Eggdog does come along. He just can't lose another loved one.
Let’s cut ahead to when Witch!4 was giving compliments to a version of “him” inside the TV. Admittedly, this is just a bit.
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HOWEVER, I overanalyze stuff soooooo…...
Remember how I said that Mr Puzzles sees Four in a negative light?
In IGBP, there was the hallway scene with Three, Meggy, and Mario discovering the paintings being replaced with messages. As Three states, these messages were his thoughts, how Four painted himself in a negative light. Four made sure to hide his low self-esteem well from his friends but it always lingered in the shadows.
Mario wasn't wrong: the person who "wrote" them was indeed a good person.
Mr Puzzles, however, showed the opposite. That Four set himself up on a pedestal, as someone who sees himself as righteous. A narcissist. And how? By being the “TV, TV on the Wall” and pretending to be Witch!4 on the screen giving compliments to the actual Witch!4 how perfect he is.
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This is more of a parallel than anything. In the story, Princess!3 gets “invited” to King Bob’s Ballin’ Ball, the invite literally being launched to him by Witch!4.
In the IGBP arc, Three got invited to do a collab with Mr Yeast through his stream in ‘SMG4... Are You Ok?’ episode. While Four may have not been the one who brought in Mr Yeast for him, it was because of Four’s crew that made Three went through a new path in his life from the end of the Youtube Arc, being Lord of the Internet Graveyard, and becoming a streamer which got him the collab. So, indirectly, Four brought Mr Yeast to Three.
Fast forward through the story, Princess!3 strolls around the ball, Witch!4 instructs Prince Luigi to give Princess!3 the apple to make him "the ugliest princess" and Witch!4 would become the fairest of them all. As expected, it failed miserably, and Witch!4 had to improvise and come up with a new plan.
In IGBP, Four also had a plan when he was starting to create the perfect video, stocking his room with enough food for him to last. He made multiple attempts to create the video, feeling unsatisfied with every version he made.
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OMG, Mr L? Nah, I’m just kidding.
In all seriousness, though, I did find it fascinating that Prince Luigi basically turned Mr Yeast, the catalyst of IGBP. Hmmm….
By Witch!4’s instructions, Mr Luigi kidnaps Princess!3 and puts him in the tallest tower.
In IGBP, there is a scene where the rescuing trio finds SMG4’s classic design before it awakens and traps Three with him, making Meggy and Mario find Four to rescue them both. Curiously, the final showdown with Possessed!4 and Monster!3 waiting for them took place in the tallest tower of Peach’s castle.
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In Mr Yeast fashion, he proposes a challenge that whoever save the princess gets a dollar, before he gets pushed off the tower by Princess!3. Realizing that he might need help, Princess!3 was able to get Mario to save him, promising that one dollar and an additional block of "cheese". In all technicality, Mario was completing the challenge.
In the IGBP arc, Mario completed a challenge created by Mr Yeast, making spaghetti while in a crashing plane. And, would you look at that? Food was involved too!
Told you we would come back to it! Better than what Disney’s Wish could ever do, Witch!4 sings how great being a villain was and how you just can’t go wrong with a great villain song. An absolute classic.
I do want to point out the first few lines of Four’s musical number:
I’ve gotta be honest with you, There’s many reasons I like being the villain, from just chillin’ to killin’ to tyrannically instilling fear, unto unwilling peasants who crossed my path…
Again, this shouldn’t be taken that seriously, but knowing how Mr Puzzles perceives him to be, this meant a lot more. Four, being the ‘villain’ of IGBP, was “tyrannically instilling fear” unto his friends who ‘prevented’ him from creating the perfect video. This, for the most part, was how Mr Puzzles saw it since IGBP was a horror parody. In reality, the crew was worried for him, not scared of him. Sure, there were moments when they were confused about Four’s extreme behavior but they were more worried about his wellbeing. Mr Puzzles didn’t know what that was like, to have someone worried for another’s wellbeing.
Yes, even Boopkins gets a spot on here! In the story, when Mario brought Sir Boopkins to save Princess!3, Princess!3 immediately regrets his life choices. Boopkins, on the other hand, doesn���t listen to what Princess!3’s yelled to Mario and attempts to save him… miserably.
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It directly mirrors in IGBP, how Boopkins tried to defeat the keyboard demon with the ‘power of friendship and love’.
Love wins! Love always wins!
[It's Gotta Be Perfect]
He isn't wrong, a lot of the arcs were resolved because of love between friends, family, and partners. The good guys indeed win, but not without sacrifice. They kept their promise, but not without loss.
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IGBP was no different. While ‘love always wins’ is true, Boopkins went about it the wrong way, thinking the demon itself would have a change of heart. Three was the one who somehow did it correctly and was able to save Four at the end.
Wow. Love does win, huh?
After Sir Boopkins’ failed attempt, Witch!4 comes in, riding a dragon, saying to Princess!3:
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“Ha ha! You will never be saved, princess, and I shall be fairest of them all!”
[Once Upon An SMG4]
Do remember that scene?
Now imagine that moment in IGBP when Four had to choose to save Three or the flash drive that contained the video they made:
You will never be saved, Three, and I will have the perfect video!
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…Ain’t that wild?
Then, it begs the question: Did Mr Puzzles want Three to die? Actually, no, he wanted Four dead. Remember back in the movie when the tentacles of the keyboard demon dragged Four back into the desk. Four knew he couldn’t leave so Four begged Three to leave him there and accepted that the whole incident was his fault. And it did seem like the end for him.
Plot twist: Three snapped him (or I guess slapped him) out of it and stayed alongside Four so he could help finish the video. It was because of Three that Four was finally freed from the cursed keyboard and it was because of Three admitting that they are friends that Four made his final decision. If Three wasn’t there, Four would’ve become a monster like Peach did or Four would have to sacrifice Three because he was traumatized to the point that he needs the video.
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Perhaps it didn’t go how Mr Puzzles intended it to be but hey, it was entertainment, so he had let it slide for now.
Back to the story, Mario proposes that Witch!4 and Princess!3 should have a contest to see who really is the fairest. And so began the Fairest Fight 2024, consisting of three (3) challenges for three (3) judges to see who earns the title of the “fairest of them all”. Let’s begin with the first challenge:
Princess!3 was able to convince one hero with the weak promise of friendship while Witch!4 offering a lifetime sub to his OF, beating Princess!3 this round.
It parallels how it was in the outside world where Three, still trying his best, makes attempts to be popular while Four, already being incredibly popular, can easily attract his audience with his memes. But it also shows how Four is willing to dedicate a lot of his time and effort to making people happy while Three is still cautious about how open he should be to other people.
Okay, obviously, it's supposed to be a ‘princess and the frog’ reference. Just a bit, but it could mean something more. First off, to get this out of the way, I find it interesting that when Witch!4 tried to kiss a frog, the frog turned into Kermit and practically made him lose the challenge (Three didn’t either btw). It mirrored how in IGBP, Four kept using Kermit clips to make this perfect video, refusing to use any other material which eventually caused him to go insane.
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With that out of the way, let’s get to the deep analysis part of this challenge:
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As IGBP has taught us, relationships are complicated and complex. It takes time and dedication to stay but it also needs balance. As emotions are involved, it can be hard for others to completely understand the situation but, as Three has done, it’s possible to try.
We already made a connection of this episode being a twist of IGBP, so this could be applied here, how Four and Three approach a supposed relationship, in two ways:
(1) The frogs represent the new people that will enter each of their lives
When Four gets involved romantically and/or platonically with someone new who we call Person A, he can be a bit forward towards this person, but he is willing to commit to it. Person A however would either (1) end the relationship or (2) die. This leaves Four shocked.
When Three gets involved romantically and/or platonically with someone new (Person B), he is willing to risk it all. Usually, he is cautious about what he does but Person B somehow convinced him that they are the exception. Person B, like the poisonous frog, would either (1) use emotional manipulation to hurt 3 to a certain end or (2) be the cause of his death.
(2) The frogs represent each other — the Axol X Melony Theory(???)
That’s right, SMG34 shippers, it’s our time now. While SMG34 ship has been incredibly well-known in the fandom and the people behind the SMG4 show, we know it’s not going to become canon, mostly due to homophobia from certain fans, and the ship isn't meant to be treated seriously. But there are also too many moments that allude to the idea that they can be canon. Even reactors are starting to notice, a few lowkey “ship” them (which is honestly insane). In ‘SMG4: Plane Trip’ episode, Swag and Four had a bit of a bonding moment. Swag mentioned Sonic, his wife, as family. Four mentions how he feels the same (about being in a romantic relationship) and “having someone back home [himself]”, there he is presented with a locket. Again, this could all be a joke with well-known crack ships (memes, Dasani, computer, etc). Strangely though, the punchline never came.
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They didn’t have time to put it in.
No, because all it takes is a few seconds to shift to Four’s POV and show THE DAMN PHOTO. BUT THEY DIDN’T!
*proceeds to scream into a pillow*
…Uh, anyway, some reactors suspected the person in the locket was Three. If reactors had the mere thought about Three and Four being together, then you know something really is up between those two. Sure, fandom talk. But like, if someone who you didn’t expect at all says that they might be gay, then the signals they give off must be really loud.
If the slightest chance this ship is ever going to be canon, then the Frog Challenge would be the slickest foreshadowing they had ever done, and yet brings up a whole lot of dread for the SMG34 shippers. At the end of WOTFI 2023, Three drew himself and Four enjoying a cup of coffee together, which seems oddly similar to Melony’s drawing of her and Axol (and vice-versa with Axol’s Confession Page).
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If the theory is going to come true and the Kissing A Frog Challenge is going to allude to something, then it could mean two things:
(1) Either Four or Three would be with someone else, leaving the other heartbroken and therefore, their crush on them “died”
(2) Four or Three would confess to the other their feelings, but it would be too late and the other would be destined to die
Oh boy, ok. Let’s take a moment here to take a breather off the screen and pray for the shippers that the Axol X Melony Theory would not come true, regardless if the ship is ever going to be canon.
Stepping away from the Kissing Frog Challenge, we hop into this challenge, where the two avoid getting themselves kidnapped by Shrek. Princess!3 came up with the idea to use Witch!4 as a sort of trade, pointing out Witch!4’s features as selling points (with Princess!3 puking at the end there). According to Witch!4, they were "the worst selling points" he ever heard and it still worked. Princess!3 beat the challenge and placed the two of them in a complete tie.
Say it with me now: it’s just a bit.
And yet again I say: hear me out…
It shows that Three accepts Four’s flaws. Sure, there might be things that Three might find annoying about Four but he doesn’t hate Four. Especially, after IGBP, they connected more than ever. When they are in desperate need, they find each other. When one feels down or upset, the other notices. It makes sense, considering that they’re cosmically linked. But somehow, thanks to IGBP, they became close and already saw parts of each other's worst side. Four already accepts that Three is a former villain but Three of all people also accepts Four for who he is.
The points have been tallied and judges make their decision, declaring Princess!3 as the official winner. Along with the title of being the “fairest”, he gets a wish. Twist of the episode: Three breaks the fourth wall and wishes to escape Mr Puzzles’ control. Then, Godmother Puzzles swoops in and restores the natural order of his script. Again, it’s plain and simple: Three is begging the audience to help them find an escape from this nightmare.
Notice how the one who broke the tie between the two was Mr Luigi, giving the last point to Princess!3, just as how Mr Yeast preferred to collab with Three instead of Four.
Remember how I said being the fairest is the equivalent of being perfect from that line told by Witch!4? This scene isn’t telling us that Three is perfect, but rather Four is imperfect. For the audience, we know that no one is perfect and that is okay. To quote from the animated show, Arcane:
"In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good."
[Arcane, S1 EP9]
From Mr Puzzles’ perspective and his ideology of being perfect, imperfection sounds like a bad thing.
The part where Princess!3 won was the same way how Three “won” in IGBP. Princess!3 won by getting what he wanted since the beginning of the story: money. Three, being the protagonist of IGBP, the 'good guy', won by beating the demonic keyboard and saving his partner.
.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
And that is “Once Upon An SMG4”, a twisted version of “It’s Gotta Be Perfect”. One that Mr Puzzles would have preferred. But it’s not over yet, my dear fellows, as every story has a sequel.
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“And SMG4, who knew you could play an antagonist so well! High marks from me.”
[SMG4: Puzzlevision Movie]
A new arc is approaching leading up to WOTFI 2024 and if the 'SMG4: Inside Out' episode has anything to go by, IGBP really affected Four. Perhaps we don't get to see it through his behavior but he still remembers it. (hmm, how curious that Once Upon an SMG4 gets an appearance here...🤔) According to Inside Out 2 movie, orange symbolizes anxiety, meaning that Four is terrified that he might cause another IGBP incident. Naturally, problems can't easily be resolved and at times, they relapse.
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In the actual plot of the episode, Four drank that carton of "special brain juice" with Mr Puzzles' face plastered on it. This is a major problem:
(1) Because of Anger taking control of Four's emotions, Four destroyed the carton, getting rid of the only evidence there was for anyone else to make the connection that Mr Puzzles is up to something.
(2) He was alone when he did this. Remember: Three placed a hidden camera in Four's room when he decorated it. It has been confirmed in the actual merch with Three stating in his notebook that "it was a mistake" putting it there. We don't exactly know why he did it, but it can be assumed that he just wanted to keep tabs on Four to make sure another IGBP incident doesn't happen. If he couldn't use the camera, he would stop by to check up on him, making fake excuses on why he came. Except when Four took the carton, it was in the kitchen and Three wasn't able to come over to the castle.
At the end of the episode, we can assume that Mr Puzzles has taken control of Four's mind and used him to his advantage. With WOTFI 2024 coming up and new arcs beyond that, it will be up to the crew to rescue Four once again and stop Mr Puzzles from taking creative control of their real lives...
That is another post for me to work on but in the meantime, that’s just a theory…
🎶Thanks for dropping by🎶
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11th doctor x reader - it would always end this way
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Could I get 11 in the scenario of "it would always end this way"? (Least i think thats the title... ive checked back on it 5 times, im done-) Really love that concept and it's just been sending me- - @krismas0arson
The doctor wasn’t paying much attention, not really paying attention to anything aside from the console as he banged a hammer against it.
Then he heard the song that Clara was humming to herself as she walked in and he snapped his head up, banging it against something.
He rubbed his head and stepped away from the console, and Clara stopped singing to look at him.
“What were you singing?” He asked.
“I heard it on the way in, just up the street.”She smiled
“The street?”
“Yeah, a busker.”
“Take me!”
The doctor ran to the door and he gestured for Clara to do the same thing, and she sighed and followed him outside.
“It’s just a song.”
“But it’s not just a song.” He said.
Clara led him down the street then pointed across the street and the doctor walked over, standing with the small group of people who were also listening.
Clara walked over and stood next to him.
“It’s just a song, I think it’s from a film.”
The doctor carefully listened to what the words were and he furrowed his brows a little bit.
“But it’s wrong.”
“How can it be wrong doctor?” Clara laughed.
The doctor turned to look at Clara and he took her back to the TARDIS, pulling up the screen he began to flick through videos throughout time.
“All the timelines past, future and present, the song is nearly as old as time itself, it says that a deadman called out for his love to flee.”
The doctor pulled up another video, a beautiful face filled the screen, smiling from ear to ear, and he pointed to the laughing person.
“This is the original story.”
Clara looked confused.
“The deadman did not call for his love to flee, it was the deadman’s Love who called for him to flee and took his place.”
“Oh don’t be silly doctor, it’s made up. A story.”
“It’s not just a story Clara !” He snapped.
He spun around and he looked at the screen in desperation.
“It’s the story of how my spouse died…”
“You were married…?”
The doctor nodded and sat down on the table, holding a hand over his mouth as he looked at the screen.
It was replaying the same moment over and over again, the only moment he had of you.
Clara slowly walked over and sat next to him.
“It was the last days of the time war, and they were going to punish me. They knew what I was going to do and had to stop me…”
“Prophecy, but there was one thing the high council were missing.”
The doctor sent the TARDIS into flight, nowhere special in mind, just flying around aimlessly.
“What happened to them doctor…?”
“A prophecy, one that the high council couldn’t even foresee, something that was always going to happen. The time war was always going to end, and (Y/N) knew this. They had foreseen this as well, and they had foreseen my death. They couldn’t let that happen, so at the last moment they took my place.”
“Then what…?”
The doctor sighed, wiping a few of his tears.
“(Y/N) was locked in a time lock on a planet, nobody can access it. The time lords didn’t want to kill them because they were to be the next prophet.”
He turned to Clara.
“That song is the story told by the time lords on the last days, passed through time and space, turned into a silly little song. It’s the last moments of (Y/N)… the last moments of the person i swore to look after…”
“Can’t you find them?”
“You can’t get past a time lock even if I could I can’t get past it.”
Clara reached up and she hugged him tightly, and the doctor gently hugged her back.
“I’m sorry…”
He sighed and looked back at the screen, and he saw that the imagine had changed, showing a map of the universe with one spot flashing.
“What?” He asked.
He got up and looked at it.
“What’s going on?”
“The TARDIS has decided to take us somewhere…”
He looked at Clara.
“I don’t know…”
When the TARDIS stopped he ran out and he looked around the planet, it wasn’t much, just dust and dirt. He stepped out fully, and he looked around confused.
“Why would it bring us here?” He asked.
“It’s just a barren planet.” Clara mumbled.
“No, no there has to be more.”
He began scanning the area, trying to find anything, and when he looked at the screwdriver, he furrowed his brows.
“It’s picking up something, a sound wave.”
He made his way back to the TARDIS and Clara ran after him.
She could hear the voice but she couldn’t make out the words.
“Why can’t I understand it?” She asked.
“That’s impossible…” he whispered
“What? What is it?”
The doctor turned to Clara with wide eyes.
“Its Gallifrian… it’s why the TARDIS won’t translate it…”
“But I thought you were the only one?”
He looked back at the console and ran outside again, trying to pinpoint the sound.
“It’s not coming from here, but it originated from here, I can trace it!”
So that’s what he did, he traced the sound to the start of time, to the end of its reach, to the past and future of earth until he landed in the present once more.
“Its coming from here…”
They both stepped outside and they looked around, and the doctor could faintly here the song, so he followed it He ran after it, chasing it all around London until finally he found himself at the top of a building, gasping for air.
He slowly stood up and he began to looked around.
“Doctor look…” Clara whispered.
She pointed and the doctor looked, Clara smiled, placing a hand on his arm.
“I’ll wait downstairs.”
She left and the doctor just stared at your back as your voice radiated softly and quietly, a frequency only for him.
You slowly stopped singing and you turned around a gentle smile on your face.
You took a step forward, and you slowly lowered yourself to the floor as your legs threatened to give way.
The doctor ran over to you, and he knelt in front of you, placing his hand in the side of your face, looking you up and down.
“I’m okay.. I’m okay…”
Tears ran down his face and you looked up at him, gently brining your fingers up to brush against his skin.
“You’ve changed my love…”
“Yet you’re still as beautiful as always.” He smiled.
You laughed softly and shook your head a little bit. You breathed deeply and he looked at you in concern.
“It’s okay.. I just… I used a lot of energy to get here…”
“Let’s get you back to the TARDIS..”
He swept you into his arms, and you rested your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeats.
The doctor kept flicking his gaze to you, making sure you were still there, still okay He got to the bottom and Clara looked at him.
“I need you to open the doors.”
“Of course!”
She ran to open the doors and let the doctor and you in.
“Come and find me later.” She smiled.
With that she left and the doctor laid you down on the chairs and he covered you up with his jacket, brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
“Get some sleep…”
You nodded your head.
While you were sleeping he did all the checks he needed to on you, making sure you were actually you, checking your mind, listening to your hearts.
It was a few days until you woke up again and you finally sat up, pulling your husbands coat over you and you looked around.
The TARDIS doors were open and you got up, walking over to the doors you stepped outside and looked around.
The TARDIS had moved, and you were in a park, and he was sitting on a bench.
“Ever the thinker…” you spoke softly.
He looked up at you and quickly stood up, rushing over to you.
“You’re real. I checked.”
“I’m hurt you’d ever doubt me.”
He laughed softly and he cradled your face between his hands.
“How did you get out of the time lock…?”
You sighed.
“The time lock was designed to be done every so often… it wasn’t strong enough to hold me, they couldn’t make it strong they needed their strength.. so.. it broke…”
“That song, you planted it didn’t you?” He asked.
You smiled a little bit.
“All throughout time and space so I could find you… so you could find me…”
“I saw the prophecy before they did, so when I vanished before that day, I was planting that songs all over the universe, for this moment.”
The doctor smiled a little bit, and he let out a soft laugh.
“My ever wonderful (Y/N)…”
He ducked down, and he kissed you like he had never done before. Every ounce of love and sadness and grief and happiness all into one kiss, and every time you pulled away he leant forward to kiss you again.
And finally you gave in, and you kissed him back.
You were time locked, frozen in time, so it hadn’t been as painful for you like it had been for him. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours.
“I love you…”
“I love you too my dear darling…”
He smiled and you closed your eyes, smiling back as he hugged you.
This was where you were always going to end up, this is where you were always going to find your way back to. You had seen it, it was why you did what you did.
You had seen the future it had been foretold that you would find your way back to the doctor, and he would find you, and you would stand right here holding him.
That’s where your vision had ended, you never saw more than that, it’s where you visions stopped once you reconnected with him. But that’s all you needed.
It’s all you ever needed to know that you weren’t going to leave him for good, even if you could never explain it to him, it was enough for him that you were here. That was all the doctor needed to know, that he you right by his side, and he could hold you again
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ilikesillythings · 7 months
I could ask, Yandere Vox x Moth reader, where the reader runs away from Vox, and ends up staying in the hazbin hotel
Vox x reader Tws; yandere themes (per usual), Idk how to tag this one tbh.. Requested also by ; @zinnia1506
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Living with Vox.. wasn't the easiest. Let alone loving him. Something about him drew you in -- maybe it was his hypnotic gaze, or how he was a blue light screen, always emitting that special kind of light that captivited your little moth brain. Whatever it was used to have a tight hold around you, no matter how much you screamed at him, or him you.
He drilled it into your mind that you were to, 'trust him', and how you were his alone. Perhaps at one time, you found comfort in these words, but, it was an empty sort of comfort. Like hiding under a blanket. Sure, it's warm, soft, but soon becomes unbearable, and suffocating.
For a while you assumed there was no escape. He had his room set to a very cold tempature, not only to cool his own circuits, and the computer screens around, but to keep you from leaving. Moths didn't do well in the cold, so all you could do was wrap yourself up in a blanket or two, and your wings, feverishly rubbing your six hands together
Until the power went out. You soon realized that because the AC had turned off, the room was beginning to warm. Hastily, you stood from your rather comfrtable bed, allowing the duvet to slip off of your shoulders. Head whirrling to the side, causing your antenna to sway with the quick movments, you made your way hastily to the elevator, barefoot, in only a par of shorts, and loose t-shirt,
Frantically, you pressed the 'up' button, no longer caring if Vox were to see you leaving. He'd eventually notice, and find you - he had cameras everywhere, "Fuck-!" You cured, finger aggressively pressing the button
After what seemed like far too long, the elevator began moving up, your wings jolting out slightly at the sudden movement.
Perhaps an eternity passed before the elevator halted, allowing you to cautiously walk out, each step took carefully, as if the floor would collapse at any moment. Maybe it was silly how paranoid you were, mind racing with worries.
Vox had eyes everywhere. He could spy on people through any tech made by his company, cameras -- most things tech related. Which made getting away from his prying gaze even harder. As quick as the thoughts ran through your mind, you began running, out of the building, ignoring the stares from employees - who thankfully gave you nothing more than a glance with a raised eyebrow.
The cool of the air outside hit you like a truck. How long had it been since you'd been outside anyways? Months? Maybe a year or two? You couldn't remember. It was bright. Oh so bright. It all made your head spin, in a good and bad way.
Although you knew it was too soon to be relieved, and feel safe, but how could you not? Finally out of that little pocket of Hell. "Think, {Y/N}!" You internally screamed at yourself, desperately trying to think of a place Vox didn't have cameras.
That was when it hit you. The Hazbin Hotel. You were sure since the Radio demon was there you'd be at least safe from Vox. With this in your mind you ran out the door, past the mass amounts of screens owned by VoxTek. It seemed like hours before you saw the hotel coming closer, and you broke into a faster sprint, despite everything aching badly
Loudly, you rapped your knuckles against the door, with a desperate speed. The door flung open, revealing Alastor himsef. "Well isn't this interesting? Aren't you Vox's little pet?"
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aita-blorbos · 3 months
AITA for telling people I don’t work here?
Ok so it’s Saturday morning and I (28M) don’t have a lot on my mind, besides like maybe lunch, I’m a little hungover so I go to the supermarket really to just get out of the house. Then suddenly this woman approaches way to fast and her eyes are intense And she spits on me a little as she asks, “where do you keep the pasta?” and I’m confused but I try to be polite so I say, “I dunno aisle 3?” And then she demands get it for her! I just stand there for a moment because I was just trying to get a Gatorade and I don’t want to deal with this, but then she rolls her eyes and I kind of lose it. 
So I tell her, “Hey! I don’t work here and if I did I would not sell you shit!” And then I say, ”Maybe should work here so I can hide all the things you want from you!” and, “If I did work here do you think I’d be wearing a dirty white singlet? Ya fool!” Then I noticed the pasta was there the whole fucking time so I tell her, “Silly me I’ve had the pasta all along. Fuck you” and she starts crying. 
So now it’s the afternoon and I’m not going to lie, I feel really great about making a middle age woman cry today. So I’m taking a walk on the hot sand on the beach and decide to take a rest in the shade of the lifeguard tower (and my foresight readies me for melee) so then this man runs up from the surf way to fast, with a bluebottle across his chest he shakes me as he asks “you’ve got to save my kid!” But I can’t swim, so I tell him that, and he gets all upset and goes “what kind of a kid guard are you then?” And I’m tired and just wanted to take a nap but he rolls his eyes so I kind of snap.
And I tell him “Hey! I don’t work here but if I did I would not save your kid!” And then I tell him “maybe I should work here that way I could help relieve that nasty sting for you” and I tell him “do you think a life guard would make a race car out of sand then fall asleep?” And then I get a bit sidetracked thinking about how I should probably get a job and I guess I’m mumbling because the guy asks if I was thinking about saving his son and I tell him no and he says “What about my son, he's drowning?!” Then I look over his shoulder and see that no he isn’t and I tell him "Your son's fine, he just swims weird, and you shouldn't hold that against him.” And the guy turns around to check and I take that as my moment to get out of there.
So it’s night now and I’m not thinking about much just kicking a ball down the street then I give it to much juice and it flies over the fence of my local NASA compound (just bear with me) I climb over the fence to get it when I realize the guards are all passed out and it seems there’s been a planed attack. The alarms are blaring but I’m the only one in tact. I try to phone for help but something must be blocking it. And they’re an alien transmitting itself to NASA screens specifically. And the alien says “Give us ya planet” and I’m trying to figure out way to do or find any one who can actually handle this and I tell the aliens but it just repeats “Give us ya planet” and I try to get someone to answer me and tell them we’re under attack and again the alien says “Give us ya planet” and I try to tell it that I don’t have the authority to do that but it just won’t listen. I just came to get my ball but it’s been a long day so I’ll speak for all of humanity. 
(Also I didn’t know this at the time but apparently this had worldwide news coverage)
So I tell the alien “Hey! I don’t work here and if I did I would not surrender shit!” And I tell it “maybe I should work here that way I could take a trip to mars and strangle you!” And I ask “Do you think the president of Earth has a fucking mullet?” And at this point I’m just letting out all the anger from the day and I tell it  “maybe I should work here that way I could put my planetary fist in you, I could teach your kid to drown in front of you, and I could hide all of the linguini from you!” 
Then the alien fucked right off and also I’m the president of earth now. So AITA
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Not especially horny, but I had the thought of retired Dream having to learn corporeality again (like everyone, lol).
I specifically pictured him... being bad at Video games. He'd love them, they've got such beautiful stories, and it's so like a dream, the setting is something given and the player decides what they'll do.
But he's not that good, because he hasn't got the hand-eye coordination, and the buttons are just so fiddly, and so it becomes a regular occurrence for Hob to see Dream coming to him with pleading eyes, extending the controller his way.
And for every ledge he hops for Dream, for every monster he kills, he gets a kiss on the cheek. Hob loves it. He also loves watching Dream play, because even if it takes him a moment, he's so immersed, so excited about it.
After a few months Dream has gotten better at being human, but not at video games. It takes for Hob to come home early and finding Dream expertly smashing around a Zelda boss to find out that Dream has been... lying, a bit. He's very sorry about it, really, but he just likes when they do this together, and if Hob could forgive him?
But Hob just smiles and tells him about multiplayer games.
Dream is not, actually, good at those, because shortly after starting their first game together, because it turns out that kisses on the cheek for killed monsters are more difficult when you're both trying to look at the screen.
And it's even more difficult to kill said monsters when you've just discovered that apparently, your best friend/housemate is not at all against being kissed on the mouth.
This is the cutest thing I've ever read I'm literally dying!!! Also!!! I feel like we don't talk about Hob and video games enough and I think he would absolutely love them. He would spend hours staying up until 2am with his eyes aching from staring at the screen because he's so engrossed. And Minecraft!!! He would love Minecraft so much!!!!!!! So would Dream!!!!!!!! Imagine retired Dream making a whole little world in Minecraft and its like he can rediscover a spark of creativity he thought was utterly lost to him!!! Anyway.
So Dream starts out playing Kirby or something with pretty cute graphics and stories but. He does struggle with the jumping and the switching skills and so Hob is like ok. Let's try a different story kind of game. And then they try Zelda which Dream really loves but again. He's a little bad at it. Hob gets to be the hero, beats up the bosses, and Dream gets to run around doing silly little quests. Hob gets many kisses. All is right with the world.
He was a bit suspicious that Dream seems to be spending so much time on his games without his skills improving, but he doesn't exactly mind. The worse Dream is at killing monsters, the more kisses Hob gets. Except the truth is, Dream is now definitely better at the game than Hob...
And when Hob catches him beating a boss for the first time, of course he has to give Dream a kiss in return. A slow, soft kiss on the lips that makes Dream drop his controller and melt into Hob’s arms. Hopefully he saved his progress, because suddenly he's being carried off in the direction of Hob’s bedroom like Peach being carried off by Bowzer (only with a lot less protesting, and no pesky plumber coming to rescue him).
(I need you all to know that I really really really like golf games like Golf with Your Friends and Golf It so I have vivid scenarios in my brain about Dream and Hob playing together. The glitching golf balls. The bizarre courses. The rage. Hob making terrible puns about holes. Whoever wins on each hole gets a kiss. Hob absolutely loses on purpose so he can kiss his beloved <3)
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66sharkteeth · 9 months
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Time for my weekly thoughts and man this week is a frustrating one. It was just supposed to be a cute episode w/ a sad little moment between Claude and his dad and a sweet one between Desmond and his sister but I'm so concerned for the reading comprehension of so many people after this one.
First, the one I saw talked about most-
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For christ sake, YES, they can technically have kids. But you have seen the result of a human and blank having a kid. Remember Rex living in his basement for 18 years?? Remember the literal PROTESTS about the last half-blank that was born? And how she was going to be sent to a lab?? Yes, they can technically have damn children!! But nobody in their right mind CHOOSES to have a half-blank! That is all Desmond meant. Second, this was originally supposed to be commentary on just...how weird it is he's even thinking about that lol. Like I'm ngl, I always find it really weird how...interested people are in my characters breeding. Any time there's any sign of romance between a male and female character, there's tons of comments on what that would mean for their children when children aren't even a concept in their minds rn. Like why do you care what percent blank Rex and Nia would have? You think Nia's even remotely thinking about that rn? Idk, it's ALWAYS weirded me out when that's the first question people have about a ship, but it's a VERY common question, so I wanted Rosie to call out how weird it is lol. If you're one of those people who asks that tho... Then idk. Sorry. I think that's a little weird of ya!! I get eventually wondering it but why is it like always the first concern?
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Rolling over more so from last week, the amount of people shocked in the recent episodes Claude is a Blank? I already ranted about this a bit in a previous post, but the amount of people acting like this is the first they're hearing of this....seriously makes me question my writing and also sad how little people must be actually reading this. There are so many instances of Claude without his mask, flat out stating he's a blank, seen with blank space, and most blatantly, stealing a drug that is only intended for blanks? And implying he's gonna use it?? Like at this point, you must just be skipping any chapters where Claude is on screen and it makes me feel like I'm wasting my time writing his scenes.
Lastly... And this one has been baffling me since season 2:
He has AMAB anatomy, he's use he/him pronouns the entire series, and his siblings call him "brother." Is it his hair???? Because even that was inspired by a male character!! (Usopp from One Piece) This one's been a mystery to me since s2 when he was introduced. Is it just people assume a person raising their siblings like a single parent must be a girl?? Or is it less deep than that?
Sorry for such a cranky weekly thoughts but oml I just...couldn't even enjoy the comments about Desmond being a silly protective brother because it's just one of those weeks where I feel like everyone's skipping every episode that isn't entirely focused on Rex.
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
I chose you (Julián Álvarez x Reader)
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**Got another Julián request recently and it’s always funny how easy it is to write for him. So hopefully it’s easy and enjoyable to read for all of you ❤️**
Word count: 1879
“Are you ok?”, asks my mum, and I can see the worry in her expression even through the screen.
“Yeah. Just not feeling 100% at the moment, you know?”
“Why? Are you sick or something?”
“No. I guess I’m just going through one of those moments where I don’t feel super confident or whatever. No specific reason. For all I know, it could just be the bad weather making me feel this way”.
“Is everything ok with Julián?”
I smile without even noticing. “Yes, mum. It’s nothing to do with him”.
“Well, I’ll still tell him to take better care of you so you don’t feel this way”.
“Mum, I’m a grown woman. I don’t need my boyfriend to take care of me”.
“We all need people to take care of us. Don’t forget that”.
I don’t want to admit it but I know she’s right. I’m always in my own head, not sharing how I feel and it can be a bit much sometimes.
“I’ll talk to Julián when he comes back”, I promise to myself before picking up my phone to waste my time on social media.
I see City have posted some photos, including one of Julián, so I like the post. Then I click on his profile and go to the tagged photos. I always love seeing all the photos of him that professional photographers take. I have an album full of them.
But I also see photos fans have posted. It seems like there are more girls taking photos with him after training. With him and all the others, but I only care about my boyfriend.
I’m not a jealous person. I’ve never been, honestly. It’s easy to say you aren’t but then your actions show the opposite. However, that’s not me. I don’t think I’d be able to deal with the stress if I was a jealous person and dating a football player.
So it’s not jealousy I feel while reading the captions they write for my boyfriend. Or seeing the videos where they try to hug him or kiss his cheek. But if it isn’t jealousy, then what is it?
I usually would just laugh it off. Julián himself tells me stories of these meetings whenever something funny happens, knowing how little I’ll care about their flirting with him.
Opening TikTok is probably the stupidest idea at the moment. Yet here I am wasting more time making myself feel ugly seeing all the gorgeous girls I follow for beauty and fashion inspo and getting annoyed at the edits Julián’s fans make for him.
“I’m so stupid”, I say, throwing the phone on the sofa before hiding underneath one of the blankets.
A couple of minutes later, Julián is back and starts to call my name. For a second, I think about pretending to sleep but he would notice the lie.
“I’m here”, I say in a small voice, getting my head out from underneath the blanket so he can see me.
“What are you doing there? Are you feeling alright?”
I nod, not wanting to worry him with my silly thoughts. “Just tired”.
“Well, I’m tired too. How about you move so I can fit next to you and we cuddle?”
“I’d like that”.
My promise to tell him about how I was feeling is gone the second I place my head on his chest. Because I have no reason to feel like this. I should be fine. This will pass soon.
"So how was your day?, asks Julián while he sets the table for our dinner. We fell asleep on the sofa the moment we cuddled and didn't get to talk at all.
"Ok, I guess", I shrug.
"What did you do? You always tell me about the whole day. Come on, I want to know".
I'm usually excited to talk about my day. But not right now. "You know. Studied in the morning, face timed with my mum and then went to the sofa to nap".
"Everything ok with your parents?"
"Sure. Why do you ask?"
I can see him trying to find the right words. "I don't know. You seem a bit off. I thought maybe they gave you bad news or something".
"No. I'm just tired. I told you".
"Well, then you sit here", he says, putting his hands on my shoulders and guiding me to the chair. "And I'll finish getting everything ready".
"Thank you", I say, offering him a small smile. His is a lot bigger and after kissing my temple he goes back to the kitchen.
During dinner, he updates me on everything going on at the club and focusing my attention on someone else for a second helps me a lot.
"Feeling better?", he says, hopeful.
"Yes. I think I'll just take a shower before bed to help me relax".
"Go do that. I'll put this in the dishwasher".
I get up to go to the room and stop when I reach Julián to give him a hug.
"I love it when you're clingy like that".
This time the smile is bigger. It's easy to smile when he's around. It's when I'm alone with my thoughts that I struggle.
When I get out of the shower, I try to make a bit of an effort. It's not as if I have to impress Julián right now, but I need to impress myself, sort of.
Whenever I'm having these confidence issues or whatever they are, the first thing I drop is looking after myself. I struggle with simple things such as putting on moisturizer after the shower or picking cute outfits. And it only makes me feel worse in the end because I look worse. It's such a stupid cycle.
Julián is already in bed looking at his phone when I get back to the room. He puts the phone away the moment I get to the bed and puts one of his arms around my shoulders to bring me closer to him.
"You smell so good I could eat you".
I laugh. "You don't like coconut".
"Not the fruit. But I like it when you smell like this", he says, nuzzling his nose on my neck.
"Feel free to use the body butter if you want to smell like me", I joke.
"Wouldn't that make me too irresistible to other women?"
I roll my eyes at his bad joke. "I'll take the risk".
"Actually, I didn't tell you this funny story from today. These three girls asked for a photo when I was in my car and kept complimenting me, my clothes, my car …no subtlety", he laughs but I don't join him. "And then a kid showed up and they had to let him get closer and were so annoyed. They'll probably be there again tomorrow".
I don't say anything because what can I say? I already saw the photos and I thought the girls looked familiar. I guess they spend their days there.
"Hey, you ok?"
"Yes", I say, turning my back to him and pretending to get ready to sleep.
"What was that?"
"I'm sleepy. Good night".
"What did I do for you to react like…wait, are you jealous?"
"What?", I say, turning again to look at him.
"I told you about those girls and you got all weird. You have no reason to be jealous, you know that".
"I'm not jealous of any fangirls, Julián".
And I'm not, but my tone and my face make it sound like a lie. I hate this feeling.
I go back to my previous position and a couple of seconds later I notice Julián wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me closer to his chest.
"It's you I want. Please know that".
"I know", I whisper. Maybe it's better if he thinks I'm jealous instead of having to dig deeper to explain everything else. "I love you".
"I love you too. Sleep well now. You'll feel better tomorrow after a good night's rest".
If only it were that easy.
The next couple of days, Julián seems to be tiptoeing around my feelings and he doesn't bring up any meetings with fangirls. Actually, by checking Instagram, I've noticed one of them mentioned he didn't stop to attend them at all. I don't even know how I feel about that.
By the time he comes back from training, I'm back under the blanket and when he gets to the sofa, he moves it to see my face.
"You were worrying me so I spoke to your mum".
"What?", I say, sitting up.
"Well, you don't talk to me so I had to do something. I can't see my girlfriend hurting and do nothing".
"I just don't know what happens to me", I say, feeling the tears on the back of my eyes.
"It's not going to solve everything but sit here", he says, patting the spot between his legs. "So I can hold you while we try to make sense of it, ok?"
I nod, sitting there and letting him share his strength with me through this hug.
"It's just something that happens sometimes. I don't know if it's anxiety or something else. But I just feel like I'm not enough. Like all my confidence is gone. Like anything I have to do, no matter how small, demands too big of an effort from me".
"Ok. Does it usually take long for that feeling to go away?"
"It depends. It used to be worse when I was younger. Now it's usually a couple of days. Maybe a week and a half or something like that".
"And do you know anything that can make you feel better? Whatever it is, I'll make sure you have it".
He looks at me confused. "What do you mean?"
"I need you. You don't even notice how much you help me just by being you. It's when you're not around that it gets worse".
"That means a lot to me. But we need to find other ways to help. I wish I could always stay with you but I can't".
"I know", I say, hugging him tighter and placing my head on his chest.
"And you're sure there is no jealousy involved in this? It's ok if there is. I mean, I'm jealous of every man that talks to you".
I chuckle. "No, I'm not jealous. I guess what made me feel worse about those fans was their confidence. How they had no fear of going to talk with you guys and being so direct to you. I wouldn't be able to do something like that. Not in the state I'm in at the moment".
"You don't need to. Because I chose you a while ago. And I keep choosing you every day".
"But you didn't know all these issues were included in the package when you chose me. What if it gets too much for you? I don't want you to feel like you have to baby me".
"I'm not. I'm just looking after you like you look after me. Can you just let me do it? Let me look after you, please".
"Does looking after me include cuddles and watching my favourite movies while we eat ice cream?"
"Of course it does".
"Then count me in".
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kyopmi · 2 years
“you're not just a temporary guest to fill in the vacant spot until he can find a long-term occupant.”
・❥・pairing suna rintarou x gn!reader
・❥・content angst + 0.83k words + loosely based on ‘milk teeth’ by niki
・❥・notes this is my submission for @taintedsorrcw & @mamsvi 's somnum extererri collab! thank you for hosting~
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the thirteen words printed in bold, black letters against a contrasting white background stare at you mockingly from the screen of your phone as you glare back at it. you internally scoff at the instagram post you happened upon on your explore page, swiftly scrolling away with a flick of your thumb.
but, deep down, you know the quote only managed to stir your emotions because it hit a little too close to home.
since the beginning of your relationship with suna rintaro, it has always been painfully obvious that you were infatuated with him. most of the time, you would be the one to text him first, to greet him cheerfully as you pass each other in the hallways, to ask if he'd like to have lunch together.
to an outsider, it might even seem pathetic or pitiful, the way you would pine after the man like a lovesick puppy when he barely made half the effort you were giving. but you didn't care – you were – are constantly chasing that high when suna would text back with a silly meme or smiley face, when he would smile back at you, when the two of you would converse about the latest happenings over a warm meal. the way he would laugh at your jokes, or casually throw a cheesy pick up line your way never fails to make your heart flutter.
and whenever he reciprocates your advances, it shoots a glimmer of hope straight to your heart, thinking maybe all your friends were wrong about him, that he's just as in love with you and that he's not going to just up and leave one day the moment he finds someone else.
that you're not just a temporary guest to fill in the vacant spot until he can find a long-term occupant.
it hasn't even been a year since you started officially dating suna, but the reality you've been denying for so long is beginning to unravel at your feet.
the familiar alarm blaring from his phone pulls you out of your sleep. the sun has barely risen and the room is still dark, but you can still make out his figure sitting up on the other side of the bed, the light from his phone screen illuminating his face. you follow suit, letting the blankets slip from your shoulders and land on your lap as you shuffle closer to him.
“rin,” you mumble out, stifling back a yawn as you try to rub the sleepy haze from your eyes.
suna briefly glances at you from over his shoulder. “y/n. you're awake,” he points out the obvious, voice scratchier than usual. “sorry. you should go back to sleep.”
you shake your head. “s'okay. i don't mind.”
suna nods without saying anything else, opting to leave for the bathroom to get ready for his day without sparing you a second look.
meanwhile, as you watch his back disappear from your sight, you force yourself to bite back a sigh despite the tug in your heart, throwing the blankets off of you and making your way to the kitchen.
suna appears in the doorway, already clad in his jacket and his bag slung over his shoulder, just as you place the last pancake on top of the wobbly stack. your eyes meet momentarily, making the two of you pause in your steps.
“rin,” you call out, offering a soft smile to him, “you should eat before you go. i got your favorite syrup at the store yesterday.”
your boyfriend awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. “oh, uh, i can't today,” he admits, “the team's going out for breakfast before practice today.”
it's impossible for him not to pick up the sudden change in your emotions no matter how much you try to hide them, evident by how fast the corners of your lips fall and your brows furrow.
then again, it would also be impossible for him to be unaware of how he has been, and still is, leading you on.
suna takes three large strides towards you and stands in front of you, taking your hands in his as he leans in to press a chaste kiss on your forehead. “sorry, babe,” his apologies are murmured. “it was a spur of the moment plan. we can have eat some other time, yeah?”
you hate the way your heart skips a beat at his bare-minimum offer.
how you still put on a smile for suna as he closes the door behind him without another thought and you're left alone in the empty apartment once again.
and in your heart, you know it's inevitable — the sand in your hourglass is quickly trickling out and it's only a matter of time until either one of you decide to stop pretending this love's not meant to be, and you were never the one meant to reside in his heart.
until then, you think you're fine being a placeholder.
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sorry to suna rintaro for this, ik you're actually a very sweet dork🫶
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sunlightandsuffering · 4 months
Is Mikasa going to tell their moms the part where she was awake at 2 am anxiously looking at her phone, praying that the asshole would text her for a booty call?🤣🤣
SORT OF !! LOL!! this one is just plain chaos tbh
Why does she always find herself in the same situation, it’s a question she asks regularly.
Because even at home in the comfort of her own room, she can’t escape him, can hear him playing irritatingly loud music as he drives down the street, her universal signal that he’s home now. 
And it just so happens to coincide with the fact that she’s horny as hell and hoping for a booty call. 
But when it’s been ten minutes and she still doesn’t receive a text, Mikasa allows herself one of her rare guilty pleasures, the thing she’d rather die than admit to even herself. She looks around her room, and after deeming it safe, she taps the ‘photo’ app on her phone, heart accelerating in her chest, pulsing with adrenaline. 
At first, her dedicated iPhone photo album seems innocent, spattered with silly photos of her and Sasha, pictures of her work schedule that she should really delete, homework she’d sent to Eren, a few selfies she’d taken for Instagram. And then, as her thumb hovers over the ‘albums’ section, things take a turn for the worst, more so as she clicks an album entitled ‘anime crushes’. 
And as she scrolls, and scrolls, past poorly doctored photos of Itachi Uchiha, and worse yet, Inuyasha she finally finds him…
Eren Yeager, her neighbour, and the very colourful array of nudes that he’s sent her (and she has sent back, but she’d rather die than admit that). 
And she clicks on one that always gets her just a little too hot, always pushes her right over the edge, that smirk, that dark glint in his eyes, the way he looks at her right before he sinks in, fucks her silly, hungry for it. Already her hand is slipping down to her panties and she’s imagining all the ways in which he can– Her door opens and Mikasa screams, her phone going flying and one can only imagine the absolute terror that overtakes her as Mikasa comes face to face with none other than her mother. 
“Darling, are you okay? You look flushed,” Her mother asks in concern, coming over to place a hand over her daughter’s forehead, checking for a fever. “Mother!” Mikasa hisses, “I’m not,” She shoves her hand away, “I’m fine I was just–” “What? Where is your phone, what were you doing?” So fucking nosy, she curses her mother’s inability to let things go. “I was reading a scary story.” Lies!
“Well you better not have broken it young lady, that cost your father good money, now where is it?” 
Mikasa scrambles to find where she’d thrown the phone, waving her mother off, “It’s fine, I’ll get it, what did you want anyway?” Her mother makes a tsk-ing noise, “I was coming to ask if you want me to put your laundry in the dryer, don’t take that tone with me young lady you live under my roof–” “Yes mom, I was just umm busy, it’s fine, that would be great I appreciate you, if you could please just,” Mikas gestures towards the door as she continues to rummage around her comforter, looking for the damned device. Her mother gives her a stern look before reluctantly stepping towards the door, and it’s then that they both spot it, her Iphone sitting innocently in the middle of the carpet having flown much farther than Mikasa could have ever anticipated, swathed in a pile of panties Mikasa has yet to put away. 
But even from far away, the image on the screen is obvious, in high definition, full resolution colour and also, because Eren’s dick is simply that big, of course it can be seen by even her infamously blind mother. 
It’s quiet for a moment, a pregnant pause as her mother examines the very impressive erect penis on her daughter’s phone screen. 
“Mikasa,” Her mother takes a deep breath, reaching down to grab the device, a somewhat exhausted lilt to her voice, “Darling whose penis is that?” “No one’s, Mom GO AWAY!” Mikasa makes to grab the phone away, but at that exact moment, the menace himself chooses to text her, the booty call she’d been waiting for, his name written in all caps next to a skull emoji and another much more incriminating emoji…
EREN 💀🍆 10:00 PM
Wyd ? 👅
“Huh,” Her mom releases a little huff, “I see the Yeager boy is good for more than just mowing the lawn.”
Mikasa wants to scream.
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mattbegins · 6 months
My 911 7x05/7B predictions
- Eddie and Marisol break up (she’s only had one line and one appearance in the last four episodes and I find it kind of ooc that the reasons Eddie didn’t want to be with Ana wouldn’t also apply to Marisol, there’s been such little build up or even scenes with them to suggest otherwise. That might change this season, but we haven’t seen a successful relationship launched between a recurring character and a newly introduced character since Michael and David (I don’t count madney because even though Maddie was new they’re both mains), so I don’t know how they’d do this for Eddie and Marisol without it being rushed and kind of clumsy)
- Buck and Tommy will have a good run but I don’t think they’ll last to the end of the season. Tim Minear said as much himself and described bucktommy as an important but “sort of the entry-level relationship” as Buck begins to understand his sexuality, but because of Tommy’s redemption arc and the clear joy Buck has about their relationship I don’t think they’ll end because of something bad between them. I’d hope it would either be that Tommy has to move due to some sort of career advancement, or someone realizes feelings between Buck and Eddie and Tommy doesn’t want to be a replacement, and not them killing him off. With that in mind, my genuine theory is that buddie would be what ends bucktommy because Minear hasn’t completed the rest of the season yet and has repeatedly expressed concerns about making sure he doesn’t create anything that messes with ratings and views, so if anything he may have been testing the waters with bucktommy to pave the way for buddie if it was received well- which it was. Whatever it is, I don’t think it’ll happen off-screen like with Natalia.
- There’s going to be some drama or angst surrounding Hen and Karen’s baby (they really deserve a break but they never seem to get one when it comes to their kids and I’m nervous, but they’ll get a lot of support from Chim and Maddie especially and I can see the relationship between these sets of parents getting even stronger)
- The silly Jinx/Cursed type episode this season will involve Chimney’s bachelor party (might be There Goes the Groom) as the 118 boys stumble into some wild shenanigans. For anyone who’s seen Psych 3x04 and 6x02 and/or remembers 911 2x15 Ocean’s 9-1-1, THAT is the kind of chaos I’m looking for where maybe they accidentally get involved in some kind of nonsense and wind up getting interrogated by Athena or get drunk/dosed and have to retrace everything that happened that night (bonus points for the trope of something happening between Eddie and Buck during that time because it would be hilarious timing but honestly not a bad way to get the ball rolling). Anyway, this would explain the ruined suits in the bts photos and I honestly see them just showing up to the wedding all messy and disheveled like John Watson in Game of Shadows and Maddie being shocked but not surprised despite having made them promise nothing will go wrong or something.
- Christopher’s current storyline arc is going to get a wholesome resolution closer to the end of the season as he works through his feelings and trauma from his mom’s death, and I think/hope Eddie and Buck will get to share a proud co-parent moment seeing him go off to a school dance or a date and knowing that he’s in a better place than he was at the beginning. The scene with Shannon’s letter was so beautiful but I think this narrative still hasn’t come full circle yet because we haven’t seen it change his dating behavior, he just put the photo back up, and I think the resolution really has to involve all three of them as a family (in whichever sense that ends up being).
- Whatever grand emergency features in the season finale, I don’t think it will involve the traumatic injury of a main character, I think it’ll be a really personal and emotional type of situation rather than something physical. The three episode premier was so intense and ongoing that I have a sense they might follow the pattern of s3 and s5 which each had a major physically endangering episode in the middle (Fallout and Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1) and then scattered large emergencies near the end with a finale that provided a lot of closure and personal resolutions for character struggles to carry over into s8. This might be the thing with Chris, or possibly more personal growth for Buck, but I think it has to be Eddie, Chris, or Buck because they have the most loose ends right now. The middle emergency has a good chance of being Ravi if they go with him getting the Albert treatment. Regardless, the hype for the show since being taken up by ABC has been huge so I think the finale will still have some sort of massive implication that’ll hook people in for the next season.
- Bonus minor prediction: Buck and Tommy cross paths at an emergency because I think that would be cute
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s-creations · 3 months
Fluctuates Chapter 6- Partners in Crime
One-Shot entries for the #RadioStatic Week 2024.
Yep, I'm doing this again! I'm going to make sure that I can keep track with uploading this time. Also, I will be sticking with the Fluff path, because I need more Fluff with these two.
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Relationships: Alastor/Vox (RadioStatic) Warnings/Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Lots of Fluff because I want it, Rosie will be in this
So focused on his latest project, Vox was not prepared for the voice whispered in his receiver. Scrambling out of his chair as he mind tried to work out how in the world someone entered his apartment and how he would be able to get them out. Only to freeze, knife held out as his weapon of choice in front, to find Alastor. 
The Radio Demon seeming very out of place in the small and rather run down apartment. 
Vox took a few moments to calm himself down, terror now replaced with self-conscious nerves as he watched Alastor take in the area. Knowing that his added mess did not help in making this look like a liveable space. “A-Alstor, what are you doing here?”
“Please tell me this is just your work area and that you don’t actually live here.” Was Alastor’s reply as he used his cane to lift the corner of the comforter off the bed. 
“I don’t…have a lot of money like you do. How did you even get in?”
“Ah, quite right! That brings me to my reason for being here.” Giving his cane a quick twirl, it was sharply tapped onto the ground before casting Vox a smile. “I have a proposition for you that I believe would benefit both of us. Interested?”
“I- What? Alastor, you can’t just slip into people’s places unannounced.”
“Of course I can, I just did! My silly little picture box.”
Vox’s screen flashed a bit of red before he let out a huff. “You could have called.”
“Mmmm, I could have. But this was far more enjoyable. Now, did you want to hear my proposition?” 
“Why aren’t you working with any of your contracts?” The Media demon flushed softly as Alastor suddenly appeared behind him. Hands on his hips as Alastor leaned in. 
“What I’m about to offer helps us both, did I not say that?”
“You…did… But-”
“I’m having a bit of an infestation issue to deal with,” Alastor quickly interrupted. Moving to wrap an arm around Vox’s waist, eyes on the demon as his smile widens seeing Vox’s flush return. “Smaller demons actually have the gaul to try and take my territory.”
“You have territory?”
“Of course I do! I just don’t announce it. It acts like a web to trap prey easily in. Because they either find out who owns it and try to be sneaky. Or they assume the area is unclaimed and decide they have every right to take it over. Either way, I have a situation of the former occurring and I would like your help in the matter.”
“You haven’t really explained as to why that help would be me?” Vox was thrown off again when his screen was cupped in Alastor’s hands.
“You wanted to become an Overlord, correct? This is the way to do it.” 
“By showing off your powers. And getting a little blood on your hands, but that’s the fun part! Do you think my manipulations over shadows just appeared one day? Nonsense! I went out and gained the needed experience to terrorize those around me. Now, it’s your turn!” 
“M-My turn?”
“You can’t be held up in your little apartment all day and expect to make any headway.”
Vox frowned softly, nervously rubbing the back of his hand as he thought it over. “...I…won’t be alone, right?”
“Of course you won’t be! What a thought. So…are you interested?” 
Vox let out a slow cycle of air before nodding. “Yeah.”
“Wonderful to hear.” 
Vox had no idea if he could throw up and now wasn’t the time that he wanted to figure it out. 
It was dark, or as dark as Hell could get with the sky just being a deeper shade of red. He and Alastor were standing on the opposite side of the street from where the target stood. A tall building that looked to be held together with nothing more than spit and an ill-placed prayer. Clearly meant to be abandoned. But if the flickering lights were anything to go off of, there was someone inside. 
Namely, sinners who were dumb enough to challenge Alastor. 
“So, what’s the plan of attack?” Vox asked, gripping unnecessarily tight to the blade in his pocket. 
“Hmm?” Alastor peered over, “I assumed you had one.”
“Me? This isn’t my territory I’m trying to defend!”
“This is good practice for you. If you want to become an Overlord, you need to think on your feet. And, if anything, I need to see how you plan, period. You’re smart. Your little toys are testament to that. But how do you carry yourself in a situation in which things are happening faster than what you thought.” 
Vox frowned softly. Pulling out the knife to look it over as he contemplated. “...I’m good with words. Not, like, sharp actions. I can convince a lot of people when I talk. But…” 
Letting out a small huff, Alastor moved to stand in front of the other demon. Who was a little startled by the sudden movement. But stilled when slim fingers gently tugged and pulled at Vox’s turtleneck and jacket to straighten them out. “Then use that to your advantage.” 
“How? Sales talk doesn’t mean I can talk someone into making them leave or killing him.” 
“You’re thinking too much on the conversation portion of this,” Alastor laughed softly, “Don’t worry about redirecting. Focus more on the aspect of misdirection. If you’re unable to do this small part Vox, you won’t find success in your goal of becoming an Overlord.”
Vox flushed softly as Alastor’s thumb gently brushed along his screen. “You…won’t leave, right?”
“Never. But do make it an interesting show.”
Alastor moved once more, now away so that the tall building was presented to Vox once more. Whos eyes followed the Radio Demon until he had to face forward once more. Clenching his jaw as he stared it down. The worried look soon changed to one of determination as he tucked the knife away as he moved forward. 
Alastor’s eyes follow with an eerily calm smile in his face before melting into the shadows. 
Walking closer, Vox could hear the music and loud conversations coming from within. With the occasional sound of breaking glass and items being destroyed. Clearly, this was the start of a rowdy, all night party. Stopping at the door, Vox slowly cycled out a breath of air to try and push out the nerves festering in his stomach. Plastering on an easy smile before knocking on the door.
Almost instantly, the music and conversation quieted down. Vox rolled his eyes as this was a clearly poor attempt to quickly hide away the fact anyone was inside. He allowed a few minutes to pass before knocking again. 
“Don’t tell me this isn’t an invitation only party.” Vox called out, his voice light with a small laugh thrown in. Surprising himself with how calm he sounded. 
The paint peeling door slowly opened. Just a crack. Allowing a red eye to peer out from inside, narrowing as the sinner stares Vox down. 
“Who the fuck are you and what do you want?” The question was quickly asked. Their tone accusatory. 
“The name’s Vox!” Easily pushing his way in, the other sinner not putting up that much of a fight, the Media Demon straightened his jacket as he looked around. The bottom floor was littered with pieces of broken furniture and a number of bottles and takeout containers. From the quick count, there were 10 sinners sprawled around the first floor. All eyes wide and focused on Vox. 
“Goodness, this is quite the get together. Don’t suppose this party goes upstairs as well?” Vox asked, calmly turning back to the sinner who’d let him in. 
“No.” They replied back quickly. Only to wince realizing what they’d just admitted. 
With another sinner whispering out a harsh, “You idiot!” 
“So I have everyone’s attention? Good, that’s good to hear.” Kicking a few pieces of debris away, Vox walked further in. Peering around with an uninterested look. Easily hiding his own terrified feelings. “Weird place to settle down. I mean, I know territory is hard to come by these days, but the Radio Demon’s place? Oof, you lot must have some big balls to pull something like this.” 
Vox’s eyes sharply turned to the closest sinner, who shrank back slightly. “You were all aware that this territory was already claimed, right?”
The sinner manning the door let out a weak scoff. Closing the door while trying to look at ease as they approached Vox. “Of course we knew…Box, was it?”
“Could have fooled me with that head of yours. Seriously, who did you piss off to end up with that form?”
Letting out a short laugh, Vox narrowed his eyes, smile becoming tight. “Feeling a little jealous about others being more flashy than you?”
From the back of his mind, Vox swore he heard Alastor whisper to him ‘Be mindful of your attitude, don’t rise to their cheap challenge.’
Shoulders dropping as he tried to relax, Vox returned to his showman smile. “If you’re that concerned about your looks, then you should be worried about becoming a smear in the ground if the Radio Demon finds you here.”
“Are you one of his new contracts?” another sinner hissed out, “Is he collecting flashy souls now?”
“No, no, no, I’m not a contract soul,” Vox laughed, “I’m just an interested party.” 
Sharp motion drew Vox’s attention to the corner of the room. A bull like demon was both trying to stand up at the same time as he’s fumbling with his gun. They had just gotten a grip when a knife was plunged into their chest. Eyes filled with fear and shock rising up to meet Vox’s twisted snarl as the knife was pushed further in.
A blood spilled from their mouth, the sinner attempted to raise their gun. Only for their wrist to be snapped, weapon clattering to the floor, and the knife to be plunged in another area. The sinner followed their gun. Dropping to the floor hard. Coughing up blood as their eyes began to dull. 
Flicking some of the blood from his hand, Vox turned back to the rest of the room. “I’m only going to say this once. It’ll be in your best interest to vacate this house, now. You clearly know that this territory isn’t free. I’m really lost as to why you would try and incur the wrath of Alastor.” 
Another sinner grabbed one of the empty bottles, smashing it on the ground and holding it out like a weapon. Freezing when Vox’s left eye flickered and a hypnotic stare appeared. 
“Drop it.” Vox demanded. The bottle clattering to the floor. The sinner still frozen as they were caught in the hypnotic stare. 
The stare was unfortunately broken when the sinner from the door took a daring move forward. Pulling out their own knife. Vox was able to block it quickly enough. Only for the small triumph to be nulled when something sharp was stabbed into his left side. Causing the Media Demon to let out a cry of pain. Twisting to try and get away, inadvertently allowing himself to be open up for the knife he’d previously blocked to go into his shoulder. 
Desperation and fear rising, Vox pushed himself away from the two sinners surrounding him. Hand going down to his bleeding side wound as he stepped further back. Only to be caught by numerous hands to hold him in place. Pulling his hand back to allow the deep wound to flow freely. 
“You’re a fucking idiot,” the door sinner laughed, “Who comes to a party alone to start a fight? Are you just a fanboy of the Radio Demon? Think you’ll get his attention if you showed him how ‘useful’ you could be? Pathetic.” 
Vox attempted to break free as he was closed in on. Eyes darting around to find some shadowy corner of the room. Alastor said he’d be here still, right? Where was he? Was he disappointed in Vox’s performance and decided to leave? Was Vox alone? 
The knife raised high, the sinner had just begun to bring it down when a shadow tendril pierced through their chest. Knife and sinner dropping the next second. 
The air seemed to turn cold, room becoming dark with a horrible static noise sounding. Vox was released as the other sinners scrambled to find something to defend themselves with. Leaving the Media Demon to wrap his arms around himself to halt the bleeding as best he can. Breathing hard, watching the rest of the room panicked. 
“You dare try to harm what belongs to me?” 
Vox recognized Alastor’s voice. But it was heavily distorted. Shifted and changed into a tone that made Vox’s entire form shiver. He wasn’t even in the crosshairs, but he was still a little fearful. 
A sinner suddenly disappeared into a pool of collective shadows. Calling out for help. But his friends actually moved further away. Watching with wide eyes as the other sunk into the darkness. 
“You dare try to challenge me, yet hide away like spineless cowards.” 
From the walls and floors emerged little shadow creatures. Vox attributing them to self moving puppets. Able to see the texture of the fabric, green stitches holding them together. They paid no  mind to Vox as they ran around the room, giggling. Focusing on two sinners. Mouths opening to reveal rows of sharp little teeth. The dolls began eating away at the sinners until they were nothing but a pile of bone, all done in under a minute. 
“I will make you pay for these transgressions. All of Hell will hear your suffering.”
Alastor appeared. It was not the Alastor that Vox had seen before. 
Elongated and twisted, eyes nothing more than radio dials with a torn smile stitched together with green thread, antler large and curved together. Even with how large he now was, Alastor was still able to fit into the room easily. Clawed hands reaching out to grab the closest sinner. Who let out a desperate plea to be released.  
Vox watched with wide eyes as the sinner was bit in half. Blood poured from Alastor’s mouth. 
That…should not be affecting Vox as much as it is.
Attention was broken when a sinner stepped forward. Having claimed the fallen gun and pointing it at Alastor. Even if the Radio Demon saw the attack and had time to avoid it, Vox was up. Ignoring the pain as he wrapped his arms around the other. Claws digging into sinner flesh. The barrel of the gun moved to point at Vox now. 
Something happened. The charge of nerves sharply traveled up Vox’s spine. But it didn’t remain there. The electrical charge arching, dancing along his form. Visibly seen as he tightened his hold on the other. The built up charge being released in a burst of electricity, the sinner letting out a scream of pain as they were basically cooked alive. Only dropping to the ground, deceased, when Vox fell limp himself. 
Between the blood and energy loss, Vox crumpled to his knees. Screen flickering as he started to fall backwards. Halting when something cool easily caught him. 
The room lightened up. The radio feedback noise fell away. Vox was unable to look around, only able to stare up at the ceiling as he felt his consciousness fading away. Alastor enters his line of sight. Now in his more ‘human’ form, staring down at Vox with a look of worry. He said something, but Vox’s head was pounding, unable to hear a thing. 
He was encased by the darkness soon enough and Vox knew nothing more. 
Vox was a little confused by what he was seeing above him. That ceiling was not familiar to him. A rather decorative one dressed with varying shades of red. At least he wasn’t back at that run down house. But now it was the question of where was ‘here’ and how did he get there. 
Moving slowly as he was a little lightheaded. Vox was able to sit up on the overly decorative couch to get a better look at the room. It was a large, but private, tea room. Only one table set up with four chairs with the wall covered with numerous tea sets. A large unlit fireplace was against one wall with a large window on the opposite wall. 
He recognized this place. It was Rosie’s place. Vox had been to this room numerous times with Alastor. 
Letting out a grunt, Vox was able to get on his rather shaky legs and made his way for the door. Only to freeze when the heavy wooden door slowly opened, Rosie poking her head in. Surprise turned to relief as the Cannibal Overlord fully entered the room. Letting out a small sigh as she wrapped her arms around the Media Demon. 
“Vox! Oh, thank Satan you’re awake. I was so worried when Alastor brought you here! Goodness, you were losing so much blood. You’d better be good enough to tell me what happened because Alastor hasn’t said a word since you both arrived.” 
“Wait- Rosie, I need a moment.” Vox voiced weakly, more than happy to lean into the other. Screen flickering a few times before he could look her in the eye. “How long have I been out?”
“Two days.” 
“...And Alastor hasn’t said a thing?”
Rosie shook her head, “Nothing.”
“Where is he?” 
“Dining room. I was able to get him to eat something.” 
Not waiting another moment, Vox left the room. Shakily making his way along the familiar path. The short journey ended when he, not so smoothly, stumbled into the decorated dining room. Able to reach out fast enough to grab onto the door frame to keep himself from falling over. Head shooting up the next second as he searched the room. A small part of him hoping that almost stumble was missed. 
His screen flushed a light pink when his eyes connected with Alastor. The Radio Demon sitting at the large table. With a slightly picked apart plate of food before him. Staring the other down with utensils loosely held in his hands. 
Before Vox could get a word out, Alastor stood. The chair clattering to the floor as he made his way over to Vox. The Media Demon a little startled when he was pulled away from the door frame and held closer to Alastor. He remained tense for a few seconds before allowing himself to relax, wrapping his arms around Alastor weakly. 
“...Alastor?” Vox whispered, not sure what to expect from this. A part of him upset when the Radio Demon pulled away. The wide eyes of silent panic now replaced with a calm demeanor. 
“Well, I would say that was a rather intense outing. Wouldn’t you agree?” said Alastor, his smile easy. 
“...Yeah, I guess so. Are you okay?”
“Me? I wasn’t the one bleeding out for the last two days.” 
“But Rosie said that you weren’t saying anything and-” 
“Nothing to worry about! There was just some slight concern that I would be losing my newest toy so soon.” 
Vox grumbled softly as Alastor pinched the corner of his screen. “Yeah, well, you owe me for that.” 
“How do you figure?”
“I’m pretty sure I almost died!” 
“As if I would let that happen to you.”
“Enough chattering. I think it would be best that we get some food for you.”
“...Non-sinner meat?”
“Mmmm, might be a bit difficult to do in this area. But I’m sure that would be very doable. Come along, sit down, I’ll get you something.”
“Weren’t you eating?”
“I won’t hear another word until you have something in front of you!”
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10th doctor x reader - it would always end this way
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The doctor wasn’t paying much attention, not really paying attention to anything aside from the console as he banged a hammer against it.
Then he heard the song that Donna was humming to herself and he snapped his head up, banging it against something.
He rubbed his head and stepped away from the console, and Donna stopped singing to look at him.
“What were you singing?” He asked.
“I don’t know, just some daft song I heard on the street.” She shrugged.
“The street?”
“Yeah, a busker on my way in.”
“Take me!”
The doctor ran to the door and he gestured for Donna to do the same thing, and she shrugged and followed him outside.
“It’s just a song.”
“But it’s not just a song.” He said.
Donna pointed across the street and the doctor walked over, standing with the small group of people who were also listening.
Donna walked over and stood next to him.
“It’s just a song doctor. That’s it.”
The doctor carefully listened to what the words were and he furrowed his brows a little bit.
“But it’s wrong.”
“How can it be wrong?” Donna laughed.
The doctor turned to look at Donna and he took her back to the TARDIS, pulling up the screen he began to flick through videos throughout time.
“All the timelines past, future and present, the song is nearly as old as time itself, it says that a deadman called out for his love to flee.”
“Yeah and?”
The doctor pulled up another video, a beautiful face filled the screen, smiling from ear to ear, and he pointed to the laughing person.
“This is the original story.”
Donna looked confused.
“The deadman did not call for his love to flee Donna, it was the deadman’s Love who called for him to flee and took his place.”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous it’s a song!”
“It’s a story Donna!” He snapped.
He spun around and he looked at the screen in desperation.
“It’s the story of how my spouse died…”
“You were married…?”
The doctor nodded and sat down on the table, holding a hand over his mouth as he looked at the screen.
It was replaying the same moment over and over again, the only moment he had of you.
Donna slowly walked over and sat next to him.
“It was the last days of the time war, and they were going to punish me. They knew what I was going to do and had to stop me…”
“Prophecy, but there was one thing the high council were missing.”
The doctor sent the TARDIS into flight, nowhere special in mind, just flying around aimlessly.
“What happened to them doctor…?”
“A prophecy, one that the high council couldn’t even foresee, something that was always going to happen. The time war was always going to end, and (Y/N) knew this. They had foreseen this as well, and they had foreseen my death. They couldn’t let that happen, so at the last moment they took my place.”
“Then what…?”
The doctor sighed, wiping a few of his tears.
“(Y/N) was locked in a time lock on a planet, nobody can access it. The time lords didn’t want to kill them because they were to be the next prophet.”
He turned to Donna.
“That song is the story told by the time lords on the last days, pass through time and space, turned into a silly little song. It’s the last moments of (Y/N)…”
“Can’t you find them?”
“You can’t get past a time lock even if I could I can’t get past it.”
Donna placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry…”
He sighed and looked back at the screen, and he saw that the imagine had changed, showing a map of the universe with one spot flashing.
“What?” He asked.
He got up and looked at it.
“What’s going on?”
“The TARDIS has decided to take us somewhere…”
He looked at Donna.
“I don’t know…”
When the TARDIS stopped he ran out and he looked around the planet, it wasn’t much, just dust and dirt.
He stepped out fully, and he looked around confused.
“Why would it bring us here?” He asked.
“It’s just a barren planet.” Donna scoffed.
“No, no there has to be more.”
He began scanning the area, trying to find anything, and when he looked at the screwdriver, he furrowed his brows.
“It’s picking up something, a sound wave.”
He made his way back to the TARDIS and Donna ran after him.
She could hear the voice but she couldn’t make out the words.
“Why can’t I understand it?” She asked.
“That’s impossible…” he whispered.
“What? What is it?”
The doctor turned to Donna with wide eyes.
“Its Gallifrian… it’s why the TARDIS won’t translate it…”
“But I thought you were the only one?”
He looked back at the console and ran outside again, trying to pinpoint the sound.
“It’s not coming from here, but it originated from here, I can trace it!”
So that’s what he did, he traced the sound to the start of time, to the end of its reach, to the past and future of earth until he landed in the present once more.
“Its coming from here…”
They both stepped outside and they looked around, and the doctor could faintly here the song, so he followed it.
He ran after it, chasing it all around London until finally he found himself at the top of a building, gasping for air.
He slowly stood up and he began to looked around.
“Doctor there…” Donna whispered.
She pointed and the doctor looked, and Donna smiled, placing a hand on his arm.
“I’ll wait downstairs.”
She left and the doctor just stared at your back as your voice radiated softly and quietly, a frequency only for him.
You slowly stopped singing and you turned around a gentle smile on your face.
You took a step forward, and you slowly lowered yourself to the floor as your legs threatened to give way.
The doctor ran over to you, and he knelt in front of you, placing his hand in the side of your face, looking you up and down.
“I’m okay.. I’m okay…”
Tears ran down his face and you looked up at him, gently brining your fingers up to brush against his skin.
“You’ve changed my love…”
“Yet you’re still as stunning as ever…”
You laughed softly and shook your head a little bit.
You breathed deeply and he looked at you in concern.
“It’s okay.. I just… I used a lot of energy to get here…”
“Let’s get you back to the TARDIS..”
He swept you into his arms, and you rested your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeats.
The doctor kept flicking his gaze to you, making sure you were still there, still okay.
He got to the bottom and Donna looked at him.
“I need you to open the doors.”
“Of course!”
She ran to open the doors and let the doctor and you in.
“Come and find me later.” She smiled.
With that she left and the doctor laid you down on the chairs and he covered you up with his jacket, brushing his knuckles against your cheek.
“Get some sleep…”
You nodded your head.
While you were sleeping he did all the checks he needed to on you, making sure you were actually you, checking your mind, listening to your hearts.
It was a few days until you woke up again and you finally sat up, pulling your husbands coat over you and you looked around.
The TARDIS doors were open and you got up, walking over to the doors you stepped outside and looked around.
The TARDIS had moved, and you were in a park, and he was sitting on a bench.
“Ever the thinker…” you spoke softly.
He looked up at you and quickly stood up, rushing over to you.
“You’re real… I checked…”
“I’m hurt you’d ever doubt me.”
He laughed softly and he cradled your face between his hands.
“How did you get out of the time lock…?”
You sighed.
“The time lock was designed to be done every so often… it wasn’t strong enough to hold me, they couldn’t make it strong they needed their strength.. so.. it broke…”
“That song, you planted it didn’t you?” He asked.
You smiled a little bit.
“All throughout time and space so I could find you… so you could find me…”
“I saw the prophecy before they did, so when I vanished before that day, I was planting that songs all over the universe, for this moment.”
The doctor smiled a little bit, and he let out a soft laugh.
“My ever brilliant (Y/N)…”
He ducked down, and he kissed you like he had never done before.
Every ounce of love and sadness and grief and happiness all into one kiss, and every time you pulled away he leant forward to kiss you again.
And finally you gave him, and you kissed him back.
You were time locked, frozen in time, so it hadn’t been as painful for you like it had been for him.
He pulled away and pressed his forehead to yours.
“I love you…”
“I love you too my dear darling…”
He smiled and you closed your eyes, smiling back as he hugged you.
This was where you were always going to end up, this is where you were always going to find your way back to.
You had seen it, it was why you did what you did.
You had seen the future it had been foretold that you would find your way back to the doctor, and he would find you, and you would stand right here holding him.
That’s where your vision had ended, you never saw more than that, it’s where you visions stopped once you reconnected with him.
But that’s all you needed.
It’s all you ever needed to know that you weren’t going to leave him for good, even if you could never explain it to him, it was enough for him that you were here.
That was all the doctor needed to know, that he you right by his side, and he could hold you again
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wildernezz · 6 months
Metal Lords: movie review
summary of plot (no spoilers): a dorky awkward kid named Kevin is friends with this wannabe metalhead named Hunter. they're starting a band together but because of their flaws, their progress fumbles a bit. however, after finding out about their schools Battle of the Bands, they start working to prepare for the contest. as they improve their skills, they also improve their social lives and their own personalities
general thoughts: I GENUINELY LOVED THIS MOVIE SM????? god if youre into movies about a buncha flawed misfit friends then this is definitely a movie i'd recommend. the first few bits are a little awkward because you can kinda feel that the actors are still getting into their roles, but sticking it to the end is ABSOLUTELY worth it. all of the characters were so lovable and it genuinely filled that "i wanna see a movie about people just being people" hole in my heart. i still have no idea how to describe those kind of movies, but i feel like if yknow then youll know.
movies "Metal Lords" reminds me of: Theater Camp, I Used To Be Famous, School of Rock, Love Simon
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in depth but also scattered thoughts bc i cant organize for shit:
I LOVE THE SILLIES SM???? THEYRE ALL MY FAVORITE SILLIES???????? LITERALLY THE ONLY CHARACTER I HATED WAS SKIP (HUNTER'S BULLY), EVERYONE ELSE WAS SO SILLY????? ofc theyre all flawed and there were parts in the movie (especially with hunter) that made me disappointed to see, but the character progression was so satisfying and i loved seeing them all grow. it was genuinely so silly to me i love them all sm
EMILY AND KEVIN WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER???? AND I HONESTLY LOVED EMILY SM??????? JUST IN GENERAL??? LOVED KEVIN TOO BUT MAN I THINK EMILY IS MY FAVORITE. i loved all of her moments sm???? she has a lotta flaws but theyre honestly all reasonable and understandable to me so i kinda just forgive her for them anyways. i also just really love how sweet kevin is to her. like ofc he's not a perfect boyfriend and makes some slipups, but he genuinely really cares about her and i think it's so cute to watch.
i also really loved hunter. like there was a lotta scenes where i wanted somebody to punch him in the face, but he was honestly still lovable even throughout those scenes and he started improving a lot near the end, which was really nice to see. he obviously wasn't completely redeemable since there were still a lot of things he could've done better, but i feel like the fact that he didn't completely become perfect is what made me love his character a lot more. it felt really real to me. he isn't perfect, but he genuinely wants to make up for the shit he's pulled and he's absolutely trying to show it, and isn't that what living's all about anyways? either way, we love hunter in this household <3333
KEVIN'S TIME TO SHINE: that was a lie, i dont have much to say on kevin LMFAO. i absolutely loved seeing him on screen and i just love Jaeden Martell in general, but despite that, there's not really a lot for me to say about him. i just think he's neat. that's enough for me <3333 (emily shouldve been my girlfriend tho smh how dare he /j)
i think thats all i have to say for this movie. either way, PLEAASEE check it out. i swear itll be worth it because the characters honestly all so adorable and so silly goofy goober. we love the silly metal lords here <33333
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 8 months
Okay I might get yeeted for this
Because I love the little mute ink baby as much as anyone else
but let's be so for real
Bendy and the Dark Revival was FUCKING AWFUL.
Like nothing in that game made sense
Complete lack of subtlety to the point everything was fucking CHEEZY
The ink demon has a voice now, are you fucking serious? Just COMPLETELY erasing whatever silent horror the concept of a monster stalking you has, also his voice is so cheesy sounding
and— I feel like they tried to make Batim make sense while simultaneously making the current game make NO sense.
"Joey created a paper dimension to torture Henry endlessly because he felt betrayed in the real world?" Ok sure, I guess that can explain SOME things.
If Joey was so remorseful and moved by Allison's friendship why didn't he just destroy the machine or the dimension he created
Why didn't he move on
Why are we here
Why the fuck does the creepy janitor have access to it.
The least subtle villain with the shittest backstory and motive I have EVER seen
This elderly ass man is still so heavily affected by his daddy issues that he creates a cult in this paper dimension, and wants to kill a young woman to make his OC come to life, are you KIDDING me
The reveal of his shit stain of an original character as a plan to save the ink dimension is fucking laughable, LIKE I LITERALLY LAUGHED MY ASS OFF, THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SERIOUS MOMENT?
If you think your dad is beyond saving why are you still trying to impress him!!! What is the point of this mister man?!
And it's so infuriating because on the video of Wilson's cutscenes people thing he's such a good villain and I can only pray it's irony because holy shit he is NOT.
I'm a villain enjoyer, but this is just silly.
And the reveal of the protag being Joey's daughter, I...
There are so many reasons why this doesn't work for me, but I think the main one is "this man has been the main villain of the series for how long? He creates this dimension where he dooms his friend and coworkers to eternal suffering, and all of a sudden, off screen, he supposedly turns a new leaf and has a daughter and I'm supposed to GIVE A FUCK"
Maybe I'd care if I didn't find Audrey to be so goddamn boring.
I JUST....
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