#momento table
a-lexia11 · 20 days
The Age of Love (Part 1)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Word count: Around 9k
Warning: age gap,angst,break up
Summary: After your coworker and boss, Eli, invites you to dinner with her two daughters, you find yourself drawn to her eldest daughter, Alexia, who is nearly ten years older than you.
Part 2
Based on this request.
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Y/N had always harbored a deep desire to live in Europe, a dream fueled by years of fascination with the continent's rich history, diverse cultures, and artistic heritage.
When the opportunity arose to study history and art at one of Barcelona's most prestigious universities, she knew she couldn't let it slip away.
The vibrant city, with its stunning architecture, world-class museums, and lively atmosphere, seemed like the perfect place to immerse herself in her passions.
Moving from the United States to Barcelona was a bold step, but Y/N had been preparing for it for years.
Her mother, a dedicated Spanish teacher, had instilled in her a love for the language and culture from a young age.
Countless evenings spent practicing Spanish conversations with her mom had given her a solid foundation, but nothing could truly prepare her for the experience of living in Spain.
Now, three months into her new life, Y/N had begun to settle into the rhythm of the city. Her days were a delicate balancing act between her demanding university courses and her part-time job at a quaint café tucked away on a charming side street near the university.
The café had become a second home to her, a place where she could escape the pressures of academic life and connect with the local community.
It was here, amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the hum of quiet conversations, that Y/N first met Eli, the café's owner.
Eli was a woman of warmth and grace, with a kind smile that immediately put Y/N at ease. She was in her early sixties, with a presence that exuded both confidence and compassion.
From the moment Y/N started working at the café, Eli had taken her under her wing, treating her not just as an employee, but almost like a daughter.
Eli's kindness extended far beyond the usual employer-employee relationship. She was attentive to Y/N's needs, always making sure she had time to study, offering advice on life in Barcelona, and even introducing her to some of the café's regular customers.
Eli knew that Y/N was far from home and had only a few friends in the city, so she made it her mission to ensure Y/N felt supported and cared for. In many ways, Eli had become Y/N's surrogate family in this foreign land.
Y/N admired Eli not just for her kindness but also for her dedication to her business and her pride in her family.
Eli often spoke of her two daughters, Alexia and Alba, with the kind of pride that only a mother could have. Y/N had heard many stories about them—Alexia, the eldest, who was a professional footballer for FC Barcelona and the Spain national team, and Alba, the younger daughter, who is working in a school.
Though Y/N had yet to meet them in person, she felt as though she already knew them through Eli's stories.
Life in Barcelona was beginning to feel like a dream come true, and Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunities that had brought her to this city.
But little did she know, her connection to Eli and her daughters would soon lead her down a path she had never anticipated, one that would challenge her in ways she had never imagined.
One evening, as the sun began to set and the last few customers trickled out of the café, Y/N was busy wiping down the tables and preparing to close up for the night.
The gentle hum of the espresso machine was the only sound that filled the cozy space. Just as she was stacking the last of the chairs, Eli approached her with a warm and familiar smile, her presence always bringing a sense of comfort.
“Y/N, ¿puedo hablar contigo un momento?” Eli asked, her tone gentle but eager.(Y/N, can I talk to you for a moment?)
Y/N looked up from the counter, her hands still busy with a towel as she wiped them clean. She could sense that Eli had something on her mind, something more than the usual café chatter. “Claro, Eli. ¿Qué pasa?” she responded, her curiosity piqued. (Of course, Eli. What’s up?)
Eli’s eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and affection. There was a certain glow to her face, a kind of maternal warmth that Y/N had grown to appreciate over the past few months. “Me encantaría invitarte a cenar en mi casa este fin de semana,” Eli began, her voice filled with enthusiasm. “Mis hijas estarán allí, y me encantaría que las conocieras.” (I’d love to invite you to dinner at my house this weekend. My daughters will be there, and I’d really like you to meet them.)
Y/N felt a flutter of nervousness in her chest, coupled with a deep sense of gratitude. She had heard so much about Eli’s daughters—especially Alexia, the footballer—and the thought of meeting them felt both exciting and daunting.
But at the same time, she couldn’t help but feel a bit apprehensive about intruding on their family time. “¡Qué amable de tu parte! Pero no quiero causarles molestias,” she replied, her voice tinged with hesitation. (That’s so kind of you! But I don’t want to be a bother.)
Eli shook her head, her expression turning more resolute, yet still gentle. “No es molestia en absoluto,” she said, her tone firm but reassuring. “Eres parte de nuestra familia ahora, y quiero que lo sientas así.” (It’s no trouble at all. You’re part of our family now, and I want you to feel that way.)
Y/N’s heart swelled at Eli’s words. The idea of being considered part of a family in a city so far from her own home was something she hadn’t expected, but it meant the world to her.
Eli’s invitation wasn’t just a casual offer; it was an expression of genuine care and inclusion.
After a moment of thought, Y/N smiled, her apprehension melting away. “Gracias, Eli. Me encantaría ir,” she finally said, her voice filled with sincerity. (Thank you, Eli. I’d love to come.)
Eli beamed, clearly pleased with Y/N’s acceptance. “Perfecto. Será una noche especial. Mis hijas están deseando conocerte.” (Perfect. It’s going to be a special night. My daughters are excited to meet you.)
As Y/N locked up the café that evening, she couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions—nervousness, anticipation, and even a bit of excitement.
Meeting Eli’s daughters felt like a significant step, and though she was unsure of what to expect, she knew that this dinner could mark the beginning of something new and important in her life.
When the day of the dinner finally arrived, Y/N stood in front of Eli's apartment, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
The building was nestled in a charming part of Barcelona, with narrow streets lined with trees and the soft glow of street lamps illuminating the evening.
The scent of blooming jasmine wafted through the air, mingling with the warmth of the Spanish night.
The door opened almost immediately, and Eli greeted her with a broad smile that reached her eyes. “¡Y/N, qué alegría verte! Pasa, pasa,” she said, enveloping Y/N in a tight hug. (Y/N, so good to see you! Come in, come in.)
Inside, the apartment was cozy and inviting, with soft lighting that bathed the room in a warm glow.
The scent of Eli’s cooking filled the air, a blend of saffron, garlic, and seafood—clearly, the famous paella she had heard so much about was on the menu.
Family photos lined the walls, capturing moments of joy and togetherness over the years.
“Qué bien huele,” Y/N remarked as she followed Eli into the living room, feeling both nervous and excited. (It smells amazing.)
“Gracias, cariño. Me aseguré de preparar lo mejor para esta noche,” Eli replied with a wink, guiding Y/N into the room where her daughters were waiting. (Thank you, sweetheart. I made sure to prepare the best for tonight.)
As they entered the living room, Y/N’s heart raced slightly. Alexia and Alba were seated on a plush sofa, engaged in a quiet conversation that paused the moment they noticed her arrival.
“Chicas, esta es Y/N, la joven de la que tanto les he hablado,” Eli announced, her voice full of pride as she placed a gentle hand on Y/N’s shoulder. (Girls, this is Y/N, the young woman I’ve told you so much about.)
Y/N felt the warmth rise to her cheeks as she met the gazes of Eli’s daughters. Alba, with her warm brown eyes and easy smile, greeted her first. “Hola, Y/N. Es un placer finalmente conocerte,” she said, standing up to give her a welcoming hug. (Hi, Y/N. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.)
“El placer es mío,” Y/N replied, returning the hug, her initial nervousness starting to melt away in the friendly atmosphere. (The pleasure is mine.)
But it was Alexia who held Y/N’s attention the most. As she stood up from the sofa, Y/N couldn’t help but be struck by her presence.
Alexia was stunning in person, her long, blonde-colored hair cascading over her shoulders, framing her strong jawline. Her hazel eyes seemed to hold a quiet intensity, yet they softened as they locked onto Y/N’s.
“Hola, Y/N. Encantada de conocerte,” Alexia greeted her, extending a hand with a smile that was both warm and captivating. (Hi, Y/N. Nice to meet you.)
Y/N hesitated for the briefest of moments, taken aback by how effortlessly charming Alexia was. But she quickly recovered, shaking her hand. “Igualmente. Eli habla mucho de ustedes,”she replied, trying to keep her cool despite the flutter in her chest. (Likewise. Eli talks a lot about you both.)
“Espero que sean cosas buenas,” Alba chimed in, her playful tone easing the tension that Y/N hadn’t even realized was building. (I hope they’re good things.)
“Todas buenas, no te preocupes,”Y/N responded with a laugh, feeling more comfortable as she settled into the rhythm of the conversation. (All good, don’t worry.)
As they all sat down for dinner, the table was filled with plates of Eli’s famous paella, fresh bread, and an assortment of tapas.
Eli fussed over everyone, making sure their plates were full and that Y/N was comfortable. The meal was a sensory delight, with the rich flavors of the paella bursting in Y/N’s mouth, the saffron giving it a deep, earthy taste that she knew she would crave again.
The conversation flowed easily, with Eli regaling them with stories from the café and anecdotes about her daughters.
Y/N found herself laughing along with the family, the warmth of their dynamic reminding her of home, though it was thousands of miles away.
Throughout the meal, Y/N couldn’t help but steal glances at Alexia. There was something about her that drew Y/N in—the way she carried herself with such quiet confidence, the way her eyes lit up when she laughed, and the moments when she seemed to catch Y/N’s gaze, holding it just a second longer than necessary.
As the evening wound down and they moved into the living room for coffee, the atmosphere became more relaxed. They talked about everything and nothing—Barcelona’s latest game, Y/N’s studies, Alba’s work. But the conversation that really made Y/N feel seen was the one she had with Alexia.
“Entonces, ¿cómo es que terminaste en Barcelona?” Alexia asked, her voice curious as she leaned slightly forward, her full attention on Y/N. (So, how did you end up in Barcelona?)
Y/N took a moment to gather her thoughts, glad to have Alexia’s undivided attention. “Siempre he amado el arte y la historia del arte , y cuando surgió la oportunidad de estudiar aquí, supe que tenía que aprovecharla. Barcelona es el lugar perfecto para sumergirse en en arte.” (I’ve always loved art and history of art, and when the opportunity to study here came up, I knew I had to take it. Barcelona is the perfect place to immerse myself in art.)
Alexia nodded, her expression thoughtful as she absorbed Y/N’s words. “Eso suena increíble. No todos tienen el coraje de mudarse a otro país para seguir sus sueños,” she said, admiration clear in her voice. (That sounds amazing. Not everyone has the courage to move to another country to follow their dreams.)
Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of pride swell within her. “Bueno, también tiene sus desafíos,” she admitted, her voice growing softer. “Es difícil estar lejos de mi familia y amigos, pero estoy tratando de construir algo nuevo aquí.”(Well, it has its challenges too. It’s hard being away from my family and friends, but I’m trying to build something new here.)
Alexia’s gaze softened as she nodded in understanding. “Eso es muy valiente, Y/N. No es fácil empezar de nuevo, pero parece que lo estás haciendo muy bien.” (That’s very brave, Y/N. It’s not easy to start over, but it seems like you’re doing really well.)
There was a sincerity in Alexia’s words that made Y/N’s heart flutter.
She appreciated how Alexia wasn’t just being polite—she genuinely seemed to care about what Y/N was going through.
The connection between them grew stronger with each exchange, a silent understanding passing between them that neither could ignore.
As the night drew to a close, and Y/N prepared to leave, Alexia offered to walk her to the door. They stepped out into the cool night air, the sounds of the city muted in the distance.
“It was a pleasure meeting you,Y/N,” Alexia said in English, her voice soft and sincere as she looked at Y/N. “I hope we can see each other again soon.”
Y/N smiled, her heart skipping a beat at the thought. “The pleasure was mine. I’d love that.,” she replied, trying to hide the nervous excitement bubbling inside her.
Before they parted ways, they exchanged numbers, a small but significant gesture that hinted at something more.
As Y/N walked back to her apartment, her mind replayed the evening over and over, particularly the moments she had shared with Alexia.
There was something undeniable between them—a connection that felt both exciting and terrifying, like the start of something she hadn’t expected but couldn’t resist.
As she lay in bed that night, Y/N found herself smiling at the memory of Alexia’s smile, her heart racing with anticipation of what might come next.
In the weeks following their initial meeting, Y/N and Alexia seemed to encounter each other with increasing regularity.
It was as if fate had a hand in their meetings, which occurred at the most unexpected places—cozy cafés, serene parks, or even while strolling through bustling streets.
These chance encounters felt more like serendipitous moments, and with each one, their bond appeared to strengthen.
One bright afternoon, Y/N settled into a charming little café close to her university. The café, with its rustic wooden tables and cozy atmosphere, was her favorite spot to unwind between classes.
As she sipped her coffee and flipped through her notes, she barely noticed the café’s door swing open.
When she did look up, she saw Alexia walk in, her presence almost magnetic. Their eyes met across the room, and Alexia’s smile was both warm and electrifying.
The way she carried herself—confident yet approachable—made Y/N’s heart flutter slightly.
Alexia made her way over, her long blonde hair catching the light with each step. “Can I sit with you?” she asked, her voice smooth and inviting.
Y/N, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected but welcome gesture, quickly recovered and gestured to the empty seat across from her. “Of course. I’m glad to see you. How have you been?”
Alexia settled into the chair, and they both felt the ease of familiarity that their previous meetings had fostered.
As they began to chat, the conversation flowed effortlessly. They talked about everything from their favorite books and films to their most recent adventures around the city.
Alexia’s laughter was infectious, a melodic sound that made Y/N’s worries from the day fade away.
Y/N found herself enchanted by the way Alexia spoke passionately about her experiences as a footballer, sharing stories of intense matches and humorous anecdotes from training.
Alexia, in turn, listened with genuine interest as Y/N spoke about her studies and the small joys she found in her new life in Barcelona.
Their connection deepened with each word exchanged. They discovered a shared love for art, which led to animated discussions about their favorite museums and exhibitions.
Alexia expressed interest in visiting the local art galleries that Y/N frequented, and Y/N eagerly offered to be her guide.
By the end of their time together, they both felt a sense of reluctance to part ways. As they prepared to leave, Alexia looked at Y/N with a hopeful smile. “¿Te gustaría salir conmigo a menudo, tal vez para explorar la ciudad o simplemente tomar un café?” (Would you like to go out with me often, maybe to explore the city or just grab a coffee?)
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. “Me encantaría. Será genial explorar más de Barcelona contigo.” (I’d love that. It’ll be great to explore more of Barcelona with you.)
After that encounter, their conversations over the phone and through text messages continued to reveal more about their shared interests and personal dreams, drawing them closer together with each interaction.
Several days later, Alexia extended an invitation for Y/N to join her for dinner. They decided to meet at a quaint restaurant Alexia cherished. The evening was imbued with a sense of magic, the restaurant’s candlelight casting a warm, soft glow that perfectly complemented its intimate ambiance.
As they sat across from each other at the table, the flickering candles highlighted Alexia’s features, making her gaze even more captivating. Y/N felt an electric tension in the air.
“Me alegra que hayas aceptado mi invitación. ¿Cómo te ha ido en la universidad?” (I’m glad you accepted my invitation. How’s university going for you?)
Y/N’s smile was genuine, a reflection of her growing affection. “Ha sido un poco abrumador a veces, pero me estoy adaptando. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo van los entrenamientos?” (It’s been a bit overwhelming at times, but I’m adjusting. And you? How’s training going?)
Alexia’s face lit up as she talked about football. Her passion was palpable, and Y/N was entranced by the way her eyes sparkled when she spoke. “El entrenamiento ha sido duro, pero me encanta. Cada partido, cada entrenamiento, me hace sentir más viva. ¿Y tú? ¿Hay algo que te apasione tanto?” (Training has been tough, but I love it. Every match, every training session makes me feel more alive. What about you? Is there something you’re passionate about?)
Y/N’s eyes softened. “El arte y la historia del arte es mi vida. Desde que era pequeña, siempre he soñado con trabajar en museos, o tal vez enseñar historia del arte algún día.” (Art and history of art is my life. Ever since I was little, I’ve dreamed of working in museums or maybe teaching art history someday.)
They continued their conversation, each topic weaving them closer together. The hours seemed to fly by, and when they finally left the restaurant, the cool night air felt invigorating.
Alexia gently took Y/N’s hand as they walked down the quiet, dimly lit streets. The simple touch sent a thrill through Y/N’s body.
“Would you like to take a walk around the neighborhood?”
Y/N’s heart fluttered with excitement. “I would love too”
As they strolled through the serene streets, the soft sound of their footsteps was the only noise that accompanied their growing closeness.
They paused near a small, charming park where the moonlight cast a silvery sheen over the scene.
Alexia stopped and turned to face Y/N, her expression serious yet tender. “Y/N, desde que te conocí, siento una conexión contigo que nunca he experimentado antes. No puedo explicar lo que siento, pero es como si te conociera desde siempre.” (Y/N, since I met you, I’ve felt a connection with you that I’ve never experienced before. I can’t explain what I feel, but it’s like I’ve known you forever.)
Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. She looked deeply into Alexia’s eyes, feeling an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and hope. “Yo siento lo mismo. Hay algo en ti que me atrae de una manera que nunca antes había sentido.” (I feel the same. There’s something about you that attracts me in a way I’ve never felt before.)
With their emotions laid bare, they leaned in slowly. Their lips met in a kiss that was both gentle and electrifying.
The world seemed to dissolve around them, leaving only the two of them in that perfect moment.
The kiss deepened, as if expressing all the feelings they had been unable to articulate. It was tender yet passionate, a blend of longing and affection.
When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads touched, and they gazed into each other’s eyes, sharing a silent understanding.
They held hands as they continued their walk, their hearts intertwined in a newfound connection that promised to grow deeper with each passing day.
As Y/N and Alexia's relationship grew stronger, they continued to meet in secret, savoring their moments together despite the pressures that surrounded them.
Their time together was a precious escape from the complications of their lives. They discovered hidden treasures of Barcelona, from charming bookshops to quiet, picturesque beaches, finding joy and comfort in each other's presence.
On one particularly beautiful Saturday, Y/N and Alexia chose to spend the day at a scenic park on the edge of the city. They spread a blanket under the shade of a large tree and enjoyed a picnic that Alexia had lovingly prepared.
“This is perfect” Y/N said, her voice full of contentment as she surveyed the tranquil surroundings.
Alexia smiled warmly, gently brushing a stray strand of hair from Y/N’s face. “I know. I love being able to spend time with you without worrying about curious stares.”
Y/N reached out, taking Alexia’s hand in hers, and felt the comforting warmth of her touch. “What’s your life in football like? I’d love to hear more about it”
Alexia’s eyes lit up as she began to talk about her career with enthusiasm. “Es desafiante pero muy gratificante. Los entrenamientos son intensos, y los partidos siempre son una montaña rusa de emociones. Pero al final del día, lo que más me importa es jugar y dar lo mejor de mí.” (It’s challenging but incredibly rewarding. The training is intense, and the matches are always an emotional rollercoaster. But at the end of the day, what matters most is playing and giving my best.)
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the park, they shared another kiss. It was a tender, meaningful moment that felt more profound with each passing day. Their feelings were flourishing, but they both knew that the challenges ahead were significant.
One issue neither of them had anticipated was that the age difference would become a significant problem for others.
The first signs of trouble emerged one crisp morning when Alexia decided to visit Eli’s café. The morning sun filtered softly through the café’s windows, casting a golden hue over the cozy, warmly decorated interior.
Y/N was behind the counter, her hands busy arranging freshly baked pastries and preparing coffee.
The gentle hum of the espresso machine and the clinking of cups created a comforting backdrop. When the bell above the door jingled, Y/N’s heart skipped a beat as she looked up and saw Alexia walking in.
The café was bustling with the usual morning rush of customers, and Alexia’s entrance was almost seamlessly absorbed into the flow.
Their eyes met across the room, and Y/N’s excitement was unmistakable. She quickly wiped her hands on a towel, trying to steady her racing heartbeat and maintain her composure.
Alexia approached the counter, her demeanor calm but her eyes full of warmth. “Hola, Y/N. ¿Cómo estás?” (Hi, Y/N. How are you?)
Y/N’s face brightened instantly. “Hola, Alexia. Estoy bien. ¿Y tú?” (Hi, Alexia. I’m good. And you?)
Alexia’s smile was radiant, and her gaze lingered a moment longer than usual. “Muy bien, gracias. Solo quería pasar a verte y ver cómo estás.” (I’m well, thank you. I just wanted to come by and see how you’re doing.)
Before they could dive deeper into conversation, Eli emerged from the back room. Her friendly demeanor shifted to one of concern as she saw Alexia at the counter.
Her expression hardened slightly, a clear indication of her disapproval, and she approached with a purposeful stride.
“Y/N, ¿podrías preparar un café para un cliente?” Eli pidió, su tono casual pero con una urgencia subyacente. (Y/N, could you make a coffee for a client?)
Y/N looked momentarily puzzled but nodded, moving to the coffee machine. As she prepared the coffee, Eli leaned in close to Alexia, her voice dropping to a serious whisper.
“Alexia, necesitamos hablar.” (Alexia, we need to talk.)
Alexia met her mother’s gaze, sensing the gravity of the situation. “Claro, mamá.” (Sure, Mom.)
Eli’s face was a blend of concern and determination. “Alexia, ¿qué está pasando entre tú y Y/N? Y no me mientas, sé que está pasando algo; puedo ver la forma en que la miras.” (Alexia, what’s going on between you and Y/N? And don’t lie to me; I can see the way you look at her.)
Alexia’s expression tightened, and she took a deep breath before responding. “Hay algo entre nosotras. Fuimos a citas. Mamá, realmente me gusta.” (There’s something happening between us. We went on dates. Mom, I really like her.)
Eli’s eyes widened in disbelief. “¡Alexia, ella es demasiado joven para ti! Tiene 21 años y tú tienes 30. ¡Es una diferencia de edad significativa!” (Alexia, she’s too young for you! She’s 21, and you’re 30! It’s a significant age difference.)
Alexia’s face grew more resolute. “Lo entiendo, pero ella es adulta, mamá. No se siente como si hubiera una década entre nosotras. Lo que importa es cómo conectamos y cómo me siento con ella.” (I understand that, but she’s an adult, Mom. It doesn’t feel like there’s a decade between us. What matters is how we connect and how I feel about her.)
Eli sighed deeply, her concern evident. “Alexia, ella acaba de comenzar su vida aquí, lejos de su familia. Ustedes tienen prioridades diferentes. Imagínate lo que dirá la gente cuando descubran que estás saliendo con alguien diez años menor.” (Alexia, she’s just started her life here, far from her family. You both have different priorities. Imagine what people will say when they find out you’re dating someone ten years younger.)
Alexia’s voice grew firm and unwavering. “No me importa lo que opinen los demás. Esta es mi relación, y no le incumbe a nadie más, ni siquiera a ti.” (I don’t care what others think. This is my relationship, and it’s no one’s business but ours. Not even yours.)
Eli shook her head, her frustration palpable. “Esto es una tontería, Alexia. Lo siento, pero no puedo apoyar esta relación,” (This is foolish, Alexia. I’m sorry, but I can’t support this relationship) she said, her voice tinged with disappointment as she turned and walked away, leaving a tense silence in her wake.
With a heavy heart, Alexia took her coffee and left the café. She glanced back at Y/N, who was immersed in the morning rush, her face a mix of concern and confusion. Alexia felt a knot of frustration and sadness in her chest.
She understood her mother’s worries but was determined to prove that her feelings for Y/N were genuine and that she could navigate the challenges ahead.
Later that day, Alba made her way to Alexia’s apartment, the tension between them palpable even before she entered. When she arrived, she found Alexia lounging on the couch, scrolling through her phone. Alba didn’t waste any time with pleasantries.
“¿Mamá me dijo que estás saliendo con Y/N? ¿Qué pasa contigo, Alexia? Ella tiene 21 años,” Alba said, her tone a mixture of concern and disbelief. (Mom told me you're dating Y/N? What's wrong with you, Alexia? She's 21 years old.)
Alexia let out a heavy sigh, setting her phone aside as she faced her sister. “Sí, ya lo sé. Mamá ya me dio la charla, y te diré lo mismo que le dije a ella: esto no es asunto tuyo,” she said, her voice tinged with frustration. (Yes, I’m aware of that. Mom already gave me the talk, and I’ll tell you the same thing I told her: this is none of your business.)
Alba crossed her arms, her brow furrowing. “¿Realmente has pensado en las repercusiones? ¿Cómo esto podría afectar tu vida profesional, tu carrera?” (Have you really thought about the repercussions? How this could affect your professional life, your career?)
Alexia’s expression hardened as she sat up straight, her defenses rising. “Sí, lo he pensado. Pero eso no cambia lo que siento por ella. Alba, lo que siento por Y/N es real. No es algo superficial o pasajero.” (Yes, I’ve thought about it. But that doesn’t change how I feel about her. Alba, what I feel for Y/N is real. It’s not something superficial or fleeting.)
Alba shook her head, her concern growing more evident. “No dudo que te importe, pero tienes que considerar las consecuencias. ¿Qué pasa si la prensa se entera? ¿O si esto no resulta? Podrías terminar lastimada, o peor aún, podrías dañar tu reputación y tu carrera.” (I don’t doubt that you care, but you need to consider the consequences. What if the press finds out? Or if this doesn’t work out? You could end up hurt, or worse, damage your reputation and career.)
Alexia’s frustration was clear as she stood up, her voice rising. “Alba, sé que estás preocupada por mí, pero no puedo vivir en constante miedo a lo que piensen los demás. Este asunto con Y/N es importante para mí y estoy dispuesta a enfrentar los riesgos.” (Alba, I know you’re worried about me, but I can’t live in constant fear of what others think. This thing with Y/N is important to me, and I’m willing to face the risks.)
Alba rubbed her temples, trying to absorb her sister’s words. “Solo… ten cuidado, ¿de acuerdo? No quiero verte lastimada o en problemas.”(Just… be careful, okay? I don’t want to see you hurt or in trouble.)
Alexia looked at her sister with a mixture of determination and sadness. “Lo haré, pero entiendo que no estás convencida. Aprecio tu preocupación, pero esto es algo en lo que estoy dispuesta a arriesgarme.” (I will be, but I understand that you’re not convinced. I appreciate your concern, but this is something I’m willing to risk.)
With that, Alexia took a deep breath and walked Alba to the door, both of them feeling the weight of the conversation hanging between them.
A few days later, Alexia decided it was time to share with Y/N the full extent of her family's concerns about their relationship.
Sitting together on the couch at Alexia’s apartment, Alexia’s expression was serious as she spoke.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something important,” Alexia began, her voice heavy with emotion. “My family—especially my mom—has been really worried about us. The age difference between us is causing a lot of concerns.”
Y/N’s face fell as she processed this. She looked down, feeling a knot tighten in her stomach. “I didn’t want to be a burden or cause any issues with your family,” she said quietly. “I really care about you, but I don’t want to be the reason for family problems.”
Alexia reached out, gently lifting Y/N’s chin so their eyes met. “No es tu culpa. Ellos simplemente están preocupados por cómo podría reaccionar el público y lo que esto podría significar para mi carrera.” (It’s not your fault. They’re just worried about how the public might react and what it could mean for my career.)
But the situation intensified when photos of Y/N and Alexia out together were leaked onto social media, a couple of days later.
The once-private moments of their relationship now faced the harsh light of public scrutiny. Y/N’s anxiety grew with every new comment and post.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day, Y/N and Alexia went to a small, intimate restaurant, hoping for a brief respite.
They had chosen a quiet corner, and the soft glow of candlelight offered a semblance of normalcy. However, their peace was shattered when their phones buzzed simultaneously with notifications.
Y/N’s face turned pale as she read the headlines and comments on her phone. “This is too much,” she said, her voice trembling. “I don’t know if I can handle all of this. The comments... they’re so harsh.”
Alexia’s heart ached seeing Y/N so distressed. She reached across the table, taking Y/N’s trembling hands in her own.
Her touch was warm and firm, a grounding presence in the chaos. “I know it’s hard,” Alexia said softly. “But I’m here with you, and I want you to remember that. No matter what anyone says, we’re in this together.”
Y/N looked at Alexia, tears brimming in her eyes. “Thank you. Your support means everything to me. I just wish this whole situation could be simpler. It feels like we’re fighting against so much.”
Alexia’s expression hardened with determination. “Superaremos esto. Tenemos que hacerlo. Solo necesitamos mantenernos fuertes y seguir apoyándonos mutuamente en todo esto.” (We will get through this. We have to. We just need to stay strong and keep supporting each other through all of this.)
Their hands remained clasped together, the small gesture of solidarity providing comfort amidst the storm of external pressures.
Despite the growing intensity of the scrutiny they faced, the bond between them only seemed to strengthen as they faced these challenges side by side.
As the media frenzy surrounding Y/N and Alexia’s relationship continued unabated, Y/N began to face mounting hostility both at her university and from the public.
What was once a space of intellectual pursuit and personal growth became a battleground of whispers and pointed glances
In the university halls, students she once considered friends now avoided eye contact, their conversations halting whenever she entered a room. The weight of their judgment was palpable, and Y/N felt an increasing sense of alienation.
Some obsessive individuals managed to track down her university and began bombarding her with unwanted messages and intrusive comments.
They would frequently show up near her campus, making her feel constantly on edge and unsafe.
The situation became overwhelming, making it difficult for her to focus on her studies and maintain a sense of normalcy in her life.
Outside the academic environment, the situation was no better. Social media was awash with criticism and intrusive comments about her relationship with Alexia.
The constant scrutiny took a toll on Y/N's emotional well-being, amplifying her feelings of isolation. It seemed as if every move she made was under a microscope, and the once-exciting prospect of living in Barcelona now felt like a cage of public disapproval.
At the café, where she had initially found a sense of belonging and warmth under Eli’s care, the atmosphere grew tense. Eli’s demeanor shifted noticeably; she became more reserved and distant, her previously warm interactions now tinged with formality.
It was evident that the strain of the public backlash and the pressure from her family had taken its toll on Eli, affecting her relationship with Y/N.
The café, which had once been a refuge for Y/N, now felt like a place where she was constantly reminded of the growing rift between her and Eli.
The smiles that had once greeted her at the counter were now replaced with curt nods, and Eli’s attempts to distance herself were a stark contrast to the motherly warmth she had shown before.
Y/N found herself navigating a landscape of disapproval and disappointment, grappling with the impact of her relationship on her personal and professional life.
One day, Y/N found herself overwhelmed by the relentless pressure. The negative comments and harsh scrutiny from fans had begun to weigh heavily on her mental health.
Every new post or tweet seemed to amplify her anxiety, and she could feel the strain it was putting on her relationship with Alexia.
Y/N needed to end all of that.
It was late in the evening when Y/N decided to confront Alexia about her growing distress.
They had planned a quiet dinner at Alexia's apartment, hoping for a moment of solace amid the chaos.
As they sat across from each other, the soft glow of the kitchen light did little to ease the tension that had built up between them.
Alexia noticed the unease in Y/N’s eyes and reached out to take her hand. “¿Qué pasa, Y/N? Te veo preocupada.” (What’s wrong, Y/N? You look worried.)
Y/N took a deep breath, struggling to keep her composure. “It’s just that… the pressure is too much. I can’t handle how we’re being treated. All of this is affecting my mental health, and I don’t want it to keep impacting us.”
Alexia’s face fell, and she squeezed Y/N’s hand gently. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m here with you, and we can get through this together..”
Y/N shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. “It’s not just that. People are talking and criticizing all the time. It hurts to see how these comments are affecting us. I don’t want this to end badly for you or for us.Your mom and sister are not okay with us,Alexia, your own family!”
Alexia’s eyes filled with concern and confusion. “¿Qué estás tratando de decir, Y/N? ¿Quieres terminar con nosotros?” (What are you trying to say, Y/N? Do you want to end things with us?)
Y/N took another shaky breath, struggling to find the right words. “Sí, Alexia. Creo que es mejor si terminamos. No puedo seguir con todo esto, y siento que estar juntos solo está empeorando las cosas. No quiero ser una carga para ti.” (Yes, Alexia. I think it’s better if we end things. I can’t keep up with all of this, and I feel like being together is only making things worse. I don’t want to be a burden to you.)
Alexia looked devastated, her voice barely a whisper. “No quiero perderte, Y/N. Podemos encontrar una solución, no tenemos que rendirnos.” (I don’t want to lose you, Y/N. We can find a solution, we don’t have to give up.)
Y/N shook her head, her resolve firm but her heart breaking. “I’m sorry, Alexia. This is best for both of us, at least for now. I need time to get through all of this and find peace.”
With tears streaming down her face, Y/N stood up, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. Alexia reached out to her, but Y/N gently pulled away, the finality of their breakup sinking in.
“I hope you understand, Alexia,” Y/N said softly, before turning away to collect her things. The room felt colder as she prepared to leave, knowing that this was the end of a chapter she had hoped would be different.
As Y/N walked out of the apartment and into the night, she felt a profound sense of loss, both for the relationship she had cherished and for the future that now seemed uncertain.
The next day, Y/N walked into Eli’s café, her demeanor marked by a profound sense of determination. She approached the counter where Eli was arranging pastries and took a deep breath before speaking.
“Eli, necesito hablar contigo. He decidido dejar mi trabajo aquí. No puedo manejar más esta situación.”(Eli, I need to talk to you. I’ve decided to quit my job here. I can’t handle this situation any longer.)
Eli’s eyes widened in surprise, and her face softened with a mix of guilt and concern. “Y/N, no me esperaba esto en absoluto. Lo siento mucho. Sé que mi comportamiento hacia ti fue injusto, pero por favor entiende, estaba muy preocupada por mi hija.”(Y/N, I didn’t expect this at all. I’m really sorry. I know my actions toward you were unfair, but please understand, I was deeply worried about my daughter.)
Y/N’s gaze was steady, though her voice was tinged with sadness. “Ya no tienes que preocuparte por ella. Alexia y yo hemos terminado nuestra relación. Ya no estamos juntas.”(You don’t need to worry about her anymore. Alexia and I have ended our relationship. We’re no longer together.)
The impact of Y/N’s words seemed to hit Eli like a wave. Her mouth opened slightly, but no words came out. She stood frozen, processing the weight of the revelation.
Seeing Eli’s stunned silence, Y/N felt a pang of regret but remained resolute. “Aprecio todo lo que has hecho por mí, Eli, pero necesito alejarme ahora. No puedo seguir trabajando aquí en estas circunstancias.” (I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Eli, but I need to step away now. I can’t keep working here under these circumstances.)
Before Eli could find her voice or offer a response, Y/N turned on her heel and walked out of the café. The cool air outside did little to ease the heaviness in her chest.
Each step felt like a burden, but Y/N knew it was a necessary step for her own well-being.
The decision to leave was painful, but she believed it was the only way to begin healing from the tumultuous events that had unfolded.
In the weeks that followed, Y/N sought refuge from the turmoil in her studies, diligently avoiding social media and its relentless scrutiny.
Despite her efforts to bury herself in academic work, her unhappiness was palpable. The joy that once defined her days had been overshadowed by the ache of a love she couldn’t fully embrace.
She felt an overwhelming sense of injustice about the situation, as the age difference that kept her apart from Alexia seemed trivial in comparison to the depth of their connection.
It felt particularly unfair, given that age is just a number as long as it’s legally permissible,obviously.
Eli, feeling a mix of guilt and concern, tried to reach out to Y/N multiple times. She called and sent messages, hoping to mend the rift that had developed.
Her attempts to reconnect were driven by a genuine desire to make amends and understand Y/N’s perspective.
Despite this, Y/N chose to ignore her calls and texts. The situation escalated to the point where Eli showed up at Y/N’s apartment, hoping for a chance to talk things over.
However, Y/N, still grappling with her emotions and not yet ready to confront her, pretended not to be home. The silence that followed was a heavy reminder of the emotional distance that had grown between them.
On Alexia's side, her anguish was clear to everyone around her. She was unfocused on the field and visibly downcast outside of it. Seeing her older sister in such a state, Alba felt the weight of her role in the situation and knew she had to make amends.
Unable to bear watching Alexia like this, Alba was determined to restore the joy and vitality that once characterized her sister.
So one evening, Alba arrived at Y/N’s apartment. Y/N answered the door, surprised to see her standing there.
“Hola, Alba. ¿Qué haces aquí?” (Hi, Alba. What are you doing here?)
Alba looked contrite as she spoke. “He venido a disculparme. Me siento muy mal por cómo salieron las cosas. Alexia está destrozada, y yo también. Me preocupaba mucho la reputación de mi hermana pero eso no debió ser una razón para actuar así.” (I’ve come to apologize. I feel terrible about how things turned out. Alexia is devastated, and so am I. I was just very concerned about my sister’s reputation.)
Y/N sighed, the weight of recent events clear on her face. “Lo entiendo. Todo esto ha sido muy difícil para mí también. No sé qué hacer ahora. La verdad es que tengo miedo de volver a estar con Alexia. La presión y el odio que enfrentamos antes fueron abrumadores. No estoy segura de si puedo soportar eso de nuevo.” (I understand. This has been very difficult for me too. I don’t know what to do now. The truth is, I’m afraid to go back to Alexia. The pressure and hate we faced before were overwhelming. I’m not sure if I can handle that again.)
Alba’s eyes softened with empathy. “No deberías preocuparte tanto por lo que diga la gente. Esta es tu vida, tus decisiones y tu felicidad. A veces, es necesario hacer lo que te haga sentir bien, sin importar las opiniones ajenas.” (You shouldn’t worry so much about what people say. This is your life, your choices, and your happiness. Sometimes, you need to do what feels right for you, regardless of others’ opinions.)
Y/N felt a spark of inspiration from Alba’s words. The sincerity in Alba’s voice made her reconsider her fears. “Tienes razón. Tal vez he estado dejando que el miedo controle mis decisiones. Quizás es hora de que me enfoque en lo que realmente quiero.” (You’re right. Maybe I’ve been letting fear control my decisions. Perhaps it’s time for me to focus on what I really want.)
Alba nodded, her expression encouraging. “Exactamente. A veces, la verdadera felicidad viene cuando te atreves a seguir lo que realmente te importa, sin importar los obstáculos.” (Exactly. Sometimes, true happiness comes when you dare to pursue what really matters to you, regardless of the obstacles.)
Y/N felt a renewed sense of determination, inspired by Alba’s words. She knew that reconciling with Alexia wouldn’t be easy, but the idea of following her heart gave her the courage she needed.
After her heartfelt conversation with Alba, Y/N found the courage to visit Alexia’s apartment. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions, but she was resolute in her decision to address the issues that had driven a wedge between them.
When Alexia opened the door, her expression shifted from surprise to a glimmer of hope. “Y/N, ¿qué haces aquí?” (Y/N, what are you doing here?)
Y/N took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly but filled with determination. “Quería hablar contigo. Sé que estos últimas semanas han sido muy difíciles para los dos, y no quiero que terminemos así. Quiero intentar resolver lo que hemos perdido.” (I wanted to talk to you. I know these past few weeks have been very hard for both of us, and I don’t want us to end like this. I want to try to fix what we’ve lost.)
Alexia’s eyes welled up with tears, and her voice cracked with emotion. “He estado esperando este momento con desesperación. Me duele tanto que todo haya terminado así. Te extraño más de lo que puedo expresar con palabras.” (I’ve been waiting for this moment desperately. It hurts so much that it ended like this. I miss you more than I can put into words.)
The two women settled into the living room, where they spent hours talking through their feelings. They discussed their fears, the external pressures that had impacted their relationship, and the weight of public scrutiny. Each shared their regrets and the profound sense of loss they felt.
As the night grew deeper, the room was illuminated only by the soft light from a lamp, casting a warm glow over their faces. Y/N and Alexia sat close on the couch, their fingers entwined, finding solace in their physical closeness.
Y/N exhaled deeply, her voice steady but full of emotion. “Alexia, quiero que sepas que nunca quise alejarme de ti. La presión, el juicio de los demás… se volvió abrumador. Pero he reflexionado mucho sobre esto, y lo que más deseo en este momento es estar contigo. Estoy dispuesta a enfrentar lo que venga, pero necesito que lo hagamos juntas.” (Alexia, I want you to know that I never wanted to pull away from you. The pressure and judgment from others… it became overwhelming. But I’ve thought a lot about this, and what I want most right now is to be with you. I’m ready to face whatever comes, but I need us to do it together.)
Alexia’s gaze was filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude as she tightened her grip on Y/N’s hand. “No tienes idea de cuánto significa escuchar eso. Durante todo este tiempo, sentí que había perdido la mejor parte de mí misma. Prometo que estaré a tu lado, sin importar lo que pase. Juntas, podemos enfrentar cualquier desafío que se nos presente.” (You have no idea how much it means to hear that. Throughout all this time, I felt like I’d lost the best part of myself. I promise I’ll be by your side, no matter what happens. Together, we can face any challenge that comes our way.)
They drew closer, their embrace enveloping them in a comforting warmth. The weight of their separation seemed to lift as they held each other, their hearts beating in rhythm. In that intimate moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the lamp and the echoes of their heartfelt promises, they found their way back to each other, feeling more united and resolute than ever.
The following day, Y/N walked into Eli’s café, her heart racing with a mix of nerves and determination. The café, usually a haven of comfort and routine, felt different today. She had come to address the rift that had developed between them, hoping to mend their strained relationship. As Y/N pushed open the door, Eli looked up from behind the counter, her eyes widening with a blend of surprise and apprehension.
“Y/N…” Eli began, her voice hesitant and uncertain. “No esperaba verte aquí tan pronto.” (Y/N... I wasn’t expecting to see you here so soon.)
Y/N approached the counter with a steady, determined expression. “Necesitamos hablar, Eli. Entiendo que te preocupabas por Alexia y que lo hiciste por amor, pero lo que pasó entre Alexia y yo no debería haber afectado nuestro trabajo ni nuestra relación. Quiero que sepas que hemos hablado y hemos decidido seguir adelante juntas. Pero también quiero que resolvamos las cosas entre nosotras.” (We need to talk, Eli. I understand you were concerned for Alexia, and you did it out of love, but what happened between Alexia and me shouldn’t have impacted our work or our relationship. I want you to know that we’ve talked things through and decided to move forward together. But I also want us to resolve things between us.)
Eli’s face softened, and she took a deep breath, clearly moved by Y/N’s words. “Tienes razón, Y/N. Me dejé llevar por el miedo y no pensé en lo importante que eres para mí, no solo como empleada, sino como alguien a quien considero parte de mi familia. Me arrepiento profundamente de haberte alejado y si me das otra oportunidad, me encantaría que volvieras a trabajar aquí.” (You’re right, Y/N. I let fear get the best of me and didn’t consider how important you are to me, not just as an employee but as someone I consider part of my family. I deeply regret pushing you away, and if you’ll give me another chance, I’d love for you to come back to work here.)
Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. “Gracias, Eli. Aprecio mucho tus palabras y tu disposición a enmendar las cosas. Me encantaría volver a trabajar aquí y reconstruir nuestra relación. Solo quiero que sepamos que, aunque no será fácil, estoy dispuesta a enfrentar cualquier desafío siempre que tenga el apoyo de las personas que me importan.” (Thank you, Eli. I greatly appreciate your words and your willingness to make things right. I’d love to come back to work here and rebuild our relationship. I just want us to understand that, although it won’t be easy, I’m ready to face any challenge as long as I have the support of the people who matter to me.)
Eli nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude and relief. “Lo prometo, Y/N. Siempre estaré aquí para ti. Lo que ha pasado no cambiará lo que siento por ti ni. Gracias por darme otra oportunidad.” (I promise, Y/N. I’ll always be here for you. What has happened won’t change how I feel about you. Thank you for giving me another chance.)
They shared a heartfelt hug, and Y/N felt a profound sense of peace and reconciliation. The warmth of their embrace seemed to dissolve the tension that had been lingering, and Y/N left the café with renewed hope and a clearer sense of direction.
Despite the relentless scrutiny from the outside world regarding their relationship and the age difference, Y/N and Alexia grew stronger and more deeply connected with each passing day.
The once-constant chatter and criticism that had weighed heavily on them now seemed like distant, insignificant noise. They had learned to tune out the negativity, focusing instead on the love and support they offered one another.
Their lives began to settle into a new, harmonious rhythm. Y/N found genuine joy and purpose in her studies and work, her achievements at school providing a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
Alexia, meanwhile, continued to excel on the football field, her passion for the sport intensifying with each game. The love she shared with Y/N served as a powerful motivator, driving her to give her best on the field.
They had become each other’s most ardent supporters, celebrating victories and comforting one another through challenges.
Their relationship had blossomed into a source of strength and joy, finding happiness in the everyday moments they shared.
One sunny afternoon, after a particularly demanding match, Alexia emerged from the stadium, visibly tired but exhilarated. She was greeted by Y/N, who had waited patiently outside, her face a picture of concern and admiration.
“How did it go?” Y/N asked, holding out a chilled bottle of water, her voice laced with care.
Alexia’s exhaustion melted away as she saw Y/N, and her face lit up with a tired but genuine smile. She took the bottle gratefully. “We won. It was intense and exhausting, but we managed to pull through. How about you? How was your day?”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with a mix of pride and affection. “It was good, but honestly, the best part of my day was being here with you. Your presence makes everything better.”
As they walked hand in hand away from the stadium, the cool evening breeze wrapping around them, they felt an overwhelming sense of contentment.
The challenges they faced seemed more manageable with their unwavering support for each other. They knew that, no matter what obstacles came their way, their love and commitment would always guide them back to one another.
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gloomygumi · 1 year
quirks - satoru gojo x gn!reader
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summary: part two︱you like to think you’re aware of all of satoru’s quirks, but shoko thinks you may have missed a few.
contents: fluff, newly realised feelings, highschool!gojo, he's honestly not even actually there for a lot of it, shoko and geto are tho, honestly a little bit of whipped gojo, probably ooc but definitely self indulgent
word count: 1.2k
a/n: how are we coping since 236 guys ????? wrote this feeling like i’d been widowed so i guess this counts as my coping mechanism 😭 hope you enjoy anyway, constructive criticism and any ideas or opinions you have are always welcome !!
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in your past year of knowing satoru gojo, you’d made a note of his multiple quirks.
you noticed how when the group of second years went out to eat together at the weekends, he would whine about how good everyone else’s food looks until everyone at the table took pity (or annoyance, in suguru’s case) and spooned some of their meal onto his plate.
you noticed how when he was in class, listening to yaga drone on about the different types of curses, he would never let all of the legs of his chair rest on the ground. he was constantly swinging back and forth. it’s a miracle that he’s never fallen back, you think.
you even noticed how he somehow kept a momento from every single hangout and mission, each of them stored in a little wooden box he kept on his bedside table back in the dorms. in the past, you’d seen him slide seemingly worthless ticket stubs and receipts into his pockets, and when the curiosity finally got the better of you and you asked what he did with them, you only received a cheeky grin and a wink from your friend.
so, when shoko finally told you some of her own observations of his behaviours and habits during your lunch break one day, it’s safe to say it shocked you.
“i think it’s pretty obvious that he likes you.” she speaks casually, as if her words hadn’t caused you to choke on your own food. she passes you her bottle of water and pats your back. “you couldn’t tell?”
after gulping down half of her water, and spluttering a few times, you finally found your voice, letting out a strangled “he’s my friend - he does not like me like that!”
the look shoko gives you is one of ridicule, but before she can say anything else, you quickly continue.
“how’d you even come to that conclusion anyway, you’re not usually much of a gossip. that’s suguru’s job." you attempt to joke, but you feel the strained smile drop from your face as the boy you mentioned approaches the table and plops down beside your friend.
speak of the devil...
you see shoko's eyes light up, but before you can even attempt to cut her off again, she turns to suguru. "geto! back me up here, isn't it so obvious that gojo likes (y/n)?"
"mhm." he hums, barely even acknowledging the fact that his confirmation has sent you spiraling for the second time. "he's not exactly subtle about it."
"you guys are being ridiculous."
now it's suguru's turn to look at you like you've suddenly grown two heads. "you really didn't know?"
shoko lets out a laugh at his genuine confusion, and reaches into her bag to pull out a cigarette. you quickly hand her a lighter you keep on hand just for moments like this and she quietly thanks you before continuing. "have you never noticed how he's always touching you in some way?"
"that's just how he is!" you defend. "he's always hanging off of suguru too!"
the pair in front of you share a look, before geto continues. "what about how he never lets you walk closest to the road?"
you stop for a second, trying to pinpoint an occasion - just one - where he had only to come up empty handed. in fact, the more you think about it, the more sense it makes. you replay your moments walking back to the dorms after class with satoru, with his arm always casually wrapped around your shoulder. you remember how he always looked comfortable and at peace. you even remember how he would gently bump you closer into the sidewalk if you were walking with someone else, sticking his tongue out at you and ruffling your hair if you voiced a complaint at his behaviour.
your mouth dries up as you try to come up with another excuse to brush off your friends' observations, but you start to question yourself.
maybe they're right...?
you shake you head, as if trying to clear your head of these thought. "he does that for everyone, you guys are just reading too much into it."
between drags of her cigarette, shoko chuckles. "he's never done it for me." geto leans forward from his seat across from you and gently flicks in between your eyebrows. your hand immediately clamps down on the spot, and you groan at him. "what was that for!?"
he ignores your dramatics. "why are you so sure that we're lying?"
his genuine question makes you stop to think. it wasn't that you didn't like gojo, in fact, you hadn't dedicated much time to thinking about him in that way at all. your friends being so insistent on the fact that he liked you made you slowly start to realise that maybe you did share some affections for the ill mannered boy.
you continue to mull over as many interactions and memories that you have shared with satoru, slowly connecting the dots in your head. he always was more gentle with you, never polite but always kind. he regularly brought you souvenirs back from missions that you weren't assigned to and he always insisted on sitting next to you on the train home, offering you the window seat every single time.
almost as if they can hear your inner monologue being to spiral, shoko pipes up once more. "he gave you a different ring tone so he'd know every time you call."
you feel your heart stop for a second, unsure as to why this in particular made you finally believe their words, but before you even have the opportunity to dismiss them again (now in an attempt to convince yourself more than them) you feel the seat beside you sink with additional weight and a familiar arm flung around your shoulder. you barely even register the smug smile shoko is flashing you from across the table as you focus on attempting to cool your face.
"i can't believe you guys started eating without me!" satoru whines, leaning even more heavily into your side. he makes quick work of plucking a large chunk of meat out of your bento, sending you a sly grin as you look up at him in dismay. "what were you guys talkin' about?"
suguru meets your eyes, raising his eyebrows as he meets your glare, urging him to shut his mouth. "oh nothing." he hums, before completely changing the subject.
the conversation from moments prior is still fresh in your mind, and you're now very aware of the soft glances gojo keeps sending your way. you suddenly feel a lot more awkward in his presence, and you barely notice how you're fidgeting with your hands under the table and not participating in the conversation anymore.
that is until you feel warm hands grip your own, effectively halting their movement. "you okay?" you can barely hear satoru over the blood pumping in your ears, and you're unaware of the laughs shoko and geto are trying desperately to hold back whilst watching the scene as you try to speak.
you start to wish your friends had kept their observations to themselves.
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e-hibiscus · 3 months
Synopsis: Sending and/or receiving (love) letters from each other.
Pairing: Arlecchino x gn!reader, Clorinde x gn!reader, Eula x gn!reader
sfw utc‼️‼️
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With Arlecchino, exchanging letters is a common occurrence. Her time away from Fontaine can be prolonged and sporadic, however the messages and letters you wish to send always find themselves in her grasp in a timely manner.
Your letters are long; full of present and future plans, but always includes a small portion at the end dedicated to how much you miss her. How you can’t wait for her to come back home, and for Arlecchino to take care of herself. Even if she knows very few individuals could cause her any harm, Arlecchino finds your concern endearing.
Arlecchino adores if you send her pictures alongside them. She often keeps them with her until she returns home; collecting the photographs as sentimental momento from you within her private quarters alongside all the other little gifts you make just for her. She keeps the majority of your letters in a box within her office.
In turn, Arlecchino sends back just as many letters, if not more. Her handwriting is elegant; strokes thin and pristine. Each letter is handwritten and delivered with your favorite type of flower or small gifts from wherever she’s currently assigned. The majority of the time, one of the children would be the one to hand the envelope to you because she trusts them more than any fatui agent.
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Clorinde was the first to send you a love letter. It was a confession asking you to become her partner, and it’s written with affection and care that would’ve been unbelievable if not for your long standing friendship with one another. Many of her affections are written out, for your eyes only. She’s often reserved with her affections, but her adoration is laid fully bare in each word written in ink.
Her letters are saved for special occasions such as your anniversary, birthdays, and other special events. They’re neatly placed in a custom sealed envelope, addressed solely to you alongside a small gift she knows you’ll treasure. It’s usually an object you’ve been eyeing when the two of you go for your evening stroll together.
Clorinde enjoys watching you open and read them. For her, it’s far easier to put her feelings into writing. She adores the way your gaze softens so lovingly, your eyes come up to meet hers, and how flushed your cheeks become.
She prefers sending you letters, but when you write one in turn, Clorinde keeps it in her bedside table; rereading your letters when she either wakes up or before heading to bed.
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Eula secretly adores the love letters you leave for her. Before she wakes up or after she falls asleep you leave a folded letter on the kitchen counter where you know she will see.
The first time you wrote her a love letter, Eula turned beet red. She was just as flustered as when you first confessed your feelings for her. She (tries) to maintain a cold outward demeanor, however she carefully places the letter meticulously back. She’s kept that one letter in her office at work so she could reread it on a bad day.
Her letters to you seem well thought out. They’re written perfectly, and Eula lets you know how “effortlessly” writing something like this was for her. In reality, she’s rewritten the same letter over and over again because she doesn’t quite know just how she wants to say she loves you. Even as she writes, the knight can’t help but feel the heat rising up her face as she envisions your reaction to her letter.
She’ll swear to herself when the ink blots on the page, crumpling it before getting a fresh sheet. It needs to be perfect because Eula wants to send you a perfect letter. It’s what you deserve for being her lover!
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brucewaynehater101 · 7 months
Red Robin AU: Maximum Angst
Tim left to go save Bruce. It didn't matter that no one believed him. It didn't matter that his loved ones, people he trusted, tried to stop him. It didn't matter that everyone wrote his theories off as some sort of mental breakdown and grief stage denial. None of that mattered.
Tim was right, and he was going to prove it.
Two years after Tim left, Dick gets a phone call. It's from Superman.
During a JL mission, some villain gets away from a large JL team up by mentioning one fact: Bruce died in the timestream waiting for someone to save him. He had left clues, as many as he could given his circumstances, of his continued existence and predicament.
Dick, with the help of Damian and some of the JL, leaves Gotham to gather the evidence. Even after two years, art curators and museums are weirdly tense when he brings up the exact piece he wants to see.
A few months of carefully collecting his dad's last momentos occur before Dick has the realization: Tim was right.
Oh gods, Tim!
He can't believe, with all the responsibilities he had to juggle, that he just forgot about Tim!
This cues another frantic search as Dick retraces all of Tim's steps. The man allows himself a little laugh when he realizes that Alvin Draper is wanted for being an art thief.
Despite the sloppily covered trails, Dick finds himself at a dead end. The last location Tim might have gone to is in the middle of a desert. When Dick arrives at the spot, an LoA assassin is waiting for him.
Batman is glad that he's dressed in his uniform, he's glad that Damian didn't accompany him, and Dick prepares for the attack.
The assassin regards him neutrally.
The vigilante lowers his fists, but he's still tense in preparation. The assassin rolls their eyes and holds their hand out.
There's a com.
"What's that for?" Batman growls out.
Another eye roll from the assassin as they sigh. "Ra's knows you're looking for Timothy Drake-Wayne."
Hesitantly, the retired acrobat plucks up the com. After placing it in his ear, a smug voice greets him.
The Demon's Head cordially invites Batman to dinner.
Dick, wanting to find out where his brother is, has no choice but to follow the assassin to what's most definitely a trap.
Later, when Dick is haunted by the memories he desperately combs to liberate himself from his guilt, he'll darkly chuckle as he longs for it to have been a trap.
When the doors swing open to reveal Ra's al Ghul lounging at the head of the table, a feast is laid out before the young man. He forces himself to sit at the opposite end and listen to Ra's prattle on and on about how extraordinary Tim is. How the young outcast knew his father was alive. How he had to resort to taking Ra's hand in order to finish his quest.
As the evening is winding down, Dick had only spoken a handful of sentences. Ra's swirls a wine glass and gazes wistfully into its crimson hue.
"It's a shame, Richard, that it took you twenty-six months to scour for information about Timothy. I'm sure the realization of such would bring him despair."
There's a pause as the Detective's successor runs mental calculations. It has been thirty months since Tim left Gotham.
Emerald eyes, not too dissimilar to the shade of green Dick's son owns, bear down on a man too small for Batman's mantle.
"He died knowing his death would kill his father. It's a shame we lost them both that day."
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wildemaven · 2 months
life and loss | joel miller
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pairing: dave york x f!reader / joel miller x f!reader word count: 1k content warnings: 18+ blog; death, grief/loss, major character death (no description of said death), AU and crossover universes, kind of fluffy, navigating loss, reader is non descriptive/blank slate. notes: this randomly came to me yesterday on my walk. It was meant to be just a moodboard and a small blurb to go along with it… and then this happened. Oops! Tried to pack a lot into a small thing so hopefully it makes sense.
Momentos of him, your late husband, have remained tucked away for the last year following his unexpected death. As you settle into your new widowed life and new home over a thousand miles away from the life you created with Dave, all the beautiful memories reside in cardboard boxes out of sight. 
Word travels quickly through the small neighborhood about your arrival and marital status— or lack thereof. Welcoming introductions turn into unannounced check-ins and flowers. Uncomfortable small talk on your front porch is sprinkled throughout the following weeks, a hand on your shoulder accentuates their let us know if you need anything. Sympathetic casseroles finally dwindle allowing you to finally ease into this new season of your life. 
The hammock left by the previous owners becomes your sanctuary most evenings. Searching for the brightest star in the night’s sky, then asking Dave how he’s doing before reading aloud to him the words from your latest book. 
It's days later when you’ve read the final word that a small voice from over the fence manifests as a quirky teenage girl sitting at a table you’ve set up on your back patio. She has a million and one questions about the book and is filled with theories about what happens beyond its ending. The side gate is never regularly latched closed now, eagerly awaiting Ellie’s return. She navigates most of your late night conversations that follow, including personal stories and the history of her life. My grump of an old man is in construction. He’s single by the way— not by choice, but life happens. 
His voice is calloused the first time he makes his presence known to you. Goddamn it, Ellie! I told you to leave her alone! They exchange brittle words back and forth through the shared barrier, before you insist he join the two of you. The crunch of his boots on the ground stall when he towers over where you’re still seated. His hand engulfing yours, warm and gentle as he tries to determine where his gaze should fall— you, the ground, the smirking teenager sitting across from you. Joel. Joel Miller. Uh, Ellie n’ I live next door. Not sure how long she’s been botherin’ you, but I’ll be sure it doesn’t happen again.
It’s weeks later when you run into Joel at the mailboxes. The clanking of keys and squeaky hinges fill the space between you before you’re both retreating back to your respective pathways. Your hands fidget and twist the bills and letters from your parents when you bravely initiate a conversation before he’s able to reach his front door. She’s the first person since moving here who wanted to talk to me about something other than the death of my husband. I don’t think I’ve laughed as much as I have with her in a long time. She’s welcome over here anytime. 
He reeks of nervousness as he stands on your doorstep the following evening. The ambered hue of his eyes absorb the warmth from the front porch light, adding a brightness to them that they seem to be commonly lacking. His words waver a bit as he begins to speak, starting and stopping, scrubbing his hand down his face before he attempts to start again. You offer him nothing but patience, sensing the mournful energy radiating off him— similar to the one you’ve been carrying. My wife and older daughter— they were both in an accident on their way to Sarah’s soccer game. I was pickin’ up Ellie from her counseling group for adopted kids. We were headin’ to the soccer field when I got the call. Some days are harder than others. And everyone wants to help, however that may be— lots of food as I’m sure you know. It doesn’t ever really get easier, but you learn to live with grief. Anyways, if you ever need anything or just want to talk— you know where I live.  
He accepts your impulsive invitation to join you for dinner, offering him the open seat across from you in the same spot as your timid first meeting. The crickets orchestrate the evening ambience as you share stories you’d tucked away, too painful to revisit until now. You find you laugh just as much, if not more, with Joel. Even among the tears shed, the conversation is filled with a hope and optimism that you longed for. 
You still feel his wholesome embrace long after you’ve called it a night to seek out much needed sleep. But much like the nights that ensued after Dave’s death, loneliness and the weight of your grief rear its head. 
The black ink glides over the surface of the paper. Line after line formulated a year’s worth of unsaid words that had been bottled up and blockaded by the rigid walls you’d built around them. Joel was right about the therapeutic effect of getting rid of the burdensome thoughts that come with loss, finding it’s hard to stop now that you’ve started. 
You convey the love that you still carry for Dave, something you’ll never willfully ignore or regret. It feels wrong but you touch on the hatred you feel towards his death; you hate him for leaving you, hate that you miss him, hate that some nights you forget the small details that you cherished about him. You tell him about Joel and the kindness he’s afforded you in a short time of knowing him and that there’s life beyond losing the love of your life. To look for the light even when shrouded by darkness. 
Pictures and trinkets find their way out of the cardboard confines Joel helped pull out from the guest room closet. The bare walls now filled with familiar faces and shelves adorn with colorful memories that you tried so hard to keep hidden. 
Joel and Ellie being a constant presence in your life allows you to see that life can surprise you when you least expect it and there’s room for new love. 
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brittle-doughie · 6 months
*crowned cupcake cookie was having tea in the garden with elder custard cookie*
???: *From above* DANM!
*hollyberry cookie and golden cheese cookie fell from the balcony to the table*
crowned cupcake cookie: ...
Elder custard cookie: ...
Hollyberry cookie: sorry we kissed your spouse
crowned cupcake cookie: What the F*** was that Y/N?!
Y/N cookie: *on the balcony* That was the sound... of a FREAKING divorce
Let's be honest if Y/N cookie and crowned cupcake cookie got married, that marriage definitely wouldn't work
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Crowned Cupcake sprite by @scarabeeart (You don’t mind if I utilize the two you made for Crowned, right?)
Also, Helluva Boss momento ayo?
Though if you ask me, Crowned Cupcake would be way more upset at Hollyberry and Golden Cheese for giving you kisses when they knew VERY WELL that you and Crowned were married!
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lezzballer · 4 months
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Diana Taurasi sleepover headcanons
(Completely SFW!! I just wanted to use that picture to get your attention 😇)
(That picture is from 2010 so these headcanons are from that era too)
∞ Diana's place is cute enough to be on HGTV. But there's more clutter than you expected
∞ There's art and family pictures on her walls. She has a nice glass case full of old momentos. But she doesn't have any trophies anywhere
∞ Her living room has a DVD shelf and some old game consoles. The coffee table is piled high with lifestyle and sports magazines
∞ She chats with her mom on the phone in Spanish for a few minutes while you thumb through her magazines
∞ Her kitchen cupboards are stocked with unopened bottles of fancy liquor that she doesn't really drink anymore. Her fridge is stocked with hard seltzer and regular seltzer. And her recycling bin is full of empty bottles of fancy wine. She can't cook anything besides cereal, toast, sandwiches, sliced fruit, and coffee. She offers to make all five of those things for you
∞ Her room looks clean but only because she hastily tidied it up while making you wait outside. On her bedside table is a biography of Julius Caesar. There's an old stuffed animal sitting on the bench at the foot of her bed
∞ Her huge walk-in closet resembles a department store with the men's section and women's section all mixed together. There's a glass box displaying watches sitting on top of a locked safe containing even more watches. The shoe situation is reasonable because she stores most of her shoes elsewhere. In the back of the closet is the door to her bathroom. That bathroom contains a lifetime supply of hairspray. By the sink, there's a colorful glass bong she forgot to put away
∞ At dusk, she goes around and checks to make sure all the doors and windows are locked
∞ She'll cuddle up with anyone whether you're just a friend or something more. During the day, she's always on the move and she's larger than life. But as she's sitting by your side at night, you notice she's suddenly very small
∞ If you spend the night at her place, she does not shut up the entire time. She will just keep talking and talking unless you bluntly tell her to be quiet so you can sleep. You need to be assertive about making her be quiet or else she'll keep thinking of things to say
∞ She's an insomniac. She does not sleep all through the night. She just lies there with her eyes closed replaying basketball games in her head. But once she finds the right person to sleep next to, she'll sleep more soundly
∞ She wakes up at 5am and makes coffee every morning. You don't hear her alarm because she wakes up 3 minutes before it goes off and silences it
∞ She makes her bed every morning and neurotically changes her sheets more than necessary. But she can't make her bed this morning because you're sleeping in it
∞ By the time you wake up, she's already showered, dressed, and bunned. And the coffee is cold. She won't reheat your coffee because reheating coffee goes against her values. She insists on taking you to a cafe on the way to the gym
∞ She drives to the cafe and finishes the story she was telling last night right before you fell asleep. You don't remember the first half of the story very well but the conclusion is entertaining
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not-another-robin · 1 year
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WAILS thank you so much!!! Teehee crime time
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So Dr. Honey Pine is a researcher in the field of memory and hallucinogenics. They are from a very similar background to Bruce - born rich, lost their entire family, and was raised by a family friend who assists them to this day. Pine is insistent in bringing back what was lost, in whatever way possible.
The forefront of their work is technologically advanced glasses that can augment the subjects reality to view simulations of loved ones as of they were in the room. This is the concept they try to pitch to Bruce Wayne. Bruce isn't interested, finding the concept grotesque and inauthentic. Pine doesn't understand where he's coming from, seeing it as him not caring about his lost parents. While the wards butt heads, Alfred bonds with Honey's caretaker, Virginia, who went through similar growing pains in suddenly raising a child and losing a family.
Under the table, Pine works on hallucinogenic drugs and gases that seem to immerse the user into their own memories. They use it to gain favors from other gotham rogues and goons, for them to heist restricted chemicals in Pine's place.
I have a good bit of story with them, like a few hypothetical episodes. Honey and Virginia are pretty obviously supposed to parallel Bruce and Alfred. Anyway, thanks for asking!! Lmk if your interested in hearing about my episodes :)
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7ndipity · 2 years
You give them flowers
Ot7 x Reader(can be platonic or romantic)
Summary: how the guys would react to randomly being given flowers.
Warnings: none I think.
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, it was really fun to write, I hope you enjoy it!
Requests are open
Seokjin: I feel like he would be the type who likes sending flowers pretty often, so when you turn the tables on him, he pretends to be a bit offended at first, like "I'm supposed to buy YOU flowers! Why are you stealing my move?!" But he absolutely loves it.(although, he will have to outdo you with a more elaborate arrangement for you now)
Yoongi: Shy boi. Tries to play it of as no big deal when you show up with a bouquet of daisies, but it's no good. If his ears turning bright red weren't a giveaway to how flustered he is, the way his face keeps slowly scrunching up into that tiny smile thing he does is.(please buy him more flowers, it's too cute)
Hobi: His whole face immediately lights up with a huge smile and crushes you in a big hug(nearly crushes the flowers too, but thankfully you manage to swing them out of the way in time), while squealing about how sweet and cute he thinks you are. He's the one getting flowers, and yet somehow your the one thst ended up blushing?
Namjoon: Gets flustered, but then instantly gets worried. Did he forget an anniversary? Birthday? Is someone sick? When you tell him you just bought them cause you thought he deserved something nice, he's back to a blushing mess again. Keeps them in his studio for inspiration.
Jimin: Absolutely melts. The moment you walk in and hand him the bouquet of roses, he turns into a smiley little ball of giggles. Lowkey brags to the others about it because aren't they so pretty? Isn't he so lucky to have someone like you who loves him so much? Probably dries a few and keeps them as part of his collection of little momentos.
Taehyung: He loves being doted on, so when you show up to your weekly movie night with flowers, he gets the biggest grin on his face. He will end up teasing you a little though, like "You like me that much, huh?" Another one that'll brag about it, but he won't let anyone near them. They're HIS flowers, he's not sharing!
Jungkook: Sorry, JK.exe has stopped working. Like, I think this would break his brain a lil bit for some reason. Don't misunderstand, he's touched, but he just doesn't quite know what to do with himself at first. He just kinda laughs and says thank you, but then, after like an hour of his eye being drawn back to them over and over, he comes back and just kinda tackles you in a backhug because why are you so sweet?!
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Anon rebelde.
A Cait le ha costado pero ha aprendido como intentar hacer creíble su relación con Tony aunque el sigue tan poco colaborativo como se ve en el vídeo de IFTA
No hay llegada a los premios porque la ultima vez, el papel de guardabrigo de Tony a la salida del coche de Cait quedó bien patente y ese paso atrás como buen asistente ha quedado para la historia.
No hay desfile en la Red Carpet con Tony porque la velocidad de Cait para alejarse de el saben que es carne de gifs.
Las manos de Tony debajo de la mesa porque sus últimos aplausos denotaban un cierto manierismo muy poco varonil.
Cait radiante, esperando el barrido de la cámara, mientras Tony parece ajeno a lo que sucede alrededor con una sonrisa que podríamos describir como una mueca.
En resumen, la enésima puesta en escena del circo Tait. Si aún hay alguien que compre entradas para ese espectáculo es su problema, no el nuestro.
Dear, dear Anon Rebelde,
¡Te extrañé! Bienvenida de nuevo, en uno de los momentos más bajos que parece que nos gustan con tanto masoquismo, de este lado de la valla. Pero primero, la traducción:
'It did cost Cait, but she learned how to try and make her relationship to Tony look credible, even if he still doesn't seem willing to collaborate, as the IFTA clip shows us.
There is no arrival at the awards because last year, Tony's role as coat handler when leaving Cait's car was blatantly obvious and that relegation to good assistant went on record.
There is no parade on the Red Carpet with Tony because of Cait's haste in getting away from him. They know it's gif material.
Tony's hands are under the table because last year's applause denoted a certain, very unmanly, mannerism.
Cait beams, waiting for the camera to pan, while Tony seems oblivious to what is happening around him, with a smile that could rather be described as a grimace.
In short, the umpteenth staging of the Tait circus. If there is still someone who buys tickets for that show, it is their problem, not ours.'
I overall agree, as always, with your very balanced evaluation of the current state of play. But I also think tickets for that particular show will always be a hot sale in this fandom, either because it will be just up some people's alley (Mordor - I am amazed at the stupidity of their discussing the concept and some of them never heard of Tolkien: mind boggles), or because of the collective trauma/Stockholm syndrome many of us, here, still display. What I mean by that is very simple: for eight years now, we, shippers have been hostages of that Narrative and when something happens along those lines, we will surely react, giving all its toxicity renewed space and airtime. I am not judging anybody, here, because this is only human (and to many, the trauma is palpable) and there is nothing to judge. This is, however, a well-known group behavior dynamic that never fails to deliver. What she did was simply to double down on her PDA. But the experiment failed, because even five years after that Remarkable Week-end, the man still can't be arsed to show any organic enthusiasm or even involvement in his whereabouts. Cue in the SC nostalgia pic galore on shipping blogs and I have to say I am not really a fan: it just fuels that disco inferno cycle and exposes us to the same old, vile criticism, when the core of the shipping belief system is to be found elsewhere. Again, not judging anyone, just trying to understand behavior patterns, here.
Plus, I am really sorry, but he has been looking all sorts of terrible for quite a while, now. Blaming the camera angle (cortisone bloating) or the lighting systems is as mendacious and idiotic as the people circulating it. This kind of free propaganda is also known by all the interested parties and it also never fails to deliver, for many reasons it would be useless to further analyze.
Looking forward to read your witty take on things next time, darling. Siempre un placer leerte, corazon.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 2 months
Aerith: Cloud left his phone unlocked on the table.
Tifa: Don’t be immature- hey look it’s his schedule.
Aerith: 5:00 momento mori. 5:30 let the existential weight of reality into your soul. 6:00 train to kill Sephiroth. 7:00 imagine burning to death when Sephiroth finally ends your wretched life. 7:30 Aerith and Tifa.
Tifa: We made the list so at least that’s something. He’s efficient with his depression if he’s nothing else.
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b-e-e-h-o-p · 3 months
Yknow for all my love of solas and solavellan and blah blah blah, a lot of my solas posts are more so crack posting and jokes so I figured for once I’d make a serious one. Finally become one with my fellow egg lovers yknow? (Cut because I don’t wanna put giant walltext on yalls timeline)
So I know a lot of us here like thinking of solas and their Lavellan having a kid or two. A lot of us like the idea of Dad Solas! But have any of us considered STEPDAD Solas? Hear me out hear me out.
Solas being more hesitant to talk with the kid(s) but not being able to say no to telling them a story or teaching them a few spells when asked (if the child is a mage)
Having a small stack of paintings on his table made by the child because “I wanted to paint like you do hahren!” Even if they’re just handprints or a poorly painted picture of him.
Catching the child helping sera with pranks and the child failing to barter their way out of it:
Child: …
Solas: …
Child: If I sneak you one of those small cakes from the kitchen will you promise to not tell mom?
Solas: No.
Having to wear a friendship bracelet because the child made one for everyone and who could say no to that face!
A kid having a crush on someone and asking Solas if it’s actually possible to grow flowers with magic
Every now and then teaching the kid(s) simple elvhen phrases
Feeling a small sense of pride when a mage child does a difficult spell (for the child’s level) correctly. Then the child accidentally setting something on fire because they got so exited…
Helping them with homework when their mother is out on a mission (bc you KNOW Josie would get the kid(s) a tutor)
The kid picking up on the vibes between solas and Lavellan very quickly. “I’m not calling him dad”
The confusion when they learn solas ran off and having it slowly turn into disappointment over time
The disappointment turning to anger when they learn of his true identity
Years later, somehow winding up at the lighthouse and finding the stack of paintings and the friendship bracelet
Sitting in the middle of a room, looking at old momentos he kept from both them and their mother…
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lovelyvogrincic · 1 month
He looks good with kids.
Felipe Otaño x fem! Reader
Warnings: none, pure fluff 🥺 mentions of food I guess?
Note: this is the second attempt at writing this! Hope it’s good, I’ve been so tired w everything 😭
The smell of the steak and chorizo argentino were all over the place, you inhaled it, anxious to grab a bite of it, the music was blasting, and as you got out of the car, your sister’s voice greeted the both of you.
-¡Llegaron los Otaño!- your sister announces as you and your husband arrive holding hands.- Hasta que llegan, morimos de hambre.- your sister says greeting you with a hug and then your husband.
-Hola Sara, ¿cómo estás?, había demasiado tráfico.- Felipe greets- pero trajimos un pastel, espero les guste.
You walked into the garden where the family gathering was taking place, you were greeted by your parents, your siblings and cousins, after leaving the cake, the both of you, sat down next to your sister and your brother.
-¿Y, cómo va la vida de recién casados?- your brother asked you, smiling at seeing you happily sitting with your husband, cuddling.
-Va bien, como podes ver.- Felipe said.- Siento que valió la pena la espera, soy muy feliz, ¿y vos?- he asked turning to see you, who was blushing by now.
-Yo también soy muy feliz, mi amor, en serio que me haces muy feliz. -you saw him and gave a him a little peek.
-Como extraño esa etapa- your sister teased you- no, pero en serio me alegro que estén felices, lo merecen.
The chat continued for a while, the two couples talking about marriage and their kids, which was something you couldn’t participate on, you have been dreaming on being a mother since ever, but that wasn’t a chat that you and Felipe had touched, and with him being away a lot because of his job, you knew the theme was not up to discussion, only once you had brought it up, but was quickly shut down by Felipe’s appearance on Bayona’s new movie.
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Liked by pipegonzalesotano and 78,676 others.
Juntada con la familia 🩷
View all 345 comments.
SaraPerez: que bueno que vinieron! Los queremos muchísimo 🫶🏻
User1: mis papis y mi familia 😭
User2: @user1 nuestros* papis
YnOtano: @user1 @user2 pásennos sus papeles de adopción y vemos!
-Pero bueno, ¿ustedes cuando nos dan la noticia del bebé?- your brother asked and you shook your head.
-Luis, no empieces, ¿eh?- you told him a little annoyed.- Dejá el tema, por el momento somos felices siendo tíos, ¿verdad, amor?
Felipe just nodded, he really thought that was how you felt about the subject, and even though he wanted to be a dad and see you as a mom, he wasn’t gonna push you to talk about something that could lead to a fight.
-¡Tía (yn)!, ¡Tío Felipe!- a boy’s voice said while running to the newly wed couple, who received him with a hug.
-Hola Mati, ¿cómo estás?- you asked the boy while still hugging him.
-Muy bien tía, ya se me cayó un diente- the kid smiled proudly so you could see the gap where the teeth was, you smiled at seeing him.
-¡En serio! Vos ya sos un niño grande, entonces- Mateo, nodded at being recognized as a “big kid”.- ¿y tu hermano?
As you said that, the 3 year old came running as well to Felipe’s arm, who caught him, and hugged him.
-Ah, pero, ¿cómo estás vos?- Pipe said to his nephew.
-Bien tío, mi papá me enseñó a patear la pelota- he told proudly pointing to his dad- Ya puedo jugar futbol con vos y con Mateo.
-Me re encanta la idea, ¿jugamos ya?- he asked while getting up, with the youngest in his arms still, Mateo nodded and before anyone else could say anything, he was in the grass, with the ball in position to play.
-¿No comes primero?- you asked your husband.
-Un juego rápido, amor, y ya vengo a comer, ¿si?- he told you as he left and gave you a kiss.
-¡ew!, no la beses, te podes contagiar tío.- Tomás, the youngest, said to Felipe making everyone laugh.
-Pero, me gusta mucho tu tía, no puedo evitarlo- He told the kid while leaving the table, walking over to Mateo.
You rolled your eyes funny, if you knew there was something Felipe loved more than you, was futbol, and it was no surprise your nephews reached out to him so much, he always played with him, taught them tips, even took them to watch some games at the stadium… how that man wasn’t a father yet?
-¿Pero, en serio, hermana, cuando van a hacernos tíos- Luis, your brother asked you again, receiving a slap on the arm by his wife.
-Cállate Luis, ya te dijo (yn), no molestes más.- you thanked your sister in law with a smile.
-Y a todo esto, ¿dónde está Mía?
Mia was your only niece, so far, and you were head over heels for her, she was the perfect combination of your brother and your sister in law, she was always laughing and hugging you, well, when she was a baby, but since she turned two years old, the only thing that existed for her, was her Tío Felipe.
-Mi mamá la traía.- Luis told you- Ah no, ya encontró a Pipe- he said while pointing at the garden where she was already being held by your husband, while he ran after the ball with the kids.
-Con razón, yo no existo para ella desde que descubrió a Pipe- you said without taking the look of them.- antes yo era la favorita- you sighed.
-Lo seguís siendo- Sara reassured you.- Mateo te seguí amando con locura, eres su favorita.
-Y bueno, tres de uno, no está tan mal.- you said finally returning your attention to the adults on the table- Pero, Mia es mi princesa, y ella preferí a Pipe, yo llegué primero.
Your siblings laughed at seeing you jealous of your husband.
-Es que el juega con los niños futbol, y con Mia hace todo lo que ella quiere, aparte, siempre la trae en brazos, ¿cómo no querés que lo prefieran?- Luis teased you again, receiving another slap on the arm.- Yo solo digo.
You rolled your eyes and turned again to see your husband, who was still running with Mia on his arms, while Mateo and Tomas ran behind him, you smiled at seeing him with them, it seemed natural how he played with them, how he talked to them, everything he did, seemed so natural, like it was in his dna to be good with the kids.
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Liked by vogrincicenzo and 89, 544 others.
Que lindo estar con ellos. ❤️⚽️
gracias por las fotos @YnOtano.
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YnOtano: ay! Me volví a enamorar 🫠
User1: Gracias por tanto (Yn), perdón por tan poco 😔
User2: Pipe con niños>>>> Que ya sean papás.
Pipegonzalesotano: @user2 yo también lo espero!
After a few minutes chatting with your siblings and their partners, a kid cry interrupt the gossip, everyone turned worried to check on the kids; it was Mia, she had fallen down running, and was now crying, and before her parents could ran to her, Felipe was already on his knees, checking everything.
-Ay princesa, ¿estás bien?- he asked the baby girl, caressing her knee.- Sos muy valiente, ¿sabes?
Mia parents as seeing that Felipe had the situation under control, they stayed on their seats, still watching her.
-Duele- was the only thing the baby said while sniffing and Felipe nodded.
-Se que duele, pero, no pasa nada, mira- he kissed her knee lovingly making your heart melt.- ¿mejor?
Mia nodded, wiping her nose with her hand.
-¿Queres una bandita para la herida?- She nodded again and Pipe lifted her up, walking towards the inside of the house.
-(Yn), ese hombre quere ser un papá demasiado, y vos crees que no quiere- Sara finally told you.
-Yo no sé, no hemos hablado del tema, Sara, solo una vez antes de que grabara La Sociedad de la Nieve pero, después de la película, ya no lo hablamos de nuevo- You told her lifting her shoulders.- Pero igual, no sé.
Your sister shook her head, and then Pipe entered walking holding hands with Mia.
-Se cayó, pero nada grave, está bien, ya tiene una bandita- he said while they approached your brother.- igual, ahí la dejo con ustedes.
They thanked him, Mia sat on her father’s lap and Pipe sat next to you again, with his arm around your shoulders.
-Te ves muy bien con niños- you whispered to him before kissing his cheek.
He just smiled at your comment.- Gracias por notarlo, porque- he looked at your family who were on their own thing, so the conversation was only between you two- muero por ser papá.- he finally confessed.
Your eyes opened wide, finally he told you what he had been suppressing on his chest, and mind, his eyes met yours after a seconds of avoiding them, you could see a new light on his eyes, he was smiling corner to corner, you were smiling as well, and finally having the courage to speak.
-¿De verdad?-he nodded- yo también quiero ser mamá, y más que nada verte como papá. Pero no sé, pensé que no querías hijos- he laughed and sighed.
-¿Estás bromeando? ¡Yo quiero tener mi propio equipo de futbol!- you laughed loudly at his comment.- O bueno, con unos dos, está bien.
You nodded- Empecemos con uno.
You kissed to hear after a few seconds an “ew” coming from all the kids, making you and your husband laugh.
A year later…
YnOtano with Pipegonzalesotano
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Liked by franromerofran and 89,675 others.
No podíamos esperar más para compartir esta noticia! ❤️
El primero de todo un equipo de futbol, dice Pipe 🫣
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User1: Por fin!!! Que bonito todo 🥰
Juanicar: GRITÉ! Ya quiero conocer al bebé 🥺
FranRomeroFran: No puede ser! Que bonito todo! Pipe va a ser papá 😭
Vorgincicenzo: muchas felicidades chicos! Tendrá muchos tíos que le amaran ❤️
fercontigiani: La mejor noticia que me han dado, mil felicidades chicos.
Filmbayona: Estoy viendo crecer a mis chicos!
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howlingday · 3 months
Jaune estába comiendo un ice cream con sus amigos, hasta que uno le pregunta algo
Sun: Así que como lo estás tomando?, ya sabés sobre tus novias y-
Jaune: Y que?
Qrow estába caminaba de un lado a otro enfrente de un jaune que lucía nervioso sentado en una mesa de estar. Podía entender que alguien saliera con sus sobrinas, incluso si era el mismo tipo las dos eran un gran partido además sería hipócrita no apoyarlo cuando el matrimonio de sus padres fue así, pero lo que si no le gustaba es que su pareja sea un tai 2, eso lo llevaba a éste momento
Qrow: Vos sos jaune ?
Jaune: S-si
Jaune: SI
Jaune: N-no sé
Qrow: ¿¡COMO QUE NO SE!? (Golpeó la mesa partiendolo a la mitad)
Jaune: Yo so-sólo las-s quiero hacerles felices
Jaune: N-no señor
Qrow: ¿TE CREES MEJOR QUE YO?(mientras separa las mitades de la mesa)
Jaune: effff
Qrow: ¿EH?
Jaune: iiifff
Qrow: RESPONDE! (mientras lo toma de la camisa y lo levanta)
Fin de Flashback
Jaune: O éso lo olvidé dehecho
Oscar: Pero-
Jaune: Escuchen, tengo siete hermanas me se todos los trucos de intimidación de pareja, enrealida fue bastante manso comparado a lo que hice a terra.
Pd: Esto está inspirado en un vídeo de "HOLASOYGERMAN" un youtober hispon hablante que ya no sirve los videos como antes pero estos sigue siendo gracioso.
Jaune was eating an ice cream with his friends, until one of them asked him something. Sun: So how are you taking it? You already know about your girlfriends and- Jaune: So what? Flashback Qrow was pacing back and forth in front of a nervous looking jaune sitting at a living room table. He could understand that someone went out with his nieces, even if it was the same guy, they were both a great match, and it would be hypocritical not to support him when his parents' marriage was like that, but what he didn't like was that his partner was a Tai 2 , that led him to this moment... Qrow: Are you jaune? Jaune: Y-yes? Qrow: STRONGER! Jaune: YES! Qrow: WHAT ARE YOUR INTENTIONS WITH MY NIECES!? Jaune: I-I don't know. Qrow: HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW!? (He hit the table breaking it in half) Jaune: I just-I just want to make them happy. Qrow: AND YOU THINK HOW THEIR UNCLE DIDN'T MAKE THEM HAPPY? Jaune: N-no sir... Qrow: DO YOU THINK BETTER THAN ME? (while separating the halves of the table) Jaune: effff Qrow: HUH? Jaune: iiifff Qrow: ANSWER! (while taking him by the shirt and lifting him) End of Flashback: Jaune: Or I actually forgot that. Oscar: But- Jaune: Listen, I have seven sisters, I know all the partner intimidation tricks, it was actually pretty tame compared to what I did to Terra. PS: This is inspired by a video by "HOLASOYGERMAN", a Spanish-speaking YouTuber who no longer serves the videos like before but these are still funny.
Ha. Very funny.
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taldigi · 4 months
What makes the dynamic between Joker and Maruki so tragic? I mean, other than Maruki being one of the few adults Joker trusted only to betray him?
I mean, that's kind of it, isn't it?
Joker and the phantom thieves whole m/o might be "getting back at shitty adults" but their kindness and heroism never once stopped at kids. From random momentos missions to your confidants, its all about proving their justice and seeking to save others from opressive authority.
But so rarely has an adult come so honestly and kindly to Joker than Maruki had. At the point in the story he's introduced in- Joker doesn't have anyone but his friends. Even Sojiro is still cold twards him and your other adult confidants are skeptical or distant still. His parents having to give him up and the cruelty of police burns bright in his mind still.
And here comes the doctor. He comes in with patience, and kindness, and generosity- and offers him a choice to sit at his table and share or not share. He is genuinely interested in what Joker has to say and values his input. Joker, who's words and claims and actions have been consistently met with threats, retaliation, or venom.
Maruki is one of the few adults that trusts and believes in joker from the start, and even up to and the end he always respected and cared about Joker- up to the end he always gave him the choice. There was nothing stopping him from snapping his fingers and making it all go away. Nothing stopping him from applying his sleeping beauty fate, except mutual respect and desire to have Joker see things his way.
He wants him to make a choice and he's wanting to make that choice in his direction. But he never took it away from him- and he met him and his ideals in battle. Thats the crazy thing about him is that.. everything came from empathy and love and a deep desire to protect people from pain he's felt before.
And Joker considers it, he falters, he agrees- because he wants the same thing Maruki does.. happiness, safety. You think it doesn't break his heart to see Haru and Futaba's parents back in the picture? To see his best friends happy- a Shiho without having to suffer from her experience or his best friend able to chase his dreams without pain?
But it goes against everything Joker believes in- what the phantoms believe in. They killed a god for that exact reason. But maruki is a man- a man with flaws. A man Joker is willing to almost get himself killed for as they hang off a crumbling palace, and a man he's willing to accept a ride from after all the shit he's done.. and let him guide him to the next destination in his life.
Man maruki fukin.. ugh fans face and ugly sobs
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secretpostsposts · 8 months
Esto es tan bueno.
Sinceramente me encanta mucho esta tema de hermanos posesivos. Es totalmente cautivador.
Solo si puedes responder esta pregunta. Se trata de ¿en algún momento los tratos de los hermanos hacia Branch, cambiarán a Branch? O sea si Branch de cierta forma termina por coger aptitudes por costumbre y eso inevitablemente lo hace actuar un poco infantil. Si fuera así ¿habría veces que actuaría asi frente a sus amigos cuando sus hermanos están cerca o tal vez lejos? ¿Como reaccionarían sus amigos ante estos cambios notables en Branch?.
Son muchas preguntas, pero enserio ( Pongamos énfasis en "muy") me encanta esto. Adoro esto y me mantiene cautivada. Enserio me fascina 💗💗
you are free to ask as much as you want friend
Although I don't know if there would be many changes, maybe more something small.
body language, way of speaking, expressions, micro movements.
Trolls have tails, they also reflect their emotions.
So leaving that aside, maybe something I thought a little about with your question is that Branch is constantly moving, you know the ideology that "if you don't move, you die", so living like that for 20 years left Branch or rather his body with aftereffects, small bounces of his legs, or just small swings, so let's suppose that Branch is excited, he jumps in place, only with the tips of his feet.
so putting that on the table.
Branch smiles more, gestures more, tail wags with joy or excitement and jumps little times every time his brothers are around (once he gets used to their presence, and becomes warm to the brothers' touch, remember I said that that was important for trolls, it means that they feel comfortable or safe with others), and of course before Branch realizes how bad his brothers are.
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