#moment of awesom
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omentu5 · 8 months ago
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sata-cable · 7 months ago
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rocy5 · 1 month ago
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kalofi · 1 year ago
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bro come on bro please
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laz-kay · 4 months ago
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Shut up I’m obsessed with the besties😭
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xprojectrpg · 2 years ago
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Moment of Awesome - Meggan Szardos:Alani Ryan visits her injured teammate in medlab after the latest eXcalibur mission and gives her the wider news of the mansion's viral contamination.
Meggan nodded in understanding; the contamination would just be so unpredictable. “The busting out will be within the next hour,” she was pleased to reveal. Amanda and Kurt would be thrilled, plus in an extra protective frame of mind once she was out given the way things had gone. “Seeing that nothing else seems to be cropping up that was totally unexpected, outside of this.”
And ooh. Just the thought that somebody else might have picked up a hefty dose of her empathic shapeshifting if losing hers applied it to someone else left her feeling like whoever it was ought to be warned to take a nice nap in a tree for as long as they could, where they would just have to deal with that energy, if emotions were too much for them all at once. Whoever that person might be, she just hoped they were okay.
"Hmmmm, I can work with that, I mean, heck I'm not doing anything, so I could hang around if you want?" And the words were hopeful, sparkles practically visible as Alani offered, eyes bright as her smile. She didn't want to point out that it would keep her mind occupied, because that sure seemed like a terrible thing to tell your friend, no matter how you tried to dress it up. Her reflection was visible on one of the nice, clean surfaces and her stomach lurched. Hands folded on her lap to pull her back. "Or, I mean, if you'd rather, I could get you some non-med food, because it's not terrible, but I know for a fact there are still some prime St. Paddy's day leftovers in the main fridge if you feel peckish?"
“Why not both?” Meggan suggested without hesitation. Now that she thought about it, yeah, non-med food would be wonderful. “I wouldn’t ever turn your company away, and oh, yes, I think that’s a good plan. We could head for the fridge once it’s official.” She could discover if her tastes had been altered a little or a lot while she was handling the newfound powers. She would just have to make whatever adjustments she had to, really.
She would walk out of here barefoot when it was time, she had decided. It was the best way. She would just ruin her regular shoes if she didn't, with these claws likely poking a hole through them. Maybe she'd get herself some sandals! She wasn’t certain they would work, but she’d give it a good try.
Oh Meggan always knew just what to say to cheer her up. Alani couldn't help but beam at her as warmth rushed to her cheeks. "Aw, you better be careful or I'mma fall in love with you, Meg, and I already told your brother that, which, I mean, scandalous." It was accompanied by a giggle, and the very sudden urge to prod her friend, but, touch, not something she knew she could stomach when she learned things from it. Instead she made herself a touch more comfortable, and nodded. "Alright, thanks, I didn't bring a deck of cards with me or anything, but I appreciate you letting me sit with you and all."
A ping alerted her to a new text and — "On the other hand, it seems that our royal teammate has lost his wings." She gave her a very 'well ain't that just the way' look, trying not to roll her eyes or scream or both. "Mind if I pick you up and bring you to a lovely lunch of leftovers once I've sorted him out?"
Meggan had begun to respond to that comment before the notification; at that news. She winced, feeling bad for Namor. She wondered if losing the wings had hurt him at all, given his home was naturally in the ocean, and she really hoped not. Even if they weren’t always on the best of terms, she would never wish that on him. “I don’t mind at all, no. Go see about him if he needs any help first. See if he's okay.”
Another smile, this one softer. Her hand shot out to pat Meggan, out of habit. White briefly flooded her vision and relief washed over her. "Meg, you're a gem, don't worry, I have a good feeling. I'll see you soon, dear." With that she rose, blowing a kiss before she swept out, already trying to think of a way to fix what she could. Oh, it'd be nice if things would just go a little bit her way today. She didn't even notice the light that briefly pulsed from her eye as she made her way to the boat house.
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chanrizard · 10 days ago
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Bang Chan // "Baby" for anon
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gordonfreemanspussy · 5 months ago
happy october :]
@scienceteamtober day 1: before the game
with lovely beautiful awesome forever character art by @winkreallyisntable goes CRAZY!!! full art below the cut.
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radchocoart · 3 months ago
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houndfaker · 6 months ago
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bulionis · 6 months ago
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The quickest stobotnik I could draw in my very busy day
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veryasianfailure · 4 months ago
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Was planning on making some character pins for myself but never got around the pin making part The characters are from the Lil' Pootis series from @quazies on yt!
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rocy5 · 4 months ago
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quartztwst · 1 year ago
i hate this year’s bday’s outfits but the groovies are so goofy like why are they having an evil monologue about a painting
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like ok tough guy, the bus for the field trip is leaving you at the museum if you don’t hurry up 😭😭😭
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yoylite · 6 months ago
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“I have no remorse in saying that you! Are! Up for elimination!”
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xprojectrpg · 2 years ago
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Moment of Awesome - Angelo Espinosa/Skin:
Angelo gets to wear his lawyer hat, this time helping out new arrival Match.
Angelo looked up as the door opened, smiling slightly. "I wear a lot of hats. But yeah, today I'm this lawyer. How can I help?"
“‘m lookin for advice,” he started before frowning, brows knitting together as he tried to make his words make sense. “Or like, fake papers or something. Long story short, last year I got arrested when I, ya know, got all fiery for the first time, and as far as the state was concerned I’m too dangerous to be on the streets. Like that worked out for them.” The last sentence was accompanied by a short laugh. “So what’s the law say?”
Angelo got up to nudge the door closed, then turned back to Match. "I'm not really the guy to talk to about fake papers, but if that's what you need, I can point you to the right people. As for the law, did they charge you with anything?"
"Nah, I don't think fake papers are actually for me, I was just makin' shit up." Match zeroed in on the man as he moved, wariness setting on his face for a moment before slowly ebbing away. Loudly, he cleared his throat and raised a hand to count off the charges that had been thrown around when he'd been arrested. "Resisting arrest, destruction of public property, they threw in disorderly conduct on top of that just for fun I think, reckless conduct —which is apparently different —and slap a 'lack of registration of dangerous mutant power' or whatever and no parents and there you go. So, what are my options?" Any sarcasm left as he fixed Angelo with a firm gaze, waiting.
Angelo listened carefully, thinking it over. "How'd you get to where we found you? Did they release you, or did you escape? I can work with whichever it is."
Match stayed silent for a moment as he tried to pick his next words. "There was a malfunction or something with the power dampener they'd had on site of the holding cell I got taken to. I wasn't in the system yet, and, I don't know, I just ran. Postman and Trader found me and I stayed with them until, well, until I burned my house down."
“You weren’t in the system yet? That could be good for us. Did they know your name?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’d gotten some warnings so the cops who picked me up knew my name.” His face darkened a touch, jaw tightening before he shook his head. “But I didn’t get printed or anything. Is that good?” It seemed like it would be good but he was unsure.
"It might be. It depends." Angelo offered a crooked grin. "Mostly on how lazy they were and whether they wanted to do paperwork on a prisoner who was never officially there and explain how they let you escape."
Match nodded along, as if he understood, and part of it made sense to him. In fact, he straightened himself up a little more, eyes brightening. "So, could you find out, or... wait, I guess, I mean this doesn't mean I can go home, does it?" And he deflated, the weight of everything seemingly coming down on him fully for the first time since they'd brought him back.
"Not yet", Angelo said apologetically. "Not until we get that straightened out - and yeah, if there's a warrant out for you, I can find out. And we can keep you in touch with your grandma and anyone else you want, without anybody tracking you."
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