#mom lena luthor
natalievoncatte · 1 year
“Your son just kicked me, Miss Luthor-Danvers.”
Kara looked over to the couch, where Lena bad stopped reading her book, which now lay propped on the dome of her stomach. She looked absolutely exhausted, with dark circles beneath her eyes, marring paler than usual skin.
The pregnancy was taking its toll on Lena, but just as difficult for Lena was the order to remain on pelvic rest, as were the Herculean caloric requirements of gestating a Kryptonian child on Earth. Lena Luthor was the type of woman who grew more fatigued from orders to lay up in bed, and Kara had to practically bat her phone out of her hand to stop her from answering emails at all hours of the night.
Kara swung out from behind the kitchen island, carrying another smoothie with a carefully selected mix of fruits, vegetables, and protein powder.
“Blegh,” Lena said, as she choked down a gulp of the stuff. Does it have to be so sweet?”
Kara didn’t answer. Lena looked haggard by her own usual standards, but to Kara, she was the most gorgeous thing she’d ever seen. Yes, she was pale, but there as a rosy glow in her cheeks and though she sighed and complained and groused, rarely had there been such joy in her eyes. One of Kara’s new favorite things was catching Lena unawares, finding her smiling at nothing and cradling protective arms around the new life coming to being within her.
After she gulped down the last of the thick, gloppy shake -which Lena had given the appetizing name of ‘nutrient slurry mark one’, she turned halfway on the couch.
“There he goes again,” said Lena, sighing.
Kara reached out with a trembling hand, resting it gently on the warm curve of Lena’s skin. She went quiet for a moment, forcing back the tears. Thinking about this overwhelmed her. She’d never dreamed she’d really have this, much less with the most beautiful and kind woman she’d ever known. A soft twitch against her palm made her grin from ear to ear.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying this. I’d like to get some sleep.”
Kara chewed at her lip for a moment.
“What if I try singing to him?”
Lena raised a sharp eyebrow.
“Alex gave me an article that says that babies can hear us while they’re in the womb.”
Lena’s head fell back against the cushions.
“Do you know any lullabies?”
Kara swallowed, hard.
There was a pause, as Kara worked herself up, pulling the words from the lost days of her youth, across an ocean of stars beneath a far distant sun.
She more spoke than sang at first, until her voice grew into something soft and light, like a rare flower opening its petals to greet the sun. By the time she really began to sing, Lena was smiling, listening intently.
Kara dug deep in her memory for the words to the traditional Kryptonian lullaby, a promise from a young mother to her child lost in the wilderness, an invocation to come home safe to loving arms before the reunited in the final verses.
When Kara finished she looked up and saw that Lena was fast asleep, her hand now resting atop Kara’s as it rested on Lena’s belly. Tenderly, Kara drew her hand back and, with practiced ease, raised Lena in her arms and carried her back to the bedroom, another Kryptonian verse flowing softly from old memories, and the eventually they slept, until sunrise.
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leighlew3 · 11 months
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It’s still a little angry alas it’s black and gray anyway, hence the filter. But yeah, I did a thing. Special thanks to @jellolegos for permission to use her awesome Kara/Lena art, and Luis Blanco for bringing it to life in the coolest way. 🔥
The ship and its potential and so many of you in the fandom truly mean so much to me. Supercorp has inspired some of my own writing and also been a beacon of light in a time of life’s darkness. ❤️💙
P.S. “Let It Be” is obviously to honor Mom, in addition to the palm trees. 🙏
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superfandomcorp · 3 months
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obliviouskara · 2 months
bratty lena will always be my favorite version of lena
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softlenaluthor · 2 years
not to be embarrassing but freya from god of war ragnarok. mom? sorry.
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smalls-words · 2 years
It's Not Okay
Summary: Being bullied at school is never fun - especially when parents try to blow it off as crushes.
Pairings: Mama!Kara Danvers x Daughter!Reader, Mommy!Lena Luthor x Daughter!Reader, Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor (unmarried partners), Auntie!Uncle!Superfriends x Child!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: nightmares, name-calling (ugly), broken glasses. nothing too serious for you all :)
A/N: I've been feeling a bit little today but I haven't actually dropped, so I kind of fell into a younger mindset for the reader. To the anon that requested a storyline similar to a teenager reader, I can write that one too if you'd like? Just wasn't feeling it today, sorry :)
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*how i imagine their clothing at the end, but you can imagine anything you'd like*
*not my gif*
Many people at school thought you were weird. The fact that you wore these ‘dorky’ glasses and ‘stupid’ clothes was slowly eating away at you. Nobody knew your moms were Supergirl and Lena Luthor, two of the biggest names in pop culture - Lena had kept her publicity quiet whilst Kara hadn’t revealed her identity to the world.
You spotted Kara as you walked out of school, another horrid day of year two eating away at your young and boisterous personality. 
“Hi Mama!” You yelled excitedly, running up to her and tackling her in a hug.
“Hello, my darling inah (daughter).” She kissed your forehead before buckling you into your seat, making your jaw drop as a gasp came out.
“Hiya, sweetheart.” Lena grinned from the front passenger seat, making goofy faces at you in her mirror as she touched up her mascara.
“Are you ready to go home, baby?” Kara asked after buckling herself into her seatbelt.
“Mhms! Is cousie Esme at home?” You replied.
“She sure is!”
“And Auntie Alex? Auntie Kelly?!”
“Yep and yep!” Lena answered this time, the two of them surprised at your excitement.
“How was your day at school, honey?” 
“It was so fun, Mommy! We had somebody come today and I got to pet a lizard! He had a blue tongue too!” You giggled at the memory, looking out of the window.
“That sounds amazing, Y/N/N.” Lena smiled warmly at you, tickling your leg.
As you all made your way back to Lena’s penthouse loft, you immediately ran up the stairs. You threw your bag down, not caring about the stuff inside, and went back downstairs to see everybody.
You tackled Alex and Kelly in a hug, the two of them almost losing the air in their lungs whilst Esme quickly copied Kara so you wouldn’t hurt her. “Hey, little cousie.” 
“Hi hi!” You grinned, seeing an assortment of crayons on the table in front of you. “Can I draw you something?” You whispered in Esme’s ear, to which she nodded.
You immediately sat down and began to draw your masterpiece, making sure the sun was in the top corner and the sky was blue. Everybody was on the page in their correct spots, your Mommy and Mama holding either of your hands whilst everybody else stood beside them.
“Y/N, dinner is ready!” Kara called out to you from the kitchen, your head popping up to see everybody making their way over.
You scrambled to get onto your chair at the table, waiting patiently for everyone to sit before you pulled out your drawing. “Look! Do you all like it?”
Gasps and applause came from them all, with the drawing being passed around as dinner was served. You giggled at Kara’s heat vision on the chicken, wanting to use yours but you weren’t quite in control yet.
When Kara got the drawing, she smiled at herself in her Supergirl outfit before putting it on the fridge along with some of your other creations. You enjoyed the dinner consisting of the carbonara pasta for you, whilst others ate from the other dishes on the table until Alex decided on watching a movie.
You snuggled up between Kara and Lena, to which Nia guided a blanket on top of your trio which made you beam at her. “Thanks, Auntie Nia!” 
“You’re very welcome, Y/N/N.” She beamed back, kissing your forehead gently before she cuddled up to Brainy. 
As the movie played on, you grew bored as you didn’t understand some of the older references, so you decided to draw again. As your mind wandered to what school would be like tomorrow, your drawing began to reflect that. The crayons you used were usually bright, but now they were full of shadows and darkness.
Eventually you grew tired and climbed back up to Lena, having no space to sit between Kara and the noirette, which left you with your toes hiding underneath Nia’s blanket. As you fell asleep, her mind fell into your dream and she watched the bullies teasing you for your glasses and clothes.
When she woke up, however, she didn’t want to disturb Kara and Lena’s special time together, so she kept it to herself and gently manipulated your dream into something more fun and exciting.
Kara was not expecting a call from your school as she sat in Lena’s office on her lunch break. She looked up at Lena and the two made their way to your school, seeing you sniffling and shaking in your seat.
“Honey baby, what happened?” Kara knelt in front of you, gently wiping away your tears.
You shook your head and your tears poured, making Kara very distressed as she picked you up easily, bouncing you and herself instead of flying like she used to when you were little. She turned to Lena, who had spoken with the receptionist, and gently put you back down in your chair.
“Y/N/N, lovey, we will be right back, okay?” She kissed your forehead, noticing your glasses were crooked before righting them.
She stepped into the principal’s office with Lena, her in a blue argyle style whilst Lena was in her dark maroon suit. They sat down in a set of chairs next to what they could only assume was the other child’s mother and father, the plaque at the end of the desk reading Principal Johnson. 
“What happened?” Lena asked, a tinge of annoyance in her tone.
“Ms Luthor, Ms Danvers, this is Mr and Mrs. Kepler. There’s no easy way to say this, but… Y/N hit their son Will and broke his nose.” Mr. Johnson sighed.
Kara’s eyes widened behind her glasses. “What?!”
Lena’s hand fell onto Kara’s in assurance. “Can someone tell us what happened? Possibly what caused the fight?”
“Unfortunately, the teacher on duty wasn’t watching over their spout and only saw the end result.” He shrugged.
Lena immediately stood and opened the door, picking you up from your chair and bringing you inside. You’d never been inside this room before, this was the principal’s office. This was where the bad kids were sent - you weren’t a bad kid, were you?
“Y/N, honey, can you tell us what happened? The silly teacher wasn’t watching and Mama and I want to know.” Lena asked you gently, noticing how the unfamiliar surroundings and new people were scaring you.
“W-Well, I was playing in the sand pit a-and Will came to play. I di-didn’t want to play with him so I said no.”
You looked over at the scowling parents before Kara adjusted her seat so you didn’t see them, only your Mama and Mommy. “Keep going, darling. Take your time.” She cooed, brushing some tear-soaked hairs out of your face.
“N-n he didn’t like that. Mama, he took my glasses!” You took them off and showed her them -  the middle part that rested on your nose was broken.
“Did he break your glasses, honey?” She asked carefully.
“Mhm! He stomped on them.” You sniffled. “I like my glasses. B-But he says he doesn’t like them, ever. And he doesn’t like my clothes either. He says I look ugly in them.” 
You watched your Mama and Mommy’s faces fall with sadness, worry building in yours. “No! Didn’t mean to make you sad!”
“Honey, did you punch Will because he called you ugly and broke your glasses?” Kara asked, not even listening to your heartbeat.
You shook your head frantically. “No, Mama! I just pushed him out of the sand pit! He tripped on the side and fell on his face, promise!”
She nodded, carefully taking you into her arms before she readjusted her seat and looked at the other parents who held Will. “Well then I think this whole situation has been sorted. Just a simple misunderstanding.” Mr. Johnson smiled sheepishly.
“I don’t think so.” Lena stood, folding her arms.
You knew this wasn’t soft Mommy - this was Mommy the Boss, and Kara took you outside of the room.
“Will has been bullying Y/N for her glasses and her clothes. He needs to learn that bullying isn’t okay.” Lena stated.
“He’s in year two, Ms. Luthor. It’s nothing more than teasing - he might even like Y/N.” Mr. Kepler replied.
“I expect my child’s glasses to be paid for, Mr. Kepler. And summing up this bullying to something so weird as Will fancying her is wrong. It shouldn’t be okay for this to happen. If this continues, Mr. Johnson, I will pull Y/N out of this school.” 
With that, Lena closed the principal’s door behind her, seeing you and Kara in the reception. She immediately smiled at you and hugged you when you made some grabby hands, your head burying into her neck. 
“Mommy, can we go flying later?” You asked softly.
“Of course we can, baby. Let’s go home first so we can get our special clothes on.” She answered, which was your code word for the super suits.
You were quiet on the walk to the car, which surprised the two women before they realised you were asleep. “Maybe we can go flying tomorrow.” Kara teased, gently kissing your forehead as she buckled you into your car seat.
You opened your eyes to see everybody waiting for you at home, including Uncle Mon-El and Auntie Imra with Uncle Winn. You ran up to Imra who easily lifted and hugged you, giving you sporadic kisses on your face.
“How about we go and have some fun inside? Maybe we can test out your flying!” She giggled with you.
Whilst everyone else went inside, Nia stopped Kara and Lena. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the bullying.”
They looked at each other before turning to her. “I dreamt about it last night when she was touching me. It was actually terrifying to watch her little mind dream that, let alone comprehend it. I know I’m not a mom, but I wouldn’t make her go back yet.”
“Can you show us the dream?” Kara pleaded, to which Nia took their hands and showed them.
It brought them to tears instantly.
“Oh, baby…” Lena whimpered, running inside to find you in your room.
“Mommy? Mama? What happened?” You asked quietly, watching them kneel in front of you before sweeping you off your feet into their arms.
“We are so sorry we didn’t see this earlier, inah.” Kara cooed, holding you tight but not too tight.
You felt those big emotions surface before tears began to run down your face, squirming further into Kara’s hold whilst Lena hugged your other side. “W-Want ev’ybody.” You muffled against Kara’s shirt.
“Yeah? Everybody?” She asked, to which you nodded.
“Hope?” Lena looked up at the ceiling.
“The members downstairs have been notified of Y/N’s request.” The AI replied.
Soon enough, they all piled in and looked down at your crying form. Nia was the first to start the group hug, with everyone piling on until you felt truly loved.
As they pulled apart, they all gave you an individual hug and some even said some encouraging words. But at the end of it, you turned to your Mama and Mommy and tackled them in a hug, making giggles spread through the room whilst you held them tightly.
“My Mamas.” 
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 1 year
Fandom: Supergirl
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Original Danvers/Luthor Children, Morgan Edge, Jess
Summary: A slice of life story. Lena is trying to balance her life at L-Corp with home life with Kara and her twins. However, things don't always go so smoothly.
Word Count: 8,043
Lena sat in the backseat of her town car viewing the results of her latest project at L-Corp. Her latest project was trying to use a 3-D printer to create organic limbs and organs. They were able to successfully create an organic leg today, but it exploded after 5 minutes. She knew there was damage to the lab, but was not sure the entire extent of it. Her lab assistants were all running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It was why she was in her town car being driven to L-Corp at 6:30 am in the morning. She didn’t know what made her upset more. The fact that the experiment failed and caused possible major damage, or the fact that she couldn’t take her 6 year old twin girls Liza and Alexa to school this morning. She had promised them the last several days to take them to school in the morning, but something always seems to come up at work. She walked into the living room dreading to tell them she was failing again to keep her word for a third day in a row. They were glued to the tv eating their cereal watching Kara as Supergirl fighting the Pied Piper. He was controlling the rats to attack the citizens of downtown National City. Lena shuddered. She hated rats. 
“Look at Jeju go!” squealed Alexa.
“Wouldn’t it be cool if we had a pet rat?” asked Liza.
“I don’t know if Mommy would let us keep him.”
“Why not?”
“She hates rats. Remember when we tried to convince her to let us babysit Fernando the Ferret?”
“Yeah, she screamed when we brought it home. She wouldn’t get off the table until JeJu flew it away.”
“I bet Jeju would let us have a pet?”
“I don’t know. Auntie Alex says that Jeju is too whipped to not do what Mommy says.”
“What does that mean?”
Liza shrugged her shoulders and went back to watching the tv. Lena approached the girls and cleared her throat to get their attention. 
“Hey, girls. Mommy has to leave early today. Jeju is going to have to take you to school.” 
Liza just kept eating her cereal. Alexa came up to Lena and gave her a hug. 
She said, “It’s okay mommy. We know you have important things to do today.” 
Alexa then ran over to Liza jumping up and down. 
“Do you know what this means?” squealed Alexa
Liza's eyes popped open after she thought about it a moment and then started jumping up and down with Alexa. 
“Jeju will fly us to school.” squealed Liza
They then started to run around the room pretending like they could fly. Afterwards, Lena ran to her car in tears. She isn’t sure what hurt her more: the fact that the girls were not phased by her unkept promises or the fact that Kara was the preferred parent. Kara is always the fun parent while Lena is viewed as a Debbie downer by the girls. Before she had the girls, she never saw herself as a parent. She didn’t really have good examples growing up. Her dad ignored her for the most part and her step mother Lillian hated her. Granted Lillian and her relationship is on the road to repair, but it took a lot of work. Then, there was Lex. She shudders when she thinks of him. He would torture her constantly growing up and well into adulthood. 
She had no thoughts on continuing the Luthor line until she met Kara. She broke down her walls and taught her not only how to love, but that she deserved to be loved by others. When they first got married, she was hesitant about having children. However, when she would stare at Kara, she knew that there was no one else that she would ever want to jump into the unknown with. The road to having the girls was filled with struggles. They first went the adoption route. While Kryptonians have both sex organs, their DNA is not compatible with humans. They went to 20 adoption agencies in the US and overseas, and their application was automatically denied. The Luthor name was toxic to them especially after all the evil things that Lex did. Lena had suggested just having Kara adopt the child, and then they could raise the baby together. However, Kara vehemently refused. She wanted both of them to be parents in every way possible. Lena decided to take things into her own hands. She experimented on herself with Kara’s DNA to see if she could combine it with hers so her body could carry a Kyptonian child. She nearly died in the process (which Kara was pissed about especially since she didn’t know about the experiments), but she changed her DNA enough that it could accept Kara’s sperm. They had their twins on the first try. When she first gave birth to them, she held them in her arms and promised them that she would always be with them unlike her family. She never wanted them to feel unwanted or unloved like she did as a child. She feels now like she has broken that promise on so many levels. 
Read the rest on AO3
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dcjelliclequeen33 · 1 year
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“L-Lex what are you doing?”
Lena’s green eyes darted nervously around the sterile white concrete room she was in, taking in the bright lights, various medical machines.
“Isn’t it obvious Lena? I’m finally doing something I’ve aimed to accomplish for years but have always fallen just shy of doing, creating a life form that will finally give the Kryptonians a real challenge; and you, my dear little sister, are going to help me achieve that end.”
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“Do you need someone to talk to?” Iona - Lena
          "I need someone to have a drink with me," they replied, not an ounce of amusement in their voice. "But I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't... fall back on old habits." That would be the last thing Kara would've wanted.
          "It should have been me. The world needs Supergirl. It doesn't need a Luthor." No matter how much therapy they received or how much everyone in their life told them that they were wanted and needed, it was still hard to accept. Especially now.
          Kara was dead and the world was in morning, but so was she.
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autcnomy · 1 year
Tag Dump, keep on scrollin' ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Alex: I’m not arguing with you, I’m just saying that you’re completely wrong.
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lovelacefc7723 · 1 month
Every time I rewatch Season 3 of Supergirl I'm reminded that Sam Arias was the best thing happened to the show, after Lena Luthor's arrival. Everything was wonderful about her: being a badass CFO while also a single mom, her Kryptonian alter ego as Reign, her friendships with Lena, Kara and Alex, Odette Annable who is just gorgeous, it was perfect. They also had the opportunity to create the greatest story with Alex, maybe if she had stayed in the show she could have developed powers again and become part of the SuperFriends, she would have been incredible.
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fazedlight · 7 months
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Awakening (Kara character study, small part supercorp softness)
“But why can’t I be matched to Tali, mom? She’s my best friend!”
Alura turned to Kara, her jaw tensed with frustration with the stubborn child. “Kara, you know better than this. Stable matching can only be achieved if there is a true bijection between disjoint sets-”
“We don’t even have a true bijection because the population is constantly changing, we don’t sort according to all possible preferences, we don’t even have-” “It is not in our nature, Kara,” Alura said, with a dangerous tone in her voice. “We are not Daxamites.”
“The answer is no.”
Kara is thirteen Earth years the first time she’s called “dyke.” She doesn’t know what it means. She had only been to school for a couple of weeks. Before that, the only substantial English she had spoken was the couple months with Eliza, Jeremiah, Alex, and Kal. 
Clark, not Kal. Saying “Kal” would put her baby cousin- her older cousin- her cousin in danger.
Alex’s face flushes, and her eyes almost burn with anger, as she shoves Jake Howell against a locker. Kara could do it easily herself, but showing her newfound strength to humans would put her in danger too, somehow. Kara doesn’t think asshole is a nice word, given how Alex growled it. But she suspects dyke isn’t a nice word either.
That night after dinner, Eliza sighs, and hugs Kara gently - and Kara resolves to never get called dyke again.
“She’s gorgeous, she’s smart, she smells nice. Hell, I want to date her.” Kara flushed with discomfort, as the words came unbidden from her lips. But Alex didn’t remark on the odd statement, and Kara shoved the thought away.
Just weeks later, awkwardness would turn to tension as Lucy growled. “You and Hank, why do you all lie?”
“When you are an alien,” Kara choked, “You’re willing to sacrifice anything, everything, betray your fundamental instincts - just to fit in.” Something tugged in Kara’s soul at that moment. That she had always tried to fit in, long before she became an alien. But there simply hadn’t been time to linger.
It was only weeks later, when Lucy was saying her goodbyes before leaving National City to rejoin the military, that Kara felt the uncomfortable spike again. “I do know what it’s like to hide,” Lucy confessed.
Kara tilted her head, questions like why? and what do you mean? floating through her mind. But she thought it would be kinder not to ask. “I hope someday, you can be all that you are.”
Lucy gave a small smile. “Me too.”
She hadn’t expected meeting Lena to feel like lightning in her veins. The younger Luthor was quick-witted, and beautiful, and playful. Kara felt herself flush with the gentle teasing during their first coffee, and found herself marveling at never quite having a friendship like this before. 
“So… so she’s gay?” Kara asked, the word heavy in her throat. “And are you saying, you’re gay too?”
Alex sighed and paced in front of Kara, her frustration just as apparent as her confusion. How can you not know if you’re gay?, Kara wondered, at the same time feeling strangely allergic to the conversation. Wouldn’t it be obvious? “What’s changed?” Kara asked.
Yeah, he was… immature. Irresponsible. But they connected - orphans of a lost planet, who spoke the same tongue, who had the same bewilderment in their first moments on an alien planet with newfound powers. And if being in his bed brought her pleasure, it was only proof of their connection, that a good relationship could come of it.
Sometimes there were those flashes - Mon-El had been confused by Alex’s coming out, not understanding the concept. The more the merrier would ring in Kara’s head, and she’d chase away the image of Lena’s face.
“I couldn’t have done it, Kara.”
Kara’s chest heaved as she gazed down at Lena, hearing Kal’s words flash through her mind. Lena clung to Kara’s arm as Kara hovered above the reservoir, and some corner of Kara’s mind knew that she should go land, that the danger was over. That Lena was safe. That the city was safe.
But she could only stare down at Lena, whose heart hammered in her chest, whose panting breaths from her climb had not yet slowed. I almost lost her, Kara thought, forlorn. I couldn’t lose her…
It was that moment that her world came crashing down, that realization made her feel like she was drowning. That romantic love wasn’t merely a combination of friendship and lust. That shared experience didn’t mean a shared connection. There was something that ran deeper.
She was in love with Lena, and she could no longer deny it.
It was a drunken movie night, after Lena’s breakup with James, when Kara heard I love you fall from Lena's lips.
“It was always you,” Lena confessed, her words slightly slurred from the alcohol as Kara finished pulling the covers over her. “I just wanted to be close to you.”
Kara stood back, feeling her heart pound as she watched Lena slip into slumber. I wish I had told you, Kara thought, her mind flashing to a moment long ago in a forest. I wish I had told you, before…
Kara spent a fitful night trying to sleep on her couch, and Lena’s eyes flashed with shame the next morning as she woke. But they left for Noonan’s, leaving the conversation behind.
It felt impossibly brief, that window of time after Kara had revealed her secret, where everything felt almost right with the world. Maybe someday, she and Lena could finish that conversation.
But she found herself in a kryptonite shell.
The universe ended soon after, and even magic couldn’t fix how they had broken. Until the day Kara finally found her hands in Lena’s, vowing together to take down her brother, and Kara felt again that hopeful wonder of what a future with Lena could hold.
And then she found herself in the Phantom Zone again, the words ringing in her head, I wish I had told you.
Sleep had eluded Kara in the weeks back from the Phantom Zone. So she was already wide awake at 2am, when she heard Lena’s heart begin to hammer. 
Kara tensed, rushing to her window and ears tuning in as she prepared to fight off an assassination attempt or catch Lena as she fell.
But as she shot into the sky, she nearly tumbled when she realized that Lena wasn’t in distress. The shaky breaths and small laughs caused Kara’s chest to tighten in anguish. She’s fine, Kara thought, feeling tears prick the edges of her vision. She’s fine. 
“Are you okay?” Lena said, when she finally found Kara in the Tower, sitting on a step. “Alex said she couldn’t find you - you were in the Fortress?”
Kara glanced up from the steps. “I just, um. I was reading in the Fortress, I fell asleep there.” It had the benefit of being true. The Fortress was far enough to drown the sound of Lena’s heart out.
Lena shuffled next to Kara, taking a seat. “I don’t remember seeing any beds there.”
“I float in my sleep,” Kara shrugged, staring at her hands as she let silence fall.
Lena shifted, uncomfortable with the quiet. “Are you okay?”
Yeah, Kara almost said, but something stopped her this time. Perhaps it was the poor sleep. Perhaps it was the litany of I wish I had told you that would replay in her mind.
How many more times am I going to do this?, Kara thought. How many more times am I going to carry that regret? “I love you,” Kara said finally, sensing Lena tense up next to her. “I know… I know that door is closed. But I love you. I should’ve told you so long ago.”
“You… you heard me last night,” Lena wondered softly. “So you went to the Fortress?”
Kara grimaced. “I stopped listening as soon as I realized,” Kara said, fighting a panic. Will she be angry? “I never meant to- to invade your privacy. I’ll be more careful.”
“The door isn’t closed,” Lena said. “If you don’t want it to be.”
Those words made Kara brave enough - or maybe just confused enough - to finally tilt her head up to meet Lena’s gaze. “But- last night-”
“I’ve been trying to get over you. Not very successfully,” Lena added, with a wry grin.
“Really?” Kara smiled.
The matching laws had been long dismantled by the time a smiling Alura officiated their marital rites. Kryptonians didn’t have concepts like best man or matron of honor, but that didn’t stop the two women from inviting Alex and Kelly to stand at each of their sides as they said their vows.
Kara never imagined that it’d be a woman’s wrist she’d place her wedding bracelet on. Though she supposed she never imagined marrying on an asteroid of her father’s creation, or marrying for romantic love, or marrying someone her people would call Hero of Argo for the creation of a black rock.
She never imagined finally telling Lena her secret. She never imagined Lena’s forgiveness. She never imagined the feel of Lena’s lips pressed against her own, hands tugging at her robes, as she whispered zhao against Lena’s lips.
And she never imagined being the one to make Lena’s heart race.
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comic-book-jawns · 5 months
F is for Godmother
“Esme, sweetie, who did you learn that word from?”
Well, that’s a question Mama’s never asked before. But before Esme can ask ‘why??’, the door to Aunt Kara’s apartment opens and —
“Aunt Lena!”
Esme doesn’t get why she’s always the only one — aside from Aunt Kara, of course — who runs to give her godmother a hug every Game Night.
“Ow, fuck!”
Stupid chair.
Although the chair isn’t the one who starts laughing about her falling. That’s Aunt Nia, who is usually really nice. Uncle Brainy seems confused about it too when she falls on top on him.
“Kara, don’t you dare.”
Mommy sounds mad… because Aunt Kara is laughing too! Not like Aunt Nia, but her face is red, and she’s got a hand over her mouth, and her shoulders are shaking.
“It’s not funny!”
Esme stomps her foot as she stands up — the foot that doesn’t still hurt — and she can feel her eyes getting spicy. Which her moms say is ‘okay.’ But it’s not okay because it makes Aunt Lena sad, and Esme just wanted to make her smile!
At least no one’s laughing anymore.
“You okay?”
Esme feels her godmother’s hand on her shoulder and spins around to throw her arms around Aunt Lena’s shoulders. She always crouches down when she talks to Esme.
“They’re making fun of me.”
“No, honey, they’re not. They’re making fun of me.”
Esme pushes back with a gasp. She might not like them laughing at her… but at Aunt Lena?!
“Not in a mean way! Not in a mean way!”
She looks back to see Aunt Lena flapping her hands, which she does when she’s talking fast.
“In a friend way?”
“But you didn’t do anything. You just got here.”
Aunt Lena opens her mouth… and then she laughs, quietly, and shakes her head.
Mommy sounds mad again, and her godmother’s face is really red all the sudden. Esme turns around again, ready to protect her.
“A word?”
But then the laughing starts again, louder than before. Even Papa J’onn is smiling! And —
“I’m sorry, dear, but you could have phrased that any other way.”
**12 Hours Later**
Esme still doesn’t see what the big deal is. It’s just the word her godmother uses when some part of her experiment isn’t working, like now.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 7 hours
Musician Age Gap AU Pt 11
As soon as Alex and her family are safely in a car on the way to a hotel, Kara and Lena board Lena's jet back to the states. During the flight, Lena curls in on herself, picking nervously at her cuticles with a worried, guilty expression.
"Hey," Kara says, pulling Lena's gaze towards her. Her features remain heavy. "I'm not mad."
At that, Lena's face softens, but only enough to grimace with a soft huff. "You're not the one I'm worried about."
Kara must look confused, because Lena soon continues.
"As a rule, my mother knows who I spend my time with, and when." The guilt returns. "Except for you."
"So she didn't know I was in Capri with you..."
Lena confirms it with a shake of her head. "Nor why I went back to National City."
Well... this wouldn't be easy then. Dealing with a rabid press is one thing-- being at odds with one of the key players in keeping her family safe is another.
"I'm sorry," Lena murmurs. "I just... wanted to keep you mine. Just for a little while."
Kara shoots her a look. "I'm still not mad."
"You can be. If you want."
"I don't." She moves seats, switching to the bench Lena's on. She makes no attempt to still Lena's nervous picking, but simply spreads her legs enough for the outsides of their thighs to touch. Kara intends the physical contact to serve as reassurance, but she doesn't know if it works.
"I'm a big girl, Lena. I know I can back out whenever I want to. But I don't. Not yet."
A little bit of warmth cuts through Lena's anxious fog. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Kara's heart beats a little faster, when a small smile answers her. Impulsively, she leans over to kiss Lena's cheek. She feels... giddy? Far more exhilirated she has any right to feel at her age. "Bring it."
Lillian Luthor is a slender, austere woman. Kara clocks her the moment the plane lands on the tarmac, tall and styled in her designer clothes and looks that only money and astronomically good genes could provide.
Only Kara witnesses the short beat Lena takes before stepping out of the plane, bracing herself for whatever follows. Kara keeps pace with her once they descend the ladder in single file. She may not be driving this bus, but she is no shrinking flower. In this, she is Lena's equal.
Not that the look Lillian gives her would have anyone believe.
"In the car," the woman orders. "Now."
Lena obeys without a word. Kara is a little slower to fall in line, but ultimately follows Lena's lead. Lillian climbs in behind them, leaving Jess and a woman Kara doesn't recognize to scramble on board last.
"The family is checked into the Lariat. So far no indication that they've been identified, but its still early."
"What about Kara?"
"What about you??" Lillian demands, tone scathing in its heat. "What were you thinking?"
Kara sees Lena wilt, and anger bubbles up in her throat. "Don't talk to her like that--"
"You have zero business here," Lillian fires back with steel in her voice.
"Mom!" Lena exclaims in Kara's defense. "It's not that big a deal--"
Ice blue eyes turn on Lena, freezing her to the spot. "It's a big enough deal that you saw fit to sneak behind my back, with a woman twice your age no less--"
"Timeline, now."
Lena's shoulders sag, but says nothing. Looking to divert some of Lillian's ire, Kara moves to speak up. "We--"
"She already knows," Lena rolls her eyes.
"I do," her mother confirms. "But I'll hear it from you nonetheless."
Lena huffs. "Night two of the National City stop. Her niece left her phone backstage, and we exhanged numbers."
The exhange sounds like a repeat of one they've had many times before. Neither Jess nor the other woman-- who Kara assumes is Lillian's own assistant-- look at all nervous at the rapidfire crossing of words.
"Texting?" Lillian demands. "Or sexting?"
Kara bristles. "I don't see how that's any of your--"
"*Texting*, Mom, god!" Lena seethes. Her cheeks are bright red, from anger or embarassment or both. "Will you just--"
"Just *what* Lena?"
Lillian's voice is so sharp Kara can see the moment it cuts Lena down. Her jaw tightens, and when Kara sublty shifts to take her hand, Lena shifts away.
Satisfied that her daughter is suitably in line, Lillian turns to her assistant. "Mercy, have PR prepare a statement. The photos were misconstrued, they simply capture a couple of friends taking in the sights."
"Mom, no," Lena croaks. "I don't want-- who cares if people know that I'm gay--?"
"You are not gay!"
Lena flinches, features blanching as though Lillian had landed a physical blow. Only then does Lillian seem to realize that she's talking to an actual person. Her tone doesn't soften, exactly, but it doesn't sharpen any further.
"Your *brand* isn't," she amends, likely the closest thing to thing to an apology Lena would get.
"I thought Lena is the brand," Kara interjects.
Lillian's frigid gaze snaps to her. "She is."
"Her fans are more open-minded than you think--"
"Her fans don't buy tickets," Lillian informs her coolly. "Their parents do. And *they* are far less forgiving."
Kara looks towards Lena, who meets her gaze with a helpless one of her own. It's not untrue-- Esme hadn't bought her tickets, after all.
"Then what do we do?" Kara allows finally.
"Cut ties. Immediately." Lillian looks down her nose at Kara, her regard as condescending as though she were speaking to a teenager, not a women merely ten years her junior.
To Kara's surprise, Lena's response is faster than her own, and carries only the barest of trembles.
"Don't be foolish..."
"I'm not--"
"Do you love her?"
Lena freezes. Her gaze flicks to Kara. "It's only been a few weeks..."
"Precisely. Cut ties now, before--"
"But I want to," Lena finishes. This time, her gaze lingers on Kara's, a small smile warming her eyes. "I want to love her."
Lillian scoffs low in her throat. "You're too old to be play the love sick teenager. Or have you forgotten what happened last time?"
Kara watches Lena hold her mother's gaze, something heavy passing between them, inscrutable to anyone else. But Lena holds her ground, and surprisingly, Lillian is the one to back down.
"Then what would you suggest?"
"Like you said-- we give them something else to talk about." Lena swallows, but forges ahead. "I have some new material, I can perform it live in Paris."
Lillian purses her lips, but doesn't smack down the idea. She considers it, her gaze calculating. "And you two?"
"We do what we want," Lena delivers firmly. "No statement, no confirmation or denial. Let people see interpret it however they want. However they need."
Kara thinks of the young fans, isolated in their orientations or identities, seeing themselves reflected in their favorite artist. The gift that would be, the vote of confidence needed to dream of a future where what Lena and Kara share might be theirs.
Lillian shoots Kara a hard glare. "And you? It's your family in the crossfire if this idea goes to shit."
"Then it goes to shit, and we deal with it."
It might be selfish of her, but in all of their conversations, neither Alex or Kelly have suggested backing off. They spoke only of adapting, of overcoming, and Kara knows she has their unspoken support. And even now, being talked down to and chided, she feels happier sitting next to Lena in this moment than she has in years.
Lillian barely contains her snort of derision.
"Very well," she concedes, with a sharp note of criticism. Then she turns from them entirely to speak with Mercy in low tones.
Kara takes advantage of the moment to lean closer to Lena, murmuring in her ear.
"I want to go to Paris with you."
Lena blinks at her. "You don't have to--"
"Would you feel better if I were there?" Kara asks bluntly. Lena deflates a little, but this time in relief rather than shame.
"Then let me come." Kara gives Lena's hand a squeeze, and is rewarded with a tired smile. "You're not alone in this."
"Okay," Lena says, her smile deepening into a challenge. "Let's bring it."
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tortillamastersblog · 4 months
♕ No Matter What - Part 9 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: none
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The anniversary of Noah’s death came and went by rather quickly, leaving me empty and numb for the past couple of days. I haven’t returned any of my mom’s calls or messages, and I have yet to call Heather. However, staying true to the promise I made to Sam, I haven’t given up on Lena yet.
Things haven’t exactly been back to the way it was before, but we’ve fallen back into our routine of polite small talk. I’ve also noticed that more often than not now, Lena finds an extra Pain au chocolat at the bottom of her brown paper bag when she orders breakfast. It makes me smile and knowing that she’s putting in the effort to make things right has made it difficult for me to stay mad at her.
A pointed look in my direction makes me snap out of my daydream and when I look up, I find that it’s Sam who’s staring at me.
I raise an eyebrow in question only for her to nod her head in the direction of the bathrooms where I can make out Lena’s retreating figure.
Oh, that’s my cue!
I spring into action and follow Lena, leaving the private dinner room filled with L-Corp executives.
When I catch up to her, she whips around with tense shoulders, only to relax when she realizes it’s me.
We’ve been at this high end restaurant for a while now and it was only a matter of time before Lena excused herself to go to the bathroom.
I have been standing guard with all the other bodyguards all night and with every passing minute I could see Lena grow more and more uncomfortable.
“Is everything okay, Ms. Luthor?” I ask when she makes no move to actually go into the bathroom.
Lena shakes her head and runs a hand through her hair. “I just— I need a break for a second.”
I frown at how stressed she seems to be and, without thinking, offer her my arm. “Come with me. . .”
She hesitates for a moment, uncertainty written all over her face, but when I offer an encouraging smile, she gives in and takes hold of my arm.
I lead her past the bathroom and past the kitchen, making sure no one notices us until I push through a door that leads to a small balcony overlooking the city.
Lena’s eyebrows shoot up and her grip on my arm tightens at the beautiful view. “How did you know about this place?”
I chuckle and admire her side profile while her eyes stay on the sparkling city. “I saw some of the kitchen staff having a smoke out here earlier when we arrived.”
She hums in acknowledgment before a comforting silence washes over us.
It’s peaceful up here and I can tell Lena thinks so too because she relaxes against my side, the stress slowly but surely dissipating.
I’m acutely aware of where she’s touching me and I try not to swoon every time a breeze carries her perfume in my direction.
The city lights are reflected in here eyes like a million little stars and for a second I can’t help but just stare.
It doesn’t go unnoticed though because a couple moments later, Lena’s eyes find mine and I quickly look at my feet to hide the blush that creeps up my neck.
A soft laugh makes me look up again and I find Lena looking at me with an adorable smile. “Smooth,” she teases in a low voice and my stomach fills with butterflies.
I choke and rub the back of my head with my free hand. “It seems like you’re feeling better, Ms. Luthor,” I try to tease back, but Lena’s face falls and her eyes drop to where she’s still holding onto my arm.
I’m about to ask what I did wrong when she beats me to it. “I hate it when you call me that,” she says, bitterness seeping into her voice.
“I-I’m sorry,” I stutter, but Lena just shakes her head.
“Don’t be,” she mumbles. “I’m the one who messed up.”
And just like that, I’m no longer mad at her. How can I be? She feels horrible about what happened and it hurts seeing her this upset. It’s like a dagger to my stomach, and I feel guilty for holding a grudge this long.
“Ms. Lu— Lena,” I start and Lena’s eyes snap back up to meet mine. “It’s alright.”
She shakes her head, ready to interject but this time I beat her to it. “No, please. It’s okay. I’m sorry for staying mad this long. You didn’t know and I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.”
Lena lets out a shaky breath and blinks back a couple of tears. Then, without warning, she throws her arms around my neck and pulls me into a bone-crushing hug.
I huff in surprise, but return the embrace, shivering when she presses her nose against the side of my neck and inhales deeply.
“Still, I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry,” she whispere and I just hold her tighter.
I could stay like this all night, but all good things must come to an end and unfortunately my phone ringing in my pocket is what ultimately forces us apart.
I take it out of my pocket, feeling hot all over when Lena’s hands slip inside my open jacket and around my back. She’s obviously not ready to let go completely just yet, but I’m not complaining.
I look at my phone and frown when I see an unknown number. I glance at Lena for a moment, but she’s lost in her own world, her eyes back on the city.
I sigh and accept the call, raising the phone to my ear. “Hello?”
“Good evening, is this Y/N L/N?” A man asks and his voice sounds vaguely familiar.
“I— Yes, that’s me,” I reply a little unsure where this is going.
Lena absentmindedly stars tracing small patterns on my back and I have to force myself to stay focused on the call.
“Good. I’m Neil, head of security at L-Corp and I’m calling to inform you that Ms. Luthor’s apartment has just been broken into.”
I freeze and tighten the grip on my phone. Lena notices and looks at me with concerned eyes.
I lift up a finger to signal that I’ll tell her what’s going on in a second before replying to Neil. “Okay, so what am I supposed to do now? Has the police already been informed?”
“Yes, the police had already been informed. They can’t find anything amiss at the scene, but I suggest you make sure Ms. Luthor has somewhere to stay for a couple of days. At least until we can find out how the security measures we have in place were bypassed by whoever did this.”
The first thing that comes to mind is a hotel, but the thought of Lena having to stay in a hotel room, alone, makes me dismiss that thought almost instantly.
“Okay. Thank you, Neil. Call me as soon as you know more,” I say and he says he will before hanging up.
The name Neil must have tipped Lena off because when I look down I see the worry swimming in her eyes.
“What’s going on?” she asks quietly and I sigh before telling her what happened.
She goes rigid in my arms and stops tracing shapes on my back. “Lex. . .” Is all she whispers with glossy eyes and I clench my jaw.
Of course it was him. Who else would have the means to do something like this?
Lena’s breathing picks up and she starts to pull away, but before she can get out of reach I sling my arms around her shoulders and pull her against me.
Her uneven breaths hit the skin of my neck and the panic she’s exuding makes my insides clench. “Hey, hey, hey. Nothing is going to happen to you. I told you that before, haven’t I? I promised, remember?” I say quickly and when there’s no reply I add, “You can stay with me, if it makes you feel safer.”
Still, no reply.
Shit, maybe I overstepped?
“Or, you know, you could stay at Sam’s, or Kara’s, or maybe even Jam—“
Lena cuts me off with a shaky sigh and a whispered, “No, I want to stay with you.”
I’m admittedly a little stunned by that admission. “O-okay.”
Lena clings to me and I have to fight the urge to press a kiss to her forehead.
A crash from inside the kitchen makes us flinch and we pull apart with a sigh. I duck down to catch Lena’s eye. “We should probably head back inside.”
She grimaces and nods before squaring her shoulders and taking a deep, resolute breath. I smile softly and offer her my arm again as we make our way back inside.
She takes it gratefully and when she returns to her seat next to Sam, Sam ducks her head gratefully as if to say thank you for taking care of her.
The ride back to my place is kind of awkward. Neither Lena or I say something about the situation at hand and Alfred, as always, also stays quiet.
Lena tips him when we finally get to my apartment building on the other side of the city and he wishes us a good night before driving off.
Lena looks around nervously as if Lex is about to jump out of the shadows, so I quickly guide her inside and up to my apartment.
I pull out my keys and pray that I didn’t leave a complete mess when I left for work this morning.
I wasn’t exactly expecting any guests, much less Lena, so a wave of relief washes over me when we step inside and I see that it’s pretty clean.
The throw blanket on the sofa isn’t folded and there are a few dishes in the kitchen that are leftover from breakfast, but other than that it’s fine.
Lena looks around with intrigue, her eyes darting over the various pictures on the walls before she takes off her coat and hangs it next to mine by the door.
She goes to crouch down to undo the straps of her heels, but I’m quicker.
I instinctively drop to my knees and hold out a hand for her leg. “Let me.”
Her eyes widen and so do mine when I realize what I’ve just done but there’s no turning back now.
A tinge of red makes it’s way to Lena’s ears and she looks away as she lifts her leg slightly and I reach for her calf. Her skin is hot beneath my fingers and I keep my eyes trained on my task of unfastening the strap around her ankle, afraid of what I might see when I look up.
I can feel her eyes on me and when I reach for her other leg, she places a hand on my shoulder to keep her balance.
“There you go,” I say quietly as I get back up, the heels now neatly placed next to my own shoes.
Lena’s eyes are soft and sparkling in the low light and I freeze when she leans forward to press a kiss to my cheek.
“Thank you,” she whispers and all I can do without making a fool of myself is nod in acknowledgment.
I step back and rub the back of my neck before gesturing around. “Uh— Make yourself at home, please. I’ll get you some clothes and change the bedsheets for you.“
We didn’t go to Lena’s apartment just yet to grab some of her stuff because the police is still there investigating, so my clothes will have to do for the night.
“Thank you,” Lena says, stepping further into the apartment. “But I’ll take the couch. This is your place, I’m not going to kick you out of your own bed.”
I scoff and enter my bedroom, pulling a hoodie and some sweatpants from a drawer. “No, no. You’re a guest, so you get the bed. My back is already messed up.”
I go back to the living room and hand the stack of clothes to Lena who takes them with a timid smile. “Fine. I’ll take the bed tonight. But it’s your turn tomorrow.”
The thought of her being here tomorrow as well makes my stomach flutter.
“We’ll see about that,” I tease before adding a little more seriously, “There’s a new toothbrush in the cupboard under the sink and you can change in the bedroom or bathroom. I’ll be out here and get the couch ready.”
Lena rolls her eyes playfully and brushes past me with another soft thank you which makes my heart flutter.
I go to the kitchen to distract myself and fill the kettle with water before turning it on. I grab two mugs from a cupboard and place a tea bag in each of them.
By then the water is boiling and I grab the kettle to fill the mugs.
Lena’s soft voice from my bedroom makes me look up and put the kettle down.
“Yes?” I ask, wiping my hands on a towel.
“Can you come here for a moment?”
I swallow nervously and approach the bedroom, making sure to knock on the door that stands ajar before entering.
“Yes, come in,” Lena mumbles and when I step inside I find her standing with her back facing me. Her hair is pulled to the side and she’s looking over her shoulder. “Could you maybe help me with the zipper of my dress? I think it got stuck.”
Oh my God. . . The things this woman does to me.
I clear my throat and nod. “Y-yeah, sure.”
I step forward and reach for the zipper, feeling the sudden tension in the air
It takes a couple of tries to get the zipper loose, but once I do, I slowly push it down, letting my knuckles brush against Lena’s back.
She gasps, but it’s so quiet it’s barely audible. I hear it though and once again a shiver runs down my spine.
I step back and avoid Lena’s eyes when she turns around, using one hand to keep her dress from falling off.
She doesn’t say anything and for a moment neither do I, but then the tension gets too much to bear and I whisper, “If you need anything else, I’ll be in the kitchen,” before leaving the room.
Tag list: @nuianced-tck-enby @autorasexy @unexpected-character
PSA for everyone who wants to be tagged: Please make sure your blog isn’t hidden because if it is I can’t tag you. . .
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