#Kara Daddy Danvers
natalievoncatte · 2 days
4. Garden
Kara waited as long as she could. Taking to the air, she lifted herself to cloud-height, ignoring the bite of the upper-atmospheric chill as the high winds snapped at her cape. Hovering in the air, she took a moment to unbind her senses, expanding her awareness to let in the cacophony of sounds she usually suppressed through years of focused willpower and concentration.
She rocked in the air, shocked by the sensitivity of her own ears. Jeremiah and then Eliza had taught her this, made the world in its vastness small enough that she could live in it.
Clark had taught her to reach out, to hear, as well as see and smell and taste and feel, beyond. Sol’s gentle kiss did more than expand her awareness and multiply her strength, it activated pathways in her brain itself, giving her a control over her senses that she could never match under a red star.
It took only moments to sift out the quiet sounds of Lena’s pulse and her gentle, hissing breaths as she fought back sobs.
Air folded around her as she shatters the sound barrier, flying high enough that the boom that followed her would be a mere puff to the ground. Another trick she picked up from Clark, using the earth’s rotation to speed her flight.
Kara touched down at a familiar but foreboding place: the Luthor estate.
All that had been the property of her family was hers now, a gift and a curse. Lena had talked about making it an orphanage or a long-term care hospital or a new children’s medical campus, but the building itself had held her back. What malevolent secrets had Lex left behind? Booby traps? Sentinel robots hiding in the walls? Caches of weapons or Lexosuits?
A Kryptonite bomb, to spit death at her for hate’s sake?
Kara hesitated, but Lena was here and upset. She went inside.
It was immediately obvious where Lex had reinforced walls and lined rooms with lead. Kara listened for Lena, finding that the trail of sound led her outside.
She had to use her x-ray vision.
Lena was kneeling in an hidden place, a walled off section of the formal gardens. Kara found the entrance cleverly disguised, a section of wall where one slipped through a gap and turned left then right and came out in a tiny, overgrown courtyard.
Kneeling, Lena was surrounded by pruning shears and garden implements, dressed to work outside. She looked so out of place it was almost a little silly to see, but there she was.
Kara could see that Lena had already been working on cleaning and clearing. She knelt before a small plumeria plant, resting in a well kept pot.
“Lex let it all die,” said Lena. “He knew it was here. He could have kept it for me, but he didn’t. I suppose I’m lucky that Lillian didn’t rip it up and install a septic tank.”
Kara walked over, standing next to her.
“My father built this. It’s a replica of my mother’s garden. We had a little walled garden next to the cottage where I lived with her before I came to live with the Luthors.”
Kara said nothing, instead brushing a lock of Lena’s now-curly hair back from her shoulder.
“He never showed it to me.”
“My parentage was his dirtiest secret. Lillian didn’t even tell me until she thought she could use it.”
“Do you think he loved her?”
“I have no idea. He loved me, I think. He loved Lex but in a different way. I don’t think he even liked Lillian.”
“You’ve never told me about him.”
“It wasn’t easy being his child. He drank too much, neglected the company, and drank more when things went badly for us. The family was actually in trouble until Lex turned it around. He started managing things when I was in grade school. By the end, he’d spend all day in his study and I’d spend half the night sitting with him while he talked and told me stories. Lillian hated him for it.”
“You miss him.”
“I miss them both. I miss Lex. I miss him so much. I mourn him every day.”
“I know,” said Kara.
“My mom died, my father died, my brother went insane.”
“Is it me?”
“It’s not, you know it’s not.”
“Is it my witch blood? Am I cursed?”
Kara knelt beside her, pulling her cape across Lena’s shoulders to fight the autumn chill. Lena leaned into her.
“What if it is a curse? What if it gets our little one too?”
Kara put her hand on Lena’s belly, spreading her fingers. There was no bump yet. Kara listened intently, eagerly awaiting a moment she would never forget, when a second heartbeat joined Lena’s. It hadn’t come yet but it would.
“Nothing is going to get our baby,” said Kara. “Their moms are Supergirl and Lena Luthor. We can do anything.”
“It’s going to be a children’s hospital,” said Lena. “The house. A lot of the grounds are going to be torn out, but I’m keeping this garden. I’m going to give my mom a memorial. I think I might put one in for my dad, too.”
“I love you,” Kara murmured. “I love you so much.”
Lena leaned into her and Kara sat down to pull her in.
They sat for a long time, and listened to the wind that shook the leaves.
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innamorament0 · 12 days
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"Miss Luthor can't see you now."
Took me a lot of time to do it as I saw the reference long ago and wanted to do it XD
Took this amazing art as a pose reference
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damienns · 7 months
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Melissa Benoist as Sadie McCarthy
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rjmac211 · 4 months
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Kara’s phone starts ringing
Nia: Hey Kara someone’s calling you
Kara: Who’s calling
Nia: I didn’t know you called your Dad Daddy
Alex spits out her drink and Kara rushed over and grabbed her phone
Kara: Hey I’m Lena not a good time
Lena: Okay darling just wanted to know if you were still up for date night
Kara: Yes I’ll be there at 7
Kara hangs up
Alex: I don’t want to know
Kara: Good I don’t have to talk about it
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ursa9909 · 2 months
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Kara Danvers, Kara Zor-El, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), Nia Nal, Querl Dox, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Esme (Supergirl TV 2015) Additional Tags: Attempt at Humor, Smut, Fluff and Smut, or at least trying to, Lena Luthor is always horny, this was supposed to be one chapter and got out of hand, Porn With Plot, Actual plot (tiny amount), Crack Fic, Alien Biology, alien fucking, Tentacles, Lena still loves Luthor colors, Lena is also a researcher, Biologist are the horniest bastards around, I mean someone has to take one for the team, Inspired by starfish/seastars, Oblivious Alex Danvers, Lena wears the paints (metaphorically only), Sugar baby AU (kind of), Lena would totally be a sugar daddy, Kara is the sugar baby we all want to be, pls fate send me a hot lady who will pay anything to me i got student loans Series: Part 1 of Lena the horniest Luthor Summary:
“Bend over” Lena commands. Kara jumped at the sound of elastic gloves being snapped on. She was lost in her mind so much that she hadn’t even realized Lena was ready for her, and really Kara doesn’t blame herself. She had just fought other Fort Rozz escapees along with some random witch cult that wanted them gone too; something about a sort of fracture in coven control, her cousin who was visiting in town was dragged in, and yet her heart felt like it was running more now than during any of the fighting
The Kryptonian gulped.
“I’m good—”
Lena clicked her tongue, “Doctor’s orders”.
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obliviouskara · 4 months
Happy Father’s day to every top/masc lesbian who likes being called daddy :)
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Mary’s so positive that her father is innocent!
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demonicbaby666 · 1 month
Where I Don’t Belong
One shot | Supergirl Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Kara Danvers x fem!Reader
Genre: angst & smut
Words: 3.7k+
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, jealousy, spanking, oral, fingering, strap-on use, degradation (like a little tiny bit), daddy kink, overstimulation, implied squirting, top!Kara, bottom!reader
Summary: Never one to deal with rejection healthily, you find yourself moving from bed to bed, night after night, trying to find solace in the bouts of pleasure strangers offer. But when Kara, the person who drove you to commit such deeds, confronts you, the trajectory of your evening is completely altered.
A/n: I'm rewatching Supergirl, so reap the benefits, peeps, cause after this, it's back to my JJ fic! Also, @rafesgfs didn't let me smoke until I finished this, so it's thanks to her that this was completed today <3
Festering shame that started the night at only a simmer boils over and burns your whole body, sets your skin alight and sloshes the alcohol sitting in your empty stomach in tight circles, like that of a washing machine. It's fucking filthy. Hot, sticky and filthy being pressed up against a stranger, grinding against a hardening cock in hopes that maybe the moderate length of it will taper the resounding feeling you hold for another. 
Everyone deals with rejection in their own way.
Sweat marks your forehead, and the bitter smell of stale spirits permeates your nostrils. Somehow, you convince yourself all you know is the music and the empty promises the body behind you has to offer.
You hear him mutter something, groan in your ear at how you feel so good, how he can't wait to fill you, stretch you. The churning in your gut intensifies, and your throat is thick with bile. You force yourself to moan–ever the obedient woman. He wants to feel wanted; you want the same. It's easy to use each other, get lost in a bit when there will be no consequences, knowing the following morning you'll be gone, and two people will have a hollow sense of satisfaction buzzing between only their legs. It's what you tell yourself; 'It's easier this way', 'You're doing what you need to cope and survive', and 'You're only human'. 
The dancing - if it can be called that - continues with your eyes shut as you try to alleviate the steady burn of desire coated in sticky shame. Addled with flashing lights, the black behind your eyelids brings you little comfort, but you're no longer naive to think anything really will, other than sex, that is. 
It's mucky, the alleyway by the side of the club. The thick air smells like bad decisions and cigarettes, yet you haven't the mind to care. His lips are rough on your neck, stubble rubbing uncomfortably against your collarbone, and you're beginning to pick apart the scent of his sweat under the worn-out notes of cologne. Crazed hands palm at your breasts so manically it becomes hard to derive any pleasure from the act - you force yourself to try. 
Between all the frenzy, your purse slips past your shoulder, landing on the soggy ground, and you find yourself welcoming the reprieve the opportunity garners. 
You spin around, trying to squint past the inebriation to locate it. It's landed short of a murky puddle, and you thank your lucky stars that there were only a few specks of dirt littering the suede material. The effects of endless nights spent dancing and fucking echo in the cracks of your worn-out muscles, your squatting position not helping to dull the ache at all. You know the longer this position is held, the more it'll hurt to stand up, but your reflection stares at you on the surface of brown water, holding you hostage with a haunted picture painting its canvas. 
Sleepless nights tug at the bags under your eyes, leaving the skin gaunt. The colour does not show, but you know, under your concealer, it's tinged purple. There's no shine to your face; highlighter only takes you so far in accentuating your cheekbones and brightening your false smile, never filling the devoid look of a rejected, broken heart. 
The matter of fact is, even if your body is feeling the brunt of unfavourable coping mechanisms, it's better than lying awake in bed and relying on benign hope to see you through the dark hours of the day. 
Brushing the muck off your bag, ready to discover how you would end the night, you look to where your companion should be waiting. It would either be a cheap hotel or his place, never yours; there was something too visceral about doing a stranger in a bed that not even alcohol could mask. 
Except when you turn, it is not a gruff face you find but, "Kara?" 
Confusion marks your face, the question of where your soon-to-be fuck had gone evident because before you can quite finish, let alone begin to ask, Kara's already opening her mouth. 
"He's fine." 
"What?" she feigns ignorance, picking at a pristine nail. 
"Don't be coy, Danvers," you spit out, trying to sound as authoritative as a whisper would allow. Angry as you might be, no amount of rage or blood toxicity could divest you of the need to keep her secret. "Where is he?" 
She doesn't even try to hide it—the disgust. Her face is awash with it, and her grimace would sting if she hadn't so wounded you already. 
"He's lucky I didn't-" She startles as you step forward, palms jabbing at her chest and knocking her back. If it weren't for the shock of your sudden strike, you're sure she wouldn't have budged at all, but you take the small victory point all the same and continue your mission of forcing Kara off her high horse. 
"You didn't what?" you ask through gritting teeth, "Beat him to a pulp? Drop him off the top of a building? Kill him?!" 
Aware you were now raising your volume to a level bystanders would be able to hear, a fact proven by the far-off looks of a group of young women, you reined your fury in, taking a deep breath and squaring your shoulders. 
"Do you know what you've put me through?" she asks without malice, her choked voice chinking your amour. It seems a genuine question, born from betrayal. Her eyes are wide and waiting, incredulous to believe you'd ever knowingly hurt her in the way you supposedly had. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"Every night," she begins, her jaw twitching. "I have to listen to you with them." 
"You're the one that said we wouldn't work. I'm trying to move on," you sigh.
There's a change in her, a nerve hit, partially hidden by the darkness of the night, but you can sense the change. You see it dance in the narrow shadows of her face, the street lamp illuminating the crux of her soured expression. It's the same stance she's practised over the years, standing before a foe, sizing them up that she now models. Her pupils dilate as her gaze turns predatory, and her nostrils flare to accommodate the substantial drags of air she inhales. With a single stride forward, purpose chiselling at her grinding jaw, fingers move to your hips and hold you firm enough to leave bruises. 
She pulls you into her. The bump of your hipbones clashing against each other vibrates down your legs and weakens your knees, leaving you at the mercy of Kara's hold. 
"By sleeping with the whole of National City?" she seethes, her sharp remark losing more and more of its potency with each puff of exhaled air landing on your lips. 
"What was I supposed to do? You made it perfectly clear you don't want to fuck me!" you yell, the pugnacious timbre of your voice unrecognisable in your ears. 
Gasps bounce off the narrow walls of the alleyway, and incoherent whispers promise gossip will follow you and Supergirl for the next few weeks. You can see it now: a hot news story, the presenter dissecting a blurred image of you and Kara, berating, conspiring, and alluding to anything that will bring in more viewers. 
"I never said that." 
She has you off your feet in less than a second, one arm wrapped around the back of your knees and the other raised skyward. You're off the ground, soaring up and up, till the bodies below turn to ants and the city their humble colony. 
"Kara," you screech, throwing your hands around her neck and holding tight. "What are you doing?" 
"I think what I'm doing is pretty obvious." She's got a smug smile tugging at the corner of her lips that's both titillating and vexing. 
"You're being obtuse on purpose, and it's not nearly as cute as you think." 
Kara at least has the decency to look a little sheepish at that. 
You know the city's landscape well enough to gauge where you're headed. Once a sanctuary, the lofty apartment greets you with its open windows and dim lighting. The TV is on. The faraway laughter of a sitcom audience grows louder the closer you get, igniting a flame to shed light upon shrouded memories once untouched by melancholy. Buttered popcorn still lives in the cracks of that grey couch, the longevity of their stay prolonged by a burning need shared between two people to laugh a little louder and forget the world around them for a little longer. 
You're helpless to the flood of emotions that sweep over you the instant your feet touch solid ground. So much so that when Kara grows bold, dragging you closer by your hips and crashing her lips onto yours, you do nothing but cling to her. 
She's warm like the first fire forged on winter's night and as dangerous as the spitted flames that crackle through damp logs, leaping towards any surface they might set alight. No matter how often the licks of fire eat away minuscule patches of skin, the brief bouts of pain they elicit will always win out in favour of staving off the cold. 
The delve of Kara's tongue into your mouth seeks to devour you, plunging your stomach into the fiery pits of hell, and you let yourself believe, not for the first time, that the only way you'll ever feel alive is to live in heated moments like these. 
The strangers you'd laid with took and took, using your body in much the same way you used theirs, imagining you were someone else, or happily viewing you as no one at all, just a body bred for pleasure. These dalliances may have been brief and fleeting, but they were safe. By morning, it wouldn't matter if expectations weren't met; there would be no discourse about seeing one another again. The sex was transactional. It was a dynamic you'd never have and would never want to have with Kara. What you feel for her runs deeper than one-night stands and self-destructive choices. 
"Stop." You step away from the blonde, unaware of how close you are to the edge of the windowsill, until it's too late and the sharp corner of brick bites at the back of your ankles, knocking you off balance. 
You want to fall, feel the wind against your back as you wait for the inevitable end. Kara doesn't let that happen. She doesn't even allow you the grace to right yourself before her hands are back on you, this time at your waist, whooshing you away from the cool breeze of the open widow. 
"Are you okay?" she asks, holding tighter than strictly necessary, eyes frantically searching for any signs of distress. 
"I'm fine." There's an urge to have her closer again, to feel her pressed firmly against your front, trace the seam of her lips with your tongue and discover how pliant the Kryptonian would become under your touch. 
"Tell me you don't want this," she whispers, lowering her gaze from your eyes to your lips. 
"Tell me you don't want me, and I'll take you home. Pretend that none of this ever happened." 
You want so badly to do that, to rein in your desires and do the sensible thing that would save you from bludgeoned heartbreak. 
"You know I can't." 
A beat passes, charged, and laden before the both of you pounce. Kara drags you forward, melding her mouth to yours, encouraged by your hands at the back of her neck. 
"I've missed you," she mutters between kisses, holstering your legs up around her hips. 
It's a puzzle how she manages to continue winding you up into a mess, nibbling and suckling at your neck whilst simultaneously navigating her way through the apartment, all the way to her bedroom. On her unwrinkled sheets, she sets you down, prying herself away long enough to rid you of your clothing. There's a flicker of something dark in her eyes as she casts her eyes up and down your naked body, stopping at the places you know your previous lovers had marked. 
Cords strain in her throat, and you know she's fighting to keep sane at the sight of her property being tarnished with ugly bruises and clumsy scratches. You yank her forward, digging your fingers into the space between her gold belt and the blue fabric of her suit, aimlessly trying not to think about how vulnerable you are sitting stark naked whilst she presides over you, judging you for your poor decisions. Pleading silently for clemency, to be absolved of a crime you never knowingly committed, you stare up at Kara. You urge her to see the fidelity in your heart that will always gleam brightly in your eyes the second she comes into view. Her features remain stoic.
"You knew, didn't you?" 
"I don't-" She cuts you off, ripping your hands away, flipping on your stomach and pinning you down to the bed. 
"You knew that I would be able to hear you. That I would be listening to the sounds of you getting fucked over and over again." The harsh bite of her palm rings in the gelatinous flesh of your ass. 
A perverse pang of pleasure shoots straight to your core, tearing a muffled moan out from your throat. 
"You like that, don't you?" Kara questions, her self-satisfied lilt a clear sign she's already aware of the answer. "You want me to punish you, don't you?" 
"Yes," you weakly admit, burying your shame in the sheets below. 
"Don't move." 
A gust of chilling air is all that's left of Kara. You can feel her moving around the room in bursts of movement, hear the drop of her clothes, and the opening and closing of drawers. A niggling need coaxes over your limbs, tempting them to wriggle and writhe with each new sound that piques your interest. You're getting wetter by the second, imagining all the ways you'll finally find your release with the only person you've ever wanted it with, the imagery enticing enough to send your want into overdrive and your hips angling forward, seeking any friction you can get against your aching clit. 
"Don't even think about it." The blonde tuts, her presence welcome as she settles behind you. A hand clasps around each ankle, and Kara drags you back with little care for the hiss you make as cotton brushes against your sensitive nipples. "Get on your hands and knees." 
You follow her orders, waiting for her touch that never comes. Instead, Kara crouches down, keeping a hair's width away from where you need her most and blows lightly over your sex. You shiver, trying your hardest not to flinch as her breath cools your warm slick. 
"You're dripping," she comments lowly, teasing a single finger through your slit. 
It's impossible not to lean back into the much-needed touch and command more with the insistent rise and fall of your hips. But Kara's prepared. She withdraws, maintaining her proximity to you. Another puff of air bristles against your cunt, this time colder. 
"Kara, please," you beg, shaking with ardent need. 
There's no warning to her tongue delving into your pussy, no preemptive to her harsh approach and fast licks. Left to your own devices, your arms give out. You're left crying into a pillow and gripping onto sheets as Kara runs a muck of your mind and body. The pressure's teetering on the brink of being too harsh, and no matter how much you try to pull away–ease the sting of her pointed tongue against your clit–Kara holds you open, gripping onto your thighs like a vice. 
Your moans carry. They vault through the bedroom and ring between the obscene wet sounds coming from between your legs. There's barely time to release another before lips surround your bundle of nerves and drag the abused bud into a waiting mouth. It's painful and perfect all at once. There's no break from the pleasure. It's all-encompassing, surrounding you like morning fog seeping into the pores of your skin, covering every inch of your bare body in a blanket of sheen sweat. 
A scream tears from your throat when Kara plunges two fingers inside you, and you use the last dregs of sanity within you to bite down on your arm. She's picking up speed faster than you can adjust. The brief milliseconds between every jagged thrust dwindle until all you feel is a constant vibration, a never-ending hum expanding over the entire length of your sopping cunt. 
The coil in your stomach is wound so tight you can feel your muscles contract, and the pressure grows rigid like a metal rod along your spine. With one sharp slap to your ass, you break. Moans are pouring out of you, and your pulse is racing, but where you expect relief to flow, you only find more tension. It doesn't stop. The roaring waves of pleasure keep growing and growing and growing till you're screaming and shaking and begging for reprieve. 
"One more," Kara pants, replacing her mouth with a thumb. "Give me one more baby." 
How anything can hurt so much yet, yield such strong undercurrents of insurmountable bliss is mind-boggling. You're in limbo, stuck on the edge of euphoria and torment. It's a fine line that Kara forces you to walk, but with no other option, you absorb yourself into the pleasure and leave behind the bite of overstimulation. 
You know you can, that you'd cum however many times she wanted. You've been riding the aftershocks of your orgasm for no less than a minute, and already you recognise the signs of your impending release. It happens fast, but what it lacks in duration, it makes up for in magnitude. Every part of you quakes, from your wobbly lip to your unsteady knees, that collapse beneath you. Thankfully, the sturdy mattress catches you, greeting you with its cool exterior–a welcome change from the heat emanating off your body. 
Floorboards creek behind you, dulled by the non-stop thud of blood pumping through your ears. You want to tell Kara that she needs to stop. You need a break. The command dies on your tongue, melted into a contented sigh by the warm lips pressing along your spine and the puffs of cool air following each peck. 
"Tell me when you're ready," she croons hot and heavy into your ear, sending another chill down your spine as she continues her mission of being your personal air-con. 
"I don't know if I can," you reply, turning to face her, but the action is cut short when you feel the end of her prodding at your entrance. The only thing left for you to do is whimper. 
Kara doesn't push any further. The tip of her faux cock leisurely slides between your slit, swinging up and down. Warmth circulates low in your stomach, and small jolts of gratification swing like a pendulum against the walls of the enclosed area. Her hands clasp around your waist, and you brace yourself for impact, expecting Kara to sink into you. The chime of your rough breathing fills the silent space. Nothing happens for a few seconds, then Kara firms her grip and guides you onto your back. You let her, unopposed to finally seeing her golden locks, shimmering eyes and bright smile. 
She's hovering, holding herself on sturdy arms and waiting for the go-ahead. Even now, with desperation etched into her features, looking almost pained at having to wait, Kara still puts you first. Your wants, needs, and desires all outrank reason and logic. It doesn't matter that all she's known the past few years is heroism and gallantry–that she yearns to separate herself from all of it–she'll be Supergirl for a few seconds, applying that restraint she's had to use since the day she landed on earth. She'll hold herself back for you. 
Looking into her crazed eyes, you nod. She's held back long enough for you, her family, and the world. 
"I'm ready." You place your hands on her lower back, pulling Kara forward till she's fully seated inside of you, stretching you so wide it almost burns. "Fuck me like I'm yours." 
The world fades away as you watch Kara's eyes harden, two piercing sapphires eclipsed by blackened lust and an impassioned demand to possess. Immediately, she begins pummeling into you at a brutal pace. 
"I heard what you called them," Kara grits out, her eyes red, her hips stilling the moment her cock roots itself as far into you as it can get. "What you cried out when you imagined they were me."
"Don't stop," you plead between guttural breaths, scratching at her impenetrable skin. 
"I want you to say it. I want you to tell me how you're going to cum on daddy's dick." 
This is all so unlike Kara, and that very thought–that this version of her is all yours and only yours, that you get to see her feral and unencumbered by the scruples of morality and duty–has you beyond desperate. 
"Yes." You hiss at the blunt edge of Kara's hip, knocking against you as she forces herself impossibly deeper. "I'm going to cum all over your cock, daddy." 
Your complacency draws rewards. Kara is back to pounding into you. 
There's something new occurring within you, a sudden pressure forcing Kara out. You can't understand it, not between the shudders running rampant through your body, so strong they feel more like convulsions. Her thumb is steady and swift over your clit, circling the swollen nub till everything becomes too much, and all you see are blazing white lights scattering and interspersing themselves across your vision. 
You can feel your cum rush out of you, spraying onto Kara's cock the moment she leaves you. With every added second, her thumb stays working over your clit, and the push to release everything in you is flooding through the bedsheets, soaking the material through to the mattress. The white lights fade, and Kara's face emerges for only a brief moment before all you see is black. 
"I won't wait forever for you to be ready," you say quietly, fingers skimming through the valley of her breasts. "I can't." 
"I know," she sighs, burrowing her nose into your hair and inhaling. She closes her eyes, and you feel her puckered lips on your scalp. "I know." 
Taglist: @iliketozoneout @homo-oddity @noahrex @lovelyy-moonlight @yeaiamme2 @Blackqueenka | Click here to be added to my taglist
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fandom · 2 years
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Week Ending April 3rd, 2023
Bumbleby Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Steddie +2 Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
Tomgreg +9 Tom Wambsgans & Greg Hirsch, Succession
Vashwood +3 Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Trigun Stampede
Wesper -3 Wylan Van Eck & Jesper Fahey, the Grishaverse
Byler Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things
Kanej -4 Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa, Shadow and Bone
Kazurei +2 Rei Suwa & Kazuki Kurusu, Buddy Daddies
Bowuigi Bowser & Luigi, the Super Mario Bros. franchise
Buddie -5 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Destiel +4 Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Supercorp Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Wenclair -2 Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair, Wednesday
Ghostsoap +3 Simon “Ghost” Riley & John “Soap” MacTavish, the Call of Duty franchise
Wolfstar Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Hannigram +2 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Jegulus James Potter & Regulus Black, the Harry Potter universe
Helnik -10 Matthias Helvar & Nina Zenik, Shadow and Bone
Bakudeku -5 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
SP Style Stan Marsh & Kyle Brovlofski, South Park
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous week. Bolded ships weren’t on the list last week.
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milfswriter · 2 years
ຟh໐ I ຟritē f໐r and master lists:-
Other characters I write for I wasn't able to fit in here are in the google form character list
Before requesting:
-I write for fem!reader only. Can be masc tho
-I write mommy/daddy kink, BDSM, etc.
-I mainly write fluff but I’ll try my hand at smut and other stuff.
-I don’t write angst with no happy ending (hurt/comfort is welcome tho)
-no r!pe, pedophilia, etc you get the jest.
-if you want me to write for characters that aren’t on this list, send a request and I’ll see if I’m comfortable writing about them.
-prompt list
-Tag list Form
Mommy Larissa Weems
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Morticia Addams
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Natasha Romanoff
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Lena Luthor
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Kara Danvers
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  Grey’s Anatomy:-
Addison Montgomery
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Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children:-
Alma LeFay Peregrine
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Rhea Ripley/Demi Bennett (yes I know she’s daddy)
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Sonya Deville (can be poly with rhea ;) )
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Raquel and Dakota (poly or seperately)
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yujinslovr · 1 year
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magic ⍟ she/her ⍟ entj ⍟ nsfw blog! ⍟ ‘05
i'll write for
-legal adults -mostly all ggs -fem reader -mostly sub!reader -gp!idol -i'll write alot of taboo/darker content! -only idol x idol i write for is annyeongz, 2kim, chaekkura (dom!kkura), jinjoo, jenlisa (dom!jennie), ssamjin, minayeon, and winrina (dom!jimin)! -camila cabello -kirari... -natasha romanoff and wanda -pretty little liars (main 5 girls) -kara danvers (supergirl) -dimitrescu sisters -swf2 (redy, rena, redlic, harimu, gooseul, bucky, tatter, and bada) swf1(lee jung, no:ze, emma, and rozaline) -i write for most kinks -one shots(two is my max) (i wont write chubby!reader)
mlist- KINKTOBER MASTERLIST dom!gp!yujin x fem!reader shadows - vampire!yena x fem!reader gp!dom!jennie x fem!reader (non-con) sugar daddy!rose x fem!reader (drabble) dom!wonyoung x subby!ahn yujin(drabble) gp!rose x fem!reader(drabble) sugar mommy!lisa x fem reader(drabble) gp!hybrid!yujin x fem reader(drabble) sub!alpha!yujin x dom!beta!wonyoung(drabble)
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siblingshowdown · 1 year
Sibling Showdown!!!
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This showdown consists of 64 sibling sets facing off against each other, as well as a few one-off polls of sets who didn’t make the actual bracket but who I wanted to include in some capacity.  Polls will last a week.  Round One of section A will go live on April 16, with section B going live the day after, section C the day after that, and section D the day after that.
Propaganda is allowed!  I just ask that it be kept positive.  Argue for your faves instead of against someone else’s.  Every sibling set who made it in the showdown is there because someone wanted them to be, so keep it kind.
Will the winners be the siblings that love each other the most?  That are most capable of killing other sibling groups with their bare hands?  That have the most sibling swag?  It’s up to you to decide!  You get to choose the manner and parameters you judge each sibling set for.
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Section A:
Edward and Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Seiko and Ryuunosuke Tanaka (Haikyuu!!)
Wirt and Greg (Over the Garden Wall) vs.  Han Yoojin and Han Yoohyun (The S-Classes That I Raised)
Shigeo and Ritsu Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100) vs.  Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Sans and Papyrus (Undertale) vs. Tanjiro and Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Jiang Yanli, Wei Wuxian, and Jiang Cheng (Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Untamed) vs. Hikaru and Kaoru (Ouran High School Host Club)
Vi and Jinx (Arcane) vs. Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara (Naruto)
Sokka and Katara (Avatar: the Last Airbender) vs. Maya and Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
Vash the Stampede and Millions Knives (Trigun) vs.  Lucas and Claus (Mother 3)
Section B:
Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo Hamato (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) vs. Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack Parr (The Incredibles)
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner (The Animaniacs) vs. Jazz and Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Huey, Dewey, and Louie (Ducktales) vs. Sitka, Denahi, and Kenai (Brother Bear)
Dion, Frazie, Razputin, Mirtala, and Queepie Aquato (Psychonauts) vs. Skipper, Rico, Kowalski, and Private (Madagascar)
Eda and Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs. Snap, Crackle, and Pop (Rice Krispies)
Bonnie and Clemont (Pokemon X and Y) vs. Annika and Brietta (Barbie: Magic of Pegasus)
Candace, Phineas, and Ferb (Phineas and Ferb) vs. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls)
Nani and Lilo Pelekai (Lilo and Stitch) vs. Kai and Nya (Lego Ninjago)
Section C:
Maddie and Buck Buckley (911) vs. Steven, Shirley, Theo, Luke, and Nell Crain (The Haunting of HIll House)
David and Alexis Rose (Schitt’s Creek) vs. Dennis and Dee Reynolds (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, and El Hopper (Stranger Things) vs.  Prue, Piper, and Phoebe (Charmed)
Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben, Viktor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy tv) vs. Mary, Billy, Freddy, Pedro, Eugene, and Darla (Shazam! movies)
Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain-Wayne, and Duke Thomas (DC comics) vs. Simon and River Tam (Firefly)
Elliot and Darlene Alderson (Mr. Robot) vs. Kara and Alex Danvers (Supergirl TV)
Connor, Kendall, Siobhan, and Roman Roy (Succession) vs. Sharpay and Ryan Evans (High School Musical)
Thor and Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe) vs. Sarah and Felix (Orphan Black)
Section D:
Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, and Amras (The Silmarillion) vs. Antigone, Polynices, Eteocles, and Ismene (Greek Mythology/Sophocles’s Theban plays)
Coronabeth and Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) vs. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Nico and Bianca Di Angelo (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) vs. Declan, Ronan, and Matthew Lynch (The Raven Cycle/The Dreamer Trilogy)
Alec, Isabelle, Max Lightwood, and Jace Herondale-Lightwood (Shadowhunters) vs. Lark and Sparrow Oak (Dungeons and Daddies)
Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events) vs. Linus and Lucy Van Pelt (Peanuts)
Boromir and Faramir (The Lord of the Rings) vs. Bellamy and Octavia Blake (The 100)
Katniss and Primrose Everdeen (The Hunger Games) vs. Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March (Little Women)
Kiryu Kazuma and Nishikiyama Akira (Yakuza) vs. Cain and Abel (the Torah/the Bible)
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liminal-zone · 9 months
fanfic round up 2023
(2021, 2022)
Crave (LOTR | haladriel | tentacles and rings of power | rated E)
somewhere in the haze (LOTR | Celeborn/Sauron | mutual stockholm syndrome | rated M)
taking me with your song (The Little Mermaid (2023) | Ariel/Eric, Ariel/Ursula | tentacles and possession and mindfuckery | rated E)
can't escape the ghost of you (The 100 | clexa, clarke/the judge | being fucked by the divine wearing the face of your dead lover is better than therapy | rated M)
Eating fire (SPN | Claire Novak | the girl who was castiel grieves for her fathers | rated T)
Bound (SPN | megstiel | a demon and her angel | rated NR)
uncharted territory (Supergirl | supercorp | the dangers of being hated by a luthor | rated M) (technically, just chapter 4 counts for 2023)
nothing can go wrong when you're in love (Nimona (2023) | Nimona/Gloreth | when your boss’ boyfriend looks like your ex, ugh! | rated Gen)
through a father’s eyes (Narnia | King Lune | dads gotta dad | rated Gen)
atomic blonde (Narnia, LOTR | Susan/Eowyn | it’s not the first time a power beyond understanding ripped Susan away from her home to fight in another world’s war | rated M)
Beware how you give your heart (LOTR | haladriel | a fourth age haunting | rated M) (a wip!!)
a little touch in the night (LOTR | haladriel | a love letter in tiny bites | rated T)
+three yuletide offerings to be revealed in January!
MCU: the king and queen of Asgard wrt Valkyrie/Carol Danvers
MCU: the final conclusion of my winterbaron sugar daddy fic
LOTR: Doriath trash party wrt Melian/Galadriel
LOTR: “Sauron becomes a tree”
LOTR: dark Galadriel/Samwise and their garden of the world
LOTR: healing generational trauma with fourth age Arwen and her peepaw
The Matrix: Trinity and Smith as mirrors
Good Omens: Crowley haunted by his angel
Star Wars: A really scandalous dinluke sex pollen
Total number of completed works/fandoms written in: fifteen completed works in 2023 for a total of just over 32k words; six LOTR, two SPN, two Narnia, the rest sundry & various.
OVERALL THOUGHTS: ::taps the top of this car:: you can put so much monsterfucking in this bad boy, jfc.
PERSONAL FAVORITE: Getting unblocked by the most unlikeliest of sources and FINISHING MY SUPERCORP HATESEX. uncharted territory finished FIVE YEARS LATER. This has been a weight on my shoulders for years; I always knew it ended with a sadistic Lex Luthor torturing Kara (oop), but it was time passing and The Flash (2023) that got me where I needed to be to get that banged out. I’m really really pleased how that ended, and that I actually can finish a WIP.
MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED: Bound is really exceptional. It was part of my WIP amnesty week, and a revisitation and remix of a meg masters fic I wrote in 2013 after I had a terrible life-altering accident. My favorite 2023 additions are how she can only speak in the language of Sodom at the end. It’s not a GREAT fic, but I really love Meg and I love Meg & Castiel.
MOST POPULAR: Definitely Nimona (nothing can go wrong when you're in love) with 1,200+ kudos. Y’all, the teen/gen fic in younger fandoms hits hard. OOPS. re: my deeply funny stats for the little mermaid tentacles fic with over 3k hits and 86 kudos. AHAHHAHAH. welp.
STORY WITH THE SEXIEST MOMENT: OKAY, so this is sexy specific to me: in Crave, Galadriel taunts Sauron about how he has to fuck Ar-Pharazôn (a mini love letter to my beloved 5ummit!) and this, to me, is everything: “And you’ll never enjoy Ar-Pharazôn’s little prick again,” she says, drinking in the horror of his recent memories, a soured scheme. “Your play at feigned pleasure in service to a base creature will be ash in your mouth now. You will only think of the taste of my cunt with his cock shoved in your whore mouth.” The crass words burn on her lips but she can sense how he trembles, even in this form. “You’ll hunger for the taste of me. And when he’s dead, when you’ve sucked the miserable mortal life out of him, you’ll never take a lover again for the rest of your unnatural life,” she says. “You know where your dick should be sheathed. In me and no where else.”
MOST FUN STORY TO WRITE: Okay, I traveled for work a LOT this year and one night I was feeling down and angry about the world and asked on twitter that for every like, I’d write a soft haladriel headcanon and by the end of the night, i had the bulk of a little touch in the night and I was such a happy delighted lil soul. Such a highlight of the year.
HARDEST: A tie between Crave, which was writing on hard mode since I’m violently anti dominant Sauron (oop), and uncharted territory since I had been blocked for years.
BIGGEST SURPRISE: The delicious lush connection of Celeborn/Sauron in somewhere in the haze that STARTED AS A JOKE and now I’m full rarepair conspiracy theory into it.
DID YOU TAKE ANY RISKS IN WRITING THIS YEAR? Posting SPN in 2023, lol what was that. And neither of them explicitly destiel. Girl. Both tanked but I love those two fics.
MOST UNINTENTIONALLY TELLING STORY: Okay, one of my yuletides this year is really too close to something I’m working through in therapy. Oop.
FAVORITE LINES/SCENES: Okay literally everything in atomic blonde, that fic is nonstop bangers imho. I love this especially:
“Ah, there it is,” he replies. Stops, and turns to look into her eyes. To drink in her fury. “This isn’t your world, Daughter of Eve. Take your cursed horn and your beautiful face and take the little shieldmaiden too for all I care and leave Middle Earth to me. Grow old and find joy in women’s work.” He blinks, nonsense words emerging out of him: “In Christian Dior dresses and Chanel lipstick, in Italian leather handbags and silk nylons, in handsome British officers and those American boys who offer more than kisses, in the rumble of a Jaguar and the cries of healthy babies who do not fear war. Live and die on an island far, far away.” He blinks again. “I do not want you here.”
MY FAVE PART OF FANDOM IN 2023: Repeatedly saying “you hear me, baby? hold together” at the haladriel fandom like Han Solo does to the Millennium Falcon and we did! We made it another year!!! Let’s go, 2024!!!! (YOU HEAR ME, BABY. HOLD TOGETHER.)
2024 WRITING AMBITIONS: same as last year’s: Write more steadily and consistently. Get back into the drabble mode. Make time, take time, just do it. It doesn’t have to be groundbreaking, it just has to be creating something. The joy of creation is like nothing else. Chase that high.
2024 FICS ON THE IMMEDIATE HORIZON: Jan 1 - htp trash fic exchange Feb 3 - rffa exchange March - haladriel exchange!
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xwaywardxsoulsx · 28 days
indie smut rp blog featuring a mix of canon and original characters interested in a/b/o, breeding, pregnancy, and other kinks. Mun is over 30, and all muses are 21+ . information under the cut. Dash only only, i dont write on discord or in IMS. Blog contains potentially triggering and t*boo plots, this is your only warning I can no longer answer gif smut memes. My state has been blocked because of the ID law.
Emily Mason - 25 - Sydney Sweeney
Luna Barlowe -24 - Kiernan Shipka
Billie Wolfe - 36 - Alexandra Daddario
Rose Thatcher - 24 - Hailee Steinfeld
Alexis 'Lexi' Dawson- 40 - Kate Mara
Samantha Taylor - 30 - Halston Sage
Brooke Gilmore 35 - Sophia Bush
Barbara Gordon - 28 - Emma Stone
Kara Zor El - 24 - Lili Reinhart/Melissa Benoist
Diana Prince - 35- Marie Avgeropoulos
Carol Danvers - 51 (looks in her 30s) - Brie Larson
Wanda Maximoff- Elizabeth Olsen - 31
Natasha Romanoff- 33 - Scarlett Johansson
Zeus - n/a- Rachel McAdams
Aphrodite- n/a- Margot Robbie
Hades - N/A- Jenna Ortega
Malcolm Tyler - 50 - idris elba
Opens memes
Kinks and Rules under the cut
Taboo (incest, etc)
Daddy/Mommy kink
im sure theres others but i cant think of them
I only write with female muses
all my muses have male genitalia
my muses are 18+ and I ask that your muses be the same. If I find out otherwise I'll block you.
i dont write on discord, if you dont write on tumblr (Dash only) then im not the person for you. Sorry
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obliviouskara · 4 months
i just saw sabrina carpenter’s new mv for please please please and boy do i have THOUGHTS namely Barry Keoghan makes me think of Kara Danvers with all the muscles. and how about Lena Luthor the rich "spoiled" newly appointed CEO with a scandalous rebellious past who got handed by daddy a multi billion dollar company gets arrested for not being able to handle her liquor and gets to spend the night in jail bc lillian wanted to teach her a lesson meets Kara Danvers and just imagining Kara Danvers be little cute and little psycho and they both spend the night in jail talking (flirting and a little goodbye kiss) and lena luthor cant for the life of her stop thinking about that blonde cutie who likes to smirk a lot and make inappropriate jokes that shouldn’t work but is working for her that makes her legs go weak but is also smart and funny and did she mention how muscular she was. so she visits her. kara spends more days in jail but they never discuss about why Kara in jail. they dont discuss anything personal or lena tries to pry but kara just distracts her by telling her how hot she would look like underneath her but they like to talk to each other constantly. a lot of flirting, a lot of tension and unnecessary eye contact until one day kara danvers gets released earlier than she should have and she's confused bc she knows she doesn't have any lawyers good enough to get her off the hook and she knows there's no way they would release her after all the evidence piled up against her but she is and when she steps out she sees a pink cadillac park & lo behold lena luthor perched on top of the hood like the pocket princess that she is with her pink feather jacket waiting for her handsome beefcake to drive her around town and wreak havoc its like bonnie & clyde but supercorp. yes? yes
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ao3feed-supercorp · 1 year
Cherished Aspiration
by kaytheamorist
Sam and Alex's realized that sometimes Alien tech is more complex than modern medicine.
Words: 6143, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The consequences of Baby Fever
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Samantha "Sam" Arias, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor
Relationships: minor supercorp, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Accidental Baby Acquisition, Agent Reign baby, smut and plot included, alien tech vs human birth control, Breeding Kink, Daddy Kink, I'm Bad At Tagging, Bathroom Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Protective Alex Danvers, Daddy Alex Danvers, I'm Bad At Summaries
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/rR7FywQ via IFTTT https://ift.tt/rR7FywQ
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