#modern centaur
spottys-rathole · 2 years
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L'ironie de la situation alors que j'ai commencé cet AU parce que je m'en voulais de pas beaucoup dessiner les Families, et là je regarde mes dossiers dessins qui sont verts de partout
(au fait j'ai résolu l'histoire avec Lorenza et Marcello)
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
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“Okay,” Will says, when they’re comfortably on the road. This early in the morning, Highway 17 is practically empty; nothing but sunny skies and clear air rushing through the open roof. The emptiness may also be attributed to the fact that it is a random Tuesday. “Pick a number between one and nine.”
“Uh, five.”
“Good choice, good choice.”
He opens the centre console, digging around Nico’s – well, and his, at this point – collection of CDs to find the right one. He makes a little noise of triumph when he finds it, blowing on the back and wiping it on his shirt before sliding it into the port.
“One half-assed polish isn’t gonna fix those scratches, Solace,” he teases.
“If you weren’t such an emo fuck, Playlist Five wouldn’t be so scratched.”
Nico laughs, conceding this round. Will looks inordinately pleased, nose scrunching along with his tiny smile even as Linkin Park starts blasting through the speakers, which he hates.
“Three songs ‘til Britney,” he grouches as Nico starts hollering along to Points of Authority. Nico shakes his head, still grinning – as if he didn’t make these playlists. If he is truly so miserable, he wouldn’t have put the song on at all.
(Nico knows, in the very back of his mind, that Will actually and truly cannot stand Linkin Park. To him, it’s not music at all. He has never been able to get into it, as much as he truly likes music of every genre. If Linkin Park is on this playlist, and they’re on more than one of the playlists Will has made specifically for their shared car rides, it’s because he cares about Nico more than he hates the band. Nico shoves this knowledge deep into the dustiest corners of his mind, because that’s more than he can afford to think about.)
The next couple hours pass by comfortably. There isn’t much to remark on the side of the road except the odd fruit stand, or farm advertising eggs and honey, so onward Nico drives. He keeps an eye on the odometer, but mostly trusts Will’s calculations. If he says they won’t need gas ‘til Anthony, wherever the hell that is, Nico believes him. 
“Highway changes to the 98 through here,” Will says, nodding to the tiny sign that boasts nothing except Ft. Meade CITY LIMITS, right next to the giant banner half the size of the church it's attached to that reads, REPENT OR BURN. 
Ah, Florida. Please one day change.
“Do I need to exit?”
“Nope, the road just changes to a different number.”
He eases off the gas as they approach the tiny town, watching carefully for state troopers. And, like, children, probably. So far he’s passed twelve gun ranges and one school, but whatever. He can have priorities, even if this garbage state doesn’t.
“Hm. 98 is a better number.”
“Absolutely not,” Will tells him, aghast. “17 is a prime number!”
“Ninety-eight is more fun to say. Also, prime numbers suck.”
“You take that back –”
Nico slides up his sunglasses, shaking his head fondly. Nerdiest nerd to ever nerd. He would be embarrassed if he wasn’t so endeared.
He presses back on the accelerator as they exit the town, turning up the music as Will’s rant ends. He shucks off his shoes – Feet off my goddamn dash, Solace – and curls up into his seat, burying himself in a book. Nico glances away from the road to try and read the title, but quickly gives up since the font is bright fucking purple, for some reason, and in some horrible looping shape that he knows will give him a migraine. All graphic designers should be in prison. 
“Hey, there’s apparently a gator reserve forty-five minutes ahead.” Nico squints again at the book. Barely, he can make out “roadside” and “weird”. “‘Weird American Roadside Attractions’,” Will reads aloud, noticing Nico looking. “Such as a very nice and highly rated gator reserve –”
“Road trip, Nico. Adventure.”
“I’m super happy to adventure away from living fucking dinosaurs, Solace.”
“Aw, come on, they’re kinda cute –”
“Two thousand pounds per square inch of jaw strength! You are the one who told me that!”
“You don’t think you could take one in a fight?”
Nico stares at his best friend incredulously. He’s got a thoughtful little frown on his face, looking at the sky as he contemplates. Nico notices, vaguely, that the shade of his irises is the exact same colour. 
“No, I do not. Obviously.” He pauses. “You think you could take a fuckin’ gator?”
“I think it’s possible.”
“See, that’s crazy, because fifteen seconds ago I genuinely believed you were an intelligent person.”
“Do not lie to me and tell me you don’t have a list of animals you know you could take in a fight,” Will says, instead of rising to the bait. He waits, meeting Nico’s glare, eyebrows raised.
“An ostrich,” Nico admits, begrudgingly. “I feel like – one good punch to the throat –”
Will smiles smugly at him. “That’s what I thought.” He turns back to his book, fiddling with the corner of a page. “Also, ostriches are more closely related to dinosaurs than alligators. So. Check and mate, motherfucker.”
They pull into Anthony at around eleven, at pretty much exactly a quarter tank – just like Will predicted. He looks inordinately pleased about it, so Nico shoots off a quick prayer to the karma gods. 
He trips on his way out of the Jeep. Nico smirks.
“I’m gonna go stretch my legs,” he says, unaware of Nico’s hand in his humbling. Nico waves him off, attention turned to the gas pump.
Annoyingly, as he pulls out his card and handles the pump, he remembers Will’s scrunched nose and pursed lips as he’d explained, when they were 16, how gas station pumps were frequently more germy than their toilets, and cleaned approximately one hundred percent less. Suddenly, his hand begins to feel grimey.
Twelve bags of chips, a gas station slushie, and a pair of clean hands later, Will is still nowhere to be found. Nico frowns, craning his neck to look around the tiny parking lot as if he somehow missed Will’s neon orange shirt the first time he looked. Still not catching sight of him, he walks hesitantly back to the Jeep, tucking his snacks away and biting his lip, contemplating. Will is both very fast and very easily distracted, but he has enough sense not to go too far in a random town five hours from home. If he sticks by the car and waits, Will’ll be back soon. 
But, on the other hand, waiting is torture.
Easy decision, really.
He locks the door, hopes that no one will show up with a pair of wire cutters and a flathead screw driver, and sets off. The first thing he notices, and he adds it to his mental list of things to loudly complain about when Will is locked in the car with him, is that it is fucking sweltering. In the hours approaching the afternoon, the day has gone to pleasantly warm to so hot the air is actually thick with it, and he doesn’t have wind ripping through the open windows to cool him down. Plus, he’s wearing jeans, and for the first, and hopefully only, time in his life, he envies his friend’s cargo shorts. 
The second thing he notices is that Anthony, Florida, is empty as shit. All the love in his heart to the people who call it home, but also, move, maybe. He’s hesitant to stray too far from the gas station, in case Will comes back and finds him gone, but there are no hills or anything. He can see quite far down the road. The only thing he sees is a possum starting a fight with a poor random guy – which, actually, is kind of fun to watch. 
Perhaps he has judged Anthony too harshly. 
“Nico!” shouts a voice, startling him. He whips around and finds Will, standing in the goddamn centre of the road, the dumbass, waving like a lunatic.
“There is no possible way I was going to miss you,” Nico informs him when he’s close enough. “You are approximately the height of the Washington monument. I could not miss you if I tried.”
“I wasn’t waving to get your attention, I was waving to shoo away the eagles that mistook you for a mouse.”
Nico kicks him in the shin. Will, well used to his violence, dodges, grinning, except in the act of hopping away from Nico’s dangerously hardy boots, he somehow wraps his foot around his own ankle and goes sprawling.
Nico smirks. “Who’s the short one now.”
Faster than he can even follow, Will’s hand darts out, wrapping around his ankle, and tugs, yanking him yelping on the asphalt next to him. 
“All’s fair in love and war, Neeks.”
Shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up, Nico screams at the alarm bells blaring in his brain, he doesn’t mean it like that and you know it oh shit he’s looking this way quick look normal look normal –
“I can do war if that’s what you want, Solace,” he manages, honestly quite proud of himself for managing speech with approximately fourteen percent of his brain still functioning. Damn.
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway.” He crawls to his feet, offering Nico a hand. He takes it, dutifully fighting the urge to pull Will down again, just to be an asshole. He’s cool like that, and most definitely being normal about the scrape of Will’s callused fingers against the inside of his forearm. “I found maybe the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, and I need you to come look at it immediately.”
“Sick,” Nico says, immediately intrigued. He and Will have their differences, sure, but if there’s one thing they can agree on it’s their sense of humour. 
He follows will down the road, passing the gas station again. (His car, thankfully, remains in one piece and beautifully not-robbed.) They dark across an empty intersection, walking across a yellowed lawn as they approach a run-down, patchy, one-storey bungalow with a rusted sign that reads: The Iron Works.
“Behold,” says Will gleefully, “the Abstract Iron Centaur.”
And behold, Nico does.
Gaping, he observes the structure standing proudly under the sign. Striding proudly, rather, its front legs bent to simulate movement, its human arms poised as if ready to strike. It wears a medieval knight’s helmet, and holds a rusted axe. The entire structure is a little taller than Will, and made of, presumably, iron, rusted into a light roan red.
“Abstract Iron Centaur,” Nico repeats, after several minutes of silence.
Will still looks delighted. “It was in my book. I had no idea what to expect and also I didn’t believe it was real. Isn’t it the greatest thing you’ve ever seen?”
“We gotta take a picture, Neeks. I never want to forget this thing.”
Nico allows himself to be pulled, still somewhat bewildered. It’s not even the oddest thing he’s ever seen, it’s just – he has many questions, like, for example, why? How long has this creature existed? How long will it persist? Who created it? Why is it in Will’s dorky book? Does it house a soul?
“Okay, squish in, this camera is older than your elderly ass and doesn’t have a timer.”
The familiar jab breaks him out of his stupor. “Seven months older than you, fucker.”
Without warning, Will crowds them under the Abstract Iron Centaur’s lifted arm, and then presses his widely grinning cheek right flush to Nico’s, raising his beat-up camera to the air.
Nico’s brain goes static.
“Say cheese!”
“Hnngh,” says Nico, as the camera blinds him.
Luckily for his continuously worsening blood pressure, Will pulls away the second he hears the click, shaking the ejected negative to help it develop, and Nico has a second to remind his lungs that they have a function, actually, get your shit together, I am not dying in fucking Anthony, Florida. 
“You look like a dork!” Will says, delighted. “Look!”
Blinking at the photo shoved one sixteenth of an inch from his eyeballs, Nico indeed looks. The Abstract Iron Centaur looks more foreboding on camera, somehow, but Nico barely notices it – instead, he finds his gaze drawn to the beam so wide it forces Will’s eyes shut, and the dazed, dopey look on his own face; eyes wide, mouth dropped, slightly, and posture undeniably leaning into Will’s magnetism. 
Humming to himself, Will slips his wallet out of (one of) the (many) pocket(s) of his shorts, tucking the photo inside it. Nico melts into a puddle of goo on the dead grass. His mortal soul escapes his body, descending rapidly. His atoms return to star dust. Et cetera.
“Oh, shit, we gotta go if we want to reach Georgia in good time.”
“Right,” says Nico, voice cracking. He clears his throat and tries again. “Let’s go.”
He absolutely does not haul ass to his car. He walks at a normal pace, for normal reasons, thoughts in a normal place. 
“Back on the 75,” Will instructs as they peel out, sliding sunglasses on his nose. “We gotta scoot around town a bit to get to the entrance, but it won’t take long.”
“D’you know this place?” Nico asks, even though he doubts it. As far as he knows, Will was outside of Sarasota one time: in the move from Austin. He supposes his mother might have had a concert up here, or something, and unusually, let him tag along, but he doubts it.
“Nah, just memorised the map.”
Nico hides a smile. “Oh, of course.”
It’s all too easy to tease Will, but there was a reason he was valedictorian. There’s a reason for his many shining scholarship offers, his endless well of ridiculous facts pulled from nowhere. He is, genuinely, the smartest person Nico has ever met.
Even if he genuinely believes he can fight an alligator and win.
“Two hours ‘til we cross state lines,” Will says brightly, shouting slightly over the wind as they merge onto the highway. “And then on to infinity!”
“Onto infinity,” Nico agrees, matching his smile. 
Already, he’s proved Nico wrong. They’re farther now than Will has been since he was seven, and there’s nothing in his expression that suggests he wants to slow down. 
Privately, and quietly, Nico lets himself start to hope. 
next chapter
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Monster Roommates!
Werewolves having to disclaim to their human/ non werewolf roommate that they get a bit cranky when it gets close towards the full moon so the roommate can prepare for it.
Vampire's who are almost always home during the day due to the sun so they can let you into the apartment/ dorm. Also going out at night with the vampire at night since they might know were all the fun night-life spots are.
Rooms that have a mimic living there for a while only to be discovered by a collage student who accidently almost smothers the poor thing with a pillow on the collage furniture in the dorm. They sorta have truce were the collage student will allow the mimic to stay only if they can keep their shared space well guarded.
Elves who's room smells completely like a forest and morning dew. They use diffusers to make their room and the shared space smell like you're walking through a dense wooded area to make it feel more homely.
Mermaid, naga and centaur accommodating rooms that have areas were they can rest their bodies and have more space. Similarly centaurs having stable like doors rather than regular doors.
Ghosts of collage students who have been living haunting in the dorms for a long time giving small tidbits of advice to incoming students who are moving in on stuff they've seen. Such as Ghost: "They never check for stuff under the bed man. You a can hide your stash there." Human: "Are you sure? I think they might be suspicious." Ghost: "You just gotta be sneaky with it. Like really sneaky with it. I snuck in so much shit and I turned out fine." Human: "....But, you're a ghost." Ghost: "Oh, uhh...died for different reason
Demons who place a pentagram portal to the underworld in the basement right next to the laundry machine of their shared small home. The roommate realized that there was a portal in the laundry room when they saw a hellish monster ripping up their bedsheets.
Angels who bless every single part of their shared room plus their roommates room so that they always at least feel a bit warm and fuzzy on the inside whenever they feel sad. They're a great roommate despite their feathers getting everywhere.
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Just a little fun with some gel pens that sadly don't show here because it was silver, and it doesn't scan well ^^ I'm a huge fan of shibari, and I think Karin would be too, even purely for the artistic/aesthetic merits of it
Pic from 16 July 2020
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spritedude · 3 months
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An attack for @dreameroftheblue! I always wanted an excuse to draw more of her characters since our art trade some 5 years ago. I mean, gay rocker centaur, need I say more?
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thepigeoning · 1 year
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Some Centaur Sketches
(and one disgruntled merman)
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ying-doodles · 4 months
// webtoon spoilers (ep 143)
... horse romcom filler episode... (ᄑ_ᄑ )
ok but why'd they go and make komanchi such a fcking creep?? like dude put that tongue back in your mouth and shut the fck up-
I know he's supposed to be the big bad here but eugh I'd shoot him with a horse tranquilizer and then beat his ass into the dirt he fcking sucks.
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and here's the pure underdog shumahal (who's supposedly named after some sports car? but I have zero idea which one it is cause I'm not a car fanatic...) who could beat komanchi but can't cause he actually has morals and won't run over a kid that's in the way wow-
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I'm not gonna show the rest of the episode cause it's just about shumahal breaking up with cheronin and saying she should be with a fast man and then lloyd talks to her and they hint at the speeding lecture coming next episode- nothing major missed really.
honestly this episode is rather forgettable at best but it did make me laugh with just how fcking stupid shumahal looks in his blue tracksuit ahdjdjsk-
like with the black leather pants (body suit? don't think about it too much..), the other centaurs look fine cause it kinda blends in but the bright blue just shows how bizarre their pants really are www,, horse pants dhdjsksk-
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btteredtoast · 1 year
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boy look at my slasher centaur!au boy
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colorful-horses · 2 years
Designing clothes for centaurs is really hard
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hotratking5592 · 1 year
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So this really cool person on TikTok and Instagram made these really cool CoD:MW2 Centaur designs, I am not immune to horse men... or mule men in Soaps case
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dreameroftheblue · 11 months
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woah, it's everyone's favourite punk rock centaur!
(or mine, anyway)
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otherwordsart · 1 year
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Someone is about to get very wet.
Commission was done for RohanBronco on FA.
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Modern Fantasy Monsters: Daycares!
Daycare centers that have a nice center for children of all species. They are very accommodating to all species. 
Guest speakers who come to talk to the kids. They can range from a worker from a unicorn sanctuary bring a unicorn to the class or a elven librarian to read to the kids for story time.
Special railing for centaur and minotaur children to get their barring's on their little wobbly legs. 
Rubber/ soft non-toxic nasty tasting wraps on chair/table legs so that werewolves and other werecreatures can stop chewing on them. 
Werewolve children crying to the caretaker about their teeth hurting due to their fangs growing in. After the pain period, the excitedly show the daycare attendant their brand new big boy/ big girl fangs. 
Small witches having accidents with their magic, Someone turns a classmate  into a frog? No problem, this is why we always have a magic user daycare attendant on hand.
Daycare attendants holding dragon eggs like babies in carriages around the park to get some sun. 
Having overnight daycare attendants for nocturnal creatures like vampires. 
Playgrounds built for children of all sizes! Plus they are very colorful too!
Different activities for children to play and learn. Outdoor lessons about the wonderful world of science and also getting to learn about forest magic, Writing out runes in crayons and other fun activities 
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hyperactiveparanoid · 3 months
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Two freshly done commissions :3 - 15/06/2024
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
that post that was like 'the problem with most centaurs is that everyone makes the horse part too big' opened my eyes but also now that it's been pointed out I can't unsee it
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necro-hamster · 2 years
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look at my ocs boy
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