#modern au or something ig
nerosdayinanime · 2 years
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ziggityzigg · 2 months
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He’s America’s ass
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amiharana · 1 year
literally all of them AJBDJWBD ok but 15 has so many soft domestic vibes 🥹🫶 and 17 literally link seeing revali cry for the first time omgg revali finally learning how to be emotionally vulnerable w link
(ask game from here)
since i wrote more of a headcanon list of what both revalink's bedtime routines look like on this post for @noraiir-arts, i'll do a drabble kinda thing that's like a moment in their routines for 15 lol
🛌 15. Going through their bedtime routine.
"i just don't see why it's necessary," link says, watching revali cut open a second sheet mask. he already has one on his own face, carefully spread and applied across his gorgeous tan skin. link thinks it makes revali look like he's shedding a layer. "your skin's already nice."
"how do you think i keep it nice?" revali says, carefully removing the sheet mask out of its packaging. "my skin's very sensitive, you know, it requires quite a lot of maintenance to keep it this refreshed and clear. you're lucky that you only need to shower and splash your face with water to keep it that way. who knows how you survived using 3-in-1 body wash your entire life."
"hey, i didn't know that it was bad for you," link grumbles and crosses his arms. "i thought it was more efficient to have it all in one than have to buy it all separately..."
revali rolls his eyes. "mhm. now lay down, so i can put the face mask on you."
link complies easily, the tension leaving his body and his eyes falling shut as soon as he feels revali's fingers, gentle and warm across his jaw. then suddenly, he feels a layer of ice spreading across his face and he squeaks, flinching.
"stay still," revali says, tapping link's thigh.
"it's cold!" link whines back, squirming. "you didn't tell me the face masks were cold!"
"they're cold because i keep them in the fridge and your body is a piece of the sun that fell onto earth," revali replies. "of course it's going to feel cold."
link continues to shiver until he finally gets used to the feeling of the mask on his face. revali continues adjusting its application, smoothing or stretching it out in some places until he's satisfied with the way it sits. "there we go," revali says softly. "good?"
"mhm," link says. he can barely move his face with the mask on. "how are you able to talk with this shit on?"
"you get used to it," revali replies. he lies down beside link on the bed and intertwines their fingers together. "now, we wait for thirty minutes and let the serum sink in."
"does it really take that long?" link says, nose wrinkling. the mask shifts due to the movement and he reaches up to smooth it back down.
"i've fallen asleep with them on before. but it's better to let it stay on longer than shorter so the skin can absorb it."
link hums and they both fall silent. with their fingers still intertwined, revali rubs his thumb against the base of link's. their room is quiet, except for the sound of music playing softly from link's phone. he complains plenty about how revali takes way too long to get ready for bed, but moments like this where he can participate in it with revali are link's favorite.
"thank you," revali says suddenly.
"hm? for what?" link says. he struggles to enunciate it; talking with a sheet mask on is difficult.
"for doing this with me. you didn't have to." revali's voice is quiet, almost shy.
link wants to smile under the sheet mask, but he doesn't want it to get messed up again so he resists. "it's something you like to do, so i wanna do it with you too."
he feels revali squeeze his hand, a silent "i love you". "just don't fall asleep," revali says out loud instead.
this time, link can't resist smiling. "no promises."
💧 17. Link has never seen Revali cry, so when he does, Link struggles with how to react.
when link comes home, the house is quiet. which is usually how it is, even if revali is home before him, but at least his boyfriend is being quiet somewhere where link can see him as soon as he comes in. at least revali will call back when link announces he's home, but he hasn't and it's making him nervous.
"'vali," link calls, slipping his shoes off and pushing them onto the shoe rack they keep by the door. "where are you~!" still no response. it puts link on edge immediately. "'vali?"
revali isn't in the living room or the kitchen, so link moves further into the house. he's not in the office or in the backyard, but his car was parked in the driveway so he has to be home. the last place revali would be is the bedroom, so there link goes.
but he's not prepared for the sight before him when he does.
revali is seated on the edge of the bed with a leg tucked underneath him, a look of despair and tears marring his face. he turns his head to look up at link when he hears him enter the room, but says nothing, staring and tears continuing to streak down his face.
link feels like his lungs have been severed from his esophagus, the air he's so desperately trying to breathe in blowing his chest up like a balloon instead. he's never seen revali like this; revali, whose natural facial expression is a scowl and narrowed eyes. or revali, who reserves his softest, most loving looks upon link. this expression on revali's face now... it feels like the world has fallen out of balance.
he knows he should go to revali, hold him tight and close, and comfort him like revali would do for him, but link can't move. he's rooted to one spot, eyes wide but unable to tear his gaze away from revali.
link's throat is dry, but he gulps and still attempts to speak. "you okay?"
for a moment, revali continues to stare. then he sniffs and wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. "yeah, i'm fine," he mumbles, looking away.
moving feels impossible, like he's trying to swim through quicksand, but slowly, link moves forward towards revali until he's seated in front of him on the bed. "...you wanna talk about it?"
revali stares blankly into space, unresponsive. a streak of fear wraps itself around link's chest as he searches revali's face, for any change in expression because this is terrifying.
"'vali?" link tries again in a whisper.
and this time, revali looks at him directly. but his face is scrunching up, his eyes welling with tears as he sniffs deeply again. "sorry," he murmurs, "i— just, it's—" fresh tears roll down his cheeks again and a sound that link has never heard before escapes from revali's throat, one that should have never made a home within revali in the first place.
"oh, 'vali," link whispers and he lets his instincts take over. he crawls forward into revali's lap, wrapping his arms around revali's neck and legs around his waist, holding him tightly. that's when the dam finally breaks and revali lets out the most gut-wrenching sound that link has ever heard him make, beginning to shake and cry openly into his shoulder. he holds revali tighter, letting him cry as much as he wants; it's the least that link could do. "it's okay, i'm here, reva."
eventually, revali's crying comes to a stop, but he's still holding link tightly with his arms around his waist, breathing softly against link's neck. link just strokes his hair, pressing kisses to the side of revali's face where he can reach. it's still a couple minutes before revali can find the words to speak again.
"it's the anniversary of my parents' funeral," he murmurs against link's neck. and it makes link stop in his tracks. oh. "i realize that i never actually talked to you about them. i'm sorry."
"that's okay," link murmurs back, continuing to stroke revali's hair. "you don't have to if you don't want to."
revali pauses for a moment. "i want to," he says softly. "i want you to know about them."
his tone somehow makes link's heart flutters. "okay," he replies in similar volume. "i'd like to, as long as you're comfortable talking about it."
"if it's with you, then i am," revali says. he takes a breath before talking again. "both of my parents died when i was six years old. i... don't want to talk about how they did, but i remember being at the funeral. at the time, i didn't really know what was going on but even as a child i understood grief and sadness." revali's voice grows quieter. "they were all i had, but i can barely even remember them. it's pathetic, i know."
"no it's not," link says softly. "you were still really young and it's a traumatic experience. you can't fault yourself for not being able to remember."
"but they were my parents," revali whispers. "they're the people that gave birth to me and were supposed to take care of me, and all i have to remember them by are legal documents and pictures. i can't even do them justice in memories."
link doesn't know what to say at first. it's an incredibly difficult subject to broach, after all. "even if you can't fully remember them," he decides to start, "i think they would love to know that you're trying. they've probably been watching from above and are so proud of you, because you have so much to be proud of, you know? you're so talented and clever and very handsome, might i add—" revali snorts — "they probably would have been proud to see you grew up well even without them. they would still love you."
"you really think that?" revali murmurs.
"the great revali? uncertain about his greatness?" link says teasingly. he pulls back a little to look at revali's face, whose eyes are still red from crying but hold a fond look. "they would, 'vali. anyone would be proud to have you as a son."
after a beat, revali pulls him back into a hug, squeezing him tight. "thank you," revali whispers. "i appreciate it."
"of course," link replies and turns his head to press another kiss to revali's jaw. "i'm here for you always." they're both quiet for a couple more minutes, content with just holding each other close until revali speaks once more.
"i'm sorry, by the way," revali says into the skin of link's neck. "i probably worried you since i wasn't there to greet you."
"that's okay," link says, his eyes closed. "i get it now after you told me. so don't feel bad anymore, i'm here with you now and i always will be, no matter what. i love you, 'vali, more than anything."
"i love you, too, songbird," revali whispers back. "thank you."
link hums. "i'm gonna get some water for you and then how about cuddles?"
"that sounds... nice." revali's face shifts its position under link's chin. "do you have to leave to get the water, though?"
he giggles. "do you wanna come with me to the kitchen, then?"
"i think we should skip the water and go straight to cuddling."
"nuh uh, you have to rehydrate after crying so much. you do the same to me when i cry."
link giggles again and then sits back, pulling on revali's arm. "come on, let's go. the sooner we get water, the sooner we can cuddle." revali rolls his eyes but stands up with link and complies. even after all that, revali is still too weak for link and for his cuddles.
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ur-local-kiwi · 1 month
how do i do a modern au for an already modern storyline help me
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fat-butch-dyke · 1 year
Yugi hummed quietly as he tugged off his coat, tossing it carelessly over the top of Bakura's dresser. He could feel the thief king's eyes on him, intense gaze following his movements as Yugi pulled his messy hair up into a short ponytail. The tight muscle shirt he wore showed off his arms and, though he knew Bakura would never admit it, the thief enjoyed seeing Yugi's strength. He enjoyed knowing the boy who'd once been prey to his power now held even more over him.
"Stop taking so fucking long," Bakura huffed grumpily from where he stood by the door, his arms crossed tightly. Yugi looked him over slowly, his brow quirked as he let out a soft hum and crossed his own arms, playfully mimicking his stance. Bakura looked tense, stiff under all the pressures of his new life and desperate for the release only Yugi could give him.
"That's no way to talk to me," Yugi said simply as he took a slow step toward Bakura, watching the thief's throat bob as he swallowed thickly. Yugi hummed thoughtfully, reaching a hand out to trace his fingertips down the smooth column of his throat, taking in his racing pulse with an approving purr. "I go out of my way to come over for our visits, you should be more grateful."
Bakura let out a sharp annoyed huff, smacking Yugi's hand away and stepping away from the door. He paced around the room stiffly, like a panther stuck in a cage and Yugi watched him slowly. He knew how easily Bakura could snap under these conditions, how easily overwhelmed he was and how pissed he could get at the slightest provocation. Usually Yugi enjoyed trying to elicit that reaction from him but he could see how tired Bakura looked even from here, cheeks sunken in a bit and jaw clenched as he paced. And Yugi was kind, opting to take pity on the man before him as opposed to the alternative. As much as Yugi enjoyed tearing down his walls until he couldn't recognize himself, he was kinder than the thief was.
"As if you don't like getting your dick wet," Bakura snapped sharply, trying to fill the silence that threatened to overwhelm him. Yugi's gaze on him always made him twitchy, like the vessel for the Pharaoh's soul could see past the flesh on his bones straight down to his deepest sins. In some ways that comforted him, knowing that someone, anyone, could see him so clearly. That he might be known. 
The thought was just as alarming as it was comforting, it made the protective walls he'd put around himself crumble to dust everytime Yugi threw a smile his way and he found himself exposed. Bare. Vulnerable. So he lashed out again. "Don't act like you-"
"Did you wear what I requested?" Yugi asked quietly, his god damn sweet smile rattling Bakura to his bones. Yugi leaned back against the wall as he looked over Bakura's body, hidden away under his layers of clothes. "The things I picked out for you?"
Bakura shivered, the smooth drawl of Yugi's voice making him bite the inside of his cheek hard. "Of course I did," he snapped, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I'm good for that at least-"
"You're good for plenty of things," Yugi interrupted, biting his nail softly as he looked Bakura over before his grin widened. "Undress yourself."
Bakura stiffened, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest as he stared at Yugi, the silence growing between them. Bakura crossed his arms tighter, throwing a glare that lacked any real heat Yugi's way. All it got for him was a small laugh, the smooth sound making the thief's stomach tighten and he stifled another weak shudder.
"I thought you enjoyed doing that?" He huffed, waving his hand around in the air thoughtlessly. "Since you're such a freak I figured you couldn't wait to peel this off me."
Yugi laughed again, ignoring the small jab and biting his lip softly as he watched Bakura. "I do enjoy taking you apart with my hands," he hummed sweetly, taking a slow step closer to the thief. Bakura shivered hard at the soft sound of Yugi's socks on the hard floor and it wasn't long before he was so close their noses almost touched, his breath ghosting over Bakura's lips. "But right now, I want to see my treat being unwrapped. And you'll do that for me, won't you?" 
If Yugi continued talking to him with that voice, Bakura was sure he'd do just about anything he asked. Not that he wouldn't still fight about it, at least a bit.
"So what? Feeling lazy, then?" He snapped quietly, baring his teeth in an empty threat and Yugi simply giggled. Cool fingers gently trailed over the thief's jaw to card through his hair, getting caught on a few curls in their journey to grip a handful at the base of his neck. Bakura gasped weakly, his knees almost buckling as he melted into the tight grasp Yugi had on him. Almost.
"You're so cute when you act all defiant," Yugi hummed sweetly, leaning in to barely brush his lips over Bakura's. The ghost of a proper kiss that left the thief's heart howling for more. "Won't you be good for me? Just take your clothes off, let me see you."
Bakura shivered softly, his constant glare still fixed on Yugi as he reached his shaky hand up to cup his jaw, trying to lean in closer. But Yugi's grip on him held true, keeping him too far away from those tantalizing lips he so desperately needed to feel and he let out a weak whine into the space between them. Yugi wouldn't be so easily broken though, not by Bakura. He'd seen what the thief was capable of in the past but right now, he held all the power between them. So he waited patiently while Bakura stared at him, his eyes flicking around the man's face as if searching for something before meeting Yugi's gaze. Pale violet found bright magenta and Yugi could see the defiant gleam slowly leaving Bakura's eyes. He could see in real time as the thief slowly let himself melt into the grip Yugi had on him, his gaze softening a bit before he let out a weak sigh and looked away.
So easy.
"Fine," he muttered, watching Yugi take a small step back, just enough to give him some room. His eyes watched every movement of Bakura's hands as he trailed them over the front of his shirt. He grabbed the collar of his shirt tightly in an attempt to hide the shaking of his fingers, tugging it off quickly to reveal the red lace hidden underneath. Yugi hummed approvingly, biting his lip as he watched. 
The lingerie he'd chosen fit the thief exactly as he thought it would, the deep v of the collar showing off his chest. Straps criss crossed over his arms and shoulders, keeping the lace in place and Yugi purred as more of that deep bronze skin was exposed to him.
"Beautiful," he breathed, letting his hand trace down the thief's chest lightly. The barely there brush of his fingers had Bakura's cock jumping in his pants, the offending fabric only managing to get in his way most days but it felt borderline tortuous in Yugi's presence. Bakura shivered under Yugi's touch, as he always did, leaning into it with a weak sigh and closing his eyes. He tried to block out the softness of Yugi's gaze, tried to hide from the tender care he always showed him. It hurt and not in a way that he was accustomed to, it made his heart twist uncomfortably. Like he was on display for the one person in the world who could see all of his flaws and still find something in him worthy of care. He wasn't sure he liked that.
But that was just Yugi wasn't it?
He was sure he still hated Yugi, he had to. He didn't have the option for anything but that. It would make their visits feel too real if he didn't, like he actually wanted to be under that tender man's stare, like he craved it. Which he didn't. Absolutely not. 
"I want to see the rest," Yugi hummed quietly, his voice cutting off Bakura's thoughts and making the thief let out a weak sigh as his fingertips trailed down Bakura's stomach. Yugi chuckled softly as his skin twitched under his feather light touch, his whole body leaning into it almost desperately. Bakura did his best to remain still, his eyes staying closed in some attempt to try and hide even now. It wasn't working, it very rarely did. 
Yugi hummed quietly, the soft sound like music to Bakura's ears. "I can be patient," he murmured softly and it sounded almost like a threat. "I have time."
Bakura wouldn't come out of this unscathed, his heart already doing weak flips every time Yugi spoke and he bit the inside of his cheek hard. The comforting taste of copper filled his mouth, coating his tongue and managing to ground him just enough for him to open his eyes. He almost wished he hadn't. Yugi's gaze remained fixated on him, soft and tender. It filled Bakura with something warm and made him let out a weak whine as those God awful fingertips left him. 
"Come on then, thief king," Yugi murmured playfully, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his brow. Fuck, he was always so unbearably soft. "Let me see you."
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opzsfan · 7 months
[Zosan modern life - social media AU]
IG Live gone... wrong(?)
backstory: 1. they are in their 20s something year old 2. and.. yes they dont live together yet(?) i guess? 3. sanji is a popular chef-influencer(?) on IG
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breathinlove · 9 months
gf!ellie headcanons
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read this
sinopse: ellie williams is your girlfriend, modern au.
cw: ig ellie grabs boobs?? sfw tho. basic fluff, ellie is just silly, puppy love again, mention of dealer!ellie, not explicit if reader is fem or masc, not proofread (it's never proofread tbh!).
gf!ellie who pokes your inner cheek with her tongue when you kiss or blows in your mouth "elliuhhhh" ands she's definitely gonna chuckle like "heheh"... she's SOOO SILLY.
gf!ellie who doesn't ever just invite you over, she has to make an excuse, something about how you do her hair better or how she needs skin care.
gf!ellie who doesn't have any stream apps like netflix or prime, she's a piracy master from practice (getting several viruses on joel's old computer).
gf!ellie who watches and listens to anything you like because she loves you but you can see it in her pained face that she's bored, but she'll sit through it and lie "it's cool, babe".
gf!ellie who sends the most unfunny (hilarious) reels, you can hear her wheezing while she's in the bathroom.
gf!ellie who, still talking about her bathroom texts, lets you know like fr "the hardest shit of my life istg that was a rock?" and you will laugh and buy her plums to help your constipated baby.
gf!ellie who has the most fun with you, sleeping at ellies is just like having a girls night sleepover.
gf!ellie who will skin care with you and watch youtube (shes a youtube kid)
"pooks can we watch this streamer now?" she points at the screen, while you untangle her stupid hair. "careful yeah?" she hisses when you catch a knot and you kiss her scalp "yes im sorry my love". and she'll look back at you to give you the sweetest cutest smile that makes you sick to your stomach.
gf!ellie who is a weed dealer but is also a homebody. so goes to them parties just to deal "just business babe" like she's going to the office or sum.
gf!ellie with whom everyone knew you were dating before you two even admited you had crushed on eachother. she'd protest to your friends "no... like, we're real good friends" as she blushed and you giggled 'yeah's.
gf!ellie who has cold ass hands and they're always inside your shirt when you're cuddling
"babeeeee let me warm up" trying to shove her feet inside your pants??? when the laughter dies, her hand that's up your shirt WILL find your tits.
gf!ellie who takes pictures of you when you're asleep, not to tease you or anything, she just thinks you're cute.
gf!ellie who only drives when she absolutely has to... but she's always there to drive you anywhere you need.
gf!ellie who goes "aww you're so preeeetty" out of nowhere and gives you a smooch on your face.
a/n: i need a gf yall, send applications please ❤️
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parkerloves · 5 months
JUST MY TYPE | SV5 x Fem!Reader
paring: Redbull! Sebastian Vettel x uninteresed! singer!fem!reader
summary: she had to sing once to entertain the paddock, since then, seb just wants her to himself even though she doesn't seem very willing
fc; gracie abrams+ pinterest girls (but picture her as you like)
warnings: seb is a bit of an egocentric ass but a cute one ig + modern au
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ynnews has posted!
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liked by yourusername, sebastianvettel and 7,863,863 other
ynnews: our girl has been spotted singing to some drivers and a certain german seemed very interested
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: I loved meeting some of you guys there! <3
user542: it was AMAZING to meet you
user762: Sebastian, what are you doing here?
user652: simping over our goddess
jensonbutton: I knew I was right @sebastianvettel you finally have her ig, now shut up
sebastianvettel: fuck you
yourusername has posted!
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liked by sebastianvettel, jensonbutton and 6,462,927 other
yourusername: I never thought I'd like watching cars race in circles but here we are
sebastianvettel: something a bit more blue would definitely fit you better
user653: ... try not to be so obvious sir
jensonbutton: not worthy here
yourbff: OMG red IS your color
yourusername: Ofc I had to or else my dad would literally kill me
user287: OKAY HEAR ME OUT, she'll end up with Redbull paddock passes, I just know
liked by sebastianvettel
user426: let's be delulu together my friend
user287: do you not know Sebastian?
user426: no, but I do know yn
sebastianvettel has posted!
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liked by ynnews, jensonbutton and 1,762,652 others
sebastianvettel: great race, great weekend, thanks for everything SPA
tagged: redbull
user287: since you're not tagging her, I'll do it myself @yourusername
jensonbutton: I like your strategy, let me help @yourusername
yourbff: I shouldn't be doing this but... @yourusername
user625: so we all ship them now or what?
yourusername: congrats on the win!
sebastianvettel: YOU SHUT UP
sebastianvettel: @yourusername thanks gorgeous
yourusername has posted!
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liked by sebastianvettel, jensonbutton and 6,276,417 other
yourusername: waking up, writing songs and going back to sleep that's my life now
sebastianvettel: I mean I can help changing that
user326: did we officially lose him?
user286: over yn? probably
yourbff: new album coming up?
yourusername: 🤫🤫
yourusername has posted a story!
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first one: no caption, liked by sebastianvettel and 4,654,862 others
sebastianvettel has replied to your story
is still a lost battle to invite you to another gp since you seem to like redbull?
so now the drink and the car are the same?
we have an unlimited source of drinks
I could think about it then
second one: caption: back again?, liked by sebastianvettel and 4,654,862 others
yourbff has replied to your story
jesus, don't scream
I never thought of your type like the flirty type
he's not my type
I know, that's why I don't know WHY YOU LIKE HIM
read at 19:54 pm
yourusername has posted!
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourbff and 10,754,475
yourusername: he seemed even more excited to see me than to race
tagged: sebastianvettel
yourusername: god, I thought Seb would be the only one screaming because of this
user725: SEB? AW
sebastianvettel: is not my fault you looked almost perfect
yourusername: almost perfect?
sebastianvettel: you could lose the Ferrari jacket
yourusername: and be cold? no thanks xx.
sebastianvettel has posted!
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liked by yourusername, ynnews and 2,753,725 others
sebastianvettel: I think we got rid of the jacket and the cold problem
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: don't lie to the public, you tricked me into wearing that
sebastianvettel: good thing it suits you
yourusername: everything suits me
sebastianvettel: I mean you're not wrong
yourbff: NOW I'M SHOCKED
yourusername: shhh
yourbff: I'm telling your dad about the jacket
yourusername: do it and you're dead :)
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU lewis hamilton x male!reader
side note: i've never done a male reader but i hope you'll still like it. i figured it's not that much of a difference than to a female reader so i just gave it a shot.
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♡ liked by lewishamilton and 387,948 others
tagged: lewishamilton
theformulapod "I've been hiding my relationship for some time now. It's been hard for both of us and we felt like we needed to keep our relationship a secret for our safety. However, I think my fans deserve the truth and I should step up and open up about my sexuality. It's nothing to be ashamed of." ~ Lewis Hamilton
Lewis Hamilton talks about recent rumours regarding his relationship in an interview here on The Formula Pod! Tune in this Friday at 5PM to hear his side of the story!
view all 6,438 comments
user1 i need a hard launch right now ⤷ user2 no but fr i need to know who stole my man
user3 is this my cue to tell men "oh so you're watching f1 because you're attracted to the drivers" ⤷ user4 don't put ideas into my head
lewishamilton so happy to have been treated with such respect from everyone on the podcast! glad i was able to tell my story in such a supportive group of people! comment liked by theformulapod
user5 if i see one comment disrespecting lewis i will find you and fight you
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♡ liked by yourusername, georgerussell63, pierregasly and 973,273 others
tagged: yourusername
lewishamilton love is all around us
view all 7,394 comments
user6 sir lewis that last picture oh my oh my
user7 we got the hard launch finally ⤷ user8 on my way to stalk his boyfriend's ig
yourusername i fear we might become the new it couple, look at us ⤷ user9 THE SASS I LOVE HIM ⤷ yourusername don't love me too much or lewis will get jealous
user10 naur i love them already
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♡ liked by carmenmundt, lewishamilton, lilymhe and 120,345 others
tagged: lewishamilton
yourusername that's the shirt which made lewis fall in love with me (real)
view all 465 comments
user11 he is so funny for no reason i'm so here for it ⤷ user12 the realness is so real
user13 lewis hamilton (y/n's version)
lewishamilton you're so unserious 😭 comment liked by yourusername ⤷ yourusername you love it tho
user14 such big dick energy ⤷ user15 honestly can't blame lewis for falling for y/n because same
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♡ liked by 184,958 people
tagged: yourusername
f1wags Y/N Y/L/N on his way to the first free practice after the summer break. This marks his first public appearance in the paddock ever since him and Lewis confirmed their relationship during the summer.
view all 773 comments
user16 lewis' money is showing ⤷ user17 they literally been together for years, i don't think y/n is using lewis for money
user18 blue suits him so good? ⤷ yourusername blue loves me 💅🏻 ⤷ user19 not the modern family reference i love him so much
user20 i love how he is now able to fully support lewis!!
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♡ liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, lilymhe and 234,947 others
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yourusername race weekend shenanigans
view all 538 comments
user21 i love y/n and his funny shirt agenda
user22 hopefully we'll see y/n more on race weekends, whenever the camera was on him he was doing something funny ⤷ user23 literally born to be an entertainer
lewishamilton your presence made my dnf more bearable ⤷ yourusername you're getting all soft on me just like your tires
user24 i just know y/n's having so much fun with the f1 wags ⤷ lilymhe we love him!
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starcurtain · 4 months
Ratiorine Fics I Want to Read
1) Modern AU: When Veritas Ratio discovers a beautiful businessman poised to jump from the roof of his apartment building, he does something he's never done half as seriously before: makes a bet. One month--in just one month, he will find this "Aventurine" a reason to keep living. The terms: 30 days, anything goes, whatever it takes to make some kind of meaning out of a miserable existence. If Ratio loses, a brilliant-eyed gambler will disappear from the world forever. If Aventurine loses... well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. (Of course, neither of them anticipated that Ratio would end up becoming Aventurine's reason to live--but there's something to be said for non-zero-sum games.)
2) "I'm real sorry to bother you, mister, but I think I'm lost?" Aventurine is pretty sure he's dreaming. Pretty sure he's been pulled back to the hellscape known as Penacony. Pretty sure the Lady Emanator might need to come back and take another swing at him, to burn out the last hold of the Harmony for real this time. Because those are the only logical explanations for why Aventurine is currently locking eyes with his own younger self, standing very confused in the middle of his trussed up Pier Point condo, far from the Family's shadow. (Or: That one where a blessing from Gaiathra temporarily sends the young Kakavasha out of harm's way--straight into the care of his future self. Aventurine isn't the ideal person to care for a child, but hells if he's going to let his younger self experience anything less than the safest and most wonderful weeks of his short, miserable life. The only real problem is, well, how is he possibly going to explain this to Ratio?)
3) A super soft, small fic of Ratio reflecting on all the ways his life has changed since Aventurine came into it--there's noise in his apartment now, and a photo on his desk in the office; there's troublesome snacks to pet sit and someone keeps sneaking inappropriate jokes into his lecture transcripts. There's a sounding board to test his lesson topics on, and a peacock on his cellphone lock screen because he's developed a newfound fondness for the color. There's a go-between nowadays when the ravenous investors come sniffing after the results of his research, and unlabeled packages containing exotic bath salts from star systems even Ratio has never heard of... But most beloved of all: the sense of soundness and symmetry, of something unexpected settling perfectly into his hold, at last.
4) Bodyswap AU: Ratio and Aventurine end up on a mission that goes wrong in every sense of the word (aeons, it's always aeons). They're separated with probably half the known universe between them, stranded on unrecorded planets without credits or technology, and--most bizarrely have all--have definitely swapped bodies. Cool. Cool. What the fuck. Aventurine is honestly tempted to say he might be coming out ahead in this whole drama--he's ripped and tall now--until he discovers that in Ratio's body, he doesn't have his luck. Meanwhile, Ratio is discovering just how much harder life is for Signonians, and coming to truly appreciate how strong of a person Aventurine really is. Somehow, they've got to make it back from half way across the universe, accomplish their mission, and get their own bodies back. Please?
5) A collection of complaint logs very important internal IPC records:
Complaints received on the dangerous behavior of new Stoneheart "Aventurine of Stratagems"
Complaints received on the hostile work environment created by Intelligentsia Guild Consultant Dr. Veritas Ratio
Request for transfer
Request for transfer
Request for transfer
Proposal (Joking) to assign Stoneheart Aventurine to joint mission with Intelligentsia Guild Consultant Dr. V. R.
Request for transfer
Request for transfer
Proposal (No Longer Joking) to assign Stoneheart Aventurine to joint mission with IG Consultant Dr. V. R.
Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete, three days before projected date, Casualties: 0, Complaints: 0
Note from Clerk #157B to Clerk #162S, on digital post-it: "Are you seeing this shit?"
Mission Report, Status: Complete, two days behind schedule, Complaints: 1 - "Please don't subject me to the drivel of untrained imbeciles again. If you're going to send someone from outside the Technology Department, at least provide a competent strategist. The same one from last time, preferably."
Mission Report, Status: Complete, Casualties: 1, Complaints: 1 - "Just send Ratio next time, okay?"
Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete
Complaint received on the questionable conduct of Stoneheart Aventurine: "Why did my boss send me to buy bath bombs? Who are these for?"
Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete
Complaint received on the biased behavior of IG Consultant Dr. V. R.: "Why does boss get called 'dear gambler' while the rest of us are 'fool'?"
Penacony Joint Mission Report, Status: Complete
Notice of Hiatus from Intelligentsia Guild Activities and Sabbatical from Lecturing, Reason Given: None
Request for Paid Leave, to: Diamond, cc: Jade, bcc: Topaz, Reason Given: Elopement 💖
6) Maybe it's not a sensitive thing to ask. Maybe some stories are better left in the past. But Veritas Ratio has never been able to curb his desire to know--nor his desire to right the wrongs the world with that knowledge. Laid bare, pale against the lip of the tub, with nothing but the rippling of the bathwater to accompany him, Aventurine tells the story of each of his scars. Some marks cannot be washed away. But some--with time, with touch--can heal.
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wangxianficfinder · 3 days
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Fic Finder
Sep 18th
1. Hi! I don't know if this has been asked before but I'm looking for a fic. It had multiple chapters and might have been mostly from LWJ POV. (spoilers for the fic basically) I only remember clearly that in one of the later chapters it is revealed that WWX took the fall for JC who had set off a cigar fire. Thank you!
FOUND! Nursery Rhymes by manaika (M, 96k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Inexperienced WWX, Experienced LWJ, Reconciliation, Budding Love, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Unreliable Narrator, Medical Inaccuracies, Slow Burn, Past Character Death, Childhood Trauma, Found Family, Past Injury, Nurse! WWX, Doctor! LXC, Teacher! LWJ, Character With A Heart Condition (Major), Past Incarceration (Major Character), Underage Character With Leukemia (Minor))
NOT FOUND! Insert Coin Now for Extra Life by TriviasFolly (E, 201k, wangxian, modern, ABO, Intersex Omegas, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Marriage contract au, Twitch Streamer WWX, fluff and smut, caring for other while sick, Possessive LWJ, Rare Male Omegas, Pack Dynamics, Sugar Baby vibes, Eventual Smut, Brief mention of lwj/others)
2. hi - apologies if you have answered this and i missed it, or please ignore if i haven't waited long enough! i really appreciate all you guys do! I'm looking for a longish fic - cloud recesses classes WY gets whipped after JZ/JY engagement broken, recovers in CR while creating talismans. Wens attack and WY explodes heads. ACE JZ, badass Madame Jin, NH sets up JY/NM, WY grabbed by WR, LZ comes to save him and they kill WR. I've tried searching hashtags, but just can't find it -can you help? @oldoni
FOUND? 🧡 To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 78k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Major character injury, CQL verse, Happy Ending)
3. Hello Mojo!! I've always used your blog to find missing fics, but this'll be the first time I send in a an ask!!
I read this fic a long time ago and forgot to bookmark it, the premise was Jiang Yanli was engaged to Lan Zhan but she was in love with Jin Zixuan. So Wei Ying, doing what he does best and offers to take her place.
He's invented a talisman that changes his body to look like Yanlis, the catch is that it affects his health everything he uses the talisman until it eventually hurts him to the point of near death. And he falls in love with Lan Zhan along the way.
Can you help me find this fic?
FOUND? 🔒 You Free Your Mind In Your Androgyny by retired (misbehavingvigilante) (E, 368k, WangXian, JC & JYL & WWX, NHS & WWX, Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bodyswap, Crossdressing, Dysfunctional Family, Gender Dysphoria, Hurt/Comfort, Identity Porn, Mistaken Identity, Misunderstandings, Transphobia, Self-Worth Issues, Suicidal Thoughts, Trans WWX)
4. Hiii there was a fic where wei ying was chased by a dog and took shelter in lan zhans house. i remember wy having a panic attack and lz calming him, and ig he had a cat called bunny?? idk this was on the first chp. and it was a long fic ig?? Anyways hope you can find it!! @for13years-i-play-inquiry-foryou
FOUND? leave all your love and your longing behind by ScarlettStorm (E, 143k, WangXian, Modern AU, no magic, Meet-Ugly, Panic Attacks, autistic lwj, neurodivergent wwx, the neighborhood asshole dog, if you’ve met one then you know, Hurt/Comfort, Pining, Minor Angst, major shenanigans, Happy Ending, for everyone including the asshole dog, Eventual Smut, switch rights, Sex Toys, horny yearning, Masturbation)
5. Hii I am desperately looking for a fic. It is around cloud recess time and wwx is a genuis and gets recognized by the Lans and they treat him well. I remember super specific stuff like there was an elder who blew something up to reroute a river because he needed the water for fire savety and he is kind of mentoring wwx. And some of the elders imply to lwj to court wwx. And there is a kind of scholar equivalent to a discussion converence and the Jiang scholars get so much shit from the Lans for not supporting wwx talent because he is like a once in a generation genius and they usually have systems in place to support people like that but the Jiangs were afraid of madam yu i guess. Thats most of what I remember. I really hope it still exists somewhere... @frankensteins-gendercrisis
FOUND?🔒in the shadow of moonlit flowers by Reverie (cl410) (T, 56k, wangxian, LXC/NMJ, Cloud Recesses, LWJ & NHS Friendship, Developing Relationship, POV LWJ, Minor Injuries, Autistic LWJ, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, aka the Madam Yu warning, Genius WWX, Light Angst And Hurt/Comfort, WWX Protection Squad, Gusu Lan Sect, Slow Burn, Protective LWJ, LWJ-centric)
FOUND? 🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 859k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
6. Hi! I'm looking for a f/f wangxian fic, I don't remember much about the plot but I do know in it wwx bullies young lwj and calls her a lesbian. They later meet as adults and wwx is really trying to atone for her actions. Thank you!! @blessrainydays
FOUND? Out of your system by mimilamp (E, 20k, Female WangXian, Modern AU, Rule 63, Sexual Content, Strap-Ons, jealous wwx, lan zhan FUCKS, mention of LWJ/others straight girl WWX, Y E A R N I N G, Additional Warnings In Author's Note)
7. Hello! Here for the fic finder, please. It starts with Wangxian hunting a monster that eats dreams. At some point it catches lwj and puts him into a dream and wwx goes into the dream and sees that in it they are married? Does that ring any bells?
FOUND? Dream of Me by KingdomFlameVIII (E, 11k, WangXian, Mild Horror, Dreams, Dream Sex, Bathing/Washing, Domestic Fluff, First Kiss, First Time, Light Bondage, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering)
8. Hi! I'm looking for a modern au where WWX was a fox that had gotten taken to a sanctuary and he had a faded red ribbon around his neck, it fell off and he got sad about it. It possibly had his name written on the inside of it? Wen Ning either ran the santuary or worked there. WWX might've been cursed to be in a fox form? I can't remember for sure. I thought I'd bookmarked it but can't find it and there's a gazillion fox!wwx fics and I'm not finding it. I can't remember more than that but hopefully someone will know. TIA!
NOT FOUND! in the arms of the angel by ScarlettStorm (E, 37k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Fox WWX, animal rescuer LWJ, Minor pining, major shenanigans, Comedy, Smut, Getting Together, Hurt/Comfort, Adhd WWX, the mortifying ordeal of getting your head stuck in a peanut butter jar, and getting subsequently rescued by your crush, there were in fact two beds, but LWJ knows what he's about, Blowjobs, Frottage, switch rights, Scent Kink, mildly telepathic sex, courtship via kittens)
FOUND! Found: Extremely Friendly Fox by wanderingflame (T, 22k, ZhuiLing, WangXian, Modern AU, mild animal injury, Curses, Fluff, Reunions, Fox WWX, Foxxian being a lovable terror, POV Alternating, Modern With Cultivation, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, LWJ wears reading glasses because it's sexy)
9. Hi can I ask you if you could find me a fanfiction where Wei wuxian keeps doing different ghost games and Lan Zhan keeps interrupting them, the other thing I can remember is that they're both university students and Lan Zhan is responsible for the dormitory.
FOUND?🔒Grandmaster of Demonic Party Games by Trickster_Angel (M, 50k, WangXian, Modern AU, College AU, Crack, Light Angst, Humor, Paranormal, horror, Slow Burn)
10. Hello! Submitting a request to find a fic, cause i'm honestly at my wit's end.
It was multichapter fic and I'm pretty much sure it was finished. It's basically story, where Wei Wuxian transmigrates from modern times into cultivator setting, summoned by mistake, by his counter-part here and basically hijacked their body? And was then promptly attacked by Lan Wangji, who thought it was original
In cultivator setting, Wei Wuxian was also known as a Yilling Laozu - ancient and mad with grief over Lans killing his husband few hundreds years ago. The present Lan Wangji is reincarnation of said husband, but due Yilling Laozu Wei Wuxian not letting him go, he couldn't properly reincarnate or something? Like - he is still man's husband, Lan Wangji, but a little bit different and that stops him from falling in love with YL WWX?
(There was also something about how this Wei Ying was summoned, because Lan Wangji from that universe probably died, before they had a chance to meet.)
Anyway, after getting (i think?) stabbed by Lan Wangji he got taken to Cloud Recess, then he somehow winded up in Lotus Pier, growing close with Jiang siblings. Also, Wei Wuxian from the modern times was some kind of doctor or inventor (?) and he tried bringing some modern solutions there.
I think this think may be quite known, but i tried all the tags i thought that will work and found nothing ://
Thank you very much in advance
FOUND? Old Foreshadows by protos_metazu_ison (M, 15k, WangXian, YLLZ WWX, BAMF WWX, War, Universe Alteration, Sunshot Campaign, Rated For Violence, Timeline What Timeline, Mojo’s post)
FOUND? 🔒 Transverse by Kytrin, Mslead (E, 192k, WangXian, ChengSang, ZhuiLing, ZhenYi, Dimension Travel, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Enemies to Lovers, Transmigration, Past Lives, Canon-Typical Death, Don’t worry - he gets better)
11. for fic finder, i've read this a few times and suddenly i can't find it- wwx gets taken by a caiyi merchant while he's on his way to dinner with lwj. the merchant is someone wwx had previously gotten along with, so it's a bit of a depressing realization that even this guy hates him.
queue a sinister array, a timely rescue by lwj, and the sobering realization that wwx can't fully escape what he's done in his past life, and it can crop up where he least expects it @stgroversfire
12. Hi! This is for fic finder. I'm looking for a fic where sect leader JC returns to Lotus Pier after a trip/night hunt and the junior disciples all clamour towards him. JC then picks one of the youngest disciples who gives a short report and sends them off for training. I think it might be from the pov of someone who accompanied him (LWJ? LXC?) and then I think there's a bit of commentary about the kind of sect leader JC is. I think it's likely some sort of canon divergence or time travel fic, but not sure. Thanks!
13. hi, i’m looking for a fanfic in which jzx’s death was faked, he was found in the lake (?) by wwx, i remember people thought wwx was dead but lwj managed to find him alive in some village. lwj told jiang yanli to find wwx and after he found jzx, he was told not to sleep in the same room with jyl as she was married woman and it was inappropriate. this fic wasn’t finished
FOUND? Discarded by teawater (E, 178k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Dying Lan children, Hurt/Comfort, YL WWX, Golden Core Reveal, Case Fic, Depression, Family Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Self Confidence Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Angst with a Happy Ending, and it's not always dark, POV Multiple, BAMF WWX, dubious morals in the Lan sect Feels, Pining, Grief, Fix-It, BAMF LWJ)
14. Hi! I’ve been looking for a fic I read a while ago in which WWX designs a talisman (or something) to test blood relationships and finds out he really is JFM’s son. If I remember correctly he’s already left Lotus Pier, I think he finds out with JYL and JC at Cloud Recesses? “This body yet survives” by RoseThorne comes very close but doesn’t have him as JFM’s son. Help please!
I’m pretty sure 14 is a modern era AU and they take a DNA test which reveals the siblings as wwx’s half siblings - can I locate it? Ehhh, of course not unless I get lucky with my history search
15. I’m looking for a fic that is a modern au, no cultivation, where wwx leaves home or is driven out of his home and loses contact with his sibling and lwj. Fast forward to the future, he’s living somewhere and is with the Wen siblings? I don’t remember how, but somehow lwj finds wwx first, maybe over text? And slowly wwx starts sharing his life again? I feel like maybe wwx had been abused or threatened to never talk to his siblings again. He’s very afraid. I remember Wen Qing was very suspicious of LWJ and protective of wwx. Thanks for your help!
NOT FOUND! clean from the war (your heart fits like a key) by sysrae (E, 28k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reunions, past xy/wwx, xy is fucked up but not evil because it's a modern AU and I said so, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks, past wwx/jfm, Past Rape/Non-con, Past Abuse, Rape Recovery, transphobic violence, Victim Blaming, Past wwx/others, allusions to past self-harm)
FOUND! Love Don't Belong To Me by airinshaw (E, 28k, WangXian, Modern, Getting Together, Kissing, Intercrural Sex, Light Angst, Happy Ending, PTSD, Panic Attack, WWX's canonical self-esteem issues, Canonical Child Abuse, not as dark as the tags imply, Past Relationships mention)
16. Hello! Thanks in advance for this. I read ff earlier this year, it was post-canon I guess, Wei Wuxian is staying in cloud recesses and Lan wangji is chief cultivator (I guess). once wwx took juniors to night hunt and he kminda knew that someone will come for him, a walking corpse was searching for him specifically. after empathy wwx got to know that the walking corpse is his father. I dont remember anything other than this scene. Please help! @vbhardwaj-reads
FOUND! An Aftermath More Devastating Than The Storm by UneducatedAuthor (Not Rated, 111k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post-Canon, Everyone Loves WWX, The Junior Ensemble Love WWX, Hurt WWX, Protective LWJ, Protective LSZ, WWX Deserves Better, Genius WWX, WWX Protection Squad, Chief Cultivator LWJ, Cultivation Sect Politics, JC & WWX Reconciliation) Has Wei Changze as a fierce corpse searching for his son
17. For fic finder, I remember it was a multichap canon dovergent wangxian fic with inventor wwx. Tho I am not sure if that tag was used. The most notable part of it was Madam Jin bringing evidence of jgs putting his lot in with wrh complete with bills, transactions, correspondences etc. Jgs tries to discredit her by being a misogynist. That's when madam Jin uses a wwx custom binding spell on him and then says "I am a quick study when I want to be" to wwx and then she says "thank you for your instruction" because she learned the spell from jzx who saw wwx teach it to jc in cloud recesses lectures. After that she tells jzx to take the sect leader's seat and there was resistance from jin elders in the same scene and also in other later chapters. It was complete and happy ending I believe for wangxian too @yiling-laozu-is-loml
FOUND? Cultivating immortality by KizuKatana (E, 231k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Rogue Cultivator WWX, Mutual Pining, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, unreliable narrator, Found Family, First Time, novel canon relationship dynamics)
18. Hey its my first ask so i don't know if I'm doing it right... I've been trying to find two specific fics really hard but no luck yet. I hope you'd be able to help
A) It was a post-sunshot campaign au..I think someone basically heard wwx getting yelled at by jc and flinching away from his touch. That gives rise to rumours that jc is sexually abusing wwx. Everyone starts pitying wwx and it comes to a head at some sort of banquet..?
B) A post-canon wangxian fluff fic. I think it might've been a 5+1 sort of fic but im not sure. There was one particular scene where wwx is just hanging out with other lan spouses and they are all complaining about their husband but wwx is silent cause lwj treats him really well..After he says so one of the women say "how long will it take your husband to realise if I kill you and take your place?" To which wwx replies "like right away"
I really hope you'll be able to find them
FOUND? Short Prompts by Vrishchika (M, 40k, WIP, WangXian, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Not JC Friendly, Separate Tags for Each Chapter) chapter 15 I'm sure of it
FOUND? Life before you was tragic by covalentbonds (Not rated, 4k, wangxian, Fluff and Humor)
19. Hello! I am trying to find a fix where Wei ying get thrown to burial mound by wen Chao as a child, and then he become the protector of Yiling! He is always covered in shadows when he meet the sects! Can anyone remember the title! It is in AoW but I cannot find it! Help please!🙏 Thanks 😊 Have a wonderful day! @fallingstar77
I don't remember the name of #19 fic, but what I do remember is that it's listed on the amazing Warprize compilation you guys did.
FOUND? 💖 what price is duty, what cost is love by thunderwear (G, 18k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, WWX was never adopted by the Jiang Sect, War Prize, YLLZ WWX, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, First Time, Falling In Love, eventual dramatic confessions, Eventual Happy Ending, Angst with a Happy Ending)
20. Hi, Im looking for a fic that may have been deleted but i'll try here. In it LWJ takes a'yuan away from cloud recesses to raise outside of the sect after WWXs death. He builds a garden with various monuments one of which is a boulder tied down with ropes to represent the Xuanwu. Eventually he senses something and goes to the burial mounds where he drags a reborn WWX from the blood pool. He takes him home to rehabilitate. On the way he stops at an inn to bathe him. Thats all I remember<3
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villainscharm · 29 days
stalled | modern! aemond targaryen x reader
pov : you’re stuck in the elevator at the office with aemond aka your boss who you never talked to.
words count : 1.3k
contents : fluff (?) i don’t feel like there is any romance going on here, maybe the beginning of something ig??? but this is just a short sooooo
modern au. targaryen company theme plot. aemond is your boss but he never speak to you because he’s a dick.
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He was terrifying — Aemond Targaryen was inevitably terrifying.
His presence, his demeanor, the atmosphere in the room shifted every time he entered.
And now you were stuck with him in this forsaken elevator.
It was a normal morning, you came to your work, scanned your finger and was sent to your task of the day. You’ve been working at the Targaryen company for six months now after graduating from the university, in the creative marketing team. Your work had been fine with many friendly and supportive colleagues in your department, including the CEO’s second daughter, Helaena Targaryen, as well.
Today one of your colleagues who took a sick leave called you and asked for a favor about paperwork. She already finished them but due to her stomach issues, she couldn’t come in to submit her work in time, so she emailed you the file to print and submit for her instead, which you kindly helped out. It was a report on the latest month's sale, so you were supposed to submit them at the office six floors above yours, the 22nd floor. Carrying the documents, you stood in the elevator, listening to the light music playing in the background and mindfully counting the pages in your hands for accuracy.
The gentle ding sound of the elevator alerted you to look up — nineteenth floor — before the door opened, you stepped aside making rooms for the person who was coming in. And then the air got cold.
The door opened, presenting the tall silver-haired man as he entered — Aemond Targaryen, the fourth child of the CEO Viserys Targaryen and his second wife, Alicent Hightower, who worked in human resources.
He was your director in creative marketing.
Also a dickhead.
“Mister Targaryen,” you greeted politely with a smile, which he ignored. You were tempted not to pull out your phone and complain about it to your secret social media account— not that you haven’t done it before. You took a quick glance at him, he was on his phone with his one-eye facing to your side, easier for you to study him closely for the first time. You met Aemond only a couple of times, first was at your job interview, he didn’t interview you though, only popping in to chat with his mother in the room. Miss Alicent tried to introduce you to him but he paid no mind and left, leaving you feeling awkward and self-conscious. The second time was in the meeting of the upcoming project, he was present but didn’t talk to anyone, well, if you count saying ‘hmm’ and ‘no’ as talking then it was.
Aemond was only a few years older than you, but you swore he acted like a forty year old man at work. The way he spoke, the way he sat — no wonder everyone feared him more than his older brother Aegon. Out of everyone in this family, Aemond seemed to be absent most times. His sister, Helaena once told you that he preferred working from home than being in the office. ‘He doesn’t like people very much. What’s it called again, antisocial?’
Sociopath, more like.
But when he was present, he often wore a casual outfit instead of suit and uniform, with an eyepatch covering his one-eye, of course. It was a known lore of how Aemond lost his eye, an accident during a family vacation, news spread all over the media.
Though missing one eye, Aemond remained devilishly handsome.
You inhaled, only three floors to go. Your eyes glued to the tiny monitor showing the number of each floor as it went on, as if staring at it intensely would help the elevator move faster.
and… THUD!
“Shit!” you cursed as the elevator suddenly stopped in its place, making your body lose its balance and stumble backward, almost hitting the wall. You look at the tiny monitor, it stopped at 21, but your guts told you that they were in between 22 as well.
You glanced at Aemond, who seemed to be startled as well, but remained calmly anyway. Hugging your documents tightly to your chest, your finger reached forward to press the button to open the door but nothing happened.
You pressed them again, and again still nothing.
“It’s not gonna open,” it was Aemond who spoke first, his voice was stern and calm, way too calm that it was making you panic, it was also the first time you heard him speak. You looked at him confused before he flipped his phone to your sight. You squinted your eyes looking at the screen, it was a message from the security service, informing them of the issue coming from the control panel, causing the elevator to stalled.
You sighed, leaning your back against the wall, thankfully the light didn’t go off, that would be a nightmare. “How long is it gonna be like this?” you asked, taking a quick glance at the watch on your wrist. Aemond hummed before replied, “Uncertain, should be some time. Hopefully not too long.”
You didn’t try to hide the eye roll as you groaned, at this point you shouldn’t care. Aemond then reached his hand forward, pressing the emergency button to alarm the people in the control room. The air was thick and filled with awkwardness, until Aemond broke the silence again.
“You look stressed,” he remarked. Of course you were stressed, your colleague asked you to help her out and now you were stuck in the elevator submitting her work late. “I have documents to submit in time. Obviously not gonna happen,” you replied, avoiding his eye contact.
“Applications?” he guessed, eyeing the documents in her hands. You turned your head to him instantly, blinking in disbelief, but when you realized how rude it must’ve looked, you played it out with a forced chuckle.
“I've been here for six months,” offense hid in your tone, your brows knitting together. Purposely leaving the part where you were supposed to address him as Mister Targaryen or sir.
Aemond hummed, “Receptionist?” wrong answer bastard.
“Creative marketing, your department,” What a dick. Forcing a smile, your blunt answer with the emphasis on the word ‘your’ made him raise an eyebrow in response. “Sir,” you finished, a poor attempt.
“But that’s the sales report,” Aemond noticed, he could see the heading of the documents in your arms clearly as he stood tall next to you. Though not too close, you could still smell his expensive cologne. Yves Saint Laurent — you guessed, he didn’t seem like a Calvin Klein type of guy, maybe Dior Sauvage? but who wasn’t a Dior Sauvage type of guy anyway.
“Floris took a sick leave. I’m just helping her out,” you offered him a softer tone this time, trying to gain some appreciation from him. But to your disappointment, the bastard hummed.
“I also work with Helaena, your sister. She’s excellent,” you tried to break the awkwardness, nothing a little small talk couldn’t fix. “Yes, she is,” not even a small talk could fix him, you couldn’t wait to get out of here. But to your surprise, Aemond added, “She mentioned you before. You came up with the campaign for the last month project,” it wasn’t a question but a fact, because Aemond knew. His tone was softer and approved. You thought he had no idea you existed but apparently you were wrong.
“Yes, I’m glad it helped to increase the sales,” you suppressed your smile, feeling proud and appreciated from the way Aemond addressed you. He hummed again, this time instead of infuriated, you felt your cheeks burned.
You two spent the next ten minutes standing in the elevator in silence before it eventually moved again, finally stopping at the 22nd floor. You sighed with relief because you were certain you would get claustrophobic if stood in there any longer. You stepped out finally, but before the elevator door closed, you heard Aemond called out your name from behind.
“I’ll see you later at the office.”
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c4m-th3-gr34t · 27 days
inspired by a post from @jamandjazz
How Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, and Steve Randle are affected by their parent issues.
ok so keep in mind i havent read the book since december (i dont have my own copy) so this might be a bit wrong. im using info from my mind, the movie, the musical, tiktok, and here.
Johnny Cade
so its canon that johnny wouldve ran away if it werent for the gang (starting off strong with dally-johnny parallels OUCH)
the abuse from his parents definitely gave him a fucked up sense on what it means to feel loved
which is why johnny gets along with dally so well, i'll get into that more in dally's part
he 100% thinks that the entire world hates him except for the gang
someone said that he is so sweet its sick, not true. the abuse definitely toughened him up enough that he will be mean to strangers
he canonically is somewhat responsible (going out to the store to buy supplies and giving ponyboy a note)
im saying that because im pretty sure pony says something like twobit and someone else in the gang would forget to buy something johnny remembered
johnny learned that from having to live out on the street sometimes when his parents fought or kicked him out for multiple days
he is the living definition of forgive but never forget
he just wants a home
i personally hc that the abuse started as johnny grew older, maybe when he was 6-8 years old
which is why johnny (especially in the musical) still cares about his parents
because he remembers that they WERE good people
and he hopes to bring them back eventually
Dallas Winston
oh this man...
ran away from his problems. thats canon
his mom died when she gave birth and thats why his dad is the alcoholic deadbeat abuser he is
the abuse from his parents gave him a fucked up sense on what it means to love
which is why he can talk to johnny so well because johnny is used to the type of love dally gives
he 100% hates the world except for the gang
the abuse toughened up both johnny and dally, the thing is dally grew up with it, johnny was raised with love at first
also dally's environment in ny, that place is rough in many areas
tulsa doesnt have that, at least not on the level of ny
he's rough with everyone because thats what he learned
Steve Randle
screw u se hinton for giving us NOTHING abt him
the neglect sooo fucked him up
then his dad giving physical money for forgiveness?
hell nahhh
steve definitely felt like he cannot be loved without paying someone
like with real money
which made him feel unlovable because he's like broke as fuck
soda was the first person to show him what love actually is
his mom uhh eloped to wherever after steve's birth ig idfk
steve thinks everything in the world comes with a price, even an ounce of love
i literally cant think of shit for this man rn
All Three
accidentally trauma bonding
johnny mentioned something then both steve and dally said "same"
genuinely concerning from an outsider standpoint but really funny to them
if it was modern au darry or soda wouldve sent them to therapy
one time johnny got kicked out and went to the curtis house and found steve in the kitchen
j: "kicked out?"
s: "...yeah"
j: "same."
then dally walks in
d: "bottles got thrown at me in buck's place"
j: "ptsd?"
d: "no-" *remembers he's with two people who had it happen to them* "...yeah"
j and s- "its good."
johnny convinces them to do a cuddle blob thing (the gang's done them before)
darry wakes up and see them, doesnt comment but remembers for blackmail
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milkbreadandtadpoles · 9 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚
snippet: 2k depicting the first time reader and soup!au sukuna hookup. he's less than nice, but you're into that. modern au!! idk if it's college or whatnot, u decide (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ reader is neutral, described as having a vagina
warnings: pnv ladies and germs, rough sex ig! slapping and spanking and some degradation if you squint. sukuna being a total ass and reader playing him like a fiddle and making him question his stamina. not edited yet cuz im on that "im so proud" high
author's note shiiii: oh hello, it's me again. i am ill (i have been ill for a week), and i guess suku the gr8 has gotten to me. so pls enjoy how i think he is in my little brain. all characters are over the age of 18, and if you are reading this and are not, silently show yourself the door <3
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆˚🐾˖°⋆。°🎧•‧.₊˚🐰‎₊˚⋆⭒。⋆୨୧˚
There’s a harsh smack on your ass as you crawl across the bed. It has you stumble and squeak; a helping hand forcing you to arch, lay and stay against your mattress. Another high pitched noise has Sukuna chuckling above you, palming the growing erection with his other hand. You turn around and gulp. 
Sometimes boys don’t lie. 
“You’re so hot.” He says quietly, baritone in his tone still noticeable. You laugh, and his brows knit- the fuck are you laughing about? 
There’s a push in you, forcing your spin to dip gracefully, deviously and deliciously. You sprawl your arms in front of you, fingers rubbing against one of your blankets. He’s admiring you, you can feel it. Those deep, savory eyes, colored like a cherry wine underneath the yellow ambience of your lamp, graze over the lace outline of your cotton panties. 
“Thanks.” You hum, biting your bottom lip saturated with gloss and balm. No need to compliment him back, he knows he’s devastating. 
He reaches out to grope and smack each of your cheeks haphazardly. You purr; his hand covers so much of you. There’s a lopsided smirk on his face, it’s apparent as he yanks the material off. Lazily, you crawl out of them, since boys can’t be bothered to take them off further than the back of your knees, and reposition yourself. 
Large, gruff hands degrade you- one of them molding against the entirety of your skull to press half of your face into the bed, the other rubbing his spit onto his dick and getting ready to align himself with the opening of your pussy. 
“You gotta finger me first.” 
Sukuna’s upper lip curls, looking at you like you’re all work. The feeling doesn’t fade when you openly roll your eyes. Don’t you get it, girl? You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. So just lay there and- 
“I texted you about it. I’ll literally tear,” You add. 
“Alright.” He bites, unwrapping his fingers from around the base of his cock and nudging one of the digits against your slit. And holy shit you’re tight. Sensitive. Those eyes catch the slightest curl in your toes, the purse of your lips and furrow of your brows as you feel him out. 
And shit, he kinda wants to see your face strewn up. 
Sukuna nudges his middle finger between your legs, lips parting in realizing how tight you actually are. You were right. 
if we hookup you gotta be gentle first, im tight 
and not in the cool way
You hum lightly in satisfaction, something he never though the enjoyed hearing, letting a sharp gasp emit from your lungs as he selfishly adds his index. Thighs shut, Sukuna has to remove his grip from your head to inch them back apart to watch your pussy clench and flutter around a percentage of him. 
“Slower.” Sukuna raises his brows at your demanding attitude- he’ll have to fuck that out of you later, but relents regardless, carefully twisting two joined fingers in and out of your walls that are already squelching and wet. 
What bitchy comment you made pays off immediately, the sound of a saccharine sweet moan he pulls from you making his dick twitch. There’s a pellet of want in his sternum, something he hasn’t felt since he was a teenager who groped a pair of tits in the locker room for the first time. 
After a few minutes of dragging sweet sounds from you, he experimentally pulls his fingers out, more than pleased to see your eyes open and peer at him with indignation. You huff, rubbing your socked feet together in silent anticipation. 
You open your mouth to protest, only to cut yourself off with a high pitched whine as he urges three of his fingers, much bigger than any other boy you’ve had (but you won’t tell him that) back between your pussy. Preening against his touch, you move your hips back to meet at his knuckles. 
Sukuna laughs once, and again when you clench around his fingers at his amusement. 
“Oh.” Is what you say, all watery and whiny when he thrusts one, two, three, four times in rapid movements. It catches you off guard, and you squirm. Your fingers grapple at your sheets, face twisting to hide from his penetrating gaze. He’s enamored with your face, the way it pinches in delight. 
“Are you gonna cum?” 
You laugh amidst a pleasured whimper. 
“No- you can fuck me now.” 
Whatever face he made, you choose not to see.
He grunts, laying a smack against your pussy and kneading the fat of your hips while he aligns his. Slowly, just like your bratty, bossy ass said, he eases the tip of his cock between your plush thighs, your hot, tight walls. You pinch your face, focusing on being relaxed, letting out a garbled whimper as he sinks himself to the hilt. 
The notion of him pulling out (before slamming back in, as all men do too quickly), has you reaching a hand out and nudging at his stomach to stop him. 
“Slow.” You reprimand. 
“Shut the fuck up.” He thinks he's gonna cum.
Sukuna graces you by easing in and out twice, dragging out a soft, sweet hum from you before he rolls his hips in a dangerously fast notion. He likes it when you squeal in surprise. Maybe if you’re not as bossy the rest of the time, he’ll look you in the eye and speak to you casually the next time you're at the basketball court with Uraume.
The tip, all angry and red just like him, pushes against your cervix. You get to squirm for a quick second before both of his hands grab at your hips to push you down, to shut you up, to keep you still. A small, uncomfortable giggle bubbles in your throat, peering at him out of the corner of your eyes. 
How your eyes are slit, the way you’re expression is lidded and enchanted, has Sukuna grunting and thrusting against you harshly. Your lips, all glossy and annoyingly cute, curl into a satiated smile, parting a mere second after as he pulls out all the way just to bully himself back in. 
You sink into the bed, back arched to practiced perfection. 
“That’s right,” He breathes, fucking into you at a pace that forces your jaw slaw, “There you go.” 
Your lashes flutter at his words go straight to your gut, hearing the petulant smack of him against your clit, the plush of your thighs. He inches closer, and you gasp as he knees you further apart and forces himself even deeper. 
Thumbs nudge at the dimples in your back, pressing against them as he forces your hips to fuck against him. The fat of your ass squishes against his lower abdomen, and you swear he’s so thick you can feel the outline of one of his veins in your walls. 
“Shit.” You cry, pushing yourself upright to stay steady against the forceful thrusts that threaten to knock your head into the metal bed frame. Sukuna shakes his head, moving his hands and leaning over to push you back down. 
Breath leaves you, and you whimper when you feel his hands against your cheek, the back of your head, shoving your face into the sheets again. 
“Sorry.” The whisper in your voice as you hiccup a moan that has Sukuna shaking his head once more in disbelief because he’s about to bust. He pulls out, forcing himself to fucking not, taking one of his hands (don’t worry, you’re still coerced down with the other) to give you an angry smack on your ass. 
You’ve never heard a man growl like he just did. And well, you’ve been around the block. It’s strained and jarring and fucking hot, the way Sukuna does it in warning. 
A minute later and he’s shoving himself back into you with no warning, making sure you stay right here as he pinches the chunk of flesh on your cheek. His palm is flat, forcing your lips into a dirty pout that muffles any noise that bubbles between them. 
“Mhm,” He murmurs, impressed that he didn’t cum right then and there when he caught sight of your watery eyes looking so pornographic, “Keep your mouth fucking shut.” 
Sukuna’s good, you’ll give him that. So you try, only to be obscured and mushed into a babbling mess the longer he fucks into you. It’s overwhelming, the way his cock stretches you out. Your walls flutter with relief each time he teases you as he pulls all the way out, only to be devastatingly, pleasurable split open with the harsh, nipped roll of his hips. 
There’s a slap to your cheek. And you hum. 
“Oh,” He goads, “You like that.” 
You’re nodding, and he’s flipping you over, yanking you and pushing right back into you. It makes your head swim as he grabs your face between his finger, squishing it and molding it like clay. Your lips pucker like a little, helpless fish, wondering for a split second if he’ll kiss you. 
He doesn’t. You don’t mind. It feels better than a kiss when he releases your face only to reel his hand back and slap you so hard across the face your ears begin to ring. 
Sukuna likes that dumb look on your face, gripping the dips of your waist so he can fuck himself harder into you. The gasps and wiggles, the way your small, manicured fingers wrap around his biceps has the sharpness of his cheekbones flushing with color. It brings a brief look of annoyance to his face, because he’s on the verge of cumming again. 
Your nails dig into the muscles of his upper arms, lips parted and face pinched in that sweet expression as you gaze at him with a disbelieving look at how deep he’s hitting. 
“It’s too much, let me flip over-“ The begging falls of deaf ears, a large hand decorated in thick ink wrapping around your throat to finally fucking quiet you. Sukuna doesn’t let you worm away, pushing you into the bed to keep you right where you belong so he can pummel you to his own orgasm. 
That look on your face- blissfully fucked out and controlled, face warm, it’s too much for Sukuna’s stamina. He pulls out, hissing under his breath as he busts all over your stomach. It squirts across your smooth skin; part of him wants to smear it and rub it in.  
And you laugh. Breathy and choked, reaching up and wiping your eyes from the tears of being choked a millisecond from passing out. Sukuna unwraps his hand from your throat, giving you a supportive, congratulative pat on your cheek. 
“Why are you fucking laughing?” You're weird and cocky.
You wave him off, turning and pulling open a drawer in your bedside table. Rummaging, you pull out a package of wet wipes, opening it for the two of you as you clean yourself off and toss it in the trashcan by your bed. And shit, to Sukuna, you look more well prepared than him. 
He takes one and cleans himself off. You pull up your panties and yank over a shirt large enough to come to your knees. The braids in your hair are frizzy, your bottom lip wet and chewed from your own vacillation. 
A satisfied smile smears across your face as you re-balm your lips, Sukuna eyeing your incurious face as he yanks on his boxers and joggers. You lay flat on the bed, giving yourself a minute to bask in the recently-fucked high. 
“Thanks.” You murmur to him as he pulls on a white shirt. Black ink teases through the sheen fabric, and you watch with an apathetic hunger. 
He’s grabbing his keys, and you’re walking him out the door. Sukuna looks at the socks you’re wearing, the same socks tracing up and down his lower back as your legs were wrapped around his torso; he entertains the idea of feeling it again. 
“Bye! Drive safe.” 
“See ya.” 
You shut the door behind him, a giddy, exultant smile on your face as you trail back to your room so you can call your friends and tell them about how good you were just fucked. How hot he was. That is was Sukuna, that guy who knows and hangs out with Choso. But you’ll text him first. 
drive safe! I had fun. Let me know if you wanna do it again. ଘ( ˊωˋ)†
He texts you ten minutes later, home.
the fuck is that?
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keyotos · 1 year
11:42 ⎯ alhaitham
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summary ⎯ you wake up from your nap to find alhaitham in the kitchen. eating a certain... delicacy.
tags ⎯ fluff. established relationship. reader is famous. alhaitham is teasing. can b taken as canon or modern!au. a little suggestive ig.
tana's words ⎯ this man makes me so sick. also i'm reading my reason to die rn on webtoon and this is inspired by that.
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your eyes slowly open as you wake up in alhaitham's bed. it's late: you can tell by how dark it is outside and how it's completely silent in the house. kaveh and alhaitham weren't bickering anymore, so that's another indication of the time.
much to your dismay, you did not wake up to find alhaitham next to you. the bed was empty and cold, signifying that he did not fall asleep next to you at all. you huff a little at that, wondering where your adorable boyfriend was when you needed him.
you realize that you're only wearing his shirt with only underwear underneath. the temperature is perfect right now: not too hot or too cold, and you wonder if it's because of your attire or if alhaitham turned the temperature down just for you.
whatever the reason may be, you feel wide awake. wide awake and ready to find your boyfriend. it had been ages (a few weeks) since you last saw him. you were in inazuma for an advertisement; seeing that most of the restrictions have been lifted, and a certain commissioner proposed an idea for you to come to inazuma to repair it's relations with other countries.
it was a fun trip, but you felt a little homesick. specifically, you really just missed your boyfriend and felt the need to come back to him immediately. there had been so many things going on before you had gone to inazuma, and that means much less time spent with your lover.
but now, you're here. he, however, is nowhere to be found.
you step out of alhaitham's room, stretching a little bit before you continue your journey to the kitchen, before you find the bastard in front of you. alhaitham is in the kitchen, helping himself out to some yogurt as he stands in the dim kitchen's light.
he doesn't seem to notice when you sneak up behind him. you wrap your arms around his waist as you lean into his back, sighing into him. you sound so happy, so blissful when you're near him. you nuzzle your face into his shoulder blade, making alhaitham tilt his head back to look at yours.
"so now you decide to wake up?" alhaitham turns around and quietly laughs, suppressing a smile of his own when he sees you pout.
your lips form a line, "i was tired, okay? isn't it your job as a boyfriend to take care of me and take naps with me? where were you during all of this?" you nag and poke at his broad chest. you really missed that.
alhaitham takes another bite out of his yogurt, "i did take care of you," he flicked your forehead, "who do you think put you in those clothes?" he coyly raised an eyebrow.
you, who was starting to get a little too flustered to speak, pressed your forehead into his chest, "i think you just wanted to see me naked."
alhaitham rolls his eyes, placing his yogurt next to him on the counter and then proceeds to lean on it, his arms propping him up. the sight wanted to make you drool, but you hold back on that urge for now.
"i see. so, now i can't care for you," alhaitham taunts you, a smile nearly appearing on his face.
you prop yourself onto the kitchen island, legs dangling freely, "well, that can only be true if you ever cared about me in the first place," you refute, a smirk appearing on your lips, "which, you didn't, since you left me in bed alone."
alhaitham shrugs, "i was bored and i wanted to finish my book," he then held up the yogurt cup, "i was also hungry."
you hmph, "left me for book and food," you scornfully shake your head. that's when you notice that something doesn't make sense here. alhaitham isn't usually a yogurt eater. there were also not many dishes in sumeru that used yogurt in their dishes either.
"hey," you start, pointing to alhaitham's yogurt cup, "since when did you start eating yogurt? i thought you didn't like soupy dishes."
alhaitham grabs the yogurt cup, looks at it for a second, and then stirs the contents around. he doesn't seem to oppose the dish, but he doesn't look quite enamoured with it either. though, that could just be his face.
"yogurt is not a soupy dish," he responds, looking at you while still stirring the yogurt. he walks closer to you, coming in between your legs now. he's close, though, you wish he was closer.
but right now, you focus on his response, "what do you mean? it's semi-liquidy. kind of thick, though it really depends on the one you get. and it's like the same thing as soup but slightly thicker and more fruity," you look at alhaitham in a confused way, as if he just asked if sunsettias and zaytun peaches were the same thing.
alhaitham merely shrugs in return, taking another spoonful of yogurt into his mouth, "it's not that bad."
now that alhaitham has moved directly in between your legs, you can make out the brand of the yogurt he was eating. he was never the type of person to eat cuisine like that, so the brand piqued your interest. maybe it was so good that it swayed alhaitham's (out of all people) mind.
it's the same brand you advertised in inazuma. the logo and design were present on the cup alhaitham held right now. you can see what flavor alhaitham chose: lavender melon. you wanted to shudder. it was by far one of the most strangest flavors out of the pack. you liked the dango milk one far more, and wondered if alhaitham had some in the fridge.
while you stare at the cup, another thing catches your gaze. alhaitham's spoon takes the remaining yogurt and slowly lifts it up to his lips. he's so close to you that you can watch the movements so intensely, so attuned to the way his mouth slightly parts as he spoons the food into his mouth. he licks the spoon clean of its contents, staring at you the entire time. alhaitham chuckles, making your eyes jump up into his.
"you must... really like that yogurt," your eyes dash away from his, now looking at the yogurt cup he's placed next to you. alhaitham only smiles.
"well," somehow, he moves closer to you, now almost brushing the tip of your nose, "only because a certain someone advertised it," he whispers to your lips. he says it in such a low tone; it's seductive; it's addicting and you swear that he drives you insane.
a wave of flusterment and frazzledness washes throughout your body. you don't know if you want to curl into a ball and hide out of bewilderment or if you want to cling onto your lovely boyfriend and never let go.
you tilt your head away from him, a whirlwind of pleasurable emotions coursing through your body, "you have to stop doing that," you say in an equally low tone as his. you feel your face heating up as well, and it seems like alhaitham may need to turn the thermostat down more, because it suddenly seems very hot in this room.
"stop doing what?" he asks cheekily and leans in closer, as if he's unaware of what he's doing. his index and thumb find their way on your jaw, angling your face back towards his. he has you in his grasp now, which compels you to only look at his face. his strong gaze holds you in place, even though his touch against your jaw is so gentle and tender.
you have to bite your lip to fight off the grin, "stop being so cute." in the end, you fail, because you end up beaming anyways.
alhaitham thinks you're one to talk. it's ironic that he's the one who should stop being so cute. how could anyone not melt to the ground when they see you? it's something alhaitham tries to fight off every day, but succumbs to it anyway. you're too endearing, too easy to adore, crave, and cherish. the sight of you brings light and warmth and security. you bring smiles and soft touches and good-night kisses before bed. you can illuminate countless lives with one smile. you shine your sun on alhaitham's life, and he could not be more grateful.
he smiles, fully smiles, and lets himself indulge in this quiet moment between the two of you. it's late, so there are no distractions (kaveh). just this once, you two have a peaceful night. alhaitham's other hand comes up and brushes some hair out of your face, caressing you gently as his fingers move throughout your head.
you don't know how leaned in first, but you're pretty certain it was alhaitham. his hands are both placed on your jaw as he pulls you in to finally put his lips on yours. he's waited hours for this; alhaitham didn't want to kiss you right away, especially when you were exhausted from all your traveling. but now, you're here. you're home, and you're right in front of him. and well, he simply couldn't help himself.
one of his hands removes themself from your jaw and moves down to your hips, slightly lifting up the shirt that covers them. your hand moves up to alhaitham's neck, pulling him even closer into your body than before. you two were chest to chest now, alhaitham still in between your legs.
alhaitham slips a hand underneath your underwear, wanting to feel the bare skin underneath. in result, you wrap one of your legs around him, trying to get him as close as possible. you deepen the kiss: he tastes like lavender melon, and though you usually hate the flavor, you move past it this one time to keep yourself attached to his lips.
alhaitham only gets a few seconds to breath as he departs his lips from yours. your eyes were drooping and you were practically lunging at him to come back to you. alhaitham removes his hands from your hips and unbuttons the first two buttons of your shirt, leaving the top of your chest revealed.
he immediately dives back into your kiss, this time his hands moved sporadically up and down your shirt (which was actually his), rubbing your torso. your hands that were once wrapped around the nape of his neck moved to his shoulders, holding on as he feverishly kissed your lips.
he kissed down your neck as he moved to remove the rest of the buttons of your shirt. once your shirt was completely unbuttoned, he chose to let it simply fall over your chest, still revealing most of what he wanted to see.
"guess you missed me a lot, huh?" you winked, running your hands through alhaitham's hair, "you watch my advertisements, buy a whole pack of yogurt in my name⎯even if it's the worse one⎯and now this?" you list off, an easy smile settling onto your face.
alhaitham only laughs softly, "yeah, i really did miss you," he gives you one of his small smiles. you feel yourself heating up again, and this time, it was not because of your previous make-out session.
you bury your face into his shoulder, "you know, it's no fun when you agree."
alhaitham lifted your face away from his shoulder, holding your head in his hands, "i thought you hated it when i disagreed with you?"
curse him and his stupid memory. "you're exhausting me. i'm feeling sleepy," you try and deflect the conversation before he could bring up any other things you said. at first, you thought having a thoughtful and observant boyfriend was a blessing. now, it may be a curse.
"after you just napped?" alhaitham gave you a skeptical look, "what, did i wear you out too much?" he then followed his previous skeptical look with a cockier one. it only made you huff in response.
you rolled your eyes, "no," maybe, "tired, remember? but if you want, we could always continue this tomorrow," you suggest with a lift in your tone. alhaitham will gladly partake in what you're suggesting.
"we'll see," he grabs the discarded yogurt cup and throws it into the trash. then, alhaitham grabs you by your thighs, hoisting you up to wrap your legs around his waist. you quickly do so, just in case you fell (as much as alhaitham threatens this, he would never let that happen to you, but you aren't aware of this fact). "unless you sleep until one in the afternoon again," alhaitham adds.
you narrow your eyes, even though alhaitham couldn't see you, "i will not."
he places you down onto the bed so delicately, as if you were going to break if he set you down too harshly. you don't know why, considering your many nights beforehand, but you still appreciate the gesture.
the room is dark compared to the kitchen's light. it's so dark that you couldn't even see your boyfriend's face. but you do recognize when the bed dips. alhaitham lays right next to you, placing his hand on the small of your back as he holds you.
your hand searches his body as you try to find his cheek. once your hand cups it, you try your best to aim a small peck on there. you miss, ending up kissing somewhere near his jawline, but alhaitham doesn't let you know that.
"goodnight," you nestle yourself into his chest and let out a relaxed sigh, "i love you. even though you choose shitty yogurt flavors."
alhaitham lets out a small laugh in response, and your chest fills a little bit at the noise, "not my fault you don't know how to eat," he kisses the top of your head, "goodnight. i love you more."
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another two am fic
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 2 months
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Din and Gregorio “Grogu” Djarin
Finally getting around to a Mandalorian Modern AU 💚🩶
Thanks to @anniet852 for the suggestion of a rhino for Grogu and @seleneisrising for suggesting something classic Star Wars which I incorporated on Din’s tee (it’s a modern AU; I figured they can still have Star Wars as a movie franchise 😉). ( @desertbeskar I loved the triceratops suggestion and I totally believe modern!Grogu is a dinosaur kid)
(The irony for Din here is that he hasn’t even seen Star Wars. His workmate Cara gave him the shirt as a gift and a ploy to get him to actually watch the movie that literally everyone’s seen when they were babies but he keeps just not getting around to it and continues uneducated)
(Process and alternate colourings (because I couldn’t get happy with that building in the background) under the cut)
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I’ve got a bunch of ideas for this AU.
I’m thinking Din could be a paramedic and his “quarries” translate to calls he responds to. Cara is either his partner or an officer (I can’t decide) and Paz is a firefighter; they often meet on jobs. Greef is his boss, of course, and Peli is his landlady who’s got a soft spot for him and is always down to babysit the adorable toddler he rescued on the job and somehow ended up adopting. Kuiil, IG, Cobb, Boba, Fennec, Ahsoka, etc. are all either his neighbours or friends/workmates.
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