#mod sothis
blappel · 1 month
while we're on the subject not really but what would happen if appel and sylvain met
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febloggers · 2 years
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Sothis being good a mom
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deathbirby · 3 months
still can't believe that mod is spouting that shit about nemesis being a good guy cuz the nabateans were oppressing humanity when by the time nemesis did the genocide the nabateans were nearly exclusively residing in zanado and sothis herself was sleeping... like that's literally WHY he killed almost all of them because almost all of them had secluded themselves AWAY from humans in one specific spot. aside from everything else wrong with saying that there's just nothing in the game that remotely supports their position at all.
it's like they all WANT it to be true. like. really really REALLY want it to be true. there's such a weirdly persistent need to paint nabateans as evil AS A RACE from that mod and everyone who agrees with them, frankly i can't see it as anything but that mod being a racist.
Don't forget that he said that Nabateans should become subservient to humans as "atonement" for their crimes. Oh and they can't have any "power" over humans.
That is totally not racist and normal. Mhm. Nothing to see here!
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zeldamomoe · 1 year
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HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Fire Emblem: Three Houses! The Fire Emblem game that finally convinced me to get into FE 😂 I was a big Suikoden V fan when Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn came out for the Wii and I was about to get it, but people on forums were like "If you're a Suikoden fan only, you won't enjoy FE because of PERMADEATH and it's REALLY HARD" so I swore them off for over a decade (the irony that I got really into Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn down the road though and I cosplay Ena XD). Fast forward to 2019 when Three Houses was coming out and I got to work with Faye Mata at a convention I was graphic designer for. Her character Petra was so intriguing to me so I ended up binge watching all three routes of the game. I had bought a Timeskip Petra outfit on AliExpress, but due to COVID, it was questionable when I was going to receive it. I got a refund and then sent my friend MagicalAni the funds to help me with the sewing and beading. I did the wig dying and styling, armor work, sword modding, and all the other accessories besides the beading. I also created her tattoos in Illustrator and printed them out on tattoo paper. I ended up getting her school uniform on Miccostumes as well. For that version of her hair, I just braid the wig and call it a day. No separate wig necessary (except the dye does run a bit on the blouse if it's too hot; but that's easily editable if it gets too bad). I've been so lucky to be a part of a few FE3H photoshoots over the years. I am still trying to find a Dorothea to take photos with though!
first 4 📸 Shana Feeley all other 📸 my partner Raph & edits by me
big group - Edelgard: el3phantbird Caspar: sintheros Seteth: baroqueblood, cos by @earl-cray-tea Lindhardt: @earl-cray-tea Hilda: @erinmacdaddy Sothis: AaraLee Claude: GalaxyDiceCos Dimitri: SmoovMonkey Ingrid: @ariaxaia Mercedes: Garsidius Byleth: wingedcactus
school uniform Petra shoot - Rhea: MagicalAni Seteth: @pantstresbienn
Bonus silly pic below lmao ⬇
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malsfefanfics · 2 months
thoughts on Sylvain/Marianne or Sylvain/Leonie?
I'm not really doing the ship meme anymore, but I can give brief thoughts on this.
Sylvain/Leonie is okay. I don't personally ship it, but I don't dislike it either. I think they'd be cute together.
But we. Were. ROBBED. With Sylvain/Marianne. This ship is in the same boat as Sylvain/Bernadetta for me. THEY DESERVED A PAIRED ENDING and if Three Houses ever gets a remake/definitive edition I swear to Sothis--
(mod is forcefully pulled off stage by vaudeville hook before they can go on 20 minute rant)
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aegirmoon · 4 months
So I'm just going to write potential plans for my Shez mod for Three Houses.
I don't know if ALL of it is possible but I can try.
I plan to:
Replace male Byleth with male Shez
Replace female Byleth with female Shez
Replace the DLC "Academy" outfit for both Byleths to be the academy outfit worn by Shez in Hopes.
Replace "Sothis Regalia" worn by Byleth to be Arval inspired.
Make Sothis look like Arval (not a model swap just a texture swap, due to Arval and Sothis having a significant height difference, replacing the model would be hard)
Potentially making a tiny Arval attire for Sothis to wear.
Replace Byleth's magic list with dark magic spells that Shez can learn in Hopes.
Replace voices of Byleth to be Shez voices from Hopes. (IDK how to do this yet)
I plan on giving Shez a budding talent in Reason with the ability being Dark Magic Avoid +20
Replace Enlightened One class with Asura
Give that Asura class fitting abilities
Give Byleth a new Combat Arts and Abilities list
change Byleth's class palette to purple
Replace Byleth's portraits to Shez portraits
Will update the list if I think of anything else...
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fayesdiary · 8 months
Congrats on beating 3H !! So what are your thoughts of the complete Fodlan experience ?
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Jokes aside, honestly I'm not sure I can give a straight answer.
Overall I'd say it's been one of if not my least favourite Fire Emblem, but that really doesn't sum it up.
A more accurate description would be that it had a good chunk of things I loved (above all the Nabatean fam, Dimitri and his story and Claude as a character)... But it's buried beneath a mountain of boredom to slog through, decisions I just don't vibe with and The Bullshit™. Sooo much tedium and Bullshit in this game, and the fact I was kinda done halfway through VW and only persevered through the end out of sheer spite doesn't help.
And it's such a shame because when I liked the game I REALLY liked it and think it has some of the best/most interesting ideas of the entire series... But was it really worth slogging through hundreds of hours playing the same mediocre at best maps and story beats over and over and having to constantly bear that. Fucking. Monastery? Right now I'm inclined to say no. As much as I love those things, it was not.
Playing all the routes one after another really lays some of the biggest issues of this game, like the repetition. SOOO much of this game is recycled between routes and also in a single route to honestly insulting levels, and it doesn't get that much better in Part 2. The fact the devs somehow didn't think people would want to play more than one route is just. Baffling.
Something I realized in the final playthrough is that they also recycle maps for what are supposed to be completely different locations. So you get shit like Brigid somehow looking the exact same as a forest in the Alliance filled with Demonic Beasts, or Rhodos Coast and a beach in the Sreng Peninsula perfect copies of each other. Complete with the monuments for Cichol and Cethleann. Also like damn, Seteth's wife was so dead they had to bury her twice. In two different locations.
The writing is all over the place as a result of the chaotic development where not even the devs could agree on what the story was, and the whole game could be used as a test study on the sheer damage scope creep can do as well as the obsession with lore and worldbuilding that they contradict as soon as it's convenient over making an actually coherent narrative. And also why you don't throw literally any idea you can come up with to the wall hoping something sticks.
Because of the overreliance on telling over showing, what with the bland recycled maps and all, that Garreg Mach almost feels like the only real location in Fódlan, and that's something no amount of in-game libraries or novels worth of lore if those ten thousand years of lore are even real and didn't just make it up
Speaking of Garreg Mach, dear Sothis I hate that place now.
The monastery was fun the first time around, but then it became a chore to something I actively dreaded doing. It's monotone, you do the same shit every time, it lasts FOREVER compared to, you know, the ACTUAL Fire Emblem gameplay I'm playing for. And while you can technically skip it, you're losing on so much stuff to progress your units if you use it, so it feels like the option is just there to mock you. Getting into Persona and realizing how well the calendar system can work if done properly did nothing but sour me even more on the monastery.
The characters having new dialogue every chapter is really neat and something I wish got properly carried over to Engage, this game manages to turn even that into a chore.
And like - I really want to like this game, and in a sense I do, there's quite a bit of it I love. But so much of it makes me actively groan that I don't think I'm gonna replay it for at least a year. And if I do it will be with the No Monastery mod.
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teaveetamer · 11 months
Aaaand now raxis is saying "how come everyone is ignoring how the mod thinks the Nabateans committed genocide? hOw CoNvEnIeNt."
How does he not see that the fact that the mod thinks the Nabateans MUST be evil IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. It is PART OF THE RHETORIC. That the Nabateans "must" have done something to "deserve" their suffering??? Nobody's ignoring anything, it's literally part of the entire point! And raxis keeps saying something about hating OG!Sothis as though she's done anything wrong?? When she literally never does?? What??
Like my god the amount of people going to bat for this stupid fucking mod is INSANE.
Oh and he’s dragging up those stupid blackmail accusations again. Hey fellas, is it blackmail to publicly post death threats sent against me? Cuz that’s still pinned to my blog as evidence that the mods allow the server to wantonly post death threats against people. Which is, you know, bad. Maybe if you don’t want people calling attention to the horrific shit you say in a public server you shouldn’t say horrific shit in a public server? Get your house in order.
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raxistaicho · 11 months
So the game devs saying the Nabateans were rulers automatically make the Nabateans oppressive tyrants. Rhea saying the Nabateans helped humans advance forward is White Man's Burden. That's your non-Agarthan proof? One line from the devs and one line from Rhea, both of which you are REACHING to make sound as bad as possible?
You and that mod are so desperate for the Nabateans to be evil to justify the genocide they went through. Wow, wonder where I've heard that before.
I'm sorry, quote ME saying Nemesis's genocide was justified. I think he and the post underground Agarthans are monsters, I said myself I blame the original incarnation of Sothis and not the Nabateans.
The mod we're talking about interprets the Nabateans as having genocided the original inhabitants of Fodlan, that's why they're so upset about them, and that's something that's going conveniently ignored.
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theofficersacademy · 6 months
I love Sothis so so so so much and I am sorry to do this to her thread partners, but unfortunately she is a sleepy muse and needs a little nap. I’d like to drop Sothis for now.
Sothis has been dropped and is now available!
- Mod Key
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Just started Three Houses last week and all I gotta say is what is up with the obviously biased Gay Options? Two of them don't even actually marry you, I believe you marry Alois's daughter(this feels like queer baiting).
//Yeah, it is a shame but they really do you dirty with gay options in that game.
//I do give a pass on the "not gay romance" options for Alois and Gilbert, because they are both married men already in canon, but it does suck that in the base game, your only real option for a gay marriage is fucking Lindhardt of all people.
//You can do Yuri and Jeritza too, the former who is so much better, but they're both DLC.
//Then for the girls, you get a lot more options: Dorothea, Edelgard, Rhea, Sothis and Mercedes. It isn't really fair, but hey, it's just how it is. Some characters just have canon sexualities, no way around that.
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febloggers · 2 years
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I finally had some free time and I’ve decided to mod FE3H and play as SEIROS, the character we deserved! Better backstory AND design (ugh those ugly lace tights). taking down Nemesis and TWSITD like a badass (yes this is a VW run). damn it i wish I could mod her to play as a real dragon unit.
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deathbirby · 11 months
I'm gonna Go There for a second: for a bunch of fuckers who won't shut up about being the OnLy PeOpLe with reading comprehension, them thinking that the Nabateans committed ANY genocide at all is, ironically enough, them not comprehending what they're reading.
"[The False God] will bring extinction to all children of men, and salvation to all beasts of the land, sky, and sea. For the children of men who spilled too much of the blood of life, it promises only cruel retribution. The False God must be defeated before the world sinks into a watery grave. To this end, the children of men have erected pillars of light upon the land. Thinis, Malum, Septen, and Llium were utterly destroyed. Those lands have vanished from this world. Yet even still, the False God stands. And soon, a flood aptly named Despair will drown this world.
The children of men fled to the depths of the earth, beyond the sight of the False God, beyond the embrace of the sacred sun, and beyond the reach of the waters of Despair. They swore a fervent oath of revenge against the surface world, ruled by beasts, and against their tormentor, the False God."
What this is saying:
Sothis will bring extinction to all children of men... who have already killed too many people. Meaning by this own propaganda's logic she is NOT bringing extinction, she's just killing specific people who have done horrific deeds to OTHER PEOPLE already
Sothis had not and has not flooded the world. "must be defeated before the world sinks into a watery grave" "And soon, a flood aptly named Despair will drown this world" - all the language pretty much explicitly says that she hasn't done shit, they just arbitrarily think she will and went underground because of this arbitrary belief. AND, even if there WAS a flood... obviously it DIDN'T bring about the apocalypse?? Because we can, like???? Play the fucking game in Fodlan??? Which has plenty of nature in it that's just fine and NOT soaked in water??? So either there wasn't a flood and the Agarthans were COMPLETELY wrong, or there WAS a "flood" of some kind and it didn't do anything like "sinking the world into a watery grave" and the Agarthans were STILL wrong.
"To this end, the children of men have erected pillars of light upon the land. Thinis, Malum, Septen, and Lilum were utterly destroyed... Yet even still, the False God remains." Meaning that despite these lands still standing, the propaganda details shock at Sothis being alive. Meaning that CLEARLY, it was THE AGARTHANS that fucking blew up those lands in an attempt to kill Sothis, not the Nabateans. Meaning that FUCKING CLEARLY, it was THE AGARATHANS that nearly killed all of humanity, NOT THE FUCKING NABATEANS. Of course they would blame the Nabateans for it, because they need a scapegoat to cover for their fumble of the fucking millennium - OF FUCKING COURSE they're not going to say "in our attempt to murder Sothis for no reason we the Agarthans killed scores and scores of Agarthans, our bad dawg" and the fact that people like that mod and that reblogger ACTUALLY FUCKING BELIEVED THEM AT THEIR WORD is absolutely ASTONISHING ("NeItHeR tHe AgArThAnS nOr NaBaTeAnS cAn Be CoNsIdErEd UnBiAsEd SoUrCeS" SHUT THE FUCK UP you could ONLY FUCKING THINK the Nabateans were oppressors BY TAKING THE AGARTHANS'S WORDS AT FACE VALUE AND COMPLETELY IGNORING THE NABATEANS' holy good GOD does that shit piss me off).
And just. "Nemesis was still considered a liberator even though Rhea rewrote history!!" yeah because evil tyrants have NEVER EVER EVER forced their oppressed people to unironically revere them as gods before!! With that sort of national brainwashing being something that becomes CULTURAL FACT and something that is EXTREMELY FUCKING HARD to erase, that definitely doesn't exist!! I bet Kim Gung Un really is such a swell guy, ask anyone from North Korea!! MY GOD these people would fall into Scientology just by LOOKING at a poster for it I swear.
Sorry that you have these assholes all over your post, they are legitimately infuriating with how blatantly they just repeat the worst kind of rhetoric with zero self-awareness
The Agarthan propaganda piece even admits they started the entire fucking thing lmaoooo. It was a self fulfilling prophecy.
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
I'm wondering if anyone actually liked Sothy in Open Heart? I personally did not spend diamonds to save him.
Sothy is one of the characters where there are real consequences in Book 2 (looking at you Mitch Keller). If MC walks Sothy through the procedure, then it helps him become a more competent and confident doctor. Without the diamond scene, Sothy fails to secure a residency due to lack of practical experience.
Anyone else have a perspective on Sothy? Did you save him or not?
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aegirmoon · 5 months
I plan on doing a portrait mod where I change Byleth's gross timeskip hair color.
Surely I'm not the only one who thinks his hair should be Sothis green and not whatever shade of green it is when he fuses with Sothis?
maybe it's just an unpopular opinion but I hate his minty hair color.
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moonlingsmodding · 5 years
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Byleth Design Changes
I've seen people complain about some of the design choices and thought I would throw in my own ldeas. Clothes have been added to the Hands, Arms, Legs, Midriff. The leggins still keep their unique design but are more covering.
Her hair colours have also been changed, pre timeskip now matched Jeralt while the post timeskip now matches Sothis.
Jeralt version hair texture was made by @deathchaos25
Edit: View part 2 Here
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