AoGRAM - a Forgotten Realms OCgram
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a comprehensive OCgram set in the Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms setting. | created by Aura and @mitsubinyuri, art by the latter unless stated otherwise
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aogram · 1 day ago
(Prisoner 010) Virian Kiirrum Trial 1 Voting Period #3
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Read Virian’s first trial MV Transcript here
Read Virian’s first trial Voice Drama here
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aogram · 6 days ago
Virian Kiirrum T1 Voting
Voting Period #1
Voting Period #2
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aogram · 8 days ago
(Prisoner 010) Virian Kiirrum Trial 1 Voting Period #2
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Read Virian’s first trial MV Transcript here
Read Virian’s first trial Voice Drama here
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aogram · 11 days ago
(Prisoner 009) Zarrea Moonstrike Mavonathlakai Interrogation Questions 11-15
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Q11: When did you get your piercings?
Shortly after my first werewolf kill. They’re silver. Young me had some harebrained idea about headbutting monsters to death.
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Q12: Do you believe that anyone is useless to society?
There are definitely people who would be considered that way where I’m from.
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Q13: Do you feel comfortable at the prison?
There’s something a little off about this place. It’s got its benefits, though.
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Q14: Is there a food that you refuse to eat?
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Q15: Do you like your name?
I used to.
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aogram · 11 days ago
(Prisoner 009) Zarrea Moonstrike Mavonathlakai Interrogation Questions 6-10
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Q6: Do you consider yourself to be a good leader?
I used to think so.
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Q7: Do you believe that suffering is inevitable?
Probably. I’m more concerned with surviving it than evading it entirely.
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Q8: What does “being alive” mean to you?
I don’t really know anymore.
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Q9: How important is it to be in control?
Control should go to the most capable of the group. If that’s not me, then I won’t fight for it.
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Q10: How’s your health?
Fine. About as good as it can be when you get to my age.
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aogram · 11 days ago
(Prisoner 009) Zarrea Moonstrike Mavonathlakai Interrogation Questions 1-5
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Q1: Do you think you fit in with other members of your species?
Not anymore.
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Q2: Do you value fairness or achieving your goals more?
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Q3: How long do you want to live?
Not long after all of this ends.
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Q4: How have you been occupying your time here?
I like to carve rocks. Little ones, mostly. Some of the other prisoners have put in requests.
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Q5: What would you do if you could be released right now?
I don’t know.
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aogram · 14 days ago
Without spoiling things, do you have a vague hint about what you're both looking forward to in trial 2?
Yuri. There is yuri in t2
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aogram · 16 days ago
(Prisoner 010) Virian Kiirrum Trial 1 Voting Period #1
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Read Virian’s first trial MV Transcript here
Read Virian’s first trial Voice Drama here
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aogram · 16 days ago
Obligation - (Prisoner 010) Virian First Trial Voice Drama
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Read under the cut! No TWs apply.
A door swings open and then shut again. 
Warden! Verus, is it? Welcome.
Welcome… to my own interrogation room?
Yes. Or perhaps it should be “welcome back”? Since you’ve been in here before.
I don’t think that’s right, either. I don’t need to be welcomed into my own room at all.
My apologies. It’s been a while since I interacted with anyone out… here.
A chair scrapes on the floor.
No matter. Let’s begin the interrogation.
Of course. I hadn’t meant to derail things, Verus. I apologize if I have.
You haven’t. Other prisoners have done worse.
…like thrown chairs and kicked shins?
You heard about 003.
Word travels fast in the confines of a castle, doubly so when it’s inhabited by only ten people with little else to do. I remember a time when things at my own home worked similarly.
Very well. Now, state your name, age, and occupation.
Virian Kiirrum. I'm 263 years old, if I’ve been counting correctly. It wasn’t a conventional occupation, but I led a small settlement deep in the woods—a druid grove, technically, although people of all sorts took residence there.
Impressive. For how long did you hold that position?
Over a century. I was nearly midway through my second when everything… happened.
There was some trouble in the grove—well, not within, but rather outside. Things were becoming dangerous for my people.
“Your” people?
The people under my protection, yes. 
That made them “yours”?
I may have phrased things imprecisely. I don’t call them mine because I own them, but rather because they are my responsibility.
Your… responsibility?
As a party is to its leader, no?
I suppose. I don’t exactly have a strong frame of reference for what you’re describing.
I take it you’re less experienced, then? In this profession, I mean.
I suppose so. Experienced enough, though.
I don’t doubt that for a moment. From what I can tell, you’re doing things splendidly. 
I’m not sure about “splendidly”. But I’m doing an adequate job.
It must be difficult, at times.
…I can manage it.
Well, I’ll do whatever I can to help, if only just by cooperating in this interrogation. Is there anything else you’d like to ask of me?
Yes. How are you adjusting to life here?
A reasonable question. To answer it, I’m doing quite well, actually. Although I’ll admit that the lack of nature is a bit… disconcerting.
This whole environment is a bit odd. Some of the others have mentioned it, too.
Something about another plane of existence, perhaps?
Yes. How did you come to that conclusion?
Oh, I’m not half so intelligent as to figure it out myself. Samako said something about it once, when she came to ask me about whether my magic was affected in the same way that hers was.
What did you tell her?
That it was, naturally. Perhaps it’s the anti-magic field that she described, or perhaps it’s the lack of plants and animals. Whatever the reason, my powers are practically useless here.
Are you… frustrated with this, to the same extent that 005 is?
It’s a tad off-putting, knowing that an emergency could arise and I wouldn’t be able to rely on them. But it isn’t as if magic is the only thing I’m competent at.
Yes. Is there anything else?
How are you getting along with the other prisoners?
Wonderfully. They’re all good-natured people, if a bit lacking in life experience.
004 isn’t lacking. What do you think about him?
It’s… heartening to have someone close in age to talk to. There’s just so much that none of the others could even begin to understand for the two of us to discuss.
He’s cooperative. Easy to get along with.
He is, isn’t he? Polite, too.
I respect him, both as an adventurer and as a person. 
Is there anyone who you don’t like?
Not at all. As I said, they’re all good people.
…even 007?
Aeana. Yes, I believe that she is. She’s just young. Misguided.
I believe that if I don’t give up on her, she’ll open up with time. But perhaps that’s my idealistic thinking to blame.
Perhaps. But it isn’t an awful mindset to have.
My—the people of the grove thought it a virtue.
I take it you were a beloved leader, then?
Ah… I certainly hope so. I did all that I could for them, after all.
All that you could?
To be completely frank with you, Verus, I made quite a few sacrifices.
What… sorts of sacrifices?
Well, my “killing”, for one. It certainly wasn’t an easy choice to make, nor a pleasant process to actually carry out.
But would you take it back, if you could?
Not in a thousand centuries, Verus. And I won’t apologize for it, either.
So you don’t feel guilty, then.
Perhaps I do, at least a bit. But not enough so to change my decision.
Well… you’ve got principles that you stick to, at least.
Gears grind as the platform begins to lower.
And we’re out of time.
We are. You’ve done a wonderful job, Verus. I’m impressed.
Excuse me?
I hope you didn’t take offense. I meant that as a compliment.
Yes, I’m sure you did. But I don’t need someone to tell me if I’m doing my job correctly, much less a prisoner.
Apologies, then. And thank you for the chat, it was pleasant.
…right. Now… Prisoner 010, sing your sins.
Read Virian's first trial MV Transcript here
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aogram · 16 days ago
Sacrifice - (Prisoner 010) Virian Trial 1 MV transcript
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Read under the cut! No TWs apply.
The MV opens with an overhead shot of a large clearing in the middle of a forest. It’s surrounded by trees so thickly packed together that getting in would be extremely difficult already, but there are walls of brambles and vines securing the borders just in case. The only point of entry seems to be a spot near the edge that’s framed by two extra-large trees, their branches moving to cover the hole after a figure walks in. Zooming in, we see that the figure is Virian, who commands respect from those around him as soon as he’s in sight of the others at the grove. He sings about the civilization he’s built, dedicating a few words in the lyrics to every person he passes and stopping to chat with all of them. None of them have visible faces, but it’s still clear that they’re very happy to see him, especially when he starts to help them with their various problems. Throughout every interaction, his eyes remain closed. They all seem grateful and he begins to walk towards a fallen tree with a very large trunk, which lies far away from the entrance to the grove. As we get closer, we see that there’s an opening in it that’s sealed off by a bunch of brambles and vines. He waves a hand and they recede, letting him in. 
Before the interior of the tree is visible, we cut to the chorus, where he stands atop a very green hill and looks off into the distance, eyes open this time. There are many people in a valley behind him, which is shielded from the rest of the world by several other hills and ridges. One lone group of people is located further away and they stare into a gaping hole in the ground. He looks at them and smiles, then turns back to the valley and we cut back to the tree that he just entered. His eyes are closed again. 
Inside, there’s a large table and a group of older people (still with no faces) sitting around it, in the middle of an animated discussion. There are some maps spread across the table and one woman traces a path between another clearing in the forest and their grove. She looks stressed, but falls silent when Virian takes a seat at the head of the table. He gestures for them to continue and they all start talking at him at once, pointing again to the other clearing and speaking urgently. Virian pinches the bridge of his nose and the lyrics express some of his discontent with his position (“Always planning, preparing, finding the best solution / You look to me and so I answer / There’s a special kind of joy in sacrifice, a certain satisfaction.”) Then stands up, putting a hand on one worked-up man’s shoulder and beginning to speak. An elder grabs a sheet of parchment and starts writing down his words while another begins to circle spots on the map. 
When they’re finished, he turns around as a group of men enter the room, suited up for battle. They’re the same men who were staring down the hole during the chorus. He smiles at them reassuringly and they leave the room and then the grove, with the camera following them as they trek through the forest and towards a spot marked with an X on their map. They reach the spot, which seems to be some sort of camp, but it’s entirely deserted, although it looks recently used. One of them takes a sending stone from his pocket and speaks into it, cutting to Virian, who holds the other stone while sitting once again at the table in the tree room. His face pales when he hears what the man has to say and he stands, leaving the room as the chorus begins and we return to the hill and valley. Virian’s eyes are open again and he watches as the men inspect the far-away hole. As they’re doing this, a red liquid starts to seep out of the hole, rising quickly. The men evacuate to a taller hill while Virian loses his composure for the first time, looking like he has no idea what to do. He glances at the valley behind him and then looks back at the group on the hill, stranded as it becomes more of an island. The liquid has almost reached the top of Virian’s hill and, after hesitating slightly, he reaches out a hand. From his POV, we see the hand cover his view of the others and then begin to glow green with magic. (“Build it up higher, these walls to block out the world / Don’t concern yourself with what’s out there, that’s my responsibility alone / The leaking blood spills over, swelling, rising above the barricades / And so the wall of corpses piles high to shield you from the waves.”) The chorus ends and he’s back at the grove, practically shouting into the sending stone as the civilians around him panic. The screen splits and we see the men in battle gear moving back towards the grove, but something by the entrance catches Virian’s attention and he throws the stone down just as one of them shouts for him. As it hits the ground, all of the sound cuts out, and then we switch to another aerial shot of the grove as vines begin to creep up along its edges, rising into a half-dome shape above and closing up its only entrance.
Read Virian’s first trial Voice Drama here
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aogram · 16 days ago
(Prisoner 009) Zarrea Moonstrike Mavonathlakai Trial 1 Voting Period #3
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Read Zarrea's first trial MV Description here
Read Zarrea's first trial Voice Drama here
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aogram · 16 days ago
AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 2/16/25
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Virian: …that was definitely something. Now, as for my next move…
Zarrea: Virian. How was the extraction?
Virian: …! Zarrea. It’s good to see you. I trust that you’re well?
Zarrea: I am. I also asked you a question.
Virian: Yes, of course. My apologies. I don’t recall much about the process itself, really, but Verus was kind. I think we’re in good hands with them.
Zarrea: You’re probably right. They seem impartial.
Virian: Yes. Impartial… but I believe they’ll show the others mercy, which is what I consider most important.
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aogram · 19 days ago
AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 2/2/25 (Carved in Stone release date)
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Esvel: …hey, Zarrea.
Zarrea: Esvel. Need something?
Esvel: Huh? No, uh… I just remembered that your interrogation is today, so I wanted to, y’know… wish you luck.
Zarrea: Luck?
Esvel: Yeah! Y’know, that things turn out so that the Warden understands you and all that. That’s gonna turn out to be super important for the whole judging thing.
Zarrea: You think so?
Esvel: Yeah, uh… I’m pretty sure! So just do your best in there, alright? Yeah? Okay. I’m gonna… go now…!
Zarrea: …he’s been different lately. Strange.
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aogram · 20 days ago
(Prisoner 008) Araglar of Folgnest Interrogation Questions 11-15
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Q11: How would you describe your early childhood?
It was really great!
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Q12: Do you spend more time inside or outside?
Definitely outside! I did a lot of tending to crops, feeding animals, all that.
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Q13: What type of people do you get along best with?
Uh… nice people? But even when they’re not nice, I try to be nice myself.
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Q14: What are your hopes for the future?
I hope I can go back to my family’s farm and help people in town.
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Q15: Do you think Verus will make the right decision?
I dunno what the “right decision” is. There’s a lotta conflicting information, and it’s all fighting in my head to tell me what to think.
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aogram · 20 days ago
(Prisoner 008) Araglar of Folgnest Interrogation Questions 6-10
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Q6: Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
Optimistic is the glass-half-full one, right? That’s me!
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Q7: Who is your favorite of the other prisoners?
Ren and Danzmyr are both so cool! I want to be like them when I grow up, but maybe with a bit less danger and fighting…
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Q8: What do you like to read in your free time?
I can’t really read well at all, actually. We don’t have a lot of books back home.
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Q9: Do you believe natural talent is more important than hard work?
No! Hard work is the most important thing.
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Q10: Do you believe in miracles?
How would you describe your early childhood?
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aogram · 20 days ago
(Prisoner 008) Araglar of Folgnest Interrogation Questions 1-5
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Q1: What’s your opinion on kids?
I mean, I sorta am one, right? But I don’t know many people around my age.
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Q2: How many sides are there to your personality?
Just one!
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Q3: Have you ever been in love?
Nah, but I’d like to be someday!
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Q4: Do you consider yourself a strong person?
What is your favorite legend?
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Q5: What is your favorite legend?
Anything with a happy ending.
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aogram · 20 days ago
AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 2/11/25
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Renata: I’ve finished all of my tasks for the day… Perhaps I could spare some time to… no, that isn’t a good idea. But…
Qibra: Yo! Knight! What are you doing?
Renata: Ah! You scared me, Qibra… I’m sorry, did you need something?
Qibra: Nope. Whatcha got there? Some kind of medallion? Why’s it got a picture of a gauntlet on it? What’s with the eye
Renata: It doesn’t matter. I was… just about to put it away, actually. Good day, Qibra.
Qibra: That was definitely a holy symbol. She was totally praying just now. …I wish I remembered what god the gauntlet thingy is supposed to represent.
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