#esvel elmwood
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AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 10/22/24

Esvel: Hey, Ralis. Ever been to a rave?
Ralis: A... rave? No.
Esvel: Hmm... yeah, you don't see like the raving type. A soirée?
Ralis: I cannot say I have ever been to... one of those.
Esvel: Okay, okay. A ball? A dance party? A frat party? A housewarming party? A banquet? A wedding?
Ralis: I am not familiar with any of the aforementioned terms.
Esvel: Okay, well, I have a chance for you to get familiar, then. See, I'm throwing this fun little mixer in a couple days. It's gonna be great. Everyone'll be there, and I'm gonna bring-- oh. And he's gone.
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AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 1/31/25 (Midwinter)*

Esvel: Been feeling kinda off lately… eugh. Gotta snap out of this. Totally ruining the mood right now.
Virian: Esvel? Are you alright?
Esvel: Oh! Viri. Hey. Hi. Yeah, I’m great! Just, um… enjoying a moment of solitude. Because I, y’know… love being alone. So much.
Virian: Ah… of course. I’ll see myself out, then, so you can—
Esvel: No! Don’t. Don’t go.
Virian: …?
Esvel: I, um… just remembered. It’s Deadwinter Day! We used to have this festival back at the temple, where we’d bury blades under fresh flowers conjured by hired druids… Wanna put a little something together?
Virian: Well, as you know, my magic doesn’t work here… but I’ll do anything I can to help, regardless.
*Midwinter, or Deadwinter Day, is one of the five seasonal holidays celebrated across Faerûn. It marks the midpoint of Winter on the Caldendar of Harptos.
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(Prisoner 006) Esvel Elmwood Interrogation Questions 11-15
Q11: Do you consider yourself extroverted?
Yeah, definitely!
Q12: Are there any prisoners who you really dislike?
Ralis is kinda unsettling. I’d say I’m not big on Samako, either, but… she’s just a kid, so I feel sort of bad for her.
Q13: Do you value your relationships above all else?
Q14: What did you think of the warden?
Their wings are really pretty.
Q15: Do you care more about the journey or the destination?
The destination is dull. Everything worthwhile happens on the way there!
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AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 2/2/25 (Carved in Stone release date)
Esvel: …hey, Zarrea.
Zarrea: Esvel. Need something?
Esvel: Huh? No, uh… I just remembered that your interrogation is today, so I wanted to, y’know… wish you luck.
Zarrea: Luck?
Esvel: Yeah! Y’know, that things turn out so that the Warden understands you and all that. That’s gonna turn out to be super important for the whole judging thing.
Zarrea: You think so?
Esvel: Yeah, uh… I’m pretty sure! So just do your best in there, alright? Yeah? Okay. I’m gonna… go now…!
Zarrea: …he’s been different lately. Strange.
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(Prisoner 006) Esvel Elmwood Interrogation Questions 6-10
Q6: What is your favorite flavor?
Anything with honey.
Q7: Do you prefer animals or people?
People, by a long shot! But I also like cats.
Q8: Do you speak any languages besides Common?
Elvish, though I’m pretty rusty. I learned it to impress a guy back in school… and then he ended up with an actual elf, anyways, so the joke was on me, huh?
Q9: How devoted are you to your god(s)?
A normal amount, I’d say? I honestly don’t think she expects much from me, but I’ll do whatever she asks me to do.
Q10: On average, how much time do you spend working in a day?
A very slightly below average amount. Uh-huh.
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(Prisoner 006) Esvel Elmwood Interrogation Questions 1-5
Q1: Do you play any instruments?
I can pluck a few common tunes on the lute, and make use of a lyre to a lesser extent.
Q2: Which do you value more: intelligence or wisdom?
Honestly? Too much of either and you aren’t any fun to be around.
Q3: What is your favorite cantrip?
Anything fun and sparkly.
Q4: What is the worst part about being held in this castle?
The atmosphere is depressing.
Q5: If you could go back home right now, who is the first person you'd talk to?
I’d go to the altar, pray to Lliira, and ask for her forgiveness… Just kidding. I’m not actually sure.
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(Prisoner 006) Esvel Elmwood Trial 1 Voting Period #2
Read Esvel's first trial MV Transcript here
Read Esvel's first trial Voice Drama here
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AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 12/26/24

Esvel: Hey, Dan! Daaaannn!
Danzmyr: Esvel? Do you need something?
Esvel: Yeah, yeah, it’s actually super urgent. Y’see, I’m conducting a survey. With everyone here, except Araglar. For… data collection purposes.
Danzmyr: I see. Well, I’d be happy to help. What do you need to know?
Esvel: What’s your, y’know… type? In a partner?
Danzmyr: …ah, it’s not too specific, really. I’m partial to blonde hair, some sort of updo… Another elf, probably. Someone mature and wise. Taller than me, but only by two inches or so.
Esvel: Uh, wow… Do you have a preferred eye color, too?
Danzmyr: prefer eye color to remain ambiguous.
Esvel: What does that even… y’know what, nevermind. Thanks.
Danzmyr: Out of curiosity, have you already collected this data from everyone else?
Esvel: Yep. You’re the last one!
Danzmyr: Ah. So you wouldn’t happen to know about the type of, um-- nevermind. I’m sure you’re busy.
Esvel: Wait, Da-- aaaand he’s gone. That was weird! He’s talked to me enough to know that I’ve always got free time…
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(Prisoner 006) Esvel Elmwood Trial 1 Voting Period #1
Read Esvel's first trial MV Transcript here
Read Esvel's first trial Voice Drama here
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Until the Sun Rises - (Prisoner 006) Esvel Trial 1 MV transcript
Read under the cut! No TWs apply.
The MV starts with a few shots of a beautiful town, half-decorated for a festival. The sun hangs high in the sky and various people run about making preparations, Esvel included. It looks like he’s in charge, judging by how he interacts with the others, and the final finishing touches are put on the grounds before Esvel claps his hands and suddenly the area is filled with celebrating people. He mingles among them, looking like he’s having a pretty good time, but keeps staring at the town gate, which is open and unguarded. (“Keeping up a smile to hide my longing / As I wait, I save a special face just for you / Every shadow’s your silhouette, every person has your eyes / Yet none of them are you, the only one I want to see.”) He closes his eyes, opens them again, and then the sun has set and he’s dancing with a shadowy figure. There’s a dreamy sort of filter over the following scenes. We cut between shots of them dancing and the two of them inside what looks like some sort of temple, seemingly later at night. The chorus starts and he’s seen inside the temple with the shadowy figure, locked in a tight embrace (“So please, stay with me tonight”), then twirling again (“There’s no past, no future, only us in this dance / Just the two of us spinning, endless revelry”) and finally sharing a kiss (“‘till we’re satisfied or dead, scorched by the razing sunrise”).
As soon as the chorus ends, the filter is gone and he’s back at the festival during the daytime, talking to various people but getting distracted by the shadowy figure, which appears and then disappears just as quickly.
After many repetitions of this, the music slows and the sun begins to set for real. He sits down at an outdoor table and is offered a drink by the person next to him, which he gratefully takes. He drinks very slowly and wistfully watches another couple dance together, becoming affected by the alcohol. (“I want my lips to meet yours, not the edge of a mug / I want my hands in yours, interlocked forevermore / The things that hold us apart are trivial, so come to me now.”) When his drink is downed, his mood seems to have improved and he stands and joins the crowd, dancing for real this time. He switches between partners, but they always morph into the shadowy figure within a few seconds, causing him to jerk back and quickly find someone else. It’s very quickly becoming night and he downs more and more drinks to keep himself from checking the gates.
Still, the dreamy sequence of dancing begins again. The edges of the video become somewhat wobbly and the cuts between the dancing and the inside of the temple become faster and more frequent until they’re just a bunch of flashing lights. The music cuts out abruptly and we linger on the inside of the temple, which is now empty aside from one priest, an elderly man. The video is then from his POV as he moves to the door, which seems to be unlocked, and then the camera zooms through the door to Esvel sitting on a bench with another drink. (“My longing continues, so please accept me / I don’t care what other faces you might wear / Your shadow stretches long against the sunset, your face cast in darkness / But it’s beautiful all the same, you’re the only one I want to see.”) He looks up all of a sudden and we see the front gate, still open with the shadowy figure running through. Esvel takes off in a run, straight at the shadowy figure, and the video becomes blurrier and more heavily filtered the closer they get together. During the final lines (“You left me alone tonight, standing foolishly outside, waiting / I guess now I know what you truly feel / Blood on your hands, my heart beneath your boot, you smile / And despite myself, I can’t help but find it beautiful.”), Esvel reaches the shadowy figure and reaches out a hand to them, only for them to disappear as soon as they’re touched, and the MV cuts back to the inside of the temple, which is empty and spotless aside from a trail of blood leading out the door.
Read Esvel's first trial Voice Drama here
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Cleric of Joy - (Prisoner 006) Esvel First Trial Voice Drama

Read under the cut! No TWs apply
A door swings open, but no steps come immediately after. The door is subsequently slammed shut as someone, not Verus, laughs.
Warden! What are you just standing there for? Come in, sit.
I do not need to be invited into my own interrogation room, nor told to sit. And I will do so on my own time.
Damn, what’s your problem? I get that you’re in charge and all, but…
Oh, I get it. You’re awestruck. I did notice that I was looking particularly radiant today.
I most certainly am not. I’m surprised that you’ve developed the impertinence required to put your feet up on a table with your shoes off during your interrogation.
It’s not as if I haven’t got socks on. Would you rather I put my dirty old boots on there?
And here I’d hoped for a prisoner with less attitude this time around.
Now footsteps can be heard, and then a chair scraping. There’s a scuffling sound followed by a light thump.
Esvel (laughing):
I prefer to think of it as a bit of… flair. I’m keeping people on their toes. And if you’re worried about me and Samako, just wait until you meet the next one.
Enough. State your name, age, and occupation.
Right. My name’s Esvel Elmwood, 23 years old. I’m a cleric of Lliira.
Lliira. I read a bit about her in preparation. Goddess of joy. A minor one, though, correct?
Ooh, Warden, a lot of people would probably take offense at that statement.
A beloved minor goddess, then. And you’ve been a cleric for how long?
Well, I started college at 19… then I left a few months later and found the temple in a few weeks. So, about 4 years?
I take it you’re devoted, then?
Depends on how you’d define “devotion”.
I do what’s asked of me. Plan celebrations and help worshipers and all. But it’s not like I’d die for her.
Are you meant to do that?
Well, she doesn’t ask that of anyone. But I think a lot of people still would. Like you said, she’s a beloved goddess.
And is there anyone you would die for?
Mm, that’s kinda invasive, isn’t it?
Having your mind probed for music and a vision is a great deal more so.
Fair point. Well… there was once, anyways.
And now?
Well, someone ended up dying.
The room is silent for a few seconds.
Well, now I’m here, and they’re not. So it doesn’t really matter, does it?
I’m not so sure about that.
There isn’t much to say, really. The really fun bits will be revealed in the song, right? I’d love to hear what it ends up sounding like, but maybe--
Moving on, then. How are you adjusting to life at the prison?
I’ve got a few complaints about that, actually. The atmosphere is depressing; everything’s so gray that it brings down my mood. There’re no festivals, no celebrations. And--
Next question. How are you getting on with the other prisoners?
My gods, I was just getting to that. No wonder everyone’s complaining about you.
Well, a lot of them. The ones who talk to me, and the ones who talk to each other loudly enough that I can overhear.
Intriguing. Now answer my question.
I like to think of myself as someone who’s easy to get along with, you know? People at the temple and in town liked me. But for some inexplicable reason, nobody here gets on with me particularly well.
I mean, they’re nice enough. But they never want to actually do anything with me.
What would you be doing?
Dunno. Art? Playing music? Talking? I tried to organize a little mixer so everyone would get to know each other, but it flopped miserably.
A… mixer?
Like, a little party with treats and stuff. Only a few of them-- Dan, Araglar, and Virian-- showed up, and even less actually talked to each other. Or ate the food that I worked sooooo hard to… summon at the magic altar. It’s very taxing work, you know.
I… see.
It’s tragic, really.
And why, exactly, did you feel the need to do that?
They say that the three joys of life are food, drink, and other people. A party has all of those. Maybe that’s why people like them.
Out of all the prisoners I’ve interrogated thus far, none of them seem to be the… partying type.
They aren’t. But I know they’d enjoy it if they tried.
Do you?
Everyone has to take pleasure in something. Something’s bound to suit their tastes.
And why do you care if they’re enjoying their time here?
Well, I’m a very empathetic person, y’know? So when they’re depressed, it makes me depressed. It��s better for everyone here if we’re all happy.
I see.
I don’t think you do. One of the first things that members of Lliira’s clergy learn is that joy is a powerful, healing force. Without it, the wounds accumulated throughout life never truly close. Then you’re left with a nasty, bloody mess and suddenly nobody wants to talk to you.
So you have wounds that need healing through… all of this?
That’s another kinda personal question, Warden.
Answer it.
Probably? I’m here, after all. But I like to think that I’m still having a pretty good time.
I see. But you’re here to be judged for your sins, in case you’ve forgotten.
And we haven’t even talked about them.
Nuh-uh. That’s not true.
Excuse me?
Don’t you remember what I said? Someone ended up dying.
Gears begin to grind as the platform lowers.
…Anyways! It’ll all be clear when you see into my mind or whatever. I’m not all that complicated of a person, so it should be a good break from all the… broody, woe-is-me types you’ve had to deal with so far.
Very well, then. I’ll listen to what your heart has to say. Prisoner 006, sing your sins.
Read Esvel's first trial MV Transcript here
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AoGRAM T1 Timeline - 12/22/24 (Until the Sun Rises release date)

Esvel: Hmm hmm hmhm...
Virian: Esvel. You seem relaxed today.
Esvel: You know, Viri, I'm just in such a good mood right now. I've got the feeling that something great is about to happen.
Virian: I'm glad to hear that. With how many of the others reacted, I was afraid you'd be nervous for your interrogation.
Esvel: Oh. Yeah... I'm gonna level with you Archdruid, I totally forgot that was happening today.
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(Prisoner 006) Esvel Elmwood Trial 1 Voting Period #3

Read Esvel's trial 1 MV Transcript here
Read Esvel's trial 1 Voice Drama here
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AoGRAM Trial 1 - Song of the Prisoners
Prisoner 001 - Renata del Sol
"I try not to think about it."
"I broke it for you, smashed it, crushed it / the blood of the young stained the ground I stood on / I chose you / but you left me out in the rain / two promises shattered for the price of one / there was no point / never forgive me."
Prisoner 002 - Ralis Muukar
"I wish I could be gone / either dead or away / one day I'll leave this place / free myself to the world beyond / fly into the sea of stars, where I belong / where I can finally be true."
Prisoner 003 - Qibra of Elderport
Immortal Forge
"I only wanted to make him proud."
“The sound of hammer hitting metal reminds me of your voice / in the flickering fire of the forge, sometimes I see your shadow / with every blade I make and every shield I sell / I am closer to you / if the forge never dies, you won’t be gone either.”
Prisoner 004 - Danzmyr Maeneld
"I want you to tell me how to feel."
“I'm not like you, I never was and never will be / I never want to look in your eyes again / you want me back home? / Send your best / Drag me back down, bloody and battered / kicking and screaming."
Prisoner 005 - Samako Matsukura
Inked in Black
"I never broke any rules, really."
“There, at the bottom of the page, you saw what you agreed to / it’s printed clear in black ink, and you signed your name / An agreement between ‘equals’ / you knew what was to come / I was simply right, there is nothing more to it.”
Prisoner 006 - Esvel Elmwood
Until the Sun Rises
"The atmosphere in here is the worst."
“So please, just stay with me tonight / There’s no past, no future / only us and this dance / Just the two of us spinning, endless revelry / ‘till we’re satisfied or dead / scorched by the razing sunrise.”
Prisoner 007 - Aeana Ignis
A Fool's Demise
"A dungeon full of murderers and fools. Pleasant company."
“This was no hero’s death, no blaze of glory / Foolish, brash, a child’s folly / There was no “you or me”, no exchange of lives / Just a flame snuffed out / a broken scale, one lonely soul remaining.”
Prisoner 008 - Araglar of Folgnest
"I'll do my best!"
“There’s a place for everything, we’re divided for a reason / I stay in the light and you stay out of view / This perfect picture I’ve drawn / this story that’s been crafted / You’re not supposed to be here / so go back to where you belong.”
Prisoner 009 - Zarrea Moonstrike Mavonathlakai
Carved in Stone
"Complacency is the start of a warrior's downfall."
“Longing for the mountains that I can never return to / the thin, cold air and the unyielding stone I seek / it crumbled, broke, fell to a leveled graveyard / that I wander for eternity / every time the full moon rises.”
Prisoner 010 - Virian Kiirrum
"Please let me know if there's anything that can be done to lift your burden."
“Build it up higher, these walls to block out the world / Don’t concern yourself with what’s out there / that’s my responsibility alone / The leaking blood spills over, swelling, rising above the barricades / And so the wall of corpses piles high to shield you from the waves.”
#ocgram#aogram#renata del sol#ralis muukar#qibra of elderport#danzmyr maeneld#samako matsukura#esvel elmwood#aeana ignis#araglar of folgnest#zarrea moonstrike mavonathlakai#virian kiirrum#milgram#yes there is an error in virian's graphic. oops#song of the prisoners
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Mid-trial prisoner popularity survey (for fun!)
Feel free to tell us why in asks, I'm curious!
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Navigation - Interrogation Questions
Prisoner 001 - Renata del Sol
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 002 - Ralis Muukar
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 003 - Qibra of Elderport
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 004 - Danzmyr Maeneld
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 005 - Samako Matsukura
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 006 - Esvel Elmwood
Question 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 007 - Aeana Ignis
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 008 - Araglar of Folgnest
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
Prisoner 009 - Zarrea Moonstrike Mavonathlakai
Questions 1-5
Questions 6-10
Questions 11-15
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