#mod scaredy
askactinferno · 3 months
Gun to your head who's your favorite person GO
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“ZiLLi3, DiRT iSNT A P3R5ON.”
“n0t y3t 4tl34st.”
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Scaredy-Shroom
Debut: Plants vs. Zombies
Here is Scaredy-Shroom! A very humble fellow, who I love very much. Scaredy-Shroom is scared, as you likely know. He is frightened, uncomfortable in the given situation. And as someone easily scared, I can relate to this! Especially when I was younger and even more easily scared! When I first heard about Plants vs. Zombies, I thought "Zombies? I don't want to see that!" and assumed it had to be a Scary Game. And now kids are growing up as Scary Freddy The Scare Bear fans. I would not have done well as an iPad Kid. BUT ANYWAY!
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Scaredy-Shroom may be scared. But he is courageous! Arguably. I don't think he would be fighting zombies if he was not planted by the player. But he's here, and he does a good job, even if he is scared! I am proud of him. He has a low sun cost, respectable damage, and infinite range! He DOES cower under his cap if zombies are too close, but it is a small setback, and you owe it to him to keep him feeling safe, after all he's done for you!
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While he does a good job at night, there is really no point to using Scaredy-Shroom during the day. He'll be asleep, so you'll need to use Coffee Bean to wake him up, and at that point you've spent as much as you would have on a Peashooter! And Peashooter does not cower and stop shooting at any point! I think this is okay, though. Scaredy-Schroom doesn't need to be a miracle worker. He is very stressed and needs his sleep. Look, his cap is even shaped like a pointed sleeping cap, a little! He is so cute.
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Have you heard the news? It's part of why I'm making this post! Scaredy-Shroom was NOT in PvZ2 for a very long time, but just recently, after about 10 years, was added back! At first, I was hesitant about the slight redesign, specifically the cap. This is no longer a pointed hat, but instead has a jagged, seemingly broken bottom! I really do wonder if this was intentional, or a misinterpretation of the original design. Oh well! I have decided I like it, and looking kind of disheveled fits his character! He doesn't have arms to do it with, but it makes me think of him rubbing or picking at his cap when nervous, like I fiddle with my hair. He's just like me!
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So? Was Scaredy-Shroom's big return worth the wait?
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No, it was not! Scaredy-Shroom is, simply, just Not That Good. In the first game's night levels, he is good! He has his use and the game is built around that! But in 2, an unbalanced game with even more difficult zombies, as well as a steady stream of new and extremely powerful plants being added, he just does not have what it takes. They DID give him extra defense when hiding, but it's really not nearly enough. Indeed, Scaredy-Shroom in PvZ2 is not very good.
And I wouldn't have it any other way!
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Like I've been saying, Scaredy-Shroom is, in the first game, useful in some levels, and nearly useless in others. He isn't SUPPOSED to be overpowered, or even strong! If he was, that wouldn't be Scaredy-Shroom! I can understand people being disappointed with his weakness in 2, but as someone who no longer plays it, I'm just happy to see him finally in a game again, and with a neat new design. Ideally, he would have been in the base game with campaign levels designed for his strengths, but it is too late for that.
In a way, it's good that he probably won't get used much. It gives him time to relax. I'll just let Scaredy-Shroom speak for himself here:
"How did I get talked into this? I wish I was at home."
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sprucebark · 1 month
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guess who made a horror pack with the one who watches in it (+ the knocker/from the fog) me. i am already so scared and nothing has happened yet
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reinabeestudio · 1 year
I didn't realize how fitting it is to reveal that I've been into pokepastas since I was a kid on the Halloween month
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wuhnona · 6 months
I know the stardew update is out n I wanna play it eventually but Rimworld has had a tight grip on me for weeks. This time I have a beach colony with an army of Wargs (murder puppies), and in order to feed them all I need a lot of meat.... Or I would if Randy Random weren't on and early on I had three raids AND a space battle at the same time... Which means I built a large freezer just for ummmmmmmmcorpses? lmao it looks so horrible 😭 but it's efficient af
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the-kinfesssional · 6 months
IVE HEARD ITS HORROR. I can't watch horror
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latte-virgo-lion · 10 months
instead of all of these "adventure modpacks", I should really just pick a peaceful Create modpack, record a "longplay", and call it a day.
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writingwithcolor · 9 months
Is it less offensive to have my black sheriff be a scaredy-cat or trigger-happy?
joeyyygunslinger asked:
I’m conceptualizing a wild-west (I haven't and never will pick a state/year, it's just a generic wild-west setting) black comedy comic series. The main characters are a pair of sheriffs who work together more often than not, one Black and the other White. I want one to be fiery-tempered and trigger-happy (To the point where, in just about every other cover I’ve sketched so far, he has his gun out and is asking the other guy, “Can I shoot it?”), and the other an over-cautious scaredy-cat… And neither of these personalities seem to be a very PC one to give to a Black guy, so which one would be less offensive?
Technically, you can give the character whatever persona you see fit. From there, flesh them out to be more than the traits you mentioned. Show us why they’re the way they are and how they’re more than that. As often stated, it helps to have more characters of the identity if you’re unsure about stereotypes and characterization.
Objectively, a cautious, scared Black man character is less (potentially) stereotypical than one with a temper and trigger-happy. The former recalls Angry Black Person, Scary Black Man and Violent Men of Color tropes. One might argue the scaredy-cat Black man has notes of emasculation, but personally this kind of personality is way less encountered. Exploring a softer, cautious Black man character would be interesting to me (speaking as a Black woman. I’d love to hear from more Black men and people!).
Do not write from a place of fear
I do want to address your comments on being Politically Correct and less offensive. I’m not a fan of those words when it comes to representation. Maybe it’s the snide connotations of the word, often accompanied by a derisive attitude. Maybe it’s just me! But I just don’t love proper and preferred representation being equated to it.
I would like to take the more positive approach.
For one, being respectful and including proper representation vs deliberate or even thoughtless exclusion, should be the focus. Not which choice will step on fewer toes. Writing from a place of fear and extreme caution is stifling. It snuffs out your creativity and will have you questioning your every move. I get that it's natural to feel that way when exploring new territory, but we must learn to be courageous as writers and write against the fear. Your work will turn out much more fluent and natural when you do.
On the other hand, it’s definitely important to build enough knowledge and do the research so you'll have this confidence on hand while you write. This will help create a story with characters that are less like carefully curated caricatures meant to cause the least amount of offensive as possible.
While you should absolutely:
Be aware of stereotypes and what could be offensive as you build your characters and story.
Question your choices and trace the logic of why you made them.
You should also:
Focus on writing varied, complex people.
Let your knowledge guide and inspire you, do continuous research, but not let it fully stop all momentum.
Use the editing, sensitivity read process, and revisions to correct and adjust your work.
~Mod Colette
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hxroic-wxlls-rxborn · 3 months
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Welcome to Hxroic-Wxlls (Again!)
Multi-Muse OC and Canon RP Blog
Contains a variety of muses from series such as Mario, Sonic, Fire Emblem, Gurren Lagann, Dragon Ball, and more
Super OC and Crossover Friendly
Memes Galore
9+ Years to RP Experience
Rules and Muses Below:
No God Modding:
No Vague Posting:
No rushing for replies/guilt tripping
Have Fun!
Muse List:
Super Mario Bros:
Chompette (Chain Chomp turned princess via the Super Crown:)
Starlette (OC: The cheery creator of the Mario!Verse. Despite her goofy nature and love for randomness, she loves all her creations, equally.)
Apricot (OC: Princess Peach’s younger sister. Mischievous and constantly searching for ways to entertain herself. Tends to skip out on important Royal duties, but loves the kingdom and its people all the same).
Maria (OC: Mario and Luigi’s niece, and the older sister to Louise. She idolizes her uncles and is full of energy, constantly on the search for adventure and is eager to prove herself as someone who can live up to the legacy of the bros.)
Louise (OC: Mario and Luigi’s niece, and the younger sister to Maria. Like her sister, she idolizes her uncles, but is much more reserved and shy when compared to her older sister. She tends to stay behind her sister’s back, but will stand up to help out if the situation demands it.)
Touhou Project:
Little Reimu Hakurei (Osana Reimu)
Minako Hakurei (Reimu’s Mother: Originates from Osana Reimu)
EX Rumia (Osana Reimu)
Youmu Konpaku
Fujiwara No Mokou
Hinanawi Tenshi
Shion Yorigami
Reika Hakurei (OC: The god of the Hakurei, in the Osana Reimu universe. After watching the future events of the family unfold, she granted all three of the protagonists with divine energy to prevent their sad fate from coming to be…which came at the price of her shrinking down to around Suwako’s size, and losing a majority of her energy. She can best be described as a ‘Lazy Neet who stays inside and plays video games all day.’ She does care, trust her. She’s just not good at showing it.)
Sendai Hakurei (OC: The previous Hakurei Shrine maiden, and mother to warriorsofcrimsonrealms’ Reimu. She’s a relatively quiet shrine maiden, who spends most of her time training to improve herself, both mentally and physically. Her devotion training can sometimes lead her to make questionable decisions, like sitting under a waterfall in the winter, but that same devotion is also the reason for her insane physical strength. She has a strong sense of duty, but isn’t too strict, either.)
Chikara (OC: An Oni who had trained Sendai, when she was but a mere child. She encountered the soon to be Shrine Maiden when the young girl accidentally tripped and rolled down a hill in the forest, and came across the Oni in the midst of a training session. Seeing potential in the young girl, despite Sendai’s (old) scaredy cat behavior, she put her through a rigorous training routine where the young shrine maiden essentially had to fight for her life and survive in a simulation of a hostile wildlife environment, similar to that of a certain Namekian and Hybrid Saiyan’s training session in a certain manga. Chikara loves the thrill of battle, and can often be seen training in caves across Gensokyo, or visiting Sendai for sparring matches.
Yumi Konpaku (OC from Lost Word): An alternate Youmu who came from a different Gensokyo, one where she acted as the executioner in a land where contestant fought against each other in tournament settings, and she had to punish the losers. Like the regular Youmu, she enjoys gardening. However, there are a few key differences. One, she’s much more powerful due to her having much more time to spend training…but is also a terrible chef due to her time spent training taking away any time she had to learn how to cook. Hobbies aside, her blade glows red due to the blood it’s been stained with over many years, and is cursed due to all the souls it’s taken. Regardless, she’s a friendly soul, who didn’t enjoy what she had to do.)
Sakuya Izayoi
Gurren Lagann:
Nia Teppelin
Simonia (OC: Simon and Nia’s child, who was born after the events of SRWX. She inherited her father’s core drill, his sense of passion and determination, and her mother’s kindness and curiosity. She idolizes her parents, and tries to follow their example as much as possible (except for her mother’s cooking. She did not inherit Simon’s tolerance for it, and got really sick after her first time trying it.)
Sonic The Hedgehog:
Cosmo (Sonic X)
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure:
Jotaro Kujo
Metal Gear:
Raiden (Revengeance)
Shiro (OC: A used to be child soldier who was experimented on as a weapon in the past, before breaking out in a failed test. She was found by Raiden in a warehouse, with a knife in hand, before being adopted into his household. Her memories of her life before the experiments don’t exist for her, no matter how much she tries to dig them up. She’s quiet, but deeply appreciates Raiden for his help, and consistently refers to him as ‘sensei.’ She wields her own personal HF Blade, and trains daily to mimic his combat style. Her favorite food is cereal, which she would have for breakfast lunch and dinner if left unattended, and has a bad habit of spending money on model Gundam figures, recklessly.
Cu Chulainn
Elizabeth Bathory
Baobhan Sith
Kirin (OC: Quite possibly the world’s greatest girlfail, with more bags under her eyes than a group of people after a long shopping trip. She’s a middle school dropout who spent the next six years working job to job in run down areas, while barely getting any sleep and playing games 24/7. Once she turned 20, she suddenly got an invitation to work as a master for Chaldea. She initially deemed it a scam, but figured she may as well check it out, since anything was better than working at a bar with ungrateful customers. Soon enough, she found herself fighting in a war to save the world…which she finds completely insane, but kinda fun. The whole ‘threat of death’ thing is annoying, in her opinion, but she figured she could get over it. Personality wise, she can come off as unfriendly and anti-social with a large streak of trouble following her everywhere, but she CAN be nice in some instances… She is not shy about showing when she doesn’t like something to someone, though.
Kiran (OC: Kirin’s older twin, with just as many bags under her eyes, and worked just as many run down jobs before travelling with his sister to Chaldea to work as a master. He’s somewhat more responsible than Kirin, acting as her impulse control to a degree, but for the most part, he tends to behave very similarly to her and the two often finish each other’s sentences. )
Mash Kyrielight
Mad Father:
Aya Drevis
Murata Himeko (HI3rd)
Spider-Man (MVC and MCU verses)
Final Fantasy:
Zack Fair
Dragon Maid:
Malu (OC: Alola’s champion, who spends most of time relaxing and eating Malasadas with his Pokémon. Being someone who strives to find the most comfortable way to live, Malu can often be seen lazing about, wherever. Whether it be on the beach, in a tree, or one of the chairs in a Malasada store, him, napping, is a common sight across Alola. Regardless of his seemingly lazy nature, his skills as a trainer are nothing to take lightly.
Haruka (OC: A trainer from Johto who moved to Alola to take on the Island Trials and become champion. She’s hard working and determined to prove herself. Her efforts proved valiant…up until she got up to the current champion, Malu. She currently has lost to him a total of 87 times thus far, with no victory of her own, yet. Still, she eagerly challenges him whenever he comes by… She finds his presence somewhat irritating though, due to his seemingly lazy nature clashing with his insane combat skills.
Fire Emblem:
Male Robin
Female Morgan
Madoka Magica:
Bocchi the Rock:
Hitori Gotou
Ryo Yamada
Yoyoko Ohtsuki
Demon Slayer:
Kyojuro Rengoku
Dragon Ball:
Broly (DBS)
Goku (GT)
Vegeta (GT)
Gohan (Post-Super Hero)
Gamma 1
Gamma 2
Android 17
Android 16
Captain Ginyu
Mister Buu
Blorbro (OC: A time patroller Majin who travelled the world with an Outer Experiment of a girl named Saika, before being recruited into the Time Patrol. He brands super-hero like clothing, and idolized super heros, pro wrestlers, and the champ, himself, Hercule. He’s very laid back and prone to making jokes, but is also the most powerful amongst his group of three.)
Celera (OC: A time patroller Saiyan who worked as a scholar in Universe 6, before being recruited into the Time Patrol. She’s hard working and studious, often trying to find way to make the best of any situation in a logical manner…which makes her a bit irritable due to being surrounded by teammates who rely on anything but logic. Regardless, they’re her friends, and she does her best to keep the world a better place… Also, her natural hair and eye color is black, but gained white hair through a mishap with magic paint, and gold eyes due to a mishap with a spell in school. Both, of which, never got undone or fixed.)
Nio (OC: A time patroller elf who lived in secrecy and practiced dark magic, before being recruited into the Time Patrol. Despite her work in the dark arts, though, Nio is an energetic and extremely friendly soul, who wishes to prove to the world that even magic of this nature can be used to help others. She’s incredibly social…but tends to miss social queues due to having lived along for so long.)
Kohlri (OC: Broly’s mother, who had abandoned Planet Vegeta in a fit after having heard news of Paragus and her son being sent away to a far away, abandoned planet. Due to her space pod malfunctioning during the trip, she made a crash landing onto earth, and had since been living there while adapting to Earth’s culture, in the meantime. Many years later, after the events of the battle between Broly and Gogeta, the former one day found himself meeting with his mother in the midst of a random shopping trip with Cheelai and Lemo. It didn’t take Kohlri too long to recognize due to both his scent, and tail. This resulted in a very tear reunion on her end, as Kohlri soon found herself walking into her son’s life, once again… Compared to her husband, she’s incredibly cheerful and outgoing, with great social skills…and an apparent lack of impulse control, given her purchase history. She’s also, however, who Broly inherited his rage boosted power ups from, given she goes into similar berserker states when powering up, without focus.
Uzume Tennouboshi
Kasane Teto
Akita Neru
Guilty Gear:
Sol Badguy
Yugi Muto & Atem
Animal Crossing:
A Hat in Time:
Hat Kid
Elesis (Flame Lord)
Elsword (Rune Master)
My Deer Friend Nokotan:
Kid Icarus:
Sunny (Omari!AU)
Fandomless OCs:
Akira (OC: A super laid back 27 year old woman who works at a small gas station in THE TOWN called Akira’s. She’s a friendly soul treats her employees and friends like family, and gives out EXTREMELY large paychecks, despite her only customers being the people from Mario’s apartment. There are rumors that she used to be a fortune goddess who reincarnated as a human, but she has yet to confirm anything…to the public, at least.)
Kiki (OC: A 19 year old ex-magical girl who was fired from being ‘too old to continue working.’ A fact that she found incredibly bizarre and annoying, but she couldn’t really do anything about it as she just suddenly woke up one day, with a ‘Fired’ letter next to her bed, and no powers. Having been launched back into a normal life so suddenly, after five years of dutiful work, she felt lost, until she moved to THE TOWN with her parents, and was hired by Akira. With such a large paycheck, and friendly co-workers around her, she was able to settle back into a normal life… The craziness of THE TOWN does make her life even more bizarre than it used to be, sometimes, though.
Ella (OC: The hired maid of Akira’s…who had no experience in anything regarding Maid work, beforehand. She signed up for the job due to the reviews of the place being friendly…and the paychecks being great. Most of her maid knowledge comes from anime that she watched, so she’s lacking in practical experience, and is plenty clumsy. Regardless, she enjoys her time at the gas station, and her fellow employees enjoys her presence, as well.
August (OC: A member of the Lethal Company, who recently moved to THE TOWN after being given a ten year vacation by the company for surviving ten years of work. She’s skittish, nervous, and very shy, which would be expected after having survived watching most of her co-workers die at the hands of supernatural beings and harsh environmental hazards. While she is happy to be in a ‘somewhat’ less dangerous environment, she does wish that she never took up the job opportunity to be a space excavator, and stool to working at Dairy Queen.)
Nis (OC: The young princess of the underworld, who rules over all its inhabitants with…a surprisingly lazy and gentle hand. Nis is someone who can best be described as a tired and calm soul, almost always being seen in her pajamas, and resting whenever possible. She’s spoiled rotten by her father, yet never acts entitled. Her favorite hobby is playing video games with her minions and friends…and playing with the magical girls in THE TOWN, who initially viewed her as a threat, but came to view her as a friend after realizing her work was mandatory, and that’d she’d surrender the very moment they showed up to fight her every time.)
Azure (OC: A void dragon appointed by the Underworld’s king to punish souls deemed unfit for the worst of the Underworld. Due to the souls being sent there being very rare and barren, void dragons often spend their time in human form lazing about and playing games in a mansion they made in the void, or the outside world. Azure, himself, isn’t much different. Often spending more time outside the void, than inside. He’s a laid back soul who enjoys playing pranks, and hanging with Rose and Nis, and his sister, Azul. He has a pet stone that he aptly named ‘Stone’, who is completely sentient and talks back, but to only him.
Azul (OC: A void dragon appointed by the Underworld’s king to punish souls deemed unfit for the worst of the Underworld. She’s Azure’s younger sister, and tends to stick by his side, for the most part. She shares his same sense of mischief, but is a little more energetic about it, being more eager to get involved, instead of waiting for the chance to come to her. Like her brother, she spends a good chunk of her time playing games with Rose and Nis.)
Rose (OC: An underworld devil and Rose’s right hand-man. She used to be a human, before suffering an untimely death at the hands of those she once considered friends. Unable to move on, who soul rested in a forest, before being recruited as an underworld soldier by the reaper. She now works at Nis’ side as a dutiful soldier…even if the monarch’s lazy tendencies tend to stress her out, a bit. Because of her being somewhat easily ticked off, Azure and Azul tend to playfully tease her a lot. This, of course, annoys her, but it never goes far.)
Violet (OC: A laid back swordswoman who left a town run by a corrupt kingdom to explore the world at her leisure, having been inspired by her friends at her childhood orphanage to find a better life. She explored the land with a sword in hand, and a carefree nature. When she’s not busy practicing swordplay, she’s finding quick jobs to make cash, so long as it adheres to her sense of morality, or crashing at places with anyone she’s found to be a friend, along the way.)
Mika (OC: A young magical girl who came from a ruined timeline where she was tricked by her magical girl contractors, the Miracle Mirans, into destroying all life on earth with illusionary techniques, making her think she was stopping monsters and saving the world, where instead, she was destroying everything on it. Horrified, she escaped into a different timeline where no such things had occurred, and managed to somehow settle back into a normal life…or so she’d wished. She still experienced horrific nightmares of her crimes, which makes sleeping for her incredibly difficult. Regardless, thanks to her having found a new group of magical girls to keep her steady, as her new friends, she’s finding it just a tiny bit easier to live a peaceful life, once again, in THE TOWN.
Haru (OC: A young magical girl who idolizes Shonen Manga and anime, such as Dragon Ball and Gurren Lagann. She fights crime with a fiery passion and will, while sometimes vastly overestimating how much will alone can do… It worked in Gurren Lagann, though! Her confidence aside, she was the first of the Magical Girls to meet up with Mika, and eagerly wished for her to be her teammate, until the two fought their first enemy together. After that, Mika relented and agreed to be in a team with Haru, in which the two celebrated with Karaoke, courtesy of Haru almost literally dragging her there. She’s aware of Mika’s past, but doesn’t bring it up to avoid making her uncomfortable, and defends her with all her heart and might.)
Lucky (OC: A young magical girl who became one of the world’s most rich individuals, as a result of her family being blessed with divine luck, and winning multiple lotteries over the course of their lives. She’s a friendly soul who became quick friends with Mika and Haru after become acquainted in school, and conveniently meeting up in the same place to fight a monster, when one showed up. Despite her immense funds, she never uses them as a way to make herself look better than others. Instead, she always uses her funds to try and help them/make their lives easier on them.)
Naomi (OC: A young magical girl who works as a part time shrine maiden. She’s incredibly serious when it comes to her work, both in magical girl duties, and out. She encountered the group of three magical girls in the middle of a losing battle, and jumped in to help. After a narrow victory, the group of three spent the next five weeks along her to join their group, in which she eventually relented after being saved by the three in a losing battle of her own. Due to her being the most serious of the bunch, she tends to butt heads with Haru, due to the other’s much more idealistic and joking nature… Regardless, she appreciates the company of all three, equally.)
Iamaslime (OC: The mayor of THE TOWN, who is a slime. He looks similar to that of the slimes in the world of Dragon Quest, and is incredibly lax with the rules of THE TOWN… Or in reality, lack thereof. There’s no actual rules, which explains why randomness and chaos is so apparent in this town. All forms of ‘authority’ are self-governed independent projects and have nothing to do with him.’)
Iamaslimetoo (OC: The mayor’s daughter, who looks similar to that of a slime girl from a certain half genie’s series. Like her father, she’s incredibly lax with the lack of rules in THE TOWN, and spends all her time relaxing, or hanging out at parties with her dad.)
John Gmod (OC: One of the two bodyguards for the mayor and his daughter, and the one with an actual sense of common sense. He’s consistently caught up in his partner’s shenanigans, and always ends up taking half the blame for the other’s nonsense, even if he had nothing to do with it. He wants to retire and move to Fiji, but with his current inability to hold onto funds, that dream seems like nothing more than a dream.)
John Dark Souls (OC: One of the two bodyguards for the mayor and his daughter, and the one who lack any sense of common sense. He’s consistently stirring up trouble, whether it be to him actively coming up with get rich quick schemes, attempting to show off in lame ways to get a date, like riding around THE TOWN in a tank, or just starting fights whenever it’s least beneficial for everyone. His dream is to have a harem and live as king of the world, but that dream is DEFINITELY just a dream.)
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doingthechachaslide · 9 months
Fic Claim for Martyred
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Erised 2023 reveals have finally come and, in addition to finding some new favorite authors and artists to follow, I get to claim my own work written for @kbrick!
This was an incredible fest and I’m so lucky I got to participate for the second year running (and in the last year for the outgoing mods and the first year for the new ones!). It’s really the end of an era (and I’m seeing clearer🎶). I enjoyed writing this work immensely and, even though I wish I hadn’t run out of time to properly polish it, I don’t think I’d have finished the fic without the structure & timeline of Erised there to push me. So I’m forever grateful to this fest.
Without further ado:
Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 80,000 Approx
Summary: Harry Potter only wants one thing: to take care of the people he loves. After Teddy’s abrupt departure from his role as Andromeda’s caretaker, Harry decides it’s finally time to step up and handle the job himself.
Castoff Manor, an old Black family estate, has never seemed as sinister as the stories make it sound, but it’s there that Harry stumbles upon ghosts, haunting family secrets, and a familiar, snarky blond gardener hell-bent on chasing him out. Maybe if Harry sticks around long enough, he’ll finally learn why all of Andromeda’s previous caretakers have fled without looking back.
Fair warning: prepare yourself for horror (written by a scaredy-cat), ghosts (of the ancestral variety), ogling (of the excessive, ‘is Draco Malfoy actually wearing Muggle clothes?’ variety), and a 55 year old, adrift Harry Potter diving headfirst into a bunch of ancient trauma. Full tags on AO3
Read Martyred HERE on AO3
Kbrick, you were a joy to write for. Your prompts were engaging and I was absolutely absorbed by every one of your fics (including this year’s fest fic, before I even knew it was you—whoa!) I’m so glad I got to write this, perhaps mostly because I ended up enjoying the story more than I ever expected.
Big thank you to use_it_well for the beta read. I know we both worked faster than we thought possible to get this done.
Thank you most of all to the commenters, both on the official Erised Header and on the fic itself. You left really touching, encouraging, hilarious things. You’re all fantastic and I thank you for giving my fic a shot.
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I need you all to know there's a SVSSS mod for Stardew Valley
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askactinferno · 3 months
mandatory intro post
Welcome to Act Inferno!
We are a Fanstuck blog and we’ll mostly be posting about our characters and story, by answering anon asks with little character doodles! Enjoy the chaos, and feel free to send in asks regarding lore! Main blog: @actinferno Mods and characters underneath the cut:
Current mods (although there are other creators on the team) of this blog:
Mod Skye (#mod skye, Any pronouns) - Sprail (mutant indigo, anger issues. Loves stabbing, moirails with Cameri. Hates Roanis with a burning passion. Not black, just wants him dead.) - The Nameless. (Cult leader, knows Sprail personally.) - Miskus (Started as a joke character, bee themed goldblood, how original. Now depressed and tragic. Matesprits with Mallum.)
Mod Scaredy (#mod scaredy, She/They) - Cameri (Moth themed olive blood, eats lightbulbs, is considered nice for a troll, is colorblind, plays cello. Moirails with sprail.) -Mallum (purple blood, very protective over friends, doesnt really like the kids, matesprits with miskus) -Praeda (Cerulean, very obsessive, ex-friends with mallum and miskus, has unrequited flushed feelings for mallum, jealous of miskus) -Zieana (fuschia, absolute perfectionist, everything must be even, fistfights highbloods on the regular. Matesprits with Maya) -Maya (gets bored easily, enjoys sports, usually only talks to zieana. Matesprits with Zieana) -Evan (Human sprail, rage incarnate, siblings with maya, nonbinary aroace) -Theo (More reserved, doesn't really talk to the trolls, has contact with the crosseye. Siblings with Erin)
Mod Temmy (#mod temmy, Any pronouns) -Zillie (indigo, professionally dumb, eats dirt, is banned from 27 hivekeas. Moirails with armani) -Armani (teal, silliest girl ever, loves arts & crafts, bakes, moirails with zillie) -Kalani (Bronze, into fashion, very overprotective over roanis, unbelievably tall, matesprits with roanis) -Roanis (Violet, frat boy, gets mercilessly bullied/attempted murdering by sprail, matesprits with kalani) -Erin (Likes dinosaurs, has a shitty older sister, draws alot, likes stars) Da Funny Man: - Selios (sharp item merchant and resident pyromaniac) Jazmin: - Cecila (cannibalistic, matesprits with Xavier) Mikey: - Xavier (Pyromanic 2, depressed, matesprits with Cecila)
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ceruleanstargaze · 3 hours
Lucifer ask blog idea...
okay so i know there is an ask blog on tumblr but the urges are coming to me so im doing a vote on who thinks i should try to do a lucifer ask blog, aswell i'll probably see if i can ask the lucifer ask blog mod thats already on tumblr if thats okay because im a little scaredy cat and consent is sexy
anyways dont be afraid to vote, im the same way
i really need input on this tho
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its-to-the-death · 1 year
Mod’s Crush Competition Round 1
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Horace Somnusson (Miss Peregrine’s Homes for Peculiar Children)
I was actually okay with his portrayal in the movie but still, his book counterpart is way better.
I had a crush on him after I watched the movie unlike some of the other characters like Hugh and Millard who I liked after getting into the books.
A little bit of a scaredy cat but that's reasonable for what's going on.
My favorite scene with him is when he knows about Melina from his prophetic dreams, getting her to trust them.
Also, he knows how to knit and makes the kids bulletproof sweaters.
Percy de Rolo (The Legend of Vox Machina/Critical Role)
I've seen The Legend of Vox Machina and only bits and pieces of the campaign
Happy he's with Vex but also jealous (Girl, I wish that was me but I do love them)
Literally invents the gun out of wanting revenge for those who killed his family
Smart but also just an immense dork (especially after the Whitestone arc)
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jaxfromthatcircus · 7 months
I'm gonna bring in one of my characters, and you get to choose who.
Do you want me to bring in Jay, Kandi, Fidjit, Rekord, Kylie, Starlight, or Jolly?
[mod coffee: Jay sounds fun rn, let's see how the asshole sister reacts to the big brother being just a scaredy cat :) ]
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jaymber · 9 months
WIP Wednesday/Whenever
Thanks @chevvy-yates for tagging me!
I'm working on my modding skills around hair ATM, and I might be getting a liiiiiitle addicted :')
It's started with trying to make a new hairstyle for [redacted, no spoilers]!Kerry,
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Not perfect, but it was alright for a first try! I've learned a lot since then and I'm not done giving gramps a better hairstyle then the one he got 😤
But then I decide my babyboy Vaea deserved some love as well! I've often struggled to find hair mods for him, since his hair is very curly 😭
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The first tries were a little rough... But I ended up with hairstyles that really suit him!
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I've learned so much in the process! Now I can :
- merge hairstyles (without breaking Wolvenkit!)
- edit hairstyles (without it looking tooooo rough)
- edit the .app/.ent of any hairs (meaning, I can give any hairstyle to any Vs)
- add accessories (like bandanas) as part of the hairstyles
I've also tried some stuff for fun (not for any of my OCs)
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I'm lowkey thinking about opening "commissions" (more like if you got an idea for a hairstyle, for any V/NPC, I need to get better at it! Like an internship (you don't pay for interns where I live), since I'm a beginner) but I'm a scaredy cat👉👈
Tagging: @genocidalfetus @sammysilverdyne @alphanight-vp @mrssimply @kharonion + anyone else who wanna share about their wips!
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