#mobile usage
navinsamachar · 2 months
मोबाइल पर बात करना पड़ सकता है भारी, युवक ने खाई कर गंवाई जान...
नवीन समाचार, देहरादून, 30 जुलाई 2024 (Talking on mobile phone can be costly-Man Died)। अगर आप भी राह चलते मोबाइल में बात करते हैं तो इस समाचार को ध्यान से पढ़ें। देहरादून के राजपुर रोड स्थित मालसी के निकट पुलिया पर फोन करते हुए एक अधेड़ खाई में नीचे गिर गया, जिससे उसकी मौत हो गई। मृतक की पहचान 34 वर्षीय आशीष गुंसाई निवासी काशीरामपुर तल्ला, कोटद्वार, पौड़ी गढ़वाल के रूप में हुई है। चिकित्सकों ने मृत…
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keizostyle · 2 years
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sharkfish · 2 years
i've seen some people express concern that the spn/destiel fandom is dying out. i've had that feeling myself! but SO MANY cool projects have started (or continued), even two years after the finale, and i want to highlight some of them for you!
(sorry for so many links in replies. trying to make sure this post shows up in the tags. stay cool, tumblr.)
@amoreprofoundcon is a fanworks & creators-focused destiel convention (via zoom!) created by fans. the first con was back in march 2022, with a second scheduled for the destiel holiday weekend (nov 5-6)!!
@mixtapebookclub is a podcast focused on destiel fanfiction, featuring a different topic and author each episode!!
the destiel fan favs survey is still going strong (link to the ao3 collection in the replies) and you can find more info at @destielficarchive!! the ao3 collection currently includes 2782 works, submitted by fans over the five years the survey has run.
@destieltropecollection also does a yearly survey where writers can submit their own works that fit a list of various tropes. i love to see writers reccing their own stories!!!
the profound bond discord server (@profoundnet & link to discord in replies) has a gazillion members and is still hoppin'. the tumblr also reblogs members' stories, art, and other creations.
suptober is a fanworks celebration put together by @winchester-reload every october!! you can find this year's contributions in the #suptober22 tag. (suptober is not destiel-specific so you'll find a lot of other great spn art there too.)
tons of challenges and bangs still going strong! there are way too many for me to list here, but profoundnet has a long list on their wiki (link in replies).
@profoundbondfanfic brings you recs and reviews of a new fic every day!! just in case you're having trouble narrowing down over 100,000 fics. cheers to 100k more!!
@makingitupaswegopod is an anthology of destiel podfics! it doesn't look like this tumblr is being updated with each episode, but you can find the podfics embedded in ao3 works or on your favorite podcast platform.
but really, the BIGGEST thing still happening in the destiel fandom—the MOST IMPORTANT thing—is YOU. every artist, writer, reblogger, edit & gif maker, meta analyst, lurker, rec list curator, and friend is a vital part of this community!! <3
if you know of any other cool projects that should be listed here, please reply/reblog/dm and i will add it! would also love to see anyone with an active spn blog in the replies/reblogs so more folks can find each other!!
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waitingforsecretsouls · 9 months
I'll always maintain that (Crown Prince!) Fëanáro gave his sons names befitting Princes and future Kings of the Ñoldor, as (King!) Finwë himself did for his sons. They're basically dynastic names and given how his sons are Princes and it's the schema he and his half-brothers were named for as well, it's difficult for me to see anything wrong with that. These people are royalty afterall, which means they're figures of public and to a certain extent political life by matter of birth.
It always seemed to me that father-names are the official names used for the political sphere (honestly something like titles almost), at least among the Finwëans (not least because their fathers tend to be the members of the royal family while their mothers marry in). Something I feel supported by the announcement of it in an official ceremony (Essecarmë), and which makes the contrast between the Fëanorians general tendency to prefer their mother-name and their half-brothers/cousins general preference for father-names very interesting (Obviously you can argue that it's simple personal preference or speculate about parental relationships (such as is canonically the case in at the least Fëanáro's case, though it's also still partly a political statement in its own right), but the point of this post is to go a little more political).
The Fëanorians are heirs to Finwë as the Elder House, but alone out of their wider family they're not primarily or even tangentially associated with one of the royal residencies. Rather, they spend their time travelling Aman to its outermost edges, and when not busy with exploration, are guests in Aulë or Oromë's Halls. They do not seem to have been involved in "politics" at all, prior to the Unrest, much less established in Tirion. In light of the abovementioned hypothesis regarding father-names political associations, the primary use of their mother-names serves to contribute to this air of an already rather casual conduct and presentation (see also Maitimo's comparatively 'casual' epessë (compared to eg. Artanis' or Gil-Galad's) in use specifically among close family, or the Ambarussa's nicknames (Given how they're not described as epessë) of 'First- and Second-Russa', which is not even mentioning the Fëanorians shortened father-names which could be considered potential 'nicknames' as well and even if not certainly imply a certain disregard for formality).
I'd argue that their unique status as not only descendants from someone confirmed to be neither royalty nor nobility nor associated with Tirion in any particular way in Nerdanel (which is not to claim that all Ñoldor of Tirion were career-politicians as a matter of course), but also the general fact of a less official and courtly daily environment and social contacts, e.g. seen in both Fëanáro's and Maitimo's notably close relationship to Nerdanels father Mahtan, both via kinship but moreso shared close relations with Aulë (with whom the Sons of Fëanáro additionally likely would have had closer contact growing up than Finwë, given aforementioned shared close association with Aulë and his halls yet Fëanáro explicitly not associated with Tirion as residency and noted to be living apart from the Finwë and Indis family unit even prior to founding his own family-branch) would have played an additional role in the development of their more informal manner (not that I see them as incapable of courtly manners, mind you (+ given Fëanáro's 'let them sa-si' comment were weaned on linguistic discourse at the very least, so no slouches in the academic department as well (Carnistir becoming economist prime in Beleriand as just one of the more concrete examples)) , they just canonically are very frank and to the point. Something I can see working favourable in the establishment of their many cross-cultural alliances in Beleriand).
I also think Nerdanel's lack of royal status might have played a role in keeping the mother-names she gave comparatively simple for the most part, making reference to their appearance and disposition (or, in Makalaurë's and the Ambarussa's case, prophetic insight, but even in the latter only because Fëanáro insisted on giving them separate names rather than just 'Ambarussa') in a less pompous or high-brow manner (compared to the mother-names given by noble-born Indis or of equally royal lineage Eärwen to their eldest in particular, Obviously this is more of a general tendecy, as we e.g. also get a prophetic name in Aikanáro, but I stand by Nerdanel keeping it notably simple by comparison).
The Ñolofinwëans in contrast are associated primarily with Tirion via Ñolofinwë, who, unlike Arafinwë, isn't mentioned to have had close contacts and frequent visits to Alqualondë, or primarily travel like Fëanáro and sons. Lack of additional crafts also leaves his later political plotting as only point of reference we get on his potential activities prior, making him a likely career-politician (which coheres with his better PR-management choices in the eventual feud and his kingly ambitions). Ñolofinwë married Anairë, who is most likely a Ñoldor of Tirion, given the lack of additional information on her (that mostly tends to get reserved for noteworthy deviations from "the norm", see also descriptions of hair-colour, where only deviations from the standart dark brown get explicit descriptions, or even regarding Finwëan wives, e.g. Indis, aside from the circumstances of her marriage, most noted for being a Vanyar and Eärwen a Falmari, Nerdanel for falling outside the beauty norms expected of the wife of a prince). Given that we do not get her children's mother-names, it's impossible to tell whether she added similarly ambitious/declaratory touches into them as Indis seemingly did for her sons.
The only child of Ñolofinwë singled out of the bunch during life in pre-Unchaining of Melkor Valinor is their daughter Írissë, for often going hunting in the forests with the sons of Fëanáro (to the point the narration sees fit to clarify that no romance was involved). While undoubtedly a free and adventurous spirit, the likely fact that she lived life in Aman primarily in Tirion would also add a neat layer to her readiness to accompany Turukáno (and eventually return) to Gondolin, the Tirion replica par exellence. While less overtly ambitious than her brothers or father I still propose that she was more comfortable in or at the very least used to the more formal environment of politics and appearances than often credited to her. Leaving its history of development aside, the fact that her father-name has a sindarized form (Íreth) which does not correspond to her Sindarin name actual in use (Aredhel) the argument can be made that her father-name wouldn't have been her preferred Quenya name, but rather her afaik unknown mother-name.
Given that we get no additional information on their whereabouts, it therefore also seems likely her brothers would have primarily been active in Tirion, and indeed later emerge as some of their fathers chief political supporters, Findecáno as primary Ñolofinwëan leader in the first half of the exile, and in Turukano's case commanding an eventual large following in his own right (thus fitting the pattern of favouring their more politically loaded names due to primary involvement in said social sphere).
The Arafinwëans are interesting, due to echoing Ñolo- and Arafinwë, descending from two royal lines, in their case both Nõldor (Arafinwë) and Falmari (Eärwen), yet firmly self-identifying as Ñoldor. Which I'd argue their deliberate use of father-name over mother-name signifies or at the least in effect serves to enhance, in addition to general royal gravitas. Given Melkor's warning to Ñolo- and Arafinwë that:
"Beware! Small love has the proud son of Míriel ever had for the children of Indis. Now he has become great, and he has his father in his hand. It will not be long before he drives you forth from Túna!"
, it also seems like, despite his distance from the family feud and marriage into the Falmari of Alqualondë, in whose company he often shared ("[...]he often sought peace among the Teleri, whose language he learned"), Arafinwë and his family still primarily resided in Tirion rather than Alqualondë. We later also see that at least Findaráto and Artanis out of their siblings harbour grand political ambitions such as ruling their own realms in Middle-Earth (mentioned as their motive for participating in the exile), while of Artanis we furthermore get told of a steep and ambitious participation in Ñoldorin academia (As for Arafinwë, given how Eärwen gave his own mother-name (Ingoldo) to their son Findaráto, it feels safe to say it wasn't the one her husband was primarily using. But in his case I'd even argue that his mother-name was the more explicit political statement, so there was no escaping the drama. As eventually happens, with ruling over the remnants of the Ñoldor-in-Aman. Though, funnily enough, it's Arafinwë rather than Findaráto for whom one can argue for a prophetic rather than strictly political nature of said name, even if I myself do not consider it as such).
Basically, I think that keeping in mind the more official nature of the Finwëan father-names adds fun potential additional layers to the world-building and characters in question.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 7 months
man i have not posted enough pericky-specific content lately. i need to fix that. partly because it's a quality ship i love very much, and partly out of spite because tumblr is a garbage website and blocking does not keep me from seeing popular blogs around who talk about murdering pericky shippers and people who just, like, acknowledge that it's canonical SA/CSA/domestic violence survivor rep lol
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knifegremliin · 1 year
wait people actually prefer using phones to do things? you find it more convenient?? i thought you guys were joking
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youthoughtiwasserious · 3 months
Is anyone else experiencing mobile ads that are unmuted & start playing audio as soon as they come on your feed?
I keep hitting the mute button, but each ad I get still shows as unmuted & starts playing whatever music/audio it has in it. I'm almost positive I remember being able to mute one ad, then all other ads that pop up on my feed were muted, too. That no longer seems to be the case.
I wonder if this is a glitch or intentional. Somehow I have the feeling it's the latter, and if that's the case, that's scummy.
I'm less concerned about the minor inconvenience of having to lower/raise my volume whenever I want to watch a video then reminding myself to lower my volume again so I don't get jump scared by an ad later, & more concerned that it is an ad that is automatically unmuted & starts playing whenever it shows up on my feed.
I should have the option to keep my Tumblr browsing experience silent without having to lower my phone's volume all the way down. If I want to hear something play on my feed, I should have to unmute it myself vs. having it be unmuted for me unexpectedly.
Come to think of it, I feel like since I've started experiencing this issue, I've noticed more ads on my feed. Maybe I'm noticing them more bc now they have audio and catch my attention more often, or it could also be that they've just added more ads recently in addition to making all ads play sound whether you muted the previous ad or not.
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heresiae · 6 months
me, in 2024, seeing app created exclusively for one mobile OS*: fuck this shit.
*it's usually Apple, of course
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britomart · 1 year
every time i come on this website i think about how much i hate the new interface and immediately log off
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seahdalune · 10 months
your local DaLune's friendly flowchart guide for ad-free Spotify
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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piplupod · 7 months
shoutout to the time i thought juggalos were just a random type of clown in the same way rodeo and pierrot is, and I off-handedly mentioned them in a conversation about clowns to one of my DQ managers when I worked there, and she fucking lost her mind laughing and I was like. damn. I didn't think my joke was THAT funny but okay. and then I never looked up what a juggalo actually was until just last year, like four years after I'd stopped working at that place 🧍
#when u dont have internet access very often u don't use ur small bits of time to look things up#esp when u dont have any unmonitored internet access fjdkdl#i was scared to look things up at school and i couldnt look up very much on the home computer#and my mobile had net nanny installed on it lmfao it was set for like... 12 yr olds#NOW GRANTED. I ACTUALLY DID MANAGE TO BREAK NET NANNY ON MY OWN COMPUTER. u have to move some files around inside the program files#and then u can basically break and un-break it as u please#so i could have it on to keep up the charade that i had it installed and it was monitoring and reporting my good boy usage#but then when i wanted to do stuff like... go on tumblr. or look up slang or whatever fhdkdl i could break the program#until i was done and then fix it so it'd go back to normal#this didnt help v much though bc i couldnt lug my laptop to school v often#and i wasnt allowed internet at home fhfkdl unless I was using my mother's laptop for looking up piano music LOL#eventually i also figured out how to break the program on my phone too but that one was more luck than anything else i think#anyways. all this surveillance made me good with tech stuff but im not Good w tech djdkdl i just know how to look things up#and i learned a bit how the backend of programs work or weird tricks for hidden folders and stuff on laptops#hey why tf am i rambling abt this in the tags fjkdl I've lost the plot#anyways good morning everyone please look up words that u may not know the meaning of before u use them#i do this too often now fhfjld. i have to look up words that i DO 100% know the meaning of just to make sure i dont have it wrong somehow#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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pirateboy · 1 year
using tumblr on desktop for the first time in a month what have they done to my baby :(
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whamss · 10 months
honestly i want to use tumblr more often but GOD does the mobile app drain battery so fucking fast. literally no other social media app i use is like this
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song-of-the-rune · 1 year
Sooo discord just doesn't work correctly anymore on mobile. And I don't mean just for me, I mean our whole (IRL) friend group. Messages do not load without relaunching the app completely and notifications get eaten. Anyone got alternatives? Has to work on mobile, and I would prefer something "softer" than a text that also works on desktop, since we use it to organize IRL meetups but also people shitpost in there. Already have voice figured out so that's totally optional.
Like seriously I would be more confident messaging them on tumblr of all things lmao.
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theone · 2 years
Can anyone tell me how to navigate buying tickets for the london underground? Like how much is a single fare, is there a limited number of stops it covers, and is there a cashier i have to buy a ticket from or?
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poniesart · 2 years
I just saw a really good post about the topic of limb differences in media here and want to apologize for my poor depiction of it in my OC art in the past. While I know that people don't wear certain prosthetics often or always, and often use mobility aids in addition to prosthetics (or without prosthetics), I neglected to reflect that reality in posts of my character Owen and will do better in the future.
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