#and more practical prosthetic usage
poniesart · 2 years
I just saw a really good post about the topic of limb differences in media here and want to apologize for my poor depiction of it in my OC art in the past. While I know that people don't wear certain prosthetics often or always, and often use mobility aids in addition to prosthetics (or without prosthetics), I neglected to reflect that reality in posts of my character Owen and will do better in the future.
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lollytea · 2 years
New huntlow concept. Gonna go off the popular headcanon that Flapjack's sacrifice will give Hunter the ability to teleport without a staff.
So, it takes him a while to get used to this new method as it works differently from before. His control over magic with his staff came from his mental link with Flapjack, so all the commands came from his brain.
However, now it comes from the heart. Or well. Whatever bile sac-esque prosthetic Flapjack left in his chest. He has to feel rather than think to get it to work. Which is pretty straightforward in theory but difficult in execution. He can handle life-or-death battles just fine because he's entirely fueled by survival instinct so it works like a charm. But when it comes to casual usage, he needs to practise and always ends up constantly jumping out of bounds from his target location. It takes him a while to master it.
Anyway Willow continues to be the toughest, sweetest, most vivacious girl Hunter has ever known in his entire life. And okay, he might not have been the most subtle before with his red cheeks and his tendency to go speechless whenever she was around but he liked to believe he was handling it just fine. But now....oh Titan, now...
It starts off like it was before. Willow will make some big bold declaration, or she'll flex her big strong arms, or she'll burst into adorable giggles or she'll wink at him from across the room and Hunter will be helpless to the dazzle that overcomes him. And his insides will flutter and he won't be able to stop the wide idiot grin that spreads across his face. She's so pretty. He likes her face. Her eyes. Her mouth. Her freckles. Her dimples.
And then. Glitch jump.
Hunter's own heart fucking ejects him directly into Willow's personal bubble. Practically nose-to-nose. And he's suddenly drowning in bright green irises and the smell of dirt and flowers and her pretty shaped lips and AAAAAAA!!!!!!
Mortified, Hunter can't apologize in any way that is more articulate than a panicked squeak, before his fight or flight kicks in and he's abruptly launched as far away as possible, which lands him on the end of a ledge and he near immediately loses his balance and falls on his face.
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Fault!Tubbo prosthetics +thoughts
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I’m still not completely sold on the design I’m using, and have been workshopping it for months at this point. Feedback is encouraged, though as a note Fault!Tubbo is a traumatic double below-the-knee amputee who possesses neither proper materials, medical knowledge, nor human biology. Below the cut is essentially an outline of my thought process. It’s kinda long given I’ve been planning/researching for a few years about this plot line, and wanted to consolidate information for Fault. 
The construction: The Blade first set upon the project of creating the prosthetics with his usual level of intensity that he brings to all tasks. Wilbur ‘gathered’ most of the materials as their chief dirty crime boy, and Tommy painted them with his TI-Red. Philza offered welding abilities and also some experience from a few decades he spent as a pirate. But for the most part, the project was the collaboration between The Blade and Tubbo, going back and forth in planning and implementation. The ability for the pair to cooperate was a huge step in their relationship, even if (despite what The Blade hoped) this in no way meant Tubbo forgave him for the injury. Cause. Duh. 
The materials available were severely limited, cobbled together with stolen cans, belts, wood, and a pair of shoes. With little outside resources or information, the design was both crude and imperfect. Lots of testing was required, particularly to suit the irregularities of Tubbos’ biology. 
One advantage of being a skin suit pilot by a swarm of bees was that Tubbo could pour bees into their purposefully hollowed-out prosthetic, allowing increased control of movement. One major difference between Tubbo and a typical human amputee was that they couldn’t wear a shrinker sock (even if they had one), and couldn’t rest their stump in the prosthetic. The ability to hover helped this particular challenge to some degree, but constant flying was exhausting and negated the intention of the prosthetics. It made for a big design hurdle, but everyone’s particularly cautious about it given the last time they restricted the stumps Tubbos’ gradual regeneration collapsed inward and left them with permanent nerve damage. Additionally, SBI have to refit/rebuild the prosthetics far more often given the slowly lengthening limbs that they don’t want to interfere with. I reckon this would make prosthetics extremely difficult once they’re getting to ankle/feet territory, but since that won’t happen for an estimated half a million words, it’s not my problem yet. Tubbo will have to utilize a number of different designs, likely further stressing the scarce supplies the anomalies can muster. 
General details:
Tommy painted the prosthetics with crimson stars and flowers in reference to an earlier scene where Tommy helped Tubbo through a crisis, wherein both of them managed to find a hope to latch onto, both in each other and the future. Freedom to always see the stars; a return to the field of flowers that Tubbo called home. 
Tubbos’ adjustment period was pretty rough, given no one knew what they were doing, and were also dealing with a lot of other problems. Tubbo definitely did not get the recommended slow increase in usage time as the group tends to walk approximately 7-10 hours daily to avoid the Foundation. This greatly frustrated them, but the rest of the group (especially Philza) made sure they didn’t push themselves too hard.
They had to add more straps than typical to better secure the prosthetics, as where usually gravity would keep them more secured, Tubbo kept accidentally hovering away and leaving the prosthetics behind. 
Tubbo was annoyed at being forced to wear shoes for the first time since they were 5, but it was easier to use them in the design for balance. 
When other Hivemind members front they don’t know how to use the prosthetics because they’d never had practice. Rhodes felt they were inconvenient, but Jasmine didn’t care because she just flew everywhere anyway. 
The prosthetics made flying more cumbersome because of their weight and the limited space to put bees inside compared to Tubbos’ original legs. 
The cloth used to cushion the stumps had dinosaurs on it for Jasmine.
Tubbo tended to prefer them off, which brought them at odds with ‘sleeps in his shoes’ Wilbur, who insisted it’d be safer to always have them on considering how often they need to jolt into action to avoid the Foundation. 
They often accidentally left them in weird places and then used a swarm to fly the legs over. 
They got very grouchy and snappish on bad pain days, and Tubbo, Wilbur, and Tommy commiserated together when the weather messed with their scars. 
As a final note, Tubbo was intended to lose their legs from the very beginning of Fault, long before I even decided to make it a fic and it was still in its infant comic phase. Given the years-long endeavor this was (and still is), alongside my own personal growth as an author/person and the research I did in an attempt to more accurately portray Tubbos’ disabilities, I realized the problematic trope of a ‘disability cure’ that was embedded in my story through Tubbos’ ability to gradually regenerate the body they inhabit. It was impossible to write out the injury, given how deeply it affected their planned actions, relationships, and character arc. Furthermore, isn’t that the problem of the trope to begin with? That disabilities are written out, glossed over, ignored, much like people attempt to do in real life. The regeneration likewise had narrative purposes, particularly in the Foundation’s experimentation with it. So I had a problem on my hands. 
The main way I attempt to address this is in a series of short and long-term accompanying effects to avoid depicting a full cure. 
Short Term:
Phantom pain
Not having legs for the vast majority of the fic, ie months. 
Another trope of course being a professor X figure. I.e., using telekinesis/flight to negate the disability. Tubbo has this to an extent with their swarms/literal wings. Part of my response to that was during the escape they lost significant portions of their hive. This has actual meaning since I’m the type of person to mathematically pinpoint the approximate amount of bee population needed to move a flesh-honeycomb structure mimicking a human body. 
Their capacity to lift a weight lowered significantly to the point that moving around their own body was taxing, particularly in flight. No doubt this was me projecting my own chronic fatigue onto them but psh no one’s gonna notice. 
Long term: 
Even more trauma
Nerve damage/chronic pain. The last major long-term effect comes around as a result of failure to properly manage their traumatic amputation. Given they had approximately fifteen minutes of professional medical intervention and then were shoved into a siege situation followed by living on the run, there was little knowledge or supplies. Tubbo proceeded to poorly cope via a combination of intensive pain medication, heavy disassociation, and ignoring the problem in favor of bigger, flashier problems. Given they didn’t have blood or flesh, the ignored injury luckily didn’t get hella infected and kill them. But due to the aforementioned healing factor, the regenerating leg couldn’t properly grow while bandaged, instead growing inward in a way that caused further health problems. Amateur surgery was attempted by Wilbur to clear out some degree of damage, resulting in further growth being unhindered but leaving Tubbo with scarring and nerve damage that never goes away. 
The goal is to attempt to portray their disabilities to the best of my ability with regards to the fantasy elements present in the work. While on a surface level the amputations are “healed” there are many complications associated with it. Temporary disabilities of course also exist, and most people will at some point encounter one in their lifetime. My goal is to portray a mixture of short and long-term symptoms, as well as how Tubbo messily copes with them. I don’t intend to get into the emotional aspects here but OH BOY. Are there many! 
As with most major (and admittedly incredibly minor) aspects of this story, research is an ongoing process. I’m not sure that there’s much purpose in this, other than the autistic urge to write papers about my own stories. 
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drawmaeve · 2 years
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Crest of the Astral Garden Brass with ethereal opal inlay and preserved fairy weavevine Veride make, c. 1815-1820 Gift of Mrs. Cassia Leonard Trost These broaches, crafted by the Veride settlers of the early 1800s, utilized ethereal opal not only as decoration but for practical purpose as well. Many botanists used the opals light to manipulate the plant life on the outer ring of the Garden. This is a stunningly rare example of early usage of Astral plant preservation and manipulation, a practice that precluded the more robust organic construction and prosthetics we see today. Unfortunately, it wasn't until the discovery of Botanist Octavia Bancroft in 1821 that ethereal opal is an agitator to class 12 embryophites. The museum extends our deepest thanks to the Trost family for this unique donation. The preserved fairy weavevine is in excellent condition, and the symmetry of growth denotes a particularly skilled craftsman. Though there have been many expeditions into the first settlements, this piece remains one of the few artifacts containing organic matter. As of today, remains of the first settlements within the Astral Garden are primarily inorganic.
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mdsaffia · 19 days
The Future of Manufacturing Design: 3D Printing’s Emerging Trends
3D printing, or additive manufacturing, has fundamentally altered the landscape of manufacturing design, offering unprecedented capabilities for creating complex and customized products. As technology continues to advance, several emerging trends are set to shape the future of manufacturing design, expanding the horizons of what is possible and driving further innovation.
This article explores some of the most promising trends in 3D printing and their potential impact on the manufacturing industry.
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1. Advanced Materials and Composites
The evolution of 3D printing technology is closely linked with the development of new materials. Advanced materials, including high-performance polymers, metal alloys, and composites, are enhancing the capabilities of 3D printing. These materials offer improved strength, durability, and functionality, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from aerospace components to medical implants.
For instance, the use of carbon fiber-reinforced polymers and metal composites in 3D printing allows for the creation of lightweight yet robust structures that can withstand extreme conditions. As material science continues to progress, the range of materials available for 3D printing will expand, enabling manufacturers to produce even more specialized and high-performance products.
2. Large-Scale 3D Printing
Traditionally, 3D printing has been associated with small to medium-sized components. However, emerging trends are pushing the boundaries of size, with large-scale 3D printing becoming increasingly feasible. Technologies such as gantry-based and robotic arm printers are capable of producing large structures, including architectural elements and industrial components.
Large-scale 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize industries such as construction and aerospace. In construction, for example, 3D printing can be used to create entire buildings or significant structural components, reducing labor costs and material waste. Similarly, in aerospace, large-scale printing can produce parts with complex geometries that are lighter and more efficient than traditionally manufactured counterparts.
3. Integration with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning with 3D printing is set to enhance design and manufacturing processes. AI algorithms can optimize print parameters, predict potential defects, and improve the overall quality of printed parts. Machine learning can analyze data from previous prints to refine and adjust printing processes, leading to more accurate and efficient manufacturing.
This synergy between 3D printing and AI can also facilitate more advanced design optimization. AI-driven design tools can generate complex geometries that are optimized for performance, material usage, and manufacturability, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable with additive manufacturing.
4. Bioprinting and Medical Applications
Bioprinting is a rapidly growing area of 3D printing that involves creating biological tissues and organs. This emerging trend holds the promise of revolutionizing healthcare by enabling the production of custom implants, prosthetics, and even functional organ tissues.
Researchers are making significant strides in bioprinting, with advancements in creating complex tissue structures and integrating living cells into printed constructs. While fully functional organ printing remains a future goal, current applications in medical devices and personalized implants are already making a significant impact, improving patient outcomes and expanding treatment options.
5. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices
Sustainability is a growing concern in manufacturing, and 3D printing offers several advantages in this regard. Additive manufacturing is inherently more material-efficient than traditional subtractive methods, as it uses only the material needed to build the final product, reducing waste.
Furthermore, advancements in recycling and biodegradable materials for 3D printing are contributing to more sustainable practices. For example, researchers are developing filaments made from recycled plastics and bio-based materials that can be used in 3D printers. These innovations help reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing processes and align with broader sustainability goals.
6. On-Demand and Localized Production
One of the most transformative trends in 3D printing is its ability to support on-demand and localized production. Traditional manufacturing often requires large-scale production runs and extensive supply chains, leading to increased lead times and inventory costs.
3D printing enables on-demand production, where parts and products can be manufactured as needed, reducing the need for large inventories and minimizing excess production. This capability is particularly valuable for industries with rapidly changing demands or those requiring custom components. Additionally, localized production using 3D printing can reduce transportation costs and lead times, contributing to more agile and responsive manufacturing systems.
7. Enhanced Automation and Integration
Automation is a key trend in modern manufacturing, and 3D printing is no exception. The integration of 3D printing with automated systems, such as robotic arms and conveyor belts, is enhancing production efficiency and consistency. Automated 3D printing systems can operate continuously, producing high volumes of parts with minimal human intervention.
Furthermore, the integration of 3D printing with other manufacturing technologies, such as injection molding and CNC machining, is creating hybrid manufacturing processes that combine the strengths of each method. These integrated approaches offer increased flexibility and capability, enabling manufacturers to tackle a broader range of production challenges.
The future of manufacturing design is being shaped by several emerging trends in 3D printing technology. From advanced materials and large-scale printing to AI integration and bioprinting, these trends are expanding the possibilities of additive manufacturing and driving innovation across various industries. As 3D printing continues to evolve, its impact on manufacturing design will grow, offering new opportunities for efficiency, customization, and sustainability. Embracing these trends will enable manufacturers to stay at the forefront of technological advancements and meet the evolving demands of the market.
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arc3d · 1 month
Exploring the Biggest 3D Printing Companies and Their Innovations
3D printing technology has been accepted in many fields, ranging from manufacturing industries to the health sector. The largest players in the market are now driving this change through the provision of best-of-breed solutions and methods. In this article, the author will take a closer look at what 3D giants such as Stratasys or Materialise have been doing, as well as present an outlook into the field of biggest 3D printing companies in Dubai. Last but not least, the UAE architectural model makers use 3D printing and pave their way towards the future.
The enhancement and advancement of 3D printing technology
A Brief Overview
3D printing or more specifically, additive manufacturing, is used to build a real-life object from an architectural design. This technology vertically lays objects, giving them good precision and, at the same time, good flexibility. During the evolution of 3D printing, the technology has advanced, allowing the creation of sophisticated products and services in different industries. Contemporary developments in technology have enabled the production of very complex and diversified products for various uses, ranging from multisegmented industrial applications to detailed consumer items. Such evolution shows the increased capacities and uses of 3D printing technology in the contemporary world.
Key Advancements
Improved Materials: The kinds of materials used to generate 3D printing have diversified. By going from regular plastics to metals and even tissue engineering, these developments enable stronger and more diverse uses.
Faster Printing Speeds: Expressive technology has made printing faster than before to allow for improved cycles and output.
Greater Precision: There are sharper and better modern 3D printers with high resolution and accuracy for increased precision in other tasks.
Focusing Companies to Watch in the 3D Printing Domain in Dubai
Currently, several leading firms in the field of 3D printing are situated in Dubai, which is famous for its innovative culture. These firms are expanding the potential of what’s possible using 3D printing technology.
Innovations in Dubai
Architectural Applications: Some of the economical sectors, such as 3D printing, have confidently advanced in Dubai in the field of architectural modelling. In the case of architects, 3D printing allows them to create detailed models and prototypes that prove useful in design conceptualizations.
Healthcare Solutions: In the medical field, a few 3D printing companies in dubai manufacture customized prosthetics and implants that meet the needs of the patient.
Consumer Products: Embracing advanced fabrication technology, Dubai’s 3D printing companies are serving the increasing clientele that seeks tailor-made accessories and home décor items.
Key Trends
Sustainability: Most of the companies have adopted the green concept implying that they are inclined to adopt environmentally sustainable practices and or goods into their production line. This includes the use of recycled material and attempting to control energy usage in a quest to have minimal harm to the environment. Some are also targeting the achievement of the production of biodegradable materials and the recycling of wastes during the manufacturing processes. 
Integration with Other Technologies: At present, AM is rarely applied in isolation from other innovative technologies, for example, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, smart robotics, etc. It strengthens different aspects such as the superiority of larger-scale manufacturing systems in the development of new facilities, efficiency of automation of the different functions, increased usage of advanced technological tools, deriving higher benefits from the new technologies about manufacturing processes, solving different complex tasks of manufacturing requirements for smart production systems and automation, and improvement of functions of manufacturing systems about new advanced data.
The benefits of architectural model makers in the UAE
As for the enhancements of architectural model makers in the UAE, 3D printing is also widely utilized in the field. The following are the benefits of this technology that contribute to the enhancement of architecture as a field:
Advantages of 3D Printing in Architecture
Enhanced Visualization: Some of the purposes of 3D printing include being able to come up with accurate models of the architectural design. These models help in presenting the ideas in a form that the clients and the other stakeholders will be able to appreciate to assess the projects in question.
Faster Prototyping: Hands-on techniques of model-making may at times be lengthy and require a lot of effort. Regarding this process, 3D printing helps in amplifying the same and facilitating the architect to produce and modify models at the earliest.
Cost Efficiency: Although high-quality 3D printers may be costly, the costs when used to make architectural models are relatively cheaper compared to customary techniques, particularly when intricate models are required.
Notable Applications
Building Design: 3D printing is very useful, especially when it comes to architectural concepts that require precise miniature models of the buildings that may be required in presentations, planning, and marketing. They give a physical form of the resultant product, and hence it is easier to explain the design action and make the choices.
Urban Planning: City scale models are very useful in the field of urban planning since they show in a better way how new structures will fit into the existing landscapes. These models aid its stakeholders in seeing the implications, the possible hurdles, and the organization’s new development projects as they integrate them into the environment.
Custom Features: Some of the features and components that are difficult to model or are convoluted may be hard to build using conventional manufacturing techniques. Therefore, 3D printing helps architects build these elements with enhanced accuracy in an appealing and individualized manner, which aims at boosting the functionality of architectural projects.
Conclusion Industry leaders are keen on expanding their innovation of 3D printing products across the globe and its sectors. Currently, 3D printing firms are driving innovation in Dubai through architectural marvels, health solutions, and consumer goods. At the same time, architectural model makers in uae discuss how incorporating 3D printing into the process of producing architectural models improves the detail and accuracy of models and helps envision projects more effectively. Thus, 3D printing technology can be deemed an innovative tool in terms of today’s parameters, which will only develop in the future and create new opportunities and demands for optimization in various spheres.
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Finding the Best Implant Dentist in Vasant Vihar: Your Guide to Dental Implants
A dental implant serves as a prosthetic tooth substitute. The root and the crown make up a natural tooth. The part that is visible and covered in white enamel is the crown. The tooth root that penetrates the jawbone supports the crown. The portion of the tooth that an implant essentially replaces is the root. What is often referred to as an implant consists of three components:
The implant device itself is placed straight into the bone.
The abutment is the component that joins the implant device to the overlaying crown or denture.
The third component: the overlying denture.
What advantages do dental implants have over alternative forms of care?
Excellent and predictable results in terms of look, speech, chewing abilities, and overall oral health.  What's more, having implants gives patients the self-assurance to eat, smile, and interact with people without worrying about their appearance or whether their dentures would fall out.
After extraction, preservation of the healthy bone remains.
Preservation of nearby teeth and their enamel because they don't require care to fill in the gap left by a lost tooth (such as a bridge).
Resistance to cavities because, unlike natural teeth, implants do not decay.
Possibility of a fixed restoration rather than a prosthetic that is removable.
Help in keeping a detachable prosthesis in place.
The Role of an Implant Dentist
Advanced technology is essential to the well-known dental clinics in Vasant Vihar, including our respected practice, which has been named the Best Dental Clinic. Technology improves precision and patient comfort with everything from state-of-the-art surgical methods to 3D imaging for accurate implant placement.
Expertise is just as important. The Best Implant dentist in Vasant Vihar for implants has received a great deal of education and training in this field. They guarantee safe and efficient treatment outcomes by keeping up with the most recent developments and following international standards.
Complete Care and a Customized Method
Our Best Implant dentist in Vasant Vihar is renowned for its dedication to excellence. Every patient receives a comprehensive assessment and a customized treatment plan based on their goals for both aesthetics and dental health. Whether you need full mouth rehabilitation or only a few implants, our team of professionals is dedicated to delivering superior results.
Services Offered by the Best Implant Dentists
Our dentist in Vasant Vihar provides a wide range of implant services, including:
Implants for single teeth: Perfect for restoring a single lost tooth without affecting nearby teeth.
Implants for multiple teeth: A way to replace multiple lost teeth in a row or other parts of the mouth.
Complete repair of the upper or lower arches using full arch implants, which offer stability and functionality comparable to that of real teeth.
 Implant-Supported Dentures: Better than regular dentures in terms of comfort and stability, they also reduce slippage and increase chewing efficiency.
Do dental implants require special care and maintenance?
The cleaning and upkeep of dental implants is comparable to that of your natural teeth, as advised by your dentist.  You might need to take extra care of your teeth to preserve your dental work, depending on the kind of implant-supported prosthesis you have.  Dental implants typically require routine cleanings as well as proper at-home hygiene, which includes mouthwash rinses, brushing, and flossing.  Certain intricate dental implant prostheses could necessitate the usage of add-ons like a Waterpik, specialized tooth floss, or tiny brushes made to clean in small areas.
The Best Implant dentist in Vasant Vihar places a high value on patient comfort and education in addition to technical proficiency. They take their time to answer any questions, go over treatment alternatives, and describe the procedure. Our clinic fosters a welcoming environment where patients feel informed, empowered, and at ease throughout their implant journey.
Making the Best Implant dentist in Vasant Vihar has to offer is important for your general and oral wellness. Whether this is your first time considering implants or you're looking for a second opinion, put your trust in a clinic that offers state-of-the-art care and caring treatment. As the Best Dental Clinic in Vasant Vihar, we at our clinic are dedicated to using the highest caliber implant dentistry to improve smiles and boost confidence. Please make an appointment for a consultation with us right now to start along the path to a happier, healthier smile.
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mitchelindustri · 2 years
Future of Plastics Processing Machinery: Key Trends & Innovations
The plastics processing machinery industry is constantly evolving and advancing, with new technologies and innovations being developed all the time. These advancements are driven by the need for greater efficiency, cost savings, and environmentally friendly practices in the plastics manufacturing industry.
In this blog post, we will look at some of the latest innovations in plastics processing machinery and what the future of the industry may hold.
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Key Developments in Plastic Processing Machinery
1.    Growing Usage of Automation
One of the most exciting developments in the field is the growing use of automation and robotics in plastics processing machinery. The use of robots in the manufacturing process can increase efficiency, reduce labour costs, and improve the consistency and quality of the final product. Some manufacturers are even experimenting with artificial intelligence to further optimise the production process.
2.    Energy-Efficient Plastic Processing
Another trend in the industry is the development of more energy-efficient plastics processing machinery. This includes using energy-saving technologies such as variable speed drives, heat recovery systems, and LED lighting. These innovations can greatly reduce the energy consumption of plastics processing machinery, leading to significant cost savings for manufacturers.
3.    Sustainable & Eco-Friendly Technologies
The industry is also seeing an increase in the use of sustainable and eco-friendly technologies in plastics processing machinery. This includes using biodegradable plastics, recycled materials, and green energy sources. These innovations not only help to reduce the environmental impact of plastics manufacturing but also help manufacturers to meet the growing demand for sustainable products.
4.    Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing
3D printing and additive manufacturing is also growing trend in the plastics processing machinery industry. This technology allows for the creation of complex and customised parts, which can be produced quickly and at a lower cost than traditional manufacturing methods. This technology is being used to create everything from prosthetic limbs to automotive parts, and its applications are only set to expand in the future.
5.    Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality
Another interesting development in the industry is the use of virtual reality and augmented reality in the design and testing of plastics processing machinery. This technology allows engineers and designers to visualise and test their machinery in a virtual environment, which can significantly reduce the time and cost of the development process.
6.    Multi-Component Moulding
Multi-component moulding, also known as two-shot or multi-shot moulding, is a plastic processing technique that allows multiple materials or colours to be moulded into a single product in a single process. This technique creates products with different properties or aesthetics in different areas, such as a hard exterior and a soft interior.
Multi-component moulding is achieved using a specialised mould with multiple cavities and injection units. The different materials or colours are injected into the mould at different times and then fused as the mould is cooled.
7.    Digitisation
In plastic processing machinery, digitalisation enables the use of advanced monitoring and control systems, which can improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and increase the flexibility of the production process.
Some of the key ways that digitalisation is being used in plastic processing machinery include
●   Predictive maintenance: Digital sensors and analytics can be used to monitor the condition of machinery and predict when maintenance is needed, reducing downtime and increasing efficiency.
●       Real-time monitoring: Digital monitoring systems can be used to track the status of the production process in real-time, allowing for quick adjustments to be made if necessary.
●    Remote access and control: Remote access and control systems allow operators to monitor and adjust machinery remotely, improving flexibility and increasing efficiency.
●     Advanced data analytics: The use of advanced data analytics can improve the production process’s efficiency and optimise the production schedule.
●    Machine Learning: Machine learning is being used to improve the efficiency of the production process, reduce downtime and optimise the production schedule.
Use of Inspection Machines in Plastic Processing
Inspection machines are used in plastic processing machinery to ensure the quality and consistency of the finished products. These machines can be used for various tasks, such as detecting defects, measuring dimensions, and verifying the consistency of colour and other properties. Inspection machines can be integrated into the production line to automate the inspection process and increase efficiency.
Some common inspection machines used in plastic processing include vision systems, laser scanners, and X-ray systems. These machines can detect defects such as cracks, voids, and inconsistencies in the plastic material and help improve the quality of the finished products.
Wrapping Up
The plastics processing machinery industry is evolving and advancing. From automation and robotics to sustainable and eco-friendly technologies to 3D printing and additive manufacturing, the industry’s future looks bright.
These new technologies and innovations are helping manufacturers to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and meet the growing demand for sustainable products. As the industry continues to develop, we can expect to see even more exciting advancements in plastics processing machinery in the years to come.
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bestcompanyinpune · 2 years
Five ways medical device engineering contributes to physician success
In this evolving business landscape, the Healthcare and Medical devices industry is undergoing a revolutionary transformation.  In this digital period of healthcare transformation, many organizations have changed their business practices and are evolving to drive profitability while also delivering quality care.
Medical devices are becoming more connected than ever, and businesses are leveraging innovative medical device engineering techniques for technology assimilation and digitalization. Enterprises focus on seamless processes and workflows, increased user experience, and enhanced operational efficiencies while ensuring device reliability, functionality, and data security.
The medical device industry growth is leading to safer and operational devices. This growth means enhanced possibilities to meet patient requirements in challenging universal healthcare marketplaces.
Let us now understand how medical device engineering innovations contribute to physician success.  They are as follows
1.      Proper diagnosis with enhanced patient care and safety
One of the biggest hurdles in medical science is identifying the span and severity of a disease or ailment. Health information devices store and streamline patient info for a proper diagnosis and alert medical personnel of adverse effects the patient might experience. All the relevant information helps in decision-making, helping medical practitioners for an accurate diagnosis.
2.      Efficient care and treatment
The advent of innovations in medical device engineering helps with relevant decisions and reliable business processes. They also assist incoordinating care management, creating a seamless experience for patients, caretakers, and physicians,improving patient experience.
3.      Reduced operation costs
Health facilities can strategically allocate resources, saving significant amounts of time and energy utilizing streamlined and comprehensive data combined with the patient’s needs and specific staff’s skills.  Innovative device engineering helps arrange staff effectively to serve patients with their particular needs. Also, inventory, supplies can be tracked and managed in real-time as per the usage.  The time required to maintain operations, processes reduce to a minimum, and the patients can get specific treatment in no time.
4.      Prosthetic devices, bionics, and implants
One of the biggest hurdles we face is the degeneration of organs and their replacements. Medical device engineering has the potential to bridge this gap by developing exceptional mechanical devices that can replace biological organs with prosthetic devices. For instance, replacing damaged heart valves or a kidney with prosthetic devices will become a reality within a few years. Similarly, designing implants for better functioning of an organ system has also been possible for this biomedical engineering section.
5.      Real-time monitoring enhancing performance analysis
Biomedical engineering can also bridge the gap between the patient and a doctor by providing exceptional platforms for real-time vitals monitoring. Devices with typical sensors are being designed to constantly monitor vital functions anywhere, anytime. These devices are ideal for monitoring health conditions while working, sleeping, or doing anything throughout the day. Gathering information enables medical professionals to instantly take necessary measures at the right time.
In a nutshell
Medical device engineering innovations are revolutionizing the health industry and how! They prove to be the best support for physicians to succeed in their medical treatment plans in this digital world. The innovative medical devices make the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, replacement of organs, etc., more accessible. 
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lucky-slime · 3 years
Stable Ground
Word Count: 567 Warnings: N/A Fandom: Bugsnax Characters: Triffany Lottablog, Floofty Fizzlebean Summary: Floofty is getting used to their prosthetic leg and Triffany helps them practice walking again on farm land. AN: This was written a couple months ago, but I'm just now getting the chance to share it with you all! I'll probably upload my second "part" to this later.
“Now the doctor says ya gotta try practicin’ on the ground outside,” Triffany started as she pointed to the ground with her skeletal arm, “said it’ll help ya learn ta balance with the muscles in your-”
“I have the general concept, lovey.” Floofty adjusted their bowtie as they kept eye contact with the taller grumpus, “You don’t have to treat me like a pup.”
Triffany blinked and nodded, “Okie dokie!” She took a few steps back to give the other grumpus room. “You go on ahead and try then!”
Floofty’s gaze drifted to the field in front of them. It was one of the more difficult ones to tend to on the property. Wambus hadn’t gotten rid of all the larger rocks, so most of them had broken and made pebbles and stones. The soil had compacted due to its lack of usage. It was nothing Floofty couldn’t handle. They were getting used to using their new leg during physical therapy appointments and everyday use. This would be a cakewalk.
Their first few steps off the soft grass were a good start. It soon came to them that the rocks would be a bit of a challenge. Their faux foot couldn’t steady like their fleshy one could. They tried not to put their arms out to balance themself, but this caused them to stumble.
“Lovey,” Triffany called out, “Ya doin’ alright there?”
Floofty groaned. They could just feel her concern for them from where they stood. It made them a little sick, but they guessed it was okay for her to worry about their wellbeing.
“I’m fine!” Floofty called out, “Just...not stable ground.”
“Do ya need help-”
“No!” Floofty’s upper lip started to curl into a snarl as they looked at the other grumpus, “I can do this by myself!”
Floofty took another few steps, but stumbled yet again. They growled and let out a curse under their breath. They could do this! They weren’t stupid. They knew how to use their leg. They can-
Floofty stumbled once more, but put their arms out to balance themself. Once they were stable, they let out a huff in frustration.
“...Fine.” They started, “Maybe your assistance is needed.”
Triffany started across the field. Her soft blue eyes never left her partner’s gaze as she drew closer to them. “It’s okay ta ask for help, Floofty…”
“Give me your paws.” Floofty spat out as they looked away.
The taller grumpus gave the other a soft smile as she took their paws in hers and began leading them through the field. The two went slowly, with Triff walking backwards and Floofty trying not to fall over. After a while, they finally made it to the other side of the field.
“Remember now,” Triff started as she helped them onto the grass, “Ya gotta use your hip muscles...and learnin’ ta balance without toes is weird, but you’re doin’ great, ya?”
Floofty blinked slowly, before giving one nod, “Yes. Indeed.”
Triffany giggled softly as she ruffled the smaller grumpus’ hair, “C’mon now, I got stuff to work on in the house. Ya wanna help me, don’t’cha?”
“Of course I would,” Floofty stated as they fixed their hair, “You know I love helping you.” They grabbed onto their partner’s paw and walked towards the house with her. For once in a long time, Floofty had a small little smile on their face.
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themedicalstate · 4 years
The biomimetic hand prosthesis Hannes uniquely similar to a human hand
The biomimetic prosthetic hand Hannes is featured on Science Robotics' cover for September, 2020; researchers from Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT- Italian Institute of Technology) and Centro Protesi INAIL (the prosthetic unit of the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) in Italy reported about its ability to replicate the key biological properties of the human hand: natural synergistic and adaptable movement; biomimetic levels of force and speed; high anthropomorphism and grasp robustness. Developed involving researchers, orthopaedists, industrial designers together with patients, Hannes is able to restore over 90% of functionality to people with upper-limb amputations. It owns CE marking and it is ready to enter the international medical market, but its future commercialization will be possible only when researchers will identify investors and industrial partners.
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The robotic system Hannes was born out of the IIT's Rehab Technologies Lab, that is the joint-lab between Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova and Centro Protesi INAIL in Budrio (Bologna), coordinated by Lorenzo De Michieli; the collaboration started at the end of 2013 with the aim of creating innovative high-tech cost-effective solutions for patients with physical impairment. Among the solutions developed so far, Hannes is the most recent result, whose name is a tribute to Professor Johannes "Hannes" Schmidl, technical director of the Centro Protesi Inail in the 1960s and pioneer in upper limb prosthetics. On September 9th 2020, the hand Hannes was awarded the international industrial design prize Compasso d'Oro, due to its original and highly innovative concept.
Hannes is an anthropomorphic, poly-articulated upper limb prosthetic system including hand and wrist, whose main characteristics are the softness and the ability to dynamically adapt themselves to the shape of objects to grasp. It is uniquely similar to a human hand and, being developed directly with patients, it is of practical use. To evaluate the effectiveness and usability of Hannes, pilot trials on amputees were performed at Centro Protesi Inail and researchers found that, after a training period of less than one week, patients could autonomously use Hannes domestically to perform activities of daily living.
The prosthesis is a myoelectric system that can be worn all day long and adjustable to different upper limb impairments. Therefore, an array of surface electromyographic sensors, placed within a custom socket, detects the activity of the residual limb muscles - in the lower or higher part of the arm, which are actively contracted by the user to perform multiple movements. Moreover, through a specially developed software and a bluetooth connection, it is possible to customize the operating parameters of the hand, such as the precision and speed of movements, to ensure the most optimized experience for each user.
Hannes hand has been tested for durability and robustness in a setting that simulated more than 1 year of usage of a so called "pro-user" (almost 500000 life cycles).
The true intelligence of Hannes lies in the mechanical design, which is completely unique in its market sector, and it gives to the prosthesis the versatility and the movement of a natural hand. The underlying mechanism of the hand is a mechanical differential system that allows Hannes to adapt to the object being grasped by using just a single motor. This also permits to dramatically enhance performance due to its efficiency, at the same time, to be coherent with the 50th percentile human hand size. Hannes is provided in two different sizes, 7 ¾ and 8 ¼, for right and left handed and suitable to female and male subjects. Its weight is 450 grams.
Fingers can flex and be positioned in a natural manner, even at rest. In particular, the thumb can be oriented in 3 different positions to replicate a wide variety of grips, including a fine grip that allows to pick up small objects, a lateral grip, which allows to grasp thin objects, and finally a power grip capable of grasping and moving even heavy loads. The overall grasp is efficient, robust against external conditions and natural. The system also permits to pronate and supinate the wrist ('key turning movement'), allowing grasps in different orientation without relying on harmful patient compensation.
Hannes can perform a full closed grasp in less than 1 second and, at the same time, it can exert a maximum grasp force of 150N, that is well beyond other commercial and research poly articulated hands, and it has an autonomy of a whole day of standard use (battery life of 1 day: 12V power supply for a battery capacity of 1300 mAh).
Researchers conducted experiments to validate Hannes's performance and the human-likeness of its grasping behaviour and they demonstrated an improved performance compared with existing research or commercial devices.
The fundamental principles and design of Hannes are covered by IIT-INAIL patent applications. Moreover, the prosthetic hand obtained CE marking, which is fundamental for future commercialization in the European market and a precondition for international sale. Researchers are looking for investors and companies to industrialize and produce Hannes on a large scale, benefiting patients with physical impairment.
Credit: The robotic hand Hannes is developed in Italy at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Centro Protesi INAIL. Hannes is able to replicate the key biological properties of the human hand and is able to restore over 90% of functionality to people with upper-limb amputations.
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thehasanwritesup · 4 years
Top 10 Emerging Technology
Today we are going to talk about the top 10 futuristic technology which is going to change the world in a complete way. 
Technology is ever-evolving, regardless of the the current market scenario technology is never limited in any condition. Technology is evolving with ground-breaking innovations to deal with our current issues. I am not at all surprised about people who are making predictions about the future of technology in the coming year. Yes, technology is making our life quite easier, here we will talk about the top 10 emerging technology that is going to be very much impactful for us in coming years. 
• Artificial intelligence
It can be termed as the most transformative evolution in the field of technology. It will in near future be very helpful in the many fields like Healthcare, Entertainment, Cybersecurity, Vital Tasks, Translation & linguistics expertise area, Sports Training, Payments, Business Management & handling, Political Analysis, sports Strategizing, Purchases through Photographs and many more sectors to be named here.
 o 5G technology is basically a fifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks, Deployment of this technology is already rolled in by many telecom operators worldwide since 2019. 5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-GBPS peak data speeds, ultra-low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more users. Higher performance and improved efficiency empower new user experiences and it connects new industries as well. Now talking about the future impact of this technology trust me it is going to be very promising as 5G is now the driving force behind technologies like Internet of things {IOT}, Artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The list of industries that will benefit from this technology is endless as the capabilities it offers will surpass anything currently in the place.5G have the advanced network infrastructure can help us more fully realize the benefits of cutting-edge technologies and create meaningful impressions for the end users. The areas which will be using these technologies are Healthcare, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Finance, Energy and Utilities. While these are just a few of the Industries that are going to be benefited from 5G in the near future, this innovation clearly is revolutionary for the world at large. 
 Autonomous Vehicles
 o We can say the transportation has changed the way we have changed our life. So does the Autonomous Transportation is going to do this to world this time. We have seen tremendous evolution in this sector from horses and carts to cars and now automations of the mean. Autonomous Vehicle has been driven by Both technical innovation ad Socioeconomics factors. Till now this technology has achieved impressive milestones. It is in use since 2018 in many countries where they have similar infrastructure. But on the other hand, this technology is full of obstacles and unforeseen challenges. The good thing about this technology is that it has reduced the death rates by 90 % according to a report by McKinsey & Company. And moreover, in the years to come, the vehicles would have the potential to give a performance information and provide information to automakers and drivers about security, performance of the vehicle, Road Condition
It is a technology which allows digital information to be distributed but not copied. It is a kind of digital currency as example Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and the like. Let me explain you how this technology works Once a block is filled with data, it is chained to the previous block, thus making the data chained together in chronological order. Every block will have a unique hash on its own and store the hash of the previous block it was chained to. As soon as a new block is added to a blockchain, the entire blockchain record is updated in all the nodes that are part of the blockchain network, thereby creating a lot of replications of the blockchain so that even if one computer is corrupted or compromised, the entire blockchain data is available in all other nodes. In future the blockchains and cryptocurrency would be a major part of the mainstream financial system and may have to satisfy widely divergent criteria. Some economics analysts predict big changes in crypto when institutional money will enter the crypto market. However, there is a very fine possibility that crypto will be floated on the NASDAQ, which would further add credibility to blockchain and its uses as an alternative to conventional currencies.s •
Human Augmentations 
 o Human augmentations are a technique that is basically aiming towards enhancement of human ability using either medicine or technology, basically focusing on physical and cognitive improvement as an integral part of human body.  Let us make You understand this by an example – Limb Prosthetics, it is created using active control system that will outrun the highest possible performance by natural human parts. Let us dip into past of Human augmentation it is more towards Technological studies rather than to be medicinal research. This technology has helped people with disabilities, along with healing the sick. It is also a technology which promises to end the physical disability and prevent human from different kid if injuries. As per studies in near future this technology can be used as an idea of improving the non-disabled with the help of bionics and prosthetic augmentation. Few more things which this technology can do is bionic human joints, embedded scanning, chemical balancing system to enhance physical activities, permanent and customisable contact lenses, augmented skulls, feet, artificial windpipes for human throats and there are a thousand thing to keep counting and going on. It does not limit it to this thing only, augmentation can offer things beyond our current imagination we are still sceptical about making this technology mainstream.
 Internet of things
Let us understand IOT, Objects or things which are connected with software, sensors, and any technologies for the purpose of exchange of data or connecting with other devices and systems over the internet is referred to as IOT – internet of things .The power of IOT is that it can automate our homes and workplaces and in future it ay be used to design the entire city or state to deal with the traffic congestion parking issues or for making the city greener or environment rich. It will help to build better environments which in nature is intelligent, efficient, and sustainable. IOT has capability of building a smart economy and governance of a particular place or wherever it is applied. It will also enable us to enhance safety, cutting energy usage and cost and reducing environmental impact. Future looks quite promising with the increasing development of IOT.
 Quantum Computing
 o A technology which is very much remarkable trend in the current market scenario, It is a form of computing technology that works on the advantage of quantum phenomena like quantum entanglement and superposition. These computers are now many times faster than regular computers. There are many organisations which are involved in making innovations, to name those company few are as GOOGLE, AMAZON, MICROSOFT, HONEYWELL, SPLUNK. Uses of this technology is vast and cannot be limited to any single field. There are so many fields that is finding this technology useful are Banking and finances to manage credit card risk, analysis of online transactions, high frequency trading and fraud analysis. The future of this technology is quite highly aspiring as it can impact many sectors namely Healthcare, energy, finance, security, and entertainment. It is going to be an industry worth multibillion dollar by the end of 2030. 
 o This technology is mix of few future technologies this is basically the merging of the machine learning capabilities of artificial intelligence with cloud-based computing environment enabling intuitive and connected experiences possible. Let us understand what cloud is first, cloud is a popular storage option used by both consumers and enterprise-level users. With cloud computing, AI is more plausible and With Cloud computing, AI is more plausible and accessible. It is primarily as most of the hardware that people use are incapable of handling AI applications. Yes, we are saying that smartphones and laptops are not competent to manage AI applications on their own Cloud provides better accuracy and speed for many GPU applications like machine vision. Hybrid cloud enables simple tasks to be parsed on device and run locally without the need of an internet connection
This technology is the use pf advanced analytics techniques against very large, diverse data sets that includes structured, semi structured, and unstructured data from different sources and in different sizes from terabytes to zettabytes. Big data are types of data whose size or type of the data that is beyond the ability of traditional relational databases to capture, manage and process the data with low latency, the future of this technology is something like this, it will enable a sharper focus on Data Governance, Decision making will be speed up by this technology through augmented analytics. It will play an important role in research it will be the supplement of researchers. Customer Experiences will be a far better smooth end.  A lot of cloud participation will be increased either it is a public cloud space or private cloud space. This technology will be more accessible using cloud technologies •
This technology is the practice to safeguard our online existence, servers, mobile devices, electronics system, networks, and data from malicious attacks on the digital space. There are many other terms for the same technology i.e.- Information technology security, electronic information security. This technology basically keeps devices free from threat and attacks. There are 5 basics of cybersecurity Change, Compliance, Cost, Continuity, and Coverage. Sooner or later Humans will be replaced from this field and Artificial intelligence will take charge of cybersecurity. The important services of tomorrow demand crucial decisions today. Business change is exponential in that the strategies and changes made today will create the framework from which higher agility and innovation can be obtained. It is this agility that will produce the next and more significant round of transformation to build the business of the future.
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mdsaffia · 22 days
From Concept to Reality: The Impact of 3D Printing on Today's Manufacturing Design
In the realm of manufacturing design, the journey from concept to reality has been significantly transformed by the advent of 3D printing. This technology, also known as additive manufacturing, has revolutionized traditional manufacturing processes, offering new possibilities for creativity, efficiency, and precision. Here’s how 3D printing is reshaping the path from initial design ideas to finished products.
Turning Ideas into Prototypes with Unprecedented Speed
Traditionally, moving from a design concept to a physical prototype involved several steps, including creating molds, tooling, and extensive manual labor. This process was often time-consuming and costly, particularly when multiple iterations were required. 3D printing has streamlined this journey by allowing designers to quickly produce prototypes directly from digital models.
With 3D printing, prototypes can be created within hours or days, rather than weeks. This rapid turnaround enables designers to test and refine their ideas more efficiently, facilitating faster iteration and innovation. The ability to visualize and interact with a tangible model before committing to mass production helps identify potential issues and make improvements early in the development process.
Enhancing Customization and Personalization
One of the standout features of 3D printing is its ability to produce highly customized and personalized products. Unlike traditional manufacturing design, which often relies on standardized molds and processes, 3D printing can accommodate unique specifications and bespoke designs with minimal additional cost.
This capability is particularly beneficial in sectors such as healthcare, where personalized prosthetics, implants, and orthodontic devices can be tailored to individual patients' needs. In consumer products, customization options—from personalized phone cases to custom-fit sports equipment—enhance user satisfaction and drive engagement.
Enabling Complex Designs and Lightweight Structures
3D printing offers unparalleled freedom in design, enabling the creation of complex geometries and intricate details that are difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional manufacturing methods. This includes lattice structures, organic shapes, and integrated components.
In industries such as aerospace and automotive, where weight reduction is critical for performance and efficiency, 3D printing allows for the production of lightweight, strong parts. These advanced designs not only contribute to improved functionality but also reduce material usage and waste.
Reducing Waste and Improving Sustainability
Traditional manufacturing often involves substantial material waste, as excess material is trimmed away or discarded. In contrast, 3D printing is an additive process, meaning that material is added only where needed. This efficiency not only minimizes waste but also contributes to more sustainable manufacturing practices.
Moreover, 3D printing supports the use of recycled and eco-friendly materials. Advances in material science are continually expanding the range of substances that can be used in 3D printing, including biodegradable polymers and recycled plastics. This focus on sustainability aligns with broader industry trends toward greener manufacturing.
Streamlining Production and Supply Chains
The impact of 3D printing extends beyond design and prototyping to production and supply chain management. For low-volume and on-demand production, 3D printing eliminates the need for expensive molds and tooling, making it a cost-effective solution for small-batch manufacturing.
Additionally, 3D printing enables localized production, reducing the need for complex supply chains and long-distance transportation. This capability is particularly advantageous in addressing supply chain disruptions and meeting the growing demand for quick turnaround times in various industries.
Challenges and Future Directions
While 3D printing offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges that must be addressed. These include limitations in material properties, print speed, and surface finish quality. Additionally, integrating 3D printing into existing manufacturing workflows requires careful consideration of cost and scalability.
Looking ahead, ongoing advancements in 3D printing technology promise to overcome these challenges. Innovations such as multi-material printing, improved print speeds, and enhanced software for design and simulation are expected to expand the capabilities of additive manufacturing. As the technology continues to evolve, its role in transforming manufacturing design will become even more significant.
The journey from concept to reality has been profoundly transformed by 3D printing, offering unprecedented speed, flexibility, and customization in manufacturing design. By enabling rapid prototyping, complex designs, and efficient production, 3D printing is reshaping how products are developed and produced. As technology advances, the impact of 3D printing on manufacturing design will only grow, driving innovation and efficiency in the industry and unlocking new possibilities for the future.
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reactoric · 4 years
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TIMELINE:  post endgame divergent/blog canon DEFAULT STATUS: yes. unless pre-endgame. then resort to canon unless AU or plotted otherwise with partners for headcanon/plot purposes! In this timeline, all canon MCU events are taken into Tony’s history. Except how things ended with Endgame. credit and special shout outs at bottom of post! WARNING: loss of limb / amputation, suicidal thoughts, mental disorders
They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die.
What if it doesn’t? Or you only get a blip or two? Does that mean–YOU MADE IT?
As the energy ripped through Tony’s body, doing damage with each passing second? There was only a moment of hesitation as the pain tore across each limb, muscle, nerve. Only a split second where he made the decision. this is it. Through tears of pain and acceptance of whatever fate might be handed to him. No time to think. No time to pause. No time for goodbyes or to meet anyone’s eyes other than his.
And his world went brilliantly white before pitch black before his hand fell to the ground. Surely he was on fire, he thought. Burning up from the inside out. He could smell his skin. Sweat and muck. Blood and burning. Moving? No, not really. The last thing he wanted to do was move. Voices. They were all rushing towards him and he saw a set of blue, round eyes swinging in way too close. His lips wobbled. Was he going to cry, laugh or scream? Wasn’t until he felt a pair of strong arms lifting him up? He found out it was the latter.
Steve Rogers carried him off the battlefield that day through a portal hastily crafted by a disbelieving of his own eyes Strange. Wakanda received Tony without question. Steve Rogers didn’t leave his side as he was lead back from the brink by the hands of those who fought beside him in their final hour. Some returned from ash and dust from sacrifice, hope, and a whole lot of faith and a prayer they were right and didn’t lose anyone in vain.
Tony spent months in Wakanda. Having lost his arm, too much damage for even their skill to bring back, and suffered nerve and muscle damage that is permanent–physiotherapy was a long and tedious route for the rest. For someone who was so used to never asking for help until it was practically too late? Admitting he needed it was the hardest step he took.
Delving into work, once his body was healed enough to try, helped drag him away from the very edge. His arm has been replaced. Assisted in it’s conception and fabrication by Shuri, the arm is an extension of a new suit. One that is permanently part of his body.
Tony hasn’t fully come back from that day mentally. Throughout his timeline the degrees of that vary from person to person and timeline to timeline. Physically? He is mended for the most part. Improving bit by bit but there are some parts of the damage that will be permanent. Aches and pains in his shoulder, back and neck. Anxiety, PTSD as well as headaches that can cause vertigo are something he treats with medications when needed.
He has yet to go home. Working through the issues he has as well as his mental state? His love for his family is too great to let them see him in the shape he can be when the worst of it gets to him. He has visited Morgan and Pepper. Mostly at the cabin or one of the safe houses. However, the first time he saw fear in his daughter's eyes when she looked at him? He began to pull away, not wanting to ever see that again. She's slowly gotten used to his condition but his fear of putting them through any more pain will, inevitably, lead to a separation between him and Pepper. Both for Morgan's benefit and the fact that Tony wants the best for his family. Even if he can't be part of that. Especially mentally.
His plotlines can veer off here depending on partner and plotting. As far as default? He can be mostly found in New Asgard or in one of his safe houses where his workshop is located that he’s kept off the grid. There are trips to Wakanda as research into his existing conditions is brought to his attention. Tony keeps in contact with loved ones but it is on good days and for their peace of mind. Steve, Thor and others show up from time to time to keep him taking care of himself. He was reluctant to let even them in at first. Though he’s become more easy with it considering they were the ones near him at his ‘worst’. Other than those working to get him better, they are the ones he doesn’t feel the need to protect from him. Especially those he lost during the Snap. In his opinion? They’ve been through enough already.
* missing right arm. replaced by suit/permanent prosthetic. details in a new post soon! * light scarring around his shoulder and spine. * very faint white markings that run along the side of his throat and temple. * major muscle damage in shoulder, light muscle damage in neck area. both are being treated with physiotherapy to alleviate the symptoms. some damage is permanent. research is being done further improve his condition. he willfully submits to being his own test subject in order to see what works and what doesn’t. * body aches, pains, headaches with occasional vertigo (severity comes and goes via therapy and if he overuses his muscles while working or not) * ptsd // anxiety // major depressive disorder // suicidal thoughts – triggers have become more apparent. he can be sporadic with his medication usage. though he’s getting better at taking it. his mdd can manifest in withdraw from those around him, restlessness, lack of (or too much) sleep and drop in appetite, becoming obsessed with work and nothing but work, as well as random other symptoms. usually manifesting changes depending on current situation. he'd never admit to any suicidal thoughts that he has had. mostly in the beginning when he felt like a burden to those caring for him. or when he saw his daughter afraid of him. they still come and go on his worst days, though they happen less and less. * MORE TO ADD LATER!
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Fix Receding Gums Fast
Gums are a part of the mouth which are actually typically disregarded. A lot therefore, that our team disregard significant symptoms like gingivitis, and lead our gums right into recession, demanding gum recession treatment. Depending upon the intensity of recession, gum recession treatment may be rather demanding, as well as be a much more complex method than you anticipate. If you are actually dealing with gum recession, it is actually import to access show business of gum recession to make sure that necessary procedures can be taken for its treatment. For more info about Fix Receding Gums At Home
Gums are the cells which are surrounding the teeth as well as cover the bone tissues which keep the teeth into location, alongside the roots of the tooth. Healthy and balanced gums signify suitable oral hygiene as well as it is incredibly significant that you prevent the gums from any type of damage, as damage to all of them may bring about numerous other associated tooth issues as well as various other severe health issue.
Fix Receding Gums Without Surgery
Root Causes Of Gum Recession
Gum recession can be resulted in via lots of means. It is essential to recognize each source, so that you may concern the understanding what the source is for you, and thus establish the effective treatment for gum recession. Poor Oral Hygiene
This is the first cause for gum recession. If you do certainly not adhere to effective oral care, you are going to make your mouth an environment for bacterial development, which will cause numerous diseases of the gums. This leads us right into the 2nd cause of gum recession. Although certainly not adhering to effective oral health solutions is bad, being actually over-zealous can easily likewise be actually unsafe. Some people have a tendency to be extremely threatening when brushing teeth or even flossing, which results in the damage to the gums, and also consequently recession of the gum line. Health conditions of the Gums
Having inadequate oral hygiene for continuous periods of time will result in the incident of numerous gum disease, which trigger the recession of the gums. Gingivitis is usually one the initial symptoms, which is a warning sign of an upcoming extra intense gum disease. If gingivitis is actually not remedied in time, it will definitely proceed in to an even more severe disorder, referred to as periodontitis. Periodontitis will certainly materialize as harm to the gums, which will be actually puffy, reddish, bleeding, alongside gum recession, and higher odds of bone damage. It is a saddening reality, that most clients visit a dentist for gum recession treatment at a phase when the damages is actually presently done, when they might possess typically obtained treatment earlier, and also prevented the recession.
How To Fix Receding Gums Around Crowns?
Tobacco Usage as well as Smoking
Tobacco consumption, whether biting or even cigarette smoking, has been actually demonstrated to have tough co-relation to gum recession. Smoking results in direct damage to the vascularity of the gums, which functions as an assailant to gum recession. Biting tobacco is similarly, or even more, risky. It leads to direct irritation of the gums, which as time go on, will certainly cause gum recession, and also even more significant problems, such as oral cancer. Tooth Positioning
If there is actually abnormal positioning, such that the teeth are not straightened in the appropriate technique, there is high chance that there will definitely be gum recession. This results from the simple fact that uneven teeth will definitely cause unusual powers on the gums, which might result in the gum recession. It is vital that you undertake orthodontic interference thus concerning stop tooth-positioning associated gum recession. That claimed, orthodontic actions can easily also bring about gingival recession themselves. Orthodontic and Prosthetic Devices
Often oral units which are actually implied to really fix an issue, as an alternative end up leading to a various set of concerns. Inaccurately used orthodontic dental braces, and-ill suitable dentures may trigger gum recession. Damage
Direct damage to the gums can easily trigger the gum recession. In such cases, gum recession treatment need to be executed asap to avoid achievable conditions.
Can You Fix Receding Gums Naturally?
Like the majority of illness and also disorders, if you possess a family history of gum recession, there is actually a considerably higher opportunity that you will likewise have to deal with the exact same disorder. Obviously, genetics are actually certainly not under our command, so the gum recession treatment choices detailed ahead will definitely be actually focused on elements which our team can easily determine. Gum Recession Treatment- What are your Options?
If you already possess gum recession, you must certainly not fret, as there are many gum recession treatment choices.
The gum recession treatment alternatives are going to vary relying on the source of the recession from the beginning. Generalized treatment choices will definitely be actually procedures which should be followed by all, and also generally be controllable with no unique interference. Specialized treatment alternatives will certainly feature case-specific options. Generalized Gum Recession Treatment as well as Prevention Measures
Keep effective oral hygiene- After going through the sources of gum recession, this aspect is actually obvious. Through simply brushing your teeth, flossing, and making use of mouth clean, you can easily certainly not merely examine different oral problems like caries and halitosis (halitosis), yet likewise gum recession.
It is additionally significant that if you do practice suitable oral hygiene steps, you also do them the right way. You must not be actually over-aggressive when brushing your teeth, and also always use a delicate tooth brush.
If you are actually experiencing any gum related disease, do certainly not take it softly. See your dentist and also nip the disease in the bud. As I have actually talked about previously, ailments like gingivitis are actually symptoms of honest risky disorders, as well as if you get it addressed, you may prevent its difficulties. There are actually several straightforward treatments such as dental scaling and root preparation, which can easily go a very long way in avoiding and alleviating current scenarios of gum recession.
Fix Receding Gum Line Naturally
Quitting smoking/chewing tobacco - Once you do this, you will certainly find enhancement in the problem of your gums eventually.
If you have any type of ill-fitting orthodontic devices or even prosthetic devices, you need to receive them rectified through your dentist asap.
Physical harm to the gums because of any kind of stressful draft, must be actually dealt with as soon as possible, and not be put off. Specialized/Surgical Options for Gum Recession Treatment
Often gum recession has proceeded much past the extent of standard actions, and will definitely need surgical procedure. If the concern is actually just starting, it is necessary to see a dentist promptly to cover treatment possibilities. If you call for surgical procedure, there are actually several options readily available. Surgery options and operations should be discussed along with your dentist.
As you can observe, some easy actions can easily go a very long way in preventing surgical treatment. The triad of appropriate brushing of teeth, flossing as well as using mouth wash may seem to be insignificant, however these may certainly not merely prevent gum recession, yet additionally deliver a setting for the recovery of the harmed gum tissue, as well as therefore deal with moderate scenarios of gum recession. Also after gum recession treatment, it is important to preserve appropriate oral care to stop reappearance.
Fix Receding Gums Naturally
Do you possess any kind of further comments or questions regarding gum recession treatment? Feel free to drop them in the review part listed below and/or share this blog on social networking sites to help spread out the understanding.
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bestcompanyinpune · 2 years
Five ways medical device engineering contributes to physician success
In this evolving business landscape, the Healthcare and Medical devices industry is undergoing a revolutionary transformation.  In this digital period of healthcare transformation, many organizations have changed their business practices and are evolving to drive profitability while also delivering quality care.
Medical devices are becoming more connected than ever, and businesses are leveraging innovative medical device engineering techniques for technology assimilation and digitalization. Enterprises focus on seamless processes and workflows, increased user experience, and enhanced operational efficiencies while ensuring device reliability, functionality, and data security.
The medical device industry growth is leading to safer and operational devices. This growth means enhanced possibilities to meet patient requirements in challenging universal healthcare marketplaces.
Let us now understand how medical device engineering innovations contribute to physician success.  They are as follows
1.      Proper diagnosis with enhanced patient care and safety
One of the biggest hurdles in medical science is identifying the span and severity of a disease or ailment. Health information devices store and streamline patient info for a proper diagnosis and alert medical personnel of adverse effects the patient might experience. All the relevant information helps in decision-making, helping medical practitioners for an accurate diagnosis.
2.      Efficient care and treatment
The advent of innovations in medical device engineering helps with relevant decisions and reliable business processes. They also assist incoordinating care management, creating a seamless experience for patients, caretakers, and physicians,improving patient experience.
3.      Reduced operation costs
Health facilities can strategically allocate resources, saving significant amounts of time and energy utilizing streamlined and comprehensive data combined with the patient’s needs and specific staff’s skills.  Innovative device engineering helps arrange staff effectively to serve patients with their particular needs. Also, inventory, supplies can be tracked and managed in real-time as per the usage.  The time required to maintain operations, processes reduce to a minimum, and the patients can get specific treatment in no time.
4.      Prosthetic devices, bionics, and implants
One of the biggest hurdles we face is the degeneration of organs and their replacements. Medical device engineering has the potential to bridge this gap by developing exceptional mechanical devices that can replace biological organs with prosthetic devices. For instance, replacing damaged heart valves or a kidney with prosthetic devices will become a reality within a few years. Similarly, designing implants for better functioning of an organ system has also been possible for this biomedical engineering section.
5.      Real-time monitoring enhancing performance analysis
Biomedical engineering can also bridge the gap between the patient and a doctor by providing exceptional platforms for real-time vitals monitoring. Devices with typical sensors are being designed to constantly monitor vital functions anywhere, anytime. These devices are ideal for monitoring health conditions while working, sleeping, or doing anything throughout the day. Gathering information enables medical professionals to instantly take necessary measures at the right time.
In a nutshell
Medical device engineering firm are revolutionizing the health industry and how! They prove to be the best support for physicians to succeed in their medical treatment plans in this digital world. The innovative medical devices make the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, replacement of organs, etc., more accessible. 
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