#mobile specs
gundamfight · 6 months
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voidoffline · 4 months
Sigh… the deep want and desire to have some sort of mobility aid so I can go out places and hang out with my friends and just exist in public areas. Hang out with my friends as teenagers are supposed to do. Socialize and have fun.
Yet the arrow shooting down those wants and desires as I ask and ask and am told every time to wait for the words of a doctor. Told to wait months and months thinking maybe, maybe this time I will know what’s wrong with me, or at least someone will go ‘Yeah, you need a mobility aid’ instead of ‘no no, wait to see what another doctor/specialist says.’ Over and over.
Oh to be a disabled person with a mobility aid. That’s the dream, right there. A dream that feels so fucking far away…
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mutodaes · 3 months
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Harpy wingchairs! I recently began wondering how a species with ambulatory wings would handle wheelchairs, especially if the wings are mostly made of membranous tissue. My first couple drafts were....... bad. The poor harpy would topple over trying to use it. So I went back to the drawing board and came up with this! Supported by a long wooden beam held in place by a leather strap, Harpy wingchairs feature four large wheels, interconnected by various crossbeams. For added stability and wing safety, the wings are placed in dedicated wooden sleeves that keep the wing elevated. The bodypiece of the wingchair is made of rigid leather, with holes left on either side so the Harpy's arms can move freely. A lot of Harpies with wingchairs will have their leather seats altered to show personality ^^
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
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🚨🚨🚨 uh oh clown alert!
listen. listen to me. buck is going to win the lottery in the 6b finale "pay it forward" and then give all of it to his friends and family. possibly via anonymous "angel donation?"
and i can prove it too - spec under the cut!
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these are all from 6a&6b episode transcripts. opening and closing a season with "let the games begin" and "pay it forward" can't be a coincidence! and we know hen filled out lottery tickets for everyone in the firehouse, so there's a ticket with buck's name on it that's already been played.
maddie's joked with buck twice now this season about buying lottery tickets- the second time, she told him he should play the lottery because he "got so lucky," referring to him surviving the lightning strike.
pre-lightning, we had buck telling hen in cursed that he was "having a run of bad luck" but that it would "turn around tomorrow," in reference to a non-anonymous DONATION (!!!) not going as planned.
what if the lightning, cleansing fire that it off symbolizes, basically "burned through" the rest of his bad luck, clearing the way for one helluva lucky streak?
we got the buckley diaz family joking that he might "gain more powers" as he "gets stronger." sure, math helps with poker i guess, but you know what else would help? luck.
the symbolism of buck, someone conceived for the express purpose of making a bone marrow donation he had zero say in, someone who only recently donated sperm (partially) because he felt, in his own words, like he "couldn't say no," receiving an unexpected windfall of cash, and having the freedom and the privacy to make financial donations on his own terms, of his own free will, with zero outside pressure, as opposed to making organ/tissue donations out of obligation? SO poetic.
he's not the guy who tries to fix things, anymore- he knows his own worth, and he knows he's loved, and he no longer values himself solely on what he can do for others. he doesn't think he has to earn people's love, anymore- he knows his family loves him anyway. but he'll always be buck. he'll always want to help. and there's a massive difference between helping someone just because you want to, and trying to fix everything for someone because you've convinced yourself it's what you have to do in order for them to love you back.
so: buck wins the lottery. he regifts all of it to the people in his life, quite literally paying it forward, echoing athena and hen's conversation in 911 what's your fantasy about winning the lottery and giving it all away "to people" in your community, rather than to charities. maybe some of it's anonymous, maybe some of it isn't- realistically, if everyone in the 118 suddenly gets anonymous checks in the mail, they're going to figure out it's buck eventually. but it's the spirit of the thing.
they were filming at a cruise ship dock for the finale- buck gifts bobby and athena tickets to a cruise, to replace the honeymoon cruise they missed. he probably makes a donation to bobby's AA chapter.
we know madney get in trouble with the IRS in 6x15 death and taxes, so maybe he helps them out of that jam. pays off their mortgage, helps with the renovation costs, maybe chips in towards a wedding celebration.
maybe he pays off hen's med school loans, or makes a donation to help karen's coworkers injured in the explosion, maybe a recurring monthly stipend they can use to buy fun toys for any new foster kids, something like that.
maybe he's moving in with eddie anyway, so he buys out the rest of his lease from his landlord and transfers the apartment to taylor, on the SOLE condition that she CANNOT run a news story that he's the guy who won the lottery. (i despise taylor just as much as the next girl, believe me, but megan west was on the fox lot for a hot minute, so if it ends up being for 911 and not some other show, then, well, here we are.) he did admittedly put her in a real shit situation, re: her lease and all the move-in drama. this might be a nice way of clearing the air. fucking with someone's living situation is a tremendously shitty thing to do, and i think he knows that. plus, it would make for a good parallel to abby leaving buck to housesit her place indefinitely with zero closure, and also, i just hate the loft and want it gone forever, sorry!
college fund and surfing lessons for chris, obvs.
vegas couples' trip for him and eddie.
which brings me to the connor and kameron of it all- i remember seeing a (very blurry, zero context) behind the scenes picture that looked like it MIGHT have *MAYBE*, *POSSIBLY* been buck talking to a pregnant woman in his loft. and connor's been acting real shady. and 6x13 mixed feelings had entirely too many lines about "blaming someone else for lies YOU told" re: fathers and sons. soooo... i think there's a fair chance connor could flake on kameron and leave her last-minute. he thought he wanted to be a dad, but he wasn't actually ready. or maybe he thought he'd be okay with using a sperm donor, but turns out he's not. or maybe he just liked the idea of being able to give kameron what she wanted, but he realizes it's not actually what he wants for himself. something like that. (side note: this would be SUCH a good opportunity to contrast him with buck and highlight all buck's character growth!) and he skips town- in the end, he's the one who winds up "being a father and walking away."
but buck has a chance to draw a real boundary, here! he's not this baby's dad, and he knows that. maybe kameron's ready and willing to take on being a single mom. buck already has his own family, with eddie and chris. he's not this baby's dad, because he's a dad already. but he *is* "responsible for the creation of new life," as he put it, and we heard an awful lot of talk from oliver about buck "owning his choices" and taking responsibility for them re: this plotline. so, boundaries: he's not the dad, just a friend who wants to help- he knows firsthand from eddie how hard single parenting can be, and connor taking off was a real asshole move, and kameron is a grown woman perfectly capable of raising this kid on her own, and she really wants to be a mom, but she DID get left in the lurch through no fault of her own, and that's not fair to her. so buck offers to set up a standing payment from his lottery winnings to help her cover childcare expenses and whatnot, at least while she finds her footing and tries to work some kind of formal divorce agreement out with connor, if not in perpetuity. (hell, maybe she's who he gives the loft to, not taylor!) but he helps her in some way- a sperm donation he was always sorta on the fence about, paired with a financial donation that he's certain is the right choice, and one he wants to make. standing by his past choices, honoring them, and helping nurture them.
(besides, he's saving on rent anyway, now that he's moving into the diaz house.)
maybe kameron, as a token of gratitude towards buck for helping her fulfill her dream of having a child, as a gesture of reciprocity for his assisted-reproduction donation, offers a parting quip of "well, buck, if you and your boyfriend are ever looking for a surrogate or an egg donor, you know who to call. i'd love to return the favor!" as her own way of paying it forward.
anyway, the point is this: in a season about games and money and paper trails and gambling and luck and winning and lottery tickets, i'd bet good money that we're gonna see buck win the lottery this season. how he'll actually wind up spending the money is just a guess on my part, but the actual lottery bit itself? that much i'm sure of!
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Image ID: A scene full several speculative aliens flying and hunting another alien. Most of the aliens are large pack hunters. They have a dragonfly-like body plan, mantis-like arms, and a long neck and head. On their backs are Zoronxie aliens, which are bipedal and raptor-like with a long tail, wings, and a segmented neck. Together they work to herd a massive-whale like creature. Only it’s head fits into frame as the dragonflies and Zoronxie swarm around it. End ID
Hartiklk are some of the largest flying animals on Zornxia, feeding almost entirely on the microscopic life that floats through the dense atmosphere. On the edge of being to heavy to fly, there is nothing that dares hunt a full grown Hartiklk.
… With the exception of a group of Karash that live along the sunrise areas of the ocean. These pack hunters, equipped with four wings that can beat both individually and in tandem, are among the best hunters in the skies. But what tips the hunt in their favor is the group of Zoronxie accompanying them. Zoronxie, the sapient species native to Zornxia, are more than able to hop onto the back of the Hartiklk and help subdue it.
It should be said that the relationship between the Zoronxie and the Karash hunters can’t be compared to that of humans and dogs. Zoronxie don’t put much stock in domesticating animals, and so these Karash are as wild as wolves. Their allowance towards the Zoronxie hunter even might be compared to that of wolves and ravens.
Conlang and biology notes under the cut :)
Zoronxie have upper jaws within their heads which they use for speech, and a pair of lower jaws that they use for eating. You can see how exaggerated the Karash’s jaws are in the image :). The face leads to the lungs, but has no connection to the stomach. The lower jaws are the opposite.
Hartiklk is pronounced har .t i /klk with both an upper jaw click (.t) and upper snap (/klk)). Karash and Zoronxie are both pronounced without any jaw syllables, but for two different reasons. Karash is just. That way anyways, but the word for Zoronxie is actually an adaptation from the Galactic Standardized/Enithian Standardized. That itself was an adaptation from whatever the original word for the species was.
Also. Hartiklk gets translated into Arabic as حوت, and Karash gets translated into يعسوب . Which then gets translated to ‘whale’ and ‘dragonfly’ in English. If you can tell. If anyone wants to, please correct me on the Arabic. Karash are VERY dragonfly-esc. They fly almost the same way, maybe with a little bit of hummingbird in there.
Also you can see how the Hartiklk’s ceramic-like sections on its face have seperations for an actual mouth section. Which is super unlike the Karash and Zoronxie faces, which only have additional nostril equivalents that mimic a mouth. Both Karash and Zoronxie, as kind of mentioned before, have seperate arm-like limbs that are the actual mouths.
But Hartiklk actually kind of fuse the mouth limbs into the head, so they can have a super wide mouth for eating microbes :). But that makes their nostrils and lungs really fucked up. The intake is pretty normal (the lines in the ceramic section above the mouth) but instead of having the lungs in the neck and breathing out of the same section the breath in with, Hartiklk have lungs only within the head, and they exhale with a section behind the ceramic plate that houses their eye.
Also something something speargun. Don’t worry about it. Did you enjoy my incomprehensible ramblings.
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herdecisions · 1 year
Just finished my first run playing the game touchstarved and i keep comparing it to the arcana lmao rip. I like it tho
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
I’m down to two options for Arkady’s surname but I can’t decide. XD
One is me being nerdy about the Allegiance novel/501st stormtroopers again(Marcrosse) and one is being a word nerd(Mere).
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thelikesofus · 2 years
Inspiration Saturday ✨
+ a lil snippet as a present
Tagged by @monsterrae1 & @swiftiediaz
I've got a couple of one shots I started this week that I'll hopefully finish in the next few days so here a mood board of the two of them combined
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fic i
“But you locked the door first so that you wouldn’t hurt your son. Eddie, I don’t think you walk into any of these situations intending to hurt anyone but yourself. You need to find a way to forgive yourself. You are not doomed to repeat history just by standing on a gym mat.”
fic ii
That’s what breaks him. Seeing Buck’s calloused hand hanging limply between his fingers and that thin plastic hospital bracelet looped around his wrist. He lets his head fall upon the edge of the mattress next to Buck’s hip. He grips Buck’s fingers tightly, trying to will the life back into them, and cries soundlessly until he has no tears left. 
@littlespoonevan @spotsandsocks @lilbuddie @bekkachaos @loveyourownsmiilee @rewritetheending @thosetwofirefighters @jacksadventuresinwriting @gaydisasterdiaz @two-cut-lines @dickley-buddie @rogerzsteven @elvensorceress
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Been on the phone with Vodafone six times in as many weeks trying to get Broadband established in my new flat and finally... finally. May have it sorted.
On Thursday.
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kristiani13 · 10 months
Spec ops....
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He's cool
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fantrollology · 2 years
added leathy and zijo to my select page if you love looking at random stats and little descriptions lol
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
Or… what if doctors ask iris to make a decision about Carlos and she’s like wait this isn’t my choice to make, ask his fiancé, signs the papers and boom we’re done with it
I mean, 911 Lone Star does play fast and loose with laws and timelines so I could see them attempting to claim paperwork gets filed instantaneously like that lol.
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harrowharkwife · 2 years
anyone else getting such a sixth-sense, hair-on-the-back-of-your-neck feeling from these past episodes, that just seems to get louder with each passing week?
it's like the writers *know* they're playing chicken with us at this point- it's not a fourth wall break, but something close to it. a quiet tapping on the glass, a "hey, pay attention, viewers, i'm talking to you," telegraphing a very quiet, but very clear message: hang on. hang in there. you're not crazy, there is something here, it's coming, we're going to do it. but we're going to do it right. and that takes time.
taylor moved out eddie joined the show, what, four months seasons ago, buck? you could have replaced the couch gotten them together by now.
you the audience can't keep playing these guessing games, maddie writers. if you can't figure out what he wants, maybe you should tell him us what you want what's gonna happen. (‼️‼️‼️)
the rules are very simple. one hand must be touching a car at all times. it's a game of endurance, patience. no exceptions. last one standing watching drives home in this beauty gets the prize they've been waiting for. let the games begin!
our lunch date was 2 o clock, wasn't it? yep. i figured you forgot, but after you canceled the last few times, decided that I would force the issue.
i don't know. maybe i just don't have the patience for these movies ships anymore, you know? two people meet, you know that they're gonna end up together. and then you have to watch 'em bumble their way through stupid misunderstandings for two hours seasons. i don't know. it's kind of annoying. so you'd rather your rom-coms have less "com?" i don't know. i guess i would rather see two people overcome real problems and... still get their happy ending. that would be more satisfying. yeah, it would be. (‼️‼️‼️)
i don't understand. isn't this what you've been wanting? what the two of you been working towards? it is, it just feels like i'm waiting for... something. you didn't skip the morning after conversation, chim. you just delayed it. and you added a whole new complicated layer. (‼️‼️‼️)
we were playing hide-and-seek and he just disappeared. what, do you think maybe he's still hiding? i don't know. it's been a really long time. and i've looked everywhere.
we're past apologies. this is a promise. i'm not going anywhere. i'm done running.
but when you are, you'll know. and then you'll be ready.
hey, karen. it looks like i'll be home a little bit late.
it was significant, and we want to give the brain story time to heal develop on its own. how long will he be sedated? at least 24 hours. run more tests, then see where we are tomorrow. i have no doubt, but we don't know how he the general audience will or will not respond to the treatment this storyline. we have to be prepared. (‼️‼️‼️)
you knew. didn't you? i suspected. i didn't know for sure until she called 911.
today you learned how the element of surprise can refocus a caller's viewer's attention. [a song] was playing on his radio, and by hearing me sing it... it got him to pay attention. (‼️‼️‼️)
never enough time. until one day work stops, and everything finally comes into focus. you're not sure what you're looking at. what was the point of... any of it?
that's 'cause you were searching for something. what are you looking for now? that's what i'm gonna find out.
you guys are really doing it all, huh? marriage, house, and... and kids real, actual, canon buddie? kind of. we've sort of hit a snag on that last part ... nothing seems to get the job done. (‼️‼️‼️)
he the writers room has been lying right to my face. in his defense, science club sperm donor plot does sound kind of boring. joining was his idea. probably knew it would make a great cover. smart kid. (‼️‼️‼️)
half the thrill sometimes is doing something and thinking you're getting away with it. (‼️‼️‼️)
buck! where the hell you this storyline going? pull over! now!
you woke up behind the wheel with someone poking at you for gay rep, you panicked, hit the gas, and here we are.
i had to fight every instinct within me not to shove him their relationship in the car and make a beeline to the airport send it out into the world.
maybe you're the writers are overcorrecting because... because i didn't protect you the story enough. you had to grow up a lot faster than you should have. but that doesn't mean you can keep christopher a kid this story under wraps forever. you can't stop the biological clock from ticking. there a snooze button i can hit? you know, children viewers, they don't just pick up on the things we say and do. they also pick up on the things we don't. (‼️‼️‼️)
look, i just wanted to come by and apologize for the other night. we pretty much blindsided you, and i really feel terrible about that. that wasn't the right way to ask show you.
doing nothing is giving me more anxiety than trying to do everything.
when you're trying and you want it, and it's just not happening, it's devastating.
how badly do you want to be a really good doctor to make canon buddie happen? enough that i will put myself and my family through another 12 months of hell if i have to repeat this year. but i'm really hoping i don't have to.
i've been giving this a lot of thought. uh, thinking about, you know, wh-where i am in my life where we are in this story and what i want, and... and how this would fit in with that. uh, and honestly, i... haven't figured any of that out. i have no idea what i want. but it is clear to me... that you the audience know what you want. and one thing i do know is-is that i want to help you have that. are you... are you saying what i think you're saying? i'm saying yes. (‼️‼️‼️)
no, it wouldn't be enough. we need something stronger. well, you know what? this is a DIY family, so let's DIY it. (‼️‼️‼️)
all right, you've got 20 minutes to convince me this was a good idea.
han, what did you do? what needed to be done. set me buddie up on a date without even talking to me the audience about it? well, when you put it like that... that's psychopathic. listen. hen, you need to move on from eva move this plot along. you weren't gonna do anything yourself, so i just gave you a little... nudge.
turning in those papers the script... makes it real. well, the longer you put this off, the more you're gonna torture yourself. go talk to bobby. then we can move on to the next chapter. (‼️‼️‼️)
our drivers writers must be testing out programming for our vehicles. they're the ones who figure out the right sequence of maneuvers to get the robot the show, the characters, the audience to do what we want it to. (‼️‼️‼️)
the robot will be able to take water and soil samples audience reactions. then run tests to detect the presence of the elements needed to support life.
i've been working on this project for five years now. i'm telling you we cannot do that. all i'm saying is this is our future, and we're gonna get left behind if we don't do something big. (‼️‼️‼️)
alvin: well, maybe we should change the purpose of our mission. karen: guys, guys, we gotta lower our voices.
life as you know it is about to change.
when do you send it into space the world? not for a few more years episodes. we have to make sure every little thing about it is in perfect shape, and then we have to figure out the best way for it to complete its mission. (‼️‼️‼️)
you are not a firefighter anymore a writer and you're too close to the situation. i love you. now let us do our jobs. bring her buddie back to me, cap writers. guaranteed.
hey. i'm sorry i was late. the traffic was, you know, traffic. i was starting to think i really did get stood up this time.
she was afraid you might do something fool-headed and try to force your way inside that building half-ass that storyline. bobby wouldn't let me. how long have they been inside? 20 minutes. feels like forever. it'll be soon.
the room is a bomb and the door is the fuse.
when i felt like i'd lost you forever. and it scared me. to think of you being gone. never having a chance to fix things or try again.
i thought i'd lost you. nope. still here.
waiting is mind-numbing.
i thought it would never arrive. came a long way.
maybe the good luck charm's already working its magic. maybe!
you teased an unboxing canon buddie the other day. oh, no, no, no. i look horrible we're not ready yet. besides, i can't wait. we'll, um... we'll re-pack it get less obvious about it for now and do it tomorrow in full glam in a big poetic dramatic storyline.
we're gonna have to cut it apart, piece by piece.
so, you're really doing it? i'm really doing it. and-and i figure, if i am, i... i should do it right. you know, set them buddie up with the best chance for success. (‼️‼️‼️)
listen, it's a run of bad luck, but it turns around tomorrow.
(said in a manner clearly criticizing the 'grifters') the best grifters queerbaiters know how to play on people's the audience's desperation.
can we please do something about this before something else happens?
i know we asked a really big favor canon buddie of you. probably too big. and it's-it's okay if you're having doubts. no, guys... you understand, if you changed your mind, we understand. we just can't really handle the not knowing what's going on because, you know, we keep imagining the worst. and after everything we've already been through as gay fans, honestly, it really means a lot... guys, hey, hey, stop. listen to me. i haven't changed my mind. okay? i w-i want to do this for you. i promise. (‼️‼️‼️)
how long have you known? more importantly, how long you been holding out on us? oh, looks like we're here.
on the site, there's a little box, "terms and conditions." she checked "i accept." she should have known this would happen. y'all signed up for this!
you'd think that he'd the writers'd welcome the publicity. well, with publicity comes scrutiny from people like me straight audience.
at this point, he's all in. time for one last desperate attempt. (‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️)
do you need a minute? no, i don't-i don't need a minute, i just, uh... sorry, i just, i-i would really rather do this now, like, with, like... right now.
i mean, the longer we stayed away from the water from making them happen, the more the fear would grow.
which brings us to:
so, what'd she have to say about my future?
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technicalrohit · 2 years
Samsung Galaxy A24 5G Price & Full Specs - Technical Rohit
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We will discuss the prices of Samsung Galaxy A24 5G Price & Full Specs.Today we will share the main features of Samsung Galaxy A24 5G 2022. Read through it to uncover the specifications and highlight what is best for your needs. From dimensions to connectivity, there is a lot that we should share with you so that you can make a sound decision.
Every year Samsung introduces big flagship phones, phones for the middle class and low-cost, high-performance phones. This users are eagerly waiting for the next smartphone of Samsung brand. This is the reason why a new and upcoming smartphone from the Samsung brand " Galaxy A24 5G" is in special discussion.
Samsung Galaxy A24 5G Full Specifications
Samsung Galaxy A24 5G price, specification and release date of Samsung upcoming smartphone Galaxy A24 5G are given below. Samsung Galaxy A24 5G 2022 release date, full specifications and price will be discussed in order so stay with us and read the rest of this article.
Samsung Galaxy A24 5G Display & Design
Samsung Galaxy A24 5G - First, let's discuss performance. Having a big display in a smartphone also enhances the beauty of the phone. Samsung Galaxy A24 5G has a flexible 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display. There is good news for Samsung Galaxy A24 5G smartphone lovers, it has a 2340 x 1080 pixels display. The refresh rate of 90Hz has been given in the phone with LCD display, which can be said well. Talking about the materials, we get glass front, plastic frame, plastic back, Samsung Galaxy A24 5G 2022 has a thickness of 8.8 mm and the weight of this phone is 197 grams. Read more 👉
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todaywold · 1 day
SAMSUNG Galaxy A42 5G - Price in India, Specifications & Features | 5G Mobile Phone
लॉन्च हुआ सबसे कम प्राइस में Super AMOLED डिस्प्ले वाली SAMSUNG Galaxy A42 5G स्मार्टफोन Snapdragon प्रोसेसर, शानदार कैमरा और पावरफुल बैटरी के साथ जो न सिर्फ बेहतरीन विजुअल्स देता है बल्कि आने वाले समय की तकनीक के साथ कदम से कदम मिलाकर चलने में मदद करता हैं आइए जानते हैं SAMSUNG Galaxy A42 5G स्मार्टफोन को खरीदने से पहले डिज़ाइन, डिस्प्ले, कैमरा, बैटरी, और सॉफ़्टवेयर, Price और Launch Date…
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MG Comet EV, ZS EV Become More Affordable Under BaaS Program: Check New Prices
MG Comet EV, ZS EV Become More Affordable Under BaaS Program: Check New Prices MG Comet EV, ZS EV Become More Affordable Under BaaS Program: Check New Prices , MG मोटर इंडिया ने एक रोमांचक घोषणा की कि उसके दो लोकप्रिय इलेक्ट्रिक वाहन (EV), MG कॉमेट EV और MG ZS EV अब ज़्यादा किफ़ायती होंगे। यह कदम कंपनी के नए बैटरी-एज़-ए-सर्विस (BaaS) कार्यक्रम के तहत उठाया गया है। इस अभिनव योजना का उद्देश्य…
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