#mobile dome
seizonshe · 4 months
you look at this tiny tiny woman who is always foccused on something, serious and hardworking to the point of correcting you with a frown or simply not talking to you if you botter her too much, and who is just, better than you tm and don't think her playlist is silly lofis, shibuya pop and hatsune miku. and that she listens to it full volume on her earphones. and that she would dance it around her room while drawing cute pictures of cats, and writing poems and haikus.
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duskwood-fandom · 1 year
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For those who like puzzle games with a good story, I recommend all the ones from Dark Dome
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rabidsnaps · 7 months
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Flower Dome, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore - November 2017 📷 Samsung Galaxy S7
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beck-a-leck · 1 month
Still got a bee in my bonnet about this so I'm counting on all y'all to validate my annoyance 😂
There's no nuance. No vanilla extract or baldness. It's a simple Yes/No question about etiquette on this beloved/beloathed webbed site.
Content of the wall of text doesn't matter. I see it most often done with fanfic, but given the way people weaponize the bee movie and other long posts (do you love the color of the sky?), I'm not limiting it to strictly fanfics. And I'm not offering options for deciding between Ship vs. Gen, G-Rated vs. Explicit, Vanilla vs. Kink, or Canon vs. X-Reader, or whatever Moral High Ground half the website has their panties bunched up over this week.
It's a yes or no answer. Either long text should be put behind a Read More cut, or mobile users can go fuck thselves and scroll for ten miles to get past posts they don't want to read, because they don't get the keyboard hotkeys to skip to the bottom of a post.
(Can you tell yet where my opinion lies?)
You can discuss in the reblogs what you consider the "correct" cut off point is.
I personally am okay with a block of 1 thousand words or less. I think 1k words is pushing it, particularly if there's a lot of dialogue making it take up more space. But is an allowable amount of Sample Text to be placed out front for readers to decide if they want to see more. Much more than that and I am already going to OP's blog to block them on site.
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phycology-lemon · 1 year
Game reccemendation!
Never done one of these before but this was really fun so I wanted to share it with others.
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This is a puzzle game about Bastian and Carissa, a married couple who have recently-ish moved. They have started experiencing paranormal activity in their home since Bastian's 33rd birthday. Then one day a black portal appears and drags Bastian away.
You must now use hints and solve puzzles on either side of the portal. (Which dissapears, leaving them seperated)
I found the puzzles enjoyable and challenging. I only got stuck a few times, but you can get hints by watching an ad. The first one points you in the right direction, what you're trying to solve. Which is usually all I needed. The 3rd hint is just the answer.
You can take your time, no timed puzzles, there are ads but you aren't forced to watch them.
The controls and Ui were sensible and easy to use. No tiny buttons or buggy features.
I found that it was pretty good. It's not crazy good like a movie, but it was neat. It fit the game and Bastian and Carrissa's relationship is really sweet.
I liked the sprites. There is some animation, but not much. It's fairly simplistic but fitting and charming.
I liked it, thought it deserved more recognition. Dark dome studios also has more games which I'm going to check out.
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corruptedsilence · 2 years
Ozzie is the real alpha because hes the only one who can make out with missi duke and fizz all at once
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #571:
Falzer’s Domed Mobile Base Background Design Sheet [<Rockman.EXE Beast> #22 ~ Falzer’s Domed Mobile Base]
Notations include:
- There are no notations on this sheet
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/DHKJzXHb
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sharpeagle-tech · 1 year
Top Ex-Proof CCTV Solutions | SharpEagle Technology | UAE | UK
Safeguard your property with our Best Ex-Proof CCTV solutions. Built for tough environments, these cameras provide high-quality monitoring for increased safety. Order now from SharpEagle Technology.
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merakiui · 9 months
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yandere!malleus draconia x (female) reader cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, pregnancy, implied baby-trapping, captivity, very vague and slight implications of codependency, angst note - your mobile phone was at 100% when he took you away. with time, the percentage has diminished. so, too, does your hope for a brighter future.
The windowpane is spattered with rain.
Sitting cozy in a cushioned alcove, you watch the droplets slide down in regal rivulets, consolidating to form single streaks. The scenery beyond the window is bleak and dreary—a despondent landscape of gnarled, leafless trees and scratchy brambles stretching towards a dark, dismal sky. Sometimes you liken the rain to tears, wondering if Mother Nature weeps for all creatures or simply for you and your situation. Rare are the days in which the sun shines upon the craggy stone façade of your captor’s castle, and she is as benevolent as she is cruel.
For all of its sumptuous splendor, generational wealth filling the interior with priceless heirlooms and relics, it is an empty, cold structure. You’ve taken to enveloping yourself in thick furs, if only because these furs do not speak like the monster who so humbly offers his embrace. Though you’ve always considered yourself of strong, sturdy mind, your restraint is thinning. As the days pass and you shed clothing sizes like they’re second skins, you find yourself drawn to warmth.
Which is, ironically enough, contradictory to your current temperament. The windows, frigid like the grave, provide solace you cannot find anywhere else—for it is only tender warmth you receive from him. Had he not been so merciful, perhaps it would have been easier to shrink away and truly loathe him with every ounce of your being.
And yet, in order to escape the warmth which enshrouds, you seek the cold, bitter windows and their rain-weary countenance.
Lying beside you on the pillows, snoozing the afternoon away, a calico cat snores idly. She was a gift from him. You were neglectful of your mental health and thus, as per his guard’s suggestion, he sought to find a cat to cure your loneliness and inspire some form of happiness. You appreciate Silver—genuinely, you do—but the good luck a calico brings is not nearly enough to rescue you from captivity.
She was a stray, a scrawny thing with a limp and one bad eye. You took to her right away, scooping her up in your arms and lovingly naming her Cotton. Similarly, she returned your affections, rubbing her head against your palm and purring pleasantly.
Now she likes to nudge the dome that is your stomach, a great, round thing at only six months. Sometimes you think she’s more motherly than you are. You’ve never been able to care for much of anything. Plants wither under your touch, recipes spoil even when you follow them to the letter, and your electronics crack.
Your phone, more fractured than your very heart, is cold in your hands. The screen is blank; it’s dying. It was at 100% before. Now it’s been reduced to a sad 7%. There is no reception or connection to be had in Briar Valley. Your phone, once so powerful and all-knowing, is but a hollow shell. Useless. A digital photo album will expire at its final hour, and there’s no charger. He offered to use his magic to charge it, but he has never known his own strength and you couldn’t risk losing the treasured memories stored within.
Sometimes you’d return to old message logs and read through them. Now you can’t do that, lest you drain the battery quicker than intended.
“So this is where you’ve retreated,” Malleus notes, poking his head around the corner of a towering bookcase. Concern settles on his features. “Are you well? Sebek tells me you were absent for breakfast.” “I wasn’t hungry,” you mutter, watching his reflection through the stormy glass.
Malleus glances at Cotton and then at your phone as it rests in your clasp. “May I trouble you to eat just a little, if only some fruit?”
“I’m not hungry.” He nods, stalling. “Will you join me for lunch?”
“If I must.”
A small smile lifts his lips. “Are you cold? It can’t be very comfortable to sit there for such a long time. You’ll catch your death.”
“I hope.”
He tuts in disapproval and shrugs out of his cloak, draping it over you even though you’re already wearing a fleece robe. Malleus assesses you with a fleeting once-over.
“It doesn’t hurt to layer. You must understand where I’m coming from, dearest. Extreme temperatures serve to weaken those who are already so fragile.”
“I’m not fragile,” you snap, turning to scowl.
He doesn’t flinch at the heat smoldering in your eyes. “You’re human.”
“How many times did you have to practice that to come to terms with it?”
Malleus’s verdant stare narrows; his frown tightens. “It’s the truth.”
“I didn’t think you’d confront it.”
“I must if I’m to understand…” He exhales through his nose, deflating somewhat. “You’re in fine health. The physician tells me so. There’s no need to worry ourselves with ineffectual what-ifs.”
You turn your gaze on the sprawling forest next, unwilling to discuss the report and its subsequent conclusion: If she remains in good health and follows the recommended diet for an expecting mother, she’ll carry to term.
“My phone is dying, Malleus.”
“Is that not life? Lilia once said so.”
“My pictures… My everything is stored in this phone. It means so much to me.”
“Truly? Is there not a way to make physical copies of these photographs?”
“Unless Briar Valley has the technology to do so…”
“I’m afraid not.”
Malleus takes a daring step closer, endeavoring to comfort you. Cotton cracks her good eye open to peer at him. She hisses low in her throat, a protector standing small against something so tall. Pouting, clearly disheartened, Malleus heeds her warning and chooses to linger just within the bounds she deems acceptable.
“Yeah, that’s what I assumed.”
You heave a dejected sigh, your shoulders drooping. Seeking to cleanse your visual palate, you power the device on. 5% blinks back at you, an insignificant number sitting in a corner that you normally wouldn’t have paid much mind to. Now it weighs heavy, a reminder that the end is encroaching.
“I would’ve liked to keep these photos forever,” you whisper, mostly to yourself. Malleus hums his acknowledgement; you think he knows the feeling—or some variant of it, at least. “If I lose these pictures…”
“Do you not have memories?”
“I do, but it isn’t the same. One day I’ll grow old and my memory will be frail. I won’t remember nearly as much as I do now. Those memories will become ghosts and eventually I’ll—”
“You will not.” There’s a finality to the declaration—you won’t leave me; you won’t drain or die like this mobile device.
You rest your head against the window. The cool glass soothes your soul. I wonder what the others are up to right now… You place your hand upon your belly. I wonder if they’d have any good ideas for a name. I’m terrible at naming things. I can never pick something that feels right.
“I’d like to have a funeral for my phone.”
But maybe there is no right thing.
“Of course,” he agrees, perfectly serious. You will have that phone funeral, just as you will have every other request you make—however patently absurd it may seem. (Every other request except for freedom, of course.) “Materials may not have the same worth as a loved one, but the experiences they provide are just as valuable. Surely, no? Otherwise I would not feel so troubled when Roaring Drago…” Pausing to search for the placeholder, Malleus glances at your phone. “Perhaps there is no greater tragedy than existence itself.”
“It’s the most bittersweet burden,” you echo, scrolling through each picture with wistful remembrance. “But then I’d rather know the fleeting frivolity of life than endure hundreds of years of solitude. It makes me appreciate everything that much more.”
You stop at a picture of you and Malleus, a photo snapped by Lilia himself. Part of you often wonders why he chose you—why he adores you to such a degree when you, like everyone else, will inevitably perish. But therein lies the allure: That which is unobtainable is even more tempting. And because there is only one of you, a human destined to one day return to her home world, your very presence is more fleeting than a dream.
To Malleus, who has always dreamt, fond and fervent, of the unobtainable mundanity of normal life, you are a sweet, tangible blessing.
“Horns, do you think I’ll ever get another chance to have my phone at 100%?”
He softens under the nickname. It means more to him than his lofty station. “Would you like to know that joy?”
“It would be nice, yes, but then I’d just get sad when it reaches zero. I guess I should be grateful it’s stayed alive for this long. Sorry, it’s a stupid question. Just forget it.”
“Nonsense. There is no such thing.” He reaches to touch your cheek, but Cotton hisses again and so he refrains. She stands on unsteady legs and climbs into your lap, perching awkwardly in spite of your rounded belly. The sight draws a deep chuckle from him. “Your feline friend is quite taken with you.”
“It’s probably because I’m warm. She likes my belly a lot.”
“As do I.”
You roll your eyes.
“Your beauty is most beguiling. There’s a certain radiance to your person. It’s very charming. Do you not agree?”
“Flattery will get you nowhere—definitely not in Cotton’s good graces.”
“I’m simply voicing a fact.”
Your hand slides down from your stomach to pat Cotton. She purrs under your touch, and a weak approximation of a smile tugs at your lips. Amidst all of this sorrow, she is a glimmer of hope. In a way, she’s like you—a stray without a place in this world, snatched from the cobbles she once wandered and confined in a cage of royal opulence. Your similarities are striking, if not immensely devastating.
“Fact or not, I don’t care if I look pretty. It means nothing to me.”
“To be impartial towards appearances… Quite a noble mindset.”
I never once thought you were scary or strange, Horns. Even now.
You look at your phone once more. 3% flickers back.
You’re just lost, and in being lost you found me. But I was also lost. I never even belonged in this world to begin with…
“I’m not going to be a good mother.”
“You can’t know that.” 
“I can’t even take care of myself.”
“I shall care for you when you find yourself unable to.”
“I’d rather you not.”
With Cotton having curled on your lap, slumbering peacefully, Malleus chances to close the gap. His broad frame leans to make up for the difference in height, and he runs cold fingers along your cheek. He brushes away the tears you weren’t even aware you were shedding.
You grip your phone in shaky hands, your shoulders hunched. There’s a piercing ache in your chest, pain stabbing all the way through to your heart. It persists when you power it off, unable to delight in pictorial reminiscence for a moment longer. Silent like death, you sob; seismic dismay shudders through you in waves. Distantly, in a forgotten corner of your brain, you suspect this may be the last time you’ll ever use your phone. The last time you’ll ever look upon the photos you’ve amassed. Photos of friends, class notes, food. Photos snapped by mistake, blurry and unfocused. Photos taken when Ace and Grim stole your phone. Precious memories are preserved within the permanence of a photo album—an album that only remains everlasting so long as you keep your phone charged.
Your final shred of the world beyond Briar Valley vanishes in a blip, leaving you with the dark void that is an empty screen. Brutal is the agony, contorting your face, and you bawl like you’ve just witnessed the end of a life.
In a way, you have. You held it in the palm of your hands, and you watched it wither. Watched the percentages drop through numbers, double digits easing into singles. Watched every week and tried to spare your beloved phone of its fate. Watched and attempted to stall the impossible—a foolish undertaking. This was inevitable; you knew this, and yet you’re still mourning.
Perhaps that is the most tragic facet of existence. From the moment one is born, they are mourning. Humans mourn losing time—of allowing it to slip through their fingers when they should have put it to better use. Humans mourn aging even though it is celebrated yearly. Humans mourn for things that are inhuman—for robots stuck in an endless cycle of some menial task while gears grow rusted and systems shut down or trapped on a distant planet, never to return home. For the fruit that falls from trees and rots, trampled and forgotten. For the endings, good and bad, of novels. For art that will never see the light of day because it has been destroyed or stolen or silenced. For the friends they meet, have met, and will meet.
You mourn because you know it’s impending, and you spend all of your life coming to terms with it, only to break down when it finally happens because the truth of the matter is that you will never be prepared no matter how much you prepare yourself. You mourn because you’re a complex human with complex emotions, surviving in a complex world with millions of intricacies, and the only way to weather misery is to mourn.
To the little life cradled in your womb, who knows not of these difficulties yet, they cannot fathom the anguish that accompanies loss. And right now that is all you can hope for—a life without loss.
But that is impossible because loss is true to everyone’s experience. It is part of existence, and existence is inescapable.
Malleus does not gather you in his arms. He will do so if you ask, and he knows you want to ask, which is precisely why he waits. But you’re stubborn and you refuse to give in to the temptation, let alone grant him the satisfaction. It doesn’t offend him.
The windowpane is spattered with rain. So, too, is your phone, spotted with tears and snot.
Briefly, you wonder if you still look beautiful to Malleus.
Even at your ugliest, he would still cherish you. Desperately, as if he might lose you.
Knowing this does not soften the gutting grief.
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junkologistsgoods · 2 years
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nickmarini · 2 months
Hi! I absolutely loved you in Downfall and it was incredible to see the rp chemistry you have with Brennan. I’m sure his long running home game that you’re a player in is very special and I was wondering if there are any standout moments that you’d be willing to share!
Huge fan, hope to see you in the d20 dome some day!
Thank you so much! Brens home game is so special and has been a massive part of my life. There are some truly insane moments, one of my last roles was maybe the most epic roll I have ever made but that would require an essay to explain lol. I think it’s deserving of a fireside telling.
One of the funniest moments of tormenting Bren was when in a fight against a bunch of fairies, one of them cast globe of invulnerability. In 3.5 tiny creatures get a large penalty to grappling. My character rides a huge sized gryphon. Huge creatures get an conversely large bonus to grapple.My gryphon simply flew over and grappled the fairy by attempting to eat it. I then flew around the battle fighting a bunch of sorcerers with a mobile globe of invulnerability emanating from its mouth. Bren was not happy about it.
One time we were attacking this evil wizard/sorcerers tower in the middle of the ocean and when we arrived cast a bunch of buff spells to get ready to fight. Bren then described that where we entered was a long staircase and 10+ min later we were still climbing and all our buffs had expired 😂🤣 it was a dastardly piece of architecture by a wizard who knew his durations.
But honestly so many of the truly standout moments came from being with my best friends of 15 years sitting around a table playing a game. Crying over losing an npc or jumping for joy over a much needed win. As much as I love mechanics and some good dice rolling nothing beats telling a story with your friends and loved ones, or walking into the apartment where you’re going to play for the first time in 6 months and seeing people you love. We tell stories because stories help build community and those communities are what will always stand out most to me.
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queenburd · 2 months
The use of color in The Stanley Parable: HD and Ultra Deluxe (with honorable mentions to the Demo)
dedicated to @squuote who needs more TSP analysis to rotate
A little over a year ago, I (only somewhat jokingly) lay out the argument that while The Stanley Parable is notorious in its use of yellow, the color yellow is not actually associated to the Narrator. The color most associated with him, I argued, was red. [1, 2]
I've had plenty of thoughts regarding color and TSP in the interim and I want to go over those thoughts today in as much depth as I can manage. You know, for fun. None of this is to argue about creator intent, but it's a fun way to stretch the critical thinking and literary analysis portions of my brain. It's also super cool if you don't agree with my readings, since the point is to get you thinking about these things and studying them to interpret for yourself.
Anyway let's gooooooo
(note: all images are embedded with a link to the source page I pulled them from. For those on mobile, be careful with your scrolling and tapping!)
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Okay let's start with the “obvious” one. Yellow is seen as one of the main colors in the game, it's the color of the main office and the primary assets associated with the Parable. We see yellow PRIMARILY in the beginning of the office, before the two doors room. It lines the cubicles and the walls are often interpreted as yellow (eh, they're more of an off-white. They're actually absorbing color from the brown-yellow carpet, and they do the same in the lounge).
It's the color of the Line(TM), it's the color of the cargo lift in the warehouse, and, most strikingly, it's the color of the SKIP Button.
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We'll get to you.
Okay, so yellow is a color with conflicting interpretations, which is par for the course for all of them, we're not going TOO insane on color theory and color psychology we will be here ALL DAY and I was an ART student. So let's just look at the most basic reading. Bright, oversaturated yellow is a color that can exhaust the eyes easily. It grabs our attention like a highlighter and burns our retinas.
It can be a color of excitement, but it can also be a color of sickness. I've been thinking about the short story The Yellow Wallpaper the past couple days. Or maybe I've been thinking about it for longer. It's just that I haven't reread it in actual years, but every time I saw someone talk about the wallpaper in TSP, I thought about the story. Here's some passing thoughts on the short story in comparison to TSP. [3]
Sickness, and madness, and beginnings, and infinity. In the end, yellow, to me, is the color of the Parable grabbing the player (and by extension the Narrator) by the nose and saying “let's get moving. We have a story to play. Play the game, and keep playing.” Notable to me is how the SKIP button is almost scathingly yellow in contrast to the room it's in, and as the room gets darker the glow gets more foreboding. The Parable did this. The Narrator might think he made it, but he doesn't control it. Yellow isn't his color, and it never was.
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“Stanley walked through the RED. DOOR.”
The use of red in TSP is probably the most interesting and fun to analyze for me. It's used extremely intentionally and it's commonly associated with power, anger, and passion. We see red in the Boss's Office, in the Countdown ending, as the door to the Starry Dome, and a TON in the TSP2 Expo. There's red doors and signs in the Escape Pod Bay.
So I've joked that the color red is the Narrator's color, and while it's still a fun interpretation, it's not one I'm married to. I think it's more accurate to say red symbolizes control. The Zending Door is you letting him control the story. The Countdown screens are him taking control from you. And TSP2 is the Narrator trying to exert control over what the developers have made. It's a response to New Content and to the SKIP button. I have a million trillion thoughts about the TSP2 Expo but I won't get into them here.
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Anyway, red feels very obviously to me associated with the Narrator trying to take control, or things only being possible when he has control. I'm thinking about the signs in the Escape Pod Bay telling you that it won't work without him. (I'm thinking about how the same door asset for the Zending is used in the Escape Pod Bay. No. shhh. Staying on topic.) So I don't have much more to say on the matter because I feel like I've tread this ground before. Red is about control, and it is held in direct contrast with blue.
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Oh, blue. Soothing blue, sweet relaxing lounge and ocean paintings and boss's bathroom and blue door that leads to broken textures and an irritable Voice.
If red is the color of control, then blue is the color of rebellion. Small rebellion, sure. Rebellion that means nothing in the scheme of things. Blue is the stepping stone to bigger deviations from the path. I mean, the lounge is only the first step to the right, and you can still get on the “correct” path. The blue door you have to go through repeatedly, you have to make the choice multiple times, for it to lead to the Games ending. The boss's bathroom doesn't GO anywhere until after the epilogue. These are “rebellious choices” in a game where you don't really have a choice, and it's the closest you get to defiance.
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I like to make it Stanley's favorite color for obvious reasons.
(Hey, fandom, why you keep associating it with the Curator? The only blue in the Museum is in a couple assets on display.)
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I gotta admit, while there's definitely something to green and its use in TSP, a clear meaning for it is eluding me, and I've been thinking about it on and off for a couple days now. It's a fairly infrequent color in TSP as a whole, but it does make an appearance. Besides being the color of plants (such as the ever important fern, the potted plants scattered through the office and the ones in the TSP2 expo, and of course the growth in the SKIP button room), it's also the wallpaper in the Demo, and the same wallpaper is used in the Boss's Office in the Real Person Ending. Thinking further, it also appears in the small room before the stage in the Press Conference Ending, and it's the color of the carpet in the HL2 Office that is found under the Games ending. (It was also brought up by my pal glitch that green is the color of the cursor on Stanley's screen, the first thing you see before gameplay begins. Good catch!)
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Thinking about it, it's hard to find a throughline. There's something familiar about the green. Not necessarily safe, but it usually comes before something much bigger. Maybe this is a bit of a stretch, though. Let's say for now green is associated with the familiar in the face of the unfamiliar.
(There's possibly a thesis here about green being associated with gifts and surprises. The Narrator makes the Press Conference ending something that teases but also praises Stanley, the Green Room in the Demo is the space where the Demo is meant to be revealed to you, and that alternate Boss's Office is supposed to, in the Narrator's mind, be the first step to a wonderful story made just for you.)
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Most people, when they think of white in The Stanley Parable, immediately think of the Museum. And they're right to! It's one of the most prominent environments that uses white. With that in mind, we can't forget the other places it appears, since it's best to keep everything in mind when trying to formulate a meaning for it.
So, other places where white is prominent: We have the out-of-bounds ending, and the Art ending (aka play that Baby game for four hours). We also have a massive part of the TSP2 expo.
Honestly, there is a lot of white in the rest of the office, but it tends to be absorbing the colors of the environment in ways that make it less noticeable. White's really good at that, which means the times where it's by itself as the outstanding color are outliers and feel intentional. So what do these things have in common?
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Well, they kind of show the seams of the game? Take this with a grain of salt, but the Museum is designed to show you some of the design process for the game, effectively taking you out of the setting to give you a top-down perspective (hehe, literally in the case of the diorama of the office up to the two doors), and the out-of-bounds ending is a joke about breaking the map, falling out of the world , which can break immersion in other games. The TSP2 Expo is the Narrator showing off all the features for his sequel idea, giving a “sneak peek” of what will be included.
The Art ending doesn't fit with this thesis, but it does involve the... revelation, I suppose, of the “character” of the Essence of Divine Art. What I'm trying to get to is that white is a color of revelation and display.
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Gray is not a color that tends to stand on its own merit in The Stanley Parable, and that in itself is intentional. Gray is used as a texture of “unfinished” things, things the Narrator doesn't want you to look closely at, and would prefer you move past Right Now Right This Second Please.
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It's the walls of the Broom Closet, as well as the walls of the maintenance room. It's also the walls of the room right outside the Starry Dome—the hall that leads right to the stairs. (Honorable mention, @chirpbudgie brought up that the desks in the office are gray, which is also an implication of the way Stanley's coworkers seemed to disappear with work unfinished. There is a sense of “wrongness” in how they've all vanished. Nice eye, bud.)
You're not supposed to dwell in these places. Go back to the story, please!
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“Blackness, and a rising chill of uncertainty. Was it over?”
Last and least is black, less used as a color in its own right and more a use of shadow. It really stars primarily in the Mind Control Facility, dark rooms with a sense of foreboding. Honestly, what is there to say about black?
Only, I tell a lie. You see quite a lot of black in this game, don't you? After all:
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It's the Loading screen.
Blackness is uncertainty, and mystery, like the game tells us, because anything could be hiding in the darkness, and anything could happen when that screen is finished loading. It's white's opposite not just in value but in meaning. You don't know what's going on, you just have to wait and see. Any time you might have an answer, or an ending, here comes that loading screen to wipe the slate clean and say “hey, what haven't you found yet? What haven't you tried? What tricks does this game still have up its sleeve?”
(And now I'm thinking about the Figurines ending, and how the Narrator shouts to stop the loading screen, to go back and stay in the familiar please!! Because the fellow hates uncertainty, really he does. But that's a thesis for another day.)
(We also can't forget that Ultra Deluxe's Setting the Time is also set on a black background, and there's always, to me, a sense of foreboding and uncertainty there too. What happens after this is the game, right? Is this for something? Is this doing anything? Is it changing anything?)
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It's a bucket :)
Okay that's the end of this post. There's probably plenty more to say about this subject, this isn't exhaustive by any means. Color is an incredible tool, and visual storytelling and color interpretation is not in any way a science. As I posted bits of this in my server for extra feedback and examples of color, other folks brought up an entirely different interpretation of the color green. And I didn't even bring up Mariella being dressed in full green!
Anyway I didn't bring up orange because there's only a couple instances of it in the game but its always about unfinished things/assets (Baby game, just a lot of Games ending things) but it also shows up in the TSP2 Expo (Button That Says The Name of the Player Playing The Game (Jim)) for features that uuuuuh. Aren't done. So that's funny.
Like I said, there's almost certainly more to say about color theory and the game, but this thing is hitting 4 pages long and that's not including images oops.
I hope this was a fun read! Some of this stuff has been percolating in my brain for a while and it's good to finally get it on the page. Talk to me about TSP I love this game.
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
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1 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - The Development of Multiscale Models for Complex Chemical Systems
2 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Quasiperiodic Crystals
3 Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Decoding the Structure and The Function of The Ribosome
4 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences - Repeated Games
5 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – Ubiquitin, Deciding the Fate of Defective Proteins in Living Cells
6 Nobel Prize in Economics - Human Judgment and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
7 Fields Medal Award in Mathematics
8 Turing Award - Machine Reasoning Under Uncertainty
9 Turing Award - Nondeterministic Decision-Making
10 Turing Award - The Development of Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs
11 Turing Award - Developing New Tools for Systems Verification
12 Vine Seeds Discovered from The Byzantine Period
13 The World’s Most Ancient Hebrew Inscription
14 Ancient Golden Treasure Found at Foot of Temple Mount
15 Sniffphone - Mobile Disease Diagnostics
16 Discovering the Gene Responsible for Fingerprints Formation
17 Pillcam - For Diagnosing and Monitoring Diseases in The Digestive System
18 Technological Application of The Molecular Recognition and Assembly Mechanisms Behind Degenerative Disorders
19 Exelon – A Drug for The Treatment of Dementia
20 Azilect - Drug for Parkinson’s Disease
21 Nano Ghosts - A “Magic Bullet” For Fighting Cancer
22 Doxil (Caelyx) For Cancer Treatment
23 The Genetics of Hearing
24 Copaxone - Drug for The Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
25 Preserving the Dead Sea Scrolls
26 Developing the Biotechnologies of Valuable Products from Red Marine Microalgae
27 A New Method for Recruiting Immune Cells to Fight Cancer
28 Study of Bacterial Mechanisms for Coping with Temperature Change
29 Steering with The Bats 30 Transmitting Voice Conversations Via the Internet
31 Rewalk – An Exoskeleton That Enables Paraplegics to Walk Again
32 Intelligent Computer Systems
33 Muon Detectors in The World's Largest Scientific Experiment
34 Renaissance Robot for Spine and Brain Surgery
35 Mobileye Accident Prevention System
36 Firewall for Computer Network Security
37 Waze – Outsmarting Traffic, Together
38 Diskonkey - USB Flash Drive
39 Venμs Environmental Research Satellite
40 Iron Dome – Rocket and Mortar Air Defense System
41 Gridon - Preventing Power Outages in High Voltage Grids
42 The First Israeli Nanosatellite
43 Intel's New Generation Processors
44 Electroink - The World’s First Electronic Ink for Commercial Printing
45 Development of A Commercial Membrane for Desalination
46 Developing Modern Wine from Vines of The Bible
47 New Varieties of Seedless Grapes
48 Long-Keeping Regular and Cherry Tomatoes
49 Adapting Citrus Cultivation to Desert Conditions
50 Rhopalaea Idoneta - A New Ascidian Species from The Gulf of Eilat
51 Life in The Dead Sea - Various Fungi Discovered in The Brine
52 Drip Technology - The Irrigation Method That Revolutionized Agriculture
53 Repair of Heart Tissues from Algae
54 Proof of The Existence of Imaginary Particles, Which Could Be Used in Quantum Computers
55 Flying in Peace with The Birds
56 Self-Organization of Bacteria Colonies Sheds Light on The Behaviour of Cancer Cells
57 The First Israeli Astronaut, Colonel Ilan Ramon
58 Dr. Chaim Weizmann - Scientist and Statesman, The First President of Israel, One of The Founders of The Modern Field of Biotechnology
59 Aaron Aaronsohn Botanist, Agronomist, Entrepreneur, Zionist Leader, and Head of The Nili Underground Organization
60 Albert Einstein - Founding Father of The Theory of Relativity, Co-Founder of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem
61 Maimonides - Doctor and Philosopher
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chungledown-bimothy · 10 months
Top 10 battle maps on d20?
thank you for saying 10 lol (for the sake of fairness, I'm just going to talk about the physical maps in the dome- this is a Rick Perry et al appreciation post, as cool as the ones from Starstruck, TUC2, and The Seven (from what I've seen) are.)
THE BEAR. That goddamn motherfucking bear. Like, what the fuck, Aabria. The rest are gonna be listed by the episode title, but the bear deserves its own level of classification.
Deep Bleu Sea. The way it forced risky and/or very creative mobility, the boats moving, all of it.
Times Squaremageddon. I love it for all the same reasons as Deep Bleu Sea, the reason it's lower is because I like the ACOC aesthetic better than NYC lol
Reactor Charlie/The First Stoats. The puzzle in Reactor Charlie fucks SEVERELY, and how it transforms for The First Stoats is also such a big part of why I love it that I can't leave it out.
Scramble in the Sewers. The water rising was awesome both as a mechanic and how it was physically represented. And again, I love a mobility challenge.
Attacks on the Tracks. It was an actual, functioning model train. Incredible.
Arcade Ambush. Simpler in layout, but the challenge of possibly getting sucked into the games was really fun. And the context of it being in the first season, with its much lower budget than later seasons, cannot be ignored.
For Candia!. This one is a relatively unpopular opinion, I know, but I loved the swing they took with the scale change. The way it forced the players to literally look at the big picture and consider the tactical advantages and disadvantages of the two scales being offered to them. So we got the feeling of a proper siege taking back their castle as well as moments like the confrontation between Amethar and Calroy.
The Baron of Bricks. The wolf was in the soup and also the spoon tries to kill you.
The Ending of All Things. Say what you will about now Neverafter ended narratively, but the battle set FUCKED.
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earlycuntsets · 19 days
mcr shows on youtube pt. 4 (2011 - 2023) last one :]
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 3 (2007 - 2011)
08/05/2011 pnc bank arts center holmdel nj - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/13/2011 hersheypark stadium hershey pa - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/20/2011 first midwest bank amphitheater tinley park il - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/26/2011 little john's farm reading england - em
08/31/2011 rogers arena vancouver canada - catie cunningham
09/03/2011 usana amphitheater west valley city utah - delaney nye
09/04/2011 comfort dental amphitheater greenwood village co - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/09/2011  capitol federal park at sandstone amphitheater bonner springs ks - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/11/2011 dte energy music theater clarkston mi - justanotherkilljoy
09/18/2011 farm bureau live at virginia beach va - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/20/2011 verizon wireless amphitheater charlotte nc - the academy is my beautiful romance
1/22/2012 gold coast parklands gold coast australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/03/2012 adelaide showground adelaide australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/05/2012 mccallum park perth australia - myxinfinitexromance
05/19/2012 north beach asbury park asbury park nj - ryan hanratty
12/20/2019 the shrine expo hall los angeles ca - gabe havel photo
05/16/2022 the eden project day one st austell england - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/17/2022 the eden project day two st austell england - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/21/2022 stadium mk milton keynes england - TheChickenGiraffe
05/24/2022 royal hospital kilmainham dublin ireland - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/28/2022 sofia gardens cricket ground cardiff wales - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/04/2022 bologna sonic park arena parco north italy - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/06/2022 olympiahalle munich germany - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/07/2022 budapest park budapest hungary - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/09/2022 progresja warsaw poland - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/11/2022 o2 arena prague czech republic - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/13/2022 stora scenen gröna lund stockholm sweden - live from stockholm
08/19/2022 paycom center oklahoma city ok - tony
08/23/2022 bridgestone arena nashville tn - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/24/2022 heritage bank center cincinnati oh - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/29/2022 wells fargo philadelphia pa - ronaldb2985
08/30/2022 mvp arena albany ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/05/2022 scotia bank toronto ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/16/2022 riot fest douglass park chicago il - geoffrey gardner
09/20/2022 prudential center newark nj - deadhoarse
09/24/2022 fla live arena sunrise fl - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/03/2022 tacoma dome tacoma wa - seattle concerts
10/05/2022 oakland arena oakland ca - HisoKu
10/07/2022 t-mobile arena las vegas nv - wormspeddler (smeagles)
10/08/2022 aftershock discovery park sacramento ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/09/2022 barclays center brooklyn ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/15/2022 kia forum inglewood ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/23/2022 when we were young day day two las vegas - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/29/2022 when we were young fest las vegas nv - PichyJr
11/18/2022 autódromo hermanos rodríguez mexico city mexico - leashalia
03/11/2023 the outer fields at western springs auckland new zealand (soundcheck) - the academy is my beautiful romance
03/23/2023 qudos bank arena sydney australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 3 (2007 - 2011)
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months
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Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Drake Mallard with their kids support Palestine in Jerusalem - Happy Eid al-Adha - Happy Father's Day! - Duck comics, Ducktales and Darkwing Duck - Duckverse
I wish all Muslims who celebrate a happy Eid! That is, Eid al-Adha. In addition to Eid al-Fitr, one of the biggest Muslim holidays when the Hajj begins and the day of offering to God as well as the remembrance of the deceased. On those days, sacrificial meat is cut, especially meat related to Eid al-Adha. It is celebrated because on that day, Abraham was supposed to sacrifice his son at God's command until the Archangel Gabriel (Jibril among Muslims) intervened, so Abraham (Ibrahim among Muslims) instead slaughtered a ram as a thanksgiving sacrifice to God the creator. An animal (mainly a lamb) is sacrificed and the meat itself is sacrificed and divided into three parts. The family keeps one third; the second third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; the third third is given to the poor and vulnerable.
Today is also Father's Day, which is celebrated every third Sunday in June in America and around the world, while in some countries, Father's Day varies from country to country. So Happy Father's Day to all fathers, uncles and grandfathers.
On this occasion and because of current events, I drew Donald Duck, Daisy Duck and Drake Mallard with their children holding Palestinian flags. I am not in the habit of promoting anyone like this, nor am I on anyone's side but the right side, but a great tragedy is happening in Palestine, especially in Gaza where people are dying en masse, especially women and children. And not only Muslims, but also Palestinian Christians (Catholics and Orthodox), with whom I most identify and sympathize. However, many people send through their mobile phones what is happening and most people are engaged to help them as well as about the crimes committed against them. I'm just against such injustice so I drew this, of course they are in Jerusalem where they defend the Golden Dome of the Rock as well as Al Aqsa, important Muslim temples because that's where Muhammad ascended to heaven. A certain group of orthodox and ultra Jews want to destroy it in order to build their temple, and for me as a Christian, this is unacceptable, especially considering that their messiah is a Christian Antichrist, but that is a long story to tell. Certainly, after Gaza, the next goal is Jerusalem and the expulsion of Muslims from that city as well as Christians, and I am against that and that injustice, and I am asking people to get involved in this and to help people as much as possible, regardless of whether through prayers, petitions or sending donations. Like sending real food, not toys. And no, I'm not for Hezbollah or the terrorists, but for the common people who are suffering from it, and they need a lot of help. Here's one way to help: https://afsc.org/news/6-ways-you-can-support-palestinians-gaza
Of course, support drawings like this mean nothing, but they mean moral support and will definitely not stop the current genocide that is happening, but it can help you know what it is about and spread the message to others. And if someone asks me, a lot of Jews who advocate for a Palestinian state are in solidarity with Muslims and Christians and are against the evil that is happening. So spread the word, so they know what's going on.
Yes, I drew Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Drake Mallard, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck and Gosalyn Mallard from Darkwing Duck fighting wrongdoing and defeating the evil in Jerusalem with unity and harmony against the evil happening in Gaza. Of course I drew in my own way in the classic version. My only apology is that Daisy is not wearing a headscarf, my fault.
And not only in Palestine, but all over the world where injustice is done. Rest in peace to those people who have suffered so far, amen.
And I hope you liked this drawing and if you support this, and who support Palestine, please like and reblog this! Just don't use my same ideas without mentioning me, thanks! I also wish all Muslims a Happy Eid al-Adha and a Happy Father's Day to all fathers, uncles and grandfathers! Yes, Donald Duck is a great uncle to his nephews, just as Drake Mallard is a great father to his daughter.
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