#mob!haz x oc
j0ebay · 5 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 6
Warning(s): swearing,  this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3094
A/N: At long long last this chapter is hecking done!!! I’m really super duper sorry this took 5ever to come out. BUT I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
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chapter 5     chapter 7
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don’t know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie.” -Nancy Sinatra
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“EEEEEEEEEEEP” The boys all hear Lindsey squeal as they run to the kitchen.
“What? What’s going on?” Tom asks, clearly frazzled.
All she can do is smile and hold onto her phone. Harry quickly snatches the phone from her hands. His eyes went wide.
“He finally grew a pair?” Lindsey smiles even wider and nods.
Harry claps her on the shoulder as Harrison scoffs.
“He did it over text?” And Lindsey nods.
Tom’s eyebrows furrow as he tries to figure out what exactly is going on.
“Chad asked her out, dumbass” Harry chuckles. Tom’s face lights up.
“Ohhhhhhhhhh. Took him long enough,” Haz snaps his eyebrows together and looks at his friend.
“All I’m gonna say, love, is don’t expect everything to be nice and happy and dilly dilly, that type of thing. Shit goes down sometimes, Y’know?” Tom advises her.
She nods.
“Who knows?” Harry adds, “There might be someone better just right in front of you” raising his eyebrows, playfully.
Lindsey giggles.
“Yeah yeah, grass is always greener, I know. I’m gonna go do makeup inventory!” She squeals again.
Throughout the day, Lindsey was buzzing with excitement, searching up various makeup tutorials on youtube and planning everything out appearance-wise. She and Harry did their nails while Tom was there to help her decide what hair to do.
“Haaaaaaaaaz” She groans at her close friend, sitting on her temporary bed.
“What, darling?” He asks with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“I’m not gonna just show up naked, you div! I’m being serious! What should I wear?” She asks him holding up two dresses.
Harrison clenches his jaw, muttering “You look absolutely perfect in everything, love”.
Lindsey looks at the floor and smiles, softly.
He sighs. He adores Lindsey, he always had. He just wasn’t happy about the choices she was making at the moment.
“Hello? Earth to Harrison?” Lindsey asks snapping her fingers, pulling Haz out of his trance.
He looks up at her with his bright blue eyes and smiles. “Hmm?” He hums at her quietly.
Lindsey lets out a heavy sigh and sits next to him, laying her potential outfits on the bed, behind him.
“What’s going on with you?” She asks softly, grabbing his hand and lightly running her thumb across it.
He groans. “I hate how good you are at reading people” She laughs, squeezing his hand.
“Yes, I am. Now spill. What’s going on in that head of yours?” Harrison chuckles at his friends interrogation methods. “Do you really need to go out with this guy?” He whispers.
Lindsey’s eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“What do you mean, Haz?” He drops her hand to scratch the back of his neck.
“It’s just-nevermind” He mutters, looking down.
“Harrison look at me,” Lindsey puts her hand on his cheek, tilting his head to meet her gaze.
“You know you can talk to me right?” He diverts his eyes to his lap.
Lindsey squishes his cheeks and nods his head up and down.
“Yes, Lindsey. I understand” She says in a voice imitating his.
Harrison smiles.
“Is that what you think I sound like, love?” He asks with a quirked eyebrow, making her laugh.
As the laughter from the two die down, she lets out a heavy sigh.
“But seriously, I’m not forcing you to talk now cause I gotta get ready, but eventually, talk to me, yeah?”
“Yeah” he mumbles.
Lindsey taps his cheek with her fingers before sitting up and walking off to the bathroom, and all Harrison can do is watch
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As the sun sets, Harrison finds himself more and more agitated at the lack of his friend. Clad in a
loose pair of black shorts and a gray tank top, he takes out his anger on the punching bag in front of him. All he can see if her laughing, her smiling, her flirting with someone she barely knows.
Left hook, undercut, blow after blow to the bag of sand in front of him.
He doesn’t know who or what to picture the bag as, but right now, he just needed to get his emotions out. He didn’t even know what to call those emotions.
Jealousy? Love? Lust? You can’t be in love with your best friend, though.
‘That’s rule number one’ Harrison tells himself.
‘You cannot, under any circumstances, fall in love with your best friend’
His swings at the bag grow harder and more sloppy as the thought of the two of them being friends. One final hit to the black cylinder in front of him and he turns around, putting his head in his hands.
The bass of the music resonates in the center of his chest as he gets a sip of water and wipes the sweat from his forehead.
“Hollands are just getting in your head” He mumbles to himself, trying to assure himself to an extent.
“The just keep implying the two of you should date and it’s messing you up” He sighs, shaking his hands.
“You’re Harrison motherfucking Osterfield. You can figure this shit out”
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“Well you are looking lovely as ever” Is the phrase that snaps Lindsey out of her thoughts as she sits in the middle of a dimly lit restaurant.
Not super fancy but not terribly cheap either.
“Chad! Hi!” She exclaims, standing up to wrap him in a hug.
Pulling away, Chad furrows his eyebrows. “You haven’t been waiting long, have you?”
Lindsey’s eyes widen.
“Oh my gosh! No, not at all! I just got here, actually”
He smiles.
“Good, good! You wanna sit?”
He gestures to her chair and she reciprocates his smile. The waitress comes over with a small grin.
“What can I get started for you two?”
Lindsey looks at Chad, signaling for him to start.
“Yeah um I’ll take a Jack and Coke and whatever the lady wants”
The waitress turns to Lindsey.
“Just a water with lemon would be great, thanks” She smiles.
The waitress nods and walks away.
“Whiskey?” Lindsey quirks an eyebrow “Fancy”
The two laugh and he brushes his brunette hair out of his face. The waitress comes back with the drinks.
“Have you decided on your main course yet?” Lindsey looks at Chad and they both nod.
“I’ll have the breaded chicken and asparagus for the side please” she starts.
The two ladies look over at Chad, texting away on his phone.
“...And for you, sir?” The waitress prompts him.
Chad looks up with a puzzled look on his face, before studying the expressions around him.
“Oh! I’ll have a hamburger, everything on it and another round of whiskey” He says, flashing a charming smile and handing the waitress the menu.
Lindsey does the same and subtly winces at the man’s pronunciation of ‘whiskey’ knowing the Hollands would grill him for saying it like ‘hwhiskey’.
“So you’re one of those people huh?” Lindsey asks as soon as the waitress leaves.
Chad raises his eyebrows, signaling for her to go on.
“You’re one of those people constantly on your phone?” She continues, rolling her eyes for emphasis.
“What?” Chad asks, clearly shocked.
“No! I mean, yeah I’m on my phone sometimes but not constantly” He defends.
Lindsey nods with her eyebrows raised.
“So how are you?” He asks, setting his phone face up on the table.
Lindsey smiles, takes a sip of her water and nods.
“I’ve been alright. How about you?”
Chad picks up his phone again before putting it back down.
“Sorry this is embarrassing. It’s just my friends want updates every half hour. Y’know when I tell them I have a date with a pretty girl from the coffee shop, their mind instantly goes to ‘she’s a psycho, she’s gonna kidnap you’ when, I don’t think you will. Will you?”
Lindsey smiles and shakes her head.
“I definitely will not kidnap you”
Chad flashes the smile that makes every woman in the room weak in the knees.
“And I, you”
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Harrison leans back in his office chair and opens up his laptop in search for another job from Tom. After seeing nothing from his colleague, Harrison is about to close his laptop until he sees an encrypted file.
H+L <3
His mind flashed back to when he made that file to keep all the silly pictures the two of them when they were young, dumb teenagers. He smiles, making sure the door is closed, typing in the password and then scrolling through the pictures of the two of them. He lands on one set looks at the time stamp in the lower right hand corner.
They were seventeen at the time. The two were at the local pool with the Hollands. Harrison was shirtless and she was in that black bikini he loved to see on her. There was one picture of the two of them just smiling at the camera. Another one showed the two of them still smiling, only he’s looking at her with what Harry eventually called “heart eyes”. The final picture was her kissing him on the cheek. Harrison replicates the big smile depicted in the picture.
He clicks back even more to find a video of him. He clicks on it and instantly smiles at her laughter.
“Alright go, doofus” The young girl giggles behind the camera at her friend.
“Hi” He starts, gesturing with the knife in his hands.
“I’m Harrison Osterfield. And I’m gonna teach you how to cut hot bread”
Lindsey smiles and mutters a soft “You’re gonna poke someone’s eye out with that thing”
Harrison continues.
“As you can see, this is very hot”
He puts his finger on the bread in front of him.
Lindsey tried to muffle her laughter. Harrison playfully glares at her and continues.
“So instead of going with the conventional holding and… that, you’re gonna go… slight, keep tapping, holding”
He taps the bread frequently and then suddenly slams the knife down.
“JESUS CHRIST! HARRISON!” Lindsey screams after being pushed back into reality.
The two teenagers laugh as Lindsey goes to turn off the camera.
Harrison chuckles at the two kids on his computer screen, wishing he could go back to that day. Although the video showed nothing of her face, he pictured her with her infectious laugh and dazzling smile. He slams his laptop down, sighs and rakes his hands through his golden brown curls.
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“Well, thank you for tonight, Chad” Lindsey says, standing in front of the mansion’s front door.
Lindsey could’ve sworn she felt like a teenager. Chad has driven her home and even walked her to the mansion doorstep.
“Of course” He says, pushing a stand of her hair before her ear.
The two gaze into each other’s eyes as the nearly magnetic pull brings them closer and closer together. Lindsey cracks a small smile as he leans in even more until their faces were mere millimeters apart and then
“You two done?”
The couple jumps apart from each other to see the one and only Harry Holland leaning against the raised doorway with raised eyebrows. Lindsey turns to glare at the younger man.
“Harry, you know it’s not polite to watch” She playfully mutters.
“Yeah yeah get inside, young lady. Or I’ll get Harrison down here”
Her eyes widen and she chuckles a bit. She gets on her tiptoes and kisses Chad on the cheek.
“Night, Chad” She says, quietly.
She walks into the mansion and punches Harry in the arm, muttering a slight
As Lindsey walks up the stairs to Harrison’s room, Harry and Chad enter a staredown with each other.
“You Lindsey’s brother?” Chad asks matching Harry’s raised eyebrows.
Harry looks the older man up and down before grumbling
“In a sense”
Chad gulps, fearing the confrontation in front of him.
“I-I’m uh, Chad” he stutters, holding his hand out.
All Harry does is scoff and slam the door in his face.
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As Lindsey walks up the stairs of the mansion, she passes someone in the bathroom, door ajar and everything. She stops and backs up.
“Harrison?” She asks, softly.
He looks up from what he was doing, meeting her worried gaze. Lindsey looks down to see his ripped up knuckles. She invites herself into the small space with him and closes the door.
“What the hell happened to you, Haz?” She asks, voice laced with anger and worry.
Holding his bruised and bloody hands in hers, she bent down to meet his eyes.
“What?” He grumbled back.
“I’m not gonna force you to tell me anything, you know this. But your hands…” She trails off before walking to the cupboard with the first aid kit.
As Lindsey removes the red box, Harrison takes it as a sign to use the toilet as a seat so she can do her work.
“This takes me back” She lightly smiles while bringing the kit over to him.
“May I?” she asks softly, gesturing to his legs.
Harrison nods and slowly she straddles him.
“As always, if my fat ass is smushing you, let me know alright?”
“Hey” he rests his bruised hand on her cheek.
“You know my usual answer to that, don’t you?”
Lindsey sighs, nods and grabs the gauze. She carefully removes Harrison’s hand from her cheek and starts to wrap the thin layers of gauze around it.
“What does it take you back to?” Harrison asks, softly breaking the comfortable silence between the two.
“Hmm?” Lindsey asks, looking up from her work to meet his bright blue eyes.
Harrison chuckles as she grabs his other hand, subconsciously setting the wrapped one down on her thigh.
“You said doing this brought you back. What’d it bring you back to?”
Lindsey laughs and shakes her head.
“Remember Quentin Harroway?” She asks, not even looking up from his hands.
Harrison scoffs.
“Of course I fucking remember Quentin Harroway. Son of a bitch made you come over to my place in fucking tears. Douchebag got what he deserved.”
“Easy, Osterfield he only stood me up and then ghosted me”
“And anyone with a brain would’ve treated you better”
Lindsey laughs.
“Is that your justification for beating the shit outta him?”
“Yep, and I like to think I did a pretty good job at doing so” Harrison smiles back at her.
Lindsey drops his other hand and places her hand on his cheek.
“Never change, Harrison” She whispers, her thumb rubbing against his cheekbone.
Slowly, Lindsey gets off Harrison’s lap. As she starts to walk away, Harrison grabs her wrist and gently pulls her back towards him earning him a gasp.
“Harrison” she whispers, gently pulling her wrist away from him.
“I just want you to know that all this,” He gestures to his hands.
“All of it was just a punching bag. There was no one else on the other side. No one got hurt”
“Besides you” She adds with a cocked eyebrow, causing him to laugh.
“Seriously, Linds. We are being safe. I’m being safe and it’s mainly because I know you’ll chew my ass out like there’s no tomorrow if I’m not”
Lindsey giggles at the last bit and brings Harrison into a big hug.
“Thank you” is all she whispers into his broad chest as he gently rubs his fingers through her hair.
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The unidentified man sits in the budget motel room in nothing but dress pants and socks. The curtains are drawn shielding him from the rest of the world. The TV is on, providing a soft ambiance for his running thoughts. Open on his bed are various files, one of a curly, chocolate haired boy with matching eyes and a small birthmark on his upper lip.
Harry R. Holland
The second file had a slightly older man, similar hair and eye color, however there’s a scar on his forehead and he has a sharper jawline. More muscular than Harry but not completely bulky either.
Thomas S. “Tom” Holland
The third of four files is a man, the same age as Tom but that’s all they have in common. This man had caramel brown curls with blonde peeking through to the surface. His eyes were as blue as the sky. If not, they were bluer. His picture is the only one of the four with a smile.
Harrison J. “Haz” Osterfield
The fourth man was much older than the other three. He was taller than the others with less hair than them as well. He was on the chubbier side with the most bone-chilling scowl any man had ever seen. One look from that man and someone could instantly tell him what they deeply desired, what their future plans are and nearly collapse in a puddle all at once.
Gideon N. Fuller - DECEASED
The man’s train of thought is brutally interrupted by the loud sound of his phone ringing. He lets out an agitated groan as he checks the time. Seeing it’s way too late, or technically, early in the morning, he picks up his phone and looks at the caller ID.
Blocked Number
Letting out a heavy sigh, the man answers the call.
“What?” He asks, voice laced with annoyance.
His legs flex attempting to stretch them on the rock-hard mattress.
“Yeah, everything’s going according to plan”
The man sighs, swinging his legs over the floral patterned bed and standing up slowly.
“Yeah we have a location on the Hollands”
He runs a hand through his stringy hair and pours himself another cup of stale, watered down coffee.
“Yeah and the Osterfield boy as well. I’m not a complete moron you know”
The man pulls back the curtain and looks out at the rest of the motel in front of him.
“Yeah it looks like they all live in the same fucking house. That’s pretty stereotypical if you ask me” He laughs and leans against the frame of the window.
“Um yeah actually there was a bit of a problem I needed to run by you” The man pauses, looking back at his files and then back out the window.
“There seems to be a girl who’s been staying with them”
Another pause happens as the man quickly paces back to the bed, flipping through the files until he finds yet another connection between the four men.
“Yes I know, I’ll take care of them all” and then the man laughs.
“What’s so funny?” He repeats the question into his phone speaker.
“You’ll just have to see for yourself when you get here” He chuckles as he circles the phrase at the bottom of the files in red sharpie
Known Associate(s): Lindsey M. Fuller
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Kiss Me Goodbye
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fanficparker · 3 years
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU!) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
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Series Warning: Mentions of Death, Angst, Blood, Violence, Guns, Knives, Gambling, Smut* (Chapters with smut will be marked specifically), Jerks with a heart of gold, Swearing, Hard language
Summary: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield's almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn't know. What's remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don't belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
One: I felt lethal, on the verge of frenzy.
Two: The reward of sin is death? That's hard.
Three: The Gates of hell are open night and day.
Four: The life that you seek you shall never find.
Five: Man is not the master of destiny. *smut*
Six: They agreed violently and disagreed pleasurably.
Seven: Since life is but a dream, why toil to no avail? *smut*
discontinued lol
>> Complete Masterlist
♡ Hope you'll have a great time reading this :)
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tpwkholland · 5 years
Woman Like Me - Mob!Tom x Reader
A/N: Hi! I used to have a fanfic account here but I deactivated about a year ago. I forget my last username (lol oops) but I will be reposting work I once published (and new stuff too) on this account! I hope y’all enjoy :)
WC: 2050
Warnings: drinking, violence, blood, kissing
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I always say what I'm feeling
You walked into the smoke-filled bar, the chain of your purse dangling off of your bare shoulders. Wearing a tight black dress and chunky heels, you looked like the most confident girl in the room. Honestly, that was the biggest lie. On your way here, you were shaking with palms covered in sweat. Before entering through the small bar door, you took some deep breaths, your heart going one million miles an hour. Slowly hanging your coat up on the back of your chair, you sat down on the barstool, flagging down the bartender and ordering whiskey, neat. 
Tonight was all an act. In actuality, you were a shy mess who only ordered sugary margaritas but tonight you were an actress. Playing the role of a seductress, with one goal; figuring out which man would take you home. Yes, you knew that you were in danger. Hell, who wasn’t in a room full of mobsters? It was an unspoken fact that this bar was primarily used for mobsters making deals and letting loose. The thought of a man with power, enough to kill, turned you on even more. 
Grabbing your glass, you downed the whiskey in one gulp. You slightly winced as the amber liquid traveled down your throat. Taking out your rouge lipstick, you reapplied the crimson pigment across your soft lips. You had a goal tonight, there was no way you weren't going to score. 
I was born without a zip on my mouth
Sometimes I don't even mean it
Finally feeling the alcohol flowing through your veins, you noticed the entire room go silent as a group of tall, handsome men walk through the doors. Everyone moves out of their way to the red velvet in the center of the room, clearing it of people. Four of those strange men made their way to the corners of the bar, keeping their eyes on the one man who sat down. He was obviously fit, his jaw sharp as the blade thrown next to him on a table. The all-black suit made him look godly, running his hands through his brown gelled curls, taking a sip of his martini. 
That’s him, you thought. He was the one you wanted. No one else, only him. Fiddling with the hem of your dress, you attempted to order another glass. Before you could open your mouth, two shots were slid in front of you. Raising your eyebrows at the bartender, he shrugged. “This is from that guy over there.” Pointing at the mysterious stranger, you gave him a quick smile and turned back around. 
He wants me? He’s going to come to me.
Reaching into your small Louis Vuitton, you pulled out your phone and scrolled through Twitter. Before downing your second shot, you felt a tap on your shoulder. To your excitement. It was him, the sexy beast standing in front of you. Raising your eyebrows indicating him to speak, the stranger coughed, smirking at you. 
“Enjoying the drinks, love?” His foreign accent took you by surprise, subconsciously scanning his figure. Simply glancing at him, he spoke again. ���I’m Tom, by the way, sit with me?” 
This was a question you weren't expecting. The slight imprint of a gun was sticking out along with multiple mysterious men sitting around the couch. Reminding yourself of the pepper spray and blade in your purse, you quietly accepted his offer, his large hand on the small of your back. 
Oh, babe, this was just the beginning.
It takes a little while to figure me out I like my coffee with two sugars in it
Today was a big day, Tom’s 22nd birthday. The curly-haired boy was still asleep as you snuck out of bed, sneaking to the kitchen to make him breakfast. Thankfully, Tom sent his maids and security guards away from his penthouse for today, knowing the two of you would do some sinful things. 
Growing up, your mom baked you a cake for breakfast. Everyone who you told about this little tradition, looked at you like you were crazy. You had a sweet tooth, and today you were going to get something more than cake for dessert. Taking out all the bowls from the stained wooden cabinets, you began measuring and pouring out ingredients into each bowl. While you were scanning the fridge for eggs, a strong pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Blushing, you felt Tom rest his head upon your shoulder, he slowly kissed your exposed neck. You reminded yourself of the task at hand, you gently shoved Tom away and went back to cracking eggs. “Have anything to say, babe?” Suggestively wiggling his eyebrows, Tom leaned up against the fridge. 
Strutting over to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him, fingers entailed in his silky curls. “Happy birthday baby,” you murmured in between kisses. 
Breaking the kiss, you looked deep into Tom’s eyes. The light hit his eyes so perfectly, honey colored specks hidden behind his luscious lashes. The timer of the oven snapped you out of your daze, ripping you from Tom and sliding the cake pan into the oven. 
Shaking your head, you urged Tom to return to bed “Go back to bed, you worked all day for the past two weeks.” 
Tom pouted, creasing his forehead, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes.
“C’mon, this princess needs his beauty sleep.” 
Shooting you a joking glare, Tom shuffled back to his bedroom. Within an hour, you brought a creamy iced chocolate cake to Tom who was watching the news. Three candles lit upon the cake, you held it in front of Tommy’s face and began singing for him.
Letting out a light chuckle, Tom opened his mouth, “Cake for breakfast? Isn’t a little too early for this, love?” Rolling your eyes, you reassured him. “My mom did this for me every birthday, now it's your turn.” After your last breath, Tom harshly blew out the candles, pressing a sloppy kiss to your cheek. Setting the cake on his nightstand, Tom gently pushed you down onto the mattress. His shirtless form was above you, making you begin to clench your thighs. Tom began pressing open mouthed kisses down your stomach, till his head hung over your core. “The cake is amazing love, but it's time for my treat.” 
High heels and my jewelry dripping Drink and I get all fired up (hey, hey, hey)
You picked up a small eyeshadow brush, dipping the soft bristles into a light white pigment. Studying your form in the mirror, you smiled. Glowing in a silk pink robe, your makeup was almost complete and your hair looked stunning. Swept to the side and gently braided you looked perfect. Tom had an important business dinner tonight, and as his good luck charm, you attended. Adding the final touches to your makeup, you slipped into a long, form-fitting red dress paired with nude Louis Vuitton's gifted to you by Tom. Smiling at a guard waiting out of your bedroom, you made your way down the stairs to the parlor. Tom was deep in conversation with his best friend, Harrison. Tom flashed a bright smile once he noticed you, jaw drop. Tonight, you looked ravishing. 
“My, my what do we have here, kitten?”
Pulling him into a passionate kiss, Tom got handsy and began playing with the zipper of your dress. Across the room, Harrison coughed, looking uncomfortable. “Sorry mate, I have to give (Y/n) a gift.”
Rolling his eyes, Harrison said, “Alright, but he quick yeah? And keep it down.”
“It’s not that kind of gift you div! Get your head out of the gutter.”
Shaking his head, Haz grabbed his gun sitting upon your coffee table, sliding it into his pocket and walking outside.
Tom grabbed your hand, leading you to one of the guest rooms. “Close your eyes, babydoll.” Trusting him, you shut your eyes, suddenly feeling cold metal resting upon your collarbone. Peeking open your eyes and glancing in the mirror, your jaw dropped. Diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and rubies sparkled in the light, making you look more radiant. “Tommy, I love it, thank you.” 
Smiling at you, he kissed behind your neck, murmuring sweet nothings. A knock at the door, made Tom stick his head up, instantly grabbing the gun in his jacket. Another one of Tom’s men stuck his head through the doorway, alerting the two of you the limousine was ready. Grabbing your hand, Tom led you out of the penthouse, pinching your ass before sliding into the vehicle. 
You looked good tonight, and everyone knew it.
I made a few mistakes, I regret it nightly I broke a couple hearts that I wear on my sleeve
You sprinted out of the office building, vomit erupting from your throat onto the rainy concrete. Holy shit. Everything that happened in the past ten minutes was a blur. Tom was standing, handsome as ever, holding a gun to a man’s head.
Gunshots erupted, within seconds, Tom’s victim was covered in blood and laying on the ground. With no reaction, Tom set his gun down and ordered his men to get rid of the body. The body, like this, wasn't a human. Fuck, you knew this was wrong. You never saw Tom hurt anyone, besides punching the obnoxious men hitting on you or screaming at his men. But not kill, not with a gun. You knew what Tom did for a living, but it wasn't really real unless you saw it. At that moment, everything has changed. Slapping your hand across your mouth, you let out a shriek and headed for the exits.
You didn't mean to see this. Your intentions were pure, salads and croissants you brought so Tom and you could have lunch together. Harrison said he was busy in a meeting, but he always stops meetings for you. But this wasn't a meeting. As you screamed, Harrison remembered what Tom was actually doing, and flew out of his office to Tom’s. 
“Fucking shit, fucking hell Haz! You let her see this?” Tom’s voice yelled louder and more stern than ever before, leaving Harrison speechless. Tom noticed the side door close, and he headed in the direction. His heart broke when he saw you sitting out in the downpour, surrounded by vomit and tears. Hearing footsteps behind you, you looked up and saw Tom running towards you. He wrapped his arms around you, cradling you during your sobs. Everything was too much right now, the only person you wanted at the moment was your Tommy. 
“It was s-so scary, you scared me.” Sobbing into Tom’s shoulder, he hugged you tighter than ever before. 
“I know princess, I know. I'm so sorry, never again, yeah? Never again”
Still I wonder, could you fall for a woman like me (a woman)
Tom’s leg was bouncing under the wooden table, rattling the dishes. Raising an eyebrow, “Are you okay Tommy?” 
He nodded yes, taking a gulp of his red wine. Tonight was your fifth anniversary of dating, and by the end of tonight, he hoped you would officially be his fiancé. Shrugging it off, you continued to eat your salad. The dinner was silent on Tom’s part, you were rambling about your sister opening up her bakery. Suddenly, Tom stood up and made his way over to you. Without warning, he got down on one knee, “(Y/n), I’ve been in love with you ever since that night where you wore that black dress I like. I don't think I’d ever be able to love without you, see the world differently. God, you’re the definition of a woman, something no one can buy. Love, will you please marry me?” 
One hand holding Tom’s while the other was covering your mouth, eyes shiny with tears. Not being able to get a word out, you nodded your head furiously, letting out choked sobs and “Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes!” 
Sliding the large diamond onto your finger, Tom picked you up and swung you around, pulling in for a passionate kiss. His rough voice echoed in your ear, “You and me baby, forever.”
Every night, Tom thanked God for a woman like you.
hahaha I hope this wasn’t too bad; I wrote this last year 
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detroitbydark · 5 years
Detroitbydark’s Masterlist
Updated 3/7/23
TW are marked within each fic itself.
Star Wars
Commander Gree *SMUT*
Defective: Scorch Post Order 66
Soul Lies: Sev/OC/Scorch: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 (SMUT) Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12
Migs Mafeld- Play With Fire: SMUT
I'm Not Your Babysitter: Poe Dameron/Reader
*COMPLETE* Commander Fox- Fox and Mouse: Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part 5 Part 6 (SMUT) Part 7 (SMUT) Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 1/2 2/2 (SMUT)
*Fox and Mouse NSFW Standalone
*Fox and Mouse Fan works: for Chapter 11 Fox’s Tattoo
Sargent Hound: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4
Commander Wolffe: Blurb
Crossed Connections (Tech x Reader, Wrecker x OC) : Part 1,  Interlude,  Part II,  Interlude II, Part 3, Interlude III, Part 4, Interlude IV, Part 5, Interlude V Part 6 Interlude VI Part 7
Crossed Connections Greater Universe (Crosshair x OC)  Be warned this series is not in chronological order: Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Crossed Connections Greater Universe (Echo) Blurb
Void of Jangofctts Sunburst Squadron: Unclean
Spiderman/Peter Parker
Always On Time: Iron Siblings Peter Parker and Morgan Stark
Peter is serious when he makes a pinky promise.
Harrison Osterfield
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Have Yourself a Merry Airport Christmas: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Haz/Reader
Stick and Poke: Tattoo Artist!Haz/Reader
A Collector: (Smut) Mob!Haz/Reader
To Hell and Back: Mob!Haz/Reader
Haircut: Harrison/Reader
For Old Time Sake: (Smut) Vampire!Haz/Reader
Easy Like Sunday Morning: (smut) Harrison/Reader
Domination: Part 1   Part 2 (smut) Dom!Haz/Reader 
3A.M.: Drunk!Haz/Reader
Cake By The Ocean:(smut) Harrison/Reader
Body Moves: (smut) threesome Tom/Reader/Harrison. Sequel to Cake By The Ocean.
Bad Guy: ScumBag!Robber!Haz/Reader
Singing in the Shower: Part 1 Part 2 (Smut) Roommate!Haz/Reader 
Angel is a Centerfold:  Haz/Reader
Appendicitis: Harrison/Reader with appendicitis
A Calming Salve: (SMUT) Harrison/Reader
Varsity Jackets and Saddle Shoes:  1950′s AU Jock!Haz/Bookworm!Reader
Late Night: Harrison/Reader Haz carries sleepy reader to bed
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Luck Be A Lady: Mob!Haz/OC 10,500 word one shot. My pride. My joy.
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Moonbeams and Ridinghoods (Series): (future smut) Werewolf!Haz/Reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
Tom Holland
Baby Mine:  Tom/Pregnant!reader
First Time: Tom/Nursing Student!Reader
Lights on the Tree: Tom/Girlfriend home for Christmas
His Favorite Story: Tom/Girlfriend who is self conscious of surgical scar
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bi-writes · 4 years
¡Ay, chica! ¡Maravillosa! It is so hard to find writers of color on here when you have a specific idea in mind. I mean you do have a few writers that reluctantly write respectfully if it’s highly requested but I’m so happy to find someone who can do Tom x Latina reader ideas when I have an idea! I’ll keep you in mind!💃🏽
haha thats wonderful. i manifested the latina i aspire to be in my OC mariposa in notorious. i mean she did get with haz which is lowk my dream so lets just say mariposa is the woman i want to be one day if i ever join the mob
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rescue3000 · 5 years
Mother Knows Best Teaser
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Paring: Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!OC
Warnings: none for now
A/N: please do give feedback as it would help motivate me to continue this! I hope you enjoy!
Taglist: @hazssouthernbelle @skymoonandstardust @foreverstuckwritingandimagining @tomnhaz @tomshufflepuff @tominhoodies @starksirons @parkeret
“What about this one?”
Tom looked over at the golden bracelet in his hand, “hm that could work, but didn’t you already get her one last year?”
Harrison groaned before handing the bracelet back to the girl behind the counter with a smile. “Well then what do you suggest?”
Tom leaned against the counter looking around the store in the mall. “Well what about a book? Doesn’t Char love to read?”
“Of course why didn’t I think of that!”
“Cause you’re a div.”
Haz laughs pushing Tom towards the entrance of the store. “Come on hotshot, let’s find my sister a book and get out of here. What do you make of the meeting later?”
Before Tom had a chance to reply, a little girl ran into him before carrying on running.
“Hermione get back her right now little miss” a voice yelled.
The little girl, Hermione, came running back careful to not run into anyone before hugging against her mother a leg. A man taller than her had his arm wrapped around her shoulders protectively.
“What do we say young lady?” The man spoke gently to Hermione.
“I’m sorry mister for running into you.”
Tom chuckled softly before crouching down to her level, “it’s alright darling just watch where you run in the future yeah?”
Hermione smiled while nodding her head as he stood back up.
“Well we should probably get going, what do you say Jakey?”
“You know I hate that and sure thing angel” he said with a smile and nod to the two men as they started walking away.
Alex and Jake followed after Hermione into Barnes and Noble shaking their heads.
“Mommy can I get some books?”, she looked up with her baby blues.
“Sure honey just don’t stray far from us okay?”
“Yes mommy.” With that she wandered into the young adult section with Jake.
“Hey Jakey?”
“Yes?” He crouched down to her level with a warm smile.
“Are you and mommy dating?”
He was taken back with the question as he tried to come up with a response. Running a hand through his hair watching the little girl. “Uh well I do love you and your mother very much-”
“Then why don’t you kiss mommy?”
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once-upon-a-storyy · 6 years
God Only Knows- T.H. (4)
Summary: Nicolette Garcia is probably the most feared mobster in the world. The 22-year-old is successfully running two different mobs in two different countries. The Garcia’s are known globally, and that puts a giant target on their backs. So, what happens when Nicolette’s father sets up an alliance through marriage with London’s most feared mob leader, Tom Holland? Will the two be able to find their own happily ever after, or will their dirty little secrets come back to bit them in the butt?
Pairing: Mob!Tom x Mob!OC
Warnings: hahahaha angst suckers! 
A/N: I am incredibly sorry in advance if this sucks. I’m still trying to figure out how to write characters who speak more than one language. So if I mess up, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!  
Word Count: 2,483
Teaser// One// Two// Three
By the time seven rolled around, Nicolette had changed her outfit four different times. She simply couldn’t decide what looked best, and she couldn’t remember the last time she had been this nervous. She wished deeply that her sisters were with her. Certainly, they’d know how to ease her nerves. She thought long and hard about calling them, but she couldn’t wake her sisters up. She had cursed to her self, eyes narrowed at her clothing option. She had been putting the final touches on her makeup when she heard a knock at the door. “One minute!” She called, her voice dancing through the halls.
Tom waited outside the door, hands shoved into his pockets. His bottom lip was between his teeth as he waited for her to open the door. A few seconds later, the door was cracking open, dragging Tom out of his thoughts. “Love, you look,” he wet his bottom lip, dragging his eyes slowly over her frame. “Absolutely breathtaking,” he breathed out, forcing his gaze back to hers, brilliant smile in place.
Nicolette smiled, hands smoothing out her short black dress nervously. “You don’t think it’s too much?” Her blue eyes met his brown ones, nervousness apparent.
Tom shook his head, holding a hand out to her, “Not at all love,” he smiled when she placed her hand in his gently. He laced their fingers together, pulling her into him. She let a surprised noise out, swallowing thickly as the door shut behind her. “You look perfect,” he mumbled, eyes searching hers.
Nicolette felt her face heat up, “You don’t look too bad yourself Holland,” she breathed,
taking in his crisp, black suit. The jacket hugged his figure, showing off his arms perfectly. The white undershirt he had on hugged his body, and she could faintly trace the outline of his abs with her eyes.
Tom beamed, “Only the best for you love,” he placed a soft kiss on her cheeks, watching the pink rise.
“Mm,” she responded, her eyes fluttering shut momentarily, “Is Harrison joining us?” She asked once she’d found her voice.
Tom shook his head, moving to lead her to the restaurant, “Not tonight. Said he wanted to get some work done,” he risked a glance at her, drinking in the sight of her in the little black dress that fell just above her knee.
Nicolette nodded, “To be completely honest,” she looked over at Tom causing his head to snap up, “I’m not sure he likes me very much,” she dropped her gaze to the small charm bracelet on her left wrist.
Tom gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, “That’s not true love! He just doesn’t know you yet,” he paused, “I don’t really know you either. That’s what this,” he motioned around them, “Is for.” A small smile made its way onto his lips, and Nicolette couldn’t help but reciprocate.
“You’re right,” she nodded, blonde curls bouncing, “I do look forward to getting to know you, Mr. Holland,” she smirked slightly.
Tom’s smile grew, and he squeezed her hand once more, “And I look forward to getting to know you, Mrs. Holland,” he brought her hand to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss on her knuckles, an unknown glimmer in his eyes.
Harrison’s eyes narrowed at his laptop screen. He’d been there for hours, digging up anything he could on the Garcia’s. He’d barely found anything, and he was growing extremely frustrated. “These guys sure do know how to cover their tracks,” he muttered, loosening the tie around his neck. The sleeves of his light blue dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, and he was slouched in his seat at the dining table in his room. A glass of whiskey sat off-set to his right, the amber liquid daring him to down it all. Harrison bit his lip, his gaze moving from the laptop to his phone that sat on the table. He knew it’d be wrong to enlist the help of Tom’s brothers, but he needed the extra set of eyes at this point.
Sighing, Harrison grabbed his phone, dialing the twin’s number before he lost his nerve. “Haz what’s up mate?” Harry’s voice carried through the phone.
“I need help,” Haz spoke, biting his lip immediately after.
“What with?” On his end of the phone, Harry motioned Sam over, putting Harrison on speaker.
“I need to find everything on the Garcia family,” Harrison’s eyes were trained back on the laptop screen, eyes scanning the page for the third time that evening.
Harry’s brows furrowed, and Sam shrugged, “Sure thing. Do you mind us asking why?”
“Tom made a business deal with them at the gala.”
“We know that Harrison,” Sam’s brows furrowed. Harry’s lips pressed into a thin line.
Harrison sighed, debating on telling them his real reasons, “I just want to make sure they check out,” he finally answered.
Harry and Sam shared a hesitant look, “Okay. You’re the boss,” they breathed out.
“Anything else?” Sam asked, leaning over the desk more.
“No. That’s all. Call with any information. Thanks, guys.”
“You got it Haz. We’ll let you know.” Harry nodded, knowing Harrison couldn’t see him.
“Enjoy Barcelona,” Sam stated, and the call was dropped.
Harry leaned back in his seat, “I wonder what that was all about.”
Sam shrugged, pushing off the desk, “Who knows. Let's just get it done.”
Harrison sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He knew that was wrong. That if, when, Tom found out, he’d be furious. “I’m doing this for you, Tom,” he muttered, going back to his search, “I just hope that you’ll see it my way,” shaking his head, he downed the rest of his drink, settling in for what he assumed would be a very long night.
“You really did that?” Nicolette managed between laughs.
Tom shook his head, chuckles escaping his lips, “Yeah love, I really did.”
Nicolette laughed harder, her head tilting back, “Oh Tom,” she shook her head, embarrassed for him.
“What about you darling? Any embarrassing stories?” He nodded toward her, an eyebrow raised.
She nodded, taking a sip of her tequila, “Oh definitely,” she giggled, setting her drink back down.
“Well, out with them!” Tom urged, bright smile in place.
Nicolette shook her head forcibly, “Absolutely not,” she giggled again, “They’re too embarrassing.”
“Oh c’mon love, I shared one with you, it’s only fair,” he tried to reason, his smile never faltering.
Nicolette sighed, her eyes narrowing just a bit, “Fine,” she breathed, rolling her eyes. Tom’s face lit up, and he leaned over the table slightly, ready to listen to her tale. “There was a time, back when I was a child,” she shook her head, amazed that she was actually going to tell him, “Delphine had been going through this awful snake phase,” she shuddered, “She knows I hate them, so one day, there was this disgusting black snake coiled up on our front porch. Delphine went out to capture it. I had no idea,” Tom focused on her, watching her facial expressions, seeing how she lit up talking about her sister. “She placed it under my pillow, so that night when I went to bed, I saw its tail and freaked out,” her cheeks lit up.
Tom chuckled slightly, “Oh love, she really did that to you?” He shook his head, reaching a hand out to her.
“Yes! She did and she felt no remorse!” Nicolette cried, her own giggle slipping through her dark red lips.
“I promise you I won’t ever place a snake under your pillow love,” Tom smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he ran the pad of his thumb over her knuckles.
She nodded once, taking another sip of her drink, “I appreciate you Thomas Holland,” she smiled brightly, over her glass.
Tom sat back slightly in his seat, they had finished their meal long ago, and their plates sat empty in front of them. “I had a fantastic time with you tonight,” he spoke softly, a stark contrast to their playful tone prior.
Nicolette ducked her eyes, her cheeks heating up even more, “I had fun as well,” she answered truthfully. The candle in the center of the table softened her facial features even more, and Tom felt himself melting. He couldn’t believe how quickly he’d managed to fall under her spell. Her blue eyes captivated him, and he simply couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.
Nicolette couldn’t say that she wasn’t already falling for Tom. The young London mobster was slowly capturing her heart. She felt safe with him in a way she hadn’t with her family. This, this was more intimate. Deeper. She knew that Tom wouldn’t let anyone hurt her, she could see it plain as day in his eyes, but she still felt scared. This was new. Foreign. She’d never done this before. “Are you alright love?” Tom’s soft voice brought her back out of her thoughts, concerned look on his face.
She nodded, smiling softly, “I’m alright,” she assured, “Just got lost in my head is all.”
Tom nodded, squeezing her hand, “What were you thinking about?” Tom wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about her. He was so drawn to her. Just thinking about her sent his heart into a frenzy. The feeling was new to him, but he welcomed it. He loved the rush of emotions he got whenever he saw her. Granted it's only been a few days, but he was fully under her spell. He could honestly say he was falling in love with Nicolette Garcia. And it scared him. He’d never felt this way before, and he didn’t know what to do. He’d never had anyone besides his family to take care of. To worry about.
“Just,” Nicolette’s voice brought Tom back, grounded him to their conversation, “How scary this is,” her cheeks flushed, and she dropped her gaze.
Tom smiled softly, rubbing soothing circles on her hand, “I know how you feel love.”
Slowly, she met his gaze, “You do?” Her voice was soft, softer than Tom had ever heard it.
He nodded, “Of course! I’ve never done this before,” he gestured to them.
She smiled softly, “Do you think we can do it?”
“I know we can,” Tom wet his bottom lip, “It’s going to be work, but I know we can do this,” he scooted closer to the table, moving his face into the light of the candle.
“How are you so sure?” Her brows furrowed.
Tom took a deep breath, “Because, because I, I think,” he swallowed hard, his heart feeling like it’d fall out of his chest, “I know because I think I’m starting to fall in love with you,” he rushed out, his heart going into overdrive as he awaited her response.
Nicolette let out a small gasp, her mouth falling open. Her heart pounded in her chest, her thoughts ran all over the place, refusing to settle on a single thought. She stared at him, arctic blue eyes wide, plum, red lips, parted, chest heaving. “I uh,” she didn't know what to say. She knew she was starting to feel something incredibly strong for the British boy, but she didn’t know how to express that.
“I uh,” Tom scratched the back of his neck with his free hand, “I probably shouldn’t have said that so soon,” he muttered, slowly releasing his grasp on her hand.
“I uh,” Nicolette threw her chair back, standing quickly, nearly tipping over with his confession. “I’m going to go to my room now,” she motioned behind them, her mind still spinning. “Good, goodnight Thomas.” She shook her head forcibly, grabbing her clutch off the table, nearly sprinting back to her room.
Tom sat at the table, his mouth hanging open, eyes wide. He had no idea what had just happened. He felt his heart starting to crack slightly, and his cheeks were starting to heat up. Slowly, he rose from his own seat, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before he too, made his way to his room. ‘Maybe she just needs some time to think’ he thought to himself. He slowed as he passed her room, hesitating to take a step forward. He wanted to knock, to make sure she was okay, to take it all back. But he couldn’t. He meant what he had said. He was falling in love with her. His brows furrowed, but eventually, he shook his head, moving on to his room, taking one last look over his shoulder at her closed door. Tom shook his head again, opening the door to his room and slipped in before anyone could see him.
Nicolette’s entire body shook as she leaned against her door. It was shut firmly, closing her in from any and all human interaction. She didn’t know what caused her to run exactly. It had just been too much. All of it had just been too much. She felt so guilty for just leaving Tom like that, but she couldn’t make herself go find him to apologize. Her hands shook as she carefully, moved toward her bedroom to rid herself of her night clothes. “What have I done?” She shrieked to herself after she had slipped into a thin nightgown. Her heart pounded, and it was the only thing she could hear. She needed to get out. To get away. Staggering, she made her way back to the door, her room key gripped tightly in her hand. She shoved her way out and ran through the courtyard. She had no idea where she was going, she just needed to get away for a minute. To calm down. Get fresh air.
Nicolette’s movements were slow, drunken almost, even though she was almost completely sober. She saw the moonlight bouncing off something and moved closer, drawn into the glow. She found herself standing at the edge of the pool, the water rippling beneath her. Her reflection was fractured on the surface beneath her. Her heart still pounded, but it was starting to slow. The soft gurgle of the pool water was starting to soothe her anxiety. Her muscles started to relax, and her eyes fluttered closed. ‘Maybe you should go see him tonight. To apologize. Let him know you’re not upset with him.’ She thought, chewing lightly on her bottom lip. ‘But what if he’s mad with you? I mean you did just leave him at dinner with no explanation.’ She reasoned with herself. She could feel herself getting frustrated, not knowing what to do. She sighed, crumpling to the ground, her feet dangling off the edge, toes skimming the surface of the water, the chill shooting up her spine. “I’ll just talk to him tomorrow,” she mumbled, tracing soothing patterns into the stone surrounding the pool, “Let us both calm down a bit,” she added, getting lost in the motion.
Taglist: @heavenly---holland @all-american-fangirl @mobtomsgirl @musiclover1263 @dee-rosemary @daringbanshee @nillebrein @slytherin-princess-25273
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j0ebay · 6 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 4
Warning(s): swearing, violence, this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3238
A/N: YAY IM ACTUALLY POSTING ACTUAL WRITING AGAIN!!!!! I’m so so so deeply sorry this took me like eight million years to actually do but hopefully it’s good! I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
series masterlist
add yourself to my taglist!!
chapter 3     chapter 5
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don't know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie.” -Nancy Sinatra
Lindsey groans as her alarm goes off. She feels around her nightstand for her phone, slapping her pair of cheaters off in the process.
“Shit” She grumbles. She eventually finds her phone and turns her alarm off.
Haz🥞 1 new photo message.
She unlocks the rectangular device to see the picture Harrison was talking about the night before. The memory from that day hits her like a train, causing her to smile. She saves it and makes it her home screen, deeming it appropriate for the season.
Harrison’s nose scrunches up as he feels the sun on his face. He rubs his eyes with the backs of his hands and grabs his phone from the charger
Linds🤗 Damn, we’re cute
He chuckles to himself, typing back a quick response.
Haz🥞 I’m afraid that’s all you, sweetheart
Harrison could almost see her blushing, reading his message. Slowly & surely, he rolls out of bed and trudges down the hallway to the kitchen. He pours his cup of coffee, rubbing the sleep deprivation out of his crystal blue eyes yet again.
“I think I’m gonna keep someone watching her.” Harrison turns around to see Tom.
“Just cause, Y’know, Chris probably has friends and she seemed really freaked out yesterday.” Haz nods.
“We can always offer her a spot here too.” He suggests. Tom purses his lips.
“She can’t know what we do, Haz. Or, at least she couldn’t when we were younger. However, we’re older now and she does live in a pretty crappy neighborhood.” Harrison nods again.
“I think having her stay here should be like a last resort or something. ‘Cause you and Harry killing that son of a bitch last night might have affiliated her with us or just the mob in general. Having her stay here would definitely do so. It would put her in a lot of danger, Tom. But, at the same time, we”re here and her dad insisted she knew at least basic hand to hand before he died, so it’s not like she would be completely helpless.” Tom lets out a deep and raspy chuckle.
“You’ve thought a lot about this haven’t you?” Harrison’s cheeks turn to a light crimson as he directs his gaze to his mug full of the dark liquid.
“Shut up.”
Lindsey lets out a heavy sigh as she waits for her drink. She checks her phone and rolls her eyes as the barista announced the second “Beyoncé” in ten minutes. Lindsey cracks a small smile at the picture of her and Harrison.
“Lindsey” the barista calling her name snaps her out of her thoughts. She smiles at the woman, takes her drink, turns around and is instantly met with another body.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I didn’t even look where I was going! I-“ she’s cut off by the sound of male laughter.
“It’s fine, really. I don’t think any got on me so it’s no trouble.” She shyly looks up to see a gorgeous brown haired, hazel eyed man, roughly her age.
“Y-you sure?” She asks, looking down and clearing some strands of hair out of her face. The man laughs again.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m Chad by the way.” He holds out his hand. She lightly shakes it.
“Lindsey.” Chad flashes a blinding smile.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” She lets out a soft giggle, soon cut off by his phone buzzing.
“Shoot, I have to go” he sighs. Lindsey lowers her head.
“But I’d love to talk with you more. Can I get your number?” Lindsey looks up at him in shock.
“Um, y-yeah, definitely.” She manages to studded out. He lets out a small chuckle as they exchange phones and start typing away. His touch lingered as he handed her phone back, causing her cheeks to turn pink. She quickly texts Tom with a smile on her face.
Lindsey Fuller TOM GUESS WHAT
“YOU MET A GUY?” Grace screams at her roommate upon hearing the news. Lindsey excitedly nods, tying her scarf around her neck, finalizing her outfit for work.
“I’m off!” She announces, grabbing her set of keys from the bowl by the door.
“Aren’t you leaving a little early for work?” Grace asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Car’s in the shop remember?” Lindsey asks, walking out the door, shooting finger guns at her friend.
Tom locks his phone and lets out a heavy sigh.
“Everything alright?” Tom jumps at the sudden lack of silence.
“Jesus, Haz. Don’t do that. Yeah, everything’s fine, that was just Jack with the Lindsey update.”
Harrison’s eyes widen.
“What’s going on? Is she okay?” Tom chuckles at his friend’s overprotectiveness.
“Yeah, she’s fine. She’s at work and I guess she’s doing really well considering everything that’s happened to her. Apparently, according to her at least, she met some guy today.” Harrison raises his eyebrows.
“She told you that? Not Jack?” Tom shakes his head, causing Haz to shrug.
“Well, fingers crossed he doesn’t break her heart, then.” Tom laughs.
“Amen to that, mate. But, don’t pretend you hate holding her” He teases.
“Fuck off, Tom” Harrison groans, throwing a pen at his best friend.
“Headin’ home, Linds?” The dark haired girl hears her manager ask from behind her. She turns around to meet Karlie’s gaze and nods.
“Yeah, I’m clocking out.” She looks out the window to see a pitch black sky.
“Well, thank you for coming back so quickly, love. This place is really different without you here.”
Lindsey smiles, untying her apron and pulling her jacket on. Lindsey takes a deep breath before stepping out of the door. Memories of the parking lot flooded her brain.
“He can’t hurt you anymore” she whispers to herself. As she walks home, she continuously looks over her shoulder, acknowledging the lingering feeling of someone following her. She subtly offsets her walking pace and hears another pair of feet trailing her. She opens her phone and texts Harry
Linds✌ do you have a car?
She opens the map app on her phone and finds a diner open 24 hours for her to hide in. Surely if there’s a suspicious person following you in the dark, light would drown them out, right? Lindsey’s phone buzzes with a response.
Harreh😋 Yeah, why?
She quickly types back, being sure to keep her head down.
Linds✌ can you come pick me up if it’s not too much trouble? My car’s in the shop and I think someone’s following me. I’m about to hide in Mickey’s Diner.
She sighs, pressing send, running a hand through her hair, then stuffing her hands in her pockets.
“Guys,” Harry began, announcing his presence to Tom and Harrison.
“I think Linds is onto us.” He said. Both of the boys’ eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“What makes you say that?” Tom asks. Harry gestures to his phone. The three crown around it and read the recent conversation.
“Mickey’s isn’t that far of a drive, maybe five minutes?” Haz starts, while Tom grabs his phone and starts typing furiously.
“We could be like the knights in shining armor or something,” Harrison suggests.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT WATCHING HER?” Tom screams into his phone.
“I give you one fucking job, nothing else, solely so you can focus on this and you’re telling me that you just decided to fuck off once she got to work?” Harry takes this as a sign and jogs out to the car, Harrison following close behind.
Harreh😋 Be there in five, don’t go anywhere else, act natural, don’t draw attention to yourself
Lindsey sighs, sipping more of her water and pressing her back up against the booth in front of the wall. Anxiously bouncing her leg, she keeps her eye on the door and her back to the wall.
“Is there anything else i can get you, sweetheart?” The waitress asks her. Lindsey shakes her head, smiling up at the woman.
“Just more water, please.” The waitress nods and walks to grab the water pitcher. Lindsey checks her phone once again, wondering where Harry was.
“Back to the wall, clever” a familiar voice snaps her out of her daze, along with the sound of people sitting down. She looks up and releases her held breath at the sight of Harry and Harrison?
“Oh my god” Lindsey sighs with a hint of laughter.
“You scared the crap outta me!” The three of them laugh as the waitress walks back over with water.
“Anything I can get for you gentlemen?”
“No thanks,” Harry replies, followed by Lindsey asking for the check.
“Love, you only had water! You’re good to go!” The waitress exclaims. Lindsey smiles and tips her. As the three walk out of the diner, Lindsey leans over to Harry.
“That’s Haz?” He smirks and nods. She giggles a bit.
“Damn” Harrison turns around once they get outside.
“Oi, Linds, I think someone owes me a hug?” She laughs, running into his open arms. The two look at each other in a fit of laughter while Harry takes his phone out.
“Hi” Harrison mumbles, pressing his lips to her forehead. Lindsey giggles at the sudden gesture.
“Y’know, Tom and Harry were right” she whispers. Haz raises his eyebrows, prompting her to continue.
“You totally had a glo up” she smiles and pokes his stomach.
The two are interrupted by Harry clearing his throat.
“When you both are done, Linds, you’re staying with us tonight. Tom said you’re not going anywhere near that shithole neighborhood of yours, at least for tonight, alright?”
“But I’m still in my work clothes!” Lindsey protests.
“No buts, love. Just wear something of mine” Haz grabs her shoulders, rubbing her arms slightly. She lets out a heavy sigh.
“I don’t have a choice, do I?”
Tom hears a knock on his office door. “Yeah” He becons.
Harrison walks in.
“She’s here, mate” Tom looks up from his paperwork, acknowledging his friend.
“Everything go alright?” He asks. Haz nods.
“Yeah, man, she’s good. She’s in the shower right now. Is it cool if she stays with me tonight?” Tom raises his eyebrow and leans back in his chair.
“Got somethin’ you wanna tell me, Haz?” Harrison sighs, running a hand through his light brown curls.
“You know I was trying to sort out feelings in high school. That’s all I’m gonna say” Tom shrugs.
“Fair enough” He mutters.
“She can stay in your room if she’s cool with it. I should probably go up and see her soon. Y’know, say hi and all that stuff.” He says, closing up his work.
“Thank you so much, Tom” Harrison sighs, closing the door behind him. He walks up the stairs to his room, finding a toweled Lindsey in the process.
“Feelin’ better?” He asks in a tone softer than usual. She smiles back at him and nods.
“What am i supposed to wear?” She whispers, causing the two to lightly chuckle. Haz leads her to his room and closes the door.
“You can just wear something of mine. I have like a sweatshirt and shorts or something.” He grabs said clothing items and hands them to her. She leaves for the bathroom and soon returns.
“I can’t believe you idiots live here. This place is huge!” Harrison laughs and Lindsey bites her cheek.
“What is it? Is everything okay?” She looks down.
“If i asked for another hug, would that be too much?” She mumbles. Harrison laughs again, walking over to her and scooping her into his arms.
“Get over here, silly girl” he groans. She hurries her face in the crook of his neck. Harrison looks down at her, content with life. Lindsey mumbles something incoherent, causing his eyebrows to furrow.
“What was that, darling?” He asks, holding her tighter. She raises her face barely a millimeter.
“I said i missed you” she mumbles, groggily. Harrison lets out a soft chuckle, pressing his lips to her forehead once more.
“I know, love. I missed you too” he replies, slowly rocking her back and forth.
“You wanna sleep in here tonight or you wanna sleep in the guest room?” He mumbles into her hair. Lindsey looks up at him.
“Wishing to relive the glory days are we?” Harrison says nothing but moves his hands to her sides, wiggling his fingers ever so slightly, sending her in a fit of giggles.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Lindsey squeals as she feels her knees almost buckle. Harrison stills his movements, keeping his hands on her hips and allowing her to catch her breath.
“Are you alright with me staying here tonight? I really missed you and I’m kinda still freaked out a little” Harrison feels his jaw clenched slightly at the thought of someone scaring her.
“Of course, love. Tell ya what,” he starts, placing his hands on her shoulders.
“You get comfy here, I’ll go make some popcorn and we’ll have ourselves a little movie night, yeah?” Lindsey smiles brightly at the man.
“This better include cuddles or I’m gonna cry” Harrison scoffs.
“You actually think after all these years, we finally get reunited and I don’t want to watch movies, eat junk food and use my favorite girl as a blanket? Camomile, Fuller. You’re off your game” Lindsey smiles and looks at their feet, hiding the evident blush on her cheeks. The two are interrupted by a knock on Haz’s door.
“Yeah?” He asks. Tom enters.
“I’m not interrupting anything am I?” He asks, taking in the closeness of the two. Lindsey slowly steps away from Harrison and pulls Tom in for a hug.
“Thank you,” she whispers, making Tom smile.
“Of course, darling. You’re family, after all” he says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. They pull away.
“You mind if I ask you some stuff, Linds?” She nods, prompting Harrison to walk towards the door.
“I guess I’ll make the popcorn then” Harrison eventually finds Harry in the kitchen.
“How’s she doin’ mate?” Haz smiles.
“She’s doing alright. A bit shaken up, obviously. She still loves hugs ‘n stuff. ‘N right now, Tom’s question her about… I don’t even know at this point” The two boys laugh.
“Probably just ‘How are you doing? Did you catch a glimpse of the dude following you? Do you still have a crush on Haz?’ that kinda thing” Harry chuckles as Harrison slaps him on the bicep.
“Relax, man. I was only joking” Tom enters the kitchen, announcing his presence with a heavy sigh.
“She still thinks it’s that Chris jackass, or someone connected to him” Harrison runs a hand through his unruly curls.
“But can’t we just tell her we took care of him?” Harry asks with an annoyed tone.
“I already told her you both took care of him but I’m pretty sure she thought i meant talking to him or something” Haz mumbles.
“I know Gideon said to keep her out of the loop as much as possible but,” Tom trails off
“I think it’s time we tell her what we do for a living”
“ARE YOU MAD?” Harrison screams.
“DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DANGER THAT COULD PUT HER IN?” The Holland brothers shush him.
“I mean, Tom kinda has a point,” Harry mutters.
“If you think about it, bringing her here, hell, even just killing that guy tell people she’s with us. You never really know who’s watching, we all know that. If she was followed by someone other than Jack just then, aside from some random asshole on the street, then we have a serious problem-“
“What Harry’s trying to say, is that she’s already in danger. She might as well know the truth about everything that’s been going on” Tom interjects.
Lindsey hears the murmurs from downstairs and furrows her eyebrows, trying to make out exactly what the boys were saying. She knew they were talking about her, obviously, thanks to Harrison yelling. The sound of of someone walking upstairs, towards Harrison’s room graces Lindsey’s ears. Quickly, she leans back on the bed and pulls out her phone, making herself look occupied with something else. The door slowly opens, revealing Haz with a big bowl of popcorn.
“You still like it horrendously over salted, right?” He asks with a giant smile on his face, causing her to laugh.
“Well that depends,” she says in between laughter.
“On what?” Haz questions, starting to unbutton his dress shirt.
“Also, you don’t mind if I change in front of you, right?” Lindsey shakes her head.
“No, you’re cool. Unless you burnt the popcorn again” Harrison playfully glares at her.
“That was one time” He whines, removing his shirt.
Lindsey’s eyebrows raise. Haz had definitely gone to the gym since they last saw each other. He looks over and smirks.
“Enjoying the show?” Lindsey scoffs and throws a pillow at him. The blue eyed man only laughs at his friends actions as he pulls on a grey t-shirt. As soon as his pants come off, Lindsey bursts into a fit of laughter.
“Batman boxers? Really Haz?” He has an annoyed smile on his face.
“Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Fuller. Quick question, do you want to sleep all alone in the guest room tonight?” She lets out one more giggle and throws her hands up in defeat. As soon as he pulls his pajama pants on, Harrison jumps onto the bed, causing the, both to laugh. Eventually, he situates himself so the two are both laying on their sides, facing each other.
“Hi” she mumbles. He gently slides his arm over her waist.
“Hi” he responds, pressing a kiss to her forehead. She softly giggles, being sure to cherish the moment unfolding before her eyes. Slowly and delicately, he turns so he’s laying on his back and pulls her closer, muttering
“C’mere, pretty girl” in a low, groggy tone. Lindsey buries her head in his chest.
“Shut up” He chuckles and holds her closer.
“Let’s watch something, yeah?” He asks, softly. She nods and he slowly reaches to grab the remote, while rubbing circles on her back. Lindsey hums in contentment.
“I missed this” She whispers. Harrison brushes the hair out of her face. He cues up the office, directing his eyes towards the TV screen, before hearing Lindsey laugh.
“I can’t believe you remembered the beach” She leans up slightly and runs a hand through her hair to clear it out of her face. Harrison chuckles as well.
“Who could forget a rescue mission?”
The two laugh, recalling the memory. His thumb starts rubbing circles on her arm.
“Keep that up and I’m totally falling asleep on you, Osterfield” She mumbles, breaking the comfortable silence between the two.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing” He mutters back, pressing his lips to her forehead yet again. She nuzzles herself deeper into his chest .
“It is!” She protests. Harrison cocks an eyebrow.
“How is you finally getting some decent amount of sleep, a bad thing?” Lindsey rubs her eyes.
“Cause it’s less time spent catching up with you” Harrison feels his heart fill. He squeezes her arm, causing her to look up at him. He returns the small smile she gives him.
After five minutes of watching TV, Harrison hears Lindsey’s breathing steady. He looks down to see her sleeping figure.
“Goodnight, sweet girl” He whispers, pressing one more kiss to her cheek before turning the TV off and joining her in peaceful slumber.
strikethrough means it wont let me tag you. please message me!!!
@og-baby-ob14 @were-all-gay-down-here @girlreaderr @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny @random-stuff-18 @marvelismylifffe @spiderdudeparker
Harrison Osterfield
@brighterholland @gryfinpuffs @mischiefmanaged49 @the-queen-procrastinator @desir-ae
Kiss Me Goodbye...
14 notes · View notes
j0ebay · 6 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 1
Warning(s): swearing, violence, this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 2129
A/N: IT’S HERE IT’S HERE IT’S FINALLY HERE!!!! I literally wrote half of this over the course of two very busy days and pulled the rest out of my ass in an all nighter oops I have a parade today I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙💙
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synopsis     chapter 2
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don't know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie” -Nancy Sinatra
“You need a refill, George?” Asks the green eyed, burgundy haired woman as she quickly rounded the corner of the counter. Morning rush for her was always such an exciting time, due to her love of people, both newcomers and regulars.
“If it’s not too much trouble for you, Lindsey. You’re always so busy.” The older man replies back, sitting on a bar stool and pushing his empty mug towards her.
Lindsey laughs while picking up a coffee pot and pouring it, causing the dark liquid to pour out.
“Too much trouble? It’s my job to make sure you’re good!” She pushes her glasses further up on her nose. The man sips his coffee while she races around grabbing things needed for other customers.
“Order up!” a voice from the kitchen yells. Lindsey speeds over to the window saying a quick
“Thanks Marty!” before taking the food, putting it on a tray and walking it over to a couple in their mid sixties
“I got a waffle platter with scrambled eggs and a fruit bowl for Miss Kathy and a pancake stack with poached eggs and hashbrowns for the one and only Franklin” She says placing the plates to the respective people and turns the tray into her abdomen, crossing her arms over it.
“Anything else I can get for you folks? More water?”
The two smile at her before Franklin says
“No, Lindsey we’re really great thanks.”
She smiles and nods.
“Alright, you two, well you let me know if you need anything alright? How are the kids doing?”
The two smile at the mention of their children
“Well, Matt is finishing up university and he just got accepted into medical school and Darcy just got engaged to her boyfriend last night”
The young girl grins at their excitement.
“Oh my gosh that’s amazing!”
“How’s your show going?” Kathy asks
“We hear a lot about those kids of yours”
She giggles and brushes the hair out of her face.
“Well it’s not really my show it’s all the kids but, they’re doing great! It’s really amazing to see how far they’ve come and how devoted they are. Plus the show’s actually pretty cool”
They both look at her with amazement.
“You really are devoted, you put in so many hours here and with those kids and then at the shelter too! How old are you again?”
“I just turned 22 a few weeks ago”
She hears the order bell ding again and waves at the couple while walking back to the counter
The blue eyed man rubs his face with his hands as he looks over the files. So much information racked his mind and he was hitting a wall. He directs his attention upward at the sound of a knocking door.
“Yeah what” The man said.
Another guy enters saying “Anderson hasn’t paid up and yesterday was the deadline”
The blue eyed man leans back in his desk chair, sighing and running his hand through his light brown curls.
“‘S Tom back yet?”
The other man shakes his head.
“Okay,” He sits up, resting his elbows in his lap and putting his face in his hands.
“Let me know when he does.”
“Alright, Haz”
The door closes as the other man leaves as the blue eyed man sighs, runs his hand through his hair once more and gets out of his chair and walks out of his office. Closing the door behind him, he looks at the name on the door
Harrison Osterfield
He smirks to himself, reflecting on the amount of power and authority he has. He walks over to the door that says Harry Holland and lightly knocks while already entering the office.
“Hey, mate Anderson didn’t pay up so I gotta go do some form of beatdown tonight. You in?”
Harry reflects the same smirk on Harrison’s face and nods.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been out and about. Let’s do it”
“Hey Lindsey can you help me out for a sec?”
Lindsey snaps out of her thoughts and turns her head to see another volunteer carrying three bags of dog food piled on top of each other. She smiles and walks over from the help desk to the front door grabbing two of the bags and slowly walking them over to the food room. Along with working at the diner and helping out in the marching band, she also helps out at the dog shelter.
“Jeez Lindsey you’ve got some muscle there!” The two girls laugh.
“Yeah well I grew up around guys that we’re pretty much my brothers so I’m kinda used to it”
They both laugh again and Lindsey sits herself back at her desk, taking out her phone to text her roommate.
Lindsey Fuller😋 Friendly reminder I’m not gonna be home til like 9:30-10:00ish cause there’s band so do whatever for dinner and you don’t need to wait up for me 😁
Immediately, her phone buzzes back with
Grace Moore🌷 Thanks for the heads up. Have fun with your kids
Lindsey smiles at the message. She never really considered the kids to be hers but everyone else did so she rolled with it. As she gazes at the clock, then at the door, she decides she has enough time to go over notes on things the kids need to work on tonight.
As the sun set, the boys were getting antsy, Tom wanted his damn money, Haz wanted to do his job and Harry? Harry just wanted something to do.
“I don’t see why we can’t just go right now.”
Tom chuckles, looking at his brother with raised eyebrows.
“You’re always so jittery Harry just shut up and wait ‘til he’s alone”
Harry groans and the two older boys laugh. They see their target walk into the warehouse.
“Let’s go boys” Tom mumbles as the three step out of the shadows and into the warehouse the man known as “Anderson” walked into.
Harrison finds the guy first, alone in the room and blocks the doorway. Harry soon follows, blocking the doorway from the other side. Tom stayed back, wanting to make an intimidating entrance. He does need to make an impression after all. Anderson still doesn’t notice the guys presence until Harrison clears his throat. Anderson turns his head, eyes wide once he catches a glimpse of who made the noise and instantly starts walking towards the other doorway. Harry laughs, leaning on the door frame and saying
“You didn’t actually think we’d let you get away that easily, now did you?”
Tom emerges from the darkness.
“Where’s my fucking money, Anderson?”
The man lets out a labored breath.
“T-Tom. I can explain”
Harrison steps forward, gearing up for what’s about to happen
“You can explain?” Tom asks with raised eyebrows.
“Cause that seems like a waste of my time. What do you think guys?” Harry smirks.
“I’d rather be home right now if we’re being honest”
Tom chimes in again. “And Haz over here? Haz is looking for a girl. He could be out doing that kinda thing right now!”
Harrison raises his eyebrows and tilts his head in agreement. He isn’t wrong.
Anderson stutters as the three of them move closer and closer, closing in on him.
“I-If it’s girls you want, I have a niece about your age and I think you might like her-” “-That’s pretty sick, mate” Haz cutts him of.
“You would be willing to give us your niece, the flesh and blood of your sibling, so you can get out of some fucking money?”
Harrison swings and lands a punch to the man’s stomach.
Anderson doubles over in pain mumbling a raspy
“Th-that’s not what i meant. I-”
He gets cut off by a knee to the gut, knocking him to the floor, groaning.
Tom squats down to his level, taking Anderson’s face in his hands.
“Now, it’s still fairly early in the night and my guys and I, well, we got shit to do. So, you’re gonna make this nice and simple for me. I’m gonna ask you a question and you’re gonna show me yes,”
He stops to forcefully nod the man’s head, squishing his cheeks.
“Or no.”
Tom shakes Anderson’s Anderson’s head, signaling no.
“You understand me?”
Anderson nods his head, sweat dripping from his forehead indicating fear.
“Alright, Anderson. Do you have my money?”
There’s a pause, even more tension fills the air and the man  slowly shakes his head.
“No?” Tom asks.
He looks at Haz and Harry.
“Well, at least he’s being honest.”
The three of them smile but then Harry interjects
“But, I mean it’s already a bad idea to take out a loan from the biggest mob boss in London, let alone not pay it back. I feel like lying would make everything worse. Wouldn’t you think Tom?”
Tom shrugs and nods, soon asking.
“So, what should we do with him then?”
Immediately, Anderson starts begging
“Please, Mr. Holland I’ll do anything. Just give me one more week. I can give my brother a call and set you and your friend up if that’s what you really want.”
The three guys roll their eyes before Harrison takes out his gun, pointing it at the man.
“I have an idea” he says, smirking.
The begging intensifies as Harrison cocks his gun.
“You sick son of a bitch. You could’ve given us the money that you owe us but instead, you find out that I just so happened to be kinda not really looking for a girl and you offer up your own family? I’m not even related to those two and they treat me better.”
He says, gesturing towards Tom and Harry with his gun.
“Please, Mr.Osterfield. I’m sorry!”
Harrison sighs.
“If only your niece could see you now”
“Nice rim shot at the end snares!” Lindsey says as she jogs back from where she was watching them.
“I would just say watch your heights on the sextuplet rolls, a good lot of you are accenting your right hand which is not what we need right now alright?”
She feels her phone buzz in her pocket and takes it out to see
Grace Moore🌷 Hey! Btw there’s a package here for you
Lindsey’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.
Lindsey Fuller😋 Go ahead and open it if it’s actually addressed to me… I don’t really remember ordering anything so it’s either some sort of surprise or a bomb.
She smiles at the message she sent and it immediately fades. She could’ve sworn she felt a pair of eyes on her. She cranes her head left and right, seeing nothing.
Her phone buzzes again.
Grace Moore🌷 It’s from the people living in your old house? They said they found an old scrapbook of yours and sent it along with a note… damn you were an adorable kid
“Ugh” Lindsey says to herself at the last part of the text. She looked around again, still getting the feeling that someone was watching her from a distance.
“Watch that roll snares! It sounds like blulululuah which is a bad thing!” She yells after the marching snare drummers.
Lindsey lets out a big yawn while looking at the time.
“Long night, Lindsey?” One of the drummers asks her.
She laughs.
“I can’t tell if you’re being sincere or if that’s part of the high school humor that i definitely do not miss since graduating.”
The younger boy smiles and says
“Honestly, it was a bit of both but all of us here know you stretch yourself pretty thin.”
She laughs again.
“Yeah, nothing caffeine and a kickass show can’t fix though”
Lindsey arrives at her apartment to see her old scrapbook and a note sitting on the kitchen table.
“Hi Lindsey! We found this scrapbook in a box in the attic, saw your name in the inside cover and decided it would be a good idea to mail it to you! I hope all is well wherever you are!
-Phyllis and Clifford Sullivan”
She flips through the book, reflecting on the memories she and her friends made of her childhood. Two families in particular come to mind right away. Constant sleepovers with the two boys her age, playing cowboy or football with them and exchanging smiles. Along with the memories of the two families, a song comes to mind. It was sung to her on so many occasions by one woman and only one woman. She would push the red hair out of her face and lightly comb Lindsey’s brown and sing
“I was five and he was six. We rode on horses made of sticks.”
Lindsey soon sang to herself softly.
“He wore black and I wore white. He would always win the fight.
Bang Bang.”
strikethrough means it wouldn't let me tag you. please message me!!
@og-baby-ob14 @were-all-gay-down-here @softiespidey @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny @random-stuff-18
Harrison Osterfield:
@upsidedownparker @mischiefmanaged49
22 notes · View notes
j0ebay · 6 years
Chapter 2’s officially qued up 😁
3 notes · View notes
fanficparker · 3 years
"The reward of sin is death? That’s hard." - Doctor Faustus, Marlowe
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.45k words
Warning: Swearing, jerk behaviour, keeping hostage, guns, blood and violence, sexual tension.
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
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"Kill her."
Harry coughed. Twice.
"You know that's not possible," because if it was, wouldn't they have eliminated all their rivals already? The mafia was no easy business. It was equivalent to living on the edge without a rope tied to your waist to pull you back in case you fall off the cliff. Rather there was a rope tied to your ankle, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pull you down.
Harrison licked his dried lips as he rose from the desk, stepping closer to him. "Yeah and that's why Tom should be here, not you." He paused for a moment before mumbling: "Kid," amusement crossing his sharp features.
Harry's stomach rumbled with anger. Oh, and you are an obtuse twenty-four-year-old crazy old man who is also a big ass jerk.
He wanted to punch that grimace off his face.
The only reason he was a part of the mafia was that he believed in Clarke's philosophy, his ideology, his way of dealing with things but with Harrison on board, was it even the same anymore?
Harrison crossed the nineteen-year-old, barging into the door to exit the room. "Ask Tom to meet me in the car at seven. And until then I don't want a single soul near myself." He stated before putting a foot out of the door.
Harry expected to hear his departing footsteps but Harrison rather took a foot back, meeting the redhead's eyes with a steady gaze.
"And from next time," He warned, "knock before you enter." And with that he left, his footsteps echoing behind him.
All Harry could do was clench his fist.
It was a business agreement but it felt more like a marriage. An unwanted, forceful one. One where you hated your spouse to the moon and back and yet had to lose a part of your bed, life and love.
Why would you ever do this to me, Clarke? Why would you?! The anger and frustration bubbling inside his chest were too much to handle. He had left along with Tom and had captured one of Dino's closest men.
Dino was one of their new clients and had lately caused a lot of trouble from not paying the amount he owed to actually trying to fly off Europe.
If it was for any other day, Harrison wouldn't even bother handling Dino or any of his men by himself but today he needed a punching bag. A punching bag on whom he could pour all his pent up rage out. Beat his torment off another person's bones. That made sense to him.
He had dragged the man in the dark of the abandoned warehouse— the place Dino once used as a storage for his illegal weapons. The place he had tried to erase, pretend that it never existed.
Tom tied him to the chair for enquiry but Harrison was in no mood for that. He had already made up his mind. He didn't even let the man lift up his head to comprehend what was happening before Harrison's fist made a sharp contact with his jaw, knocking him to the floor along with the chair.
Tom watched from the side as Harrison grabbed the man's shirt, now dusty and violated with stains of fresh blood mixed with spit, establishing the chair back on the cemented floor with a thud. "Ask your boss to show up, will you?" He raised his voice several octaves as if to mock him for being so weak and helpless.
With blood sputtering between the guy's teeth, he tried to speak, "I--"
But Harrison instantly cuts in, circling around his chair, "Oh wait. What can you even do? You are useless for both me and Dino. That's why Dino left you here. He doesn't give a fuck if you live or die." He halted his steps and pulled the man's hair, sharply forcing his head back, jarring his neck, painfully stretching the muscles of his throat before spatting into his face, "You hear that? You. Are. Worthless."
And then he again swung his fist across his face, just this time he didn't stop. His knuckles throbbed with the sharp collision of bone against bone. His skin turned bright blue hidden by red. God, it felt good.
"We don't wanna kill him." Tom reminded, voice laced with disgust. This was brutal even for Harrison.
"I want to." He groaned, fisting his hands in the man's shirt.
"And here I wondered, Clarke's scion would be smarter."
His neck snapped at the voice. The source of the words— the silhouette emerged from the door, her heels hitting against the cemented floor as she strolled towards the blue light that filled the otherwise dark room.
Harrison recognised the voice well, he didn't need to wait for it to materialise into human form but he also didn't want to hear it, let alone see the person whom it belonged to. Somethings are inevitable, anyway.
"What are you doing here?" Tom was the first one to speak, his eyes focused on the woman who stood just a few feet apart from them, her shoulder-length dark hair sitting as a tight ponytail, high on her head, giving her the illusion of height.
She crossed her arms over her midsection, one foot slightly ahead of the other and let out a breath. "That's not a question, you ask your boss. Especially in that tone." Her words were sharp but not her voice or tone for that matter. For an outsider or an amateur, it would appear as if she was just there to ridicule the two boys. Yeah, in some way, it was true except for the 'just' part. Both Tom and Harrison were neither an outsider nor amateurs to read into that. They knew why she was here.
Harrison asked anyway, swallowing his boiling rage, "What the hell are you doing here?"
Her lips twisted into a half grin. "Well, you can ask that though."
The small laughter that followed her words made a muscle tick in his jaw. He was this close to snapping. Snapping to no avail. Snapping for vain. She had won. She had won his prize and there was nothing he could do to reclaim it. He couldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing that she got him. No, she didn't. He reminded himself. No one could.
"I just came to check on you guys. Also, considering the fact that none of you noticed me standing right outside this room..." She looked over her shoulder, pointing a finger at the door, "Anyone could have shot you dead right there."
"And oh my god!" She gasped upon turning back to the scene, her voice infused with fake concern, "What have you done to this poor soul?"
The tension that hung between them had managed to make the muffled cries of the fourth person inaudible to the three pair of ears in the room. Maybe because he was the rat rather than the conventional elephant, people were so used to address.
"He is my client," Harrison growled, low in his throat— a thinly veiled attempt at trying to keep things civil.
"Not just yours." She corrected, flashing a small smile in his direction, more of a grimace, walking towards the man tied to the chair. The two guys watched her with narrowed, questioning eyes as she removed her coat, the draping neckline of her red top doing the bare minimum to cover anything.
She slouched across his chair, wiping the blood from the corner of his lip, softly smearing it across his cheek.
"Is this bad boy bullying you?" She momentarily shot a glance at Harrison. The man nodded, too afraid and too injured to speak.
Clicking her tongue in disdain, she gripped his chin tightly, her nails digging into his skin as she pushed the chair to the back, supported only by one of her heels. He jerked in his bonded state.
She leaned near his face, her breath tickling in his ear. "Why not better start behaving then?" She whispered, her lips brushing against the side of his face. "I don't like pretty faces as yours harmed."
Her finger traced over his lower lip, her nail scratching his wound in ways more sensual than painful. "Will you comply?" Her eyes flickered down to his lips.
He nodded instantly and desperately. He was charged up; her scent was filling his senses. When her eyes were back to his face, his slid to take a peek at her cleavage, a mixture of fear and excitement dotting his sweltering forehead with beads of sweat.
"Good boy," she muttered and dragged her foot away from the chair, installing him back to where they had started.
"P-Please..." The guy managed to utter when she moved away, urgency evident in his voice. A triumphant grin got pasted over her face in response, making her laugh at his needy request.
Harrison could bet that the guy had a mild erection even in his blood ridden pathetic state. The scene almost made him puke. Where he was using force and blood, she was using her body, sex as a weapon. Definitely not his way of working. Yet, he failed to suppress the dull tightening sensation in his abdomen—and the part below it.
She walked up to him, pulling her hair down, brushing them with her fingers. Her laughter had long subsided but its residue was still echoing in his head. He hated that. He hated her.
"Doesn't it spark old memories, Osterfield?"
His face flickered with annoyance. It was in his best interest to ignore her words.
"Let's talk over at dinner." She offered, carrying her coat on her elbow. Yeah, they very much needed to talk even when he didn't prefer it. So, he walked out of the room, waiting for her to follow.
"You should seriously take him back to wherever you picked him from." She instructed Tom as if Harrison wasn't enough for him to deal with.
"We had a reservation," she smiled at the hostess, "by the name of Sandhya Omar." Harrison, on the other hand, was somehow managing not to kill. Her, specifically.
The hostess smiled back, taking a glance at the register in her hand, "Welcome, Ms. Omar. Let me escort you to your table." She smiled at Harrison too. He didn't appreciate the gesture.
She led them to a table perfectly designed for two, for a date perhaps, placed on a quiet, dimly lit balcony. Harrison removed his blazer, hanging it over the chair before folding the sleeves of his beige-coloured shirt over his arms and occupying the seat. The hostess dragged Sandhya's chair, letting her sit.
She mumbled a quiet thank you.
"A waiter will be here shortly." She informed and left. She didn't lie; not a minute had passed and the waiter was already there, passing them two menus and pouring clear champagne into their flutes. Before he could proceed to light the candles decorated over the table, Harrison interrupted:
"We don't need that."
"Of course we need that, darling." She cuts in, smiling so pleasantly at him, just like a cat would smile at a canary.
It was the waiter who smiled back, at both of them, actually. "I will come back for the orders when you both are ready."
"Thank you. We will take some time, though."
"No worries, Ms. Saan—dha—ya."
"Just call me Sandy, it's fine." She shrugged away his absurd pronunciation of her name. The waiter just passed her an apologetic smile, walking away, leaving them in solitude, surrounded by nothing but luxury and privacy.
"Talk?" Harrison began.
"What?" She pretended to be clueless.
It was a game for her.
Not for him.
"You wanted to talk."
"You don't?"
He wasn't having it. So, she simply rolled her eyes, choosing to initiate. "Okay... I will start," she let out a breath, "My mob wants me dead because they want what I have inherited."
Funny, they and Harrison were on the same page.
"And you walked here alone?" He quirked a brow.
She slumped in her chair, one foot crossed over her knee, "You see, I am not alone." Her hands gestured at him.
He snorted. Ridiculous.
"You seriously think that I want you any less dead than them?"
"That's foolish." He leaned across the table, elbows pressing against the wood, "I'd kill you the second I'd get the chance." He stressed certain syllables, gritting his teeth in fury. His tone dripped scorn.
"No, you won't. You need me." She stated as a matter-of-fact, straightening her back.
"You wish." He replied quickly, scoffing at her misplaced confidence.
Her phone on the table vibrated, providing them with the much needed break from cocking their verbal guns at each other. The sneer on her face vanished in a heartbeat, quickly replaced by fear as soon as her eyes scanned the glowing screen. She tapped the dial on her watch before leaning across the table.
"Listen carefully..."
He didn't.
Her hands grabbed his collar, pulling his face closer to hers, tautly stretching the fabric of his shirt, "Your life is at threat too!"
Her eyes glanced at her watch again.
"Four minutes and they'll be here." The slight flicker of the candle burning across the table animated a dance of shadows on their faces, projecting the fearful vibrations in her stomach onto the surface. "For both of us," she clarified, their face centimeters apart.
He laughed pulling himself back, not considering her words any worthy of his contemplation, smoothening the creases she had created on his otherwise crisp shirt. But she was quick to pull him again, not allowing his eyes to focus on anything else but her.
"This is no drill, Harrison." She warned, her dark eyes cold and hard and locked on his blue ones.
"In four--three minutes, there will be a smoke bomb thrown below our table, and that's our only chance to escape. Take the left side, use the pipes to climb down as quickly as possible. A car will be waiting for you at the side of the street."
He squinted his eyes in disbelief, an expression of boredom covering his face. "Why would I trust you?"
She sighed, pulling a compact case, keeping it between them, the mirror facing his side. His pupils dilated noting the reflection on it. It was the reflection of a person, holding a sniper rifle, standing on the rooftop of the building across them.
A chill crept through his heart. Their eyes met again.
In a tone that lacked any hesitation and provided no explanation, she gave away the second part of the answer, "Because Clarke didn't die... He was murdered."
Yeah, people like Clarke don't just die.
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fanficparker · 3 years
“The life that you seek you shall never find. For when the Gods made man, They kept immortality to themselves.” - The Epic of Gilgamesh
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.47k words
Warning: Swearing, knives, anger issues, guns, handcuffs, kidnapping (kind of?), Harrison Osterfield (Yeah, that's a legit warning)
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
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Sandhya parked the car at the rear side of an autobody workshop next to a white pickup truck that resembled closer to junk than any actual mode of transportation. It was past ten when she pulled there, and the three people Harrison spotted in the shop were on their way to shut it down for the night's call. He had managed to keep a careful eye at what turns she took as the roads forked or what landmarks she crossed on her way, only to achieve practically nothing. He was a stranger to this place and she being the wicked witch she was, had driven in circles so many times that he was sure, she had managed to complicate the path for him in manners that his head failed to unravel.
"We are here, homies." She announced, yawning at the last part, tapping her palm over the dashboard, tugging the keys from the ignition and then pulling the hand brakes.
Kevin groaned, shuffling in his seat, eyes half-lidded, voice groggy with sleep. The women sitting beside him plucked off her earphones, shutting her laptop. Harrison, on the other hand, chose to inspect the unfamiliar surrounding in the comfort of the car, eyes sceptical and narrowing. He ignored the thud of car doors opening and closing only to be disturbed by a sharp noise of metal keys hitting the window on the other side.
He squirmed at the unpleasant sound and turned to look at the intruder as she leaned across from him, on the opposite side of the car, the neon signboard of the car workshop flashing red light over her face. She looked like an angel from hell.
"Are you moving out? Or should I rather lock you up here?"
Harrison tamped down the urge to roll his eyes and stepped precariously out of the car, rolling up his sleeves and buttoning them near his elbows. He followed the three people as they walk down a slope that connected to an underground parking lot. There were a few cars and motorbikes parked there, most seemed to be in a dire need of repair. It took him roughly two minutes to figure out that it was no underground parking. It was a whole ass hideout disguised on the front with unused motors. They walked into a narrow alleyway, passing through several closed doors of what he assumed were rooms to a living area attached to a kitchen. It wasn't well furnished but furnished enough for a stay. Gray unpainted walls, sofas, tables and chairs, fridge, microwave, a small but flattering shelf full of wine bottles and a CCTV monitor to the top corner that covered the outside of their hideout, all the necessities one needs to survive.
"Hey, we will need your phone and your watch." The other woman he didn't know the name of yet, matched his pace, her laptop tucked below her arm, her green hair shorter than his with a cool undercut to the sides. She looked equally chill and nerdy in her baggy checked shirt, a mixture foreign to him.
He paused on his way, casting her a scathing glare, a bored look wiping over his face the next instant, "And why would I give you that?"
"Because Holly needs to encrypt them," Sandhya replied for her, standing beside the taller girl.
"So that it isn't traceable." Holly reluctantly but quickly added. She was younger than them, probably around Harry's age. Harrison could feel an undercurrent of fear floating through her voice.
"Thank you very much, but..." Harrison replied, not missing a beat, shooting a bitter smile at Sandhya before facing Holly, uttering: "No," his lips forming a proper 'o' as he took a step away only to be stopped by Sandhya's hand grabbing his wrist.
"It's not a choice, Harrison." She asserted.
An order.
Something sour lathered at the back of his tongue. A vein in his forehead twisted. Anger? Resentment? Malice? You just name it. He felt all of them at once.
He jerked away from her grip, releasing his arm. When he turned to face Sandhya again, his entire aspect had changed. His shoulders were square and broad, posture imposing, features stone, eyes icicles. They exchanged a long, threatening glare, eyes never wavering. He took a step ahead, expecting her to step back but she didn't recoil, holding her ground. She had the sort of personality you associate stereotypes with: high cheekbones, tall stature, sharp features but she somehow managed to defy most of them. Without her heels and now wearing some flat running shoes, she barely reached his chin, there was something warm about the softness of her features hidden beneath her belligerent attitude. The little baby fat her genetics had blessed over her face, provided her preys with false hopes of mercy. Betrayal at its finest.
He looked down at her and she looked up at him, their shoes bumping, faces inches apart. Realisation ticks through her mind when she looked a second deeper into his eyes.
He was, perhaps, stalling.
Her neck snapped to the monitor embedded at the top corner of the living space.
A car had stopped outside their hideout and two armed men emerged from the car, strolling towards the basement.
She identified one of the men. His men.
"Look ou--" She tried to yell but Harrison didn't allow even an ounce of air to escape from her lungs. He'd grabbed her shoulders swiftly, taking advantage of her diverted attention, squeezing her shoulder blades and twisting her body. Her back flushed against his chest.
Both Kevin and Holly grabbed their pistols, the clicking sound of safety pins dropping echoed in the enclosed space. They pointed the weapon at Harrison but he already had a pocket knife pointed at Sandhya's throat while his other arm was pressed beneath her neck, holding her still.
"Keep your guns down or this floor would bathe in her blood." He warned, poking the tip of the knife into her skin, eyes focused on the pistols.
Kevin and Holly hesitated, their eyes flickering at Sandhya's face. Something passed between their eyes, some sort of permission and they threw their guns down, sliding them away from their reach.
"Hands above your head, quick." Harrison added, "And place them on the wall, face the other side."
Holly and Kevin obeyed without questioning, pressing their palms to the walls, while Harrison bent to pick up their pistols, shoving them at the back of his pants, holding Sandhya on a chokehold.
"I'd warned about your men's involvement in Clarke's murder," she whimpered when he placed the blade near her skin again, getting to his feet, "Yet you let them trace our location," she somehow managed to finish the sentence.
"You speak a lot for someone millimetres apart from dying."
"You won't kill me." She said, gritting her teeth.
"Yeah, but I can hurt you," he whispered near her ear, "And we both know how much I'd like that." His warm breath fanned over her cheek as he dug the pointy edge of the blade to the pulsing side of her neck, pressing not enough to cut her but enough to terrify her.
"Arsehole." She muttered, sucking in a breath.
"Tell me something new." His lips twisted into a devilish grin as he dragged her outside, her loose hair tickling under his chin, his arms clenched so tightly around her that she was sure she would still feel them tomorrow.
"I am telling you..." She tried to breathe and speak.
"Sssh..." Harrison interrupted with a shush, the vibrations moving through her flesh, echoing through her bones.
She tried to ignore the effect of his voice on her spine, suppressing the chilling sensation. "We are on the same team," she whispered softly and carefully as if trying to lull a toddler into handling back their parents' important work files.
"Oh well, then I should be the one giving orders."
They walked to the front of the basement. She could spot the shadowy outline of the two men waiting.
She started trying to resist, wiggling her body in his grip.
"Hey, Hey! Behave. This blade won't spare. Don't blame me."
"Let go, Harrison. Your life is on the edge!" She wiggled harder.
He couldn't stop but laugh at the irony in the metaphor she chose.
They reached his men and she stilled in his grip. A white man, she identified as Tom (as Harrison had previously pointed out) and the other man she didn't identify was black and taller than all of them, both standing like soldiers in front of her.
"This is Tom. And this is Tuwaine," he introduced his men.
"This could be dangerous for both of us." She was almost pleading now, eyes pooling with tears of irritation and of failure.
"We don't want to kill her," Tom said, passing Harrison a pair of handcuffs.
And here she thought she had the lead.
"Why do y'll keep telling me that?" Harrison groaned at Tom's advice. He had repeated it over, even Sandhya has said the same thing, twice.
"Do I look like a psychotic killer on a killing frenzy?" He grabbed her wrists, fastening the cuffs behind her back, gripping her upper arm. "I know well who and whom I am supposed to hurt, how and where." He clarified, gently pushing her to sit on the back seat of the car. She obeyed this time, having no choice.
"It's not easy to trust you," Tuwaine added.
Harrison nodded, trying to look offended, "Thanks Tuwaine, I needed that," getting into the car, along with her, keeping a good distance between them. He snorted when she swirled her neck to the other side, refusing to look at him.
Tom settled himself on the driver's seat and Tuwaine sat beside him as the car drove off.
The giant gates of the mansion she'd only seen from far away opened like butterfly's wings, welcoming the car where she sat as a hostage.
"Aren't you delighted seeing this place?" Harrison asked in a tone that was closer to mockery than curiosity.
She still refused to look at him yet could hear the smirk in his voice.
"The place you won in the lottery? Or shall I say, cheated--"
"Fuck off." She interrupted but he went on like a guide, ignoring the cuss—
"The second luxurious property in England, just next to the Buckingham Palace."
She chose to ignore too. The main doors to the estate were wide open. Two women came rushing out when the car came to a halt. One of them opened Sandhya's door, pulling her out, holding her forearm, the other pulled a pistol and a knife from her dress.
"Release her," Harrison said nonchalantly, tossing the keys of the cuffs to the first woman. She unlocked the metal and Sandhya pulled her hands from the woman's grip, rubbing her fingers around her wrists.
She walked in, eyes in the front as Harrison and the crew accompanied her.
"Take her to the guest suite." He said and the same woman nodded.
Before she could grip Sandhya's arm, she moved it away, rushing to Harrison, grabbing his shirt collars with both her hands.
"I'd planned everything so intricately and you... You just ruined it all." She spoke with clenched teeth, eyes glistening with emotionless tears. "Do you--Don't understand the gravity of the situation? We are literally playing with fire." She exhaled forcefully.
He chortled.
Playing with fire?
He had committed various mistakes today, more mistakes than he could recount, more mistakes than he could afford. He had let his emotions get the best of him. He had not inspected Clarke's body, then went to beat Dino's men without even being careful of the various other dangers he could cross paths with, then chose to accompany Sandhya alone, got into a life-threatening car chase, had a sniper pointed to his head.
On top of that, he had also failed to consider the disastrous change the mafia world would go through upon the King's death. Damn, he had already played with fire and it was enough for him.
With Clarke's death: The mafia world has never been so free and so trapped. So vulnerable yet so lethal.
Harrison had discovered that for himself. He fucking knew the gravity of the situation! And that's why he chose to take matters into his own hands. He could trust nobody. Especially her.
"You really need to stop with your habit of holding collars." He held her hand in his, thumbs tracing circles over the back.
She continued to search his face, dark eyes filled with disbelief.
"We will work my way. And..." his face hardened at the conjunction, his thumbs stopped their ministrations as he squeezed her hands tighter. "And when I find your involvement in Clarke's murder, I would not hesitate to put a bullet through your skull."
She snorted this time, pulling her hands back.
"This is what you concluded? This? After everything?" She burst out into a peal of bitter laughter, the one that twisted Harrison's gut.
Her eyes hardened again as she jabbed a finger into his chest.
The next words came out as an unchecked storm out of her mouth, "The life you want, you will never get." Her words were merely whispers but worked their way through his gut, burning his chest, crawling through every fibre of his body and she never seemed to stop.
"You'll never be the next Clarke, you'll never even be half of him. Maybe," she hiccupped, "Maybe, he knew that and that's why he chose me, he chose me over you because he knew how incongruous you were."
She took a step forward, her chest pressing against his, standing on her toes, directly meeting his eyes and raising her voice beyond the point of normalcy, "How you were an insult to his legacy!" Pausing to exhale, she continued, her voice back to low, "It was a pity that he gave you half of his kingdom. You didn't even deserve that. You'll never be him. You are nothing like him."
Harrison bit back his tongue, his icy eyes burning from the lack of blinking. The mansion was dead silent, no one had dared to speak or react. He clenched his fists tight, feeling his nails digging into his palms.
"Take her to the room." He instructed, voice barely above a few decibels. He didn't wait for his words to turn to actions, rather he turned on his feet, striding towards his room, jaws tensed, nerves popping through his burning flesh.
His footsteps echoed behind him.
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fanficparker · 3 years
"I felt lethal, on the verge of frenzy." - American Psycho, Ellis
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 1.2k words
Warning: Swearing, character death, jerk behaviour, anger issues
Series summary: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield's almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn't know. What's remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don't belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
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It was about time Harrison Osterfield would learn the difference between a good day and a bad day. Or to put it more clearly— the worst day of his life. The moment he stepped inside the four walls of his mansion, all eyes flashed in his direction. The two guards that accompanied him stood by the door, while he moved closer to his spectators.
The place was quiet and dimly lit. Nothing unusual. Except for the people living in it who suddenly felt the need to stand in a half circle imitating school children being punished for not wearing their PE uniforms. The air in the room felt musty and the walls too dark for being painted white. Harrison could easily hear the sound of his shoes softly hitting the marble floor.
He glanced down at himself.
Probably he could have gotten shot or stabbed. And like such dramatic events unfold in movies, he expected a similar sequence of events to happen to him. An action hero returning from a life-threatening mission but he didn't notice the bullet wound piercing the side of his abdomen and when he touches the spot, his hands would be dripping with that infamous red fluid and then he would hit the ground and die in the pool of his own blood.
Nah, Harrison wasn't this lucky. Someone, for sure, died today but it wasn't him.
His eyes roamed, capturing every single of the eleven people standing in front of him. Nine furious killers, one receptionist and one secretary. All of them having the same silent expression taped on their faces. He caught the eye of his first in command— Thomas Holland. But Tom just stood there with his hands clasped to his front and head slightly bent down. That was enough to piss him off.
It didn't take him long to notice the only major person missing from the scene. With gritted teeth, he swallowed his spit. "Where the hell is Clarke?" His tone wasn't any close to yelling but it for sure was full of venom.
"Sir..." Felicity, Clarke's secretary, stepped forward but Harrison stopped her with his hand in the air. He didn't care about turning in her direction, letting only his eyes to glance at her sideways, accompanied by a raised brow.
"No bullshit. Just straight to the point." Harrison demanded, words strictly separated with clear pauses.
"I am sorry, Mister Osterfield--"
Harrison hissed at the five unnecessary words she chose to initiate her sentence with, halting her abruptly altogether. The girl was definitely terrified.
His repetitive attempts to establish his dominance over everyone. Tom hated it to his guts. Luckily, Harrison's attitude never terrified him, so he stepped forward, shielding Felicity, making Harrison's tough gaze fall on his tougher one.
"Lufian Clarke was found dead in his room at 10 am, this morning." There was no ounce of hesitation on Tom's face.
Harrison's eyes slightly narrowed at Tom's declaration but the words failed to make immediate sense in his head. He noted the time on the clock above the reception.
11:13 am
He wanted to laugh.
As stupid as it may sound, Harrison had never considered his uncle to be the type that would ever die, especially in his own bed, refusing to wake up one morning. But death was inevitable. But that man also took two shots to his chest and came out alive.
Harrison refused to believe. That bastard must be on a vacation in Bali and these fools must have fallen right into his trap. Pathetic.
"He is dead, Harrison. I have confirmed it." Tuwaine tentatively clarified and Harrison bit the inside of his mouth, his nostrils flaring. He believed in Tuwaine. He had reasons to.
He unclenched his fists, relaxing his popping veins, shutting his eyes momentarily. But his voice reacted differently, devoid of any soreness— "Get his body ready for the funeral," as he walked past the men.
Julian, the youngest of the men swallowed, raising his head in wonder. "Won't you be attending it?"
He didn't bother replying. He instead answered by smashing the bowl of glass pellets from the reception table to the floor.
It was part fascinating and part agitating how sharply death could influence our opinion on the person in question. Lufian Clarke sucked. Lufian Clarke was a pain in the ass. But Lufian Clarke was the closest Harrison had to a father. And Lufian Clarke was dead.
Harrison would have calmly accepted Lufian's death if only it was not for the seven-paged will he left on his table. A fortune worth billions summed up in seven pages. Seven pages that should have only and only addressed one person's name apart from Lufian's own. But that wasn't the case.
The will was cut into half and only one half was named to him. The other half that rightfully also belonged to him was named to one of their first hand rivals. The one Clarke had himself taught to despise.
Sandhya Omar. The name stuck out like a sore thumb. The way his tongue hit his palette burned his gut, exploding into a fire deep within his chest. Those fools weren't standing like zombies in the hall for Clarke's death, they were there for the will, afraid of Harrison's response to Clarke's decision.
He yanked his tie, tore off his navy blue blazer and threw it over Clarke's now unused study and shoved back his perfectly gelled dirty-blond hair that fell over one of his blue irises. The climate outside the window was in stark contrast to that of the dead man's room. Harrison watched his men pushing Clarke's coffin into the grave as the seven pages crumbled in his fist. He caught Tom's eye again, and this time Tom didn't look down but up, presumably noticing the papers in Harrison's hand. The following moment he dropped the window blinds.
It was still time for the darkness to take over the cerulean sky but Harrison's heart was already captured in the night. A little knock could not bring his heart back to the bright blue day. Yet, it could bring back his mind.
Harry Holland was at the door, as Harrison rightfully anticipated. He was amongst Clarke's top assassins and conveniently enough, he was also Tom's younger brother. Harrison's lips twisted into a half grin as he walked up to the red head, rolling his uncle's will in his hand and flicking the watch on his wrist. Even when the two brothers had similar warm brown eyes, Harry lacked the cold, unafraid expression that his brother carried. That pleased him.
"Well, there appears to be something you guys forgot to tell me." Harrison remarked in an accusatory tone, tapping the documents over the study. Harry was quick to notice the papers and decipher what they meant.
He hesitated for a second, "We wanted to tell you about--"
Harrison tilted his neck to the side, leaning by the table.
"About what?" His wrath went as quickly as it had appeared, leaving him with a hollowing coldness and a smirk that said nothing and all at once.
"Sandhya O--"
"Kill her."
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j0ebay · 4 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 7
Warning(s): swearing,  this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 3891
A/N: At long long last this chapter is hecking done!!! I’m really super duper sorry this took 5ever to come out. BUT I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙
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chapter 6     chapter 8
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don’t know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie.” -Nancy Sinatra
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The following morning, Lindsey wakes up with arms wrapped around her. She looks down and smiles to see the same bandaged hands from last night meeting together at her hip. She lightly chuckles- Harrison was always a cuddler. Lindsey slowly pries his hands off her and makes her way down the stairs to the kitchen. Treks over to the fridge, passing a distracted Harry Holland, sitting at the kitchen table, typing away on his laptop.
“Did you eat?” She asks, breaking the brunette from his trance.
“Nah,” He mumbles, still deep in concentration.
“Well I’m gonna make some eggs ‘n toast. Should I add you to the order?” She asks in a soft tone.
Harry scoffs.
“You really are a fuckin waitress aren’t you?” He looks up from his laptop. “Sounds great, Linds. Thank you,” He adds sincerely.
Lindsey lets out a breathy chuckle.
“Gimme a break, Holland. You guys stole me from my job,” Earning another laugh from Harry.
There's a few minutes of comfortable silence before Lindsey walks over to him with another cup of tea and the plate of food.
“Am I allowed to know what you’re so diligently searching?” She asks.
Harry lets out a sigh before taking a sip of tea and shoveling eggs into his mouth.
“How long have you been up anyway?” She questions, softly.
“Too long” He responds, mouth full of food.
Harry swallows and takes another sip of tea.
“And to answer your first question, it's nothing too drastic. But, if it’s one thing Gideon Fuller made me promise him, it’s not to involve you in anything until you’re ready for it.”
Lindsey lets out a heavy sigh and nods.
“If it's one thing my dad was, it’s stubborn.”
Harry scowls at the image on his computer. Chad Powell. He recognized the picture as the man who dropped you off last night. No criminal record, no blatant mafia affiliation, squeaky clean but still acting suspicious based on what he heard about the date the night prior.
“Lindsey?” Harry asks, closing his laptop slightly, shielding Lindsey from the screen.
The woman raises her eyebrows with a mouth full of eggs and toast, prompting Harry to go on.
“Do you think you’re going to keep seeing Chad?” He asks her, voice dropping a few octaves and decibels.
“Your tone concerns me, Mr. Holland,” She responds, “Please continue”
Harry sighs.
“I mean, what ever happened with Harrison? Last time I checked, you were, like, madly in love with him. And, granted the last time I checked was high school but it still seems like it.”
“I wouldn’t call it madly in love with him. And what? You don’t like him?” She asks, eyebrow quirked.
She wasn’t about to admit to someone she saw as her younger brother and also one of Harrison’s best friends, that seeing her old flame of sorts, especially now, ignited a fire in her that she hadn’t felt with anyone else. Now, thinking about it, that feeling seemed to fill the gap in her life she didn’t know she wanted filled. But, she wasn’t about to admit that.
Harry opens up.
“To be honest Lindsey, I don't. I don’t know what it is but something doesn’t seem right. He seemed kind of sketchy when I met him,”
Lindsey scoffs.
“Did you maybe think that he seemed sketchy when you met him because he was, I don’t know, nervous?”
Harry clenches his jaw.
“You said he checked his phone every 30 minutes or so to send updates right? Lindsey, we do that when we’re doing meetings and things with other bosses. I can’t imagine why he would do that other than that reason”
“Harry, I don’t know if it’s because he’s making me happy for the first time in a while, or because it’s not Haz. But, I like this guy a lot and it’s really shitty of you to not only dictate who I go out with but try to justify it by him being shady, WHICH HE IS NOT BY THE WAY”
Lindsey sighs and pinches her nose.
“I-I just don’t know. Everything is just too much right now”
Harry meets her gaze.
“Do you still love him?” He murmurs, barely above earshot.
“What’s too much?” Asks the gravelly, sleep ridden voice of Harrison Osterfield.
Lindsey and Harry whip their heads around. There they see the sweatshirt clad, wispy haired man, standing at the open refrigerator.
“Juice?” He turns around and asks the two at the table.
“I’m good- I thought you were still sleeping?” Lindsey deflects.
Harrison sighs, sets down his glass of orange juice to the right of Lindsey and wraps his arms around her sitting figure.
“The bed got cold” He mutters into her neck.
Harry raises his eyebrows at the girl and she rolls her eyes at him.
 “So complete 180” Lindsey starts as Harrison sits down.
Tom struts into the room already dressed and makes himself a cup of tea.
“180 from what, darling?”” He asks. 
“Okay great you’re all here cause I’ve been sitting on something ever since,” She pauses to gesticulate in the air.
“Since I found out about your, uh-”
“-Business?” Tom asks, playfully.
Lindsey stifles her laughter.
“So um, you guys are saying I’m in danger and I have no clue what the hell my dad made you promise to him for you guys to swoop back into my life and play knights in shining armor. Which I’m grateful for, don't get me wrong, thank you so much for all of this. To put it bluntly, do you guys have any idea how long I’ll be staying here?”
All the boys smiles’ drop. Harrison reaches for her hand.
“I dunno Linds,” Tom sighs.
Harry chimes in.
“We’ve started to narrow things down, but it’s just been the usual suspects in the pool” He mutters, running his fingers through his curly hair.
“Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing” Harrison chimes in.
“How?” Lindsey scoffs.
Harrison bites the inside of his cheek, contemplating if he should go on or not.
“Please someone tell me how this isn’t terrible?” She asks barely above a whisper, rubbing her thumb across his hand.
Harrison squeezes her hand in response.
“I-It’s just, we haven’t heard anything about you in our, well, work community. So it’s not a bad thing that no one’s actively targeting you. But it’s also a matter of ‘Are people keeping their plans about you under wraps? Do they really not know about you? Was whoever was following you that night just some John who liked what they saw and we’re all just being paranoid?’ Y’know?”
Lindsey nods, thoughtfully.
“So it’s going to be a while isn’t it?” Lindsey asks, feeling everything in her chest sink to her feet.
“Probably” Tom responds somberly.
He tries to find the glimmer of hope he always finds in her eyes, but he just can’t.
“W-What about my job? Do I at least get to call them and say ‘Hey something��s come up and I can’t be coming in for a while’? Do I get to say goodbye to my kids? Do I get to wish them luck on the show they’re working so diligently on? Or am I just gonna have someone from your “mob” following me constantly like a protective detail?” Lindsey questions on the brink of tears.
“We’ll take care of it, darling. Don’t worry everything will be taken care of” Harrison soothes, squeezing her hand again.
“Well can I at least go get the rest of my stuff? I only have stuff for the week that you guys got” Lindsey asks.
Maybe if she could just go home she could feel more at peace with the situation.
“That Chris guy knew exactly where you lived. It's a public record. The last thing any of us needs is some guy surprising you when you’re alone in your room” Tom exhales, rubbing his temples.
Lindsey’s heart drops as she feels tears well in her eyes.
“Linds I’ll take you shopping or something. It’ll be great. We could talk about literally anything. Plus, you always talked about the joys of retail therapy” Harry adds, trying to take her mind off of things.
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While Harry and Lindsey leave to go shopping, Harrison is tasked with making sure everyone’s paying up on time, everything is in order and that his best mob boss friend isn’t carrying too much work on his shoulders. He knocks on the door with the gold plate reading “Tom Holland” and enters.
“How’s it going man?” Harrison asks the brown eyed mobster.
Tom nods and responds.
“Pretty good, I guess. Nothing is outright troublesome other than the stuff we already know about. Everything in your field normal?”
Harrison nods.
“Good, good,” Tom mutters.
“Maybe all the douchebags and lowlifes decided to take the day off” Harrison suggests, prompting the two men to laugh.
“So,” Tom starts, breaking the silence.
“So?” Harrison asks in response.
“You’re getting pretty close with Lindsey, there” 
Harrison raises his eyebrows “And?”
Tom runs a hand through his hair.
“Is this going to be a repeat of high school?”
Harrison eyebrows snap together.
“What do you mean?” “Mate, you wouldn’t shut up about her. Both of you wouldn’t shut up about each other, in fact. And none of you would make real moves on each other” Tom chuckles. 
“Anyway,” Harrison says just a little too quickly. “Any headway on who was trying to get into your parents’ stuff?”
Tom lets out a heavy sigh and shakes his head
“Ten bucks says it’s one of Harding’s guys. But, there’s nothing to actually back that up so until then...,” he trails off and shrugs.
Harrison nods as Tom continues.
“I mean, my main concern is Lindsey. Like don’t get me wrong, my parents are fine, my dad’s still got some tricks up his sleeve and they’re the ones with the dog. But Linds on the other hand-”
“She only has us and no knowledge of protocol whatsoever” Harrison interjects.
“I mean don’t get me wrong she has all the self defense stuff she learned from Gideon. But, my main concern is, will it be enough to keep her all safe ‘n feisty if and when she gets affiliated with us?” Tom asks.
Harrison’s eyebrows knit together.
“Do you think she’ll be a long term partner?” Harrison asks, directing his gaze upwards at Tom.
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders
“I honestly don’t know. She seemed pretty horrified when she found out about us. But now, she seems to be warming up to it. She just seemed more concerned about our safety than anything else. I guess it all depends on when you get a ring on that girl’s finger” Tom chuckles at his own joke.
Harrison shoots Tom a knowing glance and flips him off.
“So, nothing else on your end you need help with?”
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Harry and Lindsey sit in the food court of the crowded mall, indulging in their lunches.
“So what kinda shit do you need anyway?” Harry yells to Lindsey, trying to speak over the loads of people surrounding them.
“It depends,” Lindsey responds following a heavy sigh.
Harry has a puzzled look written all over his face. Anyone can read that man like a book. “On what?” He questions.
“Well,” Lindsey trails off, trying to contain her laughter.
“How comfortable are you going into Victoria’s Secret?”
Harry chokes on his food.
“What could you possibly need from Victoria’s Secret?”
Lindsey finally cracks up in hysterical laughter.
“Lingerie for Harrison, duh” Lindsey jokes between laughs.
Harry covers his ears.
“TMI TMI TMI lalalalala I can’t hear you” Harry partially yells.
Lindsey laughs even harder than before.
“Harry, you know I’m kidding. I just need the basic bras, panties, that kinda thing. Which, in all honesty if you’re not cool with going in there or if we get kicked out, I’m one million percent okay with going somewhere else” She explains.
Harry lets out a small chuckle. He can’t believe he forgot how conscious and caring for other people Lindsey is.
“I’m fine going in there but I can’t promise we’ll be in there for very long. But, then again, I have no idea- You alright, Linds?”
That last sentence was a blur. All Lindsey could feel was tingles in the back of her neck while only hearing the nagging of her subconscious.
“Turn around. Someone’s watching you”
“Turn over your right shoulder. There’s someone watching you. You’re in danger. Danger. Danger”
“Lindsey?” Harry asks.
Lindsey whips her head back around to face her friend.
“What?” She questioned, clearly zoned out of the conversation.
Harry sighs.
“You know he can’t hurt you anymore”
Lindsey nods, still distant.
“Linds, repeat after me. Chris Maxwell is dead. He can’t get to you anymore” Harry insists.
He hates seeing his friend like this. “Then why do I still feel eyes on me?” She mutters taking a look around the food court once more.
Harry scans the room, trying to see if anyone is being blatant about watching her. 
“I don’t see anyone, Lindsey. C’mon let's go grab some more things you need, yeah? I know Tom said no apartment but maybe I can run and grab some things for ya if you want” He encourages.
Lindsey’s eyes light up.
“Really? Cause there was this super cute silver bodycon dress that I totally left there and if this whole thing clears up or maybe if I end up going out with Chad again I could wear that”
Harry chuckles. 
“You’re really into this Chad guy huh?” 
Lindsey sighs and clears her burgundy hair out of her face.
“I dunno, Har. Like I love Haz ‘n all but there’s no real moves made y’know. It’s all sweet words and cuddles with him. But it’s hard to gauge if he actually feels, or I guess felt, things for me or if that’s just how he expresses friendship. Chad on the other hand, is actually making moves and expressing things, y’know?.”
Harry nods, understanding. She pauses and checks her phone.
“Especially now,” She adds, “Because he just asked me to dinner tonight”
Harry’s eyes widen.
He pulls out his phone and writes out a text to Harrison.
Harry Holland() Mate, I have no idea wtf is going on between you and Linds. But if you still feel things for her you gotta make real moves and fast cause she just thinks its friendly shit
“Alright. Where next m’lady?”
Harry asks, offering his hand to a giggling Lindsey.
Harry was a good distraction for her. That was obvious. But somehow somewhere, Lindsey was still hearing her subconscious whisper
“Look over your left shoulder. Someone’s got their eyes on you. Just turn, turn, turn” And once again, she obliges to her thoughts. 
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Harrison looks at his phone and sighs. Harry has just confirmed what has been nagging in the back of his mind ever since he saw her for the first time in the diner. He turns his head around when he heard the front door open and shut.
“Hello?” He hears the angelic voice of Lindsey grace the household. 
“What did you get, love?” Harrison asks, looking at the bags in her hand.
“I think I have successfully traumatized the big, scary mobster, Harry Holland” She giggles as his cheeks turn a bright crimson.
Harrison’s eyebrows snap together in confusion.
“Whadya mean?”
Lindsey says nothing and holds up the square Victoria’s Secret bag. Harrison mouth forms into a silent “Oh” 
She giggles and runs upstairs with her things.
“How is she?” Harrison asks with a quirked eyebrow.
“As expected, I guess” Harry murmurs.
“What do you mean?” Harrison asks, voice full of concern.
“She still keeps looking over her shoulder. She’s convinced that someone’s following her” Harry sighs.
“Well, this isn't necessarily cause she ‘has me in her pocket’,” Harrison starts, making air quotes.
“But, is it really that irrational of a thing to think of? I mean, need I remind you that someone tried to find information on Gideon Fuller’s whole family? Not just Gideon but Denise and Lindsey as well”
Harry’s eyebrows raise.
“You think it’s the same person?”
“It could very much be” Harrison responds, eyes wide like saucers in realization that he was onto something.
“You go take care of her, I’ll fill Tom in,” Harry says and speeds off to his brother’s office.
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The unidentified brunette man sits in his hotel room, fresh out of the shower. Hair wet, towel on his waist, he decides to get himself into some clothes. Now clad in a black v neck, fitting his muscles perfectly and some plaid pajama pants, the man haphazardly dries his hair and looks over the files sitting on the polished table. He’s pulled out of his concentrated state by the familiar sound of his ringtone.
“Yeah,” he answers, voice raspy as he hadn't had much to say.
“Yeah I have eyes on her,” He confirms, smirking at the master plan.
“No, boss, they have no idea,” The man reassures with whoever is on the other line.
“The only one posing a somewhat threat to the plan is the right hand, Osterfeld” He briefs the person as well as going through it for himself.
“Problem? No. Definitely not. I can easily neutralize him,” He boasts
“Yeah,” He confirms.
“The second he gets in my way he’s getting taken out. This information on Fuller is too good to pass up”
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As Lindsey goes on her date, Harrison is in Tom’s office, plotting. Tom glances over at his right hand man to see him gazing off into the distance. Harrison can’t stop thinking of Lindsey, his Lindsey, looking absolutely stunning on the dress Harry brought for her. Her burgundy hair was straight, her makeup was done, she looked flawless as per usual. But, she’s always flawless. Chad probably doesn’t see that. Chad doesn’t deserve a beauty like her. Who does he even think he is?
“Harrison,” Tom says, snapping him out of his trance.
Harrison trains his bright blue eyes on his best friend and right away Tom knows something’s up. “Alright, man. Spill. Where’s your head at?”
Harrison sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy she’s happy. But what did this Chad guy even do to deserve to go out with her? She’s so gorgeous and funny and perfect. And Harry texted me earlier and basically said I needed to make my move because she was teetering between me and him. Tom, what if I’m too late?” He pauses as he starts to feel himself choke up.
“W-what if this is the man she’s gonna marry and I’m left high and dry? I know there have been girls in the past and like you always say there’s women throwing themselves at us being ‘dangerous sexy mobsters’ or whatever. But I don’t want anyone else. I want her” 
In all the years of friendship and partnership between Harrison and Tom, Tom has never seen Harrison get choked up like this. Tom lets out a sigh, breaking the silence.
“I mean,” He begins, pausing to wet his lips and find the correct words to console his friend with.
“It’s clear she loves you. Whether it's seen as platonic love or more than that, that’s up to you two. However, as much as it hurts, it’s not up to you to decide who she dates and this Chad guy seems to make her pretty happy. But, then again, so do you. It’s kind of a rough process trying to decipher this, man. Try not to think about it too much,”
Harrison nods and sniffles.
“What do I do?” He inquires his best friend.
“If it were me, I would come clean to her. Tell her everything you just told me. Because, if it’s one thing I know about Lindsey Fuller’s feelings about you, it’s confusion. She doesn’t know if all the PDA you guys do is platonic or something else. But, it’s not me, it’s you. So, it’s not my place to tell you how to go about this,”
The blue eyed man nods to Tom.
“But,” Tom continues, “Right now, we can’t change that she’s on her date. So, good that we got all her feeling out but let's figure out who’s meddling in our crime family”
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Harrison makes his way up to his bedroom. He had heard Lindsey enter the house, but, he was so caught up in the work he and Tom had started. This is it. Harrison is going to confess what has been eating at him since he first saw her. As he walks up the stairs to his room, he gives himself a small pep talk.
“You got this, Osterfield,” He thinks to himself.
“Tom said she’s into you, Harry insists she’s into you. Why would she not be into you?”
He opens the door to his bedroom, the gateway of so many sweet and caring memories between the two of them, only to see Lindsey... packing her things?
“Hey” He greets her, voice unintentionally giving hints of confusion and startling her from her mind.
“Oh! Hey” Lindsey gasps.
“You scared me!” She giggles brushing stray hairs out of her face.
“How was the date?” Harrison asks gently, not wanting to startle her any more.
Lindsey smiles that sweet smile making Harrson’s knees weak every single time.
“It was really good actually,” She beams before continuing “How’s everything here?” Lindsey asks him.
“Ugh it’s full of work. But, it’s good work, y’know? We do the shit law enforcement won’t- What are you doing?” Harrison asks as she continues to pack her things.
“Oh sorry, I’m still listening, don't worry! I’m just packing up” She answers pausing to bashfully scratch the back of her neck.
“Why, darling?” Harrison queries, walking over to grab both her hands
“I’m-uh, I think I’m gonna stay in the guest room from now on, Haz” Lindsey mumbles, finding a new fascination with the floor.
“Any reason why you’re moving out of here?” Harrison questions, trying and failing to find her gaze.
“Yeah I just- I just don’t want to be weighing you down by staying in your room and um...” She trails off.
Harrison brings his index finger to her chin and lifts her head up to meet his gaze.
“And what, love?” He asks, ocean eyes full of concern.
“Haz,” She whispers, while moving away from him and shaking her head.
“We can’t do this anymore, Harrison” She murmurs, shakily.
Harrison feels a hard pang in his chest like his heart is causing him physical pain. His head feels like it’s spinning and all he wants to do is wake up with his girl next to him “W-Why?” He asks, barely above a whisper.
“Harrison, Chad and I are a thing now. And, all the PDA stuff we do, I-I just I don’t wanna piss him off or offend him y’know?” She explains.
All Harrison can do is nod as Lindsey continues.
“You know I love you, Hazza and everything we do for each other. But, that stuff can be easily misinterpreted”
Harrison nods again.
“I hope he makes you happy” He chokes out, voice cracking just a little.
And with that, the girl of his dreams leaves his bedroom, confirming his worst nightmare has become a reality.
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strikethrough means it’s not letting me tag you (shoot me a message!!)
@were-all-gay-down-here @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny@marvelismylifffe @Spiderdudeparker @summertime-acoustic  @39-seas-of-rhye
Hollands & Haz
@sincerelygmg @nishanki1 @babyplutoszx2
Kiss Me Goodbye
@lamptracker @girl-in-the-chair @casualprincess77  @musiclover1263 @sendspidermanpics​ @babiexarmy​
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fanficparker · 6 years
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(Fake Dating! Unrequited love switcheroo!) Harrison Osterfield x fem!Reader  // Status: COMPLETED (08 Aug'2020)
(Mob AU! Frenemies to Lovers!) Harrison Osterfield x fem!OC  // Status: DISCONTINUED)
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>> ♥️ means personal favourite // arranged old to new.
>> All the below fics are (Fem!)Reader-insert.
1. First Time → Harrison tries to do his best for making your first sex least painful as possible. (⚠Smut, Fluff) (Boyfriend!)
2. Radio Silence → Sitting in your ex-boyfriend’s car, you both could relate to the unspoken words with the lyrics of the songs airing on the radio. But are those songs enough to break this radio silence? (Angst) (Ex-boyfriend!) ♥️
3. Importance → Harrison has a plan to distract you from work. (⚠Smut, Fluff) (Boyfriend!) 
4. Next Door → You have stopped making friends, but can your neighbour change your mind? (Fluff) (Neighbours!)
5. You’re the reason I come home →  After one and a half years of dating you, Harrison feels something is different and he needs to correct it… (Fluff) (Boyfriend!) ♥️
6. Not meant to be [ Part 1 || Part 2 ] → You said you two weren’t meant to be, but life surely is full of surprises. (Angst) (Forced Marriage!) ♥️
7. Artsy Cutesy [ Part 1 || Part 2 ] → Nerdy Artist Harrison asks his junior for a date. Let's see how it goes. (Fluff) (Artist!Haz x Reader) (College AU!) ♥️
8. You are Everything! → Harrison decided to cut you off from his life after you had friend-zoned him. But did you actually? Or was there something else? (Angst) (Friends to Lovers!) ♥️
9. Adrenaline Rush [ Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 ]  → There has always been a constant clash between you and your brother’s best friend, but then you kissed him and the world is upside down, especially Tom’s world. (Angst, Fluff) (Enemies to Lovers! Haz x Holland sister!Reader)  ♥️
10. Monopoly → You are stuck in the game of monopoly with two idiots and there’s no escape. Shit is about to happen... (Fluff) (Friends!Harrison Osterfield/Tom Holland x Reader)  ♥️
11. Little Hearts  → Just a day in your life, where you decide to go on a date night with your hubby, leaving your little one at her nana’s house. (Fluff) (Dad AU!)
12. Love So Soft  →  It starts on a crisp winter morning with a rose. It continues on a lazy summer afternoon with a bouquet. It doesn’t end on a pouring monsoon evening even with those three magic words. (Fluff) (Boyfriend!Haz x Shy!Reader)  ♥️
• Cooking class  ♥️
• Honeymoon ♥️
• Mistletoe ♥️
• Pregnant
• Wearing Harrison's shirt
• Grumpy jealous Haz ♥️
• Kids with you ♥️
• Wisdom tooth ♥️
• Sleepy cuddles ♥️
• Baby Band ♥️ 
• Time loop
• Kissy rewards  
• Swollen eye  ♥️
• Soldier!Haz
• Help me sleep  ♥️
• Period comfort (ft. Tom)  ♥️
• Birthday surprise  ♥️
• Stolen hoodies
• Celebrating Haz’s Birthday in a Long Distance Relationship ♥️
Click here to read HAZ X TOM FICS
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fanficparker · 5 years
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I was thinking of supporting my favourite fanfics through this list..! (I haven't read many, but the ones I love will be mentioned here, also feel free to send me your recommendations too)
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• Meant to Be (Second chances! Harrison Osterfield x Holland sister Reader) - @spxderbarnes
• Trust, Respect and Sacrifice (Enemies to Lovers! Bodyguard AU!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @definitely-not-black-cat
• Not so Subtle (Enemies to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @johnsambrosemcclaren
• Yellow Roses (Bacheloratte AU! Best friends to Lovers!) (Fuckboy!Tom Holland x Reader) - @h-osterfield
• The Art of Pretending (Fake Dating!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @h-osterfield
• The Kids from Yesterday (Friends to Lovers! Road trip AU!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @faefictions
• Allies (Enemies to Lovers! Mob AU!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @soft-haz
• Jaded (Friends with Benefits!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @soft-haz
• Mutually Beneficial (Enemies to Lovers! University AU!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @definitely-not-black-cat
• Side Effect (University AU!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Plus-size!Reader) - @darlingosterfield
• Just a Kiss (BDSM AU!) [18+] (Dom!Harrison Osterfield x Sub!Reader) - @nerdraging4point0
• When the party's over (Best Friends to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @laureharrier
• More than a Mission (Spy AU! Best Friends to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @underoossss
• The Little Love (Dad! Harrison Osterfield x Reader) (Pregnancy AU!) - @lost-aesthetic-of-past
• Just a Name (Hidden identity! AU) (Peter Parker/Spider-man x Reader) - @acceptance07
• Personal rec: Faking, Falling (Fake dating! Unrequited love switcheroo!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @fanficparker (Wattpad link)
• Personal rec: Adrenaline Rush (Enemies to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Holland sister Reader) - @fanficparker
Series exclusively from wattpad:
• To all the boys I've loved before (TATBILB Parody!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader ft. Harry Holland & others) - @chiloridia
• The Strings attached (Brother's Best-friend AU! Dream sequence!) (Harrison Osterfield x Holland sister OC) - @marvel_geek1105
• (More to be added as I read more) (Suggest some fics too, so I can read and add them..!)
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