#mob! tom series
mochie85 · 2 years
Dear, congrats again on this milestone! I’m sooo happy for you and hope to keep enjoying your amazing writing and talent in this place 💜
I want to make a request with a song, just if it inspires you, so no pressure (;
Brut Gold - Chapter 1 Loki & Lia
1K Celebration Masterlist | Brut Gold Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki sees you dancing in his club and is immediately infatuated with you. Pairing: Mob!Loki x Female Reader/OFC Word Count: Over 3K Warnings: No Smut, angst, killing, language A/N: Part of my 1K follower celebration. I want to thank @coldnique for this request and for introducing me to this song. I love this song! It is now on heavy rotation in my playlist. And the following scenario is what I pictured when I first heard it. So I hope you like it.
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The haze of the club seeped through the walls and into the lungs of every guest attending that night. The air was heavy with deep breaths and sighs. The music was so loud and deep you only had yourself for company; because no one else could hear anything you could or would be saying.
The large hall was dark, with vintage speakeasy furnishings and two bars that boasted to have every drink imaginable. There were private booths in the back that were separated by curtains of red and chrome. Curls of smoke could be seen wafting out when the curtains were pushed back to reveal secrets and obscurities.
Beyond that were the private rooms of the owners where they conducted their daily business.
The Odinsons. They were brothers from an old family, with ties to the royal households of Norway dating back a long time. With money stretching even further back.
Back here, the curls of smoke were thicker with lace and the music was replaced by the screams of people whom the brothers had deemed worthy of their attention. Good…and bad.
Loki had just collected his dagger from the body slumped on the floor. His second-in-command, Fandral, quickly approached him and handed him a handkerchief to wipe his blade. “Thank you, kommandør. Be a dear and dispose of the trash, will you?” Fandral nodded silently to Loki as Hogun leaped up to help him.
“Brother, if you keep killing them, we’ll never find anyone to distribute our product,” Thor said, with an amused grin. He sat with his legs crossed on the back couch, looking like a Pharoah presiding over his kingdom. His crisp white suit hung delicately along his muscular frame. Quite the opposite of Loki’s leaner figure clad in an all-black ensemble.
“Well, if we started recruiting more loyal soldater, I wouldn’t feel the need to kill them.” Loki retorted.
Just then, Lady Sif walks through the door with a tiresome expression on her face. “Another one, Loki? I just saw Fandral and Hogun carrying a black duffel bag to the back.” Loki could only shrug as he wiped his blade clean.
“There she is!” Thor yelled. “My wife. My heart.” He held out his arms for her to join him. Sif pulls out her dagger and places it against Thor’s throat.
“Did you have something to do with this?”
“Ooh. I love it when you’re feisty.” He says pushing the blade away from himself slowly. She swings it back his way, expecting an answer. “No, I did not.” He sighs.
Satisfied by his response, she stows her blade and sits on his lap. Loki watches as Thor nuzzles up to his advisor-turned-wife, rolling his eyes at the blatant expression of love between them.
Deep down he knew he was jealous. Not of Thor, but of the connection he has with the person he found to love. But Lady Sif had always been by their side. She grew up in this life. She knows the harsh truths about sacrifice and gains. She was their rådgiver, their adviser.
Loki wanted someone outside of the chaos. Someone who doesn’t know who he is and doesn’t expect anything out of him but love and affection. That was hard to find in the line of work he was in.
He finished cleaning his daggers when Fandral opens the door and whispers to Loki, “It’s done. Volstagg is driving it to the junkyard as we speak. The front of the house needs your presence though.”
“Thank the gods. If I must stand here another minute, I might witness the creation of my future niece or nephew.” Loki whispered back, making Fandral look at what was happening on the couch. He just rolled his eyes and followed Loki out of the room, leaving the two lovers alone.
Closer and closer, Loki struts to the front of the house. The music got louder. The air got thinner. And his heart raced faster in time with the beat of the music.
Loki stopped at the threshold of the large hallway, flanked by Fandral and Hogun on either side. Those closest to them stopped and stared. The three were a sight for sure. All three were dressed impeccably in black slacks and dark shirts. Loki looked the most devastating of all with his shirt sleeves still rolled up and his top buttons still loose from the ‘sentencing’ he carried out moments before.
He looked around the club and saw a large sea of people swaying and gyrating to the music. It was busier tonight than usual. The locals mixed in with the tourist crowd for the summer.
A twinkling flash of gold caught his attention in the middle of the room, and he spotted you dancing on the floor.
Everyone else stared at them. Knew of them. But you- you remained unaffected and joyous as you continued swaying your body to the deep bass of the music. Loki was mesmerized. He’d never seen you in his club before. The sway of your hips made the gold sequence of your skirt catch his eye and he couldn’t look away.
As soon as they sat down, they were bombarded with attention. Some were from lower soldaters, soldiers who wanted to be in the inner circle and paid their respects. While others were of a more sexual nature. Loki ignored them all and just watched you.
He watched as your hands ran through your hair, your body moving to the beat. Your head thrown back lost in the music. He wondered if that’s how you would look, lost in passion, in between him and his bed.
You came in with a bachelorette party. The women you were with all clamoring for attention from the other clubgoers, getting drinks and compliments. You shone brightly behind them, keeping a low profile, just dancing and being protective of your friends who would otherwise end the night with some predator. Loki saw that as a positive quality of yours. Protective, loyal, caring, and gorgeous. He could see all the stares of appreciation you got every time you passed by someone.
He scoffed at the laughable attempts that were directed your way. All of which you turned down. He continued to watch you dance with your friends from one of the private booths in the back. He instructed his bartender to give you and your friends top-shelf drinks and made sure that no one else bothered you for the rest of the night.
Never, had anyone affected him this way before. Just one look at you and he was stunned. He never put much stock in fate or destiny. He always relied on his judgment and instincts. So, this fleeting moment of obsession alarmed him. “Find out all you can about her, Fandral. And don’t alert my brother of your research.” Loki asked his kommandør. Fandral and Hogun looked at each other quickly and let a sly smile pass between them.
Loki would’ve caught their little interaction, had it not been for some ingrate that tried to get handsy with you. Loki growled his displeasure from his seat.  But you quickly slapped the cretin’s hands away and pushed him off. When the lowlife tried a second time, Hogun got up to take care of the situation. He’d seen the way Loki was all night. Loki hadn’t paid a single attention to what was happening in front of him. He was too preoccupied with you. Hogun knew that if things didn’t deescalate quickly, he’d have a whole other mess to clean up.
Loki placed his hand on Hogun’s shoulder, stopping the deadly assassin from continuing. Instead, Loki made his way to you as Hogun followed behind closely. “Thor won’t like this if you make a scene, Loki,” he whispered in his ear.
“Who said I was gonna make a scene?” Loki paused with a solemn face. Hogun huffed in response. “Take that scum to the back. Make sure he doesn’t have use of those hands for the foreseeable future.” Hogun knew better than to roll his eyes at him. He simply nodded and grabbed the offending fool off by his collar.
Everyone gave Loki a wide berth as he walked right up behind you. Up till now, he’d only been watching you. But there was something about that handsy boor that stroked his possessiveness towards you.
He started to sway in time with your body. His arms snaked around your hips, as his lips came dangerously close to your ear. You were about to turn and slap whoever decided to get frisky with you until you heard Loki’s velvet voice caressing your ear, “Dance with me.”
There was a deep command laced in his tone. You had never heard a voice sound so sensual. So confident. His touch was firm but reverent. As if he were the lead dancer instructing your body on how to move. Your body relaxed into his. A sly smile formed on your face as you felt his hands trace your curves.
Loki twirled you to face him. You first noticed his eyes. They were cunning and sharp. They were also the brightest green you had ever seen. His smile was what you liked the most. His thin lips gave way to a wide smirk that promised fun and excitement. You could feel his strong arms holding you close to his body as you both swayed slowly to the fast-paced music.
“I’ve been wondering when you would make your move,” you said to him.
“So, you’ve been watching me, have you? I’m flattered.” Loki purred with a guarded smile.
“It’s hard to miss someone whose got the attention of everyone in the room.” You continued as you swayed your hips.
“Likewise, my dear. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off of you.” He whispered in your ear. A blush formed on your cheek from his charm. “Have a drink with me.” His tone left no room for refusal. Loki kissed your hand as he leads you back to his private booth. Everyone you passed just stared at you with judgment or awe.
He signaled to his barkeep for a drink while he held the curtains open for you to slide in. Soon after, a scantily clad woman, wearing the tightest mini skirt you had ever seen, walks up with a tray. She holds out the bottle for Loki to approve and he nods his head without taking his eyes off you. The pop of the bottle startled you and made you jump closer to his embrace. She eyed you suspiciously as she poured a gold bottle of brut with a spade on the front label. His eyes viciously glinted as he felt your body press up against his.
He snaked his arm tighter around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. “Have you ever had Armand de Brignac before?” he whispered in your ear.
“No. I can’t say I have,” you smiled as he reached for his glass, dismissing the bottle girl. Loki held it up to his lips and took a sip. His eyes noted how you looked down at his throat, watching him swallow the expensive champagne.
With closed lips, he leaned in close to you. He pressed his mouth to yours and puckered slightly opening your lips to the cool champagne in his mouth. You sucked on his kiss as the taste of the champagne coated it. It was tart with hints of fruits. The bubbles were still evident as they tickled in between your joined lips. You drank the rest of the champagne from his mouth. His hands held the back of your head steady, helping you drink from him. When you had finished, a trickle fell down your chin to your throat. He was quick to wipe it away with a hooked finger and brought it over to your mouth to lick off.
You played along with his game and wrapped your lips along the length of his finger, licking the drop of bubbly from the bend.
“Delicious, is it not?” his voice hitched.
“Yes,” you said breathlessly. “Very much so.” Your mind tried to catch up. Your body was thrumming with adrenaline and hot need. Your bodies were turned towards each other in the private booth as his hand continues to caress the hairs on the back of your head.
“Would you like another taste?” he offered, looking down at your lips. He grabbed the flute without waiting for your answer. As if he knew you would say yes. Hoped that you would say yes.
“Yes, please.” You whispered, making him smile. He brought his lips towards yours again and you happily drank his sweet champagne kisses. Your hands roamed his shirt, pulling on his shirt collar to move closer to you. When you had drank every last drop, you snaked your tongue in between his lips and tickled the roof of his mouth.
When you finished, you looked down at his throat again and your fingers traced the outlines of a snake tattoo on his neck. Loki rumbled at the feel of your fingers on him. “You dangerous creature. I don’t even know your name.” His breath smelled like the champagne, crisp apples, and fruit.
“My closest friends call me Lia,” you whispered as your fingers followed the tattoo down to his collarbone.
“My friends, if I had any, call me…” Loki started but he was soon interrupted by someone calling out your name.
“Lia!” Your cousin slid the curtains open, much to the protest of Hogun standing guard. She had on a tiara with a veil and a sash that said wifey around her shoulder. “Lia! There you are!” Rosaline glared at Loki and grabbed your hand. “We have to go. Other clubs to visit.” Rosaline gave Loki a tight smile as she pulled you out of the booth. She looks vaguely familiar, Loki thought, but couldn’t put his mind as to where he’s seen her before. The bachelorette get-up surely didn’t help his memory either.
“Ok. Ok. Hold on a second.” You told her as you scooted out of the booth. Loki held on to your other hand, not wanting to let go.
“Lia.” He called out. “Will I ever see you again?” he smiled as you got up from the booth.
“My cousins just visiting for the wedding,” Roseline answered. You gave her an angry look for talking on your behalf. “Come on. Let’s go.” Rosaline dragged you quickly away from the private booths and back to the safety of the group of girls you came with.
“What’s the deal, Rose? I thought you wanted me to find someone tonight?”
“Yes! Someone. Just not that one.” She said as she grabbed her purse and coat. Everyone in your group was doing the same, getting ready to go to the next club.
“What do you mean?”
“Girl, do you know who that is? No, of course you don’t. Ugh. Sometimes, I hate daddy for sending you away. All these years without my bestie…”
“Rose! Who is he?” you interrupted her, as she wrapped you in your coat.
“That is none other than Loki Odinson. Part owner of this club. Along with his brother, Thor Odinson.”
“Yes! That Odinson! The same Odinson that’s rivals with the Barnes family. You know…my fiancé!” The realization made you look back to the booth you had just shared. Except this time, Loki wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by another man. Striking blue eyes and an imposing figure, clad in all white. Thor Odinson.
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“Brother, I leave you alone for a couple of minutes and you cause all kinds of mischief,” Thor laughed as he sat down in the booth. Thor watched you walk away, being towed by none other than Rosaline Strange. “If I ask you to stay away from her, would you listen?”
Loki ignored his question and watched as your cousin, undoubtedly, informed you of who he was. “I saw what Fandral was researching for you. Would you like to know who she is?” Thor dangled the information in front of Loki, baiting for any response.
“Her name is Juliette ‘Lia’ Banner. Daughter of Bruce and Donna Banner. Donna, her mother, is Strange’s younger sister. Her parents both died a long time ago in an accident. They weren’t ‘in the life’ and wanted to keep their daughter out of it as well. When they passed, Strange honored their wishes and sent Juliette away to boarding school and Uni abroad to keep her safe. Apparently, she just graduated and is in town for the nuptials of her cousin Rosaline and James Barnes.”
“Barnes?” Loki said alarmed.
“Of all the juicy details I said. That’s the one you pick up on?” Thor chuckled. “She’s got too many ties for us to unravel Loki. Leave her be.” Thor warned resolutely.
“I don’t know if I can, Thor.”
“What do you mean you don’t know if you can? You have to. Or else…”
“Or else, what? Thor? Cut me off like you did Hela?”
“DAMMIT LOKI! You knew that was her decision.” Thor slammed his fist on the table making everyone in the vicinity jump. “I can’t protect you if you go after this girl. It would be a war for sure with Barnes and we don’t need that right now.”
Loki sat there quietly; watching as your group prepares to leave. “I’ve never lied to you brother…” Loki started. Thor just raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “…Regarding matters of the business and family. I’m telling you right now, that I want her.”
“How do you even know she wants you back? You can have any goddam cunt in here tonight. Hel, this whole club wants to sleep with you. Take your pick. But not her Loki!”
“If she turns to look back…”
You walked towards the front entrance, the chill from the summer night was flowing through the doors making you hold on tighter to your coat. Your cousin and her friends all laugh and beckon you outside to join them. Each step you took forward felt heavy. You couldn’t help it. One last look.
Both men stared at you as you made your exit. Shivers ran down your spine as you replayed his last words to you, ‘Will I ever see you again?’
God, I sure hope so, you thought.
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⬅️ Series Masterlist | Brut Gold: Chapter 2➡️
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @athalialaufeyson @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @ladyofthestayingpower @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts21 @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokixryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @mukagentropy @muddyorbsblr @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @starktowerrooftop @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane  
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roseduroi · 2 years
When the Darkness Fell, iv rose
mob!tom holland x reader
part iii.
“She won’t disappear just because you’re a second away.”
“I know that.” Tom grumps out, it’s always that nasty feeling on the tip of the tongue when he feels as if admitting there’s more to a shelled man than he lets on. He’s stuck like the filthy gum glued to the shoe with her and he can’t help but feel at fault that everything is shit. There doesn’t seem a way outta that painful nibbling feeling that pulls at him to the depths of non-existing sentiments for her when the doctor points out his fondness, leading to attachment. 
It’s irritating.
He has nothing figured out and it drives him up the wall. His fists curl up so tight the knuckles turn the shade of white and he feels how anger pulses through his veins as his whole essence just itches to let it out.
“Where’s Bader?” 
Tom suddenly asks, forgetting where the young doctor was heading with the conversation.
“I don’t think beating the guy to a pulp would be wise of you this instant.”
Tom is clueless why his heart is so jumpy as non-existing feelings pull him to Y/N.
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“I need a favour.” 
“I feel like I’m a little bit too drunk for that.” 
Tom sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose and briefly closes his eyes. The cold bites his bare hands as the harsh winds sweep through his jacket. He paces back and forth in the backyard of his home as dark skies above him cover the night’s blank stars. 
The sun is starting to set. What a chaotic day Tom would say, not that it was unusual for him, just… perhaps different in a way that made his heart stir. The days are short now, everything gets darker and darker; some curse it, some find joy in it. Tom is of those who aren’t bothered by the dimness of the night, finding peace within it rather than only seeing chaos among the lack of rays when the sun is set. 
Consider him a fool or just a random guy who seeks comfort in the dark.   
“It’s hurried.” There is a hint of annoyance in his voice as he speaks to the man over the phone. He wouldn’t push if it wasn’t that hurried. 
He hears distant laughter, chatters of strangers in the background, and then the door opening and closing until eventually, all the voices fade away in the far distance. It’s not hard to guess where his best mate is; the bar music far too familiar to his ears. 
“But it’s my day off today- ow! What was that for?” Harrison whines as his companion, Tom assumes, swats him on the arm. 
“Sup, Boss!” He hears Maliza greet him. “Whatcha need?”
In different circumstances, Tom would laugh, chuckle at them but his thoughts are way too busy to let him slack off, pushing him to the edge, to the limits he doesn’t have. He knows he has given them a day off but this is more important. He wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t so urgent. “There is an unconscious body and I need you to take care of it.” He is blunt, but there’s nothing to hide. Though his words are hushed, they are careful of the people who might hear. You never know who is listening; you never know whom not to trust.
Yet Harrison and Maliza are some of the most trustworthy people Tom knows. His neighbourhood, where he stayed occasionally, is rather quiet too. People around here were simple. Simple, large or medium families were just living and minding their own business. That old couple just around the corner. That old elderly lady with her sick daughter just down Smith’s street. Some aunties and uncles, and that mailman, never scared of the old couple’s dog. The neighbourhood is certainly tranquil. 
Maybe the tranquil that lured him here, that what it was.
A few years back he met Maliza through Harrison whom he knew his whole life. She saved his best mate from the very, oh-so-terrifying flu. That day Harrison was smitten with the doctor in white, and the hospital’s door never stopped opening that week. Harrison just kept coming back. Then it turned out she perfectly handles a rifle, and to this day she’s one of the best of Tom’s people. 
When Tom looks at the couple, every time something stirs within his ribcage, it fastens his heartbeat. It’s odd, the feeling so unfamiliar it adds to the goosebumps already over his skin when the couple holds hands or Maliza wraps the ribbed scarf around Harrison’s bare neck when the harsh winds sweep under their coats. What was that nonsense that forced his blood to pulse more rapidly if this all was bullock? Jealous was a bitter word Tom refused to use. In other words, Maliza wasn’t his type and he knew Harrison ever since they were in diapers. He simply was not interested in what they did behind closed doors, but perhaps jealousy did play a part in making his heart pound faster. 
Something ached he didn’t know could even hurt. Envy of a feeling that wasn’t his to own left a wicked twist inside his bones. 
They completed each other, and Tom only was half of a heart.   
“You want what now?” The male gasps and drags Tom out of his misery thoughts. 
The misty cloud of tiny droplets of water appears before the very man who drags the words out his throat. “It’s complicated.” 
But it really isn’t that much, to be honest.
“It’s that Bader guy, isn’t it?” Maliza intervenes, proving just that. Clearly, she’s the sober one here, having connected the dots quickly. 
He nods. He knows they can’t see it. “Yeah,” so he adds, providing a short but clear response, displaying no other sign of wishing on continuing further. “I’ll send the address.”
“Got it, Boss,” Maliza answers for both, calling him the nickname once more that she had given him all these years back when they stormed in that abandoned fabric.
“And.” Tom purses his lips. “I need you to stop by and check in on her. And maybe grab some of her clothes too. Warmer ones if you might.” Tom says. He kicks the dirty, frost-bound ground, the same ground beneath him that was more sturdy than his heart. Hilarious how one name can make a man like him fidget like a teenager in love. 
But the days are getting colder and the frost - like the fine artist it is - carves the shapes of leaves and petals on its own chosen sheet in early mornings, traces the edges- and Tom (along with many others) will have to scrape off the ice of his windshields because he doesn’t have a garage. The shortage of time in daylight will convert the lifeless autumn trees into Christmas decorations, lining up forgotten alleys and avenues with lights and carols. The spirits will awaken and Tom…
Tom is just done with that time of year. 
“Yeah. No.” Harrison hiccups on the phone. “I don’t want to lose my hand just because I went through your love life’s underwear drawer.” 
But Tom would never. 
He wouldn’t.
“To-Am.” He hiccups.
“Fine.” He knows Tom would never. “Just know it’s Maliza’s hand.” But he takes a necessary precaution; being drunk that is. 
Tom hears the sound of a car unlocking. He guesses Maliza’s driving and he hangs up the phone without saying anything further. His fingers are red, hands insensitive to the bitter cold, but he struggles to type the message.
She didn’t want to talk to him, Tom admitted that through clenched teeth a couple of hours ago when he tried to open the door. Which was locked.  Which she locked after the incident. Which was locked because he was deemed unreliable. Which ended up bothering him quite a great deal.
He even made her a sandwich. 
And he let that Bader guy punch him for being an arse, for having let the emotions get the better of him. Tom was an impatient man as much as he was possessive, and sometimes these features never got along. She wasn’t his and neither is she now. But a part of him wished so if he was truthful with himself. That day when he accompanied her, he thought he felt something stir in his heart, a feeling he had never once believed to be true. But after all their encounters and those lightsome banters in between, and after seeing her stare at the moon like it was the sun after late-night shifts at the cafe of Ben’s, Tom felt attached like a child needy for a toy. His primitive beliefs came crashing down, they collapsed to his feet like steadfast soldiers falling for their country. Didn’t matter how much he tried to fight them, those bastard sentiments for her; they blinded his vision, tricked his mind and bound his will, but they got to his heart. 
She got to his heart.     
That’s how much of a fool he was. 
Tom winces at the faint bruising on his cheek as the water hits his face; he tries to wash the day’s heaviness and burdens under the cooling water, splashing it all over his face. Bader did pack a hefty punch and Tom could clearly feel it now, he also isn’t ashamed to admit it. Sheer power didn’t correlate to how much force one could wield, but rather the ability to see one’s faults that come within it. Back then it didn’t matter how much the blow hurt, his feelings were overcoming him; it only made him stay alert. 
The bruising on his cheek is reddish now, indicating it’s fresh as the skin under his eye throbs, tender to the touch.
But somewhat the blow doesn’t feel enough. The pain he feels absorbing his cheek doesn’t compare to the weightiness of the heart as sourly he wishes it would. He cleans his face with a towel, careful around his bruised cheek and when he walks out of the bathroom, Tom’s gaze instantly falls on the locked door to his room, where Y/N is.  
His body aches to turn around and knock, maybe his heart even cries for him to write a cheesy letter and slip it under the door just for her to read how past hope he is to earn her forgiveness, like in the sappy movies he would never watch. But his muscles resist as his glance catches a glimpse of the sandwich he previously made. Tom’s too arrogant and proud. 
He remembers they would bicker about this personality trait of his, too. 
“Being arrogant won’t get you anywhere, you know.” 
“Would you look at that now,” Tom answers her, smugly raising an eyebrow. “I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” 
“This is different.”
“How come?” The brunette challenges, speeding up his steps to pass the girl. He stops right before so suddenly she halts in her footing and almost trips over her feet as they tangle together to stop her from bumping into his chest. He cockily smirks.
“You simply obsess over me.” He hears her say after a heartbeat of silence and chuckles, putting his hands in his pockets. 
“Look who is being cocky now.”
“Not at all. You love being talked about. And this just proves my point I just stroked your ego.” The girl emphasises, knowingly bumping his shoulder as she then passes him. “You think you’re mighty because strangely people fear this short man. You put on this false charm, but beneath it exists some cruelty. And arrogantly you think I will swoon over you like those past girls because you’ve decided to give a poor girl her 15 minutes of fame. I’m not going to fall for that.” 
It was one of their first encounters together. 
It was during one of those many late-night shifts he would accompany her on later in the future. But that night she left him speechless. She perhaps did stroke his ego if not actually damaged it more. They barely knew each other back then; that night was just a couple of weeks after they first met, and Tom would admit, he did embarrassingly torment the poor soul. Maybe not that drastically, but he did happen to be given coffee at all those same times, at that same cafe Y/N happened to work. AND surely during her work hours. He was truly an intrigued guy, indeed. 
So, one night after he finished dealing with his work related-once-in-a-lifetime-not-involving-anything-filthy-kind-of-business in Ben’s cafe - paperwork, Jesus - the clock had been ticking past twelve, his coffee had been long consumed and the dirty cup had been already taken away by a tidying waitress (Y/N for that) ready to close, but Tom was already one jump ahead, resisting to leave. He had insisted on accompanying her to whatever-she-was-heading. He didn’t know back then and he had never been entirely too sure where to she was headed until eventually he had found himself actually on her good side and she’d told him. 
Y/N intrigued him, she challenged him like nobody else did and he wouldn’t have it any other way around. In a sense, she saw right through him. She saw the things he wanted her to see and she saw more beyond what he wished she wouldn’t. But he had finally felt normal and nothing else had mattered after. She talked to him naturally without feeling on edge around him.
And yet, he failed to see through her, who she was coming home to. 
So maybe, in the end, he was going to knock on those damn doors for the tenth time this day and MAYBE he wasn’t going to bolt the second his knuckles touch the surface and he doesn’t receive a response in a mere second. Maybe because he owed it to her. Because he really ought to for her. 
Instead, a sharp knock on the front door scourged right through his heart. 
He really should stop getting distracted. One of those days it will get him killed.
Tom walks over  to the entrance and slams the doors open. Ahead there’s Maliza with a bag of clothes next to the entrance and further on a barely steady Harrison metres away with his grasp tight on the fence. 
“Hi, Boss.” The young woman greets.
He hardly nods her way, though, stepping aside to let her in. His eyes are on Harrison, warily observing over the mate, and then glances back at her. 
“Oh, don’t worry about him. He’s just had one too many. Tried to make his way to the porch, but… yeah. You know.” She awkwardly chuckles and places the bag of clothes on the ground. The girl turns to Tom, tilting her head. She’s inspecting him too, though they both know (and Harrison, too) she isn’t much of a detective. 
He half smiles, knowing. “Yeah.” His smile is half sincere.
“Suuuuup, mate!” He hears Harrison slur. The man waves drunkenly at Tom and almost trips over his feet at the sudden and forgotten gravity, pulling on his arm. Tom instantly moves forward to the doorway but halts in his steps midair as if something was holding him.
The man frowns, complicated. 
“You should help him to the car before he breaks his neck.” Maliza interrupts, sensing his hesitation. “I’ve got her.” She warmly grins, showing off her portable bag stuffed with medicine. 
“She doesn’t really talk to me,” Tom admits. 
It’s kind of pathetic actually. He’s displaying his emotions, opening up about such a tragedy like not being able to enter his room, his OWN room and it’s mildly annoying that he’s fussing about this girl who’s upset with him. And he still hasn’t figured out why this bothers him so damn much.
“She’s just scared.” Maliza offers. “I know I’m not the doctor of that speciality, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how traumatic it must have been for her.”
Tom huffs. “You don’t say.”
“I always say.” She smiles, never taking him to heart. “And always scramble all those prescriptions.” 
Tom stays silent. His gaze is distant and this is just complicated beyond him or checking over Harrison.
The girl sighs, seeing he’s bestowed to the ground like a solid pillar. “What I’m saying is get some fresh air while I check in on her. She won’t disappear just because you’re a second away.”
“I know that.” Tom grumps out, it’s always that nasty feeling on the tip of the tongue when he feels as if admitting there’s more to a shelled man than he lets on. He’s stuck like the filthy gum glued to the shoe with her and he can’t help but be at fault that everything is chaos. There doesn’t seem a way outta that painful nibbling feeling that pulls at him to the depths of non-existing sentiments for her when the doctor points out his fondness, leading to attachment. 
It’s irritating.
He has nothing figured out and it drives him up the wall. His fists curl up so tight the knuckles turn the shade of white and he feels how anger pulses through his veins as his whole essence just itches to let it out. “Where’s Bader?” 
Tom suddenly asks, forgetting where the young doctor was heading with the conversation.
“I don’t think beating the guy to a pulp would be wise of you this instant.”
Tom whips around and glares. In a way, he feels infuriated that she dares to speak such things when knowing nothing of it. That man signed his death wish the moment Tom saw him lay his hand on her and harm her. “You know what he did to her?” He snaps as if she cannot understand and the words she spits are poison. “Do you even imagine?”
She only shakes her head in disbelief. “I can’t.” She says it softly because she truly cannot picture fully the caused pain she hasn’t gone through, but it doesn’t mean it’s the lack of sympathy Tom accuses she’s showing. Her heart forever stings, perhaps this is why she’s a goddamn doctor or why Tom’s ways of handling certain matters seem justified to her. Because neglecting a problem isn’t the same as solving it. “But do you think coming back to her with bloody knuckles is gonna make things better? Make her feel less scared?” She hisses in a whisper, firmly standing her ground and keeping her voice unwavering. Her hand ripples through the air as she abruptly waves her finger in his and outdoor direction. 
She breathes a heavy breath when Tom’s silent. “Doesn’t matter.” She speaks, straightening herself up. “He’s not here. Sam’s got him. Haz was in no state to handle his own body, let alone another man’s.”
Tom storms out the instant as the door slams with a thud.
When Maliza calms down and walks over to Tom’s room, nobody greets her when she knocks. The dead silence she is met with is deafening as she awaits. She tries again with a few more knocks, thumping on the door with the back of her hand and with a sigh at the back of her throat.
“Hi,” she tries again. This time introducing. “I’m Maliza. Just like Melissa but with an a… I’m Bo- Tom’s friend. I’m a doctor.” She shifts on her feet, her sentences distant from each other as she’s trying to figure out the words. “He’s worried about you. And you know Tom, he can be very persistent when it comes to the things he wants. I’m here to check up on you.”
By the end of the sentence, Maliza thinks nobody will open the door, no more words float her tongue and she slightly begins to panic at the stillness. Her hand hovers over the door for a second more to knock, but thanks God, there’s no need and she feels a huge rock roll off her chest. She hears the lock pop, and the door slowly opens. 
She’s startled at first. One, this is the first time she’s seeing the myth of Harrison’s bragging about why Tom “is truly smitten”. At some point until Tom’s call, she had even begun doubting something she had never seen or heard. And two, the girl’s indisputably gorgeous. Even behind the puffy eyes and hollowness shining in them either from exhaustion or distress which the doctor cannot distinguish between, Y/N looks beautiful.
Maliza sees her cheeks sunken and pallid and senses her tension and she too grows wary at the stability of the girl’s physical state. Sorofly, she looks unhealthy. Unhealthy to the point of collapsing whenever. 
Y/N heavily leans on the door, nervously gripping the edges as if she cannot support her own weight when her injured foot touches the ground. She keeps it raised the whole time and there’s no doubt she hides the grimaces of pain.
“Hey,” the girl greets back after a heartbeat of silence. 
Maliza is suddenly back in the room when the hoarse whisper harshly pulls her back from observing the girl like a sharp needle, picking at her skin. Her pupils constrict, concentrating over again and she rushes over to Y/N. 
“Here, let me help you.” She says.
“I’m okay.” 
Her movements are swift when she storms to Y/N’s side, ignoring the girl’s denial of help and her own heavy steps. She curls one arm around the girl’s waist to aid her walk to the bed. She doesn’t push the pace bigger than Y/N could manage and patiently awaits for the girl to adjust, adapting herself to the girl’s footing when she feels Y/N trusting her weight onto her body. 
Maliza was sure her touch couldn’t be gentler, only tightening around Y/N’s waist the few times the girl swayed or lost her footing so that they both wouldn’t go tumbling to the ground. But all those times, Maliza could swear she heard a hitch of breath or felt an uncomfortable shift away from tightening grip.    
But she remained silent.
The mattress dips as Maliza gently helps Y/N get comfy on the bed and then takes a seat next to her. The girl mutters a thank you but after that, it’s just silence. The stillness is awful. Y/N doesn’t look at her, she doesn’t even pay her any attention. Her shoulders look like the world’s burdens were dropped onto her and everything that was never ever hers was left for her to carry.  
When Tom called and she and Harrison were in the bar, the gravity in his voice was far from anything astonishing. Tom always sounded important when things got heavy. It was as if he was suited for giving commands. But today the urgency under the words felt strained and Tom rarely got strained.
“Are you in pain?” Maliza suddenly asks, searching for her eyes which she doesn’t find.
Y/N stills. Her eyes wander everywhere but, “Uh… no,” she shakes her head, frowning a little as if trying to concentrate on feeling any type of pain. “Only when I move my leg.” She answers honestly. It’s better than lying.
Maliza nods. “Might I have a look?”  
Maliza makes sure to be gentle now too. Her touch is light as she unwraps the neat binding Tom did little by little, trying to be as careful as not to graze the swollen area unnecessarily. She’s quite proud of him as well. She admits, Tom did a pretty good job at bandaging Y/N’s foot. Although, the doctor will never say it out loud. He’s cocky as is. 
The skin underneath the binding is harshly swollen and bruised, the bluish and purplish colours over the sprain site mark the torn ligaments. Maliza’s touch feels cool against the bruised area and Y/N almost wants to shrink away at the uncomfortable, almost painful feeling as the doctor slowly examines the damage, gently pressing over certain areas harder than over others. But when Maliza suddenly tilts the ankle to the side, Y/N recoils from her touch like burned.
“Sorry,” the doctor grimaces apologetically. “I just have to examine it.” 
The girl nods, relaxing a little. “It’s okay.” She breathes out and stretches out her leg fully again, entrusting. “It’s just… The pain is quite sharp.”
“Yeah,” Maliza agrees, taking her ankle into her grasp once more. She gently gestures over the sprain site under the bone. “See this?”
The girl bows her head a little. 
“It means that one or more ligaments in the lateral ligament complex are sprained. It’s actually quite common and usually happens from an accidental twist or turn of the foot. Which also explains the swelling and the limited movement of your ankle.” She explains, lifting her gaze upon the girl. “But I won’t bore you with the aggravating names.”
Maliza laughs quietly, gently lowering Y/N’s foot on the bed. She quickly grabs her portable bag stuffed with medicine that was thrown to the ground at the beginning and she digs through it, searching for a small tube in the mess within it. She grins as she grasps it. “This should help with the swelling and pain. Other than that, rest, ice or compression will be fine too.” 
“Most importantly, don’t stress your ankle until the pain and swelling subside. Which means, limited walking, exercises or any other activity which puts pressure on your ankle or it could lead to potential damage. For now, I’m going to apply some gel to ease the pain, it will provide a cooling sensation, so just you know.”  
The gel is cold against the bruised area as Maliza spreads it over the tender skin as Y/N feels the cooling sensation tingling over pain. This time she finds comfort within it. Maliza compresses the ankle with the elastic bandage after. She’s way quicker than Tom ever was. 
She looks at the doctor and for the first time this whole evening, she truly gets a look at her. 
She pictured Maliza just like that. Dark brown hair shaped the young doctor’s face; the wavy bangs covered the softness of her round eyes which Y/N felt could stare right into the depths of the soul. Freckles faintly dotted her cheeks, but she thought it only added to the childishness of her looks, while the blue button-up shirt and the skinny white jeans added to the profession she had chosen. 
She really did look like a doctor. 
Maybe in another lifetime she and Maliza were friends. She hoped they were.
“Tom cares about you.” 
The four words break the silence and Y/N’s breathing stills just that instance. She longs for her to continue, to complete her thought. She craves the connection and comfort of words. But what if the sentence screams a but after the sweet beginning and the girl hesitates to listen forward. She grew attached, attached to the gentleness and need of love as now she had felt the taste of the forbidden fruit. She yearns for those words to get closer, but denies now her already aching heart the vulnerability to open like the flower to the burning sun.
But Maliza continues, nevertheless her hurting heart. And she still listens to every word carefully.  
“I don’t know what happened between you both and it’s not my place to pry, and by no means I’m trying to justify his actions… which can be unexplainable sometimes. Or whatever he did… But I meant it when I said he was… is really worried about you.”
And she takes these words cautiously too. 
“Just don’t tell him that I told you that.” The young doctor tries to laugh away the seriousness. “He has this tough guy’s reputation in his head.”
What she said wasn’t partially a lie. In a way, Tom did need to maintain this tough guy’s reputation, but it didn’t quite come from shielding his emotions. Quite the opposite, to tell the truth. In a sense, he had to maintain the authority to keep order, and Maliza knew, she’s seen there was no one better than Tom when it comes to leadership. But he didn’t build relationships, only when it was mutually beneficial or required. It was a flaw he entrusted to his closest allies.  
Y/N tries not to let her heart stutter at this fuzzy nibbling feeling, but it just wraps around her heart and makes it hammer. She won’t tell, she wouldn’t. But she considers whether this was said in case she did admit to him she saw him soft and maybe just in case for her to be prepared and denied if she ever spilt the beans to him. After all, Maliza’s tone was light and blithe, open to interpretation, to her heart… but it didn’t matter. She wouldn’t say, and final. 
But she doesn’t need to say anything else, wonder whether he actually regrets it. Because speak of the devil… and he says plenty. And maybe her heart flutters the second time in one heartbeat, but she’s too hurt and he’s confusing.
“How’s her leg?” 
Tom’s voice booms across the room and startles them both. Neither of the girls had noticed when the devil himself came into the picture and stood in the doorway with his arms folded across the chest. If he’d heard anything, he never mentions it. 
Maliza feels like the question was never meant for her and he foolishly mixed the pronouns as his eyes don’t even glance the doctor’s way. Tom never takes his eyes off the tensed girl, but it’s far from the sharp gaze Maliza’s used to seeing in his eyes when he’s serious. 
“She has a mild sprain.” The doctor answers and she swears Tom’s gaze hardens the instant his eyes land on her. His sudden change almost makes her eyes roll at the hopeless man. He’s head over heels and it shows. “Shouldn’t take more than two weeks to heal. The first days are always the hardest, so make sure she gets well-rested and doesn’t stress her foot. Ice and compression are necessary to make the healing process quicker.”
Maliza explains what she thinks Tom already knows, but she says it more to reassure him than out of duty, to be honest. She gathers her stuff and stands up then, sensing her business is done here for the evening. Her gaze slips to Y/N and she grins; she’s really looking forward to meeting the girl once again. 
“Here,” she withdraws a small card with a number. “You can call me whenever this guy gets annoying.” 
“The guy’s right here.”
But neither of the girls responds; Maliza hands Y/N the card with her number and steps forward to the doorway. She gives one last wave, saying goodbye and exits the room.
“I'll see you off.” Tom states. He glances over at the girl who’s secretly observing and the sides of her cheeks taint over with a light shade of pink as he catches her eyes. She instantly averts her gaze. “I’ll be right back.”
Tom walks Maliza out and stops at the doorway, a little further. The evening is cool, it steals away the warmth of the home. Maliza can see the familiar figure fast asleep in the front seat of the car, the seat belt slung awkwardly over his shoulder. She doesn’t want to keep Harrison in the cold any longer (though, she and Tom both know he won’t remember a damn), but she quickly swirls around to face Tom. 
“She’s a nice girl.”
 Maliza shifts on her feet at the cold wind.
“I know.”
“She could really use a friend.” The statement is kindhearted, but it makes Tom’s heart clench. “It’s Christmas soon. You can’t just leave her be for the whole two weeks if you’re planning on making her stay. And I know you are. She’s lonely, Tom.”
“She can’t even look at me. How am I supposed to fill in her days with me if she doesn’t even want me around?”
“Maybe you should start with sorry.”
When Tom walks into his (his..? hers..? such a confusion) room, she hasn’t moved a bit. She’s fidgeting with her fingers when he halts in his step. The warm room light falls onto her hunched figure and shadows the tired features. She doesn’t face him nor try to acknowledge his presence, but he knows the tension followed into the room the moment he walked in. Her shoulders carry tautness, and he himself has jitters all of a sudden.
He yearns to see her eyes, but there’s dread of what he would see in them and it’s kind of crushing. Hence, Tom doesn’t walk closer nor sit on the bed next to her. He keeps his distance in hopes of seeing her loosen the tension.
“How are you feeling?” He asks and he genuinely means it. But to be fair, he doesn’t expect to be answered and he is not wrong. After a few moments, Tom continues. “I asked Maliza to bring some of your clothes here, so you could have something to change into. It’s not much, but we can always-”
“I want to go home.” She whispers out of a sudden. She doesn’t mean to interrupt, but his words are suffocating her. The girl never lets her eyes wander anywhere but the soft carpet and when she does look at him, she hugs herself, rubbing in a soothing motion her upper arm, because it feels like she’s sitting in the hot seat. Y/N blurts a desperate plea, but it’s despairing not for nothing.
What is her home, by any means?
She doesn’t want her clothes here, she doesn’t want Tom to go out and buy her some because it isn’t much. Y/N doesn’t want any of it and it just makes her sick. She wants to sleep in her own bed, in her own room and in her… in her and Matthew’s home. 
She just wants to go home. 
But this time, she is the one who’s met with silence.
it was a struggle to force myself to come back to this fic (it took months), even if i had some chapters planned in advance. it’s also a struggle to read my own works; there always seem to be flaws 
nevertheless, i hope you enjoyed 
[i’m not sure whether You still want to be tagged here, so lemme know if You want me to cross you out]
tags: @thomaslefteyebrow @lxvrgirl @jewelrybean25 @vip-access @tomhiho @revrse​ @that-slutty-bitch @supernatural3002 
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A Dance with Death (Mob!Tom Holland X reader)
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Being enemies as well as allies with the best mob leader out there had to result in random, unwanted run-ins and conversations, at least for you, the daughter of the biggest Mob leader in London. However, when both of your mobs are at risk ,you wouldn’t let some decade old feelings take over, right ? But can hating someone so much lead to love ?
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evermorx89 · 2 years
some recs of mob!tom holland series or mcu! peter parker? thankss
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fandom · 10 months
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Unexpected connections happen in two places: the Ships list and Feeld—a dating app for the curious. On Feeld, finding like-minded people is as fulfilling as finding yourself. In celebration of ships, here are this year’s iconic connections.
Ineffable Husbands +17 Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens
Steddie Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Stranger Things
Destiel Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Byler -3 Will Byers & Mike Wheeler, Stranger Things
Wenclair Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair, Wednesday
Bowuigi Bowser & Luigi, the Super Mario Bros. franchise
Huntlow +7 Hunter & Willow Park, The Owl House
Avatrice Ava Silva & Beatrice, Warrior Nun
Hannigram +2 Hannibal Lecter & Will Graham, Hannibal
Buddie -4 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
Vashwood Vash the Stampede & Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Trigun Stampede
Zelink +80 Zelda & Link, The Legend of Zelda
Lumity -6 Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House
Ghostsoap Simon “Ghost” Riley & John “Soap” MacTavish, the Call of Duty franchise
Blackbonnet -11 Edward Teach/Blackbeard & Stede Bonnet, Our Flag Means Death
Wolfstar +8 Remus Lupin & Sirius Black, the Harry Potter universe
Merthur +12 Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin
Jegulus +25 James Potter & Regulus Black, the Harry Potter universe
Bumbleby +48 Yang Xiao Long & Blake Belladonna, RWBY
Bakudeku -4 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku no Hero Academia
Dreamling -1 Dream of the Endless & Hob Gadling, The Sandman
Soukoku +60 Nakahara Chuuya & Dazai Osamu, Bungou Stray Dogs
Firstprince Alex Claremont-Diaz & Prince Henry of Wales, Red, White & Royal Blue
Wesper Wylan Van Eck & Jesper Fahey, the Grishaverse
Wangxian -8 Lan Wangji & Wei Wuxian, Mo Dao Zu Shi
Satosugu +23 Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru, Jujutsu Kaisen
Imodna +8 Imogen Temult & Laudna, Critical Role
Kanej +44 Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa, the Grishaverse
Bubbline Princess Bubblegum & Marceline, Adventure Time
Ladynoir -17 Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Twiyor +6 Loid Forger & Yor Forger, SPY x FAMILY
Loustat +43 Louis de Pointe du Lac & Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the Vampire
Zosan Roronoa Zoro & Vinsmoke Sanji, One Piece
Marichat -12 Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Serirei +65 Serizawa Katsuya & Reigen Arataka, Mob Psycho 100
Adrienette -21 Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Chenford +24 Lucy Chen & Tim Bradford, The Rookie
Petrigrof Simon Petrikov & Betty Grof, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Kavetham Kaveh & Alhaitham, Genshin Impact
Griddlehark +54 Gideon Nav & Harrowhark Nonagesimus, The Locked Tomb series
Raeda -13 Raine Whispers & Eda Clawthorne, The Owl House
Tomgreg -19 Tom Wambsgans & Greg Hirsch, Succession
Hanamusa Jessie & Delia Ketchum, the Pokémon franchise
Zolu Roronoa Zoro & Monkey D. Luffy, One Piece
Narumitsu -12 Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Sonadow +23 Sonic & Shadow, Sonic the Hedgehog
Ineffable Bureaucracy Archangel Gabriel & Beelzebub, Good Omens
Spirk +9 Spock & James Kirk, Star Trek
Ballister x Ambrosius Ballister Boldheart & Ambrosius Goldenloin, Nimona
Nandermo -42 Nandor the Relentless & Guillermo de la Cruz, What We Do in the Shadows
Jonmartin -15 Jonathan Sims & Martin Blackwood, The Magnus Archives
Punkflower Hobie Brown & Miles Morales, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
AkiAngel Aki Hayakawa & the Angel Devil, Chainsaw Man
Ronance -49 Robin Buckley & Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things
Superbat -11 Superman & Batman, the DC universe
Shuake Ren Amamiya/Joker & Goro Akechi, Persona 5
Geraskier -48 Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher
Hualian -18 Hua Cheng & Xie Lian, Tian Guan Ci Fu
Sulemio Suletta Mercury & Miorine Rembran, Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
Sterek -5 Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf
Gumlee Prince Gumball & Marshall Lee, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Shadowpeach Sun Wukong & the Six-Eared Macaque, Lego Monkie Kid
Drarry -29 Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter, the Harry Potter universe
Wilmon Prince Wilhelm & Simon Eriksson, Young Royals
Harringrove -34 Steve Harrington & Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things
Kazurei Suwa Rei & Kurusu Kazuki, Buddy Daddies
Lestappen Charles Leclerc & Max Verstappen, Formula 1 drivers
Zukka -5 Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Codywan +8 Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Solangelo -23 Will Solace & Nico di Angelo, the Percy Jackson universe
Catradora Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Shadowgast -4 Caleb Widogast & Essek Thelyss, Critical Role
Stucky -43 Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes, the Marvel universe
Tarlos -18 TK Strand & Carlos Reyes, 9-1-1: Lone Star
Johnlock +21 John Watson & Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock
Sasunaru -24 Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Naruto
Locklyle Anthony Lockwood & Lucy Carlyle, Lockwood & Co.
Lokius Loki Laufeyson & Mobius M. Mobius, the Marvel universe
Supercorp -67 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
Piltover's Finest Caitlyn Kiramman & Vi, Arcane
Helnik Matthias Helvar & Nina Zenik, the Grishaverse
Prohibitedwish Scarab & Prismo, Adventure Time
Klance -12 Keith & Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender
Reylo Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Hanazawa Teruki & Kageyama Shigeo, Mob Psycho 100
Cockles -44 Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles, Actors
Percabeth -46 Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, the Percy Jackson universe
Astarion x Tav Astarion & Tav, Baldur's Gate 3
Timkon Tim Drake & Conner Kent, Young Justice
Davekat Dave Strider & Karkat Vantas, Homestuck
Cynonari Cyno & Tighnari, Genshin Impact
Creek Craig Tucker & Tweek Tweak, South Park
Klapollo Apollo Justice & Klavier Gavin, Ace Attorney
Style Stan Marsh & Kyle Brovlofski, South Park
Korrasami -11 Korra & Asami Sato, The Legend of Korra
Bill x Frank Bill & Frank, The Last of Us
Nick x Charlie -51 Nick Nelson & Charlie Spring, Heartstopper
Dreamnotfound -50 Dreamwastaken & GeorgeNotFound, Streamers
Dinluke -33 Din Djarin & Luke Skywalker, the Star Wars universe
Rhaenicent Rhaenyra Targaryen & Alicent Hightower, House of the Dragon
The number in italics indicates how many spots a ship moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded ships weren’t on the list last year. Explore your desires on Feeld. Within a safer, inclusive space, you can feel free to connect more intimately to yourself and others. Choose from over 20 gender and sexuality options and explore solo, or with a partner. Curious? Download the app today.
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Fatboy Slim - Praise You 1999
"Praise You" is a song by British big beat musician Fatboy Slim, and was released as the third single from his second studio album, You've Come a Long Way, Baby (1998). It reached number one on the UK Singles Chart and in Iceland, number four in Canada, number six in Ireland, and number 36 in the US. A total of six samples are used in the song. The song features a prominent vocal sample from the opening of "Take Yo' Praise" by Camille Yarbrough, as well as a prominent piano sample from the track "Balance and Rehearsal" from a test album entitled Sessions released by audio electronics company JBL in 1973. That recording session was for "Captain America", sung by Hoyt Axton; a snippet of Axton's vocals humming the "Captain America" melody can be heard in the album version of "Praise You." "Praise You" also features a guitar sample from the opening of "It's a Small World" from the Disneyland Records-released album Mickey Mouse Disco, the theme from the cartoon series Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, the electric piano riff from "Lucky Man" by Steve Miller Band, and the drum beat from "Running Back To Me" by Tom Fogerty. In a 2021 interview with the website WhoSampled, Yarbrough said that she liked "Praise You" and its use of her vocals, feeling that Cook kept the essence of "Take Yo' Praise".
The accompanying video for "Praise You" was directed by Spike Jonze with Roman Coppola. Jonze starred in the film, under the pseudonym Richard Koufey, along with a fictional dance group: The Torrance Community Dance Group. The video intro described it as "A Torrance Public Film Production". The video was shot guerrilla-style – that is, on location without obtaining permission from the owners of the property – in front of puzzled onlookers outside the Fox Bruin Theater in Westwood, Los Angeles, California. In the video, a heavily disguised Jonze and the dance group, acting as a flash mob, dance to "Praise You", much to the chagrin of a theatre employee who turns off their portable stereo.
The video reportedly cost only US$800 to produce. It won three major awards at the 1999 MTV Video Music Awards: Breakthrough Video, Best Direction, and Best Choreography. It was also nominated for, but did not win, Best Dance Video. In 2001, it was voted number one of the 100 best videos of all time, in a poll to mark the 20th anniversary of MTV.
"Praise You" received a total of 80,6% yes votes! Previous Fatboy Slim polls: #12 "Weapon of Choice".
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
It’s been a while since I fever dreamed the plot to something, but I just woke up from a literal fever dream set in a futuristic version of New York where Tom Hiddleston and his pet cyborg owl are entrenched in a spy thriller buddy-cop narrative, only to get swept up in the conflicting heartfelt rom-com narrative of Dakota Johnson who, after a series of unfortunate breakups, has sworn off love and committed herself heart and soul to her job as a curator at Futuristic Met Museum. This is much to the distress of her weed smoking, shroom taking trans lesbian mothers and their elderly dog, Jeff, who just want her to find happiness and love.
As part of his cover, Tom and his cyborg owl, Frank, move into the same apartment where he’ll be staying for several months while he plans to steal a diamond from the Met. I think if you held it up to the light it would project nuclear launch codes that’d been etched onto it. Don’t ask me, my brain was more focused on making the cyborg owl into the wise-cracking comic relief. It kept saying things like “wow Tom, you really are a jack of owl trades” or “don’t worry, Tom, owl always love you.”
The pair meet in the lobby where Tom manages to piss off Dakota by not holding the elevator for her while she is carrying heavy boxes. The apartment building, however, is old and shitty, and he gets stuck in the elevator, requiring him to be rescued by one of Dakota’s mothers who also happens to be the super. Dakota huffs her way out the stairwell just in time to hear her mother inviting the “nice British man” to dinner, much to her chagrin as she realizes that her mom is trying to set her up with the asshole and the cyborg owl that sits on his shoulder like a parrot.
Tom, who finds out she works for the met over said dinner, decides to go along with it as he realizes she’d be the perfect cover to get into the Met Museum for an upcoming gala event—not to mention the perfect person to take the fall for his theft—and begins wooing her relentlessly, assuring Frank, the cyborg owl, that it’s all just part of the mission.
Eventually, the pair fall for each other for realzies, and Tom is conflicted over using her to steal the diamond but his time is running out because we also find out he went rogue for a while after his partner died and was using his skills to work freelance for an international crime syndicate and now the mob is after him?????
Anyway, he’s about to confess all to her on the night of the gala when she gets a phone call from her moms letting her know that their elderly dog, Jeff, is dying so the pair rush back to the apartment and take him to the nearest cyborg vet in the hopes of saving him. En route, the mob find them and start shooting at the flying car they’re in and it leads to a comedic shouting match between the pair along the lines of “what do you mean you’re an international spy and the mob are after you? Ugh, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this sooner! I told you everything about me!”
“Oh, yes, your embarrassing high school stories are exactly the same thing as divulging international secrets. Tell you what, after this let’s get a coffee and I can tell you some highly sensitive top secret information to even out the playing field.”
Anyway, Frank the cyborg owl manages to take out the mob car chasing them with a grenade (????!), and the pair get Jeff to the cyborg vet in time. The dream shifted after that to Dakota helping Tom to figure out how to break into the Met so he can get the diamond, not because she loves him and he helped save her childhood dog, but because she wants him gone. Tom accepts her help and storms off to his own apartment where Frank the cyborg owl is poignantly silent save to say “take some Tylenol”
“Wake up, you need Tylenol.”
Which is what sent me rocketing upright in bed, dizzy and dehydrated, pounding migraine headache, drenched in sweat and running what the thermometer tells me is a 102 fever.
Which brings us to now where I’m downing Tylenol in the dimly lit kitchen, guzzling water and typing this all up on my phone because there’s no way I’m going to remember all this in the morning but damn if it wasn’t a fun dream.
Anyway, shout out to Frank the cyborg owl for waking me up before my brain fried ✌️🦉. I’m going back to bed.
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callmemana · 1 year
James Bucky Barnes: Fanfic 1
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Key: smut -🍓/fluff -🌼/angst -🐂/personal fav -👓/
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A Little Superstition @jadedvibes 🌼 (college athlete au)
A Million Reasons Series @perpetuelledaydreaming 🍓🌼🐂(college athlete au)
Accidentally In Love Series @creativebeang 🍓🌼🐂👓
Awake My Soul Series @foreverindreamlandd 🍓🌼🐂 (zombie au)
Baby Love, I Need Your Love @shortcakezaza 🍓🌼👓 (mafia!bucky x baker!reader au)
Bad Intentions Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (mafia! au|Ch. 1/30)
Broken Knights Series @itsanerdlife (mafia! au|Ch. 1/30) 🍓🌼🐂👓
Brotherhood & Bullets Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂 (biker!au)
Brooklyn Pride Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂(street racer!au)
Cruel Intentions Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (mafia! au|Ch. 1/24|sequel to bad intentions)
Chemistry 2 @onceuponastory 🌼🐂👓 (danceteacher!bucky au)
Firebug Series @areyoureadyforsomemeatballz 🍓🌼🐂👓 (firefighter!au)
Forever @onceuponastory 🌼🐂👓
For Love of the Game Series @perpetuelledaydreaming 🍓🌼🐂👓 (baseball!au)
Heat on High Mini Series @tom-holland-parker 🍓🌼🐂👓 (firefighter!bucky x singlemom!r)
His Empire, Her Rules Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia!au)
I Think I Met You In My Dreams Once Series @frostironfudge 🌼🐂👓 (ex!military! x +sized!reader)
In Seven Years @perpetuelledaydreaming 🌼🐂👓 (baseball au {mentions of pregnancy})
In The Embers Series @foreverindreamlandd 🌼🐂 (+sized!Rogers!reader)
Inked Sun Series @rookthorne 🍓🌼🐂 (tattoo!artist!au)
It Comes Back To Me 2 @frostironfudge 🍓🌼🐂👓(lawyer! Bucky)
It Started with a Smile Series @writing-for-marvel 🌼🐂👓 (regency/bridgerton!au)
It Takes Two @jessybarnes 🍓🌼👓 (pregnant!reader)
It Was Always You @ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused 🍓🌼🐂(+sized!reader)
Last Night’s Story Series @the-canary 🍓🌼🐂👓(stripper!bucky au)
Like I Want You 2 @tmpestuous (college au)
Lieutenant Smolder Series @baezen 🍓🌼🐂👓 (firefighter!au)
Love & Lace Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂 (mob!Bucky x burlesque!reader|1/24)
Moth to the Flame Series @tmpestuous (college au/ enemies to lovers au)
Our Life Series @creativebeang 🍓🌼🐂
Out Of Mind @rassvetsky 🌼🐂👓
Part Of A Family @onceuponastory 🍓🌼🐂 (singlemom!reader)
Promises @jadedvibes 🍓🌼🐂 (soft!dark! 1940’s bucky)
Playing Games Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (tw: S/A|HS au|1/28)
Save Me Mini Series @espinosaurusrexex 🍓🌼🐂 (college au)
Scars Series @chickenfics 🌼🐂👓 (western au)
Something Domestic Series @fandoms-writings 🌼🐂👓 (ex-military amputee farmer Bucky)
Something More Series @tellmealovestory 🍓🌼🐂👓 (fwb/situation-ship au)
Shattered Pieces Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂 (fighter!bucky|1/20)
Silhouettes in the Spotlight Series @frostironfudge 🍓🌼🐂👓 (actor Bucky x plus sized reader)
Six Months Series @creativebeang 🌼🐂 (explicit themes 18+)
Ties That Bind Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (MC|ch. 1/32)
The Best Man Series @glutenfreepeach 🍓🌼🐂👓 (dark themes 18+)
The Sargent’s Heart Series @foreverindreamlandd 🌼🐂 (+sized!reader)
The Time of the Prey Series @subwaysurf45 🍓🌼🐂 (Knight Bucky x Princess Reader)
The Unseen One Series @extremelyblackandwhite 🌼🐂 (hades!au)
Wrangling Forever Series @itsanerdlife 🌼🐂👓 (farm hand Bucky au|1/10)
Whatever It Takes Series @angrythingstarlight 🍓🌼🐂 (mafia!au)
Where Do We Go From Here Series @sebastianstansqueen 🌼🐂👓 (mafia!au)
I Wanna Be Yours @theeleggymeggy 🍓🌼🐂 (besties to lovers!au)
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Tom Holland's Masterlist
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The Marriage Games (Discontinued) -  (Y/N) (Y/L/N) grew up in the palace with her brother and the royals; her and her brother are practically apart of the royal family. The Queen decides to help her eldest son find his own queen by inviting ten female suitors to live in the palace. What happens when through this process he finds love with a woman that is not one of the contestants?:  Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
True Love Can’t Be Bought (Completed) -  When (Y/N) (Y/L/N) needed a job to help pay off university debt; she did not expect to be working for the Hollands or that the eldest son would fall in love with her: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
The Spider-Man Who Stole My Heart (Completed) -  When Tom helps a lost little boy, he did not expect his mom to be so young. Once they get to talking, Tom realizes she may be the girl of his dreams, but what happens when she is not ready for a relationship: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Sent From A Goddess (Discontinued) - (Y/N) (Y/L/N) is the daughter of Poisedon, and for twelve years she was all alone. Growing up at camp without any family and watching people she is closed to come in and out of her life has caused her to close up. So she made a rule, the only people she is allowed to be truly close to is her brother, his family, Chiron, Tyson, Annabeth, and Grover. When Tom in his brothers come around, will he be able to break that rule: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
King of Collegialiter Schola Currer Cucurri (Discontinued) -   When Y/N gets a scholarship to attend Collegialiter Schola Currere Cucurri, a prestigious boarding school in England. She’s very studious and organizes, everything needs to be a certain way for her to be happy. Tom is the resident fuckboy at school and,  with his daddy being the richest man on earth, he practically owns the school. What happens when Tom falls completely in love with Y/N, but she doesn’t want to be with him because of his reputation: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Daddy Do It (Dad!Tom)
This Isn’t A Story About Our Love (Mob!Tom)
Best Friend to Boyfrined (Roommate!Tom)
How To Get Out Of A Fight
Mr.Holland (Teacher!Holland)
Good Boy, Bad Girl (Bad Girll!Reader)
The Sibling (Osterfield!Reader)
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
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"My mind is twisted up and you're to blame... Are you aware of how you say my name? I've tried so hard to push you away..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 33 - “Cinders (Etho)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
"But for real, the most beautiful thing Lizzie did was treating me like a stranger. She didn't see him." Sniff sounds like he's floating, eyes like glaciers. "I'm never going to stop being 'Joel 2.0' to you. Am I?"
Etho finally tells SnifferMyFeet what happened between him and Joel post-Double Life. Sometimes people slip right through your fingers... It's just weird it happened twice.
#smalletho - Etho/Sniff tension followed by several flashbacks about Etho's past with Joel (bed sharing, cuddling, teasing, discussing Joel's kids (Hermes & Tiny Tom), and Etho trying to learn Joel's boundaries, which Joel avoids defining)
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
Yeah, we allogrooming (chewing on each other's code strings and pulling them with mouths to straighten them); keep scrolling
Etho - Fox
Status: Keep 'em guessing
Self-taught programmer, full-time hero
💙  🧡  💚
It's familiar, but not in the way you think. It's familiar because the universe speaks to itself (to his soul) each time it checks he's doing okay. Especially on full moon nights. When the moon reaches down its light, Etho adjusts his footing and licks his lips, then chews its fingers and nuzzles back.
Give yourself a shake. Fluff up your fur. It's the arctic fox way. Then you run off to do exactly what you're meant to do, because you're born of the universe and were given conscious thought so you could love your role. The mobs play their part. You play yours. Beneath silver moonlight, we meet and make merry, for tomorrow we're AFK for weeks or months on end. You're born in the code. You live forever. And that's just the way of things.
Which is to say that snuggling up next to Sniff, one hand pressed to the back of his shoulders to hold him down against the mattress, is one of those wild things that's new and familiar at the exact same time. You remember all those tools we were gonna clean his code with? Yeah, those are beginner's toys. This is how it's done right.
It's a work of teeth and tongue: nipping code beneath his skin with glowing teeth and pulling it to straighten strings. It's goopy, thick, and messy. It's the way of the world; song as old as time.
Sniff keeps very quiet, his hands stretched out in front of him. He kneads the pillow. They don't speak. Not now. Etho keeps his hand firm, bearing weight on Sniff through a blanket so their pixels won't blend together, as he makes his way around cheek, neck, shoulder, and back. Sniff's filled with stagnant energy. It doesn't move fast - doesn't carry the parts that need attention towards Etho's mouth the way it should - but his tongue's doing the job the activator whisk should do. It ripples through his code. It stirs the stuff awake. That'll get him moving. Sniff gives a big, silent yawn that splays his fingertips and flicks his tongue. Then he turns his head away. His wings flex like a butterfly's and slowly fold against his back.
Etho keeps working. The mask's been dropped aside for this- It's just easier than letting it dangle at his neck. He nips with his teeth, catching strings, and fixes everything he can. There's only so much you can do with stagnant code. Most species don't eat it, but a fox can. Like the phantoms, they scavenge.
Etho takes the stuff Sniff doesn't need. He doesn't need scratches and aching muscles. He doesn't need chipped nails and dirty feet. He doesn't need the callus on his writing finger, the ink stains, or the ache between the V of two fingers. These are little add-ons (just wrinkles in the code). Etho pulls them free of soul and skin. They slip between his teeth.
Sniff drags Etho's other hand forward. Etho shifts, keeping balance. His hand's pretty neat and tidy after the week-long experience of Sniff cycling his code. Sniff nibbles at it anyway. The bits in his system that are ruffled prickle to attention and swish the messy bits forward so Sniff can gnaw the tangles away. Yeah, that's the spot. Etho thumps his tail against the bed.
Unlocking advancements feels like this. And the universe loves them, and it gave them thought without breaking the ecosystem, because it wanted them to know they're loved.
If there's an advancement for allogrooming, it's one he achieved a long, long time ago. Probably when he was just a kit. Not a lot of memories from the early days still stick with him, but he does remember Rhetoric chewing on his ear. He had fox ears back then. They used to wrestle with each other, but growing up is complicated. Sometimes you do the best you can every day of your life… and for what? Your mother will still pick you up by the scruff and drop you on the doorstep of a dragon she thinks could use you more.
He and Bdubs have that in common. Bdubs just refuses to admit it.
Oh yeah… We can't let the Slime Dragon see Sniff. She'll wanna kill him so he respawns at his mom's nest. Etho yawns. He stops messing with the code. Instead, he nestles his chin against the back of Sniff's neck. What time is it? Feels like they've been here for a thousand ticks, but it's such a blur that it could easily be half as much. It probably isn't. It can't be that long… He hasn't been called to Dog's Life yet.
Sniff chews at his fingers for a little longer, but his teeth slow too. He rests his cheek against his knuckles. Etho sweeps his tail sideways, brushing it across Sniff's back. He's warm. And without the nips and pulls, consistent collision isn't going to last. Pixels prickle. His chin starts to sink straight through.
It's familiar. But not the way you think. He never groomed Joel like this, with his mouth, except one time he had to re-open some rumpled bite marks that had sealed themselves in ridges across his shoulders. Long story there… but it's familiar because the universe told him this feels right tonight.
And it does feel right tonight. He's not gonna leave the mask off for long. Or the bandana, for that matter. He's way too exposed like this, raised blue scar curling over his eye and across his lips (all of it on display). Sniff probably feels the same way. He's still got both his shirts off. The curve of his spine's marked with a stripe. When you're this close, you can see the tiny zigzag marks where skin meshes like it's stitched. His giant scar - that big, white X - pulses with a dim, hazy glow.
Etho removes his head before he can sink any lower. He noses Sniff's cheek, then his chin. Once they're upturned, he gets back to work. A little more clipping here. A little trimming there. Making his way around. Sniff makes one soft noise like he's debating whether to squirm away. He keeps his eyes shut though, arms relaxed, and his wings stay folded up- lazy and content. Etho adds a few licks, keeping them light so he can seal the tiny gashes left behind by his teeth without startling Sniff enough to ask questions about 'what they are' again.
Funny. Last week, we did this the other way around. But he doesn't go as far as Sniff did. Tonight's about grooming, not feeding. Etho chews a knot from the back of Sniff's neck, then draws back. "Hey, Sniff, you-"
"My full name, Etho," he mumbles, not opening his eyes. "I only have one rule."
Right. Etho rasps his tongue around his lips and starts again. "SnifferMyFeet, I want to ask something."
"I know we said we wouldn't be 'serious' right now. I've just been wondering if maybe, after I do recordings and Hermitcraft clean-up… If you'd want to eat my soul again?"
Sniff's fingers still against the sheets. They alternate whose turn it is to breathe, like they used to at night on The Relation or when they were testing how far they could swim without coming up for air. Spoilers: Oxygen does not transfer from one soulmate's body to another.
Then Sniff blinks himself back to full awareness. He sits up on his knees. The covers slide down his back. Hands still braced, but no longer looking cozy. The guy reaches to pinch his brow and take his folded tank top at the same time. "You… want to use my vessel? Fluff, I dunno. Can I say that? I think I can."
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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pvtjoker22 · 1 year
The greatest asset of The Fall of the House of Usher is the way its characters, dialogue and story suggest the world beyond the borders of this particular story.
Take for instance, Arthur Pym.
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Judging from his actions after Perry death, him instructing characters what they can and cannot say, couching their canned responses, you're given this poor impression from him. Further, when they think it's a child of the bartender seeking vengeance the series solifies this image of a 'mob fixer' type. (Pym asks if he can take a 'hostile posture' and the implication is clear)
He's this Tom Hagen-like figure, and his unscrupulous behavior, his sleazy attitude, and general sense of shady-ness gives you the impression that the Ushers have committed far more crimes than the ones that are depicted in the series proper and there's many skeletons to be found in those walk-in closets.
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syndianites · 6 months
I've always wondered what the criteria for being an 'alt' in mianite was.
Like, assuming it was a thought-out thing and not just a fun gimmick of being in an alternate reality, how is it determined who your alt is?
There's a few ways you can look at it:
They are literally you in a different universe- like literally exactly who you are but put in a different situation
They are someone who fills the same *role* as you, being more a metaphorical alternate
They are who, essentially, took your place in the world. It was either you existed OR they existed, not both
They are just the mirror of yourself, so to speak. Someone very similar to you and having the same core features, but having different... aspects? Like, if you were loyal and brave, but generally rather shy, your alternate would /also/ be loyal and brave, but could be easy and outgoing.
The reason I tend to ponder this a lot with Mianite as a series is because it very much feels like it could go any way, /except/ the person being a literal you from a different universe.
And I know that may be an unpopular look at it, but if you compare our most popular alt- Mot, to Tom, aside from the name and being partially mob-fied, what do they have in common as people? Their backgrounds are very different (which is to be expected), their personalities are very different, their choices and decisions can often conflict with each other, and so on and so forth.
In my head, someone literally being a different 'you' would either entail them having the same exact name (both having been "Tom" or "Mot" at some point) or looking nigh identical (though the Tom/Mot example is a little harder considering their different mob afflictions).
I suppose what I'm trying to say, is that when I think of a "traditional" alternative self, I think of the exact same person who was just put in a different situation. Like if Tom, for example, had been put in a situation where his family had all died and he got infected, etc etc. But even when in different situations you find that people tend to look the same, or has similar personality traits, or even have a similar way of thinking. Of course, we don't get to see a lot of alt interactions because Mot, for the majority of the time we see him, is the only "known" alt (since we didn't know Steve was supposed to be a Wag alt).
So how would I, personally, define alts in the Mianite universe? Honestly, I'm not sure. For a while I went on the idea that it was someone who was in "your role" in this other universe. Mot and Tom are both champions of Dianite, Spark and Jordan are both important devotees to Ianite, etc etc, but can we use that to explain Jeriah and Alyssa, or even Wag and Steve?
I think I sit right between the "role" aspect of alts and the "mirror" aspect. They almost beg the same question, "what is this person's defining traits," but in different ways. Tom and Mot are both heavily loyal, Tom to his friends and even the previous Dianite, who he stuck with even when he was THE bad guy, and Mot to Alyssa and Dianite. Spark and Jordan are both very devoted and- crafty? I don't know what word I'd use, but Spark created a whole town, Jordan had the Jerry's tree, how Jordan was very invested in any study he came across and how Spark was very invested in spreading the word of Ianite, etc. From what snippets we get, Sonja and Alyssa are both playful at heart and kind, though we don't get to see too much about Alyssa. I'd make a stab at what Jeriah is like but we basically never see him. Wag and Steve are both rather straightforward and not afraid to cause damage to get what they want done- and also have the same taste in women (lol).
You could argue that this is because they fill the same "roles" as each other, but you could also argue that it's because the characters share the same "base traits." It's like the chicken and the egg argument- does the role require the traits, or do the traits lead to the role? If two people are alts of each other, who came first? Who is the "original," discounting the fact that we enter the world of Mianite through Tiem Reester and are biased into believing they are the originals.
The people who throw this most into question are the gods themselves. They literally fill the same roles, have the same names, have very similar characteristics, and are basically the poster-children to the "traditional" idea of alternate versions of yourself. But if you stripped away everything- the godhood, the names, the aspects of life they embody- what do they have in common? The gods present that "what-if" scenario that happens when you look into alternate realities far better than the "human" people we see. Are both Dianite's stubborn and confident? Are both Mianite's self-assured and believe themselves to always be in the right? Are both Ianite's dedicated to walking the line between aspects, trying to keep a grip on the happenings of their universe and the fluctuations of the Void?
Mianite, as a series, gives us /so many things/ to think about but never a solid resolution to these ideas because it was never meant to. It was a story made up on the fly, a bridge being built as we walked along it. And I think that's why it sticks in my mind so much compared to other series that broach similar ideas. There are so many open-ended questions that /we/ get to solve, to debate, to consider, that it just sticks with you because it is so, so hard to leave something "unfinished."
Anyway, rant over, please go back to your regularly scheduled activities
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aliypop · 7 months
If You're Looking For Trouble : Part 1
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Word Count: 1,406
Writers Note: This is a limited series requested by @sissylittlefeather
Warning: Language
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: It's 1960 and the battle of the mobs is not a crossfire you want to mess with, with Elvis as the Don of the Memphis Mafia finds himself head-deep in insanity over Cecelia Shanel Valmos Don of the Valmos Cartel
Chapters: 1, 2 (coming soon)
Memphis Tennessee 1960
"You seen the boss lately?" Judy asked as Red shrugged. They were covering for Elvis on an assignment at his Cadilac dealership, Little Tupelo. It was his pride and joy out of all of his covers, "He's still in his meeting." Sonny mentioned as they sighed. It wasn't like Elvis to be late. Besides, he promised Sam Philips he'd be here by 3:30 pm, and it was already 3:28, "Meeting with who?" Judy asked, 
"He didn't say..." 
Beale Street was booming with flashing lights and music, the glitz and glam of sin, a small taste of Vegas, if one could say, but it wasn't enough that Elvis was sitting across from the daughter of one of the most prestigious cartels. "Cecelia..." her entourage of women surrounded her as she glared at him, hazel eyes piercing his soul, "I'm sorry, who's Cecelia... " She turned to look at Rosa and Carlotta as they looked around, 
"Ms. Valmos, you can't buy this dance hall..."
"That's better... Tell me, why can't I..." She leaned in as she laughed, "Cause it was 'sposed to be mine!" rage in his eyes as she grinned, 
"What're you gonna do about it, Presley..." 
"I'm gonna fix you, that's what?" He said behind gritted teeth as she laughed, 
"Fix me...I should have my tailors fix that horrid suit. Who's dressin you, you're underboss Tom." She teased as he banged his fist on the table,
 "Damnit Cecelia! You should know better than to compete with me..." 
"You should know better than to make me a rival..." Looking at her watch as she looked back at him,
 "Why, you little!" a switchblade flew past him, almost grazing his ear. Cecelia was fearless, but Elvis would seek his revenge soon enough. 
"Are you done having a fit, Mr. Presley?"
"I'll show you a fit,"
"Like the one Mr. Philips will have if you don't make it to your little boy toy car lot?"
"How'd you..."
"Please, nothing goes by me except bullets, Mr. Presley..." She smirked as he walked behind her. 
 "Cheryl and Midge will see you out." She looked at him, her dress pressed against her body as her heels clicked on the floor. Elvis wasn't scared, though. He knew what he had to do. He had to make the first move. Elvis had to show her that the Memphis Mafia wasn't scared of a group of women parading intimidation tactics.  
"So, any luck..." Jerry asked as Elvis glared, sitting in his limo as he was silent. He hadn't lost, but when it came to her, he always did. She was always ahead of him, and he needed to know how. "She bought the God damn dance hall!" He growled as Jerry shook his head,
 "Me, Charlie, and Joe will pay our respects to the Paradise Lounge tonight..."
"What's the plan..."
"Watch it go up in flames, I guess." Jerry shrugged, laughing, the game was afoot, and Elvis would win.
Nashville Tennessee 1960
"Are we ready..." Cecelia asked, sitting at her desk as Midge inhaled a sharp breath. Something was usually wrong when she did that. "About tonight, boss..." Midge looked up at her as she turned the radio on, 
"This just in. The beloved cabaret Dance Hall Paradise Lounge found on fire." Cecelia growled, her teeth grinding against each other in anger as she screamed, "FUCKING PRESLEY!" She slammed her hand against the wall as she looked up at Midge,
 "Load my car up..."
"Fucking load it!" She was in a state of rage, revenge, even. She wanted to get even. And she wanted to do it now, "Are you okay, mi vida?" Carlotta asked as Cecelia laughed, "I'm fine... It's just The Memphis Mob beat me at my own game. I won't have to lie about how the place caught fire." She shrugged as she fixed her dress and makeup,
 "So what are you gonna do..."Rosa asked,
Memphis Tennessee 1960
 A smokey, gas-like smell was lingering down the streets of Memphis as The Memphis Electric Company truck was a blaze along with its building. She knew Elvis loved this place, for it was his first shot. Working secretly with the mob, but he had to learn when you get too close to the sun, you get burned, "That ought to teach him..." Cecelia smirked as she left. But there was one thing that Cecelia didn't know was that news traveled fast in Memphis, and it traveled to Graceland Mansion first, from the maids to the cooks to the boys. 
"I know Jerry, I know..." Elvis didn't even look up from his book and his sandwich. He didn't seem phased about it, but he also didn't seem to be at ease either,
"I'll send her a gift..." Jerry laughed. Elvis always had a way with gifts. Sometimes, it was rings to pretty women. and the heads of someone close to his enemies. He couldn't wait to hear about what exactly it was.
"M-Mr Officer... No, no, too cheesy..." Cecelia sighed, fixing her makeup in her compact to look distressed, "Officer!" She practiced again as she took a deep breath. She saw an officer walk towards her as she mustered fake tears, "Officer, come quick! I don't know what happened! But I do hope no one is hurt..." Cecelia said as he looked at her, "It's good people like you who keep this city safe."
"Doing my job, Ms." He nodded as she walked off, 
The next day, Cecelia was at her new Dance Hall as painters and movers came in to gussy it up, 
"Package, Ms. Valmos..." Cheryl said,
"Let me see it, please?" She asked as she saw the box. It was a bit long and light. It wasn't a body. She listened in, and it wasn't a bomb. Tied on top was a pink bow and a rose. As she sat down, she pulled it apart and opened it, Revealing a white Mink fur Coat and a note that read,
I know what you did
"Mr. Mississippi thinks he so tough, huh, with his blue eyes and that smile...We'll see how big he barks." Her laugh was as sinister as her smile, but she meant every word. Elvis knew this would eat her up alive. Besides, she and Gifts didn't get along, not since she and Anthony Rodgers had a mishap rumored that he'd been dumped in the river missing his heart.
"Do you think she got the gift?" Joe asked Elvis, who had finished eating his sandwich, "We'll see..." He said, waiting for her to call. Something about her always intrigued him. Maybe it was because they were born a day apart, Or her body in her dresses and how she carried herself, being she was the only cartel that was run entirely by women, or perhaps it was how she wasn't scared of him but could make him tremble in his loafers, 
"So, how's things going with that girl?"
"Which girl? You know there's several." He laughed, slicking his hair again as Jerry rolled his eyes, 
"One day, you'll settle down."
"Eh, maybe..." He shrugged, "Say you guys up for a movie?" Elvis asked. When they arrived at the theater, there were bullet holes and a coat by the door, 
"I see that's not her taste..."He laughed as Judy and Lamar looked at him in confusion. Jerry only sighed as he knew this would drive him mad, 
"Let me guess..."
"Got it."  
Later that night, Cecelia drove to Memphis in a shiny pink Cadillac with custom seats and a note attached. She knew who sent it. Cecelia knew how to get rid of it. She didn't want his gifts. Cecelia was over those days when people bought her affection with gifts. Cecelia knew now that the world was harsh and the only way to love was to watch it burn. 
When Elvis walked onto the lot, he noticed the car burnt up with "No Thanks..." Written on the hood, "Damn it, Jerry, she's driving me insane!" Elvis growled, walking into his office as Jerry followed,
 "E, what's this about..."
"Jerry, I-I have to get her somehow." Elvis sighed,
"Maybe don't set her shit on fire..." Elvis glared at him, 
"I'll get her a ring..." He smirked, "She can't refuse jewelry."
"Whys that." He took a deep breath as Elvis opened his mouth,
"Don't you know anything, diamonds are a girl's best friend."
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aethon-recs · 9 months
HP Rec Fest, Day 27 ❄️
@hprecfest daily prompts running through Dec 31. Goal is to find lesser-known or underrated Tomarrymort works, even by well-known authors, to feature here.
Day 27: A Muggle AU Fic
found by @honbug (E, 112k, WIP)
Summary: Tom knows from the beginning that he is destined for greatness. Nothing and no one will stop him from achieving his goals. (And then, of course, there are the dreams.) Why I rec it for this prompt: I love the AU setting here where it's a non-magical universe, but there's still just a sprinkle of magic, as Tom retains vague memories from his previous life as Lord Voldemort and is haunted throughout his life by dreams of a boy with bright green eyes, and finally figures out what it means. A really fascinating look into how Tom might have turned out if he were raised in an entirely muggle setting and went on to become an organized crime / mob boss.
Running list of recs:
Day 1: Favorite under 5k | Such a Noble Villain Day 2: Comfort Fic | In Somno Veritas | Ouroboros Day 3: Podfic | a taste so good (i'd die for it) Day 4: Fic with Art | A Soulmate Like You Day 5: A Non-AO3 Fic | The Anti-Midas Day 6: Unreliable Narrator Fic | Anabiosis Day 7: A Canon-Compliant Fic | In Your Soul is Sealed a Pleasure Day 8: A Canon-Divergence Fic | Thirst Day 9: A Rare Pair Fic | dust in your pocket | A Breed Apart Day 10: A Fest Fic | In Your Image Day 11: A Dark Fic | As Portioned from a Whole Day 12: A WIP Rec | Lover's Spit | Revolution of Configured Stars Day 13: A Fic >100k Words | One Year In Every Ten | if we were lovers Day 14: A Favorite Series | The Immortal Duties of Lord Voldemort Day 15: The Most Recent Bookmark | Creatures of the Dark we are Day 16: A Fic that Made You Laugh | Make a Wish | Do You Want Fries with That? Day 17: A Fic that Made You Cry | We Still Have Time Day 18: A Fairy Tale-Inspired Fic | Until Midnight Comes  Day 19: Fic with the Hottest Smut | Prison Blues Day 20: A Fic Rated 'G' | Fingers Crossed Day 21: A Thought-Provoking Fic | on the other side Day 22: An Unfinished Fic | In Death, Standby Day 23: A Soulmate Fic | the demiurge, the leontoeides Day 24: A Holiday Fic | A Sky Full of Stars Day 25: A Fic Rated 'T' | Accidents happen Day 26: A Fic with a Memorable Ending | i’ve missed you, my boy Day 27: A Muggle AU Fic | found
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bebx · 11 months
Why r ppl saying loki and mob r in deadpool 3? That makes no sense?
there’re rumors, but nothing has been confirmed as of now. I wouldn’t say it made no sense because honestly, anything is possible? especially when, from what we do know, X-Men will now be connected to the MCU. and also all these rumors about Fantastic Four.
and I mean… the TVA is also said to play a part in Deadpool 3
listen, I know Tom said Loki’s story had been concluded, and Mobius “left” the TVA in the finale. but really, nothing has been confirmed. I wouldn’t put it past Marvel to find a way, write some storyline that’d pull both Loki and Mobius back to the TVA and have them in Deadpool 3 if that was the direction they were going for. especially when, out of all the characters in Loki series, except Ravonna (I do think we will see Ravonna again, but maybe in some other projects where she appears without Loki and Mobius, because while Loki and Mobius kind of come in pack now, Ravonna’s character arc isn’t tied to either of them), Loki and Mobius are the only two whose stories indicate that they’re not over. I’ve talked about this before, but basically every character in that series got their happy ending to complete their journey, every character except Loki and Mobius.
so if we saw them in Deadpool 3, it would be the least surprising thing for me.
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emmatgc · 9 months
The Forbidden Love I Love
I realized all my favorite ships and pairings are from a "they were not supposed to fall in love " trope. All from a tv series, too. It doesn't matter if they were the end game. They just clicked and their story were damn epic and memorable.
Here are my top 3 couples in the last 20 years
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Tommy and Grace from Peaky Blinders (British)
Top 1
Never had a thing for Spy x Gangster love story even on books but this one hits different. All major thanks to the actors who made is so fookin believable. Annabelle Wallis and Cillian Murphy. Both were perfectly casted. To hell with haters. Chemistry on Fire. Epic tv series but mind you, very dark, too and disturbing. Yet it has a haunting, heart wrenching beautiful love story. It makes you forget, the show is not a love story but because of these two, its a freaking ode of a Mob Boss who fell in love with a an enigmatic undercover and who moved heaven and earth grieving and trying to move on. They ended up together, short lived though tragically he is still in love with her even in the after life.
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Top 2
Emperor Ta Hwan and Empress Ki (Tanyang couple)- Empress Ki (Korean)
This was my number one until PK came along but this still holds a very special place in my heart. Still the better show than PK and still has my favorite kissing scene of all time in this underwater scene. A magnificent korean tv series, with numerous awards and all star cast. Ji Chang Wook and Ha Ji Wony favorote korean pairing, ever. The 50 episodes were nothing short of incredible. Based loosely from a real Empress Ki. An epic, powerful portrayal of sad, another tragic love story with war, madness, politics, ambition and power at the forefront. My forever top Koreanovela. Very Top Notch!
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Top 3
Lana and Clark - Smallville (American)
In the movies, its always Lois Lane but here, nobody can deny Kristen Kreuk and Tom Welling were pure magic on screen. It made a fandom war because Lana was supposed to be this highschool crush only yet here I am one of the "Clana"warriors lol but for 8 seasons, their love story became a star crossed one. They had so much depth and made it through more but yeah, got to stick with the comics. Still, devastatingly beautiful yet tragic and their chemistry was also insane! To this day, Smallville for me is Clark Kent and Lana Lang.
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