#mmx brook
sneakyswag · 2 months
Heya! Beta and Brook doodles for you guys whom I love <333
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I love them <333
I need to make a ref sheet for Beta I’m dying AUGL
Anyway @bruggle 👉👈
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There’s the full page
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bruggle · 8 months
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Brook gets into at least one fist fight btw
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scifigeneration · 6 years
Martian moon may have come from impact on home planet
The weird shapes and colors of the tiny Martian moons Phobos and Deimos have inspired a long-standing debate about their origins.
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The dark faces of the moons resemble the primitive asteroids of the outer solar system, suggesting the moons might be asteroids caught long ago in Mars' gravitational pull. But the shapes and angles of the moons' orbits do not fit this capture scenario.
A fresh look at 20-year-old data from the Mars Global Surveyor mission lends support to the idea the moons of Mars formed after a large impact on the planet threw a lot of rock into orbit, according to a new study in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, a publication of the American Geophysical Union.
The dataset held unplumbed clues to the stuff Phobos is made of, which may be more similar to the crust of the Red Planet than it appears, according to the study's authors.
"The fun part for me has been taking a poke at some of the ideas out there using an old dataset that's has been underutilized," said Tim Glotch, a geoscientist at Stony Brook University in New York and the lead author of the new study.
Marc Fries, a planetary scientist and curator of cosmic dust at NASA's Johnson Space Center, who was not involved in the new study, said the inability to explain the genesis of two moons around a neighboring planet is a glaring shortcoming in scientists' understanding of moon formation. Clearing it up will help with interpretations of how other moons and planets formed in our solar system and beyond. The new study does not clinch the mystery, but it is a step in the right direction, he said.
"The issue of the origins of Phobos and Deimos is a fun sort of mystery, because we have two competing hypotheses that cannot both be true," Fries said. "I would not consider this to be a final solution to the mystery of the moons' origin, but it will help keep the discussion moving forward."
Dark objects
The debate over the origin of Mars' moons has split scientists for decades, since the early days of planetary science. In visible light, Phobos and Deimos look much darker than Mars, lending weight to the adoption hypothesis.
Scientists study the mineral composition of objects by breaking the light they reflect into component colors with a spectrophotometer, creating distinctive visual "fingerprints." By comparing the spectral fingerprints of planetary surfaces to a library of spectra for known materials, they can infer the composition of these distant objects. Most of the research into the composition of asteroids has examined their spectra in visible light and in near-infrared light, which is just beyond human vision on the red side of the visible spectrum.
In visible and near-infrared light, Phobos and D-class asteroids look much the same -- that is, both their spectra are nearly featureless because they are so dark. D-class asteroids are nearly black as coal because, like coal, they contain carbon. This dark aspect of Phobos led to the hypothesis that the moon is a captive asteroid that flew a little too close to Mars.
But scientists looking at the orbits of Mars' moons argued they could not have been captured. These scientists believe the moons must have formed at the same time as Mars, or resulted from a massive impact on the planet during its formative millennia.
"If you talk to the people who are really good at orbital dynamics and figuring out why certain bodies orbit the way they do, they say that, given the inclination and the details of Phobos' orbit, it's almost impossible that it was captured. So you have the spectroscopists saying one thing and the dynamicists saying something else," Glotch said.
Heat fingerprints
Glotch decided to look at the problem in a different light: the mid-infrared, which is in the same range as body temperature. He looked at the heat signature of Phobos captured in 1998 by an instrument he describes as a fancy thermometer carried on the Mars Global Surveyor. The robotic spacecraft spent most of its lifetime looking down at Mars, but took a quick look at Phobos when it passed near the moon before settling into a closer orbit around the planet.
Heat energy, like visible light, can be split into a spectrum of "colors." Even objects that look black in visible light may glow in a distinctive infrared spectrum. Although Phobos is very cold, its heat spectrum has a discernable signature.
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Glotch and his students compared the mid-infrared spectra of Phobos glimpsed by the Mars Global Explorer to samples of a meteorite that fell to Earth near Tagish Lake, British Columbia, which some scientists have suggested is a fragment of a D-class asteroid, and other rock types. In the lab, they subjected their samples to Phobos-like conditions of cold vacuum, heating them from above and below to simulate the extreme changes in temperature from the sunny to the shady sides of airless objects in space.
"We found, at these wavelength ranges, the Tagish Lake meteorite doesn't look anything like Phobos, and in fact what matches Phobos most closely, or at least one of the features in the spectrum, is ground-up basalt, which is a common volcanic rock, and it's what most of the Martian crust is made out of," Glotch said. "That leads us to believe that perhaps Phobos might be a remnant of an impact that occurred early on in Martian history."
Planetary crust baked in?
The new study does not argue Phobos is made entirely of material from Mars, but the new results are consistent with the moon containing a portion of the planet's crust, perhaps as an amalgamation of debris from the planet and the remnants of the impacting object.
Fries, the scientist who was not involved in the new study, said the Tagish Lake meteorite is unusual, and perhaps not the best example of a D-class asteroid available for a compelling comparison with Phobos. Fries added the new study was unlikely to be able to produce a definitive answer because Phobos is subject to space weathering, which affects its reflectance spectrum and is difficult to replicate in the lab.
But Fries said he found it interesting that a mix of basalt and carbon-rich material made an appropriate match for Phobos. Another possibility is that carbon-rich space dust in the vicinity of Mars has collected on the close-orbiting moons, darkening their surfaces, he said.
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Scientists may get their answer to Phobos' origins in the next couple of years, if the Martian Moon eXploration spacecraft and the OSIRIS-Rex and Hayabusa2 asteroid explorers complete their missions to collect samples and return them to Earth for analysis. Hyabusa2 landed two mini robots on the asteroid known as Ryugu on September 21..
"The really cool thing is that this is a testable hypothesis, because the Japanese are developing a mission called MMX that is going to go to Phobos, collect a sample and bring it back to Earth for us to analyze," Glotch said.
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human-antithesis · 2 years
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Hermit’s Lair - Human Antithesis https://t.me/Human_Antithesis
Void of Silence - The Grave of Civilization (January 5th, 2010) Country: Italy Genre: Funeral Doom Metal, Ambient Drone Reuploaded: FLAC
Brooke Johnson - Vocals
Ivan Zara - Guitars, Bass
Riccardo Conforti - Drums, Keyboards
Prelude To The Death of Hope - 03:02
The Grave of Civilization - 17:31
Apt Epitaph - 12:27
Temple of Stagnation (DFMI MMX) - 09:50
None Shall Mourn - 15:21
Empty Echo - 04:43
Miscellaneous Staff:
Dennis Israel - Mixing, Mastering
Mauro Berchi - Artwork, Layout
Luca Hosseini - Photography
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sneakyswag · 2 months
Vine Quotes cuz yeah vine is awesome
Anyways @bruggle
Brook: And they were roommates
Beta: Oh ma ga they roommates
*Brook scares Beta*
Beta: Ahh! Stahp I coulda dropped my croissant!
*Brook just laughing*
Brook: What are those?!
X: They…are my crocs…
Beta: What’s 9+10?
Brook: 21
Beta: You STUPID-
(He doesn’t mean it he’s too nice XP)
Axl: Mother trucker, dude! That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick.
*X looking at ‘relatable memes’*
X: Hahaha! I do that.
Marty: And now two shots of vodka.
*Pours practically the entire bottle*
Brook: We get to Del Taco and they have a new thing called-
Brook: Freeshavocadoo FREESHAVOCADOO
*X sobs*
X: I’m not sad I’m just cutting cucumbers
*X and Marty holding each other*
*Axl pointing at them*
Axl: What the f*ck is this allowed? What the f*ck is this allowed?
X: Axl, stop-
*Axl sees Pallette holding a huge mirror while doing her eyebrows*
Axl: What the hell are you doing?
Pallette: I am doin’ my eyebrows
Axl: That’s a big ass mirror-
Pallette: I have big ass eyebrows
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sneakyswag · 3 months
Babysitting Brook
In which Beta hangs out with Brook for a while.
@bruggle I hope you like it this fic stressed me out dearly but it’s not you it’s me relax it’s fine
I hope you guys like it. Sorry about the dialogue. I think it’s too much lol.
X sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He looks over at Brook, unamused and with a sly smile on her face.
“It was funny,” she says. X can’t help but groan.
“No. It really wasn’t”, X deadpans as he walks into Hunter HQ, Brook by his side. Brook just puts her arms behind her head. X shakes his head and rolls his eyes.
“You hang out with Axl way too much. That’s what he would’ve said,” Brook grins. X looks at her and rolls his eyes once again, sass taking over even though he doesn’t mean it to. “Look”, X says as he stops for a moment. Brook mimics him and stops with him. The reploid exhales, “I can’t always be watching you, Brook. And with that stunt you pulled today, I don’t know if I can trust you by yourself,” the teen gapes at the other.
“Wha- but-!” She says, unable to say a full sentence due to her surprise. X nods and crosses his arms.
“I need to find someone to watch you when I can’t. Someone who’s nice, a good example,” X scans the base, eyes landing on a certain newcomer. “Beta. That’s who,” X says with a smile but is then interrupted by Brook.
“No way! I don’t need a babysitter!” The azure hero sighs. “It’s not a babysitter. Think of it as a friend. A friend who will keep you in check and is a good example,” X says as he walks towards the newbie, Brook following behind, pleading for him to change his mind.
The hero’s mind was already made up, though.
Brook follows X hesitantly and stares at the guy he’s looking at. She studies him and his behavior. ‘Beta’ apparently is a newcomer. He has light blue eyes, white hair and almond skin. He’s about 5 '4, and has black face marks. The dude has black, white and gray armor. His chest and forehead gems are blue, matching his eyes. Beta looks nervous as he hands a report to Alia. She nods and checks his work, saying it’s good and he lets out a sigh of relief. Alia smiles.
“Hey, Beta.” X greets with a half wave.
Beta looks up and waves back with a small, shy smile. “Hello, Commander-Hunter. Hello Ms. Longsdale,” Brook smiles uncomfortably at the title.
X notices this and says: “Please. Just X, like I’ve told you many times. Call her Brook, please.” Beta looks sheepish and flushes slightly in embarrassment.
“Sorry. I feel the need to be polite is all. I didn’t mean any harm,” X shakes his head and smiles. “Nothing to worry about, kid,” Brook mutters something under her breath earning a light smack on the head from X.
“I was wondering, if you’re alright with it, if you’d keep an eye on Brook for me?” Beta’s eyes widen, he contemplates it for a moment, it’s written all over his face. He nods. Much to X’s relief and Brook’s displeasure. “Of course. I’d be more than happy to.” he gives a small smile. Brook groans, alarming Beta ever so slightly.
“Are…you alright, uhm- Brook?” X glares at Brook and bites back a sigh. “She’s fine. She just needs a good influence, such as yourself, to be with her for a while,” Beta flushes. “Thank you for thinking of me that way, I-I’m flattered,” the flushed bot scratches the back of his neck.
“No problem. I trust you to keep her in line, yeah? I’ll see how it goes today and maybe you can hang out with her more often?” Beta nods. “You can count on me Command- oh sorry, X. Ah…I’ll have to get used to that…” X smiles and bids Brook and Beta goodbye.
The first few minutes were…awkward to say the least.
Beta isn’t much of a talker. Brook doesn’t really care. Who was this guy? And why did X trust him? A good example? Maybe because he was boring just like X. Beta was also…very nervous a lot of the time. He tries to play it off but it’s fairly obvious, at least to Brook.
“Hey…are you okay?” Brook asks, making the other look at her, eyes wide even if ever so slightly. “Yeah…yeah, sorry” the white-haired reploid exhales. Brook eyes him weirdly. Beta bites his lip. “Sorry. I’m not very good at social interaction,” the boy sighs. “I’m really nervous. I just…how could X trust me? Me!” Brook can’t help but chuckle.
“Maybe cuz you’re boring like him,” Beta scoffs playfully. “I-I can be plenty fun. I just like following rules,” Brook chuckles at his stutter. “Breaking the rules isn’t so bad, though,” Beta grimaces and shakes his head. “No. I am not getting us in trouble. Especially when X trusted me to watch you!” Brook scoffs.
“Booooring!” Beta frowns. “Seriously?” Brook laughs.
“Alright, alright”, Beta smiles “how about you tell me a bit about yourself?” Brook shrugs her shoulders. “It’s okay if you don’t want to. We don’t have to get into detail. I just wanted to know stuff like: what’s your favorite color, hobbies, favorite food?” Brook smiles.
“Those are like little kid questions,” Beta flushes. “H-hey!” Brook laughs. This dude was a mess.
“Well how about we go out for some E-Tanks?” Brook opens her mouth to say something but is interrupted by Beta. “Right. You’re not a reploid,” Beta facepalms. Brook chuckles, “How about we do something fun?” The other can’t help but raise an eyebrow at her suggestion.
“Fun? Like what?” Brook gives a sly smile “Fireworks?” Beta shakes his head. “Nope. No way,” he pinches the bridge of his nose and looks back up, only to realize Brook was running away to the weapons room. He yelps as he follows her, almost tripping at first but getting the hang of it quickly.
“Brook! You can’t just-!” He’s cut off almost immediately. “Check these out”, she says as he holds two huge rifles.
Beta gasps, “Put those down! Your dad’ll kill me!” Brook puts them down, not because Beta told her to, but because she’s got eyes on something else. Beta has to practically snatch the bombs and detonators out of her hands before she actually figures out how to use them.
“Absolutely not! No way! Brook, please. Let’s just go outside or somethin’ we can do whatever you wanna do”, Beta pleads. Brook sighs, frustratedly, “Can we blow stuff up?” The nervous reploid can’t help but glare at the other, but then remembers who’s daughter she is and softens his glare.
“Please. Will you just listen? I want to be your friend here. I don’t wanna be boring but I also don’t want you to get hurt.” Beta eyes Brook oddly as she pouts like a small child, although she technically is a child, so is Beta, well er…mentally. “Please…just,” Beta groans, visibly stressed.
He lets out a shaky breath, “How about we go outside and we do something fun?” Brook thinks about it, “Like what?” Beta ponders on it for a moment and smiles, “What about paintball? Technically, it’s not violent. It’s safe and fun…?” Brook smiles.
“Now THAT is fun. Maybe I misjudged you. You can be pretty fun.” Beta can’t help but sigh in relief.
“I’m glad you don’t think I’m boring. Let’s get outta here before someone finds out you were in here.” Brook rolls her eyes and heads for the door. “Yeah, yeah,” Beta sighs and closes the door behind them. Brook texts X from her phone, asking if she can go even though she’s gonna go anyway. She smirks as she puts her phone away, not waiting for X’s response. Her question was more of a way of telling him that she’s gonna go out, whether he likes it or not.
Paintball is…filled with preteens. This concerns Beta and makes Brook smile evilly.
“I’m gonna wipe the floor with these kids,” Beta chuckles. “Just be sure not to go too far,” Brook nods as she gears up. “You and me, Beta” the other smiles confidently as he gears up as well. “You know it”.
It’s safe to say that after paintball, there were a bunch of kids vowing to never do paintball again. Brook is very skilled when she isn’t overtaken with the overwhelming urge of being violent. She wanted to wipe the floor with a few kids, yeah, but she was focused. Much to Beta’s surprise. He knew she was skilled but wow. He was blown away.
“That,” Brook exclaims as she takes her gear off “was awesome!” Beta can’t help but smile. “Sure was! The looks on their faces were priceless!” Beta says as he mimics the other, taking his gear off as well. Brook looks at him and laughs, leaving Beta confused.
“What? What’s wrong?” the reploid asks, concern and confusion evident in his voice. It takes a moment for Brook to calm down. “Your hair, man! It’s not so white anymore!” the other raises an eyebrow and looks at himself in the reflection of a window.
His eyes widened, “Oh…oh dear…”
Brook smiles and looks at her own hair, not paying too much attention to the paint she got on her arms and legs and even her chest.
“Good luck getting that out,” Beta then groans. He stares at his now neon pink, green and yellow hair. There was only a bit of white left. He exhales and smiles slightly.
“I can’t say I regret coming here, just that this is gonna be a pain. I’m gonna get teased so hard…” Beta says as he puts his hands over his face.
Brook listens as they walk out of the paintball arena and walk on the sidewalk, making their way to Hunter HQ.
“I’m sure it won’t be that bad…” Brook says as she puts her arms behind her head, only to feel paint on it and retracting her hands immediately. She wipes her hands on her already painted clothes. “Easy for you to say. Your dad is famous and a very respected hunter,” Brook frowns, a conflicted expression on her face.
“He’s not my dad. But I guess that’s one reason people don’t hang out with me much. They’re interested, yeah, but none of them ever end up being friends with me.” Beta feels sympathy for her and sighs.
“Well, I…” he sighs and gathers his thoughts correctly, “there’s no need for you to feel that way. Because now…I’m your friend and you can talk to me about anything.” Brook stops for a moment, looking down at the floor.
Beta stops with her, worried, “You only say that because X forced you to hang out with me.”
Beta shakes his head rapidly.
“No way. I mean at first…I didn’t really want to turn him down since he’s my superior and could also kick my ass. But also, you’re cool. You may have your problems but still. I thought you were awesome. I just never got the confidence to talk to you for many reasons…” Brook looks at the other, eyes wide.
“You think…I’m cool?” the reploid nods. “Of course! Everyone in HQ knows about your story. Mostly because I’m sure X told Alia and Pallette forced it out of her,'' Brook can’t help but laugh. “Yeah…yeah. I guess so…” Beta frowns as he hears her uncertain tone.
“I know you’re not happy about being here. And a lot of times you try to play it off with frustration and anger, but know…you’re not alone in this, okay? Sorry if it’s weird I know we just met and all but, I’m here for you. As a friend. I’m here…” Brook smiles.
“Thanks, Beta. I didn’t know you were cool like that,” Beta smiles back.
“We should hurry back. Your…uh, X, is probably starting to worry a bit,” Brook rolls her eyes.
“I’m not worried,” Beta sighs.
“Well, I am! Let’s go!” Brook laughs as they walk a bit faster and make it back to Hunter HQ. They make their way to Central Command and sigh in relief. The two have a nice conversation while they wait for X. A few minutes later, X comes in with a smile, relieved to see the pair getting along. Though, his smile fades quickly once he sees the two covered in paint. Full head to toe, covered in it.
“Hey, uh wow…you guys are way more covered than I expected you to be,” X says as Beta grins sheepishly and Brook laughs. “Yup! So worth it, though,” Brook utters, proud of her paintball skills. X smiles, “I assume you two were okay with each other?” Beta nods. “Yup! We’re friends now!” Brook exclaims.
Friends…? Brook considered him a friend? I mean sure, he said he was there for her as a friend but for her to actually consider him as one and say it proudly meant so much to him.
Beta’s eyes widened. He looks at X and then at Brook.
“You…think of me as a friend?” Brook nods and smiles cheekily.
“You have proven yourself as worthy,” she does a mock sort of empress voice, earning a laugh from Beta.
“I’m so glad,” Beta sighs, “I don’t have many friends. I hope we can become good friends, yeah?”
Brook nods and smiles “Yup!”
X chuckles at their antics, “I’m glad you two are getting along just fine.” Beta nods, “Yes. Brook is fun company despite her antics.” Brook furrows her eyebrows, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Beta shrugs his shoulders, “N-nothin’, I guess.”
X sighs, “Well, alright. Brook, you need to go wash up. Beta, I suggest you do the same.” Brook groans but complies, waving goodbye to the pair. X exhales as he watches Brook leave, “Thanks for today”.
Beta shakes his head “It’s absolutely nothing. I meant what I said. Brook is a friend now,” he smiles. “I’m not gonna act like her babysitter. I’m gonna be the best damn friend I can be.” This earns a small laugh from X.
“Thank you, though. She’s been needing friends,” the azure hero says.
Beta nods, “It’s no problem. If it’s not Zero or Axl, I’ll keep an eye on her while you’re gone. Although, from the little time I’ve known her personally, I feel like she’d also keep an eye on me as well.” X smiles and prepares to leave.
“Hey Beta?” the older says questionably. Said reploid looks up, eyebrow raised ever so slightly.
“Nice hair” X says as he waves goodbye. Beta flushes at X’s comment and sighs, mentally preparing himself for the powerwash he’s about to get.
At least he made a new friend today. He can’t wait til’ tomorrow.
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sneakyswag · 2 months
Finally finished it. AUFK
The Diner fic y’all
If you see a mistake no you didn’t I tried so hard
*aggressive breakdancing*
Walking to the diner in silence really helped Brook gather her thoughts correctly.
She could feel Beta sneaking glances at her every few minutes. He was worried. She knew. Great, another person down to worry about her. X was already bad enough, but now Beta? She had to bite back a groan. Beta was about to open the door for her, but she swiftly did it before him and gestured for him to go inside with a sly smile. Beta rolled his eyes playfully and walked inside. The pair got their usual booth and waited in silence for their waiter to come. In the meantime, the Reploid decided to start a conversation. Not one Brook was looking forward to, but an unavoidable one at that.
“So…” Beta starts. “Care to explain what exactly happened back there?”
Brook has to bite back a sigh and averts her eyes from Beta’s own.
“I just…” Brook sighs and studies Beta’s expression, frustrated and tired.
“I had a fight with X…it ended pretty badly…”
She sees Beta shrug his shoulders and frown at her statement, his eyes meeting hers. Brook didn't like that. Not one bit. It felt like he was pitying her. She’s had it with everyone’s pity.
“Don’t look at me like that”, Brook orders, tone indicating frustration.
Beta bites his lip and looks at her warily.
“I’m just worried about you, okay? I didn’t want to see you get like that”, Beta says, voice almost not above a whisper.
Brook glanced at his hands. He was fidgeting; he was nervous.
“Look. I don’t need your pity—” She stops mid-sentence, reconsidering her words. But before she could even say what she was going to say, Beta interrupted.
“It’s not pity, Brook”, the other says, serious tone with an unreadable expression on his face.
She doesn’t like that. Okay, there’s a lot of things she doesn’t like from this conversation. And there is one more thing to add on that list. When she’s about to speak, the waiter shows up, tired eyes scanning the pair. They make their order of the usual two orange juices and a plate of biscuits and gravy and continue with their discussion.
“As I was saying”, Beta says with a sigh. “I’m worried about you. It’s not pity, Brook. But it’s also not normal for you to react in such a way…”
Brook furrows her eyebrows.
“How would you know, huh? You don’t know me that way. How would you know what I feel and don’t feel?” The Reploid sighs, concern evident in his eyes, but also starting to get a little frustrated.
“I…” Brook glares at him. “Because you’re my friend! I can’t stand by and watch you be like this. I want to help you, okay?”
Brook bites the inside of her cheek.
“I was just…letting out some built up anger. Anger I didn’t know I kept in”, Brook puts her hands in her hair. “I’m fine now, I guess. It’s just…really hard…”
She sees Beta start to fidget with his thumbs. What a weird habit for a Reploid. Though, come on, it’s Beta for crying out loud. He’s not exactly the most normal Reploid around.
“You…” he hums. “You don’t have to pretend that you’re okay, you know? After everything, I know it’s hard…”
Brook shrugs her shoulders and sighs. He was right. But it’s not like she wanted to admit it.
“No but”, she says, pausing to gather her thoughts. “You weren’t there. X wasn’t there after a while either. You guys know what happened but you don’t exactly know how I feel”.
Beta nods. “I’m aware. You’re a very complicated individual”, he says as the waiter brings them their orange juice. “I don’t expect to understand to the full extent nor know how it feels, but I’m here for you”.
Brook takes a sip of her orange juice. “I know. And thank you for that. But I already have X on my tail constantly worrying about me and such. I can’t have you doing the same”, she hears Beta chuckle softly, causing her to raise an eyebrow.
“Brook, I'm always going to worry about you. We’re friends. What kind of friend would I be if I never told you when you were right and when you were wrong? What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t worry about you? What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t help you out?” Brook smiles sheepishly.
She can’t argue with that. Beta has always been loyal in that sense. Probably due to not having many friends or maybe that’s just him. She’s glad she found someone like him despite his flaws. She doesn’t know who’d keep her in line if not him. So secretly, she’s glad. She won’t openly admit it, though. Except on special occasions. But she has different ways of showing her appreciation. Like just plain hanging out, constant texting, needing to be by his side if she’s not with Axl or with X. She can be alone, sure, but it’s boring! She needs someone to hang with. Someone her age. Don’t get her wrong, she loves hanging out with Axl and X sometimes. But someone her age is awesome! The sheepish smile remains on her face.
“Well, I can’t really argue with that. I’d say it’s none of your business what I do and what I don’t do, but I really don’t want to start an argument”, she frowns. “Another argument…”
Beta studies her expression. Brook feels him do so. She looks at him while he does, eyebrow raised as if she doesn’t know what he’s doing when she clearly does.
“What exactly happened with X today, Brook?” The sniper frowns and averts her eyes.
Gathering her thoughts was hard. Too hard for her liking. I mean, this was Beta. He was easy to talk to and was bound to understand no matter the situation. If it was wrong, he’d encourage her to fix it. If it was right, he’d be proud. But this was so hard for Brook. She couldn’t stand having Beta not know the full story. Yes, he knows about her past. Maybe not in the best detail since she doesn’t like to bring it up, but he knows stuff others don’t. The thing was, how could she piece together the words she wants to say in the little puzzle of her own mind? It’s frustrating. But she manages.
“We just argued. But I uh…I think I hurt his feelings…” Beta nods and puts his arms on the table, letting them rest on it.
“And you ran ‘cause you couldn’t take it?” Brook sighs and looks away.
“Sometimes I hate how well you know me”, Brook says with a small smirk, not actually meaning what she says.
Beta smiles softly as she smirks. His smile drops once he clears his throat.
“Yeah, I did run. Beta, I…I hurt him”, she says with a frown. “You should’ve seen his face…I’ve never seen him react like that before”.
The Reploid nods as their biscuits and gravy arrive. “Yeah. And you needed space, I got it, but what caused you to get so angry?” Brook shrugs as she takes a bite out of a biscuit. It takes her a few seconds of chewing before she responds.
“I don’t know. Maybe it’s ‘cause I was angry at myself? Or maybe at the world for what it did to me? I wouldn’t be in this situation if all of that stuff didn’t happen. And I guess the argument made me snap.”
Beta takes in this information and puts a hand over his mouth to think for a moment. “This was bound to happen. I don’t know why you kept it in.”
Brook bites her lip. “I just thought I was getting better. I didn’t wanna feel emotions like that. I thought I was finally happy.”
Beta shrugs. “At the same time, if it weren’t for everything, you wouldn’t have met X, Axl, me I guess and all of these people.”
Brook frowns. “I get it, I do. I love you all but I sometimes also want to be normal, you know?”
Beta nods. “I’m aware. But you’re not. That’s the point. So even if it hurts, you should adapt and live on. It’s hard, yes. How do you think I felt? My whole family, from what I remember is now dead for all I know. It hurts, because I didn’t know my purpose in this world, but I found a new one. Because I adapted and moved on”, he pauses, looking at Brook. “You’re strong. You’ve got this.”
Brook cracks a genuine smile at his statement. Touched by his words whether she’d like to admit it or not. But it was true. Beta had it rough too. He woke up in this new world with practically no memory of who he was, no family, no friends, nothing. Who was Brook to complain about her issues when Beta has it bad too? Selfish again. Always wanting comfort but not out rightly asking for it, when others are suffering far worse than her. She pushes those thoughts aside for now. The pair eat a few biscuits before continuing their conversation.
“I think you should try therapy, Brook”, Brook almost chokes on her orange juice but manages to swallow.
“What?! You want me to try what?!” Beta grimaces at her reaction.
He puts his hands together and brings them up to his chest. He knew she’d react this way. Brook just didn’t want to bother X more than she already feels she is. She herself didn’t have much money. Only the monthly allowance X let her have. How would she even talk to X about this? How would he react? Would he deny her the therapy? No. She didn’t need therapy. She’s not a freak. She may have her problems but she certainly didn’t want to talk about them to a stranger. She barely talks to X, Axl or Beta about them. To anyone, really. So why a therapist? This idea was so absurd.
“No”, Brook says simply. “I don’t need it.” Beta frowns and starts to fidget with his thumbs once again, glancing around certain areas of the diner nervously. “I really think you-”
“I don’t need it, Beta. Drop it”, Brook growls, cutting him off. Beta nods and sighs, not wanting to anger Brook but definitely willing to bring it up again. Just not right now.
“Okay”, he says. “But you should definitely talk to X. Make up for the argument and such”, Brook nods hesitantly.
“I guess I can talk to him after this”, Beta smiles.
“I’m so glad. Text me the deets after you talk to him, okay?” Brook can’t help but smile.
She nods. “Totally.”
The pair continue to enjoy their fine snack of biscuits and gravy before bidding each other a farewell and goodnight at Maverick Hunter HQ. Brook hesitantly goes to find X. Knowing that the next conversation was unavoidable. But she was ready. She needed to apologize, whether she liked it or not. And that was what she was going to do.
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sneakyswag · 2 months
*Brook is pretending to break into places that have fences by putting her leg over the fence and pretending to punch the gate*
Beta: Brook, stop! You’re gonna get in trouble, Brook!
*Like two minutes later Beta sees Brook cuffed with a sheepish smile on her face*
Beta: Oh no…
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sneakyswag · 2 months
Hey! I wrote something quick lolol
@bruggle watch your child suffer
It’s on ao3 now too XP
Anger. That’s what she used. Anger to hide things. Anger to solely focus on that emotion instead of others.
Brook wasn’t one for feeling sad. Well, at least when she could control it. She’d mask her feelings with anger. Though, sometimes, she’d get angry at people. People who didn’t deserve it. Truth be told, she was angry at the world for what it did to her. Not at people. She couldn’t count the amount of times she’s yelled at X. Though, this day was different. X was on her case about her recklessness once again, but today, she wasn’t having it. She ended up snapping at him. When she had finished, she studied his expression as quickly as he could before he turned away to face somewhere else. She saw something. Something she never thought she’d see.
He was hurt. X was hurt by her words. She hurt him. With her thoughts racing, she bolted out of the room, eyes wide and starting to fill with tears. They were out of anger, pity, sadness. Brook honestly thought she’d never be able to cry again. Why? Not even she knew. She thought there were no tears left. When she lost her parents and X took her to Japan, she thought there wasn’t anything else she’d have to cry about. Sure, it hurt, but she’s been getting better. And sure she’d go through tough times, but it wouldn’t hurt as bad as the pain of missing her parents and her home. She knows and X knows. Heck, everyone knows. But as she bolted out, she thought of X’s face. The hurt in his eyes was absolutely heartbreaking.
She knew her adoptive father wasn’t one who wanted to bother her with his emotions. Because she herself was unstable enough, he knows better than to let her see through him. But her words affected him deeply. She saw. She saw it in his eyes. When he looked away, it’s as if he were trying to hold back tears. Tears he didn’t want to let out just yet. So as usual, when she couldn’t handle a situation, she ran. Not very far. Her legs gave in as soon as she reached the rooftop. She let out an unwanted sob as her hands gripped on the floor.
Then, that’s when it happened. Anger. She felt it. Anger boiling in her mind and heart. Anger she had failed to let out from the beginning. With that, she let out a scream. A scream that came from her very soul. A scream with so much power, she thought she’d lose her voice completely.
“WHY?! WHY ME?!” She wailed as she looked up at the sky, eyes filled with tears. She couldn’t even see clearly.
Everything. Everything that happened to her could’ve happened to anyone else. But it didn’t. The world chose to torture her. It chose her. It made her life miserable when it could’ve made someone else’s life miserable. She felt so selfish. Selfish for wanting it to be different. Selfish for wanting to be like any other child her age. Selfish for wanting her parents back. Selfish for everything. She stared up at the sky, eyebrows furrowed before letting herself fall onto her elbows. She sobbed and put her hands in her hair, pulling it ever so slightly. She hadn’t even felt the pair of arms that wrapped around her. She didn’t even know when someone started to whisper to her. Telling her to calm down in the softest tone she had ever heard.
She was so caught up in her emotions, she hadn’t even realized who was there. She felt alone. She felt like a nobody. But the truth is, she isn’t. She has her adoptive father, her friends. Her emotions took such control of her that she forgot that she was getting better. That she actually felt happy after everything. She started to calm down after a while and looked up to see who it was.
“Beta…”, she whispers as she wipes her tears.
Beta gives her a sad smile and then hugs her from the front. He was rubbing circles on her back. Something her dad used to do. Something that felt so familiar yet so different.
And so wrong.
She pulls away with a frown.
Beta is…confused to say the least. Brook hadn’t told him about her issues yet. She’d only known him for a few months. She didn’t want to bother him with her emotions. She bit her lip and looked away, a faint blush on her face. Emotions were embarrassing.
“Brook…” Beta says softly as he studies her expression. She doesn’t turn. She just sighs and furrows her eyebrows angrily.
“I…I don’t wanna talk about it, okay?” Beta nods.
“I understand. But whenever you feel like you’re ready, you can. We’re friends for a reason. We look out for each other”, Beta states with a soft look in his eyes.
Brook nods. “Thanks…”
The two stay in silence for a few moments.
“You wanna hit the diner and talk?” Beta asks, eyebrow raised.
Brook can’t help but smile. It’s only been a few months but it’s like he already knows her. But the truth is, he doesn’t. She hides things from him constantly. She knows that he knows. She sees it in his eyes. The worried expression on his face every time she says it’s fine. X knows her issues. Oh, X. She should apologize. Maybe later. Right now, she should just take it easy for a bit. X probably wants his space anyway.
“Yeah…” Brook says, a small laugh escaping from her lips.
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sneakyswag · 3 months
Little excerpt from the fic. Im tireeed ill probably write more tomorrow. Here’s a little so far.
@bruggle 🥺
X sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He looks over at Brook, unamused as she has a sly smile on her face. “It was funny,” she says. X can’t help but groan. “No. It really wasn’t”, X deadpans as he walks into Hunter HQ, Brook by his side. Brook just puts her arms behind her head. “Aw, come on. It was really funny” X shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “You hang out with Axl way too much. That’s what he would’ve said” Brook grins. X looks at her and rolls his eyes once again, sass taking over even though he doesn’t mean it to.
“Look”, X says as he stops for a moment. Brook mimics him and stops with him. The reploid exhales, “I can’t always be watching you, Brook. And with that stunt you pulled today, I don’t know if I can trust you by yourself” the teen gapes at the other. “Wha- but-!” She says, unable to say a full sentence due to her surprise. X nods and crosses his arms. “I need to find someone to watch you when I can’t. Someone who’s nice, a good example” X scans the base, eyes landing on a certain newcomer. “Beta. That’s who” X says with a smile but is then interrupted by Brook.
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bruggle · 8 months
I really wish I were better at writing. All I can ever get out are drabbles.
"You could just use napalm," said Brook. Axl gave a snort. "And how exactly am I supposed to get ahold of some napalm?" he asked. "You could make some," she answered. Both he and X gave her an incredulous look. "D-do you know how to make napalm?"
Brook looked over his head at X, who was currently giving her a death glare. "My lawyer advises me that I should say no," she said. Axl let out a burst of laughter at that. "Oh, you have got to show me now," he insisted. "You are NOT making napalm in this house!" X yelled. "Well of course not," said Brook, looking offended. "That'd be irresponsible. Napalm is best made in a garage; especially if it's detached. "
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bruggle · 9 months
Woe, oc upon you
Tumblr media
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bruggle · 8 months
More drabbles because heck it
How had he lost her? Granted, this was a forest; the trees obscured his vision pretty well. But surely he wasn't so out of practice that one single Maverick would be able to escape him? Suddenly, the sound of a branch snapping alerted X to look up. He only got a glance at the falling figure, but it was enough to tell him that he needed to move. Why hadn't he thought to look up? It made sense that Minnow would use the trees to her advantage.
The sound of her body hitting the forest floor made X wince, especially once he realized she had definitely not been planning for it. Minnow was laying on her back, a soft groan escaping her lips as he steadied his weapon at her. "Don't move," he hissed, before taking a better look at her.
And what he saw made his systems freeze.
Minnow's helmet had been knocked off in the fall, revealing her young face, brown hair braided up into a crown,
And two very human ears on the sides of her head.
Oh shit.
"So exactly how many laws did you wind up breaking?" Axl grinned. "Uh..." Brook looked over at X with a pleading look. "I didn't quite pay attention to the charges being read off." X sighed before rattling them off. "Impersonation of a reploid, 15 counts of purgery and identity fraud, one count of illegal firearm possession, 3 counts of illegal firearm modification, hunting without a license, and fishing without a license,"
Axl was silent for a minute, before slowly looking at Brook with awe written on his face. "Yeah," said Brook. "You know, just a couple." At this, he let out a howl of laughter, and not even X could keep the wry smile off his face.
As X entered the threshold of his home, he heard music coming from the kitchen. Curious, he quietly made his way through the house; where he found Brook hand washing dishes as she sang along to the song currently playing. Chuckling to himself, he spoke up. "I do have a dishwasher, you know,"
Brook immediately let out a squeak of suprise, tossing the plate she had been washing into the air; it was only due to X's quick reflexes that it didn't fall on the floor and break. As he placed the dish back into the sink, he watched Brook hurriedly running over to the speaker that had been playing the music, turning it off. "Sorry! Sorry!" she yelped. "I didn't hear you come in!"
"Hey, I don't mind," he soothed. "So long as I'm not in a call and you're not blaring it as loud as possible, it's fine. Not sure I know that band, though."
"It's uh... it's an old band," she said. "Sorry, I know it's weird. I just... I'm used to doing it by hand. Gives me a chance to think and-." X held up a hand before she could ramble on any further. "It's alright, Brook," he said. "You don't have to explain yourself to me." She visibly relaxed at that. "Sorry," Brook muttered. X sighed before shaking his head with a fond smile. "C'mon," he said. "Let's finish the dishes. Turn that racket back on." It was Brook's turn to let out a sigh as she walked over to the speaker. "You sounded good, by the way," X told her as she passed him. Her face immediately turned red, as she muttered a thanks.
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bruggle · 8 months
elf wars au? 👀
you have one? 👁️👁️
can i hear about that??
Uuuuuggggghghghhhhhh yes. Soooooo... it (regrettably) centers around my oc, but that's mostly because Megaman has a distinct lack of human characters who actually do something about their situation. Ciel and Niege are really the only ones. (Well, other than the ZX protagonists, buuuuuuut im not counting them because they get special weapons) Even Dr. Light is pretty complacent in the messes he winds up in.
Anyways, I like to imagine that between Weil getting his grubby hands on Zero's body and actually starting the Elf Wars, all the governments that allowed his bs were breathing down his neck about results. "You got Zero's body, doctor. Where's your solution?" So in before he's able to track down the Mother Elf and create Omega Armor, uh... he just tells Omega to work with the Maverick Hunters, much to his chagrin. So this puts X in a situation where he has to deal with a monster hiding under his best friends face. Nobody is happy.
ANYWAYS, if there were a human Maverick Hunter, this would be a HUUUUUGE red flag for Weil because the benefit of having only reploid adversaries is that they can't kill you. Not without being branded a Maverick. A human, on the other hand? No. Especially if it's a human who has made it very clear that they "Won't Hesitate, Bitch". So now X has got an elaborate game of keep-away on top of trying to deal with all the bs Weil has started.
Brook, on the other hand, is a very sassy person who does not know how to keep her mouth shut. This does not go over well with an ego maniac :)
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bruggle · 8 months
Drabbles of self-indulgent bs below cut
"'If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so,'" she quoted. "Do NOT quote your American founding fathers to me!" X growled. "That was over five hundred years ago, and I highly doubt they would have approved of a sixteen year old girl risking her life hunting Mavericks! Especially over petty revenge!" Brook glared at him. "This had nothing to do revenge!" she spat. "The Maverick that killed my parents has been dead for years! Don't you dare act like you know why I did this!"
"Then why did you break all manner of laws specifically to hunt Mavericks?" he argued. "Because it seems quite clear that this is all about revenge." In lieu of answering, she glared at the wall. X sighed and rubbed his face. He was far too old for this.
"And what were you planning on doing when winter came around?" X asked, frustrated by her short-sightedness. "There were caves," Brook argued. "I could have lived in one of them. People have done it before."
"Yes, when they were born in those conditions!" he exasperated. "You don't seem to understand how far removed you are from nature! Determined as you may be, it wouldn't make up for the fact that you had done zero preparation!"
She huffed and turned away from him before wincing as the movement aggravated her ribs.
"What are you doing all the way out here?" X asked. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"
"I just... I needed to be by myself," Brook muttered, clutching the bundle she had brought with her to her chest. Taking a closer look at it, he noticed that it was a bouquet. A white and yellow bouquet filled with lilies and... chrysanthemums. His eyes softened. "Brook..."
"I can't visit their grave, okay?!" she spat, her eyes tearing up. "S-so I came to the next best place. They liked the forests. They took me hiking every summer."
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bruggle · 18 days
Omega is a menace
And he knows it.
Brook inwardly groans as she notices a certain figure coming towards her. Great. Just what she needed. She's about ready to tell Alia she needs to go home on account of not wanting to deal with his bullshit. Not today, not ever. The ruddy haired woman does her best to ignore him, but of course, that never works.
Omega is one of those people who refuses to be ignored.
"So," he drawled. "Navigating today?"
"Gee, I don't know," Brook snarked back. "What does it look like?" The crimson clad reploid merely chuckles in response. Surely he's done bothering her now. Brook lets out a breath as she turns away from him; checking to make sure the team she's guiding is still on pace.
Well. They're not behind, so to speak, but it looks like they're getting off track. That needs correcting. But before Brook can open her comms, Omega decides he is, in fact, not finished bothering her. "Who are you navigating for?" he asked with a glint in his eye.
...She's not going to call attention to that.
"Wouldn't you like to know," she muttered. "Now shut up and go away; I have to do my job. Grey Team, you're getting off track; status report."
"Grey Team, hmm?"
Brook feels like she wants to tear her hair out. "Can you just go?" she hissed, turning her comms back off. Seriously, this is the last thing she wanted to deal with. And as distracted as she is, she barely catches Grey Team's response. "There are just a few more Mavericks than expected is all," the leader responded.
"Understood," Brook says, making note of that in her report. Better now than later, when she'd probably forget. She hates navigating.
"So, why are they off track?" Omega asked, a smug grin on his face. ...Why is he still here? Brook purposefully turns away from him yet again, but the blonde reploid is completely unperturbed; merely walking around to the other side of her workstation. "Don't you have something you could be doing?" Brook deadpanned. "Like, I don't know, your job?"
"Well, unlike Grey Team," Omega says with a smirk. "I know how to do my job. I've got plenty of free time."
"Cool," Brook grumbled. "Then go somewhere else,"
"And why would I do that?"
And now, Brook has had it with him.
She opens the third drawer of the table and pulls out a pistol type buster; the exact same one she pulled on him a month or two ago, and points it right between Omega's eyes. Brook doesn't even have to look. "Because God made man, and Dr. Amos Cain made reploid," she hisses. "But Douglas made them equal. Now get."
Omega, however, just chuckles.
"Omega, if you don't have any business in this room, then I strongly suggest you stop harassing my navigators," a voice calls out. "Unless I need to get Commander Signus involved?"
Oh good, Alia has been watching.
That last little bit is based on the tag line for one of the Colt pistols lmao
I fully believe one of the biggest reasons for the lack of human characters in MMX is that buster tech is not feasible for humans to use. There's nothing that can handle the energy output needed outside of reploid cores and to make something like that in the earlier years would basically require railgun type power sources.
But around MMX7 or so, someone (Douglas) figured out how to make smaller energy sources that can power busters without the use of a core.
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