#she and axl are 100% going to blow something up
bruggle · 8 months
I really wish I were better at writing. All I can ever get out are drabbles.
"You could just use napalm," said Brook. Axl gave a snort. "And how exactly am I supposed to get ahold of some napalm?" he asked. "You could make some," she answered. Both he and X gave her an incredulous look. "D-do you know how to make napalm?"
Brook looked over his head at X, who was currently giving her a death glare. "My lawyer advises me that I should say no," she said. Axl let out a burst of laughter at that. "Oh, you have got to show me now," he insisted. "You are NOT making napalm in this house!" X yelled. "Well of course not," said Brook, looking offended. "That'd be irresponsible. Napalm is best made in a garage; especially if it's detached. "
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slashscowboyboots · 4 years
The Stars Are a Part of Us: Different Speeds (Part 4)
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Tag list @izzysdenimjacket ​ @warrendemachokeme @awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands ​ @smokeandmirrorz ​ @sodalitefully ​ @roger-taylors-car ​ @lost-in-the-80s @whisperess33 ​ @shawolat ​ ​@80snikki @rumoured-whispers
Warnings: Underage sex, drug use, drinking, implied violence.  18+ ONLY
Notes: Track #2 is by the sadly underrated Cowboy Junkies.  It was released in '93, and I wondered if I should include in a fic set in 1987, but then I realized this is fiction and there's no rules!   Yayyy!  It's such a killer song I had to add it.
Checkout was at the ungodly hour of 11, and of course none of the band was anywhere to be found, just Karen perched on a chair in the lobby, still reading her book.  Love’s Surrender was the title of it, and Izzy snorted through his nose.  Surrendering was probably the last thing this uptight broad ever did.
“Fun night?” she asked, her eyes not leaving her page.
He shrugged.  “‘S’all right.”
She lowered her book.  “Heard you met Kasey.”
Izzy blinked.  “Uh, um, yeah.”
She rolled her eyes, exasperation pulling down her mouth.  “Oh, of course you don’t know her name,” she snapped.
“She didn’t know mine either,” he retorted.  “She thought I was Axl.”
Karen sighed.  “She blew him too.”
“Huh.  I thought he was with Velvet.”
Her eyes met his.  “Velvet insisted on it.”
Izzy furrowed his eyebrows.
“Hazing ritual.  She made Kasey suck him off in front of everyone, then he announced that Velvet was better at it.  Velvet always does the local talent dirty.”
Izzy closed his eyes.  “Fuck,” he breathed, “you bitches don’t take any prisoners.”
She gave him a hard look.  “You’re the wildest band in LA.  Did you expect angelic whores?”
Izzy frowned, then said, “You’re not just here because of us, are you?  You protect her from the other girls too.”
“No.   She’s everyone’s little sister, although I’d kill one of them for doing something to her.”  She narrowed her eyes at him again.  “I’m here because I think I need to be.  Cause if I didn’t, I’d be sitting this shindig out.  This is definitely my last rodeo.”
“This is your third tour, isn’t it?  You were with Def Leppard too.”
Her eyes widened, and Izzy nearly licked his lips in glee.  “Steve is Steve Clark.  I found out some dirt about you,” he smirked.
“Choose your next words very carefully,” she said in a low voice.
“You were a groupie.  Were you running naked through the hallways too?”
She stiffened, eyes widening and her face going pale, and for a second Izzy thought she was going to slap his face.  “No, I was trying to keep him from killing himself, you fucking asshole,” she gritted, then slumped down.  “I thought a blow job would put you in a better mood.  Guess you’re just a dick 24/7.”
“Sissy!” Celestia cried, flopping down on Karen’s lap.  
“Hi, Sis.  You and your beau doing all right?”
“Yeah,” Celestia answered, centering herself on Karen’s legs.  She was taller than Karen, and was nearly crushing her.  “Did I tell you he has an anaconda?”
Karen made a face.  “Celestia, I don’t need to hear about that.”
Celestia giggled.  “No, he has a snake!  His name is Clyde.  He has some bearded dragons too.”
Karen shifted in her chair.  “That’s lovely, Sis.  Who’s taking care of them?”
Celestia hung onto Karen’s shoulders.  “Uh, he says someone named Yvonne.”
Karen took a deep breath.  “Is that his girlfriend?” she asked gently.
“His ex.”
“Uh huh.  And she still has custody of his pets?”
Celestia nodded.
“Then she’s not an ex.  An ex would’ve poisoned them.”
“You think he still has a girlfriend?” Celestia gasped.
Karen shot another look at Izzy.  “I think they all do.  Probably a few kids they don’t know about too.”
Celestia leaped off Karen’s lap.  “Omigosh!  Slaa-ash!  Do you have any kids?”
Slash took a sip from a styrofoam cup and pulled his top hat down over his eyes.  “I don’t think so,” he muttered, throwing an arm around Celestia.
Izzy shook his head.  “You have a really cynical view of the world, don’t you?”
Karen snorted.  “I’m never wrong.”
Izzy took a drag from a cigarette.  “Actually, you are.”
“Is he still seeing Yvonne?”
“Hell if I know.  But I don’t have a girlfriend.  Mine got married.  And not to me.”
Karen looked down.  “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.  You write a song about a woman, and she dumps yer ass when you’re drying out.”
“Was it ‘Sweet Child of Mine?’”
He shook his head.  “I co-wrote the music on that, but no.  I wrote ‘Patience’ for her.”
Karen’s eyes widened in amazement.  “You wrote ‘Patience?’”
He stood up and stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray.  “Yeah.  And you’re wrong about something else too.  I’m not a dick 24/7, although you’ll never find that out.”  
Izzy leaned over his seat on the bus and looked down at Karen, still engrossed in her book.
“What do you do for fun on the road?” he asked her.
She didn’t look up.  “I’m having a love affair with my vibrator.”
“Oh, ha ha, smartass.”
She turned a page.  “You think I’m joking.  It’s Japanese and has different speeds.  I’ll never need a man again.”
Izzy didn’t say anything, but he could feel his eyes getting bigger.  Guess you’re not the prude I thought you were.
“Wow, that shut you up,” she chuckled, looking up at him.  “Are you bored on the road already?”
He nodded.  “I don’t get fucked up anymore, and that took up a lot of time, y’know.  I’m not scoring or getting drunk and now I have just…...time.”
“Yeah.  Well, I like to read, and being with my sisters.  Sometimes, I like to see the towns we’re in, get out of the hotel a little.  I like shooting pool.  I really like karaoke but I doubt if they have a lot of that here.  I’ve seen your itinerary and it wasn’t promising, they’ve got you out in Bumfuck most of the time.”  She knitted her eyebrows.  “You’re a guitarist, why don’t you play guitar?”
“That’s what I did last night.  I don’t know if I can do that every night.”
She cleared her throat.  “I’m sure there’s a Kasey in every town.  I doubt you’ll be bored for long.”
He shrugged.  “That does it for you?  Reading all the time?”
She looked up at him.  “I rather enjoy being bored.  There were many times I was on the verge of a heart attack, and I longed to be bored.”
“Steve kept you hopping, huh?”
She held his eyes for a long time, furious, then dropped her head.  “Yeah, he did.”  She looked up.  “Is that what you want, me to talk about him?  Fine.  I was in love, he wasn’t, end of story.”
He saw the pain etched in her face, and he let it drop.  He lit a cigarette and asked, “You’ve seen our itinerary?”
“Yeah.  The record company doesn't have a lot of faith in you, do they?”
He shook his head.  “They think we’ll be dead by the end of this week.”
“Those seem like good odds.  Where’s your record at?”
“The top 100.”
“I dunno, 101 I guess.”
“Is it moving up?”
Izzy blinked. 
She sighed.  “Okay, how big was your record deal?”
“Two hundred fifty grand.”
She sucked air between her teeth.  “You know you have to recoup your costs, right?  I’m guessing you have a slew of lawyers and a bunch of court fees too.”
“Izzy.  Have you talked to MTV?”
He shook his head.  “They won’t play our video.”
“You made a video?  For how much?”
“$75,000.  With Nigel Dick.”
“Ooh, you used a name.”
“That’s bad?”
“Yeah, cause he’s the only one who made money from it.”   She lit a cigarette.  “Izzy, are you aware you guys are broke?”
“We're getting a per diem.”
“You’re in the hole is what you are.  Who are you signed with?”
“Uh, Geffen.”
“Huh.  So just one man owns your ass.”
“So what you’re saying is that we’re in debt to the record company?”
“Yeah, big time.  I mean, Hoss, if your album tanks, you could be sued.”
He exhaled.   “How do you know all this?”
“Because I paid attention when the suits showed up.  I knew there had to be a reason for a record exec to leave his wife and kids to hump it all the way out to BFE to talk to the band.”  She lit another cigarette.  “”Pyromania’ started moving up the charts, and the suits came more and more frequently.”
“Def Leppard are millionaires.  I mean, their music sucks, but they made a shitload of money off of it.”
“It took them awhile to make it, though.  They had to pay back Mercury, plus they used Marilyn Monroe’s image in the ‘Photograph’ video and it cost them a bundle.”  She shook her head.  “Your attorney fees will keep you in the red for a while.  Especially if you keep playing these podunk towns.”
“Yeah.”  Karen took a drag.  “Well, maybe the record company is looking out for you.  They probably figure you can’t kill yourselves out here in the boonies.”
“IZZY!” Steven shrieked, slapping him on the back.  “Howya doin’, brother?”
Izzy smiled.  “I’m all right, man.  How are you?”
Steven was nearly hopping up and down in his dingy white hi tops.  “I’m so excited, man, we’ve got a gig tonight.  We’re gonna ROCK Canada, aren’t we, Izz?”
“You bet your ass, Stevie.”
“You!” Steven shouted to Karen.  “You, what’s your name?  Donna?”
“Yeaah, Karen.  You really should fuck Izzy, girl!  He’s cool.  Like the coolest brother you could ever have.”
Izzy smirked.  “She says she doesn’t need a man, she got a device with different speeds.”
Steven looked horrified, then he grinned.  “Well, let him use it on you.”
Karen blinked, and Izzy cleared his throat.  “Dude, she’s not into that,” he said.
“Too bad.  Fuck, that girl I’m with is insane, man.  She ate that girl Kasey out last night for like an hour, man.  Then they sucked me off at the same time!  I’m living the dream, Izz.  I don’t want this tour to ever end.”  He hugged Izzy, then went back to his seat and snuggled up to a sleeping Absinthe.
Izzy raised an ornery eyebrow at Karen.  “So, different speeds, huh?”
“Absolutely not.  And you can’t borrow it either.”  Her eyes slid to Steven’s seat.  “Coke always make him like that?”
“Yeah, he takes a while to come down.  He’s pretty hyper to begin with.”
“Well, you should have a high energy set then.”
Izzy rested his arms on the top of the seat.  “You’ve seen us play.  What do you think?”
Karen fought a smile.  “You don’t suck.”
“Says the woman who traveled with Def Leppard.”
She gave him the middle finger.  “Keep it up, Hoss, and I’ll ram my Japanese precious where the sun don’t shine.”
Izzy puckered his lips and made obnoxious kissing noises, then said, “Promises, promises,” and flopped down in his seat.
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Dear Diary
Javi x Diarist - One Shot
Warnings: brief mention of some NSFW activities, mentions of tight jeans, some Carrillo thirst because I’m only human.
Words: 2.7k.
Summary: writing in her diary, the Diarist documents her first few weeks at her new job and her first encounters of Javi.
Day one - Monday
Dear Diary,
Today was the first day of my new job! Mom said I should keep a diary so I can look back when I’ve been in the job awhile and see how much I’ve progressed. To be honest with you, Diary, I feel a bit daft writing in you… but hey ho! Maybe you’ll be fun to look back on?
Anyway! Today was the first day of my new life in Bogotá! I’m a secretary for the DEA at the American Embassy in the city – the building is a bit posh! The university isn’t too far away so I can easily get to my evening classes (studying History with Spanish) and even though I’m classed as a ‘mature’ student (mature! HAH!) I’m hoping I’ll make friends both at class and at work… maybe someone with a car so they can drive me, teehee!
It’s a group of five girls working as secretaries for the DEA. We have a good age range and I sit sort of in the middle of the group age-wise I think. They’re all really lovely, there’s two other Americans and two Colombians so a cool culture mix. Hopefully they all like me!
I didn’t do much work today, just shadowing the others and walking round to meet everyone. The agents all seem to keep to themselves. There’s two Americans down the hall from my desk – I didn’t catch their names (whoops) but apparently they’re the two I’ll spend the most time working with. I should introduce myself properly tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to my first Tuesday on the job!
Day two - Tuesday
Dear Diary,
Today was day two. It was good, there’s a lot of information to learn and it’s especially difficult to flick between English and Spanish in my brain… But I guess I’m new to all this and I’ll get the hang of it! One of the other secretaries – Erica – has promised to speak to me mostly in Spanish so I can get into the habit of speaking like a local, I thought that was sweet of her!
But that wasn’t the most interesting thing to happen today, Diary, oh no no! Today I met Javier and Steve. They’re the two Americans I’ll be working for mostly. Steve is nice, barely speaks any Spanish which I can tell frustrates him and Javier, but just like me he’ll get there! I think I might end up his interpreter… but he seems kind and he is really into the job! He’s got a wife and they haven’t lived in Bogotá all that long either so we have that in common! Well… the being new here… not the wife bit(!)
And then there’s Javier, who all the other secretaries call Javi… so I guess I will too. I can tell he’s going to be trouble. He came up to my desk after lunch just to tell me that he liked my blouse and that the color suited me! I have to admit he is very handsome… But he strikes me as the ‘would ruin your life for a shag’ type? That might be harsh and he does seem nice. The others all say he’s lovely and is a man you can depend on but he is a dreadful flirt!
I wish I’d had something smart to say back to him as he stood in front of my desk telling me he liked my blouse but honestly, Diary, I think I just whimpered?? I was so taken aback by it! If there’s a next time I’ll have to be smarter!
Day 3 - Wednesday
Dear Diary,
This morning Javi bought me a coffee and brought it to my desk. He actually apologised for trying to flirt with me yesterday! He was very sweet actually. He said he wanted to make sure we got off on the right foot so wanted to apologise if he made me uncomfortable! I told him he didn’t I was just surprised he would even notice me! He was very sweet and said something like ‘I’d have to be blind not to notice you’… wait was he flirting with me again??
Diary, I am going to have to get better at this!
Day 4 - Thursday
Dear Diary,
I think we have a situation. I think I might have a teeny little crush on Javi. I mean, I am certainly not the only one! All the girls seem to melt slightly when he talks to them… Except Coleen actually… somehow she’s immune to his charms… Maybe she’ll teach me?
I caught myself actually waiting for him to come over to me today because I was looking forward to chatting to him. He always seems to make time to chat to us all and sees us as actual people… a lot more than most of the other staff.
He does wear some insanely tight jeans though. It's like it's 1985 and he thinks he's Axl Rose! But Javi does look good in them... like really good… Oh dear… I think I fancy a government agent. Who have I become??
Day 5 - Friday
Dear Diary,
That was my first week! Done and dusted! I think it was good! Everyone has been so kind and supportive and Erica has even invited me out for drinks tomorrow night with some of her friends! I cant wait!
School is going well too, I had my first classes this week and I think I’m going to be okay! The subject material isn’t going to be easy, but we like a challenge don’t we, Diary?
Now back to the important stuff – Javi’s outfit of the day. I was sat at my desk making some phone calls when Javi walks passed in a pair of those damn jeans and a red shirt. He caught my eye as he walked passed and gave me a smile and – I shit you not – my brain kicked in to gear and I said:
‘Nice shirt, the colour suits you’ and I was so cool and casual with a little smirk on my face, Diary I have never played anything so cool in my life. I got a chuckle from him and a wink and I swear down I would have taken my panties off right then and there.
Diary, my mom can never read you.
Day 6 - Saturday
Dear Diary,
It’s pretty late as a write this but that’s because I’ve been out with Erica and her friends! A couple of the other girls from work joined us as well so it was a lot of fun! We just went to a bar and had a few drinks and a giggle.
Erica did tell me she noticed me “making eyes” at Javi in the week though and I must’ve turned as red as the strawberry daiquiri I was drinking because she laughed at me. She told me he is, to quote her, ‘a bit of a slut’ and that most of the girls in the city know him in the biblical sense... I don’t think that put me off? I mean it’s the 80’s, do we still shame people for having sex? And to be fair, here I am making heart eyes at a man I’ve known for a matter of days. So no, Diary, I don’t judge him for that.
But I also don’t think I’m going to pursue him? I’m certainly not looking for a boyfriend. Although as I write this down I kind of figure he’s not after a commitment either? I mean I don’t know him that well but what kind of man shamelessly flirts with the new secretary on her first day if he isn’t looking for some fun? Maybe that’s what I’m looking for?
Diary, no more daiquiris for me!
Day 7 – Sunday
Dear Diary,
I went shopping today. Not the boring food type of shopping, clothes shopping! It was a lot of fun actually! I got to explore the city a bit and although it has a reputation (and my mom would kill me if she knew) I actually felt fine walking around on my own! I was in the busy shopping streets mind and it was daylight, but I really think this city could feel like home!
I bought a couple of pairs of jeans because mine are old and raggedy and I got some new shirts and tops for work, but the buy of the day – a pencil skirt that makes my butt look like I’ve done a 100 squats a day since the day I was born. I mean, not to blow my own horn, but I look GOOD in it!
I’m going to wear it to work one day… And yes Diary, I know I might be playing with fire, but a little fun never hurt anyone?
Day 8 - Monday
Dear Diary,
I wore the skirt.
Oh my! The girls all gave me compliments on my ass and legs (which lets be honest is better than any compliment from any man!) so that was great!
I’ll be honest though, by the end of the day I wanted to rip it off myself… I had severely underestimated how difficult sitting in a pencil skirt for 8 hours would be. Lesson learned!
I did see Javi though. He didn’t say anything but I was stood up as he walked passed and his eyes were stuck on me for so long Steve had to practically drag him up the stairs. Diary, I was very pleased with myself!
Day 9 - Tuesday
Dear Diary,
I don’t know what it is about the American Embassy but somehow the building attracts the most beautiful men.
Today, Diary, I met Colonel Horacio Carrillo and believe me I have never seen such a MAN! He must be 90% shoulder and 10% snark because Diary he is built like a wall and has a mouth sharp enough to even shut up Javier Peña! Not that I was listening in, I was collecting some papers in their office as the Colonel was talking to Javi and Steve.
Steve introduced me to the Colonel and he shook my hand (Diary, his hand was the SIZE OF MY HEAD)… he was wearing a wedding ring though. I’m no home wrecker… but my god is he beautiful!
I did catch Javi’s eye before I left their office though and I’m sure I’m not making it up when I say there was a flash of jealousy. I thought I was being crazy and arrogant to think that but no, I’m sure! The Colonel was very polite to me, very courteous, and were he not a married man I would have wished I was wearing my new skirt again. Diary, I can not stress enough the thickness of this man’s arms.
Anyway, despite definitely having the hots for the Colonel, I think I’d still rather go out with Javi. If we put the whole Carrillo-is-married thing aside, I just think Javi is more my kind of guy? Up for a laugh, not too serious, likes a drink and likes a smoke... very pretty!
I think we’d have a lot of fun if we went out. I’m beginning to wonder if he thinks the same?
Day 10 - Wednesday
Dear Diary,
Today the five of us girls went out for lunch. It was great! They showed me their favourite café, great for people watching but far enough from the embassy that we weren’t just looking at officials in suits! Great food too, I really do love this city!
I was sat with Coleen at lunch and she told me Javi had caught her after I’d left work for class and asked her about me. Apparently he asked if I was single!! Coleen told him she didn’t know because she didn’t want to drop me in it if I wasn’t interested in him (bless you, Coleen!) but I definitely am interested! Diary, when she told me he’d asked about me my heart raced! Like I’m some kind of school girl!
I really do like him and I’d like to get to know him better. But I think I’ll give it some more time maybe?
Day 11 - Thursday
Dear Diary,
I spent the whole day look at Javier Peña and his black fucking shirt. Oh my god, Diary! I am in too deep. He walked passed my desk while I was on the phone today and I stopped listening completely so I could concentrate on his butt.
It is becoming a problem.
So I have resolved to do something about it. I have decided that I’m going to ask him out for a drink tomorrow night after work. Fingers crossed for me!
Day 12 - Friday
Dear Diary,
Well… it’s sort of actually Saturday… I didn’t have time to write in you yesterday, Diary because… well because I didn’t come home last night (!)
Let me explain the events of last night:
When I got to work yesterday morning Javi was sat at my desk. He was wearing that damn leather jacket that, for no reason at all other than its his, I find incredibly sexy and was waiting for me. He said good morning to me then got up to let me sit down.
He watched me as I took stuff out of my bag and settled in before, seemingly out of nowhere, he asked me if I wanted to go for a drink with him after work!
Diary, I was so uncool. I was like one of those nodding dogs people have in their car or on their desk.
He laughed and said he’d come by my desk to get me when we were done. I spent the entire day obsessing about whether it was a date or just a friendly drink? Erica was sure it was a date, so sure in fact she made me borrow her red lipstick and made me promise to wear it.
I did wear it. And was I glad I did!
He complimented me on it when he came by my desk to get me. As we left the building he put his arm out for me and we linked arms and walked down the street and Diary it was the easiest, loveliest conversation I’ve ever had! He made me feel so at ease straight away, it was sort of like I’d known him for ages?
We actually ended up at the same bar I’d been to the weekend before… so I was back on the daiquiris!
We talked for ages, right up until closing but it was still like there was so much more to say! When we eventually got turfed out of the bar we ended up walking the streets, arm in arm again, laughing and chatting. Diary, it was lovely!
Turns out he only lives a few blocks away from my place but his is closer to the bar. We stopped at his door and he invited me up. I’ll be honest, I hesitated… but I was wearing his leather jacket (he’d let me wear it for the walk home) and he’d been such a gentleman, well I couldn’t resist the smile on his face!
So I ended up sat on his sofa as he told me about work and fixed me a whiskey… I don’t know what possessed me but when he came over to give me my glass I stood up and kissed him!
Diary, you know me, I’ve never been particularly forward! I blame those daiquiris… but oh no, it didn’t end at a kiss.
Before I knew it we were pulling each other's clothes off (I didn't even mind that he ripped one of my new tops)! I don't know if it's because he's well practised or he's just one of those guys that knows what he's doing... but lord did he know what he was doing!
Before I knew it he had me on my back on his sofa, screaming his name and Diary… well what can I say… I’ve had to write this all down quickly because I’ve just come home to shower and get a change of clothes before he comes to pick me up. That’s right, we’re going out again tonight!!
Diary, don’t wait up!
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
It’s So Easy (And Other Lies) Chapter 17
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Title: It’s So Easy (And Other Lies) Chapter 17
Summary: Stevie Adler likes Duff McKagan. She has for a while now, but she is convinced Duff doesn’t like her that way. Duff likes Stevie, but so does their new bandmate Axl Rose.
Chapter Warnings: Language, sickness
AN: Thank you for all the feedback!
A Couple Months Later
It was back to work. The honeymoon was long over and Axl was starting to turn the band into a dictatorship. They were working on some new songs for the big album Axl had planned. He had even brought in a full time keyboard player named Dizzy Reed. He was a pretty nice guy, but they had to call him Reed and use Izzy’s last name in order to help with first name confusion, not that it worked half the time.
Stevie could feel a slight shift in the band as they worked on the song “Civil War”. Things were getting tense, Axl was snippier than normal, Izzy wasn’t hanging out and was distancing himself from the frontman, Slash seemed grumpy, and things just were not the same as they had been.
And then they were told about Farm Aid.
“Wait, isn’t that the thing Bob Geldof did?” Slash asked as they were sitting around, talking about it. Geffen had given them some information about it, and they were passing it around, reading about it.
“No, that was Live Aid,” Dizzy informed them.
“This was started by Willie Nelson, John Mellencamp, and Neil Young,” Duff told them, reading the paper the information packet.
“Oh, so it’s Pot Farm Aid,” Stevie laughed a little. She wasn’t feeling very great right now and was resting against Duff. He carded his fingers through her hair.
“Well, where is it?” Izzy asked Duff. He was sitting on the other side of Stevie on the couch, putting as many people between him and Axl as possible. Izzy had told Stevie what had happened, and she didn’t really blame him. Duff looked at the venue date and location and started to laugh. “What?”
“You’ll love it,” Duff told him. “Farm Aid 4 will be at the Hoosier Dome in Indianapolis, Indiana.”
“Fuck!” Izzy and Axl both groaned at once.
“Just when I think I’m out, it pulls me back in,” Axl sighed. Izzy rolled his eyes.
“We get like twelve minutes,” Duff flipped through the paper. “So we can do a couple shorter songs.”
“Or, we can premier “Civil War”,” Slash suggested. “I think it’s ready and we still have a few weeks to perfect anything we don’t like.”
“I think that could work,” Axl agreed. “Okay, we’ll put the other music on hold until we’re sure that Civil War is 100% ready.”
2 Days Before Farm Aid
Stevie was throwing up again. Her stomach didn’t hurt, and she didn’t have a fever, but it had been happening on and off for the past couple weeks. What she thought had been the flu or food poisoning had to be something else. She had a feeling she knew what it was. So, while Duff was out with the other guys, Stevie went to the drugstore and bought a pregnancy test. She followed the instructions on the box and waited for the results.
And it came back positive.
She was pregnant. Her and Duff were having a baby.
While she was excited, they had this big concert coming up. They were all so excited and so focused on it, she didn’t want to take away from it.
So the announcement could wait a few days until the event was over, right?
She tossed the test in the trash and went back to packing for the trip. It gave her plenty of time to think of the best way to announce it to Duff. She wanted to do something special. She was sure that she would have a big way to announce it to her husband by the time the concert was over.
Indianapolis, Indiana
Two Days Later
“Oh Indiana, the Hoosier state,” Axl sighed as they walked out of the airport to the car that was taking them to the hotel. They would drop their stuff off before heading to the venue for Farm Aid. Thankfully, it was April, and while it wasn’t exactly warm, it wasn’t as cold as they thought it would be, but it wasn’t warm either.
“What is a Hoosier?” Duff asked as they got in the car. Izzy sat by him and Stevie while Dizzy and Slash sat with Axl.
“The fuck if I know,” Axl shook his head.
“Well, you’re from here. Shouldn’t you know?” Dizzy pointed out, to which Axl glared at the keyboardist. He just gave the frontman a sheepish smile in return.
“A Hoosier...is a person from Indiana,” Izzy supplied as he lit his cigarette.
“Thanks for your knowledge Mr. Stradlin,” Slash laughed. Stevie rested her head on Duff’s arm and closed her eyes for a brief moment.
“You okay?” He asked her as the car made the trek from the airport to the hotel. He played with her hair gently.
“Yeah, just tired,” She told him. “Practice today, event tomorrow, then I’m going to sleep for a few days.” She knew she shouldn’t do it, but she hadn’t been eating very much to limit the morning sickness until after the event. She really didn’t want to blow the surprise by throwing up everywhere.
“Then it’s back to work on the albums you mean,” Axl laughed. Stevie sighed.
“Yeah, that’s what I meant…” She closed her eyes again.
Duff frowned as he looked at his wife. Something was wrong, he could feel it. He knew that she wanted to go back to their Seattle home. Hell, he did too. But while they were working on the albums, they had to be in LA. It wouldn’t be too much longer and they could go back. Maybe that would cheer her up. He knew it would make him feel better.
They got to the hotel and their manager was given all the keys before they headed up to the floor. He passed them all out and Izzy, Duff, and Stevie immediatly went to their rooms, leaving Dizzy, Slash, and Axl to mingle for a bit. Upon arriving in their room, Stevie threw herself on the bed. Duff would’ve laughed, but she had been so under the weather here the past few weeks.
“You feeling okay babe?” Duff asked, brushing her hair back.
“Yeah. Just this flu or whatever is really taking it out of me,” She laughed a little. He placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Axl can let us have a couple days off after this,” He told her. “He’s got all the words and music written down for this big, extravagant album. We just have to put it together. Hell, I think Dizzy already has a lot of the synth stuff down. Plus, I think that Izzy and everyone else could use a few days off too.”
“Yeah,” Stevie nodded, curling up farther into the blanket on the bed.
“You really aren’t feeling good, are you?” Duff asked. She just looked up at him. “After practice, we’ll get something to eat. Dinner, just the two of us?”
“That sounds amazing,” She stretched. “I miss our one on one dates.”
“Me too sweetheart.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. “Come on, let’s get to rehearsal.”
They practiced the two songs they were going to do at the venue, watching while people set up everything around them. Civil War followed by Down on the Farm. Everything sounded great in the large venue, but Stevie really just wanted to go back to the hotel and go to bed. She really hadn’t been feeling good, but she was looking forward to a night out with her husband.
“Ready to go babe?” Duff asked when they got done. Stevie smiled and nodded.
“Let’s go,” She laughed and took his hand. They headed out, heading to one of the downtown restaurants that had caught Duff’s eye.
“How about when we get back to LA, we take a week and go back to Seattle?” Duff asked as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked. “I know you miss the house. I miss it too. We could spend the whole week there.”
“That sounds amazing,” Stevie admitted. “But don’t you think Axl would throw a fit? You know how he wants to get this grand work of his out.”
“Screw him,” Duff rolled his eyes. “I don’t care if his fucking album doesn’t get out on time. All I care about is that my wife is happy.” Duff led her into the somewhat busy restaurant, but they got a table pretty quickly thankfully. They took their seats and ordered their drinks, Duff not seeming to notice that Stevie didn’t order alcohol when he ordered a beer.
“You think Axl and Izzy are happy to be back?” Stevie asked, sipping on the juice she had gotten.
“I think they’re fine as long as we don’t play Lafayette,” Duff laughed. “But soon, we’ll be back home in our bed and getting a much deserved break.”
“Yeah,” She nodded. “Duff, I…” Stevie was going to tell Duff what she had been wanting to tell him since she saw the positive test, but she was cut off.
“I’m here with them!” She heard Izzy tell the hostess. Duff and Stevie looked up as Izzy joined their table as the waitress came to get their order. “Hey guys!” He gave them a small smile. Duff and Stevie looked at each other before looking back at Izzy.
“Hey Iz,” Duff smiled. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I wanted a table and they’re kinda busy, and you had an extra seat. And, you know, sharing is caring,” The guitarist smiled at them. “And the first place I was going to, Axl was going and...I just don’t really want to spend time with him…” Stevie sighed a little.
“Make yourself at home,” She told him. Izzy nodded.
“Right on,” He took a menu to order his food. Stevie went with something light, since her stomach wasn’t agreeing with food. Duff and Izzy chatted while Stevie picked at her salad. Soon, they were done and the trio headed back to their hotel. Stevie shivered a little and Duff placed his jacket on her shoulders.
“You okay?” Izzy asked, looking at Stevie. He had adopted her like a sister just like Slash had, since she had been so supportive of him when he told her everything.
“I’m fine,” She told him. “Just kinda tired.” She snuggled into Duff’s jacket.
“I think her and I are gonna take a week and go back to Seattle,” Duff told Izzy. “Princess Peach is probably missing us. He’s been staying with Stevie’s mom, and I know he misses my mom. She spoils the brat.”
“King Axl won’t like that, but if you guys take off, I’m going to lock my apartment door and chill out for that week. Or maybe I’ll go someplace too,” Izzy smiled at them. “Let’s go get some sleep. We’ve got a big day ahead of us.”
Stevie slept through the wake up call. She slept through Duff getting up and opening the curtains. She just buried herself deeper into the blankets. Her body hated her and she really didn’t want to get up. Duff crawled onto the bed and placed kisses on her.
“Babe,” He whispered to her as he kissed her neck. “Get up.”
“Don’t wanna,” She groaned.
“Sweetheart, you have to,” He chuckled. “I know you’re tired Stevie, but once we’re done, we can ditch Izzy, Axl, Dizzy, and Slash. Head back to LA, snag Princess Peach, then get to Seattle and spend a week in our bed.” He kissed her shoulder.
“Okay, okay, I’m getting up,” Stevie told him. “But I’m not happy about it.”
“I know honey,” He laughed and watched as she got up and started to get ready. Duff watched her for a minute before he got ready himself.
The event was packed. There were so many artists gathered around, chatting, and the fans filled the stadium. They were all backstage, getting ready. Stevie watched as Izzy casted a couple looks in Axl’s direction, almost like he wanted to talk to him, but he just shook his head and buttoned his shirt. They were ready and led out to the stage for their small set. A quick warm up with the crowd staring at them and they were ready to go.
Stevie focused on the drums. That’s all she could manage to do. But fuck, why did Axl start wanting their songs to be seven minutes and longer. And they still had one more song to do. She just needed to focus on the drums and they would be done soon.
And they were, thankfully. They took their bows, waved at the crowd, then headed backstage. Dizzy, Axl, Slash, and Duff were walking ahead of Stevie and Izzy. Izzy was talking to Stevie.
“You excited to get back to Seattle?” Izzy asked, glancing over at her. “Too bad we can just work on it up there so you guys can be in your home for awhile or something.” He noticed that Stevie was quiet. “Stevie?” He looked at her, expecting to see her still walking with him.
Instead she stopped walking as the hall started to spin.
“Stevie?” Izzy asked again. The next thing he knew, her knees were buckling and she was going down to the ground. “Shit! Stevie!”
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo​ @dekahg​ @marvel-af-imagines​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @nanie5​ @imboredsueme​ @gemini0410​ @aiaranradnay​ @babypink224221​ @mogarukes​ @xxwarhawk​ @sandlee44​ @shatteredabby​ @caswinchester2000​ @supernaturalwincestsblog​ @lauravic​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @teller258316​ @horrorpxnk​ @tommyleeownsme​ @marvelismylifffe​ @mrslogansixxpixx​
Guns n Roses Tags: @duffshairdye​ @slashscowboyboots​ @hauntedapricoteggsclam​ @bitter-13-suite​ @arianareirg​ @lucyboytom​ @ozzy-dumbass-of-darkness​
It’s So Easy TAgs:  @str4nge-haze​ @viralwolf02​
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ubernoxa · 5 years
The Dare
Chapter 13: Drew James
A Guns N’ Roses Fanfic
Summary: Mags meets a writer. Axl is tired of Nikki being a piece of shit
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Chapter 13: Drew James
The easiest way to describe Drew was the he was forgettable. With his shaggy brown hair and medium stature, his appearance looked like he stumbled out of a generic fashion catalog. He wasn’t unattractive, but he never stood out in a room. Simply put, he was a nobody.
He sling his camera strap around his shoulder and climbed to the infamous Motley house. His manager recently challenged him to write a story that was out of his comfort zone. To write a story so juicy, no one could put it down. Once his boss left his desk, Drew immediately rolled his eyes and cursed himself.
‘A story that no one could put down,’ he thought to himself and rolled his eyes. Such an original task. After days of researching he realized that he needed to get the behind the scenes look at what it was like to be an up and coming rock star. With the groupies, the drugs, and the alcohol, maybe people couldn’t put it down. Where else to start, than the infamous house of Motley Crue.
The stench of sweet, booze, and pure 100% unsaturated shit punched him in the nose. He thanked God for his forgettable appearance and ability of remain hidden as he slithered through the party.
It was impossible for him to maneuver the room without bumping into someone. He tightly held onto his camera and headed to some table that had countless drinks on it. His original plan was to talk to one of the girls and take pictures the part, but every time he saw and girl to talk to, he immediately lost his voice or chickened out.
“You here alone?” Mags looked over the guy that poured himself a drink.
“Yeah,” he thanked god for the second time tonight that he could talk and his voice didn’t disappear.
In front of him stood a girl who was maybe 20 or 22 with hair that flowed to her shoulders and a dress that left little to the imagination. Drew made sure to focus on the Mag’s face, afraid he would accidentally start a fight that he knew well enough that he couldn’t end.
“How about you...I mean in a no creepy way..I’m not gonna like drug you or anything,” Mags giggled at the guy’s nerves.
“Nah I came with some people,” Mags motioned generically over towards where Duff, Mags, Izzy, and Axl sat.
So she was a groupie, interesting.
“Nice camera, may I?” Mags motioned towards Drew’s camera.
“Yeah,” for some reason part of him told him to hand it over towards her. Was it because she was a cute girl who was interested in him? Maybe? But he would never admit it.
She pulled him in towards her and took a picture of the two of them. His heart quickened as the girl pulled him in towards her. She smelled like roses. Why was a Rose hanging around in a place that smelled like shit?
“I’m drew by the way,” he said as she handed him the photo.
“Mags,” she took another sip of her drink while feeling a pair of eyes on her.
“Seems like your friends are missing you,” Drew said feeling a pit grow in his stomach.
Mags shot a look up at him, was he sad? Did he actually enjoy her company.
“I wouldn’t call them all my friends,” Mags chucked. “The girl who is currently playing with that guy’s hair is my friends and my brother is somewhere around here. The rest of those guys are just from my brother’s band. Definitely more associates than friends,” she added. So she was single, he let a smile quickly pop on his face.
“So what are you doing here, doesn’t exactly look like your scene,” Mags asked earring a chuckle from Drew.
“Not my scene is a good way to put it. I’m actually a writer and I’m trying to find the next story,” Drew decides to be honest with Mags. If she truly was who she said she was then he might get a story after all.
“Have you heard of Guns an’ Roses?” Mags took a step closer to Drew as she spoke. Could maybe this writer lead her brother to his big break?
“I heard them play earlier. Pretty good and pretty unique,” their sound was something he hadn’t heard before. He was shocked when they played and it was extreme heavy metal like Crue. He was shocked in a good way, heavy metal was never his cup of tea.
“Get ready to meet them and get your story,” Mags grabbed him by the hand and guided him towards Delilah and company.
“Looks like someone is bringing over company,” Axl observed taking another sip of his beer.
“$10 she brings him home,” Slash said without an ounce of hesitation.
“$10 she doesn’t,” Delilah shot her head to her left seeing the bassist from Motley Crue.
“U all r’ turible,” Delilah croaked was she playfully shoved Nikki. Duff pulled her in closer and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Why? She didn’t know, but he liked it.
“And you are very drunk,” Nikki tapped the top of her nose with his finger earning a confused look from Delilah.
Axl sat across from Nikki wearing a heavy scowl. Was he seriously flirty with Delilah? She wasn’t his.
Noticing Axl on the edge Slash quickly said, “A place like this makes our apartment look like heaven.”
He earned some quick laughs from Nikki, Delilah, and Duff. Axl; however, remained unchanged.
“Drew meet Delilah, Duff, Nikki, Axl, and Slash. Everyone this is Drew,” Mags casually said before joining the group.
She looked over towards Delilah who was smiling and giggling at whatever Duff whispered into his ear with a smile.
This smile quickly disappeared when she saw Nikki sitting next to Delilah and Duff. She shot him a glare as his fingers would ‘accidentally’ touch Delilah’s thighs while he told a story. Classic Nikki fucking Sixx, he always wants what other people have. It’s like he has a point to prove.
Axl and Mags locked eyes and shared a knowing glance at to what Sixx was doing.
They all talked in causal conversation and Mags took a couple photos until her and Delilah began to dance while still remaining seated. Mags sitting on just the floor caused no problems, she even got Drew to relax and enjoy the moment with some dancing.
“Holy fuck, Delly,” Duff said under his breath as he leaned his head back. Delilah giggled at his reaction and turned around so now she was facing him.
“What?” She smirked as she finally connected what was going on. This wasn’t the first time that this happened. The last time she danced while on his lap drove him crazy, and she was looking for more.
He once again tightened his grip on Delilah and buried his head into her hair. She smelled like roses.
“Follow me,” he whispered into Delilah’s ear as she followed him away from the group.
Once they were out of earshot Mags turned to Nikki and blurted, “What the hell is your problem?”
“What do you mean,” Nikki threw on his signature smirk causing Axl to shoot out of his seat.
“Stay away from Delilah,” Axl commanded as he towered of Nikki. He stood up from his seat now only a few inches taller than Axl.
“Or what,” Nikki laughed back, the smirk never leaving his face.
“I’ll beat the living shit out of ya,” Axl stood only inches from Nikki’s face. For those who didn’t know them, one might think they were about to kiss.
A small crowd formed around the two musicians. Axl was known to have a temper, and Nikki was know to be a dick. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time for the singer and bassist to get into a fight.
“Hey Nikki, want some blow,” everyone turned to see Tommy holding a small baggy in the air. His timing wasn’t a coincidence.
“Yeah man, wouldn’t pass a chance to do it with you,” Nikki replied with a smirk never leaving his face and his eyes never leaving Axl’s.
“Let’s go,” Slash said bringing Axl back to earth.
They quickly found Stevie and they all left the party.
“Slash, if Duff and Delilah are fucking when we get back you owe me a pack of cigs,” Axl yelled as he trailed behind the others walking at his own pace.
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