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chronicallykiki · 2 years ago
VOD: February 28th 2023
Game: Final Fantasy XIV Title: ✨ Raids 'n' Roulettes ✨ Link: https://youtu.be/CT18R9EhNT4
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lehorin · 9 months ago
My flavour of weird
*checking my FFXIV dailies, and seeing I will hit max rep with one of the tribes tomorrow*
"Hmm. One more day."
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starvoidsailor · 6 months ago
I finally found out what the Dawntrail discourse reminded me of.
We had the same thing happen with the Residen Evil 3 Remake following the releases of Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 2 Remake.
For those who don't know, RE had been on a decline in popularity amongst the fans with 5 and 6 and many were concerned about the following entry. Which was Resident Evil 7: Biohazard which catapulted REs popularity back up and "revived" the series as a horror genre. Following this breakthrough success was the announcement of the RE2 Remake, which release 2 years later to even more success and put RE back into mainstream focus. To which Capcom then announced an RE3 Remake, which got hyped up by the fans so much that, when it released, a lot of people were shocked that it flopped compared to both these successes despite being, itself, a relatively good game.
It was basically just RE7 and the RE2 Remake building up so much hype that nothing RE3 Remake did would be able to sate these expectations set by its predecessors.
Now, I know Shadowbringers/Endwalker/Dawntrail are not in the same lane as RE7/RE2Make/RE3Make with entirely different genres and executions (being a series of MMOJRPG expansions vs. a continues horror game series) and a completely different timeline regarding their releases successes but it's the closest I came to explain the phenomenon I am currently seeing discourse wise and why I feel like having a déjà-vu.
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leonleonhart · 1 year ago
hit mmojrpg ffxiv really just gonna full frontal show me my characters bulge huh
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I want an isekai where instead of the character's knowledge of (insert popular MMOJRPG here) what determines how good they are is their mastery of the job/materia system of the 90s Final Fantasy games or the arcane deck building mechanics of handheld Kingdom Hearts titles or something equally crunchy.
I don't give a heck if you put all your points into the right part of the skill tree or whatever, did you memorize all the possible materia combinations and does using sleights in your deck cause other sleights to line up?
If something like this exists, please let me know.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years ago
On a whim I bought the Pokemon clone game Coromon on Steam, and I noticed there was an option to let me catch other trainers' Coromon, so I basically just stole some kid's dog. After using a move that stole his wallet too.
if this is a mmojrpg I'd watch out for the yakuza if you did that too many times, if it's just solo and not multiplayer or anything enjoy your larceny
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pastballads · 2 years ago
❤ + your url
Hearts for my thoughts. | Accepting | @hybridgear
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You're asking me to give my thoughts about my blog? I'm putting this under a read more because I've got a bit to say. More about myself than my blog, though it does tie into it and my writing.
The rules, all the about pages, and the verses page could've looked way better than they do, but I don't know enough about Google Docs to actually fix things the way I want them. I only started using Docs four years ago, and it was mostly as basic backups for my characters' about pages in case anything happened to a blog or for the purpose of Discord RP servers.
I'm not great at messaging others either. Not because I'm shy, but more often than not because I don't want to bug. Like, over half the people on my Discord list have left their profiles on Do Not Disturb or appear offline damn near 24/7, and the messaging here is a broken, buggy mess and I don't want to unintentionally spam someone because I have no idea if a message went through or not. People are always like "no it's fine, come talk to me whenever", but I'm not going to gamble and take the chance of accidentally pissing someone off. Happened enough over the years.
Then there's my reply times. I can be slow as molasses, and I know it. Everyone knows that whole spiel about roleplaying here is a hobby, real life comes before here, yadda yadda. The issue there is I'm a space cadet with bad ADHD and an ever-shifting sleep schedule. I could be awake or asleep at any time of day depending on the circumstances around the house. I could be halfway through writing a massive draft when something as simple as a single song can derail my entire train of thought. And this isn't including all the spontaneous parts of life causing distractions either. That's why I could be here finishing dozens of drafts in one afternoon or radio silent for almost a week with maybe one post. Not much of a surprise that I constantly apologize for how late they can be.
Muses are another big problem of mine. They're all over the place, with inspiration coming and going like ocean tides. Doesn't help that music or playing a new game or damn near anything can spontaneously send me down the idea phase of creating a new one. Back when I was in the RWBY fandom, I had eight sideblogs because my mind was dedicated to thinking outside the box from the run-of-the-mill OCs everyone used. Hell, it's still a bit of an issue. Just this month, my mind's thought about adding my FF14 character to the roster despite knowing little about the lore, as well as running a trial with my revamped take on Algol from Soul Calibur 4, putting Tino back into his RWBY verse as an AU even though it'll go unused, an old OC who was based on or even secretly Dionysus, and my take on the MC of a nigh-dead MMOJRPG called Onigiri. Not gonna happen though. Last thing I want is to flood this blog with six shallow characters I came up with in two days.
Tying in with the previous bit, getting into the headspace of writing certain muses is another issue for the same reasons. It's entirely sporadic.
I can go on and on and on. Some of these things can be improved or fixed. Others, they're just personal issues. You can say I'm being hard on myself or whatever else you might think, but I'm just being honest.
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madpawws · 1 year ago
Esta semana me ha dado por: Old School RuneScape.
Si, lo sé, aquél juego con tres pixeles gordos de principio de los 2000. Espera que te cuento.
Bueno, como os podéis estar observando, hay un patrón que consiste en que cada semana me da por un videojuego, y esta vez ha sido por Old School RuneScape (A partir de ahora OSRS para abreviar.)
A decir verdad mi intención no era jugar a este juego de primeras, todo ha surgido a que después de andar jugando Final Fantasy XII, youtube me recomendó un video sobre Dragon Quest X (El MMOJRPG de la franquicia). Para quien no lo sepa DQX es un videojuego que solo ha salido en el país del sol naciente y que no se puede jugar fuera del propio país y Estados Unidos. Pero como la tonta insistente que soy, miré algunos tutoriales para poder jugarlo desde España en su versión free trial, por que spoiler, usa el mismo sistema de suscripciones que Final Fantasy XIV.
La cuestión es que después de estar un día completo descargando, configurando y traduciendo el cliente del juego, llega la hora de usar un VPN para hacerlo funcionar, y bueno, aquí es donde entra mi mala suerte en la vida. La VPN que tenía pensada usar a principios de esta semana cambió sus políticas y el servicio gratuito que ofrece ya no se puede elegir servidores de japón, así que como es la única VPN decente y gratis que había, mis planes se fueron al traste después de esto.
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Imagen de Dragon Quest X.
Pues bueno, me quedé sin jugar DQX pero el mono de querer jugar a algún MMORPG seguía ahí, así que estuve mirando que juegos de este genero y que sean gratuitos no habia probado aún y ahí es donde me encontré con Old School Runescape.
Para quien no sepa nada de OSRS, es un MMO muy pero que muy antiguo, aunque ahora se aguanta en una versión lanzada en 2007. Este juego es un sandbox con graficos mediocres en el que tienes que ir leveando las skills (que no son pocas) a medida de ir usándolas.
Si bien al principio parece que no hay nada de atractivo en la premisa de un juego Difícil, Poco Intuitivo, Viejo y Lento, ha resultado ser una aventura que mas me he sentido enganchada cuanto mas he jugado y creo entender por que hay gente que a día de hoy juega a esto.
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Si, esto es el juego, no te rías tan fuerte que te escucho desde aquí.
OSRS ofrece dos experiencias que se diferencia a medio y largo plazo, una free2play para jugadores que quieren probar si este juego es del agrado de quien lo juega, y una experiencia con suscripción mensuales. Mi experiencia ha sido la f2p, con todo lo que esto conlleva.
La diferencia principal entre ambas versiones es que el jugador que paga, tiene desbloqueado más habilidades que subir de nivel, tiene acceso a +170 misiones extras además de tener todo el mapa abierto.
Pero realmente nada de esto influye en el early game por que durante las 10 primeras horas de jugadas ya que este videojuego va de mirar a tu monigote haciendo una animación para subir habilidades y no morir como un bobo ante dos goblins. Si bien este aspecto lo he echado de menos en MMOS mas modernos, el sentir miedo de entablar un combate contra algo desconocido, morir y perder tus cosas puede ser moralmente devastador para ciertos tipos de jugadores así que al fin y al cabo son mecánicas que no se adaptan a todes.
Cuando ya consigues un equipo decente y te ves bien preparado para aventurarte, el juego gana mucho mas. Narrativamente es superior a otros juegos similares, los diálogos tienen un toque humorístico/realista que te hacen creer que podrían ser situaciones reales (Por ejemplo, rechacé una mision de matar vampiros por que los vampiros son fuertes y dan miedo XD).
Las misiones si bien de objetivos pueden ser sencillas, ya sean centradas en combate o gatherer, ganan mucho si te pones a leer lo que está ocurriendo y te sumerges en los cuatro modelos lowpoly feos y su mundo.
No se que mas podrá ofrecer este juego por que seguramente que la semana que viene me dará por otra cosa, pero quien quiera probarlo está en Steam gratuito, también hay una wikia con mucha información por si te hace falta, no es difícil de encontrar.
Y bueno esto ha sido mi ultima semana, nos vemos la siguiente con lo próximo en lo que me enfoque.
Un choque de coditos y hasta otra!
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yamatomoonlight · 1 year ago
To put it into simple terms
Florida crazy is an MMOJRPG
New York City crazy is a Grand Theft Auto Online server.
Florida is a place where you will have casual use of illicit concoctions, usually that of the snow element. Where members of guilds, bandits, adventurers and nobles can all equally get into a violent and hectic day of mischief within a seconds notice. And everyone else in the land is too busy complaining how good it used to be until all these new Adventurers came along.
New York City is where groups of players will use limited resources and transportation to move large quantities of food and furniture to their humble quarters, a dual can happen at any moment between players and no lack of spectators and there will always be an opportunity for a side quest or just to annoy other players.
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chronicallykiki · 2 years ago
Final Fantasy XIV
💘 CrushCrushCrush 💘
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jaskuralunaris · 9 months ago
In reference to the hashtags:
Admittedly, I had to look up flanderizarion...and wow yeah, I can't think of a better example of it than G'raha Tia. There is a lot of the player base that only loves or especially hates on him because of this oversimplication of his character. It makes me facepalm as well as somewhat sad because he has so much depth and offers some of the greatest insight into any of the current happenings of MSQ. But you have to talk to him because half of it is in the optional dialogue to really get the depth of his character. And I see this constantly, mischaracterization due to flanderizarion, not just with him but all the characters, especially the Scions, because people didn't have the patience to read in a MMOJRPG. 😢
My Emet stuff already gets comments like "idk who's this cunty loser but I approve of this". Good, good. I shall use the power of my art transcending fandoms to give you one simple life-changing tip. Come closer, listen. Play the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV with an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Stormblood expansion up to level 70 for free with no restrictions on playtime. It will hurt you and rewire your brain, and there are old mans to be fucked.
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leonleonhart · 1 year ago
funniest shit to see in ff14 is the most mmojrpg lookin motherfucker in dark knight armor next to some guy in a black tshirt and jeans
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spoonyliger · 3 years ago
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This one was commissioned by a customer. I'm really happy with how sweet the character's look came out.
Artwork Description: Digital bust artwork of a female Viera character with red ears and hair, green eyes, and wearing purple shades resting on its head, and a red pleather jacket over a dark turtleneck sweater, standing in front of a purple background.
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mr-humphries · 2 years ago
Tower of fantasy looks great and all BUT IS THERE M E N
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lilas · 5 months ago
@inquisitorcastellanos I would give anything to see one of the Scions break down in game, and I am hoping we’ll see some of that in this next arc but that just might be copium!
I really hope this arc is focused on personal conflicts over world ending conflicts—at the end of the day it’s a mmojrpg but the potential is THERE. These characters are established and they can do new things with them!
In the meantime, I guess I’ll just do the heavy lifting and headcanon mental breakdowns between expacs myself smh 🙄
thinking about eko and erenville irt the second half of dawntrail
dawntrail spoilers ahead 🌞
I can’t decide if i want to gpose this or write it
I think gpose
But like…Eko was there to experience the Final Days in Thavnair, where she had been living for several years at that point; Thavnair was and is her home
And she saw it burn, saw the horrors begotten from despair, and fought tooth and nail to protect what was left
So when the dome drops, and the Alexandrians invade Tural, and Erenville is fearing for his home while everyone is planning, Eko sees and understands his grief, his fears, his struggle
The Scions are sympathetic of course, but they have their tasks and no time to stop and grieve, not yet; they couldn’t stop and grieve if they wanted to end the Final Days, and they can’t stop to grieve until they end the threat of Zoraal Ja’s army
This is where Avi’li fails Erenville as a partner (and the beginning of where Erenville fails Avi’li as a partner… something they’ll need to work to on, more on that later) but Eko can relate
And while the Scions and Vows create a plan, Eko is there by Erenville’s side, understanding and empathetic and grieving with him
To see one’s home in such a state…not knowing how things can ever get back to how they were…watching the destruction and feeling powerless…who can understand better than them
But Thavnair did come out the other side, and Eko believes Yyasulani will come out the other side as well; changed… but alive
The assurance comforts Erenville at the very least
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atobe29-blog · 7 years ago
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