#mlp text post
emilythedog661 · 1 year
This is my take on my version on the finale of MLP G4 and G5
Firstly, Twilight has the the design of luna and cadence instead of being a celestia clone, she also has some of her rainbow form in her design mixed with a night sky look in her mane and tail, her friends are also still around and also have their rainbow design mixed into them, twilight has made it so her friends live as long as she does as she doesn't like the thought of letting them go so she did a spell that puts their souls into her so they have become the guardians of equestria.
spike has a design change and he looks like more of a dragon then a buff lizard thing, he is still twilight's friendship councillor and is always by twilight's side, he also got together with ember and had some little dragons together
with the mane 5, fluttershy still runs her animal resort with discord, still caring for animals and helping animals outside of ponyville, fluttershy also has a daughter called rosanna pink aka rose pink for short and she is a accident baby with her and pinkie pie after a student at twilight's school with special needs went a bit haywire (i might do a fanfic about this, also discord secretly ships pinkie and fluttershy so hard 😆) rose pink is a ballet slipper pink earth pony with a blush pink mane and tail, the mane and tail is long like fluttershy's but curly like pinkie's, she has the same eye colour as sunset shimmers and her eye shape is like a pinkie's mom's, lastly, her cutie mark is a pink paw print with a blue lollipop on the big pad, she'll grow up to make candy for animals.
pinkie pie is the party planner of equestria and with the help of her husband, cheese sandwich and their son, lil'cheese pie and pinkie's daughter, pink blush they spread party all over, lil'cheese pie looks the same as he does in the finale but his hair is light brown instead of pink, he also has a good bond with his half sister rose pink and he grows up to be a pie baker with his cutie mark being a pie.
rarity still runs her clothes boutique and she now has a shop all over equestria for each and every creature, she so successful that she's become a clothing celebrity like sapphire shores and photo finish, she's one out of the 2 mane 6 with no kids with the other one being twilight.
rainbow dash is now the captian of the wonder bolts and she like rarity has become a celebrity, she got a full fan base thanks to scootaloo and she has adopted scootaloo as her sister, she also has a relationship with applejack being married and have magic made son together called zap apple, zap apple is a navy blue pegasus pony with a short rainbow mane and tail like his mom's hair, he has dark blue eyes and his cutie mark is a zap apple with a lightning bolt coming off it, he loves his moms and he wants to be a wonderbolt like his rainbow mom but also loves helping on the farm with his apple mom.
lastly, applejack and she has taken over the farm after granny smith died, her brother big mac is the leader of the farm with his wife, sugar belle and 2 kids, big sugar and apple blossom, she with her son, zap apple help big mac on the farm as well as rainbow dash when she's not at the wonderbolt academy and they are making big money selling apples, carrots, pears and other fruits and vegetables, sugar belle also help pinkie pie, pound cake and pumpkin cake at the sugar cube corner.
the cutie mark crusaders help run the school and also run the cutie mark camp to help get fillies their cutie marks and it where big sugar, apple blossom, rose pink, lil'cheese pie and zap apple got their cutie marks, when they aren't helping at the school or doing the camp, applebloom helps on the farm with her siblings, nephew and niece, sweetie belle helps her sister out at the ponyville boutique and scoot also helps rainboe dash at the wonderbolt academy with pegasi that have flight issues like her.
at the crystal empire and flurry is the new ruler of the crystal empire while shining armour and cadence step down but not fully retire from their royal position, the couple have been renamed to the princess's mother and father and they do what they do before flurry became princess but with flurry have the big role while they step back a little.
at the friendship school and starlight and sunburst run the school together with trixie's help, the pair have a 2 kids together, a son called moonlight shine and a daughter called twinkle star, they are at cheerille's school and they haven't got their cutie marks yet but at the cutie mark camp trying to find their purpose, trixie meanwhile hasn't found a partner yet but has somehow became starlight and sunburst's 'daughter' as she seems to be acting like an older sister to their kids but a child to them which the pair find odd but let it slide.
luster dawn went off to do her own things after twilight helped her to see what friendship was about so she isn't twilight's student anymore but twilight doe have a new student that she's interested in, her name is rose gold which is a rose gold coloured pony with purple eyes, a short mane and tail in a goldenrod yellow and her cutie mark is the symbol of friendship but it looks like a rose.
the reason twilight is interested in rose gold is because she had a prediction dream about her with a magic alicorn power stopping another alicorn called nova, nova is a night sky purple alicorn but with bat wings with a brick pink and lollipop purple mane and tail, dark blue eyes and her cutie mark was a flame with bat wings on the sides, she was the evil older sister to luna and celestia that was locked away for millions of years after she became a threat to the ponies and to her sisters, she drained all the magic from her sisters the from the ponies, mind controlled the ponies to do her bidding to find more magic and it wasn't till starswirl came along, gave all the ponies their magic back and then drained nova of all her magic before banishing her far far away in a different dimension.
it seems though that nova has managed to find her way back to equestria after a long time and twilight need to train rose gold to make friends and unlock her alicorn magic to stop nova from taking over equestria again after a long time, nova also brings with her a sidekick named nibbler which is grubber from the mlp movie but he a lot different and a lot more aggressive
anyway, i hope you like my AU and i might do a fanfic on it at some point if i feel like it and if i have the time unless someone else can do it for me which i thank you in advance but yeah, you can also add some things in the comments to add to the au if you want 😁
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shyhandart · 5 months
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friendship-got-faster · 6 months
Decided the ponies of the AU need some alternative names better fit for the world of Equestria!
(and so they they can bs properly identified separately from the original sonic cast)
Here's a master list of all the names for everypony:
• Ponies
– Sonic Boom (Sonic)
– Twisty Tails (Tails)
– Ace Rose ("Ace") (Amy)
– Creme brulee ("Creme") (Cream)
– Bulky Catch ("Bulk") (Big)
– Mareroon ("Roon") (Rouge) batpony
– Shadow Sparks (Shadow)
– Silver stardust (Silver)
• Other Creatures
– Buckles ("Bucks") (Knuckles) Zebra
– Tenochtitlan ("Teno") (Tikal) Zebra
– Blazing Aster (Blaze) Kirin
– Mareef (Marine) Hippogriff
– Espionage (Espio) Dragon
– Scorcher (Vector) Dragon
– Hamuli (Charmy) Changeling
• Machines
– Timber Omega (T-123 Omega) (Omega)
– Metal Boom (Metal Sonic)
(this list will be updated if I think of any additional characters I'd like to include )
╰┈➤ Tags––––––––––
Some character are still referred to by there original name, so for tags I'll be using
The original name of that Character (e.g. Amy)
The original, fullname (e.g. Amy Rose)
The AU name (e.g. Ace Rose)
→ Explaining the nameing ––––––––––
• Ace Rose ––––––––––
→ Card pun
• Creme Brulee ––––––––––
→ Creme Brulee is a type of dessert which primarily uses cream!
• Bulky Catch ––––––––––
→ a play on his size but a hint to his love of fishing! (and because he quite the catch himself, we love big in these parts)
• Mareroon ––––––––––
→ since "Rouge" is a color, I decided to pick another color as the alternative name. Maroon not only works for the pun, but is also a color associated with bl*od, which felt appropriate for a bat pony
• Shadow Sparks ––––––––––
→ he's a dark figure, illuminated only by the sparks of his own magic
• Buckles ––––––––––
→ Horses (or Zebras in this case) don't have hands, so they don't have Knuckles, so they can't punch. Horses do however, have hooves, and can kick, this Buckles, Bucks!
• Tenochtitlan ––––––––––
→ Tikal is named after a temple, so I figured her AU name should be named after a temple in Equestria, and I landed on the Tenochtitlan temple, not much is actually known for this temple in universe, so writing will be required.
• Blazing Aster ––––––––––
→ the Kirin have plant/nature related names. Aster is a kind of purple flower so I figured it fit best!
• Mareef ––––––––––
→ "Marine" is in reference to general Ocean life, which is very prominent in Coral Reefs.
• Espionage ––––––––––
→ Dragons usually have short names that list off a specific trait, Espio is short of espionage which refers to spying
• Scorcher ––––––––––
→ A hint at his fire breath (or fire tunes if you'd like)
• Hamuli ––––––––––
→ the changelings tend to have names that reference bug anatomy or topics, "Hamuli" are a structure found on honeybee wings.
• Timber Omega ––––––––––
→ Omega is a term used for wolf rankings in some cases, so perhaps it's used for Timberwolves as well! Omegas design will reflect that aspect as well as what powers him
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stargoyle · 5 months
What if in the my little pony universe pony Cain got a rock cutie mark after the Incident would that be fucked up or what
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frostedpuffs · 11 months
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oouughhh angy horf
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captainzigo · 7 months
when i say i hate bronies in my header, it’s hyperbole. i don’t necessarily hate you if you self identify with the brony label. i don’t even hate you necessarily if the brony label applies to you. it’s kinda like when one says they hate all men
i hate the bastards who seemed hell bent on showing me porn and gore as a child. the ones who made fandom for the new children’s show an unsafe place for children. the ones gatekeeping the show’s litteral target audience from their own spaces. the ones who were misogynistic and homophobic like i’ve never even seen in a baptist church here in the south. i can say more, but ill save that stuff for therapy.
i’m a fan of stuff for which i am not the target audience, a great many things, but im not bigot about it. also considering that i am a trans woman, and more than that i was a child when the show was coming out, the brony label does not apply to me and i would appreciate it not being used for me. entirely divorced from my personal baggage with the label
if you self identify as a brony im probably pretty chill with you actually. and if you are one of the people ive been describing here, you better have done a lot of growing as a person. and please venmo me $50 at least
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w1shb0n3z · 5 months
Chilchuck girldad shenanigans!!! +Senshi's thoughts on mlp at the very end
(Brace yourself. This is a long one)
What's Chilchuck's favorite girldad activity? It's not doing their hair, no. That's just something he's been praised on. Being able to put his girls hair up in different styles whenever his wife wasn't around was seen as very admirable and lots of people complemented him on it. Especially non-half-foots (becuase they seem to think the father is less involved in the kids life LMAO) And though his daughters loved when their dad did their hair, they much proffered when their mom did it since it was neater
Chilchuck's favorite girldad activity (well, general girldad activity) is actually playing pretend. He seems like the type to just playfully scoff at kids he sees engaging in an outrageous, glorified LARPing session. And he is. He is that type. He thinks it's playing pretend is silly. But, when it comes to his daughters, it's charming.
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He found some genuine entertainment when he was making believe with his little ones while they were young. Fully immersed in the ever complicated plot and nonsensical characters, he loved seeing the spark in their eyes and the giggle in their voices as they played out their fantasies. He'd also like to be dense from time to time just for the reaction it got. Saying things like "but bears can't fly" or "I thought you said princesses couldn't swim" be uase there's something very humorous about being scolded by a toddler
Once the girls got older, though, his favorite activities became specific to the kid.
For Meijack, his mini-me, it was teaching her his craft. For Flertom, the one that looks just like her mother, it was makeovers. And with Puckpatti, his bright-eyed youngest, it was shopping.
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A little more of Meijack
She had taken an interest in locksmithing when she was young; so much so that she would often swipe a spare lock when her dad wasn't looking. Mei had proven herself to he a very crafty and tactile person. After about the 15th time, Chilchuck was tired of this and decided to improvise.
He took a nice square wooden board, sanded it down to make sure no mishaps would occur, and then attached some latches, locks, and other miscellaneous things to it. He essentially made a busy board for Mei, and she loved it. She would often be found in her room, buckling and unbluckling, messing with straps and zippers and locks and ties.
He'd make her a new board each year on her birthday; that is, until she turned 5. After that, she got puzzle boxes, and each year, they'd get more and more complex. If they were invented at the time, Mei would totally fuck up a Rubix cube on the low.
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Expanding a bit on Flertom
After finding baby Fler with a face smeared with her mom's ruby red lipstick, Chilchuck knew he had a future full of make-up modeling. So following that incident, he bought Fler her own little make-up kit.
Initially, little Fler was satisfied just beautifying her own face, then showing it off to her dad; however, she did start feel like good old papa Chuck was missing out on the fun, so she pressured him into letting her put some eyeshadow on him. It was bright blue, it was messy, and it was awful to apply.
After a year or two, the make-overs got better and better. 10 year old Fler was becoming quite talented with her cosmetic skills. She'd gone from doing outlandish looks on her dad to actually finding styles that fit him and testing out new ideas on him.
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What about Puckpatti?
Now I did say that Puckpatti's designated activity was shopping, but what I meant to say was haggling down prices and looking for deals. Ever since she was young, the adorable, unassuming half-foot had a knack for bargaining— even while trading toys in the playground or snacks in the lunchroom.
Chilchuck first noticed Patti's gift after she came home from school with a necklace on. ...She certainly didn't come to school with it, so it's safe to say Chilchuck was confused. Once he found out what actually happened, he did get Patri to return the necklace and focused her abilities to learning how to shop efficiently.
Patti truly did enjoy shopping with her dad. And kn occasoik they would go to different shopping centers together. Chilchuck would always get discounted tools, courtesy of Patti, and Patti would find a pair of shoes or some fruit and nealry cut the price in half. They go wandering place to place, talking and spotting the best deals, It's always a fun and productive time!
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Now to Senshi
If you've made it this far, congrats! Here's your reward
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Either in a modern AU, or just due some crazy magical force, Senshi finds out about MLP.
Now, would he watch this on his own? Nope. A colorful show about ponies doesn't catch his eye, so sorry.
But let's just say he ends up watching MLP. (Moslty because in this scenario, Marcille had mentioned liking the show and senshi heard it was about horses- or well, ponies)
After whatching a few episodes he's come to a few conclusions and has gained a couple of opinions.
Who's his favorite character? Big Mac
Who's his least favorite characters? Diamond Tiara, Silverspoon, Gilda, Rainbowdash, and Rarity
He does NOT fw the them.
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His opinions on the mane 6 + a few more
Twilight: very uptight, but has the potential to be a leader of some kind. Not a personal favorite
Fluttershy: Thinks she needs some guidance and to grow a backbone, but is very impressed witb her connection to the fuana
Rarity: Does NOT like her. Thinks she's spoiled and prissy and snippy
Applejack: Likes her! Think she's nice and hard working and well rounded
Rainbowdash: Think she does wayyy to much. Someone needs to teach her not to be so full of herself. He legitimately didn't want to watch some of the episodes because he felt like rainbowdash was just being an ass (some with Rarity)
Pinkie pie: Too hyper for his taste. Thinks she's pretty odd
Spike: he finds the idea of keeping a small dragon as a...well, a little brother figure, to be odd. He doesn't get the fact that Spike has a crush on Rarity and thinks that the gang should treat him with more respect
Zecora: Another character he actually likes. The episode introducing her frustrated him a LOT, he actually haf to pause it becuase all that pony racism was too much for him
Luna/Nightmare Moon: He's iffy about her. Ay first, he didn't have too much of an opinion on her, but once he figured out her deal, he liked her a little. He doesn't blame her for turning evil at all
Celestia: Thinks she's USELESS. Oh my god. He's confused because she seems like she should be a queen and not a princess, but based on what she sees her do, he isn't surprised that her status is princess
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princesslunaofmoons · 9 months
Mlp Textposts because
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pink-pone · 6 months
someone once said on here that they despised pony chest fluff, that it doesn't belong on them. since then i've continued to make my ponies fluffier and fluffier until their floof blocks out the sun :)
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snake-spotted · 1 month
"less is more" 👹NO👹 MORE IS MORE 🗣🗣🗣
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pr0mz0mbie2005 · 8 days
80's cartoon villains are so funny to me because why do these people have beef with colorful ponies that play in the sunshine and eat cake all day.
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weirdozjunkary · 5 months
Watching old MLP G4 episodes and listening to the songs as I run errands has made me thought about the overlap between MLP fans and Sonic fans. SO LET ME TELL YALL MY PERSONAL OPINION WHICH OF THE MANE SIX WOULD GET ALONG WITH THE SONIC CAST!
Twilight— Silver, Blaze, Tails, Amy
Rainbowdash— Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Blaze
Pinkie Pie— Amy, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles
Fluttershy— Blaze, Silver, Sonic, Knuckles, Mighty, Shadow
Rarity— Amy, Blaze, Cream, Honey, Rouge, Shadow
Applejack— Knuckles, Blaze, Mighty, Sonic, Tails
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shyhandart · 6 months
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🍬 Sweet as sunshine! 🍬
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hikiclawd · 8 months
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lil comics and things from months ago
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yuttikkele · 6 months
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ok so what I’m understanding here is…
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colorful-horses · 2 years
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Hasbro heard about Monster High making a comeback and they came out mad as FUCK with these dolls
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