#mlmxwlw solidarity
Dorian gets offended/jealous Orym is talking about working out with Beau, so he tries to show off, Imogen calls him out on poor execution, so he just walks off to help Caduceus (who also quickly kinda roasts him) kkkkkkk
i need next episode to after Dorian and Orym wakeup together, Orym goes workout with Beau and have competitions, so the whole time is just Orym and Beau showing off to Dorian and Yasha, like doing push ups with them in their back or sm, doing upsidedown pullups
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gaylonelydyke · 3 years
if it’s not too late, 12 for episodes and ships, and 17!
its never too late! thankyou for the ask 🥰 oo damn this is gonna be a hefty one, just to prepare you this is gonna be long 😅😅😅
spoiler alert for my friends who are finishing up season 2 rn, be careful if you look at my top five episodes, pay attention the the episode numbers, i will put [ ] in bold at the beginning and end of spoilers!
12. Top 5 ships
5. faith x myself because have you seen faith? shes such a babe! spare consensual kiss maam?
4. willow x oz, i dont know if this is an unpopular or not but i feel like if the 90s had been more accepting of term then willow wouldve been bisexual, but like even now tv shows will rarely let characters say that word :( but anyway i love them! theyre both quirky and kinda awkward but its such a sweet relationship and you really see how they go from awkward crushes to an actual deep relationship, oz is one of my favourite characters too what a dude!
3. giles x jenny, mlmxwlw solidarity in this bisexual couple! there is no an ounce of straight between them and i love it, i love their dynamic, i love that giles *respects women* (im staring daggers at xander rn), also the original girlboss x malewife couple askdjaksjhd
2. drusilla x spike, these two!!!!!! once again a bisexual couple with zero straight between them, the vibes are off the charts. sexy vampires, goth x punk love, i just love them man, and their relationship is so interesting to delve into. like theyre vampires, theyre soulless and yet they have a capacity for love, they care deeply for eachother, theyre so tender towards eachother in season 2 in the way they take turns to care for one another, also drusilla picking spike up with one hand made me gay and thats on that
1. willow x tara!!!!! lesbians man lesbians! they have a beautiful relationship, until a certain point wink wink, they feel like a perfect match, willows become more outgoing due to buffy and xander snd having a proper group of friends, so its cool to see her as the more outgoing independant one in the relationship, and tara is such a honey 🥺 the biggest sweetheart in the world what a babe!!!! also like how groundbreaking was their relationship? as a queer couple, they had p much the dame amount of screentime as a aueer relationship today! and willow says the word lesbian so many times and is always making gay jokes which is something shows today are too scared to do, its honestly refreshing which is weird for a show in the 90/00s
12. Top 5 episodes
this is so hard because its such a damn good show so i had to rlly be picky about this but here we go
5. 6x22 ‘grave’- i watched buffy for the first time last year at work coz i worked with one other person just packing shit, and THIS was the episode that made us cry infront of eachother. the scene with willow and xander at the end is one of my all time favourite scenes and like legit we were watching and we starting going like ha.. this is so sad Q_Q and we looked at eachother and we were both crying akdjdjsjdhs its SO GOOD, like this is a friendship ive been so invested in and [seeing xander be able to pull her back from that dark place was so heart wrenching and amazing god its so good]
4. 3x12 ‘helpless’ - im finishing up s2 in my rewatch rn so i havent rewatched this one to double check but i remember loving it man. buffys father daughter relationship with giles is my favourite of the whole show they make my heart ache, so i love that this is an episode that really shows you how dedicated giles is to her, [its the breaking point where he finally disregards the fact that hes a watcher and acts as her father once and for all, its a turning point for their relationship where he is finally embracing the fact that shes like a daughter to him and i just love to see it Q_Q get you a dad who will leave his lifes calling for you]
3. 4x22 ‘restless’ - season 4 is interesting coz it has really good episodes and them some gd awful ones 😂😂 but this one just blew me away, i love a good character study episode and this is THE SHIT! its so weird and creepy but in the most perfect way, its not on the nose its so subtle, it feels like an uncanny valley version of buffy almost, i like that they finished the season first and then took this episode to do something out of the box and different i feel like it lets them fully explore this idea without the pressure of needing plot included. [also the cheese man is iconic. dont however like xander being all nasty with willow and tara but whats new there man]
2. 1x12 ‘The Prophecy Girl’ - for my first watch of buffy i wasnt that into the first season, like i enjoyed it but i didnt think it was anything super special? but this episode changed EVERYTHING for me. up until now buffy had been fun, witty, charming, but not anything new atleast for me, maybe in the 90s it was but right now its your average teen supernatural show. but this episode!!!! the emotion! buffy facing her death, her speech about how shes just 16 and shes scared and she doesnt want to die, that is what i wanna see!! its heartbreaking and it made me cry, and then it gives us the wonderful moment of giles trying to take her place and buffy realising that she has to be the one to do it, man its so good! basically anything with buffy and giles being a duo is gonna make it an automatic yes from me and this is indeed the case for this episode, i just love that the show remembers that shes a child! shes not brave all the time, shes not strong all the time, shes just doing her best and sometimes its overwhelming, 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i bow to this episode
1. 2x17 ‘passion’ - i know i just sang praises about prophecy girl but THIS EPISODE IS THE SHIT, the best episode full stop. i wont accept any argument. angel is probably my favourite big bad, its so funny to see plain bread, mopey brooding angel become this charismatic, funny, poetic, blood thirsty angelus, hes everything i want in a villain and in this episode he delivers! rip jenny tho love her. i think the tension built around angel is so good, because of his drawings and notes left around, every scene youre worrying like is he here now? are they safe or what? its so tense! and also it is me and im a slag for buffy x giles father daughter moments and this episode fucking delivers! giles discovering jennys dead body is probably one of the best scenes on the show, the dramatic irony is heAVY, we know jenny is dead, we know that these flowers arent from her, but giles is so so happy, and i want to see him happy but you just know somehing horrific is about to happen and damn does it. its a masterpiece! i love jenny and giles so much it is so sad, but also the fact that it gave us that scene makes me almmmoost ok with it? i also love the moment where giles breaks down in buffys arms, hes been there for her and now shes returning the favour and hes accepting it i just 😭😭😭 also on a different note, angels narration of this episode is amazing! it gives us great insight to who he is as “evil angel” and like even though hes awful i was also kind of rooting for him coz hes just such a great villain
sorry this is so long lmao, last question!
17. Which characer do you wish had less of a focus on them in the show?
i dont wanna get yelled at butttttt i dont like the amount of focus on dawn. i think it makes sense for the her first season considering the story arc but that season really does double down its focus onto dawn and buffy and it barely leaves room for anyone else to have a storyline, it keeps the episodes super depressing too its like a constant level of just sadness the whole time because we’re so stuck in THEIR arc, theres no room to balance it out and have a breather, some people might like that its more serious but i really really didnt like, i love episodes like prophecy girl where it is campy and brings the more emotional notes in when the time comes, but dawns whole arc is just constantly depressing the whole time i just hate it, and also just shes not a character i felt i could connect to because of how suddenly shes introduced, so its weird to have her SO focused on in the first half of that season coz we dont know her yet so i feel like the emotional moments dont land the way that they should? basically they shouldve eased us into dawn or introduced her differently and maybe i would like her enough to want the focus on her but i really just dont
adksjakjshd apologies for the essay this is, thanks for the ask!
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blastthatsadfm · 5 years
for the ask thing, how about akihiko?
favorite thing about them: I AM CRYING, let me see!… How hard he works, and how disciplined he is, without being tough on others (at least, too much). How he expects so much of himself, and still tell others to not overwork themselves. HOW HE HELPS!!! JUNPEI TO STUDY!! HE’S SO !!! kind. and just because its the right thing to do. How he applies himself on things, believing to be his responsibility, thats such a??? Considerate thing to do ??? - But I honestly love everything about him, like. how he genuinely enjoys fighting, but he’s not an overly aggressive character, he’s cordial and polite and proper, but will lose his shit with a challenge and have fun on it! He’s always so energized during battles, doing little bounces. He! I think I just like his attitude about things, in general, despite not being a healthy one, but I also like how he’s not exactly rigid with it, he’s very adaptable to every situation.
Listen, man I dont know what to say. He inspires me. And his drive kinda got me through some tough times.
least favorite thing about them: The entire flanderization that happens to his character on subsequent games. … Hm… If I’m going to be completely honest, his haircut is not my fave, either, and I kinda wish he would grow his hair out only a little bit. I do like his hair on trinity soul.
favorite line: all of his victory lines on battle. I just… Love almost all of his dialogue. .. Right now, it comes to mind when he’s telling you about the masks he used to want on his childhood but he (and Shinji, presumably) couldnt afford.
brOTP: Aki/mitsu is pure mlmxwlw solidarity. they’re bros, the most ride or die for each other. Akihiko and Fuuka is super nice solely because of how different they are but how hard they work. Akihiko and Aigis is also.. good…
OTP Shinjiro/Akihiko. I just honestly dont understand how you can play and not see it… like, I respect the non akishinji shipper community, but it aint me.
nOTP Aki//mitsu, I think?? I feel like a romantic layer takes away exactly whats one of the most interesting things about both of their characters on canon. Aki/minato and Aki/Jun are also not my cup of tea.
random headcanon: He considers Mitsuru his best friend. He went searching for Shinji more times than he could count and got back heartbroken every time but he just couldnt bring himself to say anything about it to anyone and didnt want to burden Mitsuru with it. They both learned to endure very long sessions of silence between just the both of them, after October 4 - (the first one).
unpopular opinion: I do love everything the game implies about him but its a problem to me that it just… implies. Basically, I don think he, as a character on Persona 3 alone, holds that much depth. Just like Mitsuru, on that regard, Junpei, Shinjiro and Yukari all feel more fleshed out characters than him, Mitsuru or Aigis. While lots of points can be made about how he’s dealing with grief on unhealthy ways, those are also just things you assume under the surface. And the game itself almost, almost! seems to own the whole “yeah, forcing yourself to become stronger really is the best way to deal with feelings of loss” which is just… lmao… not good.
song i associate with them: Someday I’ll post my personal shinij/aki playlist but… Careful you is very them. Pls, I know TV on the radio is hard to get into, but give this song a try.
favorite picture of them: Do I even have??? one??? Man, so many good artists out there that are not in P3 anymore, though, lmao but… I guess Noctilin really is the one that comes to mind as as an artist with Quality Akihiko content. 
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