2 posts
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kawaii-weightloss · 3 years ago
So I finally got access to a scale this morning, and I'm absolutely disgusted in myself. 158?! Given I had already had a small bowl of oatmeal by that point, but that still wouldn't affect it THAT much. I'm so tired of being like this. I WILL get thin, and be pretty. Finding this out is just giving me more motivation to do so.
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kawaii-weightloss · 3 years ago
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Hi! I'm not very new to this community, however I've never actually interacted. I've decided to become serious about my weightloss and body image, and decided this would be a great next step. I WILL get thin. This is a little Thinspo board I threw together last night. I absolutely love pastel blue and white, and the cold, so I found this would be good motivation. I included the things I am most determined to fix on myself. Those being my hands, I want thin, boney, delicately cold hands. Along with midriff, I want a flat tummy with curve. Please be kind, I'm doing my best!
(P.S. I will also be adding my CW and GW at the end of my posts, and how much weight I've lost since my last post.)
CW: 145ish?(Don't have access to a scale atm)
GW: 100 or lower
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