#ml runaway au
bag-chip · 2 years
Hey everyone!! I’ve been updating Instagram on the progress of the Runaway AU but completely forgot to tell you all what was going on.
I just graduated uni, I was directing and animating my own short film as well as working part time. BUT now that my film is finished, I’m so excited to go fully back into this comic.
I’ve spent the past week writing down and tweaking the timeline, it’s become much more detailed and intense than I was expecting but I know you all will love it. I’m starting to thumbnail the actual parts now, I’m trying to plan this stuff in bigger batches so there’s more continuity between the parts.
Look out for the next part soon!! It’s gonna be funnnnn
I update more on my Instagram story if you want to check me out there
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starsfic · 10 months
Sabine and PIF are sisters and the Dupain-Chengs (plus Alya) are invited to Spicynoodles' wedding to mend bridges. Much confusion from Marinette and Tom (who assumed that Sabine was from a mafia family, not a runaway goddess family).
AU spin-off of Ladybug, where Sabine calls PIF to help her get revenge on the school. Marinette's whole expulsion was done improperly and reeks of issues that need some...discussion.
Lila Rossi has a history of issues, including a lawsuit by Long Xiaojiao for stalking and harassment. When Lila reappears on the Ladyblog, Xiaojiao decides to step in and help the poor kid running the blog before Lila tries the same stuff. Kinda inspired by the Ali section in this.
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casadefreewill · 2 years
Fic Rec
(Yeah, that’s what we’re just gonna call it now)
Change of Pace by @rainconfettis
Usually, it's Chat Noir tapping on her window, or Chat Noir sitting on her couch and playing video games, or Chat Noir comforting her when she has yet another freak out. But now he needs her, and she's gonna do her best to be a Chat Noir to him. Until she realizes how much she cares about him and puts her foot in her mouth, of course.
Hgfdsk my heart 💗🖤💞🖤💗
Monstrous by Lethargic_Pink
What does Marinette do when she suddenly grows wings? When her friends show animalistic traits? Apparently nothing yet, because the change has only just begun.
Body mutating miraculous side effects dialed way up! Check it out if you like that kind of thing!
nothing secret is sacred by thegeneralgirl
“Do you think you’ll recognize me if we ever bump into each other outside of—“ he gestures to the black leather “—this?”
Ladybug considers him for a second, her expression barely visible in the distant glow of city lights.
“Chaton, I think I’d know you anywhere.”
Or: Adrien Agreste never manages to enroll at public school. Marinette Dupain-Cheng falls in love with a different blond.
I don’t think I can count how many times I’ve read this fic. When I tell you my favorite genre of ml fic is strangers au/Adrien never made it to public school . . .
(Runaway Adrien and miraculous side effects are close seconds but that’s irrelevant)
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thegoddesswater · 2 months
Author Questionnaire
tagged by @tc-doherty - Thanks, Lano!
How long have you had your writing tumblr/writeblr? a fast and loose estimate is fine!
I've had a separate blog for one of my projects since 2017, but was never all that active on it and haven't done anything with that since 2020. My main account, which is this one (aka a general bit of everything), I think I've had it since 2011.
What led you to create it?
THIS account? It was one of those "all my friends are on this tumblr thing and it seems fun" situations. My other account? I dunno, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I didn't stick with it. I keep thinking that I should maybe go back to using it or something, but I don't have the real drive to currently.
What’s your favourite thing about the writeblr community?
This is an odd question, since I feel like I'm very on the fringes of the writeblr community and don't necessarily interact with it a ton, but I definitely like how encouraging everyone is to each other. It's nice to see.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
I don't want them to know anything about me I kid! I kid! I don't actually think I'm all that interesting, though.
I like to talk about my projects and love chatting about my characters. I'm also always down to give my perspective on writing-related questions you've ever got them. Not saying I've got the 'right' answer, but I can be a sounding board if anyone needs one. I think I'm pretty chill, and I'm open to interactions.
Also (unrelated to writing) I can summon deer. Except, apparently, during heatwaves.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Not really. I am very laissez-faire about my dash and I'm hardly gonna tell people what I wish they'd be posting more of.
Which wips or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Mostly Miadhachain Legacy, Heart of a Warrior, Run Runaway, and Blood of Sages at the moment. Those four are pretty much on a random rotation through my brain right now. Talentless/Wild Card is always lurking right beneath the surface though.
How long have you been working on them?
ML and Heart of a Warrior are definitely my longest running projects. I started HoaW back in 2005, plugged away at it for a few years and then left it on the back-burner to boil dry for a decade+ hiatus. ML had a similar trajectory, only there were more external forces there that made me shelve that one for a while. Run, Runaway was a 2010s project which (again) was put on hiatus due to lack of interest. (Also, I was mid-degree and I had one of my creative writing profs pretty much call me a talent-less, unoriginal hack so… lots of writing projects stalled around then.) Blood of Sages is new. Like November 2023 new. And it's just something that I'm tinkering with more than a full blown story at the moment. Talentless/Wild Card is another thing that's been around since the late 2000s/early 2010s. Unlike ML and HoaW, it's been getting tinkered with semi-consistently since.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
HoaW, RR, and BoS are all fanfics for the same fandom. HoaW was my first foray into Fanfiction and I had no idea what I was doing, I just wanted to be included. Which is my way of saying I have no idea anymore what exactly inspired me to write that particular story. RR was a weird situation where I'd created a fan OC and my best friend (at the time) absolutely hated him, and said I should never write with him again. So, naturally I decided to write a story centred on him out of sheer spite. The fact that internet strangers seemed to enjoy it only spurred me on (until the aforementioned prof mentioned above). BoS was born from the circumstances of tumbling back into my old fandom, discovering the most ridiculous crackship that made my brain light up in the best way, and seeing someone else's AU and going "Okay, but what do I get if I take this weird pairing + that premise?" The answer is “More than the odd oneshot I’d planned for it to be.”
Miadhachain Legacy is a bit of a rats' nest as far as where that started. Originally, it was essentially an RP turned convoluted novel series between myself and a friend. It's mutated a lot since then.
Talentless/Wild Card was originally a satirical fantasy about a hapless knight who accidentally-ed his way through an adventure and sort of rescued the wrong princess. Other than some character names and concepts, very little of that original version exists in it now.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
Like per day? Multiple hours. Usually while I'm supposed to do be doing something else.
When someone asks the dreaded, “what do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"I've got some sci-fi and fantasy that I'm working on at the moment." And then I elaborate if people want to know more. ...Why is there the expectation to treat this like it is the worst question to be asked?
Name any characters you created. side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
...how much time have you got, friend? ML alone used to have over 100 named characters and Talentless/Wild Card have a cast to rival that. Enjoy a random smattering of folks instead.
Karn is the oldest character I have that I still write with, and Ripp is a close second.
Zaria is the newest character of ML, having been created to replace her old version, once named Kaen. Her counterpart, Adair, is still getting used to the change, honestly.
Cyri is a minor side character who has been giving me a case of brain weasels lately.
Aerun is someone that I am itching to work with but hasn't fed me any kind of a plot yet, so I don't know what to do with him. …He might be a smuggler…a pirate? I dunno.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Define "unhinged." I mean, probably Valen is the most, but unhinged how?
Voltain and Marmaduke are both pretty bizarre, in completely opposite ways and I'm just realizing now that those two could be read as foils to each other
General Vancil is out of touch with reality
Sleepshine is extremely normal in personality, but unhinged as a concept - he's a talking tortoise the size of...about an SUV. And I love him. Fight me.
Valen is…well, unfortunately, Valen. Poor guy's got a lot going on and some days he's holding himself together with nothing but dental floss and used scotch tape.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Lots of my older characters come pretty easily to me. Maggie and Adair are both very familiar for me. Even if I leave them alone for a while, they're really easy for me to get right back into right mind for. That said, I think Marmaduke deserves some kind of special recognition for the fact that there were years where I could write him on autopilot.
Do you ever cringe at them?
I mean, sometimes, but also no?? Like, sure "Here's a character I created when I was 14 and he's a super cool assassin and in a gang and totally awesome, but also burdened with heaps of trauma" SOUNDS cringey when put like that. But have you considered that I adore him anyway??
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? to what degree? are some less cooperative than others?
My characters can all be wilful little shits at times, and I'm mostly okay with that.
I'm always going to think of Rhys as the least cooperative character, though, mostly because he was the first one that just straight up refused to go where I tried to tell him to. He was supposed to end up with this girl, and inherit his mother's shady political empire, and otherwise be fairly unremarkable. Instead of that, he made a dramatic exit from the closet and ran off to get married to the quarterback of his high school football team - whom his girlfriend had kind-of been cheating on him with.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? and do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? for example, as asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on ao3, etc.
Absolutely! I'm totally cool with folks asking however they feel comfortable, assuming that they're ever so inclined to ask. I love chatting about my characters.
What makes you want to follow another writeblr account? do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? do you follow based on wips, or vibes?
Just kinda vibes, I think. Like I said above, I'm on the fringes of the writeblr community, so there's no hard and fast rule for who I follow and who I don't.
What makes you decide against following?
Please see above.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Not really. I'm not opposed to it, I just don't do it much. I don't necessarily directly interact a ton with most of my mutuals either. Sometimes if I'm scoping a writblr and they've got a recent ask game going, I'll drop them some asks for fun.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
...sort of? But considering the ones that I am considering for this answer were dropped into Talentless/Wild Card so long ago that they feel like they were always there, I don't think that's quite what this means.
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sunnyflakes · 1 year
So my phone died, I can't find the post I was replying and the only purpose of this is to not forget what I think of "it should have been Adrien" thing (then I can show my arguments again without typing every single time)
I think that since the show started, they introduced Ladybug and Chat Noir as equals (they're not really treated this way, what a surprise) I thought Adrien deserved more screentime and development and I still think this but not him as the protagonist. I'm not saying because his life is boring like a bunch of people do when they argue against the idea. I know it's very interesting exploring sides of a Character who are the centric/fight against someone related and there's a lot of the characters of that trope to proof (same writing roots, different choices and different personalities...). So I understand why fans go nuts about this and about Adrien, writing down aus which he discovers Gabe's doings and fake his own death or runaway from home (since the ml series barely shows him dealing with this. I'm not complaining, though. I understand why they don't show more)
She isn't deeply involved in the story like Adrien, she just have a crush on him and that's all. She's got so much potencial as protagonist. Follow me in this: she's not the centric or even are the tragic hero type. She isn't attached or strict to the rules we already know like in the other hero stories. I see beauty in watch hero struggling with their duties because how deeply involved they are and make improvements just as I see beauty in seeing someone who's not to do with that at all become more and more involved in the story by their own will. She's brave, clever, have a strong will and a great sense of duty just because she's is a hero. This shows why she was chosen. She already was all of this before transform, be LB only show up that traits of her.
"But a hero who already is all of that it's boring" WRONG!
It's an opportunity to show everyway hidden, specially bcz she's the brain of the duo. She may have breakdowns in the way but still priorize the main problem, she'll made a plan A, plan B and the rest of the alphabet.
Adrien, otherwise, won't do all of that. He's the heart of the duo, he follows what his emotions says and unfortunately this not the way to win Hawkmoth.
I wish the MLB series could show them as equals since the beginning and balancing each other. Of course their dynamic remains the same because that works pretty well, just a bit differences. Boss Girl call the shots and leads them to victory and Cat Boy obeying and sometimes silent-eye-talk and fighting against akumatized like in the Miraculous Movie, she trusting his intuition, they actually discuss about temporary holders, master Fu lessons and other important stuff partners talk.
Obs: this not include the stupid decisions and acts they made along the series
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ladyboogga · 2 years
Okay but imagine an AU where everything is the same except Adrien never went to school but instead fled home as soon as he got the Chat Noir miraculous. He keeps fighting crime alongside Ladybug but is kinda homeless.
Chloe finds him when he seeks help and they hatch a plan wich may or may not have been made after him cutting off and dyeing his hair green in the middle of a meltdown (he wanted it blue but whatever, it was meant to ruin his perfect hair in some way-). Chloe makes a few phone calls and gets him a fake ID named Felix (the cousin will not exist in this version), gets him some makeup and eyeliner and boom he can go to school and has a small apartment.
So, Felix gets an imediate crush on Marinette after she gives him a croissant (wich is totally untelated to the fact that he was starving before she did so). He is also very Chat Noiry. Like, his personality is a mess. He cries himself to sleep every night because he is a mess but is always kind of a meme for everyone.
One day though Chat Noir stops showing up and instead Catwalker comes allong (and no its deffinetly not because Adrien- I mean, Felix heard someone saying he was annoying and deciding to get back to people pleasing at least in his hero persona). Ladybug gets a crush on him but is kinda weary because she misses her chaton so REVERSED LOVE SQUARE!!
I only have this for now btw so feel free to add ideas
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blinday · 2 years
Okay but now I'm obssessed with Runaway Adrien fanfics and ao3 is nearly banning me because I keep going back to the ones I already read and trying to give kudos again-
Please recommend me some, I'm starving-
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML What If 4B
(Previous part)
(What if Luka Learned the Truth in Truth?)
This is Option B which was the second most requested
(B. Adrien says they will runaway together.
-“I am glad I got to tell you before I forget.” Marinette spoke softly.
-She kisses him.
-“Good bye, My kitty.”
-Marinette prepared to renounce her Guardianship. Until Adrien covered her lips.
-Marinette stops.
-"That can't be the best option. If you lose your memory, then I still have to fight Shadowmoth on my own, and you will still be targeted."
-Marinette thinks for a moment. Adrien had a point. Sure if she forgot, she couldn't give up any useful information, but that just put all of the responsibility of chat noir. Shadowmoth knows Chat noir deeply cares about her... so she would STILL be targeted. As would her family and friends.
-Marinette felt despair. Adrien was right.
-"Then what can we do?"
-"We run away."
-Marinette blinked.
-"We can't just abandon the city."
-"Its for the sake of Paris that we do. Shadowmoth is only interested in the miraculous. He will pursue us anywhere we go. So we run and try and find a solution."
-"Adrien... but what about your life?"
-"You are losing more then I am bugaboo..." Adrien admitted.
-"We need to make a few preparations.
-Shadowmoth dispatched the police with ease. Now trying to figure out how to pursue Ladybug and Chat noir.
-The heroine couldn't hide from him. At least thats what he thought.
-A message on the TV caught his attention.
-The mayor was with Ladybug and Chat noir.
-Shadowmoth watched the tv.
-"Shadowmoth. We know you are out there. We are leaving Paris. If you want our miraculous, you will need to find us. If you attack Paris while we are gone, we have made sure that other heroes will handle you."
-Shadowmoth remembered that Ladybug and Chat noir did indeed have other hero friends. (remembering Majestia, the one that could MOVE THE MOON,) He had to admit, that was clever. Shadowmoth had attacked NYC, which technically made him an international terrorist. (he had covered his tracks in Shanghai, but not in NYC)
-Ladybug and Chat noir used their space forms and flew off.
-All of Paris was shocked, it was quite a tragic day for Paris.
-Shadowmoth growled. He decided to return to his lair. He would need to figure out where the two heroes had gone. No point in attacking Paris if they aren't IN Paris.
-Shadowmoth needed to reconsider his plan. But first, he needed to ensure that this wasn't a bluff.
-After a week, Gabriel had made a sentimonster known as Pursuit (a monster that looked Like Feast, but had his insignia instead of the guardian box, was Red and had wings to fly) To search all over Paris for them (subtly), but the sentimonster came up short.
-It wasn't a bluff. They had left Paris.
-It infuriated him! Where could they be hiding? He knew the identity of one of them.
-"Perhaps they went to Shanghai? She does have a relative there."
-Gabriel noticed something, the mansion was... quiet.
-"Shouldn't Adrien be practicing Piano at this time?"
-He moved to his son's room and noticed it empty.
-He looked around the room and noticed a letter on the bed.
-He read the letter.
Dear G, Nathalie and Father:
You likely noticed my sudden absence. I know how sudden it is and how frightened you must feel. I am alright. I am safe. I have decided to make a life for myself outside of being a model. I hope this doesn't give you the wrong idea, I am not leaving out of hatred or spite, quite the opposite. I am leaving because of love. I will keep in touch when I can, I will try and pop by every now and again. Thank you for everything.
Adrien Agreste
-Gabriel felt his brain snap after reading this. The only remaining part of his family had just... ran away? How did he not realize it?
-Gabriel decided the miraculous could wait, Right now, he needed to find his son!
-Anarke was concerned.
-"Its been a week and Luka hasn't set foot outside of his room."
-Juleka patted her mom's shoulder.
-"He... he is going through a lot mom."
-Luka had sat in his room, his mind was racing. It was his fault. Marinette's identity was exposed. He failed her. He tried to be there for her and he failed her.
-Luka knew even if she didn't say it, that look she gave him before leaving him on that rooftop, that was the end of any relationship they had. But that wasn't what concerned him, he put her in danger, which was FAR worse. She had to leave Paris. Her family, her friends, and everyone else to protect the city. He knew why and he couldn't tell anyone. This was the punishment he deserved.
-There was a knock on the door.
-It was surprising for him to see Adrien's girlfriend at the door, the fencer. Kagami.
-"I was told It was okay to come in."
-"Yea... its fine." Luka weakly muttered.
-"I imagine that the break up was just as painful for you. Your probably the only one that understands it."
-Luka blinked.
-"How did..."
-Kagami was holding a letter in his hands.
-"I didn't expect to get dumped by letter." Kagami confessed.
-Luka could hear the sorrow in her heartbeat.
-"I didn't think he would runaway with her." Kagami commented.
-That caught Luka off guard.
-"Wait what?" Luka blinked.
-"You didn't know? Our exes runaway together, like some sort of soap opera."
-"May I see that letter?" Luka asked.
-Kagami looked at him.
-"You didn't get your own?"
-"No, but I didn't deserve one."
-"Don't say that, Marinette was the one that..."
-"Im the reason she had to runaway."
-Kagami could see the tears forming in his eyes.
-She handed him the letter.
-Dear Kagami,
I wanted to do this in person, but there was really not much time. I caused you a lot of unnecessary stress and pain. I'm sorry for that. You were right, I keep hesitating, I keep being unsure of my actions. Even our relationship had you pushing and me receiving. It wasn't right that I let that go on. I think it would be best if we ended things here. I need to stop hesitating and do what I truly want. Thank you for showing me that.
-Luka could tell that Kagami didn't know the truth, but Luka was able to figure it all out.
-Adrien Agreste was Chat noir.
-"Are you okay?"
-"No, but I will be."
-Luka felt himself calming down. He would help fix his mistake. By helping everyone hurt by it.
-"Know you aren't alone okay?" Luka spoke.
-Kagami turned to him. She had to admit, that was nice to hear after all of this.
-In the streets of Shanghai, a girl with straight dark brown hair, and a boy with black hair walk the streets. They were holding hands as they were taking a walk. A nice break from the restaurant they had been working as waiter's at.
-They took notice of a mugging happening in an alley way.
-The two looked at each other and smiled.
-A mouse and a snake Kwami pop out of their pockets.
(End of Part 4B)
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kawaiichibiart · 3 years
First Kuro Neko gives me a possible idea for Adrien's new cat look in A Circus of Misfortune.
And now Psychomedian has gifted me the idea of clown Marinette being a temporary member of the circus Adrien joins after the two reunite, because I have no intention of making Adrien leave the circus. That's his new home/life.
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Do Faeries exist?
Marinette was dreading this day: the start of another school year. The start of yet another year with Chloe Bourgeois bullying her, and getting away with it, her teachers turning the other cheek or telling her to be better. To not retaliate with violence. Another year where classmates ignored her and refused to become friends with her in order to keep Chloe from targetting them, too.
Another year where her parents neglected to help her. They never listened to her complaints about Chloe's actions. Only told her that "things will get better." But things only seemed to get worse. Chloe started off with sneers and glares, upgraded to mean and hurtful comments that evolved to threats and comments of superiority. She was the mayor's daughter, and Marinette just a little Baker girl. She could have her bakery shut down with a single word.
Her parents seemed to know this, but ignored it, and told her to ignore it, too. They always told her to be nice to Chloe, because people change with kindness. They told her to be kind and helpful, but whenever she tried to be kind and help another student in class, Marinette was the one punished for it.
"You shouldn't have pushed Chloe, Marinette."
"She was saying mean things to Mylene and she push-"
"That doesnt mean you can push her, Marinette. You must never resort to violence. You should have talked to Chloe. Set a good example for Chloe to follow. If she saw you being nice, then she would be nice too."
Her parents were so naive. They never really listened to her. She may have been their only child, but they had had the bakery first. They had always been so busy with orders, building the bakery up, and making the bread to keep everything in stock. She had learned from a young age to take care of herself. Her mother sometimes was too busy to remember to make lunch or dinner for her. It had been almost 15 years since they left the bakery. Day in and day out, they worked. They woke up early to mix the ingredients, knead the dough, and bake it into bread. They spent mornings mixing icing flavors and decorating the pastries, and then spent the day tending the line of customers. She would have been lucky to have a morning with them.
Lunch would be made by Marinette, and her parents had hardly had the time to react the first time she presented them with a homemade lunch. They thanked her, but didnt acknowledge that it was her first time cooking for them.
Outside of school, Marinette was the one often reaching out to them. She was the one who asked them to teach her how to help out in the bakery. That was one of the only times they listened. And the last time she actually asked them for anything.
Working with them in the bakery, however, let her gain an allowance. And with that allowance, Marinette bought herself a sewing machine. She had watched a show on sewing every Sunday morning, and absolutely loved the clothes you could make with a piece of fabric. She started to really get into fashion, and would watch videos and tutorials for many different things. She learned to knit so that she could make scarfs and hats and mittens for winter. Her parents often forgot to buy her some, but after a while, she could just make her own. And after more time, she was making her own clothes for herself.
She loved her parents, dont get her wrong, she really did. But, she learned that she couldnt exactly trust them to always be there for her. She learned that some things, she had to deal with herself. That didnt necessarily mean she wanted to.
She didnt want to go to a school where her bully had free reign of the place. She didnt want to go to a school where half of her classmates refused to acknowledge she was even there. She didnt want to go to a home where her parents were too busy to help her with crucial things. Making sure your daughter felt safe at school should be important, right?
But sometimes, she did want things. She wanted Chloe to leave her alone. She wanted her classmates to grow backbones and become her friends. She wanted her teachers to actually do their job for once and stop letting Chloe run wild.
She wanted her parents to make more time for her, and to put her first for a change.
But most of all, what she sometimes found herself unable to sleep at night for thinking about this, what she wanted, deep down in her soul, was to never exist.
And like the clever planner that she was, she couldnt help but more than think about how she could do that. She hadnt really thought it would happen one day, but after what happened on that first day of school, she knew she had no other choice.
So! This is part 1 of my side of this bunch of ideas I and @ozmav were bouncing around earlier. I hope you all like it, and the second part should be coming together soon.
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bag-chip · 3 years
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Runaway AU [Part 11]
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I apologise for the severe delay oops
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Ghost Brother AU
What’s this??? A crossover between Danny Phantom and Miraculous Ladybug!?!?!? Yes!!!  (I have no clue how many people in the ml fandom have watched DP, but I’m going to try to describe it as best as possible without retelling DP’s plot)
So, during Ultimate Enemy, Clockwork doesn’t mess with the timeline and save Danny’s family, so not only does Danny have to live with the idea that one day he might become evil, but he’s also an orphan now. He’s 14, Marinette’s 11. 
To avoid living with his nemesis, Vlad Masters, and risk becoming Evil Danny, he runs away. Specifically to Paris, because he doesn’t think Vlad would look for him overseas and because he took french in high school.
Note: Danny is not good at French.
He ends up living on the streets for a few months, using his powers to steal food from dumpsters and sleep in inaccessible places. It works pretty well until he runs into Tom Dupain during one of his raids on the  Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie’s dumpster. 
Tom has Big Dad Energy and takes the extremely skinny teenager who barely speaks French inside and he and Sabine feed him. They manage to understand that Danny is an orphan runaway and that he's really afraid of his uncle.
Danny’s smart enough to use a fake name in this au, so he says his name is Samson Foley, Sammy for short. 
Because of this, when Tom and Sabine try to search for him, it doesn’t pop up, making them think that his uncle doesn’t care about him and that he’s right to runaway. 
The language barrier makes them think a lot of things, like “Sammy’s” parents have been dead for a long time and he’s been living with his uncle since. 
Even though “Sammy” doesn’t have papers, they can’t register him as family or send him to school, so Tom and Sabine say that he’s Tom’s distant cousin, Dan “Danny” Manson, who got kicked out, so he’s paying for a room in their house by working in the bakery (they’ve been needing extra hands anyway). He ends up doing school work online and learning to bake with Tom in back. 
Marinette wakes up the next day to discover she has an entire brother now and she’s thrilled. He’s kind of awkward around her for the first few weeks, but with his French improving daily and Mari being endearing, he resolves to become the best big brother ever. 
Tom and Sabine didn’t intend to start seeing Danny as a son, but he’s so good with Mari and so endearing that they can’t help it. And he sees them as parents too. They around the first year he lived with them, they asked if he would like to call them Maman and Pere and he breaks down crying.  
Danny gets therapy for his grief and guilt. He almost doesn’t want to go because it reminds him too much of Jazz, but Mari convinces him after finding him crying in the bathroom. 
Also, Danny is trans in this au. Taking T plus all the lifting in the bakery has left Danny ripped. 
Danny’s 17 when Stoneheart attacks and almost considers fighting him--those superhero instincts die hard--until Ladybug and Chat Noir appear. He’s relieved since if Phantom suddenly appears in Paris, Vlad and the Guys in White would know where to find him. 
Over the next month, he thinks its weird that Marinette’s started eating more and gaining muscle, but chalks it up to puberty. He’s more concerned about why her class has the biggest akuma population. He resolves to teach Mari marital arts to protect herself. 
He doesn’t meet Ladybug herself until Animan and, as a former superhero who was really bad at keeping his identity, he became really suspicious of the fact that Ladybug knew who he was without them meeting. However, he doesn’t know for sure until he sees her transform in front of him during the events of Befana. 
He ducks out of sight before she sees him, thinking “Jesus, this is how Jazz must have felt.” 
Like Jazz, he resolves himself to waiting for her to tell him herself and helping as indirectly as possible. Mainly, by working to find Hawkmoth. 
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Me: Miraculous isn't the only thing I think about, right?
Also me: *names all pokemon I have in a new run after ML characters except my starter (who's actually named after a fake identity taken by Adrien as a runaway in a Pokemon AU I thought up, which is much more telling about my fandom habits than the rest of the names)*
I'm in too deep, what say you for your good deeds crimes of making me enjoy this fandom again
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smittenvixen13 · 4 years
Toxic and Mine AU
Another ML AU Heavily inspired by this {link} (cause our hearts are locked forever by SailorChibi) lovely fanfic that is a guilty pleasure of mine, I love the implications of this. This is very CLEARLY not healthy coping strategies in the fic, nor is it a technically healthy relationship, but I do like the concept and idea of it. Just the idea of Ladybug and Chat Noir developing unhealthy habits (like they don’t already have some in the form of repressing feelings, fuck off Gabriel) and clinging to the other is tragic. With the development of Season 3, and Marinette gaining the role of Guardian and losing Master Fu, the only adult they could at least kinda talk to about all this, it builds to unhealthiness.
Ladybug and Chat Noir panicking if the other is gone too long or is too late; the pair needing to double, triple, quadruple check the other is safe and alive and here; both having nightmares and flashes of memories, where only sleeping beside the other or having something with the other’s scent can ease their body, or finding an app to call each other on, falling asleep to the other’s voice/sounds. The years build and build towards this. Do they somewhat get new members? Yes. Do they not trust keeping said members and so mainly rely on the other to defeat bad guys? Also yes. Now see, Fu never told them that yes, the Ladybug and Black Cat miraculouses needed to be activated with each other, BUT they were activated with at least ONE other miraculous so they wouldn’t need to carry such a weight alone. So Ladybug teaches Chat in the way of the Guardian, needing him to know that he is NEVER her sidekick, he is not LESSER, he is her equal, her partner, and she will be damned if she wasn’t going to treat it that way now. They end up finding some abandoned building or warehouse or apartment, maybe Adrien even buys one, and they create a nest of their own. They spend less and less time at their actual homes and more time in the nest. Sure, there’s less sleep, but it also means more comfortable sleep, they actually rest. It reaches a point where they’re separated by days, even a week or two even, and it’s too MUCH. Marinette picks at her clothes and skin and hair, anxious and in need of her Kitty, to know he’s safe. Calling from communicators isn’t enough, she needs to see him, know he is safe. Chat SOUNDS wrecked, sounds ready to just run back to Paris from wherever he’s at, just to get to her sooner. When he finally comes back, he proposes to her, needs to, wants to; he loves her, knows she loves him too, and they need to runaway together, to live together, to be married. There’s still danger in knowing the other’s identity, but that takes a backseat to their own ease of mind, so Marinette proposes a different thing. They each give something of the other’s, something not noticeable or able to be easily picked out. Marinette gives him a hair ribbon Marinette’s never worn before in public, Adrien gives her a continental bow tie that his mother gave him but he never wore. When they spy the other the following day, whether it be in the classroom or park or during a hangout or in the bakery, doesn’t matter, the pair freeze before Marinette whispers, “Marry me.”
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mcheang · 4 years
Cinderella story in ML...only with Adrien in the Cinderella role! & Mari as the Prince. It doesn’t have to be an actual AU. But maybe there’s a school dance or a gala somewhere, and Gabe stops Adrien from going, so he goes as Chat and he & Mari meet up and dance...you can take it from there.
Adrien is Cinderella
Finally a request. I’ve been low on ideas. Can you guess the ‘glass slipper’ of this draft?
There is going to be an interschool masque at the end of the semester. All schools in Paris will be invited to a grand masque to mingle and make new friends.
Adrien was eager to make new friends but his Father had forbidden him to mix with the rabble.
Purr-leaze, like that would stop Chat Noir.
Adrien got dressed with his mask before transforming into his alter ego.
At the masque, Adrien decided to let loose and be his true self. No one knew he was the model Adrien, he didn’t have to act perfect.
He did make some new friends, of course.
But then he came across a vision in red and pink. An Asian girl with her hair let down and currently browsing the desserts buffet for her kwami.
Adrien: I don’t think you’ll find a dessert as sweet as you.
Marinette: Chat? Is that you? I know your cheesy pick up lines anywhere!
Adrien: milady? What are the chances? Well, we are around the same age and- hey, what do you mean cheesy?!
Marinette: I thought it was fitting, given your cologne.
Adrien: that is not my fault. Besides you smell...really sweet...like sugar. (He just can’t insult her here)
Marinette: I’d like to blame my kwami for my sugar tooth, but that’s a lie.
Adrien: Lucky.
Marinette: of course, I’m your Lady Luck, aren’t I?
Adrien chuckled, “Care to let me escort you through the party?”
Marinette accepted his proffered arm. “I was starting to think you’d never ask.”
As they walked and decided to talk safe details that wouldn’t give away their identity, Marinette worried about the unmasking that would take place at midnight. Adrien assured her he would be gone by then because he wasn’t supposed to be here anyway. And if his Father learned he was here (which he would if people started tweeting his presence), he was dead.
Music played, and Adrien invited Marinette to dance with him.
Marinette: this feels nice...and familiar. Like we’ve known each other forever.
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Adrien: what can you expect? We make a great team after all.
Throughout the night, the 2 heroes didn’t mingle with others anymore. Instead they sought to get to know each other better since their time together was so limited.
But you can bet people noticed the elegant couple dancing all night. The beautiful dress helped to gather attention.
Then came the announcement for the best dressed of them all.
Marinette: I bet it will be Chloe. She’s been bragging non-stop about her designer gown to any stranger unfortunate enough to meet her.
Adrien: I don’t know. I voted for you.
Marinette: kitty...you know me. You’re biased.
Adrien: yeah, but I’ve saved Chloe before. So it’s fair to say I know her too.
Marinette: I repeat, biased.
Adrien: a hero is never biased! I’ve gotten used to Chloe since she became Queen Bee.
Marinette, skeptical: really?
Adrien:... Alright, she could learn to be polite.
Marinette: and stop causing akumas
Adrien: my point is, you really are wearing the best dress here.
Marinette: aw. You’re cutting a fine figure too, Kitty. Are you wearing Gabriel?
Adrien: spot on.
Marinette playfully punched his arm. “No Ladybug jokes. Someone could overhear.”
Anyway, after more talking, the announcement was up. The girl in the pink and red dress is the winner. Marinette is spotlighted and she is pushed by Adrien to go onstage to accept her crown and to begin the unmasking soon after.
Marinette panics. “Wait, you could know my secret identity from this!”
Adrien: then pretend to have a case of stage fright.
Marinette accepts her crown and is told to wait onstage until midnight.
Chat applauds her but motions to her that they have to go. He leaves first.
Marinette runs off the stage after him, ignoring the cries for her to stop. “Wait up!”
But Chat can’t wait. Nathalie is calling his cellphone. His absence has been discovered!
He transforms and heads home.
Marinette spends some time looking for her missing partner before giving up and heading home too, crown in hand.
Good news: Adrien wasn’t really busted. Nathalie had assumed he was sleeping and had accidentally called his number.
The next day; people are talking about the runaway winner, supposed chasing after her boyfriend.
Alya: So who was that guy Marinette?
Marinette: I’m not sure. We didn’t exchange names or anything.
Alya: what a shame he didn’t stick around. And you seriously ruined a chance to increase your business! Really, people wanted to ask where you had gotten your dress.
Adrien choked. “You mean, Marinette was the winner?”
Alya, smugly: she sure is. Her dress may have been top secret but I recognised it from her sketchbook.
Marinette: I could have been saving that dress for a customer.
Alya: who has your blue eyes and black hair? Right. What are the chances?
Marinette stuck out her tongue.
Alya: Alright, enough on that. How are you feeling about your runaway paramour?
Marinette: Alya! It’s not like that. I just wish I could have spent more time with him.
Adrien, bravely: you can. We can go check out a new sweet shop down the street. Though I doubt we’ll find a sweet as sweet as you.
Marinette’s jaw dropped.
Alya: No way! This is brilliant. Like Cinderella in reverse... with cheesy pick up lines.
Adrien: that’s the second time they’ve been called that, actually.
Marinette was still stunned but she managed to reply, “Well, they are.”
Adrien winked at her. “So, see you after school?”
That Chat charm returned some of her wits. “It’s a date.” Then she promptly fell silent after that, entering into silent shock.
Adrien was so happy he practically floated to the science lab next period.
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
List of Au’s, Stories and One-Shots posted on Tumblr
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One-Shots Stories:
Title: Listen To My Melody Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Couple: Marinette x Luka Summary: Luka singing to a Marinette, in hopes of her snapping out of an Akuma’s trance. Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189284165656/listen-to-my-melody
Title: It’s a date Fandom: Harry Potter Couple: Fred x Hermione Au: Yule Ball Summary: Fred asking Hermione to the Yule Ball Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188184566766/its-a-date
Title: Birthday Date~ Fandom: ML Couple: Felix x Marinette x Luka Genre/Au: Romance with a hint of hurt/comfort Summary: A Birthday Date Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/187833716931/giveaway-prize-4th-place-the-500-word-one-shot
Title: Prompt 16: “She Locked herself in her room…” Fandom: ML/Mortal Combat Couple:  None Au: Sabine Dupain-Cheng, she is the forgotten sister of Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot. Cryomancy passed over Sabine, but it did get inherited down to her daughter, Marinette. Cryomancy!Marinette. Au by: @opalmoon04 Summary: Marinette locked herself in her room and her uncle has a heart to heart with her. Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/187616953716/prompt-16-she-locked-herself-in-her-room
Title: Understanding Fandom: ML/Mortal Combat Couple:  None Au: Sabine Dupain-Cheng, she is the forgotten sister of Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot. Cryomancy passed over Sabine, but it did get inherited down to her daughter, Marinette. Cryomancy!Marinette. Au by: @opalmoon04 Summary : Sub-Zero, Kuai Liang, visits his niece to tell her that she is no monster and there is much more she could do with her newfound abilities. Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/187854654621/giveaway-prize-3rd-place-the-1000-word-one-shot 
Title: Talk Fandom: Fairy Tail Couple: Natsu, BrOtp Navia Au: None. Summary: Perhaps it is better to talk to someone else… Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188059965136/giveaway-prize-3rd-place-the-1000-word-one-shot
Title: Waking Up Fandom: Harry Potter Couple: Fred x Hermione Au: Fred Lives. Everybody Lives! Summary: Fred is still dealing with the aftermath of the war. Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188143465491/giveaway-prize-1st-place-the-2000-word-one-shot
Title: Lady Noir and Red Robin Fandom: ML/DC Couple: Timari Au: Marinette adopted  by Black Canary Link: Pt. 1: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188830276141/how-about-a-lady-noir-the-mini-catwoman-fic-how Pt. 2: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188853273231/pt-2-of-an-ask-timari Pt. 3: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188874396621/pt-3-of-an-ask-timari
Title: Jason is very picky with who’s he’s soft for Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug x DC Ship: Jason x Marinette Summary: Fandom: Miraculous- batman relationship: Marinettex Jason genre: Humor blurb?: Jason is very picky with who he's soft for, Marinette is he's soft person. Keyword His. Apparently, dick hadn't got the message
Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188920734216/fandom-miraculous-batman
Title: Sabine and Tom witness the worst. Fandom: ML Summary: Marinettes parents come to school (she forgot something at home) overhear what Lila and her classmates are saying about her and just SNAP.
Link:  https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188919838391/if-you-are-still-doing-the-20-drabbles-maybe-one
Title: Au Where Mari’s Bio!Dad is Bruce Wayne. Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug & DC Au: Male!Mari Summary: Au where Mari's Bio!Dad being Bruce Wayne. Also in this au Mari is a Male so he's Marin. Bruce met Sabine and Tom when when younger and fell for them hard.
Link: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188942301766/au-where-maris-biodad-being-bruce-wayne-also-in
Title: Chat Tortue Status: Incomplete Fandom: ML Couple: Nino x Marinette Au: Chat Noir!Nino Summary: To be seen. Link: Origins:
Pt. 1 https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/187298890316/chat-tortue-origins-part-1-of-3
Pt. 2: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/187412540356/chat-tortue-origins-part-2-of-3
Pt. 3: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188336927241/chat-tortue-origins-part-3-of-3
Title: I Nearly Got Ran Over By The Batmobile: Twittter Au Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug & DC Ship: Damian x Marinette Au: Twitter Au. Summary: Marinette twitters away her disbelief at the fact she nearly got ran over by the Batmobile. Link:
Day 1: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189261197606/i-nearly-got-ran-over-by-the-batmobile-twitter-au
Day 1(Still): https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189284523521/i-nearly-got-ran-over-by-the-batmobile-twitter-au
Title: Chesire’s Smile
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Ship: Marinette x Adrien, Multimouse x Chat Noir Au: MultiMouse!Mari Background Info: -The first two heroes that came to be are Chat Noir and Carapace. -Nino and Adrien know of each other’s secret identities. -Ladybug/Marinette never became a thing. It will be Marinette/Multimouse. She doesn’t know Chat Noir and Carapace’s secret identities. Link:
Link 1: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188622617066/oh-can-you-write-a-drabble-about-adrien-and-chat
Link 2: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189244772036/cheshires-smile-adrien-living-arrangements
Link 3: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189679564841/cheshires-smile-adriens-first-day-in-public
Title: Iron First, Velvet Glove Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Ship: To be decided. Summary: Bustier get’s replaced by someone that rules over an iron first and a velvet glove. Links:
Link 1: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/188943269701/iron-fist-velvet-glove
Link 2: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189009587031/i-would-like-to-give-a-shout-to-those-that-have
Link 3: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189032752456/iron-fist-velvet-glove-pt-3
Link 4: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189055141316/iron-fist-velvet-glove-pt-4
Link 5: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189082815921/iron-fist-velvet-glove-pt-5
Link 6: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189225898391/iron-fist-velvet-glove-pt-6
One Hell of a Friend:
Headcanon Post: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189343629341/im-one-hell-of-a-friend
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug x Black Butler Summary: Rolland really wanted to protect his son, daughter-in-law and only granddaughter. Using an old favor from the previous head of the Phantomhive family, he sold his soul to a demon. Under the promise that said Demon will protect his family… Said demon deeply regrets said contract.
Pt. 1: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189487136491/im-one-hell-of-a-friend-pt-1
Blog: Spots On
Inspired by a post by @vivilakitty​: https://vivilakitty.tumblr.com/post/189295836977/okay-playing-on-the-idea-that-ladybug-calls-lila
All inspiriation goes to @vivilakitty​ and @miraculousl4dybug​!
Pt. 1/3:https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189465872691/blog-spots-on-13
Title: Number Three Hero
Fandom: My Hero Academia Au: Number Three Hero, Hisashi Midoriya is Japan’s Number Three Hero and a Shitty father at that.
I’m a Scholar, Not a Knight
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Summary: Izuku knew he wanted to become more than a simple peasant. He plans on becoming a scholar. A simple scholar that is repeatedly being told otherwise. Somehow, he found himself in the company of a retired knight, a squire, a witch-in-training, a runaway prince, a barbarian king, a human/dragon hybrid and a frog shifter… All of whom start to assume he’s the Lost Hero of Legend. Yeah… there goes his goal of becoming a scholar.
Pt. 1: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189201651731/im-a-scholar-not-a-knight-pt-1
Pt. 2: https://a-marlene-s.tumblr.com/post/189393762946/im-a-scholar-not-a-knight-pt-2
Headcanons For La Red:
The Blog: A Sight For Sore Lies
In Au Chat noir discovers the anti-Lila site. He sees numerous people were harmed by her lies. Hears about Marinette’s involvement
Backstory: See-No-Lie
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Possible Future Au’s:
Miraculous Dragon Age:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng:
Species: Half-Elven Inquisitor,
Backstory: Her parents are highly known bakers in the Orlais. The bakery is known to be the Divine Justinia’s favorite bakery, even dropping by for a random visit here and there. This came into play when everyone planned on having the family come to the conclave to cater the event.
Marinette went ahead of her parents to bring in the first of the items that were needed for their job. Unfortunately for her, she got lost and found herself smack dab in the middle of trouble.
Adrien Agreste:
Species: Human
Backstory: The son of a nobleman who wanted to keep him away from the outside world. Despite this, Adrien had managed to run away to join the Templars at a young age. He got into some… trouble when his best friend helped his friend got messed up with the Hero of Ferelden. Then once again when he got transferred to a new place… and dealt with the Hero of Kirkwall.
He doesn’t have the best of luck. However, throughout this, he managed to rise through the ranks and was asked by none other than the right hand of Divine to join the Inquisition.
Fridge Au:
What if Adrien grew up in a normal household...
Gabriel Agreste gave up his chance of becoming a famous fashion designer to take care of his ailing wife during her pregnancy. Instead of fretting over designs, business deals or becoming the man as we know him as, gave everything up. Giving up the limelight to be there for his wife and their unborn son. 
For Gabriel, nothing is more important than family... 
Emilie Agreste remained hospitalized after giving birth to Adrien Agreste and shortly fell into a coma. Gabriel had to take on several odd jobs to pay off the hospital and to provide for his son. One of those jobs ended up being a delivery man for the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
Quirk: Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Cloth Manipulation/Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste: Formerly Quirkless/Cataclysm
Alya Césaire (class deputy): Computer Interaction
Nino Lahiffe: Frequency manipulation.
Chloé Bourgeois: Paralysis Inducement
Sabrina Raincomprix: Invisibility
Rose Lavillant: Plant Manipulation
Nathaniel Kurtzberg: Digital Art Manipulation
Juleka Couffaine: Identity Manipulation
Lê Chiến Kim: Emotion Weaponry
Mylène Haprèle: Slime Manipulation
Max Kanté: Technological Combat
Alix Kubdel: Flash Forward
Ivan Bruel: Earth Transformation
Lila Rossi: Feign Damage
Aurore Beauréal: Weather Manipulation
Mireille Caquet: Omnilingualism
Jean Duparc: Miming
Luka Couffaine: Sound Manipluation
Marc Anciel: Ink Manipulation
Kagami Tsurugi: Elemental Manipulation
Justice League.... You’ve been banned from Paris.
Au from: @vivilakitty​: https://vivilakitty.tumblr.com/post/189642522467
Summary: The Justice League found out they are banned from Paris. They have no idea why and they send someone to investigate. What they found out about Team Miraculous and Akuma’s, things grew tense.
I know her, I’m close friends with her son~
Au from: @countingdowndays: https://countingdowndays.tumblr.com/post/189602949856/prompt-lila-salt-adriens-mom
Summary: Adrien mentions the movie his mom stared in to the class. Lila latched onto it, claiming she personally knew the actress and that she could introduce Adrien to her. “Great, let me know what my mom says.”
Marinette Mode
Story Idea: @vivilakitty​: https://vivilakitty.tumblr.com/post/189567415622
Summary: Marinette takes on an apprentice ship under the one and only Edna Mode.
Hear Me Out Au
Story idea from: @maxdark158​: https://maxdark158.tumblr.com/post/187476540811/hear-me-out-ive-got-an-au-idea
Best Friends Adrien and Marinette. No love interest or love square here.
Marinette paired with either Damian, Tim, Jason, Dick, or someone from Dc.
Adrien, I don’t know if I want to pair him up with someone or if I do want to pair up him with someone, I don’t know with whom yet.
Adrien is protective of his best friend.
Lila Salt.
Alya Salt.
Passive (Agreste)sive.
The Delinquent
Story prompt from: @rubixchick​: https://rubixchick.tumblr.com/post/189551994983
Summary: Lila assumed the older guy Mairnette has been hanging out with lately, is just some delinquent due to the guy’s tattoo’s, pericings and ripped up clothes. Spinning her tales, Lila made it difficult for Marinette to hang out with this guy or trying to occupy her time by smoothering her to no end. Things go bad to worse... for Lila when she accused Juleka’s brother, whom she never met before, being the deliquient.
Presentation Day
Prompt by: @art-deco-shrimp​: https://art-deco-shrimp.tumblr.com/post/187540795390/fanfic-prompt-ms-bustier-assigns-each-of-the
Summary: Ms Bustier assigns each of the students to do a report on someone they know, with a presentation at the end. They need to pick someone to report on, learn about their daily life, interview at least three people close to them, and then do a presentation on that person when the project is due in two weeks (arbitrary time limit is arbitrary). When Alya comments that it’s too bad that the restrictions mean a report on Ladybug is probably out of the question, Marinette suggests Ladybug’s best friend as a substitute. Alya can interview Lila’s parents as one source, Rose can probably connect her for a short Q&A with Prince Ali about someone who’s done so much for his charities, and Alya can even justify asking Ladybug some questions for the project this way! (The direct prompt from the post.)
What’s the Stitch?
Prompt by: @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl
Kim Possible/Miraculous Ladybug crossover where Marinette and Kim are cousins though Gina. Lila lies about knowing and going on side missions with her when Marinette's the one going on missions with her when she's in town or visiting. Class minus Chole, Nathaniel, & Kitty Section believe and bully Marinette due to Lila's lies. Kim shows up during it one Tommie then uses her connections to show the truth and take her down. All bullies are sued and are banned from the bakery.      
Prompt by: @vixen-uchiha​   
Jackie Chan adventures. Can I request an uncle Jackie and cousin jade dropping in after learning about what is going on in pairs with some Lila and Alya salt  
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