#ml review
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mystic-myrtille · 2 years ago
Watched the movie and honestly it was fine. No groundbreaking cinematic masterpiece. No disasturous dumpster fire. Just an ok movie that felt like a fanfiction from s1
Here's some more thoughts I have. There's no structure it's a little chaotic. Also spoilers (duh)
The stuff I liked:
The music was good
THE ANIMATION IS GORGEOUS. The lighting in every scene is perfect, the city actually feels populated and the colors overall are so much prettier than in the show
I loved the akuma designs
They do a good job of establishing how Marinette, in the beginning, is very anxious, affected by Chloe's bullying and how she doesn't have friends. That works better than what the show tried to establish, about how Marinette had no friends but still being popular for some reason
Alya being a good friend
The way Adrien deals with the loss of his mother and how playing the piano brings him comfort and makes him feel close to her. Imo the show went overboard with how literally everything Adrien does is dictated by his dad and never something he might genuinely enjoy doing. The fact that he had this hobby made him feel like he was more than just a sad boi
Adrien also seems to struggle with not having many friends outside Nino. Works pretty well with the characterization that he's socially awkward after being homeschooled for most of his life
Generally this Adrien has more PV vibes? I‘m digging it ngl
Marinette's dad is the best
Fu's introduction to Marinette sure was something xD
Gabriel was a good villain character. The show version is just some weird ass goof who is a huge ass to his son and everyone, yet the show wants you to feel for him without giving us a reason to care. This version actually has complexity. He’s still an ass, but now the pain over loosing Emilie feels real. You also have him hesitating to use the butterfly but ultimately spiraling completely into an actually threatening villain.
the fight scenes looked great
Marinette is still clumsy and awkward towards Adrien but without being too cringe about it and doing stupid shit. It‘s just heart eyes and day dreams and some stuttering. She‘s still nervous but I never felt like Adrien brought oit her worst side like in the show. She was simply a girl in love. This was wholesome to watch and so much better than... whatever the fuck the show did with the fucking dating trauma to use for """comedy""" bc the show runners have zero respect for her seriously I'll never get over how fucking stupid that was Marinette honey you deserve so much better
I honestly think this is a better version of the square. Still heavily flawed, but their dynamic feels so much more natural. Ladynoir stuff was sweet
The end where Marinette looses the earrings and then saves Chat without the costume was a good scene
Most of their moments were just quiet moments between just the two without any outside forces and characters constantly pushing them together. This bothers me in the show so much and is another major reason I cant get behind the ship, but for the most part the movie has some gentle pushing here and there but no convoluted and stupid cringy plans. In that regard movie love square is superior
Nino had a thing for Alya from the start pretty much, unlike in the show where he was crushing on Mari five minutes before getting with Alya. I like them in both the show and the movie, but the way they got together in the show was a little meh
Nino getting screentime in general
The stuff I don't know how to feel about:
Careless whisper. It was silly goofy but especially the second time when Paris is on fire and we skip to Adrien's room where he sulks... yeah that tome switch really threw me off
Two different voice actors for singing an talking. The difference was very jarring and while good for Bryce, Cristina has the voice of an angel like cmon I need her to do at least a cover from one song
Gabriel's redemption. Ok so I'm a little torn because the way they did it ties in very well with the the "power of love" theme that his love for Adrien makes him realize his mistakes bla bla, but he still terrorized a city and yet faces zero consequences, and Adrien forgives him, which are all thing that really rub me the wrong way. Idk the franchise is so obsessed with painting this man in a sympathetic light and in order for this to feel truly satisfying Gabriel shouldn't have tried to destroy Paris like 5 minutes earlier. I see what they went for and thematically it worked but I just need Gabriel to be put in prison
Speaking of Gabriel, the Adrien Gabe relationship isn't as abusive as in the show. This isn't good or bad, but I still think (very unpopular opinion) the show doesn't handle abuse well at all bc the only point of the abuse is pity points in oder to get the fans to care about the characters. So taking that out of the movie where you have limited time to wrap this whole thing up might've been a smart decision
With the ending they sort of hinted at a sequel
The cut off kiss at the end. They still act like a love square kiss is something sacred that they can‘t just give their fans. Commit to it already
The stuff I didn't like:
The dialogue was… something. Marinette just asking her mom over breakfast how to make her dreams come true. Babe just just woke up, that deep convos are for late nights
Generally the dialogue in both the movie and the show is a little weird
Lika Alya‘s „people try really hard to fail as hard as you“ Marinette spilled some coffee it‘s not that hard
Even though I liked the portrayel of Marinette‘s anxiety, at times the went overboard with it
Going back to the Gabriel redemption, just let Adrien have negative feeling about Gabriel already. The s5 finale have him idolize him and here he just instantly forgives and forget
So the butterfly is a villainous tool by default? They could've fixed their messy lore but noooo
The scene where Marinette gets her miraculous feels rushed.
The way Adrien receives his miraculous. He was chilling in his room and suddenly a black cat shows up. He doesn't even have to proove himself like Mari when she almost got hit by a truck. The moment in the show was already weak but this is just fucking stupid
the first akuma was just some random dude. They should've used someone the main duo has a connection to
Chat being a lil bitch about Ladybug rejecting him. Hated it in the show, hate it here. They could've used the movie to fix Adrien and they didn't. Other than that being a dick move as so many people have explained millions of times now, I find this such a boring source of conflict for the climax of the movie? They worked well before and they both know they care for each other as partners and even if being rejected hurts, Chat acts like LB just threw their friendship away or something with how strongly he reacts to it. In the show it felt blown out of proportion and it does here as well. I think they should've had a different kind of conflict which actively hurt their partnership or Chat stops treating LB unfairly just because to her he‘s not a romantic partner.
The fart jokes. Though tbf this is a kids movie
The way Marinette falls for Adrien was extremely underwhelming. Adrien smiles at her and helps her get up and then just walks out of the library all like „she‘s so weird“. Could‘ve been fixed if he and Mari stayed in the library and had a little conversation
Also Adrien‘s introduction in general? He just chills in the library and… yeah that‘s it. I blame this on the writers of the movie cutting character introductions short because they assume the audience already knows the characters and therefore doesn‘t have to introduce them. I don‘t think that was a good choice
The Adrienette stuff was just a montage. Would've been nice to actually see them connect (though that was probably a time issue)
Also they didn't give any spotlight to Marinette's good qualities like selflessness and intelligence. Would've been nice to see her be more willing to be there for people and help them out with things as a result of her gaining more confidence
Seriously the montage was a big mistake and takes away a lot from what could've made the movie stand out
The reveal felt a lot like Adrien only loving Marinette because she's LB, which was a big reason for me to not ship Adrienette prior to the flip (not that I did after). Something like this would‘ve been believable in a setting where they didn‘t know each other as civilians I guess, but that doesn‘t work for the square. Had they actually shown Adrienette develop outside of a montage this would'be been way more believable and touching.
I think a reverse love square from the beginning would've worked better here, or they should've made the Ladynoir side canon
Adrien tells Marinette about his dead mom. Chat noir tells Ladybug about his dead mom. How does she not make the connection?
The "power of love" theme fell flat with Marinette. she doesn't have her moment of "oh I have to protect the people I love" like Tikki's dialogue suggests. There were multiple people at the theme park she could've spotted being in danger and that should've made her want to save them. Tom being there was literally the perfect set-up. The show does this with Alya being trapped under a car or something and Marinette seeing her
I also think the jump from anxious Mari to brave Mari didn't work. In both the show and the movie it just feels like she just decides to be confident now without really getting there through hard work. The motivation was there in the show (see previous point) but in both instances it just happened too fast. Let Marinette have time to really adjust to her new role
This would've worked if the movie didn't try to keep the show's formula of "villain of the week". Why are we getting a montage about that when there's already a whole ass show with five seasons where we already see that? This montage took up time that could've been used more effectively. The movie should've tried to be more of it's own thing, really shoud've tried to flesh out the characters more in a way the show doesn't. They didn't need LB and CN immediately competent and loved by the public after the theme park fiasco. Just use the run time of the movie to get adjusted to fighting crime on a weekly basis, have them fail to then fix their mistakes and learn from them. Why not do a training montage with the point of becoming better instead of flirting? The movie tries too hard to keep up the show formula and it takes away the quality the story could've had
Also in Marinette's case it felt like the only "power of love" that mattered was her partnership with Chat. Her family and friends weren't completely unimportant but definetely underutilized in that regard. Romantic love is not the only important love you know
Their powers of cataclysm and miraculous ladybug only came in at the very end. The built up could've worked if they spent more time showing how they become good and experienced heroes over time
Generally the climax was underwhelming. Gabriel learns Chat‘s identity and the damage is made undone like 10 seconds later
Adrien being like "yeah I didn't really get close to people after my mom died" what's with the Nino erasure smh
Luka wasn't important
Kagami wasn't even there
I think the end scene hinted at the sentimonster stuff and I wished they would've just not include that
Final thoughts
There are things the movie did better than the show and some things it didn't. They don't waste much time on establishing who the characters are because they expect viewers to already know that from watching the show. But like the show, they fail to use the concepts they've set up in an effective way. The movie not only tries to stay true to the show but is almost dependent on the audience knowing the series.
But yeah, the movie atmosphere was nice. Nothing extraordinary but also not super bad. It had s1 vibes and despite the problems I listed, I had a good time for the most part. Not a must watch but still fine
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bugoutreviewgirlie · 2 years ago
AHHHHHH!!! my website is finally up! Bug Out! is where I'll be doing in-depth reviews of every episode starting from season one, episode one, salt-free! Please go check it out, subscribe, and I can't wait to go on this amazing journey with all of you :'DDD
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colorful-horses · 6 months ago
The school of friendship was the worst thing to happen to mlp
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starlight308 · 2 months ago
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westywallowing · 1 year ago
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it's in my head that for school work experience or for an internship Adrien gets a job at a cute local family owned coffee shop and the owners try to adopt him like a son
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fabseg-creator · 6 months ago
My review about Miraculous World: London, At the Edge of Time
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I publish my second review about a Miraculous episode. It's Miraculous World: London, At the Edge of Time.
The Paris review here
This post contains spoilers.
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And now, time to read:
This happens during the ellipse from Re-creation (5.26) between the Gabriel's suicide wish and before the Pool party scene.
It begins in the Lila/Cerise's lair (the Plage in the Catacombs). Cerise, who made an auto-akumatization into Time Stalker, comes back to the place in front of a worried and afraid Nooroo (still captive). She travels to the past (some hours ago) in the moment of the final battle (Bug Noire VS Monarch) for finding out who Ladybug is. She removes her akuma (making her lose her memories from her former akumatization) and reads her book where the Ladybug's identity is written (despite the Noiroo's objection). She reakumatizes herself into a ghost super-vilain named Spectral Looter for steal the Ladybug and Cat miraculouses (+the configured miraculouses) to Marinette. The wish Cerise makes affects the Reality AND the Time itself.
Three Bunnyx (Teen Alix, Adult Alix and Grandma Alix) are playing together a futuristic version of Chess in the Burrow when suddenly the two Future Alix disappear and the portals around Teen Bunnyx disappear too. She discovers someone is making a wish with the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses (at the Marinette's horrification from this corrupted timeline).
I've learned about new elements in the Miraculous lore by watching the special:
This Special is both the Season 5 real finale and the Season 6 prologue.
The main protagonists are in fact Ladybug and (Teen/Present) Bunnyx (Cat Noir only appears in the ending scene).
Cerise/"Iris" is akumatized herself into Time Stalker. She used her phone for insert her akuma. Her superpowers are: to teleport herself some hours ago in the past and return to the moment when she begun her travel. She has been very silent (nearly no Clara Soares' lines 🇨🇵 under this character until the end part).
Nathalie knows Marinette is Ladybug. Teen Alix already knows Matinette is Ladybug, Adrien is Cat Noir and Gabriel was Hawk Moth/Monarch. Ladybug/Bug Noire is aware Kagami knows her friend's identity (Representation retcon).
Bug Noire (thanks to a revived Nathalie's words) knows Gabriel and Tomoe had planned together the Operation: Perfect Alliance (planned on Representation, launched in Conformation/Re-creation) when nearly everybody in the world was turned into a Miraculized army for track down Ladybug and Cat Noir.
When the wish is finished, the living beings still exist (except Gabriel and Émilie who are definitely dead) and Nathalie is healed (I think Gimmi's reality rewrite power is a bad joke from Thomas Astruc). The wish has revived ex-Mayura but there are two people who disappeared in exchange (there must be another person who is revived).
Marinette is remorseful about Gabriel's self-erasure.
Bug Noire lies to Adrien by telling him: "Gabriel, Nathalie and Tomoe were Monarch's hostages. The Butterfly villain forced them to create Alliance rings, to configurate the stolen Miraculouses and finally to launch the Miraculized worldwide crisis. Bug Noire wasn't able to defeat Monarch but Gabriel had ultimately confronted the villain and made the Wish to heal the superheroin and Nathalie in exchange of his and Monarch's lives"
Kagami knows Tomoe is Monarch's accomplice. But she doesn't denounce her. Bug Noire could expose Tomoe but she doesn't too. It looks like Tomoe is the Kagami's only family link. Kagami must clear the things with her in her own way (I guess the better explanations will come on the next Special: Tokyo)
When Cerise akumatizes herself into Time Stalker (off-screen), it means Cerise has been initially unable to find Ladybug was Marinette when the living chameleon girl took the Butterfly miraculous (which was fallen to the water).
Cerise's second (auto-)akumatization is Spectral Looter. Her superpower is: the intangibility. She can pass through the walls and Chronobug doesn't manage to hit her. Under this form, she is still mute. (If the two akumatized forms spoke, Chronobug could recognizes her voice's enemy as "Lila Rossi"'s)
Both Adult Bunnyx and Grandma Bunnyx (the two future Bunnyx) disappear because of the Cerise's wish from the corrupted timeline. They don't spoil to their mini-her how the Teen Bunnyx will save the Time.
Teen Bunnyx saves Marinette from her erasure because of the evil wish.
Marinette takes the earrings in the moment of Origins (1.22-1.23) and becomes Chronobug.
During the Time crisis, Chronobug, from the Burrow, figures out Time Stalker, Spectral Looter (Cerise's second akumatized form) and the new Butterfly holder are the same person.
In the Burrow, Chronobug thought about take the Butterfly miraculous before her adversary can find it and/or prevent Gabriel to make his wish (for save him and Nathalie in her own way) but Teen Bunnyx reasons her to not do that. Because it can alterate the future (for the worst). If Marinette did that, it's possible we could have a timeline when Gabriel and Nathalie are both dead without the wish and Adrien is definitively an orphan (Amelie and Félix as the last remaining family for him).
When Chronobug and Present/Teen Bunnyx manage to take the supervillain's book, yellow Ladybug erases her name and writes "Gabriel Agreste" instead of the former's. The two superheroines give the book back to the villainess.
The Burrow is restored, due to Cerise evil plan's failure.
Marinette/Chronobug is still uncomfortable about lying to Adrien and everyone about Gabriel's fate. But the Three Bunnyx give advices to her about her choices and her future she must decide.
The Chronobug's Lucky Charm brings back Marinette to the present and the past Tikki and the earrings from Origins back to her initial moment. She has erased the Spectral Looter part.
The Time Stalker time incident is the main reason why Marinette decides to bring all the kwamis and their Miraculouses to their respective holders (and the holders become permanent holders as we see that in the epilogue of Re-creation (5.26)).
Cerise/Iris becomes feral 😡🤬👿 after deakumatizing herself and discovering her book has been falsified (Ladybug = Gabriel Agreste). 🤣 She realizes Ladybug (helped by Bunnyx) has sabotaged her plan across the time. Of course, the crazy girl remembers Gabriel is Monarch (she had already double-crossed him when she was Hoaxer (watch Revelation (5.20)). 🤣
If Gabriel silents Nooroo by the will of seal his kwami's mouth, Cerise, as the actual Butterfly miraculous holder, fully immobilizes him (like a statue) with a finger snap. She doesn't let him to have more time for celebrate her plan's failure in the actual timeline. That means Cerise treats the kwami worst than Gabriel. Cerise is not just an evil girl, she is an egotic master manipulator, she is insane, mentally unstable, impulsive, narcissistic pervert and a psychopath too. 😈 Nooroo moves again only to the moment when Cerise orders him to transform her.
When Ladybug and Cat Noir are reunited together, they talk about the Butterfly miraculous disappearance. Ladybug warns her partner about the new Butterfly supervillain. So they prepare themselves together to stop "him/her".
And despite her (first) defeat (as Chrysalis(?)), Cerise still seeks revenge against Ladybug. So it's a Cat-Mouse fame who begins (Road to Season 6).
It's the last time the SAMG animation is used in this episode.
What I liked:
The moment at the train station when Marinette and Adrien are reunified after the Gabriel's suicide wish. ❤
The Cerise anger crisis due to the fact she failed to discover the Ladybug = Marinette Dupain-Cheng thing.
The moment when the Marinette's name is replaced by "Gabriel Agreste'"s in Cerise's book. Get Trolled.
And Nooroo when he jubilates (before Cerise immobilizes him).
Chronobug's design.
Spectral Looter's design (Cerise's second auto-akumatization from the corrupted timeline).
Cerise's new civilian disguise as a blong girl with blue eye lenses. I guess it's Iris Verdi form.
The moment when Spectral Looter roasts Chronobug in the Miraculous Grand Theft in Marinette's room was so funny.
Placide I.T. (Adrien's bodyguard)'s moment. Sounds badass.
When Adrien repels Bug Noire after the "revelation" about his father's death. We can understand Adrien is saddened and angry toward his own dad.
The fact there are three (3) Bunnyx who simultaneously coexist in the Burrow: Teen Bunnyx, Adult Bunnyx and Grandma Bunnyx (I called the older Alix like that).
Marinette says her adventures happen like 10 years (4th wall). Miraculous has begun in 2015 and we are in 2024. It's 9 years.
The final scene with the new animation.
What I disliked:
The Felix/Argos' absence. He lives in London. He sees Kagami for secret dates. He was normally in London during the Miraculized crisis. I understand he and his mother must be hidden because Monarch and Tomoe knew Felix has the Peacock miraculous. And if he intervened, the boy could lose the Peacock brooch because of the Miraculized people.
The Time Travel explanations (modifying the chronology, time paradoxes) are too complicated for me.
Bug Noire is supposed to search the Butterfly miraculous in the water below the Crypt. She even told to Alya and Su-Han she transformed into Aquabug for that. But it's off-screen.
Cerise transforms with the Butterfly miraculous happens off-screen (We will see her form in Season 6).
The weird fact for me is Cerise doesn't remember what she have done during her auto-akumatization as Time Stalker (even deakumatizing herself). But Alya, Nino, Marinette and Kagami (when they rejected Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch's akumas and removed Betterfly's kamikos) had kept her memories. Is it because Cerise is a teenage girl and Gabriel was an adult ?
What I want to know for the future:
How Cerise has managed to take the Butterfly miraculous ? Her future self (as Time Stalker) hasn't done nothing but stalking Bug Noire and write the Marinette's name in her book.
Cerise/Iris Butterfly miraculous full transformation (and her full form)
In this Special, Cerise (who is wearing a new disguise) akumatizes herself into Time Stalker in the evening (just some hours after Gabriel/Monarch's disappearance). Meanwhile, In the Re-Creation last scene, Cerise is surprised by a supernatural light in her lair (it happens AFTER the Time Stalker incident). What is it ?
ML Theory:
It's possible Re-creation Cerise has picked up the brooch when Bug Noire and Nathalie were in the room where the kwamis were imprisoned. She has possibly deactivated the system cameras with Tomoe's laptop for preventing to be caught ans for infiltratring the Crypt (before Bug Noire cataclysms everything). It happened before her first (auto-)akumatization as Time Stalker.
I even think Cerise can transforms into the Butterfly supervillainess (while she keeps her civilian form intact)
My personal aggregation on the London Special:
I think this special episode is good. It's the transition from season 5 to season 6. Meanwhile, it lets some questions without answers: How Cerise has really managed to take the Butterfly miraculous ? When Adrien will be ready to accept the truth if he finds out ?
Let's waiting the Season 6.
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Result: 7/10
The salting moment:
The annoying detail I heard about from the fandom is: the fact Marinette/Bug Noire decides to lie to Adrien about "Gabriel is dead as a hero".
Some of you has been pissed off about that. But I think ONE thing: An Adrien who knows his dad was Monarch will be shocked, mentally devastated and outraged. He would hate his dad AND Ladybug. And Butterfly Cerise would have good reasons for use him as her own advantage for destroy Ladybug and take revenge against Marinette.
It's too easy to blame Marinette for this detail but there is this fact:
Nathalie, Tomoe, Kagami, Félix, Marinette, Alix and Cerise know Gabriel is Monarch.
So the all of them can tell to Adrien. But Tomoe (as Monarch's accomplice) should be jailed.
Nathalie should be jailed.
Marinette, Felix and Kagami keep the truth secret from Adrien.
Alix could tell to Adrien, but her older selves adviced her to not do that for the Time's safety.
Cerise is the only perfect candidate to reveal to everyone (and especially to Adrien) the Monarch's real identity. But instead to expose Ladybug's lie, Cerise preferred to make an evil, sneaky and dangerous plan to stalk Ladybug by time travel and directly stealing to her the Miraculouses for make her own wish (just some hours after the final battle).
Adrien will knows the "Monarch = Gabriel Agreste" thing in another time. Thomas Astruc and the writers will continue to surprise us/you.
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erinsstillreading · 2 months ago
booktok refugee
hi guys :)
my secret dream has always been to have a blog. ive always been better in words than talking, so it's kind of the ideal situation.
i grew up on tumblr when i was younger, but had nothing to say. now that i'm older, i do, yet i find i have no one to tell. i found that community in booktok, but quickly lost it due to the ban.
so here i am starting all over, trying not to lose the desire to find community.
my name is erin, and i've read fantasy books my whole life. a recent favorite of mine that shook up my world was Blood Over Bright Haven by ML Wang.
if you have similar taste in books, or even if you don't, maybe we can be friends :)
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ebiartics · 9 months ago
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"Handsome?" Luka questioned, leaning back slightly. "Why?"
"He was a model. Almost every 14-year-old French girl was fawning over him a decade ago," she explained, her grin widening as she finished entering the name.
"Then who's the hotshot for French girls nowadays?" Luka asked, also grinning.
"Hmm, probably you," Marinette said with a teasing smile, knowing it would fluster him, "being the most famous French singer of all time, and in my opinion, also the most talented."
As she expected, his cheeks went red, and he chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. He glanced away briefly before meeting her gaze again with a shy smile.
This was nice.
Snippet & art from the new chapter of Set to Love (Read here on Ao3) coming soon!
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lukaslosteyelashes · 6 months ago
My Review of the Miraculous London Special, Part 2
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Writing my review is going a little bit slower than I expected, but anyways here is the second part.
What this part contains:
Kagami to Marinette - "You are blinded by love, Marinette."
The Lie - This was an unexpected turn of event for me.
"Ladybug knows. Ladybug holds the truth. The whole world will know only what Ladybug will tell it. Her words will be the truth." - A negative character development.
Nathalie - The badass knows the best.
Back to the Lie - Fight fire with fire.
Let's go!
Spoilers ahead ->
Kagami to Marinette
"You are blinded by love, Marinette."
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It's very ironic for Kagami to say, considering how she was akumatized two times because of her love for Adrine, once in “Oni-chan” and once in “Protection”. And I also wouldn't say that her love for Felix is perceptive either. But maybe that’s why it's important that she said that, because she understands what it's like to be blinded by love.
I highly doubt that Kagami will be able to get through to her mother, Tomoe. We still don’t know what her goal is and she doesn’t seem like the type of person who would just give up after she was that close to get what she wants. Well, At least there is one single thing that Marinette doesn’t have to handle on her own, Kagami confronting her mother is something I’d really like to see in the upcoming season.
Kagami adores Marinette’s friendship and I’d like to believe that what happened will strengthen said friendship. If it's not, well, that's another angst to add to the list.
The Lie
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I saw people say that Marinette cooked up the lie on the spot but I think it’s not the case, she had at least one and a half an hour (probably a bit less than that) to think about what she would say to Adrien and to the whole World.
I didn’t expect that the whole lie, that I thought will be Tomoe’s plan to cover up her crimes, is Marinette’s idea to try and protect Adrien from the greater harm. But, honestly this just further confirms that Marinette is in fact a flawed main character. She needed reassurance whether it was the right decision or not to lie and it shows how uncertain she is about her choice. I think that’s a very relatable situation, I’m sure a lot of us were in a position before where we weren’t sure about ourselves and doubted whether we made the right choice or not and tried to seek reassurance from someone else. Personally, I am usually upset if someone doesn’t give me a clear answer, Marinette handled that so much better than I would.
I also love how none of the characters who know Marinette were lying tried to lecture her about it. Sure, Kagami and Nathalie voiced their opinions and doubts but neither of them have a better moral compass and judgment than Marinette has. Looks like Kagami really wants to believe her mother can change and Nathalie helped Gabriel as Mayura and in civil a lot, she might like to listen to the hero this time even though she wanted to turn herself in at first.
Bug Noir said that she wanted to tell Adrien before he finds out some other way. This could be Marinette speaking as his girlfriend because she is concerned about him or Ladybug who wants to lead the narrative. If she waited for even just a moment it would be Tomoe or the press the first one to talk to him and say whatever they want, with this it's possible to avoid Adrien believing others’s words over Ladybug’s. And this leads to my next point.
“Ladybug knows. Ladybug holds the truth. The whole world will know only what Ladybug will tell it. Her words will be the truth.”
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Others already made posts about how this quote means that Marinette is coping through dissociation, that after what happened with Gabriel she completely separates Marinette and Ladybug and that how is this a stepping back from where she headed during the 5 seasons. A negative character development.
Just as I wrote above Marinette is leading the narrative, the story. She takes the initiative, probably for the first time. Someone pointed out that how Marinette is controlling the World with her lies is the same as Gabriel controlled his son and also the World with his fashion (“Pretension”). Marinette can be controlling, especially as Ladybug, and overcoming this behavior will lead her to become the great leader older Bunnyx mentioned in "Timetagger", I think. And how would she overcome it?
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Nathalie being alive and kicking and not in prison, is not just good for Adrien's sake but also for Marinette’s. I think she saw the parallel between Marinette and Gabriel and that's one of the reasons why she didn't oppose to stay. 
We don't know exactly how long she knew Gabriel but I'll dare to say she knew him even before he met Emilie. She not just saw Gabriel turning evil but also helped him, fortunately she changed her ways for the better and now is ready to help for the greater good. 
If Marinette’s behavior slowly started to resemble Gabriel's, Nathalie would be the first one to notice it. She could be there for her and possibly guide her to not turn out like him.
Back to the lie
This lie not just emphasized Marinette's controlling tendencies more but she also resorted to do something that she actually despises. Didn't she say something like she hates liars more than anything when Lila first appeared? While Marinette is being paralleled with Gabriel she seems like becoming the type of person she hates the most as well. I wonder how this will play out in the future. But I think this could turn out to be a benefit against Lilamoth. Remember the saying: fight fire with fire.
part 1 | part 3 | part 4
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bugoutreviewgirlie · 2 months ago
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love that they're making full use of their new engine and incorporating both 2D and 3D. Illustrhater was a great showcase of what the team could do.
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hxsperia · 2 months ago
Book review
| If We Were Villains ▪︎
| M. L. Rio ▪︎
| 10/10 ▪︎
The review may contain slight spoilers (almost none at all)
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"If we were villains" by M.L. Rio is a book that may evoke a lot of extreme emotions, but that's what good literature is all about - They don't have to be just subjectively perfect. I must admit that at the very beginning the book did not captivate me. I read it with some reluctance, even though its concept itself seemed extremely interesting to me. The number of characters seemed burdensome at first, but over time you get used to it. The inserts from Shakespeare's works may be just a headache for some, but I was absolutely charmed by them, and without them the composition seems soullessly empty.
Intrigue, beautiful surroundings and stage drama. The author introduces the reader to the world of actors whose roles on stage are reflected in reality in which art intertwines with brutal truth. The whole action is narrated by Oliver as a memory from the old days, he is a character you can simply like. The text, which is divided into acts, only adds a mood that perfectly complements the story about the tragedy that took place among acting students. Someone dies, someone is guilty. Can you guess who the murderer is? You can, but it's not obvious at all. The plot twist that appears at the end is breathtaking, regardless of the reader's suspicions. Dear people who have read this book, I hope you know which line in the final act tore my heart to shreds. The feelings that the characters have for each other are so incredibly vivid and true - Full of drama and suffering and many unspoken words.
Many people consider this work to be superior in its inspiration to Donna Tartt's "The Secret History". Well, I personally don't think so. However, this book is absolutely not bad. After getting through the arduous first few chapters, I was left in tears at the very end and with a storm of emotions in my head. I recommend reading it, it's a really great text. Initial reluctance turned into my tears at the end, and books that evoke emotions are the most beautiful.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 6 months ago
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World: London, At the Edge of Time
(Spoilers for those that havent seen it. and yes this will be my sort of Live reaction, with my thoughts at the end)
-Okay so Nooroo be sad and trying to appeal to this person's morality.
-Okay so I was wrong about them being Adrien, but they are... Blond Lila?
-Okay, so She was actually BOTH akumatized Villains. Not gonna lie, That is so expected I assumed one of them would be adrien. Damn
-Intro be dope though
-So they are playing some weird variant of chess.
-If I was kid Alix, Id be salty, I would never. win since the other versions of me KNOW all my moves.
-OH DAMN GRANNY BUNNYX! 70, damn she looks good for 70
-Oh they be fading, and they arent even phased. Because they know what will happen. Wow... kind of takes the drama out of this
-Oh cool, recap
-They dont even bother saying he was originally called monarch.
-Alix is so valid for that comment about them kissing
-"Gabriel makes his wish, history is still on course." Yep they are playing the Miguel O' Hara is right canon event bit unironically.
-Portals start vanishing. But the drama is gone because YOU KNOW Alix will fix it
-Oh there is a depressed Bugnoire. Confirmed that merge miraculous can still use powerups.
-She goes to London. Damn this is depressing, and sterile
-Bugnoire casual destroys the cell to free Kagami made me chuckle
-Marinette reflecting on what happened. talking with Gabriel
-"Adrien cannot find out."
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-Kagami calling her out but then saying she will oblige her
-Oh they actually talking about Tomoe.
-Kagami wants to try and talk to her mom, which Marinette honors because... at least she isnt being a hypocrite here.
-Okay I know I am a bit nasty, but I do appreciate the time the scene is taking. its really building up the tension to this.
-Gorilla out of nowhere just like "Let me unlock it first." that made me chuckle
-I feel VERY CONFLICTED. Because on one hand, LOVE THE ANGST. Absolutely just perfection. Really milk that drama. But f*** do I HATE how this came about.
-Oh the Lie is actually pretty convincing. Oh look at how absolutely distraught Adrien is. Boy is f***ing wrecked.
-That Adrigami comforting.
-I want to love this absolutely heartshattering scene. Its beautiful, its angsty.
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-Okay, you know what. I will hold my reservations until I actually finish.
-You can just see the absolute distraught face of Marinette. SHE HATES THIS. SHE ABSOLUTELY HATES WHAT SHE IS DOING. OH THAT IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL ANGSTY THING. Its slowly warming me up a bit, the finale was missing this.
-Oh damn, Nathalie knows Marinette is Ladybug. WELP, just another person that knows thats not Adrien.
-Oh damn, Ladybug monologue, while she destroys everything related to Hawkmoth, monarch, and his scheme. In a way, becoming his greatest accomplice.
-The press conference is full of a lies. Wow its starting to feel just like real life.
-Nathalie comforting Adrien, such a soft scene. Meanwhile Tomoe and Kagami are cold to eachother
-Marinette is at the train station
-That adrinette hug.... yea, thats the good stuff
-Im happy the kwami are safe.
-There is a lot of not talking in these moments. letting the music set the tone.
-And day becomes night, Marinette sleeps with Plagg and tikki by her side. Now she asks if what she did was right
-Is there a kwami of truth? Because if there is, I wonder what animal it is
-WAIT, She lied to Alya too? THAT I didnt see coming.
-And right there, we see when the special ACTUALLY Starts
-Okay the vest is funny
-The burrow has a slowed down time aspect, makes sense because of the whole time travel thing.
-So they have to take Marinette's Miraculous from when she renounced it. For a split second, I thought she was talking about the Kwami choice, but it was actually Origins. Which makes more sense
-So thats why Tikki becomes so sure of Marinette.
-She changed colors? Why thoough?! Granted I do prefer it to the original costume, but not as much as the lucky charm form.
-"There is no such thing as ghost." GHOST FORCE WOULD LIKE A WORD MARINETTe
-Basically she can phase through things like Kitty pride. And be invisible. So like a Ghost.
-Ladybug verses the Ghost akuma
-She cant touch them
-Calender. it means you have to go to a different time
-This special really likes hammering in that Ladybug's lie is wrong, yet at the same time NO ONE is offering her an alternative. So it feels like the special isnt really committing to the "Marinette is right" or "Marinette is wrong."
-"Sorry, you cant take the butterfly miraculous cause Canon Event." Yea this is getting repetitive
-So Time Stalker was there. Saw Ladybug was Marinette
-Yea, not gonna lie. All the clips showing the finale only remind me how much I HATE it.
-Gabriel f***s off to leave his son an orphan but gets to be with his wife. Thus getitng his wish forever and now Ladybug has to basically let it happen because F*** her in particular
-Nathalie telling the small crying teen who was willing to sacrifice HERSELF, that she didnt have to go that far. People often forget Marinette is a TEENAGER going through s***. Nathalie should have stopped Gabriel earlier
-That aside, all this special reinforced is that Gabriel is an idiot. He really could have won so much easier
-And thats how Time stalker found out
-Marinette figured out they were the same person, clever writing
-Super ghost and Super Spy dumb names
-I love Barkk. She is like "Dont be so sure"
-Man this special really retreads a lot of old ground a lot
-Miraculous Bug Noire
-So Bugnoire saying until they get the butterfly miraculous back. She cant tell him the truth.... Yea no. Thats dumb. I still find this very dumb.
-But the whole mini portal thing was funny to me. Why not just make a portal under them to pull them in.
-There we go.
-SHE HAS MORE OF THEM? Okay thats pretty clever
-"He or She?" if it wasnt present bunnyx Id assume she knew.
-The explanation on why Nathalie cant tell Adrien is also bulls**t.
-A wiseman once said, the "Truth hurts but once, but a Lie will ache forever" Marinette is basically setting up for worse
-I will say, the Choreography in these encounters is pretty cool.
-Okay the plan was clever
-Ladybug is apparently REALLY good at forging signatures. Are we sure Marinette isnt a future villainess?
-The Ladybug monologue with that funky beat was fun
-HEHEHE Lila Temper tantrum
-Poor Nooroo
-Well the plan worked.
-Bunnyx not being sad about having to stay as Bunnyx.
-Wait, so how come they can go ride dinosaurs if they cant mess with time?
-So bunnyx says "Hey its cool to lie as long as you own up to it eventually." Thats a fucking terrible lesson for kids to learn. I hope everyone reading this knows that
-Wait... is Chronobug dead?
-Nope, she is still alive
-Plagg is confused. But Tikki knows. Okay thats cute
-Marinette fixing the miraculous and upgrading them. Thats neat
-Marinette's logic for spreading it out makes sense at least. And the new hawkmoth doesnt know the heroes identities. Tomoe might though
-Okay, Plagg is cute.
-Ah yes, the Ladynoir
-There is that Hug. Thats that good stuff
-Chat noir's guilt and Ladybug's Guilt
-And then Lila's monologue at the end
Now... How do I feel about this special?
I am torn.
On one hand, it did show that Marinette is feeling the effects of the secrets she is keeping. She is clearly feeling guilty about it. And the special does a LOT to justify what she is doing and never outright gives her a pass for it. I also LOVED that sweet succulent ANGST. Good stuff.
on the Other hand, some of the explanations are not good (like Adrien not finding out until after the butterfly is found? It makes no sense), and it hand waves a LOT of things. Not to mention, it does basically have Marinette, Kagami and Nathalie in this secret Cabal of secrets. Tomoe is basically not held accountable. And the whole Canon event thing and time travel basically means there is never any real danger. So it really takes the wind out of this.
But BUT, This special does at least imply that this secret will be the cause of tension, now the question is IF the show will actually deliver on this angst.
I dont hate this special as it does illuminate a LOT of what was missing from the Season 5 finale... that being said, I still hate the season 5 finale.
so its 6/10.
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bekah-reading · 5 months ago
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I am on a book buying ban- have been on one since September…but my friend surprised me with this on release day. We said we could surprise each other with books during the ban; just not buy books for ourselves.
I loved this. I loved If We Were Villians; and I knew this was gonna be it for me as well. ML Rio has such an amazing writing style; and this is a short novella so I don’t want to say much.
This is about a group who are on a non-smoking campus and they end up meeting in the graveyard in the middle of the night, and it becomes a tradition.
This was so good and I love the cover, the characters were just as fleshed out as If We Were Villains- and it was multiple POV. I really loved it and was so perfect for Spooky Season. So maybe next year or Summerween or the Winterween; put this on the TBR.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 2 years ago
The truth isn’t that Gabriel hates Marinette, it’s actually that he’s a Marichat stan and thinks that Adrinette is getting in the way of his ship
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I mean can you see the excitement on this guy?!?!
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libertyreads · 6 months ago
Book Review #58 of 2024--
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Graveyard Shift by M. L. Rio. Rating: 4 stars.
Read on October 2nd.
This gothic novella was exactly the vibe I was wanting to get me into the spooky mood. As usual, M.L. Rio does an amazing job setting the atmosphere and getting the reader into the story right away. The only thing that could have made it more spook-tacular for me is if I read it very late on a dark and stormy night. In Graveyard Shift, we follow a group of people who have somehow all met in this graveyard on their smoke breaks in this college town. They started meeting there at midnights since none of them have any sort of regular sleeping pattern. But one midnight they discover a secret and start looking for answers. I loved getting everyone's POV chapters. I think the author also did a great job keeping the characters distinct from one another and making them stand out. It was dark and gritty and goes there which is something I say a lot of Horror doesn't do--at least not enough for me. And all I really want is to spend more time with these characters. The writing style is also really good but at this point I just expect it from this author.
So, what is the thing that brings down the rating for me? If you've guessed it's too short for me, ding-ding, you win. I liked this so much and one of the two things that could have made it so much better for me is getting to spend more time with these absolutely mad people. When I like something, I want more of it. I also didn't realize this was a novella until it arrived on my doorstep so I guess part of that is on me. The thing M.L. Rio likes to do is leave the ending wide open. No definitive answers. No real, solid resolution. Just a question lingering in the air. Which I don't love. I think it works well here despite me wanting an answer. I know that it allows for a more hooking ending this way. I just hate not knowing.
Overall, this was an amazing autumn read. Perfect for this time of the year. So, if you have the chance to pick this one up soon, please do. On your next dark and stormy night.
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fabseg-creator · 1 year ago
My review about Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir
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This is a (first) review about a Miraculous element (especially an episode form Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir).
This post contains spoilers.
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Today, I've watched the Special Episode. I am prepared for the watching. I will reveal my aggregation in the end of the post.
And now, time to read:
This happens in the same moment (at the night) as the episode Destruction (5.03). After Monarch has been cataclysmed at the left arm and before he configurates the stolen Miraculouses.
In a parallel world, a Butterfly superhero named Hesperia (Gabriel Agreste/Gabi Grassette) who is helped by Alya, Nino, Max and Markov, leaves his homeworld universe for escape from Shadybug (Toxinelle) and Claw Noire (Griffe Noire), two evil versions of Ladybug and Cat Noir. When the three characters come to the Ladybug and Cat Noir main universe, Hesperia teams up with the two titular heroes for make the ShadyClaw duo into good people. At the other side, the evil counterparts try to steal the Butterfly miraculous to Hesperia (and later to try to combine the Ladybug and Cat powers for make their wishes).
I've learned about news elements in the Miraculous lore by watching the Special:
They exist some billions an infinity of Parallel Worlds in the lore.
Each Parallel World is home to one Tikki and one Plagg (so One Ladybug holder and one Cat holder).
The inconvenients from the Ladybug's and Cat's powers (secondary effects)due to their excessive using. Shadybug and Claw Noire cause their own deterioration in their bodies by using their power for the evil.
The morale about the hope in dark and sad moments (Thanks, Hesperia.)
The parallel world (ShadyClaw/Hesperia's world) is a dystopian world ruled by the Supreme
Hesperia's, Shadybug's and Claw Noir's backstories
What I liked:
The Hesperia opening in the intro (that was WTF but that was fun)
The coming of Shadybug and Claw Noire, their odd relationships
The Claw Noir's lines and moments
The Kamiko (good alternate name to Akuma)
The akumatization forms: Chat Céleste (Cat Noir) and Ubiquity (first Alya and later Ladybug)
Ladyfly (Marinette with Ladybug + Butterfly unification)
The travels across multiple parallel worlds (Hi, Scarabella and Kitty Noire. Hi, Mister Bug and Ladynoire.)
The concept of Re-Verse (the idea of what would Marinette and Adrien have looked like if theirs lives had been different from the Canon)
The thing how Monarch has failed (again) to take the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses when he travelled across parallel worlds.
What I disliked:
The lack of end post-credits scene: I would like to see what happens in the Hesperia's world after the battle (interractions between the reformed Shabybug and Claw Noire, Hesperia, Alya ans Nino about reconciliation ans reorganisation of the Resistance against the Supreme).
The absence of other Miraclass counterparts, Luka, Kagami, Félix, Zoé, Chloé and Lila/Cerise (Only Alya, Nino, Max and Markov from the class appear in the episode as parallel counterparts)
The missing full appearance of the Supreme (his/her appearance from the shadow for reveal himself/herself/themself to spectators could make the cliffhanger effect for a sequel).
What I want to know for the future:
The most intriguing point, for me, is: The Supreme (This hidden character I have just mentioned in this post)
Who is the Supreme ? Human or Deity ? Big Brother (1984, George Orwell) ? How do s/he looks like ?
All I've learned about him/her/them is:
The Supreme is an entity/being who rules the Hesperia's homeworld (possibly the Hesperia's entire universe).
S/He is a tyrant, a dictator (worst than Chloé, possibly more machiavelic and charismatic than Cerise, more dangerous than Monarch) on this Earth (or simply Paris).
S/He hates the Love, the Freedom/Liberty, the Justice, the Happiness, positive emotions and particularly the superheroes.
It's him/her/they who is THE overarching antagonist of the Paris Special (even if s/he is only mentioned many times). S/He's so more antagonistical than Monarch.
S/He makes Hesperia and the Resistance from this world (and by extension Ladybug 2 (former Shadybug) and Cat Noir 2/Paw Noir (former Claw Noir)) as Outlaws.
It's him/her/them who given the Ladybug and Cat miraculous to Emo Marinette and Emo Adrien. Ironical and Ridiculous from the Supreme !
S/He is too powerful, too surnatural and too overcheated: s/he has a great control on the Miraculous Ultimate Absolute Power. S/He has implanted a blockage spell on Tikki and Plagg for prevent anyone to summon Gimmi.
ML theory: I'm thinking the Supreme is probably a evil type of Guardian of Miraculouses. A Fallen Guardian (NOT Master Fu NOR Su-Han). S/He has many knowledges about Miraculouses and their using + the Absolute Power.
My personal aggregation on the Paris Special:
I've enjoyed to see the episode. The narrative is excellent. The idea of Multiverse in the Miraculous lore is well found. The various animations from the episode are fun. Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noire is a wonderful episode.
Result: 10/10
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