142 posts
La bellezza è negli occhi di chi guarda ~ Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
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sellyluna · 11 days ago
"A volte uno sguardo vale più di mille parole, perché sono i cuori a comunicare." ~Cit
Non so chi sia l'autore di questa frase, ma mi ha colpito molto; mi sembra che sia azzeccata per descrivere la situazione dei MoonCovey☺️
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Their hearts were so sad about the other leaving…
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sellyluna · 24 days ago
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KITTY & MIN HO + starting and ending seasons in the same setting
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sellyluna · 26 days ago
Le parole di Min ho hanno un certo effetto su Kitty, la colpiscono molto nel profondo...
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“It’s impossible to keep emotions like that hidden”
The more he used words to hide and deflect his feelings, the more his actions said otherwise…
The more she heard those words of his, the more her expression and feelings said otherwise…
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sellyluna · 28 days ago
È sempre così u.u
scrolling through ao3, once again realising the one fic I want to read is the one I have to write.
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
They are so cute🤩😍
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Something about the way he smiles so sweetly at her after playfully teasing her and knowing very well he would receive an expressive reaction from it…🥹
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
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But boarding school, that's not like going on our vacation. I know. But... [insp]
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Sì, posso figurarlo😀
You just know that Kitty is going to become Mr. Moons matchmaker over the summer. She directs him to finding someone his age for a change. Min Ho doesn't understand their friendship but isn't surprised by it AT ALL.
She's also somehow part of the Moon family group chat, that SHE STARTED. He doesn't know how she got everyone's number, and he's too afraid to ask.
She's also put herself in charge of the baby shower for Joon Ho and his fiancé. She's also friends with all of the background dancers on tour has found SEVERAL of them matches.
Also, there are LOTS of places to make out backstage, and they definitely have utilized ALL of those spaces.
There's a cocky idol on the group that keeps flirting with Kitty and Min Ho just shows up and glares at them. Kitty is completely oblivious to this happening, but Joon Ho sees and teases his brother relentlessly.
They visit her great aunt periodically and her cousin, who have already decided Min Ho is their favorite.
Min Ho has gotten them matching skin care products, because, "You have to stop STEALING MINE, COVEY. I HAVE A ROUTINE."
They still spend their time bickering like an old married couple.
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Non ci stancheremo mai di loro🤩😍
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mooncovey in every episode — S2EP5 Kissing Cousins
So, my American friend here, she's so pathetic and perpetually single. She really needs professional help. Mm. And Min Ho here also desperately needs your services. He's run off every girl in town by being so annoying and rude.
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Absolutely u.u
Mooncovey had BETTER be endgame like LOOK at them come ONNN
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Grazie per queste parole.
Dovrò ricordarmelo la prossima volta che ho una mezza idea. Devo scriverla e non lasciarla troppo nella mia testa, altrimenti poi la dimentico. O magari la ricordo, ma rimane là. Nella mia testa.
“why isn’t there any fic about (x)?” there can be a fic that is precisely about what you want to read. just start writing that fic for yourself.
“but I’m not a writer” every writer has had their first time writing. most writers start with writing something they want to read. your work doesn’t have to be perfect, because having 1 fic that is precisely about what you want to read, even if it’s not perfect, is still better than having 0 fics about what you want to read.
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
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I know I’m totally reaching and reading into it here but there’s just something special (to me) about the way they’re always walking side by side…and when they’re not, he tends to walk slightly behind her like he’s got her back and then meets her equally by her side🥹.
Walking side by side (even tho it can be a very normal thing) can signify two people considering themselves as equals. There is a sense of partnership and respect for each other and often times (not in a harmful/creepy way) a man walking behind someone he cares about can be interpreted as a sign of protectiveness, wanting to keep her within sight, and a respectful gesture or simple way of prioritizing her space by maintaining a comfortable distance.
I mean.. she is his queen so…I get it🤭
Even in class, they’re side by side…
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Sì, direi che sarebbe davvero da Min ho.
Secondo me la menzionerebbe sempre, anche dopo una loro rottura. Da fare impazzire chiunque si trovi nella stessa stanza con Min ho😆
I just want minho to be the type of boyfriend that can't go five minutes without mentioning kitty. like he somehow always finds a way to be like 'oh kitty would like that' or 'oh that reminds me of something kitty said'. he's always thinking about her and he's now making it everyone else's problem
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Mi ritrovo ancora una volta a rebblogare, perché è un'analisi ben fatta. Chapeau!
Thanks, user, for sharing your knowledge. I appreciate it.
The Significance of Kitty & Minho Bookending Both Season 1 and Season 2 in XO Kitty
Yes, I'm here again with another analysis because why not?
So previously, I mentioned the term bookending. & I just thought that it would be nice to elaborate on that.
So firstly, what is bookending?
It is a storytelling technique where a narrative begins and ends with the same event, character interaction, setting, or theme. It is a method that is often used to create symmetry, reinforce themes, highlight character growth, or foreshadow key relationships.
Storytelling is rarely accidental—especially in romance-driven narratives like XO Kitty. One of the most deliberate yet overlooked narrative choices in both Season 1 and Season 2 is how Kitty and Minho’s relationship is bookended—they are the first and last people she interacts with in both seasons. This framing technique is often used to subtly highlight a relationship’s significance, and in this case, it strongly suggests that Kitty and Minho’s story was always meant to be a slow-burn romance.
When two characters are both the first and last interaction in a season, it’s rarely coincidental. It is to:
Signify that the relationship is central to the protagonist’s journey.
Showcase how much their dynamic has evolved over time.
Foreshadow their long-term importance to each other.
For Kitty and Minho, the fact that this happens in both seasons is a strong indication that their connection is not just a subplot—it’s one of the core emotional arc of the story.
So let us break it down:
Season 1: The Beginning & End with Minho
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First Interaction: The first person Kitty physically bumps into at the airport on her way to Korea (signifying the beginning of her journey) is Minho. This is their very first meeting, setting the tone for their playful, sometimes antagonistic, but always high-energy dynamic.
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Last Interaction: The season ends with Minho’s confession—a moment that completely shifts their relationship. And instead of rejecting him outright, Kitty smiles. It’s a small but telling reaction—if she truly felt nothing, there would be no hesitation.
& before people come up to say that the smile was only shown in Season 2 when they re-shot the scene...
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This is a screenshot from Season 1 where you can see her slight contemplating smile (with About Love by MARINA playing in the background, mind you).
Why It Matters: The fact that Kitty’s first and last interactions in Season 1 are with Minho shows that he was always meant to be a significant part of her story. The show could have ended the season with anyone—Dae, Yuri, or even a solo moment of self-reflection. But instead, they chose to end with Minho’s confession. That’s not an accident—it’s intentional storytelling, subtly planting the seeds for future development.
Season 2: The Pattern Repeats—Minho Comes First & Last Again
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First Love Interest She Sees: In Season 2, the first love interest Kitty locks eyes with is Minho. While Dae is technically present (standing right beside Minho), the camera deliberately focuses on Kitty looking at Minho. This is a classic storytelling technique used to subtly emphasize a character’s importance to the protagonist.
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Last Interaction: Once again, the season ends with Minho and Kitty. But this time, things are even more emotionally complicated.
Kitty realizes her feelings for Minho, but she’s too scared to confess. She convinces herself that he has moved on, and the fear of rejection holds her back. Meanwhile, Minho is actively repressing his feelings. After his failed relationship with Stella and seeing Kitty’s complicated emotions regarding Yuri, he convinces himself that moving on is the only option. He even goes so far as to swear off relationships entirely.
Why It Matters: The fact that, once again, the season ends with Minho and Kitty means their story is still unfinished. No matter what happens in the middle, the narrative keeps circling back to them.
The Parallel to K-Drama Romance Structure
In K-dramas, the first person the protagonist meets in a new place often represents fate or destiny—and Kitty’s first physical interaction in Korea was with Minho at the airport.
The “first and last” interaction trope is often used to signal who the true endgame is—the person the protagonist starts and ends their journey with is usually their true match.
By structuring both seasons the same way, the show is subtly preparing the audience for their eventual romance.
The Parallels Between Season 1 & Season 2 (Between Minho & Kitty)
While XO Kitty explores multiple love interests, Minho and Kitty have scenes that directly parallel each other from Season 1 to Season 2. These mirroring moments serve as a way to track their emotional development and reinforce their importance to the story.
Season 1: Minho watches Kitty and Dae at the party → Season 2: Kitty watches Minho and Stella dancing at the ball.
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In Season 1, Minho was unknowingly affected by seeing Kitty with Dae. In Season 2, Kitty experiences the exact same thing—showing that now she’s the one realizing her feelings.
Season 1: Minho sees Kitty in slow motion, feels attracted to her, then panics when he realizes it's Kitty and screams "NO!" in denial. → Season 2: Kitty sees Minho in slow motion—not once, but twice.
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Minho’s slow-motion moment in Season 1 was a comedic way to show his growing attraction, but in Season 2, Kitty has two slow-mo moments of her own—this time, with much more emotional weight, showing her realization.
Season 1: Minho saves Kitty from the fire on her skirt. → Season 2: Kitty saves Minho from his family's reputation being tarnished by Stella's plans.
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In Season 1, Minho literally puts out a fire for Kitty, protecting her. In Season 2, Kitty does the same thing metaphorically—protecting Minho from a social firestorm that could have hurt his family. Can I also add that both scenarios happened in similar settings? One is on stage while the other is back stage.
Season 1: Minho confesses, "I think I fell in love with you… a little bit… or a lot." → Season 2: Kitty has an inner monologue, "I have fallen for Minho… a little bit… or a lot."
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This is the most important parallel. Minho was the first to confess his feelings in Season 1, but by Season 2, Kitty finally acknowledges her own feelings—mirroring his words exactly. The fact that her confession was internal rather than spoken aloud adds tension for the upcoming Season 3, setting up a major moment where she will have to verbalize it.
The Emotional Progression Between Bookends
Season 1 starts with Minho being dismissive of Kitty → Ends with him realizing his feelings and confessing.
Season 2 starts with Kitty locking eyes with Minho first → Ends with her realizing her own feelings, but being too scared to confess.
Each season follows a clear pattern, showing that their relationship is evolving step by step. The reason it hasn’t happened yet is because both of them have been in denial, not because the connection isn’t there.
Foreshadowing for Season 3
If Season 1 was about Minho realizing his feelings, and Season 2 was about Kitty realizing hers, then Season 3 will likely be about them finally acknowledging their love for each other and acting on it. Their bookended interactions and season-long parallels have been leading toward something bigger, and Season 3 will be the moment they finally break past their fears and come together. I think we can expect a major confession scene from Kitty—one where she has to face her feelings out loud, just like Minho did in Season 1.
In Conclusion
The bookending of their interactions in both seasons, paired with their direct scene parallels, is not a coincidence—it’s a deliberate narrative choice that:
Establishes Minho as a consistent presence in Kitty’s life.
Marks their relationship as a key focus of the series.
Shows their emotional and relational growth.
Foreshadows their eventual romance.
By structuring both seasons the same way—starting and ending with Kitty and Minho—and including multiple mirrored moments between them, the show is subtly telling us that their story isn’t just important, it’s inevitable.
This isn’t a random ship gaining popularity—it was always part of the plan.
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Mi ritrovo ancora una volta a rebblogare, perché è un'analisi ben fatta. Chapeau!
Thanks, user, for sharing your knowledge. I appreciate it.
The Significance of Kitty & Minho Bookending Both Season 1 and Season 2 in XO Kitty
Yes, I'm here again with another analysis because why not?
So previously, I mentioned the term bookending. & I just thought that it would be nice to elaborate on that.
So firstly, what is bookending?
It is a storytelling technique where a narrative begins and ends with the same event, character interaction, setting, or theme. It is a method that is often used to create symmetry, reinforce themes, highlight character growth, or foreshadow key relationships.
Storytelling is rarely accidental—especially in romance-driven narratives like XO Kitty. One of the most deliberate yet overlooked narrative choices in both Season 1 and Season 2 is how Kitty and Minho’s relationship is bookended—they are the first and last people she interacts with in both seasons. This framing technique is often used to subtly highlight a relationship’s significance, and in this case, it strongly suggests that Kitty and Minho’s story was always meant to be a slow-burn romance.
When two characters are both the first and last interaction in a season, it’s rarely coincidental. It is to:
Signify that the relationship is central to the protagonist’s journey.
Showcase how much their dynamic has evolved over time.
Foreshadow their long-term importance to each other.
For Kitty and Minho, the fact that this happens in both seasons is a strong indication that their connection is not just a subplot—it’s one of the core emotional arc of the story.
So let us break it down:
Season 1: The Beginning & End with Minho
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First Interaction: The first person Kitty physically bumps into at the airport on her way to Korea (signifying the beginning of her journey) is Minho. This is their very first meeting, setting the tone for their playful, sometimes antagonistic, but always high-energy dynamic.
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Last Interaction: The season ends with Minho’s confession—a moment that completely shifts their relationship. And instead of rejecting him outright, Kitty smiles. It’s a small but telling reaction—if she truly felt nothing, there would be no hesitation.
& before people come up to say that the smile was only shown in Season 2 when they re-shot the scene...
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This is a screenshot from Season 1 where you can see her slight contemplating smile (with About Love by MARINA playing in the background, mind you).
Why It Matters: The fact that Kitty’s first and last interactions in Season 1 are with Minho shows that he was always meant to be a significant part of her story. The show could have ended the season with anyone—Dae, Yuri, or even a solo moment of self-reflection. But instead, they chose to end with Minho’s confession. That’s not an accident—it’s intentional storytelling, subtly planting the seeds for future development.
Season 2: The Pattern Repeats—Minho Comes First & Last Again
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First Love Interest She Sees: In Season 2, the first love interest Kitty locks eyes with is Minho. While Dae is technically present (standing right beside Minho), the camera deliberately focuses on Kitty looking at Minho. This is a classic storytelling technique used to subtly emphasize a character’s importance to the protagonist.
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Last Interaction: Once again, the season ends with Minho and Kitty. But this time, things are even more emotionally complicated.
Kitty realizes her feelings for Minho, but she’s too scared to confess. She convinces herself that he has moved on, and the fear of rejection holds her back. Meanwhile, Minho is actively repressing his feelings. After his failed relationship with Stella and seeing Kitty’s complicated emotions regarding Yuri, he convinces himself that moving on is the only option. He even goes so far as to swear off relationships entirely.
Why It Matters: The fact that, once again, the season ends with Minho and Kitty means their story is still unfinished. No matter what happens in the middle, the narrative keeps circling back to them.
The Parallel to K-Drama Romance Structure
In K-dramas, the first person the protagonist meets in a new place often represents fate or destiny—and Kitty’s first physical interaction in Korea was with Minho at the airport.
The “first and last” interaction trope is often used to signal who the true endgame is—the person the protagonist starts and ends their journey with is usually their true match.
By structuring both seasons the same way, the show is subtly preparing the audience for their eventual romance.
The Parallels Between Season 1 & Season 2 (Between Minho & Kitty)
While XO Kitty explores multiple love interests, Minho and Kitty have scenes that directly parallel each other from Season 1 to Season 2. These mirroring moments serve as a way to track their emotional development and reinforce their importance to the story.
Season 1: Minho watches Kitty and Dae at the party → Season 2: Kitty watches Minho and Stella dancing at the ball.
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In Season 1, Minho was unknowingly affected by seeing Kitty with Dae. In Season 2, Kitty experiences the exact same thing—showing that now she’s the one realizing her feelings.
Season 1: Minho sees Kitty in slow motion, feels attracted to her, then panics when he realizes it's Kitty and screams "NO!" in denial. → Season 2: Kitty sees Minho in slow motion—not once, but twice.
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Minho’s slow-motion moment in Season 1 was a comedic way to show his growing attraction, but in Season 2, Kitty has two slow-mo moments of her own—this time, with much more emotional weight, showing her realization.
Season 1: Minho saves Kitty from the fire on her skirt. → Season 2: Kitty saves Minho from his family's reputation being tarnished by Stella's plans.
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In Season 1, Minho literally puts out a fire for Kitty, protecting her. In Season 2, Kitty does the same thing metaphorically—protecting Minho from a social firestorm that could have hurt his family. Can I also add that both scenarios happened in similar settings? One is on stage while the other is back stage.
Season 1: Minho confesses, "I think I fell in love with you… a little bit… or a lot." → Season 2: Kitty has an inner monologue, "I have fallen for Minho… a little bit… or a lot."
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This is the most important parallel. Minho was the first to confess his feelings in Season 1, but by Season 2, Kitty finally acknowledges her own feelings—mirroring his words exactly. The fact that her confession was internal rather than spoken aloud adds tension for the upcoming Season 3, setting up a major moment where she will have to verbalize it.
The Emotional Progression Between Bookends
Season 1 starts with Minho being dismissive of Kitty → Ends with him realizing his feelings and confessing.
Season 2 starts with Kitty locking eyes with Minho first → Ends with her realizing her own feelings, but being too scared to confess.
Each season follows a clear pattern, showing that their relationship is evolving step by step. The reason it hasn’t happened yet is because both of them have been in denial, not because the connection isn’t there.
Foreshadowing for Season 3
If Season 1 was about Minho realizing his feelings, and Season 2 was about Kitty realizing hers, then Season 3 will likely be about them finally acknowledging their love for each other and acting on it. Their bookended interactions and season-long parallels have been leading toward something bigger, and Season 3 will be the moment they finally break past their fears and come together. I think we can expect a major confession scene from Kitty—one where she has to face her feelings out loud, just like Minho did in Season 1.
In Conclusion
The bookending of their interactions in both seasons, paired with their direct scene parallels, is not a coincidence—it’s a deliberate narrative choice that:
Establishes Minho as a consistent presence in Kitty’s life.
Marks their relationship as a key focus of the series.
Shows their emotional and relational growth.
Foreshadows their eventual romance.
By structuring both seasons the same way—starting and ending with Kitty and Minho—and including multiple mirrored moments between them, the show is subtly telling us that their story isn’t just important, it’s inevitable.
This isn’t a random ship gaining popularity—it was always part of the plan.
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Le loro espressioni sono tutto un programma😆
Come se avessero fatto il peggiore dei loro incubi!😆
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#Min Ho's Dream Vs. Kitty's Dream
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Direi che non vediamo l'ora di vedere l'incontro di Min ho con il resto della famiglia di Kitty.
Sono sicura che Petere ci mette una buona parola, non appena tornato a casa. Quindi loro sono già preparati. Quello più nervoso sarà Min ho, anche se ovviamente non lo darà a vedere. E dirà frasi del tipo "Nessuno può resistere al mio fascino", convincendo(si) che non può non piacere ai Song-Covey.
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I’d love to see Kitty’s dad and Minho interact someday. I think it’d be really fun(ny) and just an overall nice and refreshing bond. The way Minho will be shocked at her dad’s attempt at Korean cooking while connecting the dots to the time Kitty was trying to do the same. He’d respectfully offer her dad a helping hand and unintentionally impress him along the way too.
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sellyluna · 1 month ago
Ora voglio una scena così anche nella serie🤩
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Minho and Kitty having a Harry Potter movie night in their pajamas and comfort socks. He’d order a pizza just for her even tho he’s lactose intolerant. She’d be full of excitement, occasionally reenacting or reciting lines throughout the movie. He’d turn to look at her in adoration but at the same time chuckle at her cute antics and accent. She’d snuggle into the comfort of his arms and he’d lean in to kiss the top of her head then rest his head on hers and continue into their movie night…
(In TATBILB 3 Kitty was soo upset that Dae said Harry Potter was, as she quoted “it’s so dumb” so I’ve kinda always wonder if Minho would be into Harry Potter. He probably would be but even if he wasn’t, I think he’d watch it anyways just for Kitty.)
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