Weapon X
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[KC • They/Them • 24]Logan is my favoriteFics // Headcanons // Series|| Warnings on Posts if Needed ||But if I’m stoned, the Beast is my favorite[main: mylifeinthetardisforever]
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brokenmutations · 1 month ago
I love you in every universe
Logan Howlett • She/Her Pronouns • Mutant!Reader [Heightened Senses] • In every universe, broken or not, you will always love Logan Howlett. Even if he thinks he doesn’t deserve it • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Nudity / Implied Sex • TW: Scars / Nightmares / Alcohol & Drug Consumption / Mentions of Recovery / Depression
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“I love you”
Y/N froze in front of the mirror quickly zipping up her suit and turning to Logan.
“I love you. I love you so much it hurts” Logan brought himself close, resting his hands on her hips as she places her hands on his chest before grabbing onto his jacket. “I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N since the first moment I laid eyes on you…”
Y/N didn’t utter a word at first as she couldn’t help but start tearing up. She tugged him down by the jacket bringing her lips to his, sealing the deceleration.
Logan frowns staring at the ceiling of the bedroom he shared with Wade and Al, both happen to be on either side of him. He wished he was in the same bed as her in this moment but Laura wanted time alone with her mom before she went back to taking jobs in the upcoming week and before Laura went back to the mansion.
“Stop thinking too loud” Wade groans rolling onto his back, taking his pillow and smacking Al to stop snoring. “What’s wrong, peanut?”
“I didn’t even move and you woke up”
“Like he said you thought too loud” Al groans, pointing at the door which prompted Logan to leave to have his loud thoughts out of the bedroom.
He half expected Wade to go back to bed, but the tired Deadpool followed shortly behind him with Dogpool at his feet.
“What were the loud thoughts this time?” Wade slumps over the armrest of the loveseat and slowly slipped into the cushions. Mary Puppins instantly jumping onto his back and circling to get comfortable. “Mmmm Puppins get comfy FASTER”
The Wolverine really feeds into the silent and broody type. He simply didn’t want to talk about it but he knows Wade will…keep it to himself.
Maybe not.
“I was thinking of my Y/N…” Logan frowns, resting his head in his hand getting lost in his thought once more but those words intrigued Wade a bit.
“Like…nightmare or…?” Wade lifts his head looking at Logan, growing confused to the concern expression on his face. “Nightmare. Listen, angel baby—-we all get the—-“
“Is it cheating if I fell in love with another version of her?”
If the blinks were audible, the amount of times Wade blinked would be loud enough to wake the neighborhood.
“You’re in love with Y/N???” Wade sat up too fast causing Puppins to fall off with a thud as she grumbles while trotting back to the bedroom knowing Al won’t kick her off. “Logan, this is the best thing to happen. You were destined for each other no matter what timeline or universe or whatever the fuck Marvel created—-It’s meant to be!”
Wade continued to go on a rant about destiny, and how Y/N might have the same kinks as his univer—-oh yeah.
Laura stood in the hallway hearing all of Wade’s rant because she stepped out to tell him to shut up, only to turn back around and head back inside to climb back into bed beside Y/N.
“What was it about this time?” Y/N gave Laura a tired but curious look, only to not receive an answer right away which brought a wave of concern. “What is it, hun?”
“Can’t you hear him?” Laura frowns turning her head toward her mom. “With your mutation”
The lie that brewed in an instant, only got thrown away the second Laura questioned.
“Yeah…I heard them” Y/N shifts to lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression as Laura’s was riddled with concern.
“Do you think…or are you…in love with him?”
“I…I don’t know what I feel. We haven’t…kissed or…things you shouldn’t be doing until you’re 30” Had to bring in the mom talk even if Laura rolled her eyes in response. “I’m still…mourning James even if I know he would want me to move on…”
“It’s been years…he would want you to be happy, mom” Laura frowns, bringing herself to snuggle into her mom as Y/N wrapped her arm around her to bring her closer. “I know it’s…another him but he still has his own sense of self”
“I know, I just want to take this slowly…there’s nothing wrong with wanting that” Y/N hums softly, resting her cheek on top of Laura’s head as she continues to snuggle into her mom. The night finally stilling…
“I love you”
Logan couldn’t help but have a shocked expression with hints of ‘are you sure?’ littered in the air. Y/N knew he’s thinking such and nodded. His felt his heart pounding in his chest, prompting him to step closer until there was no space between them.
“Say it again”
“I love you, James”
The tough exterior the Wolverine bares…instantly collapsed and tears started to form as he gently cradles her face in his hands pressing his forehead against hers. Y/N’s hands taking hold of his wrists, her eyes fluttering close.
“I love you…flaws and all”
Logan couldn’t help but stare at Y/N talking with their friends at one of Wade’s infamous parties. He looked down for a moment to take a sip of his Coke while fiddling with a chip in his fingers.
Six Months Sobriety
This party of Wade’s was to celebrate such, given after their time in the void he’s been celebrating a lot of the little things lately. Really any excuse to have a party.
His eyes instantly shot up locking onto Y/N’s as she gave him a warm smile.
“Uh. Thanks…it’s nothin’”
“It’s everything” Y/N assures him, resting her hand on his bicep making Logan flex at first contact before relaxing. “Though I will say for a party to celebrate such, Wade really had to buy all the alcohol he can huh?” She scoffs playfully, earning a chuckle out of the man.
“He just needs excuses to have parties” Logan laughs softly, sipping his drink relaxing more that Y/N decided to stay beside him. “So uhm. Have you taken any jobs lately or…?”
Y/N tensed slightly at the question, bringing her gaze onto her own drink a second. “No…I’ve been too scared to” she admits through a whisper, hearing the shift beside her and the soft thud of a glass being set down. Before she was engulfed gently in Logan’s arms, prompting her to shift toward him and easing into his embrace.
“I won’t let anything ever happen to you like that again” Logan whispers, resting his chin on top of her head feeling her arms snake around his torso and her body relaxing.
After the party…Laura and Wade were passed out on the couch, Al had retreated to her room for a much needed coke break, and that leaves Logan and Y/N to clean up the aftermath. Y/N held the bin trailing behind Logan as he picked up the bottles putting them in there.
“Did Laura drink anything?”
“No, she took the theme of the party to heart and out of respect for you she didn’t have any alcohol” Y/N kept her voice low to avoid waking up anyone. “She’s only tired because she’s training with the X-Men now”
“Really. Which reminds me, she wants you there when she moves in. It’s a big step for her and she would appreciate you being there”
“I’m there” Logan smiles setting in the last few bottles and taking the bin from her to carry out. Y/N smiles warmly at him, grabbing the full trash bags to take out. Both turned to Mary Puppins scratching at the door to be let out. “Guess she can tag along” he scoffs, earning a laugh from Y/N as she grabs the leash for the pup to hook her up before they left.
The pup had a mind of her own dragging Y/N to her favorite spot to do her business, prompting Logan to take the bags from her watching the pup drag her across the street to pee on the tree near the repaired subway entrance.
After entering the alley to toss their trash and recycling, Logan walked over to Y/N noticing her shiver as she waited for Puppins to finish. He shrugged off his jacket and gently draped it over her shoulders, his touch lingering as she slowly turned to him with a smile.
“Thank you…”
“Of course” Logan brought his hands to adjust the jacket on her person, the lingering causing his heart to pound against his chest as her eyes instantly lock to his. She rests her hands gently on his chest bringing herself close resting her head against his chest. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her frame, kissing the top of her head.
Which led her to look up and without waiting another second, Logan leaned into her pressing his lips against hers. Her eyes flutter close when their lips connected. The rapid pounding of his heart relaxing as he melted into the kiss feeling her hands move from his chest to bring themselves on the back of his neck to keep him where he was. Continuing to kiss him, humming contently.
Little did they know Wade was in the fire escape watching the two, knowing he did a good by not cleaning. Well. It would’ve happened anyway at some point of the night. But at least there wasn’t…a huge audience.
After that night, every opportunity that arises Logan or Y/N would initiate either a quick kiss or a heavy make out that would approach the next base but both would stop. Neither were ready just yet.
“I can’t believe my daughter is going to boarding school” Wade, in the full suit, put on the hysterics as he tagged along with Logan and Y/N to help Laura move into the mansion. He instantly wrapped Laura in a tight hug which led her to look at Logan and Y/N pleading him to stop through her gaze while her claws extended.
“Wade, let go of her” Logan warns, crossing his arms and watching Laura start to stab the man making Y/N grimace beside him. “I warned him”
“She’s still going to visit just as much as Yukio and Ellie do” Y/N reassures watching him nod while yanking out Laura’s claws, the second they parted she instantly brought Laura into her arms.
“You’ll visit me too right?” Laura murmurs, gripping tightly on the back of Y/N’s shirt feeling her grasp tighten.
“Always. I will always be around my sweet girl” Y/N whispers to Laura feeling tears start to threaten her waterline as she tried her hardest not to cry. “You’re going to be great” she states, pull back to look at her daughter and feel that weight of fear lift knowing she’ll be safe with the X-Men and change/protect so many lives.
After a few more hugs and forehead kisses from Y/N, Laura parted from her mom and approached Logan who instantly hugged her when she opened her arms.
The two stood there for a while in silence, then a hushed whisper escaped Laura that made Logan tighten around her.
“You’ll take care of her, right dad?”
“Yeah…I’ve got her kid”
After getting her settled at the mansion, the three returned back to the apartments. Wade instantly went into his with a groan and crying out for Althea which could mean two things, coke or cuddles. Honestly, could be both. Logan lingered at his door for a moment debating of calling it a night when he looked at Y/N. Seeing she also lingered for a moment.
“Are you—-“
“You wanna take a walk? See where the night takes us?” Y/N gave him a small smile when asking as he didn’t reply with words, only a small nod and a hint of his own smile.
Walking through New York absent minded was a luxury in its own way. Especially when one knows she will be safe doing so. It was oddly nice going through the city and just enjoying the silence while hand in hand.
Y/N initially wanted to stay in the neighborhood, but quickly got distracted by how far they went that they ended up taking the subway. Logan wrapped his arm around her shoulders keeping her close as he felt her arms snake around his middle. It was late, not many people on the train, but they still kept close as if it was crowded.
Eventually they ended up in Central Park. Why? Who knows. The park at night is something else and Logan couldn’t remember the last time he’s been there, especially from his universe. But Y/N remembers her first time back in New York since everything…
Bringing Laura to Central Park for her first time…seeing the ducks…petting all the dogs…and just enjoying the area
Back then, Y/N would stand on the bridge thinking about James and missing him. But now she stands there with Logan being close and enjoying the night. She doesn’t think about what she misses for a moment and thinks about how much—-
“I love you”
Logan instantly locked eyes with her, not saying it back right away but acknowledging the pounding in his chest easing ever so slightly after hearing her say those words. Y/N didn’t walk away when he didn’t say it back but she cried when he admitted—-
“I fell in love with you the moment I met you again” and the man didn’t hesitate to shed a few tears when saying such. Which brought tears of her own to spill.
The two instantly held onto each other after such, letting go of a lot of emotion built on anxiety and fear alone. But slowly became holding onto one another out of love and a sense of reunion. They both love and will forever have a bond with their universe’s other half, but this was new and different…something they’ve waited for and could only get from them.
Logan kept Y/N close, holding her for what felt like hours…but realistically until it got too late into the night. He held her hand all the way back to the subway then back to their apartments and before he even thought of asking, Y/N pulled him close standing on her tippy toes to bring her lips perfectly onto his.
He didn’t hesitate any longer to pick her up, continuing to kiss her as she stumbles blindly to unlock her door not parting from his lips for a moment. The second the lock kicked, Logan pushed the door open with his foot letting them inside and closing the door with the same foot. Slowly making their way into the bedroom and sharing that moment in private. But let me just say, Wade got the dirty details out of Y/N when he convinced her to take edibles with him.
Being the hour that it was, Y/N laid comfortably naked on top of Logan. Both looking at the window and watching the sunlight spill in as she snuggles her face against his chest sighing contently to the sound of his heartbeat.
“I love you, Y/N” Logan whispers, feeling her shift on top of him getting more comfortable. Feeling the warmth grow in his chest as he looks at her watching her gaze lock onto his.
“I love you too, Logan”
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brokenmutations · 2 months ago
Angry Little Wolverines
Logan Howlett • She/Her Pronouns • Mutant!Reader [Speak to Animals/Mind Reader for Animals] • Have you even seen a Wolverine before? • SFW • TW: Minor injuries
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“Okay, you’re called the Wolverine. Have you ever seen one before?” Y/N scoffs when questioning Logan as he was left speechless given it was indeed true. He’s never seen one before. “Jeez, Logan! You can’t take their whole style and not know what they look like”
“I didn’t name myself! How the fuck am I supposed to instantly know what they look like?”
“You lose your memory. Find out you’re named Wolverine…you weren’t curious?”
All the man did was shrug to such, making his partner scoff at him again before heading toward the garages promoting him to quickly follow in confusion.
“Where are we going?”
“To the worse place in the world” Y/N snatches the keys to his truck off the hook. “The zoo”
“How is that—-“ Logan stopped himself when she whipped her head quickly back at him in anger. “Right. Animal captivity. But why go if you hate it there so much?”
“Because I’m not driving all the way to western Canada to find wolverines in their natural habitats. Plus…”
“We ain’t doing a prison break. The cops are still pissed last time”
“UGH fine” Y/N sighs, opening the drivers side and letting herself in while Logan got in on his side.
The drive was pretty quick given Y/N went on and on about wolverine facts.
Did you know that the scientific name for wolverines is Gulo gulo and it comes from the Latin word glutton?
They average around a weight of 30-50 pounds and can take on grizzlies!
Wolverines chirp and coo at their young maybe that’s why you have a softer tone with Marie compared to everyone else
Not a part of the wolves family! Weasels actually
And she went on and on, Logan found himself irked in the beginning but eventually ease into the comforting rambling that came from Y/N about the creature.
Once they arrived at the zoo, Y/N couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed when they arrived given she could hear everything the animals were talking about. More specifically what they were complaining about. Logan expected to go straight to the wolverines but stuck by Y/N as she went to every animal talking to them to make them feel a bit better.
That stupid child wouldn’t stop tapping the viewing glass! The lioness roared at Y/N from the exposed area of the enclosure as she instantly turned to glare at said kid only for Logan to block her gaze.
“Are you going to fight a kid?”
“I will if I must!”
“Fight the parents instead, sweetheart. But also let’s not get kicked out of the zoo before we see this animal that shares my name”
Your boyfriend is the Wolverine? Another lioness came up to her friend on the perch, chirping at Y/N as she nods. Resulting in a huff from the lioness. Do you know what the exhibit has?
That brought a bit of anxiety to Y/N as her tensed posture made Logan instantly wrap an arm around her shoulders to ease some of it.
Even if the worry was toward nothing once it revealed the few signs at the wolverines enclosure that “There’s a hero named after us” and has images of Logan that he didn’t even know was taken of him.
“Least the rest of the world knows what wolverines are, Wolverine”
Logan scoffs as he watches Y/N approach the railing, she leans over to find a few wolverines huddled around something.
Need to escape
Need to escape
Baby doesn’t deserve this
Baby needs to escape
Let’s just say, Logan shouldn’t have turned away when he heard some bird cawing in a different part of the zoo.
“Well now I know what they look like and I should change my name”
“No! You’re a hero to them too yknow” Y/N gave him a soft smile as she sits in the passengers seat this time around, holding her chest for a moment that concerned Logan until it started to move. “What?”
“…You gotta stop reading their minds”
“What are you even talking about?!”
Logan squints at her leaning back in his seat crossing his arms. “They have a baby, a baby doesn’t deserve to live in captivity!” He repeats her words back at her, same words she uttered when they left the enclosure and INSTANTLY left the zoo. “Charles isn’t going to let you keep it”
“Well he can argue with me til he’s blue in the face!” Y/N opened the first few buttons of the flannel she wore to reveal the wolverine cub. “You can’t blame me!”
“This is kidnapping!”
“Not when the parents consented and helped me get the baby!”
Angy The small cub started to growl at Logan, only for the man to growl back resulting in the baby hiding in her shirt.
Logan face palms to such, but to her surprise, he started the car and started the drive back to the mansion.
Someone else can argue with her about whether to keep it or not…and to make sure zoo security doesn’t ban her.
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brokenmutations · 3 months ago
Feeling ever so small
Logan Howlett • She/Her Pronouns • Mutant!Reader [Plant Manipulation] • A/N: Not feeling that great, so have this • ANGST/SFW • TW: Depression / Anxiety
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Logan hasn’t seen her all day, it was driving him a little mad the amount of times he’s asked Jean to pop into her head to find her. She refused of course, for the sake of privacy, but even she worried for her friend that was nowhere to be seen.
He even asked Scott. Scott of ALL people where Y/N may be. But all he could really say was he walked past her class in the morning and saw her teaching. The norm if you would.
The frustration was starting to get to him that he asked the other mind reader and Charles is the same as Jean for the most part. Won’t do it for privacy reasons. But he did recall talking to her during the lunch hour about covering one of her later classes for she hasn’t been sleeping well.
That alone made Logan think she hasn’t been sleeping because he was gone on a mission with Ororo and Rogue. But then remembered the few face times he got during the mission where they fell asleep on the call. He has thanked Rogue a million times over showing him how to face time.
He went to check their shared bedroom again given she wasn’t there when he arrived back at the mansion. But once again, Logan had just missed her. The only difference from a freshly made bed in the morning, was her laptop bag rests on the end of the bed. She only leaves her things when she’s either turning in for the night…
Or doesn’t want to bring her belongings to the indoor greenhouse. Logan quietly enters the place, taking a deep breath in of the flora that each of them have collected throughout missions or have been gifted by the many students that come and go through the school. There’s an area secluded within the greenhouse that looks like a scene from a Disney movie with the bay window, a daybed, and plants surrounding it in a comforting manner. Doesn’t help that Y/N has a mutant where she can communicate and control plant life.
When Logan made it to this secluded spot, Y/N lays in the daybed looking toward the window with vine draping over her body. Not constricting but in a comforting manner that was like a blanket. Like wild ivy.
“I’ve been looking for you”
His voice snapped her out of her daze as Y/N sits up with the ivy slowly falling off of her and drying up into debris. Logan quietly approaches her, brushing off said plant debris along with her as she instinctively pulls him in a manner that he knew to bring himself behind her. Having her lay against his chest as he leans against the pillows.
“How was the mission?” Y/N asks as the wild ivy started to wrap itself around them both with a layer of moss to add extra warmth.
“Meh. We found the few mutants, returned them home…one wants to stay here. Nothing more” Logan rests his chin on top of her head, feeling her tense at first before easing into it. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”
“Really?” Logan whispers with a hint of concern, feeling her hug his arms impossibly closer to her. “Nothing in that beautiful mind of yours?”
Y/N shakes her head snuggling in his embrace feeling his arms tighten around her as the tears started to build up. The warmth he emitted from a physical standpoint reminded her body she wasn’t alone, but the warmth of his presence and his voice reminded her that she was safe. She eases into his touch when his thumb gently brushed away the tears.
“Nothing…Well, you don’t have to face nothing alone anymore” Logan reassures her, bringing his arm back securing around her as she curls up more in his embrace.
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brokenmutations · 3 months ago
Winter Activities - Family
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Logan Howlett • She/Her Pronouns • Mutant!Reader [Kinetic Energy] • Holidays with Logan looked different after everything • ANGST/SFW • TW: Major Character Death / Blood Loss / Major Injury / Recovery
After the Westchester incident it went from a huge family to you, Charles, and Logan. Which meant holidays like Christmas were never going to be the same.
The winter after the incident, the three of them found themselves living in an SUV hiding from the rest of the world. Logan would take odd jobs to make money and Y/N was left taking care of Charles which she didn’t mind. But she hates to admit the countless times she broke into pharmacies late at night to find the seizure medication he’s been prescribed but couldn’t afford. After the incident, he lost everything.
“Y/N? Where’s Logan?”
“At a cage fight” Y/N curled up in the passenger seat of the SUV, staring out the window watching the snow fall in a random parking lot in South Dakota. “I wanted to watch but…part of me didn’t want to either”
“You didn’t want to spend Christmas in a bar”
Y/N turned toward Charles annoyed from her seat. “Chuck, you can’t read my thoughts. Or anyone’s for a while”
“I haven’t had a seizure in months. That’s progress”
“Because I’ve been giving you your medicine on time, which you’ve forgotten to do for yourself on multiple occasions” Y/N frowns slumping back into the seat as she curls up, rubbing her arms slowly.
Charles couldn’t help but worry for her. He reached out to gently squeeze her shoulder as she turns back with an even sadder expression on her face.
“I know you wanted him here to at least spend Christmas with us” And he didn’t have to read her mind to know that.
Y/N couldn’t control the tears at that point, letting them fall as she tries to disappear the more she curled in on herself. “I miss our family…”
“At least they don’t have to suffer the horrors anymore…”
“Most of them…” Y/N frowns turning her attention toward the bar and getting anxious over the time before stepping out of the car tugging on her jacket while walking over to the bar.
The instant attention she received when stepping in felt like pouring oil into water. It did not mix well. But it quickly subsided when Logan stepped into the bar from the backrooms after cleaning up from a few rounds of fighting. The silence and tense that grew when Y/N and Logan closed the distance between each other only prompted the bartender to clear his throat setting down two beers.
“Uhm. It’s on the house, Merry Christmas” He quickly avoided their eye contact and stepped away.
Logan carefully pulled out the stool for her before taking the one next to it. Y/N took her seat and stayed close to him even if his body tensed. Her suspicion got the best of her as she brought her hand into his unbuttoned shirt showing off his chest to her noticing the bruises. The bruises that weren’t healing.
His healing has started to slow. Slow in a way that made him more human. But that didn’t stop Y/N from trying to find the reason as to why it’s happening, and if she could find any way to make the pain less painful.
Logan doesn’t know she’s doing this, because she knows that he’s worried about leaving her one day and doesn’t want him to think she’s trying to stop the inevitable. She knows she’ll lose him one day…she just wants him to not suffer
After a couple years in a cramped SUV and a camper van Charles bargained for to be more comfortable, they were finally in a place. Well, an abandoned smelting plant across the Mexican border. The three found Caliban in all of this mess and he helps with Charles on occasion. Mainly at night.
The holidays have been missed up until they got to that smelting plant. Granted, they would’ve continued to fly by if it wasn’t for Charles.
“Y/N, can you go into town?”
“Why?” Y/N gives him a confused look while watering his plants that Caliban got for him from a night market.
“This place is depressing! It’s the holidays for gods sake”
“How do you know it’s the holidays? Do you even know what holiday?”
“Just because I’m losing my mind, doesn’t mean I can’t still read yours” Charles crosses his arms with a satisfied smile on his face, this is one of the times his mind reading didn’t lead to a seizure. “So? Will you go into town and grab some things for me?”
Y/N sighs, setting the watering can down while picking up his meds and water bottle. “As long as you take these”
A couple hours pass and Logan found himself tiredly returning to their “home” expecting a packaged up dinner for him but when he entered the main facility there was no one. His anxiety didn’t do him justice these days which led him to run over to the empty water tower where Charles is held up.
The anxious and fearful look on his face instantly relaxed when he entered the water tower finding Christmas lights littered around the place. Caliban and Charles were laughing at one another over something Logan couldn’t hear as his full attention was on the smile that graced Y/N’s face. Something he hasn’t seen for some time.
“Hi” Logan whispers enough for Y/N to hear when he approached her. “Charles make you do all this?”
“Mm. He wanted to do it for me, and we both know he can’t do it all himself…so” Y/N gestures to the decorated water tower, easing into Logan when he brought his arm around her waist. “You look good. Is this what the limo service requires of you?” She smiles softly, fiddling with the jacket of his suit as he gently takes the hand doing so into his.
“Yeah. I also get a lot of drunkards…so imagine cleaning up vomit in a suit”
“At least you’re not…hurting yourself in cage fights anymore”
“I listened when you told me to stop…You know I’ll always listen to you” It was always taken with a grain of salt, but Y/N always appreciated him saying such. Logan leaned into her, pressing his lips to her cheek before parting enough to go into his coat for something.
Y/N smiles watching him for a moment before her expression softened in a positive light when he took out a velvet box. “Logan…”
“You uhm…lost it when we ran. Had to get you a new one” Logan opened the box to reveal a simple band, given their situation but Y/N still teared up at the sentiment. “Merry Christmas Mrs. Howlett”
“Merry Christmas Mr. Howlett” Y/N smiles letting him slip the ring on before kissing him lovingly. Not caring for the Polaroid going off from Caliban and Charles quickly hiding the camera.
That was one of the better Christmases, Logan has been getting weaker due to the adamantium poisoning. The reason his healing has slowed. There is no cure to such so Y/N watched the days get harder for Logan and while they also did for her, she couldn’t help but shove her feelings down about herself when it came to watching her husband fade in front of her.
One Christmas, they all had suffered another one of Charles’s seizures because even if he gets his medicine on time…time asks for a bigger dose without even realizing. While Charles recovered in his water tower, Caliban went to bed early ignoring the holiday, and that leaves Y/N laid propped up in the cot with Logan laying his head in her lap as the rest of his was sprawled out.
“‘M sorry…”
“Why are you sorry?” Y/N whispers, running her fingers gently through his hair earning a satisfied groan from such.
“For all of this…I know I didn’t put us in this, but I feel responsible for not being able to give you the life that you deserve” Logan mumbles softly, tightening his arms around her middle. “This is a lousy Christmas…”
“You’re all I need, Lo” Y/N leans down kissing his temple. “And the holiday is perfect just from this alone…”
He didn’t want her to worry about him, especially when he teared up to her words. But she would always worry about him, tears or not.
Her worry only grew when this child came into their lives. Laura. Sweet little thing with a temper just like him and even if Logan in the beginning didn’t want to, Y/N would sacrifice everything to protect her. She’s now her family. When it came to saving those she loved, she seemed to only lose in that department.
Losing Charles stung deeply that when Logan tried to comfort her, in the condition he was in, her anxiety only triggered her mutation to backfire against herself.
That when she thought she was going to lose Logan to practically a clone of himself, she let the kinetic energy erupt from inside her and it was all a blinding ball of light that the only thing heard were thuds against the earth.
Then suddenly, Y/N shot up finding herself in a hospital bed. Her panic was about to get the best of her until she saw the familiar face enter the room, bringing tears to her eyes.
“Hank?” She sobbed out extending her arms forward for her currently furless friend to bring himself into her embrace hugging her tightly. Keeping in mind of the bandages on her arms. “I thought—-I-I”
“Thought I died? I thought I was going to…” Hank laughs half heartedly, pulling back and sitting on the edge of the bed. “The shockwaves that went through everyone’s minds…only triggered my mutation to stop for a while. Then the rumors of experimentations on mutants rolled out that I concocted a serum to keep me human.”
“This is so…heh, it’s been years since I’ve seen you human” Y/N cradles his face gently, smiling at him for a moment before it fell to the realization. “Oh my god…Hank—-Logan, Laura—-M-My husband—my—-“
“Your daughter is sleeping in the waiting room. Logan is in a coma…”
“W-Where are we?”
“A clinic I opened a few years back…for remaining mutants but also have to take regulars to avoid suspicions that…we no longer have to worry about since Transigen was destroyed”
“Destroyed? How long have I been out Hank?”
“A couple weeks? A month at most…I’ve been following you guys since news came out that Eden existed through the hidden mutant society. I traced you all the way to North Dakota. Thankfully I found you when I did”
Y/N felt her body finally exhale, thankful it wasn’t just them in the world and a dear friend of hers went out of his way to find them. Save them.
Once she recovered, Y/N would sleep in Logan’s clinic room along with Laura snuggled in her embrace or in the cot that Hank brought in. Which meant Y/N taking the chair beside his bed and growing uncomfortable but she didn’t care. His body was slowly healing the longer he was unconscious. Hank managed to concoct something similar to the enhancement drug that boosted his healing factor but less harmful and he managed to find something to lessen the poisoning the adamantium was doing to his body.
Logan was out for a year and a half.
“Here, you wanna put these on the tree?” Y/N smiles holding an open box of ornaments for Laura as she picked up a handful before approaching the tree. A few falling out of her grasp which made her laugh softly to herself.
The sound of the door opening caught Laura’s attention instantly as she dropped the ornaments in her grasp (thankfully not glass ones) and ran toward the blue merle border collie that instantly started with hop around her. Laura instantly grabbing the tug toy for their dog and started to play away from the door to let an exhausted Logan in.
“Can’t believe she convinced me to get that dog” Logan scoffs, closing the door behind him instantly approaching his wife who happily hugged his middle as he brought his arm around her shoulders. “Got started without me?”
“Well Laura had a handful of ornaments ready to be placed…then you brought Bub in and she of course would rather play with the dog” Y/N laughs, Logan smiles warmly at her drinking in her laugh as he kisses her forehead. “Still can’t believe the dog kept the name you kept calling it”
“Bub is a perfect name for a dog” Logan scoffs, only for both of them to hear Laura scoff to his statement. Y/N hums contently with a smile and a soft laugh as she tightens her arms around him. “I ain’t going anywhere sweetheart” he whispers to her, knowing she holds him tighter than before given the accident.
“I know”
“Say…you still haven’t told me what you wanted for Christmas”
Y/N smiles at the thought, feeling Laura snuggle into her side prompting her to unwrap her arm from his middle and wrap it around her little one.
“I’ve got all that I need this year”
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brokenmutations · 3 months ago
I started the “winter activities” a little late but I at least want to get a few out so…my next one is hopefully soon. The others will be going into January 🤷
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brokenmutations · 3 months ago
I'm obsessed with Logan x reader that can talk to animals! Would you consider writing more with her?
I loved writing it so, I have WIPs with that mutation already but I’m open to requests for specific stuff if anything ever pops up yknow
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brokenmutations · 3 months ago
Winter Activities - Christmas Tree
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Logan Howlett • She/Her Pronouns • Mutant!Reader [Speak to Animals/Mind Reader for Animals] • Getting a Christmas tree with Scrooge aka Logan • SFW
A/N: Gonna do a few of these as a Christmas gift to yall. Short n sweet
“Where are you going with that?” Logan questions Y/N as she walks through the mansion with an axe. “Are you reenacting The Shinning?”
“No, I have been tasked to get the tree this year” Y/N smiles proudly, which faltered when Logan gave her a confused expression. “What? Think I can’t handle it?”
“Nah I’m not saying that at all…Just how are you going to get the tree back?”
“I think you forget who I’m friends with” Y/N laughs with a smile making her way to the garage with Logan still following. “If you want to come, you can”
“Don’t want the damn thing falling on you after you cut it”
“Such little faith in me, Howlett” Y/N tsks, setting the axe in the bed of the truck before climbing into the drivers seat.
The drive was quiet, except for Logan occasionally messing with the radio and Y/N humming along to whatever he played. The man desperately tried to skip as many Christmas songs as he could.
“Okay, Scrooge. Just one song” Y/N smacks his hand away from messing with the radio and switching the channel that was playing Last Christmas by Wham!
As the song continued, a smile grew on Y/N’s face hearing Logan hum along to it while watching the scenery go by.
Eventually they reached a spot where it was allowed to cut down the trees. Y/N walked through the forest, axe in hand and Logan following behind her tensing when he heard strange noises in the woods.
“Let’s hurry it up”
“Are you serious?” Y/N scoffs. “Can’t rush the process”
“That ain’t it. There’s something around here stalking us” Logan frowns, his claws extending and before he could even react on the anxiety, he felt Y/N’s hand on his shoulder. Making him tense but also relax when suddenly a bear came through the tree line.
The man with claws has an attitude The bear growls out toward Y/N who only laughed at its words.
“He means well, Blue. You just scared him” Y/N smiles handing off the axe to Logan so she could approach the bear giving it head scratches which in return the bear gave satisfied grumble.
“Forgot you’re practically a Disney princess” Logan leaned the axe against his shoulder watching Y/N continue to pet the bear as she gave him a side eye glance with a smile. “Alright. You going to find a tree or what?”
That question only brought a smile to her features, something he always takes to memory when he sees. He watches the bear turn away from them both and start heading into a certain direction that had Y/N following. Of course the bear knows a good tree.
After finding said tree finally, Y/N was going to cut it down when Logan decided to take care of it. She watches him carefully with a smile while leaning against the bear.
Is this the grumpy one?
The grumpy one you fancy? The bear roars out at Y/N as she nods with a smile. Is he stupid?
“No! Why would you say that?” Y/N scoffs playfully, earning an annoyed look from the bear.
It’s either he or you, that is the idiot The bear grunts as it scratches the back of its ear with its back foot. He is oblivious to your pheromones. But he is also very obvious with his own…toward you the bear growls loud which caught Logan’s attention instantly.
“The hell the bear saying?”
Y/N didn’t know whether to believe the bear of not but with the thoughts racing in the bear’s mind. She knew it was telling the truth.
“That we owe it a fish for helping us get this great tree”
There was a weird awkwardness that grew after the bear straight up told Y/N what it was thinking and granted she can read animals’ thoughts. Kinda wish she could read Logan’s to see if it’s true on his end. But she’ll manage somewhat…
Returning to the mansion with the tree was met with a lot of joy from everyone who was waiting for the day the tree came. To decorate and smell the fresh pine in the mansion for weeks. As Ororo and Scott handled getting the boxes of decorations while Jean helped the smaller students hang stuff on the tree once the lights were on, Y/N sat on the small stairs to the entrance watching it all unfold with a smile.
From by the tree Rogue watches Logan slowly approach Y/N which prompted her to whisper something to Gambit as he quickly grabbed Kurt. All this unknown to the two.
“You picked a good one” Logan comments leaning against the pillar as Y/N looks up with a smile.
“The bear did”
“Right” He huffs, a hint of a smile gracing his lips as he shifts to sit down beside her. “Still. You picked a good one”
Y/N gave him a soft smile while turning her attention back to the tree with a thought slowly popping up in her mind.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Why did you wanna come with me? The woods aren’t that scary to me and I would’ve been safe…”
Logan didn’t answer right away as he had to think carefully of his next words, but then Y/N gently rested her hand on his thigh which made all the anxious answers disappear in his head. The look she gave him felt one of longing and genuine curiosity that he didn’t hesitate anymore.
“I like spending as much time with you as I can” Logan whispers for only them to hear and before Y/N could say something to that, they both heard their Cajun friend clear his throat.
As both turned to Gambit, noticing a few more of their friends surrounding him. He points up to the ceiling with a satisfied smirk, making them both look up to Kurt hanging from the rafters but more importantly the mistletoe hanging off the tip of tail right above the two.
Few expecting some protest from at least Logan, they were all surprised when the Wolverine gently took a hold of Y/N’s chin directing her to look at him before pressing his lips softly against hers.
Once they parted the small crowd parted and even one yelled out a “finally” before returning to decorating the tree. Y/N lingered close to Logan for a bit, as she then rested her head on his shoulder as they continued to watch the lives in the mansion continue to decorate.
“I like you too”
Logan looks at her for a second before smiling amused to himself. He gently kisses the top of her before joining her in watching their people enjoy decorating for the holiday.
This year being more enjoyable already
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brokenmutations · 4 months ago
Y/N: Listen
Logan: *silent*
Y/N: …Are you…uh
Logan: You said to listen.
Y/N: Oh I uhm. Expected you to bitch about listening to another one of my ramblings
Logan: …I like listening to your rambling
Y/N: *hits the stop recording on their phone* SEE I FUCKING TOLD YOU SCOTT HE DOES LIKE LISTENING TO ME *running away with the recorded message*
Logan: *red in the face, chasing after Y/N*
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brokenmutations · 5 months ago
When there’s a Logan, there’s a You
Logan Howlett [Variants] • She/Her Pronouns • Mutant!Reader [Heightened Senses] • In Wade’s attempts to find the perfect Wolverine for his timeline, he half expected not to run into the many different yous that existed • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Blood / Nightmares / Scars
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“Oh, I gotta find me another Logan” Wade sighs, taking out the glorified fire phone. “An alive one…Don’t get up, guys. I’ll see myself out”
Comic Accurate Short King
“Logan!” Wade shouts in the axe throwing bar, spotting Logan sat at the bar. “I’m gonna need you to come with me.”
“Who’s asking?” Logan glared, hopping off the bar stool and revealing his true height.
“Oh, look at this hairy Lou Retton” Wade giggles behind the mask. “Did you stick the landing, little guy?”
A bit of annoyance grew on Logan’s face as he walked closer to Wade.
“Yes, you did! Comic-accurate short king” Wade leaned down, his voice in more of a mocking way and before he could say more he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Marvel Jesus turned around and holy fuck was this universe’s Y/N was tall as SHIT.
“Who you callin’ short, fucking ketchup bottle?” Y/N growled, gripping his shoulder with a bit of a force that drove a shiver down his spine.
“Okay Godzilla, I think I’ll be on my way out” Wade pulls himself away, taking the phone out and staring at their height dynamics as the door opens behind him. “He climbs you like a tree huh?” He teased only for both of them to get annoyed about to follow him but he quickly went through with it shutting behind.
Cue the fucking montage
Weapon X
As Wade steps through the door he was in shock at how ruined this universe was.
“Everything here is on fire” He thought out loud, entering an alleyway finding a hunched over figure with a cloak covering them. “Hi, have you seen I guess a more apocalyptic looking Hugh Jackman around here?”
The individual lifted their head showing their face to Wade causing him to kneel in front of the person.
“Fucking hell is that you Y/N?!” Wade removed the hood of her cloak revealing the buzzed hair. “Okay Furiosa, you slay in any universe”
The confusion write itself on her face as she didn’t know who this person was but given her state of being, she didn’t have the strength to fight him. But he sure did.
Suddenly, Wade was thrown away from Y/N’s space causing a bit of a comical scream to erupt out of the poor guy. Next thing he knew, his body met the wall which broke a few bones. Especially the car he landed on broke a couple more.
As Wade groans lifting himself onto his elbows, he turned to find a man had replaced where he was.
“I don’t know who you are but maybe you know where—-“
The man straightened up turning around to look Wade with the familiar scowl that matches every Wolverine.
“Well well well, you aren’t a kitty cat like the rest with that lion’s mane of yours” Wade smirks rolling off the car and walking over to get up close and personal. He was about to demand he come with him but then his eyes moved with his head to the metal stump that used to be his left hand. “Do your claws still work with that thing?” He gasps suddenly, straightening up. “Was that the hand you used to jerk o—-“
Before he could finish he went flying to the wall again after Logan punched him with said stump. Logan had enough of this yapping individual he’s never seen before and decided a threat is a threat. So he went after Wade and if he could, he’d turn him into ceviche if other matters didn’t stop him.
Y/N watched this all play out for a while and wanted to break it up but a part of her couldn’t handle the noises she was hearing.
Her wince is what made Logan stop and shove Wade off the car he was fighting him on before quickly approaching her. Logan gently cradles her face with his hand resting his forehead against hers.
“Yeah…okay, I’ll uh…see myself out” Wade groans dragging his body to the door he opened with his phone.
When Wade opened the door to the next universe he was confused whether he was in a casino in Vegas or a casino in the middle of the jungle because when he looked outside the window it looked like a jungle.
“Can I help you sir?”
The voice caught him off guard as he quickly turned around to lock eyes with this universe’s Y/N. Except his Y/N had cochlear implants. Not every universe is the same people! This Y/N clearly had her mutation manifest a bit too much that her eardrums BOOM! Exploded. Bursted…what’s the medical mumbo-jumbo? Anyway, I only know that cuz that ALMOST happened to my Y/N.
“Sir—-Can I help you?”
“I’m looking for a tall broody man that apparently has a very gremlin sized version of himself in another universe. Hell, you were alllllll leg there” Wade started to doze off thinking about how exactly the short king, yknow then he snapped back into it. “Anyho! You’re not helpful so I’m leaving you in your cute little waiter outfit alone and let myself in”
Before he even got to the door, Y/N blocked his path firmly pressing her hand against his chest.
“Okay princess, I’m not here to fight. I just need to talk to Logan”
The name triggered a thought in her mind unknown to him, but it was obvious that she thought Logan’s position was about to be compromised by this stranger.
“You don’t have a meeting with Patch and if you enter without granted access…I’ll have to take care of you myself” Y/N shoved Wade with a force he would never expect from her.
“Holy shit have you been working out or juicing?” Wade scoffs falling on his ass watching Y/N take out a small canister that with a quick press of a button it formed into a staff. “Marvel H. Christ…you pack a punch. I wonder what you’d do with the Hulk as your opponent”
“I’d leave if I were you”
“Sorry, sweetcheeks. That’s a no can do” Wade groans on his way back up, taking one of his katanas out. “Guess I’ll have to force my way through”
Logan suddenly felt uneasy as he looked at his winning cards, confusing the others at the table but his expression was toward what he heard that they didn’t. He reveals his cards and listened to their disappointment but before he could leave the table…
“Patch” Wade gave him a look which led Logan to gesture for the man on his right to give up his seat for him. “I need to talk to you”
“I don’t know who you are, bub” Logan tapped the table for his cards as the dealer gave Wade his as he was confused at to what they were playing.
“Yeah but I know exactly who you are and you HAVE to tell me how you snagged Y/N. The little lady is crazier than mine.” Wade lifted his cards, leaning into Logan. “What are we playing?” He whispers only for the man to growl at him in his space. “Ok ok. Not Go-Fish…uhm. I fold”
The dealer nodded and went to the next player, Logan kept his composure for the most part but when Wade said his partner’s name…his whole body tensed.
“How do you know Y/N.”
“Well that’s a bigger discussion we should have in private. And probably without her because she’s gonna be pissed when she wakes up” Wade went to reach for his card and Logan had enough which led the man to unsheathe his claws to stab him in the head. The woman on the other side of the mercenary, screamed when blood got on her but business continued as Logan retracted his claws along with pulling Wade away and off the table.
“You look like you could use a drink” the dealer gestured for a waiter to come over and before Logan could stand up to check on one in particular, he felt a hand stop him.
Logan quickly looked up locking eyes with his partner who bore a tired expression along with a bruise forming on her cheek. He could smell the blood on her and knew it was hers given she hide her other arm behind her back to avoid other eyes.
‘You okay?’ He signed to her as Y/N nods before both their attention were drawn to Wade dragging himself along the carpeted floor.
“Never…coming…back here” Wade groans continuing to drag himself away as Y/N scoffs at his form while signing ‘idiot’.
As soon as Wade left, Logan rises to his feet excusing himself from the table and walking out with Y/N back to the small lobby before their casino room. He frowns scanning around the room to see all the damage done to the place alone.
‘He ever comes back, you get me’ Logan scoffs as he signs to her while taking a hold of her arm that Wade managed to knick with his tiny knife.
‘I can handle myself’ She frowns, feeling his fingers gently lift her chin to have her attention on him.
“I don’t care. This operation is risky, I can’t lose you in the process” Logan frowns, kissing her forehead before bringing her into his arms for a brief moment. Her body finally relaxed after that whole interaction.
Old Man Logan
“This is much homier than the last universe…I think I still taste metal…” Wade pondered as he approached the small property in the woods. “Was it his claws or her staff going up where the sun don’t—-Oh hey!” He waves at the old man on the porch.
Said old man didn’t seem to care much of the guy dressed like a ketchup bottle. He kept his attention on himself until he heard the footsteps draw nearer.
“Hello, Hi! Hope you’re the man I’m looking for”
The old man lifted his gaze only for Wade to be taken back a sec.
“Well don’t you need some coconut oil on…that” He gestures to Logan’s older complexion as his words only drew out a low growl from the old man. “So you and my Logan actually aged. Can the little Wolvie still perform? I wanted to ask my Y/N but she’s still grieving”
Logan glared at him which drew out a growl out of the man the closer Wade got.
The growling annoyed more than the merc as the front door opened revealing this universe’s Y/N with a very tired expression on her face. Logan’s growling suddenly stopped as he turned toward the door finding her disappointed expression making his expression soften for a second.
Then a whole 180 turn back to Wade returning the scowl on his face and suddenly the shotgun he was hiding under his blanket fired at the poor guy launching him back from the force alone.
“He’s twitching” Y/N frowns stepping off the porch and checking the body, watching the bullet holes heal. “He can heal like you, babe” she pulls away from the body, only for her back to bump into Logan’s chest as he instantly went to cover her with his body. “He’s not going to hurt me”
Logan shot her a glare which was met with an annoyed look from her. He tensed when he heard Wade groaning, resulting in him gently nudging Y/N back as he took a step back.
“Okayyyy…clearly, I struck a fucking nerve with this one. Like…the others” Wade groans rising to his feet and cracking his back as he did such. “I shall bid y’all farewell…this writer needs to send me to a universe where the wolverine is a cat. Then maybe just maybe I won’t be too hurt” he sighs taking out his phone and opening a door to the next universe.
The poor guy looked around terrified as to where the man dressed in red had disappeared to, all while Y/N pulled away heading back inside.
“You want some peach cobbler?” She asks halfway through the door as Logan perked up quickly following behind her.
The door shut a moment, then Logan opened it back up leaving his shotgun outside before going back in.
Crucified Wolverine
Wade face plants into the sea of red skulls and part of him was afraid but most of him was curious.
“What in the fuck…” He lifts his head finding Logan on a giant yellow X. “Are you okay??” He laughs, struggling to rise to his feet as he stumbles on over to get close to this variant.
All this Logan has done was groan to the feeling of the nails in his wrists and the rain hitting his skin making him overall uncomfortable.
“Yeah uh. Not you…we’re uhm. Going in different directions” Wade turned around opening a door. “Thank god I didn’t find a Y/N skull…”
“Y/N…” Logan sobbed hearing her name which only made Wade anxious and get out of there faster not wanting to know what happened to one of his best friends in this universe.
John Byrne’s Brown and Tan Wolverine
“Oh yes, YES! Classic John Byrne brown and tan” Wade nodded happily watching Logan come into view of the wrecked forest they stood in. “Now you fought the Hulk in this costume…”
Logan readied himself, unsheathing his claws at the exact moment the Hulk roared which led Wade to turn around being face to face with said green monster.
“I’m Marvel Jesus you dull creature and I——“ Wade was suddenly hit by the Hulk into the trunk of a knocked down oak.
Part of him was having enough of these Logan variants that Wade started to whine and an even bigger chunk of him wishes his Y/N was with him.
“Get up!”
It felt like he was seeing an angel when her voice caught his ears. Y/N picked up Wade like it was nothing, carrying him over her shoulders and bringing him away from the fight but the Hulk was acting like a bull chasing them which led to Logan chasing him.
“DITCH THE RED, BUB” Logan shouts, climbing a tree and launching himself onto the Hulk’s back throwing him back.
Y/N suddenly dropped Wade but helped him to his feet. “Listen, Red. You’re not from here and this ain’t your fight”
“I know I know! I was gonna ask if I could borrow your Logan to help save my universe” Wade’s voice was panicked watching Logan and the Hulk fight.
“Look. Avengers are after us for messin’ with the multiverse already. You need to find a Logan that doesn’t have anything he could lose in his universe.” Y/N frowns. “It’s messed up but that’s how it’s gonna have to be.”
“Wait. How the fuck do you know so much about the multiverse?”
“When your Red vanishes one day and it became this unknown trend…you get curious and start talking to a few sorcerers” Y/N states, getting a chill down her back as she quickly grabs Wade pulling them both out of the way of the tree thrown their way.
“Y/N FOR FUCKS SAKE” Logan shouts, mainly over his anxiety for their safety with a hint of anger.
Y/N sighs grabbing Wade’s hand and pulling him out of their line of sight. She quickly took the phone out of his hand and dialed in two sequences.
“These two have lone Wolverines. One definitely has some baggage from a different studio but the other I know nothing about”
“Ok ok…I’ll take it” Wade took the phone, opening the first one up. Before she stepped completely away, he called out to her catching her attention. “Uhm. I…”
“You will save your universe, Wilson.” Y/N gave a small nod with a smile before turning around and running toward the fight.
The Cavillrine
The revving of the motorcycle caught his attention instantly.
“Oh now we’re talking” Wade started to approach this universe’s Wolverine. “That’s the whole goddamn package right there”
As he got closer, he grew more confused and remembered when the other Y/N brought up “studio” as if it meant something important…
“Yknow…from behind you look a little like Henry—-“ The second Logan turned around, Wade gasped. “Oh my FUCK…the Cavillrine the legends are true”
Logan gave him a confused expression as he puffed out some cigar smoke, bringing his attention toward his bike once more.
“And may I say sir on the behalf of all humanity….this just feels RIGHT” Wade emphasized on the last word with a bunch of giddiness in his voice watching Logan turn to him. “We will treat you so much better than those shit fucks down the street!”
“You were just leaving” Logan scoffs, removing the cigar from his mouth and tossing it.
“No sir! I wonder if your Y/N looks a little like Amy Adams” Wade thought for a moment, “No no no sir, not while the fate of my universe is at—-“
Poor guy.
Wade flew through the next time door from the force of Logan’s punch.
The Worse Wolverine
After the whole spiel, Logan came face to face with Wade’s gun as he could sense he had enough of disappointment. But he wasn’t going to go that easily.
“Watch this” Logan laughs reaching for the bottle and straightening up. “Alright…Woah—-“ he grabbed onto the gun to stabilize himself. “Easy…” he laughs softly, starting to drink the bottle straight up.
“Good god” Wade watches in pure shock. “Thirsty little honey badger aren’t yea?” He continues to watch him down the bottle which triggered a thought in his mind. “How did Y/N deal with your little drinking problem huh?”
Logan finished the bottle with a bit of a shocked expression hearing that name. “Y/N?” He questions him, only to suddenly collapse from the amount in his system.
Wade sighs holstering his gun and stepping over his unconscious body. “You will have to do”
You’ve all seen the movie do I really have to rewrite the whole thing? Let’s just get to the part where you show up
Althea scoffed after her wishing she was deaf comment as she listens to the commotion Wade and Logan were causing in the streets.
“Y/N!” She shouted knowing her apartment door is closed, and Y/N’s. But with her mutation, she heard her.
Y/N instantly lets herself in running over to the window and climbing out onto the fire escape where Al was. She instantly took note of the commotion happening.
“What is it?!”
“A fuckton of Wades”
“God fucking damn it. They better not be staying. Those motherfuckers won’t pay their rent!” Al scoffs again, going back into her apartment to look for some much need cocaine in her opinion. All while Y/N continued to watch the fight happening before re-entering herself and quickly grabbing something.
While the two were fighting in the bus, Y/N stepped out of the apartment complex finding a few Deadpool stragglers resulting in her running toward a presumed dead one and grabbing his handguns to take out the few giving hopefully her Wade less trouble. She flinched to the sound of broken glass as she ran over to the end of the bus sighing with relief.
“Wade, this is what you’ve been doing?! Fucking up the multiverse?!”
“I DIDNT DO SHIT! BLAME THE TVA” Wade shouts in her direction as he couldn’t help but feel the growing tension beside him that was Logan staring into Y/N’s soul from the looks of it. “Listen sweet cheeks. We gotta go save our universe and I need peanut’s help. So while he continues to stare at you like he’s seen a ghost Imma need you to have our backs in case—-“ he heard the sounds of bones cracking back into place as Y/N instantly knew where he was going.
“Go!” She shouted at them and while they ran to take care of the time ripper, she half expected to take on a whole clusterfuck of Deadpools. But when she heard the stand down! from Peter. She had only an ounce of hope.
Once the threat of it all was over, Y/N found herself back in her apartment leaned up against the door hugging a flannel close to her chest as she didn’t feel it in the moment. But seeing Logan, not her Logan, again was bringing back all kinds of feelings. She was hugging her Logan’s shirt as she had quite a few along with a box of Polaroids that their daughter took for the most part.
A knock on the door pulled her out of this trance she put herself in as she rises to her feet.
As she opened the door, her heart that was once beating fast because of her anxiety…relaxed when she locked eyes with Laura. Y/N instantly dropped the flannel and broke down into tears bringing her into her arms sobbing with her.
“Mom…” Laura whispers, sobbing and gripping onto the back of her shirt. Y/N held onto her for dear life, looking over her shoulder to find a smiling Wade and equally happy Logan beside him.
When they locked eyes, Y/N couldn’t help the smile on her face even with all the tears before hiding her face while hugging Laura. Logan felt his heart beating out of his chest.
You’ll find me again, I promise His Y/N’s words rang in his head as he looked at this universe’s Y/N.
A Logan will always find a Y/N
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brokenmutations · 5 months ago
logan howlett vs hugh jackman
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brokenmutations · 5 months ago
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411 notes · View notes
brokenmutations · 6 months ago
Logan Howlett • They/Them Pronouns • Listened to “Bloom” by The Paper Kites • Mutant!Reader [Levitation (A variant of Flight)] • SFW/Smol ANGST • TW: Scars / Mentions of Nightmares & Past Missions
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If you were to tell Logan Howlett, The Wolverine, that he’d finally have the life he’s always wanted at the start of it all? He wouldn’t believe you.
But thankfully, they gave him exactly what he’s always wanted.
The sunlight shined in the room right as the sun rose in the horizon. A soft groan escapes his lips when the light hit his face causing him to roll over opening his eyes. He couldn’t help the small smile that broke out on his face when he started to admire the sleeping being beside him.
Y/F/N Y/L/N came into his life unexpectedly, granted they came into all the X-Men’s lives unexpectedly.
“Where the fuck did they come from?!” Nightcrawler shouted, the last person you’d expected to be surprised by magically popping out of nowhere.
“We found them on our latest mission. They don’t fully understand why they were experimented on or even kidnapped. They say their mutation is not noteworthy” Ororo stated, simply repeating what they told them.
“Every mutation is important.” Charles added as he wheeled up beside the exam table that Y/N currently sat on. They let Jean run all the tests in case of any further injury outside of the visible war wounds they carried from recent experimentation. “You’re safe now and that’s all that matters”
The blank stare Y/N carried, they carried even after the initial meetings of most X-Men. After exploring the mansion and learning where their room was, Y/N found themselves outside in the garden staring at the night sky. Their mutation sometimes has a mind of their own and the more clear their mind, the more likely they will start floating and this case they did.
At this timing, Logan had stepped out to smoke his cigar given he would get a talking to or worse his mind fucked with if he smoked inside the building when children were around. So he waited for the night and expected to be alone outside but then he noticed the floating individual.
“What the actual fuck” He huffed out, putting his cigar away and approaching the situation with only more confusion. He’s not a religious man but last time someone talked to him about the Bible, he thought your clothes would rip off when being raptured. Or was that a reference from a shitty tv show he’s seen?
The higher they got, the more conflicted he got with whether he should yell at them or climb up a tree and launch at them to bring them down.
He went with the latter.
As Logan climbed up the nearest tree, he kept stumbling trying to drag his adamantium ass up.
“What are you doing?”
“Saving you” Logan stated only to suddenly stop and pierce his claws into the trunk when he noticed the floating figure was now closer to him. “What the fuck”
“You said that already”
“So you heard me?!” He snapped, expecting them to flinch but they kept a stone cold expression. “I could’ve avoided this”
“Right” They frown straightening themselves out and extending a hand to him. “Trust me?”
“Do it for a second”
“Have you heard anything about me?”
Logan gave them a skeptical look. He doesn’t know how far their mutation works and is only thinking about how his skeleton will make them both plummet. But with a little faith, he took their hand.
And he hasn’t let go since.
He froze slightly when he heard a deep inhale from their no longer still form. They sigh softly, opening their eyes and noticing Logan’s gaze on them.
“Good morning” Logan whispers brushing the hair out of the way of their face, watching them ease into his touch as his hand lingered on their cheek. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good…you didn’t wake up once, so extra good” Y/N brought themselves close letting him adjust to them pressing their body against his, hiding their face in his chest. “No nightmares…”
“Yeah, no nightmares” He whispers, wrapping his arms around them and resting his cheek on top of their head.
After some early morning cuddles, the two rose from the bed to their bathroom to share a shower and get ready for the day. Y/N went ahead to make coffee and tea for the both of them while Logan got the truck loaded up for them to head into town.
After everything they’ve done for the X-Men and the school, they decided to live out in the woods and have the life they both deserve. Yes they still help whenever they are called but they are at the bottom of that list.
Logan leaned against the fence watching Y/N herd their few chickens and ducks back into their coops before they headed out. He couldn’t help the laugh when they struggled to get their two goth chickens back inside but once they did, they instantly shot a playful glare to the lumberjack.
“So, what do we need?” Logan, who always took hold of the cart of them, asked as they both went through the isles getting the essentials mainly but he asked if anything sparked up in Y/N’s mind.
“Promised Charles I’d bake a couple dozen cookies for the students. I gotta grab at least two bake storage boxes…or whatever they are called” Y/N pulled the cart from the end into the baking isle to grab what they’ll need to bake everything.
“Can you uh. Make the ones with what nut in it again?”
“The white chocolate macadamia nut cookies?” They smile knowing damn well why he asked about those cookies, they were his favorite. “I’ll make a batch just for you, but I’ve gotta stick to the no nuts rule for the school”
Logan couldn’t help himself in the moment with giving his affection toward them in public. Even if it were just the two of them in the isle. He brought himself around the cart, bringing them into his arms and pressing his lips firmly against theirs. They giggled against his lips wrapping their arms around him and kissing him once more before parting and giving him a loving look as they held onto each other.
After getting their groceries and walking back to the truck, Y/N got in the car before Logan noticing how he’s stalling as they brought their upper half out the window watching him. Logan brought himself toward the greenery by their supermarket finding an abandoned box.
“Lo, what is it?” Y/N frowns watching him return with the box, he opened their door resting the box in their lap. Their frown faded and quickly turned into a soft smile.
Shortly after that, Logan found himself grumbling as he sat on the couch feeding one out of three kittens with a syringe of kitten formula.
“Why am I doing this again?”
“I made the syringes this time. So it’s your turn to feed them. Besides, I also promised these cookies and you don’t know how to bake” Y/N laughs softly, putting a new batch in the over before making their way to the couch leaning over and petting the two kittens that were snuggling with each other on the blanket beside Logan. “I’ll make you an extra batch of your favorite”
“Mmm fine. I’ll do it for that” Logan knows he’s doing it for them, but he got a laugh for that.
Seven dozen chocolate chip cookies, two dozen white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, and three fed kittens later…
Y/N packed up the cookies while Logan made up a small nest of blankets in the corner of the living room with a heating pad underneath for the three kittens to sleep for the night. Of course either of them will check on the three during the night but for now they were convening on the couch once everything was situated. They sat down after Logan, grabbing his hand and bringing his arm around their shoulders as they situate themselves in his arms.
“Mm. Always” Y/N smiles shifting slightly for the two of them to lay on the couch and for them to lay on Logan more comfortably in between his legs. “I made so many cookies…I’m too tired for dinner”
“I’ll make it, but in a bit” Logan wraps his arms around their torso pulling them impossibly closer. He rests his cheek against their temple, feeling him nuzzle into his touch.
Dinner was simple. Pasta, some veggies, and whiskey for Logan, wine for Y/N. They wind down for the night and the next day was another start.
“Remind me to never let you drive again”
“I’m not a terrible driver, love. I said I was driving and you let me so” Y/N shrugs smiling as they knew his truck was his second love and that’s why he’s making a fuss. “We’re almost there” they continued to smile, focusing on the road as they brought their hand to his thigh giving him a smirk.
“That’s my move”
“Yeah but I’m the driver” They smirk. “So it’s mine” they smile wider when he laughed.
The second they arrived to the mansion they both watched Ororo happily head down the steps with the biggest smile on her face. Y/N parked the truck and got out quick so they could be the first to hug Ororo while Logan on the other hand was bombarded with hugs by Rogue and Jubilee.
“You bring the goods?” Ororo smiles as they nod before leading her to the bed of the truck to grab the boxes of goods. “You are a miracle worker”
“I try” Y/N smiles helping Ororo as they watch Rogue talk Logan’s ear off about Remy and Jubilee talking about how she’ll be able to teach a class soon in the Danger Room. He was happy and content.
Once the cookies were set up for easy grab from the students, Ororo took Y/N through the mansion talking about the changes her and Hank have been doing ever since the Professor stepped down from principal. Being solely a teacher and a parent to every kid that comes through is what he decided to primarily focus on. He asked for the cookies as a boost in the mood for mainly the new students and for those silently struggling.
Y/N’s baked goods have always done that.
Y/N looked up from the counter to address the presence of Jean and Scott who both noticed their absence after a tough mission.
“How are you feeling?” Scott asks bringing himself to the counter they had all the baking supplies sprawled out on, to lean on it.
“ok” Y/N says softly, putting a new tray in the oven after taking out the finished one and placing it on the kitchen island where Jean sat. “Feel free” they pointed to their cooled off batch of cookies before returning to making their fourth dozen.
“Are you sure? You took quite the hit during the mission…” Jean frowns picking up a cookie and picking it apart.
Y/N shrugged for the most part as they looked down at their left leg that was bandaged. They really shouldn’t be standing after having their leg trapped. But Hank said it would be fine given they use their mutation to keep the weight off without being off balance.
“How are uhm…Ororo…and Logan?” They frown at Scott who brought himself to sit on the part of the counter not occupied with their baking.
“Ororo is recovering comfortably in her own bed. A concussion and a few cuts that had to be stitched….and for Logan, you know he can heal. But the bullets he took to the head still…left him unconscious and we don’t know how he’ll react when he wakes up”
“We studied the bullets. None were made of adamantium so they bounced off his skull but the impact still left him uneasy” Jean continued as the anxious feeling disappear when she took a bite of one of Y/N’s cookies. “Fuck…this has to be the most comforting thing I had in a while..these missions are getting rougher”
Scott hoped off the counter and took one of the finished cookies to get in one the action of the baked comfort. Y/N put in the last batch before grabbing a few Tupperware to put a few in.
Ororo didn’t stir when her door opened as she was exhausted after the mission. For good reason. Y/N quietly entered the room and set the tin on her nightstand before leaving to the basement.
The basement was quiet when Y/N first stepped in as they slowly make their way to the infirmary finding Hank checking Logan’s vitals. He turns his head to the hiss of the doors, smiling to find them standing in the doorway holding another tupperware tin.
“Is your leg bothering you, Y/N? Or what can I do to help” Hank questions only for them to hand him the second tin. He opens them with a bit of confused look but it broke out to a smile. “Cookies! You make these?”
“Y-Yeah. I uhm. Bake when certain things happen as a comforting thing. Thought I can…share it with everybody after today” Their eyes lingered to Logan’s still form as Hank caught that which prompted him to rest a reassuring hand on their shoulder.
“He’s going to be okay” Hank reassured even if he had a bit of tension when they started to tear up a bit. “I promise and I can with Logan”
“Stupid fur ball…”
Both of them turn to find Logan sitting up and taking off the EKG leads as Hank approaches him with a smile.
“This stupid fur ball made sure you were alright while unconscious. I’d like a scan to make sure—-“
Logan sniffed around intrigued by it as he gave Y/N a confused look, which resulted in them walking over to the counter Hank set the tin on and bringing it over to him. He popped open the tin and instantly ate a few of the cookies given he’s been out cold for a while and hungry. Hank laughs, thankful to know his appetite didn’t change.
“Fuck…I needed this”
Logan smiles watching Y/N approach him with something behind their back.
“You know I can smell them right”
“Right, but I still come with gifts anyway” Y/N smiles handing him the tin opening it to reveal the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
The big bad Wolverine smiles big picking up one of the cookies to enjoy and before he even took a bite, Scott came out of nowhere taking one only for him to glare at the man.
“What? I love them too!”
“Just don’t tell Charles you brought macadamia nuts in here” Jean smiles leaning over Y/N’s shoulder to take one, enjoying the laugh that escaped them toward her words. “We’ve missed you. Logan comes for missions on the rare occasion…wish you would to”
“You mean the very rare missions? You should be glad you don’t need me”
“We are. But we still miss you” Scott adds, about to take another cookie only for Logan to smack his hand. “Well okay”
As the day winds down into night, the students return to their rooms and let the teachers and those visiting to have time just them. Y/N stepped outside to find Logan standing by the pond watching the night sky and listening to the nature that surrounds the school.
“Remember that night…I found you just. Floating up into the night. Aside from my own anxiety…you looked peaceful. Grounded.” Logan says with a smile, bringing his arm around their shoulders when Y/N stepped beside him.
“My mutation is very minimal compared to others but in a way it makes me feel grounded”
“I rarely see you use it nowadays…does it still make you feel grounded?”
“Mmm” Y/N rests their head on his shoulder with their arm around his back. “I don’t need to use it much anymore…when I feel grounded with you”
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brokenmutations · 6 months ago
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Welcome Mutants
Last Updated: February 17th
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Logan Howlett
Night Shift
Not just a “Fling”
When there’s a Logan, there’s a You
Feeling ever so small
Angry Little Wolverines
I love you in every universe
Mini Series
Winter Activities
Christmas Tree
19 notes · View notes
brokenmutations · 6 months ago
Not just a “Fling”
Logan Howlett • She/Her Pronouns • Mutant!Reader [Heat Manifestation] • You and Logan were never…exclusive. It’s always been a friends with benefits even if the friend part is silent. But when a scare happens, it draws Logan out of that state of mind • ANGST/SFW/NSFW - Illusions to sex / hickeys / biting • TW: Pregnancy Scare / Injuries / Scars / Anxiety
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There seems to be a routine with it.
Logan waits outside of Y/N’s class whenever he was in the mood, and she would wait outside of his for the same reason—-then they would go to Y/N’s room in the mansion, have a little fun, and Logan leaves almost immediately after.
It’s a bit surprising that no one has caught on to their situationship. Logan is the master of denial and 90% of the time they would believe him, but when the accusations hit Y/N about the two of them. That 90 becomes 100%. She knows he doesn’t want more out of the two of them so what’s the point in feeding into her “delusional” feelings.
“So, you and Logan—-“
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s nothing, Jean?” Y/N sighs, getting her suit on for the mission she, Jean, and Scott were assigned to. She was testing out new thermal gloves that Hank designed for her mutation so while Jean focused on her love life, she was more looking forward to the long gloves.
“C’mon! I see the way he looks at you”
Like a piece of meat Y/N thought and had a bit of a “wait a minute” moment giving Jean a look but was instantly met with confusion. Thankful she didn’t read her mind.
“You sure you don’t see the two of you…I don’t know…together in the future?”
“No” How quick Y/N’s answer is what brought disappointment on Jean’s face.
“You sure you don’t need an extra hand?” Logan asks Scott as they were headed toward the hanger. Scott side eyed him even if he couldn’t tell with the visor he has. “What? It doesn’t hurt to have back up”
“For a scouting mission? The backup can stay comfortably here. But I promise you, with Jean alone, Y/N and I will be safe. Hell. I don’t have to go really. Professor asked me to go along with them but the two could’ve handled it alone” Scott realizes he was rambling and before they entered the hanger, he stopped Logan. “We’re good.” and with that he entered alone but when the doors were hissing shut, Y/N caught a glimpse of Logan and vise versa.
The scouting mission was a success…for the most part. They did get themselves into a pickle but didn’t call for backup on the matter. Scott handled it, after a few shots were fired and a few grazing Y/N. Nothing too serious.
Room in 5
Logan stares at the text he received and downed his beer that he kept hidden from the students. Tossing the bottle in the bin after removing the label so the professor wouldn’t get pissed about alcohol in the building.
The second he entered the room without being seen, the man was shoved against the closed door and Y/N’s lips met his in an instant. Logan didn’t mind this one bit. He thought it was odd that the lights weren’t on when he entered but with the way her hands were taking off his belt then his pants along with it…his mind blanked and focused on one thing.
Fucking her until she forgot her name.
After their fun, Y/N shifted in her spot turning her head toward the sleeping form beside her. He’s never slept over she thought and there was good reason he didn’t, aside from their “rules.” She slowly sat up in her bed letting the blanket fall and the coolness of the room draw a shiver out of her when it hit her bare chest. She reached over and the palm of her hand glowed a light red, pressing itself into his skin and causing him to wake. The heat she emitted wasn’t enough to cause damage, just enough to bring warmth.
Logan jolted awake, giving Y/N a confused look that didn’t last long. “Sorry”
“It’s whatever. Just make sure no one sees you” Y/N slipped out of the bed in her naked glory making her way toward the bathroom, she flicked the light on and Logan took note of the hickeys that littered her neck, a few bite marks on her shoulder, and the bandages on her arm from her injuries. “Take a picture it’ll last longer”
“Can I?” Logan smirks getting out of the bed and making his way over, with hopes for a round two in the shower but she gently placed her hand on his chest to stop him. “Is that a no?”
“It is a firm…no” Y/N gently pushed him back seeing the smirk not leave his face. “I need a shower and you need to clean up for drinks later”
“Thinking of ditching that, if you do too…we don’t have to leave this room” He smirks leaning against the doorframe as Y/N crosses her arms eyeing him up and down. “See something you like?”
“Yes…but I could also use a drink…” Y/N weighed her odds before sighing. “You can join me in the shower, but you need to leave after. I’d like to see Scott’s drunk ass try and sing Bye Bye Bye later so I can record it for blackmail” she smirks stepping back and letting him in as he shuts the door behind him.
Loud and terrible singing coming from Cyclops himself can be heard throughout the bar followed by drunk cheering from his other half. Y/N sat at the bar watching this unfold as Ororo went up to Scott to join him in fishing the song in which Y/N stopped recording. She looked over at the booth the rest of the team was at as she couldn’t help but feel herself stare at Logan and Jean talking to one another.
One of the many reasons she doesn’t want to pursue something. Or whatever she’s trying to call it. She’s not intimated by Jean, just knows how much she means to Logan. So meaningless sex it is. All…her feelings…for the emotionally unavailable, just had to stay dormant.
Until the alcohol kicked in.
“Y/N!!!! Come sing a song” Ororo called out to her as Y/N downs the last of her fourth drink and got up off the stool making her way to the stage. The only cheers coming from her and Scott who slumped against the table.
Y/N punched in the song and took the microphone from Ororo staring out into the bar with very few patrons.
“Love of my life…you’ve hurt me” Y/N starts, her eyes moving to the floor. “You’ve broken my heart, and now you leave me…love of my life can’t you see?”
As she continues to sing the Queen song, Jean leaned into Logan tipsy herself as the sober Wolverine kept his eyes on Y/N.
“Just admit you love her already…” Jean whines, grabbing his arm shaking him. “We both know you dooooo….”
“I don’t, Jeanie.” Stop lying to yourself.
“You know I can read your mind”
“In the state you’re in?” Logan quirked an eyebrow looking at her as she had closed her eyes after saying such, half expecting her to be trying but then she started to snore. “Yeah that’s what I thought”
“You will remember…when this is blown over…” Y/N sat on the edge of the stage, looking over to Logan who kept his attention on Jean. “And everything’s all by the way…when I grow older, I will be there at your side to remind you…”
How I still love you
Y/N didn’t finish the song and decided to close their tab before drunkly helping Logan load everybody up in Scott’s car. The other three passed out on the drive while Y/N who was slowly but surely started to sober up had fought against sleep even if Logan kept telling her to.
“Should’ve stayed home…”
“Liking my plan right about now, huh?” Logan looked at her, noticing the grimace on her face as he was about to question if that’s toward him. But with a quick look to the car door, he pulled over watching her push it open and vomit her guts out. “Yeah…definitely.” He put the car in park and before he could even think of helping her, he heard Scott gag which only meant he was next to vomit.
What a gross chain reaction. But they EVENTUALLY made it back to the mansion.
Y/N collapsed on her bed feeling gross and in a desperate need for another shower. Maybe five. She couldn’t stop thinking about the song she sang and how close Jean and Logan were. She thought she truly shoved her feelings away.
But she’s really just a temporary relief.
With her feelings lying on the surface, she hasn’t hooked up with Logan as much as she did before. Maybe once a week? Or once every other week? Still a lot given Logan can last for hours but they used to fuck like bunnies and now Logan is standing outside of her classroom for more reasons outside of the physical.
“Penny for your thoughts, Logan?”
The professor caught him staring at Y/N who was simply grading papers.
“Uhm. No. What do you want?”
“Ororo needs assistance on a quick meet up for intel on Magneto’s whereabouts. Mind joining her?”
Logan nods before leaving to meet up with Ororo, leaving Charles to linger at the door bringing his attention onto Y/N who locked eyes with him.
Stay out of my head, Charles Y/N frowns as he decided against her words wheeling himself in and right beside his desk. She stopped what she was doing, gripping her hands tight. “How much do you know?”
“I didn’t snoop too far into your mind. Just the surface of not wanting Logan at the door…and the fear that…well” Charles shrugs with a worried expression toward her. “You might be pregnant”
Y/N’s face went from annoyance to a hint of rage as she looks at Charles gripping her fists that glowed red.
“Stay out of my mind.”
“Y/N, you should get a test or have Han—-“
“Charles. Leave before I burn this whole mansion down.” She snapped watching him nod quickly and leaving. But her heat wouldn’t cool fast enough so she got up and ran out of the classroom.
Having run past Charles and a couple of students on her way to the back of the mansion, only brought more concern for her as he wheeled himself out urgently which caught Scott’s attention in passing.
“Professor what’s—-“
“Get Y/N a towel, if you don’t mind” Charles frowns as Y/N stood in the shallow part of the lake before slumping and sitting in the muck for a while. “I’ve got this”
As Scott leaves, Charles brought himself as close as he could to the lake without falling in. Y/N turned to him with an apologetic look and tears rolling off her cheeks.
“You know. Whatever happens, and whatever you decide…we are here for you. I’m here for you. You’re my family, Y/N”
Y/N continued to sob as she dragged herself out of the lake bringing herself to Charles and he did not hesitate to open his arms to her. Letting her drenched self bring herself into his arms and onto his lap. He didn’t care about the suit he wore or anything on that matter. She wanted the comfort and he gladly gave that to her.
The wild goose chase Logan was on, only pissed him off and he wanted to relieve those emotions but when he reached Y/N’s room the door was open. He hesitantly stepped inside not sensing her in the room but as he entered and looked around for a brief moment. He was about to leave when he noticed a few boxes on her dresser.
It felt like the worse timing for Y/N to come back, smelling like a pond and having to come to a decision. But when she came in and saw Logan holding up the boxes of pregnancy tests she felt all that anxiety return.
“I don’t know yet”
“Were you gonna tell me?”
“Now how do I know you’re not lying to me on that? Most people don’t tell the other person until it’s too late”
“I’m not like most people and you would know that if what we have wasn’t just sex.” Y/N snapped, taking the boxes out of his hands. “You’ll be the first to know, Logan. But trust me. If you don’t want this…to be tied down with me forever if this comes out positive? Then you don’t fucking have to” she said with a bit of a harsh shove of him out the room. Logan quickly turned and before he could say anything, she shut the door on him.
His mood affected those around him for the rest of the school day that Scott reluctantly invited him to drinks just them. Even if Jean and Ororo invited themselves after he told Jean what he was doing that night.
“So no Y/N?” Jean questions with a frown as Ororo looked up from her phone hoping for a reason why. But with how Logan was gripping the door to Scott’s car from the passenger’s seat, a soft sigh escape Scott.
“She got swamped with grading. Told me she’s been behind on papers for her class and decided to stay back at the mansion”
Once they were at the bar, Ororo got a booth with Jean which left Scott and Logan to get the first round of drinks. But even after a couple rounds, Logan didn’t budge from the bar. So once Scott knew the girls were alright and comfortable with the bar food he got for them, he went to join Logan.
The awkward silence grew between the two until Scott decided ripping off the bandage was the right plan.
“Listen. I didn’t know you and Y/N were serious in any way. But you know you have more than a team right? I know we butt heads a lot but—-“
“Shut it. Y/N and I…we’re…Fuck off. We’re not…whatever it is” Logan groans pinching the bridge of his nose. “Is that why you asked me to join yall? To talk about my feelings about her being fucking pregnant?”
Scott sighs leaning against the bar. “See now I didn’t know that last part and for someone who can’t get drunk, you’re spilling a lot to me. Of all people”
“…What do you want?”
“To help you. Why are you feeling the way you’re feeling…if you were never something more”
Logan squinted at Scott before gesturing for another drink and to give Scott another of the club soda he was drinking before getting into it.
“She told me I don’t have to. I don’t have to be there…and before I could say anything, she shut the door in my face”
“If she hadn’t, what would you have said?”
A tight grip on his new bottle relaxed and the big scary Wolverine everyone knows…took a moment to fall apart. Fold. Crack.
“I would’ve told her…I never thought I wanted this…until she came around. Until it just. Fucking happened…I want to be there…I’m….” Logan sat up straighter and ditched his beer along with Scott and the girls.
The bar isn’t exactly close to the mansion. Nor is the weather the best in Westchester County. Logan got a cab but when it wasn’t going fast enough, the man stepped out and ran back to the mansion in the rain.
When he stumbled into the mansion, he dealt with a few straggling students that should be in their dorms but instead of scowling them he ran toward the teacher side of the dorms.
Y/N lifted her head from her book when she heard pounding on her door. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she tossed her book on the bed next with her blanket off her lap before going to the door.
The now very wet Logan appeared on the other side of the door and given Y/N’s mood hasn’t changed on matters, she tried to shut the door on him again but Logan slammed his palm against the door.
“You have to listen to me”
“I don’t have to do shit”
“Y/N, baby—-Please” Logan pleaded, bringing his body into the frame where it would only hurt if she tried to shut the door again. “Just let me talk, alright?”
Y/N’s anger relaxed but she was still mad…she took a step back to let him into her room, closing the door. “Why are you wet? You’re lucky you can’t get sick…”
“Ran in the rain. Had to get here. Had to get to you. Tell you everything” Logan paced slightly tugging at the wet clothes which only prompted Y/N to go into her dresser pulling out one of his flannels tossing it to the bed before going into her bathroom to get him a towel. “You kept that?”
“After one of our…excursions…you left in a hurry with just your pants on and shoes in hand that you forgot your flannel so…yeah I kept it…” Y/N found herself trailing before jumping back into it while Logan took off his wet clothes. “What is it, Logan? And I’m going to not face you when you strip because your nudity is going to cloud my judgement”
The second she turned around, Logan felt nervous. He hasn’t felt this nervous in a long time.
“I want you.” He started and he knows by the way she tensed that she read it as the other need. “And not in just…how we’ve been doing it. I want you…Y/N, I need you. As much as you think this was it and that’s what it looks like…But I’ve noticed every little thing you do that makes you, you.” He stepped closer once he got the flannel on and was now standing behind her with just the shirt and boxers. “How you don’t want to wait for the kitchen to be free and use your mutation to make grilled cheese…then Ororo and sometimes Kurt will beg for their own when they catch you doing that….” He chuckles lightly, hearing her soft giggle. “Listening to you hum softly when you’re focused on something, whether that be on a mission or helping a student…the warmth you give, regardless of your mutation…while you can be a bit wild on the field and when certain unexpected things happen…you always have this warmth…that’s welcoming. Even to someone like me…”
Y/N felt the loose tears roll off her cheeks, as the warmth from his closeness engulfed her when he brought his arms around her frame.
“I’m sorry. For yelling at you…I was afraid and shouldn’t have assumed you wouldn’t have told me…that you’d lie to me” Logan whispers, resting his chin on her shoulder bringing her close as she held onto his arms. “You are more than just a fling…and this was a wake up call. That I want more. I want more with you…even when the next steps aren’t in order”
The tears continued as she gently pulls away to turn around looking up at him.
“Yeah?” Her voice cracked with the tears still falling but he brought his hands to cradle her face gently wiping away the tears. “L-Logan, I’m scared though…”
“Listen, Y/N. Listen to me carefully…” Logan held her face slightly making her look at him as he brought his close. “I’m not going anywhere. No matter what the test says.”
Everything he’s been saying, felt so out of character. But he’s always had this soft center he’d crack open for, for his person. Y/N brought her arms around his neck pulling him into his arms holding onto him tightly, feeling his arms return around her frame holding her close.
When she took the test, Logan sat with her on her bed waiting for the three minutes to pass. Y/N’s face gave the result away as it went from fear to the smallest hint of disappoint to a sense of relief. She turns to Logan who shared more of the disappointed feeling on his face.
“You’re off the hook” She laughs softly feeling him nudge her with a hint of annoyance. “What?”
“For now.” Logan stated with his signature smirk, only for Y/N to pat his chest resting her head on his shoulder. “I meant it. I’m not going anywhere and if the future has this in it…We’ll be perfect”
“Flaws and all” Y/N says softly feeling his arm wrap around her shoulders. “So what’s next, Logan Howlett?”
“Officially making you mine” Logan smirks bringing his lips to hers and it felt right this time.
And for forever after.
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brokenmutations · 6 months ago
Imagine with me y’all
With the concept of comic accurate short king!Logan
+ the tall & short couple dynamic…
Imagine reader being extra taller than c.a.s.k!Logan and not just average height compared to his 5’2 (I think that’s right). Imagine 6’7 reader with his/her/their 5’2 partner that’s about to rip Wade a new one.
Just saying. This time reader isn’t the one climbing Logan like a tree
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brokenmutations · 6 months ago
Logan: You’ve seen Laura?
Y/N: Uhm. No, but those seagulls have
Logan: *turns around finding Laura chasing the two seagulls in the parking lot* Shit *goes to get her*
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brokenmutations · 6 months ago
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Logan in Days of Future Past is just..🤤
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