#ml New York
graaythekwami · 6 months
What powers and concepts would you give to the Miraculouses in the Native American box?
Here are my headcanons for the Native American Box! Links lead to my bios for them, with more detailed info and art:
Upper Box:
Kiikaa the Thunderbird, kwami of Electricity. She rests in the Center of the Upper Box. Kiikaa has control over all things related to Electricity. This doesn't just mean shooting lighting, but also manipulating electronics and even mind control (as the nervous system uses electric signals).
Yanna the Bison, kwami of Victory. She rests in the North section of the Upper Box. Yanna's powers allow her holders to become stronger when winning, and to always claim their prizes for their Victory.
Remmi the Coyote, kwami of Despair. They rest in the East section of the Upper Box. Remmi's powers increase the Despair people feel in an area, and create beings known as Prowlers that protect and feed on sources of hope.
Liiri the Eagle, kwami of Freedom. They rest in the South section of the Upper Box. Like in canon Liiri's powers Free people from emotional and mental restrictions, though I have also given them the power to break Free of physical restraints too.
Vollee the Locust, kwami of Invasion. He rests in the West section of the Upper Box. Vollee's powers allow holders to create clones of themselves that attack in sync, and to appear behind a target to strike.
Lower Box:
Ziibi the Otter, kwami of Transformation. His powers allow his holders to transform into different people or animals.
Dess the Cougar, kwami of Apathy. Their powers allow them to drain emotions from someone and influence those people.
Sorren the Falcon, kwami of Observation. His powers allow one to see anything from anywhere in the world.
Chaapa the Beaver, kwami of Innovation. His powers allow one to plan and construct things at enhanced speeds.
Fawnna the Deer, kwami of Wilderness. Her powers lets one summon and influence nearby animals.
Drill the Woodpecker, kwami of Expansion. His power manipulate the amount of space something can hold.
Finn Salmon, kwami of Navigation. His powers lets one always find what they are seeking.
Shashh the Bear, kwami of Preservation. Her powers seal events of the past so time travel cannot alter them.
Ommen the Raven, kwami of Probability. Her powers allow one to tip the chances in one's favor.
Habuu the Rattlesnake, kwami of Beauty. Her powers let her take on one's ideal form and influence them.
Tyyto the Owl, kwami of Secrets. Her powers let her make things hidden and to learn others' Secrets.
Karrma the Goose, kwami of Justice. Her powers let one subject someone to what they've done to another.
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ataraxianne · 2 years
There's a new card game in Germany about Miraculous and @/wyomingparmesan on twitter shared some cards a friend of hers got with some curiosities from the characters ZAG confirmed to be canon!
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- When Zoe was in New York her best friend was Jess (!!!)
- Adrien convinced Nathalie he has an obsession for camembert so he could always have cheese to give Plagg (That explains a lot about his full cabinet of only camembert lol)
- Adrien's full name is Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase (FINALLY WE HAVE HIS FULL NAME)
Also is cool to note the meanings of all his names
- Adrien means "rich" but also "the dark one"
- Émile means "kind" and/or "rival"
- Gabriel "God is my strength"
- Donatien "gift [by God]"
- Athanase "immortal"
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
Can you make a drabble of Kiikaa (if you want to)
[Kiikaa's bio, Thunderbird of Electricity]
Kiikaa watched her holder with pure fascination.
Aeon was unaware of her observer, sitting down at her desk to work on her homework. The girl only glanced at the paper once, before sitting up and staring off. Kiikaa could sense the energy flowing through her, much like it did with born humans, yet much more potent within Aeon. Kiikaa knew what she was doing, drawing on her recorded memories of her classes to answer the questions she had been given. Her arm smoothly slid forward, beginning to write on the paper without looking down. Each letter was beautifully printed out, flowing with perfect smoothness. Within a just a few minutes she had successfully answered the questions, no doubt writing down the answers word for word from what she had been taught.
Then once she was finished she pulled out a second copy of the same assignment, now leaning forward to look down at the papers as she laid them next to each other as she carefully read over what she had written, pencil carefully placed on the blank sheet before she began writing once more.
Kiikaa zipped down from the shelf she had been resting on, landing on Aeon's shoulder-- which resulted in no response from her holder, something she was used too. The Thunderbird ruffled her feathers, watching the new answers Aeon was writing, her pinpoint precision not being used to create the perfect writing she had used on the first paper, but rather she was now carefully making sure that there was a waver in her handwriting, sometimes letting the writing slope slightly, or keeping the spacing from being perfectly even. The wording was now much more casual, or even missing sections of the information she had originally put down.
With a frown Kiikaa flapped her wings, stirring up the air, sending the first paper sliding across the desk. Instantly Aeon paused, systematically looking around the room. At the closed window, the silent heater vent, and at the shut door-- none of which could have made the breeze.
"Where are you, Kiikaa?" Aeon asked, and the kwami hopped down from her shoulder, landing on the desk, tugging the pencil out of her hand. Aeon's gaze immediately focused right on where she was now sitting, though Kiikaa knew that all she saw was a floating pencil. Aeon smiled, pulling out a cell phone, placing it in front of the pencil. Kiikaa let the pencil fall, turning her focus to the device, going to open a blank message.
[Why did you undersell your abilities?] Kiikaa typed out, while Aeon leaned forward to read it.
"Many of my skills combined would outmatch what an average human would be able to preform," Aeon replied. "I do it to both protect the knowledge of what I am, and to make it so the teachers do not believe I am cheating."
[How is it cheating if it is something you can naturally do?]
"It is not natural," Aeon replied. "All I am able to do is rendered by the current android body Mother made for me."
"Unnatural my wing," Kiikaa muttered, even if her holder could hear her. [Human mothers can make born-human bodies too and that's not considered cheating.]
Aeon smiled in amusement. "I was created, my body is not naturally born."
Kiikaa was typing furiously. [My Miraculous was created to give me a physical form. All kwamis were, yet no title of "unnatural" or "robot" has been given to us. Why is it that way for you?]
Aeon leaned back as she read this, saying nothing for a moment. She reached out with a hand, uncertainly moving it near the phone, searching. As it came across Kiikaa she pushed against her holder's palm, hoping that she could register the pressure and know where she was. Aeon's palm came to rest of top of Kiikaa's head, and she could feel the Electricity pulsing through her.
Human's physical forms were made from the materials of the earth. Their minds operated in electrical pulses. They felt, they thought, they lived-- all just like Aeon. It was the same, and yet her holder insisted there was a divide, one she could not understand.
Finally Aeon let out a sigh-- breathing out air that wasn't naturally needed for her to survive. Yes that was different than other humans... but kwamis didn't need to breathe either, and never had she had a holder doubt she was a living being because of that. Sure humans were surprised went they first met her, but they always adjusted-- so why could it not be the same for this holder of hers?
"This is a human world, Kiikaa," Aeon finally said, reaching up to touch the Miraculous clipped to her hair. "And if I want to live it in, I must adapt to their way of life, not the other way around. Some of my skills... is beyond what many would accept. But that is okay, I am happy like this, you don't need to worry."
A frown tugged at Kiikaa's beak, because those words weren't unfamiliar. She looked up at Aeon, because she understood that feeling, needing to adapt to a human world. To limit one's potential in order to live among another species. Kiikaa pushed the phone away, floating up to press up again Aeon. She made sure to brush her wings against her hair to let the android know where she was.
As far as Kiikaa was concerned, Aeon was human. She looked human, she acted human, she was raised as one. The circumstances of her birth was different, it gave her potential others might not reach, but that provided no reason for this division they found themselves in.
Human all the same, yet Kiikaa found she understood this holder like no other.
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uptoolateart · 2 years
Despite all of Cat’s efforts to get the meanings of his roses straight....
That yellow rose he gave Ladybug in the NY special had red tips, which actually means ‘friendship but falling in love’.
I also like that light pink can mean ‘admiration’, which is what he gave to Marinette in ‘Weredad’.
And although the red ones obviously refer to passion and love, they can also signify courage and deep respect.
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red-balloon12 · 2 years
Chloe Boursgois/ Raven Queen AU pitch idea
So from what I’ve gathered from the Miraculous Bible for S6 is that (ALLEGEDLY) Chloe’s gonna find a miraculous from the (ALLEGED) American Miracle Box in New York and become a hero only for Miss Hound to find out about it and probably take it away from her (probably with Pegasus’s help) and regardless if this is true or not, to that I say: I’m going to use this…..and I’m gonna make a Chloe Redemption Story out of it. So jokes on the ones behind the ML Bible cus y’all just gave me another excuse to redeem Chloe.
So this isn’t gonna be my full thoughts just a few ideas and depending on how people respond, I’ll add more and maybe I’ll create a story (or some one might pick up this idea and make it their own)
This AU takes place after the events of S5 if we were to alter NOTHING from canon. Chloe gets defeated, expelled from school and she moves to New York with her mother. This is basically where canon stops. In New York, she enrolls in the same school Zoe was in, to Chloe’s dismay, and when she tries to “rule the school” she gets humbled REAL quick (cus peeps in NY are a different breed/j)
Chloe does come across a future friend and while they are kind, they also don’t take too kindly to Chloe’s bitterness. But they eventually do became friends due to Chloe EVENTUALLY opening up a little to this person.
When Chloe eventually comes across the raven miraculous, she meets Taara. Taara is (for the most part) a calm, collected and insightful kwami who is able to figure out the characteristics of a person by just meeting them. Taara however is also very blunt so they don’t hesitate on calling out their partner’s mistakes and flaws and they are easily distracted by things that really fascinate them.
The raven miraculous is the miraculous of knowledge and with the power “All Sight” the holder in question can gain knowledge on a particular person place or thing (basically the characteristics of that thing/person) for example, if the holder was fighting a villain, they can use “All Sight” to see how the villain’s powers work and how the villain functions as a person. Are they clumsy when off balance? Do they work well with distractions? When it comes to places or items: How old is a building? What is summary of a closed book? (Note that “All Sight” is kinda like the “Lucky Charm” but it doesn’t give you EXACTLY what you need. It gives you a list of facts about your target and based off on what you learn, you can pick and choose what information you think will help you.) I don’t exactly know if the weapon will be feather shaped daggers or a scythe (cus raven are synonymous with death) but let me know your ideas.
You can imagine that Chloe and Taara don’t hit it off immediately. It will take time for Chloe to get along with Taara but regardless, with the help of Taara, Chloe becomes “Raven Queen” and sets off to fight crime. (I imagine the magic words are “Open your Eyes!” or something idk-) And yes, Chloe’s motives (like in the ml Bible ALLEGEDLY) are selfish at first, but since I actually do care about Chloe and her potential, there’s more underneath and her motives will shift overtime.
And that’s it for now! Yet again, these aren’t my full thoughts. I have much more to plan out but depending on how this goes and the feed back people bring, I may change/add some stuff. And if anyone wants to do something with this, (a story of their own or maybe art) be my guest!
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
I like that parallel on Chat Noir's reaction to Aeon getting cataclysmed vs Monarch cuz he didn't seem THAT disturbed in NY special cuz he was relying on lucky charm and didn't think of it as that serious until lesbian mom yelled at him but here he realized how bad it actually is when it can't be undone but it's bad both times because whether you fix it or not the other person got seriously hurt. I like it when kids get more and more traumatised like yeah that's what Miraculous Ladybug is all about.
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raining-dreams · 9 months
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sweetmeatdale · 2 years
Aeon with the mouse miraculous would have design motifs from a computer mouse
In part for obvious reasons but also because I think Mullo would be a little silly
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crizztelcb · 2 years
Ml still didn't show us the French miraculous box, like, that box is not French! at least that's what they say, it is the Chinese box. USA, Brazil, South Africa (I think is South Africa sorry if im wrong) and possibly even Japan have their own boxes so why France still didn't even got mentioned? Does some countries have miraculous and some just don't? Also we need another special or the Shanghai special that they talked about before to bring up the story around the Chinese miraculous box, we know so little about it. Well all that said i came here to say we have an opening to think of animals that could be on the French miraculous box, will go first: a pigeon and a snail one.
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Can we all just agree that the New York Special Dance scene just evokes the climatic dance scene from Casper?
Because now I am wondering what else specific from my childhood that the writers have watched that I’m going to find more Easter eggs when looking back. 
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letstalkaboutit100 · 11 months
Did anyone else just cry when zoe came into the picture. The second I saw her I just cried. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! ps I'm talking about zoe from miraculous! ROSE IS LITERALLY US WHEN SHE SAID CAN WE ADOPT HER! YES ROSE! And I just feel so bad for her! I saw this comic where her 'only friend' jess from the new york special was her friend who gave her the shoes and I immediately went AW! AND SHE'S IN LOVE WITH MARINETTE! I MEAN WHO HASN'T FALLEN IN LOVE OR BEEN IN LOVE WITH MARINETTE?
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zoe-oneesama · 10 months
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Some "Special" Girls! And the late girls.
Ko-fi | Patreon
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
Is guardian monk (the guardian of the Native American box) apart of the au if yes, do you have any headcanons or info-details for him
Yes, he is! I have his name currently as Dilwo'ii Yázhí in this AU, but that might change. In my headcanons he is Diné (Navajo), though he was raised and trained at the Guardian Temple since he was ten years old, where he eventually became the Guardian of the Direction Box. Aside from Master Fu, he was the only person who survived the fall of the temple and managed to get away with a Miracle Box, though they did not know that anyone else survived.
Like Fu, Dilwo'ii Yázhí was pretty quick to abandon many of the traditions of the Order, and became the holder of the Miraculous of the Bear. Not long after this he went into a hibernation, going dormant in an ageless sleep (just like how the heroes found Bunnyx in Timetagger). He wakes up in modern times right after season three takes place, where he begins searching for the missing Eagle Miraculous in New York, eventually becoming the mentor for the New York team.
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uptoolateart · 2 years
In the New York special, how sad is that line about Ladybug’s power being to fix Cat Noir’s mistakes, after he accidentally cataclysms Uncanny Valley? That wasn’t even his fault, and yet later he tells Ladybug it was and says, ‘You were perfect, as always.’
Interesting word, ‘perfect’. It gets thrown around a lot, usually about him.
To add to the irony, all of this comes right after Ladybug gave away Master Fu, due to one of her mistakes. And the subsequent season showed us yet more of her mistakes, building up to her losing almost all the miraculous.
Our hearts can definitely go out to her. No judgment, Marinette. But Adrien...no. You stop that self-deprecation right now.
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bananagreste · 1 year
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buggachat · 1 year
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hyperspecific compilation: Nino looking lovingly at Adrien, as Adrien is looking lovingly at Marinette
opposite bonus:
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