#thunderbird kwami
mymiraclebox · 2 months
Can you make a drabble of Kiikaa (if you want to)
[Kiikaa's bio, Thunderbird of Electricity]
Kiikaa watched her holder with pure fascination.
Aeon was unaware of her observer, sitting down at her desk to work on her homework. The girl only glanced at the paper once, before sitting up and staring off. Kiikaa could sense the energy flowing through her, much like it did with born humans, yet much more potent within Aeon. Kiikaa knew what she was doing, drawing on her recorded memories of her classes to answer the questions she had been given. Her arm smoothly slid forward, beginning to write on the paper without looking down. Each letter was beautifully printed out, flowing with perfect smoothness. Within a just a few minutes she had successfully answered the questions, no doubt writing down the answers word for word from what she had been taught.
Then once she was finished she pulled out a second copy of the same assignment, now leaning forward to look down at the papers as she laid them next to each other as she carefully read over what she had written, pencil carefully placed on the blank sheet before she began writing once more.
Kiikaa zipped down from the shelf she had been resting on, landing on Aeon's shoulder-- which resulted in no response from her holder, something she was used too. The Thunderbird ruffled her feathers, watching the new answers Aeon was writing, her pinpoint precision not being used to create the perfect writing she had used on the first paper, but rather she was now carefully making sure that there was a waver in her handwriting, sometimes letting the writing slope slightly, or keeping the spacing from being perfectly even. The wording was now much more casual, or even missing sections of the information she had originally put down.
With a frown Kiikaa flapped her wings, stirring up the air, sending the first paper sliding across the desk. Instantly Aeon paused, systematically looking around the room. At the closed window, the silent heater vent, and at the shut door-- none of which could have made the breeze.
"Where are you, Kiikaa?" Aeon asked, and the kwami hopped down from her shoulder, landing on the desk, tugging the pencil out of her hand. Aeon's gaze immediately focused right on where she was now sitting, though Kiikaa knew that all she saw was a floating pencil. Aeon smiled, pulling out a cell phone, placing it in front of the pencil. Kiikaa let the pencil fall, turning her focus to the device, going to open a blank message.
[Why did you undersell your abilities?] Kiikaa typed out, while Aeon leaned forward to read it.
"Many of my skills combined would outmatch what an average human would be able to preform," Aeon replied. "I do it to both protect the knowledge of what I am, and to make it so the teachers do not believe I am cheating."
[How is it cheating if it is something you can naturally do?]
"It is not natural," Aeon replied. "All I am able to do is rendered by the current android body Mother made for me."
"Unnatural my wing," Kiikaa muttered, even if her holder could hear her. [Human mothers can make born-human bodies too and that's not considered cheating.]
Aeon smiled in amusement. "I was created, my body is not naturally born."
Kiikaa was typing furiously. [My Miraculous was created to give me a physical form. All kwamis were, yet no title of "unnatural" or "robot" has been given to us. Why is it that way for you?]
Aeon leaned back as she read this, saying nothing for a moment. She reached out with a hand, uncertainly moving it near the phone, searching. As it came across Kiikaa she pushed against her holder's palm, hoping that she could register the pressure and know where she was. Aeon's palm came to rest of top of Kiikaa's head, and she could feel the Electricity pulsing through her.
Human's physical forms were made from the materials of the earth. Their minds operated in electrical pulses. They felt, they thought, they lived-- all just like Aeon. It was the same, and yet her holder insisted there was a divide, one she could not understand.
Finally Aeon let out a sigh-- breathing out air that wasn't naturally needed for her to survive. Yes that was different than other humans... but kwamis didn't need to breathe either, and never had she had a holder doubt she was a living being because of that. Sure humans were surprised went they first met her, but they always adjusted-- so why could it not be the same for this holder of hers?
"This is a human world, Kiikaa," Aeon finally said, reaching up to touch the Miraculous clipped to her hair. "And if I want to live it in, I must adapt to their way of life, not the other way around. Some of my skills... is beyond what many would accept. But that is okay, I am happy like this, you don't need to worry."
A frown tugged at Kiikaa's beak, because those words weren't unfamiliar. She looked up at Aeon, because she understood that feeling, needing to adapt to a human world. To limit one's potential in order to live among another species. Kiikaa pushed the phone away, floating up to press up again Aeon. She made sure to brush her wings against her hair to let the android know where she was.
As far as Kiikaa was concerned, Aeon was human. She looked human, she acted human, she was raised as one. The circumstances of her birth was different, it gave her potential others might not reach, but that provided no reason for this division they found themselves in.
Human all the same, yet Kiikaa found she understood this holder like no other.
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kari-go · 5 months
We saw feline club, how about bird club? Thunderbird!Ivan, Phoenix!Rose, Owl!Luka and Peacock!Juleka, yes kitty section are now birds.
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Luka looks fine af, the others are alright
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so-many-kwamis · 4 months
About the second layers, what is your current system behind the second layers? (Does there have to be a fixed amount of them, what is with the colour balance you want to do, etc)? I keep thinking about the Fox as a second layer, I mean, we're still used to it being among the "main" ones, and there's no other sensory second-layer Miraculous, and the classic balance of the direct Bee, the defensive Turtle and the stealthy Fox feels too good. Is there any way to have the Fox as a second layer? (The power to see through illusions is vacant again, right?) Or is it impossible with your current structures of the system?
There are 12 of them with two kwamis being one color of the rainbow (it's currently not really applicable because there are three greens and one purple :']). So I don't think there is an option for that.
I guess you could get that power by replacing Voltt with a purple kwami who has that power. But you'd also need to think of a new power to fit with the first one.
I want to keep Trixx as a third layer with Mirage, because I like him but also because he's important to MD.
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imthepunchlord · 16 days
I wonder what're the other Native America kwamis are going to be like beside the eagle one?
I thought they were pretty much confirmed?
I know there's most of the Native American Zodiac. Not all of it.
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There is no Snake in this group, which I guess China won the right to have the Snake in their Zodiac? Or maybe Snake is shared around? It really makes you wonder how do they handle animals that pop up elsewhere, are they shared, do they win the right to have that Miraculous?
And then supposedly the big 5 are Thunderbird, Bear, Eagle, Bison, and Wolf on top, which is a little conflicting as you have Bear and Wolf in the Zodiac, and nothing mentioned on what replaces them.
Personally I'm going to ignore their existence. It's not well thought out, not well implemented, it's kinda icky as it's yet another poc group portrayed as magical and adds to exotic = magical, and it raises a lot of questions for me, as Native Americans have a dark bloody history, and creating Miraculous just raises questions about that history and their involvement. Which I know will never be answered and purposely skipped over, and chances are good we just aren't going to see much if at all.
To me, they weren't worth the inclusion.
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ririchanva · 3 months
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HERE COMES THE FAVORITE SON~ Gosh, I love this kid so much and Pino too xD
Here's Rody Soul / Thunderbird for the #quirksandmiracles AU.
And introducing his Kwami, Talli.
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graaythekwami · 6 months
What powers and concepts would you give to the Miraculouses in the Native American box?
Here are my headcanons for the Native American Box! Links lead to my bios for them, with more detailed info and art:
Upper Box:
Kiikaa the Thunderbird, kwami of Electricity. She rests in the Center of the Upper Box. Kiikaa has control over all things related to Electricity. This doesn't just mean shooting lighting, but also manipulating electronics and even mind control (as the nervous system uses electric signals).
Yanna the Bison, kwami of Victory. She rests in the North section of the Upper Box. Yanna's powers allow her holders to become stronger when winning, and to always claim their prizes for their Victory.
Remmi the Coyote, kwami of Despair. They rest in the East section of the Upper Box. Remmi's powers increase the Despair people feel in an area, and create beings known as Prowlers that protect and feed on sources of hope.
Liiri the Eagle, kwami of Freedom. They rest in the South section of the Upper Box. Like in canon Liiri's powers Free people from emotional and mental restrictions, though I have also given them the power to break Free of physical restraints too.
Vollee the Locust, kwami of Invasion. He rests in the West section of the Upper Box. Vollee's powers allow holders to create clones of themselves that attack in sync, and to appear behind a target to strike.
Lower Box:
Ziibi the Otter, kwami of Transformation. His powers allow his holders to transform into different people or animals.
Dess the Cougar, kwami of Apathy. Their powers allow them to drain emotions from someone and influence those people.
Sorren the Falcon, kwami of Observation. His powers allow one to see anything from anywhere in the world.
Chaapa the Beaver, kwami of Innovation. His powers allow one to plan and construct things at enhanced speeds.
Fawnna the Deer, kwami of Wilderness. Her powers lets one summon and influence nearby animals.
Drill the Woodpecker, kwami of Expansion. His power manipulate the amount of space something can hold.
Finn Salmon, kwami of Navigation. His powers lets one always find what they are seeking.
Shashh the Bear, kwami of Preservation. Her powers seal events of the past so time travel cannot alter them.
Ommen the Raven, kwami of Probability. Her powers allow one to tip the chances in one's favor.
Habuu the Rattlesnake, kwami of Beauty. Her powers let her take on one's ideal form and influence them.
Tyyto the Owl, kwami of Secrets. Her powers let her make things hidden and to learn others' Secrets.
Karrma the Goose, kwami of Justice. Her powers let one subject someone to what they've done to another.
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andizoidart · 6 months
So on the topic of Kwamis, I know they have extremely simplified designs, but in the case of the Thunderbird Kwami, I feel like simplification ruins the actual meaning behind its markings. Also the weird tiny beaks works for all the other Kwamis (Duusu doesn’t even have a beak), but if you know what Thunderbirds look like and how they are portrayed traditionally, they often have large hooked, and I want to keep that as I go through my designs.
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silverslate221 · 1 year
An Updated List of all my Kwamis including the Canon Kwamis some of which I've altered to fit my Headcanons since I've realized my old list was very outdated xD. (Just something to keep in my mind I'm horribly indecisive and all of these are subject to change)
Mother Box-
Tikki the Ladybug of Creation (Alpha)
Plagg the Black Cat of Destruction (Alpha)
Trixx the Fox of Deception
Pollen the Bee of Subjection
Wayzz the Turtle of Protection  
Duusu the Peacock of Manifestation
Nooroo the Butterfly of Transmission
Mullo the Mouse of Multiplication
Stompp the Ox of Determination
Roaar the Tiger of Confrontation
Fluff the Rabbit of Evolution (Timekeeper)
Longg the Dragon of Acclimatization (Elemental)
Sass the Snake of Repetition (Timekeeper)
Kaalki the Horse of Migration (Spacekeeper)
Ziggy the Goat of Imagination
Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Orikko the Rooster of Illumination
Barkk the Dog of Loyalty
Daizzi the Pig of Love
Great Plains Box-
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Electricity* (Elemental)
Maii the Coyote of Wisdom
Katta the Cougar of Passion
Liiri the Eagle of Freedom
Rummpa the Buffalo of Prosperity
Lokko the Wolf of Detection
Sorren the Falcon of Victory
Amikaa the Beaver of Innovation*
Livv the Deer of Vegetation
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension (Spacekeeper)
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Ommen the Raven of Probability*
Hoppi the Rattlesnake of Beauty*
Tyyto the Owl of Truth
Honnk the Goose of Cooperation
Zibbi the Otter of Jubilation
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice
Wandering Box-
Tangg the Mantis of Order (Alpha)
Kastorr & Poluxx the Hydra of Chaos (Alpha) **
Kirrin the Qilin of Light* (Elemental)
Rassi the Spider of Destiny* (Timekeeper) **
Slikki the Snail of Stagnation* (Timekeeper)
Deed the Stick Bug of Distribution (Spacekeeper)
Etterni the Salamander of Resurrection
Mikka the Ant of Conflict
Renn the Crane of Peace
Fianna the Koi Fish of Perfection
Finn the Shark of Fear
Døddie the Moth of Scarcity
Deuill the Dove of Mercy
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption
Hunduu the Cicada of Ruination
Taachi the Weasel of Secrets
Murrae the Eel of Elongation
Zodiac Box-
Flikker the Firefly of Hope
Emburr the Phoenix of Combustion* (Elemental)
Atticus the Sparrow of Oblivion (Spacekeeper)
Gemm the Chameleon of Transformation
Gloss the Ibex of Friction* (Aries)
Urazz the Aurochs of Preservation (Timekeeper) (Taurus) 
Oskrr the Squirrel of Duality (Gemini)
Cerra the Crab of Emotion (Cancer)
Rroy the Lion of Action (Leo)
Duchess the Swan of Dreams (Virgo)
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice (Libra)
Scorro the Scorpion of Vengeance (Scorpio)
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision (Sagittarius) 
Akwaa the Seahorse of Perception (Capricorn)
Nøkk the Kelpie of Hydration* (Aquarius)
Nerrea the Whale of Compassion (Pisces) 
Savannah Box-
Gaale the Griffin of Air* (Elemental)
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression (Timekeeper)
Taamus the Hippo of Gravitation
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Parra the Giraffe of Confusion*
Equus the Donkey of Mathematics
Duune the Camel of Transaction
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memories
Kuuji the Gorilla of Connection
Irris the Hawk of Vision
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Keraas the Rhino of Substance
Zella the Antelope of Elusion
Gnuu the Wildebeest of Courage
Purr the Cheetah of Agility*
Grevyii the Zebra of Clarity
Chatter the Lemur of Negotiation
Jungle Box-
Tonna the Quetzalcoatl of Earth* (Elemental)
Legmm the Sloth of Isolation (Spacekeeper)
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception*
Ecco the Parrot of Communication*
Vammp the Bat of Absorption
Rivver the Piranha of Contempt
Bubiic the Mosquito of Plague
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Clikk the Dolphin of Sound*
Flairr the Toucan of Pretension
Ocellus the Stingray of Immersion
Charmm the Angelfish of Gentleness
Polaritti the Gecko of Magnetization
Tropical Box-
Allcy the Kingfisher of Sacrifice
Prrysm the Platypus of Distortion* (Spacekeeper)
Dontii the Pufferfish of Expansion (Spacekeeper)
Kicc the Kangaroo of Endurance*
Aumm the Koala of Relaxation
Lekyys the Pelican of Zonation
Alliss the Frilled Lizard of Extortion
Dideea the Shrimp of Patience
Xiphiaa the Swordfish of Honor
Prikk the Echidna of Boundary
Conkky the Wombat of Temperance
Tazz the Purinina of Temptation
Arctic Box-
Shaade the Grim of Darkness* (Elemental)
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition* (Timekeeper)
Maarus the Walrus of Realization
Demiis the Penguin of Glaciation
Fawnna the Elk of Wilderness*
Attlantis the Octopus of Choice*
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Curri the Narwhal of Wonder*
Pinna the Seal of Altruism
Sotaa the Wolverine of Aggression*
Hidden Box- 
Vitaa the Panda of Life* (Alpha)
Shii the Crow of Death* (Alpha)
Uunice the Unicorn of Magic* (Elemental)
Italic- Canon Kwamis
*- Any kwami marked with an asterisk either belongs to my close friend @graaythekwami or draws from elements of one of their kwamis that I'm incorporating into my own headcanons
**- Any kwami marked with two consecutive asterisks draws inspiration from @this-wildchild-writes and their original kwamis
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shirubie · 2 years
Thunderbirds are Go: Miraculous AU Master Post
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2024-01-02: A little update for the new year! Kayo’s section is now complete, you can find it completely at the bottom. 
I’ve had fun doing research on Alchemy to build up my AU’s lore, since I decided that my Miraculous set would have an origin based on alchemy instead of just using classic elements. I should have a post about my original Bad Guys (a group of Alchemists who want the Miraculous to do the world conquering thing) very soon.
So, I’ve been working on and off on this AU concept for a while, pushed it aside a few times and almost completely abandonned it, but the concept is just so anchored in my brain that I just keep going back to it and working out more and more details and ideas. No fanfics have been produced yet but I’m hoping a story might happen eventually.
I’ll be using this post to organize my ideas. I want to rework the Miraculous magic system a bit and develop the lore more. My Miraculous items have powers based on concepts like in the show, but I’ve also given each an associated natural element, because I’m lazy to come up with superpowers, and because the elements seemed to fit the Tracy brothers well.
I know that the TAG and Miraculous fandoms don’t overlap much, but I would love to hear your opinions on this.
If my ideas inspire you to write your own fic or do some art, you have my full permission to do so. Just don’t forget to send me a link so I can check them out! ^_^
AU Related art:
- Kwamis group - Stormhawk and Black Swan (Scayo) - Miraculous logos - Commander Bug (Scott with Ladybug Miraculous) - Sketch: Green Claw (Virgil with Black Cat Miraculous)
AU Related posts:
- Plot bunny about Brains
After the Zero-X tragedy, Colonel Casey has no choice but to shut down International Rescue for good. She simply cannot risk Jeff Tracy's sons suffering a similar fate as their father.
Five years have now passed and the Tracys have all returned to civilian lives and mundane jobs, moving on and slowly drifting away from each other. But helping people has always been the Tracy brothers' true calling. That’s why each are given by a mysterious Guardian a magical artifact called a Miraculous and told to use them for good.
But evil forces want to find the Miraculous and use them to control the world. To prevent this, the Tracys will have to unite and become the heroes they were always meant to be.
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Civilian name: Scott Tracy Miraculous: Thunderbird Item: necklace Concept: Acceleration Element: Wind Weapon: Grappling Hook Gun
Previous wielders: Windrunner, Captain Thunder Abilities:
- Enhanced physical speed and reflexes - Gliding (wingsuit) - Limited wind manipulation
- Tornado: creates a funnel of wind that can blow away objects or slow down someone's fall. This attack will not work under water or in space, as there is no air to manipulate.
Transformation: "Zapp! Updraft!" / "Zapp, Downdraft."
Stormhawk uses his agility, speed and an occasional boost from his wind control powers to perform incredible acrobatic stunts, swinging or gliding between buildings to reach the danger zone fast and assess the situation.
After a few misunderstandings and frictions with his new teammates, Stormhawk proved himself to be a competent leader, able to strategize and make split second decisions.
Kwami name: Zapp Kwami personality: Zapp is a bossy little drill sergeant who wants to turn Scott into the greatest superhero ever, whether Scott likes it or not. He's impatient and pushy, seemingly more interested in his wielder's superhero exploits than their well-being.
Kwami Favorite Food: Popcorn
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Civilian name: Virgil Tracy Miraculous: Roc Item: Belt buckle Concept: Demolition Element: Earth Weapon: Shield
Previous wielders: Colossus
- Super strength - Vibration detection - Limited earth manipulation
- Tremor: Creates a shockwave that will shatter almost any kind of solid material. Works best against rock like materials like concrete, works the least against wood and other bendable matter. The complete effects of this attack are hard to predict. Transformation: "Bronnz! Move Mountains!"
The Roc Miraculous grants its wielder incredible physical strength and the power to destroy any obstacle in their way, but the gentle Titan would be the last person who would want to use this power. He is fully aware of the damage his Miraculous could cause and only uses his full power as a last resort.
Titan might seem intimidating at first glance, but he’s a down-to-Earth (hehe) guy with a big heart who just wants to help people.
Kwami name: Bronnz Kwami personality: Bronnz is shy and nerdy and fascinated by modern technology. He likes to take things apart to see how they work but is not very good at putting them back together.
Kwami Favorite Food: Brownies
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Civilian name: John Tracy Miraculous: Owl Item: Ring Concept: Perception Element: Night/Darkness Weapon: Telescope
Previous wielders: Ghost Owl
- Night vision & enhanced hearing - Camouflage - Limited shadow manipulation
-Blackout: creates a sphere of total darkness and silence over a limited area, only the Miraculous user will be able to see and hear inside it.
Transformation: " Nyctti, Nightfall!" / "Nyctti, Daybreak."
What the owl Miraculous lacks in offensive capabilities, it makes up in stealth. Over the centuries, it was often used by spies but sometimes fell into the hands of criminals.
Nightwatch rarely engages in rescues, gathering information and guiding his teammates from the sidelines, while also trying to unravel the mystery of who chose them to wield the Miraculous and why.  
Kwami name: Nyctti Kwami personality: Nyctti can be an annoying know-it-all who always thinks she’s the smartest person in the room. Fortunately, John is more than smart enough to keep up with her and earn her respect. Nyctti also has a habit of falling asleep randomly during the day, since owls are nocturnal and all.
Kwami Favorite Food: Sesame Bagel
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Civilian name: Gordon Tracy Miraculous: Penguin Item: Ankle bracelet Concept: Adaptation Element: water/ice Weapon: Harpoon
Previous wielders: Kororā (maori word for the Little penguin)
- Enhanced swimming ability - Resistance to the cold - Limited water manipulation  
- Frostbite: creates ice spikes or similar simple constructs of different sizes according to the user's will.
Transformation: "Tchill, High Tide!" / "Tchill, Low Tide."
It's hard to take a penguin theme superhero seriously but Antarctiking should not be underestimated. His water and ice powers can be the most versatile of the Miraculous, to be used in many offensive and defensive ways.
Laid back and cheerful, AntarctiKing can give the impression that he doesn't take being a superhero seriously, but nothing could be further from the truth. He will not hesitate to push himself to his limits to help someone in need.
Kwami name: Tchill Kwami personality: Tchill is the go-with-the-flow type who never worries about anything. He also hates heat and likes to sleep in the freezer.
Kwami Favorite Food: Anchovies
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Civilian name: Alan Tracy Miraculous: Phoenix Item: ear cuff Concept: Combustion Element: Fire Weapon: Ax
Previous wielders: Fire Angel
- Fire Immunity - Limited fire Manipulation
Note: Like the Ladybug Miraculous can counteract the Butterfly's powers, it is rumored that the Phoenix has a secret ability that can cancel the Owl's powers (Foreshadowing? Me? Of course not ;).
-Blaze: this attack will surround the user's body with fire, turning them into a human torch. The flames can also be manipulated to propel the user in the air and fly for limited distances.
Transformation: "Sparkk! Ignite!" / "Sparkk, Burn Out."
The Miraculous were never supposed to be used by children, but the guardian took the risk of giving one to the youngest Tracy brother. Had Jeff Tracy been still alive, the Miraculous would have gone to him instead.
Fire is the hardest element to control but Fireflash seems to have natural talent with it and an instinctive understanding of the magic of the Miraculous. He forms a deep bond with his Kwami.
Kwami name: Sparkk Kwami personality: Sparkk is a little cinnamon roll, a real concentrated ray of sunshine who’s always there to cheer Alan up when he feels down. His Miraculous has unfortunately been involved in wars in the past and with each new wielder he is afraid of being used to cause harm.
Kwami Favorite Food: Snickerdoodle cookies
Black Swan
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Civilian name: Tanusha “Kayo” Kyrano Miraculous: Black Swan Item: Brooch Concept: Transmutation Element: Prima Materia Weapon: Whip
Previous wielders: Alchimia
- Boosting other Miraculous powers.
-Swan Song: Allows to transmute one element into another.
Transformation: "Oodil, Join the dance!" / “Oodil, Take a bow.”
Info: The Black Swan Miraculous is an anomaly that should not exist. It was the result of an attempt to create the Philosopher’s Stone using the Elemental Miraculous. It has very little power by itself, but combined with the other Miraculous, it can grant almost limitless power to reshape the world.
Kayo was not given the Black Swan by the Guardian (her father Kyrano), but she could not stand by while her brothers were in danger. She took the Miraculous and uses it to help the heroes from the shadows, while trying to find whoever is behind the suspicious events and accidents happening around the city.
Kwami Name: Oodil Kwami personality: Oodil appears to be mute, communicating mostly by body language. She has a calm and childlike personality in general, but will not hesitate to attack if her holder is threatened (careful, she bites). Kayo and her have been friends since Kayo’s childhood, when her father became the Miraculous Guardian.
Kwami Favorite Food: Black Licorice
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riallasheng · 6 months
(I hope things get better on your end soon, friend!)
oh hmmmmmm..... that is a SUPER tough one....
I'mma gonna cheat and do my fav line from each fic I've got up on my ao3 in posting order
Trust: But now she has discovered the one thing with which she can not trust herself.
A Cure for Boredom: They clamped their mouth shut around the shot, jaws icing shut as they tried to stop, stumbled, and went into an out of control roll. Black Lion jumped as they pin-wheeled underneath, finally skidding to a stop near the other side of the valley.
Fair: It wasn’t fair. (specifically the final line)
Madame Mort: “Come on then, Doctor. Here’s Bad Luck. …Bet you can’t kill it.”
Mnemosyne: Did that mean that the cat-boy was also an anime magic girl?
Sans Sheriff: “…Or the driver could do that,” a female voice mumbled. “My bruises have bruises.”
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: #“PLEASE hurry, she doesn’t have leggings!”# Chat wailed on the recording, his blushes getting worse before he ended the call.
Shadowhawk: “How is a giant octopu- …wait is that a SHIP in its tentacles? …I thought the people all wailing and despairing were close to it but if that’s a SHIP then – why is there a super giant octopus?! How is super ginormous octopus not important?”
Monghost (currently incomplete as I both had a SHIT TON of RL stuff happen really back to back, and I lost interest in Miraculous and haven't been able to get myself to start working on it again): Tie, though both are by the same chara Regaal sighed. “...Fine. Fashionable clothing that allows full range of motion.” “Yeah, see that I can agree o-” “So that you are both fabulous AND mobile for COMBAT TO THE DEATH!” “NOOOoOoOoOOO!!” “Me?”  the blue thing asked, then offered a chuckle that raised every hair on Monghost’s head and set every nerve jangling like an alarm bell.  “I’m the kwami of warriors!  REGAAL!”
The Collector: 'Nother Tie... both by the same chara again John looked around at the murmuring voices and flashing lights of Thunderbird 5 and blinked. “Ummmm…” Yup. Scott was fine.
As the Wyrm Turns: “Decided he was a 18th century Galleon Captain.”
Manhunt: Paul sat down beside him and rested a hand on Adam’s shoulder, ignoring the tears he could see escaping past Adam’s hand and how his breath hitched, knowing there was nothing left to say, but determined to be there anyway.
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
To be honest, I only made two "OC Kwami": "Maari, Hamster Kwami of Lateness" and "Leela, Squirrel Kwami of Suggestion"
I've got
Stormm: Thunderbird kwami of nature.
Grizz: Bear Kwami of intimidation.
Buff: buffalo Kwami of gravity.
Finn: Salmon Kwami of the ocean.
Toxx: serpent Kwami of intoxication.
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
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Updated art for Ferro my Pterosaur and Kiikaa my Thunderbird kwami! (Along with an updated bio for Ferro.) I was never completely satisfied with my original designs for these two, and I'm really happy with how these versions turned out. :D
Ferro is now the kwami of Aether, while Kiikaa remains the kwami of Electricity.
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kari-go · 2 months
Oh, for the love square I mean an doodle with Chris x Stephan using that four miraculous, sorry for not being directly
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(context for the birds: the griffin's power gives a moral and power boost)
ouabefoasbf I know these aren't doodles but like-
I also just realized I forgot to draw the griffin miraculous,,,damn it
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so-many-kwamis · 5 months
The kwamis
First layer
Tikki the ladybug
Plagg the cat
Luxx the lion
Grimm the hellhound
Eggo the stork
Niic the vulture
Second layer
Pollen the bee
Bloom the deer
Remm the koala
Arra the parrot
Duusu the peacock
Gentoo the penguin
Pyrro the phoenix
Lavoo the raccoon
Cloverr the red panda 
Raii the seal
Voltt the thunderbird
Wayzz the turtle
Third layer
Unii the ant
Reddo the axolotl
Terro the bat
Iraa the bull
Nooroo the butterfly
Moo the cow
Cann the crab
Miraii the crow
Barkk the dog
Bliss the dove
Longg the dragon
Trixx the fox
Anurr the frog
Ziggy the goat
Gripp the griffin
Kaalki the horse
Viis the koi
Borre the leopard
Drool the llama
Xuppu the monkey
Luuna the moth
Mullo the mouse
Lymm the opossum
Inn the orca
Allba the owl
Snoop the pigeon
Fluff the rabbit
Oriio the scorpion
Perfuu the skunk
Folli the sloth
Sabbi the snail
Sass the snake
Borre the snow leopard
Kummo the spider
Atta the swan
Roaar the tiger
Luppu the wolf
Huge thanks to @melissak2802 and @hades-999 for the help!
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imthepunchlord · 7 months
Ok since you were discussing the kwami's true forms, I finally feel comfortable sharing the ideas I had. Ok so keep in mind I wrote these ideas ages ago so some of them the ones that got cut might still be here and I just left out the of seven since they were at the top.
Dragonfly - Western Dragon Grasshopper/Cricket - Fossegrim Mantis - Mantis Man (or woman since they seem very tied to Femininity) Mouse/Rodent (includes rats, squirrels, and bats) - Matagot Rabbit - Moon Rabbit Snake - Naga Horse - Pegasus or Longma Monkey - one of the Celestial Primates (probably the red-butted baboon or long-armed gibbon) (I felt those two would be the best since, from what I remember, they are are only mentioned and never actually appear) (though the six earred macaque could work since he doesn't appear after his debut since Sun Wukong apparently kills him) Lion - Nemean lion or Manticore Tiger - Shuihu Dog - Laelaps Wolf - Fenrir Rooster - Phoenix Deer - Eikþyrnir Goat/Sheep - Satyrs Pig/Boar - Crommyonian Sow Ox/Bull - Minotaur Bear - Torngarsuk Fish - sea dragon Spider - Jorogumo Frog/Toad - Loveland frog or Money Toad Eagle - Thunderbird Owl - Strix Songbird - Siren Crane/Heron - Crane Maiden or the lady of the lake Swan (Duck and Goose) - Swan Maiden Raven (Crow and Magpie) - Augury Dove - Caladrius
Thank you for the list and suggestions.
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emypony · 6 years
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Lmao ok this took longer than I expected it to
i will ramble under read more abt why I gave this kind of kwami to him, apart from the fact that 1. i like birds and 2. i love crows and 3. i dont need any other reason
key points for now:
he has A LOT of feathers on his suit. yes i died drawing and coloring them
wings dont work but he can use them to convey emotions
head feathers also act  like ears sort of.
his shoes and gloves reflect crow leggies :D
I got the Thunderbird inspiration from the Netflix show called Hilda! great show definitely recommend.
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Picture and info taken from this site!! please check it out its kinda neat.
In the myth, the bird's wings are two canoe-lengths from wingtip to wingtip. It creates storms as it flies because its wing beats pull the clouds together. Thunder is the sound of the bird's wings clapping, and sheet lightning is the light that flashes from its eyes. Lightning bolts are glowing snakes it drops from its talons.
"This creature is generally known to the American tribes as the Thunderbird. Ancient cultures in Europe, including the Greeks, called it the Phoenix. Similar mythology exists throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. 
The Cherokee myth has it that these massive birds return every 27 years to steal away children. Most other tribes perceive the appearance of this mighty bird, with a wing span estimated at 16 to 20 feet, as a powerful spirit that flashed lightning from its eyes, caused thunder by the flapping of its great wings, and brought the rain that watered the earth.
so Karas as a kwami is a little binch. he’ll eat anything and nothing at the same time. he will be picky af when the situation is the most inopportune xD. courtesy of @lisonari for the help with ideas!! shes amazing  i love her sm
He would kinda play pranks on Chi but also be protective of him if he is ever in danger. He means well but isn’t the best at communicating it.
i guess Karas would not say hes a Thunderbird bc he thinks Chi wont understand and is afraid to let him know of all the negative connotations that his species has, so he just says hes a crow but its kindA SUSPICIOUS AFTER A WHILE
ok i rambled on engouh!!
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