jebbeesketches · 1 year
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Eating fruit to beat the heat
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gameotheque · 8 months
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I FINALLY got Luke and,
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Convo with @maid-of-the-golden-deer
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aegisshielded · 2 years
can i get a master ball. can i pl • Team 3 Arena
Felix & @princepsumbra @ofdusk @cursedbluebird @unsungblade
Training of any kind was destined to draw the attention of the Fraldarius son. Better yet, it was a tournament of sorts, igniting Felix’s competitive side (as if it ever burned out). While he’d prefer not to have to work with a team, he at least felt that he could have drawn shorter straws when it came to teammates.
Not interested in taking his time to get started, Felix charged ahead, hoping for the opportunity to get the first hit in and catch the mechanized enemy off guard.
Felix rolls a d20, and gets a 5. “It’s a hit! … For zero damage.”
Enemy Counter: enemy rolls a d20+2 for sharp beak, and deals 1.5 HP damage.
The retaliating attack from the enemy landed, and Felix grunted in pain from the piercing beak dragging across his skin. He hissed through his teeth, braving the injury, and hurried back far enough to put his shield up against the enemy’s next attack.
Twin Soul: Sun uses Divine Fire on all players. Felix is barely hit, but receives 0 dmg thanks to his shield.
Thankfully, Felix thought ahead and took his shield as his other equipment aside from his sword, and it paid off. He hid behind the shield, sweat forming on his forehead as the fire heated the metal. Amber eyes locked with his teammate and he nodded towards the enemy, signaling for them to attack.
Next: Leo @princepsumbra
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dreadark · 1 year
shez is like the only fire emblem avatar where i don’t see people constantly fighting over whether the m or f version is better
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rasiooid · 1 month
KPU Kota Bogor Bantah Tudingan Manipulasi Suara Golkar di Dapil 3
RASIOO.id – Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Kota Bogor menepis tuduhan yang dilontarkan Partai Golkar terkait dugaan perubahan suara dalam Pemilihan Umum Anggota DPRD Provinsi Jawa Barat Dapil Kota Bogor 3. Tuduhan tersebut dibawa ke sidang Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum (PHPU) di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Selasa 13 Agustus 2024. Permohonan yang diajukan oleh Partai Golkar ini teregistrasi dengan…
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arcaeda · 2 years
just you me & this bear we’re hunting
@unsungblade [ prompt: axe +1 ]
"so, have you ever hunted a bear like this before?” caeda comments idly, hoping to make conversation with kris as they make their way into the forest. the cooking club had asked for help securing bear meat, and who was caeda to say anything but a resounding yes?
though, she was not stupid enough to think she could hunt a whole bear on her own. so to that degree she had asked for kris help first before marth. marth was likely to tell her not to, but she knew kris couldn’t say no to her!
she hums to herself, nimbly stepping through bush and over tree roots. “be careful kris.” she warns lightheartedly. “terrains pretty bumpy past this point.”
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People need to free themselves of the burden of giving a shit about heroes. Instead of "look how the writing massacred my boy" it's "oh I didn't know mKris of all characters got a slutty dark mage alt in heroes how fun." It's a much better way to live
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huecycles · 2 years
There is pro shipper name Aku (spamddison) that is using spamton fan artwork and has a Big receipts on her https://href.li/?https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Po5TmY7hrd4qGQrSCp2oREOSD2BO8ohUV9el4gjyKzA/edit
She is Kris x Spamton shipper and very abusive. Please be careful. Sorry I’m on anon but I’m scared of her.
thank you for letting me know, i already had access to this doc a bit earlier and read through everything. to my surprise i already had this person blocked on both my twitters lmfao really terrible shit. now that i'm back here again i'll block her on tumblr too
posting this ask so you guys are made aware. proshippers are NOT welcome on my goddamn page, nor are problematics or whatever term is used, also to anyone who excuses or ships sp*mkris you can kindly fuck off. that's all ill say
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spamfics · 7 months
HEY there! this is @spamtondoingthings / @rotking running a spamton/reader fic blog. i write spamton and spamton NEO stuff for ya! requests are welcome! there are rules though! heres them rules:
NO: nsfw, "sfw" kinks (you know what i mean don't play dumb), tickling, toxic content (ask me here or on rotking), violence, underage, sp@mkris or sp@mnoelle (get help)
YE: silly stuff, romance, platonic, fluff, goofin around, yknow that cute stuff. KEEP IT TAME.
however this blog IS 18+ bc spamton is over 40 and it's an x reader blog with romance content. sorry!! this blog is not for you! nothing explicit. behave.
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dentos-wife · 2 years
People keeps saying that F!Corrin and M!Robin are the canon one but do they realized that since F!Robin is F!Corrin's reincarnation and that M!Corrin is M!RObin's previous incarnation, that makes F!Robin and M!Corrin being canon too ?
There is even a post that suggested that Odin, Laslow and Selena came from a dimension where Robin is female due to how they inspired themselves from the support that the Trio had with F!Robin to write the ones with F!Corrin.
But if F!Corrin is canon that would make F!Robin canon too since she is her reincarnation and M!Corrin canon too if M!Robin is canon since he is M!Corrin's reincarnation
Okay let me see if I understand what you're saying, Robin is Corrin's reincarnation? I thought the theory was the other way around because it wouldn't make sense otherwise. We have Selena, Odin, and Laslow which came from the ruined Awakening world from Anankos's power so how...would Corrin be Robin I'm confused.
Can I see the post? I'm curious
As for the Robin becomes Corrin version I heard I also don't think so, it's just a nod to both being avatars, Chorm even confuses Alear for Robin in Engage once, it's just we're all avatars.
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How he'd get someone with long red/blue hair confused with someone with short white hair is beyond me, but it's just a little reference unless it's a fell dragon thing dunno
The summoner in FEH is the same way compared to Kris, Mark (though he isn't named) Corrin and Robin. I *think* they were compared to Byleth once and Alear is too early to tell, but again it's a you played as this character reference
As for the reason people call MRobin canon and FCorrin canon, they're used more because they're more popular, technically neither is really canon but as you can see if IS could only use one gender of the avatar? It's MRobin and FCorrin everytime hence the "canon" in quotes. Byleth is more equal thanks to using the male in Engage though leans to the female because she is more popular, I strongly believe MByleth was default for Engage because there was no way to gauge avatar popularity yet and usually the male is the default (MCorrin in Smash)
Alear we don't know yet we'll have to see Kris and Shez I don't know enough about to tell you which one is more popular though using CYL results I think it's MKris and FShez but Shez barely they were back to back in CYL
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baliwakenews · 2 years
118 Peserta Ikuti WCCJ di Nusa Dua
118 Peserta Ikuti WCCJ di Nusa Dua
Nusa Dua, baliwakenews.com Kawasan pariwisata The Nusa Dua Bali, menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) ke-5 yang berlangsung 4-7 Oktober 2022. Kongres yang diselenggarakan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) dengan mengusung tema “Constitutional Justice and Peace”  ini dihadiri oleh 118 anggota WCCJ. Tujuan diselenggarakannya kongres…
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Kongres Kelima WCCJ Diselenggarakan di The Nusa Dua
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, NUSA DUA – Kawasan pariwisata The Nusa Dua Bali, yang dikelola oleh PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) atau Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), BUMN pengembang dan pengelola kawasan pariwisata di Indonesia, dan Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) The Nusa Dua menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) ke-5 yang berlangsung 4-7 Oktober 2022. Kongres yang diselenggarakan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) dengan mengusung tema ‘Constitutional Justice and Peace’ ini dihadiri oleh 118 anggota WCCJ. Tujuan diselenggarakannya kongres ini adalah sebagai wadah diskusi, tukar pikiran dan berbagi pengalaman antar hakim konstitusi anggota WCCJ. Logo Kongres Kelima World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) kali ini menggunakan kombinasi warna merah dan biru yang melambangkan semangat dan energi serta perdamaian. General Manager The Nusa Dua, I Gusti Ngurah Ardita mengatakan, sangat senang event internasional kembali diselenggarakan di kawasan The Nusa Dua. “Kami sangat mengapresiasi kepercayaan dari pemerintah serta stakeholders untuk menyelenggarakan event di destinasi yang kami kelola. Kami yakin penyelenggaraan event internasional di The Nusa Dua menjadi bagian dari upaya berkelanjutan dari semua pihak untuk mempromosikan pariwisata dan mempercepat pemulihan ekonomi di Bali serta menunjukkan kesiapan The Nusa Dua menuju event G20 mendatang,” ungkap Ardita. “Berbagai persiapan telah dilakukan ITDC untuk mendukung kesuksesan penyelenggaraan Kongres Kelima WCCJ antara lain penyiapan protokol CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability), kesiapan dan keamanan venue dan juga kerjasama dengan hotel-hotel di The Nusa Dua terkait akomodasi anggota WCCJ,” terang Ardita. Ardita menambahkan bahwa pemilihan The Nusa Dua dan BNDCC sebagai venue penyelenggaraan Kongres Kelima WCCJ merupakan langkah yang tepat karena The Nusa Dua dan BNDCC memiliki pengalaman panjang dan fasilitas pendukung yang lengkap dalam penyelenggaraan event berkelas internasional. BNDCC merupakan fasilitas MICE terintegrasi yang terletak di kawasan The Nusa Dua. BNDCC memiliki 44 ruang multi fungsi termasuk aula sub-divisi seluas 4.400 sq.m untuk memfasilitasi hingga 10.000 delegasi, salah satunya Pecatu Hall yang menjadi ruang penyelenggaraan penobatan Miss Global 2022. Ruangan yang artistik ini memiliki luas 1.770 m2 dan tinggi langit-langit 8 meter, mampu menampung hingga 1.800 peserta, dan dapat diubah menjadi 4 ruang terpisah yang akan memberikan fleksibilitas untuk mengadakan berbagai acara secara bersamaan. BNDCC telah banyak digunakan sebagai venue penyelenggaraan berbagai acara nasional maupun internasional, konvensi antar pemerintah, acara dan pameran perusahaan global diantaranya 7th Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (7th GPDRR) tahun 2022, IMF World Bank Group tahun 2018, Sidang Umum INTERPOL ke-85 tahun 2016, Kongres Dunia ke-33 Penyakit Dalam tahun 2016, Forum Media Asia Pasific tahun 2014, Grand Final Miss World ke-63 tahun 2013 serta KTT APEC tahun 2013. Sementara, The Nusa Dua sendiri saat ini memiliki 18 hotel atau setara dengan kurang lebih 4.800 kamar yang beroperasi di masa pandemi serta fasilitas MICE yang mampu menampung lebih dari 20.000 delegasi.   Melengkapi fasilitas akomodasi dan MICE ini, di The Nusa Dua juga terdapat atraksi seperti pusat perbelanjaan Bali Collection, Museum Pasifika serta Bali Nusa Dua Theater. Fasilitas lain yang juga tersedia adalah rumah sakit internasional dan lapangan golf 18 holes. “ITDC akan terus berupaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan serta mempersiapkan kawasan menjadi lebih baik untuk menyambut penyelenggaraan event internasional lainnya dimana dengan melihat event-event  yang diselenggarakan di kawasan kami, akan menggerakkan minat event organizer, pemerintah maupun stakeholders untuk menyelenggarakan aktivitas MICE  bergengsi lainnya di kawasan The Nusa Dua,” tutup Ardita.(bpn) Read the full article
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lgbtmanic · 4 years
officially 10 days and some hours until Unus Annus is gone forever, so I got together some of my favourite pictures of the boys. 🖤
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~ credit of gifs to their rightful owners, I find them in groups on facebook and twitter and just re share them so I have to look at later on.
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ducessaeva · 4 years
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Marth is trans and he and Kris are in love, thanks for coming to my ted talk <3
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rasiooid · 1 month
Rangkul Parpol Non Parlemen, Partai Hanura bakal Bikin Poros Baru di Pilbup Bogor 2024
RASIOO.id – Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) No. 60/PUU-XXII/2024 membuka peluang bagi partai non-parlemen untuk memiliki kekuatan politik yang setara dengan partai politik yang memiliki kursi di parlemen. Hal ini memberikan kesempatan bagi partai non-parlemen untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada). Ketua DPC Partai Hanura Kabupaten Bogor, Daen…
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amstrongbiring · 3 years
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Notaris/PPAT Digugat Kabur, Amstrong Sembiring: Hakim Wajib Putus Verstek
Seorang Notaris/PPAT Soehardjo Hadie Widyokusumo, kembali mangkir dalam sidang gugatan perdata yang digelar di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (19/5).
Sidang dengan agenda kesimpulan ini dibacakan oleh pihak penggugat Haryanti Sutanto, yang diwakili oleh kuasa hukumnya, JJ Amstrong Sembiring.
Menurut mantan capim KPK itu perbuatan tergugat tidak dapat dibenarkan membuat akta Hibab NO 18 Tahun 2011 yang berasal dari akta kuasa mutlak, karena bertentangan dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan pasal 39 AYAT (1) PP NO 24 TAHUN 1997 Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah.
Selain itu, lanjut Amstrong, pihak tergugat Soehardjo Hadie Widyokusumo tidak punya itikad baik untuk hadir di persidangan.
"Dia (tergugat) hanya sekali datang ke persidangan. Artinya tergugat paham sedang bersengketa hukum, tapi ini tak pernah hadir lagi dan tak ada itikad baik dari tergugat," ungkap Amstrong di PN Selatan.
Amstrong menjelaskan bahwa pihak PN Jakarta Selatan sudah memanggil secara resmi dari Desember 2020 sampai dengan April 2021, tapi tergugat kabur tanpa meninggalkan alamat.
Untuk itu, Amstrong meminta majelis hakim wajib mengeluarkan putusan verstek berdasarkan 125 Herizen Indlandsch Reglement (HIR).
Yang berbunyi putusan verstek adalah putusan yang dijatuhkan apabila tergugat tidak hadir atau tidak
juga mewakilkan kepada kuasanya untuk menghadap meskipun ia sudah dipanggil dengan patut.
"Saya berharap Majelis Hakim wajib memutuskan perkara ini dengan putusan verstek," terang Amstrong.
Sidang perdata nomor perkara 813/Pdt.G/2020/ PN JKT.SEL dengan Ketua Mejelis Hakim Akhmad Suhel, dan dua hakim anggota, Merry Taat Anggarsih, Toto Ridarto.
Usai membacakan kesimpulan Gugatan, majelis hakim akan melanjutkan sidang pada agenda berikutnya yakni putusan gugatan pada 9 Juni 2021.
Kpd Yth @official.kpk @komisiyudisialri @sofyan.djalil @fadjroelrachman @surya_tjandra_11_1 @dinopattidjalal
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