#mixed heavy waste skip
qldskipshire · 2 years
What's the Difference Between Light Waste and Heavy Waste?
Isn't all trash the same? Wrong. If you need a Mixed Heavy waste Skip Bin, you need to know the difference between light garbage and heavy waste.
Why? To choose the appropriate bin size and guarantee that the bin can be securely lifted by one of our vehicles once it is full, you will need to know the specifics of the trash you want to dispose of.
In addition, it's easier to keep track of which kinds of trash need to be sent to which recycling centers and transfer stations when we have a good idea of the waste's composition. If you have all of this information, you may be able to take advantage of an opportunity to provide a price reduction for certain kinds of garbage.
The question now is, what exactly is the distinction between light waste and heavy waste? What is it?
Exactly what falls under the category of "Light Waste?"
Literally everything that may be regarded as light is considered to be light waste.
Most benign items from homes and businesses may be tossed into the general light garbage category.
Garbage from homes and workplaces, including used items such as clothing, toys, dishes, packaging, and plastics.
Construction materials with little weight, such as wood and other light materials
Home furnishings and appliances (TVs, couches, beds, etc.)
Yard trimmings, bushes, and twigs are all examples of green trash.
Light trash removal is often necessary after doing relatively little tasks around the house, such as gardening, do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, minor clean-up, or relocating.
When travelling from one location to another, you may notice that the definition of "generic light garbage" shifts somewhat from place to place. Therefore, it is highly advised that particular instructions related to each skip bin service definition be followed to the letter.
A light garbage skip will often cost less to lease than a heavy waste skip since it is simpler to transport and tip. 
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What kinds of trash qualify as "Heavy"?
As the name implies, heavy trash includes everything that seems to be bulky.
The following are examples of materials that are often found in heavy waste:
Made of bricks and cement
Despite appearances, a large quantity of sand or dirt is rather heavy.
The Roofing Materials
Mixture of crushed stone, gravel, and other stones
Skeletal remains of trees (no more than 50cms in length and 30cms in diameter)
Heavy garbage removal is often needed after commercial construction or extensive landscaping or interior improvements.
You will need a heavy/mixed skip bin if you have any heavy trash that has to be hauled away. This bin may hold either exclusively heavy trash or a combination of heavy and light trash. Please keep in mind that our large 8m3 and 10m3 skip bins have weight limits and can't be used to throw away heavy trash.
If you aren't sure what size trash can you need, give us a call and we'll help you figure it out.
What are the benefits of being aware of the differences between light waste and heavy garbage?
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To maximise the effectiveness of your garbage collection, it's important to understand the distinction between light and heavy trash.
Estimating the appropriate bin size is challenging, even if you know the trash classification. If you're still not sure what size bin you need, we suggest getting the next bigger size.
You may purchase your skip bin with confidence now that you know what constitutes "light" and "heavy" rubbish, and can get to work on your cleanup.
At QLD Skip Hire in Brisbane, you can order a skip bin and have it delivered to you quickly and affordably. If you need a skip bin in Brisbane, call us or go online to get one right now.
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chaoticforever · 3 months
Where The Path Led | Yandere Stephen Strange x Male! Reader
Summary: Who thought having sex with Doctor Strange would cause the man to become very obsessive and delusional?
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Y/n stirred groggily, a throbbing headache pulsing in time with his heartbeat. He blinked his eyes open, squinting against the harsh morning light streaming through the window. The brightness only added to his discomfort, and he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. The room spun slightly, and he had to close his eyes again to steady himself.
After a few deep breaths, he cautiously opened his eyes again, this time letting them adjust to the bright light. As his vision cleared, he turned his head to the right, wincing at the sharp pain from his neck. That's when he noticed something that made his heart skip a beat or two.
This wasn't his room.
It took him a moment to register that he also was not alone. An arm was draped casually across his waist, belonging to someone still deeply asleep. Following the arm up, Y/n recognized the face — it was his colleague, Stephen Strange. The man looked peaceful sleeping, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. The sight of Stephen lying next to him sent a rush of memories flooding back to Y/n.
The night before, Y/n had gone to a bar in the city, intent on drowning himself in alcohol. He had discovered yesterday that Marcus, his boyfriend of two years, had been cheating on him. The betrayal stung deeply, and he needed an escape. He wanted to forget, if only for one night.
And that's when Stephen had appeared. Noticing Y/n's somber mood, he joined him at the bar. The two men had shared drinks and danced together. Before they knew it, they ended up back at Stephen's place, and one thing had led to another.
Now, Y/n thought back to that moment with a sense of regret. He hadn't wanted to sleep with anyone; he had just wanted a night to forget his issues. Carefully, he eased himself out of Stephen's embrace, holding his breath and slipping out from under the covers. Spotting his clothes scattered on the floor, he began to dress quietly, wincing at the rustling fabric. He located his phone and keys in one of the pockets and quietly left Stephen's home.
Upon returning to his apartment, Y/n made a beeline for the bathroom. The cool water on his face felt amazing, but he knew he looked and felt like a mess. He vowed to himself that he wouldn't indulge in such heavy drinking again.
Going to the kitchen, Y/n began making this hangover remedy his dad had often made for him back in his early twenties. Y/n didn't think he would need it again, but it turns out that he did. As he mixed the ingredients, his phone rang and saw that Mercedes was calling. He answered.
"Hey, Mercedes."
"Hi, Y/n," Mercedes' cheerful voice came through. "So, what did you get up to last night? Drinking liquor at a bar, perhaps?"
Y/n blinked, because how did she just— "Uh, how'd you know that I went out to a bar last night? I didn’t tell you about that."
"I heard from Juan," his friend explained. "Said that he saw you at Charley's bar, getting wasted. He also mentioned that he saw you leave with someone — a tall male with black hair and a goatee. Did you hook up with somebody last night?"
Y/n sighed as he poured the remedy into a cup. "I did. I slept with my colleague, Stephen. It was a drunk hookup though, nothing more, and It won't happen again."
"And why won't it happen again?"
"To be honest, I don't like Stephen in that way," Y/n replied, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "And after finding out about Marcus, I don't feel like dating or hooking up with anyone for a while."
"I understand," Mercedes' voice was soft. "Take all the time you need to heal but don't let Marcus' actions hold you back. He doesn't deserve your time or energy."
Y/n smiled. Mercedes always knew the right thing to say to make him feel better.
"Thank you, Mercedes," Y/n said gently. "Listen, I'm going to hop in the shower, but we can talk later. Tell Sam I said hi."
"Will do! Talk to you later, n/n," Mercedes responded before the call disconnected.
Y/n placed his phone on the charger and headed for the shower, hoping the warm water would soothe his aching body and clear his mind after the chaotic night he experienced and a challenging morning.
Monday morning arrived, and Y/n woke up feeling refreshed and surprisingly energetic, considering the events of the past few days. He had spent the rest of his weekend relaxing in the living room and briefly chatting with his dad on the phone. It felt like he had finally gotten a good night's rest, and the absence of a killer headache was a welcome bonus.
The male stretched his arms above his head and yawned, feeling the satisfying crack of his joints. He whistled softly to himself as he went through his morning routine, preparing for the long day ahead.
As he drove to the hospital, his thoughts drifted back to his night with Stephen. A flush crept up his neck, thinking back to their sexual encounter. Even though they worked in different areas of the hospital— Y/n as an immunologist and Stephen as a neurosurgeon — they still often saw one another. Y/n wondered if the man in question would bring up what happened between them. He hoped he'd agree to forget about the situation and move on.
When he entered the familiar halls of the hospital, Y/n greeted his colleagues with a smile and nodded to familiar faces. He made his way to the staff lounge for that much-needed cup of coffee because his appointments were back-to-back, and he knew the caffeine would be essential to getting through the day. The lounge was empty as he poured the liquid into a cup.
And then:
A familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Good morning, Y/n," that was Stephen's voice. Stephen's arms wrapped around Y/n's body, planting a hand on his chest. Y/n's breath hitched as Stephen planted hot, wet kisses on the back of his neck. "You were really amazing last night, you know?" Stephen nipped at Y/n's earlobe. "We definitely got to recreate that, huh?"
Y/n’s breathing hitched. He couldn’t deny that Stephen’s lips felt amazing against his skin, but he really needed to talk to him to make sure they were on the same page. And seeing how this guy was sucking on the back of his neck, It's clear that they weren’t on the same page.
Y/n turned around in Stephen's embrace, stopping the kisses and taking one step back. "Stephen, we need to talk," he said.
The man in question, on the other hand, shook his head. "Later. I want to make love to you again. Right here, right now."
His hand reached forward, palming Y/n's erection with his fingers. This caused Y/n to take two steps back, needing to put a sizable distance between them. There was no way they could do anything here, especially in a hospital where they could be walked in on at any given moment.
Stephen looked annoyed as he took two steps forward, placing his hand on Y/n’s shoulder. "What is there to talk about?"
Y/n took a deep breath in, gathering his thoughts together. "Look, man, last night was — it was a mistake. A good mistake, but still a mistake. We were drunk, and—"
Stephen's eyes narrowed, and his grip on Y/n's shoulders tightened. "A mistake?" he repeated, his voice dangerously quiet. "Is that truly how you feel?"
Y/n's heart stilled as he saw a flash of something dark in the surgeon's eyes. It was only a fleeting moment, but it was enough to send a chill down his spine. Still, he needed to get these words out. 
"Yes," Y/n said softly. "We should forget it. You know, pretend it never happened."
For a long moment, Stephen didn't voice anything, gray eyes fixed on Y/n’s face. Y/n honestly didn’t know what Stephen was going to say, but he just hoped that he didn’t blow up in his face or be upset with him. Then, slowly, he released Y/n’s shoulder and took a step back, grinning.
"Alright Y/n. If that's what you want, then we will pretend that it never happened." 
The h/c-haired doctor nodded, internally sighing in relief that Stephen understood where Y/n was coming from "Thanks for being so understanding. We should both probably get to work right about now." 
Stephen offered a small smile and opened the door for Y/n, who thanked him and left the lounge. Stephen headed to his office on the fourth floor, while Y/n headed to his office on the third floor.
Booting up his computer, the h/c haired doctor pulled up his patients' files and began reviewing them, preparing for the long appointments. His first patient was a young girl named Sarah, and he took a moment to familiarize himself with her medical history before her appointment.
Exactly at nine o'clock, there was a soft knock on the door. "Come in," Y/n called out. The door opened to reveal a brown-skinned muscular man and a young girl with brown hair and brown eyes peeking out from behind him. Y/n acknowledged the man's attractiveness but shook off the thought since it wasn't appropriate.
"Good morning, Mr. Flynn. Please, come in," Y/n said, offering them a warm smile and extending his hand for him to shake, "I'm Dr. L/n, but feel free to call me Y/n."
"Nice to meet you, sir," Jesse responded, shaking Y/n’s hand and stepping inside. the office, guiding his daughter forward. "This right here is my daughter, Sarah. She's a bit shy, so please bear with her."
"It's nice to meet you, Sarah," Y/n knelt down to the girl's eye level. "You can call me Y/n, too. No need for formalities." He patted on the examination table. "Take a seat here, and we can have a little chat?"
The young girl nodded silently and climbed up onto the examination table, her eyes darting around the room. Jesse took a seat in the empty chair next to his daughter as Y/n began the examination.
"Sarah, your dad explained to me on the phone last week that you've been having tummy aches lately. Can you talk to me about that?" Y/n's voice was friendly.
She twisted her hands in her lap. Then, in a small voice, she spoke, "My tummy hurts sometimes, and I don't know why."
Y/n nodded understandingly. "That must be scary. Can you tell me where it hurts? Does it hurt all the time or sometimes?"
Sarah pointed to her mid-region. "It hurts right here and it usually hurts after I eat."
"I see," Y/n murmured, making a note on her chart. "Okay, I'm going to take a look and see if I can figure out what might be causing you to have these tummy pains."
Sarah nodded, her hand reaching out for her father's hand, and Jesse held it.
Y/n proceeded to perform a gentle examination, taking care to explain each step to both Sarah and Jesse. He asked additional questions about Sarah’s diet, any recent changes in her routine, and any other symptoms she experienced.
When the exam was over, Y/n concluded that Sarah was likely experiencing some digestive issues, possibly due to a mild food intolerance. He suggested dietary changes for her and an over-the-counter prescription to help soothe her stomach.
"Thank you, Y/n," relief was present in Jesse’s voice. "We really appreciate your help. Sarah hasn't been well lately, and we wanted to make sure she was okay."
Y/n waved off the thanks. "It's my job. I'll send the prescription to your pharmacy, and you can pick it up tomorrow. Try the prescriptions for a couple of weeks, and if she shows no signs of improvements, we'll discuss further steps." He reached into his candy drawer and offered Sarah a lollipop. "And here's a lollipop for being the most amazing patient I've ever had!"
A smile appeared on Sarah’s face as she took the candy from him. "Thanks, Y/n!"
"You're welcome. It was nice meeting you and I hope that you feel better soon."
Jesse and Sarah exited the room, and Y/n began sending Sarah's prescription to her pharmacy. Just as he finished, there was another knock banging on his door.
"Come in," he called out, expecting one of the nurses or maybe his next patient.
To his surprise, it was Jesse who poked his head into the room. "Sorry to bother you, Y/n. I just realized I left my jacket here," he walked over to the chair where he was sitting and picked up the jacket.
"It's no problem at all," Y/n assured him.
Jesse slipped his arms into the sleeves of his jacket and turned toward the door. Just as he was about to exit, he paused and turned back, as if to say something.
"Listen," Jesse began. "I know this might be a bit forward, but I wanted to ask: do you have a special someone in your life?"
Y/n's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He hadn't expected this line of questioning, but he supposed it was not uncommon for patients' family members to become curious about their doctors' private lives. He wasn't sure about telling his patient's father that he likes dudes since he didn’t know his stance on same-sex couples, but something compelled him to tell him.
"Well," he chose his words thoughtfully. "to answer your question, no, there's no special someone in my life. There used to be a guy but he lost that title privilege."
Jesse nodded, taking a step closer to Y/n's desk. "Interesting. So, if I were to ask you to join me for dinner tomorrow, what are the chances that you would say yes?"
Y/n's heart skipped a beat, and he found himself momentarily at a loss for words. He had not expected this turn of events. Jesse was a handsome dude, no doubt, and seemed like a good guy. Y/n would be down for it, but the timing wasn't right.
"Oh, I'm flattered, Jesse. Truly," Y/n said sincerely, voraciously, "But to be honest, I just got out of a two-year relationship, and I'm not looking to date right now."
Jesse's face fell, but he gave a nod. "I get it. It's too bad I didn't meet you three years ago. Have a good rest of your day."
Jesse turned the doorknob and left Y/n's office. Y/n watched him go, intrigued by his forwardness. He wondered when the next time they'd see one another again.
And Y/n found his question answered by the time Valentine’s Day rolled around. However, not only did he find the answer to his question but he found a revelation as well, a scary discovery about Stephen.
As Y/n sat in his office, writing notes, he heard a knock on the door. He called out for the individual to come in, but instead received another knock. A bewildered expression crossed Y/n's face as he got up to open the door himself, only to find no one outside. However, he spotted a bouquet of roses and a box of expensive chocolates, each with a note attached.
The note attached to the roses said, "For my one true love, Y/n. I can't wait to see you again soon. -Stephen." The note on the chocolates read, "To sweeten your day, my love." There was a heart under it.
Confusion painted a portrait on his face. It seemed as though Stephen believed they were in a relationship, despite Y/n's clear indication that he wanted to forget about their one night together. Y/n knew he needed to set the record straight and speak to Stephen as soon as possible.
His opportunity came during lunchtime when he was sitting at one of the tables outside. Stephen approached and took a seat next to him without asking, greeting Y/n politely and inquiring about his day.
A forced smile appeared on Y/n's face. "It's going well, thank you. And yours?"
"Wonderful, now that I see you," Stephen replied, reaching over to take Y/n's hand in his own. "Did you get the flowers and chocolates I sent? I know you like roses."
Y/n nodded slowly. "Yes, I did, and—"
"Shh, Y/n," Stephen interrupted, pressing a finger to Y/n's lips and running it over his bottom lip. "No need to thank me. That's what good boyfriends do."
Y/n's eyes widened because what the—? Did he just hear that correctly? Stephen thought that they were— "B-Boyfriends?" 
Stephen smiled and planted a kiss on Y/n's cheek, his fingers running over Y/n's knuckles. "Yes, boyfriends. You and I, of course. Where do you want me to take you for Valentine's Day dinner tonight? I know this amazing Italian restaurant—"
"Stop," he removed Stephen's hand from his and held up his own hand. "Look, I think you've got the wrong impression. We aren't boyfriends; we're not dating."
"And why is that?" Stephen questioned, scooting closer to Y/n in his chair. "We had sex, Y/n. That makes you mine now."
At that moment, Y/n realized that something was seriously wrong with Stephen. His insistence that they were dating, despite Y/n's clear rejection, was an obvious sign of delusion. Y/n knew he had to be firm and stand his ground.
Y/n shook his head. Why wasn't Stephen getting it? "I'm not yours. At all. We only had a night together. I am not interested in pursuing anything further. I don't want to be with you. Do you understand that?"
Stephen's jaw clenched, and for a split second, Y/n saw a dangerous flash in his gray eyes. Then, Stephen pushed the table away and stormed off, muttering something about Y/n being ungrateful.
Y/n let out a sigh, feeling drained by the conversation. He hoped Stephen would finally understand and leave him alone.
But Y/n really didn’t feel like working for the rest of the day, so he took the rest of the day off and asked his secretary to reschedule his remaining patients.
As he made his way to the parking lot, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He was half expecting it to be Stephen, but he was relieved to find Jesse standing there.
"Oh, wassup, Jesse. What are you doing here? Is everything alright with Sarah?"
"Yes, she's doing much better, thanks to you. The pills you recommended worked well," he responded. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something else."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh?"
"Well, it's Valentine's Day, and I know it's a bit last minute, but I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tonight?"
Y/n was at a loss for words. Sure, he did find himself wanting to get to know this guy better. But he hesitated, unsure if it was a good idea since there are ethical implications of dating a patient's family member. He could get in a lot of trouble.
"I appreciate the offer, Jesse, but I don't know if it's appropriate," Y/n attempted to explain. "I mean, you're Sarah’s father, I'm her doctor. It’s a conflict of interest." 
Jesse waved his hand dismissively. "Nonsense. It’s only a conflict of interest if we’re dating, which we’re not. We’ll just be two people enjoying a meal together. What do you say, doc? It could be fun."
Well, when Jesse puts it like that, Y/n guess that sort of makes sense. Since they’re technically not dating, it wouldn’t cross any ethical lines in a literal manner.
Besides, his friends had Valentine's Day plans, and he was the only odd one out. Y/n was planning on spending the day in his living room and ordering some pizza.
"Well, I do enjoy a good meal and good company," the h/c-haired male agreed to the dinner. "Where did you have in mind?"
"There's this restaurant downtown that recently opened," Jesse suggested. "It's called Lepley's and it has good reviews. I've been wanting to try it. Sound good?"
"It sounds perfect. Shall we meet there? Around seven?" Y/n gave a thumbs up.
"Seven it is," Jesse confirmed.
Jesse walked back to his car, and Y/n entered his own vehicle, still processing what just happened. Momentarily, Y/n wondered what the evening would bring.
Unbeknownst to Y/n, a certain man with a goatee had watched the interaction. Stephen's gaze followed Y/n as he drove from the hospital, a dark look in his eyes.
Y/n arrived at the restaurant promptly at seven, his heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and nerves. He had taken the time to dress nicely, opting for jeans and a dressy shirt. Casual yet stylish too.
As he entered the cozy establishment, he spotted Jesse sitting at a table by the window, looking around the place as the gentle music played in the background.
"Y/n, over here!" Jesse waved him over.
Y/n made his way through the bustling restaurant, feeling a pair of eyes on him as he walked. He couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious, but he forced those thoughts aside, reminding himself that this was simply a nice, friendly dinner.
No extra strings attached. 
"Hey, Jesse," Y/n greeted politely, sliding into the seat across from Jesse. "This place looks wonderful." He took another glance around the loud, crowded place. Valentine's Day made this place packed.
"It does, indeed," the man sitting across from Y/n agreed, brown eyes flickering over to the fish tank that was on display. "I've heard great things about this place." 
A waiter approached their table, handing them menus and offering them drinks. Y/n and Jesse both ordered a lemonade.
"So, what's it like being a doctor?" Jesse asked, leaning back in his seat to give Y/n all his attention. "I imagine long hours."
Y/n nodded in agreement. "Long hours for sure. It's very demanding and a lot of work, yet there's nothing more rewarding than helping patients with health issues."
"That paycheck must be very rewarding too," he said. "With that salary, you get to live in a big house and drive a fancy car."
The waiter returned with their drinks and took out his notepad, asking them what they wanted to order. Jesse ordered a steak with a side of mac and cheese, and broccoli cheese casserole. Y/n then ordered a simple cheeseburger and fries. The waiter said their meals would arrive shortly as he took their menus and left the two alone.
Y/n took a sip from his lemonade before answering Jesse’s remark. "Well, believe it or not, I don’t live in a big house. I live in a small apartment. However, I plan on upgrading to a house once my student loans are fully paid off, which should be real soon. I also plan on keeping my Chrysler. I’ve never been much of a big spender; I like the financial stability that comes with being a doctor. But enough about me. What do you do for a living?"
Jesse explained that he works in the finance department of Stark Industries. He analyzes investments and monitors the company’s financial performance. That was simply remarkable, especially to work for such a renowned company.
Soon, their food arrived, and they dug in, the conversation flowing easily between them. They talked about their hobbies and even shared embarrassing stories from their childhood, laughing together.
As the evening progressed, Y/n relaxed, enjoying the time he shared with Jesse. It had been a very long time since he'd connected with someone so effortlessly, and Y/n found himself hoping that this wouldn't be the last time they met up.
Y/n and Jesse ordered a rich chocolate soufflé to go and decided to split the bill, both insisting on contributing. As they walked out of Lepley's, they realized that their cars were parked on opposite sides of the lot. Jesse's eyes wandered to Y/n.
"Well, I think it's time we call it a night. Thank you for having dinner with me."
Y/n smiled. "Thank you for inviting me. It was definitely better than spending this day alone with a box of pepperoni pizza."
Jesse nodded, placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Happy Valentine's Day, Y/n."
"Happy Valentine's Day, Jesse," he said.
And then, the two men parted ways. As Y/n walked to his car, he felt a sense of content. He was glad he had gone out tonight, and he could say that thoughts of his ex-boyfriend were no longer at the forefront of his mind. Despite the rocky start to his day with Stephen, the night with Jesse had ended on a good note.
Or so he thought.
Y/n had just unlocked his car door when he felt a hand cover his mouth and pull him backward. Startled, he tried to push his assailant off, but the person wouldn't let go, keeping a tight grip on him. He was dragged into an alley, and the arms around him finally released their grip. Y/n scrambled forward and turned to see who the fuck had dragged him in there.
And it was Stephen. Fucking. Strange.
"What the fuck Stephen?!" Y/n shouted, his heart pounding hard and fast in his chest. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Stephen remained silent, staring at Y/n angrily. He was pissed. Before Y/n could react, Stephen pushed him up against the wall, his hand wrapping around Y/n's throat, squeezing the sensitive area a bit.
The dark-haired doctor leaned in close, their noses almost touching. "Who was that guy you were having dinner with?"
"I... I was just hanging out with a friend."
"A friend?" Stephen's lip curled. "Is that what you call it? I saw the way you were looking at him. I won't tolerate cheating."
"You can't cheat on someone when you're not together, which we aren't!" Y/n felt drained by this entire situation. This dude was crazy and needs serious help.
"Oh, we’re together. Always," Stephen pressed his body against Y/n's and dry-humped him from the front. "and forever." Stephen then pressed his lips to Y/n’s. The kiss was aggressive, almost violent, and Y/n tried to pull away, but Stephen held him in place, his hand leaving Y/n's throat to grip his jaw. "You always did like it rough," he murmured against his mouth before pulling away with a grin.
But the grin soon faded as Y/n's foot connected with Stephen's groin, causing him to double over in pain and drop to the ground. Y/n seized the opportunity to run back to his car and drive away, his hands shaking on the steering wheel. As he turned off his car engine, entered his apartment, and dropped his keys on the table, Y/n's hands were still trembling.
This was the last straw for Y/n.
Tomorrow morning, Y/n is filing a report with Human Resources and if that didn't resolve the situation, he would consider transferring to a different department. This kind of behavior cannot continue.
Y/n was up early the next morning, determined to meet up with HR before his shift started. He was going to put an end to this situation with Stephen once and for all. It was clear that Stephen had developed an unhealthy obsession with him, and the h/c-haired male refused to put himself in more situations like this.
After a shower and a cup of coffee, Y/n dressed in a sharp suit, ready to face the confrontation head-on. He was aware that presenting himself confidently and assertively would be important to being taken seriously. As he finished tying his tie, the news played in the background — something he usually ignored while getting ready for work. But this time, Y/n turned the volume up and his eyes were wide with shock at the reporter's words.
A picture of Stephen appeared on the screen, and the reporter explained that Strange had been involved in a major car crash, his vehicle flying off the road and crashing into a nearby riverbank. He had died from the accident last night.
Stephen was dead.
A mixture of emotions washed over Y/n, but the predominant feeling was... relief. He was relieved that he wouldn't have to deal with Stephen or his antics anymore, and he could go to work without always worrying about being harassed. A smile crept onto Y/n's features as he shut off the TV with a click of the remote. He no longer had to worry about talking to HR.
Today was going to be a great day at work. In fact, it turned out to be his best.
As the months passed, Y/n's life only improved. He finally finished paying off his student loans and upgraded to a four-bedroom house, ecstatic to move out of the city and away from the constant chaos that seemed to surround his old apartment building. He received a salary raise at work, took a vacation, and even adopted a golden retriever named Max to share his new home with. His life was great, and he's going to keep it like that.
Y/n was now sitting on his couch in the living room, channel surfing as his dog snoozed by his side. A huge storm raged outside, with lightning flashing, thunder rumbling, and rain pouring down. He had just found a channel to settle on when the lights flickered and the TV shut off.
"Damn this storm," Y/n muttered.
With a sigh, the man grabbed his phone and headed toward the basement. When he reached the circuit breaker, he flipped the switch, and his lights came back on.
Y/n returned upstairs, but he felt too tired to stay up any longer. He had been dozing off before the lights went out, so he decided to go to bed. After changing into his pajamas, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and let out a small scream. Stephen Strange was standing behind him, a smirk tainting his features. But when Y/n turned, no one was there.
He looked around the room, ensuring that no one was in his house, and shook his head, thinking his mind was playing tricks on him. Stephen was dead; there was no way he could be standing here. It had to be his imagination or something.
With that thought, Y/n got underneath the covers and closed his eyes tightly. The sound of rain always helped him fall asleep faster. He entered the first stage, the twilight stage, when the man heard a weird noise that he couldn't describe. He opened his eyes to see an orange portal materializing on his bed. And he backed away very fast. What the hell was that? Just then, he was sucked into the portal, only to find himself... back in his room?
Y/n blinked. He realized that he was, indeed, back in his own bedroom, but something felt off. How had he fallen through some sort of portal in his room, only to end up back in the same place?
"Leave it to you to make pajamas look sexy, Y/n," a familiar voice commented.
The h/c-haired male stilled, recognizing the voice. No, no, no, that can't be right.
But, sure enough, when Y/n turned, there stood Stephen Strange. He was alive...? And wearing some sort of cloak.
"W-What are you doing here? They said you died in the car crash," he stammered.
Stephen threw his head back in laughter as if that idea was totally preposterous. "Well, technically, I did die in the crash, I was saved, thanks to surgery. I went to Kamar-Taj, became a wizard, and all that good stuff. The Sorcerer Supreme here."
Y/n couldn't believe this. How had this guy managed to do bad shit and become a wizard? It seemed unfair. Y/n tried to take a step back, wanting to put more distance between them, but Stephen held up his hand, and Y/n's lower body froze. He couldn't move the lower half of his body — no matter how hard he tried.
"What the hell did you do to me?" Y/n tried to run but, once more, couldn't do it.
"Just something to ensure you don't run off on me," Stephen explained, walking towards Y/n until he was standing right in front of him, eyes glancing at Y/n lips. "You know, I've missed the taste of you."
Before he could speak, Stephen's mouth captured his in a fierce, possessive kiss. Y/n couldn't move his lower body, but he could still move his face, so he turned his head to the side. Stephen gripped his jaw, forcing Y/n to maintain eye contact, and continued his relentless, demanding kiss. Finally, Stephen pulled away, his breathing ragged. "Tell me you love me," he whispered, cupping Y/n's face in his hands, his thumbs stroking Y/n's cheeks.
Y/n shook his head, his breath coming in short gasps, "I hate you so much, man."
The wizard paused, his eyes darkening. "You hate me?" he repeated slowly, his voice low and dangerous. And he looked furious, pissed. With a wave of his hand, Y/n was thrown on the bed and landed with a thud. Stephen climbed on top of him, pinning his arms against the bed. "You hate me after everything I've done for you? After everything I've given you?"
"Yes, I do," Y/n breathed out truthfully. "Because you're fucking crazy, Stephen."
"Now, that’s one thing we can agree on," Stephen released his right hand to run his finger over Y/n’s jawline. "I’m crazy for you, and you are going to love me."
Then, something weird began happening to Y/n. Longing and desire engulfed him, his thoughts filling with images of the person he hated most. No matter how hard he tried to think of someone else, his thoughts kept returning to Stephen.
"What," Y/n shook his head as if he was trying to shake whatever was happening to him off. "What did you do to me?" His vision was starting to become blurry.
"Rest now, my love. We'll talk later,"
Y/n soon slipped into unconsciousness, his mind clouded with confusion and a growing sense of unease for the future.
Stephen smiled as he watched Y/n fall into a deep sleep, his breath evening out. He moved to place Y/n's head in his lap, gently stroking his hair. Even asleep, Y/n looked good, just as he was that night.
The Sorcerer Supreme's thoughts drifted back to that fateful night with Y/n, the night that had changed everything. He remembered the way Y/n had looked at him across the crowded bar, their eyes locking briefly before Y/n quickly looked away, taking another sip from his drink. Stephen had known in that instant that Y/n was interested, and their amazing night together had only confirmed his theory—they were meant to be together. That night was literal proof of their love.
When Stephen had woken up the next morning to find Y/n gone, he had been confused about his whereabouts. But he had shrugged it off, absolutely certain that he would see his lover again soon.
And when he saw Y/n in the lounge, he couldn't resist coming up behind him and kissing his neck. God, Y/n's skin had felt so good against his lips, and he had the sudden urge to take Y/n right then and there. But Y/n had surprised him by saying that their night together had been a mistake. There was no way that night could've been a mistake. It was perfect.
Stephen knew that Y/n was only saying that because he was scared — scared of getting into another relationship. And that was okay. Stephen would give him the space he needed because he knew that deep down, Y/n felt the same way.
So, he had given him space, settling for watching him like a hawk from afar. But when Valentine's Day rolled around, the best holiday for couples, Stephen knew it was the perfect opportunity to spend some time together. Y/n had more than enough time to get over that stupid ex, and now it was their time to be together.
Stephen had also decided to get Y/n some generic Valentine's Day gifts, chocolates, and flowers, and planned to take him to a fancy restaurant in the city. But once again, Y/n didn't want to go out with him, which was starting to piss him off. After all, they were boyfriends after their night together, so why did Y/n keep insisting that they weren't? It's annoying.
However, what was even more annoying was discovering that Y/n was going on a date with someone else. Someone who wasn't him. Stephen's blood had boiled with unruly anger. How dare he cheat on him like this? He wouldn't stand for it.
The surgeon hadn't thought twice before he pulled Y/n into an alley after his date and scolded the man for cheating. Y/n was clearly playing hard to get, wanting to make him jealous, and it was working. Stephen was going to show Y/n exactly who he belonged to, which had resulted in a kick to the groin. That had been painful, but he had recovered quickly and hopped into his car to follow Y/n. He wouldn't let Y/n escape his grasp.
That's when he got into a car accident and died briefly during surgery before being brought back to life. He was then taken to Kamar-Taj, where Stephen had become the Sorcerer Supreme and the Master of the Mystic Arts. Pretty cool.
Throughout his time there, one person remained at the forefront of his mind.
Stephen had also realized that his love for Y/n was still strong, and he knew that Y/n loved him as well, even if he was too stubborn to admit it. Now that he was a wizard, he was going to use his abilities to bring Y/n to his new home.
And that's exactly what he did.
Stephen brought Y/n to his new home near the Sanctum, using magic to make the inside of the home identical to Y/n's old room. He knew that Y/n would love him for the time and effort he put into making sure everything was just right.
Once again, Y/n surprised him by saying that he hated him, which frustrated him.
Was it that hard for Y/n to accept their love? Well, if he wanted to be stubborn, Stephen would have to make him see it. He cast a spell, a love spell, to ensure Y/n's devotion. It was his way of making Y/n see the truth — they belonged together.
Y/n woke up sometime later, yawning. His eyes fluttered open. The first thing he saw was Stephen, sitting next to him.
"Are you okay, my love?" Stephen asked, fingers tracing patterns on Y/n's cheek.
Y/n smiled lovingly at Stephen, his pearly white teeth flashing. "Of course, I'm okay. I get to wake up every day next to you, handsome." He moved forward and wrapped his arms around Stephen's neck, pulling him into a nice, loving hug.
Stephen's smile was victorious, and he melted into the embrace, his arms coming around to possessively wrap around Y/n's waist. Y/n was finally his, and he had finally admitted that he loved Stephen as much as Stephen loved him.
He knew that some might call him obsessive or even delusional, but he didn't care. He did nothing but help Y/n see the truth. In his eyes, Y/n was his and his alone. He would do whatever it took to keep it that way, no matter what. After all, what’s life without a little danger?
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writeriguess · 9 days
Katsuki x reader where you save him?
"Move it, idiot!" Bakugou growled, his voice full of urgency. The battlefield was chaotic, filled with dust, smoke, and the sounds of destruction. You could barely hear his voice over the roaring explosions, but you knew the warning was directed at you. A massive blast shook the ground beneath your feet, and instinctively, you dove to the side, narrowly avoiding a villain's attack.
You panted, heart racing as you looked at Bakugou, who was holding his own against several villains at once. His movements were precise and deadly, like a force of nature. Despite the situation, you couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and frustration. Bakugou was incredible, sure, but he was reckless, too. His arrogance often made him a one-man show, and that usually got him into trouble.
"Stop staring and start fighting!" he shouted, barely sparing you a glance as he sent another explosion towards the horde of villains. You grit your teeth, annoyed at his usual attitude, but you couldn't deny that he was right. There was no time for distractions.
You activated your quirk, feeling the familiar rush of power surging through you. The villain in front of you smirked, thinking you were easy prey, but that smirk quickly vanished as you dodged his attack with ease, closing the distance between you two in an instant. With a swift strike, you knocked him out cold.
More villains kept coming, wave after wave, and it seemed endless. You and Bakugou fought back-to-back, covering each other instinctively. Despite your differences, when it came down to it, the two of you made a good team. You could read his movements as if they were second nature, and he could anticipate yours without a word being said.
But then something changed. The ground began to rumble, and the air grew heavy with malicious intent. You noticed it first, eyes narrowing as you scanned the area. “Bakugou, something’s not right,” you warned.
Before either of you could react, a massive villain, towering at least three times the size of any ordinary person, emerged from the shadows. His presence alone sent chills down your spine. His quirk allowed him to manipulate the earth, and with a flick of his hand, massive boulders rose from the ground, ready to crush anything in their path.
“Out of my way, extras!” Bakugou roared, launching himself forward without a second thought. He blasted towards the giant villain, explosions crackling around his hands as he aimed for the head. But the villain was prepared. He swiped his arm, and in one smooth motion, knocked Bakugou out of the air like he was nothing.
Your heart skipped a beat as you watched Bakugou crash into the ground with a sickening thud. He groaned, struggling to get back on his feet. The impact had disoriented him, and for the first time in this fight, you saw something rare in his eyes—vulnerability.
The villain didn’t waste any time. He raised a massive boulder above his head, preparing to crush Bakugou while he was down. Panic surged through you. There was no way he could dodge in time, not with how battered he was. You didn’t even think—your body moved on its own.
You sprinted forward, using every ounce of strength you had to close the distance. Just as the boulder came crashing down, you threw yourself in front of Bakugou, activating your quirk to create a shield of energy. The force of the impact rattled your bones, but you held on, teeth gritted as you took the brunt of the attack.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Bakugou’s voice was hoarse, his eyes wide in shock. For a split second, he was too stunned to move. He wasn’t used to anyone taking a hit for him—especially not you.
“Saving your ass, obviously!” you spat back, your voice strained as you struggled to keep the shield up. The villain’s strength was immense, and you could feel your quirk straining under the pressure. You couldn’t hold out for much longer.
Bakugou snapped out of his daze. With a feral growl, he pushed himself up, ignoring the pain shooting through his body. He didn’t hesitate—he grabbed your arm and yanked you back just as your shield shattered. The boulder crashed into the ground where you’d been standing a second before, leaving a crater in its wake.
“You reckless idiot!” he snarled, but there was something different in his tone. Anger, yes, but also… concern?
You barely had time to process it before Bakugou’s hands exploded with power, propelling him forward. His eyes burned with fury as he launched himself towards the villain, this time aiming with deadly precision. “I’m gonna blow you to pieces, bastard!” he roared.
This time, he didn’t miss. The explosion was deafening, a blinding flash of light and heat that shook the entire area. When the dust settled, the villain was lying unconscious, and Bakugou stood tall, chest heaving with exertion.
You let out a shaky breath, finally allowing yourself to relax. Your legs buckled, but before you could hit the ground, Bakugou was there, catching you with surprising gentleness.
“You’re such a damn pain,” he muttered, his voice uncharacteristically soft. He was still holding you, his grip firm but careful. You looked up at him, expecting to see anger, but instead, you saw something else—something warmer.
You managed a weak smile. “You’re welcome, by the way,” you teased, trying to lighten the mood.
He huffed, but there was no real bite behind it. “Tch. Don’t think this means I owe you or anything,” he grumbled, but you could see the slight flush on his cheeks. “But… thanks.”
You blinked, caught off guard by the genuine gratitude in his voice. Bakugou wasn’t the type to say “thank you,” not unless he truly meant it. You realized then that something had shifted between you two. Maybe it was the fact that you’d saved him, or maybe it was the way you always pushed him to be better, but for once, Bakugou didn’t see you as just another rival. He saw you as someone he could rely on.
The two of you sat there for a moment, catching your breath amidst the ruins. The battle wasn’t over yet, but right now, you allowed yourselves a brief moment of peace.
“Don’t go doing something that stupid again, got it?” Bakugou finally said, his voice gruff but laced with a hint of worry.
You chuckled, leaning your head back against his shoulder. “No promises, hothead.”
He scoffed, but the corner of his mouth twitched upward in the smallest hint of a smile. “Damn idiot.”
But in that moment, you knew he didn’t really mean it.
And maybe, just maybe, that was his way of saying he cared.
Requests are open.
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anniebeemine · 1 month
Blame It- s.r. x fem!reader
got you in the zone/blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol
warnings: alcohol consumption, heavy petting, memory loss, fade to black sex scene
Spencer’s not a drinker. Never has been. He’ll enjoy a sip or two, just to appease one of his friends, but he’d never liked the taste, the burn, or the pit it left in his stomach until he put something else in there. He especially didn’t like that he’d forget things.
Tonight is a rare night when he’s out with his friends. They’d brought him along to include him and he found the gesture kind. During their third round of drinks, Spencer took a big gulp of his mocktail. Only it wasn’t a mocktail, but a boozy drink with a hint of the essence of fruit juice.
He scrunched his nose, forcing himself to swallow the liquid. Penelope quickly noticed, apologizing for the confusion.
“I’ll take it back,” she offered, already pulling the drink towards her.
Spencer waved her off, knowing how long it had taken them to get the drinks in the first place. “I don’t want to bother the bartender.”
A few eyebrows raised but they let it go, not wanting to scare the poor boy. So, that’s how Spencer got to where he was now, sitting in a booth, smiling goofily as his friends took turns coming to check on him. Spencer, meanwhile, found himself smiling more easily, laughing at jokes he might have otherwise found mildly amusing. The warmth from the alcohol spread through him, loosening the usual tension in his shoulders.
At one point, Derek slid into the booth next to Spencer, nudging him playfully. "How you holding up, pretty boy?"
Spencer grinned, a little too wide. "I’m good. Really good.” He shakes his hands. “I feel something.”
Derek chuckles, clapping him in the back. “That’s everything you’ve ever been holding back fighting to come out.” He motioned to the rest of the room. “Go dance, pretty boy.”
Spencer looked out at the crowd, his gaze a little unfocused. “I will… in a minute.”
Derek smirked, not entirely convinced. “Emily’s got money down that you won’t make it out there, and I’m willing to split it with you if you prove her wrong.”
Spencer laughed softly, shaking his head. “Always the opportunist, huh?”
“Always.” Derek winked before sliding out of the booth, leaving Spencer alone with his thoughts. Spencer took another sip of his drink, the liquid burning slightly as it went down. He wasn’t sure he was ready to get up just yet, but the idea of proving Emily, and probably everyone else, wrong was tempting.
His gaze wandered back to the dance floor, where people were lost in the music, their bodies moving with a freedom that Spencer had always admired but rarely experienced himself. Then he spotted her.
She was in the middle of the dance floor, her hands shaking above her head as she let the music carry her. Her movements were fluid, uninhibited, completely in tune with the beat. Spencer couldn’t help but study the way she moved, how she seemed so free, so at ease with herself. As he watched, she accepted a drink from a man who leaned in to speak to her, but she quickly turned away, clearly uninterested in conversation. Spencer’s heart skipped a beat when she looked up and their eyes met across the room. His face warmed, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he realized she had caught him staring. She gave him a small, knowing smile before disappearing back into the crowd, leaving Spencer with a strange mix of curiosity and longing.
Before he could dwell too long on the moment, Penelope appeared at his side, setting a cup of water and another drink in front of him. “Here you go, sweetie. Feeling alright?”
He nods. “Thank you, Penelope.”
“Good,” she said, patting his arm. “Now, don’t let that drink go to waste. And that water better be gone when I get back."
Spencer took a sip, his mind still replaying the moment of eye contact. He’s on his fourth drink when she approaches him, holding a hand out and asking if he’d like to dance, her voice soft but clear over the music.
Spencer blinked, momentarily stunned by the unexpected offer. He glanced at her hand, then back at her face, searching for any sign that she might be joking. But her expression was open and genuine, her smile encouraging.
He hesitated, his usual doubts surfacing even through the alcohol-induced haze. “I’m not really… I mean, I don’t dance much,” he admitted, his voice a little shaky.
Her smile widened, and she tilted her head slightly. “That’s okay. You don’t have to be good at it. Just come and have fun.”
Something about the way she said it, so simple and unpressured, made it hard for Spencer to say no. He glanced around, briefly catching Derek’s eye across the room. Derek gave him a nod of approval, raising his glass in a silent toast.
Spencer took a deep breath and placed his hand in hers. “Alright,” he said, standing up and feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement swirl in his chest. “Let’s dance.”
She led him to the dance floor, the music washing over them as they found a spot among the other dancers. Spencer was stiff at first, unsure of what to do with his limbs, but she moved closer, guiding him gently with her own movements.
“Just follow the rhythm,” she whispered, her voice soothing. Spencer tried, letting the music guide him as he mirrored her steps. She was right—he didn’t have to be good at it. As long as he was with her, he could just enjoy the moment.
Spencer doesn’t remember much after that. The dancing had really gotten his blood pumping, the alcohol in full effect. He doesn’t remember handing his jacket off to Morgan and asking Penelope for another drink. He surely doesn’t remember Emily hunting him down, finding him in a booth, tongue wrestling with the mystery woman.
“Spence?” Emily’s voice had cut through the haze of the moment, but Spencer didn’t remember hearing her. She’d stood there, momentarily stunned, before clearing her throat and tapping him on the shoulder. The woman pulled away, looking a bit flustered, while Spencer had blinked up at Emily with dazed, glassy eyes.
“Uh, hey, Emily,” he’d mumbled, his words slurred. “What’s up?”
“What’s up?” Emily had repeated, half-amused and half-concerned. “Some of us are ready to get home. Are you coming?”
Spencer had already made a decision long before that. “No, no. I can get myself home.”
Emily raised an eyebrow at Spencer's response, her amusement laced with concern. “You sure about that? You’re not exactly in top form right now.”
Spencer, with a confident but unsteady grin, reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. “I’m sure,” he said, holding them out to her. “Take my car. I’ll call a cab when I’m ready.”
Emily hesitated, searching his face for any sign that he might change his mind. But Spencer’s determination, even in his slightly inebriated state, was clear. She sighed, taking the keys from him. “Alright, but be careful, okay? Don’t go wandering off.”
He waved her off with a sloppy salute. “I’m good, Em. I’ll be fine.”
Emily gave him one last look before turning to rejoin the group, leaving Spencer alone in the booth. He watched her walk away, then leaned back, letting the dim light and steady pulse of the music wash over him.
Spencer didn’t remember exactly how it happened, but at some point, they had left the booth together, her hand in his as they navigated the crowded bar. The next thing he knew, they were outside, the cool night air brushing against his skin as they hailed a cab. They didn’t talk much during the ride, but her hand remained on his, her thumb gently tracing circles on the back of his hand. He remembered feeling oddly at ease, the alcohol dulling the usual flood of thoughts that would have run through his mind in such a situation.
When they arrived at her apartment, everything seemed to blur together. Spencer could recall the sound of her laughter as they stumbled through the door, her giggles light and infectious. The apartment was cozy, the scent of cherries filling the air—sweet and slightly intoxicating, like the woman herself.
They hadn’t wasted much time. Spencer remembered her soft touches, the way her fingers had ghosted over his skin, sending shivers down his spine. The details were hazy, but the emotions were vivid—the warmth of her body pressed against his, the gentle brush of her lips as she kissed him, and the sound of their mingled breaths in the quiet of the room.
He knew they had sex. The physical sensations were the only clear memories he had from the night—the feeling of her skin under his fingertips, the way her body moved with his, the softness of her hair as it fell across his face. She had been sweet, almost tender, her touch lingering long after the moment had passed.
He remembered waking up briefly in the middle of the night, the scent of cherries still heavy in the air. She had been curled up beside him, her head resting on his chest, and he had felt a strange sense of peace, even in his foggy state. Her fingers had traced absent patterns on his skin, and he had drifted back to sleep, comforted by the warmth of her body against his.
Spencer's most vivid memory of the past 12 hours came when his phone rang, jolting him awake from a restless sleep. The sound was sharp and insistent, cutting through the hazy fog of his hungover state. He blinked groggily, reaching out for his phone, but it took a moment to fully grasp where he was and what was happening.
Panicked, he fumbled around the small apartment, trying to locate his clothes. He pulled on his shirt with one arm while searching for his pants, his movements hurried and disjointed. He could hear the muffled sound of her voice in the next room, still asleep, but he didn’t have time to explain or apologize.
Spencer’s heart raced as he grabbed his belongings, throwing on his clothes with little regard for appearance or order. He glanced around, spotting a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. On it, he scribbled his phone number and tacked it to the corkboard on the fridge. The urgency of the call left no room for him to stop by the bullpen for his bag. His mind raced as he hurried to catch a cab, cursing himself for the lack of preparation and the abrupt end to what had been an unexpectedly pleasant night.
As Spencer stepped out of the cab and onto the tarmac, he spotted JJ waiting by the jet. She held his go-bag, the one he kept beneath his desk. Her expression was neutral, but the way she looked at him conveyed a mix of understanding and curiosity.
“Thanks, JJ,” he said, taking the bag from her. He was mostly thanking her for saving him from a comment.
She nodded, her eyes following him as he made his way to the jet. He could feel the weight of her silence, but the pressing urgency of the case kept him from dwelling on it.
Inside the jet, Derek was waiting with a smirk. “Nice of you to join us, pretty boy. You look like you had a rough night.”
Spencer offered him a tired but restrained smile. Derek slid a twenty across the table and Spencer slid it back. “Don’t spend it all in one place,” he mumbled.
Morgan looked up from his file, curiosity piqued. “So, what was her name?”
Spencer blinked, drawing a blank. He tried to think of any clue, a hint of a syllable or a letter, but nothing came to mind. He rubbed his temples, feeling the remnants of the previous night’s fog.
“Uh, I don’t actually remember,” he admitted, shrugging.
Morgan’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You don’t remember her name? You’ve got to be kidding me.” He leaned back in his chair, grinning. “This is a first. Dr. Spencer Reid, the human encyclopedia, stumped by a name.”
Spencer couldn’t help but smile to himself. He started replaying the night in his mind—the way they’d met, the conversations they’d had, the connection that felt so genuine. He’d think about it until her name came back to him, that much he was sure of.
Spencer sighed, a mix of embarrassment and resignation on his face. He smiled to himself, beginning to replay the night. He'd think about it until her name came back to him. Though, he didn't have to wait long. Shortly after the initial briefing, his phone buzzed.
He fished it out of his pocket.
The message wasn’t just a flirty text—it was accompanied by a photo, one that left little to the imagination. His heart raced as he quickly looked around, making sure no one else had noticed.
He opened the message, and there it was: her name, signed at the end in a playful tone that matched the boldness of the photo.
So sad to see you left, but maybe I can convince you to come back ;)- Y/N
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gojowsddy · 7 months
Tipsy Invitation
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𖨆♡𖨆 Rafayel x fem!reader
: ̗̀➛ you planned to host a party for your friends at Rafayel's place, but everyone has cancel due to the sudden heavy snow. The party decor is pointless now, and you end up trapped by the storm in Rafayel's home...(inspired by rafayel's veiled whisper five star memory)
: ̗̀➛ TW: nsfw content, bondage, porn with plot, riding, fingering
: ̗̀➛ word count: 2.8k+
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We spent countless hours decorating Rafayel's house for a party that turned out to be a complete waste of time due to the blizzard. You are sitting on the floor in front of the couch. You can feel the weight of exhaustion bearing down on you as you wearily take a sip of the delicious wine. You gaze out the window, watching the snow falling and wondering how long the storm will last. 
"Can this really be a party when it's only us?" You murmured, taking in the tantalising aroma of the cake and red wine wafting through the air.
"You're right. It's a date then." Rafayel's lips curled into a sly smile as he teased.
"Those are two different things...!"
Rafayel chuckles, loving your flustered reaction, "Hold off on the alcohol for now. Didn't you prepare a lot of party games? Shouldn't we play first?"
"They're meant to be played with a lot of people.. I've practised my dance moves-"
As Rafayel strolls over to the radio, you notice a mischievous glint in his eyes. A soft, soothing melody emanates from the speakers, and he extends his hand towards you.
As the music fills the air, Rafayel pulls you close, his arms wrapping around your waist. Moving in perfect harmony, he leads you across the dance floor. With each step, his touch sends shivers down your spine, and you can feel your breaths mingling together, the heady aroma of red wine. It's as if you are under a spell, lost in the moment, lost in each other. The world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you, joined together by an unbreakable thread of intoxication.
"Is this how you imagined the party would be?"
"...I don't know."
"Well, it's exactly what I had in mind. Buuut you'll probably feel a little queasy after drinking and spinning around, yeah?"
His hands rest on the small of your back, and his warmth seeps through the fabric of my clothes.
You can't tell if the heat is because of our dance or is it because of him.
You can only think about the scent of red wine.
You can feel his shirt against your body and his slow caresses on the back of your hand. They all seem to overwhelm your senses. Making you feel the dampening wetness growing in your panties.
"I'm feeling... a little thirsty," you muttered, trying to ignore the arousal that is burning inside you. Rafayel beckoned you towards the window and gestured over to the mini-fridge. He starts rummaging through its contents, searching for the perfect drink to quench our thirst.
"What do you wanna drink? There is some sweet stuff. Or maybe something light? Oh, I see sparkling water here."
"How about you mix one of your special drinks? I remember we've stocked up on plenty of cocktail ingredients." Your heart skips a beat as Rafayel looks my way, a mischievous grin playing on his lips while he tilts his head.
"My dear guest, alcohol isn't gonna make you less thirsty. You'll just be more drunk."
"Then make me something refreshing and won't get me drunker, please."
"If you insist. I'll do my best. Give me a moment."
Rafayel's hands moved with the precision of a seasoned bartender, as he grabbed two glass bottles and gave them a once-over. You found yourself captivated by the way he scooped some ice cubes and added them to the shaker. His hand closed around the shaker, holding it tightly as he gave it a vigorous shake. You couldn't help but notice how attractive his hands were. As you were lost in thought, a colourful, icy beverage appeared before you, snapping yourself back to reality. 
"What's this?"
"It's sparkling fruit juice. And the best part? It quenches your thirst without getting you drunk. The bad news is that there is no alcohol."
"I ordered a cocktail. If there's no cocktail then what's the point."
"Sorry, sorry, the bartender here plays it by ear." Rafayel places a hand over his chest, leaning slightly to look apologetic. All the while, he wears a smile clearly for the spectacle.
"Well it's delicious, but it's still not what I ordered. If you can't make me another drink, you need to compensate me in a way that makes me happy." You decided to play along with his game. With a fierce expression on your face, you pushed your finger against Rafayel's chest, causing him to lose his balance and stumble backwards into a nearby chair. Breathing heavily, you watched him nudge a present away with his foot before taking my hand and giving me a troubled look.
"How should I make it up to you, my dear customer~?"
"Well..." Suppressing a grin, you reach for the satin ribbon that's been carelessly draped over the back of the chair. You move slowly around Rafayel, taking in his every detail. The way his broad shoulders fill out his crisp white shirt, the hint of stubble on his chiselled jawline, and the intense look in his purple-pink eyes. As you make a few more rounds, you start to wrap the ribbon around his torso, feeling the heat emanating from his body. The crimson colour of the ribbon is almost mesmerising, darker than the rich wine you had been drinking earlier.
"I choose you."
You hold the delicate ribbon, trying to tie it into a perfect bow. That's when you notice Rafayel's piercing gaze on you, and your heart races with anticipation. With a sly smile, he breaks the silence with a soft chuckle, "All right. Consider it compensation. I'm yours for the taking."
"...Why do I feel like I'm walking into a trap? I can't blindly accept this gift." The ribbons fall onto Rafayel. But because you denied him, an invisible tension grabs him. A strange playfulness is ignited in his gaze like he's about to pounce.
"You haven't even started unwrapping me. Am I gonna be thrown away just like that?"
"Oh, but I've seen this gift before. I don't need to unwrap it to know what it is." 
"Really? You..you think you have me all figured out, do you?"
You realised that there was no need for me to answer the question. It was evident that he already knew the answer and what he was trying to achieve. At that moment, your fingers slowly crept behind the back of the chair, reaching for the stem of a rose that was resting there. Its deep, rich colour reminded me of a fine wine, and you couldn't resist picking it up and twirling it between your fingers.
"Hmm, I wonder where that came from." 
You were sorely tempted to slap the cocky grin right off his face. However, you decided to be somewhat gracious and extend him a bit of kindness for the evening. Taking the rose that was in your hand, you gently rubbed it over Rafayel's sensitive ears, which were visibly flushed with heat. The redness that had overtaken his ears began to spread to his cheeks, creating a vivid flush that was impossible to ignore. You felt a sense of satisfaction at the sight of it.
"mhm..a-always, full of surprises, huh. You're good at catching people off guard." His breath hitched. A whimper escaped him, creating a symphony of desire that wrapped around you like an intoxicating mist. 
You couldn't control the growing wetness in your pants and the anticipation of wanting to just fuck him on the spot was so irresistible. You wanted to tease him more and more. With a rose in your hand, you ran it across his chest, making him feel the petals brush against his clothed skin. You gently rubbed against where his nipples would be.
"n-ngh..mhm...I'm not sure who's suffering more - me or the flower." Rafayel squirmed restlessly on his chair, the soft petals of the rose that he had rubbed to his nipples caused him to release a breathy moan. It was so clear that his nipples were peeking through his shirt. 
"C-can't you be a little more gentle?" His body is lumped restlessly on the chair, struggling to catch his breath while also trying to contain the growing pressure in his crotch. Your gaze follows the visible signs of arousal, starting at his flushed face and moving down to his throbbing cock poking against the fabric of his pants unsuccessfully hiding its desire. He shifts impatiently on the seat, clearly unable to resist the urge any longer. The sight of him struggling with both physical discomfort and overwhelming arousal only adds to your arousal. You can feel your heart rate accelerate as you watch him fidget and fight against the temptation.
"W-worried about b-breaking me? I'm not that fragile." He looked at me with begging eyes. You felt even more excited about the idea of 'breaking' him. However, thoughts lingered about not being enough to reach his satisfaction. 
"Are you still concerned? I'm down for a slow, thorough inspection." 
Your hand reaches around the back of the chair and your face meets with Rafayel, there is a sudden flash of light and a rush of energy that courses through your body. Your lips connect with his as you kiss him deeply inserting your tongue in his mouth, taking full control of his mouth. He feels warm against your skin, almost like it's pulsing with energy.
"All right, that's enough. I'll let you off the hook. Let me untie this - " Your eyes widened seeing that Rafayel grabbed your arm.
"When did you untie yourself?" A lump in your throat blocked you from speaking as your heart started racing so fast. 
"You know there are plenty of old escape techniques on the Internet," Rafayel smirked, dragging your arm, and forcing you to sit on his lap. Your legs were shorter compared to Rafayel's long legs, making you spread your thighs and expose your wet panties. 
Rafayel watches you intently, his gaze locked onto your every move. His cock throbs insistently against your panties. Despite knowing that giving in to your desires would mean submitting fully to Rafayel's control, the thought of riding his hardness is becoming increasingly captivating.
As you continue to struggle against his lap, your hands quickly find their way around Rafayel's neck. Your body starts to force itself to grind harshly onto his lap. 
Your head fell back, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck. Your body forcefully presses against his lap, grinding with intensity. Your actions grow more desperate, as you feel yourself descending further into a state of bliss.
Rafayel's body was writhing with desire, his moans of pleasure echoing through the room. His eyes were dark and filled with lust, his cheeks flushed with red and the intensity of his need was noticeable. You could feel his stare on you, hot and hungry.
"pleasepleaseplease....raff...I want more-" you whined. Now it's Rafayel's turn to bring you down.
He slowly unzipped his jeans and lowered his boxers. As he freed his cock, you couldn't help but gasp in surprise at the sheer size of it. It was thick and throbbing, with a deep red tip that looked almost painful and the precum leaking down his tip. Your own body trembled with anticipation as he began to stroke himself, his movements slow and deliberate.
With a low growl, Rafayel closed the distance between you, his hand still working his shaft. He pressed his body against yours, his lips hot on your neck as he whispered dirty promises in your ear. You could feel his erection pressing against you, and you knew that you wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me.
"please..r-rafayel..please.." you begged him desperately.
"hah..where did your confidence go..beg for it," he has that cocky grin again and you don't want to fall for it but you wanted him so bad right now.
"please..raf..fuck me...I want your dick inside me...make me your cumdump..pleasepleaseplease-" As he moved closer to you, you could feel your heart racing with anticipation. Your mind was a blur, unable to focus on anything except the overwhelming desire that was coursing through your body.
He snooks his fingers underneath your skirt, squishing one of your asscheeks before slapping it harshly. With his hand wrapped securely on your waist while his other hand plays with your panties. Pulling them side to side aiming for your sensitive area, making you attempt to close your thighs.
He brushed his fingers against your pants, pushing them aside to reveal your soaking cunt. His fingers traced along your clit, making you arch your back into him as he continued to rub your clit. It made it more difficult to shut your legs together.
"Here that? It's fucking soaking wet for me." He chuckles, making you bite your lips to not suppress a moan.
He enters both of his fingers into your cunt, you feel a rush of heat flood your body, making it impossible to think straight. You couldn't stop the whine that came out loudly and arched your back even more. In split seconds, Rafayel's fingers sped up his pace thrusting into you harshly, sending waves of pleasure through your body with every movement.
His fingers worked amazing the way he curled the tip of his fingers, successfully finding your g-spot and in seconds you were in a moaning mess, toes curled, head tilted to the side, it was driving you insane.
The silence was only filled with your moans and whines, which got louder every second, and the wet noises coming from your pussy. You begged him to go faster, desperate to reach your climax, but he refused to give you what you wanted. Instead, he pulled his hand away, leaving you gasping for air and trembling with frustration.
"Not gonna let you cum that quick," he said with a cunning smirk on his face. "I'll tell you when you can cum."
The anticipation was almost too much to bear, but you knew that the wait would be worth- 
He thrust his cock into you, leaving you no time to think. You felt a surge of pleasure that left you moaning uncontrollably. It was stretching you out so much and it isn't even halfway in. You felt so full and so stuffed.
You waited for him to do something but he was only staring at your desperate reaction.
"W-what..what are you doing? Please move..plea-" Before you could finish your sentence Rafayel thrust his dick into you, making his dick press against your cervix. Rafayel's sudden movement caught you off guard, causing you to scream.
The sensation sent waves of pleasure throughout your body, and you instinctively arched your back in response to the intense stimulation. Your hands grab a fistful of his shirt trying to resist the pain.
You moaned loudly as you felt the weight of his thick shaft filling you up completely, your tight pussy clenching around his length. 
"I-I...can't..t-take it any more..too f-full-" you couldn't form proper words as Rafayel continues to thrust his dick into you.
"Y-ye-..fuck..yes you can. L-loosen up, will you?" He stutters. Your gummy walls were making him absurd. The way it is sucking him in. The way it tightly suffocates his tip. He wraps his arms around your body, his chin lays on your shoulder and his eyes tightly shut. He just wants to stuff you full with his cum.
Rafayel couldn't control his thoughts. He suddenly manhandles you and forces you to be on the chair. Before you open your mouth to say something, he starts rummaging his dick in you. Forcefully, thrusting all his power into you. Your back is arched in a perfect 'C' shape and your toes are curled as he continuously fucks you hard. You couldn't stop moaning it was so fucking good sogoodsogoodsogood~. With each thrust, you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
"I-i'm closee...imcloseimclose..please..let me cum..please," you begged. Rafayel could explode right now from the look of your pleading face. 
As Rafayel continued to thrust into you, you felt the string in your belly snap. The sensation was intense, and you couldn't help but close your eyes tightly shut. You were completely lost in the moment, and your body was responding uncontrollably. Your breath became ragged as you called out his name repeatedly, riding the waves of pleasure that coursed through you.
Your chest heaved up and down as you tried to catch your breath, but Rafayel wasn't done yet. He continued to shove himself inside you, his movements becoming more urgent and forceful. His tip pressed against your cervix, a noticeable bulge poking through your abdomen, adding to the intense pleasure you were experiencing.
He was overstimulating you too much, you couldn't help but whine, "T-too much..please..i-its too much.." 
But your pleas fell on deaf ears as Rafayel continues to fuck you to reach his own climax.
As he continued to thrust into you, you felt your body respond in ways you never thought possible. Every nerve ending was on fire, and you were completely lost in the moment. You surrendered yourself to the pleasure, letting it consume you completely.
Finally, with one last thrust, Rafayel reached his own peak, cum squirted all over your stomach and collapsed onto you. You and Rafayel were left panting and gasping for air, your body still sticky and trembling.
"I-I’ll get you back, Rafayel.."
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p.s: This is my first smut writing. Please tell me how it is and any tips on improving.
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letsgetrowdy43 · 6 months
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Unspoken love—
Jack Hughes x reader
Requested: “You're blind- you're so blind! Why would I even do half the things that I do for you for anybody if I wasn't head over heels for them!” Jack is in love with his best friend and his best friend does not think that Jack would ever be in love with her
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Rowan’s Blurb Event!!
The laughter died in Jack's throat as he replayed her words in his head, "Us? Together? No, he's like my brother," she joked as she looked at her best friend, his face dropping as his lips formed a straight line. Her smile fell as she watched his demeanour drop, watching as he grew quiet and reserved before slowly making his way in the direction of the bathroom.
It felt like a stab to the heart. He hated how much of an effect such a simple thing could have on his mood, but when you've been in love with a girl since the age of diapers, it's a little hard not to feel deflated when she has been dodging your affection for years.
Her eyes trailed him across the room, brows furrowing as she got up from the booth and headed toward the boy. Her fist knocked on the bathroom door, "One second!" "It's me," she knocked again, her voice growing gentle, "I just wanted to make sure you're okay"
"You're blind – you're so blind!" Jack exclaimed as he swung the door open, his voice a mix of passion and exasperation as he pulled her into the shelter of the bathroom. He looked at his best friend, the person who had become the centre of his world without her even realizing it, staring at him with confusion, no clue how much she truly meant to him.
"What are you talking about, Jack? Why are you so worked up?" "Why would I even do half the things that I do for you for anybody if I wasn't head over heels for them?" His words hung in the air, heavy with the unspoken truth as he rambled about all of the feelings he had pent up for years.
She blinked, her head filled with confusing thoughts as she put together all of the information thrown at her in seconds, "What do you mean, 'head over heels'?" she raked a hand through her hair, "you and me Jack? you've never given me a sign, I'm not even in your league!" "What are you talking about? There is no league, it has always been you!"
Her eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat as she stared at the boy she had undoubtedly been in love with for years. A lifetime of what felt like unrequited love built up in her chest as she searched his eyes for any sight of a lie, but all she saw was vulnerability filling his senses as he waited for her response.
And then it dawned on her, that they were idiots in love.
"Jack, I never knew," she whispered, "I always thought you saw us as close friends." Silence hung in the air as she stared at him, the realization that their friendship would never be the same filled the room as she contemplated her next words. "I just-," she whispered, voice getting choked up and tears lining her eyes as the emotions finally poured out of her, "Jack, I have never felt in the running for your affection."
Jack's face filled with genuine love as he shook his head, "you were always in the running, the only person in the running," Jack confessed, looking deeply into her eyes. "You are more than enough. You're everything to me, there's never been a person in my life that I have felt this strongly about in my life."
His hands cupped her face, thumb swiping under her eye to wipe away her tears, "Hey hey, no tears okay." She let out a cynical laugh as her hand wrapped around his wrist, "We are so blind, we wasted so much time being idiots!" His face broke out into a grin as he shook his head, "Maybe, but we have the rest of our lives to figure it out," he pressed a kiss to her temple as he pulled her into his chest.
The bathroom, once a place of solitude, became a sanctuary where two friends had finally unveiled their true feelings. They stood there, in the small bathroom, their emotions up in the air, knowing that from this moment on, their friendship would evolve into something more profound she pulled away to stare at him lovingly for a second before she stood up on her tiptoes and pressed a delicate kiss to his lips.
Unspoken love lingered in the air, once confined to silence, had now been expressed, forever reshaping the course of their friendship.
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invisiblestringmm · 11 months
chapter two
cut open my heart, right at the scar
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chapter index
author: thank you for staying. feedback will be greatly appreciated!
warnings: soft smut, alcohol mention, drinking, anxiety mention.
word count: 2.571k
Some people call it faith, a few others call it manifestation. It could be a mix of both — after all, what could be more powerful than an innocent child wishing for something every night as if her life hangs on it?
You didn’t know if the stars and the whole cosmos were aligned precisely to make your daughter happy, but you felt wretched knowing that her happiness meant some tough times ahead for you; all this time, she never had what she wanted the most because you’ve been keeping it from her. 
For a good motive, though.
Knowing you so well, practically as if you shared the same brain, it didn’t take much for Willow to discover what was wrong when she was determined to investigate a little. It began when you called up the office to inform them you’d be working from home due to a sudden heavy cold, then Willow found out that Lily was staying at your parent’s for the next two days; usually, the time she stayed when something was up and you needed time isolated. Then, you ignored her text messages, and also her calls when she decided to insist a bit more, knowing you’d shut off from everyone.
But you couldn’t ignore the banging on your front door.
Willow groaned when she found you still in your pyjamas, dark circles around your usually sparkly eyes, and your hair up in a messy bun. She had her brows furrowed and a large paper bag from your favourite bakery in her hand, you sighed knowing what was probably in it and how much you needed it along with a bottle of red wine - once you were done with work.
“I’ve stalked a little,” she confessed, stepping into your flat once you opened the door a bit more, giving her space. “What are the odds?”
“There aren’t any, it’s called karma and I fully accept my punishment,” you went straight to the point as you threw yourself on the sofa after grabbing the paper bag from Willow’s hands; the freshly baked chocolate muffins and croissants inside relieved your nerves only for a second.
“Don’t say that, Y/n. We both know you had your reasons,” she rubbed your back, making an effort to reassure you the minute she noticed your eyes glistening with tears. Willow had been there through it all, from the night you met Mason. 
The loud music and the bright lights were annoying, to say the least. Still, you were in such a great mood that you couldn’t stop your hips from perfectly moving right and left, to the sound of every beat, and you were having fun. It was Willow’s birthday and, as a sucker for birthdays, your mission was to have the greatest time and make sure your group of friends had a blast too. In your little world, you poured champagne into your best friend’s mouth and allowed her to pour it into yours too, but you knew Willow’s reflexes weren’t the best when sober so why would they be when she was already wasted?
“Fuuuuck!” The black slipper dress was glued to your body, but you couldn’t hold a loud laugh as Willow followed you. “Fuck, fuck! Whatever, fuck! Let’s go get another drink.” 
The thin line between carefree and careless was already there, even more so when you were bold enough to ask for tequila, after shamelessly flirting with the bartender and a few other guys around, and returned to your booth with one bottle in each hand, knowing the group would want some shots. Almost stumbling on the last step that gave you access to the booth, sitting on the burgundy leather sofa, you frowned when a towel was given to you. Looking up, you found that cute guy who you’d been staring at, holding it for you and that big smile that made the corner of his eyes wrinkle flashing at you. 
“I thought you might need this, Miss Champagne.”
“How thoughtful of you to help me with my champagne problems…?”
“Mason.” He winked and your heart skipped a beat. How pathetic, swooning for a guy you just met. At a club, and completely drunk.
Mason was a cute name, but right now you could only think of how it’d sound if he made you moan it. You didn’t know, but he thought about that multiple times since you walked into the booth next to the one he shared with his friends and watched you, he thought of how those hips would move on top of his instead of moving to the beat of each song that filled the place. He thought how badly he wanted to just hold it and make you help move them for him. You were fun, your energy matched his and he was looking for an escape. And, on top of that, you were breathtakingly gorgeous and couldn’t care less for who he was when he told you, and you stated that the only athletes you cared about were swimmers-Italians, to be more specific.
As the night went on and Willow was now forming a line of boys to kiss - twenty, to match her age - you wanted to go and stop her but you knew you wouldn’t be able. Instead, you switched the first guy for one of Mason’s friends and begged him to kiss your friend so good she wouldn’t want any other. Declan was on for the mission and they disappeared together after the kiss. 
You danced together, shared a few more shots of tequila and when Mason asked if you wanted to go to his place, there was no point playing difficult, you both wanted the same thing: fuck each other senseless. He got you all naked before you could even reach the stairs.
“You’re wearing too many clothes, Masey.” You pouted, making him giggle at the nickname. Mentally, he was already fucking you and you could tell that by the way he looked at you. “And you’re perfect just like that, I don’t want you wearing nothing but the adorable flush on your cheeks while you’re here or I might have to punish you.” 
“Hm? I think I’ll put my clothes back on, then.” On your tiptoes, you reached for his lips and brushed them with yours, his warm minted breath making you close your eyes and let out a low and hoarse moan that only worked as an incentive for Mason to grab your thighs and carry you into the living room, straight to his large dark sofa. “Too many clothes, Mason.”
He nodded and quickly got rid of the navy blue Nike hoodie and the basic white shirt at once, leaving his bare chest exposed. Your mouth watered as your eyes wandered through his body, noticing how beautifully sculpted it was, all in the right places. But what caught your attention, innocently for the first time of the night, was the bulge under his faded blue jeans. You gulped.
“Like what you see?” Mason grinned and you quickly nodded, reaching out to unbutton his jeans. He softly slapped your hand. “Why so eager, baby?” The pet name made you moan, along with the tip of his fingers touching your nipples, then between your boobs and making the dangerous way to your lower stomach. 
“Mason…” You felt your pussy clench around nothing and he gave you another grin as he made himself comfortable on the sofa and you watched his head disappear between your legs.
You felt his breath against your pussy, making your eyes roll and your back arch. “Such a beautiful pussy, I bet it tastes so good.” Mason pressed his lips against your inner thigh as his fingers now played with your juices, teasing you, making your whole body shiver and crave his touch. It felt like you were about to lose your fucking mind when he circled your clit with his thumb and his warm tongue played with your folds. Mason’s moans while eating your pussy were heavenly, he knew what he was doing and enjoyed it, but you craved for more. 
“Mason, please,” You whimpered and your eyes met. Those big, brown eyes met yours and he lifted his hea, the sight of his lips wet from your juices making you bite your lower lip as hard as you could.
“Say it.”
“I need your cock inside me, now. I need you to fuck me.”
And he did, each thrust harder and deeper than the previous as Mason devoured you. Your sweat mixed with his, your moans, and the way he fucked you was something else. When his thrusts started to become sloppy and his breathing heavier, Mason quickly flipped you so you could ride him and your only goal was to make that man cum so hard he’d forget his name. 
“You take me so well, Y/n. Such a good girl.” You felt your pussy clench around him when he praised you. Leaning your body forward, you held his jaw with your hand and let it slowly slip to his throat. Mason just nodded and you grinned, finally squeezing it softly, making him moan louder. 
“You gonna cum for me, Mason?” He nodded again, holding your hips steady as he now moved his hips up again at his own clumsy pace. “Then look at me when you do it and while I cum all over your cock.”
He repeatedly moaned your name, his grunts only encouraging you to squeeze his throat a bit harder, letting it go when a final loud grunt parted his lips and he came, followed by you, with your body finally crashing onto his.
“That was fucking great.” Mason giggled and you nodded in return, giggling too as you rolled to the side. 
“For drunk sex, it was.” Looking down at his body once again, to appreciate the view next to you, you instantly frowned when you noticed his uncovered and still-hard cock. “Mason, I thought you were wearing a condom?”
The streetlights softly brightened your living room in the most soothing yet nearly depressing way; Willow was gone for a few hours, leaving you and your memories to yourself. During the day, you didn’t talk much about your current situation and what you’d do - if you’d do anything or just let things happen, and go with the flow, but still with some sort of control over the whole thing. Your thoughts were everywhere but also focused on two people: Lily and Mason. You knew that, eventually, you’d find yourself in this situation - it was painful, it made it hard to even breathe, and you never really prepared for it because deep down you spent four years hoping it would take lots and lots of years for Mason to be in your life again, as unfair as it was to Lily. And being unfair to your own daughter was, by far, the most disgusting thing you could do in life. She brought you nothing but love and joy. 
Willow would often say that before being a mum, you were a human being. A woman who had been hurt by a man, and then you had to raise this man’s child. But you knew you couldn’t use this excuse anymore, it was time to face the consequences of keeping Lily hidden from her father and his family, and above all, stop punishing your daughter for your poor choices in life.
Your phone buzzed with a text from Jaz asking if the plans you had for Saturday were still up, and you apologised saying that you had the flu, but that Lily was more than allowed to go and you’d talk to your mum to arrange everything. After another lie to protect yourself, since there was no flu, you thought that maybe opening a bottle of white wine would help you through what it would be a long night awake, alone with your own thoughts and desperate attempts to minimise all the collateral damage that would find its way into your life once you revealed the truth. First to your daughter, then you’d have to hunt Mason Mount again.
His reaction was what frightened you the most. What would he do? What would he say?
Would he take Lily from you?
Would he hate Lily and reject her?
Every question that crossed your mind blurred your sight, made your heart clench and felt like a stab right through your heart. 
You would never let him take Lily from you, but the thought of him rejecting her was just as painful, because that little girl was something else and she deserved the whole world. She deserved a daddy that would be entirely devoted to her, just like yours had been since the day you were born.
Already feeling your body welcoming the familiar floating sensation caused by the wine, you allowed yourself to stalk Mason a little - something you hadn’t done in the longest time. It didn’t surprise you that he still looked pretty much the same. Everytime you caught his face on TV, you avoided looking too much because it hurt and bothered you deeply, but now, scrolling through his pictures you noticed that his smile was still the same and the wrinkles around his eyes was something Lily had inherited. The soft redness on his nose too. Lily had a lot of him, even if you knew so little about Mason, despite sharing a life with him.
The Instagram “message” button burned under your finger, but you went back to scrolling through his pictures, because what exactly would you say? 
“Hi, remember me? That day I went to your house and you shoved me off, I was going to tell you I was carrying your child so I’ve decided to hide her from you for a period of four years”.
Gosh, what a fucked up situation you were in. Besides, what was the chance he’d actually reply?
Liking one of his pictures was subtle, he wouldn’t notice. One like amongst the millions he was getting post World Cup. You’d let the universe decide if things should run its natural course or you’d have to put yourself in a situation you’ve lived before: ringing his doorbell and telling him the biggest news of his life, but four years later, and pray for the best outcome there could be of this situation. You wondered what your family would say, what his family would say, how everyone would treat you after but you couldn’t expect much. You were hiding a child from her own right to have both sides of her family whilst growing up, despite your personal reasons. 
What would the media say, if it ever came to that? 
“Heavens, I think I’m gonna vomit…” You mumbled, the combination of alcohol and thoughts of your daughter’s precious face in the media, on gossip websites, made some tears fall freely down your cheeks. You still forced a large gulp of wine, to ease the anxiety that was creeping in. Half of the bottle was gone.
You fucked up, greatly and badly.
With tears still wetting your cheeks, looking absolutely pathetic, you frowned at the notification that popped on your screen. 
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Mason Mount was officially back into your life.
In fact, he never really left. You had the most special part of him with you, and you could only hope he’d see it the exact same way.
next chapter
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yeollie-plz · 9 months
Ladies Dancing
Day 9 of Pedromas! | Masterlist
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Javier Pena x Stripper! F! Reader
Synopsis: Javier originally intended to only keep you for a night, instead he kept you forever.
Genre: smut
Warnings: stripping talk, mentions of selling your body, lap dances, a bit of fingering (don't tell your boss!), p in v sex (really, don't tell your boss!), protected sex, kissing, oral f! receiving, multiple orgasms, cum swallowing
Gif credits to owners!
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When you had first saw him in the club, he had instantly caught your eye. Many men came through but no one had captured your intention like he had. He was confident, a bit cocky, sexy, and charming. Any girl's eye would be drawn to him.
But there was two downsides. One; your job didn't really work with a "relationship". Two; he was a cop.
But that also didn't stop you from having a huge crush on him. That also didn't stop you from heavily flirting with him when he asked for a private dance.
So now the two of you were in one of the private rooms of the club. Your hips swaying in time with the music as you follow your routine. As you danced, his eyes were trained on you, following your every movement. Continuing to roll your hips, you tried to hide the smirk that was growing on your face, at his lack of being able to hide his emotions.
You sauntered over to him now, letting your arms reach up to untie your already very revealing top. It dropped seductively off of your shoulders. He licked his lips at the sight.
You rolled your hips, hovering right above his. His breathing falters a bit, but only for a second. He recovers quickly, letting his hands fall onto your hips. He moved them in time with your tempo.
You were almost at the end of your routine now. Deciding the change it up just a bit, you dropped your hips, barely ghosting your pussy over his crotch. He gulped and gripped your hips roughly in shock.
Now the smirk was very evident on your face as you pulled back, swaying to get his hands to drop from your body. As you stood to your full height again you leaned down, popping your butt out as you let one arm touch your ankle. A finale of sorts.
His eyes darkened ever so slightly. You knew he wanted more, and it hurt him that he couldn't get it. As he made his way out, you ushered him out carefully. Not forceful, just sweet.
He turned, whispering in your ear, "I'll be back."
"Is that the threat or a promise?" You questioned with a smirk, two could play this game.
Something unreadable sparked behind his eyes, before he turned and left the club.
Next time you saw him, he wasted no time getting you into a private room. You didn't want him to be bored seeing the same thing over again, so you mixed up your routine slightly.
You caught his eyes, the bore into you. He wasn't looking at your body though. He was was looking at your face, almost analyzing it.
"How many times have I come here?" He asks after a beat of silence, you had lost your rhythm only slightly when you noticed the look on his face.
"I'm sorry?" Something about him made you nervous. But you were good at your job, you could swallow that down.
"How many times? I know you've been counting." So he had noticed you watching him. Why did it take him so long to want to do something about it then?
"Seven." You answered, trying get back into your routine.
"Good girl." He leaned on his elbow on the arm rest, resting his head on his hand. Still, he watched your face.
"Why don't we skip that and you just come over here already?" His voice is even deeper as he says this. It almost startles you.
Doing what you are told, you sway you hips making your way over to him. Instantly his hands are on you, urging you slightly towards him. He wants to feel you.
Next thing you knew you were fully seated on top of him. Your dance was far from your mind now, as his fingers were now buried knuckles deep in your pussy. With two of his calloused fingers, he stroked your soft walls. Your head tossed back, chest moving up and down with your heavy breaths. His fingers curled in you slightly, making it feel even better.
This was way more than just against the rules. This was bad, illegal, and could cause you to get fired. What had this man done to you to make you submit to him so easily.
He worked his fingers into you until your orgasmed. He didn't say much just got you to your peak. He got up to leave, not before stopping at the door, to lick his fingers clean.
Almost everyday that following week he came in again. You two would follow the same routine, he would request a dance and end up fingering you instead. Neither of you talked about what this was. But you knew you wanted more. You also knew he was teasing you until you told him just that. One time before leaving he slipped a piece of paper into your skimpy top.
Now here you were pushed into the mattress of his bed, his tongue licking at your center. Fingers inside of you, stroking your sopping core. As your second orgasm washed over you, you bucked up into his face, quickly overstimulated.
His face lifted from between your hips, his chin wet with your slick. He moved up your body, leaving light kisses as he did. And as he connected his lips to yours, you tasted yourself on his tongue.
Without warning he pushed off of you and shuffled across the room. His jeans were long gone and as you heard a package rip, you knew what he was doing. Returning with his underwear gone and a condom on his heavy and hard dick. You gulped at the sight and at the anticipation.
He smirked down at you before reconnecting your lips, pushing his dick past your entrance. Giving you just a second to adjust, before slowly pulling his dick fully out before bottoming out once again. He continued this pattern trying to take his time with you.
"Please, just fuck me." You whined into his mouth. You just wanted him to use you, ruin you.
"Ain't that what I'm doing?" He said right as his hips roughly snapped into yours.
"I need you harder." Your teeth sunk down into his bottom lip, almost drawing blood. When that had loosened, he drew his face back, looking into your eyes.
"You're just a little brat, aren't you?" You didn't answer, instead you hooked your legs around his and used all your strength to switch your positions.
He seemed shocked at your sudden burst of dominance, but didn't fight you. You rocked your hips, fucking yourself onto his dick. With you choosing the speed, you were now getting exactly what you wanted. His face looked blissful as he watched you use him to get yourself off.
Using all that you had learned from your years of lap dances, you moved your hips in an even tempo. Fingertips were bruising your hips, yours were on his chest keeping yourself up. Obviously wanting a bit of the power back Javier began to thrust up into you. With one especially rough snap of his hips you feel forward into his chest.
He took the opportunity of your limp body to take full control now, fucking up into you. He began to grunt below you, signaling that he was getting close. And as your walls clenched onto him at the intensity of the angle, he was pulling out of you and flipping the two of you back over.
He thrusted into you quickly, working you through your third orgasm of the night. A especially pained groan slipped past his lips as he pulled out of you quickly. Pulling off the condom he stroked his dick over your mouth. You opened it willingly, urging him to shoot his cum down your throat.
As ropes of his white cum shot into your mouth, you swallowed all of it that you could. His eyes darkened at the sight. He brought his face down to yours, licking a bit of his own spend from the corner of your lip, before pushing his tongue into your mouth. Roughly he kissed you, now tasting himself on you.
When he broke the kiss to get a towel, you sighed. Your head dropped onto the pillow, glancing over at his retreating form. What had you gotten yourself into?
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sonicasura · 2 months
Biological Complications of Being A Kaiju
Here we are with my personal thoughts on the possible biological changes done to Kaiju No. 8's Kafka Hibino. I will be talking about different biology such as reproductive amongst others things. Fair warning that shit will get weird. (Nothing is sacred with kaiju.) Now let's get started.
Kafka's kaiju form has traits seen from various different animals mainly reptiles and sharks. His hide acts closer to that of the Nurse Shark with some traits of marine iguanas alongside poisonous frogs. Thanks to this, he can secrete substances like poison or liquid waste from his entire body. (Kafka doesn't fully know this because otherwise the man would never use his nips like THAT again.)
Similar to Marine Iguanas, his kaiju side is an very adept swimmer. Kafka's average speed can be clocked around 80mph in water but he could go even faster by manifesting a tail and webbing his hands/feet. The awkward shape of his neck conceals special gils that filters out water or harmful gases.
Kafka is cold blooded to a degree. He prefers seeking out warmth by sunbathing but it'll take constant extreme cold to make him hibernate. Attempts to force him into such a state will result in his kaiju side growing thick fur similar to polar bears as a defense mechanism. This coat being shed off over the course of Spring and regrown during the fall.
Kafka's body will adapt under extremely stressful situations. These particular changes can be difficult to near impossible for him to will away as they were done by Tiny(Mosquito Kaiju). Pecking order involving alterations to their kaiju form: Tiny, Kafka, Ai.
Fangs are very similar to that of any shark. Should Kafka lose any then new ones normally grow in after two minutes. His jaw strengthens matches that of an alligator mixed with a snapping turtle. Unless Kafka lets go then breaking his teeth is the only way to free oneself. Although the fangs will be embedded in his victim as a way to cripple them.
Kafka has a tendency to shed his scales from time to time. A normal process as its a way for his body to naturally dispose of the dead ones. Losing large patches occurs from either sickness or bi-annual molting.
Similar to a lizard, Kafka can climb and hang on different surfaces. His claws are perfect to retain his grip should the climbing target be slippery or someone tries to pull him off. If push comes to shove, one adaptation Kafka can use is camouflage similar to a chameleon.
*Reproductive Section is here. You can skip this as nothing new is past it.*
Reproductive organs are still present even in kaiju form. Similar to a lizard, Kafka's genitals are hidden behind a cloaca for protection. His kaiju form comes with both sets of reproductive organs i.e male and female.
The species are highly adaptive when it comes to keeping their population numbers stable. Kafka wasn't exactly happy to learn about this change. Especially since most kaiju are the egg laying type, his included.
Should conception occur then at least 3-5 eggs are laid after 3 weeks. During that time period, Kafka will eat twice his body weight and be quite aggressive around unfamiliar faces. A nest is also made from various bedding materials like pillows, blankets, to even mattresses.
Eggs will hatch in the span of 4-7 weeks. Newborn hatchlings are the size of kittens and have small fangs as they only feed on meat or fish at this age. They age at the same rate humans do thus reach full maturity in around 20 years. All of them will have a human form and obtain it at the 4-5 year mark.
Similar to a possum, Kafka will carry any whelp he has on his back. His instincts make it difficult for him to leave them alone for too long until they are at least 3 months old. It'll take some heavy persuasion from anyone close to Kafka to have someone babysit for him during that time period.
Experimenting with Kaiju biology is quite the acid trip, huh?
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s2 episode 17 thoughts
whispers softly. man... i need a minute. shaky breath.
okay. i'll start at the top like always. AUGH THE TEARS. fighting them. okay. need to put on some sad songs to accompany the 45-60 minutes it will take to type all this up
so, i sat down ready to see where this was gonna go. in fact i noted that i was incredibly locked in. which i continue to believe that i was.
we see a submarine, which is a type of craft i just do not trust. even before all that went down last summer. too scary for me. but they see something giving off a signal. and despite being a cartographer ship, they have missiles. and they're gonna go towards the thing they see on the radar, because they were told to. which seems wrong.
but then all their power is knocked out!!! and they are ordered to surface. but how will they do that under a ton of ice?!?!
title sequence. i was expecting different than the usual "the truth is out there" but i guess it's just business as usual over here despite it all
back to where we left off: scully's on the phone with real mulder and fake mulder is in her room. she hangs up on real mulder and tells the fake one that it was a wrong number, which had to be confusing to real mulder.
she tells him to put his hands on the wall, and he makes some quip about being shot before and not caring for it, and for a minute i'm like oh shit, that's a very mulder thing to do- what if he is, in fact, real mulder, and it's fake mulder on the phone? but that theory didn't make much sense anyway and also it was quickly put to rest by the fact that he started beating the hell out of scully.
so time skip: real mulder shows up to the scene with his "sister", who says the alien hit man is gonna call and ask to make a trade: scully for his "sister", and yeah, quotes are verbatim, i was still not buying this whole family relation thing
but his "sister" says that she knows how to kill the alien hit man: you have to hit the base of his skull. maybe. she isn't 100% certain. and also you can't miss because their blood is toxic. which we actually did already know!
and he's getting suspicious. why won't she explain exactly where she has been all this time? and what's this deal with her "father"? he's yelling at her at this point and i get it because it's not adding up to me either
she says that the aliens have been trying to establish a colony on earth since the 1940's, and:
"it's their belief that the stewardship of the planet is being forsaken" <- okay yeah. can't argue there. some of us are trying, aliens. i am not one of the mega companies pouring nuclear waste into the ocean. but maybe y'all could do a better job. and she continues:
"and that by default they'll someday become the natural heirs" <- well hey. you were sounding reasonable but now you are not. have we considered that maybe the people already here could give it another go free from the shackles of the 1%? you're acting like it's an estate sale and buddy we're still living in the house. you lost me there, and i was willing to hear you out.
she says that all of the clones worked at abortion clinics to gain access to fetal tissue, so they could combine human and alien dna. which i imagine had to be a good pr boost for abortion clinics (heavy on the /s here)
and the killer is after them because their experiments with mixing alien with human dna were not sanctioned, so they're "diluting the race", which i guess seems like the thing they would be worried about.
he doesn't seem to fully buy it, because he says "that's a good story, but i've heard a lot of good stories lately" which is true!!! our old worstie ambrose chapel was a liar, remember? or at least someone impersonating him was doing some lying!
"i'm your sister, fox, you have to trust me" UM PROOF?? have we done a dna test??? you can't just show up like that!!!!!
skinner knocks at the door... but is it really him? or the shapeshifting hit man????
"why are the lights out?" skinner asks quite reasonably "orders from my ophthalmologist" he says, lying very easily for a man for loves the Truth. but it did make me giggle.
sister approves that it is really skinner! only after they set a trap to get him just in case it wasn't. again i ask why she can tell if it's the man or not but okay. we move past that.
he makes introductions: "this is my sister, samantha mulder" to which skinner replies "WHAT"
and yeah. i would react the same!!!!
(also weird to hear mulder used as a last name. to me that's just the guy. you know?)
NOOO his phone rings. it's scully calling from a payphone. "he says he's gonna kill me if you don't give him what he wants" oh. okay.
there's no time to explain to skinner what is going on so!!! just please trust me, he says!!! and he does. another point for skinner, who is like a strange uncle or cousin to me.
they go to do a hostage trade: "samantha" for scully. and is this the same bridge where they did the hostage deal for mulder at the end of s1? do they only have one bridge for hostage deals. might be a bit much to have 2 in one city.
skinner has a sniper in the bush, ready to shoot at the base of the alien hit man's neck during the exchange. okay save the day mister sniper please.
AUGH HOSTAGE EXCHANGE. it's so tense. i paused here to write how tense it was, which did not ease it in the slightest. the hit man has a gun to scully's head and it's recalling mulder's early trauma with hostage exchanges. they're waiting for the right moment to shoot....
scully's in the car!!!! but samantha tried to use the needle that kills the aliens and she MISSED and the sniper shot was messed up and then there's firing and is it the sniper? or is it the hit man? who is hit? it is very unclear!!!!! both hit man and samantha tumble into the cold water beneath.
he's still at the bridge, staring down into the place he last saw her. scully comes out to join him, and he says "you should be at the hospital" (she has gauze on her head and says she was just discharged)
he's staring into the water, trying to come up with different ways she might have lived
"why didn't you tell me on the phone that it was her?" "i couldn't tell you 'cause you'd never let me go through with it" AUGHHHHHHHHH.
(and knowing how the episode ends. i am glad this happened. but in the moment. this was a gut punch)
she asks how he knew it was really his sister (valid question, one i fear he should have asked as well) and he snaps about how could she ask that, and she's like, dude someone with your face and body just kidnapped me???? so the whole who is who thing is a little murky??
(she actually calmly explains this. without any judgement. judgement added was my own. but you can imagine that after this experience, hearing "he's an alien" might still be a bit of a hard sell)
okay, mr. mulder is on the scene. he has to tell his dad he lost his sister. I lost her, he says. emphasis on the I. as if it was an action that he took. fuck.
and his dad hits back with a "you LET this man take your sister?" and son mulder is CRYING. what the HELL this is too much. the man has suffered too much. i'm given flashbacks to the last time we saw him cry when he thought he lost scully forever.
PAUSE. i just know the actors were eating up these lines. ohhh i know they were sinking their teeth into them the way that good dialogue allows you to. when you tap into the soul of a character, a whole person who isn't even real, because the writing cuts to their heart. yeah yeah yeah i knowww they were rolling with it and it felt Good
back to the scene. his father is giving him a guilt trip about how his mother is going to deal with "losing her again". and he's apologizing and crying when his dad pulls out an envelope
"your sis- SAMANTHA" told me to give you this.
the implication that he lost the claim to be considered related to her????? is sooooo entirely messed up?? that is the kind of thing that ruins a person???? holy fuck??
he's sobbing while opening the letter, and it gives an address where she says they can meet up if they are separated... so maybe she's really still out there??? hope has been installed back into "she's not actually dead" camp
he rolls up to the address and parks in an area labeled "NO PARKING". grief will do this to a guy.
but just as he arrives, scully calls and says they found her in the river. NOOOOOO THE NEWLY RETURNED HOPE.... "whatever you're feeling, you can't blame yourself" she says, knowing that he must be putting his whole soul into Blaming Himself
but... her body is melting??? is it an alien body??? is the melting gonna turn into toxic gas?? scully don't stare at it you're gonna get all thick blood!!!!
back to mulder. this man is experiencing all stages of grief at once on the steps of a women's clinic. he goes in and pulls out a gun and boy i sure hope there are no women inside.
someone is in there. it's... someone with samantha's face??? saying that she knows "she's dead"????? "it was all a lie", he mumbles as he realizes he was played
YESSSS I KNEW IT. i knew that was NOT his sister. i knew it was too weird and coincidental to be true. this makes the grief of losing her dissipate entirely so i do consider this a win beyond me just being able to guess where the plot was going
and i'm thinking, how the hell is he gonna explain all this to scully? like, to mom and dad, you will have to play along with the whole "she died" thing, and while that is by no means easy, it is a concrete thing you can say and do. but scully??? how is she going to react to "someone pretended to be my sister and then got killed"
(i suppose mulder could tell his parents that DNA testing on "samantha's body" proved no relation, but that would still be complicated to walk through, because there was no corpse to prove that, you know, because she dissolved- maybe scully could make some paperwork to make it look real?)
back to the matter at hand: these aliens with the same face are saying that he must save their original source. and he says "i am not your savior" which- tea. set your boundaries king. in fact, had i been there, i would have done the opposite of protecting, and instead start blasting these aliens that pretended to be my long-dead sister.
but they have leverage... they know where she really is...... so he doesn't walk out....
hit man arrives!!!!! armed with his needle!!! and mulder goes to confront him, but he knocks him on his back, and sets a fire- mulder's weakness!!!!!!
scully is making a report. she cannot substantiate his claims of aliens. and she's got a cut on her forehead from hit man taking her. my poor queen :(
back to the fbi agent that died in the last episode. he has nasty cuts allllll over. like he was carved with designs. sorry for that imagery but i saw it and must describe it.
she thinks she can solve this case with the power of SCIENCE!!! what killed this guy, exactly? maybe if we can figure it out, the other pieces could fall into place
so the virus that causes the blood to thicken is inhibited by the cold.... which explains our earlier scene of mulder in the ice tub and her yelling about him needing to be cold...
DEEP THROAT 2.0 ARRIVAL? (sidenote does this dude have a real name? like while this was airing what were y'all calling him...)
he tells mulder that the last alien- the one who was sent to kill the clones, our shapeshifting hit man- has been tracked to alaska, and that you have to pick your battles to win the war. telling him not to go to alaska. can you imagine.
scully goes to his place and knocks but no one answers. and his newspapers on at the doorstep. so she busts out her keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey..... heart still melts that she has this.......
and HE KNEW SHE WAS GONNA INVESTIGATE???? he sent her an email..... and he's saying how he wouldn't let her risk her life... nooo don't you weaponize the earlier drawing a line thing, that was about chasing a very vague alien lead to an agent's death, not about investigating ur sister...........
she bursts into skinner's office. and then apologizes for doing so.
(i love this so much. such a tiny detail that tells us a lot about her character. that Need to be good and do the right thing and please those whom she looks up to. ohhhhh)
he asks to speak to her off the record, and it seems at first promising... but he won't help her get in contact with mulder. EVEN after she says please!!!! she is gonna cry!!!!!
skinner's bitching about mulder's actions being a violation of his oath, and she's saying that he saved her life, and he comes back with a "if he wanted or expected you to do the same, he would have told you where he was going"
skinner being a jerk... at this point i began to revoke the point i earlier gave him...
he looks deeply troubled though, and i was like, ohhh, mulder must have promised him to not tell her where he was going... i see into your plans, mulder (<- this is not what happened)
back at mulder's place. scully's searching for clues. there's an x taped to the window again, which must be something he just does sometimes. and there's ominous music.
she falls asleep on his couch, and i swear i actually felt my heart melting at this moment. the way she was curled up. subconsciously trying to hold onto a piece of him. only finding rest where he did. i can't even wax poetic about this because i can't put the words into the right shape. but it is gonna destroy me.
someone is knocking... but who?
he tries to act like he just went to the wrong room, but she isn't buying it, following him and demanding to know where he really is
SKINNER IS HERE? GETTING ON THE ELEVATOR????? SKINNER ATTACKING D.T. 2.0??? the girls are fighting!!!!!!!
he makes deep throat 2.0 tell him where mulder is, even when skinner is pinned up and deep throat 2.0 is the one holding the gun, and he said "i've killed men for less", but skinner says that if you kill him, he'll be killing 2 men....... this gag seems to have worked
SKINNER is AT THE DOOR to mulder's place where scully is staying. and he is bleeding from MANY wounds. tells scully where he is without elaborating on the blood pouring from all over. okay skinner. you're real for that. you get that point i was tossing around back. and a bonus one, in fact.
so mulder's out on the ice, and usually him wearing a big jacket would spark joy in my heart. and i won't lie, it does a little. but there is also a LOT of tension going on, so it's very brief. feels wrong to rejoice in the simple pleasures of man in big funny coat when he just had to lose his sister and then learn it wasn't even her.
but he sees some sort of tower and he's going in!!! and a dead guy is spotted.
pause. at this point i am sitting here thinking, man, these episodes are good, definitely among the best i've seen so far. who let these men cook? can we get them back in the kitchen with more regularity?
someone is leading him deeper and deeper into the maze of this... station? sub? and i fear he is being led into a trap. but he finds a very very scared man and having a big man point a gun at him doesn't help with the fear, i'm sure. but is it really a sniveling coward... or the hit man???
and JUST as he almost had me fooled and wondering if mulder was gonna really shoot an innocent guy, BAM! hit man reveal.
mulder keeps asking where his sister is, even while being pummeled by this alien with super strength. and he says "she's alive. can you die now?"
mulder shoots at the alien and he misses the back of his neck, so his toxic blood is filling up the space, and things are not looking good at all. and the alien takes him out and drops him on the ice!!!!!
he's going to break the ice and let him freeze or hit him with the sub as it goes down, both very bad endings........
scully is bursting in, telling this doctor that he has a virus that can only be slowed by keeping him cold, and he isn't buying it, but just as he tries to get her kicked out of the room, his heart stops, so she intervenes.
and she's calling all the shots- get 100 grams of this and that and a drip of this- and this doctor has had his shift hijacked by a better doctor. he implies that mulder might not make it, and she refuses to hear this out.
and she's.... gently stroking his hair... while this is going down........
and sitting by his bed while he's getting better...
(so are the counts for who has been in a coma now tied? justice is served)
and now she's doing the case conclusion:
"several aspects of this case remain unexplained, suggesting the possibility of paranormal phenomena" <- OHHH??? is this what makes scully a believer? are we gonna see some character changes?
"but i am convinced that to accept such conclusions is to abandon all hope of understanding the scientific events behind them" okay!!! we are getting a deeper look into her philosophy here. yes yes yes give me more. and more i was given:
"many of the things i have seen have challenged my faith and my belief in an ordered universe, but this uncertainty has only strengthened my need to know, to understand, to apply reason, to those things which seem to defy it"
and i love it. i love it so much. seeing how she understands the world, why she knows that there has to be an order to it all, and if it seems there isn't, it's just because she hasn't figured it out yet... and science did allow him to get better... the need to fight a good fight in the way she knows how... yeah... that's lovely...
and she's CRYING at his bedside and holding his arm when he finally opens his eyes. her smile. her gentle "hey". it's so innocent, seeing that he is okay, that he made it through the worst part of getting better.
"thanks for ditching me" aughhhhghhhhh.......
he says he didn't find what he was looking for, but he did find the faith to keep looking. ohhhhh. ohhhhhhh...
the way his faith was gone at the start of season 2, but now it's back, there's something worth fighting for, his sister is out there, there is a world worth figuring out..........
at this point my friend was sending me texts and i was like queen i need a minute. i need a minute. to put these things in order. and honestly i STILL do!
it was an absolutely amazing duo of episodes. i truly loved the writing, seeing them pushed to the brink with each other and with themselves. seeing skinner come into fruition. seeing what motivates them both and how they see the world and how it is entirely different but still driven by hope and faith and a need to learn the truth. and the tenderness of it all. of her sleeping on his couch in his absence, thinking maybe he'll be home soon. of running her fingers through his hair while he was being revived. the fury of being blamed for the loss of his sister, the fury with which she screamed at deep throat 2.0 to tell him where he went off to, the fury of mulder realizing he had been lied to and that his sister had never come back at all. but there still being hope despite it all. because there are things worth searching for. and they can do it together.
man. it was a very good episode but your girl is gonna go watch a silly video because it definitely hit me right in the Feelings!!
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danshive · 6 months
If it's not too much trouble, could I ask about some anime you'd recommend? I have temporary access to Crunchyroll and I finished the thing I originally wanted to watch but I don't want to be "waste" the remaining time I have, and I remember a lot of times seeing you talk about an anime you were enjoying and going "when I can I should watch that", but now that I can I can't remember most of them outside of like, Bofuri and Bocchi the Rock.
Bocchi is so good, though!
EDIT: Shangri-La Frontier, which I originally didn’t mention because I just had a big post on it.
Spy X Family is really good, though there are episodes that are more slice of life than action (which isn’t a bad thing, I just know it catches some off-guard, and not everyone likes it). Also, there’s a lot of it with over 30 episodes.
The very high-production value Apothecary Diaries is fun mixed with some pretty heavy subject matters.
Frieren is good, though be prepared for emotional punches to the face.
Skip and Loafer is an exceptionally chill anime with very emotionally real characters. As much as I like it, though, I sometimes forget it exists (but am happy when I have that “oh yeah!” moment.
Campfire Cooking In Another World is a relaxing fun one, though a not-insignificant amount of run time is cooking and eating (it’s cute and chill, but still).
If looking for absolute absurdity, Nichijou is an option.
Life With An Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated As A Total Fantasy Knockout starts a bit slow in episode one, but is hilarious by episode two.
Mob Psycho is a fascinating comedy anime.
The first season of My Next Life As A Villainess is one of my favorites, though that’s partly due to timing. I started reading the manga when I really, REALLY needed a pick-me-up, and the protagonist is basically one of my brain cells now.
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thirstnotes · 2 years
|Rivals To Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Seven - Cooking Class Clark|
Pairings: Clark Kent x AFABBlackPlusSizedReader
Warnings: possessive Clark, Clark Kent in love, language, dirty thoughts, typos, more smut eventually, minors DNI, morally gray Clark, Dark Bruce
If you don’t like it, don’t read it.
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You needed to get it together. He wasn't there for you. He was there for her. This was a favor for a friend. You were being used to get to Lois. Which was whatever. So long as you remembered that this little thing with Kent wasn't real, you could maintain a sense of control.
Shit, dude. This was getting too heavy.
Clark eyed you when you caught up. "You okay?"
You shrugged him off and flashed him a smile. "Yeah. Of course. Just getting into character."
It came out a bit more sarcastic than you intended it to be and you could tell he picked up on it, but maybe that was a good thing. It made things a bit clearer. He didn't say anything more, but you noted the small frown, entering when he held the door.
The couples you had made friends with were scandalized when Luke showed up with another cooking partner
Almost as scandalized as they were to see you arriving with Clark’s hand on your lower back
Which was valid. You weren’t fully believing it yourself
"I'll get set up. We're kind of early, so you can mingle if you want," you explained, tying on an apron, eyes darting to Lois on the other side of the room. The strings were obnoxiously long, so you always had to double them around your waist. But before you could tie a loose knot, he used as leverage to pull you closer before you had a chance.
"Shouldn't I be helping with prep?" he purred down at you and you hated how much of a bitch your body was being. You melted like ice on a hot sidewalk.
"I mean, yeah. But I can. I mean. The ingredient list is on the fridge over there."
You watched his smirk deepen before he went to collect the items. A familiar hum reached your ears and you looked to the station across from yours.
“What in the Gordon Ramsay’s Hell Kitchen is happening up in here?” Dolores laughed discreetly as you got your pots and pans ready for the dish of the day. Clark was casually chatting with a couple of others who were also gathering items, so she and Henry, her husband, thought it was the perfect time to grill you a little.
“It’s…complicated,” you laughed back, keeping the lies as short as possible. The last thing you needed was to get caught up in some elaborate story. Besides, it wasn't entirely false since it was getting pretty complicated.
“Well to me, it looks like Luke did you wrong and skipped his happy ass up in here with Miss Thang over there.”
Your spirit swelled with appreciation for Miss D—what you affectionately called her. She was honestly the blueprint: a wealthy Black woman, retired from sex therapy and married for thirty glorious years to an absolute babe of a English professor who worshipped the ground she walked on. He was a man of few words, but you understood the classic extrovert/introvert dynamic. Both of them were fond of you, which explained why Luke was apparently getting the cold shoulder from them. Excellent.
“It’s alright. We just realized we weren’t compatible. No biggie.”
“Yeah but your new man certainly is. A biggie, I mean. Real biggie,” she smirked, handing Henry the mixing bowls. She gave you a look that made you snicker with her amorously.
True enough, your brain was racing with thoughts of him lifting you onto a dresser, skilled tongue deep enough in you to make your mouth hang open from the ecstasy. But you weren’t a fool. The attention was nice and all, but you weren’t about to waste your time thirsting after a dude that was gone over your coworker. The same coworker. Not again.
Across town, you had a hot billionaire craving another taste of you and to be honest, you were seriously considering giving him another. So you were solid.
“He’s aiight,” you lied with a smirky side-eye. She looked at you over her lenses and you laughed. “What? He is.”
“Mmhm,” she hummed clamming up when Clark came to meet you with another smooth peck on the lips. What the shit?
It might've been your imagination, but you could swear there was a spiteful smirk on his face. How in the hell did he have an attitude? You narrowed your eyes at him a bit.
“Ready to get started?” he asked, the loaded question not lost on either of you as he tied his apron on.
“Ready when you are.”
The lie detector test determined that that was a lie.
You were a bad bitch, but you were not ready at all. His kisses almost short-circuited every cell in your body.
Darn you Clark Kent
Darn you to heck
But anyway class was going fairly well, starting off a main course day with baking prepped sourdough bread bowls to hold the stew you were learning to make later that day
You were working on kneading the dough that had been settling in the fridge for days prior to this class
Clark was prepping for the stew in the meantime, skillfully chopping vegetables and chicken breasts into chunks.
You looked up casually and caught his deep blues observing you long enough to make you curious.
His smirk widened and his eyes lowered back to his work. "Are you mad at me?"
"Should I be?" you laughed off-handedly, pushing away the list of reasons you wanted to list that you were annoyed with him about.
All practically baseless since they had something to do with this whole facade.
But in his defense, it was your own fault for agreeing to all this in the first place.
"I did kiss you without permission."
Oh right. That.
You snorted a laugh. "It was just a kiss."
Lies and slander
"That broke rule number two."
He had a point.
"Are you trying to make something of it?" you asked, turning to face him, flour-covered hand on your hip. His smirk stayed the same, but there was a bit of spice in your tone that made his eyes narrow a bit.
"Just asking."
Now you felt like an ass. You didn't mean to snap at him. But you felt a bit edgier now that you were caught up in your thoughts. Fuckin Clark.
"Look. Your girl's free," you deflected, your eyes flickering to Lois going to the pantry. His eyes lingered on you while he washed and dried his hands. You pretended not to notice. You couldn't ignore, however, when he moved to help you knead.
"I've got bigger problems if you're mad at me," he said, smooth tone over your shoulder, large hands covering yours to help you knead.
“I. Hm. You must think a whole lot of yourself,” you sputtered, tryin to maintain your sense of control. It wasn’t easy. He towered a bit above you, face hovering near yours as he used your hands to knead the long forgotten sourdough on the surface. No, your focus was on homeboy behind you. Milking the situation entirely in front of your friends and coworkers, trying his damndest to give you a coronary.
You knew this was all for show, but fuck, man
Homie was showin out
"I don't know what else to think until you tell me," he said, holding your hands ransom. His golden opportunity had passed and Lois had returned from the pantry.
Per your observation, she did wager a few glances in your direction
Possibly, scandalized at the sight of you being a "couple", considering you “bickered” and competed so much at work
You sure as hell didn’t expect to be Patrick Swayze in Ghost’d by somebody who, a month ago, you thought you couldn’t stand outside of work
But man. The grovelling.
Miss D was living, you hear me?
You tried not to laugh when his nose nudged your neck tauntingly. You failed. Miserably.
"I'm not mad at you, you dweeb," you exhaled in an exasperated puff of breath as you turned to face him. He kept you caged against the surface, blocking you from any hope of escaping. "I'm...trying to give you space to do your thing."
You forced yourself to keep eye contact with him to keep from looking suspicious.
He breathed a smile.
Which you mistook for relief.
"Right. Well, at least you're not mad at me."
You swallowed when he pulled back and tapped your chin, moving to walk with Lois as she made another trip to the pantry.
You felt like a dumbass.
While he was gone, you took a walk to your car. You needed air. While you pretended to look for something in your trunk, your pocket vibrated and you pulled your phone out.
Were the flowers too much?
Bruce. You breathed a laugh.
A bit
Don't tell me you're mad at me?
Maybe I can make it up to you in Prague?
You frowned in confusion.
Didn't you get the card?
You paused.
I did, but I didn't open it. Mr. Wayne, are you telling me you sent me a ticket to Prague?
My face was between your thighs. I think we can go beyond honorifics. Unless that's what you're into.
You laughed out loud.
Go away. I'm busy.
Is that an order?
You rolled your eyes and closed your app. Your phone buzzed and you couldn't help but open it to look.
Bossy is a good look on you.
You bit your lip and took a deep breath, mood suddenly lifted. Slipping the phone back into your pocket, you went back inside, spotting Clark back at your station, next to a warming pot of stew. He rested against the edge of the surface, arms folded, watching you approaching.
"Where'd you disappear off to?"
You washed your hands again before kneading the dough one last time and setting it into the oven. "Just getting some air. How'd it go?"
His eyes rolled from you to Lois, who was feeding Luke something. You looked from them to him with a frown.
"Not well?"
His eyes floated to the oven where the dough was slowly rising. "Very well, actually. She informed me that she and Luke aren't actually official...thennnn, in so many words, she asked me out."
Your eyes widened at the tea he was pouring. "Get out. What did you say?!" you hissed quietly, like a hopeless gossip.
"I...told her that I was deeply in love with my girlfriend," he heaved with a weighty breath, his eyes meeting yours.
Were any of those ovens hot enough for you to throw yourself into?
(Part 8) (Part 6)
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puppycheesecake · 2 years
Let’s make a Sim!
I thought it’d be fun to do a quick step-by-step rundown of how I make Sims. Long post, so I’ll put everything under the cut:
Step 1. Start with a base.
I keep a set of blank base Sims in my gallery to start with, so I don’t have to waste time removing clothes/accessories/hair/etc. These one’s were originally premades (the ones that pop up when you first open CAS), but it really doesn’t matter what they look like because we’ll be changing everything about them in a second.
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Step 2. Randomize!
First let’s untick everything but the “face” and “skin tone” boxes for the randomization options. (The whole point of starting off with a base Sim was so we wouldn’t have to bother removing stuff.)
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I use Zerbu’s More CAS Presets mod to add a bunch of additional presets, so randomizing will generally give me something different every time. (I also have a ton of custom presets, but linking them individually would take 100 years, so we’ll skip that.)
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Perfect! We’ll use this as a base to work with.
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I actually like her underlying structure, so instead of choosing new face presets we’ll just work with what we already have.
Step 3. Adjust, adjust, adjust.
Let’s start making some adjustments. We’ll pull the ears out so they don’t lay so flat against her head, and lengthen her face a bit. I find that Sims tend to have kind of round face shapes with small jaws/chins, and I prefer them to be a little longer and more defined, so that’s usually the first thing I do. (Obviously you’ll tailor your Sims to your personal tastes, though.)
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We’ll make some small adjustments to her jaw, cheeks, nose, lips, and chin. I prefer bigger noses on Sims, so I usually drag them down/out a bit. I also like sharper and more “severe” bone structure vs. soft and round, so I like to add extra definition.
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Next we’ll add CC eyebrows (@ikari-sims‘s Jenna brows) and adjust the brow line a bit... (I’m a big fan of distinctive brows, so I tend to make them thicker/wider.)
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Change the eye color (I’m using @missrubybird‘s Aqua Trigger eyes here), make a few more small facial tweaks...
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Aaand there we are! I’m happy with her facial structure, so now we’ll move on to...
Step 4. Body.
I prefer custom body presets to the ones that come with the game, so we’ll use one of @obscurus-sims‘s female body presets and adjust it a bit (widen the shoulders and neck, make arms a bit thicker).
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Step 5. Add body blush.
The first detail I add is always tattoo body blush. It’s a small difference, but that little bit of color is a must for me. I’m using a mix of @simandy‘s Torrada Blush and @obscurus-sims‘s Body Blush. (I think I use these two on every Sim I make.)
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Step 6. Skin detail time!
Skin details do most of the heavy lifting. We’ll start with a skinblend (@obscurus-sims‘s N15 Overlay):
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Then we’ll add some of @okruee‘s Misc. Face Details and one of @sammi-xox‘s Eye Masks.
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Then @mmsims‘s Eyelashes V7 + @mintvalentine‘s Lash Filler, @nesurii‘s Little Details, @pyxiidis‘s Miscellany Pt.2 Nosemask, and @miikocc‘s Face-kit No.1.
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Fabulous. Officially done with details!
Step 7. Hair.
Next up is adding hair + a hairline. I’m really loving @daylifesims‘s Gretchen hair right now, and we’ll pair it with @pixelore‘s Organic hairline.
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Step 8. Makeup.
Optional, of course. I’m using @pralinesims‘s Lioness Eyeliner, @grimcookies‘s August Eyeshadow, @thepeachyfaerie‘s Eraser Lipstick, and @crypticsim​‘s Cloud Blush.
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Step 9. Clothes & accessories.
Now let’s dress her up! We’ll go with @its-adrienpastel​‘s Saviour Dress, @solistair​‘s Calf Boots, @aharris00britney​‘s Beret, @kumikya​‘s Pearl Necklace, and @caio-cc​‘s Naomi Earrings.
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And there she is! I think she turned out super cute.
Before and after:
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** Here’s a list of all the custom sliders used (warning: it’s a lot):
Eyebrow 01 / Eyebrow 02
Eyebrow N1
Pouty Lips
Lips N3 & N4
Nose N2
Eyelids N1
Eye Slider 07
Cheek Slider 12
Nose Width
Mouth Scale
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My boyfriend can fight , yeah so can I [s.cb][M] MDNI**
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Warnings : smut , explicit mentions of sex , substance abuse etc , cheating
The down town life had always been a roar , people walking in and out of clubs , liquor pouring in tight dresses and people making out in the alleys under the feigning streetlights
It became a routine you skip lunch with your boyfriend so the alcohol would hit harder telling him you couldn’t meet up with him because you had a meeting to attend and that you’d be working late that night . More often than not you found yourself here downtown in the expanse of one of the most high end bars getting absolutely plastered as the dj played something in the back usually too drunk to even care as your night progressed
It happened once maybe twice , Seo changbin caught your eye clad in his formal suit as he watched you splay your body out for anyone to see on one of the stripper poles at the club
He watched you always , never tearing his eyes off of your body , Coated so beautifully in the colorful lights of the club making him forget that it’s not just the two of you alone . Changbin never spoke to you , he more so just observed you he knew what your favorite drinks were what songs you liked and more importantly he knew how your lace cladded panties stuck out from under your dress , teasing him and urging him to feel you .
Desire is strong but lust is stronger which is why changbin opted to waste no time tonight slipping himself behind you as you danced letting his hands fall onto your hips pressing you agaisnt his hard on , you gasped at the intrusion between your legs pressed so tightly against your thigh was changbin the man you watched from afar spending thousands of dollars every night on girls and alcohol. He truly was a work of art , buff arms that stuck out agaisnt his sleeves and broad shoulders that accompanied his black shirt made him quite the catch .
You danced with him pressing your body firmly against his letting his hands roam up and around your thighs inching closer to where you wanted him most changbin angled your head craning your neck up to meet him where he caught your lips in a sloppy kiss , saliva mixing letting him taste the alcohol on your tongue .
“My boyfriend wouldn’t like you kissing and touching me like this “ you said flashing him a sloppy grin as your smeared lip stick coated the sides of your lips “too bad he’s not here “ changbin said resuming the attack he had on your lips before breaking away . “ can’t imagine what kind of guy lets a pretty girl like you out alone at night “ he said cupping the bottom of your chin “might have to take you home and make you mine “he spoke leaving pecks across your face “ would you like that baby ..let me take you home and make you mine , treat you just right “ he spoke whispering into your ear.
“ let me mark you up , use that pussy just right and then send you on your way back to your poor boyfriend “ changbin said watching as your eyes fluttered with his words he smiled you were basically wrapped around his finger .
The ride back to his place was short your fingers barely able to stay away from your cunt as changbin tried to keep his eyes on the road occasionally letting remarks pass “ aw poor baby you must be so worked up you can barely wait till we get there can’t you “ “ it’s okay cum for me darling but remember it won’t be the only time you cum tonight “.
Changbin was a man of his word you realized this all too soon back plastered against his satin sheets , skin sweaty and coated in a sticky layer of cum as changbin worked out from you your sixth orgasm of the night “that’s it baby just a little more , let me have it , give me everything you’ve never given your poor boyfriend , god he’s probably so worried right now but you , you’re in heavy aren’t you being stretched out so well you can barely speak “ he muttered against your shoulder as he drove himself inside and out of your aching hole. Changbin came as promised coating your tummy in another layer of cum watching as you panted breath ragged and eyes closing shut as he hops off the bed in hopes of cleaning you up , gently wiping away and soothing any marks kissing the flesh on your skin before holding you close .
Changbin knows you have a boyfriend , he knew before you told him quite the man he was , dangerous too but for you changbin was ready to risk it all just so he’d be able to come home to you some day and plunge himself into your sweet little sex begging for him to let you cum .
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mxdimitrescu · 5 months
New Revelations
Synopsis: Christen sees her family and her wife during Family Reunion time.
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Christen Press x Deaf!Emery Press
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My heart raced as I dashed through the hotel corridors, a sense of impending doom weighing heavy on my shoulders. With a muttered curse, I burst into the conference room, drawing all eyes towards me with a guilty start. Some of my teammates wore amused grins at my tardiness, while others exchanged curious glances.
Jill's gaze bore into mine with a mix of concern and expectation, silently demanding an explanation. I offered a tired shrug in response, exhaustion evident in the weary lines of my face. With a resigned sigh, I sank into the nearest chair, sandwiched between familiar faces.
As Tobin's questioning gaze met mine, I could only offer a wordless shake of my head, silently promising to fill her in later. The weight of my lateness hung heavy in the air, overshadowing the excitement of the upcoming meeting.
Jill's voice echoed through the conference room, breaking through the tension with a hopeful promise. "As you know, it's been a month since camp started and we have the 2019 World Cup coming up in 70 days. We are going to completely focus on our skills and plays for the cup. Now, it has been a while since all of you saw your families, so I decided to bring your families down for family day for two days," she announced, her words met with a collective sigh of relief from the team.
The conference room door swung open, revealing a scene of joyful reunion as various family members flooded in. Alex wasted no time in rushing to embrace her husband, her sisters, and her mom, the room filled with the sound of laughter and chatter.
"Chris!" A familiar voice called out, drawing my attention. I turned to see my mom and dad, along with my sisters, Tyler and Channing, standing in the doorway.
"Hi guys!" I exclaimed, a bright smile lighting up my face as I hurried over to them, enveloping each of them in a tight hug. As I pulled away, my eyes scanned the room expectantly. "Where's she?"
"Parking the car. Told us to go in without her," her mom responded with a knowing grin.
As Tobin and Pinoe approached, Christen nodded in acknowledgment.
"Hey Press Family!" They greeted my family warmly, a smile gracing their lips.
During the ensuing discussion, a voice from across the room interrupted their conversation. Christen turned instinctively, her curiosity piqued. To her delight, she spotted a familiar figure amidst the crowd.
"Emery!" she exclaimed, her face brightening with joy at the sight of the woman.
Emery winced as she entered the bustling conference room, the cacophony of noise assaulting her senses. Quickly, she reached for her phone, adjusting the volume settings to drown out the excess noise. With a sigh of relief, she glanced around the room, taking in the sea of faces.
Her attention was drawn to a woman across the room, her dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes standing out in the crowd. Emery's heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, a sense of familiarity washing over her.
"Hey there, are you looking for someone?" the woman asked, her voice cutting through the din of the room.
Emery bit her lip nervously, feeling a surge of anxiety at the prospect of small talk. Before she could respond, however, another voice rang out, drawing her attention away.
"Emery!" the voice exclaimed, and Emery's gaze snapped towards its source, a smile tugging at her lips as she recognized her beloved Christen.
We both turned to see Christen, who was grinning widely as she dashed towards us. In an instant, she leapt into my arms, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Ignoring the curious stares, I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her legs around mine, holding her securely as she nestled into my neck, leaving gentle kisses in her wake.
Breaking apart, we locked eyes with matching smiles, a silent exchange of love passing between us. Leaning down, Christen pressed her lips to mine in a kiss that seemed to stretch on forever, and I eagerly returned the gesture.
As we pulled away, the room seemed to come back into focus, and I noticed the gasps and confused murmurs from Christen's teammates. With a slight frown of confusion, Christen looked around, "What?"
The other girls shared knowing looks before silently agreeing on a course of action. With a nod, they moved to whisk Christen away to the other side of the room, leaving me standing there momentarily, feeling a mix of emotions.
Sighing softly, I made my way over to the Presses, grateful for the familiar presence of family amidst the whirlwind of emotions.
I pouted slightly as I was pulled aside with the other girls, feeling a pang of disappointment at the loss of Emery's hand in mine. Glancing around at the incredulous stares directed my way, I braced myself for the barrage of questions I knew was coming.
"Who is that girl?" Ash started off immediately, her curiosity palpable.
"Emery, I thought that was obvious when I yelled out her name," I replied with a hint of sass, earning a chuckle from Tobin and Pinoe.
"Are you two dating?" Alex's question cut through the air, her curiosity evident.
"Nope," I responded easily, a small smirk playing at my lips.
"But...you kissed?" Mal interjected, her head tilted in confusion.
"Yep, and it was a nice kiss," I confirmed with a nonchalant shrug.
Tobin and Pinoe struggled to contain their laughter, their efforts failing to escape the notice of Kelley and Ash.
"Do you two know about this?" Kelley directed her question to Tobin and Pinoe, her gaze intense.
The two glanced at me for confirmation, and I nodded in response.
"Yes, I know about Emery," Tobin began, "For a couple of years actually," Pinoe finished.
"How do you know her?" Ali's curiosity prompted another round of questions.
"Emery is the co-head creative director along with Tobin for the Re—In company," Pinoe explained matter-of-factly.
Tobin interjected with a fake cough, "Plus, she's married to Chris."
The revelation hung in the air like a heavy fog, leaving the room in stunned silence. Wide-eyed and mouths slightly agape, Christen's teammates struggled to process the bombshell that had just been dropped.
"WHAT!?!" Ash's exclamation shattered the quiet, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
The girls ignored the sudden scrutiny, their focus solely on Christen as they bombarded her with questions.
"How long have you guys been married and why haven't we been invited to the wedding?" Kelley's curiosity was palpable as she sought answers.
Christen sighed, a sense of weariness creeping into her voice. "We have been together for 14 years, married for 10 years. We're high school sweethearts."
Nods of understanding rippled through the group, but the questions persisted.
"Why are we just meeting her now and not back then?" Alex's inquiry hung in the air, echoing the sentiments of the others.
"Emery is a very shy and quiet person," Christen explained, her voice tinged with empathy. "Plus, she is deaf, but she wears hearing aids. Her interactions with people are very limited due to her being bullied. She doesn't like to speak that much, but she uses sign language."
As Christen shared more about her relationship with Emery, the room slowly began to relax, the initial shock giving way to a sense of understanding and acceptance. In that moment, Christen realized just how lucky she was to have such supportive teammates by her side.
As Christen engaged with her teammates, I found myself drawn to observing her from a distance, silently taking in her presence. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded around her shoulders, framing her tanned skin that seemed to glow under the room's lights. Clad in running shorts that accentuated her long legs, along with a Re—In hoodie and black Nike slides, she exuded a captivating allure that left me breathless. In that moment, she was nothing short of a goddess in my eyes.
Lost in my admiration, I noticed a shift in the room's atmosphere as the conversation among the girls came to a halt. Christen's smile caught my attention as she made her way towards me. Taking my hands in hers, she spoke softly, "Baby, the girls want to meet you. Are you okay with that?"
I paused for a moment, contemplating the implications of meeting Christen's teammates. Despite my apprehension, I nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of acknowledging the integral role they played in her life as a soccer player. With a reassuring smile, Christen kissed my cheek before guiding me towards her teammates.
As we approached the group, Christen introduced me with pride, "Girls, this is Emery, my wife."
The introductions came in a flurry as Christen's teammates eagerly welcomed me into their fold.
The first to extend a friendly greeting was a short blonde woman, holding hands with a taller brunette with a bun. "Hey there, I'm Ashlyn but you can call me Ash, and this is my wife, Ali," she introduced with a warm smile. I nodded in acknowledgment, grateful for their hospitality.
Next up was Kelley, her energy palpable as she introduced herself along with a handful of others. "Hey, I'm Kelley. That's Alex, Sam, Emily, and Rose!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious. I returned their greetings with a nod, taking note of each name.
Then came Tierna, the youngest of the group, along with Abby, Julie, Crystal, and Morgan. I offered them a friendly smile as Tierna made the introductions, feeling a sense of warmth in their presence.
"Hi! I'm Mal, Chris' team daughter," Mal chimed in, her mention of being Christen's "team daughter" sparking my interest. I waved at her and the others, feeling a sense of camaraderie already forming.
Christen stepped forward, gesturing towards two familiar faces. "As you know, we have a few veterans, Carli and Becky, who primarily look out for us," she explained, acknowledging their presence with a smile.
Tobin and Pinoe approached, offering hugs and cheerful greetings. "Hey there, Emmy!" Pinoe cheered, her enthusiasm infectious.
Tobin introduced me to her best friend, Allie, or Harry, as she affectionately called her. I nodded in acknowledgment, feeling a sense of gratitude for their warm welcome.
Clearing my throat, I spoke softly, addressing the group. "It's nice to meet all of you. I've heard so much about you from Chris, and I appreciate you all looking out for her when I'm not here."
The girls replied in various ways ranging from "Dude, your voice is so hot!" to "It's not a problem, Chris is a sister to us!"
Chris chuckled at them and said, "Now, you guys met Emmy, go see your families!"
She shooed them away leaving us alone. She looked up at me and moved her arms to rest on my shoulders, playing with the baby hairs on my nape as I rest my hands on her hip. Her beautiful brown eyes peaked through her eyelashes and smiled beautifully and leans up on her tippy toes to peck my lips.
"I love you Emery," she whispered softly.
I smiled softly, "I love you too Chrissy."
"HEY LOVEBIRDS!" The yell interrupted our moment as we turn to see Toby waving her arms manically.
Chris laughed and removed her arms away from me but grabbing my hand to lead me to them, "Let's hang with them and later tonight, we can have our own special time," Chris said giving a wink while I shook my head at her smiling.
The girls' responses ranged from playful compliments about my voice to heartfelt reassurances of their bond with Christen. Chuckling at their varied reactions, Christen gently intervened, ushering them away with a playful command to go see their families.
Alone once more, Christen turned her attention back to me, her arms finding their way around my shoulders as she toyed with the strands of hair at the nape of my neck. Her brown eyes sparkled with affection as she leaned up to press a soft kiss to my lips.
"I love you, Emery," she whispered softly against my lips.
A warm smile spread across my face as I returned her sentiment. "I love you too, Chrissy."
Our tender moment was abruptly interrupted by Toby's enthusiastic shout, drawing our attention to her waving arms. Laughing, Christen reluctantly released me but caught my hand, leading me over to join the group.
"Let's hang with them, and later tonight, we can have our own special time," Christen suggested with a playful wink, earning a shake of my head but a fond smile in response.
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skxrbrand · 9 months
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Prev / Bloodfire Falls, Chaos Wastes
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Even through mounting wounds, Kha'xanzyr was anything but an easy mark. The Huntsmaster was younger, with Khorne's determination burning in his eyes, but the Architect had experience. And sheer rage. Not the conflagratory fury of before, but a laser-guided hatred. The razor-sharpened blade, the fired arrow; Sure, implacable, deadly.
He had given up any notion of victory, but Ka'Bandha would not leave here without knowing he had seen battle.
The two Deathbringers, spent from hours of battle, sized each other up, each taking stock of the other's injuries. The Huntsmaster had lost an eye for his troubles, half of his nose cleaved from his face and deep rents scored in his armor. Deeper gouges were carved in his skin, the brass-flesh torn along his back and sides where the Artificer had managed to flank him. Electric figures were burned into his skin, along the lines of his veins, smoking the flesh of his wings. Kha'xanzyr had even done him the kindness of docking his tail.
" Now you look a true warrior instead of a mouthy whelp." The Architect had spat around a mouthful of blood, tossing the limb aside and rejoining the battle in earnest.
But he was not without his pains. One of his arms was broken. Several of his teeth, including one of his fearsome tusks, were gone, trampled to dust somewhere on the battlefield. There was an open wound in his gut, from which entrails threatened to spill. Standing upright had become a slim proposition and the Bloodthirster relied on his axe and remaining good arm to stay aloft. It hurt. But the pain was nothing to the satisfaction of seeing the younger daemon, once so assured and swaggering and disrespectful, humbled and not so certain of his victory. There was hatred there, but also due respect.
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" I would leave you your remaining arm." Ka'Bandha started, answered by a growl from Kha'xanzyr. The battle was not yet over, he had not been put in the dirt, his head cleaved from his neck...but what other outcome could there be? In his state? With great reluctance, the Deathbringer willed the electrical storm brewing in his gullet to cease. He spat a gobbet off to the side, brass blood mixed with black saliva. The pool of liquid sparked.
The older Bloodthirster slipped from his bowed stand to one knee. He cast a lingering glance at Havoc, his treasured Wrath-Axe, but in the next moment he felt only hatred for it. What he could not visit on the Keeper of Secrets, he visited on her prison instead, all but throwing the weapon at Ka'Bandha's hooves. With his free hand, he covered the hole in his gut instead, hearing the daemon-metal skip over the earth before his opponent.
With bloody hands, the Huntsmaster swept down with his arm, picking up the heavy Great-Axe with some effort. Then he looked at the other warrior, finding blue eyes boring back into him. No warrior should have to suffer the indignities of what a Slaaneshi could visit upon a defeated foe, but the Huntsmaster had given his word and he intended to keep it.
And Khorne, not at all known for his patience, was waiting.
The connection ended with the turn of Ka'Bandha's heel, the Huntsdaemon sweeping the Greataxe over his shoulder. Over the din of battle, he could hear the other Bloodthirster commanding his forces to move on.
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Steadily, the clang of swords died away. The ripping of flesh stopped. Overhead, the Chaos Furies and Harpies gave excited screeches at the meal to come. Kha'xanzyr heard the enemy army approach. Felt them walk past him, heard them sneer, and flared out his rage-born electricity whenever anyone came too close. Ka'Bandha might be able to fell him, but to them he was still quite dangerous, even in defeat. And then they were gone and he could hear the sounds of his own men, the daemons and mortals and beasts who had survived, regrouping.
Then they were gone to. They had spared Kha'xanzyr the dishonor of their offered assistance...or perhaps they thought him dead. No matter. He had only the Furies and Harpies for company now, hearing them battle over the choicest bits of flesh. Kha'xanzyr snorted.
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How long do you plan to drag this out?
He lifted his head and, as if right on cue, the imposing figure of Tanakhuill stood far enough to be recognized and close enough that their approach would inspire terror. The Architect had been treated to many of their toothy, self-satisfied smirks in his dreams, but the grin she wore now was the widest he'd ever seen. Painfully broad.
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" A killjoy as always." Purred the Keeper of Secrets. She came closer, each step punctuated by a hoofbeat. Slow, unhurried, clearly planning to savor this. To wring the Bloodthirster of each and every agony and luxuriate in each one. Her pincers clacked, held down at a threatening angle. She was practically salivating at the prospect of her revenge, her desire dripping on the ground behind her.
But she would find herself disappointed.
Kha'xanzyr took his good arm, moving it away from his wound and letting his entrails drop into a steaming mass upon the chaos-tainted earth. With gore-coated hands, he produced the pearlescent orb that Revel had given him after his ordeal with the much more dangerous N'kari.
Ignoring the wrothful screech that had emanated from Tanakhuill's direction, the Bloodthirster threw the orb to the ground. It was tiny in his claws, but did it's job, ripping a portal beneath the red daemon and into the Palace of the Arch-Tempter.
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He looked up, just soon enough to catch a glimpse of the Keeper of Secret's beautiful taurine features twisting into a mask of rage and disbelief. She was quick, as all Slaanesh's brood were, but her kill-stroke hadn't come quick enough. Kha'xanzyr felt the razor edge of her pincers cut across his brow and even into one of his horns, but it had only grazed him. Nothing more.
He was falling.
Falling, buffeted by wind, brought mercilessly to the ground by gravity. But not before tearing a path of destruction into N'kari's palace grounds first, decimating several temples, towers, ripping up immaculate gardens, and killing several dozen lounging daemons. He came to rest at last, a crater in the earth, loathsomely alive.
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Hatefully, spitefully alive.
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