#mistletoe as a plot device
akumastrife · 2 years
Yule Be Caught; Under Bright Boughs {TRC//Fic Advent: Day 2}
Things were supposed to have calmed down--Adam was supposed to have calmed down. All of him. All of this. But any party at Fox Way, Yule especially, was bound to cause some sort of chaos. He’s not even sure it’s technically his fault. (Theme: Mistletoe)
{Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3}  {Part 4 - Final}
“Keep it in your pants, Casper,” Ronan snapped, pushing at Noah. Brightened when he actually could, and did it again.
“I can’t even take off my pants,” Noah argued.
“You’re all so dumb,” Blue said, rolling her eyes. “C’mon.”
“Where?” Gansey predictably asked, but followed her all the same. And the rest of them followed as they always did.
But Adam couldn’t stop thinking about the fuzzy and cool press of ghostly lips. Noah, corporeal and ephemeral at once. Boy and not. Both of them wanting, for very different things that converged at just the right point.
Blushing furiously and furious at himself for blushing at all, Adam slid away and slipped through people until he was well and truly lost in the house, which meant he found Persephone just fine.
“Hi,” he said, slumping into the fraying armchair beside hers. The round, wobbly telephone table was covered in cards, naturally, and the sight was enough to calm his nerves.
He reached for one, and blinked when Persephone’s hands moved and the cards seemed to slither away from him.
She began to shuffle, hands a mesmerizing smear of color.
“Anything for me?”
“I’m not Santa,” she said breezily. “I believe your king has a present. And the rest of them, of sorts. Gifts, boons, blessings, however you feel about it.”
Adam squirmed, but reached for a card anyway, managing to sneak one from her despite her best efforts.
“It’s… It’s blank.” He showed it to her. Tried to give it back, tried to pull again, but she slapped his hand with the fan of cards.
He’d never pulled a blank card before. Didn’t even know that was possible. That decks came with them.
“It’s yours. Keep it. You are making your own future tonight.”
He flushed again, grimacing automatically. She sounded like Orla, ugh.
“Thanks, I guess,” he mumbled. “The hell am I gonna do with this?”
“That is your problem, not mine,” Persephone said, winking at him.
He inclined his head, closing his eyes for a blissful moment, and then hauled himself up with a groan. Maybe he could beg off early and get some sleep.
He slid the card into his back pocket, and scratched at the itching side of his neck again. His skin was dry and flaky. No wonder it itched. He’d have to find that lotion Ronan gave him.
Adam wrestled back the sigh, wrestled up a careful smile, and turned in time for Maura’s hands to his shoulders to pull him in for a kiss to both cheeks.
Beside her Calla narrowed her eyes. It was at odds with her sage green  sweater that was hideously drenched in tinsel.
“Hullo, M’s Sargent,” he said. “Have you seen Blue and them?”
“Would’ve thought you’d know best,” Maura said, “merged skin and hands in pockets and the like.”
“And that disgraceful collage of hickies on you,” Calla said, pointing at Adam’s neck.
He slapped a hand over the spot, alarmed and confused—
—before remembering he hadn’t been necking with anyone. (Thought of Noah in a flash, thought of the sweep of Blue’s hair against ear, thought of Gansey’s bright eyes beseeching, thought of Ronan—)
“It’s—it’s not a—not that,” he said. He didn’t remove his hand. Hitched one shoulder up, pressing tight when it itched fiercer and he had no idea how it looked now.
“No?” Calla said. She stepped forward to pry his fingers away easily. “Hmm,” she said, identical to how Orla had.
“A rash then? You really should let me put something on it,” Maura said. “I’m sure we’ve got something. And if not I’ll whip something up.”
“Think it’s more than that,” Calla said. “Looks like flora.”
“What?” Adam said, clamping a hand back over it. He felt Cabeswater enough. He didn’t need to… become it, or something.
Maura clucked her tongue. “Adam, you should’ve told me. I have plenty of experience in boys-who-are-trees. Famously.”
“Tragically,” Calla said.
“I’m not,” Adam said, strained. “It’s. Something else.” Twisted to rub his ear with his shoulder, skin crawling with the itch, wanting to scratch so bad it was an animal thing.
Acknowledging it—learning what it might be—only made it worse, the burn persistent and pervasive.
Vein-thin branches pressed against his hand, tiny leaves unfurling and stretching as soft as feathers, pushing against his fingers, wanting out.
He tasted copper on the back of his tongue, mineral rich soil, and shivered at the tickle of blood around split skin.
“Begging to be kissed, then,” Calla said, scathingly. “Subtle, you are not.”
Adam didn’t know what that meant, and his pulse was too erratic for him to focus on trying to untangle it.
“There you are—what—”
Adam turned to Blue before he thought better of it, knowing his eyes were wild and wide, knowing he probably looked a nightmarish mess.
She stepped closer, no regard to his state, no fear or disgust in her deep eyes. “Is that… mistletoe?” Up came the curious fingers and Adam flinched badly.
“It’s nothing,” he said. “I’m fine. Go back to Gansey, I’ll meet you.”
Had to figure this out first. Had to take a trowel to his neck and dig out his damn wanting by the roots before it overtook him entirely.
Blue, who’d never in her life done what she was told, crowded in and kissed him hard. Took charge of it immediately, and Adam—panicked and traumatized—folded under the familiar press of it without thought. It was just like before, and even if he knew nothing else, he knew that Blue still kissed the same and she smelled like dusty potpourri and she still lead with her tongue as if today was going to be her very last kiss.
It was good, still.
And then she was pulling away, peering at him and his hand, nose wrinkled under freckles in thought.
Like it was merely a blip to her, while he was panting and having a hard time remembering how to breathe and open his eyes and other useless human needs.
“Huh?” he said.
Blue, her cheeks only a little pink, shrugged. “I thought maybe that would make it go away. Sorry, I tried.”
“It’s fine, thank you,” Adam said weakly, instead of trip over himself reassuring her that she need never be sorry for anything again if she’d kiss him like that some more.
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sophsicle · 2 years
hey soph, just finished reading the new chapter and it was soo good! tell me, will regulus be at the potters for christmas? or at least make an appearance? i need the drama so badly 😩
Pretty sure everyone is gonna be at the Potter's Christmas party :)
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 8 months
Almost Paradise
by GibbousLunation
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Character: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Getting Together, Romance, vague groundhog day type of elements, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Sharing a Bed, Just a ridiculous amount of flirty banter, mistletoe as a plot device
Words: 9,151 Chapters: 1/1
The lady nodded. Her name tag said Darlene. “Something about the festive season, brings out all sorts of folks looking to make their dreams come true.” Right, because. Sweet Dreams Inn, and all. Yeesh. Eddie stuck his tongue out as Steve glanced over, while the lady, Darlene, fussed with some folders. “Ah, here we go! Yes, so looks like we just have the one King available. That okay for you boys?” “Oh,” Steve blinked. Sharing a bed was. Well, it was fine, they’d done it before but mostly while drinking. Or with Robin in the middle. “It’ll be fine,” Eddie cut in, shrugging. “Any bed is better than no bed at all, right?” Or, Steve and Eddie stop at a motel for the night on their way back to Hawkins.
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harmonyandco · 2 years
Plot device I’d like to see, although not a “prompt” to make a story… I just don’t think there’s enough here to go on:
Anyone watch “The Librarian” movie(s)?
After the Sword of Gryffindor presents itself to Harry in 2nd year I’d happily read a story where the sword is semi sentient or sentient as Excalibur is in those movies and teaches Harry how to use a sword while also pranking him/acting like an eager puppy around him.
I can envision Harry and Hermione learning the Patronus from Lupin together in 3rd when the sword pops into existence as if apparating itself sticking itself in Harry’s hands and dragging him about like a puppet. Meanwhile Hermione emits a put-upon sigh, rolls her eyes and pulls out a book and sits down to read while “Harry gets it out of his system.” She teasingly accuses him of “not allowing the sword to lead,” and that it will go much smoother once he starts “taking the lessons to heart.”
The following year they’re as isolated as they can be in public area that is the Hogwarts library researching for the tournament in 4th when the same sort of antics ensue. Krum is lurking in the periphery when suddenly Potter is up and dancing about with that great broadsword that Potter pulled out of nowhere in the first task WHILE flying like a falcon on his broom…Thank God he hasn’t had to face another seeker that crazy. Meanwhile the girl is still sitting at the table calmly, almost indulgently with a small smile on her lips…he rethinks his plan to ask her to the ball. Clearly if she’s this comfortable with this level of crazy of of the fan girls might be safer…. Krum retreats and Harry notices the sword seems to almost tremble in satisfaction and transitions to the inexplicable pattern that Hermione recognizes as nearly tossing Harry around in a Waltz of all things…
The couple is alone in the ROR after a DA meeting in 5th year. Harry laments that the lesson was going smoothly until that damned sword showed up, although it isn’t so “heavy-handed” anymore because he is getting actually rather good with it. But the rest of the students soon left because Harry’s focus was no longer on teaching. Including a reluctant Cho who wanted to talk to Harry after the lesson but can’t interrupt him when he seems so focused (he’s really just trying to hold on so he doesn’t get so banged up this time.) After the students leave the room the ceiling became awash with mistletoe and Harry found his fight lost as he was tripped up, landing with his head in Hermione’s lap… They find themselves in the fight of their lives in the DOM when Hermione falls to Dolohov’s curse. Harry suddenly finds the sword in his hands and it has a totally different feel to it than it’s usual playful warm energy and Harry strikes with a vengeance laying waste to all of the death eaters there. None escape, even Bellatrix is killed avoiding his thrust when she falls through the veil and Riddle is furious. He only narrowly escapes after his resurrection is uncovered when ministry officials arrive.
6th year Harry has tortured Dumbledore with a single swallow of the potion within the cave by the sea when the sword appears above the plinth, falling point first through the basin and draining away the vile concoction, allowing the locket to be retrieved and Dumbledore to avoid imbibing anymore. Dumbledore needs water but is still mentally and physically able to retrieve it himself. The infieri strike when the water is touched, but both react in time to avoid them and are able to fight them off, Dumbledore with his want and Harry with both wand and sword until they are able to effect an escape. Upon reaching back to the castle and finding Draco Malfoy atop the astronomy tower waiting to strike, Dumbledore incarcerates Harry in ropes and silences him where he was hidden. Dumbledore confronts Draco who disarms him, capturing his wand. The sword appears, dropping in front of harry and slicing through his restraints. Harry shoots Draco in the back with a disarmament charm and he also catches both Draco’s and Dumbledore’s wands. Snape shows up, leading the other death eaters by only moments, sees Harry, binds him and throws Harry’s invisibility cloak over him. The events ensue where Dumbledore is killed, blown from the parapet by Snape’s killing curse. The death eaters go to retreat but are confronted by a livid, sword wielding Harry and the DA led by Hermione. The couple disarms or kills the whole invading force, Harry some of those literally with the sword and they are able to get the whole story out of Snape before he is taken into custody by DMLE agents.
The Sword and Hermione, the power he knows not.
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isabelguerra · 1 year
@solarpraxus how was that did you have fun. did you like it. did you hate it. cool get ready here comes another on- OH my GOD what is THAT
Kiss 1.5: Mutual but also doesnt happen. yule, December 6th year. after sneaking off from the party and dicking around for an hour or two, theyre heading back to the main hall. stop for a minute in a corridor and shit wouldnt you know it: plot device mistletoe? in My fic? yes it is. so you know Winter Holiday Rules and all, at least thats their excuse. but before anything can happen max rounds the corner and interrupts them. they do not kiss but get very close and both are left very frazzled. i dont have any of this one written so it’s getting lumped in with:
Kiss 3: Johnny -> Isabel. AprilMay 6th year, post boggart lesson. isabel goes in expecting a really bad dog, ends up facing her worst perception of francisco. she doesnt even realize thats whats happening at first. shes just confused why her grandpas here while trying to swat off his (extra embarrassing because shes in front of all her friends+classmates) less-than-passive-aggressive comments and staying hypervigilant looking for her ACTUAL boggart.
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haha LOL uh oh ! more shit goes down with that and it gets so bad that isabel bolts out of the classroom, dropping her wand as she goes. pov swap! we stay in the classroom with johnny now. fake francisco deflates back into his freak cage and garcias like . alright that’s enough for today . everyone just practice the pronunciation in small groups for the rest of class.
gotta continue this in a reblog bc i can only add so many pics on mobile. are you enthralled
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junekissed · 2 years
Hiii, hope you're doing well 🫶🏼
I have a question that I love asking writers: what is your favorite piece you've written and why? I'll tell you my faves of yours: the season's greetings series, mistletoe inn (the sequel for this one was sooooo hot omgggg I blush everytime I think about it lol), bedtime tea and cat whisperer 💞
ahh i couldn't choose only one! i'm extremely biased lolol but i really like jun's sounds of the season and bedtime kisses, they're just fun to reread :) the mistletoe inn sequel is one of my faves too bc it was the first piece i wrote that was more than like a couple thousand words and i was really happy with how it ended up. my seungkwan halloween one "boo to you, too" i also really enjoyed writing because it had a lot more plot than anything i've done so far, so it was interesting finding ways to imply certain ideas and thinking about how the story would come across if i use different devices etc. that one was like a fun writing exercise and although i don't write fics like that very often i always think about what kinds of symbolism and stuff to put in to see if anyone would notice 👀 overall i can't say there's any one fic that i dislike (although there are ones i would definitely write differently) but for the most part i like everything i've published so far and it makes me so so happy when you all like them too 🫶
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revvethasmythh · 4 years
If I’m being perfectly honest with myself, the thing I truly want the most is Christmas themed Fjorester fics, because I can just imagine how bubbly and into it Jester would be and how patient and thoughtful Fjord would be watching all that enthusiasm with some kind of secret, perfect, small gift for her hidden up his sleeve that she would absolutely love, and, and, and there’s just too much there to detail here but UGH i want it
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celsidebottom · 5 years
As much as I complain about Christmas and everything, I realize that I absolutely love writing disgustingly soft shippy things set around the holidays.  And since it’s December, that means that I’m writing so many grossly adorable fics and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me.
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xxsycamore · 3 years
'Tis the season for smut 2.0 MASTERLIST
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Challenge hosted by @voltage-vixen which can be found here!
Series crossposted on AO3 here.
General warnings for all featured works: smut content; F/M (suitor x MC) unless stated otherwise.
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Dec 1 - “All I want for Christmas is you.”
—The season for making wishes (and for cuddles) - Leonardo da Vinci - Tags:  Fluff & Smut; Cuddling & Snuggling; Cunnilingus; Come Eating
Dec 2 - Wrapped and bonded in holiday ribbon
—Christmas came earlier - Jean d'Arc - Tags:  Fluff & Smut; Humor; Christmas shenanigans
Dec 3 - “Kiss me under the mistletoe.”
—NOT what you do under a mistletoe - Rio Ortiz - Tags:  Kissing & Making out; Cunnilingus
Dec 4 - Snowed in during a holiday getaway
—Blizzard incoming - Mitsihide Akechi - Tags:  Modern AU; Not wearing underwear; Slight exhibitionism kink; Vaginal sex
Dec 5 - “You’ve been a very good _______(ex:boy/girl/kitten, ect) this year.”
—Well-behaved, sugar-sweet - Vlad - Tags:  Blow Jobs; Cock Worship; Praise Kink; Come Eating; Come Swallowing; Vaginal Fingering
Dec 6 - Wearing nothing but a Santa hat and bow around the neck
—Naughty surprises - Chevalier Michel - Tags: Smut; Vaginal Sex; Rough Sex; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Nipple Play; Soft Chev at the end
Dec 7 - “You’re the only gift I plan on unwrapping tonight.”
—Felicitations for the Obsidianite King - Gilbert von Obsidian - Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Secret Relationship; Porn With Plot; Mutual Pining; Slight Hate Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie
Dec 8 - Hot bodies = melted snow
—Make my wish come true - Comte de Saint Germain - Tags: Spoilers of Comte’s real name; Fluff and Smut; Cunnilingus; Squirting; (implied) Bathtub Sex; Vaginal Sex
Dec 9 - “Let’s do something that puts us on the naughty list.”
—Naughty or Nice? - Ray Blackwell and Lancelot Kingsley threesome - Tags:  Polyamory; Threesome - F/M/M; Alcohol; Making Out; Banter; SO MUCH BANTER; Nipple Play; Not Wearing Underwear; Vaginal Sex
Dec 10 - Toys are intended for playtime
—Christmas playtime - Edgar Bright - Tags:  Sex Toys; Light Bondage;  Exhibitionism; Object Penetration
Dec 11 - Santa Claus is cumming to town
—Santa, honey - Leon Dompteur - Tags:  Quickies; Dirty Talk; lots of dirty talk; Riding; Size Kink; Creampie; Come Eating
Dec 12 - Winter wonderbang body worship
—Methods of War - Napoleon x Wellington x Alexander I (OC) - Tags: Threesome - M/M/M; Polyamory; Humor; a very rare angry Napo; Light Bondage; Historical Inaccuracy (because we use xmas lights as a plot device); Nipple Play; Neck Kissing; Orgasm Denial; Riding; Anal Sex; Blow Jobs; Body Worship; Banter
Dec 13 - Touching under the table during a holiday dinner after downing a bit too much eggnog
—Blame it on the eggnog - Luka Clemence - Tags:  Minor Fenrir/Ray;  Holiday Dinners; Humor; Drunkenness; Drunken Shenanigans; Under the Table Touching; getting caught; Exhibitionism; Quickies; Vaginal Sex; Drunk Sex
Dec 14 - “Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine?”
—Naughty suits you better - Arthur Conan Doyle - Tags:  Alcohol mention; Established Relationship; Vaginal Sex; Lap Sex; Creampie; Alcohol; Teasing
Dec 15 - Open prompt
—All the little reasons - Levie Castell - Tags:  Found Family; Light Angst; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Fluff and Angst; Emotional Sex; Vaginal Sex; Creampie; Spooning; Cuddling & Snuggling
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bookyeom · 3 years
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(I’m sorry that this is a literal Christmas in July fic, but Joon in the P2D reaction video has got me feeling all sorts of ways so enjoy this very self-indulgent little drabble!!)
pairing: namjoon x reader / word count: 2.5k / genre: holiday au, roommates/friends to lovers 
summary: Would kissing your best friend under some mistletoe really be the worst thing in the world?
tags: mild angst but mostly bc of misunderstandings, reader and Joon should have probably just talked about it, Vmin are obnoxious and meddle as a plot device
Thankful for @tae-bebe (in general but particularly for always reading every stupid fic I come up with). Tagging @taehyungsupremacy @taejinnies @hazeltae @jinjagi @flowerkth​ just in case u wanna read but u don’t have to!!
She knocked softly on his bedroom door at first, then knocked a bit harder when she didn’t hear any movement from the other side. She finally turned the handle, pushing it open a crack.
“Joon, get up,” she called into the dark room.
She stepped back, leaving the door open in hopes that he’d wake up enough with the hall light shining through, but she didn’t have high hopes. Namjoon was a deep sleeper. Despite being friends for years, she hadn’t known that about him until they’d moved in together for money’s sake a few months prior. She’d been surprised about it, actually, because he was the only person she knew who got everything done that he wanted to do in a day. She’d just assumed he didn’t sleep at all. 
When a few minutes passed and she heard no sound from the direction of the hall, she let out a heavy sigh. It wasn’t his fault - they’d both been up late the night before. It had been their turn to be the hosts for their friend group’s annual early December Christmas party, and while the night had been fun - it always was - she was exhausted. She hadn’t drank too much, so she wasn’t incredibly hungover and for that she was grateful, but cleaning up bottles and garbage at 7am still wasn’t high on her list of things to do on a Saturday morning.
She forced herself to stand up from where she’d practically sunk into the couch, empty garbage bag clutched in her hands. She supposed she could have started cleaning up without him, but she really had no motivation. She needed him for that. She knocked on his bedroom door again before opening it even more, slowly, and was surprised but pleased to find her friend in a vertical position. 
“Come on, Joon. You promised you’d help.”
She ignored the way her heart fluttered in her chest as he nodded, shooting her a thumbs up with one hand and rubbing the sleep out of his eye with the other. God, she’d never get over how good he always looked, even first thing in the morning. She stopped herself from letting her eyes wander downwards, to where his upper body was on full display. She’d seen him shirtless many times before, but she still had to stop herself from ogling every time. Especially when he’d just woken up and looked like everything she’d ever dreamed of. She’d been in love with him for a while, and living with him while they both tried to save up money had not been her greatest idea. 
He slid his legs over the side of the bed, turning to grab a shirt from the floor. She quickly turned around, hearing his footsteps as he followed. He suddenly groaned from behind her, and she turned back to face him, eyebrows raised in slight irritation. He had promised to help her clean up - why was he complaining? She almost bumped into him as she spoke.
“I know you’re hungover, Joon, but so am I. Everyone else left, and I really need your help-“
Namjoon shook his head, cutting her off. He motioned upwards, and her rant was cut short as she looked up in surprise to find a very familiar green plant with red berries, with a white note attached to it, hanging above the two of them in Namjoon’s bedroom doorway.
Her heart skipped a beat. How had she not noticed it before? 
Namjoon had pulled the note off in a flash, catching it between his fingers. He read the words, and she could have sworn he was blushing. He handed it to her wordlessly, and she furrowed her brows at his reaction before reading it for herself.
For the lovebirds. You’d better actually do it this time. - Jimin (and Taehyung!!) xxxxxxxxx (for all the kisses we hope you’re getting)
She rolled her eyes before tossing the offending note into the garbage bag in her hands. 
“They suck,” she said, as casually as she could manage for how much she was internally freaking out. 
Their friends had been leaving mistletoe everywhere for the entire beginning of December, and it was always conveniently placed near her and Namjoon. At Jungkook’s place during movie night, a magical piece of mistletoe had been spotted on the back of the couch where she and Namjoon were sitting. (She’d hastily snatched it away and thrown it directly at Taehyung, who had spent the next week whining about his sore eye.) At Jin’s “Bougie Christmas Cocktail Smackdown Eve” (where they’d all been required to dress up and Jin wore a name tag that said “Gin” while he served obnoxiously named Christmas-themed cocktails), sprigs of mistletoe had been dropped in their drinks (and only theirs). (She’d asked Jin if that was safe to do that and he’d brushed her off, saying love would save her if it came to that. She’d told him that her drink tasted awful and that he should stick to his day job.)
Each time, she tried to pretend her heart wasn’t racing at the idea. She’d long since accepted that being in love with her best friend was unrequited. She just really wished their friends would stop. Her heart couldn’t take much more of Namjoon brushing off the idea of kissing her so easily with a laugh or a shake of his head.
She had tried so hard not to love him, but it was impossible. When he was… him. It had already been hard, but it was extra hard when she saw him everyday. When he was currently in their shared living room in a t-shirt and sweats, his reading glasses perched on his nose as he helped her clean up from the Christmas party they’d thrown the night before. 
She watched as he grabbed a couple of empty bottles from the side table by the couch before turning back to her own task, and it was silent between them until he spoke up.
“I’m sorry.” 
She knew exactly what he was referring to, and she inwardly groaned. She really didn’t want to talk about it. 
“I don’t know why they keep doing that,” Namjoon continued with a frown. 
Y/N had to force herself to ignore the way her heart sank at his obvious disapproval of the idea. They’d never spoken directly about it until now, but she supposed they had to at some point. Why not now, when she was hungover and wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms for a cuddle? Sure. As good a time as any.
“Yeah, I don’t know.” She shrugged, continuing to collect empty bottles. She tried to straighten her shoulders as she felt the quiet settle around them, trying to act as normal as possible. She could feel Namjoon watching her, and she suddenly wished he wasn’t able to read her as well as he could. 
“Are you alright?”
A warm hand found her shoulder, and she could feel the emotions beginning to boil over. Not now, Joon, please. She wracked her brain to try and figure out a way to ask him to stop - to stop touching her, to stop comforting her, to stop caring about her the way that he did. She didn’t know how much longer she could handle it. Not when he so obviously didn’t know how she really felt.
His fingers began to gently massage the crook where her neck met her shoulder, an action that was so natural between them at this point. She squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m fine, Joon.” 
She moved away, his hand falling as she headed into the kitchen. She could imagine the hurt on his face as she did, as she brushed off his attempt at comforting her, and she hastily set her collection of bottles on the counter. She’d hoped, prayed for a breather in the kitchen, but she’d known it wouldn’t work. He’d followed her in like she’d known he would, and as he moved to lean against the counter beside her, she busied herself by reaching under the sink to grab the recycling bin. His eyes followed her every movement, and she wanted to dissolve into the floor. He watched her, careful, before he finally spoke up.
“Y/N, again... I’m sorry that the guys won’t stop-“
Her fingers tightened around the bottle she was placing in the bin, and it was then that she finally allowed her eyes to squeeze shut. It was no use.
“Namjoon.” She cut him off, her voice barely above a whisper. She felt him turn his head abruptly at the use of his full name, and she could picture his face even with her eyes closed. Head tilted, arms crossed, eyes soft… always ready to listen to whatever she had to say. Her heart broke a little. “Please.”
He was quiet for a second, and she turned to him now, eyes open, gathering whatever courage she had left. His eyebrows were furrowed, unsure, and she cursed the confusion she found on his face. Namjoon was never a man lost for the right words, but she could tell he was absolutely at a loss now as he stared back at her.
“You’re telling me it’s fine,” he said slowly, “but I can tell it’s not.” She looked down then, and he took a step forward. “Seriously, I’ll tell them to stop. They know that we’ve never, that we would never-“
“Why do you make it sound like kissing me would be the worst thing in the entire world?”
Her words hung between them as she let the recycling bin hit the floor, a dull thud echoing throughout the room. She could feel her lower lip trembling, and she wanted nothing more than to leave, to pretend this had never happened. But she couldn’t. She’d gone there, and she couldn’t take it back. 
“What?” came Namjoon’s dumbfounded response, and she knew that she needed to leave. Now. She didn’t know where she was going, but she needed out.
“I’m gonna go,” was all she managed, turning on her heel. She’d made it about two steps towards the living room when his hand found her wrist. 
“Y/N,” he pleaded. He tugged her back around, his eyes widening as he saw the tears welling up in her eyes. His thumb brushed against her skin. “I’m so confused. I never… I didn’t say that! You know that I think you’re beautiful. I didn’t mean to...“
It was her turn to be speechless, eyes wide as she watched her eloquent, well spoken best friend struggle yet again with his words. He dropped her wrist, fingers lifting to run through his hair frustratedly. 
“Joon,” she finally said. He looked so confused as to how he’d offended her, and so pained thinking that he had. Her heart swelled. 
She didn’t know what she’d been planning on saying as they stared at one another, but as usual, she’d done what she had to do to calm him down. Normally, his nickname coming softly from her mouth worked, and this time was no exception. 
She watched his face as his brows furrowed again, his eyes searching hers. She offered him a tentative smile, a peace offering, and the look of relief on his face was enough to calm her down, too. They could get through this. They could move on, and chalk this conversation up to the two of them being hungover and tired of their friends’ bullshit, and he’d never almost find out she was in love with him ever again.
“They’re dumb, Joonie,” she offered. “They just want to use us for their entertainment. I know you don’t actually think I’m repulsive,” she added in an attempt to lighten the mood. 
At her words, he was suddenly squaring his shoulders, the look on his face a determined one. Her breath caught in her throat.
“Trust me,” he began, his voice low. “I really wouldn’t mind kissing you. I think I’d rather enjoy it, if I’m honest.”
Her lips parted as all of the breath left her lungs. 
He smiled a soft, shy smile then, and she suddenly realized that he was nervous. He inhaled a sharp breath before he continued, “I think about it all the time, actually.” He bit his lip as he finished, keeping eye contact though she knew he was embarrassed, for whatever godforsaken reason. “I’m sorry if that’s news to you, or if that’s weird to hear. The guys know how much I like you and they were trying to help, I guess, but I-“
“Kim Namjoon,” she finally managed to breathe out, “I am head over heels for you.” 
The silence was deafening, and she watched a million different emotions flicker across his face.
“I love you, Namjoon. I’m in love with you.”
“Oh,” came his response, and she couldn’t help but laugh. She looked down, her cheeks flushed, and she couldn’t stop smiling. 
She suddenly felt his hand on her face, fingers gently brushing her chin as he tilted her face up to meet her eyes again. He was smiling, too, and she couldn’t believe this was happening.
“If it wasn’t clear, I’m in love with you too,” he said, voice soft. She let out a breath, and his gaze was fond as he pulled her close. Her hand moved to curl around his where it rested against her face.
He paused, mouth inches from hers, and she was shocked she had the strength to pull away. She grabbed his hand and pulled, leading him back towards the door to his bedroom. He let out a laugh as he realized where she was taking him, and it took all but two seconds of being under the mistletoe for him to pull her in. His arms were around her, his mouth finding hers as he pulled her impossibly closer, and closer, and closer.
He kissed her, warm and soft and full. She was completely dazed as he moved, her mouth finally opening against his as he pressed against her, and her hand moved to find his face. He pulled away first, and it made her heart flutter when she realized how reluctant he was to do so, his grip on her remaining just as firm. He let out a breath, his forehead falling to hers, and neither of them could speak for a moment until he finally let out a, “Wow.”
She couldn’t help but burrow her face into the crook of his neck, suddenly feeling shy, and her entire body fell against his as he moved to hold her against his chest. She could practically feel him beaming as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head before he spoke again.
“I refuse to thank Jimin and Taehyung for this, even though they were right.”
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Mistletoe prt.2
*yeets and runs* Sorry for the break in between.
-gasp! It's just like in his animes -and just like his animes it has to be perfect -boi is playing 5 D chess up in here -Mostly has to hype himself up
It started like any other game session with Levi. Greasy pizza plates and ramen bowls stacked precariously around you on the rim of his large tub. The two of you lounging inside of it.  The hours ticked by surrounded by the sounds hardcore gaming.
He had invited you over to help him grind on a new phone game he bought. It was easier to go through the dungeons in a party then solo. Solid logic, and you never minded playing with him. Except for- well Levi himself. “Not on your A-game today?” You ask peaking over your phone to the demon stretched out across from you. He grunts noncommittally, eyes not even on his screen. They flick back to the screen once he noticed you staring.
“N-no. Sorry.” He muttered, sinking into himself. Hmm-Probably nothing. Happens to the best of them.
Six failed quests later though you had had enough.
“Bro!” You toss your device at him coming to crawl into his lap. You plop down on his blanketed form ignoring his protests and grab his own phone away. “What is up with you tonight? You sick?” Levi squawks flailing his gangly arms trying to push you off. His face and shoulders lighting up bright red with embarrassment.
“G-Get off!” He struggles.
“No!” You swat his hands away to grab  at his face. Hmmm. Flushed but not feverish. “What is up with you today? Omg are you dying!” You straddle him poking and prodding at him. “If you die can I have your stuff? Promise I’ll feed Henry.” At this point you were just teasing him. He wrestles back stuttering and chirping.
“You’re on top of me! That’s the problem!” He frees himself from his blanket cocoon to flip your positions. His claws point into your flesh warningly.
You snort up into your demon’s beet red face. “Noo~You were acting weird before that too. This is your normal awkwardness.” You poke his nose for effect.
“Hmmph.” He pulls off of you and rubs at his face. Levi retreats back to his corner. “You didn’t notice. Of course you wouldn’t.” Notice what? You do a quick inventory of you and his room. Nope. All 10 fingers and toes, his room was its regular tidy chaos.
“Gimme a hint?” You feel stupid. Levi isn’t exactly subtle yet you were stumped. Still hiding behind his face in his pillows he points to his back. His tail to be exact. It wasn’t unusual for him to have his tail out when you came to chill. He used it a lot to grab stuff to drag it into his nest. You follow the line of his tail over the lip of the tub and then up-and up. The tip of which dangled over you a bright red ribbon tied to it… “Mistletoe? Oh-OH.” It was your turn to turn beet red. “How was I supposed to notice!” You shout flustered.
“How was I supposed to know you wouldn’t!” He yells back. You stare at each other for a moment before you both burst out laughing at your shared stupidity.
“I’m sorry Levi,” You snort. Wiping at the tears of mirth brimming at the corner of your eyes you scoot closer. “Let me make it up to you? I believe you’ve deserve more than a kiss or two.”
-Smoother than a 100 year old bottle of port this one -He knew about this tradition before but will feign ignorance -Suave bastard has you guessing. Does he know about it or not???
You meet Satan’s gaze trying very very hard to figure out his angle. He doesn’t make a move. Instead he just rests on a large stack of books. An inhumanly large stack of books. More stacks and piles stood ominously behind him. “You owe me.” He purs tapping a finger to his lips. Ugh- you did owe him. Technically, it hadn’t been your fault. You were just in the wrong place and the worst possible time to walk in on Belphegor and Mammon somehow flood the library. Those two had supernatural speed and agility on their side when they heard the undeniable footsteps of wraith. You, on the other hand, did not.
At least he hadn’t killed you.
“Can’t you do this with magic?” You sigh hours later. Your fingers were pruning and the amount of paper cuts you had were staggering.
“Some of these books are very fragile. Magic would react negatively with them. By hand is best for these.” His back is to you, his full attention locked on the soggy book he was plotting with a towel. You grouch flipping back on your blow dryer. When you find those two Satan will be the least of their worries. Maybe you could get Lucifer on their asses as well.
Three stacks down and Devil knows how many left Satan finally calls for a break. Weary you drop to his chaise to rub at your sore feet. “Here,” He places a paper cup in your hand. “A little reward. It’s the perfect season for it, no?” Popping the lid you inhale the sweet smell of chocolate and cayenne.
“Thanks.” You take a sip and scoot over to let him sit as well. You drink in a pleasant silence. The chocolate warms you up and boosts your mood greatly. “Ready to get back to it? I bet we can get half of these done by dinner. Maybe then our next break could be hunting down those two clowns?” He laughs. You sound so hopeful for a little revenge.
“I won’t say no. But let’s see how far we get.” He helps you back up and hands you a small pile of leather bound books. “Unfortunately you can’t use heat on these, it will shrink the leather. Just put some of these towels and tissues between each page. And no, the puppy dog eyes won’t work on me.” Damn.
At least these books were beautiful. Gold and silver foil inlaid everywhere, the pages were soft and flexible under your fingertips from use. You could see why Satan wanted you to be extra careful with these.
You get into a groove with these books. Flip a page and insert a tissue. Rinse and repeat. It gave you a chance to zone out and enjoy the artwork on each page. Until the last book. Your flow was interrupted by something bulky nestled within the pages. You flip to the middle of the book to retrieve whatever it was (please don’t let it be another mummified demon rat please!).
It wasn't much to your relief. Instead you extract a dried bundle of green and white. You squint at it, turning it around in the light of your desk lamp. You feel Satan standing behind you. “My, would you look at that.” He snatches the herb from your fingers and spins your chair around to face him. “Mistletoe.” He dangles it up above the two of you.
“You set me up.” You grin leaning close to him. Your hands making their way to his shoulders to link around the back of his neck.
“Perhaps.” He hums. With a wave of his hand you feel his magic encapsulate the books around you, drying them instantly.  He tosses the mistletoe away and reaches for your waist. “Are you mad?” You shake your head.
“No. But you better make it up to me.”  
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akumastrife · 2 years
Yule Be Caught; Under Bright Boughs {TRC//Fic Advent: Day 1}
((Officially, Happy Holidays! I’m going to do my best to post every day up until the 25th. A few longer fics, maybe a couple drabbles, maybe even some smut. Who knows. I wanted to be farther ahead in my plans by now but WHOOPS pantsing merrily all the way per usual.))
Things were supposed to have calmed down--Adam was supposed to have calmed down. All of him. All of this. But any party at Fox Way, Yule especially, was bound to cause some sort of chaos. He’s not even sure it’s technically his fault. (Theme: Mistletoe)
{Part 1} {Part 2}  {Part 3}  {Part 4 - Final}
Adam was used to Fox Way being an ever-revolving whirlwind of aunts, cousins, and various pets that shouldn’t be. But this… whatever this gathering was supposed to be, was just excessive.
“Fuck me,” Ronan hissed, jamming his hands into his jacket pockets. It was already unbuttoned and disheveled, a scotch stain at the corner of his lapel. “I’m gonna kill that little vole.”
Adam scratched at the side of his neck, skin crawling under some invisible presence. It’d been bothering him for the last hour. Probably allergic to rubbing elbows with all of Richard Gansey the Senior’s guests. 
“Don’t start a fight, please,” Gansey begged.
“Yeah,” Adam added, “Calla will break you in half.”
“Like to see her try,” Ronan said. And knowing Ronan, he’d probably prefer that to their halting progress through cackling laughter, sticky drinks being jostled, and a thousand homemade shawls covered in a thousand different perfumes.
“Blue!” Gansey cried in delight.
Adam couldn’t see her yet, but that was normal. He’d find her eventually. They weaved through elbows and clouds of hair, and found themselves in the big kitchen filled with crock-pots and trays and crystal bowls of various chilled and steaming liquids. Some of them somehow both.
“There’s the riffraff,” said a throaty voice.
Orla: curls like a halo and dripping in metallic gold fabrics, so much bronzed skin out and criss-crossed in endless looping chains of jewelry. He swallowed, eyes flickering down and then back up faster. Scratched at his neck.
He was sure the gold meant something, but he wasn’t inclined to find out.
“Hello Orla, happy holidays,” Gansey said, hand out for a shake.
Orla simply gripped the tips of his fingers, smiling when he took the hint and kissed the back of her hand. “A Happy Yule to you. And you, pet.”
Ronan bared his teeth.
Adam pushed them both past her, but was stopped himself with a long-nailed finger tracing down his neck to his shoulder.
“Hmm,” she said.
He batted her hand away, shoulder jacking up. Scratched at the tickle she’d left.
“You’re late,” Blue said.
“The silent auction ran long,” Gansey said. “Forgive me?”
“Never.” She still handed him a cup of something steaming. Glanced at his side, face scrunching in horror. “What’s that?”
“Presents.” Gansey brightened, lifting the bag bulging with soft wrapped packages, all mostly the same shape. Gansey had been awfully pleased with himself—and uncharacteristically tight lipped—about it for days.
“I don’t want your charity. Take it back to Tiffany’s.”
“It’s not from Tiffany’s. That’s jewelry, nothing would be in a package this large. Well, unless you were Orla, I suppose. I’m just she could find—”
Blue huffed a laugh, flicking his nose. “I know what Tiffany’s is.”
“Please don’t be mad,” Gansey begged, already desperately out of his depth.
Adam smiled, relaxing some. There were still too many people and too many twinkling lights, but his friends made their own bubble, and he breathed a little easier to melt into the crowds. And the banter was normal; softer than whatever Ronan always did in the BMW after a Gansey Event, knuckles white on the steering wheel and Gansey disapproving in the passenger seat. Even if they weren’t fighting, it was an uncomfortable familiarity to sit in the back under the passing lights, both seventeen and seven at once, the same dreadful anticipation curdling in his throat.
“Can I have some?”
Adam jumped, torn from his thoughts by both the voice and the cold hand to his wrist. Noah, whole and bright, and staring beseeching at the napkin-wrapped mini pie of some sort in his hand. He didn’t remember picking it up; didn’t remember being handed it either. That was the magic of Fox Way, hundreds of women like generators, and a house humming heavy with domestic energy that tugged his mind into complacency.
He took a bite of the pie.
“It’s spiced fruit and nuts,” Adam told him. Admittedly, very good. He wondered who had made it. “You can’t eat.”
Noah pouted, looking forlorn between him and pie. And then leaned in to press their lips together.
A tongue, decidedly tangible and cold, swiped into his mouth and muffled his embarrassing noise of surprise.  
“The fuck?” Ronan snapped.
Dazed, Adam could only kiss back, something in his tired brain shorting and misfiring and only responding to warmth, to tongue, to want.
“Oh,” Noah sighed, pulling back and licking his lips, watching Adam’s with pupils too dark and wide. “Oh, that’s delicious, you’re right.”
“Huh?” Adam said, with all of his 4.0 grades.
“I’m getting better at borrowing energy,” Noah said, still staring at Adam’s mouth. “Borrowing senses from living.”
Adam’s heart tripped and ratcheted faster, feeling cornered and with it that inescapable hunger he tried to shove back down with the old and calloused grief at Noah’s fate.
“He’s getting very good at it,” Blue said proudly, but even she was staring at Adam’s mouth. Or maybe something below it. “We’ve been practicing.”
Gansey whined—terribly betrayed and pathetic about it—and was ignored.
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Heyyy sooo I hope this isn’t offensive to ask. Do you happen to have a list of fic recs for Johnlock fics with come play? Definitely asking anonymously on this one, lol
Hey Nonny!!
No offense at all for me! Ah, I haven’t tagged all the fics with this in it, so I’ll be missing a few that I have read, but any that I’ve tagged or are tagged in my bookmarks, they be here! If anyone has any they’d like to suggest for Nonny, please do!
See also:  
Other Kinks 
Oral Sex / Blow Jobs
Right Foot Red by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 3,089 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss/Time, Board Games, Frottage, Masturbation, PWP, Friends to Lovers, Come as Lube, Come Marking) – ...ok, it’s juvenile, but at least it’s a game where touching is allowed. And if something more were to happen, well, John can’t say he’d be too upset about that. “What are the rules of this game?” Sherlock asks, the disdain evident on the word ‘game’. “I spin, you do as I say.” John thinks he sees a slight widening of those pale grey eyes at that, just for a fraction of a second, before it is shut down. Oh, this is interesting, he thinks.
Spoils of War by sweetcupncakes (E, 3,563 w., 1 Ch. || Bottomlock, Military Kink, Comeplay, Anal) – John brushes his thumb over the gun’s slide, over the rear sight. Sherlock’s mouth feels too wet. He could lick John’s fingers, suck on them, bite down softly on that callus that is a direct result of John’s frequent need to handle the gun at all. Sherlock could do that, John might like it, really. Sherlock has been told his mouth is absolutely lovely.
It Wasn't Just the Mistletoe by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 3,593 w., 1 Ch. || Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, First Kiss / Time, Frottage, Masturbation, Come as Lube) – Sherlock and John just stood there, seemingly frozen. Sherlock was desperately trying to think of a way out of this. There was no way he could kiss John, even a small kiss, and not have him know immediately how he felt. Sherlock could lie, and fake and sham, but there was no way he could hide this.
Linger by queenoftrivia (E, 4,879 w., 1 Ch. || Lingerie, Fluff and Smut, BJ / HJ, Switchlock, Sherlock in Lingerie, Come Play, Dirty Talk, Anal Fingering, Anal/Oral, Implied Shower Sex, Neck Kissing) – Sherlock decides to surprise John after a somewhat stressful day at work.
Every Little Thing by the_beekeeper_of_sussex (E, 5,066 w., 2 Ch. || First Time / Kiss, Fluff, Frottage, Come as Lube, Embarrassed Sherlock, Porn With Feelings) – When Sherlock walks in on John making tea wearing nothing but a tight pair of boxer-briefs things get a little heated... physically and emotionally.
Caves in the Mountains Are Seldom Unoccupied by starrysummernights & TheMadKatter13 (E, 7,925 w., 1 Ch. || Were-Creatures ||  Werebear John, Pseudo Bestiality, Rimming, Dub Con, Rough Sex, Come Inflation / Eating, Size Kink, PWP, Bratty Sherlock, Rutting) – “This isn’t something to play at, Sherlock,” he snapped. “If it doesn’t work out- what you’re asking of me- we can’t shrug and say 'oh well, at least we tried'. If we do this… I could seriously hurt you. Do you understand? I could lose control. I could… I could kill you.”
Evening Ride by LapisLazuli (E, 8,632 w., 1 Ch. || Public Sex, Alternate First Meeting, Humiliation Kink, Groping, Frottage, Consent Issues, Come Play) – John has a series of unexpected meetings with a stranger on the Tube.
Unwasted by patternofdefiance (E, 8,966 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S3 / S3 Fix-It, Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Angelo’s, Fluff, First Time, Anal, Cum Play, Flashbacks to ASiB, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, Bottomlock, Cuddles, Multiple Orgasms, BJ’s, Bed Sharing) – John finds it three months after he's moved back. He's on the hunt for something to make for dinner, is scrounging through the cupboards, when he happens upon the graveyard of pasta boxes Sherlock still seems to create when left to his own devices. Behind seven boxes of pasta, all almost completely empty, is a dark-glassed bottle, with a paler coat of dust. It's unopened. John's face falls slack when he sees it, instantly recognises it, and for a long moment he just stands and looks at it.
Anytime by SilentAuror (E, 17,995 w., 1 Ch. || UST, Porn With Feels, POV Sherlock, Romance, UST/URT, Happy Ending, Drunken Endeavours) – Sherlock blinks and attempts to focus. There is a little too much vodka in his veins at the moment and it’s having an unfortunate effect on his brain and retinas both. There are two Johns sitting across from him, and both of them are frowning at him. “You’re drunk,” the Johns tell him. Sherlock blinks some more. “Says the man with Mrs Hudson’s doily on his head.”
After by PoppyAlexander (E, 2,634 w., 1 Ch. || Trophy Husband Sherlock, Voyeurism, Come Marking, Come Play, Oral Sex, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex) – Wealthy, powerful John Watson loves to watch his trophy husband Sherlock Holmes with another man, then fuck him. After.
Rearranged by Itsallfine (E, 5,144 w., 1 Ch. || Mutual Masturbation, Rimming, Light Spanking, Minor Comeplay, Porn with Feelings, First Kiss/Time, Sherlock’s Bum) – The chairs in 221b get rearranged as part of an experiment. John gets a whole new view of Sherlock.
Splat! by Vulgarweed (E, 6,618 w., 1 Ch. || Historical Appalachian 1970′s AU || Dom / Sub, Gunplay, Knifeplay, “Non-Con” Roleplay, Switchlock, Anal, Rimming, Bondage, Hunting Kink, Rough Sex, Object Insertion, Dirty Talk, Comeplay) – Sherlock decides he does want to go hunting with John after all. But not for deer. Part 2 of the The Bone Fiddle series
To Help Another by DrFish (E, 38,898 w., 20 Ch. || Omegaverse || Rape/Non-Con, Omega Sherlock, Alpha John, BAMF John, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Procedures, Mating Cycles, Bonding, Non-Con Drugs, Violence, Knotting, Oral Sex, Past Sexual Abuse, Illness, Doctor John, Case Fic, Come Inflation, Porn With Plot, Vulnerable Sherlock, Pillows and Blanket Forts, Nightmares, Kidnapping, Grief/Mourning, First Tiime, Virgin Sherlock, Dirty Talk, Discipline) – Dr. John Watson has been invalided out of the Army and he is struggling to come to terms with what's left of his life. When he agrees to help out with a difficult case at the hospital where he works as an emergency room physician, he not only saves this particular abused omega and others like him, but he discovers a new and better life for himself in the process.
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kalee60 · 4 years
So what happens when three writers get together and decide they should pen a Christmas fic each using a one word prompt? And what if that word was the most used plot device in any Christmas fic ever written?
Well, hell - we just put our spin on it and write it anyway!
So this is for @darter-blue & @martelldoran whose love and unconditional support and cheerleading never fail to make me smile.
So enjoy my stucky fic based on the prompt 'mistletoe'.
Tumblr media
Steve Rogers was in trouble. And not the kind that could land him in jail, or even earn him a fine or a sternly worded letter. This trouble started with a capital B and happened to be his roommate of three years.
He'd not intended to fall in love with Bucky, not at all - but he did, and now it was Christmas and he was starting to realise if he didn't say something soon, then he'd never find the courage to speak up.
But coming up with, and executing the perfect plan was far from easy, and on top of that - was Bucky even interested in him?
Steve finds himself with no choice but to put his harebrained scheme into motion and hope for the best.
It was Christmas after all, and wasn't that the most wonderful time of the year?
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Okay for a sec let's imagine if the whole mistletoe plot device had not been there how would Loki have gone about killing Baldur? I can already picture Baldur going: "Nothing can kill me!" and Loki being: "Oh :) Nothing, you say :) Nothing can kill you :) I see :)" and then Loki launches Baldur into space and the vacuum (hence Nothing) kills him
Lmao this reminds me of a post I saw that said since Frigg just asked everything that existed back then not to hurt Baldr Loki could theoretically kill Baldr with stuff invented *after* Frigg finished asking around. So, theoretically, Loki could kill Baldur with like. A ballpoint pen. Or a dildo.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 4 years
So anyway @ emmerdale let me give you my wishlist for the holidays.
Christmas day surprise - Robert back. Easy. (there's a reason Ryan didn't go to Brazil with Daisy right away 👀) and Seb back but I'm willing to wait until the new year for that if necessary.
Boxing day: Mack and Jamie waking up together (socially distant Corona proof hook up - with Mack tying his shoes again while Jamie is still in bed)
Chas and Al hook up
Mandy and Paddy back together (this week's scenes with them were the first time they didn't annoy me)
Coira back together!
Matty and Amy - socially distant mistletoe kiss? They were cute in the 5 minutes where it looked like they were getting together.
Harriet and will and dan and Amelia all taking a long walk off a short cliff.
Gabby and Liv remembering they're friends. Gabby getting a girlfriend and Liv being more than just a plot device in Vinny's story with his awful parents.
Tracy joining nate in prison so she can screech at the guards.
Samson being released from the kid cupboard and giving Lydia a special Christmas gift with a card saying 'to mum'
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