#mister rotter
raytorosaurus · 2 years
cowabunga. do you perhaps know where a fine anon could find rodneys lyrics. im trying to explain rotter to my gc and would love to have lyrics as backup. if not ill crack my knuckles dig through the trenches and do it myself
HAHAHAHHA god i love you anon. i’ll have to go scan the cd lyrics HOWEVER. and this may actually be more damning than anything else, but the most 👀 lyrics are actually excluded from the booklet for some reason. for the most part the rodneys is a pretty typical shitty gross-out 90s toilet punk band but with the extra flavour of ray toro riffs and a really fkn good bassist, but then the album ends with emerge (already at the title like Okay.....what are you as a man emerging from. the closet?). it’s probably the best song on the album and it’s ostensibly about rising above groupthink and thinking for yourself as an individual, though it manages to shoehorn "you’re gonna beat me to save face/that’s the thinking of a jock/why don't you just suck my cock" in there. then there’s a sick guitar solo and after that (maybe it’s meant to be a hidden track, idk) comes the unwritten lyrics, which i'll do my best to transcribe here. ahem.
Is it wrong to love a man Even though I don't know you're a man? Well what the heck... I love you Boba.... [unintelligible]
Wookie Wookie love the Wookie how I'd love to give you nookie Lando Lando hate [?] the Lando how I love the Wookie nookie
I search for you in Wisconsin And I fuck your bowling shoes Sorry about the mess Please pass the KY jelly [unintelligible]
Wookie Wookie love the Wookie how I'd love to give you nookie Lando Lando hate [?] the Lando how I love the Wookie nookie
I love you Mister Fett I need you bad in my life I know disintegration I LOVE YOOUUUU
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1twick · 2 years
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carlaverita-blog · 7 years
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CARLA VERITA: New Ghoul in School # 10
Surprise test! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DraculOK was created by Juan Hernan Castro Prieto. Based on the story of the videogame "Monster High: New Ghoul in School". Monster High and all of its characters are trademarks registered by Mattel Inc.
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vrnicky · 2 years
Okay small ad break
Fellswap Wine Basic Information!
Yes, another au uwu.
-The basic colors are black red with olive green.
Basic information:
Harsh in the aspect of "if you're poor, you die forgotten" as most of the monsters there have already big business going, but only the rich ones had said big business of course, they have a dark background.
This monsters know everything about business, deals, sells, publicity, etc. Every. Thing. And have no fear of either destroying companies, buying said companies or... creating a better company and destroy the enemy one.
Not all monsters look nice or friendly, most of them believe people get closer to them for business tips or just want their success.
The Queen had the big business in the kingdom and allowed others to have too! But.. when she started seeing that business growing way better than hers.. send her guards to kill the owner and destroy everything. She wanted the first place... all the time.
Fellswap Wine characters!
Chara: Isaac (i see/blind)
Frisk (deceased): Prince Fall (Fallen)
Asriel (deceased): Prince Denly (Death)
Toriel: Queen Glorya (Glory)
Asgore: King Viktor (Victory)
Undyne: Dr. Pithon
Alphys: Crocodile/Crooks
Grillby: Bruneldo (Burned)
Muffet: Venti (Venom)
Napstaton: DJ Mister (Misery)
Happstablook: Recky (Regret)
Sans: Butcher
Papyrus: Twister
Gaster (deceased): Rotter (Rotten)
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
You’re a mean one mister Hook by the sisters rotten
Mal: You're a mean one, Mr. Hook
You really are a heel
Evie: You're as cuddly as a cactus
You're as charming as an eel
Mr. Hook
Both: You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel
Mal: You're a monster, Mr. Hook
Your heart's an empty hole
Evie: Your brain is full of spiders
You've got garlic in your soul, Mr Hook
I wouldn't touch you with a
Thirty-nine and a half foot pole
Both: You're a vile one, Mr. Hook
You have termites in your smile
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile
Mr Hook
Mal: Given the choice between the two of them
I'd take the um
Both: seasick crocodile
Evie: You're a rotter Mr Hook
Mal: You're the king of sinful sots
Both: Your heart's a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots
Mr Hook
Evie: You're a three-decker sauerkraut
And toadstool sandwich
Both: With arsenic sauce
Mal: You nauseate me, Mr Hook
Evie: With a nauseous super nos
Mal: You're a crooked jerky jockey and
Evie: You drive a crooked horse
Both: Mr Hook
Evie: Your soul is an appalling dump heap
Mal: Overflowing with the most disgraceful
Evie: Assortment of disgraceful rubbish imaginable
Both: Mangled up in tangled up knots
Mal: You're a foul one, Mr. Hook
Evie: You're a nasty wasty skunk
Mal: Your heart is full of unwashed socks
Evie: Your soul is full of gunk
Both: Mr Hook
Evie: The three words that best describe you
Mal: Are as follows,
Evie: and I quote"
Mal: Stink
Evie: Stank
Both: Stunk
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mistermixmania · 2 years
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A BLACK RAINBOW – das Brainchild von Wilson Gonzalez mit 2. Single “WEIRD WORLD” 📣 https://mister-mixmania.com/de/news/musik-news/a-black-rainbow-das-brainchild-von-wilson-gonzalez-mit-2-single-weird-world/ Tagged as A BLACK RAINBOW Im Laufe der Jahre stand Wilson immer wieder als Musiker auf der Bühne. 2010 begründete er schließlich zusammen mit Freunden A Black Rainbow. Nach vielen Ideen, Experimenten und zahllosen Stunden im ..... : #musiknews #musik #ABLACKRAINBOW Foto Credits: Waldschuetz - Lukas Rotter
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michaeljpatrick · 6 years
Mister Gruumsh
(It’s the holidays and I’m dusting off this #dnd themed #holiday carol with a few fixes to the lyrics)
You’re a Mean One, Mr. Gruumsh
You're a mean one, Mr. Gruumsh
You’re the Orcish Big Wheel
You lost your eye to Correlon Larethian, how does that feel, Mr. Gruumsh?
You're gonna make the whole Elvish pantheon kneell!
You're a monster, Mr. Gruumsh
Your eye’s an empty hole
Worse than the Queen of Spiders, you’ll devour all our souls, Mr. Gruumsh
You’re even worse than Vaprak, the deity of the Trolls!
You're a foul one, Mr. Gruumsh
You should prob’ly wear a mask.
You have all the tender sweetness of the rampaging Tarrasque, Mr. Gruumsh
Given a choice between the two of you I'd take the rampaging Tarrasque!
You're a vile one, Mr. Gruumsh
You're a fiendish, dire skunk
You killed my whole dang party. You even ate the monk, Mr. Gruumsh
The greatest threat in dungeoneering is you say those who like to spelunk.
You're a rotter, Mr. Gruumsh
You're the king of evil Orcs.
Your have an Iron Fortress on the Plane of Nishrek, Mr. Gruumsh
Your fortress is guarded with the most fearsome
Assortment of monsters imaginable like Orogs and Tanarukks!
You nauseate me, Mr. Gruumsh
You think that Elves are dross!
You hold an ancient grudge because they caused your vision loss, Mr. Gruumsh
You once threw an entire plane of existence at Bane just to show him who’s boss!
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writingdreamy-blog · 6 years
Kickin’ it in the end Ch 1
Fandom: The Walking Dead
Pairing: Merle Dixon/OC
Warning: It’s Merle yall, there will be some racists stuff on here, that’s just his character.  And swearing. (Please 18+ only)
I am not a racists... don’t even think of calling me that, that is your one and only warning.
Note: God I love Merle, I met him on Sunday (-insert fangirl scream loudly-)
She ran. She ran as fast as she could, even more than her lungs would allow. She had to get away… Away from Officer Lerner and Officer Gorman she was not ‘his’ nor would she take another beating from Dawn for no good reason. It wasn’t easy escaping from there the falling death trap was nearly her demise but one way or another she got out it helped that she did have a rope tied away for her to get her half way there; the dead cushioned her fall. She had somehow hotwired one of the cars, she was just lucky her less than stellar brother had taught her some things that her parents would frown upon.
She didn’t look back, from every scary movie she ever watched, every horror mystery novel she ever read pointed to one thing… don’t look back, don’t look back if you want to live… that and don’t make stupid decisions.
She came to a four way street, looking back and forth. The dead were everywhere, thankfully they were distracted by something; it sounded like gun fire. She took a second to catch her breath and to tie her amethyst purple hair back into a ponytail. The rotters were going one way and she was made sure she was going another.
Taking a left she continued to briskly walk, no need to run from the living or the dead when they were not pursuing her. Atlanta was not the same she saw just weeks ago, the dead walked the streets and everywhere she looked there were scorch marks from the bombs that were dropped weeks ago. Suddenly the winds shifted, she was now upwind from the walkers. She froze, and looked around; suddenly some rotters took notice of her. Their undead eyes zeroed in on her figure and they snarled their horrible snarl. She knew. She would be dead meat if she did not run now!
She continued to hear the gun shots, maybe Dawn had found her, or found other rotters. She would not be going back to the hell hole, nor would she be eaten by rotters.
She ran to a less occupied alleyway, she had no weapon just her hand as her only companion, after attacking some staff inside the hospital –Gorman- she was not allotted anything sharp or potentially dangerous. Eventually she lost the damn rotters. She slowed to a brisk walk, when she did see the rotters there was something up. They were riled up about something, and thankfully it was not about her, they were moving to a place only they knew. Then she heard it. The sound of a car alarm; she stepped out of the alleyway just in time to see a red muscle car streak by her. At least the idiot was drawing the corpses away from her. She was about to turn away and backtrack when she noticed that the car had also drawn a herd into her hiding spot.
“Crap!” she hissed, she took off running, hopefully they’d be distracted by the car rather than a living breathing dinner dash. Unfortunately that was not the case. Soon twenty corpses were all around, too much for her to handle. Everything was becoming a dead end –pun intended- she looked around, praying to God that if He got her out, she’d ever be so grateful.
By chance or grace, her eyes landed on an open door. “Thanks God” she whispered, this may be her last lucky streak. She dashed to the open door hoping there were no rotters inside. To her relief there were no living and only two rotters. She shut and locked the door behind her, the banging and snarling soon followed through, she just barely escaped the outside. She had not forgotten the two dead inside, the larger one: a male, came at her, his teeth bared and his arms outstretched to grab her. She let him come close when she then kicked him squarely in the chest sending him stumbling back and with renewed fury came at her again. She looked around; the building appeared to be the back of a restaurant. There was nothing much around but she did see a knife on the floor. She grabbed it quickly; when her buddy came back at her she stabbed him in the face with no remorse.
The second rotter came at her now, it was a young female. She figured it was the male’s daughter. She dispatched the smaller rotter quickly and placed both corpses side by side. She looked sadly at the two, they probably tried so hard to survive and in the end they both died, probably one turned and the other one couldn’t get away or didn’t want to get away.
She heard the pounding on the door and jumped, this was a reminder than down stairs was not safe. She saw some stairs and she decided to take the high ground and ascended the stairs. There was a door separating the stairs from the second level. She peeked inside and saw two rotters, once again nothing she couldn’t handle.
They were feasting on a small cat, she dispatched the first one easy however because she was too eager to kill them that she lost her butcher knife and now she had lost the element of surprise; the rotter growled as it stood on wobbly legs. She backed up and her back hit the wall. Her hand was feeling the wall for anything to escape by. Her fingers found a door knob; she was about to check and see if it was locked but suddenly without any warning it flew open and it nearly jammed her fingers in the process. A man stumbled through his stump was bleeding and in one hand he had a wrench in his one hand. The rotter growled at him.
She was stunned as he killed the rotter as if it was second nature. However after he killed the rotter he fell to his knees in agony, holding his stump close to him. He was cursing to nobody but himself and some man called ‘Officer Friendly’.
She decided to make herself known, “Hey Mister… you bit” she called out.
The older man’s head shot up quickly and he looked around, some spit flew from his mouth. He saw her peeking from behind the door he had just barged through unannounced. “What the hell does it look like?!” he growled. He got up to his feet and she shrunk back. With no weapon to defend her, he could easily harm her or worse. Her hands against a wrench, he’d definitely win.
“I-I’m just asking, what happened to your hand?” she felt slightly brave as she stepped away from the door. She saw how he grimaced in pain as waves of pain coursed through him. “I can help with that” she added.
“Don’t need yer help sugar tits” he hissed as he looked around the kitchen area.
“I came from a hospital, I was able to take some wraps and pain killers” she offered again.
“Ain’t gonna help if I bleed out” he replied as he stumbled about. It must have hurt something fierce.
“Oh, right… well” she looked sheepishly down, now she just felt stupid for her generosity. She pulled her purple hair out of the ponytail and ran her fingers though her hair, it was a way to relieve her stress, she then put her hair back into ponytail.
He looked at the awkward woman, he sighed, “If you want to be of any use to me go find something to stop the bleeding”. She nodded dumbly, what could she find?
She then walked around searching the cabinets and drawers for something. She saw a stove and tried to turn it on, however the gas was not working and thee pilot would not light. Go figure. In a cabinet adjacent to the stove she found five Bunsen Burners. She smiled in triumph! But quickly that melted as she realized what they would be doing. This meant they’d be burning his flesh to stop the bleeding. She had smelt burnt flesh before; it was not a pleasant smell. The very memory of it nearly made her gag.
“Hey Mister I found some burners!” She called out; out of the five she tucked two away into her bag. She looked around for something to heat and clean to help cauterize the stump. She had found an old metal iron. She turned on the burners and held it over the flames to help warm it up.
The man had found some water bottles and that would help clean the wound, or at least wash it off. The man stumbled over to her, his stump still bleeding and leaving a gruesome trail. She feared that he had lost too much blood. “We have to clean the wound first” she said softly, she had no antiseptic so the best they could do is wash off the stump with water. She took one of the few water bottles and offered her hand out to him. He grimaced and offered her his stump. She swallowed thickly and with shaky hands washed off his stump. Momentarily it was clean, and the second she saw the damage she nearly vomited; she could see the bone and jagged flesh… she never did really like human anatomy.
He saw he discomfort and scoffed at her queasiness, “What? Aint never seen a bone before sugar tits?” She shook her head wordlessly, he internally rolled his eyes then grabbed the hot iron. He himself hesitated before he placed the hot iron on his flesh. He clenched his jaw so hard he felt like his teeth may give way. The pain was like nothing he ever felt before, it was worse than his Daddy’s belt or hand, no injury ever inflicted upon him was nothing compared to this pain however he powered through it, because if he didn’t then he’d most certainly die.  
She marveled at his self-restrain, if it was her she would be crying and screaming for mercy. The putrid smell of burning flesh quickly permeated the room. The disgusting smell was too much for her nose, she tried to breathe through her mouth however it made it no better; now she could taste the burning flesh. She could only take so much and she succumbed to her body and vomited in the corner.
As she was cleaning herself up she heard the man groan, “Dammit! That hurt” it was over quickly, and his stump was crudely sealed closed, it would hold till he could get any sort of proper treatment later. He stumbled back and leaned against a wall, there was a sheen of sweat covering his face as he was trying to calm himself down.
She cautiously walked over to him, “Hey, you okay?” She noticed how sweaty he was and how his dirty and bloody, black wife beater clung to his body. He didn’t seem to be skinny or overly buff but more of a full body, toned muscle and a hint of a beer belly.
“The bleach really fried your brain didn’t it?” he asked as he looked at her, her jacket was too big for her body and a grey shirt clung to her body her pants which should have been a light blue were grey and smudged with dirt and oil.
For a second she forgot that her hair was purple, she was lucky that she didn’t die in the hospital when they all found out that she had dyed her hair and ‘use of valuable water’…. It was rain water, not the drinking water. She pursed her lips and folded her arms over her chest, “No! I just… haven’t seen anything like this before”.
The man bit back a rude comment, he sighed as he struggled to his feet; with the smell of blood and flesh in the air the walkers would be all over this place in minutes. He made his way the same way she came in.
“Wait!” she shouted a little too loud, she lifted her arm to stop him, “Don’t go that way, I came in that way”.
He paused as he looked back at her, a small sneer on his face, “ I aint gonna be trapped in here. Hell, I need to go get my little brother… he needs me” he said, however the last part seemed most likely to himself. “And then go have a pleasant talk with that n****r, T-Dawg” he said the name so venomously that she was surprised that he didn’t spit on the ground right in front of him.
She flinched at the derogatory name, she was brought up to never say the ‘n’ word and here this man said it without any hesitation.  He turned back around to go down the stairs.  She then went over to him, “Mister please wait. I want to get out of Atlanta just as bad as you –trust me- but you just traumatized your body! Please stay and rest, or rest until the rotters go away.” With hesitation she placed her hand on his shoulder. The connection of her hand on his clothed shoulder gave her reason to believe he was actually there and the traumatizing event really did happen.
He shrugged off her comforting hand, “Fine, but by day break I am leaving” he told her. She believed he left this as an open invitation for her to come along. He wondered back to his place by the wall. She smiled brilliantly at him… she was too happy for a day like today.
“Great! Just relax, imma explore this place; they should have something around to eat or to help you” she said, standing and looking around.
The man sighed and nodded as he leaned his head against the wall and quickly dozed off. He must have been out for quite some time because when he came too he smelled beans and rice. He slowly opened his eyes.
The girl glanced up at him, and smiled –again too happy for this day and age- “Oh Mister, you’re awake! I made some beans and rice, I couldn’t find any tortillas to hold it though” she said.
He frowned, not ungrateful for the food but beans and rice was not a favorite food, “You’re a beaner aint ya? That’s all they ever eat, that and enchiladas” he sneered. She was surprised the white redneck could even say the name right.
She frowned, obviously this man didn’t care about throwing around racial slurs, “I am no more a beaner than you are a cracker” she retorted softly, not really wanting to irritate him too much where he’d think about hurting her or leaving her behind to die.
He smiled as he took a plate of food, “Touché” she at least had some bite to her. He took the plastic spoon and filled it with food. He’d much rather have a cold beer and some hot wings while watching a game but this would have to do.
“I also found some baby wipes, do you think that’s help with your arm?” she asked as she took her own plate.
He shrugged, “’m sure anything will help” he replied with food in his mouth.
He obviously was not raised with table manners; she took out the baby wipes and cautiously went over to him. She kneeled between his propped up legs. He tried to keep from leering at her but she looked so innocent with her big jade green eyes, and between his legs. His failed attempt to get Blondie into the sack left him sexually frustrated and here this young woman was willingly scooting towards him and into possible danger.
He had forgotten for a second why she was between his legs but his eyes drifted to her hands which held some baby wipes and some medical gauze. Oh yeah, she wanted to clean his stump. He didn’t want to acknowledge that he had only one hand left and she was willing to help him. She watched him expectantly; finally he extended his stump which was sitting uselessly by his side.
She smiled a small and shy smile and took his stump gingerly he grimaces slightly when the weak antiseptic hit his sensitive skin. “Sorry” she apologized as she saw his discomfort, “I didn’t think it’d sting.”
He remained silent as he watched her. Finally she finished up as she wrapped the gauze gingerly around his stump it would help keep diseases away. He peered at the window and saw there was only a little light left. She glanced up at him and noticed that he was looking at the windows, “You were out for about three hours, I thought you died on me, cause… well you know when people fall asleep right after they seem to die on the TV shows.”
He hummed back a response; life was not the same as a TV show, he felt a little rejuvenated now that he had rested and had food in his stomach. “I’ll take first watch” he offered as he placed the empty cup to the side. She looked at him.
“You sure mister? I can stay awake a little longer” she offered.
“Naw sugar tits, you need to rest also” he offered, she moved back to let him stand up. He struggled to his feet but once he was up he stood strong, she had figured that he may have been in the military at one point or another, judging by his gruff demeanor.
She grabbed some clothes that look like a cook’s uniform and bunched it into a ball to create a makeshift pillow. She grabbed her backpack and clung to it like it would keep her safe. Obviously she did not trust him, hell he wouldn’t even trust him. His drug high was already wearing off; his buzz was ruined by Officer Friendly… damn if only the dead were not patrolling the streets he’d snort some of his stuff already.
Now more than ever did he wish he had some pills to take the edge off of the pain. But once again he was reminded by Officer Friendly that his stuff was tossed off the side of the building.
He walked around the building that he was trapped in it reminded him like a caged tiger pacing back and forth, it wasn’t too bad to hide in but it was also a death trap. When he returned he saw his companion fast asleep, it was hard to believe that she could fall asleep to this. He made another lap, this is what he hated the most: boredom.
Roughly around three in the morning he woke the girl up. She jumped when he shook her. Her eyes were wide and terrified. “Calm down doll face, just waking you up for your turn to keep us safe.”
She nodded wordlessly and sat up, her back popping and her limbs stiff. She had slept but it was plagued with nightmares and pain. “Thanks” she replied as she stood. The man took her spot as he laid on his back. Within ten minutes he was snoring.
She smiled as she sat on a chair, neither one of them had any useful weapons, and neither of them were ready to face the outside world. She glanced out the window to view the moon and the millions of stars that most people would never see, she thought about her plan. Just run the hell out of Atlanta. Now she understood that if she went through with the plan she would have been a rotter also. The sun goes down, the stars come out and all that counts is here and now. Her universe will never be the same. She looked at her companion, “I’m glad you came” she whispered.
The man was an angel in disguise, he may not have known it but he was; a dirty, belligerent angel. She watched him and the steady movement of his chest going up and down. His black vest lay open and his black wife beater was still clinging to his body, she could see some chest hair poking out from the top, he was about a 6 or 7 on an attractive scale but she couldn’t be with somebody so racist and bull headed.
She sighed, this is not what she planned, and every moment spent in Atlanta was a chance for Dawn to find her or even worse; Gorman would find her and do a number on her or something heinous for running away. The man let out a loud and long snore as he turned to his side while scratching his stomach.  He was a gruff man, she gave him kudos for not screaming in pain. But would he make for a good companion? She stood, not wanting to think about the man any more. She went down stairs to see if the ground was better to travel.
There was a small window in the back but the only way accessible would to stand on a table. When she was able to get high enough she peered through the window. The creatures were not as dense as in the morning, and they seemed to not walk with intention more of bumping into one another and into other things.  One looked up and peered at her, its mouth growled as it stumbled toward the window.  She ducked away before it could cause much ruckus.
She quickly ascended the steps only to be greeted by nearly black eyes peering at her, she gasped; her male companion was awake. “Oh…. Did I wake you?” she asked.
He was lounging on his side, him good arm propping him up, “Yeah, the second step is creaky” he wasn’t going to tell her that he would be dragging her back if she was going to leave out the door. That would be a bad move. He laid back down, “Try to not move around kid. You don’t want to alert the walkers to us”
She blinked and nodded, she noticed that he used the word ‘us’ it made her blush a little at the thought. She was going to say something when she noticed that he had fallen asleep again.  She sat back down on the chair.
Soon the breaking dawn shined upon their building. The man stirred from his slumber and noticed the girl had dozed off a little, he cleared his throat loud enough to wake the girl. She woke with a startle and fell off the chair she was sitting on.
“ouch” She rubbed her side. He stood and stretched his back hearing the familiar popping of joints.
“Is there any food here?” he asked.
She nodded, “Yeah, I piled all the food in the other room” she began to stand when he stopped her.
“Don’t get up. Stretch, because after breakfast we are breaking the fuck outta here.” He told her and then went into the other room. She did as she was told; once she felt adequately stretched she meandered into the other room. What she saw made her gasp. The man was making breakfast. But by the smell it was not anything she had ever eaten in her life. He glanced over at her and saw her curious face, “What Sugar, never seen grits before?”
She shook her head, “No. I came from California, never had them before.”
The man whistled “Oh boy, didn’t know I had a Malibu Barbie on my hands, use to rub shoulders with all them super stars didn’t ya?”
She rolled her eyes, “Why does everybody think that of people who live in California? I have never met a celebrity in my life!”
He chuckled and shook his head, soon the food was done. Grits had an interesting taste, she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. He was stretching his body when she did completely finish her food. He was packing food into her bag, with it bulging at the seams she wondered if she could even lift it.
She walked over to him, “I don’t think my bag can hold much more” He grabbed it and hefted it over his shoulder; well she didn’t have to worry about carrying it.
“’kay Sugar you ready? We go south that is the fastest way to get out of Atlanta. We don’t stop running got it?” She nodded, her heart was pounding, and fear was coursing through her bones. The dead would surly catch up to them. She was afraid.
They descended the steps and she retrieved her little steak knife from the skull of the last rotter she killed. That was the only weapon she had and the man had a wrench. He opened the back door and looked around. There was not many dead.
She froze in her steps, “I-I don’t think this is a good idea, maybe we should wait for somebody to come rescue us.”
He eased himself out and grabbed her arm and forced her out, he was not going to let her chicken out on him. She let out a squeak, “C’mon don’t be a chicken shit.”
He shushed her and began to lead. Her companion looked around once they left the alleyway; she wondered if he was looking for something because there were no rotters around so he wasn’t looking for danger.
It was about midafternoon by the time they hit the freeway they had to hide too many times the biters seemed to enjoy the morning and came out in droves. They finally came to a fence there, sitting there was a moving van.
She blinked as her head swiveled back and forth. This was a hell of a find if it had gas and could take them away from this Hell hole. The man had the same idea as he cautiously walked toward the van. She cautiously knocked on the van wall for anybody that may be inside. A few seconds passed and nothing happened. She smiled, assuming that nobody would be stupid enough to stay quiet, “Hey, anybody in there?” she asked. She was answered with silence.
The man went straight for the cabin and turned the keys. The truck grurgled to life, the gas tank showed it was only about half a tank full. She smiled as she intended to hop into the passenger side when his large hand clamed upon her forearm. He looked seriously at her, “You aint taking the easy route sugartits. My arm hurts and if I need to swerve I won’t be able to keep a hold of the wheel” She frowned as she then went around and took the driver’s side. He slid into the passenger side.
“Is there any place you have in mind? Maybe a camp?” she asked. He nodded.
“Yeah, the abandoned rock quarry” he drawled on as he leaned his head back against the seat.
She looked at him incredulously, “And you honestly think I’d know where that is?” she asked, “I am not a local here… remember Malibu Barbie?”
He chuckled, “Yeah I know, Barbie”
She furrowed her brows, “My name isn’t Barbie.”
“Oh yeah? What is it Sugar?”
“It’s Amanda McKnight” she replied.
He whistled, “Oh, you aint no Beaner, yer a Paddy!”
She rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore it, “And what is your name?”
He smiled as his eyes closed, “Dixon” he relaxed a little his cocky attitude was at bay for a second, “Merle Dixon”
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weeklyhumorist · 5 years
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Change the channel it’s time for…Saved By The Smell!? It’s #StinkySitcoms on this week’s joke game! Here are some of the best on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.
Let’s play #StinkySitcoms with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/AKKABQ3PuK
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Stool Time. pic.twitter.com/w6dGKeZlgm
— Lisa Champney (@ChampneyLisa) February 5, 2020
The Orifice #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/2o18Edk10T
— Mick (@1urbanecowboy) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Breaking Wind pic.twitter.com/csrdey650r
— Rich (Dad Bod)🕺😎🍸🥃😏 (@ricosuave60) February 5, 2020
Saved by the Smell #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/8n26zUoJb0
— Rachel, Patron Saint of Ratchet (@Rachels_Ratchet) February 5, 2020
Shits Creek #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/gROxrDAXRv
— Robyn spelled with a “y” (@robyndwoskin) February 5, 2020
Funky Brewster #StinkySitcoms
— Vixera (@carpe_flamma) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Buried With Children
— Jan 🎶🍻✌❤ (@JanGilson) February 5, 2020
Aroma & Greg #StinkySitcoms
— 🧝🏻‍♀️Lady Quinn 🌈 (@harleyquinnical) February 5, 2020
Malcolm In The Mildew #StinkySitcoms
— Michael 🎧 (@quickbear) February 5, 2020
Mad About P.U. #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/hvP5DT6cF3
— CK (@charley_ck14) February 5, 2020
Gassy Girls #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/aSPBsxzsgM
— Rachel, Patron Saint of Ratchet (@Rachels_Ratchet) February 5, 2020
Doodie Howser, MD #StinkySitcoms
— Allan 🇨🇦 (@AlMcL30d) February 5, 2020
Family Splatters#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/SCywHg2eTR
— Robert Allen (@21pinch) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Fart To Fart
— Rich (Dad Bod)🕺😎🍸🥃😏 (@ricosuave60) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Crappy days
— DM (@patchdennizen) February 5, 2020
Foul House #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/RBnC57KPQP
— Wooly Woolhouse (@WoolyWoolhouse) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms The Fanny
— Jan 🎶🍻✌❤ (@JanGilson) February 5, 2020
Diarrhea & Greg#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/BOyuoATmdS
— Robert Allen (@21pinch) February 5, 2020
The Bob Newshart Show.#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/yvowNqbmwH
— Space Farce Dad Gene (@RacerX393) February 5, 2020
F Troop
#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/zYPj2gpVCp
— Sue #AbolishICE Gibson☮️ (@SheWho_Resists) February 5, 2020
I Dream of Diaper Genie #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/O1ivd6HdJR
— climate change is real 🔥🌎🔥 (@Fretful_Mess) February 5, 2020
The Pukes of Hazzard #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/JErtkZeuGP
— Mick (@1urbanecowboy) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Unbreakable Kimmy Shit pic.twitter.com/nYMi7UYLsl
— Rob Noblin (@JRNoblin) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Hanging with Mr. Pooper pic.twitter.com/8GJAXVmbQs
— Kirk (@WorkWithKirk) February 5, 2020
Mork and Windy#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/LjqSSNiZOq
— A Shining Wit (@Caffeine748) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms The Gouda Wife pic.twitter.com/hXvi6qZ2jM
— Ellë Perry (@EllePerry7) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Bob Newfart show
— Sammy is here 520 (@520Sammy) February 5, 2020
It’s Always Sharty In Philadelphia
— Chris O’Brien (@bigdweeb) February 5, 2020
Everybody Smells Raymond #StinkySitcoms @WeeklyHumorist
— David Elliott (@DavidEllioops) February 5, 2020
Absolutely Flatulent#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/2ODPaFolae
— Draconacticus 🏴‍☠️ (@Draconacticus) February 5, 2020
Moldin’ Girls #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/iEbGObhVVu
— Hello2020Felicia (@hellofelicia14) February 5, 2020
Turd Rock From The Sun #StinkySitcoms
— KuRtAy ToRoS (@kurtaytoros83) February 5, 2020
Malcolm in the middle of a cow pasture #StinkySitcoms
— Michael (@Sckswithsandals) February 5, 2020
I Love Deucing #StinkySitcoms @WeeklyHumorist
— Bleicher & Newton (@bleicher_newton) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Ralph pic.twitter.com/4jPWAQuTby
— 1SafeDriver.com (@1SafeDriver) February 5, 2020
Full Outhouse #StinkySitcoms
— O’Susanna (@SaucySusieQ) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Gomer’s Pile
— Georgina Pratt (@Georgin24838129) February 5, 2020
— Space Farce Dad Gene (@RacerX393) February 5, 2020
Poos the boss #StinkySitcoms
— john (Ian) campbell (@JohnJcampbell73) February 5, 2020
Car 54, Who Cut The Cheese?#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/eUb8TXiFic
— Space Farce Dad Gene (@RacerX393) February 5, 2020
@WeeklyHumorist #stinkysitcoms Parks and Reekreations
— TexasTheater (@txtheater) February 5, 2020
How I Sweat Your Mother #StinkySitcoms @bleicher_newton
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) February 5, 2020
Poo Girl #StinkySitcoms @WeeklyHumorist
— David Elliott (@DavidEllioops) February 5, 2020
The Farts Of Life #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/qSDwPSEfAn
— Rachel, Patron Saint of Ratchet (@Rachels_Ratchet) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Welcome Back, Rotter
— Andy Jacobs (@phatandy) February 5, 2020
Different Smokes#StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/lieb7jqANf
— Edward J Thomas (@UnknownWr1ter) February 5, 2020
  Welcome Back Farter #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/CKbQ3Xo7iK
— Aloysius Schwablenocher (@DeafBeforeDecaf) February 5, 2020
T*R*A*S*H #StinkySitcoms pic.twitter.com/0ZCiRQOafj
— Mister Race Bannon (@MrRaceBannon) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms Farts and Recreation
— Snowballs (@a_snowman_4u) February 5, 2020
The Not So Fresh Prince of Bel Air #StinkySitcoms @paul_lander @KitLively
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) February 5, 2020
#StinkySitcoms was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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ejc4 · 5 years
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You're a rotter, Mister Grinch ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🎄🎄🎄 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6WIoheDDyg0va1eL5vMjghwtMwb_ANVlz3u_k0/?igshid=cx1ds3mchmb
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ccutlatelolco · 7 years
Costo boleto por película: $30. 50% de descuento con credencial vigente a estudiantes y maestros, jubilados IMSS e ISSSTE, miembros INAPAM, vecinos U.H. Nonoalco-Tlatelolco (presentar IFE)
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3 Mujeres (O Despertando de mi Sueño Bosnio)
Dir. Sergio Flores Thorija, 2016, 121 min.
Ivana, Clara y Marina son tres mujeres que viven al mismo tiempo en Sarajevo bajo circunstancias muy diferentes. Ivana sueña son mudarse a Estados Unidos, Clara trabaja de noche para pagar sus estudios y Marina está enamorada de su mejor amiga la cual está a punto de mudarse. Cada una batalla para conseguir sus objetivos, pero la mayoría la sociedad no acepta situaciones fuera de lo normal.
2 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas
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Dir. Cristi Puiu, 2016, 151 min.
De regreso de un viaje de negocios a París, Lary asiste a una comida familiar organizada para rendir tributo a su padre fallecido. La reunión da un giro inesperado y Lary se ve forzado a cuestionar su lugar en el seno de la familia.
3 de mayo de 2017, 16 horas.
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La vida de Calabacín
Dir. Claude Barras, 2016, 66 min.
Calabacín es un niño que después de perder a su madre tiene que ingresar a un orfanato, con otros niños de su edad. En un primer momento se esfuerza por adaptarse en este nuevo medio hostil. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de sus nuevos amigos, Calabacín aprende a confiar lo que lo lleva a encontrar el amor y una nueva familia.
4 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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La luz incidente
Dir. Ariel Rotter, 2015, 95 min.
Se sitúa en la Argentina de los años sesenta. Desde su accidente, Luisa no ha podido rehacer su vida. Pero cuando un desconocido entra en su vida y le propone con ímpetu volver a empezar, Luisa se enfrenta con el duelo que venía intentando evitar.
5 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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Yo, Daniel Blake
Dir. Ken Loach, 2016, 100 min.
Daniel Blake, carpintero inglés de 59 años, se ve obligado a acudir a la asistencia social. Sin embargo, a pesar de que el médico le ha prohibido trabajar, la administración le obliga a buscar un empleo si no desea recibir una sanción. En la oficina de empleo, Daniel se cruza con Katie, una madre soltera con dos niños. Prisioneros de la burocracia de Gran Bretaña, Daniel y Katie intentarán ayudarse.
6 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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La chica desconocida
Dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne, 2016, 113 min
Una noche, después del cierre de su consultorio, Jenny, joven médico, escucha el timbre, pero no va a abrir. Al día siguiente, se entera por la policía de que han encontrado, no lejos de allí, a una joven muerta, sin identidad por lo que ella decide buscar su información.
8 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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Dir. Fien Troch, 2016, 103 min.
Kevin es un adolescente de 16 que acaba de salir de un centro de detención preventiva. Volver a casa de sus padres no es una opción, por lo que se va a vivir con la familia de su tía. ¿Podrá su nuevo hogar salvarlo de volver a la delincuencia?
9 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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La lección
Dir. Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov, 107 min.
En un pequeño pueblo de Bulgaria, Nadezhda, una joven profesora, trata de descubrir al alumno que roba en su clase, de manera que pueda enseñarle una lección acerca de lo que está bien y lo que está mal. Pero cuando se endeuda con unos prestamistas empieza a cuestionarse ella misma cuál es el camino correcto.
10 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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Últimos días en La Habana
Dir. Fernando Pérez, 2016, 92 min.
Miguel sueña con huir a Nueva York, a la espera de un visado que no llega. Diego sueña con vivir. Postrado por el SIDA, libera toda su energía desde el camastro del sitio en el  que vive. Una galería de sugestivos personajes rodea a la pareja de amigos. Cuando llega una sorpresiva visa, el destino colocará a todos ante una insólita decisión.
11 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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Tras la tormenta
Dir. Hirokazu Koreeda, 2016, 117 min.
A pesar de haber empezado una prometedora carrera de escritor, a no le salen las cosas como esperaba. Se ha divorciado de Kyoko y gasta su dinero que gana como detective privado apostando, lo cual le impide pagar la pensión alimentaria de su hijo de 11 años, Shingo. Ryota busca ganarse la confianza de sus seres queridos de nuevo y formar parte de la vida de su hijo.
12 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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Mister Universo
Dir. Tizza Covi,  Rainer Frimmel, 2016, 90 min.
Tairo Caroli es un domador de fieras  y vive una racha de mala suerte que atribuye a la desaparición de la barra de hierro doblada por Mister Universo que tiene desde niño. Esto hará que busque a Mister Universo y obtenga respuestas sobre su suerte perdida.
13 de mayo, 16 y 18 horas.
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carlaverita-blog · 7 years
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CARLA VERITA: New Ghoul in School # 9
Carla's first class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DraculOK was created by Juan Hernan Castro Prieto. Based on the story of the videogame "Monster High: New Ghoul in School". Monster High and all of its characters are trademarks registered by Mattel Inc.
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viraveththeselkie · 8 years
yuiyamana replied to your post: Now I wanna write Mr. Rotter smut. Should I write...
You and mister rotter
Caaaan do! Now I just need to think of a scenario.
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vrnicky · 2 years
Okay, while dying here it is
-Short summary of characters of FS Wine!!
Butcher (Sans): Quiet, pretty calm, hard to control and lie to, overprotective, beast when angry, need a leader, scary aura all the time.
Twist/er (Papyrus): Crazy, takes pills, his own boss, hates the leaders, can feel the lies through the souls, extreme strength when out of control, still checking his sanity, easy to tame.
Pithon (Undyne): Silent, ninja, loves HTTYD, wanted to create robot dragons, experimented with Patience, turned some monsters submissive and useless. Didn't wanted but put on Bravery on Twist by order of Glorya, that turned him crazy.
Glorya (Toriel): Cold, barely has feelings, Hates cowards, wanted brave men, Butcher was her ideal... Twist wasn't, she asked Pithon to change him, she was satisfied. Never liked Crooks.
Crocodile (Alphys): Hates Glorya but appreciate her for giving her the big role even being "a girl and small". The thing is, she never felt fear of death and followed her own rules.
Bruneldo (Grillby): Really loud, crazy, likes burning things but not his kitchen, hates dirty and messy people but enjoy eaters, he can show up his cooking.
Venti (Muffet): Stopped drinking but still smokes. Sells the adictive stuff, not drugs, she stopped doing that, but martinis, etc. She found the pills and gave them to Twist, he needed the most. She has the doubt of the royal doctor and wants to meet them.
Rotter (Gaster): Was the calm right hand of Glorya, he could calm her down without a problem, she meet the soulmate of his and he suffered changes while he was raising his kid and finally died, leaving Butcher at 10 and Twist of 5.
Herald (soulmate of Rotter): A nice looking bat monster, was way too rough but slowly opened to Rotter and got soulbonded. He carried Butcher and helped with the magic while Rotter carried Twist.
Viktor (Asgore): Got depressed when the kids died and out of rage, he killed the first kids and guilty of doing it, he lend the soul to Twist, trusting Him of taking the soul to the scientist. He never blame Glorya, they were unstoppable together... then the humans did that.
Isaac (Chara): The calmest young teen that ever appeared in that underground but when he saw how they wanted to kill him... he just pulled a pocket knife and started threatening, he never Killed someone. He's a coward.
Recky (Happstablook): Depressed ghost with low self esteem that hides it with anger.
Mister (Nappstablook): Also depressed robot that tries his best at his music business and disco but its really hard.
Fall (Frisk): The first fallen kid and second kid of the Dreemurrs. They were Killed when Denly, his brother put poison on his food but his soul tried hard to reject death and tried to reset but they were already weak and ended up death anyway. Denly took his soul to go outside the barrier. No one knows what happend after.
Denly (Asriel): The biological kid of the Dreemurrs, he got jealous the moment Fall come in, he really likes them but never said anything and tried to Killed them several times, the bad one was the poison when they finally died, he took his soul and ran away... That got him killed.
Note: monster kid never existed here in the first place. It just messed around my stuff already done so he doesn't exist. Sorry.
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