#mister kade
monocle-teacup · 1 year
More On If Mandroid Got Transported to Griffin Rock
The flood gates have opened. I'm seriously considering making this an actual fic. Some more highlights:
-ES timeline wise, Mandroid would get transported to Griffin Rock after the events of Age of Evolution, but before Home.
-The Burns family learns of Mandroid's existence via a phone call from Mrs. Neederlander complaining about "A suspicious man with a giant metal arm roaming around my house. He's scaring Mister Pettypaws!"
-Mandroid assumes he's been transported somewhere on his Earth. He'll start thinking something is amiss when he meets the Burns family and realizes that the general population has no idea about Transformers.
-Of course he starts asking questions and everyone thinks he's nuts. Cody is the one to suggest the idea of Mandroid possibly being from a different timeline. Doc Greene goes a step further and theorizes about Mandroid being from a different universe.
-Cody would be all "Noble!" about Mandroid having a Transformer arm until he finds out how Mandroid got it.
-Despite no one having any knowledge of the Mandroid nickname, it'd be either Kade or Blades that would come up with the name. Mandroid is of course pissed that the name followed him to a different dimension.
Morocco and Madeline Pynch would be mind blown that Mandroid has no interest in making money from his tech. Morocco especially. Both villains would want to team up with Mandroid but he'll be, "If I don't get to destroy Cybertronians I'm not interested."
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subwaytostardew · 8 months
Update: Ginger Island content
Now there's more than just the bare minimum and their bar dialogue! Kade filled out the other dialogue keys for Ginger Island! Here they are!
▲ Ingo’s Resort Dialogue ▲
 "Resort_Entering": "I have always been told I need to rest my cab! Now I get to do so! This place is breathtaking! However... I do wish the seas were less choppy... I felt as if I was being subjected to a Seismic Toss!"
  "Resort_Leaving": "Alas, I must return to the mainland and to home station. As nice as this place is... I cannot help but worry about the work that needs to get done. They say to rest and relax, but I find it quite difficult to do so. Still! It was a nice day off! I would not mind returning to this terminal! The boat, on the other hand... Oh dear."
  "Resort_Shore": "Ahh... now this is quite the sight! Oh! Perhaps I could build a sand sculpture? Oh... What do I plan to build? Why, a train of course! EHAHAHAHAHA!"
  "Resort_Chair": "(Ingo seems to be fast asleep. He is snoring quite loudly. The book on his face does little to nothing when it comes to volume control.)"
  "Resort_Umbrella": "Owch. Owch. YOWCH. Nuuugh... @... I'd hate to be a bother, but you wouldn't happen to have any sunscreen on you, would you? I'm afraid I am ill-equipped for how bright the sun is here. It appears my cab has gotten burned in the process..."
  "Resort_Wander": "Ah, this place is quite relaxing... But what of all the paperwork that sits unfinished at the station? Oh dear...
No. No. Tut. Tut. Ingo. Do not derail. You are here to relax!
AH, @! Y-you hadn't overheard me, have you? Eh... eheheha... My apologies, but I am simply trying to remind myself that work can wait. After all, I'm here to relax! I heard many good things about the island here! To think this region has so many hidden wonders beneath its prickly thorns..."
  "Resort_Bar": "Bravo! Mister Vincent was indeed correct about the delectability of Cranberry Candy! He has quite a refined palette for such a young passenger- especially when it comes to that of fruits! Perhaps I will take along some cargo for him and Miss Jas before we depart back to the valley... Surely, that will steer them away from my personal supply of sweets..."
▽ Emmet’s Resort Dialogue▽
 "Resort_Entering": "Mmm... I did not like the boat ride. Trains are better. Maybe we can make a train come here! That will be much better. Yup."
  "Resort_Leaving": "I am Emmet... I am now verrrry behind schedule. But I am well-rested and refueled. Ready to work on the railroad all the livelong day again. Yup. The beach is nice. But trains are better! Remember that! ... Stupid boat."
  "Resort_Shore": "The water is verrry wet. The sand is also verrry wet. It sticks to me like glue. I do not like that. As nice as the beach is. Tracking dirt and cleaning sand from one's cab is not fun.",
  "Resort_Chair": "(Emmet looks to be busy sorting through a photo album. It is full of pictures of the shoreline and sea creatures that are around.)"
  "Resort_Umbrella": "Ow. Ow. Ow. I am Emmet. Ow. I did not apply enough sunscreen. Ow... This sucks. Yup. I burn verrrry easily... Ingo does, too. There is a reason why we do not usually make detours from our usual tracks. I miss the subway tunnels. The sun cannot cause damage there.",
  "Resort_Wander": "I don't know why I came here. I am Emmet. I have a lot to conduct at the station.$3#$b#Is this what a vacation feels like? I do not like it. There is too much work to be done. I will be verrry behind schedule. You. Why are you here, @? Aren't you busy, as well?",
  "Resort_Bar": "The Tropical Curry is verrry good! A little... spicy... though... I had to ask for less spice. It is still spicy. Because of the peppers. But I like the pineapple bowl. They are like Pinap Berries but not spicy at all! They are verrry sweet. Pinap Berries are verrrry rare in Unova. Yup. It is a shame. They taste good. I wish I could eat them more. I could just eat a pineapple. But I like curry. It reminds me of the Galar region. I ate some with my friend- Piers- back in Pasio. It was verrry good! I missed it. He didn't make it spicy."
I made one whole island animation for the twins. Here are the frames and a gif with their towel sprites!
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Of course Emmet would kick his feet around. Ingo, I was a little more inspired for. I was thinking that he would fall asleep in the position he would have as a passenger: legs crossed, one hand in his lap, the other holding a (nonexistent) handrail. He probably goes "choo choo" in his sleep. Emmet just doesn't sleep.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
About villains
DC: Cheetah(pleeeeeeeease),Zoom, Bizarro, Livewire, Lobo, Darkseid
Marvel: Mister Sinister, Mystique, Destiny, Hydra Bob, Apocalypse, Selene Gallio, Kade Killgore (platonic he's like 12) (I really want you to consider Kade for your future writing, he's child supervillain that's something new and fun)
I love all of these! I’ll definitely look more into a few especially but I definitely would love to write for all of the eventually.
Thank you for introducing me to Kade Kilgore by the way! Never heard of him till you mentioned him but now I’m 1000% positive he would be one hell of a platonic yandere; whether for a parental figure, a sibling figure, or even a best friend. I mean the kid killed his own father to take over his company, he also took over the Hellfire Club, is hella ingenious, and he has a flying car! Sure the flying car was his father’s but whose to say he didn’t keep it for himself🤷🏻‍♀️.
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vrnicky · 2 years
Non-skeletons characters!!
Phew thats a lot of names! Here they are, new names even! If you want to ask these guys something, be specific about it. Names or groups ehehe.
Grillby: Reece
Toriel: Reine
Asgore: Castiel
Chara: Clover
Grillby: Mack
Asgore: Iron
Toriel: Tempest
Frisk: Aoki
Toriel: Lunariel
Asgore: Espagor
Frisk: Rei
Asgore: Harlon
Toriel: Gama
Undyne: Nebula
Alphys: Sora
Grillby: Comet
Asgore: Titan
Toriel: Alpha
Undyne: Capella
Alphys: Chandra
Frisk: Charon
Grillby: Pollux
Muffet: Alula
Toriel: Madonna
Asgore: Vicente
Frisk: Nami
Grillby: Calypso
Toriel: Leverna
Undyne: Beatriz
Grillby: Chain
-Fellswap red.
Grillby: Oil
-Fellswap gold.
Grillby: Arse
Chara: Kana
-Swapfell crystal.
Alphys: Kade
Undyne: Avleen
Asgore: Samir
Toriel: Lylah
Grillby: Emil
Nappstablook: Kaye
Mettaton: Mylee
Chara: Aidah
Asriel: Karis
Monster kid: Robyn
Frisk: Ryley
Muffet: Chelsy
Riverperson: Kealan
-Fellswap wine.
Chara: Isaac
Toriel: Glorya
Asgore: Viktor
Undyne: Pithon
Alphys: Crocodile
Grillby: Bruno
Muffet: Venti
Napstaton: Mister
Happstablook: Recky
-Reaper aus.
Toriel: Lavi
Frisk: Eiko
Chara: Maku
-Mafia gang.
Undyne: Mercy
Toriel: Angel
Asgore: Dominic/Patrón
Alphys: Irma
Grillby: Joseph
Muffet: Ramy
Riverperson: Mensajero
Frisk: Puppy
Asgore: Taran
Toriel: Brielle
Undyne: Zarah
Alphys: Bea
Mettaton: Devon
Nappstablook: Grady
Asriel: Sunny
Chara: Mali
Frisk: Byn
-Not undertale found.
Asgore: Viggo
Toriel: Sigrid
Asriel: Aren
Undyne: Cleopatra
Alphys: Arwen
Grillby: Thiago
Nappstablook: Matthew
Happstablook: Idara
Frisk: Faina
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askvectorprime · 3 years
Dear Vector Prime, I understand that the Rescue Bots were assigned to Griffin Rock, but what were they doing when Unicron was starting to wake up from his slumber? What about when the Autobots were forced to scatter after the loss of their base and leader?
Dear Chronology Curious,
Like most of the Earth, Griffin Rock suffered greatly due to the awakening shudders of Unicron. Fortunately for the human inhabitants, the Rescue Bots were there to mitigate the disasters that took place.
Hurricane-force winds and tidal waves assaulted the island, and while most humans were carefully seeking shelter within their homes, the Burns family and Rescue Bots went into action. Blades risked his life together with Dani Burns to take the weather machine into the heart of the oncoming storm, using the experimental and temperamental device to counteract the supercell and calm the worst of the winds. Meanwhile Boulder and Graham went into action building earthworks to hold back the waves.
It was left to Chase and Heatwave, along with Kade and Chief Burns, to investigate the reports of strange activity at Mount Magma. There, strange and toxic lava seemed to be emerging, glowing purple in the darkness. The Rescue Bots had had no experience with Dark Energon before this, but still knew of the dangerous substance, and were able to warn their companions. With Boulder busy elsewhere, the two bots needed to dig a trench by hand—at least until Kade and the Chief were able to find some nearby construction vehicles, and they were able to divert the channel of Dark Energon-infused lava into a nearby quarry.
When the disaster ended, Bumblebee arrived to take the Dark Energon away for processing, although the Rescue Bots did notice he seemed more subdued than usual, and was noticeably quiet on the whereabouts of Optimus Prime. On a side note, I suspect that the violent quakes from Unicron’s rousing weakened the cavern ceilings of Wayward Island, eventually allowing their prehistoric inhabitants to venture out into the surface world.
As for the destruction of the Autobot base and the rise of Darkmount, I believe at this point Rescue Bots were busy dealing with a group of Mister Pettypaws infesting a tree, and the fallout of this resulting in Kade being cloned.
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misterkade-blog · 5 years
Kade's First Ride Share!
The other day, one of our friends needed help so we volunteered. They asked if we could pick up their car from the dealership where it was getting serviced, so we decided to take a Uber to the service department where the vehicle was waiting.
First, we tried to order a Lyft, but an estimated 12 minutes until arrival turned into 40 minutes! When calling the driver, they said they didn't have a ride request from us - even though we'd been watching them drive around on the GPS the last hour.
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So we canceled the car and switched to Uber, which pulled up 6 minutes later.
Kade was confused why we weren't driving our own car, I explained to him we're helping a friend and if we drove our car to the dealership - who'd drive our car?!
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The explanation was lost on him, but the novelty of bouncing around so many cars was a thrilling adventure for him. Boy though, it wore him out - actually, we were both ready for a nap afterwards!
What's been your experiences with ordering a ride share; whether Uber, Lyft or another platform?
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comicwaren · 5 years
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From Marauders #007, “From Emma, With Love”
Art by Stefano Caselli and Edgar Delgado
Written by Gerry Duggan
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Don't You Worry About That, Baby (Gottmik/Denali/Rosé) - Arso
A/N: TW: dysphoria and menstruation
Summary: Mik gets his period for the first time in months and his dysphoria starts to creep in. But his boyfriends don't let that happen.
Hi! I haven't written drag race fics in 5 yrs, not since s8, so I'm a bit rusty. However I wanted to project my own experience as a trans man who does drag and has experienced periods after being on T for 2 yrs. No trans experience is universal and this is simply just a fictional representation of mine!
Mik woke up with a jolt as he frantically eyed the dimly lit room. He looked over at the clock that read “1:34 AM”. He sighed softly, running a hand down his face and noticing the light sheen that covered his body. He automatically looks for his boyfriends, glancing to his left and seeing his lovers embracing one another. Denali had his head on Rose’s chest, arm draped around his waist and their legs wrapped together. They’re breathing in sync and he can’t help the small smile that appeared on his lips at the beauty in front of him.
However, it took about two more seconds before he registered the dampness beneath him. He froze, the smell of dead skunk quickly slapping him in the face. His stomach dropped immediately, his body now cold. He felt himself start to shake.
Mik slowly sat up and wrapped his arms around his waist, the familiar ache that started at the small of his back and swallowed through his entire core creeping in.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. He hasn’t had a period in over 11 months. He knows that this happens in some people's cases - but not him. It can’t be him. He isn’t that person anymore; not that name anymore.
He ruined the expensive 35 thread pastel blue silk sheets that Denali spent months online looking for, the one that took ages for the three of them to agree on when they first moved in together. He’s ruined the oversized green tank top shirt that he always steals from Rose. And now he’s going to have to explain to them how and why - he can’t hide something like this. And they’ve never seen this before, at least not from him. He’s not a “real man” who doesn’t have to deal with these things like his boyfriends don’t have to. He doesn’t need to tuck for shows or wear extreme pads to get the desired shape that they do. He still does pad, but maybe the comments were right. Maybe he does have it easier as a drag queen because of these things.
His breath hitches and he feels a sob building up in his throat but he can’t bring himself to let it escape. It turns into a few tiny whimpers before he starts to completely crumble. His body wracks as each whimper turns more and more intense until they turn into full-blown sobs. He buries his face in his hair, gripping tightly at his hair and pulling slightly.
Mik jumps at the voice beside him and barely processes the pair of hands gently uncurling his fingers from his hair and taking them into their own. Rosé had turned the lamp on when he got up to the other side of the bed, and now everything was visible. The mess Mik caused because of his stupid body on display.
“Baby boy,” Denali started gently, taking their laced hands and placing a kiss on top of Miks, “It’s okay. You’re okay. Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
Rosé nodded and hummed in agreement, sitting up from his kneeling position at his side and wiping Mik’s tears with his thumb. He placed a long kiss on his forehead and reached his hand out for him to take.
But Mik can’t bring himself to get up even after his lover's kindness and reassurance. He can’t bring himself to face his body and the current state of the expensive sheets.
Denali and Rosé realize this though, because of course they do, and gently wrap their arms around his waist and slowly lift him up out of the fetal position he had wrapped himself into. They lead him to the bathroom, not letting up on their almost protective grip on the shaken man.
“I’m going to take your shirt off, okay love?” Rosé releases his hold and steps in front of Mik. All he can do is nod, refusing to make eye contact. He lifts his arms as Rose pulls the oversized top off, careful to not let the damp spot make contact with Miks skin. He hands the top to Denali who gets a bag from under the sink and places it inside.
“We need to get you out of that underwear,” Rosé brings his finger up to Miks chin, pushing softly and meeting those beautiful hazel eyes. “Is that okay?”
Miks breath hitches, but the pure, unadulterated adoration in Rosé’s eyes helps ease the uncomfortable feeling that was currently consuming him.
“Yeah.” He barely manages to let out.
Denali plants a kiss on his bare shoulder and slips his thumbs under the waistband of his briefs, pulling them down his legs. Mik steps out of the soiled underwear, feeling even more vulnerable and exposed than before.
“Good job Kade.” The brown-eyed boy said softly as he placed the underwear in the bag.
Rosé reappeared moments later with a new pair of underwear, shirt, and… a pad?
Mik eyed the pad, unable to get the many questions out of his mouth.
“We wanted to make sure we were prepared in case anything happened,” Denali answered and Mik couldn’t help his cheeks warming up that they thought that far and that much about him.
“I-” Mik stopped himself, trying to get his thoughts in order. “Th-thank you.”
“Of course my love,” Rosé placed the items on the counter and planted another kiss on his forehead. “I’m going to change the sheets and Denali here can help you finish getting cleaned up. You must be getting cold, so I’ll be quick.”
Mik found himself starting to shake, not realizing how cold he actually was getting. “Okay angel, would you rather do this yourself or is it okay if I help?”
Mik turned to meet Denali’s eyes, a small smile on his lips and those ever so beautiful dimples on display.
“I can do it,” He decided and his boyfriend nodded. Denali grabbed the wet wipes from the cupboard out and handed a few to Mik.
“I’m going to get you some Advil, shout if you need anything.” His boyfriend placed a kiss on top of his head and left the bathroom, giving Mik some privacy.
He wordlessly got to work, not wanting to spend any more time looking at himself or feeling like this than he needed to. He finished quickly, throwing the disposable wipes in the toilet and flushing. He washed his hands and moved onto placing a pad on the new underwear and slipping them on. Mik picked up the shirt and barked out a light chuckle at the choice. It was the “worlds most hottest and sexy boyfriend ever” shirt Denali got him from the UK tour he and Utica went on. He brought the shirt over his head and quickly finished changing.
He turned off the bathroom light and left the room, making his way back to the bedroom. To his surprise, a new version of the same sheets were on the bed and a smiling Rosé and Denali on the bed.
“Here you go, baby.” Denali handed Mik a couple of Advil and a glass of water which he took with a thankful smile.
“There we go,” Rosé cooed, patting the spot in the middle of the bed, “Now come on, you get middle rights tonight mister.”
Mik wasted no time in joining the two of them. They both wrapped their arms around the man, placing kisses all over his face which caused an uproar of giggles.
“Stop! Stop-” Mik choked out and the three of them giggled softly amongst themselves.
Mik let himself be held, fully embracing the warmth of the two other men beside him.
“We love you, Kade.” Rosé spoke up, “Every part of you.”
“We really do. You’re the most amazing, wonderful man.” Denali agreed, his finger stroking down Miks forearm.
“I love you both too, so much. Thank you …” Mik trailed off, “not just for tonight, but for everything. And I’m sorry about your shirt Rosie.”
“Don’t you worry about that, baby. It’ll come out.” Rosé kissed his cheek, earning a small hum from Mik.
No more words were needed for Mik to feel the love from his boyfriends. They adored him and he adored them, and that’s all he needs. And he eventually fell asleep to the small sounds of their breathing, feeling completely whole, seen, and adored.
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Mama Kim has the greatest idea to make Jin's absence a little bit more bearable for the boys and that's why Jin calls her super-mom: every night before bedtime the three of them sit on Jin and Mama Kim's bedroom. She has a piece of paper in her hand and a pen in the other and the boys lists all the things they want to do as soon as their daddy comes home
"Ice-cream momma!" "Okay okay I got it Car" "Mommy did you write mine?" "I did Kade, you said 《cooking with daddy and put chef's hats together》" "also go to the cinema!" "Okay.. Car? Another one?" "PLAY FIGHTING! and superheroes!" And so on.
Later that night she sends him three pages all full of their whishes saying "you better take a week off when you come back mister, looks like you'll be very busy😌" and he will cry his eyes out🥺🥺
Ahhh I love this 🥰
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monocle-teacup · 1 year
Things That Make Me Continue To Love Rescue Bots:
-BOULDER GETS TO BE A TRICERATOPS. Or as dumbass Kade called him, "A hornatop thing." -More OP as a t-rex -Dani fangirling over a lost ship -Kade also fanboying about the ship's captain finally getting married but his tsundere tendencies quickly kick in -Kade thinking nothing of eating food on a ship that only appears once every 10 years -Blades' knowledge of horror films not helping his anxiety -The team being in full agreement that one Kade is already too much. Except Nice Kade. Everyone wants him to stay -Mrs. Neederlander calling the Mister Pettypaws copes PETTYPOSERS
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heyyy---roseee · 4 years
Text | Kade.
Rosé: oh hi mister the student, thank you very much.
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blightarts · 4 years
Blades of Order & Chaos
Chapter Title: Prologue
Word Count: 4362
Disclaimer: All rights belong to Pixelberry. This is my version for the upcoming sequel of Blades of Light & Shadow. I am not claiming this to be the canon story of the book. This is only written to increase the hype for the actual sequel.
MC/Pairing: Kite (Blue Elf Male MC) / Kite x Nia
Taglist: @princessstellaris @mechaspirit @brightningstar @cal-north @mahariel-theirin @lxdy-starfury @tyrils-star @imturaxamara @kelseaaa
It’s a silent night in the capital city of Whitetower. Each member of the group is settled in their bedrooms. Some are asleep while the others are restless. Kite just woke up with a gasp, panting and sweating after witnessing visions in his sleep. Nia shoots awake next to him with an immediate concern.
Nia: Kite? What’s wrong?
Kite looks around, catching his breath. He looks at his beloved, worried.
Kite: Nothing… just a bad dream…
Nia caresses his cheek and gives him a reassuring peck on the lips.
Nia: That’s right, just a bad dream. Now, come on. Let’s get some rest.
She smiles at him and Kite smiles back with a subtle uncertainty in his eyes. The two lie back down on bed, with Kite spooning Nia, before drifting back to sleep. Kite can’t help but recall the visions he saw; that strange hooded figure, the ruined burning city… and of course, the creature above him, huge and terrible…
Meanwhile, something similar happens to the rest of the group.
In Kade’s room, he’s laid down on his bed, unable to sleep. He begins recollecting a memory from when he was still an infant. He recalls being in a forest with the sound of people panting and another child crying being heard nearby. He then heard people talking frantically around him.
Voice 1: How did we not notice his presence for two thousand years?!
Voice 2: I do not know, but what confuses me is why he had to keep himself preserved instead of slaying his own nephew.
Voice 3: Well, it matters no longer. We must find a safe place and remain there long enough for Estel’s son to grow and become the hero this Realm needs.
Voice 1: Riverbend should be nearby. Let us seek refuge there.
The two voices continue to pant whilst running to their destination. This is all that Kade can remember, but the fact that the two voices mentioned Riverbend, mean that two of them could be his own parents and the other being Kite’s. He ruffles his hair, trying to know more.
Kade: Ugh… what does this all mean?!
In Mal’s room, he is sitting by the balcony, playing with a coin and gazing at the stars. He looks at his coin, giving him vivid flashbacks of the day before his retirement from the Thieves Guild. He recalls being inside an ancient dungeon buried in the Zaradun Wastelands. He then remembers his fellow thieves yelling in despair whilst trying to escape the dungeon as it was crumbling.
Thief 1: That… thing is alive!
Thief 2: How is that even possible?! This dungeon has to be at least… thousands of years old!
As the group approached the exit, the stone floor below them started shaking before it broke apart, causing most of the members to fall to their deaths. Mal, however, managed to leap out of danger in time, but as he was about to head out, a voice called for his help.
Fledgling Thief: Mister Volari!
Mal turned to see the fledgling hanging by the edge of the collapsed floor. He ran back to grab the young boy.
Mal: Hang on, kit! I got yo—
But before Mal could reach the fledgling, the floor crumbled once more, causing the young thief to fall to his death, much to Mal’s horror. As the ground in front of him started to crack, the former thief immediately ran out of the dungeon as it buries itself deeper beneath the sand. After returning to the Guild in Whitetower, Mal retired, overwhelmed by his Survivor’s Guilt, and began his life as an adventurer instead.
In the present day, he grits his teeth and clenches his fist, gripping the coin given to him by the fledgling he failed to save.
In Tyril’s room, the elf is asleep on his bed, dreaming peacefully, but that peace won’t last long. He begins experiencing a vision of the past, not his own past, but the history of House Starfury. Tyril finds himself in the middle of a battlefield.
Tyril: This place…
He attempts to familiarize his surroundings, seeing corpses of elves around him, with almost half of them having pale skin and blood on their lips. Tyril then recognized them as the cursed elven race, the Vhampyrs, prompting him to realize where he is.
Tyril: This is the Battle of Cragheart, where Lady Farin defeated the Beast of Blood…
He sprints across the battlefield, looking for his ancestor, Farin Starfury. Eventually, he does so and finds her, with the Blade of Sol in hand, standing face-to-face with the Beast itself, a large gargoyle-like creature with long black hair and crimson eyes. But what happened next shocked both Tyril and Farin as the Beast just spoke.
Beast of Blood: F-Fa-Fariiiiin…
Farin is caught off-guard for a second but quickly regains focus.
Farin: Do not distract me, you monster!
A fiery aura surrounds the elf as immense magical power surges through her, ready to strike. But the Beast continues to communicate with her.
Beast of Blood: V-Vla… dussss….
Once again, Farin lowers her guard as she sees the Beast’s eyes switching colors, from red to blue and vice versa. Soon, she begins to notice the features present in the Beast’s face as she recognizes its true identity.
Farin: B… Brother…?
Tyril widens his eyes at this revelation. He tries to reach out to Farin but was pulled back by an invisible force, causing him to jolt from his sleep with a gasp. He pants, processing what he just saw, before staring out the window in confusion.
Tyril: Lady Farin had a… brother…?
The elf attempts to shake off this thought out of his head before returning to his slumber.
In Imtura’s room, she is fast asleep but her troubled expressions mean that she might not having such a pleasant dream. Like Tyril, she’s having a vision, but instead of the past, it shows an event in the future. The orc finds herself back home, in Flotilla, but she doesn’t have full control over her own body. It’s almost as if she’s seeing the perspective of her future self. She then notices, in horror, Flotilla falling apart in flames, with other of her kind panicking.
Orc Guard 1: Get the children to safety! I’ll join you once we secure the royal family.
Orc Guard 2: Wait, is that…? The princess!
Orc Guard 1: Princess Imtura! Retreat to the Wra–
Imtura’s future self grits her teeth and turns to the guards.
Imtura (Future): Prioritize the citizens! Let me secure my own mother!
The orc guards reluctantly nod and follow the princess’s orders. As Imtura’s future self gets closer to the throne room, the present time Imtura’s vision start to get blurry, as if the dream is about to end.
Imtura (Present): Wait… no… bring me back… I need to know if my mother is alive! BRING ME BACK!!
But her cries do not matter as she wakes up in shock followed by deep breaths escaping her mouth. Imtura looks at her trembling hands, wondering if what she saw was real or if her mother was even safe should the events become true. She then repeatedly and gently smacks her hands against her cheeks.
Imtura: Come on, Imtura! It’s just a dream. Everyone is alright back home.
With a calming sigh, the orc lies back down and falls asleep a few minutes later.
And lastly, in the prisons of Whitetower, Aerin is seated at the corner of his cell, contemplating instead of sleeping. However, instead of thoughts about regret for his actions or vengeance upon those who imprisoned him, memories fill his mind, memories that date back to his childhood.
When Aerin was around six years old, he was seated on a bench in the castle’s flower garden. Beside him was his older brother, Baldur, who was nine years old at the time. Baldur was holding a stick and raised it up high, pretending to be a hero, before turning to Aerin.
Baldur (Past): One day, Aerin, we shall trek beyond the borders of Morella, and make peace with the surrounding kingdoms. With your wits and my strength, we will become kings that will lead our people to the right path!
Aerin smiled shyly but looked down.
Aerin (Past): I am uncertain, brother. You are the eldest, the heir to the throne. Technically, only you can become king while I just stand beside you as your advisor.
Baldur grinned as he ruffled Aerin’s hair.
Baldur (Past): Nonsense! I shall make it so that we both become kings.
Aerin looked up at his brother with wonder.
Aerin (Past): Really?
Baldur nodded.
Baldur (Past): I cannot do this alone. We’re brothers. We have to stick together.
As the memory fades, Aerin places a palm on his head, riddled.
Aerin: …Have I always had memory…?
The night goes on and our heroes are lost in thought after what they had just experienced.
A new day begins, brighter than the last, and the group gathers at the main hall of the castle, preparing to say their goodbyes and go back to their normal lives, but after what they’ve experienced the previous night, it’s too soon to depart just yet. On the way to the main hall, Kite and Nia are walking down the stairs, hand in hand. Kite tries his best to hide his worried expression from Nia, but the priestess is too occupied with a slight headache. She gently places a hand on her head as her vision starts to blur. Kite notices this.
Kite: You okay, Nia? You look like you’re starting to get lightheaded.
Nia meets Kite’s concerned eyes but a vision flashes before hers. In this vision, she is seeing through the perspective of someone from long ago. Nia finds herself in some sort of tunnel and in front of her is a dark figure with swords hovering around them as they approach her. The priestess sees herself raising her hands against this mysterious figure ready to blast them with the power of the Light. However, the figure was too elusive as they quickly evaded the blast before plunging one of their swords onto Nia, prompting the vision to cease and the priestess to gasp and fall onto Kite’s arms. The elf’s expression turned from concern to fear.
Kite: Woah, woah… what happened…? Are you okay?
Nia takes a moment to breathe while Kite helps her stand.
Nia: I don’t know… I… think I just saw… a glimpse of the past…
Kite: What do you mean? From when?
Nia shakes her head and shrugs in uncertainty. Kite just nods and kisses her forehead, not wanting to put much pressure into her after what she just went through. After regaining composure, the priestess sighs and looks at her beloved with a reassuring smile.
Nia: I’ll be okay. The bad things are all over now.
Kite hesitantly smiles back at her, thoughts of last night’s dream not being able to escape his mind.
Kite: …Yeah, they are.
Suddenly, they hear someone at the bottom of the stairs.
Mal: Hey, are you two just gonna get married and spend the rest of your lives on that step? We ain’t got all day.
Kite and Nia turn to see their friends waving at them. Kade and Imtura are snickering because of Mal’s joke while Tyril shakes his head in disappointment. Threep and Loola flutter towards Kite and Nia with grins on their faces.
Threep: Come. There’s much to do.
The couple nods at the two nespers before descending the stairs to meet up with the rest of the group. As all of them head towards the main hall, Kite notices troubled faces on his friends, realizing that they must’ve seen something similar to what he saw last night. Knowing that they might be hesitant in sharing, he decides to share his experience.
Kite: Guys, I have something to say…
Kite halts behind his friends as they all turn towards him.
Tyril: Is something the matter, Kite?
Kite grits his teeth but reluctantly speaks up.
Kite: I don’t think we’re done yet… There’s still more about the Shadow Realm we do not know.
Everyone tilts their head on confusion.
Kade: What do you mean?
Imtura: Yeah, we kicked the Dreadlord and his goons’ asses while we were there.
Kite shakes his head.
Kite: It’s not just them… There’s something else in that damned place…
He clutches himself, shivering while the thought of Whitetower in ruins fills his mind. Nia steps up to hold and comfort him.
Nia: Kite, is this about that bad dream you had last night?
Kite looks at her and nods in terror.
Mal: What exactly did you see?
Kite gulps, trying not to hurl.
Kite: I was warned about a great danger coming from the Shadow Realm… After wielding the Blade of Light in there, I seemed to have attracted the attention of a far more threatening foe… the Empire of Ash, if I recall.
Threep and Loola’s eyes start to widen in dread.
Loola: D-Did you just say…?
Threep: The Empire of Ash…?
The group notices the nespers shivering in fear, as if they know more than what the others think.
Kade: Wait, what is the Empire of Ash?
Threep gulps and tries to speak but is too horrified. Loola steps up and speaks up instead.
Loola: The Empire of Ash is an ancient enemy that preceded the Shadow Court. Some stories say that they had fought against the first generation of the Elven Empire, but others say that they are the Elven Empire itself before being usurped by their foes who fought for righteousness. Whichever you look at it, they are far worse and more dangerous than the Shadow Court, nay, even the Dreadlord himself.
Threep coughs and finally talks.
Threep: And if Kite is saying that they are coming once again, then this Realm is in great danger.
Tyril: How come I’ve just heard of them now? Their history should’ve been written in the elven archives.
Loola shakes her head.
Loola: All records about the Empire had been erased during the war against the Shadow Court. All of them, gone.
Mal: And since you and Threep are the only ones from that era, only you two knew about it?
The two nespers nod.
Imtura: What else do you know about the Empire?
Threep: I heard that the Empire was led by the one called “Fateseeker”, an individual with unimaginable power, able to lay waste on a civilization within minutes.
Shivers travel down on the group’s spines upon hearing what Threep said.
Kade: How did the Empire fall?
Loola: Rumors say that a single elf who wielded the power of both Light and Shadows was able to push back their forces and eventually, banish them in the Shadow Realm.
Threep: The elves of our time believed that the Dreadlord and the Shadow Court were merely just pawns of the Empire.
After this huge revelation, everyone in the group is taken aback and tries to process what they’ve just heard. Gritting his teeth, Kite stands up straight and walks past the group.
Nia: Kite? Where are you going?
Kite: The prisons. I’m paying him a visit.
The group realizes who Kite is referring to and goes after him.
Mal: You sure, kit? We still don’t know if you’re dream is just… well, a dream.
Kite: I’m certain. He’s spent twenty years of his life in the Shadows, so he must know something about the Empire.
Soon, the group arrives in Whitetower’s lockup, standing in front of Aerin’s cell. He scoffs at them.
Aerin: Have you come here to mock me before you all return to your normal lives? That’s petty, even for me.
Kite: We’ve come here to ask you a few things.
Aerin raises his head with a smirk.
Aerin: Oh? What more can you ask from me? The Dreadlord and the Shadow Court are gone. You have nothing else to interrogate out of me.
Kite: What do you know about the Empire of Ash?
The prince raises an eyebrow.
Aerin: Ah, I see. I thought the Dreadlord was just exaggerating when he said that he serves a far greater power than his own.
He stands up and walks up to the bars of his cell.
Aerin: Alright then, Kite. I shall entertain you.
He then smirks before continuing.
Aerin: While planning for the Shadow Court’s return, the Dreadlord has mentioned about the Empire a couple times. He said how he needed a vessel who is prominent in Light Magic in order to act as the beacon, signaling the Empire.
The prince turns to Nia, who backs away while Kite steps between them. Aerin chuckles and continues.
Aerin: Even with the Dreadlord’s demise, he still was able to fulfill his goal… all because of your foolishness.
Insulted, Kite attempts to charge at Aerin but his friends hold him back. The former prince just laughs before sitting at the corner of his cell.
Aerin: That is all I can offer you, Kite. If you want to know more, you could pay the dwarves of Zaradun a visit, that is if you can find one at all, since they’ve been missing prior to the rise of the Shadow Court.
Kite grits his teeth before breaking out of his friends’ hold and taking his leave. The rest of the group follow him.
Kade: Kite, where are you going?
Kite: The Zaradun Wastelands.
Nia grabs Kite’s arm and stops him in his tracks.
Nia: Kite, why are you so intent on stopping the Empire?
Kite breaks into tears.
Kite: Because it’s my fault why we have to deal with them in the first place!
The group falls silent as the elf continues.
Kite: I brought the Light upon the Shadow Realm. The Empire is returning because of me. I have to make up for my mistake.
Kite clenches his fists as they tremble.
Imtura: Why is it that there’s something else you’re not telling us?
Kite gulps.
Tyril: Kite, tell us. Please.
Kite sighs and gives in to his friends’ pleas.
Kite: I… saw something else after being warned of the Empire…
Threep: What was it?
Kite looks around Whitetower then at his friends.
Kite: Whitetower… in ruins… burning… while a dragon looms over it…
There was a long silence as the group stares at Kite in horror.
Mal: What did you just say…?
Mal, knowing that his sister lives in the capital, grabs Kite’s collar.
Nia: Mal, what are you doing?!
Mal: What about my sister, Kite? Is she still alive in this dream of yours?
Kite doesn’t answer, uncertain of the fate of Whitetower’s inhabitants, further angering Mal.
Tyril grabs Mal’s arm and gives him a concerned look. The rogue comes back to his senses before letting go of Kite.
Mal: I’m sorry, Kite. I don’t know what came over me… it’s just… I’ve already lost enough… I don’t wanna lose anyone else.
Kite shakes his head.
Kite: It’s okay. I understand your frustration. I think… we just need to clear our heads and plan out what we should do next.
As the rest of the group nods at what Kite said, Imtura is at the back, trying to connect the destruction of Whitetower in Kite’s dream and the destruction of Flotilla in her dream.
Nia: Imtura?
The orc is snapped back into reality as she looks at the group staring at her.
Imtura: I’m sorry, it’s just… I’m concerned for my family as well.
The group nods at what she said before Kade steps up with a suggestion.
Kade: Okay, come on. Group hug. We need to keep our spirits up in the fight ahead.
Kite smiles at his brother before placing his arm over his shoulder. The elf looks at the rest of the group.
Kite: Kade’s right. We’re all in this together.
Nia joins and places her arm around Kite. Tyril joins right after.
Nia: No matter the threat, we can handle it.
Tyril: We have done it once; we can do it again.
The four of them smile at Mal and Imtura, waiting for them to join. The rogue and orc roll their eyes before reluctantly joining the hug.
Mal: You all are hopeless optimists.
Imtura: But the same can be said for the both of us.
As the group laughs at the comment, Threep and Loola land on Kite and Nia’s shoulders, respectively.
Threep: We are all still millennia away from defeating the Empire…
Loola: But that shouldn’t stop us from saving the realm.
Kite looks at the determination present in his friends’ faces.
Kite: Let’s get this done!
Everyone: YEAH!
Suddenly, the moment was cut short by an explosion heard from a distance.
Mal: What was that?
The group turns around the corner to see smoke coming from the castle. They rush back towards it, curious and worried as to who or what caused the explosion. Upon reaching the throne room, the group spots King Arlan, surrounded by his guards, standing face-to-face against a dark figure. Nia’s heart sinks as the mysterious figure looks exactly the same as the one she saw in her vision. She begins to collapse but Kite catches her in his arms.
Kite: Nia, are you okay?
While the group helps Nia on her feet, King Arlan speaks with the dark figure.
King Arlan: Who are you?! And what business do you have against my kingdom?!
The figure unsheathes their sword and conjures five copies of it before having the swords hover around them. Tyril immediately recognizes the unique magic used by the figure.
Tyril: Impossible. How is he alive after all these years?
Mal: You know him, elf boy?
Tyril grits his teeth and unsheathes his own sword.
Tyril: He is a former member of the Shadow Court… Sir Laundsellyn, the Deserter!
The figure turns towards Tyril and grins.
Sir Laundsellyn: “Deserter”, eh? I am grateful that elven history gave me quite a title.
While Imtura and Mal join Tyril and unsheathe their weapons, Kite hands Nia to Kade.
Kite: Take care of her.
Kade: Don’t worry. Kick Laundsellyn’s ass.
The elf grins at his brother before joining the others.
Imtura: What’s this guy’s deal?
Tyril: Prior to the purification ritual two thousand years ago, all of the members of the Shadow Court were cornered and eventually banished to the Shadow Realm… All, but one.
Mal: Sir Laundry boy?
Tyril nods.
Tyril: He was tasked with hunting down the Priestess of Light and succeeded but was never heard from again when he was supposed to join the other members of the Court during the final battle of the war.
Imtura: Oh, so he’s not a “deserter”. He’s a coward!
Sir Laundsellyn scoffs.
Sir Laundsellyn: Spare me your insults. I’d known from the beginning that the Court will fail. So, I fled, avoiding my banishment. I was thinking far ahead than any of them, even the Dreadlord himself.
He starts walking towards the King.
Sir Laundsellyn: My purpose now is to serve a far greater power… the Empire of Ash…
Anger rises among the group upon hearing the mention of the Empire.
Imtura: Anything we should know about this guy, Tyril?
Tyrils shakes his head.
Tyril: No, the elven archives did not mention a lot about Laundsellyn, except only for being part of the Court and his betrayal.
Kite: I guess we’re on our own here.
Tyril: We need a distraction.
Kite smirks as he puts a hand on his waist, but Mal grips the elf’s shoulder.
Mal: Don’t. You. Dare.
(Author’s Note: Kite’s not much of a Seductive Skill combatant . 😅)
Kite chuckles.
Kite: Don’t worry. I’m not that type of fighter.
He then holds out his hand, materializing the Blade of Light in his grasp.
Kite: I’ll take him on easily.
Mal, Tyril and Imtura grin.
Mal: Oh, right. I forgot we have that now.
Tyril: An agent of the Shadows like him won’t stand a chance against your Blade.
Imtura: Go get ‘em!
Kite nods as he dashes towards Laundsellyn who turns to him.
Sir Laundsellyn: Oho? What do we have here?
Kite channels the power of the Light present within the Blade before swinging it at the former member of the Shadow Court.
Kite: This is your end!
…Sir Laundsellyn stops the Blade with only his finger, leaving everyone in utter shock and silence.
Tyril: …T-That’s… not possible…
Kade: How?! He’s a soldier of the Shadow Court!
Laundellyn smirks and pinches the tip of the Blade.
Sir Laundsellyn: Ah, I’ve been wondering where my Blade has been all this time.
He then kicks Kite on his gut, causing him to loose grip on the Blade as he is propelled across the throne room.
Imtura: Kite!
Mal rushes to Kite’s aid while Tyril and Imtura ready themselves.
Mal: Kit, are you okay?
Kite coughs and glares at Laundsellyn.
Kite: Your Blade? What are you talking about?
Laundsellyn chuckles as he holds the Blade properly with its hilt.
Sir Laundsellyn: The Blade of Light has always been an heirloom to my House. Being a descendant of the one who wielded the power of the Light and Shadows, I cannot be harmed by the Blade.
Suddenly, something comes to Threep’s mind, as if he’s starting to remember a lost memory.
Threep: I remember now… You’re the prodigal son… of the House I once served!
Laundsellyn spots Threep behind Kite and squints his eyes.
Sir Laundsellyn: Tch! I thought I made sure you’d forgotten everything about my House, Pompedorfin.
Threep hisses at him.
Threep: Mind your tongue, traitor! You were the reason why House Nightbloom became extinct!
Upon hearing the mention of his own House, Kite’s eyes widen.
Kite: Threep, what do you mean?
Loola: Threep once told me about an heir to House Nightbloom, who is slothful, despite being skilled in almost everything. He stole their heirloom and left without a trace in pursuit of his own selfish goals.
Laundellyn sighs.
Sir Laundsellyn: Ah, yes, the nostalgia of those days...
He scoffs as the power of the Shadows surge through him.
Sir Laundsellyn: Well, if you must know… My real name… is Lucius Nightbloom.
----- END OF CHAPTER -----
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werehoggin · 4 years
Kyoka: *in Kenji’s body* Why am I so small, and why am I craving sweets? Am I crying?
Kenji: *in Kentaro’s body* My Muscles are huge! Hey Kyoka check this out! *starts ripping his shirt by flexing*
Kentaro: *in Kade’s body* Hey that’s my favorite shirt! I feel so angry and depressed, do you always feel like this?!
Kade: *in Kai’s body* Kentaro I want my body back, Kai you’re body is too skinny and I smell like Kyoka’s perfume!
Kyoka: “you stole my perfume?!”
*Mister Mononobe getting drunk*
Kai: *in Kyoka’s body* ugh my chest is so heavy, wait a minute are these actually tits?! Look guys!
Kyoka: *enraged in Kenji’s body.
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So we were reading a Breath of the Wild fan comic and someone was like “what were you thinking?!”
And deadass, Wild speaks up from the back of the headspace and says
“Bold of you to assume I think.”
-Tadashi and Kade
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misterkade-blog · 6 years
Mister Kade answers another round of questions from grownups; giving advice on topics that range from how to make friends, to how to invest money.
Questions from this segment come from the Leftover Army, loyal fans of the Pop Culture Leftover Podcast. Download them wherever you can find podcasts.
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0vorenation0 · 4 years
Taming the King of the Skies
(Series #6) ~loyalty Part2
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Story made for @KadeTheDragon6520 https://kadegreene18plus.tumblr.com/ on discord and tumblr. We worked very hard to make this two part story in the VoreNation series. If you are a member on discord server, then you will know that Kade is my pet dragon. This is explaining how we met. I really enjoyed making this so pls give it a like. Happy Vore Day as well)
After a few minutes the pain intensified and I passed out from shock and lack of oxygen. Outside the gut, the dragon had digested his meal without any problems. His prey was nothing but mush. Then, all of a sudden, the dragon felt a sharp pain in his wing and shoulder. It was so intense it made him roar with enough force to shake the cave. The broken wing healed and fixed itself, so the dragon stood up and gave it a few experimental stretches and flaps. The sudden movements caused some air to bubble out of his stomach. Buurrrppp... A skull of the King went flying across the cave, bouncing off a wall and clattering to the ground. The dragon sniffed it and gave a wide smile. He sat back down and curled up to take a long-needed nap. As he lay down, the skull began to shine and grow bright. He looked up, then turned his head and shielded his eyes. It shone so bright the whole cave lit up, and when the light dimmed, I stood in my skull's place, confused but fully aware. I stood up straight and looked at the wing. “Hey it’s fixed I told you it would work!!!”
"You're strange," the dragon said, in a soft voice. I was shocked. It could talk?? "Nobody's ever survived my gut before without a reformation machine."
“Wait what, you can talk? I said totally taken of guard
The dragon sighs with exasperation. "Yes I can talk. Why shouldn't I? I'm not some common animal."
“Well I mean sure, your a fucking dragon. I know I shouldn’t be surprised since I’m part werewolf, but why didn’t you say anything before I was eaten. Btw one of the weirdest experiences of my life. I still haven’t heard a thank you” Cal rambles on as he still try’s to comprehend a talking dragon
"Why should I thank you? You tried to kill me like five separate times in the last eight hours. I was just trying to return the favor."
"They were delicious, thank you."
The dragon circles the much smaller man, like a shark circling a surfer. "You flew into my storm. You want to protect your assets, I'm going to protect mine."
“Ummm dumb question how is a storm ur asset? It’s not like you created that storm heh heh” Cal nervously turns to stay in eye contact with the dragon. “So mister dragon, do you have a name?”
"Kade. Kade, the Great Dragon of the sky. So yes, it was my storm. I did create it. Are you familiar with Great Dragons, human?" Kade says, leaning in real close for that last sentence.
“Oh wow your breath is really hot umm, no I’m not that familiar with great dragons. I just became part werewolf and knew monster type creatures were real like 3 months ago. Uhh can I just um yeah uhh *boop. Your nose feels really good. Sorry don’t eat me again, I noticed it the first time u ate me” Cal says as he slowly back up. He’s not usually frightened of anything but a massive 40 ton dragon will make anyone weak in there knees.
"We're some of the most powerful beings on the planet. Godlike in power. One could call me the King of the Skies." Kade says, spreading his wings and standing tall, letting him bask in his glory.
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"That is, if any of them respected me. I'm 'too young,' they say. I'm 24, that shouldn't be too young." The dragon is just complaining to himself at this point and seems to have forgotten that Cal exists.
“Ohh that’s sad, im sorry your not treated like the glorious dragon you are. Your so stunning, your big beautiful wings, big sharp teeth, long yellow tail, and these amazingly pointy horns. Your amazing, very handsome if I do say so myself.” Cal say, wondering if Kade the dragon is even listening
"I know right? But those stuck up higher-ups think I need to be a couple thousand before I... I'm rambling. Point is, I own the skies, and considering what you've done to me so far, you'll have to work hard to gain my trust." Kade says, slowly moving his wing around to emphasize what got hurt.
“Well how can I make it up to you? I’ve heard rumors that dragons like gold, I have tons of that back at VoreNation!!! I promise as long as I live no harm will befall upon you or any other dragons. It’s okay Kade I won’t hurt u ever again I promise. You know us humans are always shoot ask questions later” cal says jokingly, but cautiously
"Gold? How much gold?" The dragon's eyes might up with curiosity. Goldlust. Every dragon's fatal weakness.
“Ohhh ummm, as much as you want!!! You could have a hoard of gold if u want. VoreNation is very rich in gold, so most of it just lies around in my gold room. Also, to make it up to you you can be apart of the royals in VoreNation. Who knows maybe one day you will be a royal mount for me hehe!!” With happiness cal offers everything to Kade the mighty dragon
"Royalty? That's... More like it.." the dragon purrs, mind already simplifying to only base desires. "Who are you anyways?" He asks sweetly.
Ohh I’m no one really, you ever flown by VoreNation? It’s a massive city, I come from a long line of kings and queens. I’m the sitting king, ruler of all VoreNation. So yeah no one really.”Cals chest boasted as he clarifies with pride
“A king, wow that’s impressive. I would love to come stay with you. Hope there’s plenty of things to eat in this City.” Kade says as he lowers himself gesturing for me to hop on his back.
“Please don’t go too fast I don’t want to fall off and fall to the ground without a parachute.” Cal Climbs on Kade back.
They depart and head for VoreNation, a long trip, Cal would have to see Saladin another time. As they reached the city, people were scared. Running inside to get away from the massive dragon. We landed at the castle and went into the throne room. I knighted Kade and proclaimed him the Royal Mount of VoreNation. I had a special sable made to fit Kade, fit well and looked good on him. I hugged Kade, and gave him a kiss on the nose. Our bond had grown quite strong, and he was more than a pet. He was family, Kade grew quite protective of me. Though Kade was a lot of work and made big messes. He was spoiled rotten, got more gold than anyone could imagine. A prisoner was brought to me, for threats against the throne. I came up with a great idea, I snapped my fingers. The man stretched out and transformed into a beautiful leather collar. With gold designs, and edging that spelled out Kade. He moved his massive head down and I placed it on him. Kade wrapped me up in his tail and licked my cheek. I stayed there for a while and we both fell asleep, cuddling each other. The bond between a dragon and his owner was strong, what started from hatred. Evolved into a beautiful trust, and loyal relationship.
The end~
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