pajulammas · 1 year
Would you draw faerie Tails?
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Fairytales! I mean, Faerie Tails! His design is inspired by Faerie Pteri and monarch butterflies ✨✨
Leave a Neopets brush and a Sonic character in my ask
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gridanian-red-mage · 24 days
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The Fall of Foulques--Part 1/3
Listen, man, this is not looking good for you. In fact, things haven't been looking good for you since you decided to snap and go on a rampage.
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edbydawn · 2 years
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for dragoon, something special!!!
my friend jambandit and i collabed on this one; they drew estinien and kumokiri while i drew foulques and anthea’ra! it was such a nice change of pace and so much fun to do with my friend ;;;
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zazter-den · 7 months
Wake-Up Call
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Synopsis- Your situation Bakugo is on a mission in another country, so why bother worrying him by mentioning that you're sick? (You really should have known that would backfire).
Reader Characteristics- Gender Neutral, Sick (Implied COVID), Brat.
Warnings- Suggestive Ending
Tags- Illness Comfort, Dom Fluff, Long-Distance Fluff, Spanking Mention, D/S Dynamic, FWB!Bakugo, Caretaker!Bakugo.
Word Count- 1500
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A breeze slipped through the slightly ajar window of your apartment, filling your bedroom with the smell of rain. The world outside was blanketed in a thick mist, the city was still asleep, muted to a quiet hum. It was a chilly morning, the kind that would have you reaching for a warm cup of coffee and a cozy sweater. But for you, it was perfect.
The sun wasn't even up yet, and you were curled up in bed, buried deep under a pile of blankets. Your makeshift nest kept you warm, while the cold air from the window nipped at your nose. Every breath you took was crisp morning air and the smell of rain-soaked soil. It was a smell you loved, one that always soothed you when you were sick. With a soft sigh, you snuggled deeper into the comforters, letting the calm of the early morning lull you back to sleep.
The world could wait.
With your face nestled into the cool sheets, you were on the verge of slipping back to sleep. At least you were, before a sudden melody filled the room. The calming marimba cover of the Final Fantasy intro was a sound only assigned to your closest party members. With a groan, you reluctantly popped your head out from under the warm cocoon of your comforters. Your fingers clumsily fumbling for the source of the noise. The cellphone screen hurt, even with the reduced brightness of night mode, and you squinted at it, trying to make out the caller ID. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes finally focused on the TNT emoji that popped up with the video call.
A facetime call? This early? Your sleepy confusion only got worse. Your… well, you weren't quite sure what to call him. Best friend? Lover? Bro with benefits? It was complicated. Bakugo was supposed to be away on a mission in another country. Their facetime calls were always scheduled ahead of time, taking into account the time difference and the unpredictable work shifts you both had. An unscheduled call like this was… unusual, let alone a video chat. With a sense of growing dread, your mind started racing with possibilities. Was the mission a success? Was he okay? What if something had happened?
Pushing down the worry that had begun to creep up, you swiped to connect the video call. Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for the connection to go through. The phone flickered, and then Bakugo's face filled the screen. It was a bright afternoon wherever he was. His spiky blond hair glinted in the sunlight, and his red eyes seemed even brighter. His face was a sight for sore eyes, and without realizing it, a sleepy smile found its way onto your face. Whatever was going on, it was good to see him.
"You wanna tell me why I had to hear from Deku that you're sick?"
Oh. Oh, you take that back.
"Good mornin' to you too Kacchan" your voice squeaked, trying (and failing) to hide the guilt you felt. Cheeks flushing, you quickly buried your face into the pillow. Your eyes peeped out over the top, like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar. You could feel his glare burning into you through the screen, and knew you were in for an earful.
"Don't fuckin' 'Kacchan' me" Bakugo snapped, his scowl deepening. His voice had that distinctive edge to it, the one that told her he was more worried than mad. It might be bright and shining where he was, but his mood was anything but sunny.
You swallowed hard, throat dry as you tried to find the right words. "It's just a mild case, Katsuki" you admitted in a small shaky voice. You nestled your fevered face further into the cool pillow. "I'm just tired, can't really think straight… and I've been sleeping a lot." You gave him a weak smile, trying your best to reassure him.
Too bad your words didn't seem to have the desired effect. If anything, his frown only grew. "I'll be over it by the time you fly back home… so I figured I wouldn't worry you" you added, trying to sound upbeat despite the fatigue that weighed you down.
Bakugo pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes squeezed shut in frustration. "Great plan" he muttered sarcastically. "Do you have any idea how fuckin' worried I was when Deku told me you had to catch your breath on the stairs?"
You let out a nervous chuckle, hand rubbing the back of your neck. "You'll be happy to know I've started taking the elevator?" you offered, attempting to lighten the mood.
Bakugo's glare softened a little, but he wasn't about to let you off that easy. "Not the point, and you damn well know it. You should have told me, sweetheart. I don't care if it's “mild” or not. I should've been the first to know. If you're sick, I wanna be there for you, even if it's just through the phone."
The screen shook a bit as Bakugo let out an exasperated sigh. He cares, deeply, that much is clear- even if neither of you have taken the step to label what's going on between them. It's in the way his eyes softened after the initial anger, in the way he called you first thing after hearing the news, even with oceans between the two of you. "Just...take care of yourself, okay? And keep me updated, no matter how small the shit is. Got it?" Bakugo's voice was rough, but the concern unmistakable.
"Heh, you care about me" you couldn't help but poke fun, laying back and stretching your arms above your head. The chilly morning mist moved the translucent curtains, but you couldn't feel warmer. As you settled back on the bed, the phone angle shifted, giving him a clearer view of your "pajamas".
"I care about you not being a dumba-" Katsuki began, his usual attitude ready on his tongue, but it fizzled out as you derailed his train of thought. His eyes fixated on the bright red stylized skull stitched across the cotton top you wore. He already knew the answer, but asked anyway. "...Is that my shirt?" he demanded in a softer voice, his cheeks quickly gaining a subtle pink.
"Ah, ya, sorry. You left it here last time you were over" You admitted a little sheepish, fingers nervously started to play with the hem. The fabric was worn and soft from use, and it's comforting in a way that's hard to describe. "I've been having really bad body aches and it's the softest shirt here" you added. "I'll take it off if you want?" The offer is genuine, but it's clear from the reluctant tilt of your head and the way your grip tightened on the fabric, that you'd rather not part with the small piece of him you have.
"No" Katsuki blurted out more quickly than he intended, his ears now matched the soft pink of his cheeks. He turned away from the camera, as if his sudden interest in the landscape in the distance could hide the heat he felt creeping up his neck. "It's fine."
"Bakugo Katsuki- are you blushing?" you teased, amusement clear as day. He could practically hear the smirk in your words. Your sleepy grin was wide on his screen, and he could feel it without looking.
"Hush" he growled, trying to regain composure as he glared into the camera at you. The red in his cheeks deepened despite his best efforts. "It's not like I haven't seen you in my stuff before. Just... keep the damn shirt on if it makes you feel better" he conceded gruffly, unable to hide the fact that, deep down, he likes seeing you wrapped up in something of his. Bakugo's eyes narrowed as he caught the bratty grin still stretched across your face, your smugness speaking volumes through the screen. His initial embarrassment at being caught blushing quickly evaporated. If the little brat wanted to play, then fine by him.
"But don’t think you’re off the hook for keeping me in the dark, darlin'" he chuckled darkly, the sound sent a shiver down your spine. Your grin faltered, replaced by a nervous gulp. You knew that tone, the one that signaled you had danced on the line and now Katsuki was about to remind you just who’s in charge.
He leaned closer to the phone, his red eyes piercing into yours. "Once I’m back, you’re gonna wear that shirt- and that shirt only" Bakugo said with a feral grin, the demand in his voice leaving no room for argument. "Then I’m gonna spank that ass of yours until it’s as red as the skull on your chest." The edge in his voice stole your breath away, and you sat up a little straighter.
Bakugo was miles away but it felt like he was here, invading your bedroom, taking over every inch of air around you. You could feel his authority fall over you like a comforting weight. Your body already ached for his touch, for the slap of his hands, the sharp bite of his teeth, and the relentless pounding of his cock. A whimper you didn't realize you were holding back slipped out, and now Katsuki was the one leaning back with a satisfied smirk. “Better be good for me and rest up, brat. I'll see you when I get home.”
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No pressure tags for the Kacchan fans!: @bakubunny @neon-gothicc @dcsiremc @sadgirltrademark @purecoco
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estinininininen · 5 months
Hey FFIV fans, do you ever think about:
• Kain Highwind actually talks a fair bit at the start of the game, was ready to interrupt the meeting with the king, readily gives Cecil unasked for emotional support, and despite holding in his love for Rosa for at least some time, once shit hits the fan he almost immediately blurts it out in Mist
• Cecil sometimes even late in the game has a real hard time collecting his thoughts and saying them out loud. He freezes up in personal interactions with Golbez and just sorta . . . follows Fusoya's lead on the moon. Our first glimpse of him is brooding on the Red Wings airship and he doesn't say anything to his upset men until they are actively questioning their orders, a big deal in a military to even reach that point. He always moves on quickly to the next goal in conversations (as much just limited dialogue constraints on the SNES but you know). People in Baron were afraid of him as a Dark Knight and Cid and Rosa have to seek him out to get him to talk
• the Baron monarchy seems to be elective. Kain has his own inheritance from his biodad. That's the sharp difference between Kain and Cecil's beginning as young men - Cecil has only what the King is able and willing to give him. And the dragoons are a long and storied order, but using dark knights is new for Baron and makes everybody uncertain. Kain ends up angsting over his connection to his dad at the end of the game but he seems emotionally centered with it in the opening, enough that Cecil comments he envies him and Kain doesn't say that's weird of him to feel. And Rosa's mom apparently liked Kain for Rosa instead of Cecil
so . . . it may be that . . . Kain and Cecil before the game starts are the inversion of their popular archetypes that creep into a lot of fan portrayals of them, my own included! Fun! Cecil was the awkward brooding loner and Kain the open, communicative golden child at court. Then everything goes to hell in a handbasket and we see them switch over the course of the game
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sasslett · 20 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 2: Horizon
It was with all her courage that Jess placed her foot in her stirrup, hoisting herself up onto her trusty steed and clutching his reins, vehemently pushing down the fear rising in her chest. 
She trusted Helios, of course - he'd never done her wrong, in the year since she'd bought him from Bentbranch, through all the crazy adventured she’d put him through across Eorzea. But, well… that was on the ground.
But flying? In the air? Hundreds of fulms above the safety of the land? 
“Are you ready?”
The Highlander glanced aside to find her Elezen friend grinning at her. He was, of course, the picture of confidence, just as he always was, his smile warming his deep, golden eyes… and warming her heart, as much as she hated to admit it. But it was, perhaps, the onze of confidence she needed. And so she nodded, taking a deep breath and settling herself into her seat…
Only to yelp as Helios flapped his wings and lifted off behind Varrus and Angel. Jess quickly scrambled for whatever grip she could, leaning forward and tightly wrapping her arms around her bird’s neck - earning her a chuckle from her fellow dragoon. 
“Just relax,” she heard Varrus call over the whistling of the winds around them. “Don’t look down, and if you fall, I’ll catch you.”
“Like hells you will,” she grunted through gritted teeth; as kind as the sentiment was, there was no way, should she slip, that he could swoop beneath her and prevent her from plummeting into the bottomless chasm surrounding Ishgard below. 
Ever-so-slowly, she cracked one eye open, then the next… peering down at the churning mists and crying out once more. Perhaps she would have admired the view, the snow-capped mountains around them, the rising sun tinting the skies a deep pink, with naught on the horizon but new lands to explore and new adventures to be had, were she not practically paralyzed by fear.
Why, oh why, had she allowed Varrus and Haurchefant to talk her into this? 
Because, she knew, as she opened an eye once more to eye her best friend, she’d do anything for that damned Elezen. 
And damn him, he knew it, too, as he met her single-eyed gaze once more with a grin. 
“Don’t think too hard,” Varrus encouraged. “Trust in your seat and your steed, and let yourself enjoy the thrill of the air.”
Well, seeing as she hadn’t quite died yet, she slowly opened her other eye, pointedly not looking down as she pushed herself up in her seat… And she had to admit, as per usual, he was right. It was nothing short of exhilarating, finding herself soaring through the frigid Coerthas air, snowflakes gently hitting her face, the only sound the flap of the chocobos’ wings and the wind whipping through her hair. 
She felt a smile slowly creeping onto her face, and she set her reins down upon Helios’ shoulders, throwing her head back and her arms wide as she embraced the freedom of the skies. She couldn’t help but laugh, a feeling of pure joy overcoming her. 
She was flying. She was flying! Up there, she was free… only her and her best friend, all their troubles left below and their eyes set upon the horizon, upon new adventures. And in that moment, that was all that mattered. 
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satureja13 · 3 months
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Chapter 27
The One
Where they
finally get to enter the Therapy Game!
celebrate Beltane
Uh - I don't want to spoil more ö.ö'
'Smiles in the sunshine and tears in the rain Still take me back to where my memories remain Flickering embers grow higher and higher As they carry me back to the Mull of Kintyre
Mull of Kintyre Oh, mist rolling in from the sea My desire is always to be here Oh, Mull of Kintyre'
Mull of Kintyre - Paul MacCartney & The Wings
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professionalscrublord · 9 months
The Black Marauder IIC
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The "Black Marauder" is a horror story of a cursed mech. Over the years urban legend has built it up into some kind of extradimensional beast, a living machine that moves of its own volition, consumes the souls of its victims and strikes fear in all that come close to it. It emerges from mist and shadows to kill efficiently and mercilessly before disappearing once more.
So I know the story says it looks like an inner sphere MAD-3R, but the way it's described as looking "Off-proportioned" and "Too smooth, almost organic-looking" makes me think it's a IIC. That and it having "Teeth", which the IIC's array of chin-lasers could be mistaken for. It also has a tendency to oneshot mechs with PPCs to the cockpit, which only Clan PPCs have the damage to do reliably. It performs unusually well in smoke/fog (advanced clan sensors perhaps?). Maybe the pirates didn't recognize what they were looking at given they lived on the opposite side of IS space from the Clan invasion front. It's also black with bits of red, the paint scheme of a certain Wolf's Dragoons "mercenary company" (read: Clan spies roaming IS space) which would explain the lack of factory markings/serial numbers. The stories mention weird behavior and unidentifiable mechanical issues so it could've been left behind since it was a liability, stripped of insignia and left on a forsaken airless asteroid in some random uninhabited system to conceal the trail. That's just my pet theory, anyway.
Pictured: Teefies (and bloody claws)
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This one was difficult for a different reason, not painting this time but being my first time working with greenstuff and sculpting/modifying a miniature.
The paint job itself was fairly quick because of the almost uniform coloration despite the number of steps: -Primed with matte black -basecoated with Night Scales metallic black (It barely shows up, there is a faint glitter in some spots but mostly it looks like a slightly lighter black.) -Heavily drybrushed with Rough Iron, a dark rust color metallic -Lighter drybrush with Gunmetal, grayish/silver metallic. at this point I thought it was too light/shiny so I went over some panels with matte black paint, keeping away from the edges I'd drybrushed. -Mars Red in the eyeholes. White on the lasers/cockpit later covered with Red/Green/Blue speedpaint. -Blood Red speedpaint over the "monstrous" bits. It disappeared into the black, until: -Gloss varnish over the speedpaint brought the red back out again. I wanted everything to be black but still have the monster bits to stand out texturally, the gloss makes them glisten nicely. -Anti-shine matte varnish on the rest. That still looks pretty shiny to me but what can you do (Vantablack miniature paint, anyone??) -The label says MAD-BLK in the Standard Galactic Alphabet. At some point I knew how to read/write it after it featured in Minecraft enchantments, though by now I lost that and had to look it up.
The sculpting was interesting. -Green stuff is tacky and sticks to my fingers when fresh, hard to apply to the model in a careful manner, but is pretty easily workable on the model, once it's on. At some points I used metal sculpting tools almost like chopsticks to avoid touching it with my hands. I twisted a pointed tool like a little drill bit to get the eyeholes in. -Getting closer to the 1hr mark it stiffens up and becomes the opposite. Easier to apply and get off my fingers but harder to work into the shapes I want and fit in the crevices for a good hold. -The claws are superglued given they're sticking out a fair bit. Roughed up the plastic surface before applying glue for a better bond. The other greenstuff I trusted to stay on since they were molded into the surfaces pretty closely. -The blood was red ink Speedpaint mixed with good old AK water medium.
I'll have to do more modding in future, truly customize my mechs.
Last Lance of Cardinal Sins featured a Zeus, only too late did I have the idea of modding a ZEU-X with the wing-like cooling vanes. Fortunately I have a King Crab waiting for me (my favorite mech!) to make a prototype KGC-010 with. It has flush-mounted dual PPCs with spiky cooling vanes sticking out the back. Should be fun.
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iyliss · 6 days
FFIV Job swap AU list, in case i don't draw anything else and forget what's in it. For the record there is no difference in roles nor plot, only in what job they have and the surrounding aesthetics. Everyone switch with someone else ~
Mage!Cecil: blessed in magical arts since he was a little kid, Cecil was strongly encouraged by the king to study magic. However as he grew he was pushed more and more toward black magic and completely dropped any healing. He ended up losing hope his powers could be used for anything but pain and destruction. Once he reached mount ordeal, a gentle light reminded him he also had white magic in him and he began using both.
Knight!Kain: last son of a long line of legendary knights of Baron, Kain was raised in defiance of magic. He has ambivalent feelings toward it, mostly a strong insecurity from his inability to cast a single spell. Golbez promised him access to the forbidden magic of dark knights and, when they face each other again, Cecil begs him to stop destroying his body for the sake of power. (I don't know yet if afterward he should remain a dark knight, turn paladin, or become just a magicless knight).
Dragoon!Rosa: having loved the sky and winds since her youth, Rosa caused much worries to her mother when she decided to walk in her parents' footstep and become a dragoon. Always seeking freedom, he jumped out of the highest tower's window to find Cecil when she didn't see him return from Mist. Her imprisonment by Barbariccia involves numerous metaphor on "clipping her wing" and "keeping the little bird in cage".
The rest will be hidden because I'm afraid it'll be long.
Ninja!Rydia: from the hidden underground ninja village of Myst, Rydia was taught how to hide in the fog and use ninjutsu by her mother. When Cecil led the village to collapse on itself, she found herself trapped underground and was saved by him. Afterward, at mount hobs, she has to face her fear and crawl in a way too small for anyone else to find a way through the mountain. She later felled down in the sylph's realm and, adopted by them, learned even more tricks.
Summoner!Edge: isolated from other human countries, Eblan found connection with the eidolon. They felt closer to them through the tower of Babil, extending from the dephts to the sky. The royal family traditionaly carried a special bond with eidolons and could summon them to protect their people. Having only recently received this power from his parents - before they were captured by the enemy- Edge swore to use all his magic to avenge them.
For the last four playable characters, I was hesitating between switching yang-edward and edward-tellah or yang-cid and tellah-edward. given how little a bard yang works, i'll go with the second.
Sage!Edward: A huge bookworm, Edward often dress as a student in magic to travel around Damcyan and learn from what he sees. However he fears take over whenever he has to fight and he forgets all his spells. He is far stronger when he can remain calm.
Bard!Tellah: A travelling singer with a deadly way with words. He can break anyone's confidence with a few blunt lines. (Also just imagine the scene where he hits Edward but he does so with his lute). Once he sets out to kill Golbez, he finds the ancient song meant to break the soul of anyone who hears it.
Engineer!Yang: Fabul has recently become one of the most technologically advanced kingdom of the blue planet, in most part thanks to Yang. He manage an army of mechanicians helping him build all kind of invention. His wife is not quite pleased to see him return home late and covered in soot.
Monk!Cid: The excentric man in charge of training the youth of Baron. He spends all his days training, meditating, then training some more. He spent a lot of time with Cecil and Rosa when they were kids, helping them improve their body and concentration.
White Mage!Palom: A mischievious white mage who loves to be begged and pleaded and praised for the smallest healing spells. He greatly enjoy the power he has on people.
Black Mage!Porom: A studious black mage who is very interested in the world around her and how elements work together. She loves learning and giving lesson on everything she sees.
I didn't know what to make of Golbez, at first I considered switching him from black to white mage but the idea of reverting light and darkness through FFIV is so cool I think is worth its own AU (Cecil starts as a paladin, zemus being light-themed...). Instead I guess he should be more of a swordsman/knight? Which. I guess. you can just see ffxiv for the visual of it. HOWEVER FOR THE FOUR FIENDS-
Scarmiglione, will-o'-the-wisp themed: many lost traveled found their end on mount ordeal and their soul's fire, never finding peace, joined Scarmiglione's army. Instead of zombies he has spirits.
Cagnazzo, fortress themed: he seeks the strenght and power of castles made of stone. He means to make Baron into he's untouchable fortress.
Barbariccia, sea themed: empress of the ocean, the tower of zot is an ancient ruin at the bottom of the sea. Her hair are made of waves that are sometimes peaceful and sometimes violent.
Rubicante, storm themed: he looked to the sky as something beautiful and wonder if humans and their airship will one day conquer it. His cloak is made of wind carrying away any magic
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Estinien buys his wife a gift before they leave for Tural. SFW mostly. Minor spoilers for level 90 MSQ (but we saw it in the trailer lol).
“Hey, mind if I join you?”
Agnes smiled and tapped the seat. “Always, love.”
Estinien chuckled and sat next to her on the tree swing at their home-away-home (as Agi calls it) in Mist. “I picked something up for you. Saw it and thought of you.” He handed her a small box as she leaned slightly to give him the sweetest kiss on his unshaven cheek. Shave and then off to Sharlayan and then…Tural. Well, for Agi and the children. I’m heading there directly from Limsa and will rendezvous.
“You are quite possibly the most wonderful husband on the star.” I will admit I’m a damn good husband. Proud of it, in fact. Opening the box, she gasped when saw its contents. “Oh, this is lovely! Is it for my hair?”
“Aye. I thought it would look nice, but you don’t…Agi!” He smiled ruefully, watching her set the multicolored dahlia in her dark red hair. “You don’t have to—”
She wrinkled her nose and kissed him on the mouth this time for a very brief moment. “I want to. I think it’s going to look amazing.” Once it was in place, she hurried to one of the faerie fountains in the yard and glanced at her reflection among the lilies. “Oh my gods! I was right! I look so pretty!” Agnes grinned.
That she loves herself as much as she loves us is a joy. I will never tire of hearing you say you’re beautiful. His lips curled into a small smile. “Seems I made a good purchase then?”
His wife clapped and then quickly returned to sitting next to him on the swing. “The very best purchase, my grumpy dragon. Do you know why?” No, and I can’t wait for you to tell me because I have no idea. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I’m completely and utterly in love with you and will be for the rest of my life.” Oh thank fuck, me too. “And I finally feel like there’s…I don’t know, like a balance between being me and being the Warrior of Light. I think that with the start of this new adventure in Tural is the beginning of a new chapter in my life.” She turned her head to show off the flowers for Estinien. “What better way to signify this new chapter than something vibrant and alive…and makes me feel beautiful from the man I love?” In one mostly elegant movement, Agnes grabbed his face, kissing him soundly, while she tried very hard to swing her long legs over his lap. Estinien grabbed her ample waist and pulled her forward, and by that point, they were erupting into a fit of giggles. “I love you! I love you so much! How did you know that this was just what I needed?”
Estinien blinked, laughing nervously. “I dunno, but you’re welcome, my angel.” I’m happy you’re happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.
They shifted into more comfortable positions with her legs down (very sad about that) and a hand gripping a soft thigh. After a while, the expression in Agnes’s eyes shifted from content to one Estinien clearly read as lust. “You know, I hope we make it in time to see part of your little duel with the Dawnservant. I would hate to miss seeing the Azure Dragoon showing off all his tricks,” she bit her lip adorably. FUCK. “Handling that big lance of his…it would be such a shame, wouldn’t it, love?”
He nodded quickly, squeezing her thigh more. “Mhmm, so awful. I—”
My wife dragged me inside.
To our bedroom.
Who knew a dahlia hairpin would make her so happy?
No, you dolt. I make her happy.
If she’s happy, then I’m happy. That’s all there is to it.
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wholelottatransbians · 2 months
bun for all: question what is Izumi top speed when using all the quirks she has at her disposition?
Bun for all: can you give us a few examles of supermoves?
For love and justice: what do you think of this super moves for Yume when she is in her magical girl form:
Invisibility+Creation+poltergist: adorable chain (love me chain from Sailor moon)
zero gravity+ transform+ quirk of the person she is transforming into: Celestial punch (Tsunade main fist attack in Naruto)
invisibility(optional)+mushroom+wind girl quirk: spore mist! (Sailor Mercury mist technique)
big fist+size: Strong one and two (sorry i, as a One Piece fan, cannot ignore the call to make a SUPER!!! reference, franky is cool)
Frog+ lizard tail splitter+Electric arrow (Yuyu) storm of frogs! (original, basically strenght boost of frog, divided with lizard tail slitter in a miniature tornado and electric arrow with taser power)
poltergist+psycometry girl+sonanbulist: thousand hands sleeper hold (Inazuma eleven Thousand hands goal keeper technique)
Bun for All: Well, her top speed without OfA is comparable to 5-10% Full Cowling, so taking onto account the 40% or so she'd have to have active to unlock the right Quirks, plus Fa Jin and Float (ignoring Gearshift right now), carry the one... Ah. Fast fast. Faster than Prime All Might, most likely.
As for Ultimate Moves, I tend to keep it very loose and flexible to account for any new ideas I come up with. That being said, I did have a couple: New Moon Drop, a falling stomp kick. Cresent Moon Rotation, a spinning drop kick. Full Moon Assault, a three move combo starting with a kick up, then a follow-up punch and a throw back down. (The last one is reremodified into the OfA combo you suggested before).
For Love and Justice: They're nice (aside from the Aldera kids, they haven't left the hypothetical stage yet), I do have s few of those too:
Mad Phantom Carnival (Zero Gravity x Size x Poltergeist): Several lose objects float around wildly and erratically, changing in size and turning the battle friend into a minefield.
Kira☆Kira Punisher (Empowered Light Refaction x Wave Motion): Basically the Makankosappo from Dragon Ball.
Soul of the War God (Creation x Size x Electric Channeling (Haya): She forms either a giant sword coated in lightning, or a bow that shoots thunderbolts.
Fists of Justice (Big Fist x Lizard Tail Splitter) Basically the same idea you had for the last one, but with dozens of energy enhanced fists.
Homing Arrowstorm (Horn Cannon x Search)
Plus, a sort of Super Mode featuring the Empowered Dragoon: Turning into a fire breathing dragon girl, in in exchange for not using other Quirks.
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voidsentprinces · 1 year
Estinien was a young sheep herd who lost everything to Nidhogg's vengeance. He then survived training in Coerthas only for the Seventh Umbral Calamity and the fall of Dalamud to take everything from him once more. Reducing his homeland to a now frigid and unforgiving wasteland. From there he continued to train hard and become a dragoon to fight on even grown with the Dravanian Horde. Driven only for his need to avenge his family and his fellow Ishgardians. He closed himself from all others and took leaps and bounds to try to obtain a way to face the monster from his nightmares. Breaking into the Holy See and stealing an Eye of Nidhogg for himself. Only to be consumed by it and vengeance briefly. Whereby, a young secondary Azure Dragoon in the Warrior of Light intervene and gave Estinien the chance to get a grip on the power he now held. And so for a time, Estinien let the vengeance fester and smolder in his breast while keeping the eye's influence at bay. Knowing he'd be used as a weapon should he falter. Vowing to go and defend where the horde went. So when it soon arrived on his door step at the Steps of Faith. He fought alongside the Warrior of Light and their comrades to lay low one of Nidhogg's brood. Before retreating into the walls and hunting the remnants by himself.
After another Dravanian attack on Ishgard, he makes his way home only to overhear the mission Alphinaud suggests. And seeks to accompany them, on the condition that if he can not find peace with the Dravanians. He would use this opportunity to finally put an end to Nidhogg once and for all. And so he partakes in this mission, facing off against beasts in the eternal winter snows that are now Coerthas. Tracking down heretics who become dragonkin themselves and meets Ysayle, the leader of the heretical sect which now plagues Ishgard. The twos ideas clashing as they trade verbal blows in the snow and the woodlands of Dravania proper.
But it is here where Estinien slowly begins to change, he sees Ysayle is a woman of her word and believes so completely in her mission just as he does his. She is willing to face off against Ravana, the War God of the Onemind. She tells him of a history, that Ishgard has erased and listens to the visions, the Warrior of Light has through their venture. He then sets himself a secondary goal of learning the full picture of the war and reason behind his family's unnecessary death. In fighting through the Churning Mists and speaking to Hraesvelgr. He is given the information that it was Ishgard who started the war, betraying the Dravanians. And so, as Hraesvelgr isn't in control of Nidhogg's brood. Estinien must leave Ysayle to her revelation and make good on his own promise. Peace is dead, so long as Nidhogg lives. He seeks out the Aery with the Warrior of Light who understands this as well. Before falling back to Ishgard when they have no way to enter the nest.
Eventually, the innovations of Cid Garlond and the Ironworks grant him a way to fly into the nest of Nidhogg. Where he is immediately confronted by the great wyrm. And takes to the skies to battle with the beast while the Warrior of Light cuts a path through the Aery to reach the final battle ground. Using the eye, the subdues Nidhogg and the Warrior of Light aids in weakening the wyrm. Before Estinien clutches upon his vengeance and strikes a deadly blow on the beast. Removing its final eyes and mortally damaging its body, so as to kill the beast. And so Nidhogg fades and Estinien once the symbol of Ishgard's hope in war as the Azure Dragoon. Is coated in the blood of all who came before, choosing only solitary vengeance, the aether from Nidhogg paint his armor a crimson.
The Warrior of Light then has a vision of the knights who came before, of the defeat of Nidhogg having already claimed both his eyes. At the cost of Thordan, his heir to the throne who exiles himself out of shame, and several knights who abandon the cause. And the forming of Ishgard's four great houses. Estinien believing fully in his ally, seeks out Hraesvelgr to find that he had knowingly and willingly allowed for more innocence to suffer. When Nidhogg demanded Hraesvelgr grant him an eye. To avenge their fallen sister, with the full picture now painted. Estinien now has nothing left to avenge, Hraesvelgr will not send his brood against them. Nidhogg is dead and his horde withdrawn. And Ishgard is safe...or so it would seem.
Ishgard burns as the heretics make their play to lay siege to Ishgard. Ysayle however arrives to quell the riots and it is found that the Holy See goaded them in order to use this chance to show their true colors. For without an enemy for Ishgard to unite against, the power of the Holy See falters. The heretics were to be the next force to fight against, but having safely withdrawn. The Holy See selects the Warrior of Light and their foreign allies as this. Estinien watches as Aymeric is made prisoner and Haurchefant is felled. All for knowing the truth of the Dragonsong Wars. Estinien falling back to aid in quelling the riots that break out as Aymeric takes control and Thordan and his Heavens' Ward take wing to Azys Lla with the Warrior of Light in hot pursuit. Eventually returning with a way into Azys Lla from their newly revived companion Y'shtola. Using the eye of Nidhogg, Estinien is able to shatter the barrier surrounded Azys Lla. Only to have to stand by as Ysayle makes her final stand against the Garlean forces. Vowing to avenge her death as they descend into Azys Lla and strike many of the Allagan's beasts as well as full range of Garlean forces.
When the deed is done and Thordan has finally fallen, Estinien feels at ease. At long last, he can rest knowing that the Holy See has paid for their part in his family's death. But that brief respite is all that Nidhogg needs to fully possess his being and become the very thing he raged against himself. He then is made, unwillingly to ruin the peace offering between Dravania and Ishgard and push his horde against its walls once more. Transforming into the shade of the great wyrm himself. Ignited and possessed by its eyes of vengeance. He fights against his allies and friends. The Warrior of Light weakening the Great Wyrm with the aid of Hraesvelgr's eye now set on lasting peace. Both Alphinaud and the Warrior rushing to his side and with the aid of the ghosts of Haurchefant and Ysayle casting the eyes into the abyss. Estinien is finally able to be freed from the influence of vengeance. And find his way in a world of peace.
Ishgard has Aymeric, Dravania has Hraesvelgr. The Azure Dragoon is no longer needed. He now means to make a journey of self-discovery just as the Warrior of Light and Ysayle did themselves. Vanishing from the annuals of history as he wandered the lands. Only to learn through whispers that Nidhogg's eyes remained and they were use to break open a war in Ala Mhigo. And so, feeling it is his duty to see the eyes destroyed. He travels to the Peaks and destroyed the cannon in Castrum Albania. Opening the way for the "little lord" and his allies to strike out at Zenos and find Shinryu. The Warrior of Light doing battle with the Garlean possessed beast. When the body is removed and the victory is sung, Estinien returns to destroy the eyes once and for all. Finally free of his task, he dons the armor of Iceheart. And seeks to become as Ysayle was. The aspect of truth, lighting the path forward to reveal the corruption of man and find peace and solace in it. He would become its spear and so he ventures to the Far East. As whispers of a Dravanian beast arise in the mists. There he befriends the whelp Orn Khai and aids in the freeing of Faunehm from their madness. Reuniting them with their lover Vedrfolnir. He bids the Warrior of Light farewell as he travels the East for a time.
Until, he hears of the Scions disappearing from consciousness one by one and the war between Eorzea and Garlemald reignited. He makes his way to the battle field. Only to meet the ghost of Zenos there. And the Warrior of Light falling unconscious, he quickly spirits them away from the battlefield. And trusts them to Aymeric's care, before falling back once more to the Far East. To learn if any of its ancient healing could revive the Scions. His stay is interrupted by being approached and chased down by Krile and Tataru. Where he is more or less forced to join the Scions and go in Garlean territory.
As he is now the spear of truth, he wishes to get to the bottom of the happenings in Garlemald. Destroying Black Rose factories and coming face to face with another ghost from his allies' past, Gaius van Baelsar. The two make a tentative alliance and begin destroy Black Rose factories and cloning facilities. Until finally hearing whispers that Elidibus is puppeting Zenos. Seeking to strike at the heart of the matter, Estinien joins Gaius and sees the death of Varis and Zenos fully revived. While also uncovering the machinations of a new Ultima Weapon project upon escaping. He takes concern in reporting this as the Warrior of Light falls to one of their echo visions once more. Concerned for his friend, that they might be under possession of some power as he once was. He makes his discomfort known about the echo before going on his way.
Only to once again learn that a horde of dragons is being sent against the Eorzean Alliance. He immediately sneaks into Ishgard to charter a ship to Azys Lla. Only to be reunited once again with the Warrior of Light and ticking off Alisaie in mistaking her for Alphinaud. Along side meeting G'raha Tia returned in the flesh. He is confused but joins them as they make for a mission to speak to and release Tiamat from her binds. Riding her into battle as she finds the resolve to make amends for her past by destroying the tempered Meracydian legion controlled by Fandaniel. He goes toe to toe with a lunar Bahamut and once grounding it, the Warrior of Light slays the shadowed beast. Estinien then shadows Alphinaud to make sure no harm comes to his friend. And defends him against Fordola's cynicism. Joining the Scions soon after to fight against the end of the world. Finding comrades among the Scions. He aids in the journey to Sharlayan and heads into Thavnair with Thancred, Urianger and the Warrior of Light. Where he is more open than he has ever been.
The once, Azure Dragoon showing signs of flaw as he is swindled by a merchant for a hairtye. But also caring as he fetches lassi for his companions to aid in the aether sickness they experience. Immediately upon meeting Vrtra's avatar, he is distrusting of his role in all this. But agrees to aid Thavnair in the coming days as he finds a wyrm who cares for his people. And wants only what it is best for them, knowing Ysayle would approve of such a thing. He throws his all behind Thavnair. Bringing down the Tower of Zot and then igniting the flame of battle in Vrtra's breast when they take to the sky upon the Final Days' arrival. Aiding in the defense of the dragon's kingdom. And doing as the Great Wyrm cannot in his stead. Coming to the aid of Garlean refugees in the north and finally delving into the Aetherstream via the Aitiascope to face off against Fandaniel manifest as Amon and finally Hydaelyn herself. In a final trial for the future of the star. He watches Eorzea's final god fade away, the path now open to question but his duty clear.
Facing his greatest trial yet by meet Alphinaud's mother for a cup of tea. And then flying off to Ultima Thule with his companions. Where he finds the shadows of the Dravanians from their original planet. Twisted by Meteion's despair, not standing for them to wallow in defeat. Igniting the flame of hope in them and unleashing a wind and a path for the Warrior of Light and the Scions to move forward throughout the various dead stars that make up Meteion's nest. Summoned back to full form by the Warrior of Light with the aid of Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus. Diving into the visions of Pestilence, War, and apathetic famine, that Meteion witness and taking the fight to the Endsinger. Even though he is eventually teleported away by the Warrior of Light. He offers up his prayers for their safety and their hope to light their way in the battle. And when the dust settles and they return battle and bruised. They immediately leap to their friends side to offer aid and hope that they awaken. Just as they had when he was bedridden after being freed of Nidhogg's possession.
Here is Estinien, a boy who was made to face a great tragedy. Forged by vengeance, humbled by compassion. Given a second chance at life but scarred by the past. Once only caring to avenge his family but then coming to care for all in Eitheirys. Becoming compassionate, not seeking war as the first action. And finding friends and companions while holding Ysayle's dream as his very armor. Enemy to all dragons now resting in the Kingdom of one. Aiding the Warrior of Light and Y'shtola in the Thirteenth and seeing to the future of Thavnair and its people however he may. A boy hardened by tragedy, a man softened by love and care. Free from his past but using it as a cautionary tale of how to proceed. Showing that kindness is not a weakness but a strength and that we are better than our worst fears. We shouldn't shackle ourselves by the wrongs we have done but by the good we can still do. And to give it our all.
...or maybe its just a tale about dressing a hot elf in various armors and then making us watch him half naked doing push ups as our companion suggest we disrobe with him as well.
Either way, he is an amazing character. Once a one off chump to be the bad guy of a Dragoon Questline. Now a fully fledged companion for us.
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dragons-ire · 1 year
#21 Grave
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Ser Genevoix’ fingers would never grasp her lance as deftly as they had but a few short turns ago.
The two bones in the right forearm had been broken - clamped between the jaws of a dragon she’d once called friend - and though they’d been set and healed, they’d healed stiffly. The enchantments still woven deep into her gilded armor lent her some swiftness back, but when asked, she’d ruefully shake her head and claim it was not quite enough.
She blamed her arm, for to blame her heart would have been called a betrayal. A heresy, even.
But like her body and her spirit both, the world was shattered and could not be made right.
As for her friend - she’d heard no word  since their bitter parting. Just murmurs and rumors - Ratatoskr’s children are rent with grief. So many of them have met their end. They’ve laid down their own lives. They do not care to go on.
Considering the dragon’s temperament at their parting, it was an easy enough conclusion at which to arrive.
The alternative was almost too terrible to think of. That Rangridh might have joined rampaging Nidhogg and his brood as they burned their way through the Churning Mists and below. The sight of villages and families turned to cinders before they could react or take shelter tore at her own heart in kind.
This is why, she thought to herself, this is why we kept peace with these creatures for two hundred years. Why we sought their wisdom in our petty quarrels, why we swore our oaths and forged our bonds. Why we knew it was better to call a dragon a friend.
When our ancestors came to these lands, we learned what it meant to be otherwise. And still we did not learn well enough.
Ser Genevoix knew the excuse of her injures would not satisfy much longer. Nor would it keep people from prying into the assets she’d collected in peacetime. Her library, chronicling what she and generations of her fellow dragoons had learned in the centuries of peacekeeping, high above in the clouds.
Moving it was difficult - book by book and scroll by scroll. A handful of supporters and conspirators who dwindled as its new secret home in the Slate Mountains took shape.
In the end, there was only her, and she expected nothing less. These were difficult times, and all of them had difficult decisions to make.
Here, she thought, she would stand vigil so what she knew - what they had all known - would not be lost to the madness of war.
With luck, the knights and lords of the new High Houses would realize what needed to be done, and shortly make amends, and there would be peace again.
It was only a matter of time before her supplies ran out.
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Got this from @hares-and-hounds , might as well pin a quick primer on my main girl here for ppl to see.
1: Gail Dotharl
2: Crystal
3: Dragoon
4: Endwalker
5: Urianger
6: Law's Order Spear, Type-53 Coat of Maiming, Appointed Gloves, Craftsman's Leather Trousers, Type-B boots, Omega-F earrings, Wayfarer's Necklace, Emperor's New Bracelet and rings
7: Void Blue or Rhotano Blue
8: Leveling all crafters and gatherers to 100 before DT early access ended
9: You mean I have to choose???
10: The Churning Mists
11: Limsa Lominsa
12: The Grand Cosmos
13: Crafting
14: P10- Pandaemonium
15: Too many to count
16: Susano
17: 5.2
18: Depuis le Debut
19: Elidibus
20: Scholar LB3
21: Lancer
22: FC workshop
23: Enough
24: Normal only
25: Namingway
26: Warring Lanner
27: Haven't completed enough to say for sure
28: Calculator
29: More and better ways to keep track of the chat scroll.(And don't @me about crimes, plugins, or anything similar- I play on console so I'm unable to use them)
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ivorystand · 6 months
An EstiYuhki snippet I have been imagining in my head over and over. Also wrote this while high, I think my third eye opened
Also @pinkcadaver because I mention their wonderful OC and Yuhki's best friend, Melody!
Under the cut, but here's the screenshot that started my idea for this! (Also the way my brain associates the song "Contention" from the Heavensward soundtrack with Yuhki's pining for Estinien but being to shy and scared to lose her friend after finally reuniting to actually act on those feelings)
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The Churning Mists seemed to fall into a tranquil silence, save for the soft crackles of a slowly dying fire. The group had decided to call it a night. Melody, Carbon, Alwin, and Alphinaud slept nearby, while Novia and Ysayle had given themselves a bit of distance from the others. The only two who had yet to fall asleep were Yuhki and Estinien.
Yuhki glanced up at her fellow dragoon. "It honestly feels good to have the trio back together,” she spoke softly. "It's been way too long…” 
Estinien nodded with a soft grunt of acknowledgment. "Aye, it has," he muttered.
"Remember that time we tried to jump that ravine?" She giggled. "I still don't know why you decided to try to cushion the fall."
The elezen couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. "Because I didn't want you two to get hurt. I still remember you kept apologizing when you noticed I broke my arm."
"I felt bad, okay?" She laughed before realizing she was getting a little too excited. The last thing she wanted was to wake the others.
"You'd always get so wound up over the little things, good or bad. Like the day we met when I scared off a chinchilla and you were convinced I was your hero," a faint smile appeared on Estinien's face. From what Yuhki could see from under the helm her friend refused to remove, he seemed to be reminiscing about their childhood.
Her heart fluttered at the sight of that barely noticeable grin. It reminded her of home, of the days before Nidhogg had burned Ferndale to the ground.
"Esti," she mumbled after a moment. She didn't even realize she had used the nickname she had given him as children until the smile she couldn't help but feel drawn to was replaced with a slightly shocked or flustered frown. Not Estinien's usual scowl he seemed to constantly possess.
"What did you..." He mumbled, letting his sentence drift off.
Yuhki's eyes widened slightly and her face tinged pink in embarrassment. "I'm sorry,” she blurted. "I'm just... thinking about how I used to call you that all the time. It may have been cute for an eight-year-old to call her friend that as a nickname, but it seems a bit weird for a 30-year-old to say.”
Before Estinien could respond with either a sarcastic jab or a possibly embarrassing anecdote from their youth, Yuhki stifled a yawn. "I think we should get some rest," she quickly added. She shuffled a little bit away before lying down in the grass.
As the last of the smoldering remnants of the campfire fizzled out, Yuhki glanced up at the sky. Lying on her side, facing away from the others, she found herself drifting into a lonesome sleep. She wished she could say just the right words and do so many things, and yet when she had a chance, it slipped out of her grasp.
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equinoxbloom · 15 days
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[FFXIV Write 2024 | Day 8 | Day 7 Makeup: Morsel]
She turned her face from him, petulant, lips pressed into a thin line. She had a delicate appetite - he’d thought so since they’d first crossed paths and Estinien had confirmed as much in vague complaints after traveling with her in the churning mists. He sighed softly.
“Must the Savior of Ishgard pout so?” he asked. She glanced back at him, jewel-like stare suspicious.
“Must the Lord Commander fuss so?” He shrugged, the bowl of warm broth and vegetables steaming in his hands.
“If you had not pressed beyond the front line so recklessly on your own, perhaps not…” he’d been as furious with her as he’d been worried; she didn’t understand what she’d looked like, small and bloody thing limp in Estinien’s arms. The dragoon had looked grim enough that Aymeric had feared the worst. It had been a dread he had no interest in nursing again, coiling cold and tight in his chest. Too much warborn instinct  had moved him to action like a marionette on tightly drawn strings, even as the worst parts of his nature had spurred him into rapid retreat with her from the battlefield. 
It had taken the effort of his knights to separate him from her for the chirurgeon’s sake.
“I am sorry,” she mumbled. She was sincere, he was certain, but it meant little. She would offer herself to the altars before her again and again. It made him sick. It made him desperate for her. They wouldn’t speak of it more. Regardless, she was there now - she had stayed in the city until he’d returned from the Garlean retreat. She had meekly accepted the comforts of a recovery bed in the Borel manor. She had quietly received the well-meaning hovering of House Fortemps visitors. It was more than he’d expected of her.
Her voice was still raspy and soft. She was lucky to still have it at all. 
“You cannot persist on Ether draughts alone,” he said, scooping a spoonful of soup for her again. She leaned back into the abundance of pillows propping her up. Under other circumstances, he wouldn’t have minded the sight growing familiar. Soft blue linens under her dark hair, the familiar trappings of his home as her backdrop.
“Set it there, I’ll have some later,” she gestured toward the nightstand. He frowned, but set the bowl down nonetheless. 
“Swear it?”
“I swear it,”
“Before it grows cold.”
She huffed. He gave her a small smile. “Please?” She nodded. “Do you wish for me to leave you?” he asked. She swallowed.
He leaned over her, running his fingers through her hair, tucking the soft fall of strands back from her face. She closed her eyes. His touch was gentle along the sweep of her jaw, trailing slowly down the curve of her throat. It was a marvel, really. No sign of the violence that had been done there, or settled between her collarbones, or… 
She shivered as he hooked a finger into the thin neck of her tunic. When she opened her eyes he was close enough to make her breath hitch, long lashes and that thoughtful, half-lidded stare. She could drown in that blue. “Truly, your lips want for nothing?” his voice was low as his touch wandered back up along the delicate curve of her neck, cupped her cheek in his broad palm. She leaned into him without thinking, a vague sound at the back of her throat. “Just a taste, for me?” he asked. 
She licked her lips before she tasted his, soft and sweet and inquiring. Her mouth was hungrier than she’d expected and she reached for him, fingers in the dark waves of his hair, skimming the soft lobes of his ears so he fed her the smallest sounds of longing.
He pulled away from her before she could find her fill of him, suddenly enough that she couldn’t swallow back a faint whimper of protest. Aymeric stroked her cheek. “You need rest,” he said. “And to eat.” He sat back with a slow and measured exhale, folded his hands carefully in his lap, restrained. “I should like to see you recover your strength.”  
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