#mist x cumulus
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belle--ofthebrawl · 2 months ago
Femslash February Day 3! Mountain wingmanning at a lesbian bar (his greenhouse) (Sfw!)
Ok look, I don't know how many consecutive days of writing and posting I have in me. But I'm going to try my hardest to get so much Femslash out this month. I'm not following any set prompt or challenge list. Just my heart. And my pu-
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"I need help." Mist says. 
Mountain sets down his carefully trimmed bonsai and looks at her over the rim of his glasses. She's fresh from the lake, with clothes sopping wet from being tugged on right away. Her fingers twist around a tarnished old pendant (skull, eyes set with emeralds). And, most intriguingly, the barest hint of a blush on the apples of her cheeks.
(And slung over her shoulders what is quite possibly the largest pike he's ever seen in an impressive display of prowess but that is neither here nor there. She's not asking for help with the fish.)
"I understand." Mountain replies, having seen that same look on Aether after he met Dew. 
"There was an Air sunning herself on the dock," Mist says. "I've seen her around but I don't know her name."
“What did she look like?” He asks patiently. Cirrus had a fondness for hellebore and datura, but she was usually practicing keyboard with Zephyr this time of day. He glances at a pot of white lilies and nods to himself, even before Mist tells him.
“Big.” Mist says. “Big body, big poofy hair, big sunglasses. I think I splashed her when I jumped out of the water.”
It's the most flustered he’s ever seen her, the way she paces back and forth, trailing her hand in a tub of water lilies.
"I had the fish. In my mouth. When I jumped up on the dock. And I scared her. And I didn't apologize cause my mouth was full of fish. I just walked away and acted like nothing was out of the ordinary."
“Joe cool.” He says suavely and earns a flat glare. He meets it with his own carefully blank face until Mist rolls her eyes and flicks water at him.
“I know her.” He says as an olive branch. “Cumulus. She'll be a backing vocalist and keyboardist on our next tour. Real sweet.”
“Is she the type to be bothered by how I acted?” Is Mist’s next question and Mountain thinks about it. Plenty of ghouls became “domesticated” once they were up top, vastly preferring the convenience of Abbey kitchens and a set menu to a more traditionalist approach like Mist enjoys taking.  From what he's seen, Cumulus had adored the luxuries of the Topside like bubble baths and ice cream. But she still politely asked to have raw meat whenever she ate in the cafeteria. She enjoyed organs and eyeballs, cutting daintily into her meal and chewing methodically before swallowing.
He spares a glance at the pike. It's a decent size, almost as tall as Mist’s scant five feet and from the looks of it, hadn't gone down without a fight. It might be good sliced into fillets with lemon pepper and celery salt. He doesn't think Cumulus has tried raw fish yet.
“You’ll be fine.” He says. “So. Let’s start with the focus of the bouquet.”
“Don’t you start with that flower language.” Mist warns him. “I think it’s ridiculous. I just want something pretty for her to look at without any second meanings for her to guess. I don’t like codes.”
“Alright.” Mountain says, humoring her. “So, lets just start with flowers that remind you of her. Take a look at what calls you.”
Mist beelines for the lilies and Mountain smiles to himself. Mist isn't the type to be sentimental and he hardly expects her to verbalize her thought process. It would be more practical than poetic anyway because that's just how she was. He just guesses and watches and waits while she goes from flower to flower, brow furrowed in thought. 
“I like these.” She says about a pot of bullthistle he’s been nurturing from seed. It's on it's second year and growing tall, fine shoots that promise to bear nasty, thorny leaves. He's got an idea about how the species might be used to strengthen the borders of the abbey but he's worried about how fast it spreads. So it sits, with its purple crowns atop tiny thorny heads. 
“Thank you.” Mountain says. “For the bouquet or just to admire?”
“Just to admire.” Mist admits. Shifting her weight to still keep ahold of the pike, she thrusts her bouquet before him for inspection. Dominated by the lilies, she's added sprigs of lavender and fat peonies. Ferns have been tucked here and there to break up the flowers and Mountain gives her a silent thumbs up. There's no doubt Cumulus will love it.
"Thank you." Mist says gratefully. “I…I really appreciate it, Mountain.”
“Go get’em tiger.” He says as she nods to herself and heads out to find her girl, toting a gorgeous bouquet and her freshly slaughtered kill.
And no sooner do her footsteps fade when Mountain picks up another pair heading to the back of the greenhouse.
"I'm sorry." He says to the bonsai. "We're just doomed to always have interruptions in our alone time, it would seem."
The bonsai forgives him. It was a patient tree. It could wait a little longer.
"Mountain?" Comes Cumulus' frantic voice. "Mountain, you have to help me."
She bursts into the greenhouse, a gorgeous mess of floppy curls and chiffon as she presses her hands to her rosy cheeks. Her sunglasses are askew, her hat is about to fall off and he's never seen her so far from neatly put-together in her entire time with them.
"There was a water Ghoulette." She begins softly. "Caught the biggest fish I've ever seen. So stoic! Such a huntress!  Mountain, I think I'm in love."
"I understand." He says soothingly. "Why don't you take a look at those water lilies while I grab some thistle? Wouldn't want you hurting your hands."
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distressxox · 1 year ago
Headcanons: The Ghoulettes + Mountain first meeting / Developing a crush on you
Part 1
• She immediately stands out to you because of her long, curly, white hair. She flashed you a smile and welcomed you to the team.
• The more you got to know her, the more she stood out as the mom-friend of the group.
• Bascically adopts you into the ghoul-friend group. Anyone says anything bad about you will have the 'lioness' to deal with.
• You help her with practicing piano and keyboard. She likes to harmonize with your voice, and sometimes she sings along.
• Winter arrives and the fire ghouls are usually working to heat up the ministry. She invites you to cuddle, since that's what ghouls do to preserve body temperature.
• Presing your body close to hers, you tuck your head under her chin. She whispers an 'Oh my' as she feels her heart beat getting faster. She purred as you fell asleep in her arms.
• Swiss wanted to join, but she growled and swiped at him. "My bad"
• That's a thing that became more common between you two, even if it wasn't cold outside anymore.
• She starts to fuss over you more like she's your wife, which you jokingly call her.
• Is pretty similar to Mist, the only thing that's different is how quickly her mood changes. It's super scary
• At first she was stone faced like the previous Era of ghouls, but as soon as you said hi she was smiles and rainbows.
• Was the one who seemed the most trust worthy at the time, so she's your main ghoul to talk to.
• Pretty playful and flirty, like a mix of Aurora and Swiss. Loves it when you pet her or scratch under her chin.
• Started to feel more attracted to you once she realized her attraction to you wasn't just friendship. It was romantic. Pretty simple when she came to terms with it.
• Overthinks her crush. Is it real? Is it just ghoul hormones or your pheromones? Does she just want you, or does she want all of you?
• Gets jealous pretty easily. Doesn't like it when the Ghouls flirt with you, or you give them attention.
• Almost starts a fight with another ghoul because they stared little too long at you
• Is bascically the stereotype of that one girl that wants/ is friends with everyone.
• Very excited to meet you, shakes your hand vigorously. Introduces you to the rest of the ghoulettes instead of letting them do it.
• "Yeah, Aurora's one of the newer ghouls" Cirrus tells you.
• Wants to hang out with you 24/7. You are her bestie afterall! Sleepovers, making friendship bracelets, gossip or shit talking. Her personality is heavily inspired by chickflicks.
• Her hair is naturally a very light green which fades into a dark blue at her roots. One day she decides she wants to dye some strands a neon pink. You help her ofc.
• You had changed into a shirt that was way too big on you, it slid down your shoulders and it took every ounce of her willpower not to shove her nose in her neck. The smell of a human was irresistible to a ghoul.
• "Shit, I can't get this one spot" you sit on her lap and hold her face while you use the brush to finish the bangs. Her ears turned red and her tail wrapped around your leg.
• "Uh, Rora. You good?" "Yeah totally!"
• Didn't keep it a secret that she had a crush on you when talking to the other Ghouls.
• "Ugh I want them so bad" "(Reader) and I already have 27 children in the scenario in my head" "I would kill for them ngl"
• The most imposing ghoulette, despite her stature.
• Doesn't say anything the first time you see eachother. She only stares you down, watching your every move.
• She's so serious at first, so you start teasing her. The Era 1-3 ghouls have darker skin, so a way you could tell she was blushing was when her cheeks turned a dark purple.
• Doesn't want to admit it, like it all. But she loves it when you tease her.
• "Where's (Reader)?" "They're in the left wing working today. Why?" "Nothing, if you tell (Reader) I asked about them I will end you"
• Not good at emotions. At all. Conflicted all the time because she fell in love so quickly. She has never been in love. Never.
• Refuses to talk about it with the others so she doesn't ruin her 'tough chick' persona.
• One time you snuck up behind her and poked her waist. She let out the cutest whine/yelp you had ever heard. She chased you around though.
• Also very protective
• Oh where do I begin.
• Scares the living shit out of you because of how tall he is, by accident because bro just appeared out of the ground and dusted the dirt off his shoulders.
• Doesn't usually interact with the siblings of sin if at all. He's afraid of them
• Is actually very sweet though, he thinks you're a little weird at first. Not a bad weird, just very unusual.
• Stuff you say is usually hilarious. Your humor shocks him at first, but he gets used to it
• Mountain is usually very stressed, there's a lot going on in his head. Practice, more practice, duties, mental health. But for some reason, the loud thoughts in his head disappear when you say "hello"
• When you're not looking, he'll put flowers in your hair until you notice them.
• Ofcourse he knows he's in love, the earth ghouls at usually the ones most aware of emotion.
• When he follows you around the lawns and the gardens, a small patch of purple flowers are left in his footsteps
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citrus-wall-paint · 5 months ago
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some ghost doodles ft. Ghoul designs :3
the top three from right to left are Raine, Phantom and Sodo
in the middle drawing, going clockwise from Terzo, its Sodo, Ifrit, Zephyr, Aether, Mountain and Omega
in the bottom drawing, starting from the top left is Sunshine, Ivy, and Mist, and from the bottom left is Cirrus, Aurora, and Cumulus
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dy6nsty · 1 year ago
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I’m a sucker for tall readers so here you guys go!
Nameless Ghouls & Nameless Ghoulettes x TALL! Ghoul! reader
Relationship— Romantic
Amused by the your height. But when it came to you using him as a resting spot he had the most judging look.
Allows you to do that in more private areas but will slap your hand, shoulder, arm, or chin off of his head if you’re doing that in public.
If you tower over him when he’s talking to other people he’s subtly smirking to myself. He likes it.
Play arguing when he suddenly sees you staring down at him he looses his ability speak for a moment.
He’s a decent 5’11 — 6’0, so being taller than him is just what makes him stare at you. You’re 6’3-6’5+? Dudes not looking for a second, he’s entranced for a decade. Full on '😨' emoji.
If something taller that he can’t reach he doesn’t bother to get anything to get it down, just asks for you to grab it for him. And if you can’t he’ll start teasing you for the hell of it.
Enjoys the fact you can wrap around him completely. Just nice that he’s in his own blanket except it’s you.
Had you drape over him and after a few minutes started patting your back because he couldn’t breathe anymore.
Likes it. Just likes to look you up and down before holding a thumbs up and a smug smile.
When he’s standing behind you he’ll stand on his tippy toes for second to see how much taller you honestly are.
If you’re the tallest in the band he just silent cheers to himself. Genuinely shows off your height to other people.
Likes to see you try on his clothes or accessories. Also likes to try on your clothes and accessories.
Stands next to you on purpose so people can see yours and his height differences.
Pulls you down to give you kisses, or if he’s standing on something. Once jumped up to give you a kiss and banged his head into yours.
Wondered what your diet was or is because… DAMN what did they feed you to get you to that height?!
Prefers to lay on you instead, you’re like a long pillow to him.
Smiley ass Ghoul! Saw you and was like “Hell yeah!” New member that just happens to horrendously tall!
I’ve just seen him twirling so I think he’d enjoy you twirling him around non stop. Walks over to you so you can spin him around because it’s fun.
Likes to get piggy back rides or hugging you like a koala so he’s lifted off of the ground.
Often times clings onto you in crowds or in any case of scenario he finds himself lost. You’re basically this guys beacon sometimes.
Almost tackled you down with a surprise hug. Took you by surprise and almost went timber with him.
Laughs whenever you hit your head on a doorway as if he hasn’t had the same problem before.
Stomps his way over while playing his guitar, actively trying to kiss you on stage. At this point Terzo can’t catch a break. “Oh they’re cooperating! Never mind they’re kissing again.”
If he can’t kiss ur face he’ll kiss your knuckles/hand, or he’ll just bite your arm out of boredom if he can’t reach ur shoulder.
‘😨’ x2.
Honestly wouldn’t mind being carried around by you, it seems fun to him. Piggy back, bridal style, on your shoulders, sounds amazing.
Enjoys cuddling, especially spooning and where he gets lay in between your legs with his arms wrapped around your waist.
Likes it how you tower over him from behind or when you’re in front of him. It’s just a oddly satisfying feeling. Especially if you’re holding his hand it’s comforting.
Watches you stick out on stage with your height. Finds it easy for him to find you that way.
Sometimes you scare the shit out of him when you appear out of no where. Jumped out of his seat once because of that.
Likes to have you as blanket as well. You’re just perfect to him. Probably uses you as a pillow sometimes to.
Compares shoe sizes and hand sizes subtly so you don’t notice and mumbled a small “Damn.”
At this point he thought Satan had something against him. There’s mountain but now there’s also you. (If you’re taller than mountain he’s throwing hands with the air.)
Has you crouch down sometimes so he can rest his head or arms on the top of your head like you do to him.
He’s not complaining when it comes to spooning or cuddling. With you wrapped around him he’s an automatic heater, at the max percentage. No seriously he’ll probably give you a heat stroke.
Flails around whenever you pick him up. He just doesn’t expect it when you hold him up like a toddler.
Uses you to grab other things. Asked you to help and it ended with him standing on your back.
Back to the towering of thing. He enjoys it because it makes him feel that he has some sort of guard dog with him. But he also doesn’t enjoy it because now you look like a damn titan next to him.
Has you walk around the ministry with him because he’s honestly hoping you hit your head on a doorway so he can laugh. (He loves you tho!)
Does enjoy being held by you when he’s trying to sleep. Very nice feeling.
Sometimes hides behind you after messing with Sodo (again, always.) So you’re some sort of barrier while they go back and forth.
You wear his clothes. It’d be rare for him to wear your clothes, hes tossed shirts in your room because he likes to see you in his stuff.
Honestly chill with you being super tall. To him it has its perks and they’re all good.
Might confuse you and mountain depending on the height different between you and mountain.
Shows you off to everyone. Standing next to you 24/7, super proud of himself.
Compares your height with everything around him. Furniture, people, buildings, items, pillows, etc.
Enjoys where you’re both hugging each other. Your head on top of his with his head against your chest.
Hugs you from your waist always. Honestly dudes proud to have a tall mate.
Was so curious about you. Your height, the way you were so easy to see in crowds, drew him right to you.
Stands on his tippy toes or platforms to try and reach your height. If he can’t he’ll have you come down to his height.
Still enjoys kissing/biting your neck or shoulders. Somewhat of a secret spot since no one can really see there.
Tries picking you up even though you can probably pick him up easily. Not that he’s complaining to be carried around to wherever he wants like a prince.
Makes fun of your heights but procedes to talk about on how he loves. “How’s the weather up there?” It’s so old but so funny to him.
If you rest your shoulder/arm or chin on the top of his head he’ll do the same later. Except over doing it.
Pulls you down by your collar so he can kiss you properly. Gets cocky while doing it.
You take turns with who’s the little or big spoon, all depending on whatever the both of you feel like or is most comfortable.
Was quite happy to have another somebody his size in the Band. Was a little stunned when he first met you.
Although it’s nice so he doesn’t have to snap his neck to look down or kiss you.
Still picks you up to kiss you as if you guys have a huge height difference. Even if you’re taller than him he picks you up.
Now there’s two massive Ghouls walking around! Uses both of ur heights to an advantage to hide things like trinkets or snacks where other Ghouls / Ghoulettes can’t reach.
Enjoys curling up with you, where you both get into a spot of cuddling around each other with arms around one another.
Giddy about having a tall boyfriend. Stands next to you so he doesn’t have to tower over anyone else or stretch his arms down to far.
An actual unstoppable duo in monkey in the middle.
Uses you as a arm/headrest which you both take part in that scheme. He rests his chin on the top of your head and you rest your arm on his shoulder.
Couldn’t be bothered about it. He likes the height difference.
Enjoys sitting in your lap or laying down in your arms while he talks with you or completes some stuff.
You and him go back and forth playfully with teasing each other about yours and his heights.
When you tower over him? Loves that shit, leans towards you subconsciously. Pressing his back against your chest.
Likes wearing your clothes but if he sees you in his clothes he just giggles to himself out of pure happiness. Matching clothing sets maybe , but it’s either to small for you or to big on him.
Will try to get things down on his own but if he literally cannot get something down he calls you over.
If you rest your arm on his head he’ll just stare up at you and try to mimic you.
Likes to lay his head down on your chest, complete draping his body over you like a blanket as he clings onto you.
Let out an audible gasp when he saw you. Teasing your non stop about being tall. Nicknames, jokes, anything and EVERYTHING.
Your height does not stop him from running across the stage to come over and try to bite your shoulder.
Jumps onto you for a hug. Comes running at you full speed with his arms completely open.
Skips around with you following around since you look like you could rock somebody in an instant.
Uses you like a blanket. Laying down? Not anymore because he’s sliding underneath you despite the fact he’ll be suffocated. But that’s okay to him!
Dirty jokes left and right. UP AND DOWN EVEN. “You’re pretty long, right?” Asked that with a dumbass look on his face.
Admires your hand and fingers. Moves them around until you notice the motions are the opposite of family friendly. Family making is a better phrase.
Makes stupid jokes like: “Why go to France when we have the Eiffel tower right here?” or “Who made you? Two damn trees from the forest? Or maybe even three I don’t know what trees enjoy.”
HEART EYESSS. “So this is love….” Giggling and kicking her feet when she remembers you are so tall.
Kisses your hands, knuckles, arms, thighs, or anywhere she can grasp / reach!
But if you wanna lift her up so you can kiss her she’s giving you one passionate smooch. Pucker up buttercup. (I’ve been waiting so that for so long.)
Likes to switch masks with you every so often! But makes sure to leave lipstick stains before giving it back <3
Likes it when you come up to her platform. (That is if you can.) If not she’ll blow air kisses and small waves!
Pick her up and give her that princess treatment! Or even better: Queen treatment. (I love cumulus guys.)
Honestly wonders what you see up there compared to her world view. Like? The hell do you see, do you see in 0.5 vision?
Grabs onto your tail or arm to have you guide her around crowded areas / halls. Also enjoys to be the little spoon with you.
She’s actually coming for your ass. (LITERALLY.) You’re gonna want eyes on the back of your head.
Clings on to you. Hug her from behind, front, side ways, either way she’ll cling onto you with a happy ass smile.
Piggy back rides will by far be her favorite.
Being around you gives her a confidence boost. Strolling around both you right by her side.
Pro at stealing and wearing ur clothes. Casually strolls around with something of urs on. Shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie, tanktop, sock, boxers, quite literally anything.
You leaning on a doorway? GOOD LORDDDDDD. She’s staring up at you with some outrageous thoughts goin’ through her mind.
Wanted you to dress up as a christmas tree for christmas holiday times. If you didn’t do that she did give you a tree headband.
Doesn’t really care on how you cuddle, all she cares is that she gets to hug you and you hug her.
Not up for discussion she sees you and she’s tackling you unless you manage to catch her in your arms.
Likes to sit in your lap or on your while ranting about her day or any details that happened anywhere shes gone.
Casually says some of the most dirtiest jokes around you. Wide vocabulary to words that describe ur body.
Wears your closet whenever and wherever she can. Your clothes are genuinely comfy man. Rocking the duo of a top of yours + some boxers.
Likes kissing some of your stuff with lipstick, especially you^^
Laughed so hard when you hit your head pn a ceiling fan. Had to think about what just happened while catching her breath.
Eventually just decided that spooning was a good cuddling position since her bed was to small for you, and no one wants their dogs poking out.
Absolutley loving forehead kisses. Aswell as standing on your shoes so she can give you a sweet kiss.
Adores hour height.
Likes the dynamic you have: One of the tallest in the band, and shes the shortest / one of the shortest in the band! (I forgot.)
Big on physical touch. Holding hands, having you lift her up so she can kiss and hug you, resting your head on the top of hers, subtle hand on her waist, tail wrapped around her, she’s living the dream for it.
Dance with her. Twirl her around, keep her close, lift her up, she loves to dance with you ^^
Not ashamed to say she likes when you’re completely huddled around her like a protective blanket. She is in love it.
Gets flustered whenever you lean / tower over you. Awkwardly staring back up at you with widest of eyes.
Likes to have you carry her around while you walk around area to area. Pretends to sleep sometimes so you’ll carry her back to bed.
Whether you wear her marks or its the other way around she feels automatically prideful.
Stares at you but is not willing enough to crane her neck every single time she wants to look at you. “Bend over.” Doest realize how that sounds.
Tends to lower you down to her height so she can talk to your or give you a small kiss.
Whenever she feels you behind her, whether you’re looking over her or at her she’ll look up at you with a confused look.
Loosing self respect if you lean on anything and look down at her. Now she means BEND OVER.
Calls you legs or lurch. If you rest your elbow on her head or shoulder she’s immediately throwing it out there. “Alright legs, we got many surfaces but I am not one them.”
Lowkey chill about it though. She almost gets a portable elevator for whenever she needs something.
The third musketeer who likes you as a pillow. It’s just comfortable that she can come back and lay her head down on you.
Likes when you wrap your arms and tail around her, laying your head on her chest. From your height and size she feels safe.
how long did this take me exactly? good question.
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thelampisaflashlight · 4 months ago
Girls' Night
[A short blurb based on that girls' night chat post I made.]
"I'm gonna shape your brows," Cirrus says, studying Dew's face intently, licking her lips as she thinks, "other than that, I think maybe some eyeshadow?"
"Do what you gotta do." Dew shrugs, watching Cumulus and Aurora pick through the carefully curated outfits Mist has pulled from her closet in the mirror in front of him, "Not that one."
Aurora makes a disappointed noise and drops the short, demin mini skirt she was holding onto the bed, "But it's cute..."
"No, I agree with Dew," Cumulus hums, picking up a soft looking balloon skirt, "it's cold out, cute or not, we can't have our honeypot freezing his balls off."
"Been there, done that." Dew scoffs, sitting up straight when Cirrus takes hold of his face to start working on his eyebrows, "Tell me about the mark."
"He's the owner of a megachurch," Mist says, pulling a file out from under her pillow, "middle aged, married but looking if you catch my drift. Two kids from his marriage, a son and a daughter, and a couple 'little secrets' he's sending hush money to..."
"Funded by the parishioners?"
"One hundred percent!" Mist chirps amusedly, "The rest you can read yourself when Cirrus is done fixing that ugly mug of yours."
"If I didn't wanna risk losing one of these press ons, I'd get you for that." Dew says, emphasizing his point with a click of his manicured nails, then looks at them appraisingly, "I'm starting to think we should have gone with a nude shade, this red is, like, a lot..."
"That's the point-" Mist starts to say, but a knock at the door has her slipping the file back under her pillow and motioning for the others to stay still, "Who is it?"
"It's Rain."
A pause.
"Is Dew in there with you?"
Mist glances at Dew, who carefully slides out of his seat in front of the vanity and climbs into her wardrobe.
"No??" she does her best to sound offended as she opens her bedroom door, "It's girls' night, he'd stink up the room with his boy germs."
Cumulus, Cirrus, and Aurora wave from their newly assumed positions of the bed, sat around watching a video on Mist's laptop.
"Oh..." Rain pouts, "I haven't seen him all day, I'm worried."
"Aw, missing your boytoy?" Mist coos, pinching his cheek, "Pretty sure Frater Imperator stole him away to go over some documents in the archive room. Poor bastard is probably balls deep in some ancient tome transcribing some disturbed monk's ramblings."
"I do remember Copia muttering about having to redo some transcripts because of how Terzo fucked up the sorting system years ago..." Cumulus adds, and Cirrus nods in agreement.
"We have an archive room??" Aurora blinks, having genuinely not known this information before, "How have I not seen it??"
"Because it's the kind of place where if you so much as breathe wrong, someone jumps on you and accuses you of endangering hundreds of years old books." Mist says, "Only a handful of people have access, and as big of a dumbass as he is, Dew used to do archival photography and preservation work before he came here."
"Yeah, Dew's a big ol' nerd!" Cirrus laughs in the direction of the wardrobe, imagining the middle finger Dew is undoubtedly holding up behind closed doors.
"That would explain why he hasn't answered my texts..." Rain murmurs, taking his phone out of his pocket, "He gets really absorbed in that kind of stuff. Oh, I hope he remembered to eat..."
"Tell you what." Mist pats his shoulder, feeling a little bad on Dew's behalf for having to ghost his boyfriend for the sake of their mission, "If I see your man roaming the halls like a zombie later, I'll send him your way for make up cuddles and snacks."
"Would you?" Rain asks, sounding adorably hopeful, "I appreciate it!"
Another short moments of chitchat later, and Mist's door finally clicks shut, and Dew emerges from the wardrobe looking a little down about the mouth.
"I'll give it a minute and then I'll text him." Dew says, digging into the pocket of his sweatpants for his phone, "I couldn't message him while I was waxing..."
"You should send him a pic along with the text as an apology, like, 'Sorry I was so busy! Make it up to you ;)' and, boom!" Cumulus suggests, wiggling her fingers, but frowns when Dew frowns at his phone, "Aw, gumdrop, it's okay if you wanna dip and go see your boy..."
"No, it's just... I do feel bad, but I want to do this, too, and I just... I feel bad that I can't tell him what's going on." Dew rubs the back of his neck, "...Fuck it."
Dew picks out a dress from the piles.
"I'm not gonna take a photo... I'm gonna make him an entire fucking album."
"Not in that you're not." Mist tuts, going through her closet again, "You need silk and lace, and a pearl necklace-"
"Mist!" Dew flusters.
"The actual kind, I think it'd pull the look together, plus, fish boy would appreciate the added details..."
"So is the plan to take the photos first and then go catch us a dirty preacher to steal his stolen relics or is this an after kind of deal?" Cirrus asks, "Because if it's an after thing, I can grab my polaroid camera and we can make it extra special for him with some physical photos."
"Can we skip the heist altogether and just take tasteful nudes of Dew? That sounds a lot more fun than robbing some crusty dude..." Aurora wonders aloud.
"No, duty calls as they say." Mist proclaims, hands on her hips, "Work first, play later, ya know."
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damagedghoulette · 11 months ago
How come there’s barely any stories of disabled siblings of sin or new ghouls- We should have stories that are inclusive to everyone?
More underneath- please read (:
Suffer with stuff like being amputees, nerve damage, asthma, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, heart disease, deaf, blind, autistic, epilepsy, tourettes- list goes on..
Needing a walking stick?
Needing a cane to see for you?
Needing full crutches?
Needing a wheelchair?
Prompts you can use:
Being in the Infirmary with the Quintessence ghouls so much with whatever illness or disability, they try to make life as comfortable as they can for you?
A new sibling of sin who’s blind and keeps hearing people talk about ‘Ghouls and Ghoulettes’ and finally asking someone to take them to Papa to ask if they can touch their masks so they know what people mean
A papa who overhears a sibling talking to their friends ‘do you think Papa would allow a service dog?’ And he looks into it for them before slipping a note under their door later that night explaining a dog is a possibility but a ghoul could also work too?
When a new sibling of sin arrives and they only have one leg, the other being metal and the Ghouls are absolutely fascinated with it, the ghoulettes asking first because they’re bolder and the sibling explains everything
A sibling who’s chronic pain is so severe, a ghoul rushes them into the infirmary where they become close friends and helps with the sibling get over their wheelchair embarrassment thinking they’re the only one who has to use it so the ghoul takes them to meet Zephyr
(Please if you use any of these prompts credit for the idea or a link to this so people know!)
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multi-fandom-of-madness · 1 year ago
Ghoul Masterlist
Ao3 Link
List of Masterlists
Any smut will have a star (*) next to it!!!
Ghoul X Ghoul
Only When It Counts* - Swiss X Aether
Wants and Needs* - Phantom X Mountain
Don't Wanna Talk About It* - Omega X Ifrit
Rained Out - Rain X Mountain
Adoration* - Swiss X Aurora
Like You Love Me* - Aether X Rain
Guiding Hands - Swiss X Dewdrop
Magic Hands* - Sunshine X Cumulus
Caught* - Rain X Dewdrop X Mountain
Steam - Rain X Dewdrop
Excuses, Excuses (Part 1)* - Phantom X Dewdrop X Mountain
Excuses, Excuses (Part 2)* - Phantom X Dewdrop X Mountain X Swiss
Tense* - Aether X Omega
Early Mornings - Mountain X Swiss
Ghoul X Reader
Sour Day - Mountain X Reader
Safe With The Enemy - Phantom X Angel!Reader
Essential Oil - Mountain X Reader
Leech - Ifrit X Reader
Step On Your Toes - Mountain X Reader X Swiss
Ghouls X Fallen Angel Reader
Sub!Omega X Dom-Ghoulette!Reader
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year ago
lesbianism? say no more, my touch starved dyke ass is here
could i please get hcs for the ghoulettes with a enby lesbian goth reader? (sfw or nsfw, whatever you prefer!!)
Ghoulettes with a nonbinary lesbian goth s/o
Cirrus (she/ze)
Cirrus's style is a mish-mash of butch, punk and goth (but in the baby bat way) with comfort being the most important.
You share some stuff if you'd like. Mostly jewelry and make-up, since it's the most gothic part of zir wardrobe.
Cirrus likes to occasionally make her own jewelry, so if you're into that, you two make jewelry together.
She likes Scary Bitches, so if you listen to those, you have karaoke parties together with Cumulus.
Correct people on your pronouns why repeating their every word and then using the correct pronouns, putting an incredible amount of pressure on them, while looking directly in the eyes of the person who used the wrong ones.
Cumulus (she/her)
Cumulus goes primarily for comfy clothing, aesthetic doesn't really matter to her all that much.
But she does admire the people who commit to a style or a subculture. And that includes you, of course.
She'd love to go look for more clothes with you, whether you buy or thrift.
She becomes really fond of the music, to the point of humming some of her favorite songs and using a few of them as a small vocal warm-up.
Corrects people about your gender and pronouns (whichever you use).
She adores the jewelry.
Sunshine (she/her)
Sunshine likes a few songs, but no specific bands.
Her style is more... scene kid meets tomboy metalhead.
But she does like gothic make-up, so she'll absolutely let you mess around with her looks.
Just mind the piercings! She loves her piercings, you know!
She'll proudly wear anything you might gift her and tries her best to find things for you, too. Especially on tour, there's always some cool stuff on the festivals they all play on that you would probably like.
We already know Sunshine's a biter. She likes biting you affectionately... but she also bites others.
Willing to bite the face off of anyone who misgenders you. Just say the word.
Aurora (she/they/fae)
While Aurora doesn't really identify as a lesbian per se, she does identify as femme and loves everything feminine.
She doesn't fully understand what goths are, but once you show her a few kinds of goths, she instantly falls in love with faerie, pastel, perky, fetish and cabaret goth styles, so bonus points if you're one of those.
They start experimenting with faer own style, settling on a combination of her previous femme style with pastel and cabaret goth style.
She loves goth dancing, fae thinks it's absolutely fun and adorable. Giggles every time.
Acts confused and asks a lot of questions if someone uses the wrong pronouns on you. That's not what your pronouns are, why are they using different ones? It doesn't make sense!
Mist (he/she)
He likes how it looks on you, but wouldn't go out of her way to change her style.
Mist is a metalhead. He likes a different kind of music than you do, but she does like Sisters of Mercy, so if you like them too, you guys can chill out to it together.
You both wear a lot of dark eyeshadow and lipstick. She'll let you add the typical goth eye-liner to his look. She quite likes it, really.
Goes to concerts with you and has a good time, but wouldn't listen to the music outside of them.
Willing to start a fight if anyone even tries misgendering you.
Written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @thecuriouss @nuntia @dio-niisio @ethereal-maniac @mamacarlyle @mybotanicaldemise @igodownjustlikeholymary @natoncesaid @plaquerat
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copiabrainrot · 1 year ago
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ghoulettes' night out <3 doodle page for the first prompt of @jesusbutbetterrr 's ghoulettes appreciation weeks!! from left to right: cumulus, cirrus, sunshine, aurora, mist :D
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raindrop-21 · 1 year ago
Dunno what over took me, but I like it.
Cw: Sybians, over stim, p in v, (male) anal, gill play, voyeur Phantom
The ghoulettes play truth or dare at least once a month. In true ghoulette fashion, they have an arrangement of sex toys/devices. They have a sybian. Once Aurora was used to sex and the different types of kinks (outside of truth or dare), they started giving her dares using the toys/devices.
Cumulus, being who she is, dared Rory to ride the sybian. Cumulus chose a medium sized, bunny dildo add-on and helped Rory get situated. The machine (and dildo) had Rory seeing stars. Of course, she's used all types of vibrators, even had Aether (or Phantom) use their quintessence magic to up the intensity. But this, with Cumulus holding her hips in place and Mist playing with her nipples, has her finishing very quickly with the prettiest of moans and whimpers.
Phantom, who's quite the little voyuer, was watching and listening to this through the cracked window. He tells Swiss about it, Swiss, who knows what goes on during the "Truth Or Dare" games, gets intrigued by the machine Phantom was talking about, so he asks Sunny. Sunny tells him what the machine is called and where to buy it.
The moment it arrives, Swiss cleans it, sets it up, and calls Phantom into the room. To Phantom's surprise, there's not one of the machines, but two, and a shy, already naked Rain sitting on Swiss' bed, rock hard.
Swiss stretches out Rain with his mouth and fingers, while Rain does the same to Phantom. Once he deems them ready, he sits Phantom and Rain on the two Sybians. Because there's two of them, Swiss can't hold down both of their hips, so he gets four belts and ties them around their thighs and shins, ensuring they can't get up.
Before turning on the machines, Swiss slowly and torturously starts jerking off Rain and Phantom. Swiss stops right before they both cum and takes in all the little whines they make at being denied release. He waits a minute before turning on the machines to the lowest setting.
Phantom and Rain both jolt and little whimpers when they feel the machine start making the dildo move inside of them. When Swiss ups the intensity, they both cum. When Swiss doesn't stop the machines, they both look a bit panicked, but that's quickly replaced by pleasure.
Rain and Phantom start making out, and Swiss can help but feel a tad left out. So, he goes for the next best thing and starts kissing and licking into Rain's gills. Rain and Phantom start getting loud, and that attracts the attention of a little ghoulette who was just getting a midnight drink: Aurora.
Since ghouls mainly have an open door policy, unless specified otherwise, Rory just opened the door. When she saw the scene in front of her, she gasped. Her gasp had attracted the attention of all three boys. If there's something Phantom likes more than watching, it's being watched. He cums on the spot.
Swiss tells Aurora to come in and join the fun. She does. Swiss is messily rutting into her while Rain and Phantom are getting overstimulated to Hell and back. When Swiss is done with Rory, both Rain and Phantom have each cum maybe about five times each.
Swiss stops the machines, unties them, cleans them up, helps them to the bed, and they all cuddle together.
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Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks 2024 Masterlist
AO3 series (they all have fun little titles over here!)
Week 1: Start of Something New & Girls Night In/Out | Tumblr | AO3 | General | Rating: G | wc: 2274
Week 2: Stealing Clothes | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1291
Week 3: First Ritual & Lazy Sunday | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1004
Week 4: Elemental Practice | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1383
Week 5: Comfort & Hobbies | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1142
Week 6: Murder Ghoulettes & Self-care | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: M | wc: 1270
Week 7: "Can't you see how much I love you?"/Love confessions & Makeovers/Dressing-up | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: T | wc: 2002
Week 8: Coffee Shop AU & Sick-fic | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 2651
Week 9: Pranks & Getting a pet | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 2982
Week 10: Marriage/Soul-bonding & Laughing | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1106
Week 11: Caught in the Rain & Long distance relationships | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1055
Week 12: Beach day & Playful one-upping | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1378
Week 13: Last Ritual & Learning new things | Tumblr | AO3 | Rating: G | wc: 1092
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sentientgolfball · 1 year ago
Ghoulette Appreciation: Week 1
I kicked the writer's block and was able to write the first prompt for @jesusbutbetterrr ghoulette months :3 I did a mix of start of something new and girl's night in
All the prompts I do are gonna be nothing but Mistshine! I'm taking this as an excuse to write for my favorite ghoulette pairing, but of course all of them will be making appearances :3
Word Count: 1937
Tags: ghoulette pile, drunk/high sex, Mist is intersex with a tentacle, transfem Sunshine
Summary: The band would be heading out on tour soon and the girls have their last Ghoulette Night before they're separated for months
Mist was one to usually keep to herself. They were quiet, reserved, preferring the calm silence over chaotic company. Some thought it was because she was cold, emotionless, and a bit of a prude. Others thought it was because she was too dangerous for even the other ghouls to be around them. The venomous barbs sheathed in their wrists were proof enough. 
That was the problem with humans, Mist thought, they never see the full picture. While some of their whispers had merit, they would never understand why. Mist was a deep sea water ghoul. Unlike your average ghoul of any variety really, the deep sea beasts were solitary in nature. The only time they’d see another of their kind that wasn’t immediate kin would be during the mating seasons. The only packs that existed were made up entirely of family, and even then those packs were minuscule. It was rare for deep-sea ghouls to have more than two kits. 
So yes, Mist could be described as cold and reserved, but it didn’t reflect all of her. Living on the surface taught her how nice it is to have packmates. To know that any of them would drop everything for her if she needed, and she’d do the same. Of course, as much as she cherishes each and every ghoul, that doesn’t change her basic nature. She still enjoys her alone time, needs it. They spend so much of their free time alone that they’re always a little surprised when ghouls come looking. 
It’s not often that they find themselves sitting on a lumpy bean bag in Cirrus and Cumulus’ room surrounded by the other ghoulettes and copious amounts of wine, weed, and self-care products. Mist would be lying if they said they didn’t enjoy these rare nights of pure indulgence. They’d let Cumulus and the newly summoned Aurora use her for makeup practice, they’d let them put whatever cream or lotion on her because it made them happy. Mist would let Cirrus keep her glass full of the wine she had Swiss steal from Terzo’s personal collection. They’d let Sunshine feed her a joint until she got bold enough to sit in their lap and shotgun. 
Mist would do the same for all of them. She’d bring the best food to complement the wine. She’d brush their hair and work knots out of their muscles with her rough hands. She’d give exactly as much as she’d take. 
Tonight’s Ghoulette Night was bigger than any they’d had recently. It was the last before Cirrus, Cumulus, and Aurora would be off on tour. The wine was the sweetest Swiss could get his claws on. The weed was harvested directly from Mountain’s personal store. Mist had even broken into the Ministry cellars to get their hands on the best meats and cheeses for the ghoulettes to snack on. It was a necessity, she had decided. 
Now they all sit in Cirrus’ nest, more than a little buzzed and lazily touching each other. 
“Fuck I’m gonna miss this” Sunshine sighs, resting her head on Mist’s shoulder. 
“Me too” Aurora giggles when Cumulus kisses behind her ear. 
“We can always make a shitty nest and drink shitty wine in the hotels” Cirrus chirps.
“No way! You guys aren’t allowed to do it without us!” Sunny sticks her tongue out and clings closer to Mist. 
Mist just hums and squeezes her waist. 
“Oh we’re still definitely drinking” Lus purrs “but it won’t be the same without everyone.” 
“I don’t wanna think about that. Don’t wanna think.” 
Sunny suddenly jolts from where she had been lounging against Mist. She crawls into her lap and Mist knows she’s grown impatient. It’s an unholy miracle it took this long for her to start this. Usually, when they’ve snatched Mountain’s weed they’re all wrapped around each other before a coherent conversation can be held. 
“Wow, Sunny I think that’s a new record for you” Cirrus laughs but starts to shift Aurora onto her lap. 
“Took you long enough” Cumulus slots herself behind Aurora, caging her in. 
Mist had to agree. They had been painfully waiting for Sunshine to make her move. It always started like this. They’d all relax and let the alcohol and smoke turn time to honey until one of them couldn’t take the anticipation anymore. It was usually Sunny, save for Aurora’s first Ghoulette Night. 
Mist loved the way Sunny would always cling to her first. No matter what they did to her, Sunny would always come back for more. Mist would be lying if she said it wasn’t addictive. With Sunny finally in their lap, they made their move. 
“This is for making me wait” she whispers low before sinking their fangs into the side of her neck. 
Sunny whines high-pitched, twitching her hips forward, dragging her cock against them. Mist squeezes her hips harder, feeling their tentacle start to poke out of its sheath. 
“‘M sorry” she squirms.
“No, you’re not” Mist tears Sunny’s crop top off. 
She just giggles and shrugs. 
On the other side of the nest, Cirrus is lying flat on her back as Aurora scoots closer and closer to her face. Cumulus has one hand under her skirt and another in Cirrus’ underwear. 
“Don’t look at them” Mist grabs her jaws and forces her attention “You only know me.”
They crash their lips together in an almost possessive manner. It's filthy instantly with tongue and fang licking and clacking together. Mist yanks at the short hairs around the nape of her neck pulling breathy little gasps from her. She slides her hands under the hem of Mist’s shorts, slowly starting to pull them down. 
“Lords below it has a mind of its own” Sunny giggles feeling their tentacle writhe against her fingertips. 
“You say that every time” Mist deadpans. 
“Whaaaat I think it’s hot how excited—“ 
She’s cut off by Mist tweaking both of her nipples. They drag the flat of their tongue over the scars under Sunny’s breasts before replacing a finger with her mouth. She sucks and nips at her tits until they’re decorated with purple and blue marks as deep as Mist’s eyes. Until she can feel Sunny’s cock kicking in her pants. 
Her eyes briefly flick when Aurora moans. Cirrus’ face is covered by the fabric of her skirt and her thighs. Aurora shakes, grinding down on her face. Cumulus is laying on her stomach, face buried in Cirrus. 
Mist's attention is drawn back when she feels warm fingers teasing her cunt. Sunny is grinning down where she has her hand shoved into her shorts, tentacle wrapping around her wrist to pull her closer. 
“I think it’s unfair you get to look at them but I don’t” she pouts, but slowly slides a finger inside of them. 
Mist grabs her wrist, yanking her hand away. They shove their shorts down enough to let their tentacle fully free before popping the button on Sunny’s pants and wiggling her out of them. She seats Sunny back on her lap, letting the tentacle probe curiously at her ass. 
“You’re right. It is unfair” she wraps a hand around Sunny’s cock right as the tip wiggles in “but I want all of you.” 
Sunshine squirms and whines as the tentacle slowly slides into her, wet and sticky with Mist’s slick. They squeeze the base of her cock and Sunny yelps. Mist does it again and again and again, pulling those pretty little sounds from her. 
They latch onto her neck, trailing bruising kisses up her throat. She licks into Sunny’s mouth tasting her sweet orange and vanilla flavor. Sunshine pants into her mouth as the tentacle writhes within her. Mist starts to jack her off, pressing a cruel finger to the underside of her head every time their fist passes over. 
Maybe it’s the wine. Maybe it’s the weed. Maybe it’s the noises of Cirrus, Cumulus, and Aurora. Maybe it’s just Mist, but Sunshine can already feel her balls drawing up as her cock spits pre.
Mist bites her bottom lip and trails wet opened mouth kisses up to her ear. They drag their tongue over the shell before biting the lobe. 
“Cum for me”  they whisper low. 
Sunny does. Hard. Everything is intense and floaty as she spills over Mist’s hand. Tears prick the corners of her eyes from the tentacle still moving inside her ass. Mist snickers, kissing across her collarbones. 
“Mist can we play? Pretty please?” 
They slowly unlatch from Sunshine and look down. Aurora, now completely naked, has crawled over to them. Her eyes are big, pleading, and a little red. Something inside Mist burns. She doesn’t understand why, it’s not like she dislikes Aurora. Quite the opposite actually, she thinks her bold nature is quite charming. But when Sunshine wiggles off of them at the call of Cirrus and Cumulus, the burn only intensifies. They make a mental note of this, something to examine later, before they push Aurora onto her back and climb between her legs. 
The tentacle immediately starts slipping into her cunt and Aurora giggles at the sensation.
“You didn’t let me have this last time.” 
Mist tears her gaze away from where Sunny is choking on Cumulus’ strap. 
“You were new. I didn’t want to frighten you.” 
“Please” she snorts, “it takes a lot to get me to crack.” 
Mist tilts their head with an eyebrow raised. 
“C’mon Mist I’ve heard the others talk. Give it to me.” 
“Hm. Not here. Not now.” 
“Why not?” She huffs. 
Mist leans forward, wrapping a hand around Aurora’s throat, and squeezes hard enough to make her gasp. 
“Because” they whisper “if I'm going to, I want you tied to my bed so I can break you.” 
Aurora’s eyes roll to the back of her head and she clenches hard around the tentacle. 
Mist tries to put all their focus on fucking Aurora, giving her a little something to think about as the tour starts up, but everything is clouded by the noises Sunny is making only a few feet away. Every gasp, whine, keen has a flash of heat coursing through her body. She doesn’t understand why though. They’ve been having these nights since the two air ghoulettes were summoned and not once has this happened before. 
She decides it’s the effects of Mountain’s weed, she was always a lightweight when it came to anything drugs. They shake it off and drop a hand to Aurora’s clit, circling it as they squeeze her neck. 
Aurora cums with Mist’s name on her tongue. They coax the tentacle out of her and help her sit up. She props her up, letting her lean against her as she snatches a nearby bottle of wine and offers her some. The two cuddle and pass the bottle back and forth as they watch Cirrus and Cumulus milk every last drop out of Sunshine’s cock. 
“You’re growling,” Aurora says sleepily. 
Mist hadn’t even realized. She stops herself immediately with a cough and swig. Sunshine cries out both of the air ghoulettes names and they nearly choke on the wine. That fire ignites in her belly again and now that she’s not buried to the hilt in Aurora she can place a name to that feeling. 
Jealousy. Possession. 
She wanted to be the one to get Sunny to cry like that. 
She didn’t want to hear another name roll out of her mouth. 
She was confused. Ghouls share everything, even the solitary deep-sea ghouls were strangers to monogamy. So why was Mist feeling this way watching Sunny be taken apart by someone who wasn’t her? 
This is new.
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sonnenflamme · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 10 - Group Sex
(Prompt list by @kroas-adtam )
Anyone down for 3.2k words of ghoulette group sex with all 5 ghoulettes? Including lovely DP, straps and a total of 8 orgasms?
I got just the thing for you:
Take another taste of me
Pairing: Mist/Cumulus/Cirrus/Aurora/Sunshine
Rating: Explicit
It’s for plans like these that Cirrus and Cumulus are glad they have a bed as big as theirs.
“Rora, can I? Please?“
She smiles in return. It‘s a matter of very few minutes now.
Read on ao3
Obligatory tag @ghouletteanon for ghoulette reasons (please lmk if you want me to stop doing that)
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ask-mist-ghoulette · 1 year ago
How do you feel about the other ghoulettes here?
I absolutely love them! When Cirrus, Cumulus, Sunshine and Aurora were summoned I was ecstatic that I wasn't going to be the only ghoulette anymore! We have sleepovers in each other's room every weekend and do all the basic sleep over stuff! They are greatest friends a ghoulette could ever ask for and I thank Satan for them everyday. 🤍
🌫-Mist Ghoulette
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miss-multi45 · 1 year ago
not even going to lie my heart dropped when you answered my request and I almost pissed myself. /VPOS
BUT ANY HCS FOR THE GHOULS &/OR THE GHOULETTES WITH A READER THEY HAVENT SEEN FOR A WHILE? Like maybe they were on tour and finally came back and got see them?
hi honey! ♡♡ which was your request?
aurora either jumps into your arms and purrs loud as fuck, or she will pick you up and carry you to bed/her nest and snuggle you into next year
cumulus gives you the biggest kiss on the lips known to man. and her voice? OH MY LORD-
"hey princess/prince, i'm back my love."
i wanna give her a hug and a three course meal, SHE'S SO-
anyway, cirrus lifts you up bridal style and carries you to your room, sits you on the bed and lays on top of you for 9 hours
don't you dare move, she will cry
aurora will probably sing to you and make you watch the videos of them on tour so you know what happened
but you can't really hear because of her purring in your ear
cumulus will lie down on her bed and beckon you to lay on her, don't feel bad about 'crushing' her underneath you, it makes her feel safe
cirrus also makes you watch the videos of her doing her solo when they performed mummy dust on tour
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rain buries his face in your chest, pick you up by your thighs, and carries you to a warm, dark area in the Ministry. you're not leaving for the next 17 days
swiss puts his luggage down, immediately starts kissing your neck, wraps his hands around your waist, speed runs to his room and puts on a movie for you both to watch while he marks you with hickeys, bites, claw marks and a shit ton of kisses
sodo throws you over his shoulder, slaps you ass, fast walks to his room, and cries into your chest because of how much he loves you. "baby, i missed you so much iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou-"
next morning he denies crying
phantom stands there and soaks up your beauty like he did when he first met you, then he rushes towards you and drops to his knees to hug your waist and whisper 567 'i love yous' to you
aether picks you up by your ass and digs his face into your chest to get that sweet, succulent smell of your scent, and you notice his tail wrap around your thighs
mountain, he lifts you into his arms and stands there for 10 minutes before carrying you to his room and burying his face between your thighs (sucking you off/eating you out)
omega bends down to your height to tease you, lifts you up by your armpits with his big boy arms, carries you like a baby to his nest and marks you, but stops halfway to purr into your titties/man titties
alpha, teasing son of a bitch, pins you to his bed, marks you all over, and starts licking your thighs? he likes licking your thighs
ifrit wraps his arms around your waist and carries you like that to his room, puts you down to make a nest, and goes onto his phone to show you their tour. halfway through, he shoved his knees between your legs and you all know what happens next
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mist stares at you lovingly "i'm so inlove with you, I'm never leaving you again." and sleeps ontop of your for 4 days, sometimes she doesn't want to be dominant
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multi-fandom-of-madness · 1 year ago
List of Masterlists
Ao3 Link
The Papas
The Ghouls
Explanations of the band:
Explanation one
My tags:
bat writes
bat asks
bat rants
bat rambles
bat answers
bat recommends
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