#missy's intro.
achingisms · 11 days
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( elizabeth lail, ciswoman, she/her )MELISSA HART-BALOR : the twenty - nine year old resident that's been around the CRESCENT APARTMENTS for two years. when the infected swarmed the streets the first night, missy really proved how determined + strong-willed they were. however, many would argue that they can also be quite quiet + stubborn. five years has passed since their old life ended and the new one began, developing skills that have helped them become a FARMER within their group. it makes sense to see them thriving at the job because of their skill and learning how to correctly harvest and foraging / or dagger.
melissa hart came from a southern home raised on southern values and horse riding activities. her father was more lenient on her than her mother was, as her mother was often a perfectionist when it came to their visual as a family to those in town. her father was more concern with her attention being toward the horses than what she wore for church that sunday morning for a good impression. she and her little sister and older brother had to deal with this on the daily.
at the age of fifteen, she met her first boyfriend and hung out with him often in his silverado. hanging out in the parking lots and neglecting her horse riding activities due to this - causing her to end up with an injury from that incident in horse back riding. her knee has metal in it from where it shattered from that incident. she was never around that boy again - it was a summer romance and he went back home.
age of eighteen and she was out of that small town to head to university to get her degree in becoming a nurse - working with stitches and so on. this is where her knowledge comes in for medicinal things like plants for when she's out camping than relying on ibuprofen or things like that - but she does use them out of convenience.
she met malachoy when she had just turned twenty-two and it was like becoming friends at first to becoming something more serious as she went on to help him. she could see he was in pain and she didn't like that - wanting the better for him, as a friend or simply more. she does end up falling for him and the two worked really hard through their years with his rehab and getting his life together to be together in a stable situation.
they managed to get a house together and even has a little baby on the way when the world was going to absolute shit. the two were engaged with silver rings on their fingers too. she was very nervous for their future in terms of how the world was going to pan out with the pandemic. her younger sister didn't really approve malachoy at first until seeing his progress and how hard he's working to make this a better life for not only himself, but for her sister too.
after the world was starting to abruptly turn to shit, the neighbors were going insane with running around from car to the house to take things with them to escape this town. infected were running around and she was so worried where her fiance might be, was he coming back or was he already.. the neighbors had managed to see her stepping out onto the porch and out of concern - knowing she was pregnant - brought her along with them to their vacation home out in the countryside.
melissa had left a message that she went with their neighbors but never specify where out of respect - she wasn't thinking in her right mind when writing down the short message to let him know where she was heading. over a year and their son was born, wyatt bahlor, out of honor in remembering the name from malachoy brief mentioning when they were together. she made quick use during her pregnancy to get familiar with learning how to plant things and identify things in the nearby woods with the neighbor's husband and wife alike. their teenager daughter was excited to see the child and was often watching over him when she was out to get these things done.
the greatest thing about living in the countryside in an open field was the meadow that wrapped around it with only a small pathway leading to it from the road that had been overgrown for a long while. the use of her time in this way helped her in over grieving the loss of her husband, who she believed to be dead around this time. there were intruders in the night by the time her son turned two, and she ran out into the woods with her son tied to her back to run as far as she could - the four had split and went their ways but none of the three had made it.
she lived through the woods before joining abandoned houses to use in the resources and traveling through small towns. the resources were of canned food, water bottles down to growing boy clothes and clothes of her own to change into. she managed to find a dagger that she could use to kill the infected with and then a discarded bow and arrow - taking this time to teach her son how to use it as he grew alongside with her. she avoided the bigger cities at all cost - believing the infected are in larger numbers without actually knowing for sure.
the two ended up at crescent apartments after being found, surrounded by the infected in a small shop. the boy would often stay glued by her side and shy around other kids - but happy to be there. he's grow into his personality of being known as an infectious, happy kid that has a joy that most adults wish to be able to still reign in their heart. so many smile when he's around.
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angelicadamposting · 3 months
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Missy Misery₍ᐢᐢ₎| Overlord of Obsession 
art credit to mr.artzy.shrimp on instagram !
Real Name: Misty Landry (not dead name) Preferred Name: Missy Misery  Species: Jackalope Demon / Sinner / Overlord* (Formerly Human) Sin: Wrath / Pride (+ others that aren’t one of the main 7) Physical Age: 39 Birth Date: July 13, 1894 Zodiac: Cancer  Death Year: 1933 Cause of Death: Shot in the head, alongside Alastor Height: 5'5 MBTI: ENFJ  Gender & Pronouns: She/Her - Transwoman  Sexuality: Gray-Asexual (Hetero-romantic) Romantic Interest(s): Alastor <3 and Vox * = Overlord of Obsession
Short Facts
Overlord of Obsession and Love
Alastor’s wife, though not legally due to the time
Killed her father
Born on a Friday the 13th (1984 July)
Was/is a cannibal 
A listener of Alastor’s radio broadcasts before ever meeting him
Sang/Performed at Mimzy’s bar/speakeasy in life
Met Alastor at Mimzy’s bar, introduced by their mutual friend. 
Currently an actress in film, commercials, and musicals for Vox.
After Alastor’s disappearance, Vox offers her a contract that would provide protection from other overlords and her dream job. She works beneath him the whole seven years Alastor is missing until the pilot/main series.
Growing to obsess over Vox before Alastor suddenly reappears. 
Is not technically a part of the Vees, but lives in the tower with them.
Adores Nifty and gets along well with Husk, surprisingly. 
Initially inspired by the song 'There's No Business Like Showbusiness.' & a lot of Ethel Merman's discography.
Needlepoint, Sewing & Crochet 
Red Wine
Romance Novels
Graphic 'Design' / Art
Dancing (Swing Dancing Particularly)
Classy Fashion / Period Pieces
Fur Boas / Shawls / Coats
Decor Made From (human) Remains
Home Design / Decor 
Scrapbooking …
Being Alone
Being Belittled or Disrespected
The Ticking of a Clock
Black Coffee
Her Schedule Being Changed
People with Poor Time Management Skills
Open Windows
Over The Head Headphones
Being Touched Without Express Permission
Unsophisticated People
Modern Dance Styles (Hip Hop / “whatever it is JuJuVi does”)
Personality Traits 
Positive – Affectionate, Analytical, Glamorous, Confident, Classy, Charming, Alluring, Elegant, Creative, Adaptable, Decisive, Efficient, Organized, Loyal, Mature, Somewhat Kind, Passionate, Perceptive, Private, Professional, Sentimental, Emotional, Responsible, Sophisticated, Talented, Wise, and Witty
Negative – Obsessive, Wrathful, Prideful, Vengeful, Apathetic, Catty, Cynical, Fanatical, Greedy, Often Grumpy, Impatient, Jealous, Possessive, Judgemental, Know-It-All, Morbid, Nagging, Stubborn, Violent, Workaholic
Backstory (before Hell)
Missy was born in 1895 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as (Marcel) Misty Landry to an alcoholic father and mother who would die shortly after childbirth. She grew up being raised by her father to be like him and work within the agricultural realm of work-- Much to her dismay.
From a young age and when radios were popularized, beginning to pop up in houses across the states, Missy was enthralled with the music and talking people from within the box. Music inspired her from a young age to go against the grain and figure out who she was- not who her father 'needed' her to be.
In high school, she began to understand that she was a woman. The revelation was jarring, and a secret she kept close. Many things were not accepted where she grew up, and being different wasn't one.
Her father, while unaware of her newfound identity, did anything but respect his child. Noticing whenever Missy had begun practicing singing and dance instead of her household chores, only to ridicule her for being a pansy and some much worse insults. When he drank, he'd somehow be nicer- and weaker. Something Missy would take advantage of when committing patricide for her first homicide after enduring his mistreatment her entire life up to said point. It wasn't done out of anger, or heat of the moment- no. It was planned, calculated, and thought over for weeks before she took the opportunity to escape from beneath his thumb. The taste of his blood was not one she'd ever forget. As bitter and horrid as it was, the satisfaction it brought her was more than enough.
Missy had been closeted the majority of her life until her father 'passed away' when she was 21. She inherited his debt and responsibilities as the "man of the house" and the last of her family line. Rather than pick up the mantle, live in the closet for the rest of her days, and die unhappy- She moved several towns over to New Orleans and began to present more femininely whenever she could, calling herself Misty when she did so that anytime she did have to present as her legal/birth identity there'd be little to no association. Essentially living a double life. As Marcel, she would work as a men's tailor, and as Misty, she'd sing from bar to bar. That is until she found one bar that regularly asked her to return.
It was at this particular speakeasy that Missy would first meet Mimzy, another performer at the bar. The two became quick friends, and truthfully Mimzy was Missy's first 'girl friend.' (non-romantic) Mimzy was the first person in life to learn of Missy's gender identity, and surprisingly the first person to accept her for who she was. Mimzy helped inspire Missy to go on as herself, giving her confidence and helping her find her own voice.
It was around this time that Missy would first hear Alastor's radio broadcasts. By total chance, flipping through stations as she sat in her kitchen preparing a pot of tea, his voice poured through the speakers and ignited her interest. She quickly began to tune into all of his broadcasts, even adjusting her schedule to ensure she didn't miss any time he was on air. To put it frankly, she became somewhat of a near-obsessive 'fangirl' if anything even without knowing the man behind the charismatic voice and fake mid-Atlantic accent.
What Missy was unaware of though, was that soon after she began listening to him- Alastor would soon see her sing at the bar after one of Mimzy's stellar performances. And while he was nowhere near as intrigued by her as she was by him, he did soon ask Mimzy about her little friend. Mimzy, being the great friend she was, was eager to introduce the two- seeing as she knew just how much Missy was obsessed with Al's radio show. Missy easily hid how she instantly recognized his voice, greeting him politely like he was any other customer. And yet, he asked her to dance in between her stage times.
After that night, Missy continued to make her efforts to listen to each of his broadcasts. And now knowing who he was behind the radio, she may have begun to take extra steps to see him more often. At the same time, Alastor seemingly dropped by the speakeasy Missy performed at more often. Several weeks of the two getting to know one another, and watching one another from afar in their own ways passed before Alastor asked Missy if she would be interested in officially starting a courtship. It was this conversation that led to Alastor learning of her gender identity, and much to her surprise, he didn't care.
The two would begin a relationship that to half of the public, looked like just two friends, but to the circle of folk who frequented the speakeasy- everyone knew the two as the happy couple they had become. Of course, there were still men who'd come and get belligerently drunk, throwing themselves at Missy or Mimzy- and most of them ended up Missy's victims.
It wasn't until Missy and Alastor moved in with one another that they learned of each other's homicidal tendencies as it grew more difficult to hide. Instead of rocking the boat, this revelation strengthened their bond because each of them had a similar yet odd moral code regarding their victims. Soon, emotionally tied the knot despite the laws surrounding marriage. Having a small, private ceremony over a victim with a ring exchange.
After many years in a near-perfect romantic partnership, in 1933, their lives were taken. Side by side while hiding a body and shot by a hunter in the distance while discarding of extra remains of a shared victim. 
After Death (In Hell) (still b4 pilot)
(missy's backstory in hell is too difficult to pinpoint years and dates like a lot of my other ocs... so no timeline this time!)
Alastor and Missy appeared in Hell together, and nearly instantaneously her beloved made a deal of which the details could never be shared with her. The contract gave Alastor his eldrich powers and allowed him to quickly rise to the power level of an overlord. Missy, on the other hand, struggled with her new form and powers. Feeling her control and strength wane depending on the amount of love she felt and received- on top of growing stronger by taking down current overlords. It didn't worry her, though. Knowing and believing as long as she was side by side with Alastor, all would be fine.
Eventually, as Alastor grew into his true role as the Radio Demon, an overlord in his own right, Missy had become the overlord of Obsession- and love, by her own claims. The two had a strained, complicated, and sad relationship with Vox during this period, which would eventually end dramatically. The main true 'friend' the couple shared in Hell that shared in their desire for power and rank was Rosie, the Cannibalism Overlord. She understood Missy better than anyone else in Hell, besides her beloved.
After decades together in Hell, Missy awoke one day with no sign of her beloved. No note, nothing to give her a sign he'd gone or would return. And her powers seemed to wane from the realization alone. An overwhelming panic set into her, rushing out into the streets of Pentagram City in a desperate search for him. Her search ended with no clues, and she returned empty-handed- all alone for the first time in decades.
She managed as well as she could on her own, although the other Overlords began to notice the shift in power and Alastor's absence. Putting a target on her back, and sending her into hiding.
After a year into Alastor's disappearance, Vox found the sinner. Grinning madly, he offered an outstretched hand, and deal to assist her. For her soul, he'd grant her greater powers, a job as an actress or star of the stage to attain fans and achieve a dream she didn't realize she had. Of course, Missy was fully aware Vox was likely doing this for two main reasons and neither were to help her. The little rabbit demon knew Vox likely only wished to hold something over Alastor's head if he ever returned and to have another soul to own. She hesitated to accept, but he ensured her she'd have a place to live- safe from other overlords and even the exterminations. She'd have been dumb to refuse, after all, if Alastor had the right to make a deal with some unknown being, why couldn't she make one with Vox?
Subsequently, Missy moved into a room at the VoxTek Tower to get to and from the filming sets more easily. Quickly falling into her new role as a star actress in film and stage, as if she was always meant for this. Nearly every motion picture or musical featuring the Overlord of Obsession was a hit, resulting in her fame and fans growing. As this occurred, Vox's behavior towards her became more familiar. Even teaching her more about technology, since she'd avoided much new tech due to her husband's distaste for it all. Surprisingly, she was quite skilled with graphic design, learned how to code, and became Vox's main assistant in case things went awry with him.
Velvette and Valentino noticed the way Vox seemed to favor her and kept her close. Resulting in some teasing, but mostly leading Velvette and Missy to become friends. Velvette enjoyed teaching the older woman about modern slang, technology, and social media she didn't understand. Thinking it hilarious how she mispronounced what was common internet lingo for the social media overlord. Valentino on the other hand, tried to push Missy into trying out a different kind of acting- one she was not comfortable with in the slightest. The rabbit demon and moth had quite a frustrating dynamic, Missy making fun of him and shooting both him and his requests down, only for Valentino to complain to Vox that his 'pet' was being mean.
All in all, despite their vast differences, Missy ended up getting along quite well with the V's. Growing particularly close to Vox and Velvette, even if she felt in the back of her mind a gnawing concern for what Alastor would say if he saw her now.
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daily-table21 · 2 months
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Video: Bear Force One, Texas and Tennessee College Football, and Mississippi River is Dry Dry
Status: Public
Link: Bear Force One, Texas and Tennessee College Football, and Mississippi River is Dry Dry - YouTube
Date Posted: October 26, 2022
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piers-official · 6 months
Intro Post
Alright Team Yell, Make some noise and introduce yourselves!
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Hullo everyone! Name's Joshua (Please jus' call me Tank though) He/Him. I've been a gym trainer since Piers first started his career! I also helped organize Team Yell in it's beginnin's. I got me a drapion who's been my partner since he was jus' a lil' skorupi. Le's make some noise for the others! [Center]
OI! Name's Missy, an' don't you forget it! My trusty weavile an' I practice in gymnastics, We specialize in backflips and somersaults! Oh, and I use she/they pronouns [Right]
'Ello luvs, The name's Rosie (She/Her) an' my main partner is a lovely theivul named Diamond. M'family's been in the toxel breedin' business long since Galar first became an official region. In fact, Piers got his mad lad, Strummer from us! [Left]
Team Yell may have disbanded but we sure didn't!
Ask us some questions and say 'Cheerio', but don't be callin' us, Yell-a! Got it?
'Ow was that, Ms. Marnie?
You all did great! Good job everyone~
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threadsun · 1 year
Now Introducing Bachelor #2: Missy (she/they)
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With a fitting total of 0 votes, Missy was our least popular bachelor!
Missy—short for Misery—is a seer. Cursed as a child to only ever see tragic futures, she is... admittedly, not very popular. Especially given that skin contact forces her to see the next possible bad thing that might happen to the person. They love walks in the park, daydreaming, and coffee cake! And she is very, very lonely single...
Picrew / art by Moon
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tiredmaster · 7 months
When playing the third chapter I wasn't too massive on it, but watching other people play it I realised because my game was uniquely broken.
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midnightcinderella · 2 years
Just a bit about me and my blog! My name is Missy, I’m older than 21, and my pronouns are she/her. This blog is where I talk about all the gaming I do, which includes mainly otome/joseimuke and farming games. I occasionally write for the games I play here and I do not take requests.
◉ I ask that no minors interact with any nsfw posts on this blog. This rule was recently created and I won’t check every note to see if anyone’s a minor, but if you are and you see this, please take note
◉ I will read your dni and follow it, so please give me the same respect
◉ I do not tolerate antis or others who think it’s ok to harass or otherwise harm real people over fiction
#missy speaks -> posts that I make myself that are unrelated to my writing
#missy salts -> separate from missy speaks so that people can block my negativity if they want to. I get opinionated about things
#missy writes -> my works can be found here
#missy archives -> just things that I wanted to save, usually in the form of screenshots
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erasabledinosaur · 5 months
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What's in my Game:
The Sims 3 GPU Add-on Support
Tweaked my GraphicRules.sgr Shadows Quality to 8k
Step 5 - Limiting FPS (Essential)
NRAAS: Master Controller with MC Integration, Overwatch, Errortrap + Saver
simler90's Gameplay Core Mod WITH Nraas Overwatch Compatability File (found in step 4)
The Sims 3 Smooth Patch 1.2.1
[TS3] Catalog Search Mod
No Intro
No ''Mod Scripts Found''
No Drift/Lower Level Free Cam Camera Mod
Subtle Build Grid Active Level Only
Annoyances Disabler
No More Gloves with Outerwear Mod
Twoftmama Route Fix Flavor 3 v9
No (or fewer) automatic memories
xiasimla Higher Quality Default Replacements for TS3 Headline Effects
Sims 3 Decorating Tools mod (or S3DT)
Get to Know Fix+
Interaction on sloped terrain enabler
No Mutated Hair/Eye Colour
Welcome Matt Deshined Rug
University Life Alpha Omega Door Fix
No more ugly snowprints
Hanging Lantern Fix
Tileable Items Shader FIX
Base Game Halfwalls FIXED!!!
CAS Monotone: additional colors + Replacement CAS for single color
CAS Sim Bin Genetics as Presets
40 New Face Presets (CC Slider Free)
NRAAS: MasterController ExpandedTattoo + cmar_XCAS_TattooLocations_V2.zip
Sims 3 Hidden Stencils Unlocked
Reduce/Remove Lag caused by Houseboats
Isla Paradiso Fixed World by ellacharmed
cute feet for children and toddlers
Default Feet Replacement by Bloomsbase
missy harries Face Overlay Lips Lip Overlay Only
Default Replacement Wildflowers
[Chisami] BLUSH BABY (default) Baby Skin
oneeuromutt's maternity defaults
Memories Mirror from Generations Default Replacement 4-in-1
Season’s wall hook de-starified
Phantom__99 EA Store Content
Collection Icons and Files
Store Collection Filests
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pweepsiee · 17 days
INTRO!! :3
Please remember I am still an actual human being
I am not in any way shape or form yours, nor will I ever be. I am not your personal cam girl who falls at your feet.
If you can't handle that, go to someone else's blog.
I’m not always gonna be in the mood so if I’m not being sexual back to you just drop it. DO NOT SEND ME NUDES OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT UNLESS I MAKE A SPECIFIC POST ABOUT IT.
Prob only gonna be here for..(doing the math as I’m writing this..) three more years! :3
Not a dom!!!!
About me
Name: Estrella
Age: 18
Sexuality: bisexual (I lean towards women) (WHY ARE THERE NO DOMMES ON HERE?!
Religion: Hellenism
MBTI: INTP! Though you probably won't be able to tell unless you somehow manage to get the real me out hehe
Favorite shows: Gilmore girls, Shamless, Good Girls Favorite movies: Zootopia, Dumplin, Fear Street
Favorite books: Dracula, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Shadows of Perseus
My hobbies: painting, singing, writing, jewelry making, playing piano
My fav pet names: Missy/lil miss, angel, princess, baby/ babygirl, little one, love, sweetheart (probably others but I can't think of them..)
Lover of anything creepy, crawly, unsettling or dark!! (Only a vampire can love you forever, right?)
Also weirdly obsessed w Ancient Greece..wish I lived in that era ☹️
On a real note, I struggle a lot with depression and anxiety, waiting to be diagnosed! These are normally pretty debilitating for me but I try not to let it openly affect me too much. I also am suffering from a chronic illness so forgive me if my posting schedule is a little wonky!
I have multiple doms/dommes! Almost all of them are online, but a few are in person. These relationships are strictly D/s, nothing serious romantically! Always up for adding another dom/domme to my list :)
Yes I do indeed have daddy issues, did you come to check if I did hehe? If you're thinking "oh hooray!" Or whatever more mature celebration you're saying in your head, you re.probably going to be mildly disappointed. A lot of people (especially on here) have the misunderstanding that daddy issues cause girls to be super sexual, well, not true. I am indeed fact a pretty sexual person, but I'm not always going to be in the mood or down for sending/receiving spicy pics, l am after all a human being with many feelings. surprise surprise! That being said, my daddy issues are more (unless we're talking about a serious D/s relationship..you most likely won't have to worry about this unless we're getting into something serious the kind where I cry a lot and need to be treated like a princess haha. Enough ranting, the fun stuff is below :)
My kinks 🌈
Uhhh probably some others that I can’t remember rn?..
DNI/hard limits:
Trying to force me to send you anything.
Getting upset if I don't respond right away or at all.
Hating on me and or my blog.
Persisting if I am clearly not in the mood or if I am age regressing.
Asking me to show my face
Anti BDSM/anti sex (wtf r u doing here then man)
Nipple play
Anything anal. Just..no. Exit only.
Anything that results in long lasting harm (I'm in poor enough health..don't even need to think about adding onto it.)
NO body shaming. Too sensitive for it :<
Bottom line-I am a human being, I have the right to deny any request, not respond, or not like something you do.
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abby. aina. aislin. amaris. apricity. artemis. aspen. aster. aylin. babi. bell. bella. ben. bennett. benny. boo. bristle. buddy. buttercup. calico. callie. cat. cataka. catalyn. catarine. cataura. cate. catelynn. caterina. catherine. catlyn. catnip. catra. catriel. catrin. catriona. charlotte. chat. chatters. cheshette. cheshire. chompo. citrie. claw. clawrina. clementine. cleo. coco. cole. cozie. critter. dessie. diana. diona. dippin. ditzy. dots. dreametta. drowsette. edur. eira. elara. fang. fausta. faustette. faustina. felicity. felina. feline. felisha. felix. fennec. ferri. fluff. fluffie. fluffles. fluffy. fortune. freya. fur. furayah. furina. furona. gato. gatto. gianna. gigi. ginger. hiraya. hissan. holly. hyacinth. hypnoticesse. iris. izzy. jett. jinx. kalico. kat. kataka. katalyn. katarina. katashi. kate. katelinn. katelyn. katharine. kathayani. katherina. kathi. kathirah. kathita. kathleen. kathrine. kathryn. katika. katilyn. katinah. katinka. katlin. katrina. katsen. katte. kattie. katzchen. katze. kelly. kettlingur. kismet. kit. kitti. kittie. kitty. kizzy. korat. kot. kote. kuting. kyathi. lawler. layla. lee. leo. leon. leonardo. lil. lilith. lily. lioness. lionette. liora. loki. lola. lottie. luckitty. lucky. lucy. lumi. luna. lunar. lunette. lynx. maine. mao. maola. maoli. maolia. maolmin. marie. mau. meowesse. meowli. meowy. mew. mewlina. mewy. midnight. milka. milo. missy. mist. misty. mitten. mittens. mizuki. mona. moonie. morphius. nala. napolean. narcyz. narkissa. neko, nemuri. neoma. neomi. nepeta. nevada. noir. nyamu. nyasia. nyx. olwen. onyx. oreo. orpheus. owen. paris. pawelek. pawleen. pawline. paws. popoki. poppy. prince. princess. pumpkin. purresse. purrette. purriette. purrlina. purrse. ragdoll. ravae. river. ruby. scar. selene. selenia. shade. sleepesse. stitch. stripe. sunny. sunrise. sunshine. sylvester. sylvie. tab. tabby. tabitha. thimble. tigris. tilly. tiny. tom. treat. valorie. vulpes. whisker. whiskers. willow. yue. yume.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ (=^・ω・^=)/(=^・ω・^=). /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\//ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ. :3/:3. >:3/:>:3. >:3/>:3. >ww<. ^^/^^. ^^/^^. ^w^/^w^. ado/adore. ash/ash. aw/warm. bell/bell. bit/bit. bite/bite. ble/bless. blizz/blizzard. bow/bow. box/box. ca/cat. calm/calm. candle/candle. car/caracal. carni/vora. cat/cat. cat/nip. caterwaul/cayerwaul. catnip/catnip. cha/chase. chan/chance. chase/chase. chatter/chatter. cheer/cheerful. cher/cher. chew/chew. chom/chomp. chub/chub. cla/claw. claw/claw. claw/clawed. cli/climb. collar/collar. cookie/cookie. cozy/cozy. cu/cute. cud/cuddle. cuddle/cuddle. cute/cute. cute/cutie. dark/dark. des/destiny. dream/dream. drow/drowsy. eep/eepy. ey/em fa/fate. fang/fang. fay/fem fe/line. fel/feline. feli/dae. feli/feline. feline/feline. fi/fish. fish/fish. fleur/fleur. fli/flip. flick/flicker. floof/fluff. fluff/fluff. fluffy/fluffy. for/fortune. fri/friend. fu/fur. fur/fur. fu/fuzz. fuzz/fuzz. ga/to. gloom/gloomy. happ/happy. hi/his. hiss/hiss. ho/hop. hope/ful. hu/hunt. hunt/hunt. hunter/hunter. hy/hymn. hyp/hype. intro/vert. jagu/jaguar. ju/jump. kat/kat. kit/kit. kit/kitten. kit/kitty kit/kitty. knea/knead. kya/kya. lawl/law. lawl/lawl. leap/leap. lion/lion. lu/luck. luv/luv. lynx/lynx. mao/mao. me/meow. meo/meow. meow/meow. mew/meow. mew/mew. miau/miau. miew/miow. mil/milk. milk/milk. mimimi/mimimi. mlem/mlem. moon/moon. mrow/mrow. mrr/mrrp. mrreow/mrreow. mrrp/mrrp. nap/nap. neko/neko. night/night. nip/nip. noct/noct. nom/nyom. nya/nya. nya/nyan. pa/paw. panth/panthe. panth/panther. paw/claw. paw/paw. pawpad/pawpad. pessi/pessimist. pet/pet. petal/petal. pi/pink. pitter/patter. pla/play. play/playful. pou/pounce. pr/prr. pra/prance. prowl/prowl. prr/prr. pup/paw. purr/purr. quiet/quiet. ribbon/ribbon. ro/roll. roll/roll. sca/scratch. scra/scratch. scratch/scratch. sha/shake. shade/shade. shadow/shadow. shy/hyr shy/shy. skit/skitter. slee/sleep. sneak/sneak. sniff/sniff. snooze/snooze. snow/snowflake. soft/soft. spe/speak. spi/spin. squi/squish. sta/stare. swe/sweet. sweet/sweet. swi/swipe. ta/tail. tail/tail. tig/tig. tig/tigri. tiger/tiger. tire/tired. tired/tired. toy/toy. tre/treat. tri/trick. trill/trill. vae/vaem vix/vixen. waf/waffle. warm/warmth. whis/whisker. whisk/whisker. wonder/wonder. ya/yarn. yarn/yarn. yaw/yawn. yawn/yawn. yip/yip. yowl/yowl. zoomie/zoomie. zz/zz. 🍣 . 🐅 . 🐆 . 🐈 . 🐱 . 🐾 . 💤 . 😺 . 🥛 . 🦁 . 🦴 .
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starry-phoenix-finds · 11 months
Sims 3 Mods Masterlist
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Lag Reducing/Game Improving Mods
Nraas MasterController- Adds countless options that allow you to easily control and change just about anything about Sims in your town. Featuring a robust filter system to allow you to find the Sims you want to target and execute actions on. Nraas ErrorTrap- This is a core-mod intended to catch and correct data corruption errors that can render a save-game unloadable. Nraas DebugEnabler- This mod exposes EA debug commands so they are usable in game. Nraas Overwatch- The primary purpose of this mod is to act as a periodic clean up system for correcting errors and eliminating junk that accumulates over a regular play-session. Nraas Register- This mod alters the rules governing role assignment in the game, allowing sims to maintain regular careers without losing their roles. Nraas Careers- This mod is used to load custom careers into the game. Nraas Traveler- This mod replaces the travel code. Ability to travel to any world. Nraas Porter- This mod adds a custom version of the import and export system used to create Library families. Nraas GoHere- This mod replaces the "Go Here" interaction, with one that can be stacked in the queue, allowing the user to better direct the route of a sim. Smooth Patch 2.1- Greatly reduces lag in all areas of the game. No Foot Tapping While Waiting For Clear Route!- Greatly improves routing for sims. Catalog Search Mod- Adds a "Search" button to Buy and Build mode. Additional Entry and Exit Routing Slots to Reduce Door Crowding- Greatly reduces sims crowding around rabbithole entries. No Intro- Disables the intro videos. No Route Fail Tantrum Animations!- No tantrum animation when a sim fails to route. No (or fewer) automatic memories- Stops the memory scrapbook from filling up with memories. Faster Elevator Moving- Improves the animations and time it takes for sims to get on and off elevators.
Babies/Toddler Gameplay Mods
More Toddler Interactions- New interactions for toddlers. More Baby Interactions- New interactions for babies. Napping Mat- A napping mat for toddlers. Toddler Food and Snacks- Adds two interactions to the high chair to feed toddlers meals or snacks.Toddlers will love, like or hate certain foods. Just Like My Parents! Costume Face-Paint for Toddlers- Toddlers put on play makeup. More Play! Playmat- More additions to the baby playmat from the store. More Activities Activity Table- More activities for the Activity Table. Mixed Feelings About Pregnancy- Replaces the default pregnancy moodlet with a custom version that has no mood effect, and adds two new moodlets. Sleeper Footies- Sleeper footies for babies. Little Wisps hair- Hair for babies.
Kids/Teen Gameplay Mods
100% Prom Chance + 3 Day Cooldown- This mod makes it so that prom happens every week. After School Activities- After school activities for kids/teens Teen Jobs- Part Time jobs for teens User-Directed Scolding + Other Punishment Tweaks- Tweaks parts of the punishment system from Generations. Tooth Fairy Mod- This mod gives child-aged sims the chance to lose their teeth and get money from the Tooth Fairy. 'No Stretch' Children can Series- Children can do more in game. Children can care for their lil' siblings- Allows children to carry toddlers. Teens Hangout- Teens can hang out with each other and sit on the floor and talk. Faster (and Slower) Homework- Changes the amount of time it takes to get homework done. Coloring Books for Kids- A coloring book for kids. New Scholarships- Adds various scholarships.  Acne Mod- Adds an acne system to the game. Cheerleading Mod- Cheerleading club for teenagers.
General Gameplay Mods
Missy Hissy Custom Careers- Custom Careers. Lot Population Mod- Teleports more sims to community lots, making them more populated.  Nraas StoryProgression- The purpose of the mod is to simulate a life-like balance amongst the inactive members of town, while providing the user the option to disable functionality they do not want. Custom Vehicles- Custom vehicles. Postal Mod- You can send post to any sim in town. Social Clubs Mod- Create custom clubs for your sims to join. Hairdresser Mod- Play as a hairdresser or a client. No Fridge Shopping- Replaces the meal-making interactions on the fridge with custom ones that check whether the Sim has the required ingredients to make the meal or snack. Business As Unusual Bistro- Modifies EA's store content bistro oven splitting the chef and waiter roles in two and allows you to set shifts for them. The Sims 3 Open For Business- Create a store, hire employees, set objects for sale (without rugs!), restock objects, earn XP on sales to increase your rank and more! Flower Arranging- Adds flower arranging skill to the game. Knitting for TS3- Adds knitting skill to the game. Attend University Online- This mod allows sims to work towards completing a university degree on the computer. Yoga Mod- Brings the yoga activity from The Sims 4: Spa Day to The Sims 3. Ice Cream Stand- An ice cream stand to buy ice cream. Exercise Bike- An exercise bike, (better mesh). Pool Jobs for Lifeguards- Makes it possible for sims in the Lifeguard career to be offered and perform jobs on pool lots as well as the usual beach lots. Buyable Beach Towels- Makes the Island Paradise beach towels purchasable in game. Set The Table & Call To Meal- Replaces the "Call To Meal" interaction on group servings with a custom version that has the performing sim set the table with individual portions of food BEFORE summoning sims to eat. Seasons & Barista Bar Beverages on the Coffee Machine- Lets sims make or serve the hot beverages from Seasons and UL on regular coffee machines. Ferris Wheel- A functional Ferris Wheel ride with custom animations for your sims. Buy Takeout And Order Food At Restaurants- Buy prepared food at the diner and bistro or have it delivered. Housecleaning For All Sims- The Clean House interaction will show up when you click on the ground for all sims. All Bars Serve All Drinks- Makes all drinks available at all professional bars on community lots. Fewer (or More) Credit Hours For Degrees- Complete a degree in one trip to University. Add Any Lot Size- Will allow you to add any lot size (from 1x1 to 64x64). Buyable Bunch o' Gifts- Unlocks the Gift Pile in buy mode, so your sims can buy their own Gift Pile for their family without having to throw a party. Book of Talent- Alter both main skills and hidden skills for your sims. No More Zombies Generated At Full Moon- Prevents the game from generating any zombies at the beginning of full moon. Throw Bigger Parties whenever you want!- No party limit on guests invited to parties and throw parties at any time.
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kawaii-chronicles · 5 months
Poppy Playtime Mob AU
Gonna note down some stuff I have for this AU idk if I'm doing anything serious whit it after I'm done whit my other PPT project but no harm in at least having the ideas written ✍(◔◡◔)
So for starters what is this AU about. It takes place after the events of Playtime Co. in the 20-30's, most of the toys escaped the factory and made their new home in the poor areas in the city. (ain't gonna go to deep intro the political side and how the fuck humans just accepted that sentient toys are now part of their society ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
The Prototype: Created his own mafia, still hates humans and will make them regret after all the torture he went trough during his time at the factory. Huggy Wuggy: One of the Prototype's henchmen, sometimes hangs whit Catnap during errands, very aggressive, tends to devour his victims. Mommy Long Legs: Good at stealing, very chatty , likes to play whit her victims, sadistic tendencies. Catnap: Most loyal henchmen, Prototypes right hand, prefers to knock out his victims whit his smoke before killing them , likes to chase after Angel. The mini Smiling Critters: They crawl anywhere and are everywhere, just hanging around, they become friendly if you feed them.
DogDay: Detective for the local police, loyal and friendly, rival to Catnap, try's to convince Angel to stop her life of crime. Poppy: Collaborates whit the local police, acts as second in command, determined to take down Prototype, needs to be carried around a lot. Kissy Missy: Personal assistance, carries Poppy around, rivals Huggy. Angel: Young trouble maker, homeless, gets chased by DogDay and Catnap frequently, pick pockets, gets along whit the other street kids and toys, was responsible for the downfall of Playtime Co.
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goodmorgan · 1 year
I've been on vacation for the past few days and I haven't been able to complete the newest chapter of my fic Perfect Strangers. It's kind of a long one so it'll take a while. So here is the beginning of the chapter to read until then!
Perfect Strangers: Intro to Chapter 6
Previous Chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Word Count: 2.3K
Tags: 18+. MDNI. NSFW. Smut, Porn With Plot, Mutual Pining, Infidelity, Mutual Masturbation, Penetration, Cowgirl, very much a WIP!!
A/N: Arthur is getting a little possessive...
You've never been on top before. None of your past lovers ever thought of letting you take charge, much less suggest you actually do it. So when Arthur asked if you could, it took you very much by surprise.
"Think you can handle it, missy? Hmm?" His eyes glimmer with a devilish spark as he invites you into his lap, his back leaned against the headboard of your bed. He squeezes the inside of your thigh in encouragement as you kneel by his flank.
"I think so." You hesitate, unsure if you'll be able to please him in a position you have no experience in. But then you look at his lustful eager eyes and you know you'll never be able to say no. And you have to admit, the idea of riding him has you pretty aroused yourself.
"Come on. I'll help ya."
His back temporarily leaves his rest as his hands reach the side of your waist, guiding you up as you climb over his legs, sitting atop his strong bulky thighs. Your core settles right in front of his fully hard cock, now slicked with his precum as it lies on his stomach, impatient for more after you've spent the last few minutes stroking it. You feel yourself twitching uncomfortably with titillation at the thought of taking it all in.
He removes one hand from you to catch the base of his member, tilting it up, ready for you to mount. "No need to rush, darling. Take your time." He means to put you at ease despite his obvious excitement as the mischief in his smile deepens, the tip of his tongue sneaking out, making you even more eager to start.
You settle your hands on top of his chest, pressing down for support as you raise your rear, angling your entrance above the tip of his cock as you kneel again. Arthur's hand tightens as you hover above him and soon enough you feel him prodding between your folds. You look at him to ask if you can go ahead.
"Easy does it, darling." His thumb caresses the side of your belly to relax you, but you feel his cock shift below you in ardent anticipation.
You move slightly downwards, enough to feel his member peek inside, stretching your opening to make your breath hitch. Arthur removes the hand from his cock, aiding you in your lowering motion with both hands on your hips, supporting your weight so you don't plunge too fast. Inch by inch you lower yourself as you take all of him inside you, your walls stretching in welcomed gratification. Both of you emit soft grunts of pleasure as Arthur's chest vibrates under your fidgety hands. You try to keep your eyes on each other as they flutter from the delightful feeling of carnal intimacy.
Your buttocks finally rest against his thighs when he finally fills you to the hilt. "Oh, fuck, missy." He grabs your ass greedily, as if to reward you for sheathing him inside you, his eyes darting to where your bodies meet. You peer down as you see your soft curls now tangled conspicuously with his. "Don't think I'll ever get used to you taking me like this."
You try to adjust to his large size as you coat him with the wetness he pried from you while fingering you earlier. You mirror his cheeky but sweet smile. "Maybe we just gotta practice a little more."
He chuckles as your hands move aimlessly all over his chest, warming him up before you move. His fingers lightly squeeze your behind to do the same. "I reckon we should. I doubt I'll ever get used to it though."
"Won't hurt to try." Your fingertips brush the area of his nipples. "I'm willing if you are."
"Yeah?" He raises a hand to your face to caress the side of your cheek with his thumb, biting down on his own lip. "Wanna show me how willing you are?"
He's ready to start when you are.
You rush your hands to the sides of his navel, moving your thumbs to pet the area below, twirling some of the black hairs you saw before. The teasing is enough to make the member inside you move and suddenly all you want to do is to countermove. "Seems I'm not the only one willing, am I?"
The first roll of your hips is barely visible but both of you feel it as his cock shifts gently against your walls, a satisfying taste of what's to come. He gets hungry for more as he lowers his hand to join the other, now blending his fingers with the curve of your hips. You take the chance to move them again, this time more noticeably as your folds almost touch the knuckles of your fingers, still skimming the sensitive skin of his groin.
It's the loud exhale he gives you that makes you start to lose your shyness, wanting to hear the sweet noises he makes for you over and over again, even if it's at the expense of your poise. You move your waist more forcefully, nudging yourself closer to his stomach, making you both puff out in delight. Each drag of your hips comes slow and gentle, but you can feel the gradual build of the fire in your core as you try to resist the urge to go too fast too soon.
"That's it, missy. You got it." His fingers press against your soft flesh as he assists your back-and-forth movements, the lechery of his eyes intensifying. "Keep going like that for me, angel."
His encouraging words only enflame your state of yearning, so you pick up the pace a little, moving your hands up to flatten them on his chest. As you move to the new angle, you fortuitously brush your clit against his pubic bone, the feeling so sublime you let out a whine of surprise and elation. You have no choice but to repeat it again, the result only more divine as you let your mouth hang.
"You like that, huh?" He grabs you more vigorously as you start to grind him wantonly.
You look into his eyes again, unsure if this is what he had planned when he asked you to be on top, wondering if he's enjoying it. "This ok?"
"Oh, it's perfect, missy." He lifts himself up to plant an affectionate kiss on your lips, his gaze even darker now. "Take what you need, darling."
His approval is all you need to move your hands even higher, clutching hungrily at his shoulders as your sensitive nub lies even flatter against his skin, the rubbing now so intense it keeps you from staying silent and cogent. You revel in your all-encompassing passion as you feel your walls fluttering against his own responsive arousal, filling you with the overwhelming sense that you are getting closer to the brink of endless wonder.
"Keep going, sweetheart. Almost there."
Arthur's sweet encouragement brings you back to a surprising state of awareness. You've only been intimate a few times, but they seem to have been enough for Arthur to learn when you're reaching your edge, aware of the effect his coaxing words have on you, prying a release from you every single time. Even when it's his choice of position, he still helps you rut yourself over him, making sure you chase your pleasure to completion first.
You must have slowed down your movements as he's compelled to spur you on. "Don't stop, missy. Not now. Keep going." His hands shove your weight forward to pick up the pace again. "Be my good girl and come around me." His wish is your command as you start to move unrestrained against him, your eyes closing shut as delectation devours you. "Come on. Need you to do this. Need to feel you, angel." His fingers bury themselves on your hips as he pushes you over the brink of deliverance. "Let me feel you feel good."
Your climax is heaven on earth as you arch back into the air, your head tilting back in victorious ecstasy as it hangs dreamily on cloud nine. In a thrilling change of pace, you soar up rather than sink your pleasure into the constriction of a worn-out mattress or the bumpy surface of a bale of hay. The only thing anchoring you is the firm build of Arthur between your thighs.
Your hands leave Arthur's shoulders to an aimless destination as you feel his own reach for your back, helping you ride your wave of pleasure, placing soft conciliatory kisses around your chest. Low soft grunts still leave your slack mouth when you slowly open your eyes, feeling your chest puff against an obstruction. When you look down, you see Arthur's face buried between your breasts, sucking gently at your damp skin. You take the opportunity to rest your head against his, feeling him hum with appreciation as he wraps you tightly in his arms.
It's a while before he comes up for air and even then he chooses to kiss your lips instead, his tongue still wet from nuzzling your bosom, hurried inside without ceremony. Rather than letting you come down from your high, it sustains itself with the extension of his enveloping kiss, making you tangle yourself against him in pure bliss.
"That was great, missy." His face slants to look up at yours as elated as you are, drunk on your own rapture as if it were his.
You take the chance to move slightly as you resettle on his lap, your core still sensitive as you brush against him. His member still pulses inside you and you're reminded of the pleasure you still have to bestow him. "It ain't over yet, cowboy." You push his shoulders to make him lean back against the bed, feeling very little resistance as he realizes it's his turn now, giving him a peck on his lips when he settles. "Show me what you had in mind."
His face turns somber, his eyes grow darker and his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows your words, preparing to quell the overbearing lust running through his veins. His hands move to their previous place on your hips before you cover them with your own, encouraging him to move you however he desires. You feel the ridge of his knuckles shift as his fingers begin to knead your bruising flesh, his grip tightening as he finally starts to roll you against him. It's not long before your speed hastens and your pulse quickens again, needing to brace yourself on his shoulders, allowing close contact between your loose lips.
"Christ, missy. You're so good to me. You know that?" The meshing of your hips turns noisier by the second as they begin to slam into each other, his hands now directing you in up-and-down thrusts. "I oughta keep ya all to myself."
His member slides easily in and out of you with the blend of your fluids, his release approaching as he repeatedly hits your magical spot, both of you panting from renewed exhilaration.
Arthur keeps his eyes on you as if he's realizing something, you practically see a question form with the furrow of his brow. Suddenly he slows you down, limiting your thrusts without stopping them entirely. You know he's about to ask you something important if he's delaying his own release for it.
"You sleeping with anyone else?"
The question catches you by surprise, but you're quick to reply. "No."
It's the truth. You haven't slept with your husband in months and, when you did, there was nothing about it that was enjoyable or sensual. The last time was a brief tussle to get him off before he left for Annesburg, one where you didn't even pant and he didn't care if you did. You remember vividly feeling empty as he filled you up, the cracks on the ceiling as exciting as his thrusts. Just another passionless night with another heartless man in a list of too many few.
Now that you think about it, nothing can compare to what has happened between you and Arthur in the past few days. Not even close.
Your negative answer earns a purr of satisfaction from him, reaching for your chin with his fingers to pull you in. "Good. Keep it that way, yeah?"
You nod in agreement as you lean into his mouth, his tongue prodding yours to seal your vow of exclusivity as you surrender to the man who wants you all to himself, burying himself deeper within you.
His hands go back to your hips before they settle on your rear, grabbing hungrily as you both resume your lascivious pounding, the feeling intensified by the unceremonious binding of your union. Your breasts bounce wildly in front of him, earning his undisputed attention as he tries to land his lips on them. He stops when he begins to grunt disorderly, leaning his head against the headboard as he prepares to finish.
"Need you to rise, missy. I'm gonna-" He bites down on his lip, his teeth sinking hard as his hands promptly clasp your hips with all the will still left in him, with enough force to remove you from his cock, sitting you on top of his clenching thighs. He manages to stroke himself a few times before the white ropes erupt as he directs them to his stomach, his whole body trembling beneath yours. An earthquake of a deeply satisfied man.
He pants as he opens his eyes, his hands caressing your shoulders as he propels you forward to his kiss.
"So good to me.”
Your breasts dance against the sinful cadence of his heaving chest, his words reverberating close to your beating heart.
“And only me."
Your first ride on top was one to remember.
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angellayercake · 1 year
Ghost Fandom Fic Recs
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This is such a great idea @ghuleh-recs thank you so much tagging me in yours and saying such lovely things about Banchetto!
I must say this is by no means an exhaustive list of the writers I admire but on digging through my tags and my AO3 bookmarks these are the ones that had my giggling and kicking my feet all over again
And this is getting really long so I'm am going to try to limit myself to one fic per amazing person 💜 haha I failed so hard at that you are all too talented.
@ghostchems I actually gobble up everything chems writes like a greedy little gremlin and I love her OCs as much as I love the Papas. But as I recently admitted I have been fangirling about her since before I was lucky enough to be her friend so Black Light Guides You is my go to for many reasons. It's got the signature horny/horror Chems blend as well as our boy getting resurrected and taking back his rightful position. I love how Terzo and Marion's relationship develops and I am so excited about where they are headed in the ongoing sequel A Perpetual Rise. And then Burn with me!!!! I came for Dracopia and stayed for Mia.
@ramblingoak The Queen of AUs if you want a Papa in any kind of situation Oak is the person you need. If I start talking about The Cardinal's Bride I will actually never shut up and Oak suffers enough word vomit about it from me so I will stop there. But I will say Oak is an incredible all rounder. Every thing she writes it is great and there is something fantastic for everyone. Sexy Cardinals, Mary Goore, Vibrating Pants, Ghaseball, Rat Birthday Parties or Zombies have at it!!
@the-hole-in-terzos-shoe No matter what the scenario Shoe writes the most romantic, charming Terzo you will ever read. I was going to rec the incredible My Dirty Little Secret and Let's get these heels off... which was inspired by our mutual love of Vita deVoid's Terzo but then she dropped Intro to Romantic Literature yesterday and I haven't been able to stop thinking about Professor Terzo so just go read both.
@sucharide If you want to read about some of the darkest depravity written in the most beautiful poetic way you could ever imagine then Roach is the writer for you and A Problem of Mind and Body is the perfect example. But my personal favourite and the first I read I think is Ritual and Ruination a silly and sexy look at the consequences of rituals gone wrong. And who am I kidding I can't not put Poor Beast in the Catacombs on here.
@zombiequeenblog I tell everyone who will listen to me about Cardinal Copia: A Sadistic and Glorious Bastard. It was my first Dark Copia fic and still to this day my favourite Copia characterisation. He is such a well rounded full character in this and I can't get enough. It's hot, it's emotional, it's scary at times but I can count on my hand how many couples I am as invested in and these two are at the top of my list. The world building is incredible, this version of The Abbey is so vibrant and all the side characters are so fleshed out. I have an especially large soft spot for Terzo in this fic he is the perfect dramatic flirt and I would give anything to be one of his girls.
@honeyynymphh Reading anything by Missy is like reading a gothic horror classic. The way she builds atmosphere is second to none a little nightmarish, a little maudlin (good golly go get this kid some laudanum!) is such a great example. And another one of my favourite Copia characterizations especially in The Mark of the Beast, Freshly Squeezed and my personal favourite there’s total depravity (standing right in front of me) he is so mean and I love it so much.
@kissingghouls SUCK CLUB!! I can't possibly decide which one of these is my favourite. I love this whole universe. There is so much going on and I can't wait to get to the bottom of the ongoing vampire mystery. I love how they all interact and I love that the all read The Cardinal's Bride! The Count, The King, and The Prince and I just love them all!
@xfilesinamajor With Wandering Steps and Slow This Terzo!!! This one right here is my favourite, god this fic breaks my heart but it is so so so perfect. His self esteem, his natural charm as a defense mechanism god I am obsessed with it. Also The Peach is one of the hottest ghost fics I have ever read. The ghoullettes really need to get more action, especially if it's like this
@writingjourney Everything Ibi writes is just so perfect. The slow burn of Honey and Venom and Unprecedented have me on the edge of my seat. But I have to especially urge everyone to read Friday Nights at the Cinema Club because if you aren't a Primo fan you are wrong and this will show you exactly why. Like I said, perfect!
@sweatandwoe I am always impressed with the ideas that sweaty comes up with. Really fun and original and hot. These assorted drabbles and headcanons are an excellent place to start. Study Break is so incredibly hot and The Sacrifice was a real highlight from petrifying papas. I also can't rec sweaty without mentioning the Saren fics because WOW. If you have any interest in Mass Effect and Turians then you have to read Overflow and Melting Point
@inkstainedrat Lacrimis et Memorias This fic broke my heart and put it back together again. It is the definition of bittersweet and yeah. I have a lot of feelings about Terzo and this story pokes every single one of them and is another one that stays with me.
@violet-lazer Another one of my favourite Terzo writers, in Pride, Incumbent and Astronomy he is so charming and lovely. Also Terms of Engagement Copia is such a cutie
@whatawonderfulexistence--blog Distractions is a lovely first date with Terzo and then Strawberries because i do love when he is being all seductive. Also I'm not fully caught up with Powerwolf yet but Atone was so HOT
@hallowed-be-thy-username Kissing the Obscene was the Terzo fic I ever read and Please Papa was the second and I just keep going back to them. I had started to fall in love with Terzo already but reading these and all the others really sealed the deal. And also coincidentally one of my favourite papa cosplayers!!
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parabugz · 6 months
intro .. ~ 𖤐⭒๋࣭⭑
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basics 💜
🛸my name is milli, you can also call me para or zebub! (other names i like to be called are jecka, zi, seven, lar, twi, & gen)
🌿DID system, AuDHD, cancer survivor, ♐︎, ENG/ESP
👻my prns are irk/it/zir/chem/bot and i also use he/him
🪲ENTJ 1w9 SO Chol, 16yo
🦇nihilist, occultist (daemonolatry study), theistic satanist
toyhouse, twitter (art), twitter (main), youtube, comic, carrd (soon)
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`` . . . . `` hellooo! i am a furry artist & casual V-artist streamer but mostly on tumblr i just indulge in fandom stuff ✩ here i sometimes post my art, talk abt my comic & mostly just interact with other people... tl;dr i am a lurker more than a poster
im also a highschool dropout anddd studying to get a GED and get into an art college rn!
⋆。°✩ CURRENT HYPERFIX: vampair, my little pony, hyperdimension neptunia, murder drones💜
murder drones, saw franchise, aggretsuko, invader zim, kakegurui, breaking bad, beastars, l4d2, fnaf, kwite, ironmouse, K-ON, R.A.T.S., gemini home entertainment, bojack horseman, tuca & bertie, sex education, class of 09, transformice, skullgirls, sam & max, meemeows, aphmau, scott pilgrim, regretevator, hyperdimension neptunia, assassins creed, lucky star, DDLC, MMPOH, The Cat Returns, IANOWT, TEOTFW, Yansim (sorry!), Roblox DOORS, MMHOPH, Kittydog, Animaniacs, PATB, Vampair, Mystery Skulls,
Uzi Doorman, Luka (FCU), Sadie Miller, Maximillion (S&M), Roxie Richter, ASDF Cow, Starlight Glimmer, Shuriken (Phighting), Dib Membrane, Brett Hand, Tome Kurata, Huohuo (H:SR), Darlene Anderson, Jecka ('09), Neptune (HDN), Zooble, Nana Ashida, Akira Kogami, Konata Izumi, sayori.chr, Haru Yoshioka, Sydney Novak, Figure (DOORS), Mao Mao, Wakko, Missi (The Vampair),
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@mel10k my best friend ever since we were little babies... he knows my deepest darkest secrets his only flaw is that hes horrible at actually everything
@rt-lots raegan my coworker buddy... very very smart and funny, a beautiful writer, & co-creator of our comic! cute cute CUTE GOOD art & he tries so hard everyday so check her out
@horriblegonzo insane little thing. we bonded over being cringe years ago and now were friends forever. she draws fucked up monsters and shit; read honks comic
@sparrowofsardinia raegans brother... hes cool I FUCKING GUESS. funny and has good taste in stuff.... hi charlie. thanks for being my movie night buddy
+more who either dont have tumblr or idk their tumblr so lmk 👾
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bigots (racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, cultural or religious discrimination, etc), TERFs+SWERFs, transmeds, zoophiles, shotacon/lolicon, "MAPs"/pedos, homestuck fans, proshippers, transabled
just a note for me, as a person, if something you say directly upsets me or i think is uncalled for, im going to be blunt about it and try to talk abt it. if you cant have a mature convo then whatever but i hate internet drama so fucking much tl;dr theres a block button and we should both use it
last edit: 04/22/2024
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