achingisms · 10 days
wyatt was looking at this man, who is suppose to be his father - feeling unsure on how he should feel at that moment. his gaze shifting as the sight of these two, but his mom's tears, were getting to him as his own were starting to form to brim along his waterline. melissa's cheek turned to rub gently against his shoulder before lifting her head to search malachay's gaze in return, shaking her head gently in how foolish she felt to not have went back to their house to at least look. "i left you a note, didn't it tell you who i was with?" she asked in a soft tone, moving her hand from along his upper back to rest against his cheek. her thumb soothing along his skin, offering a sad smile.
"do you remember the bauers? our neighbors?" she spoke in a soft tone, using her thumb to swipe along the tears of his that had fallen while she continued. "they had saw me come outside, i was looking for you because i heard screams outside.. mrs. bauer hurried inside and packed a suitcase for me, not really explaining too much until we got into their car.. it was so scary and i didn't know where you were, but they took us to their house in the countryside." she swallowed before finally looking to see the onlookers and she couldn't help the way her heart was racing at their sights.
it was enough for her to lean from him, moving her hand to find his and intertwining their fingers as she led him down the hallway. into the apartment and the door was shut behind them, turning to release his hand reluctantly to make sure the doors locked and then setting their son onto his feet. "we were there for a little over a year, wyatt was born there. we learned how to plant a garden in the summer and we were pretty good for a little while, until that night.." she mentioned, looking to watch wyatt rubbing their eyes with their long sleeve to wipe the tears away. wyatt was very fond of the bauers. "we.. ran through the woods, and then it was just us two for a while.. i never went near the city until i had to, but i couldn't go back to our house." she admitted with an sad smile. there was always that little fear that he was waiting for her there - lingering as an infected and she would hate to see him in such a state. "i'm just glad to see you again, to speak to you.." she yearned for him in that moment, but wanting to keep the distance to not overwhelm wyatt even more. "i.. i have told wyatt about you, there's so many stories.." she couldn't help to smile at that, looking from him to see their son smiling a bit. "mommy told me that you were helping people." wyatt mentioned, leaning against the arm of the couch while looking at malachay.
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Malachay didn't want to let her go, he was afraid that if he did, then she would disappear. There was still a part of him who thought this was all a dream, that he would wake up soon and realize that he was all alone after all. He had lost hope a long time ago that this moment would ever happen, having come to terms with the fact that it would just be him in this world, entering a survival mode where nothing else but staying alive mattered. He didn't even know why he kept going, when he had nothing left to live for. But maybe this was why, that little bit of hope in the back of his mind that refused to disappear completely.
He stared down at her, studying her features for a moment. She looked exactly the same as the last time he saw her, it was like she did not age a day. She looked tired, the world they were living in definitely taking a tool on her, along with having to raise their son alone. Malachay stared at his son, not blaming him for feeling shy and sad over all the tears. He did not understand that they were happy tears. The boy resembled the both of them, a perfect mix of their features, just like he had always hoped for. He wanted to reach out to him, to touch him and to show him how much he loved him even though he had never met him before, but he held back for now, he didn't want to scare the little boy. "I know that we have never met but I'm your dad." He told him with a smile. "And I'm so very happy that I finally get to meet you."
Malachay did not care about the onlookers, those who were eyeing them curiously, wondering who he was. He had just arrived, he didn't really know anyone in the community yet, so it was normal that the new guy hugging one of their residents in such a way caught their attention. "You chose the name I suggested?" He smiled, looking down at her. He hugged her once again, rubbing her back with his hand as he placed a kiss on the side of her head. "I'm here though, and I'm not going anywhere." He paused. "I went home, but you weren't there anymore. I tried, to find you, I waited in our house for two years but you never came. I just ... I had no idea where to go, where to look." He frowned, tears streaming down his face once again.
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achingisms · 10 days
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what a vague response to what's important that she must grab from out there, but most along with herself would nearly have her head for letting her roam around free. searching along the other's gaze when she continued to explain the situation, she had already decided from the get-go that she wasn't going to let this woman roam on her own. "i don't really like the idea of splitting up once we get there, so why don't we grab your thing and if it goes well? i can look for something there too and then we can decide from there?" she offered, more so out of habit in using the buddy system when she's out there versus being by herself. she worked better in knowing where the other was than to split up in a building and not knowing whether the other is alright or not. the blunt tone was still settled in, but her gaze gave another expression - one of concern when waiting for her answer.
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“  it’s  something  important,  something  i  really  need  …”  her  reply  was  kept  brief  on  purpose,  vague  enough  that  she’d  hope  that  she  wouldn’t  inquire  about  it.   “  you  don’t  have  to  come  with  me,  people  value  different  things  and  maybe  you  wouldn’t  understand  why  i  need  it.”  eden  was  vain  but  not  vain  enough  to  force  someone  to  go  with  her  with  the  risk  of  losing  their  life.  after  all,  trading  it  for  such  a  luxurious  sin  as  vanity  wouldn’t  be  something  many  would  understand.  “  we  can  split  when  we  arrive,  i  assume  you’d  like  to  find  something  for  yourself  as  well.  don’t  worry,  i  won’t  tell  anyone  about  it,  you  can  just  keep  it,  after  all  you  guys  risk  your  lives  for  us.”
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achingisms · 10 days
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melissa couldn't even gather a thought in this moment to calm her racing heart, the sight of him before them was something she could only imagine in her little daydreams or dreams. it was already beyond her wildest imagination that this day would even come - that they would find each other in this world again, and that she could raise wyatt alongside with him. her nose practically buried against his shoulder when taking in his familiar scent, his familiar embrace - hearing the soft whimper and the tears came rushing past her cheeks. she shut her eyes tight as she squeezed him close, unable to find the words in this moment since time felt that it was already starting to rush by them.
"i just can't believe you're really here.." she admitted in a soft tone. as she heard his voice in such a shy tone was when she leaned her head back to see their son, eyeing him with such a sad smile. "baby, it's okay.. it's been so long since we have got to see him, isn't it?" she was trying her best to not give into her emotions right then and there, choosing to be strong for their son and especially for malachay. their son was eyeing the man curiously from looking at his mommy - feeling unsure at this moment. "this is malachay.. do you remember the stories that i would tell you about your dad?" wyatt looked from him to nod his head when looking at her, but the sight of her looking so sad with tears was such a sight that he was not used to.
not to mention that there were onlookers that were watching this moment unfolding as they were curious to who this man was to her. "he's finally made it here to us, wyatt.. his name is wyatt bahlor, i.. i decided i really liked that name, after all.." she admitted in such a sad tone when looking at malachay again, feeling her face start to scrunch before leaning into him again to hide her face against his shoulder.
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Malachay didn't dare to move for a few moments as he watched her with the child. He could hear the mumbling of them speaking to each other but he couldn't make it out, he was far too distracted by the sight of her to even focus on that. What were the odds that she was truly apart of this community? After so many years, there she was, safe and sound and with their son in her hip. God, he had missed so much already, he knew his son would've no idea who he was, and that was probably what broke his heart the most.
His heart was beating fast on his chest, watching as she moved closer to him, arms stretched out to hug him. How he had dreamed about his moment for the longest time, wondering if it would ever become a reality. Malachay knew that it would've been almost impossible, having long ago accepted the fact that he had lost his family and that he would never see them again. But he had been wrong, and here they were, standing right in front of him.
His arms immediately wrapped around her when she reached him, a whimper leaving his lips as his tears fell down his cheeks. They weren't of sadness, they were happy tears, tears of relief. "It's really you." He whispered into her hair as he closed his eyes, taking in her scent and enjoying her touch, the way she always fit so perfectly in his arms. "I never thought I would see you again, I thought I had lost you." He said, before pulling away a little, only enough that he could look down at her. "It feels like a dream." His gaze went from her to the child on her hip, who was eyeing him curiously and a little shy. "Hi." He said with a smile.
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achingisms · 10 days
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"alright, alright. it's almost that time where we got to be quiet, okay?" melissa mentioned with a breathless tone, turning her son around in her arms to hold him in a better position before smiling to him. "c'mon mommy -" their son, wyatt, began to seem a little fussed about that. a soft scrunch of her nose because she understood - it's frustrating with having to be quiet for a long period of time, not when you enjoying speaking to someone or enjoy some laughter with them. wyatt, having grown into that atmosphere before coming here, was starting to get used to using his voice and enjoying the sound of his laughter along with others.
"i know baby, but we can-" there was a familiar voice attached to that nickname and she was almost like a deer in headlights. it had been years since she last heard that familiar voice, glancing across the hallway before landing eyes on the very one before her. was she staring at his ghost right now? "..i-" there was a twinge of electricity rushing along her spine when simply staring at him, almost like there was something awakening in her realization. "who is that, mommy?" wyatt had asked, bringing her out of that moment but she never dared to look away from him.
tears were brimming along the waterline of her eyes at the sight of him, looking so much different from where she last remember of him. "..wyatt," she took a deep breath, feeling her heart racing at the sight of him. "you see him too?" her gaze shifted in seeing her son nodding his head while staring at the man before them and at that confirmation alone, that he was not a ghost from the past in some figment of her imagination. from looking at wyatt to malachoy again, her chin and lower lip shook in the feeling that was trembling through her - feeling the relief in knowing that he is here with them.
"he's your daddy, wyatt.." melissa didn't hesitate in telling their son this, but the breaking voice of her tone had caught her when bringing her free hand to her face. there wasn't much more that she could ask for - that he was simply okay and she was stepping toward him without much of a thought. arm stretched out with removing her hand from her face to wrap her arm as tight as she could around his frame. her arm settled over his shoulder to hug him as close as she could, with wyatt on her hip and in her opposite arm. my god, the weight was starting to crash around her as more realization came - falling from her body like bricks were sheathing from their fated spot to finally crumble. her body trembled in reaction, letting the tears fall where they may and she held on as tight as she could with leaning into him.
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Malachay adjusted the beanie on his head as he walked through the corridors, getting adjusted to his surroundings. He had arrived in the community fairly recently and was still trying to get familiar with everything. He had a job to do after all, soon enough he would have to report back to the raiders, let them know what he had found out about this community, their resources and defenses. While he might not like doing this, it was all about survival at this point. And after losing everything, he felt indifferent to any of it. Without a doubt, the old Malachay would never join a group like the raiders and would never agree with the way they did things.
A giggling sound made him stop on his tracks. The familiar sound pulled him away from his thoughts and he found himself going towards it. It was out of instinct, he didn't even think rationally, he just knew he had to see where it was coming from. Was he hearing ghosts now? Did he officially go mad? His steps lead him to turn a corner and there it was, the source of the noise. And it was truly like seeing a ghost. "Mel?" His voice barely came out, it was more of a whisper than anything as he took slow steps towards her, afraid that if he got too close, she would disappear.
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achingisms · 11 days
location: crescent apartments tagged: @dxadmxnwxlking time: little after two in the evening
two years at the crescent apartments has flown by in how much her son has grown in those moments. his infectious giggling catching onto other's ears from the apartment she shared with him, catching onto him after scurrying around the small area to sweep him up in her arms. not an boisterous laughter where it can be heard outside the walls - but enough of the giggles to catch those around them as the apartment door were wide open for anyone to enter. not that it was an often occurrence to do this but it created a welcoming environment to other kids that may want to come wandering in and spend time with him. the little boy was out of her arms and rushing out into the hallway to pass through others and she's rushing after him with a bright smile on her lips. after she managed to catch up with him, she twirled with his little legs drifting in the air at the motion with giggles lingering off their lips - holding onto him with such a big smile. there times in those moments that she wished malachoy could be there with them, to experience their son and his personality and how he's going to grow into such a good man - something she is determined for him to be.
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achingisms · 11 days
dependent blog written by cosmo, affiliated with calamityshq
saerom ryu | scavenger | unfinished shopping mall | han soo hee fc | intro melissa hart-bahlor | farmer | crescent apartments | elizabeth lail fc | intro
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achingisms · 11 days
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( elizabeth lail, ciswoman, she/her )MELISSA HART-BALOR : the twenty - nine year old resident that's been around the CRESCENT APARTMENTS for two years. when the infected swarmed the streets the first night, missy really proved how determined + strong-willed they were. however, many would argue that they can also be quite quiet + stubborn. five years has passed since their old life ended and the new one began, developing skills that have helped them become a FARMER within their group. it makes sense to see them thriving at the job because of their skill and learning how to correctly harvest and foraging / or dagger.
melissa hart came from a southern home raised on southern values and horse riding activities. her father was more lenient on her than her mother was, as her mother was often a perfectionist when it came to their visual as a family to those in town. her father was more concern with her attention being toward the horses than what she wore for church that sunday morning for a good impression. she and her little sister and older brother had to deal with this on the daily.
at the age of fifteen, she met her first boyfriend and hung out with him often in his silverado. hanging out in the parking lots and neglecting her horse riding activities due to this - causing her to end up with an injury from that incident in horse back riding. her knee has metal in it from where it shattered from that incident. she was never around that boy again - it was a summer romance and he went back home.
age of eighteen and she was out of that small town to head to university to get her degree in becoming a nurse - working with stitches and so on. this is where her knowledge comes in for medicinal things like plants for when she's out camping than relying on ibuprofen or things like that - but she does use them out of convenience.
she met malachoy when she had just turned twenty-two and it was like becoming friends at first to becoming something more serious as she went on to help him. she could see he was in pain and she didn't like that - wanting the better for him, as a friend or simply more. she does end up falling for him and the two worked really hard through their years with his rehab and getting his life together to be together in a stable situation.
they managed to get a house together and even has a little baby on the way when the world was going to absolute shit. the two were engaged with silver rings on their fingers too. she was very nervous for their future in terms of how the world was going to pan out with the pandemic. her younger sister didn't really approve malachoy at first until seeing his progress and how hard he's working to make this a better life for not only himself, but for her sister too.
after the world was starting to abruptly turn to shit, the neighbors were going insane with running around from car to the house to take things with them to escape this town. infected were running around and she was so worried where her fiance might be, was he coming back or was he already.. the neighbors had managed to see her stepping out onto the porch and out of concern - knowing she was pregnant - brought her along with them to their vacation home out in the countryside.
melissa had left a message that she went with their neighbors but never specify where out of respect - she wasn't thinking in her right mind when writing down the short message to let him know where she was heading. over a year and their son was born, wyatt bahlor, out of honor in remembering the name from malachoy brief mentioning when they were together. she made quick use during her pregnancy to get familiar with learning how to plant things and identify things in the nearby woods with the neighbor's husband and wife alike. their teenager daughter was excited to see the child and was often watching over him when she was out to get these things done.
the greatest thing about living in the countryside in an open field was the meadow that wrapped around it with only a small pathway leading to it from the road that had been overgrown for a long while. the use of her time in this way helped her in over grieving the loss of her husband, who she believed to be dead around this time. there were intruders in the night by the time her son turned two, and she ran out into the woods with her son tied to her back to run as far as she could - the four had split and went their ways but none of the three had made it.
she lived through the woods before joining abandoned houses to use in the resources and traveling through small towns. the resources were of canned food, water bottles down to growing boy clothes and clothes of her own to change into. she managed to find a dagger that she could use to kill the infected with and then a discarded bow and arrow - taking this time to teach her son how to use it as he grew alongside with her. she avoided the bigger cities at all cost - believing the infected are in larger numbers without actually knowing for sure.
the two ended up at crescent apartments after being found, surrounded by the infected in a small shop. the boy would often stay glued by her side and shy around other kids - but happy to be there. he's grow into his personality of being known as an infectious, happy kid that has a joy that most adults wish to be able to still reign in their heart. so many smile when he's around.
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achingisms · 12 days
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sleep was almost prevalent in overcoming her awaken self right now, but the way he was talking at her staying awake when comfortable in her position again. "i wouldn't blame you one bit." she admitted in a soft tone, watching over him for a few moments until a soften smile began to form. "why are you reading on a book called crime and punishment anyway?" she inquired, they live in a world where it's not quite ruled by a court system anymore or even a government. does it make sense to have some sort of laws put in place - she believed so - because without it, chaos would thrive in their world as they knew it. "i'm going on a run later - do you need anything?" she figured on being nice in asking him - never know whether you can help out to prevent an innocent death or not - as someone would usually say.
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hearing another voice pipe up, jae was a bit startled. his eyes opened immediately beneath his book, a tiny grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as it seemed his mysterious savior was working on getting rid of the pest who had ruined his book time. The footsteps moving away from the couches had him peaking out from beneath his book, looking almost childish instead of like the skilled soldier he was. of course it was her who had come to his rescue. "crime and punishment--" he answered, grin still lingering as he spoke. "but they killed the mood." lifting the book up, he folded a dog ear on the already worn corner and gave the book a dramatic close. "i was about three seconds away from tossing them over the wall." he was joking, of course. but it didn't mean the thought hadn't been a tiny bit tempting.
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achingisms · 13 days
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saerom wasn't sure on whether he may let it go or not, but she understood where he was coming from when asking where she was going then. but she hated the insinuation that she may not be able to protect herself well without company - despite that not being the intention behind asking. "i'm fine out here, i've been out here plenty of time over others around here." she admitted in a soft tone, though that didn't stop her curious nature to understand why he was out here. hearing his teasing tone in return after her question, she couldn't help the soft smirk that began to form when trailing behind him. stepping over the lengthy blade of glass, she'd scan the area for a small bit before letting out a soft breath. "actually, it does. - i need to know if you're going to end up in the same area as me or not." she looked over at him, more so in keeping quiet with the conversation between them since they were outside.
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Her defensive walls were rightfully on guard since he didn't introduce himself from the get-go. A light chuckle in respond to her questioning his question, " alright, alright, you don't need to tell me, but at least will you be safe? i don't want an innocent death on my hands. " Partly, he was joking but in actuality, he meant it. If there were any way he could prevent another meaningless death, he would. He smirked at her inquiry. First, she doesn't want him to know where she's going, if that's the case at all, or why she's out here, then wants to ask the same question to him. " does it matter? " A light retort as he makes his way past her, stepping over lengthy blades of grass.
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achingisms · 13 days
no matter how the curfew is laid out to the citizens to refrain from more activities happening outside during the night, the quiet was calling out to her to leave this place for a little while. to bask in the moonlight, her body followed in quiet steps to make her way outside from the building. the voice that rang low enough to cause a sharp intake of air along with turning to see who it was, staring at him for a moment. "..does it matter?" saerom's answer was soft, but her heart was beating in her ears from the sudden intrusion - searching along his figure to note the backpack on his shoulders. "what about you?" she inquired in a soft tone, turning to fully look at him with a cross of her arms to rest against her ribcage.
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closed starter for @achingisms
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It hadn't been quiet in quite some time, and Grayson was going to make the most of time. Even if he used his only night off to soak up the midnight ambience among an empty field of grossly tall glass. Although he didn't expect to find a girl making her way outside. ( it's late, doesn't she know its past curfew. . . ) As if, he could talk with his light backpack on his back and the notebook in it to jot down any and all his thoughts from today, a normal measure he took so he didn't go insane. Making his presence known, his low voice rang through the open space, dissipating as soon as it hit the mild environment outside, " Where are you going? "
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achingisms · 14 days
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dark hues lingered over the woman before her before releasing an sharp breath in retort. "i do remember." she mentioned, being a scavenger wasn't for much to nothing when out there with those things. though the curiosity lied with what the other was as she caught her sneaking around some. ".. you do not have to worry about me, but what are you after out there?" she inquired, searching the other's gaze. "i don't want to go out there for something small and it's not safe to go alone either." saerom wasn't too fond on the idea alone, but it beat sitting around here for a while with not much else to do.
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a  smile  crosses  delicate  features,   voice  wrapped  in  dripping  honey  and  draped  with  feigned  sweetness  as  if  it  would  disguise  the  crude  words  falling  from  her  lips.     ❛  you  still  remember  how  to  kill,  right  ?  ❜  she  asks,  a  statement  more  than  a  question,  and  perhaps  if  listened  closely  resembling  an  order.  she  hates  getting  her  hands  dirty,  bloody  actually  and  death  always  sticks  and  lingers  too  long.  “  i  mean  if  not,  don’t  follow  me  .”  you’d  be  useless  .  a  thought  that  would  never  escape  her  and  threaten  her  facade  she’d  tailored  flawlessly.  “  i  don’t  want  you  to  get  hurt  .  ”
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 : OPEN 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : that one secret exit to get outside
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achingisms · 14 days
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passed out from her earlier scavenging hunt, the conversation from across the room where she had crashed upon the couch in the building's lounge - woke her. the sudden jerk of her head in effort to lift it upward to stare at the first person who was across from her. blurry at first, the conversation continued lingering on as the person asking for a favor from the male began to try and insist on his help. "- he said no." she cut them off in a sleep-ish yet stern tone. at another persistent tone of voice, she was already coming off the couch to snatch the other by the hand and tugging them toward the stairwell where she'd release them with a short shove and then heading back to the couch she was resting upon. her gaze shifted from the couch over to the one with a book in his hand, lifting her gaze to meet his before shifting back over to the couch. "what are you trying to read?" she asked, letting the curiosity get the best of her as she settled into a comfortable position once more.
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"i'm not going out there with you." the words were quiet, just barely above a whisper, and yet, they remained stern as jaesung lay on the couch in the building lounge. over his face rested a book, one he had been attempting to read before he had been so rudely interrupted by the request. "you know what it's like out there," he grumbled, eyes closed beneath the book as if doing so would make the other disappear. the guard wasn't a fan of risking life and limb over trivial things and in his eyes, this was exactly one of those.
status: open location: building lounge ( assuming there is one??? )
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achingisms · 14 days
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( han so hee,  ciswoman,  she/her)SAEROM RYU   :   the  twenty-nine  year  old  resident  that's  been  around  the  UNFINISHED SHOPPING MALL  for  four years.  when  the  infected  swarmed  the  streets  the  first  night,  ROMROM  really  proved  how  dependable  +  innovative  they  were.  however,  many  would  argue  that  they  can  also  be  quite  stubborn  +  hyper-independent.  five  years  has  passed  since  their  old  life  ended  and  the  new  one  began,  developing  skills  that  have  helped  them  become  a  SCAVENGER  within  their  group.  it  makes  sense  to  see  them  thriving  at  the  job  because  of  their  hunting + trapping / machete.  )
𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 : saerom ryu 𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒(𝑠) : romrom , saebear , teddy bear 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ : october 31 , 1994 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑡 : scorpio sun , virgo moon , capricorn rising ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛 : gyeongju , south korea 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 : cis woman 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑠 : she & her 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 : bisexual & demiromantic 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 : scavenger at the unfinished shopping mall
𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠 : dependable , innovative , loyal , protective 𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑠 : hyper-independent , quiet , self-sacrificing , stubborn 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑠 : rainstorms , gazing at the stars , burgers and fries , roasted sweet potatoes , spring rolls , ramen , being outdoors and being productive with her day , exercise , camping , hunting for small or big game , setting out traps in the forest or in rivers to see what she can catch , sea turtles , sentimental items 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑠 : poison ivy , plastic waste lingering in the ocean , maple syrup , the scent of rotten mushrooms , manipulation , grizzly bears , snakes , spiders , feeling useless in situations , chess game , feeling startled by something or someone , feeling the space closing in on her , nightmares 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 : claustrophobia , eye + ear trauma , the vast ocean 𝑎𝑒𝑠𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 : moonlight beaming against a shadowed piece of a broken glass , awaken and frightened gaze from a relieved memory inside of a nightmare , wildflowers scattered in a small vase somewhere in her room , digging out worms or eels to catch fish for dinner , chewing on ramen noodles while watching the birds fly by in the sky , crashing waves against a broken part of a boat , sudden screams lingering in her ears , hidden tears beneath the pouring rain with a faint smile , stomach rumbling out of hunger , fingertips grazing along a foggy window , whale pods chilling by a broken part of a boat , lingering sharks waiting on their unconscious prey , hidden behind some rocks while waiting for next meal
saerom was born out of childbirth where her mother had died, leaving her with her father and uncle + uncle's wife with the new child in their care. the little girl grew up in a scattered household that wasn't known for talking out emotions. she learned to hunt and track from a young age - trapping small game to using a small gun when she was old enough to handle the recoil. camping was a fun part of these days - learning how to figure out the best camping space to fish along the lake or river down to how to keep warm in a tent during the winter months. her dad is a worker to a fishing company that was let go around the time she was eight years old, causing them to look for work else where. her dad's brother offered them to move in with him - having left south korea when she was five to work in the states and that's just what they did. at the age of eight and in a small town somewhere in maine to work for a fishing company there. she wasn't too upset by it, creating friends and learning the language as she grew up around there to continue her hobbies with her dad or friends. around the age of sixteen, she was out in the forest one night for a party that the kids in town likes to throw at and a jealous girl created a nasty rumor of her. that affected her in the later years - growing more quiet and losing friends along the way. she reverted back to a quiet nature where she was left alone in the forest for days at a time and barely passed high school with her missed attendances - despite her 4.0 gpa. heading into college to come out two years later with an associate in fire science, she was able to get certified and start training to become a firefighter. her uncle's influence got the best of her as he was also a firefighter - sadly losing his life before she turned fourteen. it was suitable as she often liked to help people in her life - despite being alone, she was found helping out elderly people around littleton and making small friends in those ways. becoming a firefighter for one year before the pandemic happened - it was tough work and she knew what she was getting into when signing up for the job. however, that didn't stop her from training to become a better person in her own protection and in that sense with gun training classes and heading into the woods when she could. one has to be innovative and resourceful when it comes to being in the woods and she slowly learned from a young age how to be just that when she was 'left alone' by her dad - who would watch from the shadows - and put her to these tests on foraging, fishing, hunting, trapping, and tracking. when the pandemic hit, she was heading home from a weekend in the woods and among the chaos that ran in the streets. people running in fear and screeching could be heard - growls that seemed otherworldly and she was racing home with her dad on the phone. a quick trip to the nearest store almost resulted in a lost life but they made it out with medicine from the in-store pharmacy and water + food to put in the back of her father's truck before they were heading off to the furthest gas station. however much the truck could take them to - the memories that lingers are the ones she wish to not talk about the most as she lost her dad almost a year into the pandemic. the two had made it from littleton, colorado to yosemite national park in california. ambushed by a group of people while they were living in a small campervan that was converted to sleep for two people and manageable to get through the forest. her dad was sacrificed among this time as she ran at his command - suffering at the hands of the park as she hurried to find a cave nearby to hide in. it took three days until she came back to the campervan, killing and then burying her father before leaving the site with the van in tow. the van broke down outside of hayword and she did what she could to linger around the van for the amount of food and water that she still had.
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HAN SO HEE. For Hey, Dealer (2022).
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