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freedom4theboys · 2 years ago
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Heute wirst Du nun schon 12 Jahre alt, Hermann. Zweieinhalb Jahre davon wurden wir alle hier aus Deinem Leben ausgeschlossen. Davor haben wir viele tolle Sachen zusammen erlebt und waren ein Teil Deines Lebens. Gerne denke ich an unsere gemeinsame Zeit zurück und auch die paar Tage mit Dir und Deinem Bruder in Montana sind unvergesslich. Dein Lachen war schon immer zum dahinschmelzen. Vom ersten Moment an! Wie gerne würde ich Dich drücken und Dir zum Geburtstag richtig gratulieren..❤️ Du bist so ein liebevoller Junge - bleib so. Wir alle denken sehr an Dich und bleiben Deine Familie! Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald wieder...❤️ Alles Gute zu Deinem Geburtstag, mein Großer. . #geburtstag #vaterliebe #vater #fatherandsons #fightformysons #montana #missmysons #harddays #❤️ #birthday #lostmemories (hier: Sebnitz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVdEkxI-RK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omarboatsnavarro · 6 years ago
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Eating breakfast!! #familylove💕 , #missmyson, (at The Kettle Diner) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vvqu1nRVLLTV0K6xYkGdBmhV5rqm1ZezFy380/?igshid=1ct5ycz3b2jvf
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singingcna · 7 years ago
The Black Sheep- what happens when a family member steps outside of the box
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Why are humans so...inhumane?
Why are humans so two-faced?
They ask me not to be vain,
so they can pour it on like rain?
How is this ok now?
How is it ok for harassment from one end?
What, the adult gets to make sh*t up,
and the kid is f*cked up in the head?
That is NOT how being on this planet works.
When its ok for you, but not for the next.
While we live our lives here
He is watching, and He knows my fear.
He watched what you did behind doors.
He watched you lie to my friends.
He watched you drag me by the hair
down the hall and up the stairs.
He was there when your words turned cold.
He pushed me and led me forward.
He listened while you called me a liar
He held my hand when you started the fire.
He knows what you have done.
He knows what you are hiding.
He knows that you want them to disbelieve,
want the judges to think I’m a life-thief.
If you’re asking yourself, “where does this come from?”
“Why is she like this?’’
Look in the mirror
See me staring back through your tears.
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npezadilla · 4 years ago
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I have only one wish for this year… nothing makes me feel complete as having you both side to side of me… #nostalgicmoments #missmyson #homesick #goodmemories #fullheart #pezadillainjapan (en Aguascalientes, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSJ12mAHb7K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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trueaquaman · 7 years ago
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May The 4th Be With You......Always!!!! #thetrueaquaman #maythe4thbewithyou #christianstafford #missmyson #letsdothis (at Dagobah)
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beautifulonetasha38 · 5 years ago
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My baby’s home!!! #latenightpics #missmyson #collegelife #hbcupride (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6XYjsHAyCLBAG5OdhTUtC-cM928UQRehIAe-I0/?igshid=j0lvmihjjbra
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charlene322 · 8 years ago
I think my son came to visit Kei. He kept going to the corner and looking up. #gonetoosoon #missmyson #JusticeForKees @keesmgthemeniece #spirit #spiritual #dog #dogs #dogsofinstgram  #dogsofinsta #pekingese #pekingesemixofig #pekingesemix #shiba #shibainu #shibamix #shibamania  #doglover #doglovers #dogslife #afterlife (at Las Vegas, Nevada)
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sutjigunter · 6 years ago
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Missing you 😍😍 Nice that dad got to see you @gabegunter Hope to see you soon 😘😘#missmyson #dadandson #thousandoakscalifornia (at Finney's Crafthouse & Kitchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxg3dT7HXdGJ6WGAOYBJN_3Av1hTZx8OmdkWko0/?igshid=lq13lthszspq
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iamdustinwilkes · 6 years ago
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Me and my son Gavin back at Pappa Luke’s house playing black jack with vanilla wafers for chips. #dustinlutherwilkes #wooby #daddyslove #lifestyleblogger #memories #missmydad #missmyson https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJPAKwBm5e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dh1wqnjdguxd
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freedom4theboys · 3 years ago
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Heute wieder mal #energietanken mit meiner Tochter auf dem #rauchberg. Unsere #heimat bietet immer so viele tolle Sachen - Dinge die meine #jungs jetzt nicht mehr haben... Tat gut, heute da oben und wir haben gleich auch bissel Energie für die Jungs raus gesendeten, denn deren Kampf ist noch weitaus schwerer als das, was wir hier leisten.... ♥️♥️♥️ #lassdiejungsfrei #rueckkehr2021 #custodybattle #dymnik #stonehenge #tochter #longhair #rumburk #czechrepublic #missmysons #sendenergy #father (hier: Stonehenge Dymník) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU28w1QIvQc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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freeandforme · 6 years ago
This what you do when your 14-year-old leaves for sleep away camp. #missmyson #mocktail #peachberrysoda #motheroftwo #mamasnightout #freeandfortyseven #foodie #cheers #illtoasttothat #drinks (at Black Angus Steakhouse Burbank) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzuBGwvnLeH/?igshid=9n9oomlseilh
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dpomalescreative · 6 years ago
So come on, let it go Just let it be Why don't you be you And I'll be me Everything that's broke Leave it to the breeze Why don't you be you And I'll be me And I'll be me... *** You will be 25 tomorrow...HAPPY BIRTHDAY... last I saw you you were 8...🙏🙏🙏💙😪 Shoutout to: @jamesbaymusic #letitgo #longdistancededication #heartbroken #missmyson #happybirthday #beentoolong #comeonhome #wemissyou #waterunderthebridge #youbeyou #illbeme #congas #percussion #trio #trifecta #coversongs (at DPoM LiVe Entertainment Media) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuhyBNwA5Tt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1iurbccmvtynh
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fannilovesfufu · 4 years ago
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Had a very happy moment last night when Mr F wandered into the living room and gave me a jam jar stuffed with snowdrops! It’s the first flower gift that was for me alone and not marking @joeymcribb death! A hint of Spring coming, the renewal cycle begins again, life continues, and much joy is to be found in small things! Happiness is also hooking another shawlette for someone else who helped my family when Joey passed. It’s @kingcoleltd Riot again, those blends get me every time! I’m using an @anniedesigncrochet shell pattern as it’s a simple two rows I can happily memorise when watching the soaps! #yarnfriendsrock so saying a hookers hi to @unicornpuffsandrainbows @brightbag and @sewing_the_seeds_of_love So many rainbows in your life, hiding in plain sight! 🌈 #hookoffmentalhealth #harrogate #harrogatemum #bereavedmother #griefjourney #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #crochetismytherapy #crochetismyhappyplace #crochetisfun #rainbow #missmyson #crochetinspirations #crochetersofinstagram #crazycatlady #spring #springiscoming (at Harrogate, North Yorkshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLrF1ZYFWMU/?igshid=17y64ae4xifwa
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sapphicsapiophileme · 7 years ago
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#freethereal ✊#keephopealive ❤️ #missmyson 😟 #missmysonsomuch
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belladoliva · 7 years ago
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Happy Birthday to my beautiful son Dominick! 19 years ago today you came into our world and filled my heart with a love like no other. You are my WORLD...my first, my last and my everything. I am BEYOND very proud of the young man you have become. “Remember there ain’t no mountain high enough.. “. can’t wait to celebrate when you get home! I love you baby ❤️❤️❤️ mommy #motherson #italianmom #MomandDom #DomAmoreDOP #italian #sicilian #son #italianboy #motherslove #happybirthday #love #bond #motherandson #missmyson #collegefreshman (at New Jersey)
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fezanray · 7 years ago
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Masa untk ambil anak d kampung. #MissMySon #Mitsubishi #Mirage (at Putatan)
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